#Static G.K
theherdofturtles · 1 year
On Living for Posterity
by G.K. Chesterton
WE all remember the story of that excess of aspiration, in the sense of the use of aspirates, which led somebody to say of somebody, ‘If you give him a Hinch, he’ll take a Hell.’ Some recent extensions of social liberty have made the accident of the last word sound strangely like an omen. But what strikes me as even more curious is this: that there are some people who are perpetually demanding an ell but cannot be persuaded to accept an inch. They demand certain forms of social liberty in the large, but refuse them in the small, and especially in the solid. They are like people who should furiously demand a hundred head of cattle, and then flee in terror at the first appearance of a cow. Or they are like a king who should claim to rule the waves and be afraid to have a well or a pond in his own garden. The little more, and how little it is and how lightly they will take the larger responsibility! The little less, and what miles they will run in order to be worlds away!
For instance, I read in any number of New Leaders and Labour weeklies, and all sorts of papers supposed to be both progressive and popular, that the working-classes will now take over the government of the country; that the majority of manual workers will have their proper proportional right to rule in all matters of education and humanitarian reform; that the poor will at last inherit the earth. But if I say that one workman is capable of deciding about the education of one child, that he has the right to select a certain school or resist a certain system, I shall have all those progressive papers roaring at me as a rotten reactionary. Why the workman should be clever enough to vote a curriculum for everybody else’s children, but not clever enough to choose one for his own children, I cannot for the life of me imagine. If I say that a decent costermonger is to be trusted with a donkey, or a decent rat-catcher with a dog, I shall be denounced as an obstacle to humanitarian legislation. But there is no objection to trusting a crowd of costermongers and rat-catchers to decide about the humanitarian legislation. And what is true of these particular cases of proprietorship is true of the whole ease of property. When the meek inherit the earth, it must only mean that the mob inherits the earth. It must not mean that the man inherits even the smallest portion of the earth. The mob is meek enough, certainly, when it is thus herded to its pastures by its sociological and educational pastors. It does not really mean that the many sheep, but that the few shepherds, will rule over all the meadows. And when the nomadic shepherd finds himself confronted with the static or domestic peasant, with the man who is actually ruling his own small meadow like a realm, there is always a collision and a sort of civil war in the country-side. In any case, the original paradox remains: that it was regarded as a simple thing that all the meadows should belong to all the men, but a frantic and fantastic thing that any man should own any meadow.
But there is another ease that is even more curious. In the works of Mr. Wells, and all the typical Utopias and futuristic world-systems of recent times, it is incessantly and impressively repeated that we must live for the Future, for the Young, for the Rising Generation or the Babe Unborn. The traditional obligations of the past are nothing, and even the temporary contracts and compromises of the present are comparatively little; but we really do have a duty to the future generations. It is apparently the only duty that remains. While we are kicking our grandfather downstairs, we must take care to be very polite to our great-great-grandson, who is not yet present; and if a more enlightened ethic should ever justify us in painlessly poisoning our mother, it will be well to distract the attention by dreaming of some perfect Woman of the Future who may never need to be poisoned. These examples are quoted but lightly and from memory, but nobody will deny that current culture is in fact full of this notion of living for posterity. It is preached as a democratic doctrine in the democratic organs to which I have referred. But it is always the People as a whole that is to live for the Posterity as a whole.
But if we present precisely the same idea, in a present and practical form, it is called antiquated. Its practical form is called Marriage or the Family. It really does demand that a man and a woman should live largely for the next generation. It does demand that they should, to some extent, defer their personal amusements, such as divorce and dissipation, for the benefit of the next generation. And whenever we suggest that, a wail goes up about the wickedness and cruelty of depriving the poor dear parents of the innocent gaieties of divorce. How can a poor father get any real fun out of being divorced, if his enjoyment is to be dashed by a morbid memory of the existence of his own son? Nay, can we even be certain that the mother will keep up her high standard of dancing all night and every night, if there is a new-born baby who (with curious taste) is crying for her all night long? When the problem of Posterity is presented in this practical form, poor old Posterity gets the knock pretty badly. The Present suddenly becomes much more important than the Future; and the rising generation is a mere drag on the risen generation, which intends to dance until it drops. In this case also, the new thinkers are only thinking of the general, and are afraid to think of the particular. Just as the Socialist must not confront a peasant with one concrete piece of land, so the Sociologist must not confront the parent with one concrete piece of Posterity. Otherwise the new parents will fly screaming, and in some cases adopt measures to ensure that there shall be next to no Posterity at all.
I grieve to say that I am not moved to a profound respect or admiration for this intellectual compromise. If the social idealist would take his inch I might be ready to trust him with his ell. If he could trust a poor man with the care of a cow or a cottage, or a common or garden child, I might believe he was sincere in wishing to trust all poor men with the destiny of all cottages and cows. As it is, I suspect that he is not going to trust that destiny to a democracy of poor men, but to an official or oligarch appointed to organize the poor men. Similarly, if the new social philosophies fervently encouraged people to think more about domesticity and less about divorce, I might believe that they really were preferring the future generation to their own. As it is, I think they want to procure all possible pleasures and amusements for their own, including the mild amusement of prophesying some Utopia that can only come long after they are dead. If their novels and newspapers were less filled with the sublime spiritual liberation of eloping with the chauffeur, and more filled with the duty and dignity of remaining with the baby, I might admit that their faces are set towards the Future and their souls full of the song of ‘A Good Time Coming’. As it is, it seems to be an impatient and even pessimistic lyric about ‘A Good Time Now’.
I am not at all pharisaical about these weaknesses considered as weaknesses, but I am rather bored with the pretence that they are strong with the strength of vigilant Watchers for the Dawn. And I am increasingly tired of the whole tone of that inverted idealism, which is terrified when told to make use of a single talent, but quite confident of its fitness to rule over ten cities. But I suspect, if I may describe the fashionable mood in terms of old-fashioned sentiment, that these people are only filling the Castle of Indolence with the Pleasures of Hope.
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krishnanagpure · 1 year
Computer Static G.K Part - 2:-
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theyourclasses · 4 years
List of all Important Awards & their Fields for SSC , Bank & Railway Exams
New Post has been published on https://yourclasses.in/important-awards-and-their-fields
List of all Important Awards & their Fields for SSC , Bank & Railway Exams
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  Pritzker Prize – Architecture
Kalinga Prize – Science
Abel Prize – Mathematics
Grammy Award – Music
Aga Khan Award – Architecture
Bihari Puraskar – Literature
Saraswati Samman -Literature
Jnanpith Award – Literature
Vyas Samman – Literature
Booker Prize – Literature
Moorti Devi Award – Literature
Arjuna Award  – Sports & games
Tansen Award – Music
Dhanvantri Award – Medical Sciences
Oscar Awards – Film Industry
Dadasaheb Phalke Award – Cinema
Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna  Award – Sports
Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize  – Science & Technology
World Food Prize  -Agriculture & Food
Right Livelihood Award – Environment & Social Justice
Sangeet Natak Akademi Award – Music, Drama & Dance
BAFTA Awards – Television, Films, Video Games & Animation.
Shanti Swaroop Bhatnagar Award Is Related to Which Field?
Pritzker Prize Is Related To Which Field Of Society?
4.Social work
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nextlevelclasses · 2 years
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testseriesforexam · 2 years
Here’s how to prepare for RRB NTPC CBT 2 Exam for the best result
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Candidates must make their best efforts and work hard to secure a job with the Indian Railways. I am sharing with you a few RRB NTPC CBT 2 Preparation Tips that you must follow to pass the exam with a good score.
It is always considered a good idea to begin preparation as early as possible in order to pass any exam with high marks. And in such a case, most people would have begun studying for the RRB NTPC CBT 2 Exam.
First of all, keep these general tips in mind while preparing for the exam:
Understanding of the syllabus is necessary as it will help you in learning the theory behind each and every concept.
Prepare a smart study schedule that will cover all the topics of your RRB NTPC CBT 2 Syllabus.
Make reading habits that will help you in improving your vocabulary.
Keep formulas, problem-solving steps, and other tricks handy. Regularly practise and revise them.
As you prepare, strive to strike a balance between speed and accuracy.
Revise on a regular basis, not only the topics in which you are weak but also those in which you are confident.
Master the art of obliteration. When answering questions, consider which options you can first eliminate.
The five effective ways to clear the exam in the first attempt are given below:
You should make a note of your daily progress.
Give more time to self-study during your preparation. 
Improve speed and accuracy of solving questions, for this, you can practise RRB NTPC CBT 2 Online Mock Tests.
Prepare things Month-wise, especially the current affair (especially of last 6 months) during your free time.
RRB NTPC CBT 2 Subject-wise approach
General Awareness:
This is a vast subject to cover, but it is also one of the highest-scoring sections in the RRB NTPC Exam. For improving your “Static G.K.”, examine the fundamentals of all NCERT subjects (especially science, economics and Polity)
Because the questions are direct factual questions, memorise important facts from history, geography, and polity. Revise current events of the last 6 months.
General Intelligence and Reasoning:
Prioritize the RRB NTPC CBT 2 reasoning questions. You should begin with the simple questions and work your way up to more difficult ones. Solve as many questions as you can to master the numerous tricks. Don't forget to solve all of the previous year's RRB NTPC CBT 2 exam question papers.
Chapters to be focused more are coding and decoding, puzzles, and direction and distance.
Be very familiar with formulae, tables, squares, cubes, square roots, cube roots, and so on so that you don't have to think too hard during the exam. When you've mastered the fundamentals, you can move on to the shortcut tricks. Do you know, Mathematics is all about practise. The more you practise, the more knowledgeable you will become. For this, I would suggest you attempt a Quants Sectional Test as well as a Mock Test on a regular basis to gain mastery over it.
Practicing RRB NTPC CBT 2 Mock Tests will not only improve your accuracy but also help you in improving your speed for the exam. Visit Testwale.com for top class free Mock Tests.
Good Luck!
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parikshasblog · 3 years
country capital and currency according to continent
 country capital and currency according to continent is one of the most important topic in static G.K. for all competitive exams in all over India. The static G.K. is a part of all major govt. exams and scoring marks in this section is very easy.
To download PDF of  country capital and currency according to continent click here:
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rhetoricandlogic · 3 years
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ISSUE: 16 JULY 2007
Fuwaad ibn Abbas, a fabric merchant, tells this story to the Caliph of Baghdad, perhaps in the classic "Arabian Nights" period of the Caliphate, as "a warning to those who would be warned and a lesson to those who would learn."
On entering a metalsmith's shop, he finds many intricate devices and "ingenious mechanisms." The experiments in alchemy of Bashaarat, the owner, possibly include electromagnetism, but most remarkable is his ability to find and expand tiny "wormholes" in reality, fixing them in metal hoops. One side of these openings precedes the other by a set interval of time. The largest is a Gate of Years, spanning two decades. Bashaarat had for many years such a gate in Cairo; each who used the gate learned something different, as Bashaarat, in stories within the main story, relates.
Ted Chiang's purpose in this brief book—actually a novelette or long short story (also to be published in the September issue of Fantasy and Science Fiction)—is explicitly didactic, and ends in a sort of moral. Its fabular nature, its marvels, and the use of stories within a story recall The Book of a Thousand Nights and a Night (originally 9th c.; Richard Burton translation, 1885), which perhaps influenced the story's setting. The explicit, if gentle, didacticism and the tone also recall Indries Shah's instructive Sufi tales, both with and without the humorous Nasruddin. Despite Chiang's manner and the "exotic" setting, however, he is not far afield here from the themes of much of his earlier work, especially his best-known piece, "Story of Your Life."
From Bashaarat's tales, and Abbas's own story, we learn that some who use the Gate benefit, some don't; some learn lessons happily, some only at great cost. Along the way, we encounter temporal paradoxes, as when a rope-maker, Hassan, finds out from his older self where to find a treasure that makes his fortune. Once aged, he informs the younger one of the treasure, based on what he was told. But what was the information's original provenance? Here we get a whiff of Heinlein's 1959 story "All You Zombies—"
A story within a story (within a story) tells of Hassan's wife, Raniya, who in using the Gate discovers truths about her husband's past he himself does not know, and thereby contributes much to their (future) happiness. But Ajib, a weaver inspired by Hassan's wealth, uses the Gate in a way that results in near-catastrophe and sours the rest of his life. Ajib's story is the least compelling. His misfortune seems too arbitrary, and his inability to avoid it, despite all the talk of fate, not quite convincing.
This is the third time Chiang has dealt with the essential problems of fate, determinism, and free will. His darkest view of the subject comes in a short-short published in Nature, "What's Expected of Us," positing a device that, by undeniably demonstrating our lack of free will, leaves a third of its users in a waking coma. In The Merchant and The Alchemist's Gate, as in "Story of Your Life," (1998 in Starlight Two; collected in Stories of Your Life and Others, 2002) he presents us with a more gentle, nuanced fatalism—fatalism from the inside, fatalism understood.
In Merchant, things happen according to the will of Allah, and being able to move through time changes events not at all. As Bashaarat says: "...you cannot avoid the ordeals that are assigned to you. What Allah gives you, you must accept" (p. 65).
But Abbas, suffering remorse for twenty years because his last words with his wife, before her accidental death, were harsh, can realize this only after struggling against it. As in Raniya's tale, it is not, finally, a change in events—which is impossible—that brings solace and a kind of redemption, but what he learns about the past.
The most important moment in a Chiang story is almost always a moment of understanding or perception—of a pattern, a gestalt, or an entire system with all its interworking parts, as some linguists can take in the grammar of a language new to them at a glance. Understanding is too important to be morally or emotionally neutral. It transforms the past for Abbas and frees him, despite changing nothing. For Raniya, as for Louise Banks in "Story of Your Life," it's a motive to participate in her fate. Raniya knows that her husband will live and become wealthy. But when she finds him in danger, she takes action to assure this outcome. In her thinking, to do so is to follow Allah's will, to be his instrument. It could not be Allah's will for her to do nothing. Louise Banks expresses her take on this in rhetorical questions: "What if the experience of knowing the future changed a person? What if it evoked a sense of urgency, a sense of obligation to act precisely as she knew she would?" (Stories of Your Life and Others, p. 163)
In devising a fictional concept that sets time out for us, future and past, as something essentially static, like the pattern in a carpet (it is perhaps no accident that almost all of those involved with the gate deal with things that must be woven or knotted), in which events can be observed, but not shifted or changed, Chiang manages to convey to us, both here and in "Story of Your Life," the world as seen from this view: an unchanging tale, already existing, past and future, that we live through, participate in, act out, and learn, like an actor learning what play he's in by saying the lines. That he has, more than once, found elegant, complex conceits for this difficult thematic territory, that not only convey understanding, but even experience, and which are also intricate, intellectually and emotionally involving fictions, is a truly remarkable achievement. It's interesting, instructive, and aesthetically pleasing to watch an artist as intelligent and sensitive as Chiang come to grips in different ways with, and develop different correlatives for, essentially the same field of experience and perception. The number of works in his small oeuvre devoted to this theme seem to indicate that, for him, this is, indeed, where we are.
But he doesn't just present this material. He also suggests how we should be and act in such a world. Within the scope of determined events he finds a kind of freedom—the freedom to accept, to participate, to join one's will to events; freedom in how to consider, or take, what happens; a freedom of understanding. Perhaps understanding is so important because, in the face of events, it's basically the best we can do.
We have to note that Chiang is treading here on the territory of the religious mystic, but either does not have the temperament for that sort of take on his materials, does not perceive here what others have, or is tacitly telling us that there is nothing like that going on, despite all the talk of "Allah," who seems something of a placeholder here for "how things are and happen." There is no hint of the paradox of the religious ecstatic, in which the greater the surrender of self-will to the will of God, the greater the sense of freedom, power, joy (even while it may lead to dissolution of the individual)—the stuff of saints' lives (St. Francis receiving the stigmata, especially in G.K. Chesterton's version, St. Francis of Assisi [1923]) and religious literature. For instance, in The Consolation of Philosophy (524), Boethius also presents all time and incident seen as one, an eternal present perceived by God; his take is that by surrendering to God's will, men become gods by participation. And in eastern traditions, the moment of enlightenment often seems to occur when the seeker says, essentially, "This is hopeless; I give up"—surrendering, finally, the last bit of willfulness to the greater will.
In an interview with Jeremy Smith (first published in Interzone #182, Sept. 2002), when Smith notes, "In stories like "Division by Zero" and "Story of Your Life," you describe these very rational, materialist characters who [...] achieve this kind of transcendence, but then don't know what to do with it," Chiang replies with seeming puzzlement: "That's an interesting perspective. I hadn't really thought of either [story] as dealing with transcendence. For me, those stories are primarily attempts to use mathematics and science as metaphors to illuminate certain aspects of human experience."
Chiang's take on dealing with a vision of unalterable destiny is remarkably close, however, to that of the classical Stoics, perfectly in keeping, for instance, with the quotations that end the Enchiridion of Epictetus (circa 135):
52. Upon all occasions we ought to have these maxims ready at hand:
"Conduct me, Jove, and you, O Destiny,
Wherever your decrees have fixed my station."
"I follow cheerfully; and, did I not,
Wicked and wretched, I must follow still
Whoever yields properly to Fate, is deemed
Wise among men, and knows the laws of heaven."
—Euripides, Frag. 965
It's an unemotional and essentially irreligious mysticism.
This novelette doesn't pack the punch of "Story of Your Life," but such comparisons are invidious; one story is not another. The Merchant and the Alchemist's Gate is wise, thoughtful, graceful, and even enlightening, in its ability to make the nature of our predicament clearer, and at the same time, transform it from predicament to, simply, life.
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onlinemasterji · 4 years
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Static G.K for RAILWAY NTPC AND GROUP D First In India Women ! https://www.instagram.com/p/CGgz-BpJq6T/?igshid=iejmvrw8h1sh
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gkprogress · 4 years
website design cyprus
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catkingedu · 4 years
How to crack IIFT, TISSNET, XAT, MICAT, CMAT GK questions
General Knowledge includes static General Knowledge and Current Affairs which are based on National and International issues. The Static GK includes a wide range of topics like History, Geography, Economy, Companies and Brands, Indian Political System and Constitution, Organization, Science and Technology, Sports, Awards & Recognitions, Books & Authors, Corporates, Business Affairs, Share Markets, Miscellaneous, etc. Let’s look at how to crack IIFT, XAT, TISSNET, MICAT, CMAT GK questions in these exams,
How to prepare for G.K ?
G.K preparation becomes a nightmare for almost all MBA entrances. Hence, in this article, we will help you with insights on how you can crack the GK section in MBA exams like IIFT, XAT, TISSNET, MICAT, CMAT.
Read Newspapers Daily
We all know that “Old is Gold”, the same fact is applicable here too. We need to create a habit of reading newspapers consistently. 
Watch Current affairs special programs on News
Everyone will agree that watching news channel is the easiest and most relaxed way to stay up to date with all sorts of news. News channels cover a single trending news the entire day, so you might come across a lot of details linked to the originals tory, which might be beneficial to you  to crack CMAT GK. Also, you may tend you remember such information better, as a visual medium helps in remembering facts better.
Notes for Exam
Always try to write short notes of what you think is important in terms of exams. A lot of times we may come across the very important fact, but it may get lost over time. As we know that a lot of activities are happening in the nation and all over the globe, so it is simple to understand that it is not easy to memorize everything
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krishnanagpure · 1 year
Computer Static G.K Part- 1:-
This article contains some basic questions about computer asked in various exams like ssc railways and bank
click below link:-
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theyourclasses · 4 years
List of Organisations and their Founders in Hindi
New Post has been published on https://yourclasses.in/list-organisations-founders-india
List of Organisations and their Founders in Hindi
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Important organization and their founder
ब्रह्मा समाज – राजाराममोहन राय
आर्य समाज – स्वामी दयानंद सरस्वती
प्रार्थना समाज – आत्माराम पांडुरंग
दीन-ए-इलाही, मनसबदारी प्रथा – अकबर
भक्ति आंदोलन – रामानुज
शक सम्वत – कनिष्क
गुप्त सम्वत – चन्द्रगुप्त मौर्य
न्याय दर्शन – गौतम
वैशेषिक दर्शन – महर्षि कणाद
सांख्य दर्शन – महर्षि कपिल
योग दर्शन – महर्षि पतंजली
मीमांसा दर्शन – महर्षि जैमिनी
रामकृष्ण मिशन – स्वामी विवेकानंद
गुप्त वंश का संस्थापक – श्रीगुप्त
खालसा पन्थ – गुरु गोविन्द
विजयनगर साम्राज्य की स्थापना – हरिहर व बुक्का
दिल्ली सल्तनत की स्थापना – कुतुबुद्दीन ऐबक
सतीप्रथा का अंत – लॉर्ड विलियम बेंटिक
आजाद हिंद फ़ौज की स्थापना – रास बिहारी बोस
भूदान आंदोलन – आचार्य विनोबा भावे
स्वराज पार्टी की स्थापना – पंडित मोतीलाल नेहरु
गदर पार्टी की स्थापना – लाला हरदयाल
स्वर्ण मंदिर का निर्माण – गुरु अर्जुन देव
1.Who was the founder of Azad HindFauz ?
3.Rasbihari bose
4.Bhagat Singh
5.Subhash Chandra Bose
Shak samvat/Era was started by?
1.Mahatma Gandhi
2.Qutub Uddin aback
3.Robert Clive
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cavilite · 7 years
Fluid as the Jordan River
My gender is like a radio too far from the station receiving static and half-words from the next broadcaster like having a map without a location  it looks like we’re here when we drive a bit faster
I’ve been told what I’m hearing and where I stand all the while fearing just a line in the sand
G.K. 29 June, 2017
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testseriesforexam · 2 years
All Shifts Section-Wise Good attempts and Difficulty Level of ESIC Steno Exam 2022 Phase - 1
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The ESIC will fill 165 Stenographer (Steno.) posts out of the total 3882 vacancies of Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS), Upper Division Clerk (UDC) and Stenographer vacancies on a regular basis through Direct Recruitment in ESIC. 
In this article, I am discussing the ESIC Steno 2022 Preliminary Exam Analysis based on the Difficulty Level, Overall Good Attempts by the candidates, and Section-wise Exam Review.
Before we begin the ESIC Steno Prelim exam 2022 analysis, it is important to understand the Exam Pattern of the ESIC Steno Examination.
The objective test for the ESIC Steno Exam consists of three sections, each with 200 questions to be answered in 120 minutes (i.e. two hours):
Reasoning (50 questions)
English Language (100 questions)
General Knowledge (50 questions)
Highlights of the ESIC Steno Prelims 2022 Exam
The examination's overall difficulty level ranged from easy to moderate.
In the Prelim examination, candidates attempted 135 to 150 questions on average.
The Reasoning section of the ESIC Stenographer Prelims was moderately difficult.
The ESIC Steno Prelim Exam Reasoning Ability section ranged from easy to moderate.
According to the aspirants, the English language was simple, and there were no new types of questions asked in this section.
The General Awareness section had a medium level of difficulty.
In the General Awareness section, the majority of the questions asked were from Static G.K. rather than current affairs.
Each section's level is described below in detail.
Reasoning Ability
The level of General Intelligence and Reasoning was Easy. The majority of the questions asked in this section were of Puzzle and Seating Arrangement (20 questions). This section's average good attempt ranged from 30 to 35 questions.
English Language
The level of the English language section ranged from Easy to Moderate. The majority of the questions asked in this section were of Reading Comprehension (2 story-based passages, total of 24 questions) and Fillers (12 questions). In this section, a good attempt ranged from 60 to 65 questions.
General Knowledge
The general awareness level ranged from Moderate to Difficult.  Most of the questions in Current affairs were asked from the last 4-5 months (i.e. October 2021 to February 2022) of current events. In the Static G.K. majority of questions were asked from the History, Geography, Polity, Books and Authors, Science and Abbreviations. In this section, the average good attempt was 35 to 40  questions.
The next and most important step in preparing for the ESIC Steno Mains 2022 is to practice Online Mock Tests on a daily basis. Testwale provides specially curated ESIC Steno Free Mock Tests created by experts with previous year papers and the most recent exam pattern in mind to help you prepare. Take a Mock Exam right now to assess your readiness for the upcoming mains exam. By attempting their ESIC Steno Free Mock Tests, You will understand your level of preparation by understanding your strong and weak points, and you will be able to design the best study plan based on your strengths and weaknesses.
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Refection on the multidisciplinary team and team work
A wise man once said that many hands make work light, and he was right. Today we look at what a multidisciplinary team is and it’s team work in relation to my experience at the hospital i do my practicals in.
There are many occupations in health and each occupation/profession plays a unique role in the assessment, treatment and evaluation of the client’s progress all the way to the client’s discharge from the facility. The cohesion and collective effort from each team member is essential and no team member’s presence is bigger than another’s as the presence of each team member aids in the holistic intervention for optimal treatment of the patient. it is also important to note that the client him/herself is an important member of the multidisciplinary team as they are more experienced in dealing with their illness and so their input in vital in goal setting and evaluation.
Multidisciplinary care - when professionals from a range of disciplines work together to deliver comprehensive care that addresses as many of the patient's needs as possible. This can be delivered by a range of professionals functioning as a team under one organisational umbrella or by professionals from a range of organisations, including private practice, brought together as a unique team. As a patient's condition changes over time, the composition of the team may change to reflect the changing clinical and psychosocial needs of the patient ( Mitchell G.K., Tieman, J.J., and Shelby-James T.M. 2008).
I was able to work with the team members of some of the client’s that i worked with such as doctors and nurses to offer suggestions, discuss clients as well as obtain information about the clients. Nurses are the main team members i worked with as they are always present but mostly did not get much information or assistance from them but not all. I had an 86 years old female client with a left cerebrovascular accident /stroke with right hemiplegia who had no static sitting balance and so i always needed assistance to get her to sit fully supported, i was fortunate enough to find a nurse who always availed herself to assist me at any given moment.This shows how the client benefits from the cohesiveness and contribution from different team member in all ways possible for optimal treatment and care.
“coming together is a beginning. keeping together is progress and working together is success”- J.L Webber
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Mitchell G.K., Tieman, J.J., and Shelby-James T.M. 2008.  Multidisciplinary Team Care. Available at: https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/healthone/pages/Multidisciplinary-Team-Care.aspx ( Accesed :10/04/19)
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onlinemasterji · 4 years
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Static G.K for RAILWAY NTPC AND GROUP D First In India Women ! https://www.instagram.com/p/CGgz-BpJq6T/?igshid=iejmvrw8h1sh
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