#Steve Granat
wandanatromanoff · 1 year
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El despertador comenzó a sonar sin cesar, espabilando de golpe a la joven bruja . La sokoviana no tuvo mucho margen para reaccionar y se incorporó lo más rápido que le permitió su adormecido cuerpo sobre el colchón. Desde la muerte de Pietro, Wanda no era la misma, sentía un vacío constante instaurado en su interior. No podía comer bien, no conciliaba el sueño y no era para menos…  Su mejor amigo, su alma gemela, su hermano, se había ido para siempre y era algo que nadie le estaba enseñando a gestionar. Suerte que después de aquel episodio traumático que esperaba algún día poder superar, los vengadores se solidarizaron con ella y la dejaron convivir junto a ellos en el famoso rascacielos de Nueva York. Según el agente Rogers, con el tiempo y el control suficiente de las emociones de Wanda, la joven bruja podría llegar a convertirse en una de ellos, ser una vengadora más, situación a decir verdad, que le enorgullecía. Con su habitual parsimonia de siempre, se levantó de la cama y se cambió a una ropa similar que ya portaba antes; un pantalón de chándal negro, una sudadera granate, y unas zapatillas de deporte. Total, en el día de hoy no es que fuera a hacer mucho, ¿no?. La joven, se dirigió al pequeño mueblecito que tenía junto a su preciada guitarra y agarró la goma del pelo para recogérselo en una cómoda coleta. 
-Oh no, no, no, no…- Comenzó a maldecir en voz baja. Mierda. Su cabeza, comenzó a funcionar a 1000 por hora. ¿Cómo narices se le había olvidado? Los miércoles Natasha y Steve la esperaban en la sala de entrenamiento, para seguir con sus clases particulares. Con algo de rubor en sus mejillas debido a su despiste, salió del cuarto dispuesta a ir directamente a la sala, sin siquiera pasar a la cocina para desayunar, cuando una voz le detuvo de todas sus acciones.
-Agente Maximoff- Le llamó Natasha con su particular voz grave. Wanda se volteó lo más lento que pudo, algo abochornada. Steve la observaba con una pizca de diversión a lo contrario que su compañera, que parecía un robot sacado recientemente de la fábrica. Para que luego dijeran algo negativo de Tony pensó la pelirroja.
-Nat, perdón me he quedado dormida, y…- No fue capaz de terminar la frase. Más bien no le dejaron terminar.
-Agente Romanov para ti… Agente Maximoff, tenemos unos horarios que cumplir, no me haga perder el tiempo.- Volvió a arremeter contra ella. La sokoviana, no pudo evitar bajar la mirada con algo de temor. Una Natasha enfadada daba mucho miedo. 
-Nat, vale ya- Le pidió Steve algo serio a la susodicha. La viuda, resopló con contrariedad en respuesta a su amigo y se adelantó dirigiéndose a la sala de entrenamiento, sin siquiera echar la vista atrás.
-Lo siento Steve, no era mi intención llegar tarde- Explicó algo afligida con su característico acento.
-No te preocupes, Wanda.- Le calmó con una sonrisa, que fué devuelta.- Ya sabes cómo es Natasha, no se lo tengas en cuenta… De todas maneras, hoy no tenemos mucho tiempo para practicar, tenemos una misión importante-
-¿Qué sucede?- Preguntó preocupada al ver el rostro de su compañero. 
-Todavía nada, pero tenemos que ir a por algo… me detallarán la información más adelante, solo sé que se trata de algo delicado, un arma o algo similar, algo poderoso que podría desestabilizar el ecosistema que tenemos engranado a la perfección…-Wanda, la vida tal y cómo la conocemos ahora, se podría echar a perder… tenemos que estar preparados…- Le relató el capitán con cierta preocupación.
POV. Lilian.
Una tenue luz, comenzó a filtrarse por las rendijas de la persiana de la habitación, dándole de lleno en la cara a la única niña que yacía dentro de ella.
-¡Que viene, que viene!- Gritó Thomás sobresaltado mientras entraba corriendo a la habitación. La pequeña más alerta debido a los gritos procedentes de su amigo, se incorporó rápidamente de la cama y se acercó al chico rodeándole con sus cortos brazos.
-¿Estás preparado?- Preguntó de manera atropellada.
-Lily.. ¿y si esta vez te caes, y nos descubren?- Lily no tuvo opción a contestar a la cuestión de su amigo. De un gran impulso, saltó junto con el niño al techo de la habitación y se pegó lo máximo que pudo a la superficie alta. 
Una mujer con aspecto envejecido y un manojo de llaves entró en la sala como si le estuviera empujando un huracán al interior.
-Malditos mocosos,¡ aquí no están señor!, vamos a mirar en la cocina, igual se fueron a comer algo- Gritó Abby de manera impertinente. Cómo si de otro vendaval se tratara, la ama de llaves desapareció de la misma manera, dejando de nuevo a los chicos solos. Lilian, con el flequillo pegado a la frente debido al sudor, bajó a su amigo lentamente de nuevo, a la superficie.
-¿te encuentras bien?- Le preguntó Thomas preocupado.
-Sólo un poco cansada… nada más, no te preocupes.- Contestó en un susurro la pequeña rubia, mientras le intentaba apaciguar. El niño, que no era tonto, observaba con interés a la muchacha, esperando alguna reacción exagerada de parte de la chica. Lilian derrotada, se sentó en el enmarmolado suelo, recobrando poco a poco el aliento que le faltaba.
-Lily..- Susurró compungido.
-Lo sé Thomas, lo sé… Pero no podemos hacer nada, si nos escapamos de aquí, la policía nos va a volver a encontrar, y nos mandarán de vuelta aquí al orfanato… esto es una ratonera, una vez que entras, ya no puedes salir.-
-Ya… pero tu no eres como el resto de niños Lilian, y lo sabes… Tenemos que volver a intentarlo, no quiero volver a comer sopa agria, o estar fabricando muñecas para luego timar, y robar a la gente...- Suplicó apenado.
-Algo haremos Thom, algo haremos..- Le contestó con una sonrisa mientras le tendía la mano para reconfortarlo. Alguna solución se les ocurriría. Mejor en la calle que en ese sitio.
Natasha sigue su camino hacia la sala de entrenamiento. Lo sentía en el alma, pero aquella mujer la sacaba de sus casillas. Desde bien pequeña, a la viuda le habían enseñado a controlar sus emociones, hasta tal punto de que la gente no era capaz de leerla… Nunca sabías cuándo hablaba en serio o estaba de broma, a lo largo de los años, esta técnica le había servido a su favor y había podido conseguir sacarle el máximo partido debido a las situaciones a las que se enfrentaba, pero fué llegar la joven bruja al complejo y volver a ese sentimiento de vulnerabilidad y alerta constante. La odiaba, odiaba sentirse así de débil de cara a un desconocido. 
La espía entró a la salita de entrenamiento envuelta en un enjambre de pensamientos, seguida de unas pisadas apocadas.
-Quítate, la sudadera, vamos a empezar el entrenamiento.- Ordenó la viuda a la bruja, sin siquiera dignarse a darse la vuelta para mirarla.
-Agente Romanov,-corrigió rápidamente la Sokoviana dándose cuenta de su error.-El agente Rogers, me ha comunicado que tenemos que estar en el ala principal ,por qué...- La rusa no le dió tiempo a terminar la frase volviéndola a interrumpir.
-Si hubieras estado a la hora que habíamos acordado, no estaríamos teniendo esta conversación…, así que ponte en guardia, cuanto antes empecemos, antes acabaremos agente- Volvió a informarle de manera impasible. Natasha observó cómo la pelirroja cuadraba los hombros y su mirada se volvía sombría.
-¿Hasta cuando vas a estar así?- Le espetó la joven bruja con rabia.
-Agente...- Advirtió la rusa con sequedad.
-¡Y un cuerno Natasha!, ¿Qué narices te pasa?, ¿joder es por lo de la otra vez?, ¡ya te dije que lo siento, no era mi intención meterme en tu cabeza, ya sabes que no siempre puedo controlarlo!-
-¡SE ACABÓ!,- Gritó la rusa perdiendo de nuevo los estribos. La espía avergonzada por la confesión de la Sokoviana,  lanzó una patada al ras del suelo e hizo caer de manera abrupta a  Wanda contra el pavimento. Los ojos de la bruja se pusieron automáticamente rojos y una bruma escarlata comenzó a brotar de las palmas de sus manos. 
-Dijimos que nada de magia Maximoff, solo combate físico- Le advirtió esta vez una Natasha más preocupada que malhumorada. Wanda de manera instintiva, bajó las manos y sus ojos volvieron a su color verde habitual. 
- Estabais aquí, ya decía yo que por los gritos que estabais pegando, no podíais andar muy lejos…- Anunció Tony dejándose ver apoyado en el marco de la puerta.
-Por mucho que me gustaría ver a dos chicas pelear y sudar con sus camisetas ajustadas, hoy no es el día, Steve nos está esperando, tenemos una nueva misión, así que dejad lo que estuvierais haciendo y marchémonos- Les ordenó el millonario a ambas mujeres. La joven bruja se puso de pie de malas formas y salió de la habitación sin decir absolutamente nada.
-¿Todo bien Nat?- preguntó Tony curioso ante la situación atípica que acababa de presenciar. La viuda, se quedó ensimismada observando la puerta por dónde había desaparecido la chica, sin saber qué contestarle a su amigo. 
-Todo correcto, vámonos.- Le sugirió a su compañero, esta vez con su tono frío habitual de siempre.
La pequeña agarró la mano de su amigo decidida y salieron de puntillas de la habitación para no ser descubiertos.
-¿Algún plan Lily?- Le preguntó el muchacho en un susurro.
-Ninguno, vamos a salir de aquí primero y luego ya improvisaremos..- Le contestó con el mismo tono de voz que Thomas había usado segundos antes. De repente, sin previo aviso un estruendo derribó la puerta principal provocando que el resto de niños que se encontraban en el interior de la fundación comenzaran a gritar de pánico. De manera instintiva, el niño agarró de la mano a la niña y  tiró de nuevo hacia atrás, obligándoles de nuevo a volver a la habitación. 
-Debajo de la cama, vamos- Ordeno la rubia al muchacho. Ambos niños corrieron a meterse debajo y esperaron en silencio a escuchar algún sonido.
-Lilian, tengo miedo.- Le susurró su amigo en un puchero.
-Shh, calla o nos van a pillar..- Le pidió en voz baja mientras le agarraba la mano para tranquilizarlo. De nuevo, un golpe sordo, anunció la entrada de un nuevo invitado a la habitación. Lilian se pegó al costado de su amigo para protegerlo mientras vigilaba los pasos que poco a poco, se iban acercando a la cama dónde yacían ambos niños escondidos. La pequeña observó sin poder evitarlo, cómo con sutileza, la colcha de la cama se levantó, hasta tal punto que dejó en descubierto la cara de los dos infantes. La niña pudo observar al individuo que requería toda su atención, de cabeza plateada y ojos violetas le sonreían de manera extraña desde el otro lado de la tela, dándole un aspecto bastante fantasmagórico. 
-A ti te estaba buscando..- Le escupió con una voz metálica. 
-¿Y el resto, dónde están?- Preguntó con miedo, a sabiendas de la respuesta.
-Eso no importa ahora, te vienes con nosotros.- Volvió a repetirle la voz de manera inquisitiva. Thomas fue a agarrarle la mano a su amiga muerto de miedo debido al sujeto que tenían de frente, pero el individuo de cabeza plateada actuó antes, agarrando al niño de la mano y sacándole de la cama de un solo estirón, tirándole inmediatamente al suelo. 
La pequeña actuó lo más rápido que su cabeza se lo permitió y salió de la cama de manera veloz. Thomas yacía tumbado, sin apenas moverse. Los ojos de Lilian reflejaron un terror absoluto, ¿estaría muerto?, no podía estarlo, no, no podía estar sucediendo esto. Cabeza plateada volvió a alargar su brazo esta vez para llevarse a la niña, pero no consiguió lo esperado. Lilian temblando de cólera, levantó su pequeña mano infantil y alargó los dedos dejando un pequeño espacio visible en la palma de la mano. De la parte inferior comezó a brotar una nebulosa de color verde eléctrico invadiendo por completo sus dedos. Con rapidez, la pequeña echó la mano hacia atrás y volviéndola a lanzar hacia delante, la nebulosa se disipó de su mano, impactando de lleno en el pecho de aquel ser. Apurando el tiempo que la niña disponía,  se acercó rápidamente a su amigo incorporando levemente su cabeza.
-Thomas, Thom, Tommy-¡por favor, despierta!…- ¡Me prometiste que nos iríamos de aquí los dos!, ¡venga levanta!.- Volvió a inquirir esta vez más impaciente, al ver que su amigo seguía con los ojos cerrados. Un repetido estruendo volvió a retumbar en las paredes del cuarto, provocando que la niña volviera a desenterrar su don. Con la mano libre, agarró a su amigo de la cintura levantándolo del suelo, y con la otra en alto, apuntó a la puerta, preparada para defenderse de quien fuera. Esta vez, la puerta se abrió mostrando a una mujer, mono negro ajustado y pistolas en ambas manos, recorría la habitación con la mirada, un simple barrido bastó, para cerciorarse de que no había nadie más. El cabeza plateada había desaparecido.
-Tenemos dos niños más aquí arriba Capitán- Informó la desconocida mientras se llevaba los dedos de la mano a su oído. 
-No lo sé Steve, ahora bajamos- Volvió a repetir esta vez de manera más tensa.
-Vamos chica, tenemos que salir de aquí- Le dijo la desconocida a la pequeña que seguía con la mano en alto incapaz de moverse. 
-¡Y una mierda!, no pienso ir a ningún lado, ¡Márchate si no quieres que te mate- Advirtió la pequeña en un intento patético de amenazar a aquella mujer. Lilian, volvió a agarrar a su amigo esta vez con sus dos manos dando un paso hacia atrás alejándose lo máximo posible de la mujer. La cabeza de Lily volvió a ponerse en alerta, ¿Y si la estaban buscando por qué tenía poderes? La pequeña no volvería a usarlos, no al menos delante de esa gente, no sabía que estaba pasando pero su intuición le decía  que el motivo de todo este lío, tenía algo que ver con ella. 
Esta vez un nuevo estruendo procedente de la ventana de cristal, asustó a ambas mujeres. Lilly se giró asustada y sintió una aguja penetrar su piel. De repente sintió un cansancio absoluto y se le doblaron las piernas. ¿Qué narices le estaba pasando? sin querer, sus manos empezaron a relajarse soltando a su amigo. Cuando cerró los ojos, notó que alguien la cargaba.
-¿De verdad, Tony? ¿un calmante?- Escuchaba a lo lejos
La pequeña niña comenzó a abrir los ojos lentamente. ¿Dónde narices estaba?, espera, ¿Tenía las manos atadas a la camilla? ¿Qué era ella una cobaya? Desorientada, buscó con la mirada a su amigo mientras intentaba incorporarse lo más rápido posible. Con un simple barrido divisó unas cuantas probetas llenas de lo que parecía sangre, y unos cuantos instrumentos de medicina. ¿Sería esa sangre la suya?
-Chst, Chst, tranquila niña, o te vas a hacer daño- Le advirtió un hombre de barba, y  voz solemne. Lily se giró de manera brusca para no perder de vista a su secuestrador y  al no reconocer el espacio en dónde se encontraba, de manera alterada, extendió su pequeña mano hacia arriba, volviendo a crear la nebulosa esta vez de un color morado apuntando hacia los amarres que la tenían sujeta de las muñecas. Una pequeña explosión soltó las cadenas liberándola al fin.
-Stark- Le advirtió esta vez un hombre rubio. La rubia se había bajado de la camilla, y apuntaba con sus pequeñas manos a los dos hombres que yacían en la habitación con ella. Acto seguido debido al estruendo, la puerta de la habitación se abrió, dando paso a un nuevo invitado.
-Wanda, fuera de aquí, la niña puede desestabilizarse de nuevo- Inquirió el rubio hacia la chica pelirroja que acababa de llegar. Lilian sin hacer caso a las amenazas del adulto, aprovechó para observar a la joven con detenimiento. Parecía tranquila y no parecía perturbarse de su extraño poder. Sin ella esperarlo, la pelirroja realizó un movimiento elegante con los dedos y creó de la nada la misma nebulosa con la que ella estaba familiarizada, pero con la diferencia que esta era de un color escarlata. Ese color la pequeña también lo tenía, pero lo solía utilizar muy poco.
-Ey, niña, puedes estar tranquila, no va a pasar nada-Me llamo Wanda, puedes estar tranquila, aquí todos, tenemos nuestras peculiaridades cómo puedes comprobar, pero  no te vamos a hacer daño, te lo juro- Le replicó con un acento bastante extraño a la par que tranquilizador. Lilian bajó las defensas durante unos segundos, y encogió levemente los dedos disminuyendo levemente la bruma que amenazaba con emanar del mismo color que el que tenía la pelirroja entre sus manos.
-Wanda- Le llamó con voz temblorosa, sin poder evitarlo. Lilian, muerta de miedo al ver que podían visualizar por su tono de voz que estaba aterrada, carraspeó intentando poner una voz más solemne y segura. La sokoviana, hizo desvanecer su nebulosa y se acercó unos pasos más a la niña pero sin llegar a invadir su espacio.
-Thomas, ¿Dónde está mi amigo?, él no tiene poderes, no le hagáis nada, él es bueno- Insistió en esto último con la voz rota, más parecida a un puchero que a una petición. 
De nuevo, la puerta se abrió dejando entre ver a otra joven de cabellera rojiza. 
Un momento… a ella si que la recordaba… 
¿Es ella?
¡No podía ser!
¡Es la que entró al orfanato cuando intentaron raptarla!
Sin volver a mediar palabra, la pequeña estiró repetidamente los dedos hacia delante volviendo a generar su nebulosa de color verde y apuntó hacia la mujer que se encontraba frente la puerta. En un abrir y cerrar de ojos, Lily lanzó su bruma hacia la mujer, sin ningún éxito, ya que no le ocasionó ningún daño porque la otra chica pelirroja de antes, usó su propio poder para poder protegerla.
Otra vez, sintió cómo un mosquito le picaba en el cuello y volvía a sentirse cansada.
-Tony, ¿otra vez?-Volvió a escuchar a lo lejos. Sus ojos volvieron a cerrarse sin poder evitarlo.
La pequeña flexionó sus rodillas sin llegar a tocar el suelo. El brazo de Tony la sujetó a tiempo y la enderezó volviéndola a tumbar en la camilla.
-No podéis atarla, es solo una niña.- Dijo la joven bruja con enfado. Wanda sin poder evitarlo, empezó a recordar cómo la habían utilizado desde pequeña junto con su hermano Pietro y la de torturas médicas que había tenido que aguantar.
-Es una niña, pero con un poder que todavía no conocemos.. Wanda no vamos a hacerle ningún daño, lo sabes… pero necesitamos saber un poco más de ella y siendo consciente, está visto que es imposible- Contestó el millonario, sin apartar la vista a los viales que estaba utilizando.
-¿Maximoff, podemos hablar?, te estaba buscando- Le reclamó la rusa con autoridad. La joven bruja entrecerró los ojos intentando averiguar qué es lo que había hecho mal esta vez y observó a dos compañeros que estaban igual de sorprendidos que ella.
-No seáis tontas chicas, hablad aquí si queréis, nosotros no molestamos ¿Verdad Cap?- preguntó Tony de manera burlona al muchacho rubio, que este a su vez tenía cara de querer estrangularlo. Wanda, sin decir palabra y obviando las tonterías que decía su compañero, salió de la sala pasando por delante de la espía. En esos segundos de cercanía, Wanda pudo sentir su olor penetrando por sus fosas nasales, olía a bergamota. 
-Tú dirás- Increpó la Sokoviana distante. La joven bruja, observó cómo la espía se mordía el labio algo avergonzada y bajaba levemente la mirada al suelo. 
-Sólo quería disculparme… no tendría que haberte presionado tanto, y haberte tratado de estas maneras, perdona- 
-No pasa nada agente Romanov, todo correcto- Volvió a insistir con esa voz distante que sabía que a Natasha tanto le costaba escuchar.
-Wanda, vengo en son de paz..- Se quejó la espía con mirada cansada.
-¡Anda!, ¿Ahora soy Wanda?, ¿A qué debo este honor?- Volvió a inquirir esta vez con un tono duro. A la joven bruja le pareció percibir una leve sonrisa procedente de su compañera, pero enseguida volvió a su pose principal, sin siquiera llegar a poder ver la cara relajada de la espía.
-Da igual, sólo quería decirte eso, ahora me tengo que ir… Banner me reclama, está atendiendo al otro niño que iba con la niña.-Explicó Natasha cambiando rápidamente de tema. Para Wanda, el detalle de la variación de la conversación, no le pasó desapercibido, pero decidió darle una tregua y ponérselo fácil. Al menos por esta vez.
-Cómo está el otro niño…- Preguntó la bruja con verdadera preocupación.
-No sabe si va a poder salir de esta… Esta haciendo todo lo que puede, Maximoff, necesito que le digas a Tony que te de viales del cuatro, en cuanto los tengas traemelos, son para el crio- 
-De acuerdo- 
-Gracias, Wanda, hasta ahora.- Volvió a repetir su nombre completo mientras se giraba de camino a la otra sala.
¡Por todos los dioses! ¡Natasha se había disculpado! ¿Qué acababa de ocurrir?
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turtlethon · 2 years
“Mr. Nice Guy”
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Season 6, Episode 15 First US Airdate: December 19, 1992
A ray gun accident alters Raphael’s personality.
“Mr. Nice Guy” is the penultimate episode of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles season six. This is the only story in the series contributed by the team of Steve Granat and Cydne Clark. 
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Leonardo prepares a birthday cake for Raphael’s surprise birthday party, to be held the following day. Michaelangelo soon arrives, showing Leo and Donnie his gift: a pair of ferocious goldfish. After the furious pets devour a slice of pizza, Donatello identifies them as actually being Siamese fighting fish.
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The impending arrival of Raphael leads the other Turtles to hurriedly conceal the birthday cake in a nearby cupboard. Raph is grouchier than usual as he performs laundry duty, unwittingly dropping a basket of clothes in the cupboard on top of the cake. After he stomps off to find the iron, the other Turtles lament his sour attitude whenever his birthday comes around, with Michaelangelo suggesting that Donatello use an invention to change his demeanour. Donnie refuses, bringing up the time that Leonardo’s personality was lightened up by a ray gun that he had designed.
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At Channel 6, Burne tasks April with investigating why crime is on the increase in the city. After it’s pointed out to him that crime is declining, he reminds her not to confuse the issue with the facts, setting her on her way. A short time later, April happens to see two hoodlums breaking into one of the station’s news vans; she pursues the crooks on motorbike.
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Raphael continues to grumble as he searches through a cupboard for the iron, mistakenly plugging what he thinks is its cable into the power socket. This turns out to be the power cord for Donatello’s mood ray, which activates when Raph’s back is turned, hitting him with a beam of energy as he irons. The other Turtles are stunned when he joins them in the kitchen moments later and is uncharacteristically chipper.
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As the punks from earlier drive the news van through the front window of the Crosstown Bank and carry out a robbery, the Turtles are on their way to get pizza, hampered by Raphael’s insistence on stopping to carry out acts of kindness for everyone he sees. The team spot the robbery unfolding and head in to confront the criminals, with Raphael covering the back of the building. Our heroes are unable to progress as the vault doors are closed on them, and the men escape in the van. Raphael is waiting for them, but in keeping with his new personality, is so eager to be helpful that he instead offers up bags of money and kindly waves them goodbye. April arrives on the scene and joins the other Turtles as they meet up with Raphael: when pressed as to why he let the bad guys go, he explains that he’s “just spreading a little niceness... the world could use more of it.”
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Act two opens with Leonardo asking Raphael to lose the nice guy schtick. Raph responds by feigning a tough demeanour momentarily, before offering milk and cookies to the team. Later, the Turtles are seen emerging from Vinnie’s, discussing how good the liver and bubblegum pizza was - I think the show’s roster of writers are in competition to see who can come up with the most disgusting topping combinations – when the news van passes by. The Turtles board a nearby sightseeing bus and, after explaining the situation, ask the driver to give chase.
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The robbers head to a drive-in movie theatre, where “INVASION OF THE TURTLE OIDS” [sic] is playing. They’re eventually forced to lose the van and escape on foot, pursued by the Turtles through the drive-in. As Raphael breaks off to console a crying boy whose popcorn was knocked to the ground by the robbers, the other Turtles confront the men in front of the screen playing the Turtleoids movie for the paying crowd. Despite opening fire with laser weapons, the punks are swiftly defeated by our heroes, drawing the approval of the assembled cinemagoers. It’s only after the battle is over that the Turtles realise Raphael is now pre-occupied with gifting buckets of popcorn to the cinema’s patrons.
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We skip forward as it’s explained April aided the Turtles in dropping off the crooks with the police and returning the money to the bank. As the group travel in the now-battered news van, they spot a billboard for the psychiatric services of Dr. Otto von Shrink, determining this may be the solution to Raphael’s personality problem.
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Later, Raphael is seen visiting the Von Shrink Institute of Mental Health. He’s greeted in the futuristic complex by X12, a Johnny 5-like robot in a lab coat. Raph is shown around the facilities and watches the Institute’s innovations, such as shock therapy (a robot wearing a spooky mask scaring someone) and assertiveness training (a mild-mannered man is seen walking underneath a curtain and emerges following a flash of light, snarling with rage).
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Raphael’s visit culminates in him meeting Otto von Shrink, a Dr. Wily-esque figure who sounds like Howard Cosell. Von Shrink places a headset on Raphael that recalls the events leading to his personality change: this is displayed on-screen from the perspective of someone watching Raph the same way we as viewers did when the incident unfolded, despite this making zero sense. Now von Shrink is aware of the existence of the personality-altering ray gun, he tasks Raphael with bringing him the invention so that he can study it further. After the Turtle leaves, the psychiatrist confides to X12 that he plans to use the device to get his revenge on the psychiatric community for shunning him as a quack.
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Act three opens with Donatello tripping over the cord for the still-plugged-in personality modifier, which somehow is now nowhere near the cupboard it was stored in when it hit Raphael. It activates again, the Siamese fighting fish getting hit by its ray and becoming docile as a result. As Donnie heads to the living room to explain what must have happened, Raphael is seen wandering away with the device as per the instructions given to him.
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Von Shrink performs modifications to the personality ray to make it fully portable, outlining to Raphael how he intends to use it to walk over any authority figure that stands in the way of his reign of terror; when Raph points out that it makes no sense to reveal this to him as a crime fighter, von Shrink responds that he’s “too nice to do anything about it”. This all goes as planned, with X12 seen carrying out a series of robberies alongside a group of other robots, firing the ray at any intervening guards and policemen each time to alter their personalities.
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As the Turtles try to figure out where Raphael and the personality modifier have gone, they spot April reporting on the clearing out of an art gallery; she interviews the placid guard, who explains that he stood by and let the robbers get away as he didn’t want to hurt their feelings. Putting two and two together, out heroes determine that Raphael must have given the ray gun to Dr. Von Shrink.
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Our heroes soon infiltrate the Institute of Mental Health and confront the psychiatrist, getting trapped in what appears to be a forcefield. Von Shrink explains this is a “Phobia Chamber”, an invention that forces patients to face their greatest fears. These manifest in front of each of the Turtles, with Leonardo battling a giant samurai warrior, Michaelangelo facing the prospect of being eaten by an enormous pizza and Donatello taking on a three-headed monster near-identical to the one seen in “Welcome Back, Polarisoids”.
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As Raphael returns, Donatello flings his bo through the forcefield, knocking the dial on the personality ray being held by X12. The device fires upon Raphael, turning him back to his normal self. Raph wastes no time in disabling the Phobia Chamber, but von Shrink has an array of warrior robots ready to attack the reunited Turtles. Stepping in on behalf of the team, Raphael tricks the robots into firing upon each other, ultimately winding up as a pile of scrap metal. Using the personality ray one last time, Raph opens fire on von Shrink, turning him into a meek and compliant foe ahead of turning him over to the police.
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We close out today’s adventure in the Lair, where the Turtles hold a (presumably belated) birthday party for Raphael, presenting him with Michaelangelo’s fishes before asking him to blow out the candles on his cake. Raph blows hard enough to splatter the cake in Donatello’s face, leading the team to declare in unison “that’s our Raphael!”
“Mr. Nice Guy” is a disjointed adventure, effectively two different stories built around Raphael’s change in temperament, the first a low-stakes chase with the team pursuing two bank robbers, the second a rushed tale of Raphael’s run-in with an evil psychiatrist as he seeks a cure to his niceness. Both are fine for what they are, but I think the two bank robbers overstay their welcome, resulting in von Shrink and his Institute feeling a little underdeveloped. While there’s little as a character to separate the psychiatrist from the mad scientist villains I always complain about, Hal Rayle’s performance makes him surprisingly entertaining.
Effectively this episode acts as a sequel to “Leonardo Lightens Up”, calling back to the events of that earlier adventure, particularly in the early goings. Much as Leonardo’s bossiness was played up in that story for comedic effect, here Raphael is depicted as more of a curmudgeon than usual, although this is explained away as being due to his unhappiness surrounding his impending birthday. There’s a bit of revisionist history going on here as Donatello’s personality ray was never tethered to a power cord in its original appearance; I suppose it’s possible that he might have modified it to require one in the intervening seasons, although this seems like a backwards step.
While season six has perhaps been the most visually consistent season of TMNT ever, presumably always being handled by the same team of animators, as we approach the end there are signs that either the budget is running out or everyone is asleep at the wheel. This episode has a glaring moment while Raphael is being evaluated by von Shrink where it’s clear the animation was never finished, pasted-over footage being used instead. It’s the kind of thing I associate more with late season three or early season four episodes, and it’s regrettable to see it popping up again now.
We now find ourselves set for the season finale, and as is now standard for the Saturday morning era we’ll conclude not with a big finish in the Technodrome, but with a story not involving Shredder at all. Join us next time as 1992 wraps up with the return of Aunt Aggie in “Sleuth on the Loose”!
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equestrianempire · 7 months
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Ben Maher’s Winning Ways Continue at the Wellington International CSIO 4*
Wellington, Florida, USA – March 03, 2024 – British Olympic champion Ben Maher (GBR) celebrated a banner week at Wellington International during Week 8 of the Winter Equestrian Festival (WEF). He capped the final day on Sunday with a victory in the $200,000 JTWG, Inc. Grand Prix CSIO 4* aboard Point Break, owned by Charlotte Rossetter and Pamela Wright.
Five pairs jumped clear over courses designed by USA’s Steve Stephens and Nick Granat, but Maher was the only one to finish double-clear on the day. He and the Swedish Warmblood stallion (Action-Breaker x Balou du Rouet) set the standard as first to jump clear and first to return for the tie-breaking jump-off.
Coco Fath (USA) & Aventador 5
Coco Fath (USA) came closest to pipping the British rider, but settled for second on a single time fault in the jump-off. She rode Aventador 5, a 12-year-old Hanoverian gelding (Arpeggio x Landadel) for owner Hillside Farm;
Zoe Conter (BEL) & La Una
Belgium’s Zoe Conter (BEL) rounded out the podium on La Una, a 13-year-old Oldenburg mare (Chacco-Blue x For Pleasure), owned by Stephex Stables, with the fastest four-fault round over the short course. 
Ben Maher (GBR) & Point Break
“This is probably the biggest grand prix he’s won,” said Maher of Point Break, a horse he’s had in his string since the stallion’s six-year-old year. “It wasn’t so long ago he was spooking off every golf cart, but he was always a very talented horse and he’s progressed on very nicely.
Ben Maher (GBR) & Point Break
“His athleticism is what separates him from the other horses,” continued Maher. “The way he can bend his body and move his shoulder allows my job to become much easier. I can ride at the jumps and trust that he can do the job for me.”
Ben Maher (GBR) & Point Break
Maher’s groom, Kirsty Bond, was presented with the $500 Grooms Award by Double H Farm after the victory in recognition of her care of Point Break.
Ben Maher (GBR) accepting the Martha Jolicoeur Leading International Rider Award from Michael. Photo: © Sportfot
The grand prix win for Maher was combined with Thursday’s victory riding Ginger-Blue in the Adequan® WEF Challenge Cup qualifier. The consistent results secured him the Martha Jolicoeur Leading International Rider Award, presented together with Michael and Wendy Smith.
Ben Maher (GBR) & Point Break
“I’ve got a lot of horses ready to go at this level, so I’m very lucky,” said Maher. “But I’ve tried to use the horses sparingly. I really try to plan which horse is right for each class. To finish on this today has topped off a great week. The strength and depth in my team–both horses and people–it’s a great time to be able to ride right now.”
International competition continues at WEF with CSI5* and 2* competition presented by Bainbridge Companies resuming on March 6.
Ben Maher (GBR) & Point Break presented as winners of the $200,000 JTWG, Inc. Grand Prix CSIO 4* by Travis, Jacqui, Wyatt, Harley, Payton Gould and William Harvey. Photo: © Sportfot
Final Results – $200,000 JTWG, Inc. Grand Prix CSIO 4*
1) Ben Maher (GBR) & Point Break – 0 / 0 – 41.40
2) Coco Fath (USA) & Aventador 5 – 0 / 1 – 48.29
3) Zoe Conter (BEL) & La Una – 0 / 4 – 42.34
Source: Press Release from Wellington International
Photos: © Wellington International / Sportfot / Cassidy Klein
Categories: CSIO 4*, English, Jumper News Great Britain, Wellington International
Tagged as: Aventador 5, Ben Maher, British Eequestrian Federation, British Equestrian, British Showjumping, Coco Fath, CSIO 4*, Equestrian, Horses, Jumper News, Jumper News Great Britain, La Luna, Point Break, Results, Showjumping, SWB, Swedish Warmblood, WEF, Wellington International, Winter Equestrian Festival, Zoe Conter
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dorothydalmati1 · 1 year
101 Dalmatians: The Series Season 2 Episode 25: Treasure of Swamp Island/Lord of the Termites
Treasure of Swamp Island:
Written by Bruce Talkington
Storyboard by Craig Kemplin
Directed by Rick Schneider
Animation directed by Himaki Yuuji & Kong Qing Chang
Lord of the Termites:
Written by Cydne Clark & Steve Granat
Storyboard by Larry Leker
Directed by Skip Jones
Animation directed by Chul Hee Han
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papermoonloveslucy · 7 years
Unaired Episode {originally scheduled for broadcast December 20, 1986}
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Directed by Bruce Bilson ~ Written by Bob Carroll Jr. and Madelyn Davis ~ Story by Mel Sherer and Steve Granat
Becky signs up Lucy for her school's Grandma Talent Contest. Unfortunately, Lucy doesn't sing, dance, tell jokes, or do magic, so she decides to do a dramatic recitation so as not to disappoint her grandchildren.
Regular Cast
Lucille Ball (Lucy Barker), Gale Gordon (Curtis McGibbon), Ann Dusenberry (Margo Barker McGibbon),  Larry Anderson (Ted McGibbon), Jenny Lewis (Becky McGibbon), Philip Amelio (Kevin McGibbon), Donovan Scott (Leonard Stoner)
[For biographies of the Regular Cast, see “One Good Grandparent Deserves Another” (S1;E1)]
Guest Cast
Kellie Martin (Patty Durell) also played Patty in “Lucy Gets Her Wires Crossed” (S1;E4). She played Becca Thatcher on “Life Goes On” (1989-93) and Lucy Knight on “ER” (1998-2000).   
Michael Zorek (Pizza Delivery Man) began screen acting in 1983. He is now a father of two living in New York City. 
Phyllis Applegate (Principal) began her screen acting career in 1978.  Most recently she was seen as Myrtle, one of the senior citizens on “Better Call Saul.”  
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Peggy Gilbert and the Dixie Belles (Themselves, uncredited) was a female bandleader who fronted a number of all girl groups, until founding the Dixie Belles in the 1970s. The Dixie Belles also appeared on several television shows: “The Tonight Show” (1981), “Madame’s Place” (1982), “The Golden Girls” (1988), “America’s Funniest Home Videos” (1991), and “You Bet Your Life” (1993). In 1986, the Dixie Belles recorded their only album. The band consisted of Gilbert on saxophone, Natalie Robin on clarinet, Marnie Wells on trumpet, Jerrie Thill on drums, Georgia Shilling on piano, and Pearl Powers on bass.
The grandma bagpiper and attendees of the talent contest are played by uncredited background performers. 
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This was the 13th and final episode filmed. It was scheduled to air on December 20, 1986 but the series was canceled on November 15th. The first draft of the  script was finalized on October 20, 1986.
Story writers Mel Sherer and Steve Granat started their careers on “Happy Days” and its sequels “Laverne and Shirley” and “Joanie Loves Chachi.”  This is their only contribution to “Life with Lucy.”
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On the day of the filming, producer Aaron Spelling received word that the show was canceled. Rather than tell Lucille Ball himself, he has an assistant telephone her husband Gary Morton with the news, which was withheld from Lucy until after the filming.
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A fourteenth episode was planned and a first draft of the script exists, but it was never filmed. It was titled “’Twas the Flight Before Christmas” written by Vic Rauseo and Linda Morris and scheduled to be directed by Bruce Bilson. A summary reads: “The family goes to a friend's cabin in Colorado, but become stranded on the plane in Denver and discover that Christmas is more than presents.” It was likely scheduled to air on December 27, 1986.  
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Kevin plays on the YMCA soccer team “The Wildcats.”  The name of the team is probably a reference to Lucille Ball’s only Broadway show, Wildcat (1961). 
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Everyone in the Barker house has a trophy for something - except Lucy: Kevin for soccer, Becky for swimming, Margo for tennis, Ted for softball, Leonard for wrestling, and Curtis for golf.
Ted: (to Lucy) “You know what they say, Mom. It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game.” Kevin: “And how many trophies you have!”
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It took 13 episode, but actor Larry Anderson (Ted McGibbon), who is a professional magician, finally works a magic trick into the story, producing coins for Becky and Kevin's allowance from behind their ears.
Becky enters Lucy in a Grandma Talent Contest at her school.  The money will go toward buying the school a new VCR.
Curtis: “A new video cassette recorder!  My!  They didn't have things like that when I was in school.” Lucy: “No, they sat in front of the fire and made shadow puppets on the wall of the cave.”
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Lucy contemplates singing at the talent competition.  She says that in high school she did an act with two other girls imitating The Andrews Sisters. This affords Lucille Ball to revive the old gag that Lucy cannot hold a tune, first started on “I Love Lucy.”  She chants a monotone version of “Don't Sit Under the Apple Tree.”  ”Don’t Sit Under the Apple Tree (With Anyone Else but Me)“ by Sam H. Stept, Lew Brown, and Charles Tobias. The song was sung by the Andrews Sisters in the 1942 film Private Buckaroo.
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She then thinks about dancing, claiming she took a tap class once. While Ted sings “Swanee River” Lucy does a few clumsy shuffle steps before her 'trick knee' gives out.  In reality, Lucille Ball broke her leg in a skiing accident that curtailed a lot of dancing during “Here's Lucy.” “Old Folks at Home” (aka “Swanee River”) a minstrel song written by Stephen Foster in 1851. 
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With dancing out of the question, Lucy suggests being a stand-up comic. When everyone anticipates her punchline, Curtis says “Face it Lucille, you are not Joan Rivers.”  Joan Rivers guest-starred when “Lucy and Joan Rivers Do Jury Duty” (HL S6;E9) in 1973.
Ted volunteers to teach Lucy some magic so she can be a magician at the Talent Show. Lucy, billing herself as “Grandma the Great”, puts on a magic show in the living room for the family. Ted acts as her assistant.
Lucy: “I can't sing, I can't dance, I can't tell jokes, I can't do magic. I'm a well-rounded flop!”  
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Curiously, the one talent Lucy Barker has already demonstrated on the series – playing the saxophone – is never brought up!  
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Curtis reminds Lucy of when they watched Rex Harrison in My Fair Lady on television and that he didn't sing a note. Harrison was famous for talk/singing his way through both the stage and 1964 film adaptation of My Fair Lady, winning both a 1957 Tony Award and a 1964 Oscar for the role of Professor Henry Higgins.
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The Grandma Talent Contest scene fades up with a grandma bagpipe player taking her bow. Curtis later says that the 90 year-old piper was the winner, playing “Do You Think I'm Sexy.”  The Principal (Phyllis Applegate) introduces the next act, Peggy Gilbert and her Dixie Belles, billed as world's only all-female Dixieland band. Peggy is the grandmother of Becky's friend Patty Durell. The septuagenarian sextet plays “When The Saints Go Marching In.”  
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In a spotlight, Lucy dedicates her performance to her children and grandchildren and talk / sings “Sunrise, Sunset,” a song from the 1964 Broadway musical and 1971 film Fiddler on the Roof. Lucille Ball's voice nearly breaks, knowing that she's reached the end of an era.  Those watching the contest look moved by Lucille Ball's amazing serious and dramatic performance.
Kevin: “You're a winner in my book, Grandma.”
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Lucy Barker taking part in talent competition hearkens back to when Lucy Ricardo participated in a talent show with the unruly Hudson Twins in “The Amateur Hour” (ILL S1;E14) in 1952.  
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Lucy Barker says that she did an act with two girls imitating the Andrews Sisters. Lucy Carter also did an act with two girls (her daughter Kim and the real Patty Andrews) imitating the Andrews Sisters in a 1969 episode of “Here's Lucy.”
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Lucille Ball performed all kinds of dance on screen, including tap, but her most famous dancing on television is probably the training Lucy Ricardo received in “The Ballet” (ILL S1;E19) at the barre with Madame Lamond (Mary Wickes) in 1952.
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“Swanee River” was first sung by Lucille Ball as a counterpoint to “Humeresques” in “Bullfight Dance” (ILL S4;E22).  
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It was also heard in “Little Ricky Gets Stage Fright” (ILL S6;E4) when one of Little Ricky's classmates plays it on violin at a recital.  
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In this episode, the story incorporates the talents of real-life female musicians The Dixie Belles who play “When the Saints Go Marching In.” The song was previously performed on “Here's Lucy” by the Remnants, a real-life musical group of Catholic nuns in “Lucy and Her All-Nun Band” (HL S4;E8).
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Gale Gordon and Dan Dailey talk/sang the Rex Harrison song “I've Grown Accustomed to Her Face” from My Fair Lady in a 1971 episode of “Here's Lucy.”
This Day in Lucy History  {had this episode aired as planned on December 20th}
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"Lucy Misses the Mertzes” (ILL S6;E17) – film date December 20, 1956
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"Lucy's Lucky Day" (HL S4;E14) – air date December 20, 1971
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Biblioteca MT 
-13 escalones del mentalismo
-Arte de ler mentes-Henrik Fexeus
-O mentalista
-Tricks of the mind - Derren Brown
-Absolute Magic-Derren Brown
-Pure effect-Derren Brown
-Easy mentalism
-Practical Mental magic-Theodore Annemann
-Manual de psiquiatria portugues
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-Psicologia Facil - Ana Merces Bahia Bock
-Introdução à programação neurolinguística-Joseph 0'Connor e John Seymour
-despertar do gigante interior
-PNL Programacao Neurolinguistic - Steve Andreas
-Usando Sua Mente (PNL) Richard Bandler
-PNL: A Nova Tecnologia do Sucesso
-Neurociências - Desvendando o sistema nervoso Bear, M. F., Connors, B. W., & Paradiso, M. A.,
-As bases biologicas do comportamento-marcus brandao
-Truques da mente-Stephen L.Macknik & Susana martinez-Conde
com Sandra Blakeslee
-Subliminar - Leonard Mlodinow
-Hipnoterapia Ericksoniana Passo a Passo-Sofia Bauer
-hipnose - dicas, métodos e técnicas
-o homem de fevereiro-erickson
-Manual hipnose completo-fabio puentes
-Hackeando mentes - Marcelo Maia
-A Realidade é Plástica- Anthony Jacquin
-Como se dar bem com as Mulheres - Ron Louis e David Copeland
-A Arte Natural da Sedução - Richard La Ruina
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-linguagem das Emocoes-Paul Ekman
-O código de Ekman -A.Freitas Magalhães
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-Mentes Geniais - Alberto Dell isola
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-tratado de argumentação a nova retórica-Chaim Perelman
-logica juridica-chaim perelman
-Argumentação Juridica-Vitor Gabriel
-schopenhauer - como vencer um debate - dialetica eristica
-schoppenhauer - do pensar por si
-Oratória-Reinaldo Polito
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Transações imobiliarias
-apostila TTI
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-manual de Economia da USP
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-os axiomas de Zurique
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-investimentos O segredo de George Soros e Warren Buffet
-O X da questão
-Investimentos inteligentes - Gustavo Cerbasi
-Sonho Grande
-A jogada do seculo-Michael Lewis
-Bumerangue-Michael Lewis
-Flash Boys-Michael Lewis
-O homem que roubou Portugal
-Os Genios dos Negocios-Peter-Krass
-Golpes bilionarios-kari nars
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-crash-uma breve histria da economia
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-O Sequestro da America - Charles H. Ferguson
-Por que sai do Goldman Sachs - Greg Smith
Anatomia Humana Basica Dangeloe Fattini
Atlas de Anatomia Humana  Netter
Atlas Fotográfico de Anatomia - Yokochi
Grays p. estudant.
Anatomia Moore orientada para a clínica
Fisiologia Humana - Dee Unglaub Silverthorn
Bogliolo Patologia
Histologia Básica - Junqueira e Carneiro
5-Biologia celular
Biologia Celular e Molecular -Junqueira & Carneiro
Bioquímica Médica Básica de Marks
embriologia clinica Moore
Microbiologia Medica - Patrick Murray
Murphy - Imunobiologia De Janeway
Griffiths - Introdução à Genética
Parasitologia Humana Neves
Fundamentos de Radiologia e Diagnóstico por imagem
Tratado de Técnica Radiológica - Bontrager
Farmacologia Básica Clínica Bertram Katzung  
Goodman - Farmacologia
Semiologia Medica - Porto
Semiologia Bates
Exame Clínico-Porto
Semiologia médica - mario lópez
Semiologia Médica - Rocco
16-Clínica Geral
Harrison - Medicina Interna
17-Urgência e Emergência
Manual APH
Blackbook Pediatria
Nelson Tratado de Pediatria
19-Ginecologia e Obstetrícia
Obstetricía Rezende
Obstetricia Basica
Rotinas Em Obstetricia
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Rotinas em Ginecologia
A Neurologia que todo médico deve saber - Nitrini
Neurociências - Bear, M. F., Connors, B. W., & Paradiso, M. A.
Cem bilhoes de neuronios
Neuropsicologia - Roger Gil
Compêndio de Psiquiatria - Kaplan
Manual De Psiquiatria Portugues
22-Cirurgia geral
Cirurgia ambulatorial - Savassi
Manual de técnica cirúrgica para a graduação
Propedeutica Cirurgica
Ruy Garcia - Tecnica Operatória e Cirurgia Experimental
Sabiston - Tratado de Cirurgia
Cardiologia para Clinico Geral
Serrano - Tratado de Cardiologia SOCESP
24-Exames Laboratorias
Exames Laboratoriais - Nemer, Neves e Ferreira
Medicina Laboratorial para o Clínico
Renato Failace - Hemograma - Manual De Interpretação
Manual de Medicina Legal - Delton Croce Junior
Fundamentos em Toxicologia de Casarett e Doull
Williams - Tratado de Endocrinologia
Current Reumatologia
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Onde não há medico
Rotinas de enfermagem
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-Guia das falácias de Stephen Downes
-Lógica jurídica-Chaim Perelman
-Modal Logic for Open Minds - Johan van Benthem
-Philosophical Perspectives on Infinity-Graham Oppy
Bibliografia do Combate
-C 23-1 - Tiro Das Armas Portáteis- 1ª Parte - Fuzil-EB
-C 23-1 - Tiro Das Armas Portáteis- 2ª Parte - Pistola-EB
-Caderno de Instrução do Fuzil de Assalto 5,56 IA2 (EB70-CI-11.405)-EB
-Catálogo de Armas-Rodrigo Pereira Larizzatti
-C 5-37 Minas e Armadilhas-EB
-IP-23-90 Morteiro 81 mm ROYAL ORDNANCE-EB
-IP 23-34 Lança-Rojão 84mm(AT-4)
-MCRP 3-01B Pistol Marksmanship - USMC
-MCRP 3-01A Rifle Marksmanship U.S. Marine Corps
-CI 7-5-2 Combate em área edificada-EB
-CI 21-75 Patrulhas-EB
-Manual de Conduta de Patrulha-PMESP
-Apostila Instrução Tática Individual -FNSP
-The Hunter's page-Rodrigo Pereira Larizzatti
-In0531 Combat in built up areas-Us Army
-IP 21-2 Caçador-EB
-CI 21-2-1 contra caçadores-EB
-The Ultimate Sniper -Maj.John Plaster
-B-GL-392-005/FP-001 Sniping -Canada
-MCWP 3-15-3 Sniping-USMC
-MI6-028 Tiradores de élite-Ejército de Tierra(Espanha)
-Atirador de elite-Carlos David
Artes Marciais
-C 20-50 luta-EB
-Ringue Master
-Boxing-Edwin Haislet
-Gracie Jiu-Jitsu - Thomas de Soto
-A Biblia do MMA- Anderson Silva
-Krav Maga-Kobi Lichtenstein
-FM 3-25.150 Combatives-US Army
-MCRP 3-02 Close Combat-US Marine Corps
-Wrestling for Fighting The Natural Way-Randy Couture, Erich Krauss, Glen Cordoza e Eric Hendrikx
-Ninjutsu - Arte da resistencia
-Mystic Art of the Ninja - Stephen Hayes
-Ninja Combat Method -  Stephen Hayes
-Secrets from the Ninja Grandmaster-Stephen K. Hayes & Masaaki Hatsumi
-The Way of the Ninja: Secret Techniques - Masaaki Hatsumi
TFM & Alimentação
-EB20-MC-10.350 Treinamento Físico Militar-EB
-Guia dos movimentos de musculação-Frédéric Delavier
-Musculação além do anabolismo-Waldemar Marques Guimarães Neto
-MD42-M-03 Manual de Alimentação das Forças Armadas-EB
-Manual de Ensino de Esgrima -Volume 1- FLORETE (EB60-ME-25.401)-EB
-Manual de Ensino de Esgrima - Volume 2 – Espada (EB60-25.502)-EB
-C 20-51-Esgrima-EB
-IP 21-80-sobrevência na selva-EB
-Fm 21 76 Survival manual- us army
APH & Medicina
-ATLS Advanced Trauma Life Support-Colégio Americano de Cirurgiões Comitê de Trauma
-Manual de Diagnóstico e Tratamento de Acidentes por Animais Peçonhentos-FUNASA
-SIGN AND THE ART OF TRACKING-Christian Nellemann with Jack Kearney and Stig Nårstad
-SAS Tracking Handbook-Barry Davies
-The art of tracking the origin of science-Liebenberg
-cgcfn 1003 manual basico do fuzileiro naval
-cgcfn 1004 combatente anfibio
-Manual Operacional Do Policial Civil SP
Técnicas Militares
-C 22-5 ordem unida-EB
-C-21-74 Instrução Individual-Exército Brasileiro(EB)
-EB70-MC-10.233 Defesa QBN-EB
-C-6-199 Topografia-EB
-C-5-40 Camuflagem-EB
-Manual de Operações de Choque
-The Ultimate Parkour & Freerunning Book-Jan Witfeld, Ilona E. Gerling
& Alexander Pach
Apronto Operacional
-EB70-CI-11.404 Caderno de Instrução de Aprestamento e Apronto Operacional-EB
-Guia do Aluno Comanf-Marinha do Brasil
-Orientação Cioesp - EB
-Orientação Cigs - EB
-Orientação Cam(Curso Avançado de Montanhismo) - EB
-Orientação PQD - EB
-C 5-37 Minas e Armadilhas-EB
-FM 5-25 Explosives & Demolitions-U.S.Army
-TM 31-210 Improvised Munitions Handbook-U.S.Army
-TM 9-1910 Military Explosives-US Army
-TM 9-1300-214 Military Explosives-US Army
-The Anarchist Cookbook-William Powell
-Guerilla Arsenal- David Harber
-The Anarchist Arsenal-David Harber
-The Advanced Anarchist Arsenal-David Harber
-The Preparatory Manual of Explosives-Jared B.Ledgard
-Kitchen Improvised Fertilizer Explosives-Tim Lewis
-Homemade Semtex-Seymour Lecker
-Science of Revolutionary Warfare-Johann Most
-The Explosives Course-Abu Khabab al-Masri(Midhat Mursi)
-Ragnar's Homemade Detonators-Ragnar Benson
-B-GL-361-007/FP-001 Combat Diving-National Defense Canada
-U.S. Navy Diving Manual SS521-AG-PRO-010
-A Guide to Public Safety Diving-North Carolina PSD Standards
-Manual Operacional de Bombeiros-CBMGO
-FM 3-05.212 Special Forces Waterborne Operations-US Army
MILITARY DIVING OPERATIONS-Headquarters of the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, and
Coast Guard US
-Manual Técnico de Salto Livre (EB60-MT-34.405)-EB
-Manual Técnico Equitação (EB60- MT-26.401)-EB
-Manual Equitação da Federação Paulista de Hipismo
-M016 Manual Tecnica Esqui-Ejército de Tierra(Espanha)
-Ci9011 Assalto Aeromóvel e Infiltração aeromóvel-EB
-Cold Region Operations ATTP 3-97.11/MCRP 3-35.1D (FM 31-70 and FM 31-71)-US Army
-Jungle Operations-FM 90-5-US Army
-CIA-Manual Oficial truques e espionagem-H.Keith Melton
-Techiques of the professional pickpocket-Wayne B.Yeager
-Curso de Introdução à Atividade de Inteligência – CIAI-CGI
Sistemas de armas
-Art of the kill-Pete Bonanni
-Natops Flight Manual F16
-Natops Flight Manual F18
-Natops Flight Manual F14
-FLIGHT MANUAL EuroFighter v1
-Conocimientos submarinos S-70-Armada Española
-Manual de Marinero y del Soldado de infantería de Marina-Armada Española
-Manual de policiamento fluvial-PPMPA (Pará)
-Manual M113-Exército Português
-Fundamentals of Guided Missiles-S. R. Mohan
-AFM 52-31 Guided Missile Fundamentals-Department of the Air Force
-Advances in Missile Guidance, Control, and Estimation
-Gunsmithing at Home Lock Stock & Barrel- John E.Traister
-Building Firearms-Harold Hoffman
Armas Nucleares
-U.S. Nuclear Weapons - The Secret History Hardcover-Chuck Hansen
-Swords of Armageddon - Chuck Hansen
-Dark Sun: The Making of the Hydrogen Bomb-Richard Rhodes
-The Making of the Atomic Bomb-Richard Rhodes
-Atomic Accidents: A History of Nuclear Meltdowns and Disasters- James Mahaffey
Engenharia Naval
-SNAME Ship Design & Construction
-Engineering Economics and Ship Design - Buxton
Estratégia militar
-Field Manual of Military Operations (FM 3–0)-United States Army
-Manual de Campanha C 124-1 - Estratégia-EB
-As grandes estratégias - John Lewis Gaddis
-Techniques of Crime Scene investigation-Barry A.J Fisher
-Procedimento operacional padrão:Perícia Criminal-Ministério da Justiça BR
-Manual de orientação de quesitos da perícia criminal-DPF
-Introduction to Criminalistics-Barry A.J Fisher,
William J.Tilstone e Catherine Woytowicz
-Fundamentals of forensic science- Max M. Houck & Jay A. Siegel
-Ciências Forenses-Alberi Espindula,Gustavo Caminoto Geiser e Jesus Antonio Velho
-Practical Crime Scene Processing and Investigation
-Hanbook of Firearms and Ballistics-Brian J.Heard
C.Hematologia Forense
-Interpretation of Bloodstain Evidence at Crime Scenes-
Stuart H.James & William G.Eckert
-Bloodstain Pattern Analysis -Tom Bevel & Ross M. Gardner
Medicina Legal
-Medicina Legal-Genival Veloso
-Manual técnico-operacional para os médicos-legistas do Estado de São Paulo
-Manual de Medicina Legal - Delton Croce Junior
-Manual de Técnicas em Necropsia médico-legal-Luiz Carlos L.Prestes Jr. &
Roger Ancillotti
Psicologia Forense
-Serial Killer louco ou cruel-Ilana Casoy
-Mentes Perigosas - O Psicopata  - Ana Beatriz Barbosa Silva
-Linguagem das Emoções-Paul Ekman
-O código de Ekman -A.Freitas Magalhães
-Inteligência visual-Amy E.Herman
-As Armas da Persuasao - Robert B. Cialdini
-Manual de Persuasão do FBI - Jack Shafer
-Oratória-Reinaldo Polito
-Adestramento Inteligente
-Como Criar o Cao Perfeito Desde - Cesar Millan
-Magica de Pensar Grande-David J SchwartzA
-Raciocínio Lógico Passo A Passo -Cabral,Luiz Claudio; Nunes, Mauro César
-The illustrated guide to the world's top counter-terrorist forces-Samuel M.Katz
-Bushido (o Código do Samurai)-Daidoji Yuzan
-A Arte da guerra-Sun Tzu
-O Livro dos Cinco Anéis-Miyamoto Musashi
-Charlie Oscar Tango-Eduardo Betini e Fabiano Tomazi
-Oscar Alfa-Fabiano Tomazi
-Elite da tropa- André Batista, Rodrigo Pimentel e Luiz Eduardo Soares
-Falcão Negro em Perigo-Mark Bowden
-Não há dia fácil-Mark Owen
-Seal team six -Howard E.Wasdin & Stephen Templin
-Diário de um policial-Diógenes Lucca
-COE Comandos e Operações Especiais-por Luis Augusto Pacheco Ambar (Autor), Guto Ambar (Fotógrafo)
-Matar ou Morrer-Conte Lopes
-Rota 66-Caco Barcellos
-Thoughts of a Sniper-Vasily Zaitsev
-O diário de Guantánamo- Mohamedou Ould Slahi
Crime Organizado
-A Guerra: a ascensão do PCC e o mundo do crime no Brasil-Bruno Paes Manso e Camila Nunes Dias
-Laços de Sangue. A História Secreta do PCC-Marcio Sergio Christino & Claudio Tognolli
-Quatrocentos Contra um (uma Historia do Comando Vermelho)- William da Silva Lima
-Tom Clancy - A Caçada ao Outubro Vermelho
-Tom Clancy - A Soma de Todos os Medos
-Tom Clancy Morto ou Vivo
-Scarpetta - Patricia Cornwell
-Dexter - Design de um Assassino - Jeff Lindsay
-Querido e Devotado Dexter - Jeff Lindsay
-Duplo Dexter - Jeff Lindsay
-Guerreiro Mais Mortal
-Sniper: Deadliest Missions(Sniper:Atiradores de Elite (BR))
-Generais em guerra-National Geographic
-SAS Survival Secrets
-Arma Humana (Human Weapon)-The History Channel
-Por Dentro do Mossad-Duki Dror
-Terrorismo atentados frustrados - Netflix
-Medalha de honra-Netflix
-The secrets of seal team six(Secretos de los SEALS VI(espanhol))
-COMBATES AÉREOS(Dogfights)-History Channel
-Preparados para o fim do mundo -National Geographic
-À Prova de Tudo(Man vs. Wild)-Bear Grylls
-No Pior Dos Casos-Bear Grylls
-A vida em um milhão de anos-NatGeo
-Falcão Negro em Perigo-Ridley Scott
-Até o Limite da Honra-Ridley Scott
-13 Horas: Os Soldados Secretos de Benghazi-Michael Bay
-Sniper Americano- Clint Eastwood
-Rede de Mentiras-Ridley Scott
-Rota Comando-Elias Junior
-S.W.A.T. - Comando Especial-Clark Johnson
-Tropa de Elite-José Padilha
-A Hora Mais Escura-Kathryn Bigelow
-44 Minutos-Yves Simoneau
-Beasts of No Nation-Cary Fukunaga
-Ameaça Terrorista-Gregor Jordan
-Círculo de Fogo (Enemy at the Gates)
-Missão Impossível(Saga)
-A Identidade Bourne-Doug Liman
-Colombiana-Olivier Megaton
-Band of Brothers-Phil Alden Robinson et al
-White Collar-Jeff Eastin
-Generation Kill- Iraque 40 dias de horror-Patrick Norris et al
-Polícia 24h-Diego Guebel
-Operação de Risco- Carla Albuquerque & Eduardo Oliveira
-Arma 3
-Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist
-Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas
-Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier
-Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
-Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
-Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X
-Microsoft Flight Simulator
-X-Plane 11
-Ship Simulator Extremes
-World of Warships
-120 dias de sodoma
-Justine-Marques de Sade
-O orgasmo multiplo do homem
-Sexo Tântrico - Alicia Gallotti
-Dossiê do beijo
-God The Failed Hypothesis- Victor J. Stenger
-The Miracle of Theism Arguments for and Against the Existence of God- J L Mackie
-The Non Existence of God-Nicholas-Everitt
-Arguing About Gods-Graham Oppy
-Iron Chariots Wiki
-Arguing for Atheism-Robin Le Poidevin
-O relojoeiro cego-Dawkins
-Atheism: A Philosophical Justification Michael Martin
-Logic and Theism - Jordan Sobel
-The Cambridge Companion to Atheism - Michael Martin
-Irreligion -John Allen Paulos
-A Cosmological Argument for a Self-Caused-Quentin Smith
-The Skeptic's Dictionary- Robert Todd Carroll
-The Skeptic Encyclopedia of Pseudoscience - Michael Shermer
-An Encyclopedia of claims,frauds,and Hoaxes of
the Occult and Supernatural- James Randi
-O Mundo Assombrado pelos Demonios-Carl Sagan
-Cerebro e Crenca - Michael Shermer
-Por que as Pessoas Acreditam em - Michael Shermer
-Pura Picaretagem - Daniel Bezerra
-A Doutrina de Buda
-contos zen budistas
-O cérebro de Buda
-O Livro de ouro do Zen -David Scott & Tony Doubleday
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projazznet · 5 years
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Natural Life – Unnamed Land (Full Album)
Mike Elliot – guitar Eric Kamau Granat, Bill Berg – drums Bobby Peterson – piano, keyboards Willard O. Peterson Jr. –  bass Robert Rockwell III – soprano and tenor saxophone, bass clarinet Steve Kimmel , tracks A2 & B2 – vibraphone, percussion Bruce Winterfeld , A2 & B2 – percussion Dave Karr , A2 – flute, piccolo, tenor saxophone Brian Grivna , A2 – clarinet, bass clarinet Ricky Peterson , B2 – synthesizer
Label: Celebration Country: US Released: 1977 Recorded: Sound 80, MInneapolis, MN
1 note · View note
tonystarktogo · 6 years
Funerals aren’t meant to be a pleasant event, so Bucky doesn’t bother to put on a show.
His face could be carved in stone for all the emotion it conveys, and his muscles are tense, coiled, trembling faintly with the desire to grab his gun and pull the damn trigger.
Bucky isn’t sure if he’d stop shooting once he starts though. Not with how many tempting targets currently surround him. Not with how it would finally shut Fury the fuck up. People tend to talk a lot less after you’ve emptied a magazine or two into them -- and Bucky has always been a man who appreciates silence.
Fuck, Bucky doesn’t even know what he’s here for. He doesn’t attend mandatory events. It simply isn’t done. The few weeks of the year that Bucky spends in his own country, he wastes drinking and sleeping around, usually both. What’s to stop him from walking straight out of this impersonally sterile room filled with people he doesn’t trust, and go back to his favourite rundown bar to knock back vodka until he can’t feel the cold on his skin anymore?
Oh right. His best friend just got himself killed in action. Lucky bastard.
On a fucking nightmare of a mission in France of all places. If it had been Russia, or Iran, or North Korea or even just Sokovia (and really, it takes skill to be wanted by all four sides of the conflict), Bucky could have dealt with it.
But France? Bucky takes that as a personal offence.
Avengers don’t get killed in France. Avengers get killed the way they kill: brutal and messy, with no one left behind who’d bother to avenge them. Because justice is a fairy tale, and every act of peace is built on the actions of someone smart enough to wash the blood of their hands before they step in front of a camera.
At least the acknowledgements are short and free of false sentimentality. A whole lot of bullshit, sure, but it’s not like there is another choice. Not when the truth amounts to Steve Rogers died on a mission we weren’t authorised to give, in a country he wasn’t supposed to be in, over intel that we won’t admit exist.
Bucky doesn’t laugh. Barely huffs a a breath, but the people on both sides of him twitch tellingly.
Like all Avengers, Bucky has sought out the back of the room, where he can keep his back to the wall at all times, has clear view on all available exists and a good excuse to keep an eye on the crowd of mourners.
The thought that one of them -- multiples, possibly -- are faking it makes Bucky clench his fingers against the urge to start an interrogation right now, Avenger style.
“Don’t kill anyone you might need to sign you off on field work again,” Barton mutters to his left, the word barely audible.
Bucky forces the tense muscles in his shoulders to relax, adopts an at-ease position that won’t fool the other Avengers, but at least won’t traumatise the attending techies and lawyers. The psych department always makes such a fuss when you break the employees.
There’s no point in fooling his colleagues though -- if the Avengers can be called even that. They’re the elite of a internationally operating spy organisation for a reason, and it’s certainly not their ability to play well with others. 
Just hours after having one of their own killed in a SHIELD issued safe house, all the Avengers are on edge even more than usual. That the entire op smells like foul play from seven states away does about as much to deescalate the situation as throwing a hand granate into a room filled with weaponised uranium. 
Someone from inside SHIELD sold out an Avenger.
That was their first mistake. Their second was taking Steve out without killing Bucky as well.
There’s a shift in Bucky’s peripheral vision. Natasha Romanoff, codenamed Black Widow, looks as affected of recent events as she always does: not at all.
Is she the traitor? Bucky wonders as he tilts his head ever so slightly in acknowledgement. The rivalry between Black Widow and Steve is no secret. It isn’t a friendly one either, not that any of them are the sort of person that one might call “friendly” anyways. She had betrayed the Red Room at eighteen. What offer would it take for her to turn on a fellow agent? An Avenger at that? Is she tense because she expects be to do this country a favour by murdering Pierce or is she afraid to be found out?
The service lasts barely twenty minutes -- unsurprising, considering how much isn’t said, can’t be said, because living within the spectre of the highest security clearance makes for a shoddy eulogy -- but to Bucky it feels like forever.
It doesn’t help that half the people around him are waiting for him to fly off the handle in grief or blind rage. It doesn’t help that the other half must suspect him as the traitor -- who better to kill Steve Rogers than his best friend, after all? Especially when Avengers so clearly don’t have best friends -- though Bucky can’t fault them.
He’d suspect himself too. The black hole that is four years of being held as POW hasn’t left him with what one might call a solid standing within the agency. Or a stable life in general.
Bucky has just been lucky that Avengers don’t have much use for stability as it is.
He’s been lucky that he’s too useful to be killed.
That might change now -- Steve Rogers’ death happens to change a lot of things -- but Bucky will take the traitor with him, if it comes that far. Another option isn’t acceptable.
And Bucky is very, very good at getting what he wants.
But first, he needs to find someone clean -- meaning unaffiliated with SHIELD in any way -- who can take a look at the USB flash drive he’s found in one of his dead drops two days after Fury declared Steve KIA.
Fuck, but the first thing Bucky will do when he sees Steve again is punch him in his fucking face.
What do you think about a WinterIron Secret-Avenging-Agent-Bucky, Clueless-But-Scarily-Smart-Soon-Catching-On Tony thingy?
Never mind, say, what do you think about a Stuckony Secret-Avenging-Agent-Bucky, Clueless-But-Scarily-Smart-Soon-Catching-On Tony, with Steve thrown in for good measures because that boy doesn’t understand the meaning of being subtle when you’re supposed to be dead?
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svediroma · 5 years
Brutalità poliziesca: quando i poliziotti diventano responsabili degli atti di violenza
"Fino a qui tutto bene. Fino a qui tutto bene. Fino a qui tutto bene. Il problema non è la caduta, ma l'atterraggio."
Ispirato da una storia vera, “Le Haine” (L’Odio), pubblicato nel 1995 presenta come scena iniziale quella in cui un ragazzo viene ferito – in pericolo di vita - dalla polizia dopo un controllo di routine nel quartiere.
Questo film mostra 24 ore dal punto di vista di 3 ragazzi giovani nelle Banlieues francesi. La loro vita è condizionata da violenza, droghe e angherie da parte della polizia. Dopo aver visto questo film mi stavo chiedendo se il tema della brutalità poliziesca sia ancora attuale.
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Quasi ogni persona – soprattutto a Roma – ha sentito il nome Stefano Cucchi. Un ragazzo di 31 anni, arrestato per presunta vendita di droga. Stefano muore a sei giorni di distanza dal suo arresto, nella notte del 22 Ottobre 2009.
Ma che cos'è successo?
I carabinieri Francesco Tedesco, Gabriele Aristodemo, Raffaele D'Alessandro, Alessio Di Bernardo e Gaetano Bazzicalupo fermano Stefano Cucchi la Sera del 15 Ottobre 2009, mentre lo hanno visto che stava vendendo una bustina di hashish. Dopo averlo perquisito hanno trovato altre bustine con sostanze e pasticche contro l'epilessia, una malattia di cui lui soffriva.
Lo portano in Caserma.
Dopo essere stato trasferito a Tor Sapienza, verso le 4 di mattina, viene chiamata l'Ambulanza; lamenta di non sentirsi molto bene, ma si nasconde sotto la coperta e non vuole essere esaminato.
Prima dell'arresto non aveva dei traumi fisici, invece il giorno dopo, all'udienza per la conferma della pena detentiva, aveva difficoltà a camminare ed a parlare e inoltre vistosi ematomi agli occhi. In seguito, il giudice conferma una sorveglianza cautelare al carcere Regina Coeli, fissando un nuovo appuntamento per il mese successivo.  
Lì viene visitato dai medici che riportano indicazioni per il pronto soccorso all'ospedale Fatebenefratelli; poco dopo viene spostato al Sandro Pertini, a causa di mancanza di posti. In pochi giorni, perde tanti chili e sta sempre peggio perché rifiuta di bere e mangiare. Inoltre non sono permesse visite della famiglia.
Così accade, con grande tristezza, che le infermiere trovano Stefano Cucchi alle 6:15 di mattina del 22 Ottobre 2009, deceduto secondo loro “per presunta morte naturale”.
Lui ha sbagliato, ma non doveva pagare con la morte.  
Nel 2018, il caso è stato riaperto e grazie alla collaborazione di Tedesco, i muri del silenzio senza fine crollavano. Dopo 10 anni di lotta da parte della famiglia, che ha combattuto una falsa testimonianza dopo l’altra, la verità è stata scoperta e ha messo le carte sulla tavola.
Schiaffo violente di Di Bernardo, forte calcio con la punta del piede da parte di D'Alessandro.
Il 3 ottobre 2019 viene dichiarato dal pm nel processo: "Stefano non era un tossicodipendente, ci sono prove documentali e testimonianze sul punto. Si allenava da pugile e faceva attenzione all'alimentazione per stare nel peso della sua categoria di combattimento. Le falsità sono state artefatte in una stazione dei carabinieri, ed è di una gravità inaudita".
Il 14 novembre viene deciso per i due carabinieri 12 anni di carcere per omicidio preterintenzionale.
Per gli altri Carabinieri invece una punizione più leggera.
Una morte così inutile, e in più un occultamento che non è stato scoperto per quasi 10 anni, è semplicemente incredibile. Casi simili continuano a succedere anche oggi e l’espressione della “brutalità poliziesca” è reale e contemporanea.
Chi ti fa sentire in Sicurezza?
Anche in Francia il decesso di un Educatore di 24 anni diventa il simbolo delle forze dell'ordine. Alla fine di giugno 2019 Steve Maia Caniço si trovava ad una festa di musica elettronica sulla Loira, a Nantes. La Polizia ha interrotto la festa in un modo violento: 33 granate di gas lacrimogene e chiasso, così come 10 proiettili di gomma confermati sulla relazione di ricerca. I ragazzi giovani che stavano festeggiando sono entrati nel panico, 14 persone sono cadute dentro la Loira, 13 si sono salvati. Il corpo di Steve Maia Canico è stato scoperto cinque settimane dopo dentro il fiume.
I manifestanti buttavano i fiori nella Loira e alzavano i cartelli con slogans come “Chi ha ucciso Steve?” o “Dov'è la giustizia per Steve?”
Ma di chi è la colpa?
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Dopo investigazioni interne della IGPN (la Polizia nazionale francese), l'amministrazione dichiara in un articolo di 276 pagine che fra la morte del ragazzo di 24 anni e l’intervento della polizia non ci sono delle connessioni.
Tanti giornali si chiedono come si è arrivati a una simile conclusione.
Anche il ministro francese Edouard Philippe non sembra soddisfatto con il risultato della relazione della IGPN e ha richiesto un'indagine delle autorità per esaminare le responsabilità della polizia locale.
Inoltre i parenti sperano di portare un po' di luce con una valutazione di “omicidio colposo”.
I “Gilets Jaunes“ si sono di nuovo alzati in tante città. Un movimento di protesta nato nei social media nel 2018 contro l’aumento dei prezzi del carburante e l'elevato costo della vita. Proprio in Francia la brutalità poliziesca è un tema attuale: a tante manifestazioni dei “Gilets Jaunes” (conosciuti per occupare posti, come parcheggi, e bloccare centri commerciali, caselli autostradali), la Polizia interviene con mezzi discutibili.
Ma anche in Austria succedono rivolte opinabili da parte della polizia.
Per esempio alla manifestazione internazionale sul clima del 31 Maggio 2019. Uno dei manifestanti colpiti descrive al tribunale la sua situazione: dopo aver bloccato la strada, mentre erano seduti a terra, la polizia interrompe la protesta ed alcuni poliziotti prendono il ragazzo e lo maltrattano con botte, e lui cade per terra.
L'avvocato verifica che “l'uso della forza sproporzionato è in contrasto con la Convenzione europea dei diritti dell'uomo”.
Grazie ad un video che raggiunge il web viene scoperto un altro caso dello stesso giorno. Un uomo di nazionalità tedesca, che sta facendo le foto della manifestazione, viene attaccato da un poliziotto che lo stende a terra a pancia in sotto bloccandolo con le ginocchia – in maniera illegale per quello che stava facendo. La sua testa si ritrova così molto vicina alla macchina della polizia, per lui uno shock. All’ultimo momento la testa viene allontanata dalla ruota che si avvicinava a lui.
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In più l'hanno portato in caserma e tenuto per 14 ore senza motivo (secondo la polizia per motivi organizzatori).
Amnesty International ha criticato l'approccio dei funzionari.
Durante questa giornata sono state arrestate in tutto circa 90 persone.
Tra Gennaio 2017 e Maggio 2019 sono state sporte 1.244 denunce per violenza della Polizia, in 21 casi finiva con condanne del giudice.
Una soluzione giusta all'orizzonte?
Non dobbiamo dimenticare che le forze dello Stato difendono la legge.
Sono persone, come ognuno di noi, che vanno la mattina al lavoro e la sera tornano a casa. Rischiano la propria vita per combattere per le cose giuste dal loro punto di vista. Non sono le persone ricche che fanno questo lavoro, sono quelli che non hanno lo status più alto nelle classi sociali, quindi perché spesso si ritrovano a combattere contro e non a difendere quel 98% di popolazione delle classi medio-basse di cui loro stessi fanno parte? Come possiamo decidere se agiscono in modo giusto in momenti tesi?
Proprio nei Paesi in cui la brutalità poliziesca ha un significato preciso ed è qualcosa di conosciuto, lo Stato dovrebbe offrire formazione alla polizia, dovrebbe supportare il lavoro dei poliziotti con assistenza psicologica, dovrebbe essere sicuro di chi seleziona per difendere non solo sé stesso ma anche il popolo.
Quando le forze dell’ordine non ci fanno sentire in sicurezza… chi altro dovrebbe?
- Elisabeth Bianchi
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spidey16 · 5 years
Spider-Man Reviews Teil 116
"The Man in the Crime-Masters Mask/Bring back my Goblin to me"
Amazing Spider-Man 26 - 27
Autor: Stan Lee
Zeichner: Steve Ditko
Peter durchsucht das Haus nach seinen Kostüm doch Tante May hat es zu gut versteckt.
Gleichzeitig treffen sich der Grüne Kobold und der Crime-Master am pier wo der Crime-Master ihre Zusammenarbeit kündigen. Dann beginnt der Crime-Master die Gangster der Stadt zu erpressen sich ihn anzuschließen.
Im Bugle ist Betty immer noch böse auf Peter und glaubt ihn nicht das er Mary Jane noch nie gesehen hat. Peter wird von Jonah rausgeworfen bringt aber noch einen Sender an Foswells Hut an und geht zur Schule wo Flash ihn ärgert und Peter wütend wird und ihn anspringt. Der Direktor mahnt Peter ab und Flash nimmt dann die Schuld an.
Peter unterdessen hat die glorreiche Idee sein Kostüm in Verleih zu kauf doch es passt nicht so gut wie das echte deswegen klebt er es mit Netz zusammen. Nach er geht er zu Foswells Wohnung findrt nur seinen Hut. Jedoch ist der Crime-Master dort und schießt auf ihn. Es kommt zum Kampf den Spidey verliert als ihn der Master eine Gas-Granate ins Gesicht wirft und er vom Dach fliegt.
Peter beschließt zum Bugle zu gehen um zu überprüfen ob Fosswell Dort ist. Ist er aber nicht. Peter geht zurück zur Wohnung wo er eine Markierung Auf einem Stadplan findet. Er bricht dorthin auf und sieht das sich dort die Bosse der Unterwelt treffen.
Während ein Gangster names Patch den Cops einen Tipp gibt Treffen sich der Kobold und Crime-Master erneut. Der Crime-Master versucht den Kobold zu töten doch dieser hat es vorhergesehen und kann entkommen. Auf seiner Flucht entdeckt er Spider-Man und greift ihn an. Spidey versucht eine Kürbisbombe mit den Netz abzuwehren doch es geht schief und er verliert das Bewusstsein bei der Explosion. Der Kobold versucht die Maske anzunehmen doch sie ist immer noch abgeklebt.
Der Crime-Master kommt zum treffen der Gangster und verlangt als Boss der Bosse anerkannt zu werden. Doch der Kobold kommt mit den besiegten Spidey und will selbst zum Chef ernannt werden. Die Gangster legen Peter ketten an und wollen ihn demaskieren doch er kommt wieder zu sich und kämpft gefesselt gegen die Gangster. Da macht die Polizei eine razier und Spidey kann die ketten sprengen. Spidey kommt den Cops zur Hilfe kann aber nicht verhindern das der Kobold wegfliegt. Als der Crime-Master in die Kanalation flieht verfolgt Spidey ihn. Doch mit Gas entkommt er erneut. Spidey geht erneut zu Foswells Wohnung wo er nur den Spinnemsemder findet.
Spidey geht zu Jonah und meint Foswells sei entweder Crime-Master oder der Kobold. Jonah glaubt nichts lässt Foswell rufen damit er sich verteidigen kann. Am Nachbardach schleicht sich der Crime-Master an und will sich rächen. Jedoch wird er von Cops entdeckt und erschossen. Die Cops kommen ins Büro und bedanken sich bei Foswell da er ihn geholfen hat den Crime-Master als Nick Lucky Lewis zu ebtranren und er ihn deswegen töten wollte.
Nachdem Peter seine Kamera eingesammelt hat und beschlossen hat das Gekaufte Kostüm nicht wieder zu verwenden. Beschließt er die Fotos an die Konkurrenz den Globe zu verkaufen. Doch da der Dortige Chefredakteur zu viele Fragen stellt betreut er es gleich wieder. Peter beschließt sich ein neues Kostüm zu schneiden.
Foswell ist zufrieden das keiner weiß das er patch ist und der Kobold schwört ihn das nächste mal zu erledigen.
Der Crime-Master zweiteiler und der Höhepunkt der Lee/Dikto-Ära zeichnerisch und erzählerisch.
Story: 3
Zeichnung: 3
Gesamt: 6
Held: Spider-Man,
Schurke: Crime-Master, Green Goblin
Nebenfiguren: Tante May, Betty, Jonah, Foswell, Flash, Liz
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equestrianempire · 7 months
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Ben Maher Leaves His Mark on CSIO Week at Wellington International
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March 3. 2024
British Olympic champion Ben Maher celebrated a banner week at Wellington International during Week 8 of the Winter Equestrian Festival (WEF). He capped the final day on Sunday with a victory in the $200,000 JTWG, Inc. CSIO4* Grand Prix aboard Point Break, owned by Charlotte Rossetter and Pamela Wright.
Five pairs jumped clear over courses designed by USA’s Steve Stephens and Nick Granat, but Maher was the only one to finish double-clear on the day. He and the Swedish Warmblood stallion (Action-Breaker x Balou du Rouet) set the standard as first to jump clear and first to return for the tie-breaking jump-off. 
Ben Maher & Point Break presented as winners of the $200,000 JTWG, Inc. CSIO4* Grand Prix by Travis, Jacqui, Wyatt, Harley, Payton Gould and William Harvey. Photo © Sportfot
Coco Fath (USA) came closest to pipping the British rider, but settled for second on a single time fault in the jump-off. She rode Aventador 5, a 12-year-old Hanoverian gelding (Arpeggio x Landadel) for owner Hillside Farm, LLC. Belgium’s Zoe Conter rounded out the podium on La Una, a 13-year-old Oldenburg mare (Chacco-Blue x For Pleasure), owned by Stephex Stables, with the fastest four-fault round over the short course.
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Coco Fath & Aventador 5. Photo © Sportfot
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Zoe Conter & La Una. Photo © Sportfot
“This is probably the biggest grand prix he’s won,” said Maher of Point Break, a horse he’s had in his string since the stallion’s six-year-old year. “It wasn’t so long ago he was spooking off every golf cart, but he was always a very talented horse and he’s progressed on very nicely.
“His athleticism is what separates him from the other horses,” continued Maher. “The way he can bend his body and move his shoulder allows my job to become much easier. I can ride at the jumps and trust that he can do the job for me.”
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Kirsty Bond accepting the $500 Grooms Award, presented by Double H Farm. Photo © Sportfot
Maher’s groom, Kirsty Bond, was presented with the $500 Grooms Award by Double H Farm after the victory in recognition of her care of Point Break.
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Ben Maher accepting the Martha Jolicoeur Leading International Rider Award from Michael. Photo © Sportfot
The grand prix win for Maher was combined with Thursday’s victory riding Ginger-Blue in the Adequan® WEF Challenge Cup qualifier. The consistent results secured him the Martha Jolicoeur Leading International Rider Award, presented together with Michael and Wendy Smith.
“I’ve got a lot of horses ready to go at this level, so I’m very lucky,” said Maher. “But I’ve tried to use the horses sparingly. I really try to plan which horse is right for each class. To finish on this today has topped off a great week. The strength and depth in my team–both horses and people–it’s a great time to be able to ride right now.”
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Tom Wachman accepting the Niall Grimes “Sheers” Perpetual Trophy as top money-earning Irish rider during CSIO week at WEF from Michael Stone. Photo © Sportfot
Tom Wachman (IRL) accepted the Niall Grimes “Sheers” Perpetual Trophy as top money-earning Irish rider during CSIO week at WEF, and earlier in the afternoon, Ashlee Bond (ISR) was honored with the Kate Nash Boone Style Award, presented by Michael Meller, for her style of riding and ability to maintain sportsmanlike composure while competing during CSIO week at WEF.
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Ashlee Bond accepting the Kate Nash Boone Style Award, presented by Michael Meller. Photo © Sportfot
International competition continues at WEF with CSI5* and 2* competition presented by Bainbridge Companies resuming on March 6.
Top Five Results: $200,000 JTWG, Inc. CSIO4* Grand Prix
Ben Maher (GBR) & Point Break: 2014 Swedish Warmblood stallion (Action-Breaker x Balou du Rouet)Owners: Charlotte Rossetter, Pamela Wright, Ben Maher
Coco Fath (USA) & Aventador 5: 2012 Hanoverian gelding (Arpeggio x Landadel) Owner: Hillside Farm, LLC
Zoe Conter (BEL) & La Una: 2011 Oldenburg mare (Chacco-Blue x For Pleasure) Owner: Stephex Stables
Sharn Wordley (NZL) & Champion League: 2013 Hanoverian gelding (Cador 5 x Contendro I) Owner: Della Wordley
Tom Wachman (IRL) & Berlux Z: 2011 Zangersheide gelding (Berlin x Major de la Cour) Owner: Coolmore Showjumping
View Complete Results
Wellington International Press release
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dorothydalmati1 · 1 year
101 Dalmatians: The Series Season 2 Episode 18: Close But No Cigar/Invasion of the Doggy Snatchers
Close But No Cigar:
Written by Cydne Clark & Steve Granat
Storyboard by Amber Tornquist
Directed by Tony Craig, Roberts Gannaway & Rick Schneider
Animation directed by Lianne Hughes
Invasion of the Doggy Snatchers:
Written by David Hemingson
Storyboard by Carin-Anne Anderson
Directed by Victor Cook
Animation directed by Romeo Garcia
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papermoonloveslucy · 5 years
“Life With Lucy”
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A handy dandy guide to helping you find your favorite blogs here at Papermoon Loves Lucy. Click on the hyperlinks to be taken directly to that episode’s trivia, background, and bloopers!
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“One Good Grandparent Deserves Another” (S1;E1) ~ September 20, 1986
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“Lucy Makes a Hit with John Ritter” (S1;E2) ~ September 27, 1986
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“Love Among the Two-by-Fours” (S1;E3) ~ October 4, 1986
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“Lucy Gets Her Wires Crossed” (S1;E4) ~ October 18, 1986
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“Lucy Is a Sax Symbol” (S1;E5) ~ October 25, 1986
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“Lucy Makes Curtis Byte the Dust” (S1;E6) ~ November 1, 1986
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“Lucy, Legal Eagle” (S1;E7) ~ November 8, 1986
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“Mother of the Bride” (S1;E8) ~ November 15, 1986
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“Lucy and the Guard Goose” (#102) ~ unaired
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“Lucy and Curtis Are Up a Tree” (#107) ~ unaired
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“Lucy’s Green Thumb” (#109) ~ unaired
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“Breaking Up Is Hard to Do” (#111) ~ unaired
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“World’s Greatest Grandma” (#113) ~ unaired
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“’Twas the Flight Before Christmas” ~ unproduced script
A fourteenth episode was planned and a first draft of the script exists written by Vic Rauseo and Linda Morris and scheduled to be directed by Bruce Bilson. A summary reads: “The family goes to a friend’s cabin in Colorado, but become stranded on the plane in Denver and discover that Christmas is more than presents.” It was scheduled to air on December 27 1986, but never filmed.  
Regular Cast: Lucille Ball (Lucy Everett Barker), Gale Gordon (Curtis McGibbon), Ann Dusenberry (Margo Barker McGibbon), Larry Anderson (Ted McGibbon), Jenny Lewis (Becky McGibbon), Philip Amelio (Kevin McGibbon), Donovan Scott (Leonard Stoner)
Recurring Characters: Kellie Martin (Patty), Brandon Call (Max), Tom Williams (off-screen voices)
Celebrity Cast playing Characters: Peter Graves (Peter Marshall), Audrey Meadows (Audrey Everett), Ruth Buzzi (Mrs. Wilcox), Greg Mullavey (Randy)
Celebrity Cast playing Themselves: John Ritter, The Dixie Belles
Guest Cast playing Characters: Ruth Kobart, Sally Kemp, Dave Madden, Dina Dietrich, Allan Rich, Jacque Lynn Colton, Lou Cutell, Charles Levin, Dick Gautier, Billy Van Zandt, Jim Hackett, Phyllis Applegate  
Live Animal Cast: Goose (Oliver) in “Lucy and the Guard Goose”
Producers: Lucille Ball Productions, Aaron Spelling, Gary Morton
Episodes Directed by: Peter Baldwin, Marc Daniels, Bruce Bilson
Episodes Written by: Bob Carroll, Jr., Madelyn Davis, Arthur Marx, Robert Fisher, Richard Albrecht, Casey Keller, Linda Morris, Vic Rauseo, Mark Tuttle, Laura Levine, Mel Sherer, Steve Granat
There were 13 episodes produced, but only 8 originally aired. One episode was scripted, but never produced.
The action is set in and around the McGibbon / Barker family home and the M&G Hardware Store in Pasadena, California.
Total Binge Hours: 6.5 hours (with commercials)
Papermoon’s Full Moon Pick: “Mother of the Bride” (E8)
Papermoon’s Half Moon Pick: “Lucy and the Guard Goose” (#102)
Ratings: The series ranked 73rd out of 79 shows of the 1986-87 season (the seventh-lowest-rated show on TV), with a 9.0/16 rating/share.
In July 2002 TV Guide named “Life With Lucy” the 26th-worst TV series of all time. In his book What Were They Thinking? The 100 Dumbest Events in Television History, David Hofstede ranked the series at #21 on the list.
Although the series was never re-run on ABC or syndicated, in 1996 Nick at Night included it as part of a Lucille Ball-themed marathon.
Theme Song: "Every Day Is Better Than Before" sung by Eydie Gorme
"Life With Lucy” was released on DVD on October 8, 2019 on CBS Home Video (despite the fact the series was originally aired on ABC). 
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upshotre · 5 years
Fury v Wallin: Vegas to witness 'best Fury we have seen', says Steve Bunce
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Las Vegas should be braced for the "best Tyson Fury we have seen" when Britain's former heavyweight world champion faces Otto Wallin on Saturday, says the 5 Live Boxing team. Those close to Fury, in his second bout of a lucrative ESPN contract in the USA, hope he can enhance his growing profile in the country. With the contest falling on Mexican Independence Day weekend, fight week has seen Fury dressed as a Mexican wrestler, serving tacos in a Mexican restaurant and delivering phrases in Spanish to the media in a bid to maximise the non-title bout's profile in the States. Sweden's Wallin - who scaled 236lbs - has been written off but his team say he will "attack" the "obvious" flaws they see in Fury. Fury's remarkable weight loss transformation points to his ongoing dedication and his mark of 254lbs is the lightest he has been since he faced Wladimir Klitschko in 2015. 'Is Fury better than in 2015?' Steve Bunce believes Fury is in a great place physically and mentally Fury's physique is unrecognisable from two years ago, when he weighed around 28st following well-publicised mental health struggles. He is more than half a stone lighter than last time out and from his peak, has now lost the equivalent in weight of a Vasyl Lomachenko or close to a prime Floyd Mayweather. "He might just be, right now, the best Fury we have seen," said 5 Live Boxing's Steve Bunce. "That includes the Fury that got in the ring with Wladimir Klitschko in 2015. He looks faster, slimmer and is clearly better mentally. He is getting close to optimum." Mike Costello, 5 Live's boxing commentator, added: "Wallin was a key sparring partner for Anthony Joshua. He is not unknown but looking online he does look slow on his feet, so he will be beaten for speed, variety and class, it seems." 'I'm psychologist, trainer, friend, brother' - the team behind the transformation of Fury Fury's path to 'true happiness' Return to Fury Manor - 5 Live boxing podcast Love Island star Tommy Fury plans ring return The Ruiz reminder For all Wallin's limitations, however, the truth is that promoter Bob Arum did not really want this bout. Despite Fury being a 1-25 favourite, he deems it an unnecessary risk en route to a rematch in 2020 with WBC world heavyweight champion Wilder, the big-hitting American who Fury fought to a draw in Los Angeles in December. Media, fans and even organisers repeatedly raise the prospect of staging the Wilder fight on the famous Vegas strip. The scenario was exactly the same in New York in June, when Fury's fellow Briton Anthony Joshua faced repeated questions about a fight with the American, only to then be stunned by Andy Ruiz Jr. "No result will favour Fury in terms of the hard-nosed critics of the opponent and we understand that," added Costello. "But if he gets it done with minimal fuss and we get to Wilder, then no-one will remember the ordinary fights if the big ones come around often enough." If seats are filled at the T-Mobile Arena, it will in some ways be a win in itself and proof he is cutting through with US fans. Wallin aware of mind games Fury says Wallin beat a fighter once dubbed a "golden boy" when he out-pointed compatriot Adrian Granat last year and reckons the Swede is "dangerous" given he has "nothing to lose". But Wallin, a 6ft 5in southpaw with 20 wins from as many fights, has brought a psychologist with him to prepare and is wary of Fury's mind games. "We are aware of how Tyson gets in people's heads and can throw them off," said Wallin's trainer Joey Gamache, a former two-weight world champion. "We have talked about not falling into those traps. "We know we are in there with the best heavyweight out there, a fighter who is very unorthodox. But we see openings that are pretty obvious and will attack those openings." Read the full article
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slists · 8 years
Relaxing Film Scores
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What Must Be Done - Nick Cave & Warren Ellis
Tema d'Amore - Ennio Morricone
The Embrace - Michael Nyman
Are You Gonna Eat Me? - Daniel Hart
Sugar Storm - Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross
Haunting - Halsey
A Wonderful Thing - Richard Wells
Light of the Seven - Ramin Djawadi
Brokeback Mountain Theme: The Wings (Gabriel and Dresden's Organized Nature Remix) [Edit] - Gustavo Santaolalla & Gabriel & Dresden
Cornfield Chase - Hans Zimmer
Preservation Divine - Keith Kenniff
Eternal Love - Abel Korzeniowski
Opening - Craig Armstrong & AR Rahman
Rosie Darko - Michael Andrews
New Moon (The Meadow) - Alexandre Desplat
Together We Will Live Forever - Clint Mansell & Kronos Quartet
Drowning - Abel Korzeniowski
Apertura - Anibal Kerpel, Braulio Barrera, Don Markese, Gustavo Santaolalla & Javier Casalla
Married Life - Michael Giacchino
I Could Have Done More - John Williams, Boston Symphony Orchestra & Itzhak Perlman
Lovers - Flower Garden - Shigeru Umebayashi
Pillow Talking - Clint Mansell
Song For Jesse - Nick Cave & Warren Ellis
I Called Him Today - Joel Clarkson
Love Theme From "Cousins" - Angelo Badalamenti, Dirk Brosse & Brussels Philharmonic - The Orchestra of Flanders
Reflection - Howard Shore
Daydreams - Abel Korzeniowski
503 - Hans Zimmer, Joshua Bell, Heitor Pereira, Martin Tillman, Ryeland Allison, Satnam Ramgotra, Endre Granat, Julie Gigante, Steve Erdody, Brian Dembow, Nico Abondolo, Michael O'Donovan, Nick Glennie-Smith, Howard Scarr, Jacob Shea & Noah Sorota
Evgeni's Waltz - Abel Korzeniowski
The Poet Acts - Philip Glass, Michael Riesman & Lyric Quartet
Ibelin - Harry Gregson-Williams, London Session Orchestra, Bach Choir, Fretwork & Choir of The Kings Consort
Chevaliers de Sangreal - Hans Zimmer & Richard Harvey
Regrets of an Artist - Ramin Djawadi
Our Own Roof - Nils Frahm
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italianaradio · 5 years
Avengers: Endgame, ecco perché Cap non poteva morire
Nuovo post su italianaradio https://www.italianaradio.it/index.php/avengers-endgame-ecco-perche-cap-non-poteva-morire/
Avengers: Endgame, ecco perché Cap non poteva morire
Avengers: Endgame, ecco perché Cap non poteva morire
Avengers: Endgame, ecco perché Cap non poteva morire
In vista dell’uscita del cofanetto dedicato alla Infinity Saga, attori e realizzatori coinvolti nel MCU stanno passando in rassegna i migliori aneddoti e rivelando qualche dettaglio sulla produzione dei film che hanno portato ad Avengers: Endgame, culmine degli ultimi dieci anni di narrazione condivisa e campione d’incassi al box office.
Tra questi ci sono anche Christopher Markus e Stephen McFeely, i due sceneggiatori di Endgame, che intervistati da Vanity Fair hanno svelato le ragioni per cui non era possibile uccidere uno dei personaggi principali (nonostante ci fossero tutte le premesse per farlo e il contratto dell’attore fosse in scadenza).
“Nel corso dei film ci siamo resi conto che Cap e Tony stavano attraversando un percorso ben preciso. Steve Rogers inizia come soldato d’onore che poi diventa individuo completamente disinteressato costretto a schivare granate, e man mano sempre più egoista…basti pensare a Civil War, dove prende decisioni basate su ciò che vuole, anche se questo significava combattere i Vendicatori. Mentre Tony inizia come playboy miliardario sfacciato, ma la posta in gioco cresce e così le sue responsabilità. Ad un certo punto, alla fine del 2015, ci siamo resi conto che Steve, per mostrare il suo sé migliore, doveva vivere e Tony, al contrario, doveva morire per lo stesso obiettivo“.
McFeely ha poi aggiunto che “Captain America non poteva morire in questo film perché era già disposto a morire nel suo primo standalone. Non ci sarebbe stato un viaggio emotivo da compiere altrimenti, mentre la morte di Tony Stark ha legittimato tutto il percorso del personaggio fino ad allora“.
Avengers: Endgame, 10 cose che ancora non sapevate sul film
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Leggi anche: La campagna per gli Oscar non include Robert Downey Jr. come miglior attore
Un anno dopo la folle corsa agli Oscar di Black Panther (il primo cinecomic della storia ad essere candidato nella categoria Miglior Film capace di conquistare ben tre statuette) Disney e Marvel Studios lanciano ufficialmente la campagna a sostegno di Avengers: Endgame.
Film evento del decennio, è riuscito in un’impresa che sembrava impossibile: ricapitolare un discorso narrativo iniziato nel 2008 da Iron Man riunendo sul grande schermo tutti i personaggi del Marvel Universe. Gli incassi hanno premiato lo studio di Kevin Feige, raggiungendo e superando in cima alla classifica Avatar di James Cameron.
Nel cast del film Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Benedict Cumberbatch, Don Cheadle, Tom Holland, Chadwick Boseman, Paul Bettany, Elizabeth Olsen, Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan, Letitia Wright, Dave Bautista, Zoe Saldana, Josh Brolin, Chris Pratt, Jeremy Renner, Evangeline Lilly, Jon Favreau, Paul Rudd, Brie Larson.
Avengers: Endgame, le scene tagliate che troveremo su Disney +
Fonte: Vanity Fair
Cinefilos.it – Da chi il cinema lo ama.
Avengers: Endgame, ecco perché Cap non poteva morire
In vista dell’uscita del cofanetto dedicato alla Infinity Saga, attori e realizzatori coinvolti nel MCU stanno passando in rassegna i migliori aneddoti e rivelando qualche dettaglio sulla produzione dei film che hanno portato ad Avengers: Endgame, culmine degli ultimi dieci anni di narrazione condivisa e campione d’incassi al box office. Tra questi ci sono anche […]
Cinefilos.it – Da chi il cinema lo ama.
Cecilia Strazza
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