ploookok-blog · 8 years
What does it take to be a good leader?
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1.       Sense of humour
Always keep things in perspective and balance because to be a good leader you must also consider the thoughts of others. Use laughter and humour appropriately as an effective stress releaser as well as team builder; smile and laugh often appreciating the positive in all situations.
 2.       Influencing
Develop a deep understanding of need of different people that surrounds you. Help them as what they need and gain their support. For change to impact in a way that engages responsiveness and commitment.
 3.       Proactive
Able to anticipate future needs, look ahead, be forward-thinking and translate goals and objectives into strategies, both short-term and long-term; and see all possibilities
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lrk-spr-blog · 8 years
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(Note: Aileen’s spouse and child/children are interchange with Annabelle’s, since Aileen is the older on than Annabelle. Some of the boxes don’t have necessary information since my mom forgot info about them pips.)
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maesterarryn-blog · 8 years
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don’t trust anyone immediately 
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pizzamentality-blog · 8 years
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Dear Huey
Well, there’s nothing much to say. I just want you to know that no matter how rough life can get, no matter how the storm may be that dark, and no matter how painful the rain is hitting your skin, life is beautiful. If you are in the rough roads, learn to rest. If you are under the storm, learn to wait. If you are under the rain, learn to take cover. Life might be ugly and scarred. But if we learn to paint it, to mould it to our favor, life gets a shade brighter and a bit clearer. Make yourself as a painter and life your canvas. You’ll learn in time that the greatest paintings are not the ones that hang on the wall, but rather they are the ones who only exists in moments and is only captured in our hearts. Best of blessings in life!
-love, Denzel
Dear Denzel
Well said, at first  I always feel like I am useless and that I am very bad at things that I do. I always think that people around me are annoyed with everything I do. Sometimes I get emotional due to simple things. I am really not motivated at all to do anything. But thank you for this very inspiring message, Thanks Denz!  Wish you all the best! Godbless
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thejosephjames-blog · 8 years
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“The Emotion Challenge”
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denisecaballo-blog · 8 years
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scpantillo-blog · 8 years
Dear Kuya Geyv,
I feel lost. I feel lost from my own self. I was once this motivated and happy kid. And now I feel tired. I just don’t care about anything anymore. In school, I no longer find happiness in doing work. I do it because I have to. I sometimes feel that everything that’s asked of me to do is suffocating. I’m sick of the same routine. I may have become uniterested as well on almost everything. I’m tired. I’m stressed out. Please help. ————————————— Dearest Geyv,
I know you and you’re right. You are happy and eager. I have seen you grow and also, I quite agree on what you expressed. Seeing you change also made me question what happened to you.
Let’s try to go back. Let’s retrospect. What kept you motivated before and did this motivation made you happy? Remember that we motivate ourselves from things that accompany us like our friends to help us achieve our goals. Maybe what you are after right now is the reward in the end. Stop focusing about rewards. Sometimes, the most rewarding things are not those that are found in the end, but along the way of the getting those targets. I am sensing you feel so pressured about getting those credits at the end of high school. It’s okay and there’s nothing wrong about it. But if this goal of yours disrupts your happiness and corrupts your character, then this isn’t healthy anymore. You might become separated or detached from the true you. We achieve our goals genuinely by struggling, but with sincere acceptance and compassion. I don’t know what it holds in the end to do and have something that was made out of force. Let things flow naturally and come in your way, and always take control.
You mentioned you’re stressed out right. Maybe because you have been trying to perfect everything. I know you always want perfection. But remember these lines from Seth Godin, “Waiting for perfect is never as smart as making progress.” Nothing’s wrong with aiming for perfection becuase this only shows for your commitment or dedication on your work. However, too much of it is not also healthy as this causes you to think too much and leads to stress. Then you said you become uninterested. This is a negative side effect of stress. Because of your brain being drained and strained, you can no longer apprecaite things and deny its purpose.
Maybe what you’re experiencing is just part of you growing up. Your period is the most vulnerable I guess because of the several changes and challenges along the way. Just keep in mind that these challenges are not for you to be toppled but for you to be grounded in life. Later on the learnings you have will help you grow and become mature. I’m so glad you wrote me this letter. This only shows that you are aware of yourself and this is a sign of your development for you have tried to assess how you are as a person. I know you Geyv. I have faith in you. You can overcome this current conditions. Remember that life has more to offer so keep sailing. Thank you for trusting me as well. I hope this helps.
Love, Kuya Geyv
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ploookok-blog · 8 years
Emotion Challenge
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1.       Don’t react away
Don’t react away because there are many problems that you don’t need to react immediately because for me reacting away is not in my vocabulary. Reacting away makes simple problems bigger. Reacting away makes chaos and sometimes it make things worse.
 2.       Take a deep breathe
Taking a deep breath makes you control the feelings or emotions that you are into, because taking a deep breath it will make you get rid of fighting or arguing to a person. Taking a deep breath will control your emotions.
3.       Forgive and Forget
Forgiving a person is not hard. But forgetting what person is doing is very hard, because it’s easy to forgive than to forget. You can’t forget the things that person do to you.  Specially things that is very unforgettable.
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lrk-spr-blog · 8 years
Dear Kuya Man,
First impression was like maldito(HAHAHAHHA), then I realized that you were approachable and friendly. For the following days training with you, thank you for teaching what you have experienced because I knew that you played volleyball much longer than I have. It was explicit. Through time we manage to get close and personal(heh), shared our experiences, improve and hone our skills, and be joyful to each other’s presence. Laughing when with you. 
Just wanna say thank you for all time that nagkuyog tas padung training, sa recess time, ug uban pa. Bisan wa jd koi confidence atong panahon pero ni tabangan jd ko timo. Lamat jd kaau bai. Hope na sa mga kalisud nimo dira sa imong lyfe, ma kaya nimo kai kabalo man ko na ma kaya jd nimo, libero to starting setter makaya nimo, setting drills, gen.math ug uban pa. Ni kaya nimo ug ni tabangan pd ko nimo physically and mentally the moment nagkaila ta. Your a hardworking person as it seems and I admire your aspiration and passion in your craft. 
Ana lng dayun, hope that in life you will find a better meaning and chance to find yourself and what you do in life. Thank you and God Bless.
                                                                                            Your friend,
Salamat Lark, wa ko ga expect na in ana ka ka supportive sa ako a(heh), salamat sa imong message nimo para sa ako a ug I really appreciate it. Thanks for being there where I need your support, ‘cause sometimes I feel that I’m not good enough but you, you stayed and stand there, cheering for me that I could do it and that I should never give up. Showing me that I should not give up in what I love. The HARDER the STRUGGLE, the GREATER the TRIUMPH.
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maesterarryn-blog · 8 years
many out there are desiring to be a leader but dont know how to be one maybe they wanted to be one cuz their in charge, the big guy, mr nothing to do, just command sit back and let them do things, a good leader should also be a part of the group should be the guy that every member should look up to in a good way and a good follower should be the one thats going to be the leader someday ready to know things, know how to cooperate, and follow without and probelm
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roeeendanieeel-blog · 8 years
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The Genogram 
Each of us have difficulties in life, that is absolutely true. But with a friend who can support you through your hardships in life, then you’ll make it.
A family is what makes you happy. It is the one who makes you look good, do good and eat good. 
Your family will support you no matter what. And in the future, you’ll be shifting roles. You’ll be the one to take good care of your family, the old family and the new. 
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thejosephjames-blog · 8 years
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This works for me too!
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denisecaballo-blog · 8 years
The first time I lay my eyes on you was the first time I had wished for something that I know is impossible to happen. But then.....it happened. 
The kind of love that I have been looking for ever since i was a kid. I thank the heavens that fate have tricked me so much and that is when I met you accidentally on the coffee shop. My wishes before became true the moment you flashed that smile on your face. It gave me that tingling feeling inside me that triggers me to fall more on you. 
I didn’t expect things to happen as I wished before. That you would hold my hand every time we’ll cross the street coz you’re scared I might get to an accident because I don’t know how to cross. You would play with my hand and thumb, not because you liked it, but because like what your mom said, it’s a mannerism of her showing her love to a person, that’s why you do that, because you’re showing me how you love me. 
A kind of love that I had been seeking before. Where you will always look after me even if we’re far from each other. Call me every morning and every night just so you could make sure that I am fine. When I am sad or when I am not in the mood to talk to everyone, you would just stay by my side and wait for me to call your name. You make me feel so important above every one.
You would always ask me to go to church and pray for the blessings that He gave to us. You never left me when I am in my darkest time, instead, you stayed and you keep on reminding me that everything will be alright so I better not do things that I will regret soon. When I lost my hope for everything, you were there to hold me tight and embrace me. 
We would fight on petty things but still, at the end of the day, we would both apologize to each other. You are there to hear my resentment. You are there watching me in my agony. You were there to calm me after the storm I had made and will brush my back while hugging me, saying sweet nothings. 
A kind of love that I grieve. A kind of love where I can no longer feel.... because I pushed you... and now the things that I had wished you did while you were still with me...you did it to another person. The person who I have known longer than you did. 
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ploookok-blog · 8 years
How To Study And Improve One’s Study Habits
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 1.       Take it easy.
Don’t expect if you can’t memorize everything after you read it.  If you study you must
Have big patience and try to start in the beginning so that you wouldn’t be confused as you go along.
 2.       Be positive
Be positive so that you can set goals and understand the topic clearly. Because when you are in a positive mode you can learn easily. Looking the topic positively makes you easily to learn and it motivate you to study.
 3.       Give yourself a break
Don’t study in long period of time because if you study long period of time you won’t learn anything. Give yourself a break because taking a break makes you motivated again. So that your brain will be relax.
 4.       Reviewing or take down note as you study
Review and recall all the important details that you study. Note the steps or write the important details of the topic. So that you won’t forgot the important details of the topic.
This is some of my tips to study easily and I’m sure it will improve your studying habits. For me study is the key of success, because studying makes perfect. Practicing and studying is somewhat the same, you must work hard to achieve goals to be successful.  
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lrk-spr-blog · 8 years
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Having hard time studying or even improving one’s study habits. Then this study habits of mine might help you too.
Study with a partner or in groups, and peer teach
Rather than living in a cave with your nose in the books all day, grab a friend from your class and study with them. Group studying helps you to engage and process the information more deeply. You can also divide the class topics and take turns teaching them as creatively as you like. Sometimes the best way to learn something is to teach it, even if you haven’t mastered it yet. Actively engaging the information with someone else not only helps you to learn, but makes studying more enjoyable. Just avoid turning your sessions into social hour. Have fun with it
Paint bigger pictures
Finding ways to connect what you are learning to real life or to other related concepts. It’s harder to remember each piece of a puzzle individually than it is to recall the completed picture. Finding ways to relate pieces of information to help each other and cluster them.
Feed your brain
A hungry brain is an ineffective one. Our brain needs the proper nutrients to keep it going. Because of this, what you eat and drink also play a huge role in how sharp your brain is. Healthy foods provide nutrients to your brain cells to keep them energized; junk foods increase fatigue and tend to lead to the infamous food coma. Hydration is equally important. Your brain cells need water to function properly and increase their efficiency. Staying hydrated is known to combat anxiety and increase short-term and long-term memory function.
Take breaks
Taking breaks should be added to one’s study habits or even improving it. Researchers researched that people who study in long-term hours  tends to have difficulty remember what they have studied rather than those who take breaks, it is ideal to take breaks in between every 30-minutes of studying, since the brain can function properly and it can take rest. And in certain times, maybe if there is a pop quiz tomorrow, you might be able to remember those historical facts you studied yesterday.
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maesterarryn-blog · 8 years
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I don’t even know whats the connection between this photo and what am about to discuss this photo i guess is the only photo that i have that can relate to what is emotional management is. for me its maybe pulling yourself together, knowing how to control your emotion especially when feeling strong emotions, and how to counter it, or doing something that will make you forget about things, maybe for me the way i manage my emotion is by listening to music and watching the kind of view behind me at the same time in this way i feel completely nothing i feel so relaxed 
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