#Still being thrown into a doc eventually...
twilightarcade · 1 year
the ULTIMATE list of questions
dont wanna get a doc rn so here - first 100 or so
Do whatever you want with them I don't own questions. If there's duplicates yell at me because I'm writing them as they come to mind
How do they hold a mug?
If pokemon existed, what would he their favorite?
Whats their favorite ice cream flavor?
Whats their LEAST favorite thing about themselves?
If they were to get a pet, what would they get?
Whats their favorite kind of light (in terms of lamps, chandeliers, etc)
how formal is their dressing style?
what's their favorite kind of phone?
What's their favorite kind of flooring?
What are their thoughts on bugs?
How do they feel about plant overgrowth?
What's their favorite kind of paper?
How committed are they?
If they were an animal, what would they be?
Whats their favorite part of a computer?
Do they have any siblings? If so how has their relationship with their sibling changed over time?
What's their favorite kind of leaf
Do they prefer dogs or cats?
What's their favorite kind of sandwich?
Whats their favorite special character on a keyboard?
Whats their favorite emoji?
Whats their favorite kind of keyboard?
Whats their favorite part of a computer?
Whats their favorite color?
what color heart emoji do they use?
What kind of typing quirks do they have?
Whats their favorite Lego brick?
What kind of childhood shows did they watch?
Whats their favorite drink?
Whats their favorite kind of noodle/pasta?
what would be their theme song?
What do they think about stuffed animals?
How do they feel about going to space themselves?
Whats their favorite kind of train?
How easily does making friends come to them?
Do they kill spiders?
Whats their favorite kind of ladder?
What kind of video games would they play?
Do they wear hats, and what kinds would they wear?
What color tie would they wear?
Whats their preferred hairstyle?
Whats their favorite kind of crystal?
What kind of natural disaster would they least like to be in?
What do they do to warm up on a cold winter day? Besides turning up the heat
Whats their favorite coloring utensil?
How do they sit on a couch?
do they prefer pens or pencils?
how do they feel about their physical presentation?
Under what circumstances would they kill someone?
Whats their favorite kind of cloud?
How much academic knowledge do they have?
Can they cook?
Whats their favorite amusement park ride?
Whats their favorite kind of flower?
Whats their preferred art form?
Whats their favorite letter?
How often do they go to large outings?
Do they prefer to be inside or outside?
Do they prefer butterflies or moths?
What do they think about bees?
What shade of grey are they?
How good are they with remembering important dates?
How organized are they?
do they prefer baths or showers?
What's their favorite smell?
What kind of car would they get/do they have?
How do they feel about revenge?
Whats their favorite kind of jewelry?
Do they prefer cake or pie?
what's their favorite kind of door?
Do they prefer suits or dresses?
What's their favorite planet?
Do they prefer black or white?
Why are they?
How well do they take care of their appearance?
How open are they with their emotions?
Do they prefer the heat or the cold?
What's their favorite kind of pizza?
What kind of writing utensil would they be?
What's their favorite fair food?
Whats their favorite kind of chair?
Whats their favorite vegetable?
Whats their favorite meat?
Do they prefer helium balloons or plain air balloons?
Whats their love language?
Whats their favorite kind of apple?
Whats their favorite repeating pattern?
What do they think about gum?
Whats their optimal sock length?
What do they think about reptiles?
Whats their favorite skittles?
How many pockets do they have at any given time?
Whats their favorite kind of folding chair?
16 notes · View notes
whatthefishh · 1 year
until we bleed
Rydal Keener x F!Reader ; part of the Oxford Comma series
Words: 6.4k
Warnings: swearing, an unnecessary amount of big words being used, smut, pinv, um... slight dub con... drama...
Beta read by the lovely @xbellaxcarolinax who basically jumped on the doc every time I helplessly texted her to ask if I was being stupid, and special s/o to @melodygatesauthor for helping me talk out the smut hehe
The charity gala was a front for the girls to get dressed up and the men to boast about their new business ventures. The charity mentioned in the invitation was picked out by the dean’s wife, a hedge fund manager – a most noble career – and she had already swindled enough out of the guests for the entrance fee before the scheduled auction later that evening. 
You didn’t want to go but you couldn’t really tell Rydal that, especially after the whole thing with Chester just last week. He had been a little down since then, his skin halfway healed from where the skin had broken. You couldn’t help but feel a current of electricity pass through you straight to your core whenever you looked at the slightly swollen pout he was sporting because of it. And the bastard knew it, too. He had been using the pout, with the added weight of his baby cow eyes, to get his way for the past few days, easily swaying you into submission for the littlest things. 
Which is how you ended up at the pretentious gathering being thrown in some philanthropic attempt to absolve the attendees of their greed. The dress you got for this event specifically was more expensive than any you’d ever worn before, the black satin silk of it tickling your calves where it hit. Your heels were new and not broken in, the thin straps sitting across your fresh pedicure — also something he insisted on paying for, picking out your nail colour for you. A glossy soft pink, a shade that reminded you of the Chanel perfume he had gifted you with. 
Rydal had taken you out to buy an outfit when you tried to tell him you couldn’t go with him to the gala because you had nothing to wear, rolling his eyes at what he knew was you trying to weasel your way out of it. You felt bad, making him wait while you tried on every dress the saleslady threw at you. He kept telling you it was fine, eventually threatening to come in there and dress you himself if you didn’t cut it out and that he was comfortable lounging on the sofas outside the fitting rooms. 
Slipping on the next dress from the large selection you had gathered in your fitting room, you checked yourself out in the mirror. Flatting the skirt with your palms, you tried to imagine yourself at the party, your arm looped around Rydal’s elbow and everyone’s eyes on you. Would this help you blend in? Was this the golden ticket you needed to finally gain acceptance? You’re starting to feel like it didn’t matter what you wore, they’d be able to sniff you out regardless, the vultures with their sharp manicures and syringe sculpted faces. 
When you finally stepped out in the simple but flattering black dress, Rydal’s eyes flashed as you turned this way and that in the mirror, trying to see it from all angles. This could work, it was simple enough that you didn’t feel entirely unlike yourself but it was still a lot more extravagant than anything you owned.  
You didn’t notice him slowly getting up like a predator stalking its prey, too focused on whether you liked the garment or not until his hands came to rest on your hips and his nose pressed itself against your neck. Only then did you take note of his half hard bulge pressing into your bum, your body temperature jumping at how quickly he was reacting to you all dressed up for him. You weren’t a lingerie girl, never had to be in your experiences but the way he was growing more and more feral by the second had you itching to buy the most delicate, laciest sets just to pull this behaviour from him on demand. 
“D-Do you like it?” you hated the way your voice wavered when you spoke, the slight increase in pressure from his hot hands causing you to blush heavily. 
“Are you fucking kidding me? Go take it off before I do it for you–”
“Yeah, on it,” you pushed his hands away, bolting towards the fitting room before he got any ideas and shaking your head at him. 
He purchased the dress while you were changing back into your regular clothes, coming out to the sight of him holding the garment bag over his arm while dumbly ignoring the stares of the other girls in the store. 
You weren’t used to feeling so aggressively desired so publicly but Rydal never made you feel like he wanted to hide how he felt about you. He would compliment you in front of his friends, in front of strangers, he would speak highly of you despite having told you something that would send your blood boiling seconds prior. It was reassuring, especially since you weren’t blind to the way girls would look at him, especially the ones in his social circles. 
The dress would help you fit into the crowd a little better, the shoes only slightly uncomfortable so far but that wasn’t the part that bothered you. Before leaving for the night, you made sure to try your best with your hair and makeup to look effortless with the help of your roommate, Eleanor, who told you that Rydal was going to go crazy over your look. That didn’t make you feel any more comfortable, however, wearing clothes much too expensive, you began to wonder if he liked you better like this, if he wanted you to be more like them. 
His reaction upon seeing you made your stomach swoop, the reverence in his eyes making you shyer than you’ve felt in a long time. You think maybe you should dress up like this more often, maybe he’d prefer you like this. Trying to shake those thoughts out of your head, the two of you make your way to the party being held on campus, looping your arm through his. Rydal was wearing a beige linen suit himself, the white dress shirt underneath had the first couple buttons open for a more relaxed look that you knew he only did to stick it to his dad.
You don’t know if you would have preferred to be invisible rather than be gawked at by the guests, but either way you were extremely uncomfortable and trying your best to mask it for the sake of your boyfriend. The party itself was unlike any other you’d attended, and why would you have? It wasn’t something you’d normally be invited to, especially with your financial struggles. It was kind of ironic, you being here now. At least you were dressed for the part.
Most of the guests were in casually lavish clothing themselves, almost everyone in the room exuded an air of superiority and arrogance you didn’t know how to handle. Walking by a group of older men dressed in various shades of browns and beiges, you overheard their heated discussion regarding the new instalment of fine art in the library’s entryway. There was a table full of what looked like raffle prizes to be won, along with a small brass raffle drum at the end. Near the end of the room stood a podium next to a sign with the charity of the night outlined in large, black lettering. For the good press, for the photos, you bitterly think. There was even a small group of classical instrument musicians playing classical renditions of modern day music. 
In every cluster of guests, there was an undeniable condescending overtone, the haughtiness oozing from every direction and you didn’t know where a safe space was for your eyes to land so as not to be assaulted by a judgemental gaze. Rydal was walking with ease, his hand at the small of your back, the warmth from it burning your skin due to the backless nature of the dress but you were thankful for the touch as it kept you somewhat grounded, helping you not trip over your heels. 
He walked you through the psychological battleground, gliding through the people who were most definitely whispering about his date for the evening, leading you to the food and drinks table. Exotic delicacies littered the banquet table, carefully prepared for consumption and small enough to grab several handfuls before feeling any sense of satiation. The rich were an interesting breed, despite their indulgence they loved making things tiny. 
The purpose of the night was drowning in the show of snobbery, and you were so bitter inside at the show they put on for each other that you opted to stay quiet so as not to make Rydal uncomfortable. These were his peers, the people he grew up with, the old man in the corner, his godfather, the lady with the laughable plastic surgery was his favourite ‘aunt’ growing up, giving him the biggest presents at his birthdays. Countless familiar faces for him, all of them sneering at you. 
The comforting touch of his hand leaves your back and you immediately turn to him in a near panic, the idea of being left alone in the sea of sharks making you stumble over your shoes. Upon seeing Rydal’s father right behind you, you opted to stay silent. This was not the first time you were meeting him, but it was the first time you were seeing him on school grounds after spending the summer at their family home. 
“Rydal,” he nodded to you and greeted you by name, “Come, I need you to meet a couple of people from that firm I was telling you about. Quickly now.” 
Lawrence Keener wasn’t the most terrifying person you’d ever met but he was definitely intimidating and he definitely was aware of it. The man had influence at the school, and honestly anywhere else he went. His handsome face and strong jaw demanded respect before his clothes did, his bespoke and cleanly pressed suit giving him a reason to tilt his chin just that smidge higher so he could look down at you with a single snobby brow raised. You could see where Rydal learned that expression from. 
He was somewhat dismissive of your presence, which only served to piss you off further but you had to hold back from rolling your eyes since Rydal was looking at you with a plea in his eyes, asking if it was okay to leave you for a few minutes to go meet the senior partners his father was pushing him towards. 
You nodded with a tight smile to him, trying to be supportive without showing how anxious you already were on the inside. Stepping into his world and pretending you were fine with it was proving to be more difficult than you initially thought.
Rydal leaves you with a relatively chaste kiss on the cheek, his father watching you two with blatant boredom before ushering him away with a hand on the back of his neck. After watching them turn a corner, you have to blink a few times before gathering your bearings and heading straight for the hors d'oeuvres, the miniature yet intricate selection taking your attention away from the prickly company. Devilled eggs, stuffed mushrooms with crispy onions on top, micro fig pies, melted brie and shortbread, roasted oysters with butter mignonette, caviar and creme tartlets and bowls and bowls of shrimp cocktail met your eyes. Reaching to try a pie, it almost made you laugh at how tiny it was in the palm of your hand. 
Some time must have passed and you’d eaten several different kinds of mini appetisers, gulping down the mocktail a random floating waiter had offered you after watching you stuff your face while you observed others mingling and networking. Hearing Rydal’s voice over the soft music playing, your eyes start searching for him excitedly. 
There’s a girl. Walking next to him, there is a very pretty girl. And they’re laughing. She’s touching his arm – familiar, they’re familiar – and he doesn’t brush it off, he’s smiling with her and for a moment you forget that you’re together. 
They look… they look quite perfect together, to be honest. She’s taller than you, blonde hair perfectly coiffed with a classic cocktail dress in a shade of blue that matched her eyes, making her smile look all the more bright. The girl in question throws her head back in laughter at something Rydal says, and it must have been funny at the way she covers her mouth elegantly to hide her grin and–and you want to leave. Badly. He’s not flirting but he’s also not taking her hand off of his arm, and he’s still smiling at her. 
They…fit. She looks like she belongs. Here, with him, on his arm, wherever she pleases really. Maybe she’s the girl his father wanted him to go for, the choice that made sense for him. The option that was easier. The kind of girl who crossed her ankles when she sat at the dinner table, the one who knew which one the soup spoon was. The girl with the right parents, the right upbringing. The one who didn’t need a room at their family home because she had her own next door. The one he didn’t have to take shopping to make her look the part at a charity gala. 
The girl that wasn’t a charity case. 
You should just leave now, and leave them to it. They would probably be engaged right after graduation. Rydal would get a job with the law firm his father was pressuring him about and she would be the host of their next charity event. Hell, maybe she’d even run for a council position. Talk about a power couple. 
While your intrusive thoughts were spiralling, you get caught staring by Rydal, his eyes lighting up to see you and you can see the words forming on his lips as he’s about to call out for you, most likely to introduce you to the girl in question. Turning on your heel before he had the chance to get your name out, you walk with speed and purpose, hunting for the washroom to collect yourself. You know people are looking at you walking past them, you probably look a little out of it but you couldn’t care less right now, just focused on getting some air and maybe splashing some water on your face.
Ducking into the washroom with a sigh of relief – the door matched the wood tone of the walls, the little sign above labelled “Washroom” in tiny, cursive writing making it incredibly difficult to find – you manage to find an empty stall. Leaning your head back against the stall door, you close your eyes as you try to even your breathing. You have to manage the anxiety bubbling up in your chest and the influx of negative thoughts about Rydal, it’s not fair to you or him.
The washroom door swings open and shuts, a pocket of music from the main hall echoing for a few seconds before giving way to the animated chatter of the girls who just entered. Their giggles and whispers became more clear once they settled in front of the large mirror hanging above the marble sinks. 
“I’m going to need a lot more champagne to withstand anymore of that woman’s inane chatter, like, we’re already helping so much,” one girl huffed. 
Peeking your eyes through the tiny gap in the door, you catch a glimpse of the back of their heads. 
“Yeah well at least your boyfriend hasn’t been ignoring you all night. All I said was that he was repeating his outfit and that people would notice!” 
“Oh honey, don’t worry. Nobody is going to notice that with Rydal walking around with his charity case girlfriend. What the fuck does he see in her anyway?” Another girl said, carelessly loud. 
Your ears perked up again, your heart dropping in your stomach. Now was not the best time for you to hear this, their conversation only confirming your shameful thoughts about your boyfriend. 
“I always thought he was easy but to stoop so low? She’s basically the farmer’s daughter!” 
The scandal in her voice almost made you laugh in disbelief from where you were hiding in the stall. 
“I think he’s doing it just to get back at his father. Lawrence doesn’t even look at her.” 
Well. That’s not… that’s not what you wanted to hear. Lawrence looked at you, right? He said hello perfectly politely, right? You’re frowning at the thought.
“Ha! That’s because he wanted Colette for him. My mom told me he’s secretly hoping Rydal wakes up one morning, ready to go running back to Barbie Blue Eyes and make them all proud parents,” the loud one from earlier said with a wicked tone. 
Colette… you didn’t know a Colette. Blue eyes? Could they be speaking about The Girl from earlier? Were they right, were you just a phase for him? 
“Oh my god El, you kill me! They are really blue, and that dress she’s wearing tonight looks so fucking good on her, I can’t deny her that. It’s like she got it custom made to match her eyes.” 
Oh fuck. The Girl was Colette. Of fucking course. 
And from the sounds of it, she was Rydal’s ex. No wonder he never mentioned her. No wonder she was so friendly with him, hands all over his arms, giggling together like a couple of young lovers. Compared to her, she was the obvious choice, and it wasn’t a surprise that Lawrence had given his approval. 
“Sounds like Colette,” the third girl chimed in. 
“I don’t care how much Rydal spends on this new girl, she isn’t fooling anybody. I bet she’ll be gone by the winter. Anyways,” the first girl sighs tiredly, as if unloading all that gossip took a physical toll on her. “How’s my lipstick, Vee?” 
They descended into a different topic, focused on adjusting each other’s appearance until they left the washroom leaving you to stew in silence. They wouldn’t have known you were listening but they said everything you didn’t need to hear anyway. 
So Rydal was dating this perfect girl, Colette, before you got together. You were the rebound. You were never permanent. You didn’t belong. 
You should’ve known he wasn’t serious, it was too good to be true. You should never have opened up to him, never have trusted him with all your insecurities and vulnerabilities. He probably bought all the girls Chanel. He couldn’t have been serious about you. He hasn’t even met your mom, hasn’t visited your home yet. You couldn’t let him get any closer. 
Stepping out and gently splashing your cheeks with some cold water, you walk out the doors on shaky knees and look around. Nobody is paying you any attention now and you exhale a breath of relief. These people are never going to respect you. No matter how many pretty clothes he buys you. 
Rydal finds you before your eyes find him, his hand snaking around your waist and mouth finding your ear to whisper a sweet little I missed you, softly kissing your skin. You shiver, and despite the direction your thoughts were going you find comfort in his smell and warmth, closing your eyes while you turn your body into his. 
He’s the same and yet he isn’t. Rydal slips into his social persona and you’ve never really paid attention before but there’s a slight difference to his voice and once you notice it, it bothers you. You stare at him, perplexed and hurt. You wonder if you know him properly at all. Which one is the real one? Is he pretending with you or with them? 
Rydal tells you he has someone to introduce you to but your stomach starts churning and you think you’re gonna be sick because you see Colette making her way towards you in the crowd and you can’t face her, not after what you just heard. 
“I feel kind of sick, actually, can we go? Like, now?” 
You know you have a frantic edge to your voice but you can’t help it. 
“Can we go in a bit? Just stick it out for a little longer, baby—“ 
There’s a bubble of anxiety in your chest that rises to your throat the closer she gets and you look to Rydal with pure panic, upset that he’d even suggest you stay in this stifling room for any longer. He stops talking upon noticing the tears welling in your eyes, brows immediately furrowing in concern and then nodding quickly.
“Okay, yeah. Yeah, we can go, c’mon.” 
His hand returns to the small of your back, guiding you out of the hall and you’re glad for it because all of a sudden your vision is blurry and if it weren’t for his persistent hands helping you, you would’ve surely never found your way out. 
The way back to his room was tense. Not the comfortable silence you were used to, your throat closed and sealed shut since leaving. Your mouth has opened and shut several times, wanting to break the silence but your tongue felt like lead. 
Rydal doesn’t make any attempt at conversation either. After putting his blazer jacket around your shoulders, he stuck his hands in his pocket and frowned the whole walk back. 
By the time he let you in his room, your bottom lip was wobbling and your anxiety was suffocating you in its attempt for release. Either you were going to cry or yell or both. 
Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, you reach for the makeup wipes you keep with his things, aggressively wiping at your eyes and fighting with the layers of mascara you had put on. He slowly comes up behind you, not looking into your eyes but his hands reach to unclasp your necklace, brushing your hair aside for ease of access. 
You inhale a shuddering breath. 
You should just do it now. Just come right out and say it. You may as well cut your losses and let him be happy with whoever he wants, let him make his father happy and stop standing in his way. You were only holding him back, and that’s not what you wanted to do. You still loved him, even if tonight did break your heart. 
Dropping the necklace on the counter, he reaches for the zipper of your dress next but his hands still and instead rest on your waist as he presses his forehead into your shoulder. 
“Did something happen? Did someone… say something?” He mumbled, the vibrations of his voice almost triggering your tears. Instead you let out a sniffle.
“She really is beautiful. Why didn’t you tell me about her?” 
“Why did I have to find out about her from a bunch of girls in the washroom? Does she go here? Is that why your dad doesn’t look me in the eye when he talks to me?”
“…it’s not like that—“ he sighs.
“No? It’s not like you become someone else when we’re around these people? It’s not like you have this whole goddamn life that I’m not part of, that I’ll never be part of because they’re never going to accept me? They’re never going to respect me, never think I’m good enough?”
“I don’t know what you want me to say, I don’t even know what you heard!”
“Everyone thinks I’m with you just for your money, you know. They called me the farmer's daughter. They said I’m your fucking charity case. Do you know how that makes me feel? As if I don’t already feel like an outsider here?”
He opens his mouth to respond but you don't let him, rushing to hurt him the way you’re hurting inside. 
“You’ve never had to work a day in your life, you don’t know what it’s like in my shoes.” You laugh humorlessly. “What are we doing, Rydal?” 
“What do you mean?” His voice sounds so small and the knife just twists deeper in your gut. 
“Why should I have to deal with this constant bullshit from the people in your life? I don’t even know them! Maybe… maybe we should—“
“Stop, stop, listen I can handle everyone else being upset with me, but not you. Not you, please. I can’t take it from you, please don’t say what I think you’re going—“ 
“I don’t know. I just can’t, I— maybe, maybe we should break up, I think you’d feel better, too, I think—“
“How could you think that? How could you say that?” He’s upset, expression sour and twisted.
He looks the way you feel. 
You watch him fumble for words. 
“I literally left my dad at this stupid party and he’s going to be fucking pissed, like seriously livid because he was building me up to his buddies but– but I don’t care because I wanted to make sure you were okay!”
His palms grip your waist tighter and he steps closer, crowding you against the basin and doesn’t give you any room to move. You can’t look at him so instead you stare at the makeup wipe, the angry black marks mirroring your heart as your mind yells at you to run, to leave and hide where he can’t hurt you, where he can’t see you crumble and break after he inevitably agrees to leave you. 
You push it once more.
“Well, maybe you shouldn’t have. Maybe I should’ve just left you there.” 
There’s a small part of your brain that tells you that you’re being irrational. That he wouldn’t be here if he didn’t care, he must care even a tiny amount, even if you were a temporary toy. 
His hands leave you for a second and he takes a step away. You feel cold, immediately feeling small and stupid, fighting between wanting to cry and going numb until suddenly the familiar warmth comes back, his hand pushing your back with so much force that your hands shoot out in front of you to catch yourself. One on the mirror, one on around the edge of the vanity. 
Looking up at Rydal in shock, you open your mouth to ask him what the fuck his problem is until you see he’s not even looking at you, his eyes are trained on your ass and he’s biting his lip, but he still looks… broken. 
“Rydal, what the fu—“
“Stop. Talking. You’ve said enough.” His voice was almost a whisper but still firm enough to cut through yours, and his hands were still kneading your hips. 
His behaviour is new and kind of confusing, if you’re being honest. It’s clear he’s never been denied before in his life. He looks helpless and angry and worried and aggravated and entirely too focused on your body at this moment for any of it to make sense. 
Rydal’s fingers trail down your dress until they reach the slit in the back and leave goosebumps as they make their way back up, hooking into your panties and then tugging them off and around your heels. Upon rising, he’s still avoiding eye contact. Your cheeks are burning, legs slightly wider than before. Despite being mad at him, your body still obeys. 
“So mouthy all the time.”
Balling up your panties, he surprises you further by shoving them in your mouth even as you protest and try to push back on him but his body keeps your balance wavering. You have no choice but to keep your hands where they were if you didn’t want to fall. 
Your eyes must be bugging out of your sockets and the rise and fall of your chest is coming quicker and quicker.
“If that’s what you really want, then leave.” He’s saying this while the tips of his thick fingers brush and tease your entrance, keeping you frozen in place.
Your mind was at odds with your body as you felt your instinctive reaction to him touching you. Fighting the urge to embrace the desire now dripping down your thighs, you knew you had the ability to walk away if you wanted to and yet you found yourself pressing back against his hand wanting more. 
“Aren’t you gonna leave? Isn’t that what you wanted? No?” 
Rydal slides two fingers inside your cunt, easily and without warning and you grunt but it’s muffled against the cloth. This is absurd, you think dumbly. You want to feel embarrassed but you can’t bring yourself to.
“Didn’t think so, baby,” he’s saying while stepping closer and his fingers reach even deeper, if that were possible.
His mouth comes up to your ear, whispering his next words and sending them straight to your gut, weighing heavily inside you. 
“I need you, can’t you see that? Look at me,” his hot breath hits the shell of your ear and you’re panting. “Can’t you tell? How fucking badly I need you?” 
So you look at him, and you see a desperate and needy man in the place of your Rydal, the one you’re familiar with. This wasn’t the same man you were used to, the one who would make you laugh while he was making his way inside you. This Rydal was upset and he was adamant on making you regret your words. 
His fingers were curling inside your wet heat, pressing up against that spot that made you see stars and stealing your breath so hard your fingers were curling. Your fingerprints were marking the mirror, the squeaking sound making you shudder against his body. Moaning around the fabric still in your mouth, you tried to grind down on his hand, desperate for him to move, to do something, anything to the tension in your body coiling tighter and tighter. 
Rydal could feel your hips moving back against his hand and moved to still you, fingers holding you tight enough to bruise. Slipping his fingers out, he taps them against your clit before removing his hand entirely and making your shoulders sag at the loss.
Reaching one hand up and back to keep him close, afraid of his warmth leaving you, your hand wraps around his neck as he rushes to unbuckle his pants noisily. He’s shaking a little, breaths coming out ragged at how badly he needs to fill you up. 
Once he frees himself, Rydal uses one hand to push you back down and bunch your pretty dress up, lining himself up with your entrance and pushing in swiftly without hesitation. 
He groans loudly, tilting his head back with his eyes shut for a moment before looking down at where he’s seated to the hilt inside you, unmoving. 
“You lookin’? You need me, too, I can see it in your eyes. Look,” he reaches forward to grab at your jaw, making you watch yourself as he slowly pulls his cock out and slams it back inside to kiss your cervix. Again, and again, and again. “See that?”
Rydal forces your head to nod with his hand still holding your face while you try to speak, voice coming out unclear against the panties still in your mouth. The stupid fucking fabric was making it hard to breathe and you were going to pass out, drunk on his cock, you were going to faint against the god damn builder’s grade medicine cabinet. You want to moan out loud, you want to tell him he wasn’t playing fair, that he was going too slow. You want to pull his beautiful hair out and yell at him, you want him to hurry up and fuck you harder, you—
You’re coming. 
“Ohhh, fuuuuck,” he let go of your face, hands dropping to press on your lower back and push you more forward, your hands clambering on the mirror like a fool. “Look so—so, oh fuck, baby, look at you.”
It didn’t take him long at all to make a mess of you. 
“You gonna take it back? Take back what you said, tell me you were wrong,” he whines, still fucking you hard but not hard enough. 
The problem was that he was dragging his girth out slowly but stealing your breath on every hard thrust forward. And it still wasn’t enough, not for this, not for right now. 
Your attempt at speaking is ruined by the fact that your panties were still in your mouth, your saliva soaking the material by this point. You wanted to spit it out, hurl the obstructive garment across the room but it wasn’t possible in your current position. He can’t possibly be stupid enough to expect you to answer him like this. 
He almost laughs when he realises you’re trying to say something, quickly pulling the fabric from your mouth to let you finally have your voice back and you immediately let out a cry at his perfectly timed thrust. His cock was moving faster, intent on not having you speak but making you come again. Now that he could hear you, he was becoming more and more unhinged. 
Embarrassingly, you’re having a hard time keeping your voice down, whines and cries falling from your lips continuously while Rydal fucked you against his sink. Your hands are leaving fingerprints all over his mirror from where you’re trying to get a grip and push yourself back on him, his own hands keeping you bent over for him but squeezing whatever flesh he could reach. 
Leaning forward to kiss your back, he mumbles words he thinks you don’t hear, don’t leave me, mine, my baby, stay here—
“S’wrong, I-I was wrong,” you whimper. “M’sorry, fuck—“
“I—“ you hiccup. “I hate them, I, yesss right there, god—“
“I know, baby, I know, I got you,” he’s back to grunting in your ear and you can’t see or feel anything that isn’t Rydal. 
You’re overwhelmed by everything that’s happened tonight, your feelings from earlier still bubbling up and causing you to tear up while he continues to ram into you. He sees you crying, reaching his hand in front of you to toy with your clit.
“Stay with me,” he demands, voice low against the shell of your ear. Desperate, he’s still so fucking needy even after making you cry on his cock. 
You nod before you realise you’re nodding, sniffling in your daze. 
Rydal’s index finger, the same one he teased you with earlier, starts circling your clit in the surefire way he knows how to make you cum, grunting when he feels your walls fluttering over his length. 
And when you’re gushing all over him, his finger still circles your nub but he stills his hips as he feels you come undone and talks you through it. Pretty baby, love you so fucking much, stay, stay with me, stay—
Lifting you off his length he takes off your dress completely and turns you around with his hand wrapped around your neck to bring his mouth to yours, kissing you like a man possessed. He doesn’t wait to slip his tongue into your mouth, claiming it as his own to prove a point. He’s always fucking proving a point, always pushing his way through your walls. 
Walking you backwards towards his bed, he only breaks away from your mouth to help you remove his shirt and pants, your hands mapping out his chest and shoulders. You don’t let him get far from you even as you lower yourself to lay back on the mattress, pulling his body along needily while he crawls over you. 
This time when he enters you, it’s slower, softer, gentle, but you’re shaking in his arms, foreheads touching as you share a breath and syrupy kisses. You cry a little, mascara messy and lipstick smudged, but he shushes you, mocking you, “thought you could leave me,” he says and anticipating your rebuttal — as he does, he always fucking does — he says, “thought you could go on without my cock, hmm?”
And then he’s kissing you again before you can say anything, effectively shutting you up while pressing you into the mattress, fucking the fight out of you as his hips slide into yours again and again. Your bodies are sweat ridden, your pussy is soaking his sheets and he still hasn’t cum yet, but you think he’s close. He has to be, he’s barely pulling out now, his length throbbing inside your pulsing walls as he ruts into you. 
He’s biting your shoulder and your eyes are focused on the popcorn ceiling, your oversensitive core trembling as he tries to pull another orgasm from you. You’re probably crying, it’s hard to tell at this point, face and body damp, but your ears are attuned to his sounds, his gorgeous whimpers and grunts. Rydal’s body is heavy on yours but you’re floating, you don’t feel a thing until his thumb starts pressing hard against your clit that you try to curl in on yourself, thrashing against him and– yeah, you’re crying. 
He’s speaking absolute filth, it doesn’t make any sense, but in the midst of your pleasure you hear him saying he’s going to fill you up. 
He does. It’s so wet between your legs, the glide of his half aborted thrusts smacking lewdly and loudly and you feel like an exposed nerve and numb all at once. His spend is leaking out of you and just when you expect him to pull out and play with your puffy folds, he turns on his side, keeping you full of him. Rydal rests his face against your chest, your sweaty and spent bodies tangled together. Boneless and breathless. 
His arms are everywhere, one running down the length of your thigh soothingly and the other wrapped under your torso to pull you close by your waist. Touching, always touching. That’s been one constant you’ve noticed from the start. Your breaths are echoing loudly and you’re almost afraid to speak, afraid to ruin the tranquil silence that envelops you both. 
You open your eyes to find him already watching you. 
“I’m hopeless without you,” he says, so so softly. “I’ll let you win at monopoly every time, I’ll stop ruining the ending of the books you’re reading, fuck, just tell me what I have to do. Tell me, I’ll do it.”
You just hold him tighter to you, kissing his temple.
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tinkerbelle05 · 10 months
Snuggle Bug
Characters: 1610!Miles Morales x Black!Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Miles is such a snuggle bug.
Warnings: none :)
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“How long has it been since you've seen the sun?” You jokingly asked Miles. Rather than his desk being filled with pens and sketchbooks, textbooks and pencils replaced them.
You watched in amusement as he lets out a scream, clearly not expecting you. “How did you get in here?”
“Well when two people love each other very much-” You were interrupted with a pillow thrown at you. “Okay, okay, no need to be so aggressive.” You looked over at his desk, “What test?”
“Uh Trig,” he responded.
You give out a wince to it. You never liked Trig or math in general. Plus the teacher was a hag with a terrible wig.
“Maybe you should take a break. Take a nap with me,” you suggest to him slyly.
“As much as I would love that, I have to study for this test next week,” he tells you. “But afterwards, I promise.”
You fix him a look and rolled your eyes, “Okay fine. In the meanwhile, can I look at my pictures?”
“Fine,” he huffed out and went back to studying.
Smiling with joy, you went to Miles’ sketchbook collection and looked for the one with your name on it. He had a whole book dedicated to you in multiple styles and mediums.
Some were realism while other cartoonish. Sometimes he used nothing but graphite pencils and the white of the page while other times he used markers, colored pencils and pens all in one drawing.
You could get lost in the pages, feel giddy every time you saw a new drawing of you. It made you feel loved.
“Okay, I’m done.” Miles announces and stretches his body causing bones to crack and pop.
“Wow, who knew you were such an old man,” you muttered under your breath, eyes still in the book.
Suddenly you felt a large weight on your back, trapping you in the bed. It could only be one person.
Miles snuggled into the nook of your neck and you hear a muffled no. Then soft snores reach your ear and you let out a sigh as you subsumed to your fate as a human bed.
You light jabbed Miles with your elbow because if he's going to use you like this, the absolute least he could do is help you get your bonnet. This hair wasn't cheap.
“Okay, okay I’m gonna get it,” he said groggily and wiped the sleep from his eyes. He extended his arm and you grabbed it immediately.
“Don’t you dare use your web shooters to get my bonnet,” you warned him. The last time he did that, you literally had to throw the whole bonnet away. It was your favorite too.
He grumbled but got up to get it anyway. He gave you a warm smile before fitting the bonnet around your head gently and kissed you on the cheek.
He laid on his bed with a deep sigh but he looked at you with bedroom eyes, half-lid and a lazy smile. And you just sit there, on the bed admiring him. It was amazing how he could do so little and still look so beautiful.
“You gonna join me down here or…?” He questioned but didn't wait for an answer. He pulled you into his arms and returned his face into the nook of your neck. Eventually, your legs tangled and twisted together into one, and with your combined body heat you quickly went to sleep.
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Tags: @butterfi, @justbeethings, @jam-skullz, @dreamxcollide, @shibble, @sleepdeprivationis4coolkids, @somber-starz, @maypersonne, @hoeboat101, @rosebunny, @midnight-the-shadow-wolf, @mur-docs, @eight-cats-in-a-box, @sawi-06, @707xn, @nagi3seastorm, @ghostsimp000, @cloudstrifefantatic, @vixqn, @yourtsahik, @spider-bren, @im-jisoo-im-okay, @andhdi68a, @avatarl0v3r, @randomhoex, @ellatienesuscosas, @m4rihrts, @jell0buss-37, @baddiebehaviourxx, @laylasbunbunny, @minimari415, @all444miles, @sheluvv-jen
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mara-tevith-solo · 1 year
It Takes Two
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This is my second failed attempt to do a short, simple one-shot for this guy, Jeez Louise. Enjoy! Part 1, Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Pairing: Eventual Miguel O’Hara x Enhanced ex-Avenger Reader
Warnings: They’re idiots, full dance around your feelings and gaslight yourself about them idiots, injury, blood, violence, mention of miscarriage, Concussion Confessions, Mayday being a cutie pie, Peter B being the Dad, use of Spanish as a none-native speaker but i tried finding actual Mexican Spanish terms 
Rated: PG-13 but still, please no minors
Words: 1.6k+
Miguel O'Hara was an enigma. At least to you he was. To everyone else he was stern, stoic, even unpleasant and harsh. To you he was... different. It's hard to ever imagine the man as soft, but with you he very much was. He was always making sure that you were alright, that your workload wasn't more than you could comfortably handle, that your mental and physical health stayed a priority to you. He even went out of his way to make sure you never skipped a meal, especially when you were so thrown into a project that you forgot what day it was.
You weren't even supposed to be there, in the Spider Society. You weren't a Spider-Person. You were an enhanced ex-Avenger from Earth-199999 that he'd... taken pity on? You weren't even sure why he'd initially invited you to join the Society. No one was, not even Lyla. You just knew that he had a habit of seeking out your proximity, even if neither of you said a word.
"Y/n! There you are! Get suited up! Boss man needs you on deck!" Peter B materialized in front of you as you worked on a random engine you'd found lying around, earning a small yip and a quick juggling of the wrench you'd been using. Mayday found it entertaining at least, giggling her cute little cheeks off and clapping her little hands.
"B, you're lucky I like your kid, 'cause sometimes I'd like to sucker punch you whenever you scare me." You were joking, of course, and he knew it too, chuckling as he stroked May's fiery mane.
"Oh no. Can't have me face the consequences of my own actions. That would end the world!" His sarcasm kept her little giggles going as he lifted her high in the air. You couldn't name the intense emotion blooming in your chest in that moment, it was consuming and aching, like a sailor's widow looking for him to return every day up on a windy cliff. It felt like something was getting sucked through your chest as your gaze on the little toddler turned melancholy. Peter B was many things, and surprisingly observant was definitely one of them, though he had more than enough practice when Mary Jane was pregnant. He knew longing when he saw it, and he'd seen it on you more than once when interacting with Mayday, though he could swear they were getting less frequent and less intense the more time you spent with his little bundle of joy. He knew your life hadn't been all sunshine and roses, he knew that you'd once been expectant of your own little bundle, but Thanos had brutally taken that from you to hurt your then husband. And when you thought no one was looking, he saw the glances you centered on Miguel. "They're gonna be ready to go here soon, so you should get a scuttle on." He hinted with a warm half-smile.
You snapped out of your daze with a solid nod, offering the Spider and Spiderling a warm smile before quickly making your way to Miguel's office, where you knew that the tall futuristic man liked to start from. It didn't take you long to get there, your mask in hand as his gaze found you over the heads of the others, warming to a garnet shade from its usual intense ruby "Now that we're all here, we need to get a move on. Remember, we're dealing with two different Doc Ocks this time." Everyone nodded to him in understanding, his eyes lingering on you for a moment longer before a portal appeared with a deep thrum.
The city on the other side was in chaos, several flipped and destroyed cars on fire, people running and screaming in all directions, understandably so. Jess already had wheels on the ground, waiting for you as you hopped on the back and crouched, ready for her to slingshot you at the closest adversary. Your Volto mask suddenly felt claustrophobic, cutting off part of your peripheral vision, but right then wasn't the time to fix it. The click of the gearbox was your only warning that you were about to be catapulted, Jess bringing the bike down to neutral as she kicked out the backend right as you jumped, sending you sailing through the air and into an Ock who looked like he'd come straight from a silent hill horror film. He cried out in frustration as you latched onto him, immediately dodging his bladed mechanical arms, coated in fresh blood as you began scrambling to disable the arms. "Get off of me you halfwit!" He snarled at you with a voice like gravel and grit, the flash of his teeth reminding you of a shark's.
"Not until you stop rampaging in the wrong Universe, genius!" You snapped back, ducking wildly to avoid getting scalped. Other Spiders joined you, red and white webs trying to take control of his arms so that you could work in relative peace. You had the tip of your knife in the neural link, prying it out of his flesh as he began crying in pain and fear, his arms whirring and snapping frantically, trying to get to you. A strangled cry was your only warning before something solid hit you like a freight train, sending you flying away from the fight, a weird pressure just under your right collarbone, one that simultaneously stung and felt cold. You didn't have time to contemplate why as your back made hard contact with a concrete pillar, knocking the breath from your lungs without mercy as you fell the short distance to the ground.
Your ears were ringing so loudly you almost forgot what sounds were, your eyelids too heavy to work properly as you struggled for breath. You were in pain, bone deep, radiating pain that made you want to curl into a ball and sleep for a year as you laid there on your side in the dirt. You tried getting up on your hands and knees in a bid for air and to relieve some of the pain, your ears still ringing and your eyes barely opening, but blinding, shooting pain on the right side of your chest stopped you in your tracks. You could hear someone shouting, you couldn't hear what they were saying as your fight for air became more desperate, something rattling in your chest with every attempt. Your eyes finally opened fully as hands made contact, large warm hands that helped to center you against the pain. Miguel was crouched over you, his mask still in place but you could see the panic in the eyes of it "...'me on! You can do it, Y/n! Just one breath." You were shocked at how panicked he sounded as the ringing dissipated, but your body obeyed, sucking in a ragged, greedy lung full of air before repeating the process over and over. "Good, good. Buena chica."
You watched as he shrunk in on himself, taking big breathes of his own, his relief clear "Miguel..." You breathed, licking your lips under your mask "did we..."
"We got 'em." He nodded, one of his hands petting your hair "Let's get you back home." He was gentle as he picked you up, cradling you as close to his chest as he could, not letting anyone take you when they offered. He was adamant that none of them could see how afraid to lose you he'd suddenly been, how afraid that he had lost you he'd been. He couldn't stop that small vibrating purr he made as your head tucked itself in the crook of his neck, his hands clutching you closer in silent response. He felt guilty, like absolute shit, that you'd gotten hurt because his web had snapped, that little voice that liked to reside in the back of his mind telling him that you needed to go back to your Universe and stay there, that you'd be safer there. But the more rational part of him reasoned that at that moment, he needed to focus on getting you to medical, getting you better. He'd deal with the after later. "Stay awake, Cielo. Need you to stay awake right now." He could feel your breathes beginning to deepen, feel you relaxing into him more than you should have as he stepped through the portal.
"'M so tired, Mig." You mumbled your argument, nuzzling your masked face deeper into his neck "'N you're so comfy."
Any other situation he would have found somewhere comfortable for him and taken a nap with you, held you the entire time. But you were hurt, concussion was too heavy a possibility for him to just let you rest "No, come on, Y/n. You need to stay awake a bit longer. We're almost there." He let his concern and fear temper his tone, trying to get your hurt brain to understand the severity of the situation.
"You worry too much, Mig." You hummed softly, your filter long gone and your ability to worry about it gone with it "You should relax, you're so pretty when you smile." He couldn't feel your dopey little smile, but he could certainly hear it, feel how it made his heartrate spike wildly. His mind felt frozen, unable to fully process that you at the very least liked his smile.
"You're delirious." He huffed as he quickened his pace, trying to pass off your words as just concussed nonsense.
"Maybe," You conceded "but it doesn't change the fact that I've had the biggest crush on you this past year." He wondered, in his stuttering thoughts, if you realized that you were admitting all of that to him, if you were aware of what that mouth of yours was doing.
He was relieved as he passed the threshold of the Medical Wing, several Spider-Doctors rushing to take you from him "We'll talk about this when you're better, Cielo. Until then, survive." Without another word he was passing you to the nearest medical professional and watching as they whisked you away as quickly as possible, talking in medical jargon that he couldn't fully understand.
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hikariale · 4 months
love overflow!
"want to place that hoodie you took off by our pillow and eventually eat rice from its warmth. i know. that's not something that's easily understood, but i won't give up and i'll keep telling you how i feel!"
headcanons about peculiar habits formed out of love
characters: jade, jax briggs, shang tsung, skarlet, tanya
content warnings: mentions of injury and gore, smoking, timeline ambiguous but written with the original timeline in mind, ask to tag!
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Jade will gossip with you. She takes her job extremely seriously and tends to distance herself from unprofessional things, so even the way she interacts in casual settings can feel uptight. Though she claims she has no vested interest in gossip, she always seems to know the juiciest things. Being in touch with court intrigue is just another duty of protecting Kitana, so she always has an ear to the floor. Technically, since they're palace secrets, telling them to an outsider is unthinkable and borderline treasonous... But if you press her, it's rather easy. She has her own opinions, even if she pretends to be above it all, so once you break the dam, you'll get the entire flood. Being able to confide in someone without courtly pretences is a treat to her, so she actually looks forward to you asking her about it.
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Jax won't smoke around you if you aren't a smoker. He doesn't quit smoking, but the only time you will see his lighter is during camping trips. His clothes still smell of smoke, but if you spend the entire day with him, you're more likely to learn what kind of laundry detergent he uses. He doesn't want you to be stuck inhaling his secondhand smoke because he knows that it is objectively bad for people, so even if you say it's alright, he will probably abstain. If you are a smoker, he may have casual banter with you over your respective brand picks. Still, he won't knock it until he tries it, so you may end up swapping cigs one day. Though it's his biggest vice, he will unquestionably kick it if you ask him to. And if you're both smokers, he will try to keep both of you accountable and responsible with intake.
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Shang Tsung will never treat you like a glass doll, but he will micromanage your health. Unless he takes care of things with his own hands, he won't feel satisfied that everything is in order. In some ways, it's a blessing. But depending on your tolerance for unconventional treatment, it can be a bit of a curse. The good news is that you could be sliced down the middle and thrown into a pool of acid and still live to see the next day. The bad news is that, if he cannot prevent your death, he will rouse you from your eternal slumber. The words "favourite person" may not seem to mean much from him, but the key term is "person," as opposed to "subject" or "pawn." A person may be physically cloned, but Shang Tsung knows better than anybody that clones are not the same person.
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Skarlet will take the blood from your wounds like a keepsake. Though it might make you uneasy, she doesn't have any ill will. In her mind, it is the same as keeping a photo of you in a locket. No matter the severity of the injury, Skarlet can keep you from bleeding out, so you could joke with her that she's taking a blood tax for her services. Depending on the situation, she might even crack a smile! It is hard for her to explain why she takes your blood when she doesn't really need it for anything, but just be assured that she could distinguish your blood from anybody else's. Even if yours was a single drop in a bloody ocean. That attachment is, in its own morbid way, the red string that she's tied between the both of you.
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Tanya will just lie on your behalf. You don't want to go to a meeting? You can't because your ceiling caved and you had to stay home all day to deal with the issue. Someone is giving you unwanted attention? Better luck next time because Tanya will make up a list of reasons about why that person shouldn't try to approach you anymore long enough to be a legal document. It would be nice if she let you know ahead of time, but she will set a wedge between you and your petty inconveniences as soon as she hears about them. You can fight your own battles, but if she doesn't think it's worth your time, she will swiftly sweep and smother them under a rug. If it is something that has been causing you a lot of duress, she might go the extra mile of stomping on that spot as you walk along your merry way.
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risingshards · 11 months
Oh my god Venture Bros movie was perfect. If that's it I'm beyond satisfied, but god I want more of my favorite idiot weirdos. They jumped back in like they never left, and the big movie budget made it feel all the more special. The reveals surprised me completely (my big theories were wrong but one is still in the game), the Jackson Publick action was better than ever, the Doc Hammer sentiment was sweeter than ever, and the duo's bizarre sense of humor was on glorious display. Also every reference made me all warm and fuzzy (even one towards the end that was a reference to commentary/a DVD extra/Jackson and Doc's Astrobase office habit that was somehow heartwarmingly nasty knowing its history), something being a love letter gets thrown around a lot but I dunno what else you'd call Radiant is the Blood of the Baboon Heart (a title that does make sense eventually in true batshit Venture Bros title tradition) than something made with love and joy for these goofuses.
Go Team Venture Forever ❤️
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rubykgrant · 10 days
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I'm TRYING to re-think the order of some of the events in my RVB story-line, so it flows a little better as an actual plot (to be fair, the actual series would often leave the end of a season sort of up in the air, and come back with a non sequitur after a lot of time passes, so. shame on me for trying so hard, I guess). I have a lot more little details involved (I'll ramble about those below), but these are the BIG PICTURE aspects that everything else is framed around
The Interviews involve the Reds, Blues, former Freelancers, Doc, Locus, and a few friends from Chorus talking about what they've been through (with some flash-backs thrown in, showing what they aren't all telling). During the Vacations, Donut goes on a big spa-spree, the Grif sibs go back to Hawaii (without a big fuss, Kai may like the attention, but Grif doesn't want people bothering him about being the Famous Orange Soldier), Simmons tries to track down his family (he can't find them), Sarge goes back to sulk in Blood Gulch alone, Wash goes looking for the Triplets, Doc spends some time with Dr Grey and thinks about trying for a medical degree again, Lopez is allowed to just be by himself (and he's honestly kinda bored), Caboose goes back to the Moon, Tucker searches for Junior, Carolina attempts to dig up info about how deep Charon/Project Freelancer really got into all the crime BS, Locus tries to turn himself into the authorities on Chorus (being all "I deserve to die" about it) but Kimball gives him a "life sentence" of community service. Everybody misses each other, and are drawn back together like a bunch of planets caught in the same gravitational pull
-Sarge is contacted by a UNSC group that wants to give soldiers who were Sim Troopers and members of the Flag Zealots "new training", and he doesn't hesitate. He has fun with it for a while, and this is where he meets Poppy... she is how he finds out a lot of the people here were given the option "join this training program or face prison time", which really isn't much of an option at all. He thinks about how the Red VS Blue war was a lie, he thinks about Project Freelancer manipulating the agents, he thinks about Wash having a villain moment to avoid being locked-up, he thinks about Locus believing soldiers are supposed to kill without ever asking questions... and Papa Warcrimes decides he actually hates the military (it's a sign of the apocalypse!). Meanwhile, Carolina has finally gotten some leads about Charon, and she meets Junonia, who helps her find out more regarding the past and what Hargrove is still up to. Gene has also been around, trying to be a solo villain, but he's BARELY a one-man Team Rocket. Finally, the insidious purpose for all this new training is exposed, and Red Team (with their new member, Poppy) gets to have the spot-light when they fight the villain
-Everybody finally goes back to Earth together, and this time, a big celebration is held for their return. They spend most of their time out of armor on Earth, so the general public leaves them alone. Some fun shenanigans with everybody finding ways to amuse themselves (Sarge doesn't like going outside, the sky is too BLUE). Now that she knows where they are (thanks to the welcoming celebration), Tex finally catches up with everybody, revealing that when Epsilon Deconstructed, the information from his memories transferred back to the original Beta unit, reviving her. The Director had this whole plan for eventually bringing Allison back with a synthetic human body made from her DNA sample, but he could never make it "perfect" (Tex isn't an identical clone, more like a genetic "sibling" to Allison). She isn't the only one who found them; the parents Simmons went looking for finally show up (now that their son is a famous space hero). He's more than happy to get their attention, and they have him join their work at a bio-tech company (everybody else immediately recognizes the parents as a-holes, and the business as shady, but try telling Simmons that). Tex was initially hesitant to reveal the other AI Fragments were also revived, what with some left-over sore feelings regarding Sigma and Omega (Wash is ironically more willing to forgive them for everything; he wishes he had been able to do that BEFORE, instead of fighting against them as the Meta, and the whole spiral from there). Carolina talks through emotions with Sigma, and Omega compliments both Doc and O'malley for finding their back-bone. Everybody else is happy to get to know the Fragments better. Some Drama happens with the Reds, but Simmons finally sees his parents don't really care about him, and they all figure out that the bio-tech company has the original Alpha Unit hidden away. They rescue Church, who has the chance to be in his own synthetic body based on the Directors DNA (again, not identical, just similar)
-Everybody gets to CATCH THEIR BREATH, Caboose and Tucker have Church back, Church and Tex get to do people things, hooray! A distress call out there in space tricks Tucker into thinking Junior is in trouble, so he heads out to find his kid (most of the others join him, but a few stay behind because of recovering injures, etc). This turns out to be a trick, Hargrove and Temple are both being jerks. The rest of the gang arrives for a rescue, and Church has each of the Fragments assist his friends for the escape; for Hargrove, this was his attempt to test out a "new version" of scanning a mind to make his own AI (his tech is wonky, and will definitely kill people it scans). For Temple, he's under the impression that if he helps, he can have his own mind scanned, thus giving him a "recreation" of Biff from his memories. Hargrove REALLY wants people who have interacted with the AI Fragments as experiments, since he thinks there is important data to be found from minds like that. Temple just wants to kill the main group because he hates their guts, and it isn't FAIR, why do they get their dead friend back? Also, everybody finds the AI file for Sheila! When things settle down, Grif and Simmons talk, and at last they are on the same freaking page
-After the rescue, Hargove escapes again, and the group hears a distress call from Chorus. Some old problems are going on again, so they swing by to help out. Hargrove has one last-ditch effort to get what he wants in terms of AI experiments... Felix didn't just come back wrong, he came back WORSE. Well, everybody has the chance to work through some unresolved negative emotions aimed at him (Kimball, Locus, Tucker- everybody gets a stab in!). Felix wants to use his sword again, but it recognizes him as "dead". He tries to use a temple that "revives echoes" for key holders, but this just gives him a ghost of Doyle ("It was mine before it was yours"). The Echo also brings back other AI like Santa, who have been programmed to make certain events happen... while everybody tries to deal with Felix AND finally catch Hargrove for good, the Echo creates a whole third problem. At last, a group of aliens arrive, alerted by the Echo, and in the group is- Junior!
-Some happy family reunion time for Tucker and his boy. Junior explains what he's been doing for so long; he wasn't trying to avoid his father, but there are dangerous groups out there trying to kill him, and he's been hiding while also trying to save others. The strange "prophecy" about him, as well as things involving a "Great Destroyer" is indeed true (Gary admits he kind of just made up what it was about, but it really WAS real!) have become more urgent. Somebody who wants to take over and wipe-out anybody who opposes them has been targeting Junior. There are also many other half human/aliens like him, an attempt to create as many potential "prophecy children" as possible, but all were rejected by their human parents and only seen as tools by the other aliens (except for Junior, who is actually loved by his dad... even though they haven't been able to spend much time together). Another temple out in space supposedly has the power to give "continuous life", and the villain intends to use that to win. Tucker and the others try to protect Junior, but the temple doesn't work the way they all think...
-Back on Earth again, life seems to give them all a break... but unusual things begin happening. It eventually becomes clear that there are "new AI gods" toying with them (some are just playful, a few are genuinely malicious). This involves somewhat amusing, if a little annoying, shenanigans (like Wash getting turned into a cat, and a tiny 7-year-old Sarge showing up), but also very dangerous situations. Alternate time-lines and realities collide, some arguably "worst-case scenarios"
-It finally becomes necessary to confront the cause of all this. The group gets pulled into a pocket dimension where a lot of realities intersect. One AI god demands people fight for their amusement, and the winner will get to return to the "reality they want". The group really just wants weird paradox stuff to STOP. Church, Tex, and the Fragments figure out a way to keep everybody from dying, even the enemies they have to fight, until they have the chance to take on the one trying to control everything. Just when it seems like that issue is solved... Donut throws up. Weird, cosmic throw-up, like if the big-bang was a liquid. Being the one who has been traveling through time and reality the most, he's kind of absorbed a LOT of cosmic energy, and he can't control it. A big monster-transformation happens, but everybody figures out how to fix it so they can save Donut. Are we done? Are we DONE now???
-Yes. Everybody has the chance to live their lives, whatever that means for each of them. They get to be happy. Sometimes, bad things still happen, it can be difficult and unpleasant to live- but they still LIVE. Eventually, they pass on too (and that also means different things for some of them). When all is said and done, they're mostly glad they all got to be here~
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thrawns-babygirl · 1 year
CONGRATS ON 375! That’s amazing. You deserve all the accoladessssss ILYSM. Can I please have a 57 from the prompt list with Cross? (Fem reader, as smutty as your heart desires LOL) ❤️❤️❤️❤️
This prompt lends itself to the 'caught masturbating' trope, and since i very recently wrote cross walking in on reader, i thought i would try reader walking in on cross :P hope you enjoy
Rating: E (18+)
Warnings: Mutual masturbation, fleshlights
Word Count: 1200+
Prompt: #57 "don't mind me, just enjoying the view"
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The Batch were avoiding you. Not an uncommon occurrence when they returned to Kamino after missions, who wants to get poked and prodded by a Doctor before you even get a chance to relax and unwind a little? But orders are orders and the Kaminoans are relentless when it comes to the health of their prized unit.
Hangar bay? Nope. Mess hall? You can’t hear Wrecker from down the hall so that’s a bust. Armory? Well Tech usually sees to fixing anything himself, but it can’t hurt to look. Failing that you turn to walk towards their barracks. You had told them that you would avoid coming to their barracks as much as you could, being very well aware that it was really they only place they could relax while on Kamino surrounded by regs, bounty hunters and doctors who wanted to run scans and tests on them. You were however on a deadline, and needed to perform their routine medical check before the end of the current rotation.
You don’t even know why they avoid you so vehemently, it must take far more effort on their part to hide from you for hours or rotations at a time instead of just getting it over with. Even Tech, the paragon of logic and reason doesn’t convince the others its better to just get it over with and that genuinely surprises you.
Placing an ear to the cold metal of their barracks door you strain your ears to see if you can hear the sounds of the absent clones behind the door, only to be met with silence. Standing back up straight you ponder your best course of action, if you com them and tell them to come back to the barracks they will know you are here and continue to avoid you, if you wait out in the hallway for them, you run the risk of Hunter sensing you’re here before they return and diverting his brothers further. Why couldn’t they make life easy for you?
You finally decide your best course of action is to let yourself into their barracks and simply wait for them to come to you, they had to sleep eventually, right?
Inputting the medical override code into the door panel, you brace yourself for the ever-present stench that lingers in the Batch’s barracks before closing the door quickly behind you as you take in the sight before you.
Laying on his bunk, head thrown back on his pillow naked as the day he was decanted is Crosshair, thrusting himself up into a clear sleeve that’s wrapped around his cock. There is a thin layer of sweat covering his body, his chest his rising and falling as he releases ragged breaths. You can see the tip of his cock appearing and disappearing as he works himself with the toy, eyes screwed shut totally oblivious to your presence.
You scramble to figure out your best course of action, do you risk leaving and having the door alert him to your presence? Do you finally act on your poorly hidden attraction for the man?
A shuddered groan of your name makes your decision for you. You cross your arms over your chest and clear your throat causing the sniper to jolt upright on his bunk.
“W-what are you doing here?” his eyes are wide, ears tipped pink as his wide eyes lock with yours. He’s desperately scrambling for something to say, to try and get the upper hand but he knows its futile. He knows you’ve seen and heard too much.
“Oh don’t mind me, just enjoying the view” you smirk at him, he still looks like he’s on edge, but he relaxes slightly as he takes in your relaxed stance.
“You could enjoy more than just the view if you want doc” he’s breathless, hand still wrapped around the toy that’s caging his cock, the dark head of his length peeking through the clear silicone that’s choking his shaft.
“Maybe later, I do have a job to do after all and you and your squad are making my life very difficult. So I’ll cut you a deal, you give me more of those pretty sounds you were making, finish yourself off and get your squad here” you walk towards him, moving a chair out from the table in the centre of the room and bringing it over towards his bunk and plopping yourself down “and I’ll let you do whatever you want to me later tonight” he swallows, throat bobbing as his hand slowly resumes its motions over his weeping length.
He closes his eyes, head falling back into his pillows as he slowly picks up the pace. Lewd squelching sounds fill the room as the silicone glides effortlessly over his slicked-up cock. You can see beads of precum forming at the tip before being wiped away with each drag of the toy up and down his shaft.
He hears shuffling coming from the direction of your seated form, prying open his eyes he finds you naked from the waist down, legs spread as your fingers work over your glistening folds. The sight rips a rough groan from his chest as he watches you play with yourself, increasing the pace on his own arousal.
“You said my name” your voice is a sultry whisper, your eyes never leaving his length as you speak, “what were you thinking about?”
“K-kark doc, everything-” another low moan falls from his mouth as his hips begin to rise up off the bed slamming himself into the toy. He’s close, you don’t know how long he’s been going at it but with the way he’s panting you can tell he is at the end of his rope.
“Specifics” you speed up the tight circles on your clit, bringing yourself closer to your own peak as you watch the sniper come undone in front of you.
“Thinking about- Hng- about cumming in that tight pussy of yours” he hisses through clenched teeth, his eyes locking with your slick folds again, watching your walls clench around nothing as you bring yourself over the edge. Your whimpers and moans of his name send him over his own peak, hot ropes of his release spraying over his abdomen, a long moan tumbling over his lips as he paints himself with his spend.
You put your pants back on, smoothing over your uniform before placing the chair back where it belongs at the table in the centre of the room. Crosshair pulls his now softening cock out of the toy with a slick sound before rising on shaky legs to head to the refresher and clean himself up, glancing at you before wordlessly entering the ‘fresher and locking the door behind him.
Just in time too, when you hear the water start running, the door to the barracks slide open and reveal the rest of your wayward patients. You greet them with a smile as they stand at the doorway, startled to see you sitting in their quarters in wait for them.
“Boys, I’ve been waiting for you” you give them a look that hopefully conveys your irritation.
Crosshair did help you kill time before they got back so maybe you would still reward him later anyway…
@where-is-my-mind-tho @starborncyare @antishadow2021@healingskywalker@djarinswife
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ladygenius · 1 year
Crimson Nights & Predators Part II
Description: After sneaking away at Rossis wedding to escape from lurking predators y/n and Spencer discover a safe place for both of them
Pairing: Reid x female bau reader
Content: pining, jealousy, just protective cutiepie Spence
Warnings: alcohol consumption, a couple swear words
Wordcount: 1150
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Her serenading giggle echoed through the luxurious halls of the ancient building. Kings and Queens must have dined here some long-forgotten day, Spencer thought to himself. Her hand in his definitely made him feel as if being of Royal Blood himself.
As they were running through the halls and up a lavishly carpentered staircase their laughter almost managed to overshadow the splendor all around them, leaving even the countless portraits of ancient aristocrats staring down with jealousy. Jealous of those joys and passions only bodies of flesh and bone could be touched by.
But what had that to do with Spencer's and y/n's relationship?
Even now, it was obvious to him, that this was nothing but a dream, he would eventually have to wake up from. But right now he didn't care about the real world. The next day at work or his next awkward move when he felt self-conscious around her. Right now, he wanted this fairytale.
"Where are we going, y/n?", he couldn't help but be curious.
"Oh, you'll see.. Alright. It must have been about.. here!" After turning another corner, she made an abrupt halt in front of the most opulent-looking door they'd come across thus far. All the others were white but this one was made of elegant mahogany wood, all shiny and adorned with little golden ornaments. He had to admit, he was more than intrigued by the secrecy their little adventure had in store.
And y/n knew. She smirked at him proudly, as she admired his perfectly sculpted profile while he was admiring the sight of the mysterious door.
Oh, he'll fit right in there, she thought to herself with anticipation.
"Wait till you've seen what the inside looks like Doc", y/n gently slipped in front of Spencer, their bodies briefly touching.
Carefully she turned the knobs of the winged door and got them both open simultaneously with some effort. "Ready to have your mind blown?"
By god, Spencer was quite convinced he couldn't possibly be ready for anything this woman had in store. The luscious timbre of her voice alone was enough to make his head spin.
She stepped into the room confidently, darkness swallowing her at first, but the light thrown in from outside the window still allowed him to admire her perfect silhouette. He followed her cautiously, barely being able to make out a thing while y/n was clearly looking for the light switch. A sudden noise made them both startle, as the heavy doors to the room slammed shut. Y/n burst out into laughter about the high-pitched shriek that had just escaped her throat. Or was it Spencer's?
"Damn, I can't see a thing. Where's that goddamn light switch?"
"Woah easy, agent y/l/n. Weren't you here before?" He was quite amused by her sudden outburst.
"Why, yeah. But it's not where I remembered it somehow." As he was trying to help her find it, she almost stumbled over his feet, instinctively holding onto his chest to steady herself. 
"Careful there, Klutz." His strong grip on her waistline immediately sent chills down her spine. While his eyes were slowly adjusting to the lack of light, the two of them stayed like this much longer than it took for y/n to regain her balance. He could now make out the linings of her face again, losing himself inside the gleams of light reflected in her widened orbs. The crimson-colored fabric underneath Spencer’s fingertips almost seemed to vibrate against his skin as he felt his own flesh burning, melting until it could finally be one with her.
“Oh”, y/n’s hand reached somewhere behind his back, her chest leaning in on him closely. With a sudden clicking sound the room lit up in flames – that’s how badly the actually quite cozy sepia light dazzled his vision at first. “Found it.” She shyly took a few steps away from him, her cheeks tinted in a soft shade of rose.
It was only now that Spencer took notice of the imminent splendor that was the essence of the room - or rather - the hall around them. His face froze as he was admiring the endless sea of bookshelves filling every corner of what must have been the single hugest library he has ever seen his entire life. How could I not know about this? he asked himself.
“So?” y/n cockily folded her arms in front of her chest, observing him closely. “Is this awesome or is this like, awesome squared infinity?”
His heart lit up at the woman of his dreams being equally excited about this sight of pure pleasure to him: books as far as the eyes could see, stacked from ceiling to floor onto the most extravagantly looking bookshelves. Their copies protected by fancy leather and clothbound covers, some of them undoubtedly first prints or at least rarest collectors’ editions. Not even he could read all of them in a week.
“Oh my god”, was the first thing Spencer could utter after an eternity of simply staring in awe. “This is incredible, y/n. How on earth did you find this?”
“Well, it might be that earlier this evening as I was taking a little extra-long in the restroom to hide from certain coworkers of ours, I started strolling around. And I couldn’t get past this door without risking a look by the life of me."
Her fingers carefully ran along the curved surface of an expensive-looking globe in the library's center. The dreamy look on her face was a sight he couldn’t ever possibly get enough of.
“Knew it!” Y/n victoriously chimed as she got open the top part of the globe, literally splitting the world in half with just one move. Yeah, that depicts perfectly what she’s doing to his own on a daily basis. The inside of the globe revealed an old-school minibar. “You really wanna drink some of this?” Spencer exclaimed in his signature surprised high pitch as y/n was studying the different bottles inside.
“Oh, come on, Rossi pays this place a fortune for tonight anyway. I’m positive they can spare like two fingers of whatever this stuff is in here. Yuck!” She scrunched her nose disgustedly at smelling the bottle but went along pouring the dark liquid into two fancy whisky glasses anyway.
“This might be a little rough. But you know, we’re in a gentleman’s environment today, so we’re doing gentlemanly stuff. To going astray.” Her glass clinked against his own.
No. To going astray with you, Spencer thought to himself.
Final Part III
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wordsandrobots · 2 months
Hehehe, I'm just really curious! Because in all of my fandom existence, I've never ever met somebody as prolific and consistent as you are. A lot of the things you'd like to see are already on my list. EDIT because it posted too soon!!! Anyway, I figure this is a good opportunity to ask for some refs about things I've been having issues figuring out. That is: Shino and Yamagi's pilot suit designs, some more specs on Ryuseigo the 5th, like which parts am I supposed to reference, cause I'll be damned if I don't draw that thing. I'm guessing Shino's Goibniu team rides in standard issues Gjallarhorn pilot suits. Also Sri's skin tone comes to mind. There are other things, I guess I'll just pester you for refs as things come up o/
@lilenui Pulling out my reply so you don't have to scroll past the whole ask-answer-reblog chain to get all this! (I am extremely flattered to hear that you think I'm prolific. That'll probably happen when a story idea consumes my brain's every waking moment for a couple of years!)
OK. Shino and Yamagi get the same type of pilot-suit that Tekkadan used (or very similar), but with the orange swapped for blue and the grey replaced by dark navy, in line with the standard Teiwaz mobile suit colours. Like before, the inner skin/wetsuit thingy worn outside of the full spacesuit matches the under-colour, so dark navy (never could figure if that was actually meant to be the under-layer of those suits).
The Goibniu test pilots wear standard Gjallarhorn pilot-gear in flat black with red trim when active in the field, yeah, but during testing they wore simpler flight-suits, more akin to modern day fighter pilots' jumpsuits, normally in grey, though obviously Shino's was magenta. I pictured those as being intended for lighter duties, meant to be much less of a faff to deal with when you're coming in and out of a cockpit and maybe just spending ages on stand-by. (Plus it visually distinguishes them from standard Gjallarhorn troops, and the discarding of that represents the reality of what they are ensuing.)
I've said before that Sri is explicitly of Indonesian descent, by which I meant Javanese specifically, and she has 'pale' skin. That most likely means she's going to be more golden-toned than Eugene or Shino are depicted, she's just less weather-beaten than they are by dint of her history (something of a parallel to Yamagi, there).
(Eugene was being uncharacteristically un-clinical in that moment of description because he was having a hubba-hubba moment. He did continue to labour under the impression she was Doc Chaifin's biological daughter after that, though, and I describe the doctor as having 'weathered golden skin', so...)
As for the Ryusei-Go the Fifth. Well. Here's a quick sketch of my current thoughts on the matter, pending me getting a move on with my Gundam frame/Flauros and derivatives blender model.
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The torso is very similar to Flauros but with an extended cockpit module for obvious reasons. The bracer pads on the arms are replaced with storage modules; basically fancy weapons racks. The backpack is some freakish combination of the guns and the Unicorn Gundam's fancy pop-open backpack. Actually, the new Buster Gundam has given me Ideas in that direction.
The waist is somewhere between Barbatos and Barbatos Lupus, while the legs take inspiration from a Hugo, only the reverse knees are optional and the lower legs work ala Kimaris. I will, eventually, be able to produce an actual CGI model of all this, but I'm currently still struggling with the Graze!
(For completeness, the Flauri start out in unadorned greys, probably with a bit of hazard yellow thrown in, and are then repainted in Graze Ein black and red trim (think, everything yellow on Ryusei-Go 4 is red on the Flauri; I think the white bits are switched for grey. Ryusei-Go 5 meanwhile is magenta with purple highlights [that's indicative of Yamagi's influence since the theming is Yamagi = water = blues, Shino = fire = redder colours] and black trim. There is probably some gold and white in there too but I haven't figured that out yet.)
I shall now proceed to vibrate in anticipation of what you're cooking up (I mean, just in general, your art is always utterly lovely!). Please pester me for whatever references you like, or about any IBO stuff in general. :)
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ordinaryschmuck · 7 months
With Doctor Who being 60 years old today, I figured I shared how I became a fan of the series in the first place. And it might be more interesting than the story of how I slapped a turkey on Thanksgiving, so let's go for it.
It all began in 2015 when I was a Brony. A time in my life that I call "The Dark Ages"...Trust me, this is relevant.
In the My Little Pony fandom, fans had this quirk where they looked at random ponies in the background and gave them entire personalities and backstories based on the smallest things...Yes, this was real. A pony that sat on a bench like a person was a human obsessed freak that wanted to be human herself. The pony that was commonly next to her girlfriend, naturally. And an animation error that caused one pony to be cross-eyed was a lovable dummy--Yes, this happened.
And among all of this, there was THIS mother bucker:
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Fans called this guy Doctor Hooves. Because they saw the clock on his cutie mark, a thing that determines a pony's special skill, and immediately said "Time Lord." Now, at the time, I didn't know what Doctor Who was. I got a SMIDGE of an idea during the fiftieth anniversary where everyone and their mother on YouTube was talking about him in 2013. So whenever I saw fan art and fan fiction of Doctor Hooves throughout the Brony fandom, I barely got any of the references people were making. And I never got an interest to watch the show either, though I WAS pretty curious through these bits of information.
And then the episode "Slice of Life" premiered.
Fun fact: Creators take note of the craziness in their fandom. Whether it's to lampshade critiques made or give a little wink to the audience, writers KNOW about the little things you freaks (affectionate) do. And the Friendship is Magic writers aren't any different, as they took note of the little personalities fans gave these ponies and ran with it. They even gave the cross-eyed pony a scene in an episode as a special shout out to the fans...It backfired immediately as people took offense at how the writers made cross-eyed people seem dumb. Yeah, doesn't really help that her name was Derpy, either.
So that shut things down a bit, but the writers would eventually try again with the episode "Slice of Life," the 100th episode of the series that was written as a thank you letter to the fans who got the series this far. And what better way to thank them then to shove the entire Mane Six aside for twenty minutes and make an entire episode based on the background ponies and the personalities given to them by the fandom. That episode...was a mess. A fun mess that a fan like me enjoyed because it was mind-blowing to see all these fan-created personalities become canon, but still a mess that featured Bon-Bon being a secret agent, a baby alligator having an inner monologue, and, of course, Doctor Hooves.
Now, they never CALLED him Doctor Hooves at the time. I think the most they did was have Derpy call him Doc (They were friends, by the way. And maybe in love. I don't know. Fandoms are weird). But the writers still made him this eccentric scientist whose inventions seemed wild and possibly dangerous. And I had NO IDEA if whether or not any of this lined up with Doctor Who or not (it didn't). At the time, I was still scratching my head if any of this is an accurate depiction of a character I never seen before.
So, believe it or not...that episode caused me to go "Screw it" and started watching Doctor Who.
So I SCANNED through my resources! And by that, I mean I looked through Hulu and Netflix, because those were the only streaming services at the time worth giving a shit about and it's fucking crazy how much that changed within eight years.
Thankfully, Doctor Who was available on Netflix at the time, and I was a bit thrown off at first. I mean,the Doctor was this guy in a leather jacket instead of a fancy suit and tie, which is what I pretty much pictured with the information given to me. It would be later that I came to the assumption that I wasn't watching the original series, I was watching a REBOOT. And then I would later find out it WASN'T a reboot, it was a REVIVAL, making a show that's easy enough for new viewers to understand but still continues the show that old viewers loved.
It didn't take me long for me to become obsessed with this show. In fact, in the episode before the first season finale, I knew the series had its hooks in me when I went "NO" after thinking Rose died. You see, I have this theory that a show that gets a reaction out of me like that HAS to be good. And it just got better from there.
Doctor Who was FUNNY, it was DRAMATIC, it was even SCARY. The show was a mixture of so many things that blended well together to the point where I did NOT want to stop watching. To the point when I finally caught up with the series, I wanted to watch the CLASSIC Doctor Who episodes, to figure out what else I've been missing...Only for Netflix to not have those episodes available.
Worse yet, I would later learn that there are NINETY-SEVEN episodes from the sixties that were just...purged from existence. Yeah, one of the most popular sci-fi shows of all time and its early days are now considered lost media. That's crazy to me, and it hurts a more...completionist consumer like yours truly. I simply can't just watch random episodes without getting the full story. I have to start at the beginning and see how things started and where they went. So to find out that there are so many episodes that don't exist anymore...kind of hurts that.
But at least I still had the revival that still works as its own thing...Only for that revival to start going off the rails due to the writing not to be as strong as it used to. Things even gotten so bad that the writers had to bring in David Tennant, one of the most popular Doctors, for the sixtieth anniversary just to tell fans "Oh, no, we're still good! See?! We have your favorite Doctor! He's here! Love him! He's back!"
It's desperate...And I'm sure we all ate it up anyway because, gosh dang it, it's David Tennant.
Still, despite rough patches and unfortunate circumstances, I consider myself a big fan of this show. The Doctor is such a great character that, no matter the iteration, is badass, funny, kind, angry, and compassionate. No matter what happens next in the next ten years, I'll be there to see every adventure, for better or worst.
And I owe all of this love...to a TV Show aimed at young girls--What is my life?!
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acearadiamegido · 11 months
Aradezi? Teradia? Anywho going for one less obvious.
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ough its INCHRESTING….
lemme think
so this is a ship i admittedly have not put a lot of thought into, and don’t really ship like Actively? but every time i see content for it im like oh! yeah :) love that for them
-i can make it so stupid: they larp together. canonically. on the night vriska paralyzed tavros, aradia and terezi were off somewhere roleplaying their ocs at each other in a field somewhere and then they got so distracted by the presence of doc scratch in the distance that they didn’t notice tavros being thrown off a cliff
point is they are dweebs and above all, gamers
-compatible brand of freaks: when aradia god tiers and starts going on about corpse parties on the meteor, everyone is pretty uncomfortable about it. even sollux! but not terezi shes just like TH4TS FUCK1NG CUT3. K33P 1T UP GO CR4ZY GO STUP1D >:] and aradias like. *twirls hair* you think so? :)
we love to see it!!
-inherent eroticism of attempted actual murder: many have tried. but these two are the only ones who actually succeeded at killing vriska. plus like. idk! there’s an element in the whole revenge cycle of these two avenging each other. tavros being paralyzed doesn’t immediately spur terezi to kill vriska. she just says she’ll “handle” it. which like, maybe she WAS just ruminating on how to take her out, but I think at that point she may still have been harboring some hopes of reaching a resolution with vriska that didn’t involve more bloodshed. but then aradia is killed and she’s like damn it, okay. i guess we’re doing this.
then of course she gets blinded and all that and as much as that ends up being a positive for her life, aradia still has like. A LOT of rage in the way she eventually kills vriska. im sure it’s partially for tavros, i’m sure it’s partially for herself, but the last, most recent loose end from that whole debacle was terezi losing her eyesight. vriska had never really faced consequences for that. so she’s absolutely avenging terezi there too.
which also brings up that aradia is VERY much a character concerned with justice even if she is not as vocal about it as terezi, and not as concerned with like… the classification of people or their actions as ‘criminal’ or ‘evil.’ she just sees someone hurt one of her friends and thinks “well there are going to have to be consequences for that.” which i think terezi probably finds very fucking cool and sexy because it factually IS.
also this isn’t really prompted by anything on the bingo board i just also want to say that i think they would have some very complicated shit to get through re: vriska, and that this would be really interesting to explore. their shared acknowledgement that vriska did terrible shit that hurt both of them as well as the people they care about. the shared acknowledgement that she was, at one point, their friend. and then the conflict between terezi’s continued attachment to vriska despite it all, vs aradia’s like, very civil but ultimately 100% conditional acceptance of vriska’s continued bullshit in the dreambubbles. like. aradia will hang around to watch vriska burn herself out and terezi will try her damndest to get in there with a fire extinguisher even if it means getting burned herself. and they will both see what the other is doing, and understand it, and not interfere, but still feel a deep sadness about it anyway.
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critter-core · 7 months
Quick Chips Lore Infodump
This is thrown together on a google doc and now I'm smacking it onto tumblr so I'm sorry if it seems messy. That's cause it is lol
Not gonna tag anything cause I'm lazy so whatever lol
Eh, actually, I'll at least put the foodie tags ig lol
So Chips’ general story has always been that he inherited his ship from his parents in their will when they passed away due to the sea.
To go into more detail, Chips was on the ship with them when they died, so it’s kind of traumatizing to him a bit. They were sailing the seas, delivering an important package to Big Mama.
Let’s go back a bit though. 
Chips’ parents were mutated when the oozesquitos were released, and although they were both rather terrified, especially because they were being illegally sold as exotic pets, they did manage to escape. 
The two parents were a family before, and even had their own kid (who was like 15 when he got mutated, just so that he stays around the mad dogs’ ages), but were being sold to different owners. They were carried on the same ship though, so when the oozesquitos struck, with many different exotic sea creatures fleeing, they ran into each other during the chase, and it was true love at first sight.
For simplicity’s sake, the mom is Sea Salt, and the Dad is Vinegar (I’ll come up with better names later but I like chip jokes so this is the name for now). Sea Salt was a lighter pastel yellow color, and Vinegar was a darker orange color. I’ll make refs later.
So yeah, anyways, they escaped, and when they learned of the Yokai world, they chose to live in the Hidden City instead, since it’d be safer for them and their kid, who they managed to find despite the chaos.
The parents took transport jobs for Big Mama, in hopes that they’d be able to eventually leave her business and sail the seas when they had money they could spend without worry. The parents often delivered packages or people who were to fight in the Battle Nexus…
It hadn’t been much time before Chips’ parents died.
He was still 15. It was a heavy storm, but they had to deliver a very expensive package to Big Mama, as usual. Chips didn’t know what the package was, though, and he had never really wondered until now. He did sneak a look to see it was a cage with a wild animal of some sorts.
The animal scared him, and when his mother caught him, she told him to never go near that cage again, and so he didn’t. But out of nowhere, a big storm brewed up, and the waves were shaking the boat back and forth. Eventually, some large waves crashed into the boat.
One wave too big, and the whole ship was shaken to its side. Chips and his parents all got separated in the waves, and he found himself washed up on the shores of the Hidden City. His parents weren’t there. It was a miracle that he survived, but he was terrified nonetheless.
A tall purple lady walked up, and it was then that he understood what the package was. There stood Big Mama, a very rich lady who was very popular in the Hidden City, both for her gold and her show.
She told him she never got her package from his parents. She did so through strange words he didn’t quite understand, but it began to make sense when he broke it down. She wasn’t happy. 
“You’ll do, turtley-boo,” She said, before ordering her henchmen to grab him. He fought and fought, but before he knew it, he was in their dungeons. He did manage to break out though, when there was sudden chaos. It was something about some mutant turtles breaking into Big Mama’s vault for some stuff she supposedly stole from them.
Chips would have been more curious about it if it weren’t for the fact that he was too preoccupied trying to escape while he could.
When he did, he was at first lost.
He didn’t know what to do. 
But then some strange frantic seagull yokai ran up to him squawking about something. (I headcanon a bullhop esc voice lol)
“You! You there! Oh thank goodness! I’ve been runnin around with my head cut off tryin to find you!” He snapped suddenly, before searching his pouch. “You are the child of Sea Salt and Vinegar, yes?” Chips nodded. “Ah, good. Firstly, I am sorry for your loss. Secondly, in your parents’ last will and testament, it states that they grant you their ship and all of the money they had amassed at the time of death.”
Chips was frankly speechless…
But this seagull wasn’t. He proceeded to drag Chips to a large Hidden City Bank (no, like, that was literally what it was called), and took him to a vault. Chips was greeted to a large pile of gold. Chips hadn’t realized his parents had amassed so much, and he wondered why they were still working for Big Mama when they didn’t need the money…
Nonetheless, Chips knew that even if it was a lot of money, he shouldn’t spend it all immediately. So instead, he leaves it in the vault. He was about to buy a new ship, since he lost the one they rode in the tsunami, but the seagull who had been accompanying him informed him that for his 16th birthday, his parents had a ship ready to give.
The two decide to ‘open’ the 16th birthday present early, and Chips is presented with a new ship. A large ship. A ship just for him. It’s a perfect ship, reflecting the older regal pirate ships that Chips had always dreamed of. It even had a wooden sea serpent figurehead carved to wrap around the front wood panel.
Needless to say, Chips immediately forgot about the whole Big Mama fiasco. He saw this ship and he declared that he would sail the seven seas, just as his parents have once dreamed of. Although the seagull (who’s name was revealed to be Peter) had a job as a messenger, they still continue to be friends and talk occasionally.
From here, Chips began to sail the seas, just as he wished. He even built a crew! Though the only ‘crew’ he’s collected were animals he saved from ships that were bringing over illegal exotic pets like him and his family, along with other stray pets that he just adopted. Any exotic animals in his crew were ones that chose to stay with him rather than return back to their native habitats.
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sleekervae · 1 year
Past Lives [0.4]
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A/N: Ooooh. I have such a love/hate thing with romantic tension! There's so much to write and yet I don't wanna' give ya'll a text wall!!
Warnings: none
Jade had changed her outfit about four or five times, fully undoing whatever packing she had already accomplished. Eventually, she was able to settle on a red long sleeve and black skirt with her leather jacket thrown on top. She face-timed Florence for her opinion.
"You look fine," she answered.
"Fine? C'mon!" Jade huffed, "I need better than fine!"
"Why's it so important? You told me this wasn't a date," Florence asked, biting back her smirk.
Jade rolled her eyes, "Its not a date! I just like looking nice," she reasoned back.
Florence groaned, "Oh my God, Jade, please! You look gorgeous! You always look gorgeous! You and your fucking five-foot-eight legs,"
"I still can't reach the hot peas on the top shelf at Tesco," Jade grumbled. She set the phone against the line of books on the shelf and did a spin in the camera, "You sure it doesn't look sloppy?"
"You ask me again, I'll tear your self-esteem for a new one," Florence threatened, "Just relax, you look beautiful. Now, what shoes?"
"Mmm, no. Too clunky. Try your trainers,"
"Isn't that too casual?"
"You're the one who said this wasn't a date,"
"Fuck sakes. Alright, I'm going with the converse," Jade yanked her chucks out of her closet and tied them on.
"Now we're cooking!" Florence cried when Jade showed her, "What about the undies?"
Jade glowered at her friend, "Florence --!"
"Tell me the bra is black at least!" she whined back.
Jade took the phone off the shelf, "Don't wait up for me," and she hung up the call before Florence could protest.
As the minutes rolled by, her fingers were shaking with more vivacity. She couldn't put into words what she feeling, how she was feeling, how he made her feel. Part of her was excited just to be surrounded by his energy again, his bottomless excitement and curiosity about everything bringing out smiles so intense her jaw ached. However, she was also terrified of being vulnerable, she feared she may loose the control she practiced every second he was near her, scared she'd do something to jeopardize their rekindled friendship and he'd pull away from her. She picked through the wine fridge for an appropriate bottle, feeling somehow both over and underdressed, and pondering how he'd look and just how she was going to keep herself together.
Austin's approach was much less frantic, though the anxious feeling instilled in him was very much the same. He stood under the shower spray for almost twenty minutes, just reminding himself of all the ways he was bound to fuck this up.
After washing his hair and scrubbing himself down, he patted himself down in the mirror and observed himself long enough to make himself uncomfortable. He was frustrated by the natural nonchalance in his face when he stared back at himself, worried that maybe he appeared as though he didn't care enough. He twitched the corners of his lips, shaved his chin and ruffled his hands through his hair. He picked out a simple pair of slacks and an indigo button down shirt, not wanting to overdress but he also wanted Jade to know that he tried for her.
He now pointed at his reflection, pushing his trembling hands through his hair for the fifth time in ten minutes. This was important and he had to look good, had to feel right about himself. He had dinner simmering in the next room, the smell mouth watering and he felt fairly confident in himself. He checked how much time he'd have to scrape together before her arrival, reassuring himself in the mirror that everything was going to be okay.
Not fifteen minutes later, Jade's cab had pulled up to a gorgeous, old style brownstone. Austin had given her the number to ring for and she waited outside patiently, trying to drown out the sound of her own heart pounding in her ears with the distant traffic. She clutched the bottle of wine in her hand so tightly, she wondered for a moment if the neck may smash.
However, the gate buzzed to let her in and the vinyl wood door swung open. And Austin stood in the threshold, the light from behind glowing a soft, warm orange around his silhouette. The air in her throat hitched.
Austin paused as soon as he opened the door, it took everything he had within him not to choke on the breath he was holding in. His eyes softened instantly at her, weak beyond explanation, and there was something so irresistible about the way she looked, "Hi," he greeted, finally having found his voice.
" -- Hi," Jade stammered out, hopping up the stairs to meet him.
Austin smiled, a tinge of bashfulness colouring his cheeks, "You look fantastic!"
Jade cocked a brow, her cheeks flushing despite her makeup, "You're not just saying that?"
"C'mon," he scoffed back, his grin turning coy, "Like I would lie to the Jade Theodore?"
Jade rolled her eyes, nonetheless trying not to laugh as she held up the wine bottle, "I brought some poison,"
"Ooh, my favourite!" her heart skipped a beat as he read the label, "The slow-working kind! C'mon in," and he brought her inside.
The space smelled wonderful, distinctive of tomatoes, hearty spices, and bacon, all delectable scents that made Jade's stomach turn for an altogether different reason. She paused however when she entered his kitchen and found...
"And here we go!" he presented her with the set up for making peanut butter sandwiches and a plate of freshly cooked bacon. Jade eyed him skeptically.
"Austin, not to be ungrateful -- because you know I love peanut butter... but when you told me you wanted to cook dinner, this isn't quite what I had in mind..." she said.
Austin chuckled, "Yeah I know, this is just the starter. The chilli will be ready in a little bit. And you have never tried a peanut butter, banana-bacon sandwich before,"
"Yeah," she nodded, "'Cause I'd like to keep my organs pumping,"
Austin simpered, remaining collected on the outside, though on the inside he was sweating a little, "I know it's kind of weird, and if you don't want to try, it's no problem. And look --!" he held up a fruit jam jar, "I remembered your favourite jam is cherry! Not the fake, sugary jelly, the real cooked down fruit,"
Jade began to laugh, she wasn't sure if it was out absurdity or the dopey, confident grin he wore. He had told her about these sandwiches before; an Elvis classic that he'd indulged in to help him gain some weight for filming. Nevertheless, the set up was cute and he meant well. And after all, who was she to deny a peanut butter and jam sandwich?
"Alright, what the hell?" she shrugged, "I'll try anything once,"
Austin set out on making their sweet and salty sandwiches while Jade corked and poured the wine. And while it certainly wasn't the strangest food item she'd eaten, Jade was conflicted on whether to love or hate the super rich, super salty and creamy confection.
"It's different," she noted when he'd asked what she thought, "Like, it just screams the 70s but in a weird, comforting way? Does that make sense?"
"Yes, I know what you mean," Austin replied, wiping the crumbs from his lip with his napkin, "Elvis used to pan fry these too, you know?"
"Oh no," Jade chuckled, "I can already feel my arteries squeezing,"
"I thought that was a step too far, too," he admitted, "The first couple days it was fun, but by the end of the week you just feel so awful, you're not sure whether to hibernate or check yourself in to one of those fancy health clinics. Call me annoying, but I felt so much better when I just got to eat salads and chia seeds,"
Jade nodded, "Yeah, that sounds pretty annoying," she smirked back, "And now you get to tone up and look all dashing and commanding for the army pilot who's probably never even heard of bananas,"
Austin leaned forward across the counter, raising his eyebrows at her, "You think I'm dashing?" he asked, his lips teasing her with a playful smirk.
Jade chewed thoughtfully on her sandwich, smiling back coyly as she reached for her wine glass, "The whole internet thinks you're dashing. Especially when you had the full black hair,"
Austin chuckled, "Yeah well -- there's the whole internet's opinion, and then there's your opinion,"
She laughed nervously, a sound he found heavenly, "You want my honest opinion?" she asked.
"Always," he nodded.
"Okay," she mumbled, obviously suppressing a laugh, "You're a very handsome young man, however, you look fucking ridiculous with that jam on your lip," she smiled smugly, pointing to her own lips to indicate the sweetness.
Austin's smile dropped as he reached for a napkin, "Fuck, that's embarrassing," And yet despite her indication, he patted at the wrong side.
"C'mere," she giggled, lifting her hand to his face and swiping at the jam with her own napkin. She lingered there for a moment, staring her his chapped pink lips, wondering whether he'd taste more of cherry, peanut butter, or wine?
"Thanks," he replied softly, swallowing hard as she reluctantly pulled away.
Austin's chilli had finished cooking about ten minutes later, and it went without saying that he was pretty anxious. He'd tasted it over and over to make sure he'd balanced out the flavours, the meat was cooked enough, and that he'd remembered to add salt. Nevertheless, he sighed subtly with relief when Jade took the first bite and she didn't spit it out.
"I remember we had one of our days off set, and you wanted to make sandwiches," she started.
Austin stopped mid-sip of his wine, already knowing where she was going, "Oh God. I remember: I forgot to take the plastic off the cheese slices," he laughed sheepishly.
"I mean, it was a surprise, but it was cute!" she giggled, "I appreciated the intention,"
"And from then on I left the cooking to the craft table," he deduced, "I remember you baked us those cookies once; with the powdered sugar. What did you call them?"
"... Kourabiedes!" she recalled, "I haven't made those in a while, actually. Maybe when I go home?"
"Speaking of, how's the packing been?" he asked.
Jade shrugged sheepishly, "Meh,"
Austin chuckled back, "Meh? You leave -- what? The day after tomorrow, right?"
"Yeah. And I got all the important stuff done," she replied, "But... I kind tore open my suitcase to find an outfit so now I have to repack that again,"
His smirk only grew from there, "You undid your packing job just to find an outfit for this? God, I feel honoured!" he held up his wine glass and took another sip, "I would've made you something better if I knew beforehand,"
Jade scoffed, "The chilli's delicious, you outdid yourself," she assured him, "I still feel that banana sandwich decomposing in my gut, though,"
Austin simpered, "I told you that you didn't have to try it," he said.
"I know, but you had the puppy dog eyes on and I am also a doormat!" she laughed nervously.
"So... you're a doormat because I wanted you to eat a banana-bacon-peanut butter sandwich?" he asked.
"No! I mean -- I -- hold on. What am I trying to say here?" she rested her chin in her hand as she tried to reboot her thought process. He tried his best not to laugh, but he was close to breaking. She was just so cute when she became flustered; her cheeks grew red and she always became so tongue tied. He wanted to collect those moments, store them away mentally and remind him of how sweet she was when he couldn't have her this close again.
"You okay?" he asked.
"Yes. Okay! I -- what I mean is that I trust you enough that you could talk me into being confident about anything -- within reason!" she explained, "Like jump off a high rise? Mm, nope. Skinny dipping? I'm down for it,"
Austin bit on the inside of his lip, "Jade, if you wanted to go --"
"Austin!" she scolded, picking up and pointing her spoon at him, "I'll kill you with this spoon!"
He had a shit-eating grin spread across his face, he just couldn't resist, "If you wanted to go skinny dipping you could've asked," he said quickly.
Jade dropped her spoon in defeat and put her face in her hands to hide her flushing cheeks. Austin couldn't help it, he began to laugh; a tiny satisfaction in making her blush swirled happily in his chest.
"I hate you," she muttered once she looked up.
"You're so red," he giggled.
"So are you!" she countered, pouting playfully, "You're so mean to me," and he laughed harder, "Ten years later and you're still so mean,"
"I'm sorry," he sputtered, "Really, I'm sorry,"
"Yeah, yeah, you're sorry," she rolled eyes, picked up her spoon, and tried to continue to eat. His eyes were crinkled as he smiled and his shoulders had a little bounce to them, his overall demeanour shone as brightly as a ray from the sun.
They cleared away the dishes before settling on the couch, the half-depleted bottle of wine came with them. They settled on watching Reality Bites, though it did little to empty their heads given the subject matter. Jade had always loved Winona Ryder -- what 90s kid didn't? -- and Austin still remembered that her favourite movie had always been Mermaids. He thought about the first time he'd watched it with her, having very little expectations of what he considered to be some "chick flick" that had actually turned out to be a provocative and charming coming of age story.
Jade kept pressing her nails into her palm, just barely keeping up with the deliciously tumultuous push and pull between Lelaina and Troy. She found it hard to keep focus when she was sitting so close to Austin. Her wine glass sat empty, and given how loose she felt she figured it best to stop before she did something foolish. That didn't keep her however from saying something foolish -- in her mind, anyway.
"Can I ask you something?" she suddenly blurted.
Austin. turned to meet her gaze, "Anything," he replied.
Jade licked her lips, her lips moved to speak, though the more sober side of her told her to know better, " -- Never mind,"
Austin didn't buy it, "Are you sure?"
"Yeah," she nodded quickly.
His eyes flitted down to her clenched fist, her knuckles almost white, "You're about to poke a hole in your hand with those nails, Jade," he pointed out.
Jade opened her hand, sure enough finding the blaring red nail marks threatening to puncture her skin, "Oops," she simpered nervously, "Can I ask you a drunk question?"
He cocked a brow, "A drunk question?"
"Yeah. Something I'd never dream about asking if we hadn't decimated three-quarters of a bottle of wine," she said.
"You're not that drunk, Jade," he smirked back, "Ask your question,"
She opened her mouth to speak again, her tongue tingling and her brain scrambling for a semblance of rational thought. And then, finally willing to courage to speak, she asked, "Who's your celebrity crush?"
Austin was a little taken aback, to say the least. His celebrity crush? Ten years later, Jade had remembered his coffee order, his favourite book, his favourite sandwich, and she could probably recall the time he and his mom tried to lay a brick pathway in their backyard. And yet, she didn't remember his celebrity crush was --
"Danielle Fishel," he answered.
She nodded promptly, "Right, right. I remember now," she replied.
"You do?" he asked, bordering on skeptical, "Your celebrity crush was -- Shane West, right?"
"Yep," she replied quickly. Her chest rose and fell in soft rhythm, her legs crossed beneath her skirt, and much like the rest of the week, Austin wondered what gears were turning in that beautiful mind of hers. He cursed himself out for his half-witted attempts at flirting with her, trying to figure out not just his own feelings for her, but hers too. She had had moments like this, seemingly about to put herself out there, and then she'd chicken out last minute and change the subject. He wished that she wouldn't, he also wished that he wasn't as afraid either.
"It's kinda cold in here," Jade mumbled, wrapping her arms around her body.
"That's the only downside of this place: the thermostat's broken," Austin replied, "The super called a tech but he won't be getting here until Friday,"
She hummed her understanding. He shifted closer and he watched her carefully, clenching his fist at his side to keep from touching her. She could feel his body heat through the sleeve of her shirt, his cologne spicy and comfortable. His lips parted as though to speak, though he clamped them shut again, inhaling sharply through his nose.
His eyes trailed to her lips, and he wondered if she'd ever thought about it; if the curiosity had outweighed rationality and if she thought about kissing him. It then dawned on him that he had been thinking about it too, staring at her rosy pink lips and it certainly hadn't been for the first time in that week. His cheeks flushed at the realization and he shifted in his seat, he leaned in closer to her with the confidence of the wine on his tongue, and Jade brought her gaze to meet his, the intensity rippling down her spine.
His hair had fallen over his eyes, curly and cool and she raised her hand to brush the locks from his face.
"Whatcha' thinking about?" she asked.
Austin opened his mouth again, his attention however turned to the movie when Fools Like Me began to play over the scene. Jade swallowed back the growing lump in her throat as he turned back to her. The low lighting from the lamp casted a beautiful golden glow against her bouncy hair, he drank in the deep flush in her cheeks and at the tip of her nose, and her green eyes sparkled like vibrant prasiolites.
"Wanna' dance?" he asked, cocking head to the side.
She laughed softly, though when he sat up and smoothed down his indigo button down, she realized he was serious, "Austin..." she muttered breathlessly, shaking her head slightly.
"Indulge me," he whispered.
Lisa Loeb's first chorus had barely begun as Austin stood up and extended his hand to her. She took a deep breath, unable to deny the twinkle in his eyes or that charming, unpredictable smile, then placed her hand into his and allowed him to pull her up.
Austin shoved the coffee table over with his shin, making a spot big enough for the two of them. He laced his fingers with hers and she took a tentative step forward, her lips twitching with nervous laughter at how awkward they were. Austin clenched his teeth down as he brought his other hand to her waist and stepped into him again until her chest was pressed to his.
"I think over is over I'm right back where I started when it comes to wanting you I can't have what I wanted"
He was so handsome and she knew she was testing her own self control by being this close. She watched his lashes fluttered over and over, how his tongue skimmed nervously at his bottom lip, never allowing herself the luxury of relaxing into his touch as she did now.
He was hot to the touch, goosebumps rippling under her shirt sleeves as he began to sway with her, both of them socked and clumsy. Jade rested her chin on his shoulder, trying to come to terms with the reality she was living in. She was really dancing with Austin.
His fingers danced at the base of her spine until his hand was flat against her back, their hips pressed together. He closed his eyes and inhaled her citrus perfume, exhaling peacefully with his cheek against hers, close enough so that if they both turned now, they would meet in a kiss.
"But I did, I can, I was, I am only human, living, dying Just like any fool who ever breathed If love is blind, if love's a drug, it always is, it always was And love was surely made for fools like me"
Her breath fanned over the skin of his neck, her free handing stroking at the back of his hair. He pulled back to count the freckles on her face, admired her fluttering lashes, then he spun her away and back to him again. She laughed as she bumped into his chest and without thinking, her hand came to smooth down his front, the muscles in his chest tightened beneath her palm. Her heart thudded against her ribcage and she was sure he could feel it because she could feel his; the awareness of their mutual weakness further breaking down their barriers.
They swayed slowly, cheek-to-cheek; his lips twitched and accidentally brushed against her neck, and his chest tightened as he felt her shudder against him. He could get used to this, especially with the weight of the alcohol they'd consumed, both of them evidently desperate to hang on to the other's touch.
"Maybe it's the sanest thing Or just the sweetest kind of dream But love was surely made for fools Love was surely made for fools, love was surely made for fools Love was surely made for fools, love was surely made for fools like me"
The movie kept playing even as the montage ended, though Austin and Jade stood in place. He exhaled slowly, his forehead was just a centimetre away from touching hers.
"Can I ask a drunk question?" he drawled, his lips twitching into a smile.
"Sure," she simpered with amusement, her eyes tracing the lines beneath his eyes.
"Do you have to leave?" he chuckled, "To America?"
Jade giggled anxiously, "You don't want me to leave?" she quipped back.
"No. I fucking don't," he admitted quickly. He brought his fingers to her hair, smoothing his thumb over her temple and he spoke before he could stop himself, "Don't go, Jade," he quietly pleaded.
Jade swallowed hard, almost in disbelief that his words were nearly mirroring her thoughts, "I wish I didn't have to," she muttered, "But you're gonna leave, too,"
Austin nodded, blinking and frowning, his brow furrowed with discomfort. They shared a look, both of them hung up on the closeness of the other how that would soon be gone again. Dissatisfied with the melancholic expression on his face, Jade pushed up on her toes and brushed her lips across his cheek, wrapping her arms around his neck in a hug.
"I'm gonna' miss you," she whispered, "But this isn't goodbye,"
There was this abundant softness about him that Jade had never witnessed before, a gentility within him that made her feel as though she'd damage him just from her touch. Nevertheless, his ember was vibrant and he laughed softly as he pulled back to meet her eyes again; his heart thundered against his ribcage just from the bravery in the way she held his gaze.
There was this niggling voice in the back of both of their minds, curiosity peeking at whether they could take this opportunity, as there may never be another like it. They weren't desperate twenty-somethings anymore, they were high functioning, busy professionals. Only heaven knew when they'd be together like this again.
"I have a drunk question," she muttered.
"Another one?" he simpered, feigning surprise.
"Yes," she bit her lip, considered the consequences, loudly screamed FUCK in her head, then nodded as she spoke.
"... Can I kiss you?"
Austin was silent, and in being so, Jade panicked internally. She felt as though she was in the middle of a hurricane, everything around her moving about and she was teetering the line of being safe or being hit. She noticed the dimples in his cheeks for the hundredth time tonight, counted the shades of blue in his eyes, wondered how she could ever write them into a song.
And then, he was kissing her.
He was soft and warm, his lips a little chapped but it fit him so well; he was everything she'd expected. She kissed him back softly, but without hesitation, could taste the wine, the spices from the chilli, so overwhelmed by him and yet so unafraid. Austin couldn't get enough, couldn't believe where they'd wound up, couldn't think about anything other than how sweet she tasted, how she gasped softly against his mouth, the way her body was curving into his. It was though something had clicked perfectly within him because he needed more of her, simply insatiable now that he knew what kissing her was like. His hand cupped the side of her face as they finally broke away, neither of them ready for the moment to be gone before it had even begun.
Jade sighed breathlessly, staring at him through her thick and heavy lashes, trying desperately to collect herself. Just as quickly as it had consumed her, the euphoria was replaced with a strong sensation of guilt, "Did we just do something stupid?"
"Do you feel like this is stupid?" he asked, his forehead pressing against hers. His stomach was uneasy as he awaited her answer.
She breathed slowly, trying to process an onslaught of heavy emotions in so little time. She had been so drunk on the moment, trying to discern how wrong and right this was, and still giddy on the fact that he was holding her, touching her, the sensation was so strange and so safe at once.
"Jade?" Austin tenderly stroked her cheek. His mind was racing just as quickly as hers. She had awakened something within him he'd feared he lost long ago, needing her like he'd never needed her before. He was well and truly triggered by the way she was looking at him; but Austin didn't want to make a mistake. He didn't want to put either of them in an uncomfortable situation, he feared pushing her away when he'd just gotten her back.
She would't look at him, a gambit of emotions flickered over her face as Jade tried to decide what she'd done. On the one hand, she'd done the thing she'd fantasized about since she'd been seventeen. On the other hand, she wondered if her risk had really paid off on the course of where their relationship was going.
Nonetheless, she couldn't deny how felt it had good in the moment.
"No," she answered finally, finally meeting his gaze. Her tongue tingled as the next sentence rolled out, "But... I think I should go,"
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rubykgrant · 1 year
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Just thinking about my RVB character Poppy... I'll eventually get her in my story-line, there's just all the other plot stuff that needs to happen first. I do have some pictures of her, though! I can't draw armor to save my life, but hers would be white (with tan accents, styled a bit like Florida's during Project Freelancer). When I started absorbing RVB, my brain sparked several potential story concepts and characters... eventually, I refined what I wanted, and combined a few ideas into Poppy! She's going to be part of Red Team; for one thing, they almost never get new people (true, this is because their current members don't... die... as often as SOMEBODY, but still. even though Carolina isn't technically on either team, she and Wash kinda gravitated toward the Blues. The Reds "unofficially" have Doc, because he hangs out with Donut, and Grif caught Locus in the friendship net, but we need a REAL "New Red!"). For another, they've got exactly zero girls. Blue Team gets all the ladies (*finger-guns from Tucker*). Somebody needs to even this out. Finally, with white armor, the prophecy of Red Team being the lesbian flag has been fulfilled!
Her name was chosen because I wanted to use a flower, but not one I've named a character before. I was also re-watching Little Nemo, so I borrowed the name McCay
Some more info about her below~
Poppy didn't actually "join" the army. At least, not in a traditional sense. She was "selected" to be part of a "special training program", which turned out to be tricking poor and homeless people into working at dangerous outposts. When one area was getting attacked, a lot of the people running the show took escape ships for themselves. Poppy was able to find a set of armor, and now looking "official", she helped guide all the people who would have been abandoned to safety. When she got them all to a rescue ship, a soldier asked if she had been in charge of that outpost. She basically pretended that yes, she TOTALLY was the boss. Yep. Hired herself, and gave herself a promotion. Before she could back out or escape, she was congratulated for saving all those lives, and then thrown into a new "assignment". Whoops.
Poppy was later sent to a group of Red and Blue team Flag Zealots (during the Blood Gulch days, but they never interacted with anybody from there). She was supposed to evaluate their efficiency, and order more supplies as needed. The Blue Team contained Lou, Drew, and Hue. The Red Team was made up of Ted, Jed, and Fred. Obviously, they weren't very efficient at ALL, but were suprisingly endearing. Because Poppy wasn't technically on one side or the other, both teams decided she was off-limits when it came to fighting; nobody hurts Poppy! She's everybody's friend. At most, they would fight over who was her favorite~
Eventually, they ran out of ammo, and Poppy just... didn't order more. The fighting turned into more harmless pranks, and they perhaps would have eventually reached a point of shared friendship if things had continued like that. Unfortunately, something terrible happened. It started when Poppy was injured saving the others from a mine they forgot they planted. She was hurt and knocked-out, but recovering. That wasn't the terrible thing; while she was out, Somebody from Temple's group came looking for new members. These Reds and Blues refused to join. They were killed, and when Poppy woke up, she was alone.
For a while, Poppy had to stay hidden and keep a low profile. A lot of stuff was happening in the background. By the time she got discovered by UNSC soldiers again, she was still recognized as part of the Flag Zealots (even though she literally DID NOT CARE ABOUT THE FLAGS), and Temple just tried to pull his big plan... so they decided this made her a criminal (ha! when she does something illegal, it's on purpose, and she's less annoying about it, thank you). Somebody at the UNSC thought the best thing to do with left over Flag Zealots was to use all their "devotion" for a different cause... which is INSIDIOUS AS HECK. The person called in to handle training these soldiers is somebody very LOYAL and PASSIONATE, the Reddest Red to ever Red; Sarge.
At first, Sarge is very happy to be back in his comfort-zone. However, well... he might always be seeing red, but he doesn't quite have the rose-colored glasses when looking at the military that he used to. In particular, when he hears about the life of one particular trouble-making smart-mouth named Poppy, it reminds him of the people he's been spending the last couple of decades with. The way the military chewed them up, spit them out, and told them it was a good idea to take other people down with them. Papa Warcrimes has some things to think about!
One thing he knows for sure, he's adopting this little firecracker! Although she's introduced to the Reds (and the rest of the group) through Sarge, once she's in there, Poppy is meant to sort of mirror Simmons. Just like the Reds rarely get new people, Simmons rarely gets new friends. She has things in common with him, like rattling off random trivia she knows, and she's also very different from him. The fact that Sarge likes her, and she's a nerd, SHOULD make Simmons hate her guts, and he was about ready for that... but after one conversation with her, he internally just clicked with her- "Oh, sibling? Sibling!". This is extra symbolic, because the one who killed her Reds and Blues was, in fact, Gene. Poppy really doesn't care for him very muchly, but she likes Simmons a lot, and that makes him very happy (she DOESN'T think he's the same as Gene? She LIKES all his nonsense nerd chatter? SIBLING!). Also, she and Simmons are trans in opposite directions~
Some of my favorite little lines I have for her-
(after being ordered to inspect a dark area in the woods) "I'm not going in there. It looks like the Blair Witch is in there!"
(somebody rudely tells her what to do) "Hey, how about you try asking me again, but this time, get that tone out of your mouth when you talk to me~" *sarcastically cheerful*
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topazy · 2 years
Inside, outside
Pairing: 10k x reader, Addy Carver x sister reader
Warning: Character death, mentions of blood and vomit
Chapter: 4.06
You placed your hand against your stomach and groaned loudly as Warren drove fast over a bumpy road, causing you to jiggle around in the boot of the vehicle. The motion of being thrown around so much was making you feel sick.
Neither you nor Murphy were in a good way, the difference was that you’d get better, but Murphy looked like he was dying.
“Doc,” you whisper.
He looked over from the back seat down at you and asked, “What’s shaking, kid?”
“Is it me, or is Warren driving insanely fast?”
10k who’s sitting beside Doc and buckles in his seatbelt, “It’s going fast.”
Everyone is almost thrown from their seats as Warren continues to take sharp turns. When she finally slammed down on the brakes, you yelled, “You’d be much quicker killing us with a gun or knife to the head!”
10k looked at you with his brows raised in surprise. Aside from Murphy, nobody ever raised their voice to her; however, you were in far too much pain to care, and she needed to snap out of whatever trance-like state she was in. You couldn’t see much in the boot, but for the last few hours, you’d listened to your group's leader ignore everyone else.
10k opened the door to the boot with one hand and fired at oncoming Z’s with the other. You got out and wobbled slightly as you began to walk towards the building that Warren had pulled up outside. You took a few steps but stopped when Murphy fell to the ground and started throwing up black blood.
Lucy and Doc helped him to his feet and towards the building. 10k removes his arm from your waist to get a better hold of his sniper rifle. “Zombies! Six o’clock!”
You unsheathed your blade and threw it at a Z that was coming up behind Sarge. The blade struck the Z in between its eyes, and when it fell to the ground, 10k had a proud look on his face.
“Shit,” Sarge says, looking in your direction with a shocked look on her face. “Who taught you to throw like that?”
More walkers come through the driveway leading into the parking lot where you stand, slowly ambling towards you. “I did,” 10k says quickly, ushering you and Sarge to head towards the door of the building, “come on.”
Once inside, Murphy is placed on top of a wooden table that was left abandoned in the hallway. He was rapidly declining, and your main fear was that he’d turn into a real zombie if he died again. You check the first aid box that’s on the wall. “Shit, we’ve only got a couple of bandages, but that’s it.”
“Typical,” he tuts.
You smile to yourself, even in the face of death, Murphy was still his sarcastic self. With no supplies, there was nothing anyone could do to save him. When you turn back around, Doc starts to administer CPR on Murphy, who’d started to crash.
Lucy shakes her head and sobs, “We need to save him!”
You place your hand on her shoulder. “Doc’s doing everything he can,” you say softly. When Murphy doesn’t wake up, watch as 10k pulls out his knife, ready to mercy Murphy so he doesn’t turn. You feel Lucy pull away from you and watch in horror as she leans into her dad's arm, “Lucy no!”
She bites into her dad's flesh, which brings him back to life as he gasps for breath before collapsing back. Warren urges her to repeat the action, “Bite him again, bite him again!”
You weren’t an expert on viruses or zombie bites spreading, but you had a gut feeling that this wouldn’t end well. You weakly try to pull the young girl back, but she shrugs you off. “Lucy stop! You could be doing more harm than good!”
A tense moment passes as you wait to see if Murphy wakes up; eventually, he does. He opens his eyes and glares up at 10k, who’s still standing above him with a knife in hand. “I’m not dead yet.”
You smile before looking back at the door, which the dead are trying to break through. Sarge pressed her body against it to try and hold it shut. “Warren, we need to deal with them! this door isn’t going to hold much longer.”
10k picks his gun up off the floor and says, “We’ve got this. You guys stay here in case Lucy needs, um, help.”
You take a deep breath, watching as they disappear into a crowd of Z’s, pushing away any fears that are festering at the back of your mind. “What’s the plan, Lucy?” You catch the young girl who’s now crouching over, holding herself as if she’s in pain. “What’s wrong? Are you in pain?”
“No, it’s just,” she pauses before lifting her hand up. “My hands are all wrinkly.”
She slowly lifts her head, and you, Doc, and Murphy all let out noises of shock. Lucy had aged at least ten years in the space of a few minutes.
Murphy struggles to sit up, throwing up blood as he does. He cups Lucy’s face with tears in his eyes and says, “Oh, my baby.”
“What?” She stepped back, freaked out by his reaction. Lucy looks at her reflection in a broken mirror but tries to shrug off the sudden changes. “Oh, okay, so I’ve changed? No big deal. I mean, it’s happened before, it’s just me. It’s my business.”
You stare at her in disbelief because of her appearance and because she sounds exactly like your sister.
Murphy looks down at the bite marks on his arm, then back at his daughter and asks, “Does this have something to do with you aging?”
“Yes,” Doc’s voice is soft but insistent when he points his finger and says, “Lucy, be honest.”
She smacks his finger down and asks, “What difference does it make? You're alive, aren’t you?”
“It’s killing you. You can’t do that again, promise me,” Murphy says, his voice steadily rising. “Lucy I am…”
You catch Murphy as he starts to stumble forward, and you help him find her again. For the first time in years, you watch as he shows real emotion. “Lucy, I am your father, and that means your life is more important than mine.”
“Your life is more blah blah blah,” she says, mocking him. “Why won’t you let someone save you for once, mr savior of all mankind?”
“Too many good people have died saving me already, and my own daughter isn’t going to be one of them.”
You and Doc share a surprised look, it was the first time Murphy had seemed remorseful.
Lucy’s face twists in pain as she turns to face the opposite direction and says, “It’s Warren.”
“Is she in trouble?”
“I think so, something's really strange.”
While Murphy and Lucy go back and forth about her refusing to promise to not bite him again, you open the first aid box and tape a couple of bandages over your badly parched stomach that is still bleeding. Doc notices what you're doing but doesn’t say anything, knowing it would just cause more stress.
Hearing the front door open, you automatically aim your gun in its direction but lower it when you see 10K and Sarge reenter, both of them covered in blood. “You guys okay?”
“Just a little M and M,” Sarge shrugs.
Doc raises his brow, “M and M?”
“Mayhem and Mercy.”
While Sarge chuckles to herself, you notice the bleak expression on 10k’s face. You’ve seen the look plenty of times before, but it never gets easier. A confused expression crosses his face as he looks around the room and asks, “Where’s Warren?”
“She walked off.”
“We need to help her,” Lucy says quietly. “Somethings wrong.”
Doc takes charge of the situation and says, “Go see if she needs backup. I’m going to stay here with Murphy and Lulu in case she comes back. Astra, I need you to stay as well in case I need medical help.”
10k and Sarge got to look for Warren, but 10k spun back and tossed you a walkie-talkie. “I found these outside, they might not work, but we can use them.”
“Thanks, we’ll try it soon,” you say as you sit down on the bed next to Murphy.
10k steps forward and punches the red, wet fabric of your top between his fingers before muttering, “You're still bleeding.”
You meet his worried gaze and say, “I’m fine, honestly. Go find Warren.”
“Don’t worry, kid, she’s patched up,” Doc adds.
Sarge looks uncomfortable as she says, “10k we need to go now.”
Reluctantly, he joins her. You press your back against the wall and notice Murphy staring at you. “What?”
“Well, that was bloody awkward.”
When a clanging noise echoes into the hallway, followed by what sounded like a gunshot, Doc goes to help the others, leaving you alone with Murphy and Lucy.
You don't know how long the three of you will sit in silence, but Murphy is the first one to say something. “What number is the boy now on his kill list?”
“Eight thousand and one.”
“Hmm,” Murphy watches his daughter look at herself in the mirror. “You look just like your mother, except blue. Her name was Serena.”
Lucy rolled her eyes and said, “I know. Addy told me.”
“So you’ve heard the story?”
“Two versions of it,” she confirms. “Addy’s and Doc’s.”
Murphy scoffs, “Don’t trust either one.”
Lucy folds her arms and frowns. “What is the truth?”
You watch worried as beads of sweat start to drip from Murphy, he looked as if he was burning up. “Your mother was living with a group of women for self-protection. That was four years ago, and things are still wild.”
“What does that mean?” She asks.
Murphy shrugs. “It means we thought we were going to die. There was no tomorrow, we lived for the day.”
Lucy waves her arms in the air like a dramatic teenager with a look of disgust on her face and says, “so you guys just hooked up.”
“Where did you hear that?” he asks, almost sounding hurt.
“Addy, the same place I hear everything,” she snaps back.
You hesitate for a minute before finally deciding to interrupt after hearing your sister's name being said a few more times, plus you felt bad for Murphy, who was trying to explain to his daughter how complicated relationships in the apocalypse could be.
You sigh, “Lucy, whatever my sister said isn’t gospel, I’m not saying it’s wrong either, but neither of us can speak for the other.”
She glared at you and tutted, “How am I supposed to know what is true?”
“The only thing that I know is true is that your mom died a hero, and you've got a father who’d do anything for you.”
“They weren’t even in love!” She argues.
Murphy’s brows pull together in frustration. “Love isn’t always easy in an apocalypse,” he says as he looks over at you. “It only works out for some people.”
He cuts himself off and falls to the ground, seizing. You and Lucy kneel on either side of him. “Hey Murphy, you stay with us! I haven’t been protecting your ass all these years for you to die on me now!”
“Astra! The door!“
You look at the door leading outside and see more Zs than before clawing against it, trying to get inside. “Shit! Stay here,” you do your best to barricade the door by shoving anything you could in front of it. “I think that should hold for a while.”
You trail off when you turn back around to see Lucy biting Murphy again.
With tears in your eyes, you listen to Murphy apologize to a hallucination of Serena. “Oh, Serena, she’s so beautiful. I know, mommy. I should never have left you alone and pregnant. I’m so sorry.” He sobs, “The biggest mistake of my life was breaking up our family. I don’t think little Lucy is ever going to forgive me. And who could blame her, leaving her with strangers like that?”
He mumbles something you can’t make out and then begins to throw up more blood. You move from your position beside the wall and roll Murphy onto his side so he doesn’t choke. Lucy bites down into his flesh again before you have time to stop her.
Murphy looks at his healed bite mark as soon as he wakes up and says, “I’ve been cured.”
You gulp down, “Murphy... I'm really sorry, but Lucy bit you again, twice.”
His expression changed from delight to terror. He looked down at his daughter who was sleeping with her head on his lap, her blonde curls had turned gray and she’d aged to at least seventy years old.
Murphy gently stroked her hair, not wanting to wake her. He faces you with tears rolling down his cheeks and asks, “Can I ask you something?”
You nod.
“At first I didn’t get it, but now I do,” he says, letting out a soft sob before continuing. “What's it like to watch someone you love die? I did that to you. I took the kid away from you and told you he was dead.” He clears his throat, “Do you ever think we can forgive and forget?”
You chew on your bottom lip, not knowing how to answer. You didn’t want to lie, but you could answer him truthfully while his daughter was dying in front of him. “It doesn’t matter right now, we can have that conversation another time.”
“You don’t need to lie to me, we are past that.I remember what he was like when he was apart from you. He was miserable, depressed, and worried all the time. Hell, he still has it. You see the look on his face when he noticed the blood on your top?” Murphy scratched at his neck as red blotches started to break out on his face from crying. “I used to mock him, but being apart from someone you love doesn't seem so funny now.”
You start to cry again, giving up on figuring out where you were and tossing the map in your hands away in frustration. You sit crying in the small, dingy hut until your chest hurts and your vision becomes blurred. Tommy is dead. You killed him. You'll never see him again. You'll never hug him again. He's gone because he took a bullet meant for you.
In your mind, you may as well have been the one pulling the trigger.
You sit in your room crying until you hear footsteps approaching from behind you. You pull your knife out but drop it when Addy and Doc sit down on either side of you. Doc gives you a heartbroken look and says, “I know this is tough, but we will get through this.”
You think of all the pain he caused you and finally answer him, but quietly enough Lucy can’t hear. “I can forgive you, but I can’t forget. He’s not the same person he once was. There’s something inside him I can’t reach,” your own tears start to well up behind your eyes. “I love Tommy more than I’ve ever loved anyone in my life, and it kills me. I can’t take whatever pain being bitten caused him away because it still haunts him at night.”
“Being around me brings it all back for him, doesn’t it?”
You nod, wiping away your fallen tears. “I know you’ve become a better person, Murphy, and it wasn’t all entirely your fault, but until this is all over and Tommy’s finally at peace, I can’t fully forget what’s happened. I’m sorry.“
“Don’t apologize to me,” he says, looking down at his daughter. “I’m the one who ruins lives. I’m a bad person. I’ve destroyed so many that this is my punishment. This is all because of…”
“No, no, no,” you cup Murphy's face and wait for him to look at you. “None of this is your fault. Just because you're a good person who's done a few bad things doesn’t mean you should be punished. You don’t deserve this, any of this.”
You wanted to promise him you’d try everything you could to save his daughter, but you both knew that would be a lie as nothing could be done. You sit back as Lucy calls, “Daddy?”
You help Lucy move so her head is leaning against his chest and say, “Don’t cry, Daddy.” She then reaches for your hand and says, “Tell Addy that I tried and that I love her.”
“I will, I promise.“
You struggle to hold back your own sobs. “Did Addy ever tell you about the times your dad saved me from creeps or when we got kidnapped?”
She weakly shakes her head.
You force a smile and say, “You’re going to love this story then.”
You turn, eyes glazed with tears, as your gaze takes in everyone entering the hallway and their shocked expressions. You weren’t sure when Lucy had stopped breathing, but regardless, you and Murphy both stayed by her side. You sat beside him with one hand on his back and the others still holding Lucy’s while he broke down beside you.
“Oh, sweet girl,” Warren says, kneeling down and kissing her on the forehead.
You slowly let go of her hand and move out of the way. Murphy places his jacket over her face and carries her outside.
You clasp your hand over your mouth to hold back any crying noises you might have made. Lucy was just a kid, it wasn’t fair that she had to die so young. Murphy didn’t deserve to go through this pain of losing his only child.
Standing back, you let out a deep breath, trying to pull your emotions together as 10k puts his arm around your shoulder. “These work, by the way,” he says softly, holding out the walkie-talkie he’d taken with him. “I was worried until I heard your voice on the other end.”
“Sorry, I’d completely forget about them,” you say, not taking notice of the last part.
“Not many people can forgive someone who hurt them so much.” 10k tucks a strand of hair behind your ear before planting kisses on your forehead. "I’ve never loved anyone the way I do you. We'll get through this, I promise.”
You sigh and lean into his chest as you watch your once-sworn enemy mourn over the death of his daughter.
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