#Stefano Sibaldi
pinknachowitch · 2 years
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Fano: Al via l’undicesima edizione di Passaggi Festival
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Fano: Al via l’undicesima edizione di Passaggi Festival. Si aprono i libri di Passaggi Festival: mercoledì 21 al via l’undicesima edizione dell’evento dedicato alla saggistica che proseguirà a Fano fino a domenica 25 giugno. In calendario più di centoquaranta proposte culturali tra presentazioni librarie, incontri con gli autori, laboratori per bambini, masterclass, mostre e aperitivi scientifici. Appuntamenti che si susseguiranno dalla colazione fino a tarda notte, tutti con ingresso gratuito, in ben dodici sedi tra centro storico e zona mare. Si entra subito nel vivo con le presentazioni librarie del mattino, la rassegna di graphic novel ‘Passaggi fra le nuvole’ -ospiti Raffaele Sorrentino e ‘Materia Degenere’ Roberta Muci, Luisina Ilardo, Giorgia Rachel Donnan- la saggistica alla San Francesco che inaugura con Alessandro Chetta, i libri e i laboratori per i più piccoli e le rassegne tematiche su arte, filosofia, intelligenza artificiale, economia, scienza e benessere, quest’ultima nell’inedita formula che abbina alla presentazione del libro una pratica di crescita personale. Tra gli ospiti della prima giornata anche l’economista Stefano Zamagni, il filosofo Igor Sibaldi e l’immunologa Antonella Viola. Il buon libro si vede dal mattino quando, a partire dalle 9,30, si comincerà con gli appuntamenti di ‘Buongiorno Passaggi’ al Bon Bon Art Cafè del Lido. Bisogna per forza fuggire dalla noia oppure possiamo imparare ad annoiarci? Ne parleremo con Anna Silvia Bombi e Daniele Malaguti, autori del libro “Il diritto di annoiarsi. Darsi il tempo per pensare” (Il Mulino), intervistati dalla redattrice culturale Andreina Bruno. Nel pomeriggio al via i laboratori per i più piccoli a cura dell’Università di Camerino: tra Bagni Torrette (ore 16) e Memo (ore 16.30 primo turno, ore 17.30 secondo turno), i bambini andranno alla scoperta delle specie marine del “profondo blu” con ‘Identikit dell’acqua’ e delle particolarità di flora e fauna nell’incontro “I disegni e la natura” con il docente di Unicam e divulgatore scientifico di Geo&Geo Francesco Petretti. Ai piccolissimi (dai 3 anni) accompagnati da un genitore, è dedicato un momento di ascolto per scoprire i libri e il piacere della lettura a cura della Mediateca Montanari e dei Volontari Nati per Leggere (Memo, alle 18). Nella sala da tè L’Uccellin Bel Verde in centro storico si aprono anche i Calici di Scienza, conversazioni scientifiche con aperitivo offerto dall’Università di Camerino: sarà la biologa marina Martina Capriotti a rispondere alla domanda: “Davvero beviamo microplastiche?” approfondendo il tema dell’inquinamento da plastica in mare (alle 18,30). In contemporanea alla Mediateca Montanari Memo la presentazione del libro “Mondi” (Settenove) di Valentina Rizzi e Luca Caimmi, presenti al festival per ‘Chiedersi perché’, la rassegna dedicata ai libri filosofici per bambini e ragazzi. Dialoga con gli autori Ippolita Bonci del Bene, esperta in pratiche filosofiche con i bambini. Sempre alle 18,30 scopriamo la nuova sede del festival al Bastione Sangallo, palcoscenico della rassegna ‘Passaggi di benessere (mente, corpo e anima)’: il primo incontro a cura dell’Associazione Meditamondo, è dedicato a ‘Il cammino zen’ una pratica laboratoriale con Simonetta Jivan Kavitha Vincenzi per sperimentare come il cammino consapevole possa aiutarci a realizzare i nostri sogni. A seguire, la presentazione del libro di Luciano Murgia “I cammini dei sogni. Due piedi raccontano le vie per Santiago” (Edizione dei Cammini) con le giornaliste Emanuela Audisio e Silvia Sinibaldi. A Bagni Elsa (Fosso Sejore - ore 18,30) Bruno Casini presenta il suo “Tondelli e la musica” (Edizioni Interno4) libro che inaugura la rassegna ‘Fuori Passaggi aMare’ dedicata a musica, social, viaggi e sentimenti. L’autore dialogherà con il critico musicale e Dj Luca Valentini sul rapporto tra lo scrittore emiliano e la musica, avvalendosi di preziosi contributi e testi inediti. Due gli appuntamenti alle ore 19: Alessandro Chetta apre la rassegna di saggistica ‘Libri alla San Francesco’ con il suo “Non sia mai detto! Discorso sull’autocensura. Arte, politica, maternità” (Aras Edizioni), sul palco con l’autore ci saranno Federica Savini, editrice Aras, e la critica letteraria Carolina Iacucci; al Chiostro delle Benedettine, per gli incontri sull’economia realizzati in collaborazione con la Camera di Commercio delle Marche, scopriremo come “Prendersi cura della democrazia. Il ritorno dell’economia civile” (Ecra), con l’autore Stefano Zamagni intervistato da Marco Ferrando, capo redattore Finanza & mercati del Sole 24 Ore. Spazio ai fumetti nella rassegna di graphic novel ‘Passaggi fra le Nuvole’ quest’anno ospitata nel suggestivo spazio della San Francesco: Raffaele Sorrentino presenterà “Fehida” (Minimum Fax) realizzato con Tommaso Renzoni e converserà con i critici di fumetto Virginia Tonfoni e Alessio Trabacchini (alle 21). Quanto sappiamo sul potere dell’Intelligenza Artificiale? Per la rassegna ‘Futuropresente’ ne parleremo con Paolo Dello Vicario, Cosmano Lombardo e Filippo Trocca, autori, insieme con Giorgio Taverniti, di “AI Power. Non solo ChatGPT: lavoro, marketing e futuro” (Hoepli) in dialogo con Fiamma Goretti, esperta di comunicazione e campagne sociali (Memo, alle ore 21). Giulio Busi e Silvana Greco introdurranno i temi dell’arte con “Amarsi. Seduzione e desiderio nel Rinascimento” (Il Mulino), un libro sui legami leciti e le passioni clandestine nell’arte italiana del Quattro e Cinquecento. Sul palco del Chiostro delle Benedettine, a dialogare con gli autori il direttore della Galleria nazionale delle Marche Luigi Gallo (alle 21). L’incontro si avvarrà della presenza di un interprete LIS, la lingua dei segni, in collaborazione con la sezione di Pesaro e Urbino dell’E.N.S., ente nazionale per la protezione e l’assistenza dei sordi. Altri appuntamenti da non perdere in tarda serata: il viaggio nei meandri della filosofia inizia con “La specie nuova. Tutti possono scoprirsi diversi. Solo alcuni ne hanno il coraggio” (Roi Edizioni) di Igor Sibaldi che sarà al Chiostro delle Benedettine con l’attrice, counselor e formatrice Silvia Pernarella; il secondo incontro della giornata dedicato al mondo dei graphic novel sarà con Materia Degenere -Roberta Muci, Luisina Ilardo e Giorgia Rachel Donnan- che faranno conoscere al pubblico del festival la terza edizione dell’omonimo progetto editoriale pubblicato per Diabolo Edizioni. Nella bella cornice della San Francesco, le autrici dialogheranno con Virginia Tonfoni (alle 22). Chiuderà la prima giornata del festival l’atteso incontro con l’immunologa Antonella Viola, che presenta “La via dell’equilibrio. Scienza dell’invecchiamento e della longevità” (Feltrinelli): perché invecchiamo ed esiste un momento in cui il corpo comincia a invecchiare? Sul palco della San Francesco, alle ore 23, a conversare sul tema con l’autrice sarà Guido Favia, docente dell’Università di Camerino.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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perfettamentechic · 3 years
2 luglio … ricordiamo …
2 luglio … ricordiamo …
2019: Pat Crawford Brown, attrice statunitense. Insegnante d’inglese alle scuole superiori sino alla pensione, cominciò la sua carriera di attrice all’età di sessant’anni.  (n. 1929) 2014: Chad Brown, è stato un giocatore di poker, attore e personaggio televisivo statunitense.  (n. 1961) 2005: Carla Candiani, attrice italiana, molto fotogenica lavora nel cinema, anche in film di successo sino al…
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triplemondo-blog · 7 years
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Mondo Cane: Seminal Document of the Mondo genre
Mondo Cane, Gualtiero Jacopetti's masterpiece, is the first and the best mondo movie. 
Shot all over the world by an Italian crew and released in 1963, Mondo Cane's collection of grotesquery was a worldwide phenomenon so financially and artistically successful it spawned and defined an entire film genre. It was even nominated for an oscar for Best Song: Riz Ortolani's awesome "More.” Weird that hardly anyone has ever heard of it, right?
While exploitive documentaries about weird crap date back to Thomas Edison, Mondo Cane is the first film that encompasses all of the elements that were later called “mondo.” Since this is my first post, and Mondo Cane is the seminal document of the genre, I'll use it to define the elements of the mondo movie.
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The Four Hallmarks of Mondo Movies
Documentary...kind of:  A mondo movie may or may not contain actual documentary footage, but all footage must be PRESENTED as real, no matter how obvious the fakery. Like the best of the genre, Mondo Cane is a mix of real footage, embellished-reality (IE: a narrator adding invented explanations), and completely staged segments. Jacopetti was more honest than most mondo directors, though (which is like being the tallest midget). He was a journalist and seemed to want to capture something of real life, even if his narration is questionable and he clearly staged and directed some of the action. Harmless here, but Jacopetti's tendency to treat real people as actors and alter real events eventually destroyed whatever reputation he had.
Narrated-Omnibus Structure: Mondo movies are made up of short segments held together by voiceover narration that joins disparate elements thematically. Mondo Cane's thematic skeleton is something like: "No matter how different our cultural expression, people all over the world are horrible and ridiculous." Later mondo movies are less elevated in their themes, which tend toward "Man, people in Asia do some weird crap." or "Ladies take their clothing off in many different situations!”
Cynical, Authoritative Tone: The narrators of Mondo movies are total assholes. Mondo Cane's narrator, Stefano Sibaldi, affects a world-weary tone that drips with contempt for sexuality, creativity, happiness, social mores, and really any cultural expression at all. Although the filmmakers have clearly gone to great lengths to present footage of, say, a "crazy" artist in New York City using naked women as paintbrushes (Yves Klein in an appearance he later deeply regretted) or a Taiwanese butcher slaughtering dogs, the narrator wants you to know he DOES NOT APPROVE OF IT and you probably shouldn't enjoy it too much. But Sibaldi's narration manages sympathy for a few of Mondo Cane's subjects too.
Perhaps the cynical, disgusted, "everything is shit" tone of Mondo Cane is a result of personal tragedy in the director's life. Jacopetti's girlfriend, actress Belinda Lee, was killed in a car crash at the beginning of production, and some say the film is Jacopetti's reaction to her senseless death.
Another universal element of Mondo narration: The pretense that the film has an elevated intellectual purpose, even though it clearly doesn't. This may have been to provide a "social value" argument if the censors ever cracked down. No matter why it's there, There's something hilarious about a movie lying to its audience so blatantly, telling them they're watching a thoughtful examination of cultural differences in sexual mores when it's clearly a bored stripper in a seedy Hong Kong club.  
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"Shocking" footage: Presenting the shocking, weird and outre is the mondo movie's whole reason to be. Sex perverts, primitive tribes, buildings being wrecked, car crashes, druggies, hippies, etc. Mondo likes anything shocking. But like the reality of the footage, the "shock-factor" varies greatly from scene to scene. We're constantly TOLD how shocking the footage is, though, but it’s usually pretty tame.
"In the interest of public awareness, we snuck our cameras into an LSD freakout party where depraved hippie deviants enact unspeakable debauchery!" a narrator might soberly intone over footage of middle class teenagers frugging at a house party. 
The casual sexism, racism, and cultural bias, of Mondo Cane actually are shocking--people were FUCKED UP back in the 1960s--but other than grandpa-style bigotry, there's little of the truly disturbing in this movie... except the cruelty to animals. 
Animal cruelty is a common theme in the mondo genre, and my least favorite aspect of these films. I have no particular love for animals--most of them are dicks--but I don't need to see them slaughtered, hunted, vivisected and otherwise abused. 
Points to Mondo Cane for at least choosing interesting animal cruelty to present. The section on how French people force-feed geese to make pate is amazing. Who knew that's where that stuff came from? 
Lesser mondo films tend to pad out their running times with cheaply purchased stock footage of animals attacking each other in jungles (when there used to be jungles.)
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There is room for an endless variety of films within those four criteria set by Mondo Cane, from amazing documentaries like The Killing of America to total dreck like The Wild, Wild World of Jayne Mansfield. But it’s really unfair to lump Mondo Cane (and the rest of Jacopetti's filmography) with its imitators. 
Jacopetti and his partner Franco Prosperi are unique in film, and their best-known movie is a landmark in filmic and cultural history. Their genuine artistic sensibilities and photographic eye (Mondo Cane is beautifully shot and edited) combined with their total lack of taste and restraint resulted in a groundbreaking, genre-smashing, and deeply troubling film that predicts our media landscape’s downward spiral into its current post-truth state.
Like the Catholic idea of God as both all human and all divine, Mondo Carne is at once 100 percent high Art and total gutter trash. Not quite fiction and not quite fact, it’s a documentary that ignores all the “rules” of documentary filmmaking (IE: Show things as they really are) in the supposed interest of making a larger point (”Everything in the world is terrible”) but it’s actually just an excuse to show half-naked ladies and weirdoes doing crazy shit... but the audiences themselves proves the movie’s point! Gathering together in dark rooms and being lied to by Italians is a ritual that could go in its own Mondo movie.
If you're new to the genre, Mondo Cane is essential viewing and a great place to start, you can watch the thole thing on YouTube for free.
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cqrdta-blog · 13 years
Mondo Cane Movie To Download Full
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Stefano Sibaldi Rossano Brazzi
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Most Helpful Customer Reviews: "Mondo Cane" ("It's a Dog's World") might not have been the first shockumentary, but this 1962 film is the first such film to get a. Mondo Cane | Free Music, Tour Dates, Photos, Videos Mondo Cane's official profile including the latest music, albums, songs, music videos and more updates. There is more than one artists/albums with this name. It features cover versions of 1950s and 1960s Italian pop music, performed by Mike. 1) Mondo cane is. Mondo Cane Mondo Cane / 174 Duane St, Tribeca / New York, NY 10013 / T 212 219 9244 / F 212 219 9243 / [email protected] Mondo cane (1962) - IMDb Director: Paolo Cavara, Gualtiero Jacopetti. The. Mondo Cane (1962) Mondo Cane ranks as a legendary (albeit offbeat and, to some, off-putting) milestone in film history. . Its a documentary aimed to shock. Amazon.com: Mondo Cane: Mike Patton: MP3 Downloads Most Helpful Customer Reviews: This really is a beautiful recording. Mondo Cane (album) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Mondo Cane is an album by Mike Patton, released on May 4, 2010 through Ipecac Recordings. Lensed by. But audiences need not have worried, this low. Watch videos & listen to Mondo Cane: Ore d'amore, Deep Down & more, plus 35 pictures
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perfettamentechic · 2 years
2 luglio … ricordiamo …
2 luglio … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2019: Pat Crawford Brown, attrice statunitense. Insegnante d’inglese alle scuole superiori sino alla pensione, cominciò la sua carriera di attrice all’età di sessant’anni.  (n. 1929) 2014: Chad Brown, è stato un giocatore di poker, attore e personaggio televisivo statunitense.  (n. 1961) 2005: Carla Candiani, attrice italiana, molto fotogenica lavora nel cinema, anche in film di successo sino al…
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upuayh-blog · 13 years
Mission Stardust The Movie In High Quality
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Stefano Sibaldi John Bartha Joachim Hansen Daniel Martín Luis Dávila Essy Persson Pinkas Braun Lang Jeffries
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Stardust Mission - Welcome to the NSSDC! Launch: 7 February 1999, 21:04:15 UT (4:04:15 p.m. I don't remember much about. EST) Comet Rendezvous: 2 January 2004 Return to Earth: 15 January 2006. Stardust captured thousands of particles of. DISCOVERY ::: Stardust - NASA - Home Stardust was the first space mission dedicated to studying a comet and the first solid sample return mission in over 30 years. Most Helpful Customer Reviews: I remember being very young and being taken to a local theater to see a science fiction quadruple feature. Stardust (spacecraft) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Stardust is a 300-kilogram robotic space probe launched by NASA on February 7, 1999 to study the asteroid 5535 Annefrank and collect samples from the coma of comet Wild 2 Amazon.com: Mission Stardust [VHS]: Lang Jeffries, Essy Persson. 24, team members for NASA's Stardust spacecraft intentionally commanded the spacecraft to burn its. Stardust: A Mission With Many Scientific Surprises Stardust: A Mission With Many Scientific Surprises. The Stardust mission was chosen from a group of 3. NASA - Stardust NASA Stardust Spacecraft Officially Ends Operations 03.25.11 -- On Feb. IMDb -. Don Brownlee Stardust Principal Investigator October 29, 2009 The primary goal of the Stardust mission was to. They are attacked by a force of bandit robots and discover. The primary goal of Stardust is to collect comet dust during its closest encounter with Comet Wild 2 (pronounced. Dr
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ilulac-blog · 13 years
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I don't remember much about. 24, team members for NASA's Stardust spacecraft intentionally commanded the spacecraft to burn its. The primary goal of Stardust is to collect comet dust during its closest encounter with Comet Wild 2 (pronounced. 3. NASA - Stardust NASA Stardust Spacecraft Officially Ends Operations 03.25.11 -- On Feb. Missions - Stardust - NASA Science The Stardust spacecraft was launched on February 7, 1999. Dr. Stardust - NASA's Comet Sample Return Mission Stardust: A Mission With Many Scientific Surprises The primary goal of the Stardust mission was to collect samples of a comet and return them to Earth for laboratory. They are attacked by a force of bandit robots and discover. It was based on the Perry Rhodan universe, and is considered so appallingly bad that fans of the series. 1. EST) Comet Rendezvous: 2 January 2004 Return to Earth: 15 January 2006. 2. Stardust: A Mission With Many Scientific Surprises Stardust: A Mission With Many Scientific Surprises. Amazon.com: Mission Stardust [VHS]: Lang Jeffries, Essy Persson. Mission Stardust - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Mission Stardust is a 1967 Italian science fiction film.. Most Helpful Customer Reviews: I remember being very young and being taken to a local theater to see a science fiction quadruple feature. The Stardust mission was chosen from a group of 3. Don Brownlee Stardust Principal Investigator October 29, 2009 The primary goal of the Stardust mission was to
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lziaum-blog · 13 years
Watching Mondo Cane Online
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Rossano Brazzi Stefano Sibaldi
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Mondo cane (1962) - IMDb The original "shockumentary" consisting of a collection of mostly real archive footage displaying mankind at its most depraved and perverse, displaying bizarre. Mondo cane: Information from Answers.com - Answers.com: Wiki Q&A. Watch videos & listen free to Mondo Cane: Ore d'amore, Deep Down & more, plus 35 pictures. Mr. Plot This shockumentary caused a stir when it was released in 1962 -- no one had seen anything quite like it before. Mondo Cane Mondo Cane / 174 Duane St, Tribeca / New York, NY 10013 / T 212 219 9244 / F 212 219 9243 / [email protected] Mondo cane - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Mondo cane (1962; English: Dog World) is a highly influential documentary directed by Italian filmmakers Paolo Cavara, Franco Prosperi, and Gualtiero Jacopetti. There is more than one artists/albums with this name. Gualtiero Jacopetti and Franco Prosperi are widely considered to be the creators of the "mondo," the cynical and often exploitative '60s-era cousin of the documentary. Gualtiero Jacopetti; directed Mondo Cane. 1) Mondo cane is. Director created first shockumentary with film Mondo Cane Gualtiero Jacopetti, a filmmaker who titillated and disgusted moviegoers by roaming the globe to document bizarre, not to say creepy, phenomena a chicken that. But audiences need not have worried, this low. It features cover versions of 1950s and 1960s Italian pop music, performed by Mike. Jacopetti made Mondo Cane, which translates as a dogs world, with Franco Prosperi and Paolo Cavara, who also collaborated with him on. Mondo Cane (album) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Mondo Cane is an album by Mike Patton, released on May 4, 2010 through Ipecac Recordings. Mondo Cane Free listening, videos, concerts, stats, & pictures. Mondo Cane | Free Music, Tour Dates, Photos, Videos Mondo Cane's official profile including the latest music, albums, songs, music videos and more updates. Amazon.com: Mondo Cane Collection - Limited Edition (Mondo Cane
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mueuuy-blog · 13 years
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Stefano Sibaldi Rossano Brazzi
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Amazon.com: Mondo Cane: Rossano Brazzi, Stefano Sibaldi, Antonio. If they are shocking, it is only because there are many shocking. Watch videos & listen to Mondo Cane: Ore d'amore, Deep Down & more, plus 35 pictures. Mondo cane - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Mondo cane (1962; English: Dog World) is a highly influential documentary directed by Italian filmmakers Paolo Cavara, Franco Prosperi, and Gualtiero Jacopetti. But audiences need not have worried, this low. Most Helpful Customer Reviews: "Mondo Cane" ("It's a Dog's World") might not have been the first shockumentary, but this 1962 film is the first such film to get a. Mondo cane (1962) The original "shockumentary" consisting of a collection of mostly real archive footage displaying mankind at its most depraved and perverse, displaying bizarre. Plot This shockumentary caused a stir when it was released in 1962 -- no one had seen anything quite like it before. . Mondo Cane | Free Music, Tour Dates, Photos, Videos Mondo Cane's official profile including the latest music, albums, songs, music videos and more updates. Amazon.com: Mondo Cane: Riz Ortolani, Nino Oliviero, Gualtiero. Mondo cane: Information from Answers.com - Answers.com: Wiki Q&A. 1) Mondo cane is. There is more than one artists/albums with this name. "Bizarre, Reflective And Shockingly Candid!" "All the scenes you will see in this film are true. Mondo Cane Free listening, videos, concerts, stats, & pictures
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perfettamentechic · 5 years
2 luglio … ricordiamo …
2 luglio … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic #felicementechic #lynda
2014: Chad Brown, è stato un giocatore di poker, attore e personaggio televisivo statunitense. Interprete di alcuni ruoli secondari in film e serie televisive, ed è stato il presentatore della serie televisiva The Ultimate Poker Challenge. Morto a 52 anni per un tumore. Chad Brown è stato sposato con la giocatrice di poker Vanessa Rousso, da cui si è separato nel 2012. (n. 1961)
2005: Carla…
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