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amigayaps · 11 months
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Gentile collega,
pensando sia di suo interesse le invio:
1) questa proposta di sottoscrizione a tutela delle persone Intersex :
2) l'invito a partecipare al congresso nazionale a Milano del 27 ottobre. (manifesto allegato in foto)
3) la preghiamo di leggere anche la Storia bibliografata da cui nasce questo documento e questo congresso, per capire quanto sia importante la sua presenza e la sua sottoscrizione come professionista sanitario e se potrà farlo firmare anche alle istituzioni sanitarie di cui fa parte:
La abbiamo già sottoscritta come AMIGAY aps, medici e personale sanitario LGBTI e friendly.
Manlio Converti
Presidente AMIGAY aps
#Intersex #amigay #StopIGM
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hersocialapp · 7 years
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Happy Intersex Awareness Day! 💜🌈
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revolutionrosen · 6 years
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Content Notice: References to intersex surgeries and other anti-intersex violence. End of Content Notice. Image Text: Intersex Experiences in the United States [by] Tena Gordon (tagged as @reformistrevolutionaryrose) [of] Eastern Florida State College. Word count=1,747. End of Image Text. Part 7: Models and Theories The intrinsic inclination model frames sex, gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation as distinct traits that are largely immutable (Serano 2016:99). According to this model, intersex people’s identities are beyond social influences. Proponents of the intrinsic inclination model reject biomedical and surgical interventions, as they are not believed to determine or change an intersex person’s sex (Lugones 2000; Rosario 2011; Rubin 2012). However, the aforementioned model does not consider how society shapes whether someone identifies or even is knowledgeable about being intersex. In contrast, social control theory acknowledges the medicalization and other state violence against intersex people’s bodies. The sex binary is so deeply held by Western society that it is physically and socially forced upon intersex people. Intersex genital mutilation, other non-consensual surgeries, and gendered athletic exclusion act as negative sanctions against perceived deviance. Those who conform to the sex binary are positively sanctioned through government and other agencies recognizing their identity. End of Part 7. Hashtags: #intersex #stopIGM #intersexstoriesnotsurgeries #protectintersexkids End of Hashtags.
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pidgeonpagonis · 7 years
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Los Angeles! The US premiere of my documentary film, The Son I Never Had, screens TODAY at @outfest 11:30 AM at the Directors Guild of America (7920 W Sunset Blvd.) It's screening as part of 'Queerer Than Fiction' series. I'm really beside myself that my film, which started as a writing project, that then turned into a radio piece, which then turned into a storytelling project, which is now the #intersex short documentary that it is today, was selected for such an amazing film festival. I really was not good at promoting this, but if you're in LA, and can come, I'll see you there! Thank you so much to the Women's and Gender Studies Department at @depaulu who encouraged me to do creative thesis project for my master's thesis (especially my committee Francesco Royster, Beth Catlett, and Elissa Foster). Also, shoutout to Gary Novak in DePaul's DePaul's then Digital Cinema program for taking our undergrad class to see the documentary Tarnation at The Music Box theatre and changing my life. Your classes and showing us thst beautiful film made was the seed for this project was possible. I hope that with this film, people around the world can see why we need to #stopIGM (intersex genital mutilation). I love my intersex body and community, and this is for both. (P.s I hope to release this film next fall for intersex awareness day!) . . . . . #lgbtqia #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtq🌈 #queer #film #outfest2017 #outfest #queererthanfiction #TheSonINeverHadFilm #sonineverhad #nonbinary #genderqueer #thefutureisgenderless #toocutetobebinary (at Directors Guild of America)
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womenmanagement · 8 years
"It is very important to me in my life right now to break the taboo. At this point, in this day and age, it should be perfectly all right to talk about this," says #HanneGaby on breaking her silence as being Intersex with an exclusive interview with @usatoday, full link in bio. Follow @interact_adv and help support! @hannegabysees #stopIGM #intersex #intersexHanne #intersexy (at Women Management)
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lgbtmap · 8 years
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Did you know? There are about as many intersex people as there are people with red hair! Check out http://interactadvocates.org/ for more info.
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nonegenderleftpain · 3 years
Just heard of an intersex baby born with tryphalia. This is the first recorded case in humans and the scientist in me was excited for exactly three seconds before my fear was confirmed - they've already been mutilated, with their family's consent.
Anyway donate to StopIGM. They're an international organization dedicated to reporting IGM perpetrator states to the UN and fighting for intersex infant rights.
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iwgregorio · 7 years
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All the 💓 to my BFF, who snagged this paper copy if my @nydailynews op ed lauding THREE surgeons general who have called for the end of irreversible, nonconsensual intersex surgery. #intersexawareness #stopIGM http://www.nydailynews.com/opinion/spare-intersex-kids-needless-surgeries-article-1.3339223
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christenclifford · 8 years
#Repost @mxviv with @repostapp ・・・ An inspiring and informative post. Thanks for calling this to my attention @christianmcculloch #repost @hannegabysees ・・・ Today might be one of the most important days in my life, I've decide to announce with you all I'm #intersex, read my story in USA Today (link in bio) I want to bring awerness and put to light the irreversible Unnecessary non consent surgeries we often go trough as kids 😘✌️FEEL FREE TO SHARE #intersex #StopIGM (Intersex Genital Mutilation) #intersexHanne #intersexy @interact_adv
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hersocialapp · 7 years
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Today is Intersex Awareness Day! #StopIGM
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revolutionrosen · 6 years
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Content Notice: References to intersex surgeries and other anti-intersex (dyadist) violence. End of Content Notice. Image Text: Intersex Experiences in the United States [by] Tena Gordon (tagged as @reformistrevolutionaryrose) [of] Eastern Florida State College. Word count=1,747. End of Image Text. Part 9: REFERENCES Achuthan, Asha. 2002. “Darmiyaan … Search for an In-between.” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 3(3):419–36. doi: 10.1080/1464937022000037534. Ammaturo, Francesca Romana. 2016. “Intersexuality and the ‘Right to Bodily Integrity’.” Social & Legal Studies 25(5):591–610. doi:10.1177/0964663916636441. Callahan, Gerald N. 2009. Between XX and XY: Intersexuality and the Myth of Two Sexes. Chicago: Chicago Review Press. Carrera, María Da Victoria, Renée DePalma, and Maria Lameiras. 2012. “Sex/Gender Identity: Moving Beyond Fixed and ‘Natural’ Categories.” Sexualities 15(8):995–1016. doi:10.1177/1363460712459158. Cooper, Emily J. 2010. “Gender Testing in Athletic Competitions - Human Rights Violations: Why Michael Phelps is Praised and Caster Semenya is Chastised.” Journal of Gender, Race and Justice, 14(1):233-264. (http://link.galegroup.com.db02.linccweb.org/apps/doc/A258446000/AONE?u=lincclin_ bcc&sid=AONE&xid=0ccd951d) Davis, Heath Fogg. 2017. Beyond Trans: Does Gender Matter? New York: New York University Press. Elliott, Carl. 1998. “Why Can't We Go on as Three?” The Hastings Center Report 28(3):36–39. doi: 10.2307/3528649. Gregorio, I. W. 2015. None of the Above. New York: Balzer Bray. Ha, Nathan Q., Shari L. Dworkin, María José Martínez-Patiño, Alan D. Rogol, Vernon Rosario, Francisco J. Sánchez, Alison Wrynn, and Eric Vilain. 2014. “Hurdling Over Sex? Sport, Science, and Equity.” Archives of Sexual Behavior 43(6):1035–42. doi: 10.1007/s10508-014-0332-0. Hill, B. Jessie. 2015. "Constituting Children's Bodily Integrity." Duke Law Journal 64(7):1328-362. Academic OneFile (link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A417473468/AONE?u=lincclin_bcc&sid=AONE&xid=a1 d682fe). End of Part 9. Hashtags: #intersex #stopIGM #intersexstoriesnotsurgeries #protectintersexkids End of Hashtags.
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twinzzzrps · 8 years
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hannegabysees Today might be one of the most important days in my life, I've decided to announce with you all I'm #intersex, read my story in USA Today ... I want to bring awareness and put to light the irreversible Unnecessary non consent surgeries we often go through as kids 😘✌️ FEEL FREE TO SHARE #intersex #StopIGM (Intersex Genital Mutilation) #intersexHanne #intersexy @interact_adv
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womenmanagement · 8 years
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A Face for the Unseen: An honor to have our @hannegabysees included as one of @time Magazine's #NextGenerationLeaders 🙏✨ Read more here: goo.gl/3zUm7a #StopIGM #Intersex #HanneGaby (at Women Management)
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lgbtmap · 8 years
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Being #intersex shouldn’t stop you from doing anything, be proud, be you--@hannegabysees via @interact_adv
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