#Stella the Cuddlemonkey
wheretwofacesmeet · 10 months
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quodekash · 2 years
Okay I saw a post the other day saying that Stella feels really suspicious, and I’ve just had a thought
Stella makes the star rune glow, meaning she’s connected to the rarest primal source of them all: stars. She has powers we’ve never seen before, such as making portals. She was an orphan, all alone.
When you think of the star primal, you think of Aaravos. And you know what portals do? They transport something or someone from one place to another. We’ve seen her save Rayla’s bag of coins from lava and teleport them into her hands, but we’ve also seen her transport those gems somewheee, but we don’t see where they arrive in frame, meaning, presumably, her powers aren’t just short-range.
So portals transport things, and Stella can probably have a very long range for that transportation. What does Aaravos desire more than anything? Transportation out of his imprisonment.
What have we seen Aaravos do before? Bring a caterpillar to life in the world outside his prison, and made it grow and then turn into a creature that “will lead you to one who has answers”, so that he can be freed. So, presumably, he could do this with other animals too. Especially if it’s an animal that’s connected to the same primal source as him.
So what I’m trying to get at here: Stella might be either a past attempt to escape his prison before the present timeline, or just part of this huge plan Aaravos has been cooking up for centuries. Stella is only a baby, so it seems unlikely that it’s the first. But for the latter, I think it fits perfectly.
Think about it. This baby creature can already create really amazing portals. When she’s older, she’ll (naturally) get more powerful. We might not have seen her transport living things yet, but that could be something that develops over time (or just a power she already has that hasn’t been displayed to us yet). And, after exposure to Rayla, a genius in cracking codes and figuring her way out of a situation, and after exposure to Callum, an amazing mage, the first human primal mage to exist (ever? In centuries?? One of the two), after exposure to Ezran, the youngest Katolian king like ever (you’ll have to fact check me on that) with a lot of power and a good heart, after exposure to Zym, the literal dragon prince, she’d probably get more powerful (and maybe more influence over these people in power). With all that, Stella could potentially eventually get to teleporting Aaravos straight out of his prison, either if the humans fail their mission or just to help alongside the humans to make sure he gets out.
If I’m right about this (doubtful), then there’s no way he’d just stop at two. He’s almost certainly got heaps more plans out there to ensure his escape. It’s probably seven in total: one for each element. Claudia and Viren represent dark magic, Stella is star. I’d bet three toes and a hair tie that there’s another for earth, one for sea, one for stars, one for sky, and one for ocean.
(Also the wiki page on magical creatures has literally nothing on cuddlemonkeys other than they’re lemurs connected to each primal source)
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Cracky new headcanon that Stella connected with the Stars when Aaravos got her parents killed and picked her up like he was saving her. He taught her how to make portals, then sent her to the Starscraper to swap one of the quasar diamonds from the Corona of the Heavens with the relic staff gem.
Ahaha Stella being Aaravos' old partner in crime is my new favorite crack! If he abandoned her after she did crimes for him, but Rayla loves her, Stella is gonna pick Rayla over Aaravos. Oh what's that, Aaravos? You don't like when karma applies to you? welp
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mrabubu · 2 years
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she’s beautifull she’s perfect she’s Stella
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byghostface · 2 years
Me with the tdp s4 rn
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idk the more you guys keep pushing the evil!Stella's theory, the more I think the crew won't do it( she probably will do something stupid at most in the future, but like an unintentional incident or something, not in a purely evil way)
Anyway, I really like her, she's such a baby☹️🤲💗
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silkiecorn · 1 year
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The triplets and their cuddlesister 🥰
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raayllum · 2 years
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So at first glance I was like two options for order of events. Either Rayla comes back and sees Callum, and he refuses to be in the same space as her for a bit after (although doesn’t explain where/why Zubeia is flying) or she sees Ezran and puts the mission first, unsure of how to approach Callum. I lean towards the first option a bit more (and that she likely won’t shed her cloak until they get to Xadia) but we’ll have to see. The moon is full so we know this is very close to the night she first appears back in Katolis either way.
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hoothalcyon · 2 years
It's about the Framing 
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Stella, baby, you might just end up becoming moon arcanum after all :)
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ask-runaan-anything · 2 years
Opinion on Moon Primal cuddlemonkeys? 👀
Watch where you leave your hair cuffs. They will go missing.
Even from your hair.
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And what was our fandom thinking... 🤦‍♀️
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wheretwofacesmeet · 11 months
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athenadawn42 · 2 months
I love how we all assumed that Stella would try to be really protective of Rayla from Callum and there would be this jealousy war on who gets Rayla.
Turns out, Stella is the entire rayllum fandom in one cuddlemonkey.
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Hey, I'm wondering if anyone else in the fandom was suspicious of Stella this season. The first thing we see of her is that she makes the star arcanum symbol glow on the key of Aaravos. What are your thoughts on this? And the weird dimension portal she can do?? I think the Dragang should be asking MORE questions about her.
They absolutely were sus of Stella, just from the trailer. She did her job as Cute Helpful Pet though, and now she's got a more positive - though still mixed - reception.
Stella is a cuddlemonkey, which is a species not born connected to any one Primal Source. They grow into an arcanum connection depending on their environment, apparently, which sure raises some interesting questions about Stella's earliest times!
However it happened, Stella has connected to the Stars Arcanum now, and she makes really good use of that handy portal! I'm guessing it's an ability that's made possible because of the Stars Arcanum itself, rather than because she's a cuddlemonkey. If she had a different arcanum, she'd probably have different powers. Portaling does seem like a Stars thing to do.
But maybe when the Dragaang gets a second to catch their breath, they will finally talk a bit and get to hear Stella's story? And if anything seems sus to them, maybe they'll ask Rayla about it.
Not sure about their odds on getting an answer, though...
Thanks for the ask!
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thatartiststudios · 26 days
Ficlet requested by @tategaminu! Yes, I'm well aware this is probably longer than a ficlet. Don't ask where all the extra words came from, even I don't know
The night was quiet, save for the soft rustling of the sheets as Callum shifted slightly to get comfortable. Rayla lay beside him, her head resting on his shoulder, a contented sigh escaping her lips as his fingers gently traced circles on her stomach. She was sitting up slightly, the glow of the moon filtering through the window, casting a gentle light on them.
Little Rian, their unborn son, was being quite active that night. Rayla could feel the tiny movements, the little kicks and nudges that made her smile. Callum’s hand followed each movement, his touch soothing and tender.
“He’s really active tonight,” Callum murmured, his voice filled with wonder.
Rayla smiled, her eyes fluttering shut as she relaxed into his embrace. “Yeah, he’s giving me quite the workout,” she teased softly, her words laced with warmth.
Callum chuckled, his gaze fixed on her stomach, watching in awe as Rian moved. “I still can’t believe this is real,” he whispered, his voice thick with emotion.
Rayla opened her eyes, tilting her head to look up at him. “It is,” she assured him gently, her hand covering his, pressing his palm more firmly against her. “He’s our son, Callum. And he’s perfect.”
Callum’s eyes softened as he looked down at her, his heart swelling with love and gratitude. “You’re perfect, too,” he said, leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead.
Rayla laughed softly, her breath tickling his neck. “You’re such a sap,” she teased, but her voice was filled with affection.
Callum grinned, his lips brushing against her temple. “Only for you,” he murmured, his voice full of love.
They stayed like that for a while, just enjoying the quiet moments, the warmth of each other’s presence, and the tiny, miraculous life growing between them. Callum’s fingers continued their gentle dance on Rayla’s stomach, soothing both her and their little one until the movements slowed and Rian settled down.
“Thank you,” Rayla whispered after a while, her voice barely audible.
“For what?” Callum asked, his thumb brushing over her skin in slow, comforting strokes.
“For this,” she said, her hand still resting on his. “For being here. For loving me.”
Callum’s heart filled with the depth of his feelings for her. “I’ll always be here, Rayla,” he promised, his voice unwavering. “Always.”
The dim light of the nursery cast a soft glow as Rayla sat on the edge of Rian’s bed, her fingers gently brushing through his white hair, which was already showing signs of the tiny blue horns that would someday match hers. Stella, ever the loyal cuddlemonkey, was already curled up beside the little halfling, her eyes drooping as she nestled closer.
Rayla smiled down at the two of them, her heart full as she began to sing a lullaby, her voice soft and soothing. It was the same lullaby she had sung to Stella many times, the same one her parents had sung to her when she was little. But tonight, she sang in Elvish, the ancient language of her people, the words flowing from her lips like a gentle breeze.
“Ged tha ‘n t-adhar dorch’ an nochd,
Tha mi ‘n soills’ air do shon, a ghràidh.
Tha a’ ghealach nas motha na a solas,
tha mi faisg; tha mo ghaol an seo.”
The melody was soft and lilting, each note carrying a promise of comfort and love. As Rayla sang, she watched Rian’s eyelids grow heavy, his little hand clutching Stella’s fur as he drifted closer to sleep. Stella, too, was lulled by the gentle song, her small body relaxing fully against Rian’s side.
Unbeknownst to Rayla, Callum had quietly finished his task of blowing out the candles downstairs and had come to the nursery, drawn by the sound of her voice. He leaned against the doorway, his heart swelling with love as he watched her. Just when he thought he couldn’t fall any more in love with her, Rayla always managed to surprise him.
Rayla’s song tapered off into a soft hum, and when she was sure both Rian and Stella were asleep, she carefully laid them down, pulling the blanket up to their chins. She pressed a gentle kiss to Rian’s forehead, then to Stella’s, before standing up.
Callum moved towards her, wrapping his arm around her waist from behind. He pressed a kiss to her temple, his voice a soft murmur in her ear. “You sound like an angel, love.”
A coy smile tugged at Rayla’s lips as she leaned into his embrace. “You’re such a sap, you know that?”
Callum just chuckled, his breath warm against her skin. “It’s true,” he said softly, tightening his hold on her.
Rayla sighed contentedly, letting herself relax fully in his arms. “I suppose I can’t argue with that,” she teased, tilting her head back to look up at him.
He met her gaze with a playful smile, his eyes twinkling with affection. “And I don’t mind one bit,” he added, pressing a quick kiss to her lips.
Rayla rolled her eyes, but her smile never wavered. “You’re impossible.”
“Only because I love you so much,” Callum replied, his tone sincere as he brushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear.
Rayla’s expression softened, her heart swelling with love for the man she had chosen to spend her life with. “I love you too, Callum,” she whispered, turning in his arms so she could face him fully.
Callum’s hands slid to rest on her hips as he leaned in, capturing her lips in a gentle kiss. It was a kiss filled with all the love, all the gratitude he felt for the life they had built together. When they finally pulled apart, they stood there for a moment, foreheads touching, just breathing in each other’s presence.
“We’re so lucky,” Callum said softly, his voice full of emotion.
Rayla nodded, her eyes shining as she looked into his. “Yeah, we are.”
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byghostface · 2 years
Can't stop thinking about how Stella's design is basically Stitch + Momo hybrid
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raayllum · 3 months
the thing is like... if Rayla had never come back, Callum would've been fine.
Worried and emotionally hurt, maybe. He's clearly not doing well in early S4. But he's safe. He's at home, he's well-fed, he's surrounded by his support system even if he doesn't always lean on them (and I think that's true for just about everyone, within TDP or in real life). He still opens up to and lets Ezran comfort him, he's still exchanging letters with Amaya, he has a room full of people excited to celebrate his birthday and appreciates their efforts. He's still excited about and is studying magic, reading up on the primals, investigating the mirror. He's not in immediate danger; he's not self destructing. If he gets sick because of the cold, or breaks a bone because a magic spell has gone wrong, there are people right there to help him, to take care of him.
Meanwhile Rayla is off in Xadia on her own. Her cloak is tattered and torn. Is she always eating well? She struggles to forage a bit in S1 but Xadia would probably be more plentiful. Unless she got hurt, and sprained something. Or attacked by a wild animal. How far is the nearest town, anyway? The nearest medic? Ten miles? Guess she just has to tough it out until then. Cloak drawn up no matter the weather, wind or storm or shine or snow. If she only has enough for her or Stella to have their bellies full, who do we think she's going to give it to? If she gets sick, how much can a little cuddlemonkey do? If she breaks down weeping, who does she have to talk to? To pull her close or rest a comforting hand on her shoulder and tell her everything is going to be okay? She has Stella, I guess, but there were months alone before then. Stella also never seems to really be able to comfort her when she is having breakdowns in S4 and S5, so Stella's helpful, but not a replacement for having, y'know, people there to help.
And the one concrete thing we know about her time away is her time in Scumport, in which she participates in a fighting ring and gets the crap kicked out of her, and is injured again when she encounters a dark mage named Tressal. That's at the end of her journey. How many more things happened while she was gone? Not because she was taking risks, but by happenstance, by accident, because travelling all alone for two years in the wild and trying to find people who would see you as spell ingredients is naturally dangerous.
Rayla left, and Callum was fine, physically if nothing else. She was not, point blank, physically risking anyone else's life when she left. Full stop. Their emotional states are another story.
But if Rayla never came back, she would be Dead.
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