#Stolas you get a medal
chaifootsteps · 5 months
need the fandom to understand that 'character who is the soft one who cries is not equal to the character who is in the right'
it makes sense for a show that's primed it's audience to think abuse is just limited to obvious cruelty and insults (but only when the show says it counts, HB cared about Blitzo being a jerk to Moxxie for all of one conversation) but it's frustrating to see this show touted as 'sooo deep' when it could have done a lot more to show the different types of manipulation and abuse with the material it already has
like, a character that's soft and weepy and constantly rewrites reality to favor himself? that's A grade PSA material for how abusers don't always look like Stella or Crimson and make their targets feel like they're the ones who are crazy or in the wrong
Oh yeah, and for the contingent who says Stolas would be treated way more sympathetically if he was a woman - I kind of doubt it, personally. I think a character like Stolas if he was genderswapped would be judged far more harshly for what he does in the Stol/tz storyline, not less
like the audience would probably jump to 'he reminds me of my mom/girlfriend/other female friend who also uses crying and looking pathetic to get people to take her side despite treating me like dirt', 'this or that trait is such a narcissistic thing to do'.
the show already expects its audience to treat the female characters with way more scrutiny and suspicion after all, but I feel like people are more inclined to recognize the figure of the 'narcissistic woman who's only emotional reality is her own' or the image of 'mom who neglects kid for new beau' than they are when it's a male character
and that's not a bad thing, to be clear! it's good the fandom can recognize abusive behaviors in women, probably most often their mothers (though it is disturbing how little they can acknowledge the emotional landscape of the female characters - there's any number of reasons for Stella to feel disenchanted with her life and the fandom cares about none of them)
the problem is they can't extend that logic to Stolas. they can't see how Sad Owl Twink is distorting reality around his relationship with Blitzo and refusing to treat him like a person, or how he's a subpar dad to Via. it feels like the bar for male characters is being set way lower as long as there's a convenient excuse. and it seems part of the reason is more than just Stolas being male, since logically Blitzo wouldn't be getting it in the neck from Stolas fans so much
it seems like it's also because they seem him as soft and harmless that on top of the extra credit male characters get for doing nothing, they've decided he can do no harm. men already deserve a medal for being connected to their emotions, so if Stolas appears soft and sensitive it means he can't possible be abusive or neglectful at the same time. which is just not true
sorry if this is rambling, kinda thinking out loud
Thank you for sharing these thoughts aloud. It's absolutely true...Viv and her fandom seem to have it in their heads that abuse looks like screaming and insults, that sexual abuse looks like being held down (also that it doesn't count if you "get away,") and that is so, so unbelievably dangerous it genuinely chills the blood. It's going to get someone hurt.
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autumnteawithfriends · 3 months
Wait, Millie is bisexual? I don´t remmember Millie being bi, Moxxie yes, but Millie? Damn, when o where they said that? Jeez, poor Millie, she have a lot of potential and all her stuff but everything around it is just "telling", not showing anything. Even in the chapters where she was supposed to be the focus… they rob her of that development.
And, to be honest, why does she just feel like a medal or a decoration? True, as a bi, I don't consider my orientation as a personality, but it's not an "add-on" either.
Really, Moxxie and Millie's relationship feels like Charlie and Vaggie, where one has a personality and the other is just there for her partner.
The stolitz, or well, Stolas, literally devoured the show. Visually the show is beautiful, when the colours aren't killing the eye, but the script (and the character and world building) is a rollercoaster with very dangerous holes.
Thanks for the ask!
Yes, she was confirmed to be bisexual
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Honestly, the main reason why she feels like a decoration is because Viv likely wants strong female characters in her show, but doesn’t actually want to commit to making them interesting because that requires actually writing them as people, and you can’t do that when your a misogynistic fujoshi stuck in their 2010s Wattpad phase that just wants to see gay men have sex constantly
Also that’s been a recurring problem with the romances Viv writes. She gives one a surprisingly likable personality only to give their partner a two dimensional love interest who’s only personality trait is being their partner. It happened with CherriSnake because Cherri legitimately has nothing going for her aside from her romance with Pentious. Chaggie ups the ante by retconning Valkryie as a former exterminator and her keeping it a secret…yet that revelation somehow doesn’t cause actually meaningful relationship conflict between the two. Moxxie and Millie are by far the worst because these two don’t have any type of development.
Stolas can get kicked in the balls for all I care, calling him a bitch feels pretty weak right now and Blitz deserved to completely cut ties with him. The fact that Vivziepop wants us to sympathize with a classist rapist racist asshole is insane
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midnighttheroies · 2 years
Helluva Boss Theory “Fizzarolli And Asmodeus Scandel Theory”
fizzarolli and asmodeus are very underrated duo, ever since the ozzie’s epsiode i’ve been wanting to see more of the two, and i’m very excited that season two will show that, and i’m going to theorize on what the episode will be like
why does it matter if fizzarolli and asmodeus are a couple in the public?
imps in hell are seen as the lowest of them all alongside hellhounds, their just considered poor peasants to the higher ups, and fizz’s identify is hidden from the public, you don’t even recognize him as an imp, and notice how he even covers his mark on his forehead, and is always seen with makeup and a jesters costume, he gave up what he was for money and fame, and the make things ever more insane, asmodeus is not just anyone, he’s not just a prince like stolas, he’s the LITERAL prince of hell, the embodiment of lust, how would it look to the public if they found out that the prince of lust is in love with frizz, who is a imp, bad right?
though to be fair, i think think the public will now about the imp part, in the second trailer of season 2, where blitz and fizz are talking, he seems to be in his jester outfit, so his identity may still be hidden from the public
what could happen if the relationship is public?
alot of bad things can happen if their relationship is outed, lust is asmodeus entire thing, love is thing he often discouragers, and he will be seen as a hypocrite considering how he bashed moxxie for singing a love song to his wife (which was so cute and sweet!!), so he will be seen as a laughing stock, 
fizz however, may suffer the most, his entire career can be put on the line, fizz isn’t just like any other famous people in hell, their literal bots of him because it’s that hard to get the real one to come and entertain people, any bad scandal is bad for him, and the fact he was in a secret love relationship with the prince of lust can put him in a bad spot
what will happen in that episode?
i personally think that after fizz and asmodeus are caught in the kitchen acting lovely dovy, as it’s shown in the news papers that they got exposed, i think fizz takes a hard hit in his career, people are mocking him, making kissing noises, mocking him for loving a prince of lust, it’s get’s bad for him, and their’s a possible chance that his identify of an imp may be exposed
i’m not sure excatly why blitz and fizz are talking at what seems like a bar, but most likely i’m thinking blitz was at the bar first, just getting drink after a long day and still probably sour about his whole situation with stolas, and while he was their fizz just happened to come and notice him last minute, their conversation starts to get heavy and pretty heated, (and i think that fizz would bring up stolas, i can totally see that happening) and in the trailer you can hear frizz saying 
“glad you can admit it, want a medal?”
and in the next couple shots, you can see blitz yelling at him and fizz suddenly stopping in his tracks, with a sudden frown on his face, when before he had on his usual grin
in my last couple of posts, i made a theory about how fizz betrayed blitz by leaving him behind for his own career, and i think this little bit of encounter just proved it even more, don’t get me wrong, i do think blitz may have hurt him too, but o do truly think that fizz was the one who betrayed and left him behind the most, after all, if he was the innocent one, why would he care enough to frown and stop walking away when blitz was the one yelling at him?
i think fizz’s jester career in season 2 will defiantly meet some sort of halt and be put into a very tight spot, and he will be forced to choose between his career or his love life 
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vazelbeak · 1 year
Anyways i saw the leak so heres my thoughts on it!
The beginning part is cute. I LOVE the fly dogs and wish they weren't forgotten about.
I think it would make more sense if Striker was kidnapped and brough to Crimson since he may want someone . If Crimson is running out of money and Striker is trying to get money those feel conflicting. So if he kidnapped Striker (believable since based on prior fights he seems to struggle the moment he's outnumbered.) And threatened to kill him if he failed it might give more reason to the circumstances. (And if we want Crimson alive perhaps he can't afford to kill Striker after IMP has cut down so many of his men)
Fizz and Ozzies relationship being the worst kept secret feels conflicting in a way esp if the news dropped just tofat. Like Fizz hides the newspaper (and how were they found out? Like wouldnt this be a problem?) So maybe itd help if Striker looked at that news article when being told he had to catch someone important and then moves it down where we get the shot of Fizz and Blitzø fighting. Indicating to us its Strikers lucky day because the news just broke this guy is someone Ozzie might shell out quite a bit of money for.
The backstory I didnt like the choppiness of admittedly. I hope we get a more in depth one that gives especially Fizz's backstory more time to hit.
That or maybe he tries to steal Ozzies dogs (presuming Fizz to be his dog walker and because Fizz is still holding the leashes and in a fight with Blitzø theyre both pulled up with them?).
Their resolution feels like it was missing the issue. It wasnt just that Blitzo ruined Fizz's life its that he actively walked away when Fizz was severely injured. And Blitzø's "i lost something too" thing feels like its talking down to Fizz as though he wasnt there and close to Blitzøs family. I think maybe itd work if they made each other feel bad in a way that makes each of them reconsider their view of one another like:
Fizz: You hated that I was better than you so you decided to take it all away from me!
Blitzo: It was an accident!
Fizz: Oh boo hoo. Do you want a participation medal or something.
Blitzø then grabs Fizz's shirt both with tears in his eyes and seething with anger. " I lost things that day too Fizz! Where do you think this scar came from?"
Then we get Blitzos flashback and perhaps they dont bond over "nobody told me you came to visit!" (Which why is that tossed aside and why is nothing gonna be done to keep it from happening?) But instead misjudging each other and assuming.
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Speaking of that since fire seems to be different colors based on rings, if that fire isnt visually different im gonna struggle to buy Blitzø not at minimum being afraid of human fire based on appearance because this:
Doesn't help. Unless wrath fire looks similar to human fire, (meaning because Wrath is orange Blitzo should presumably be scared based on appearances.) It also would bring to question isnt the point of the fire breathing trick the danger?
I could see this being a intended swap out. That they use human fire in shows bc it looks like wrath fire to minimize injury. But this means assumably the fire from the birthday cake shouldnt be green orange or blue (colors IIRC we saw and Blitzo wasnt bothered by) its not going against canon yet. The fire color will determine that.
Btw if Stolas loves words and reading contracts youd think he'd remember a spell from his book.
Next i hope Fizz's song sounds better in the show. It wasnt bad! Admittedly tho i wish they played into Crimsons men falling into the song because I can follow Crimson and Striker confused but everyone just standing their confused i feel drags down the scene a bit. A lot of the time moments like these work well if the people watching get into the song in a way where the rug is pulled out from under them when the song ends. For examples:
You're Welcome from Moans.
Just Can't Wait to be King from The Lion King
And arguably the I Have a Dream song from Tangled.
Now as for the end my main thing is Ozzies "youll never leave the palace without protection again" before Fizz even expresses being afraid feels infantilizing. I think it overall wouldve worked better if Ozzie sent Fizz to get milk alone because he doesn't want them seen together in a domestic context.
So by the end Ozzie says he'll never let Fizz go anywhere protection to which Fizz responds that he can handle himself (he and Blitzo did work together to get out of there) but he'd love if they went places as a couple.
Ill prob do a rewrite in the future but for now I wanna see how the final product ends up before i go into that!
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hazbincalifornia · 2 years
Chapter 52: The new apartment starts getting set up, and baby says hello again.
Ao3 link
"Fuck, this shit is heavy,” Blitzo groaned, dropping the box full of clothes on the too-clean floor of the new apartment as Stolas started massaging his shoulders, the portal to their current apartment twinkling brightly around the edges.
“We can handle it, darling, just take a moment to rest,” Stolas said, setting the back of his hand on Blitzo’s forehead as if checking for a fever before it got brushed away.
“Look, I’m pregnant, not an invalid. I can still do something.”
“So carry lighter stuff, dipshit,” Loona said, gesturing to the bathroom. “There’re towels and meds and stuff, and we’re going to have to bring those over anyway.”
Blitzo brightened. “Great idea, sweetie!” He stepped back through, heading to the open bathroom and pulling the washcloths out of the drawer with a whistle. “Aww, I almost forgot about this one.” Buried near the bottom was a washcloth with a little puppy on it that still had a bloodstain from the first bath he’d tried to help Loona with. They were definitely keeping that one. He piled the mismatched cloths high that had gathered from this and that over the years- including one that he was still waiting for Moxxie to notice was missing- before navigating his way back to the portal.
The new bathroom was… cleaner. The little horse on the mirror was still taped up, and a shaky smile had been added to their muzzle. It still didn’t really feel like home yet the way their old one had, but… he’d get used to it, in time. Blitzo folded and unfolded the washcloths before putting them in the new drawer, trying to get them all to line up right even though none of them were quite the same thickness.
He wanted Loonie to be happy, and they were going to need the extra room for the baby. This was… good. Stolas already was his… his… partner? Boyfriend? Baby daddy? He still wasn’t sure what name he liked for this thing that was between them, but at least Stolas hadn’t tried to stick a medal on it and parade it around yet either, and for right now, just being themselves was good enough.
When he emerged, he could hear Loona shuffling around in her room and Stolas examining the box full of-
“Hey, those are mine!”
“Oh, they’re adorable! I’ll have to bring mine back to visit,” Stolas said, holding up one of the small horse dolls. “I knew that you made them, but there’s so many.”
“Can’t a guy have a hobby? I wanted to spruce the new place up a little, make it feel a little homier.”
“Of course you can, they’re wonderful,” Stolas said, offering the small red one he was holding to Blitzo. “You’ll have to show me how to make them one of these days.”
Blitzo blinked at the sincerity in Stolas’s tone. “Are you- really?”
“Yes really! I know you made one for Via, which really was very sweet, but I’d like to make a few of my own one day,” Stolas said, smiling down at Blitzo before giving his rounded stomach a pat. “I might want to decorate her nursery with something homemade.”
“I’ll- uh. I’ll have to set aside some time and show you then,” Blitzo said, setting the horse atop his stomach. “I’ve pretty much got a whole herd already, but hey, more are always welcome in the- family…?” The horse nudged against the side of his wrist, and he stared down at it. “Sprinkles, what are you doing?”
“It looks like the child liked that!” Stolas clapped his hands together in delight. “Is she moving around?”
“Not really?” Blitzo tilted his head, poking the side of his stomach before Sprinkles shuddered again, her feet leaving their perch on his stomach to raise up slightly. “Stolas, that’s cute, but-”
“I’m not doing anything,” Stolas said, looking slightly confused as his hands rested together, clapping stuttering to a stop. “Are you not- oh!”
The doll had lifted further, wobbling in midair with a faint red glow as the pair stared.
“That’s… new,” Blitzo said rather stupidly before Sprinkles zoomed up to bounce against his cheek, ramming into the squishy flesh over and over with a slight tingle from the magic. He couldn’t help a little grin at the affectionate way she nuzzled against his face. “Hey, you really wanna say hello to Daddy, huh? Gotta say, this is a good way to do it.”
“I guess she does!” Stolas said, wearing a matching smile before brightening further as the doll zipped over to him, brushing the middle of his face before abruptly dropping down to the floor. “Saying hello with a horse, she really is your daughter.” As if on cue, Blitzo’s stomach growled.
“Yeah, and she’s hungry like one too. Can I have some of that grub you ordered earlier?”
“Certainly, darling.” Stolas said, floating over a fast food bag with a greasy burger that was practically screaming his name. Blitzo felt something wet trail down the side of his mouth before scrubbing away at the thick drool with his sleeve, and Stolas snapped his fingers as the bag dropped into Blitzo’s hand. “It’s all yours. I imagine the magic might have drained you.”
“Eh, not as much as the time she jacked my whole body,” Blitzo said. “Floating horses is the most important of powers, though.” He used the spade of his tail to bat the horse back up into the air, catching it with his free hand. With a little squeeze just because, he turned it around, but now it felt like any other doll. “Geez, she’s still trying to surprise us, huh?”
“I suppose so,” Stolas said, watching Blitzo with a big, somewhat dopey grin as the imp settled down on the couch, tearing open the bag with Sprinkles placed carefully atop the couch’s arm. “It’s lucky that she was practicing telekinesis with your doll and not one of your intestines, though!”
Blitzo spat out the bite of burger he’d managed to take. “That was a fucking option?”
“No no, I would hope not!” Stolas waved his hands. “It never happened with Via either, I was just saying-”
“Yeah, it better not,” Blitzo muttered, poking his side. “I need all my organs in the right places, right, squirt?” There was only a hand pressed against his in response. “I’m going to take that as a yes.”
“Yo, Blitzo.” Loona poked a head through the portal. “I want to go grab some more actual food. Can I have your wallet?”
“Oh, sure sweetie!” He rummaged around in his coat for a moment before chucking it over. She had to lean forward to catch it, before nodding.
“Thanks, I’ll be back later.”
“Sounds good, we’ll be here!” He waved, and she paused for a moment before waving back, tail swaying from one side to the other as she turned around. Blitzo couldn’t help the way his mouth twitched up as the portal slid shut. He turned to Stolas, planting a hand on his hip. “Hey! We’ve still got shit to do, and don’t cut my daughter off like that!”
“I’ll re-open it in a minute, darling, I just don’t want to keep it open consistently if we aren’t moving back and forth,” Stolas said. Blitzo considered for a moment, then shrugged.
“Fine, I guess I wouldn’t want to burn the energy either.” He yawned. “We’ve got most of the shit moved over already, it’s not… a big…” He blinked, eyes drooping before there was a tug inside of his head. “The fuck…?”
“Blitzy?” Stolas rounded the couch, looking worried. “Are you quite alright?”
“I’unno, my head feels weird.” He rubbed the side of it, feeling the baby move at the same time as his muscles relaxed like someone had shot a sedative right into his spine.
“Perhaps it’s just from the magic?”
“Maybe…” He trailed off as his fingers curled without thinking and it clicked as honey-sweet warmth gushed through his blood. “Wait. Wait, she’s stretching out again.”
“She’s trying to possess you?” Stolas leaned forward. “Has that happened since the initial incident?”
“Once, when I was back home the night before we went to Aamon’s,” Blitzo admitted, feeling the words slur slightly.
One of Stolas’s hands glowed as he set a hand on Blitzo’s cheek. “I can try to settle her down, you shouldn’t have to deal with that.” The touch was… nice, and Blitzo found himself leaning into it.
Blitzo yawned again as he considered, thoughts already a little bit goopy next to the crackling fire that was lighting under his skin and the gentle air of Stolas’s natural scent combined with his preening oil. “Nah… leave it.”
“Leave… are you sure?”
“I w’nna see. You got your phone, right? Show me.”
Stolas nodded, sitting down next to Blitzo. “Well, yes, but- I’ll wake you up if anything happens, alright?”
Blitzo yawned again, resting his head on the owl’s lap before allowing his eyes to slip shut. “Mhm. Sounds good.”
It only took a few moments for consciousness to slip away, leaving only the pillowy comfort of nothingness. Distantly, he could feel shifting around, gentle vibrations and little bits of laughter, but it was as if he was settled on the bottom of a pool made out of jam, senses muffled. The easy, fuzzy contentment that sloshed through his body made it all too easy to just settle, feeling only faint twitches here and there as well as a pleasing pressure on his middle.
All he had to do was… let go.
“Darling?” Blitzo woke back up to a gentle smack on his cheek. “Are you there? Oh, I knew I shouldn’t have let you sleep…”
“Hubawah…?” Blitzo’s mouth tasted like Stolas’s feathers, and he grimaced, spitting out a bit of saliva even as a pleasant hum sounded from deep in his brain. “Whuh’appened?”
“The baby possessed you again, dear,” Stolas said, tilting his head from side to side. “You allowed it this time, do you remember that?”
“Yeah, I… yeah,” Blitzo said, sitting up. He was still draped across Stolas’s lap, but they’d been moved to the bed in the room that he’d picked as his own, and his muscles were filled with sunshine lead. It was the kind of satisfied exhaustion of a good fuck, or a hit well-done, and he stretched out like a cat with a pleased hum. “She didn’t do anything dumb, did she?”
Stolas shook his head, relaxing a little now that it was clear that Blitzo was fine. “No, nothing dumb. I’ll show you.” He grabbed his phone from next to him, flicking through apps with his thumb for a moment before opening up his videos and sliding it over once one started playing.
Blitzo watched as the video bounced for a moment before stabilizing as Stolas leaned the phone against the lamp, bringing both of them into relief. His body was glowing slightly as it blinked his eyes open. They were blown almost too-wide and a glowing layer of pure black coated them as they looked up at Stolas, and the tiny end of his tongue slipped out of his mouth as his tail thumped against the couch.
“Hello there, dearest,” Stolas cooed, cupping his (their? her?) cheeks and getting a rumbling purr in return, happily snuggling up against his touch. “I suppose you would like affection a bit more than your father.”
“Hey, I’ve cuddled with you plenty,” Blitzo grumbled, and Stolas pecked a kiss on the top of his head.
“I know you have, dear.”
Onscreen, the body wiggled around a little before pressing their cheek against Stolas’s middle, hands pawing at the air. It was almost uncanny- he’d seen a video of himself absolutely shitfaced once that was kind of similar, but even then he’d been slurring out words, not just purring with little chirpy clicks slipping from his mouth and chest. Stolas petted over her cheeks before a hand rested on the body’s stomach, getting an increase in the purring as he started to rub in slow circles.
“You like that, don’t you?” Stolas murmured, kissing over red and white cheeks, and it got little giggles out of the body, tail thrashing around like an inflatable advertising tube on a windy day. “You’re such a sweet little thing, I can’t wait to meet you- oh!” His hand froze. “You kicked out- I don’t know how much you can feel both ways, but I hope it feels nice.”
The baby nuzzled at Stolas’s middle again, pushing up the shirt and playfully nipping before he pulled it back down. “That’s just for your father, dear.” She whimpered for a moment before he started rubbing her stomach again, which calmed her down. (Geez, she was in there and in control of the body. Mindfuck.) “I imagine you’re just trying to get used to my scent, but you’ll have plenty of time for that later. We both love you so, so much, little one, I- I promise.” The last word cracked a little, and she squirmed a little to better rest on his lap before continuing to purr, the deep kind that Blitzo knew vibrated your whole body. She nudged her cheek against Stolas again, eyes wide for a few more seconds before they started to droop shut.
“Do you want to sleep?” Stolas asked quietly, but she didn’t respond, just letting the eyes slip shut as Blitzo’s body fell limp. Stolas glanced over at the phone before reaching over, cutting the video.
“After that, I just brought you in here,” Stolas said, picking the phone back up. “You slept for a few minutes, but I imagine you’ll want more considering you were knocked out fairly quickly after waking up last time.”
Blitzo realized that one hand had started unconsciously rubbing at his stomach again, and he cleared his throat.
“I guess she was just really eager to get her baby-drool all over you already, huh?” He swiped at the side of his mouth.
“I guess,” Stolas said, shifting slightly. “That was… nice. Thank you for allowing us that.”
“I was just curious if that’s a natural high I can exploit now that I’m cut off from the good stuff,” Blitzo said with a second stretch, even as another yawn escaped him. “It was… weird, but not a bad kind of weird. I can’t really shove her into control, though, and I don’t want her to start drooling on my employees, so that’ll have to be a you-and-me thing if junior ever tries to do it again. If I try and I’m away, I can get her to buzz off.”
“That sounds fair- she was more confused last time, so perhaps she’s just getting used to being a person?” Stolas suggested, letting his hand settle atop Blitzo’s with black fingers sliding in between red.
“The earlier she gets that figured out, the better,” Blitzo said, letting his head rest against Stolas’s chest as his own gently rose and fell with each breath, just taking in the moment before the soft sheets and warm body around him let him drift away again.
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jastacular · 3 years
Is it just me or was Stolas, in the Voxtagram posts, just out for fuckin blood??
And just from one character: Valentino
(Not my photos btws)
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Like Val would just be casually posting about breaking Vox's screen for the umpteenth time and in comes Stolas ready to toast his ass
I've only got one thing to say to it and that is: YOU FUCKIN GO STOLAS HECK YEAH FUCK HIM UP
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asagi-red-wolf · 2 years
We all knew this was gonna happen so here’s an AU absolutely no one wants
Vivziepop-Yuri On Ice
wait no hear me out
Stolas the bored and lonely silver-haired charmer who’s attracted entirely to One Mess On Skates with massive self-esteem issues except Blitz’s anxiety presents as anger more than it does nervousness or depression but Stolas doesn’t know this at first (this poor child is in for An Awakening and not just a sexual one)
Blitz begrudgingly works at a hotel to pay bills and help out his twin sister, who’s in rehab after her own skating career was upended by a teenage injury, he’s kinda miserable all the time, and one of the reasons why seems to practically live at the hotel, it’s name is Angel and it’s A Problem but more on that later
Stolas: Starting today I’m going to be your coach!
Blitz: ...fuck off
The thing is, Blitz does admire Stolas, but he keeps it a closely guarded secret and he’s 100% sure Stolas is only there to humiliate him- he’s not sure how yet, but he’ll figure it out at some point
He’s also partly mad that Stolas is retiring because No, Blitz’s entire life goal was to steal your gold medals you coward and now what huh???
I actually feel like Stolas and Viktor would be weirdly similar in their- let’s call them “methods”, Stolas’s good-natured-but-ultimately-shitty-coaching-tactic teasing is right in line with Mr. Piggy Comments and I’ll be surprised if Blitz manages a full year with this man and never purposely steps on him even one time
Blitz is fine with eros though, it’s agape he has to learn, and oof that’s not easy for anyone involved....
All of this, ofcourse, is compounded by the fact that at the last GPF banquet Blitz absolutely threw himself half-naked against Stolas and most definitely dragged him to his hotel room for a night Stolas would never forget and Blitz would never remember- spoiler alert, he was absolutely a hundred times drunker than Stolas thought he was and Blitz doesn’t even remember there was a banquet in the first place
Meanwile, The Problem living in the hotel is Angel, who’s A Threat to everything Blitz holds dear
Because Angel is a fucking prodigy because ofcourse he is
That man hasn’t failed to place on the podium a single time since entering the senior division at barely-eighteen and it makes Blitz froth with rage, it feels like every competition that’s unfortunate enough to contain both Angel and Stolas is just a dick measuring contest to see who can do the most quads and score the best composition points, Stolas always edges out a win but the gap has been getting frighteningly small lately and Blitz is worried that his dream of being the first one to rip the gold off of that pretty motherfucker’s neck is going to be some blonde bimbo who gets everything he wants because he bats his eyes and looks like an ange- ooooh that’s where his name comes from....
Meanwile, Angel is completely unaware that this “rivalry” exists and honestly couldn’t care less about Stolas, the one he cares about is named Alastor, who is also constantly a front runner, but doesn’t climb quite as high or quite as fast as Angel does, something Angel personally believes is because of 1. Alastor growing up in New Orleans where skating just isn’t really A Thing like it is in New York and 2. Alastor being stiff
Alastor does dance with emotion but it’s always the same two or three emotions, he never really gets sensitive like Angel and Stolas do, he has the raw power but he lacks fluidity and grace and sometimes his composition falls flat compared to the more heart-pulling types of things Angel and Stolas compose for
Angel keeps hoping to get Alastor’s attention if he can keep beating him- because he seems competitive that way- but Alastor won’t give him the time of day, so one day he decides he’s going to force Alastor to pay attention to him by offering to be his coach
Something Alastor responds to with a very quick “Ha! No,”
Angel is half stunned, half furious, HE FUCKING FLEW TO CANADA FOR THIS SHIT?!!?
The thing is, Alastor isn’t really skating with any motivation, he’s not trying to be an Olympic athlete or anything, he doesn’t really care about winning, it’s just what his hyperfixation has been for most of his life and he’s good at it and he’s still very young so he’s doing this wile he figures himself and his future out, it’s not the same all-consuming “Win or die” situation Angel is in, where Angel had to constantly claw at the leaderboard like his life depended on it because it fucking did, because the only reason he was allowed to keep skating is because he was getting recognition from an early age and starting to earn money with it and he had it drilled into his head that if he lost he would be forced to quit
Skating is Angel’s entire life, but it’s only a temporary fixture of Alastor’s
And that kinda... breaks Angel a little bit
He really thought he had found someone- in his own age bracket and with his level of skill- that he could bond with, who felt the same way he did, loved the same things he loved, but.... no
It’s lonely, it’s isolating, and it’s actually embarrassing that Angel had been so confident his coaching speech would work only to be turned down and then told that Alastor doesn’t really care about improving in the first place
It’s all.... alot....
And that’s- surprisingly- what gets Alastor’s attention
Angel is on top of the world, there isn’t a person in figure skating who isn’t clamoring for his attention, so why is he so lonely? Why is he so sad?
Alastor is dreadfully bored with life, everything is always the same, he aches for change but has such limited interests- and limited finances, skating is expensive and moving to Canada as barely an adult to continue pursuing it is even more so- that he can’t do much to improve that bleakness
Angel has provided him with something that makes him feel..... curious again though, so he catches Angel before he leaves and agrees to let Angel coach him, on the condition that he NOT try to push anything on Alastor that’s even remotely sensual- Alastor has made it this far in a “romantic” sport without showing a single hint of love or lust and he intends to keep it that way, thank you
Angel is all too happy to agree, and they find out that they’re a strangely good match, Alastor is a calming presence who actually listens to Angel instead of writing him off as a ditzy blonde with nothing going on in his brain, and Angel is compassionate and very supportive of Alastor’s asexuality and how he wants to represent it- something Alastor can’t say anyone else in his hobby/career has been thus far, they work well together and communicate with surprising ease, a stark contrast to The Mess going on between Blitz and Stolas who barely get their shit together before it almost falls apart again, atleast at first, they get it together eventually- and eventually Alastor decides.... maybe this is where he’ll stay
He hasn’t really grown much fonder of skating, he’s learned to appreciate a few new things about it but that’s really it, but.... he has grown much fonder of Angel, and, you know, he hyperfixates, skating has been his fixation for years, now that fixation is Angel, and skating just happens to come along with it, so what’s there to complain about?
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