#Still tho it's friggin cute
stick-by-me · 6 months
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Your friend for life <3
New follower sticker for: @serenefig!
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justsomedumbbi · 8 days
You do not K N O W pain until you become obsessed with a character that not enough people care about, and you become invested in a ship involving them that a quarter of those people even know about.
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[link to (half of the) art here]
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LITA Ep 2 rewatch thoughts
This is such a long post bc I included screenshots oops
I forgot to mention it last time but the opening is so catchy!! I also didn't know BossNoeul sang it until I'd already seen the whole show but that knowledge makes it even better :)
Since we're at the second episode, ofc they start us off with a lil recap. I'm happy to see P'Aon again, yay! Also I like the fun background music. Rain is giving inquisitive puppy vibes in this scene and I'm here for it <3 And then P'Aon mentions Phayu and he instantly turns into disgruntled kitten AHHH what a cutie
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Also "how do I know your boss didn't do anything weird to my car" oh sweetheart, he already DID something weird to your car, it's all good now
Once again we get puppy!Rain vs. meow!Rain in the next scene (I'm serious, how tf does Noeul fit all this cuteness inside?)
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P'Aon looking at Rain's number like it's the Holy Grail PLSSSS
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Yassss Rain call your man out!! What have we got so far? Asshole, bastard, unprofessional, pervert - our boy sure has a range of vocab
Loving that weatherperson foreshadowing that Rain's future is about to have some storm-wrought turbulence - I think it's so funny when a character is like "I never wanna hear/see/think/experience X person again" and then one narrative later they take back those words real quick
I'm also a huge fan of the brothers' dynamic! P'Saifah is always down to call his brother a massive simp to his face, but can you blame him when Phayu literally has this besotted look on?
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Ok but what happens next is really short but I think quite interesting. Saifah asks Phayu how long he's been single, and there's a long pause where the camera cuts to this look (see below) on Phayu's face. It kind of looks like he's been single for a while, and not exactly by choice - I get the impression he's been hurt in the past or he hasn't found what he's looking for. BUT then it's immediately followed up with Saifah checking in and Phayu saying "I'll tell you when something happens" with a rather gleeful look. He's already expecting Rain to meet his standards and not run away from him!!! I love how happy Saifah looks for his bro too
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And then we get Rain channeling some meerkat energy (I know I've said this a thousand times but URGH WHAT A CUTIE). Also Sky's BS-meter firing so high and Rain's voice jumping like 5 octaves has me cackling every time
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Actually, this whole section is quite funny - Rain skipping into the middle of the crowd and then immediately getting ready to run when he sees Phayu, and also there's something yellow+blue color-related going on here but idk what it is (it's cool tho!)
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Here are the live reactions to Rain grabbing Phayu's arm to drag him away:
Phayu: mission accomplished 😎
Sky: prayin for ya bff 😇
Ple: I want that to be me 😒
Me + the rest of the students: hmmmm 🌈???????
Ok Rain really has a colorful vocabulary and Phayu is apparently is NOT here for it. Also are Phayu's lips magnets to you Rain? You did not have to stick your lips out like that when you're just tryna have a conversation about manners
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I also find it very interesting that Rain is the one to pull Phayu along, first into the bathroom and then into the actual stall. On one hand I know he just doesn't want to be found out by other people but I do think it's rather telling that Phayu who is clearly much larger than Rain allows himself to be manhandled so easily.
First lip touch alert!!!
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I'm talking about things I only know marginally about here but idk what else to call it so... I've never heard of a person dropping into subspace so friggin fast I mean all Phayu did was breathe on his neck for 0.2 seconds and Rain's goneeee. I was absolutely unprepared the first time I watched this, and even now on my nth rewatch I'm still feeling some type of way
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I didn't notice this until someone pointed it out but Phayu does take a second to pull back and check in (peep the surprised eyebrow raise - clearly he didn't expect Rain to be so into it after like 2 seconds, but he's certainly not complaining)
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I also didn't notice this before but Rain actually moans here. Very understandable. Also Phayu telling Rain he did a good job? Praise kink activated (Phayu really just awakened things in Rain one after another lmao)
Another entry into the Rain death-grips Phayu library
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I'm actually a bit surprised Rain got yanked out of his headspace so fast - no wonder he collapses by the sink. It's good that Phayu verbally communicates with him right after instead of just leaving. Also interesting choice of words here... there def is something hard involved
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I am a SUCKER for headpats. Give them all to meeeee
I can't tell if it's just a translation thing, but when Rain curses Phayu when Phayu is leaving, he doesn't immediately use any cuss words. Look at Rain being a good boy even when he's angry <3 Phayu looks SO satisfied lmao
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Fruity siblings alert! Also Sky coming in clutch here. I don't really get why Ple is so insulted tho, she met Phayu for all of one min (tbf I'd probs react that way if I got to experience Phayu's presence irl though)
Cut to Red Blue boys racing heck yeahhhhhh let's go!!!
It's criminal we didn't get to see Rain fawn over Phayu in this racing outfit. He'd come undone like the rest of us
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Also Prapai has a really nice smile! another cutie!!
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Ok who is doing perimeter security for these races? Two boys with two shared braincells practically wandered right into the crowd with no trouble - I think if Rain hadn't looked so clueless he could've blended right in
I think the camerawork in these street racing scenes is interesting - I can't quite put my finger on it but it feels like there's something different about the technique or lens bc it looks different than other scenes
I feel like this is a good time to tell y'all I love the Fast and the Furious franchise so I'm right at home here
How strong is Phayu? Rain was actually going pretty fast but Phayu didn't even flinch when he barreled into Phayu's chest. Brick wall I tell you
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They did the yellow blue thing again!
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This must have been HILARIOUS to film like imagine going into work one day and your boss is like ok now spank your coworker and we're gonna record you
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So the first couple of times I watched this I thought that Phayu was being unnecessarily harsh to Rain, but I think now I understand that it was to impart the gravity of the situation. Phayu really just wanted Rain to be safe and also his "grow up" comment comes into play later during the convo after Rain misses a deadline
Rain's death-grip on Phayu Counter: 3
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I cannot believe this boy just BIT him so hard Phayu's lips bled. Phayu was so into it though lmao - did y'all hear his voice become so soft after the third kiss?
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The line above is so funny to me like sir, the only kind of man you are is a capital F Fool-In-Love
Some more yellow-blue for us
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Also he calls him P'Phayu here... what a good boy!
We love chef!Phayu in this house!
I love that Phayu has such confidence in Rain's abilities right from the start - this kind of encouragement is so healthy (in the screenshot below, Rain has just said that he wants to create designs like Phayu)
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ALL MEN DO IS LIE (exhibit A see below)
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And that brings us to the end of episode 2! I'm having so much fun with this <3 Hope anyone reading this has a lovely day or night!!
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nexuschampion · 22 days
We watched the Raggedy Ann and Andy movie last night for all to see the inspiration for Digital Circus and this gif set is worth noting. I simultaneously loved and still low key am not fond of, this movie.
It was a lot more tame as an adult but still had the same vibe.
The 'Andrew' and 'Annie' was so friggin cute tho. I might have to get a gif of the camel during his existential crisis during his song.
The comment I saw describing it as nightmare fuel but also the gentlest and warmest of hugs was spot on.
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northern-passage · 1 year
I'm trying to get the route where Clementine doesn't follow me inside the temple, but they keep friggin tagging along and getting snatched by Duncan anyway. I was even mean to them (sorry Clem) and they keep following me
ok that is kinda cute tho... they like you 🥺
i actually went in and tweaked the code for this a bit, based on a lot of the feedback i've been getting it feels like Clementine was being a little too forgiving.
i've made it so that if you decline the deal and end up yelling at them, they will almost always avoid you, whereas before they would only avoid you if you yelled at them and got hostile again later when they tried to apologize. there is a chance they will forgive you - if you choose one of the two less hostile choices during the argument ("my hands are shaking" or "i don't know where that came from") and also allowed them to come with you earlier and thus saved them from the wraith, they won't be quite as afraid of you, and will still go with you in the isolation district (unless you got hostile again later in the tavern.)
if you go with them in blackwater or made the deal, they will always come with you; and if you decline the deal "politely" they will also most likely come with you - same thing as above where if you let them come with you on the road and saved them from the wraith, even though you declined their deal, they'll still consider you the safest option since you've already protected them once.
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shadow-says-hello · 1 year
The Outsiders Tickle Headcanons Part 1
My favorites- Johnny, Pony, and Dallas. I just have to.
Ponyboy Curtis
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-He’s like the baby of the group so I like to imagine him being the most ticklish or the one who is tickled the most
-maybe a 9/10
-He has ticklish sides I can definitely see, as well as ticklish feet, ribs, and neck
-he has a really cute and hot ass laugh because he’s hot asf🥵🥵🥵
-the group tickles him the most, maybe a lil bit Cherry but I can see the group being able to easily pin him down to the floor and tickle him to death
-why can I also see him being super raspberry sensitive tho- like maybe that’s something him and Soda did a lot
-I think Darry and Soda tickle him the most. I can see soda being super skilled at it while Darry is just holding Ponyboy down while he laughs and thrashes
-ponyboy is gonna try to push you and shove you as much as he can to get you to avoid touching his worst spots. Even though I think he enjoys it a lot
-I imagine he is really skilled at getting revenge lmao
-why can I also picture him being really good at teasing too? Like I mean he is real smart and brave in the movie so I think he is really good at teasing
-him and Johnny get into a lot of tickle fights but they’re like the friendly kind, the kind where they’re just having the time of their lives
-and the rest of the group just stares at them like “tf going on”
-pony is prob gonna be super mischievous with tickling too. For example, if you say something mean to him he might try to use some fake excuse to get the group to tickle you
-and then sometimes if you’re just regularly cuddling with him he might say “tickle fight” unexpectedly and launch his hands onto your sides
Johnny Cade
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Omg he’s so sweet just look at him 🥺
-bros prob like a 9.1/10 and just slightly more ticklish than ponyboy. They come in a close tie though.
-johnny has extremely ticklish hips, as well as his feet and his back
-johnny is kind of weak so when he is pinned down he can never escape which I feel really badly for him but I mean that’s life
-johnny is also a very good boi so I don’t think he is the victim most of the time. But instead I do like to imagine that when he’s sometimes looking very sad and acting depressed that ponyboy will get the group (or just by himself) to gently tickle Johnny to make him feel better
-johnny is also super sensitive to raspberries and he is a huge squirmer everytime someone blows raspberries on his sides
-johnny also does cheer up tickles a lot for other people because he is just sweet like that
-he also has a very high pitched cackly type laugh ❤️
-sometimes he gets pokes for fun from the group that make him jump or something
-he usually is a bit shy to tickle people on his own or be apart of group tickle fights. But if you tickle him he might stand up for himself and get revenge.
-johnny can come up with pretty good teases in the moment and sometimes they can be really really flustering
-johnny never really grew up with tickling in his life until he was around ponyboy and everyone else. Ponyboy is still trying to get him to be more open about it
-sometimes ponyboy will be nice with Johnny and when they have tickle fights ponyboy will make johnny win
-johnny really loves it when pony tells him where everyone else is ticklish because when Johnny is getting revenge out of playfulness he can just jump right to the spot
Dallas Winston 💋
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Shit is he adorable or what
-so… dally has a real goofy ahh hot ass spicy asf laugh that everyone would love to listen to
-dallas is also a really really feisty lee and everytime he is fully pinned down he just cannot accept it and he tries to punch or fight you to get up
-dallas freaking hates tickling but usually he looks like he’s enjoying himself and I think sometimes he does
-he is so friggin competitive every single time and probably shrieks and squeals while you just sit on top of him and TORCHER HIM
-he has a really sensitive tummy, ribs and armpits
-he cannot help but squeal or scream every time he gets raspberries blown on his belly. And then when he gets raspberries he swears as much as possible. I guess he doesn’t like being treated like a baby and being small, adorable, and helpless 😝
-he cannot, he absolutely CAN NOT handle teasing. He will swear and get as violent as possible if you tease him.
-if you’re shy like Johnny, you would not want to tickle dallas.
-he is scary, some fear he might kill you
-however I think on rare occasions he might really enjoy it and have a lot of fun. And sometimes he does have fun during play fights, like with pony for example, they’d be having a play fight/roughhousing match and then ponyboy would pinch his side and then it would result in them both on the floor trying to win a tickle fight.
-and in those play fights with dally and pony, dally wins.
-dallas is ruthless.
-dallas is evil.
-Dallas will make you tell him your tickle spots, and if you don’t know them because it’s your first time or you don’t remember, Dallas will discover all of them for you, and he’ll remember them forever.
-johnny and ponyboy fear dallas a little bit
-And also, Dallas blows KILLER RASPBERRIES. If you’re raspberry sensitive, fear Dally. No one knows how he does it so good.
-he also nibbles and “bites” your stomach or neck like an animal, and it’s extremely tickly.
-dallas is the master at revenge, usually ponyboy and Johnny take note to run away as fast as they can after tickling dallas. Spoiler alert, Dallas catches up really quickly, there’s hardly ever any escaping for them.
-dally is honestly really good with teasing, he just might be a little bit rough
-sometimes dallas doesn’t know when to stop, especially because he has a lot of fun being a ler
Thanks for reading these! They took me quite some time, but I did finish them. I honestly just had to write for these 3 cuties. I might write more headcanons for the other characters too. :)
Bye! ❤️👋
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jamiscrazy4krerdly · 11 months
The he/she/ghoul demigirl Catti fan focusing on ghoul not showing up in the spamton sweepstakes nor the newsletters: shriveled up, wilting away, beating up a pillow VS the he/she/ghoul demigirl Catti fan that realizes Toby Fox is intentionally hiding ghoul away because ghoul is the playable character of chapters 3-5: jumping up in joy, thriving, feeling the sun against their skin. (aw yeah progress report time >:3)
STUFF IS HAPPENING!!!! Wowowow so much stuffs its crazy how much stuffs is… I don’t… it’s… uhm, happening?!! I thought I should clear some shits up. Ok so basically I’m working on four simultaneous projects somehow!!! Two AUs (“Mystery Delta Dungeon” and Deltaswap Inspired “Delta Scene Change” title STILL pending) and the fourth and fifth iteration in my kind of Deltarune… Krerdly… series?? Idk what to call it but just know that that’s happening! The two new mainline fics don’t overlap too-too much which means working on both sort of at the same time is pretty stress free in the continuation department. Soo those are going smoothly (even if they’re still both kinda in the draft phase) and I’m really happy with the vibes there!! I actually decided to implement the fourth in the middle of the fifth so it’s more of a compliment to the series than anything but I definitely think it’s needed and a super welcome addition in my opini-onion. *~^* ~
The order I’m aiming to release my projs is Delta Dungeon 1st -> Delta Scene Change 2nd -> Pieromancer 3rd -> Boons and Banes of Love 4th! I think THINK (think) that Delta Dungeon could be finished by this year if I do a good job ;^> but don’t count on it because deadlines were my downfall for my last upload “Cosmetic Heart Container”. ònó I made the setting a friggin mall and pulled that “big fish small pond” shit at a MALL like omg there was so much… potential and I frew it all up but WHATEVER I’m proud of the buildup!! Just wish I didn’t have to spoil my own fun with deadlines (fuck deadlines)… maybe I’ll rewrite a sort of continuation for that fic and double it’s size when everything else is said and done?? I’ll see!!!! It definitely deserves justice!!
Speaking of aftermaths: I’ve been rolling the idea of a Catti-focused fic in my brain for a bit now. Don’t know about the nitty gritty details but after everything I think it could be fun to promote “major side character” to “main character” and see what happens. Don’t want to pull a Spamton NEO and drop dead after I sever my last string from Deltarune lol (ouch @o@) (won’t happen anytime soon @v@‘).
Since I posted Krises last time I felt like doing sneak peaks, here’s some supplemental Berdlys to keep them company.
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Auugh the quality!! Sorry I blended the pixels and made a smoothie out of them. :( It was tasty tho.
Ok enough business it’s me time and I’m kicking it off with a huge announcement. I’m not afraid to say it anymore… I really like Gyftrot Noelle. I REALLY like Gyftrot Noelle!!!!! There’s something about her that speaks to me mhm mhm. My first experience with the concept was through the design done by @pespillo but while searching for references I also saw some really cute ones by @undertalegorls so definitely go and dig through their profiles to see the vision! ì.í
Okay I have to cut the silliness short because it’s time for… spontaneous Animal Crossing Headcanons!!
Kris Moment!!!
Bug Enthusiast Bug House Bug Island Only Bugs 3 Golden Nets In Inventory Flick’s Best Friend Flick Cosplayer Completed Bug Museum within 24 Hours via time traveling
Ugliest villagers imaginable
Most crafted item: pitfall seed
Crazy good at Hide-And-Seek, cracked custom outfit designer (countless horned-hat QR-codes)
Hates Blathers
“Sings” along at K.K. Slider concerts,
“Make Flick and CJ gay wedding real right now @NinninedoOfficial @NinninedoOfficial @NinninedoOfficial”
Programs the wedding themself out of spite.
Reaction Wheel - Mischief/Let’s Go/Sleepy/Cold Chill/Scare/Stretch/Sniff Sniff/Sneezing
Wordy Berd(l)y
Time Traveler Anti “I-IT’S CHEATING!!”
Achievement Enthusiast (according to his passport)
Doesn’t realize unlimited tasks are unlimited
Buys turnips up the wazoo but gets horrible selling price luck (always needs to use Noelle’s shop)
Keeps track of exact tool durability and customizes his tools different colors to refresh it
Can’t figure out why he doesn’t have every reaction
“Intellectual villagers ONLY” (that’s why)
Crushes on AND kins Raymond, very seriously considers getting a yellow or blue eye-contact to match his heterochromia
Hangs up all his villagers’ photos like trophies, including dupes
Regularly rants about his villagers to Kris (“Why is it that Raymond can spontaneously profess his love for me but YOU CAN’T?!”)
Cannot for the life of him make a pretty island, to his dismay
#1 Pocket Camp Hater
Blathers kinny
“Kris don’t let me fall asleep it is absolutely vital that I wish for star fragments tonight.”
Reaction Wheel - Pride/Aggravation/Thought/Smirking/Behold/Amazed/Mistaken/Heartbreak
Catti (Wow)
Queen of Nookazon
Hacked star trees
INVENTS fashion
Infamous haunted island dreamcode
Always has a matching umbrella
Favorite NPC is Brewster
“Wand-outfit slots… increase them.”
Reaction Wheel - Haunt/Take a Picture/Yoga/Resignation/Disagreement/Agreement/Intense/Work It
The bunny outside is frightful, Noelle
Cannot stop playing Happy Home Designer DLC
Permanently sets island to Winter
Terrified of Zipper the bunny
Completely normal about the New Leaf soundtrack being BETTER
Furnished extra houses for her family
Extremely attached to her villagers and convinced Catti and Ralsei to help her write fan-fiction for them
Takes animal crossing personality quizzes religiously
Highest HHA score out of her friends but doesn’t tell Berdly
Somebody get this girl more co-op features she is desperate.
Reaction Wheel - Eager/Pleased/Sighing/Sheepishness/Curiosity/Distress/Act Natural
Introducing… Ralsei!
Prince of Amiibo Cards (scans one every day because they are all his friends)
Really wants to show his friends every part of his island
Treats villagers like royalty
Can’t say no to villager requests
Posts ethereal flower patch combos
90% of his island consists of flower fields
Never had to look up a single fake painting tutorial
Jumped in joy at the food update
Mails letters to all his residents every day.
Reaction Wheel - Greetings/Wave Goodbye/Confetti/Glee/Delight/Worry/Apologetic/Here You Go
If anyone’s allowed to crash directly into the studio it’s Susie.
Borrows everyone else’s Switch to play
Runs everywhere holding an axe
Extremely emotional about fishing results
Goes out of her way to ask Blathers about fossils and responds with “woooah” every single time without fail
Claims the dinosaur exhibit is her favorite but finds all of the museum extremely relaxing
Dives off balconies into the water over and over
Sells everything through the drop-off box
Loves goofing around in Harv’s island
“The hell you mean you don’t grow rocks in your rock garden?”
Ralsei lets her terraform whatever she wants and builds off of it
Genuinely upset that she can’t terraform higher than 4 levels
Reaction Wheel - Flex/Encouraging/Curiosity/Laughter/Day Dreaming/Excited/Bashfulness/Shocked
And if anyone wants to visit MY island my Dream Address is DA-8935-5288-7510 ùvú
Also to contextualize this seemingly random Animal Crossing section, I’m sure some of you won’t be surprised to hear that before I was crisping chicken I was… a Marshmond maniac. *insert ominous thunder flash* Marshmond stands for Marshal and Raymond btw. Krerdly is definitely more Bob x Raymond lean, though…
Speaking of related characters!! I’ve been keeping track of kin-lists for my fav trio on the side. Here’s what I got so far!!
Kris Kins: Karkat (Homestuck) - Flick (Animal Crossing) - Link (The Legends of Zelda) - Beast Boy (Teen Titans) - Gnabbit (Mario Bros.) - Mae Borowski (Night In The Woods) - Bax Twiford (Ikenfell) - Metal Sonic (Sonic The Hedgehog) - Gramble Gigglefunny (Bugsnax) - Prince of Ouji (Katamari) - Creeper (Minecraft) - Courtney (Paranormal Park) - The Devil (Cuphead) - Magalor (Kirby)
Berdly Kins: Tobey McCallister (Word Girl) - Falco Lombardi (Starfox) - Revali (The Legends Of Zelda) - Waluigi (Mario Bros.) - Blathers (Animal Crossing) - Ibn Oxley (Ikenfell) - Lace (Hollow Knight: Silksong) - Jet The Hawk (Sonic Riders) - Snorpy Fizzlebean (Bugsnax) - Amity Blight (The Owl House) - Miles Edgeworth (Pheonix Wright: Ace Attorney) - Ren (Oxenfree) - King Dice (Cuphead) - Sheldon (Splatoon)
Catti Kins: Raven (Teen Titans) - Bea (Night In The Woods) - Blaze The Cat (Sonic) - Beffica Winklesnoot (Bugsnax) - Katrina (Animal Crossing) - M’ggie (Broken Age) - Magic Witch Ashley (WarioWare)
“You better be afraid of the great CA-A-TTI!”
~~ LET’S GO!! ~~
Kris and Susie going as Flick and CJ for Halloween.
Berdly asks Catti if they can go as Blathers and Celeste to follow suit and there is 1 (one) universe where ghoul says yes.
Kris and Susie love Bugsnax fr fr.
Kris and Berdly go bonkers over Bug Fables. Cosplay Group: Catti Lief, Berdly Kabbu, Kris Vi, Jockington Chompy.
Krerdly is so bogus binted x papers printed core <3
Berdly is Yikking out! (Leans in to kiss Kris at QC’s Diner without warning, they demand he never try to do so ever again.)
Kris pestering Berdly with “if. you. were. gay, da na-na na-na na-na. that’da. be. o-k. da na-na na-na na-na” all of pride month.
Catti and Noelle as the “should I kill off the characters in my book to make it more interesting?” audio.
Ralsei: Slay!! Noelle, internally: Sleigh??
Noelle, sweating and holding up a paw: Sorry I’m late, I was the man behind the slaughter! Susie, blowing steam out of her nose: I’m stuff…. wait what?
(To the tune of Fairly Odd Parents Theme Song) The trash and mash in that school stash Just gave out instantly When the magic little goat hidin’ his every dote Gave a prophecy!
“BANG, BANG, BANG STRAIGHT THROUGH MY HEEAAARRT” -Kris every moment of every day after creating 77 original animation memes
“Pray tell, companion of mine, what is this… “jiggle jiggle skin” you are referring to?” -Player 1
“Glizzyyy” -Player 2 110%
Berdly HATES jellybeans because they’re awful and manipulative
For that last one I originally wrote down that Berdly really liked jellybeans because they just seemed to fit his palette in my mind until I ate one that made me wanna puke and decided it wasn’t meant to be.
Also also idk where to put this but there’s this one scene in Broken Age after Vella escapes the sacrifice ceremony where she’s standing on the back of a giant blue bird flying through the sky in her ripped dress and a knife in her mouth and I’ve never wanted Kris to take the place of another character so badly before… (Berdly makes a fun Shay replacement also but the big blue bird is clearly the hanging fruit here)
Ok! Cool! Good post! Awesome job! Thanks for sticking around. Play Ikenfell, Chicory, and A Short Hike. Don’t forget to totally look at my island lol I definitely didn’t speedrun finishing it just for this post lol. Appreciate cha if you do (DA-8935-5288-7510). Amazingness. Goodnight gamers.
Posted July 27th, 2023. Sparkle Sparkle.
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chevvy-yates · 2 years
Have you done other cosplay other than CP77?
Ive always been interested in cosplaying but never found a way to explain to my parents about it... they think it's weird and I never got into it. As an adult in my mid/late 20s now, I feel like it's too late for me to start
Sure. I started to cosplay around 2005. I haven't done that many, tho because sewing/crafting process took me longer and longer the newer the costumes got with me having less and less time (first still in school, then lots of time during my studies and almost none when I started working). Btw my mum found it weird as well but in the end she was proud of what I did. She's still showing people my last/newest ones and just asked me yesterday when I do sth again. Also it is never too late to cosplay. I'm in my 30s now and I really want to pick it up again. I still have a small list of what I wanna do. So feel free to start any time! :) Also it doesn't matter if you buy the costume or you sew it yourself (the latter is more win for you when you finally finish it and can be proud of it that you did all that).
Well where to start?
I've started with J-Rock/Visual Kei cosplay. The scene was pretty big back then in my country (Germany) until 2012 when it got nearly extinct bc people started talking mean behind backs (also K-Pop taking over …) and it got lots of drama (kindergarten behavior). I continued on but then I got back into playing video games and thought, alright I'm gonna do some games cosplay, too!
I've done only three and they cost me over 600 bucks to make each: Arno Dorian from Assassin's Creed Unity, My oc Inqusitor Lavellan from Dragon Age Inquisition and Triss Merigold from The Witcher III. I've got no good photo from the last tho, and I felt somewhat awkard bc it was my first female cosplay ever — done only male characters before, felt weird, idk. Still want to wear it one day again to get some good shots that all the hard work was worth it.
My Visual Kei cosplays were mostly Kuina from Royz and Kyotaro from √eight and I did one of my beloved Hizumi (not my cp77 oc) from D'espairsRay. I did a few others but they are not worth mentioning.
chronologically order: left is me, right the original, I'll link videos if a music video is available for the jrock stuff.
KYOTRARO (Vocalist of √eight) (every) Taro cosplay (I'll only show this one bc the others are not worth it) was mirrored from the hair (and contacts), tho. I loved this one, I was very very close to the original I think. Kyotaro-san still has a special place in my heart. <3
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YOSHIATSU (Vocalist of CrazyShampo (later DADAROMA)) when I wanted to be a cute anime boy or sth like that.
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KUINA (Guitarist of Royz) — Haru no Yoru no Yume FYI: V-Kei bands often had an outfit for a single they did a video for and during that time they changed their hairstyles like once a week, therefore there's always a slight difference in the hair colors/styles/contacts/makeup. Also back then it was super annoying to get high res photos. V-Kei cosplayers mostly made their costumes from scartch using tiny pixel pics the band members uploaded to their ameba blogs back then.
Version 1
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Version 2
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KUINA (Guitarist of Royz) — AREA Still one of my favorites, ahhh.
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KUINA (Guitarist of Royz) — Starry Heaven was a whole pain to find fitting patterns and to sew as well.
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Arno Dorian – Assassins Creed Unity (Elise Reveal Trailer Version) Arno is my baby. Idk how many times I watched the trailer trying to analize the friggin' seams on his coat. the coat alone has over 40 single pieces to sew together.
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Hizumi (ex-Vocalist of D'espairsRay, now in NUL.) – FINAL CALL There's two versions, the official from shoots and the live version – I did the last where Hizu had this fluffy hair <3 (klick the link). Didn't look like it was much of work, but I ordered fabric to be printed for this … expensive stuff, ugh. everything except the pants and bracelets is selfmade (yes even the belt).
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Inquisitor Lavellan – Dragon Age Inquisition I just realized I have no real screenshot of my cutie elf wearing this outfit how I sewed mine together. It's kind of a mix of the outfit my human oc had along with my elf oc lol – I'm sorry.
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Triss Merigold – The WItcher III Sadly only a selfie, ugh. Definitely doesn't do the costume justice – blood, swaet and tears were put into this costumes thrice as much as I already did with Arno and Lavellan. I punched the pattern into leather myself what you can see on the vest. everything leather was also dyed all by myself.
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I mean:
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Triss' outfit is my true maserpiece, so far. proud af
Wow compared to all my former cosplays my CP77 cosplay is nothing against that bc I didn't sew a thing for it, I just combined stuff together. But it is so satisfying when you don't have to prepare half of a year with a deadline to go to a convention being totally exhausted from a sewing marathon that lasted 3 months straight, each evening after work and all day on the weekends (therefore I stopped some day).
Okay done :,D
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shslpunkartist99 · 8 months
Would Barry find Bluu as adorable as Olivia/Oliver? Would Bluu be friends with Olivia/Oliver? Please let them be friends. They can "kill" everybody with their adorableness.
Barry's gonna protect them both (even tho Bluu's Barry can do that easily..he needs a name). Olivia/er would definitely be Bluu's friend too. She'll make sure they're well rested and fed, brush their hair, help them out of crowded places..
A funny thought came up that Olivia would go ".. so this is what the others meant by being blinded", but I find it even funnier if she was STILL oblivious as heck, and she's just being herself with Bluu. Taking care of them simply because she wants to. Not blinded by the cuteness
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singlethread · 1 year
Rosa is so friggin cute. I want to kiss her little head! I hope the scratch heals quickly and you have a good day tomorrow 💙
She’s the cutest and I appreciate the sentiment (it won’t tho, my knee still looks fucked up from when I fell in December 🤪)
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becasart · 3 years
The dunebabies in the atla style just cause 🤸‍♀️
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thedancefloorsilly · 3 years
heyyy i'm glad you're back!! i hope school and everything is going ok for you :) i totally get it needing to take a break from stuff <3
i was wondering if i could request machi stitching up s/o with nen after getting seriously injured and how she would react? thanks againnnn <3
Machi Stitching Up Her Badly Injured S/o 
Heyy!! aww tysm :D school is getting a little better, I finished some major projects due AND I literally managed to do a 7 page science packet without procrastinating ?? im proud hehe. and YESS ofc more machi reqs yay !! have a great day anon <33
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- For the past few weeks, you had been fighting at Heaven’s Arena to try and test your fighting skill. Unfortunately though, you had severely underestimated your opponents, and with that you were left BADLY injured from your miscalculations. So bad that you even blacked out.
- Unebknowest to you, Machi was actually watching from the crowd the whole, and witnessed the whole thing. Once she saw that you were being taken away by the medics, she immediately rushed to them to let her handle everything (though they were a little confused, but the cold expression Machi gave made them not want to mess with her, so they gave you to her to take care of it).
- So when you finally woke up, you felt yourself laying in a comfy bed (which turned out to be your room in Heaven’s Arena) instead of in the hospital, and in the corner of your eye you saw Machi waiting next to you. 
- Once she noticed that you were finally up, ohhh did she look mad, which was.. confusing? Did something happen to make her seem this way (and besides, why would she be mad at you if you were injured?). 
- She then firmly grabbed on of your arms to start with the stitching, but all without saying a word. Her movements were harsh and tense, not seeming to acknowledge the fact that you were injured. Machi’s demeanor right now felt very off, so you asked her what was wrong. 
- Well, she wasn’t hesitant to express her feelings with you. She did sound angry per se, but it sounded more like she was upset mixed with.. disappointment? It was hard to dissect how she was truly feeling at this moment. 
- Machi went on and on about how you should’ve approached this fight, how you could’ve evaded their attacks, and overall, how you should’ve planned this out more!!  
- Once she was done with her whole speech, Machi looked down at you once again to gaze at all of your injuries. At that moment, you then witnessed how her eyes softened while she was looking at you. Even though it might’ve seemed like she was mad, it came from a place of genuine worry about someone she deeply cared about.
- Machi loves you so much, and she couldn’t bare watching that whole fight with you getting beaten up like that. She then apologized for how she worded things if it made it seem like she was mad at you. That’s when Machi eased up on her tone, and expressed how she truly felt from the fight. Machi wouldn’t know how she’d handled yourself if something really bad happened to you.
- Seeing how that battle made your girlfriend worry so much, you assured her that next time you’ll try and plan things out better, and especially start training a little harder so something like this doesn’t happen again. Machi was pleased to hear that given by her small smile, then continued on with healing you. 
- Of course, it only took a short while for Machi to fully stitch you up, but the whole time you were mesmerized by her ability! It was always so amusing to see how fast she worked. After that, she proudly showed that her work was done. As you were admiring how fast she mended your injuries, Machi asked you for one small thing.
- “_____, promise me that something like this won’t happen again,” she asked. With that stern tone and the serious look in her eyes, you could tell that Machi expected you to say ‘yes’. 
- You gazed back into her eyes and said, “I promise,” as you reassured with a nod. Once she heard those words, a small smile fixed upon your girlfriend’s. 
- “I love you a lot, _____” was the last thing Machi said as she leaned down and planted a small kiss on your forehead, all while lying next to you on your bed to keep you company.
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sohelish · 4 years
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List five things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. Get to know your mutuals and followers 😇💛
Here goes nothin’
5 Things That (currently) Make Me Happy:
1) Reylo
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2) Having an absolutely free day to do whatever I like however I please.
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3) A really good raunchy romance novel with substance. You ever read a story that’s eye roll inducing? So yeah, the story has to be engaging without being unoriginal or predictable.
Side note: I have been reading a lot of fanfics lately and it amazes me how many great writers there are who do this stuff for FREE! Shoutout to Ao3, baybeee!!!
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4) Days when I look and feel confident. Like I can take whatever obstacles come my way. Bonus points if it’s when I’m doing it on less than 4 hours of sleep cuz my body be startin’ to feel those aches and pains.
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5) The feeling of mutual love and respect from the people who matter.
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Honorable Mention 6) WiFi...fast WiFi. I know it makes me sound like such a millennial. BUT! Fast WiFi makes my life soo much easier.
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reel-fear · 2 years
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aaaaaaAaa I'm glad you like em- name is still a work in progress but it's gotta be dumb because I do not think either of their parents would be good with names, somethin like.. Bit or actually after some googling I may go with Impulse
even tho any story they have would have the angst of freshly single parent Longarm having to raise the sparkling while having lost their sire, grandsire (Bulkhead) and his friggin leader, and then the awkward moment.. they're reunited but hardly know each other anymore.
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bunnirs · 4 years
Adult Trio with Witch S/O
Requested by: Anon!
“if your comfortable,can you to do the adult trio with a s/o who is a witch?🥺Sorry if it doesn’t make since i’m not good with english”
Now imma be honest, I know nothing about the basics of witchcraft and I am so sorry if I get anything wrong and offend you 😭 I’m like, gonna try to avoid writing anything that’s overly religious and kinda stick to the stereotypical witch? I’m so so sorry please don’t be mad 😳 I just don’t want to offend anyone
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Bro this man thought you were joking at first when you said you were a ‘witch’
Let’s say he was ENTICED 👁👄👁❤️❤️
In HxH there really is no specific nen category dedicated to Witchcraft
But I had an idea!!
Maybe there are a few clans and tribes of separate witches!
(These clans are usually divided by Nen type. Specialists, Enhancers, Manipulatiors, Transmuters, etc. What you wanna be is completely up to you!)
he likes to show you off tbh 👀
He’ll make you do the hard work so he can just sit back and watch
It’s annoying to say the least, but atleast he’s there
When it comes to Gon and the others, you make sure to stop him from being a weirdo
And sometimes he’ll get irritated and he’ll wanna fight you
His bloodlust disrupts the peace and you really wanna punch him straight in the gut
Mostly chaotic tho 👀
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This man is SO impressed by you 😭
At first he was like “okay u kinda cool”
he was like “This is going to be so easy from here on out”
your job is basically like a Butler, but you escort Illumi on missions.
Not that he needs help!!
But the Zoldycks wanted to test you out
And Illumi offered to work with you
After that mission, Illumi requested that you accompany him when he asks
through time you got him to open up and,,,
he thought dating you was beneficial for the family
Cus yknow... he’s not that good with feelings and he stands by his family no matter what
Cus you love him and he feels the same (if he feels at all)
certain days he’ll get curious about your abilities
Is it Nen or not?
What category?
You’ll answer in small sentences, seeing as your powers are rather difficult to explain
He seems to understand though!!
And he thinks it’s so cool 👊😤✨
He totally thinks you could beat Hisoka’s ass
That’s his way of saying “PLEASE DO IT”
Y’all be cute or whatever 👀👉👈
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You were a target for the phantom troupe and you kicked their asses
They just couldn’t KILL YOU
You had this insane Nen ability that would take energy from any living thing, leaving them exhausted while you were totally fine!!
That would backup your other abilities, so you were almost impossible to touch
The troupe was no match for you
After a while they basically gave up trying to beat you
They would still throw attacks but they were sloppy
And they’d ask you questions while doing so
It was like trianing??? But you were on edge
Chrollo made an offer though 👁👄👁
If you joined the troupe.. they would stop trying to kill you
So you accepted, knowing you couldn’t stay safe forever
So that’s how Chrollo and you started out
out of all the members, you probably had the best relationship with him
Some of the others held grudges, seeing as you beat them all single handedly
Chrollo thinks you’re so FRIGGIN COOL
At first he wanted to steal your ability, but it seems you were to smart for that 😳
but other than that he is sO SO RESPECTFUL
He’ll ask to spar with you, just to test out some abilities he got
He knows you’re strong enough to withstand anything he throws at you
and he loves that 😭💕💕
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