#Steves Automotive
fromasgardandback · 1 year
Automotive Plant's Secretary
Eddie Munson x Reader
description: Y/N L/N is the central secretary at the Automotive Plant Wayne Munson works.
word count: 1.2k
warning: nothing, literal fluff
masterlist | oneshots
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Y/N went to work early that morning to set up for the bosses' meeting. She never understood why they couldn’t do it themselves, but she was getting paid for the boring and mundane work. Although she hated the executives of the company, she adored the workers. They were always kind to her when they came in and visa versa. At least once a week she would bake sweets for them and leave the container on her desk. The notes on top of the Tupperware were always different, but each one with a smiley face. Sometimes families would come in to surprise their loved ones who were hard-working and only a few would make a regular appearance. One of those guys just so happened to be Eddie Munson, the old classmate she had a massive crush on. His uncle worked on the floor and said hello to Y/N each morning and goodnight at the end of the day. If she was having an off day, he would make sure to cheer her up. If her day was particularly hard and stayed silent, when everyone left he would give her a hug with an encouraging word or two. Needless to say, she loved Wayne.
“Good Morning, Wayne. I made chocolate chip cookies.” Y/N smiled up at him.
“Good Morning, sweetie. Thank you, these look delicious.” He smiled back taking a cookie, wasting no time in eating the entire thing.
Most days were busy and quiet. If the floor was hard at work and not much chit-chat going on, you can hear the executives mucking it up in their offices without a care in the world. They cared little for their employees and only if they made them more money or not. It was hard for Y/N to see the contrast between white-collar and blue-collar workers. They deserved better, that’s why she baked and tried her hardest to be kind to all of them.
“Do you have any exciting plans this weekend?” She asked, leaning her elbows on the desk.
“Some chores around the trailer, nothing too exciting. Try and use my days off to relax.” Wayne replied, swallowing the last remnants of the cookie. “What about you, kid?”
“Same, nothing much other than relaxing. I might go out with some friends to a bar tonight.” She smiled at the nickname.
“Don’t get too crazy, don’t know what we’d do without you here.” He smirked, waving her off as he walked to the breakroom with his things.
The day went by fairly quickly, and now it was 1:30 pm. Only three and a half hours to go until they can all clock out. The hum of a radio blasting and turning off can be heard faintly through the entrance door and a pair of boots touching the fake hardwood floors moving closer to her desk. She looked up, only to blush and hide the heat rising to her face.
“Hey, Y/N.” Eddie smiled politely.
“Hi, Eddie. To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you during a work day?” She smiled up at him. ‘Seriously? You had all of five minutes to come up with something non-embarrassing and that’s what came out of your mouth?’ She thought to herself.
“Came to drop off lunch for Uncle Wayne, he deserves something better than ham and cheese.” He chuckled as he signed the visitor sign-in sheet. 
“That’s very sweet of you, Eddie. You can go on back. I’ll let him know you’re here.” He winked at her, following her instructions and going towards to break room. Heart-pounding and the blush on her cheeks growing redder, she hurriedly went to the floor. On his way out of the building, he stopped by her desk again.
“My band’s playing at The Hideout tonight. Maybe you want to come by?” Eddie smiled nervously, quickly fixing his sentence. “Not alone of course, with friends. Or alone if you just want to be alone, but you don't have to.” Eddie failed terribly, fumbling through trying to stop talking.
“I’d love to come. My friends and I were headed to a bar anyways. We’ll be there.” She smiled at him to which he returned and a small wave while leaving.
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For a few weeks, Eddie would make an excuse to come “drop” occasional things that Wayne just so happened to forget at home. He would spend at least ten minutes talking to Y/N and declare to his friends that he was going to ask her out one of these days. 
“Dude, you’ve been pining after her for years and talking with her every week. If you haven’t done it by now, you’re not going to. You’re just chicken, man” Gareth rolled his eyes sipping his beer.
“Watch how you speak to me, I am not chicken. She comes to see us play every week. If that’s not making a move, then what do you suggest?” Eddie grumbled sitting up straight, eyes boring into his friends’. 
“Y/N, go to dinner with me? That’s a start.” Jeff replied fiddling with his guitar. 
“ALL BLUNT!?” Eddie exclaimed.
“YES!” His friends yelled annoyed that he has yet to do anything about this crush, but bitch and complain.
The band was setting up the stage an hour before the bar opened to set up their gig. The moment they opened she walked through those doors with her friends smiling wide when making eye contact with him. Eddie blushed giving her a small wave, going back to tuning his guitar. Y/N sat in the back booth giving her the advantage of hiding what redness crossed her cheeks.
“Just ask him out,” Nancy commented setting down her purse next to you.
“What are you talking about?” She acted dumb, not wanting to be embarrassed by the conversation, watching her crush be his adorable self.
“How much you’re in love with Eddie. Y/N, we love you but it's painfully obvious. Just rip off the bandaid and ask him out.” Robin remarked, setting down the drinks.
“And disgusting to hear how much you think he’s hot and adorable and his eyes are so dreamy.” Steve rolled his eyes, exaggerating.
“Okay, okay. I’ll stop talking about him. But I can’t ask him out. He doesn’t see me that way.” Y/N shook her head looking down. Steve laughed loudly, causing Nancy to elbow him in the shoulder.
“Sweetie, it is so clear that he likes you.” Nancy smiled. “Just go for it. There’s nothing to lose, we promise you.”
“And he’s making his way to the bar now. Take your chance. And if it goes awry, we’ll leave.” Robin nodded encouragingly.
Y/N had no other choice than to get up and face the fear of rejection from the childhood crush she couldn’t seem to shake.
“Eddie, Hi.” She fiddled with the rings on her hands.
“Y/N, you came. Hi.” He noticed, taking note that she was nervous.
“I, um, want to ask you something.” She squeaked out, not looking up.
“I want to ask you something as well.” Eddie leaned against the bar on his right elbow. They both took a short breath asking their question together.
“Would you go to dinner with me?” He asked.
“Would you go to dinner with me?” She asked. They chuckled, blushing harder than a tomato.
“I would love to, Eddie.” She smiled big, leaning into him.
“I would be more than happy to, Y/N.” He smiled wider, leaning closer to her.
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oldschoolfrp · 1 year
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The Gaucho, by Conquistador -- blazing firepower and swift acceleration combined in one Division 10 fighting vehicle; safety and highway options available (Ed Haddock illustration, Steve Kraemer vehicle design for Car Wars, in Autoduel Quarterly V5 N1, Spring 2037 (1987), Steve Jackson Games)
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jobvacancynow1 · 9 months
Automotive Storekeeper (Al Ain) – Arabic Speaker
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art-emotions · 2 years
Merci à l'Essence de l'automobile pour avoir exposé ce dimanche 4 septembre ma dernière œuvre de Steve McQueen à Amiens parmi de belles créations et de très belles autos.
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sp0o0kylights · 2 months
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I started writing an enemies to lovers Steddie fic that starts off as Tommy/Steve/Carol with this prompt except Im tired and I lost the plot lmao so instead let me float the images of:
Modern college town AU featuring frat president Steve, who's been convinced no one will ever really love him by his parents, his past relationships, and Tommy & Carol. The latter not only "date" him but regularly use him and his money by utilizing his self worth issues against him.
Hes barely scrapping by in class, kind of wants to pick up a side job to get out from under his parents financial thumb, and enjoys talking shit with his sort of new friend Robin at a retro vinyl store, but with Tommy and Carol reporting back to his parents/the frat he's not able to take up Robin's offer to work there with her.
The frat keeps him busy the rest of the time--he's a legacy, and several members are deeply entrenched into a competition against the other fraternities that frequently cause problems on campus due to their pranks, parties and general bullshit. Steve has to run shoulders with the college Dean and such a LOT to peace keep.
Eddie works at the major game shop across the road from the vinyl place, which helps pay for the automotive program he's in part time at the college. He runs all the D&D campaigns, including several for adults and kids. A lot of the events he tries to get going on campus get shut down as the school and police target him and the "scary kids" in a show of misdirected anger at the frats they can't touch without risk of losing out on their parents money.
Eddies particularly pissed at Steve after an infamous incident involving Eddie spearheading a pokemon go event that came into contact with some kind of frat beer run, which led to Eddie being wrongfully arrested.
Their enemies piece began with Eddie storming into Steve's frat, demanding he do something as he's one of the more influential presidents and Steve, goaded on by Tommy and Carol, refusing.
This is further cemented when Eddie finds out one of his favorite high school players, Dustin, is close with Steve and defends him constantly, refusing to elaborate much when pressed other than to tell Eddie that Steve used to watch Dustin a lot as a babysitting gig and he's a "really good guy under all the frat shit Eddie, seriously."
(Dustin does not elaborate that his mother was on the PTA with Steve's mother and that she clocked his parents abuse, and used the babysitting angle to get Steve out of that house as a kid, and Steve sees Ma Henderson more as a proper parental figure than his own parents.)
Throw in some light sub/dom dynamics, Eddie breaking into Steve's room as revenge only to overhear Tommy and Carol being downright vicious to him, and a "who did this to you" crying in the rain scene before the prompt line finally kicks in.
I wanted Tommy and Carol to be fucking gagging crying throwing up furious when Steve finally blows it all up, and for the fallout to be so insane for Steve that he ends up either starting his own frat with Eddie or throwing away his title entirely and having several of the not shit frat boys follow him out.
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thefreakandthehair · 8 months
@eddiemonth prompt, oct 10th: College | Loser Denial - Heyrocco | Determined a/n: steddie, college au, really just fluffy getting together. un-betaed because I’m challenging myself to write these in under an hour. read on ao3 | link to masterpost on ao3
They say that the most basic human need is to feel a sense of belonging, to feel welcomed. Eddie’s yet to find that acceptance at Ivy Tech Community College in Fort Wayne, about 25 miles southeast of his hometown. He’d hoped that getting away from Hawkins and joining a program for automotive technology would give him a good shot at meeting some like-minded people but so far, it’s been nothing short of a bust. 
Not only is he yet to touch a car because he’s had to focus on meaningless general education classes first, he’s made one friend. One single friend in the form of a lab partner, and he’s not actually sure if they’re even friends so much as they are two people forced into talking on a regular basis. But Eddie counts it, because it’s all he’s got for now. 
Without his high school reputation and the safety of a familiar environment, college is an ominous beast with sharp teeth. Each day feels like stepping into a pasture with no shepherd, but he’s determined not to fail. Three attempts at graduating high school is enough failure for a lifetime. So yes, he counts his lab partner. 
Besides, if they aren’t really friends yet, Eddie would like to be. Steve’s a good dude— not quite his normal type in company, sure, but he’s studying to become a nurse, he’s smart in a quick-witted non-traditional sort of way, and Eddie can’t imagine anyone being on the receiving end of that smile and not going a little wobbly in the knees. 
Alright, so maybe Eddie wants a little more than friendship but he’s only greedy when the end goal seems possible. And determined as Eddie may be, he can’t imagine that he’s Steve type. Some days are harder than others though, like the days when they’re crammed next to each other in the library at tiny tables, or the days when they hang back in the lab to work through their latest experiment. 
Today though? Today is downright painful. 
Today, he’s in Steve’s fucking apartment. Steve’s tiny, off-campus apartment that he shares with someone named Robin who Eddie can only assume is his girlfriend. There are pictures of the two of them all over the place, distracting Eddie from the lab report they’re supposed to be working on. Words jump off the page in front of him as he sits cross legged on the floor with his back against the couch Steve’s sitting on. It doesn’t help that Steve’s sitting so close, his foot occasionally grazing Eddie’s side, his thigh close enough for Eddie to rest his head against. 
Twice now, Steve’s leaned down over Eddie’s shoulders to get a closer look at the data chart, turning to face him close enough that their noses nearly touch. Eddie’s just about stopped breathing both times because his hair tickles Eddie’s ear and he smells so good. 
Molecular weight. Boiling point. Propanol. 
He tries his damndest to focus on his section, opting to take on the procedures and data analysis while Steve works on the lengthy conclusion section, but he just— 
He can’t. Maybe he can’t be friends with Steve after all. Not when he’s sitting in his apartment, surrounded by happy pictures of Steve with his girlfriend, feeling his disappointment grow stronger and stronger. Through his haze, he barely recognizes Steve asking him a question. 
“Hello? Eddie? Earth to Eddie Munson?” Steve nudges him gently in the shoulder with his knee. “We have to rank the order that the pure substances traveled through the column from fastest to slowest, and you’ve got the data.” 
Eddie shakes his head, trying his best to hide his disappointment that Steve can’t be a friend because of his own stupid crush and that Steve can’t be more because well, he’s clearly spoken for and why wouldn’t he be? Who wouldn’t just fall ass over ankles for Steve? 
Apparently, he already has. 
“Uh, hey man, you good? Seriously, you’re kinda freaking me out.” Steve drops his papers on the coffee table and slides off the couch to kneel in front of Eddie. He reaches out and gently tips his chin up, probably checking for some kind of medical issue. 
Stupid nursing program, Eddie thinks. But he just looks up, lets himself be guided by Steve soft, practiced hand and makes eye contact. Hazel, he thinks. I’ve never been close enough to notice that. 
But he still hasn’t spoken and can see that Steve is truly starting to panic so he swallows and finds his tongue again. 
“I’m fine, I’m good, promise. Just uh, just lost in thought. That’s a thing that I do a lot, you’ve seen my notebooks,” he tries to laugh it off but Steve doesn’t drop his hand. He simply slides it to the side, resting carefully on Eddie’s cheek. Eddie’s sure that Steve can feel it growing warmer beneath his touch. 
“What about?” Steve asks, inquisitive. Eddie must be going insane because he swears he sees Steve’s eyes flicker between his gaze and his lips. 
Eddie smiles, mostly fake but there’s something about Steve’s touch that does give him a reason to. 
“Didn’t know you had a girlfriend, that’s all. Got a little lost looking at all the pictures, she seems awesome.”
Not that he’s thought too deeply about how Steve would react, but hysterical laughter wouldn’t have been one of them if he had. But that’s what he sees: Steve falling to the side, his face turning red, his hand slipping from Eddie’s cheek to his chest, and his elbow leaning on the coffee table as his entire body shakes with laughter. 
What the fuck is going on here? Eddie wonders.
“That’s—” Steve tries to speak but takes several tries to get audible words out. “God, she knew that was gonna happen, I owe Robin $20.” 
Eddie sits, stuck in place, his eyes wide and brows knitted tightly above his nose. “Robin? What was gonna happen? $20?” 
“Oh my God, Eddie, I’m— no. Robin is the girl in these pictures, and she’s my best friend. She bet me $20 that the pictures were gonna throw you off and I thought I’d been obvious enough by now that you wouldn’t go down that route. But no, we’re definitely not dating. I’m uh, I’m not exactly her type.” Steve grins and slowly sits back upright, this time cross-legged to mirror Eddie’s position, their knees touching this time. 
“How the fuck could you not be someone’s type?” Eddie lets slip, his mouth moving faster than his brain. No surprise there. 
Before he can take it back, Steve just quirks one eyebrow up. “Well, unless I wake tomorrow a woman… not gonna happen. Did you miss that picture?” 
Eddie follows Steve’s finger that’s pointing to the largest picture hung on the wall, one of them at a Pride event. Robin sits on Steve’s shoulders, wearing a flag of varying shades of reds, oranges, and purples like a cape around her neck. Steve’s smiling from ear to ear, otherwise dressed as he does every day save for the pink, purple, and blue stripes painted on his cheek. 
It’s the largest picture in the room, and somehow, Eddie’s missed it completely.
“So yeah, not really her type. Is that why you’ve been so quiet? And completely ignoring all of my attempts to make a move?” 
“A move? On what?” Eddie asks, incredulous. 
Steve shrugs and leans forward, resting his palms on Eddie’s knees. “You, dumbass. Why else would we study here instead of the library?” 
“Gonna level with you here, I didn’t even think about it. I figured you were just tired of me almost getting us kicked out for being too loud or something! That was not obvious, Steve.” Eddie’s heart pounds in his chest, hope clawing its way through a graveyard of isolation. 
Steve just huffs a small laugh through his nose and bites his lower lip. “Let me be clearer, then. I like you. And maybe we can see if we’ve got as much chemistry as propanol and… whatever the fuck else was on that list, I don’t remember.” 
It’s Eddie’s turn to laugh, wild and free as he throws his head back against the couch. When he looks back at Steve, his laughter lulls to a soft smile. “Jesus Christ, that was so bad and I can’t believe it’s about to work on me.” 
“Yeah?” Steve grins, leaning closer, almost closing the distance. 
Eddie nods, breathless. “Yeah.”
Terrible chemistry puns and pick up lines aside, kissing Steve does feel like a chemical reaction, one that deserves its own lab report. 
His lips are soft, a little chapped to match Eddie’s, but he moves with intention and care, two things Eddie isn’t familiar with. He’s kissed before but not like this, not like his partner is trying to pour affection into him with every movement. Over time, he’ll grow to learn that that’s just how Steve is, all-in on everything he finds worth his time and energy. 
Their lab report goes forgotten in favor of learning more about one another until Robin comes home hours later, thankfully after they’ve washed up and settled in on the couch in a much less precarious position. 
“Aw, man,” she bemoans, dropping her bag next to the door with a loud thud. “I really thought the pictures were gonna cockblock you.” 
Eddie elbows Steve in the side. “Pay up, Stevie. Be a man of your word. I don’t date men with poor integrity.” 
“You two are gonna be the worse fucking tag team, goddamn it,” he mutters under his breath as he lifts his hips up to fish around for his wallet, tossing a $20 on the coffee table. “I don’t think it should count because it was fine once I explained!” 
Robin grins, walking over to the couch and grabbing the bill off the table before making herself comfortable in the free corner next to Eddie. 
“Eddie, I’ve heard a lot about you and I think we’re gonna be really good friends.” 
He finds himself sandwiched between Steve and Robin for the rest of the night, comfortable and welcomed, as though he’s belonged there the whole time. The evening doesn’t end with Eddie making a friend out of Steve, but how can he complain when he finds so much more?
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steviewashere · 13 days
The Great Cornholio
Rating: General CW: Implied/Referenced Animal Abandonment, Implied/Referenced Animal Neglect, Implied/Referenced Child Abandonment, Implied/Referenced Child Neglect Tags: Post-Canon, Established Relationship, Mild Angst, Fluff, Steve Harrington is Impulsive, Steve Harrington is a Little Shit, Steve Harrington is a Sweetheart, Eddie Munson is a Sweetheart, Soft Steve Harrington, Soft Eddie Munson, Adopting a Dog, Beavis and Butthead Reference, Cornholio the Dog, Steve Harrington Has Bad Parents, Domestic Steddie, Domestic Fluff
🐕—————🐕 There’s a disrupting clatter of noise coming from the front door of their apartment. Eddie stops immediately what he’s been doing in the kitchen—wiping down counters and putting away the dry dishes from the rack—and listens in. Shushing. Scraping? And then…a whine.
“Steve?” He calls out.
All of the sounds immediately stop. Unnervingly so.
“Uh…Steve, you alright?” He calls out again. “You didn’t get into another fight again, did you? I think we’re out of rubbing alcohol, so it’ll be a bitch to disinfect any wounds you got.”
Subtle shuffling comes closer to the open doorway of the kitchen. Eddie turns to look. Steve’s standing in his work clothes, vest over his polo, jeans straight down his legs, shoes still laced. He’s flushed bright red. Nervously fiddling with his fingers. He shifts from foot to foot and peers up at Eddie through his eyelashes. Mirth glints at him.
“What’d you do,” Eddie sighs.
Steve smiles at him. All his teeth. Squinting his eyes so hard, they nearly look closed. “I got us something,” he giddily states, “you’re going to love it.”
Eddie gestures for him to get whatever this thing is. And waits, dish gloves up to his elbows, barefoot and in his pajamas, half-tired, not showered. He had a day off from work, the automotive shop around the corner, so what if he does chores and nothing else? But he’s especially exhausted. Just wants to relax. And knows, whatever Steve’s done, will tarnish all of that.
A couple minutes later, Steve comes back towards the kitchen. Vest gone, shoes off. Hands behind his back. Squirming left and right as his grip subtly—or not so subtly—changes. Slowly, carefully, he reveals the contents of his hands. And staring back at Eddie is a dog.
It’s a smaller breed—whatever breed it is. Soft looking, white fur. Ears that fold over like airplane wings. Big, brown, bug-like eyes. Pink nose, straight tail, short legs, and six toes on the front left foot. The dog’s cute, Eddie can objectively notice. It doesn’t mind being held, considering how Steve’s holding it close to his belly like it’s a toddler. And it’s not barking at him, like most dogs do the first time they’re introduced to him. This one’s rather mellow. Very relaxed. Though, that may just be from nerves.
“I got a dog,” Steve says. His voice goes a little high with his happiness. Smile bright and big and unmistakeable. Eyes excited and warm.
Eddie already knows he won’t turn this away.
“I can see that,” he states. “Is it our dog or—“
“His name is Cornholio. Like in Beavis and Butthead. And I’ve got all the supplies in the trunk,” Steve begins explaining, barreling over Eddie’s question. Okay, so it’s definitely ours, Eddie notes. “Cornholio here is housebroken. He knows how to sit and lay down. He’ll be sleeping with us in bed, I’m not making him lay in a dog bed by himself. And I’m going to buy him his own turkey to eat for dinner. And—“
“Wait, wait, wait,” Eddie interrupts. Immediately, Steve stops talking. And his smile fades. Looking more like…Well, it’s in bad taste, but he looks like a kicked puppy. The longer Eddie takes to collect himself, though, Steve appears as if his entire family has been slaughtered in front of his eyes. Eddie rubs a, now gloveless, hand between his eyebrows. “We didn’t talk about getting a dog? What led you to do this? How much did he cost? Have you factored in the possibility that either of us could be allergic?” Calm down, he scolds himself. He takes a quick, steadying breath. “I’m not…We can keep the dog, Stevie. But I—I’m not prepared for a dog.”
Steve cradles the dog closer to himself. Looks down at the top of his head and kisses the fur between his ears. Cornholio looks up with his big brown eyes, his tail wags as much as it can where Steve’s holding him, and he licks the underside of Steve’s jaw. “I just thought it would be nice to have a little buddy around,” he murmurs lowly, a little sad. “There was an ad for the humane society in the newspaper this morning and I thought, y’know, what if I looked after work? Just for the shits and giggles of it, but then I saw him. 
“And he’d been there for three years. He used to be left alone at his old house for weeks on end. Just left with scraps and the bag of dog food. Whatever he could find. He was lonely and sad and…Somebody finally called for him to be taken in.” Steve shrugs as much as he can with the weight of the dog between his arms. Looks up to Eddie, his eyes just as big as Cornholio’s, wet and tired. Meekly, he adds, “He made me think of myself. When…When my parents would just leave me all alone.”
Oh, Eddie thinks. His chest feels heavier. Head foggier. Eyes stinging.
“And you wanted to give him a better chance than what you had,” Eddie says, though he meant it like a question. It comes out a little breathy, too much of a realization to be anything more than that. Steve nods slowly, gently.
“He was only $50. I’ll return him if it’s a prob—“
“No, no,” Eddie rushes. He forces himself to move forward. Stand close and in Steve’s space. He peers down at the top of Cornholio’s little head, his tantalizingly soft fur. So, he scratches his nails over the baby’s scalp. He peers up at Steve again. At his impossibly sadder eyes, just a second away from bursting into tears. His free hand comes up and cups Steve’s left cheek. Thumb gently swiping over his cheekbone. “I think that you picked a good one, sweetheart. This baby’s adorable,” he coos. “Look, he’s even got my eyes.”
Steve scoffs. “Your eyes? He’s my son!”
Eddie hums. “Actually, he’s our son,” he murmurs. Smiles small to himself at the way Steve preens at those words. “And his name is Cornholio, like in Beavis and Butthead. And he’s going to eat turkey with us every night. And he can sleep between us in bed to ward off our nightmares, yeah?”
“Really? You’re not mad?”
He shrugs. “No, maybe just a little scrambled. But…I’m also an impulsive person, so this matters none.” Cornholio’s fur is incredibly soft under his hand. And he looks up at the two of them with all the gentleness in the world. And, maybe, Eddie thinks he could die happy here and now.
Steve leans in a little closer. Rests his cheek on Eddie’s shoulder as they both peer down at the little white dog. “Huh,” he mutters, “I guess he does have your eyes.”
“See?” Eddie asks softly, grinning. “Match made in heaven. How about we take him on a walk? Show him our picnic spot?”
Abruptly, Steve gasps. “Oh my gosh!” He crows, “We can take him on our picnics with us! And he can meet all the dogs at the park! And he can lay in our laps! And—“
Chuckling, Eddie swipes a soothing hand down Steve’s back. He’s bouncing in place, probably five seconds away from lift-off into the ceiling. He kisses Steve’s temple. Murmurs, “I’ll make some sandwiches, alright? Go get his collar and leash.”
Steve positively squeals.
And Eddie was right. This does ruin the plans he had on his day off, but he figures this is better. Way better than anything he could’ve done for himself. There was no way he was going to turn down the opportunity to see his boy happy.
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andydrysdalerogers · 9 months
Under the Hood 
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Dark! Mechanic Steve Rogers x F!Reader 
A broken car, a handsome hero. Nothing but a spark between you. If only you knew... 
Song: Tainted Love by Soft Cell
Word Count: ~ 2.7K
Warning: 18+ only! SMUT!, drugging, dub-con, degradation, oral (f-receiving), dark! Steve Rogers 
Mood board by: @georgiapeach30513
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
A/N: This came from the mood board challenge game that @georgiapeach30513 hosted a few weeks ago. I spun the wheels and have been pushed out of my comfort zone. My spins were Mechanic Steve Rogers, degradation and drugging.  Please heed the warnings below.   
As this is an out of my comfort zone fic, feedback would be appreciated but being mean or rude comments will not be tolerated and you will be promptly blocked. 
Doing my normal taglist at the bottom. Please let me know if you want to be removed.
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Climbing down the steps of your building, your smile is big as you look forward to your day. Being an art teacher was fun, especially with the younger children.  As you climbed in your vehicle, you couldn’t help but sigh. Today was going to be a great day.  
But then, your car wouldn’t start.  
“C’mon,” you muttered. Your smile fell. This was an older car for sure, but it wasn’t that old.  You got out and popped the hood. Not seeing anything out of place. You tossed your head back and sighed.  So much for it being a great day.  
“Need some help?” 
You jumped and whipped around to the voice behind you.  A man, a gorgeous man stood behind you, a rag wiping grease from his hands.  You eyed him, up and down.  Blonde hair, blue eyes, scruff around his chiseled jaw, white, dirty shirt that was fitted to a narrow waist and tone legs wrapped in jeans. Motorcycle boots finished the look and you managed to look back up at the Adonis standing in front of you.  You swallow, “my car won’t start.”  
“I can see that.  Can I look?” He smiled but you hesitated.  “My name is Steve and I work at the garage.”  He pointed to the garage, Barnes Automotive. It had been a staple in the neighborhood for years.  
“Sure.”  You stepped aside, smoothing out your dress as Steve ducked his head under the hood.  You chewed your lip as he fiddled with the engine.  
“Looks like there are a couple of problems, sweetheart. Gonna take a few weeks to repair.” He looked at you as he cleaned his hands.  
“No,” you whispered. Tears began to flood your eyes.  What were you going to do? You had to get to work and now you were stuck.  
“You ok?” 
“No,” you repeated, louder this time.  “I don’t know a lot of people in this town and I’m not sure how I’ll get to work and stuff.” You sniffed, trying to keep the tears at bay.  
“Well, I can give you a ride,” Steve offered. “I’m at the garage early and I can step out to take you and pick you up. We’re neighbors after all.”  
“Oh, I couldn’t impose.”  
“My mama would whoop my ass if I left a lady all alone, stranded.  Promise, I don’t bite.” He smiled again and you melted. There was nothing wrong with accepting help.  “C’mon sweetheart, what do say?” 
And it started.  Every day, Steve would give you a ride in his classic black Mustang and pick you up every night. You would chat the five or so miles every day. He had coffee ready for you, once he learned of your preferences.  He was charming and sweet.  
And every day, you fell, more and more.  
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Steve was falling in love.  
Well, to be honest, he had been in love with you for months.  When he first saw you, you were moving into the neighborhood.  You were beautiful, your hair swept up in a bun at the top of your head with a glitter headband that made him think you had a halo. Jean short that hugged your ass as your shirt was knotted at the waist. Just the sight of you made his dick twitch, your hair, skin, clothes, everything made his blood sing.  
“I need to know her,” he told his best friend, Bucky.  
Bucky whistled, “she is a dime. What’s your plan?” 
“Get to know her. However way I can.” Steve smirked and walked away, putting his plan into motion.  
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About six weeks into the repairs, you needed a mental health day.  You sent a text to Steve to let him know that you were staying home.  
You: I’m sorry, I need a rest day, not going to work 
Steve: everything ok? 
You: yeah, I'm just needed a break. Going to veg on the couch 
You: I’ll miss your coffee tho 
You got no response to that last message.  Frowning, you went to make your own cup when there was a knock on the door.  Curious, you looked through the peephole and smiled.  “Steve, what are you doing here?” 
“I didn’t want you to miss your cup of coffee.” He held out the travel mug to you, the special one he bought especially after mixing up the cups once before.  
“Oh, you didn’t have to be so sweet,” you swooned. You took the cup and took a sip. “So good.”  
Steve grinned; “I added some cinnamon to the coffee.” 
“God, my own personal barista.” You gave him a big smile. “You want to come in?” 
“Sure, if that’s ok.”  
“It is. I’m just taking a me day today. Veg out, you know.”  
Steve frowned. “Veg out?” 
“Lay like broccoli.” You giggled.  “It's from a movie. Pretty Woman?” 
“Never seen it.”  
Your jaw dropped. “Steve! How could you have gone through life without seeing Pretty Woman. Rich guy meets hooker, and they make an arrangement to help him.  But before she gets paid, she falls in love.” You clutch your hands to your chest. “And then the guy chases after her to tell her he loves her too.”  
“Sweetheart, I’m a guy. We don’t watch movies like that.”  
“Well, you will today.” You took his hand and tugged him to the couch. You sat down next to him and pulled your blanket over your legs.  
“Nope. I need to educate you.” You flipped on the movie and reached for your coffee to sip.  As the movie started, you snuggled closer to Steve, the warmth of his body drawing you in. The smell of the coffee, his cologne mixed with his natural scent was an aphrodisiac. You sighed when he put his arm around behind you.  
Steve ran his long fingers over your skin, fluttering along the now sensitive flesh on your arm. Suddenly, you wanted to be closer. You scooted right next to him and laid your head on his shoulder as he dropped his arm around your waist.  His fingers now played with the strip of flesh that was exposed from your shirt riding up.  
“Steve,” you whispered.  
“Yeah baby, this ok?” 
You turned your head up to look up at him. He could see your pupils were blown, desire and lust filled them that all he could see was black. He smirks as he trails his finger down your cheek and watches as your eyes close from the sensation. “Open them,” he growls. You blink your eyes open to see the positively feral look in his eyes. “Mine.” And he kisses you.  
It’s everything you didn’t expect but everything you dreamed of. His lips are soft, but they kiss you rough and needy. You’re needy. You shift or he shifts you, you’re not exactly sure but now you’re in his lap, straddling him, your hands on his face to hold him to you, his arms around your hips. You pulled back to breathe. “Steve,” you mumbled.  
“You like this, don’t you baby girl. Rubbing yourself on me like a little slut.” He pulled you back in and rocked your hips back and forth on his lap.  Your thin cotton shorts allowed him to feel how hot your pussy was, and it left nothing to the imagination.  The friction on your pussy from his erection pushing up through his jeans was mind-blowing.  
Desire flooded your blood, his words setting you on fire. “Fuck, Steve,” you moaned as your hips began to move on their own.  
“That’s it, grind on my cock. Fucking slut.” Steve assaulted your neck and shoulders, moving your shirt out of the way.  “Fuck this,” he yanked the shirt off of your body, grinning at the fact that you had no bra on. “God damn, these tits are just made to be sucked on.”  
“Yes, please,” you moaned. Your mind was spiraling; you’ve never been so turned on. It borderline hurt, the need to have Steve touch you, taste you, fill you.  God, you needed Steve to fuck you, like yesterday.  
Steve chuckles darkly at your neediness. “I’m going to destroy this pussy soon enough baby.” When you whined louder, he grinned. “You like that, don’t you, you dirty whore. You want me to wreck this body.” You nodded and Steve flipped you onto the couch, so he hovered on top. He rolled his hips against you, and you shuddered at his hard length pressing into you. “How long has it been, hmm?” 
You went silent, embarrassed at how long it had been since you had been with a man. Lust was overcoming your senses, but you resisted answering him.  
“It's been that long, huh?” Steve chuckled as he took a nipple into his mouth. Your back arched, relishing the feeling of his hot mouth on you.  
“S-steve, fuck, please!” 
“Oh, beg for me, slut, beg for what you want. Fucking brat can’t wait, can she? Maybe I’ll choke you on my cock so I can see your lips wrapped around me.”  You keened at the suggestion and Steve’s jaw dropped for a second before pulling himself off of you and moving you to your knees. “Open, fucking cock tease and choke on me.”  
You didn’t hesitate, wait, why didn’t you hesitate? Your mind was in a daze of lust and yearning.  
And Steve knew.  
He knew why you didn’t hesitate.  For once, John Walker had been proven useful. “Just a drop,” he said, “in her drink and she becomes putty in your hands.”  And the six weeks of spending time together in the car had put your guard down. So trusting, so innocent, so … his.  
The first touch of your lips on his cock was like lighting up his spine. “Fuck, that mouth is hot,” he moaned as you bobbed on the tip. You weren't sure if you could take all of Steve. He was the largest you had ever seen or been with. Steve threaded his hand into your hair and pushed you deeper onto him.  “I said to choke, you stupid slut. I want my dick to be imprinted on your throat.” His other hand grabbed at your neck and squeezed just enough to feel his cock. “That’s it, my little slut.”  
You gagged as his cock punched your throat. Tears mixed your saliva as you took as much of Steve as you could. The man was at least nine inches of solid, velveting man and just feeling every ridge made yor core tingle in delight.  
Before Steve could release, he pulled back. “No, I want to cum inside this pussy.” He lifted you off the floor and into his arms, wrapping your legs around his waist.  His cock was nestled in between you and you could feel it pulsing, wanting to release and fill you with his warmth. “I wanna watch my cum leak out of your gaping, stretched out hole so I can push it back into it.” You shuddered at his words. Steve chuckled.  You like that, hmm? He throws you on the bed and reaches for your sleep shorts.  Not even fighting me. Horny bitch. He rips the rest of your clothes away and you squeak at the force.  
He latches on to a nipple and your back arches as he bites and tugs on the peak. “St-st-steve,” you wail as he continues to lavish attention. 
“Beg for it, slut. Beg me to fuck you hard. Beg for my cock to fill you up and leave my seed I your womb, fucking cock drunk whore.” You cry as he sinks down as pulls your clit between his teeth. “Knew you were cock drunk when you can’t even beg.  Beg, dammit! Beg or I won’t give you want you want! God damn slut! Bet you just prance around like a goddam tease for all of the other guys in the neighborhood.  Bet you have a line so they can just use you.” His big hand covered your throat.  
This snaps you out of your daze, grabbing onto his wrist.  “No! No I don’t. I’m not a whore!” 
“Yes, you are, slut. Wasted no time letting me in here. Am I the first?” He scoffed.  “I doubt it.”  
“No! No! Just you, only you, Stevie, just you!” You cried as Steve held your throat tighter. “Only want you,” you whispered as the air flow began to dwindle.  
Steve felt your hand begin to loosen from his wrist and he let go of the pressure.  You gasped and he pushed hard into your tight heat. “Fuuuuuck,” he moaned, feeling you wrapped around him.  
You tried to make a noise at the intrusion, pain screaming through your body.  But your brain, well your brain enjoyed the pain. It wanted to Steve’s cock to wreck your body but had no idea why. You just needed him and the pain was worth the pleasure you were feeling now.  Steve withdrew and you whimpered at the slight loss.  He chuckled. “Needy cock slut.” He slammed back into you, and you found your voice, screaming.  
He kept the pace, pounding into you as his filthy words penetrating the air. His cock was so deep, you swore it was in your stomach at this point. His pubic hair was brushing along your clit, sending zings through your core, causing you to clench around him.  
“Oh fuck, this pussy is gripping me so tight. Wanna cum, slut? Use your words.”  
“Words, fucking cunt. Use. Your. WORDS!” He punctuated each word with a thrust into you.  
“Please let me cum!” You screamed as the pleasure was reaching its point.  
He roared as he pinched your clit.  
It was like lighting through you.  You pulsed and exploded, squeezing his cock so hard, he couldn’t move. “That’s it, fuck, Such a good little whore.” The tension in your body eased and you were pliant under Steve.  He continued to move, thrusting to meet his end. You cried out from oversensitivity.  
“Can’t,” you cried.  
“Oh yes you can.” Steve kissed you hard until you were bubbling underneath him, your body climbing again. “I need to fill this body with my cum. Fuck, gonna make you a mommy, little whore.”  
Why would he say that? You thanked God that you were on birth control but still his words, shit, his words were bringing your body to the brink again. “Steve,” you moaned.  
“Ready for another? Wanna be my cum drop, hmm? Let me fuck my baby into you?” Steve thrusted harder and harder. You cried out, his hips slamming into you. “That’s it, cum again. Let me fill this slutty pussy up.” One, two and you were gone, eyes rolling back as your body arched from the third explosive orgasm of the day.  “Fuck! Yes!” And with a thrust, Steve flooded your womb with his warmth.  He slowed his hips, dumping everything he had into you.  
He lay on top, his head in the crook of your neck, catching his breath.  You didn’t move and when he lifted his head, he smirked as he realized you were passed out under him. He pulled out and saw his cum starting to seep out. “Whoops, gotta keep the good stuff in there.”  He pushed his cum back into you.  
After grabbing a towel from your bathroom and cleaning you up, he went back to the living room and saw a couple of things had fallen from his jacket.  He saw the packet of pills, snorting at the thought of him switching out your birth control for the last few weeks. “A necessary evil,” he said to himself. Honestly, he wanted a family as soon as possible with you and hopefully this session took.  
The second item was more unusual, but it was the catalysis to start his dreams. The saying was that you just need a spark to start something wonderful. But really, you just needed a spark plug to get our engine going. Not that you were going to be going anywhere other than to his apartment to start your new life.  
He tsk at the thought. If only she knew to check under the hood more often. 
Ah well. Lesson learned. Future planned. Girl secured.   
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waratah-moon · 1 year
Super Like • Eddie Munson
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Eddie 23
Car fixer at Indy Automotive Lives in Indianapolis 5 miles away
Looking for Still figuring it out
About me My friend said I'm a golden retriever gamer boy. Part-time twitch streamer, I know it's lame but it gives me the validation I never got as a child. Also in a band and we're metal as fuck. Hair is short now but I'm growing it out.
🌙 Leo 💌 Touch 🐾 Don't have any, but love 🚬 Smoker 🍃 Yes 🍺 Most nights 📱 Socially active 💤 Night owl
My Interests Tattoos, Dungeons & Dragons, Heavy Metal, Horror Movies, Online Games
My anthem Closer (NIN cover) Corroded Coffin
Eddie super liked you... part 2 - part 3
Masterlist / send me a message / Steve version
Send me a message if you want me to do a part 2 (instagram posts or texts)
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neonponders · 1 year
Part 26 for @wrecked-fuse ‘s pocketverse 🥐
Part 25
( pt. 7′s art 🎩 ) ( pt. 9′s art 👀 ) ( pt. 14′s art 💨 ) ( pt. 19′s art 🦇 ) ( pt. 20′s art 🍳)
~ on ao3 ~
• • •
Eddie didn’t bother with the front door. He came around the side yard, waving a hand, while the large black butterfly that was small Eddie tried to keep up with his strides. Like an instinctive warning had chimed, large Eddie pauseed to catch him, and set a huffing and puffing little guy on the table.
“Good morrow, all.”
Small Billy said outright, “I thought you could fwy?”
“Short distances! I’m not a dwagon,” little Eddie defended.
“He’s trying,” the bigger Eddie consoled and gently extracted Chrissy from a gingham shirt pocket that did not look like his. From the hard grease smear alongside the buttons, they could guess it belonged to Eddie’s uncle, who alternated shifts at the local chemical plant and automotive factory.
Little Steve greeted, “Mornin’, Chwissy. Want some fwuit?”
She started to answer, but little Eddie’s pathetic collapse made her attend to him first. Little Steve and Billy helped her get him up as he whined, “Don’ step on my wings.”
Large Billy nodded backwards toward the kitchen. “There’s coffee in the pot.”
“Sweet,” Eddie said, glad for an escape out of socially obligated nonsense.
Billy’s eyes drifted over the littles, before settling on his own, who munched on a morsel of peach. Billy nudged the little’s back for his attention. “Is it good?”
“It’s zippy. Wike, it’s not all sweet. I wike that.”
“Me too,” he crooned in his morning baritone. A small smile curved Billy’s face as his little walked between his fingers to sit on the back of his palm, examining his silver banded ring by knocking a tiny fist against it.
Meanwhile, big Steve asked, “Chrissy, what do you guys like to eat?”
She threw her hands up with a jubilant, “Croissants!”
Steve’s brows flew up, disappearing under his hair. “Oh.”
Eddie emerged from the house with a mug of coffee. “The Pillsbury kind. Do you know what that is, Harrington.”
Steve sighed as he pushed himself up. “Yeah, the can is green, right?”
He smirked at Eddie, who stood by, unamused before he decided he might be allowed to sink into a seat. Billy heard the beep of the oven turning on and considered mini croissant sandwiches to be a good start to the day. “Where’s your girlfriend?”
“She’s not, and she’s got like church or whatever.”
Billy snorted, but any inclination for a reply went silent as he watched Steve sneak behind Eddie with a familiar blue cylinder, mostly brown now since he’d torn off the outer layer of paper. He thwacked it against Eddie’s chair, causing the dough inside to burst and the cylinder popped.
Eddie went rigid like an electric current had passed through him. Steve snickered and bent over to lean on the table, showing the littles. Small Billy and Steve exclaimed at the stickiness while Chrissy poked it once, preferring to sniff and say, “It smells nice.”
“Croissants coming right up,” Steve announced, only to have small Billy flagging him down.
“Take me with you!”
He set his hand down for little Billy to get settled on his palm and offered to little Eddie, “Let’s get you some water, huh?”
The poor guy looked drunk off of a cube of peach, but he climbed on and little Billy held his hand to make sure he stayed on for the ride to the kitchen.
It was Eddie’s turn to ask, “Do you like to cook?”
“Sometimes,” Billy responded.
“Your little guy sure seems to enjoy it.”
“I like people who cook even more,” he said before going in for a sip of his tea.
Eddie joined him with his coffee. “Subtle.”
They listened to little Steve and Chrissy chitchat until little Billy’s voice piqued their interest and they took the littles to the breakfast bar. Little Billy took great pride in helping Steve roll up the dough, especially licking off jam when it leaked out of the croissants with jam filling.
As soon as little Steve was standing on the counter, he exclaimed, “Biwwy! Why’rwe you slimy?”
Instead of getting an answer, Billy poked his cheek and licked the jam off little Steve’s face. “Because it’s yummy.”
Big Steve put the tray in the oven and promptly started filling the Barbie pool with warm water. A morning in the pool doubled as a bath.
Eddie watched his little pick up an escaped blueberry and offer it to Chrissy. “Wanna share?”
As they passed the jammy fruit back and forth, Eddie remarked, “I didn’t expect mine to be the prudent ones. If you’re not careful, they’ll eat each other.”
Large Billy countered, “They’re only in danger of me eating them.”
Small Steve shook his head as he stepped onto the towel laying like concrete around the pool. “Siwwy Biwwy. If you nom nom us, then you’ll be wonely.”
Billy loomed close to the counter, face sneaking up behind little Steve. “Or you’ll always be where I can find you.” He snapped his teeth, causing the little guy to jump.
“EE! Hey!”
He grinned like a wolf and made kissy noises. Steve stomped over, cheeks aflame until his momentum made him fully run into Billy’s lips, hugging his face. “Meanie.”
A strange burst of pain hit Billy’s jaw, making him lean back and realize small Billy stood next to Steve, glaring fiercely. Large Billy realized, “Did you just kick me?”
The little guy inhaled so deeply, his chest lifted like a cartoon character. “DON’T SCARWE STEVIE!”
To large Billy’s credit, he kept his voice mellow. “The little guy’s been bossing me around all morning.”
On quiet, careful feet, Chrissy approached little Billy and rubbed a hand on his back. Like wind almost blowing a candle out, his anger collapsed before he recovered. Between deciding not to fight anymore, and simply being too tired, little Billy grabbed Steve in one arm and held Chrissy’s hand as he stomped over to where little Eddie stood on tiptoes to slurp down a bottle cap’s worth of water.
Big Billy stood up, only to face Steve with one hand on the counter and another on his hip. "He’s sensitive in the mornings.”
“He’s always sensitive,” Billy snapped, then diffused once he realized what he said.
“That’s why we jazzercize,” Steve finished and then exhaled, “but there’s no jazzercise on Sundays.”
As the uncomfortable quiet of waiting for the oven to finish filled the room, Eddie knocked his rings against the counter before eventually admitting, “Should I go, or...?”
However neither Steve nor Billy answered at first. Billy turned the oven light on to see inside the window, while Steve’s head sagged to the side. Eddie rolled his eyes. He’d thought bringing his littles over would be a nice break but these two were a piece of work -
The front door burst open, and Eddie heard Robin yell, “Kitchen?”
“Yeah,” Steve droned with a look at Eddie as if to say, That’s why you might as well stay.
Robin strolled in, smiling at the smell, only to freeze with her hands up as if to catch something. “Why is the energy weird in here?”
“Billy needs to apologize to Billy.”
Eddie snorted, earning glares from everyone involved. He shrugged happily. “I’m feeling so great about myself. Ignore me and continue.”
To everyone’s surprise, Max strolled in. Her stepbrother frowned. “Where’d you come from?”
“A lake,” she sassed.
Robin elaborated, “I cut through your street and she was skateboarding. I gave her a lift on my bike.”
“I was cleaning off my wheels,” Max finished as she took a seat next to Eddie.
Steve chimed, “Thanks,” before he watched little Billy tote little Steve over to Max and demand entry to her hoodie pocket.
With them cradled in the pocket on her lap, she lifted wide eyes at her brother. “What happened?”
Blue eyes lolled in their sockets. “Little guy can’t take a joke.”
“So...like you?”
Billy’s lips pursed, a sure sign he was about to spit fire, but Max beat him to it with, “Our parents leave for the week.”
That relaxed Billy’s mouth. “Right. Sunday...”
Max confirmed, “They’ll want to see you before they go.”
“Yeah,” Billy played off indifferently, but he stood up off the counter beside the oven and said, “I need to change clothes.”
“After they’re gone, you can make it up to B with a sleepover.”
Both Billy and Steve froze. Robin tried and failed to hide a smile. Max did far better in keeping her humor to herself. “I mean, Steve doesn’t have to do all the work. I’m sure knocking over all your hairsprays and colognes will make B feel better.”
The muscles in Billy’s jaw clenched -
The oven timer beeped, and Chrissy jumped excitedly. “They’re ready! Yay!”
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fromasgardandback · 1 year
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One Shots and Headcanons
My one shots and asks of Marvel, Stranger Things, & Star Wars
Marvel’s 25 Days of Christmas stories ♥️ 2021 Eddie Munson’s 25 Days of Christmas drabbles ♥️ 2022 Stranger Things Summer ♥️ 2024  🌴
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Bucky Barnes
✩ 1940′s
✩ Let Me Help You
Sam Wilson
✩ No Regrets, No Regrets [II]
Tony Stark
✩ Please Don’t Leave Me [Father!Stark x Daughter!Reader]
Loki Laufeyson
✩ Goddess Divine
✩ Beloved
✩ My Saving Grace
Marc Spector / Steven Grant / Jake Lockley
✩ Khonshu’s Next Victim [M]
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Eddie Munson
✩ Two Punks In Love
✩ My Brother’s Best Friend
✩ The Dungeon Master and the Theater Nerd
✩ Romeo & Juliet  
✩ Amoureuse Means Sweetheart  
✩ The Hidden Wheeler 
✩ Automotive Plant’s Secretary
✩ Rocker Mayfield - Part I
Steve Harrington
✩ Let Me Show You
✩ Home Remedy
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Anakin Skywalker
✩ My Promise To You 
✩ My Promise To You II
Obi-Wan Kenobi
✩ Our Routine on Tatooine
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ONE CHICAGO (closed)
✩ Detective Halstead’s Girl
✩ My Other Half 
✩ The Other Ruzek Kid [1], The Other Ruzek Kid [2]
✩ Welcome Back, Peter Mills
✩ Donor 1128 [Daughter]
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oldschoolfrp · 1 year
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“There are times when you just want to drive.  Screaming down an empty highway, and woe to those who get in your way!”  The Crazy Horse by MacMillan Motors (Ed Haddock illustration, Scott Allen vehicle design for Car Wars, in Autoduel Quarterly V5 N1, Spring 2037 (1987), Steve Jackson Games)
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bvlladonnas · 2 months
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Is that MACKENYU ? oh, no, that's KAITO AKIYAMA ! A TWENTY-SIX year old MODEL who uses HE/HIM pronouns. They currently live in VALPARAISO, and the character they identify with most is NATE ARCHIBALD from GOSSIP GIRL. Hopefully they find their own little paradise here in el país de los poetas!
full name: kaito akiyama nickname(s): kai age: twenty-six  gender: cis man  pronouns: he/him  sexuality: heterosexual  date & place of birth: august 25 in kyoto, japan  occupation: model  faceclaim: mackenyu arata piercings: none  traits: warm, polite, hospitable, oblivious, flippant, carefree, and out of touch  similar to: nate archibald (gossip girl), takashi morinozuka (ouran high school host club), bruce banner (marvel comics), steve harrington (stranger things) aesthetics: amber and sandalwood cologne, loosened ties, falling into bed after a late night of partying, the inherent loneliness and freedom that comes with being invisible, a strong hand on your shoulder, a ring on each hand, the sheen of sweat on your forehead at the gym
– kaito was born as the middle son to one of the wealthiest families in japan. his father, heir to one of the most profitable automotive companies in the world, married his favorite actress after a whirlwind romance that lasted a year. very in love, they had children immediately, and as kaito's father inherited the family company, began their own lives. – they moved to kyoto when his mother decided to quit acting, wanting to be out of the hustle and bustle of tokyo. – as a result, his father was often gone for long periods of time, staying in tokyo for business during the week and coming home for weekends. – kaito has very clearly always lived a life of luxury; everything he had he wanted, and while it didn't spoil him rotten (read: evil), he is very spoiled in the fact that he doesn't want to compromise his way of life. why would he? – being the middle brother meant that kaito didn't really have anything to live up to. he was able to blend into the background, as long as he didn't hurt his family's reputation. and as long as he didn't do that, he could do pretty much everything else he wanted – most of his life has been in a boarding school. when he graduated middle school he left to spain for high school, & decided not to go to college after (he may be smart but boy he is not driven) – decided to be a model because he's hot and it allows him more time to fuel what he likes to do (gym, travel, whatever the hell he has a whim for) – ended up in chile as a pitstop, but after meeting old friends and realizing he actually quite liked it because no one knew who he was in chile, he stayed. it's nice to be able to go out whenever and wherever he wants without worrying about paparazzi waiting for him to screw up
— a super gentle giant. people will think he's really intimidating (tall, big muscles, a perpetual scowl on his face), but he's really kind when you get to know him – pretty quiet if you're not his friend. tends to stand in the back with his arms crossed or minding his own business – leader of the respect women movement he is such a gentleman & was always raised that way. – unfortunately he does accidentally disrespect women because he's oblivious as fuck and can never tell when someone likes him so he accidentally leads people on a lot – only drinks water (and alcohol but whatever). hates soda and energy drinks – uses the gym as an outlet. if he's there for longer than like two hours you know he's hurting. check up on him FEBWKJWJNED – takes a lot of pride in his appearance (it is his job), so he's kind of obsessive about his hair, skincare routine, and sleep schedule. don't fuck with it he WILL get pouty – i have more maybe but they're going to be put in the hc channel as i think of them - he's a polyglot! fluent in japanese, english, spanish (both chilean and spain dialects), and korean, is currently learning mandarin
— y'all i have no clue 
– mainly the basic ones rn! friends, childhood friends, flirtationships, fwb, past hookups, enemies (cmon someone has to hate him please), parental figures, etc etc. okay i love u 
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onewingedsparrow · 9 months
Just got a bot named Automotive Threat 😂 The Decepticons have found me! Oh no! ...Steve, you're not fooling anyone with that username. I know it's you.
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ceciliasspace · 1 year
i’ll drive
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pairing — steve x hopper!reader
summary — you and steve try to teach the gang how to drive
a/n — hey lovies ! my requests are open & feedback is always welcome. let me know what you want to see more (-:
“I can’t be that bad,” Max insisted, her hands still ten-and-two on the steering wheel. The tree was a few yards away and Eleven stood with her arm still stretched forward. Steve sat next to Max in the front seat pale-faced and sweating. Dustin, Mike and Lucas squished with you in the backseat.
“You’re that bad,” Dustin responded. Max frowned and slumped back into the seat. You nudged Dustin with your elbow. “But i’m sure Mike will be worse.”
“What ma-“
Steve cut him off. “Comments from the peanut gallery are not needed.”
“Let’s just do this individually,” you began ushering the three out of Steve’s car before any arguments. “Steve has been nice enough to teach you guys without your parents knowing.”
“Which is worse, dying in a car or out of a car?” Dustin asked.
“Shut up!” Lucas hissed. The three clambered out of the backseat and trudged over to stand with El and Will.
“Come on, guys!” You called out as Lucas shut the door.
Max hung her head. “I’m done, I don’t want to learn anymore.”
“You’re doing great. Steve ran over my bike when he first started driving. Can you imagine how mad Hopper was?” Max smiled and looked up. You rested your hands on the back of her seat. The hot leather stuck to your skin.
“Bumps or scratches add character. Besides, Y/N isn’t president of the engineering club because of their looks.” Steve glanced in your direction and you smiled. He reached out and grabbed your hand. “Now put the car in first again, take your foot off the brake and slowly let out the clutch.”
The engine rumbled and Max jumped. “Wrong one,” she mumbled. Despite Steve’s undeniable love for his car, it surprised you how forgiving and patient he was being. You enjoyed watching him guide Max through the motions. Your mind would wander toward the potential future you shared. You and Steve were middle school sweethearts - if you could get through that, you could get through teaching a secret driving class.
The car inched forward down the dirt road. Max white-knuckled the steering wheel. “You got it, you got it!” Steve encouraged. He continued to hold your hand and admiration flushed over you. The tree clearing neared and puffs of dirt rose from the road. “Just watch out for that—“
The log scraped the undercarriage and Steve’s eye blew wide. Max slammed on the brake and the car shuttered to a stop. She put the car in park and stumbled into the settling dust. The wedged log was between the tire and the inner wheel well. The right headlight casing was shattered.
“I’m so sorry,” she said and looked down at the scattered plastic. Steve pulled the keys and stepped out.
Dustin cheered and trotted over to the scene. “That was awesome!”
“I came up with an excuse for being gone but I didn’t think of one explaining car damage.” Steve pulled you towards his chest and held you tight. “You can fix it, right?” He whispered.
You nodded. “It’ll still be drivable, just take the log out. I think lessons are over for today.” You turned and scanned over the group walking toward the scene. “Now who’s ready for a field trip to the automotive store?” The tone in your voice feigned excitement.
Steve smiled. He shot you a wink and dangled the keys. “I’ll drive.”
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dontfeeltoohot · 1 year
Sick Eddie in a bad mood, any AU?
Ahhhh thank you! I love this prompt 😭
This turned into MUCH more than I originally planned. This is a new AU (not sure what to call it yet), with modern Eddissy. Eddie is owner of Munson Automotive, Chrissy is a kindergarten teacher. Gareth, Jeff, Tim and Max all work at the garage, while Steve, Robin, Peter, and more work at the school. 
TW: Brief mention of death/stroke. It is marked by ‘**’ before the paragraph! 
I hope you all enjoy! And thank you @softsnzstuff for letting me babble about it and ask you opinions. I can’t wait to answer the prompts you’ve sent. 
By the time Eddie’s making his way to his beat up van; and isn’t that ironic since he works on cars all day, he’s freezing cold, tired, achy, and wants to go to sleep. Tim had called out sick, though the manager hadn’t been surprised with how much he’d been coughing yesterday- uncovered. Gross. Jeff was still gone on vacation with his girlfriend, which left just himself, Max and Gareth. 
Normally, they could handle it easily, the shop’s not that huge and most of their customers are regulars. But today Eddie’s tired, and he’d not been the best owner, letting the other two work on cars while he’d tried to get through paperwork. That had proved to be a challenge too, with the headache he’d been nursing half the day before Max had come in and shoved the tylenol bottle at him. 
“You have that look. Just take the damn pills.” 
Cranking the heat up and grumbling to himself, the mechanic shivers and reverses out of his usual parking spot, ignoring how Benny waves goodbye. Sniffles have been coming more and more frequently, and his skin feels oddly sensitive, as his jacket shifts against his clothes and rubs his arms uncomfortably. Brown eyes feeling heavy, Eddie rubs his face as he slows to a stop at the red light.
Bzz. Bzz. Bzz.
Incoming Call: Chrissy 👸🏼
Eddie taps his answer button and Chrissy’s voice comes over the vans speakers.
“Hey baby!” Her voice is far too chipper, and it somehow grates on his nerves.
“Hey Chris, what’s up?”
“Can you run by the store? I was going to make spaghetti tonight but ran out of onions.”
Every fiber of the musician wants to say no. He doesn’t want to go to the store and deal with traffic and people.
“Can we just do something dif-“
“Eddie, no, Jake’s coming over, remember? It’s Tuesday…”
And fuck. It is Tuesday, which is the day Chrissy’s little brother comes over for dinner. But really, what makes him so special that they have to have spaghetti?
“I…didn’t forget. But why do we have to have spaghetti? We have stuff to make Pad Thai…” Eddie starts making his way to the next lane over, already knowing deep down he’s going to have to go to the grocery store.
“That doesn’t sound good, plus Jake asked if we could have it.”
“Right, ok, I’ll be home soon. Text me a list,” the words come out abruptly and he ends the call before she can get another word in.
The amount of cars in the Whole Foods parking lot is rather ridiculous for a Tuesday night. Eddie still doesn’t understand Chrissy’s determination not to eat crap, and to try for all organic stuff, but she’s his wife, and he backs her on everything. Even $10 juices, apparently. He feels his phone buzz in his pocket as he walks inside, pulling his ‘Munson Automotive’ sweatshirt tighter to his frame, the frigid air whipping against his cheeks.
Grabbing a shopping cart, the long haired man sniffles and starts making his way through the sliding doors, pulling out his phone to see the list.
Bread - for garlic bread
Pick some ice cream, love youuuuu! ❤️
Blinking, Eddie swipes at his nose and sighs, feeling the headache rebuild at the base of his skull, throbbing into his ears. It makes his entire head feel tight and he moves his jaw around, hoping to release some of the uncomfortable tension. It doesn’t help. He gets through the first few items, then a call from his wife has him pause at the end of the spice aisle.
“What’s up?”
“Hey, can you grab some more of the coffee creamer too?”
Nodding and forgetting she can’t see him, he tries to move out of the way for a middle aged woman, who goes the same direction.
“Excuse me..”
“Sorry, was just trying to step out of the way…”
The woman rolls her eyes and Eddie has the intense urge to flip her off. Instead he’s interrupted by Chrissy on the phone.
“-die did you hear me?”
“Creamer, got it,” he huffs, rolling his eyes, hanging up once she does the same.
As he rolls through the aisles trying to find what they need, he once again runs into bitchy-lady (he’s decided that’s her new name), who gives him a pointed look when he coughs into his arm, wincing at the sudden sore throat he’s now sporting. She moves in front of him to grab bread, knocking her cart with his and scoffing. He knows it’s childish, but he hits her cart back, maybe just a liiiiittle to hard, and she whips around.
“Is there a problem?”
“I don’t know, is there?” His eyebrow raises and he stands a little taller.
Eddie’s not a true confrontational guy. Sure he talks a big game, but he hates when people are angry or upset with him, and he’s a peacekeeper between his friends and band mates. So the fact he’s getting snippy with this middle aged Karen isn’t a good sign, but in the moment he can’t bring himself to care. Bitchy-Lady huffs and rolls her eyes, before giving him the fakest smile he’s ever seen.
“Of course not.”
Nodding, Eddie leans in front of the woman to grab the bread he and Chrissy use, sniffling and ignoring the noise from next to him, when he blocks her view entirely.
“Maybe we’ll bump into each other again,” he smirks, voice laced with sarcasm as he drops the bread into the cart and heads towards the freezer section, white knuckling the long handle bar.
Looking at the ice cream only makes him shiver harder. His sweatshirt sleeves are down over his fingers, brushing his chains as he looks at his options. Jake doesn’t like chocolate, and Chrissy hates vanilla. His brain whispers that they’re too picky but he waves the words away, even if he wants to agree. He goes with cheesecake instead, knowing both of the Cunningham’s enjoy it, even if he himself doesn’t. Not like he’s hungry anyway. 
As he’s walking back out to his van with the bags, his phone buzzes again, but he ignores it, hands full. When it pauses and the restarts, the musician rolls his eyes and yanks open the passenger side door, setting the food down in the chair before yanking his phone out of his pocket. 
“Yeah?” Eddie winces at the irritation in his tone. 
“Can you grab orange juice too? We’re all out.” 
“Fuckin’...yeah, that’s fine, just have to go back in. The ice cream will probably melt.” 
Eddie doesn’t mean to be so prickly and sensitive, but everything is grating on his nerves, his body hurts, and Chrissy forgetting things is making him want to scream. 
“Ice cream will be fine honey, it’s not like it’s hot outside.” 
“See you soon,” the long haired man grumbles. 
Twenty minutes later, Eddie’s entering his and Chrissy’s small but cozy house, all but slamming the door behind him. His nose won’t stop running, and really he should have grabbed a thing of tissues, but Christ knows he wasn’t going to go back in for a third time to the hellish landscape of Whole Foods. Walking into the kitchen, he can vaguely smell something being made, though he’s not sure what since he’s got half the ingredients in his hands.
With another shiver crawling up his spine, he sets the bags down and looks at his wife who’s in the middle of browning meat in a pan. Exhaustion feels like it’s weighing the long haired man down, so he sniffles, swipes at his nose, and then leans over to press a kiss to Chrissy’s head. 
“Hey baby, got your stuff,” he gestures to the island in the middle of the room. 
“Great! Can you work on chopping some onions for me? I want to get this stuff cooking before Jake gets here.” 
“Chrissy...I need to shower, I’m gross from work.” 
Normally, Eddie doesn’t mind helping in the kitchen, even if he’s come straight from work. Today he’s ready to fight back and disagree with everything everyone says, and the thought of a nice hot shower only makes the feeling intensify. The blonde turns to look at him with a furrowed brow, eyes sweeping him up and down. 
“...nothing. Jeez you’re grumpy today, was work alright?” 
“It was fine. Look...I’m gonna take a shower, then I can come back and hel-” 
“It’s fine, I’ll do it, just go get cleaned up,” she offers, looking like she’s barely containing an eye roll. 
Not needing to be told twice, Eddie books it out of their kitchen and up the stairs to their bedroom, already dreading taking his sweatshirt off. By the time the bathroom is steamy from the showers hot water, the guitarist is starting to tremble again, bare skin exposed before he steps in and lets the spray hit him. The moan that drops from his mouth is embarrassingly loud. 
He loses track of time. After washing his hair and body; making sure he doesn’t smell like car oil and exhaust, he leans against the wet tiles and shuts his eyes, focusing on the feeling of the water running against his back. Eddie’s not exactly sure how long he’s been zoning out, but a knock at the ensuite door makes him jump, adrenaline releasing into his body. 
“Jesus Christ Chrissy! What the hell?!” 
“...sorry? Hurry up, Jake’s almost here. You’re taking longer than I do.” 
The words make Eddie bristle, but he can’t place why, exactly. When she’s gone, the twenty seven year old coughs and rubs at his nose, harder this time, the steam knocking congestion loose. A tickle is teasing his sinuses, and his big brown eyes flutter while the water starts to grow cool. 
“hhiiGkSH’ew! hihKTschew! snf! iiGhXshEW!” He doesn’t bother covering, instead just aiming his head down and away from his body. 
Stepping out of the shower means the cold that’s been clinging to his bones; soothed only by the hot water, is now back, making him shiver. Eddie dries himself off, brushes his hair as well as he can, then heads to get dressed, towel low on his hips. Sweatpants and an old shirt of Wayne’s sounds the coziest, but with Jake coming, he begrudgingly slips into jeans instead, pulling a sweatshirt on over a threadbare Blue Öyster Cult tee. 
Chrissy has her soft, pink sweater on she’s had for years, and when he gets close enough, the mechanic wraps his arms around her and rubs his face into the material. It’s warm and soft and feels unbearably comforting. 
“Eddie baby, I need to finish seasoning the sauce,” she says, and though her tone is light and a giggle follows, the man drops his arms by his side, feeling like a scolded child. 
“When’s your brother getting here?” 
“Any second…are you ok? You seem on edge…or upset. Are you sure nothing happened at work?” 
A strand of hair gets fiddled with as he shakes his head, swallowing and wincing. 
“Tim called out, but it was fine. Mostly did paper work while Red and Gareth worked on cars,” he shrugs, rubbing at his septum with the crook of his finger subtly. “Jeff gets back in a couple of days, though he probably won’t shut up about Denv-“ 
A knock at the door interrupts him, and Chrissy beams, setting the wooden spoon she’s been using to stir the pot of sauce down. Eddie makes sure she doesn’t see the annoyed look he can feel his features make, not wanting to upset her or make her think he doesn’t want Jake around. He enjoys Chrissy’s little brother, even if he’s a bit loud and rambunctious. Eddie can’t blame him- if he grew up in a stuffy, pretentious home like the two of them had, he’d be far more of a terror than he is now, too. 
Hearing the siblings exchange greetings, the long haired man rubs at his nose again, pressing it to the inside of his sleeve cuff, hoping to get rid of the itchy feeling. All it does is wipe up the slight mess that’s been accumulating around the edges of his nostrils. Now he’s going to need to wash his damn sweatshirt. 
“Hey Eddie!” 
“Hey man,” he nods at him, seeing the twenty three year old’s brought a bottle of wine. 
The one time wine doesn’t sound appealing.
Rolling his neck around, an ache catches when he leans to his left, right around his lymph nodes. Pressing his fingertips to the area, he scrunches his nose up and wishes Jake was gone. Chrissy could give him a massage where he must have tweaked his neck while working. 
Feeling chilled, he goes and fiddles with the temperature, bumping it up a degree. As if Chrissy has a second sense for anything to do with the thermostat (he swears she does), she pokes her head down the hall and narrows her eyes. 
“If you’re messing with that it better be to turn it down!” 
“One degree up won’t hurt you,” he shakes his head, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. 
“It’s not even that cold! Put on socks if you’re cold.” 
Eddie runs a hand down his face, trying to remember this is just one of her things, the temperature of the house. He’s always been cold natured, and while he’s normally ok being slightly cold, tonight he’s far too shivery. He walks back down the hall towards his wife, ignoring her look of indignation. 
“Chrissy!” He retaliates in a mocking tone. “I’m cold as hell, ahhnd-snf! and I don’t want to freeze my balls off….” The last words linger in the air only half spoken, as his nostrils twitch and he brings the crook of his arm to his face. 
“ihGkTSCHuhew! hih’IHTchew! snfsnf! Sohhr-ihKSHuhEW! God, sorry,” Eddie sniffles wetly, rubbing his nose against his arm quickly before dropping it. 
“Bless you. Put another shirt on, it’s going to get warm soon anyway, now that we have an extra body taking up space.” 
“Jesus Christ, Chrissy! It’s not that big of a deal!” 
The words are louder than he means them to be, his body is tense and his muscles ache from the sheer stress of it all. He doesn’t understand why she can’t just let one degree go. He feels like an ice block, and maybe putting on socks or another shirt would help, yeah, but now this is about getting what he wants. 
Chrissy’s eyes widen slightly, and her left eyebrow raises, her arms now crossing in front of her chest. She looks entirely too ‘mom ready to yell at her child’ but Eddie doesn’t care. Another shiver wracks his frame and he too folds his arms in front of him, though it’s more to try and preserve heat than anything else. 
“Everything okay?” Jake’s voice rings out, then the man walks to the hallway, looking at them with a furrowed brow. 
“Everything’s peachy, Jacob.” 
A scoff from Chrissy has both men looking in her direction. 
“Really? You’re going to put your storm cloud over Jake too? If you’re in that bad of a mood, why don’t you just take a few minutes? Because you’re putting me in a bad mood, when I’ve had a good day.” 
Snapping his mouth shut and pulling his lips in a thin line, Eddie nods. Sniffling, he bites at his thumbnail and then after a moment he speaks, breaking the tense silence. 
“Fine. Don’t wait up for dinner, I’m not hungry anyway.”
With that, the twenty seven year old turns around, then walks into their bedroom, shutting the door behind him. If it’s a little more forceful than usual, no one says anything, at least not that he can hear. Once he’s alone, the musician lets out a breath and his entire body sags, fight leaving him. His throat hurts, his head hurts, his entire body aches. He’s starting to not be able to breathe through his nose and his sinuses feel like they’re buzzing. 
God damn it. If Tim’s gotten him sick he’s being banished from the garage, Eddie decides as he crawls into their bed, pulling the covers close to him. It’s dark enough outside in late November that the room is practically pitch black now, which makes the sleep that's tugging at him come easily. He’s asleep in minutes. 
X X X 
Chrissy knew something was up the minute Eddie walked through the door that afternoon, his entire demeanor wrong- pent up and prickly. It’s apparent now, that maybe she should have asked Jake if they could reschedule, like Eddie had suggested hours prior. She doles out two plates; making sure to give her brother extra sauce, and then sits down across from him at the table they have near the kitchen. 
“Is…he okay? I haven’t really seen him act like that,” Jake frowns, glancing over at the now empty hallway. “He’s not like that all the time is he?” 
“No! No, he’s not, he never acts like this honestly,” the strawberry blonde sighs and twirls a noodle onto her fork. “I don’t know why he’s so grumpy today. I asked if something happened at work but he said it was fine.” 
“Maybe he’s just having a bad day,” the blonde shrugs back, taking a large bite of his spaghetti. 
“Yeah, probably,” the teacher huffs, dragging her foot on the ground beneath her seat. 
It’s quiet for a moment as they eat, and then- 
“It’s just…he doesn’t get upset over stuff like that. Sure he’ll be dramatic, but usually it includes him playing up theatrics and grabbing a blanket to wrap himself in. Not getting genuinely annoyed.” 
Jake nods, listening and thinking. 
“When did his uncle die, again? Maybe it’s close to that time? And he’s upset?” 
“Wayne died nine months ago. So yeah, he could be upset, but not more so than usual, I wouldn’t think. I’m gonna let him have some time, and after we finish I’ll go check on him.” 
When they finish talking and eating, Chrissy feels less wound up. She goes to take their plates but her brother puts his hand on hers, shaking his head. 
“I got it. You go check on the rain cloud,” he teases, making her smile. He’s good at that. 
“Fine. But just this once. You’re still a guest.” 
“I’ve never been a guest in this house. But nice try sissy.” 
Laughing, Chrissy heads down the hallway and towards the closed bedroom door, pausing outside of it to listen and see if she can hear anything that’ll tip her off on what her husband is doing. She assumes he’s watching tv or maybe writing lyrics, but it’s silent on the other side of the door. Holding the handle, she pushes the door open and freezes, eyes adjusting to the sudden darkness, making out his silhouette. 
Eddie is hunkered down under their sheets and blankets, his sweatshirt hood up around his face, curls falling out from either side. Quietly; curiously, Chrissy walks to the left side of the bed and peers down at the mechanic, then sits on the edge of the bed, laying a hand on his shoulder. 
“Eddie, baby?” 
The brunette stirs and shifts, inhaling and exhaling through his mouth, a small noise making her heart swell at how soft he looks. Sometimes she forgets he’s not all rough and tumble, at least, she has the past few months. Wayne dying took a toll on him, on them, their marriage, the garage, everything. Her husband had shut down, stopped eating, stopped socializing, stopped doing anything but working. 
And working, well…it had been Wayne’s garage. And everyone knew that it would be handed down to his nephew who’d worked there since he was sixteen, but no one expected it to be so soon. A stroke, the doctor had said, as she and Eddie stood in a quiet hallway, getting confirmation the fifty year old had passed. She’ll never forget the way her husband had gone white, how he’d grabbed onto her so tightly she thought he was going to actually pass out.
Rubbing Eddie’s shoulder gently, she gets the man to stir more, and as she leans over and turns the bedside light on, he opens his big brown eyes, blinking rapidly to adjust to the brightness. Now, she can see what’s going on, and why her husband’s been grumpy. His cheeks are flushed and there’s dark smudges under his too dull eyes, lips less pink than usual.
“Hey handsome,” she murmurs, pressing her palm against his forehead and then cheek, warmth pooling off of them. 
His voice is croaky, though she’s not sure if it’s from sleep or sickness. He holds in a cough, pushing it down, then sniffles and rubs his face with his hand. 
“At least I know you’re grumpy because you’re sick, and not because of something that happened,” she says gently, fingers playing with a stray curl. “Scale of 1 to 10, how icky?” 
It’s something Wayne used to do, when she; or once in a blue moon Eddie, would get sick, once he warmed up to her. With her own parents out of the picture, the older man practically adopted her as one of their own, even before she and Eddie were legally married. She can recall easily getting taken back to her husband's old trailer he still stayed in with his uncle- to watch over him of course, and how Wayne had come into the bedroom and asked her questions. 
Eddie must recognize the words instantly when she asks them, because his eyes shut and he presses his lips together tightly. 
“Seven.” His voice is wobbly, and when he looks at her again, there’s a wet shininess to his eyes. 
“Ok, I’m going to grab the thermometer, and I’ll be right back. I love you Eddie.” Chrissy presses a kiss to his head, smiling when he nods. 
“Love you too baby. Sorry I was such a jerk.” 
“If you had told me how sick you felt I would have conceded just this once,” she teases, happy when she gets a tiny smile out of him. 
“Thought I was tired. Pretty sure Tim got me sick.” 
“Fire him.” 
“Mm, thinking like a Munson,” he jokes, sniffling and swiping at his wrist. 
“Thermometer and tissues. I’ll get Jake to run to the store for us. I’ll be right back ok? Just rest.” 
“Guess for you I can do that.” 
She giggles and heads back out to find her little brother, already planning on making soup and grilled cheese, making a mental list of what they’ll need. 
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