#Stone And Steel
dawntrailing · 1 year
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the-regal-warrior · 2 years
Stone and Steel: Part Six
Summary: Lorcan Salvaterre. Hewn from stone, hard as stone. It’s all he’s heard his entire life - which was never easy. After taking a few years off so he could afford university, he’s finally starting his freshman year. He might be a little older, but nothing is going to stop him from changing his life, not even her. 
Elide Lochan. Heart of steel, nerves of steel. After everything she’s been through, university holds the key to her future, to making her life what she wants it to be. She knows what it’s like to struggle, to think her future might never actually be hers. She has no time for distractions, not even him.
Warnings: language - Elide and Lorcan do NOT like each other.
Spring Semester, Freshman Year.
He’d had just about enough of the dark-haired woman who lived across the hall and the blonde she-devil she called a roommate. 
Especially the blonde she-devil. 
She and Rowan had been dating for three months - three months - and he’d had to put up with her invading his dorm and being in his space and just generally irritating the hell out of him with everything she said.
However, he didn’t share classes with the blonde menace - thank Hellas - so he’d settled for directing his unhappy glare at her roommate.
Elide fucking Lochan.
Lorcan knew she could feel the way he kept staring daggers at the back of her head, given that she kept turning around to give him haughty questioning looks that just had him gritting his teeth even more. It had been going on for the entire thirty minutes they’d been in class, and every single time Elide turned to face him he could feel his jaw get even tighter. 
She looked like she was getting ready to mouth something at him, probably something not at all polite, but their professor interrupted her before she had the chance. 
“Okay, listen up,” the man said, leaning against the front of his desk and crossing his arms over his chest. “For the rest of class today, just work on your packets - we’ll review them the next time we meet. You can work together if you want, as long as you’re working.” That last part was directed at a group of four students on the other side of the room who had a tendency to do anything but work when given the chance. 
Rolling his eyes, Lorcan settled in for another round of quiet independent work, once again grateful that the professor didn’t force them to work in partners. 
Before he could even start working on the next problem in his packet, a shadow fell over his desk before someone fell into the seat next to him (the boy who usually sat next to him hadn’t shown up for class, and he was enjoying the solitude at the back of the room for a change).
A flash of light blue caught his eye, and he found his eyes falling closed on a groan when he realized it was the exact same shade as the running sneakers Elide owned.
And, no, he wasn’t going to contemplate why he knew the exact shade of her sneakers.
“To what do I owe the pleasure, Lochan?” he growled, barely looking her way. “Don’t seem to recall asking to be your partner.”
She snorted derisively. “Just shut the hell up and pretend like we’re working.” Elide stared at him for several seconds, almost like she was trying to drive her point home. “Now, what the hell was so fascinating about the back of my head that you felt the need to stare at it for thirty fucking minutes?”
“Don’t flatter yourself.” Shooting her a glare so icy it wouldn’t have been out of place in a Terrasen winter, he added, “I find nothing about you fascinating.”
Elide scoffed. “Then what the fuck is your problem?” Though her voice was low to keep their professor from hearing that they weren’t talking about anything close to mathematics, it did nothing to hide the bite in her tone. 
Leaning close with the pretense of showing her something in her packet, he spit out, “I’m just very fucking tired of your roommate prancing around my dorm like she fucking owns it.”
“Are you incapable of thinking of anyone but yourself for one fucking second?” she hissed, pausing and ducking her head back to her packet as their professor walked by. Once he was out of earshot, she continued, “can’t you just be happy for your perfectly nice roommate - who, by the way, I cannot believe puts up with your miserable ass - and the fact that he’s happy with a girl he really seems to like?”
Lorcan couldn’t help the way he recoiled at her words. Think about anyone other than himself? That had been his entire life - thinking of his mom and how much she struggled just to protect him, trying to find ways to make sure she was happy even in their not-so-perfect life, or thinking of his friends and how he was always there for them, even when it wasn’t convenient for him. He knew Rowan saw beyond that miserable exterior he presented to the rest of the world, knew that all of his friends did, actually, but her words still stung. 
Exhaling slowly when their professor dismissed them early for the day, he gave Elide the coldest glare he could muster, hoping to Hellas none of his emotions filled his eyes. “You don’t know the first godsdamn thing about me - you or your spoiled blonde friend. And I can feel any fucking way I want about that she-devil dating my best friend, whether or not I have your permission.”
He shoved his papers in his bag and stormed out the door, thankful that his large frame caused others to give him a wide berth. He was in the process of pulling his headphones over his ears when someone walked right into his chest.
“Fuck me,” he muttered, steadying the woman with a hand on her shoulder as his headphones slid down around his neck.
Releasing a bell-like laugh, she took a step back from him and gave him a once-over, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip. “Anytime, sugar,” she replied, reaching out to drag her nails down his chest. “You look like a man that knows how to show a girl a good time.”
Usually he found lines like that utterly ridiculous, but he couldn’t deny how gorgeous she was. 
Thinking over the question, he gave her the same once-over she’d given him, drinking in her appearance. Long dark hair that reached to the bottom of the tight, cropped tank she was using to show off her obvious assets and stunning violet-hued eyes - he couldn’t decide if they were contacts or if the purple tones of her makeup were making normally blue eyes look more purple. (Somehow, he found himself not caring.) She’d paired her white top with the tightest, light blue, high-waisted skinny jeans he’d ever seen and heeled purple boots.
“Why don’t you come out with me tonight and find out?” He offered her a smirk and a wink, figuring she’d eat it up. “Name’s Lorcan.”
Offering him a coy smile, she leaned in to whisper in his ear. “Pleasure, darling. I’m Maeve.”
Tags: @highqueenofelfhame @dashedwithromance @musicmaam @snelbz @theladyofdeath @tangledraysofsunshine @lordof-bloodshed @nalgenewhore @photofeesh @keep-a-bucket-full-of-stars @belamoonbeam @mis-lil-red @julemmaes @thesirenwashere @tswaney17 @b00kworm @maastrash @empress-ofbloodshed @gwynethhberdara @mynewdreamwasyou @maybekindasortaace @hizqueen4life @firestarsandseneschals @bielectra @bamchickawowow @ireallyshouldsleeprn @thegoddessofyou @somenerdydancer @wisteriiagrow @perseusannabeth @flamingveritas @treasurethelittlethings @tomtenadia @sexy-dumpster-fire @story-scribbler @infernoqueen19 @live-the-fangirl-life @vanzetanze @the-hospitality-of-knives @swankii-art-teacher @rowanaelinn @mybloodrunsblue @sv0430 @pagemasters @itmeansofthesea
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You're the heir to the kingdom, and your new companion has already managed to cause you quite a bit of trouble. But she also wants to be your friend. Maybe you can learn something from each other.
This chapter puts together the fifth, sixth, and seventh episodes of the original series. I'd always wanted to do a slow burn story where you actually saw the characters becoming friends rather than just jumping to the end and having a few "remember when we were younger" statements to excuse the fact the slow burn is really only five minutes or so. (This is not me criticizing any particular other slow burn story; I have enjoyed many of them myself as a listener. But this was a challenge I wanted to set myself.)
Although there is no new content here, it may be easier to listen to a chapter at a time. It is tough for me to listen to these earliest efforts, because I can hear the improvements I've made since I first started, but I am still very proud of this series and that means being proud of all of it.
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daumilk · 2 months
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JOJO part 1-7 🌟
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When General Aaliyah returns triumphant to the city of Titus, she expects to find the people prospering under the rule of her Queen, the stone mage Odessa. Instead, she finds a troubling imbalance in both the citizens’ well-being and Odessa’s rule. Aaliyah must rely on all of her allies, old and new, to do right by the city that made her.
“Gods forbid you should be your own sword”. Eboni J. Dunbar's Stone and Steel is a very short novella about the corruption of power. Aaliyah returns to the city whose King she helped usurpe to find that her adoptive sister (and lover) made Queen isn't taking care of the people. What follows is a fast journey as the author speeds through what could have made a really intruiguing novel. The bare bones are interesting enough, with a love triangle with another orphan who grew up beside Aaliyah as well, and a background that might feel generic but has some depth.
The novella excelled in showing the relationship between characters in a few strokes, building a believable camaraderie between Aaliyah and her retinue, and a toxic romance with her Queen; you can feel that Odessa is used to have her way by any means necessary. Her magical tantrums are mentioned as happening since early childhood. The political side of things could have used some more work, especially as the narration turned to another country. There's a few typos here and there, and a few lines of dialogue seem to be in the wrong paragraph so that it's not exactly clear who's speaking, but these problems could be easily waved away with a good editor.
Stone and Steel is a good stepping stone for readers interested in exploring afro-fantasy.
✨ 3.5 stars
[You can find more of my reviews about queer speculative fiction on my blog MISTY WORLD]
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roachmeatz · 7 months
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i’m ngl i still haven’t finished jojolion. i actually ended up rereading steel ball run again >_<
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lotus-wine · 27 days
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Jojo squads.
Here, enjoy a silly little thing I made, for now
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bemp0 · 3 months
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Pose Patrol
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goatpaste · 5 months
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fuck you *make your favorites fat and sexy*
[Commission Prices][Etsy][Buy me a Kofi]
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twerg45 · 2 months
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jolyfics · 2 months
This is my first time requesting something uggghh I'm nervous.
Anyways, I think it would be so cute if your wrote how the jojos would confess to their crushes!
i love the way you write so ik you'll do them justice
𝙞 𝙤𝙣𝙡𝙮 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙮𝙤𝙪
𝘫𝘰𝘫𝘰𝘴 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
summary: how the jojos confess
notes: THIS TOOK SO LONG MY HAND FELL ASLEEP 😭😭 but really i hope you enjoy it!! i swear i wasn’t being that lazy over easter break
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jonathan joestar
i feel like jonathan is the most romantic out of all the jojos
he’d definitely bring you some place nice
like a tree on a hill during sunset
he’d also make it a picnic
after you two talk for a good bit is when he’d speak up
if you agree to his confession he’d let out a sigh of relief, as well as a big grin
6pm, he told you to meet you by the tree where you usually hang out, you adored that tree, it was rural. once you arrived you noticed he was there before you, sitting underneath the tree with a cute little picnic basket beside him. you sat down to his left, he took out some sandwiches you assumed he made and the two of you began eating, quickly falling into your usual banter.
after awhile, he cleared his throat, causing you to look up at him with confusion. “i.. have something i wish to tell you.” he spoke up, he sounded nervous, you had never heard him sound like that before. you perked up, signalling for him to continue. “i have feelings for you, (name). and i hope you’d accept them” you could feel your cheeks heat up, which caused his to do the same.
you nodded, “i do, jojo!” he grinned, a sigh escaping him as relief washed over his entire body. he placed his hand atop of yours, as you both gave eachother an adoring look
joseph joestar
joseph’s a smartass
it definitely starts with him teasing you
then when you ask him why he likes teasing you specifically is when he shuts up
he admits it quite casually
like its nothing
leaving you quite flustered
“c’mon, cutie! give me a smile!” he smirked, he adored the way your eyebrows looked as they furrowed when he spoke. he loved the way your face turned the slightest shade of red and how you tried to hide how he actually got a reaction out of you. he loved it all. “shut up, jojo!” you scoffed, trying to hide the blush that crept up onto your face
“why do you always tease me? why not suzie q?!” you spoke up, you weren’t angry, just genuinely confused. did he like seeing you so angry? he then playfully rolled his eyes. “because i love seeing that look on your face! i mean, who wouldn’t? you’re gorgeous yknow?” you scoffed once more before crossing your arms
“it’s because i love you, (name)! and i know you can’t resist me” he grinned, his usual stupid grin. you looked back over at him. it seemed he was waiting for you to say something to him, instead you placed a small kiss on his cheek. that seemed to finally shut him up
jotaro kujo
it honestly depends on which jotaro
part 3 jotaro isn’t the kinda guy to confess his feelings to you
he’d just hope and pray you had that confidence to speak up first
if you don’t though, and the feeling is getting too much for him to handle he’d trap you in a hotel room and force you to listen to him
very rare to hear more than a few words with him, let alone hear what he FEELS
you sat on the hotel bed, reading a cheap magazine you found in one of the drawers in the bedside table. you were sharing a room with jotaro, you only really shared with him or kakyoin, since you three were the only teenagers with the group. jotaro had just gotten back from being in the bathroom, he sat on the bed to your right.
“(name).” he spoke, his voice soft, yet still with the usual firmness that usually has a grasp over him. you looked over to him, closing the magazine over and placing it beside you on the bed. “yes, jotaro?” he paused, the air seemed different. not the usual feeling you had while rooming with him.
“you’re.. not awful.” his voice was now that of a mumble, as he used the brim of his hat to cover his face. at first you were confused, until it hit you, he was trying to tell you how he felt about you. he just couldn’t get the right words out of his mouth
josuke higashikata (4)
josukes confession is probably the most fun out of them all.
i feel like he’d take you somewhere fun like bowling
you’d be kicking his ass at it
and once you finished up your game and we’re walking home
thats when he’d tell you
and if its cold he might even lend you his coat
you shivered as the two of you walked home after a long day of bowling. you two played about 4 rounds, you won 3/4 of those games, which you were quite proud of. you felt something heavy land across your shoulders, you looked down. josukes coat? you then turned your gaze to him, he seemed to be looking in the opposite direction of you
“thanks, josuke” you spoke up, getting rid of the silence between you too. he hummed, kicking a rock as he walked. “hey, uhh” he paused before speaking up once more. “i gotta tell you something, and don’t get angry at me for saying this!” you chuckled at that, you couldn’t get angry at him
“i.. think i might like you. thats a lie. i know i like you” you pulled his coat closer around you as you grinned, this day seemed to be getting better and better..
giorno giovanna
giorno definitely took you to a fancy restaurant
he is the don, he has that kind of money
he’d probably buy you something fancy too.
he’d just say it outright, like it was something he said everyday
you two sat across from eachother at the fancy restaurant, both of you in your fanciest attire. you two stared at a menu, deciding what to get before the waiter arrived, notebook and pen in hand. once you ordered, and the waiter was gone, giorno looked over at you. he pulled out a tiny box placing it on the table and sliding it over to you
“giorno, no” “i insist, (name)” he interrupted. you sighed, picking up the box and opening it. a necklace lay inside, laced with what you could only assume were real diamonds. you looked up to him in shock. “giorno, i can’t take this..” he shook his head
“you must, you’re the only person i’d want to spend this kind of money on, so please. let me buy you things from now on” he gave a small, meaningful smile towards you, which only made you smile. you took the necklace out of the box, placing it around your neck. “you look stunning, mí amore”
jolyne cujoh
okay. we all know how lesbians are
she’d definitely confess buy playing a song for you, then saying that it reminds her of you
you two would just be in her bedroom
and she’d suggest listening to music
then she’d play the song and say it reminds her of you two
you two sat on jolynes bed, you’d been friends for years, so long in fact, you two had began to develop feelings for eachother. even though everyone around the two of you knew, you two didn’t. “hey.. let’s listen to some music!” jolyne suggested, you nodded. that could be fun, you always enjoyed her music
she grinned, standing up from the bed and heading towards her cd collection. she picked one up, then placed it into the cd player. it took a few seconds for the song to boot up but once it began she then hurried back over to sit beside you in her bed. “what song is it?” you asked, she only grinned at you. “you’ll see”
as the song began to play, it seemed like something jolyne never would’ve usually listened to. you began to recognise the song as time went on, ‘this kiss, by faith hill’ as you began to wonder why she picked this song, she spoke up. “this song, reminds me of us..” her face was slightly red as she spoke
Johnny Joestar
johnny and you were put on a ranch
yous were just together tending to your horses
it was silent, peaceful
that’s when johnny would admit to having feelings for you
it definitely took him awhile to do that
he’s not the most open when it comes to how he feels
you fed your horse, johnny stood beside you, doing the exact same to slow dancer, his horse. it was comfortable, you two enjoyed eachothers company and the silence between you wasn’t awkward in the slightest, at least for you anyways.
johnny was busy thinking about you, he wanted to tell you how he felt, he knew he owed it to you to be honest, but it was just scary. he was afraid of rejection from you. even though he knew deep, deep down that you most likely liked him too
“hey.. (name)?” he finally spoke up, he felt as if his heart was in his throat. you turned to look at him, giving him a hum to continue. “i just wanted to say that i.. like ya, i have for awhile now. i just.. wanted ya to know” he looked away, embarrassed
josuke higashikata (8)
josuke just blurts it out
like its NOTHING
he doesn’t get social cues tbh
it leaves you shocked
like really shocked
you two were probably just sitting in a part when he just says it
you sat on the park bench with josuke, you both had gotten an ice cream, it was a very warm day in morioh, so ice cream was the only solution the two of you had. as you both sat, enjoying your ice cream, you looked over to josuke, who seemed to be enjoying his delicious sweet treat
“isn’t this nice, josuke?” you spoke up, he only nodded enthusiastically, continuing to lick the cone. you chuckled at him, giving him a smile. which seemed to make him stop eating? he stared at you, in an almost creepy way. you’d be creeped out if you didn’t know him
“i’m in love with you” he says, before going back to his ice cream. you stared at him, in shock. “what?” you gave him a confused look, where you dreaming? hallucinating even? did he really just say that to you?
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naydralikessoup · 2 months
(not the BEST part, the funniest. the one that made you laugh, chortle, guffaw, even)
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Mal's absence from the barracks hasn't gone unnoticed, and if she's discovered with you, there will be consequences.
Thank you so much to the voice actors who helped me with this episode!
Guard 1 (Morgan, finding all this kind of funny) is played by Icarius Fallen. https://icariusfallen.carrd.co/# Twitter: FallenVtuber
Guard 2 (Owen, not finding this at all funny) is played by Logan Raposo. Instagram: Loganraposo Twitter: TheLoganRaposo
Guard 3 (Captain Martine, also not amused) is played by Rhonda Parker. https://linktr.ee/WordsByParker https://www.youtube.com/@WordsByParker
Erik (the intrepid) is played as always by Gummy.
Many, many thanks for their help!
Sound effects by zapsplat.com VA portrait by AlexRayVA Find me at https://twitter.com/maladaptday
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fried-piranha · 7 months
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soranatus · 7 months
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DC's 2024 Black History Month variant covers by Nikolas Draper-Ivey
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