#Steve Armstrong
mayadoesfandomstuff · 21 days
Couldn't get back to sleep so I've just been thinking about Voltes 5 honestly. Eva is such a stereotypical bitchy girlfriend that would make you root for Steve to get with Jamie and honestly props to the writers for having her break up with him when she discovers that Steve's been crushing hard on Jamie even when they were still together, but she did it in such a dickish way that you go back into thinking she's a bitch. Like, girl, his mom just died could you have done this more tactfully???
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cyavillaarts · 1 year
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Voltes V
Steve, Jaime, Mark, Little Jon and Big Bert
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magicaldogtoto · 1 year
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Don’t piss off a ninja.
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bimonchipmunk · 2 months
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Adah sketch stuff
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amaised44 · 8 months
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thespoliarium · 11 months
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chichi wo motomete
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nightrae13 · 1 year
(SPOILERS) Voltes V Legacy episode 35 is just ChicoHani’s Sekoi lol
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(SPOILERS FOR VOLTES V LEGACY) I know the romance is something most fans barely care for, but since the most of the episode about the love triangle, specifically centering about Mark opening up to (what he should have known was) his rival, about his growing feelings for the person who was so kind to him (Jamie), reminded me of Sekaiwa Koi ni Oichiteru, I decided to post something like this lol. It’s basically the same situation except of which pair became (or would be) endgame. I honestly feel bad for both like I did for Sekoi. On one hand, you have this person who felt like it was an obligation as a friend to match-make their friends even if they’re clearly hurting (Tsubomi & Steve), while on the other side was a someone who had some dreams that would soon crush as, on the way, would have to choose their friend’s feelings over their own as well even if it’d hurt them (Misaki and Mark). To be fair, Tsubomi was oblivious to her feelings while Steve had been crushing on Jamie since the beginning. However, I could have not been the one seeing the parallels lol. Anyway, few would only care for this, but I just wanted to share my thoughts ^^ I honestly feel heartbroken for both of them in advance lol.  Anyway, I hope the subplot won’t be messy and take over the main story. It’d be a shame to let these great characters just be stuck in a love triangle after all.
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robotshowtunes · 1 year
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親にはぐれた ひなどりも いつかはやさしい ふところに
Background photo by Dawid Zawiła on Unsplash
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pink-carnelian · 9 months
The “he was kinda cute when he was young lol” to “I need to fuck that old man nasty style” pipeline
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operafantomet · 5 months
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MY CHEMICAL RAOULMANCE (...hussarlicious...!)
Vale Ridout and Corps de Ballet, Hamburg
Steve Barton, West End
Hwang Gun Ha, Seoul
Jemal Felix, West End revival
Fred Silveira and ensemble, Sao Paulo
Joe Griffiths-Brown, West End revival
Jay Armstrong Johnson, Broadway
Joe Friffiths-Brown, West End revival
Michael Ball and Rebecca Caine, West End
Jeremy Taylor, West End
Jeremy Hays, Broadway
Alexander Lewis, World Tour
Greg Mills, Kyle Barisich, Carrington Vilmonth, Paul Schaefer and Jeremy Stolle, Broadway
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cha0stheatre · 7 months
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(making a new edition that's actually editable. XD)
Steven Adler {1/22}
Steve Perry {1/22}
Steve Riley {1/22 R.I.P. ❤️}
Nick Simmons {1/22}
Eddie Van Halen {1/26 R.I.P. ❤️}
Tom Keifer {1/26}
Jaime St. James {1/27}
Adam Lambert {1/29}
Eddie Jackson {1/29}
Adrian Vandenberg {1/31}
Jani Lane {2/1 R.I.P. ❤️}
Alice Cooper {2/4}
Duff McKagan {2/5}
Axl Rose {2/6}
Vince Neil {2/8}
Rachel Bolan {2/9}
Cliff Burton {2/10 R.I.P. ❤️}
Billie Joe Armstrong {2/17}
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cyavillaarts · 1 year
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Steve Armstrong
Kenichi Goh
Voltes V
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steve-smackdown · 11 months
Bracket 4, Round 3
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I didn’t include too many big names because they’d overwhelmingly win.
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trickster-archangel · 9 months
Random thoughts about Hawaii Five-0 rewatch: part 1/?
So, as someone of my mutuals already knows, I'm currently undergoing the exhausting task of checking all the fucking 61 DVDs from the H50 box set before the 30-days guarantee expires, because it's physically impossible to watch them all completely in that time, even if I took 1 month leave. So I'm simply skipping back and forth and leaving the regular rewatch for when my life will be less of a living hell...so, supposedly around 2038...
I have one complaint, which is the subtitles are not completely matching all dialogues, but since my brain only needs them until it's switched to English-mode and I can start understanding it again, I guess it's alright. Second complaint: they're fucking HUGE and OVERLAPPING THE SCENES SO RANDOMLY IT HURTS.
Anyway, I've by now processed only s1-s5, and dude....some things I caught in the deleted scenes (which I've watched entirely) AND in some parts of the commentaries I specifically sought because curiosity won, and which I've never seen giffed or captioned....man, I was so angry and disappointed at times. So I thought I'd be randomly processing them here, no pics sorry, only thoughts.
~~~~~~more under the cut~~~~~~
Thought #1: Alex and Scott goofing around.
Trust me. The gag reels are so much better than you'd expect. At times I was genuinely laughing to tears and god knows how rare it is.
What I loved most was to watch that scene where Alex and Scott start cussing in Italian, and I bet no one who's not Italian could understand a fuck about what they're yelling. Best part, though, were the subtitles, captioning ALEX AND SCOTT: SWEARING IN ITALIAN 😂 Just to make sure what language exactly they were using.
Thought #2: missed chance to make Amber's character less of a plastic doll, or: Why did you fucking cut those 57 seconds?!?!
While watching s5 deleted scenes, I stumbled upon two real jewels from the 24th episode. I'm still trying to understand why they couldn't include them in the canon episode, since both of them combined are less than a minute and surely there were other moments that could've been cut. My only explanation, sadly, is that it would've painted Amber in quite a different light, making her a stronger, rounder character, and giving her an agency we rarely saw in her, except when confronting her ex husband. They could've followed that route, but we cannot have a beautiful woman who's also her own person, a self-confident person, and not just a plastic Barbie doll, right?! God forbid a woman can have agency and call out men on their bullshit, it would threat masculine privilege too much....
So, what exactly happened that bothered me so deeply? (Be aware I'm quoting by heart and not literally, as I didn't take screenshots and anyway I can't make gifs. Also, the following meta is just my interpretation of the implications running through subtext).
The first scene is very short, just six or seven seconds long, but it's a jewel in subtext and non-verbal communication. It takes place presumably after or around the moment Rachel tells Danny about Charlie: we see them from afar, clearly in a street-taken point of view, from an external observer. They are agitated and distressed, Rachel more than Danny, who's tensely spread on the bench with his arms looped behind the backrest, angling far from Rachel's compact and almost self-hugging frame.
They're distressed, not happy, not even remotely connecting to each other, so it's clear it's not a scene which could be envisioned as romantic. It's only a couple of seconds long, and then we see whose this external point of view belongs to: Amber. Amber who's not an idiotic, mellow, shallow doll. Amber who's been so clearly upset by Danny's lie about the texts, that she decided to follow him to the place Rachel had indicated. Amber who's been manipulated and controlled and abused long enough to become suspicious and self-preserving when someone she loves, and who knows her vulnerability, tries to play her around. Amber who looks at them, and clearly isn't angry nor jealous, because those few moments the actress uses to convey all of Amber's inner distress, are some of her best ones (giving that the actress, alas, is not very expressive to begin with), and we understand that she doesn't see any romance in the air. She's disappointed. She's hurt. Betrayed. Again.
Amber's face, in a handful of seconds, perfectly displays the devastating feeling of someone who finally felt safe and respected and secure, only to discover that it's yet another kind of control and manipulation, less cruel, less brutal, but not less humiliating and even worrying.
This is something she's learnt at her expense, and now that she knows the red flags, she cannot trust a man who can't be honest with her, not with this kind of problems, not with something which is clearly affecting his life to a deep level. He wants Amber to be a part of his life, but only if he can control the terms, limits, boundaries and times of their relationship. And Amber has been through it all before, and can't trust that history won’t repeat itself.
She then drives away, hurt and disappointment written all over her face.
The second deleted scene is even more important plotwise, because it explains Amber's absence as Danny’s plus one at Kono's wedding, after all the talk he did in the car about bringing some Amber's friend as Steve's date, and it casts a new light over Danny's reaction to Steve's resolve to ask Cath to marry him, or his tension about Lynn, or Amber's condistent absence for the whole first part of s6, or even Danny's and Amber's fight during their Valentine's dinner.
The scene is longer, about fifty seconds, and it supposedly takes place right at the end of the episode, after Danny pulls up at the hospital's parking lot, after Steve's affectionate text. He takes his phone out of his pocket again because he's received a voice-mail message.
A message from Amber (sorry, I noticed just now I'm still going with Amber instead of Melissa).
She says she's sorry to be doing this by voice-mail because she'd prefer to do it in person, but given their situation it's probably for the best if she spares them both the trouble to be forced to find shallow excuses. She says he's an amazing man, and that she likes what they have and that she thinks it might be real, and that she hopes he feels the same. She's understanding that his job comes first and it's terribly demanding, as she's also aware of how hard his life and his backstory is, with Grace and Rachel. This all considered, she thinks it's best if they stop and take a pause, so that he can reflect and decide if he wants to keep this thing going, but as for now, she can't keep seeing him on these terms.
Amber decided to stop seeing Danny until he decided what to do with their relationship and be honest with her, and started thinking seriously if he was just using her, as she probably felt.
Why?? Why did they cut this whole plotline? It's pivotal for Danny's arc, for his strained and angry attitude towards everyone, for his constant distress, for his even worsening negativity, for the way he's overcompensating with excessive euphoria to Steve's announcement about Cath, for how he meddles with them and confronts Cath about being honest, for how he's not thrilled about Lynn's insertion inside Steve's life.
Because he's alone, at that time. Call it temporary breakup or period of reflection or a break, but he was single and thinking, again, about everything he was doing wrong with his life and his relationships, and falling again into his old black hole of depression and self-sabotage, and seeing Steve going on with his life even at the cost of pretending he was happy with this woman he had supposedly no trouble cheating on, during their "couple retreat", making him wonder if either what he had with Lynn wasn't serious, or if his obvious charade about his threesome with Alyssa and her friend had a second meaning.
Also, they were probably both single again, or at least testing the waters, when they were at the retreat. And Danny definitely was when Cath left Steve once again abandoned, betrayed, and never-chosen in face of anything else.
Quite a lot of subtext to think about, for just 57 seconds which were, prudently, cut.
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