EQ:What determines an effective career plan?
The individual has preconceived notions about career. These may have been formed by the people significant to him: parents, relatives, teachers, and friends. At other times they may been caused by certain desires, motives, or ambitions. These notions may all be true. They may also be false or irrelevant. 
Clarifying ideas about career can be done well ahead. The individual can and must be made to realize how he will fit into the real world of work with all the baggage of expectations and ambitions he brings with him. Much like the traveler who is off to a distant land, he must have realistic expectations of where he is going to be able to make necessary preparations for the trip and his stay there.
Sound decision in choosing a career can be made when the individual has adequate knowledge of the different aspects of the particular career path he is interested in. Necessary information because the career he chooses will determine his future life style. When it comes to navigating your career, each of you has a choice to make: settle for what comes your way and make the best of it or reach for the stars and tackle every obstacle that stands in your way. I know that sounds like a very “black and white” decision, but, when it comes to this particularly thorny question, I do believe you ultimately do have to choose. There simply is no “middle of the road” answer that works, in my experience.
While it’s clearly a tough and very personal decision that nobody should deprive you of, knowing what to expect from each of the two paths might make your decision and maybe even your journey a little easier and perhaps more successful. Since I decided long ago that the path of least resistance was not for me, I can’t tell you much about that. But I can tell you everything you want to know about the road less travelled – the one full of possibilities and pitfalls, opportunities and obstacles, and dreams that at least have the possibility of coming true.
Once you accept that competition is just life’s way of weeding out the weak, you eventually figure out that confronting challenges head on and with a can-do attitude will lead to positive results. And that in turn leads to the conclusion that you’re at your best because of life’s challenges, not in spite of them. From there it’s just a short step to the realization that you should constantly challenge yourself, so that’s what I’ve always done. I never settled for less than I thought I could achieve. That kept my professional growth and career trajectory moving up and to the right.
Lastly, it should come as no surprise that doing what genuinely interests and excites you will probably lead to the best outcome. Our lives are constantly in flux. Events change our perception and our perspective changes with experience. It’s only natural that our personal and professional goals and interests would also evolve over time.
So don’t feel pressured to find that “one thing” or do it until the end of time.Life is long and your career is a marathon, not a sprint. Don’t hesitate to pivot and change direction as needed. It’s important to think about what you like to do, because work will eventually be a big part of your life. The whole purpose of thinking about careers is so that when you go to the workforce, you wake up in the morning and look forward to going to work. 
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cageacolyte15-blog · 8 years
A Letter to My Brother
Dear Kuya, I want you to know how thankful I am to have you as my brother. You have always been there for us to support us. I know that as an eldest you usually assumes a lot of responsibilities. I know that you may feel a lot of pressure because there are so many people who expect so much from you and think highly of you. I know that you are doing your best as an eldest son. You are trying to fulfill all your duties and responsibilities. Don't fret bro. We are always here for you. We will always support you. You can depend on us. Hey, that is what family is for right? You have done so much for me. We may have our arguments and differences but we still reconcile. Nothing will ever change how much you mean to me. Take care always. We wouldn't want you to feel stressful and become sick. Just remember that we are a family. No matter what happens, in times of troubles and in ups and downs, we will always be here for you. Stay cool! 😊 Sincerely yours, Rem ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ Dearest Rem, I am grateful for the letter. I am also thankful to have a brother who is always around to help me and support me. I know that I can always rely on you guys. I will do my best as the eldest in our family. I promise to take care of our family. I will fulfill my duties and responsibilities. I won't fret because I know that you are always here for me. I will always take care of my self. 😉 Sincerely yours, Kuya
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maesterarryn-blog · 8 years
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don’t trust anyone immediately 
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sarahpabericio-blog · 8 years
Dear Ate Sar
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rokkunsempai-blog · 8 years
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Religious Education Performance Task
By recognizing God’s existence and his creations we become strong and courageous instead of being doubtful and afraid that is because we know God is with us always wherever and whenever we need or don’t need him he is always watching us and we have faith in him. That is what makes a true Christian Filipino in my opinion. 
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bedessenpai-blog · 8 years
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A true Christian Filipino means being Spirit-Oriented. Yes! Bible is indeed the most important thing in our lives simply because it is God’s word. When you read the Bible, you read a message from God Himself. When the Bible speaks, God speaks. I still believe that God will do miracles in my life.
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tata-jose-blog · 8 years
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“The Genogram”
A genogram of the Pangilinan Family. :D
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A good leader is one who is strong, selfless, has a vision and knows what to do with his followers like the man in the video.
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EQ:What determines an effective career plan?
Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions you will make in life.  It's about so much more than deciding what you will do to make a living. To start with, think about the amount of time we spend at work. We are on the job approximately 71% of every year. Over our lifetimes, this comes to roughly 31½ years out of the 45 years most of us spend working, from the beginning of our careers until retirement.
The importance of selecting a career with which we are satisfied cannot be overemphasized. While some people are lucky enough to just know what they want to do and end up in satisfying careers without giving it much thought, most of us are not. Many people don't put enough effort into choosing occupations or pick them for the wrong reasons. Maybe they choose careers that seem secure or pay well. They then end up unhappy.
The best way to make sure that doesn't happen to you is to make a well-thought out decision- smart choices. And the worst thing you can do is choose a career to please someone else. Don’t pass-up opportunities to learn and experience new things. Many teachers offer or assign summer and supplemental reading lists — look at these as opportunities for growth rather than a drag on your summer. The more you read, the more you’ll know. It’s a cliche, but knowledge is power.
Bob Parsons - founder and CEO of GoDaddy.com. He had a blog posting one time where he spoke about what he overcame in the pursuit of his dreams. I learned he definitely wasn't an overnight success and experienced a lot of failure on the way. But, he kept his vision in his mind at all times and said, "I spent very little time looking back or feeling sorry for myself."
Another awesome quote from the blog posting was, "Quitting is easy. The easiest thing to do in the world is to quit and give up on your dreams (and quite frankly, that’s what all the non-risk takers want you to do)." Thus, among the goals an individual sets, he is bound to achieve only to those most important and meaningful to them.
High school is a real transition time for teens, as you move into adulthood and the more adult issues of work, careers, and college. It should be a time of growth as well as a time of challenge. Thus, making smart choices while you keep on moving forward will be your stamina whatever comes your way. Have fun, but get the best education you can so that you are positioned to take advantage of further educational opportunities… and no matter where you go after high school, never stop learning and growing.
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maesterarryn-blog · 8 years
many out there are desiring to be a leader but dont know how to be one maybe they wanted to be one cuz their in charge, the big guy, mr nothing to do, just command sit back and let them do things, a good leader should also be a part of the group should be the guy that every member should look up to in a good way and a good follower should be the one thats going to be the leader someday ready to know things, know how to cooperate, and follow without and probelm
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sarahpabericio-blog · 8 years
My Kind of Love
My first love and forever love. He’s the one that let me enter this world and blessed me with a family whom I love. His love for me is eternal and cannot measured. He loved me for who I am and what I’ve done to fail Him but He accepted me with all of my sins and flaws. He is enough for me. His love is all I need. He scarified His own son for me to be sin-free but all i did was to be a stubborn kid. Yet, He still love me. I won’t ever replace anything for His love. His love endures forever and shall do I. 
He’s my Father, the God Almighty and my first and forever love.
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rokkunsempai-blog · 8 years
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The Genogram
My Father’s family is on the left side he has 2 siblings 1 is his older brother and younger sister.My Mother’s Family is on the right and yes those are her siblings there were 9 of them before but since unfortunately one of them passed away there are now 8 of them healthy and living. Then my Mom and Dad met and you know made us I have an older and a younger sister. Thats pretty much it :D
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bedessenpai-blog · 8 years
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Dear Friend,
You have one of the closest people in my life that has been there for me always. Today through this beautiful card, I thank you and appreciate our strong and long lasting friendship we have shared always from years. To my friend who has been there every day by my side, I appreciate your effort and our friendship always and thank you for the love and support you have showered on me always.
his Reply:
Hahahaha! salamat pud bro sa tanan sa mga fun and amazing moments nga atong gi share, dili jud to nko malimtan. Have a great day and stay awesome.
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tata-jose-blog · 8 years
“Dear Ate/Kuya”
Dear Kuya Saki,
It’s hard for me to stay happy always. I hope I can manage to be more positive in my life, rather to be negative. I need the life by boosting my self-esteem, to conquer fear and replace it with joy in my heart.
                                                                              Sincerely yours,
Dear Sachi,
I can have as much time to keep you stay happy always. Don’t be focus on the things that lets you down, but try to develop your positivity that replaces fear with joy. Always be happy!
                                                                               Sincerely yours,
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I know.. the drawing sucks..
To improve study habits, you MUST always set a goal;Otherwise your studying would be aimless and later on you ask yourself,”Why am I studying, again?”
After setting a goal, NEVER steer away from your goal, or setting a goal would be simply useless! You should work hard, listen to discussions, make studying a priority, never settle for less, and be optimistic!!
If studying seems boring, always try to look at your notes at a perspective which is interesting for you, as it may be a good place to start studying. If you can’t find any, make it interesting yourself! How? Manipulate the topic/s into something which you think will benefit you in the future! This will result in an increase of your productivity and you will enjoy studying!
Does it seem lacking? Set the mood of the room, where you are studying, into something that is conducive for learning for YOU! Make sure it won’t bother you from studying! How do you set the mood of the room into something conducive for learning? Well, do you like listening to music? Playing music while studying may be good for you and it may improve your study habit/s! Also, some people tend to eat food when studying, it just varies on the person!
I hope these tips will produce good results! Try hard to reach your goal!
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