ivolederer · 4 months
Got commissioned by @chaingepeergroup to design this sticker.☺️🌈🏳️‍⚧️💅✨ Klar. Der Sticker ist für die gemeinsame Fußgruppe auf der Regenbogenparade von Chainge, TFF, TNYG, Venib & VIMÖ und zeigt ihr Motto für 2024.💕
#protecttinkids #transpride #transgenderpride #protecttranskids #protectnonbinarykids #protectintersexkids #protectinterkids #transartist #transart #queerartist #queerart #procreate #procreatesticker #commissionedart #lgbtart #stickerart #stickerdesign #digitalart
Still gotta print about 500 of these stickies.🫡😮‍💨🏳️‍⚧️🫶
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revolutionrosen · 6 years
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Image Text: Intersex Experiences in the United States [by] Tena Gordon (tagged as @reformistrevolutionaryrose) [of] Eastern Florida State College. Word count=1,747. End of Image Text. Part 8: DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS The practice of assigning babies one of two sexes is not culturally universal, indicating that sex is not inherent. Numerous cultures acknowledge, and, even celebrate people outside the sex binary (Lang and Kuhnle 2008). There are H*jras in India who are considered sanctioned by deities and royalty (Achuthan 2002) and Nadleeh in Navajo cultures who are considered carriers of prosperity (Elliot 1998). Therefore, the ideas that sex is binary--male and female--is a Western construct. The sex binary is neither necessary nor beneficial; yet, it pervades government, healthcare, and sports in the United States and the rest of the West and its (former) colonies. Activists, scholars, and, most importantly, intersex people continue to attest that the sex binary is both superficial and harmful. End of Part 8. Hashtags: #intersex #Nadleeh #protectintersexkids End of Hashtags.
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Mhh ????? Oder doch Metrosexuell #intersexuell #divers #intersexualit #queeramnesty #menschenrechte #lgbti #70jahreaemr #intersex #myintersexbody #endintersexsurgery #intersexy #endintersexmutilation #protectintersexkids #4intersex #4intersexrights #alvionklan #bestrongtogether #lgbt #tdor #intersexpride #homo #gay #lesbian #intergender #xywomen #intersexblog #dritteoption #queer #instaqueer #bundestag https://www.instagram.com/p/BrkPhf0BtkF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=t4yntk6jjosc
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revolutionrosen · 6 years
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Content Notice: References to intersex surgeries and other anti-intersex violence. End of Content Notice. Image Text: Intersex Experiences in the United States [by] Tena Gordon (tagged as @reformistrevolutionaryrose) [of] Eastern Florida State College. Word count=1,747. End of Image Text. Part 7: Models and Theories The intrinsic inclination model frames sex, gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation as distinct traits that are largely immutable (Serano 2016:99). According to this model, intersex people’s identities are beyond social influences. Proponents of the intrinsic inclination model reject biomedical and surgical interventions, as they are not believed to determine or change an intersex person’s sex (Lugones 2000; Rosario 2011; Rubin 2012). However, the aforementioned model does not consider how society shapes whether someone identifies or even is knowledgeable about being intersex. In contrast, social control theory acknowledges the medicalization and other state violence against intersex people’s bodies. The sex binary is so deeply held by Western society that it is physically and socially forced upon intersex people. Intersex genital mutilation, other non-consensual surgeries, and gendered athletic exclusion act as negative sanctions against perceived deviance. Those who conform to the sex binary are positively sanctioned through government and other agencies recognizing their identity. End of Part 7. Hashtags: #intersex #stopIGM #intersexstoriesnotsurgeries #protectintersexkids End of Hashtags.
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revolutionrosen · 6 years
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Content Notice: References to intersex surgeries and other anti-intersex (dyadist) violence. End of Content Notice. Image Text: Intersex Experiences in the United States [by] Tena Gordon (tagged as @reformistrevolutionaryrose) [of] Eastern Florida State College. Word count=1,747. End of Image Text. Part 9: REFERENCES Achuthan, Asha. 2002. “Darmiyaan … Search for an In-between.” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 3(3):419–36. doi: 10.1080/1464937022000037534. Ammaturo, Francesca Romana. 2016. “Intersexuality and the ‘Right to Bodily Integrity’.” Social & Legal Studies 25(5):591–610. doi:10.1177/0964663916636441. Callahan, Gerald N. 2009. Between XX and XY: Intersexuality and the Myth of Two Sexes. Chicago: Chicago Review Press. Carrera, María Da Victoria, Renée DePalma, and Maria Lameiras. 2012. “Sex/Gender Identity: Moving Beyond Fixed and ‘Natural’ Categories.” Sexualities 15(8):995–1016. doi:10.1177/1363460712459158. Cooper, Emily J. 2010. “Gender Testing in Athletic Competitions - Human Rights Violations: Why Michael Phelps is Praised and Caster Semenya is Chastised.” Journal of Gender, Race and Justice, 14(1):233-264. (http://link.galegroup.com.db02.linccweb.org/apps/doc/A258446000/AONE?u=lincclin_ bcc&sid=AONE&xid=0ccd951d) Davis, Heath Fogg. 2017. Beyond Trans: Does Gender Matter? New York: New York University Press. Elliott, Carl. 1998. “Why Can't We Go on as Three?” The Hastings Center Report 28(3):36–39. doi: 10.2307/3528649. Gregorio, I. W. 2015. None of the Above. New York: Balzer Bray. Ha, Nathan Q., Shari L. Dworkin, María José Martínez-Patiño, Alan D. Rogol, Vernon Rosario, Francisco J. Sánchez, Alison Wrynn, and Eric Vilain. 2014. “Hurdling Over Sex? Sport, Science, and Equity.” Archives of Sexual Behavior 43(6):1035–42. doi: 10.1007/s10508-014-0332-0. Hill, B. Jessie. 2015. "Constituting Children's Bodily Integrity." Duke Law Journal 64(7):1328-362. Academic OneFile (link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A417473468/AONE?u=lincclin_bcc&sid=AONE&xid=a1 d682fe). End of Part 9. Hashtags: #intersex #stopIGM #intersexstoriesnotsurgeries #protectintersexkids End of Hashtags.
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revolutionrosen · 6 years
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CN: References to anatomy; intersex & transgender medicalization. End of CN. Image Text: Intersex Experiences in the United States [by] Tena Gordon [of] Eastern Florida State College. Word count=1,747. End of Image Text. Part 2: People who have biological, physiological, and/or anatomical traits that are not exclusively “male” or “female” are intersex. There are many intersex variations, with different combinations of physical sex traits. One person’s intersex traits could be a penis and XX chromosomes. Another intersex person may have ovaries and higher testosterone levels. Anywhere from 1 in 50 to 1 in 200 to 1 in 2000 people are intersex, with such discrepant estimates due to differing interpretations and reportings globally. Despite their prevalence, intersex people are othered and treated as insignificant members of the population, enabling the discrimination against intersex people by government bureaucracies, the medical field, and athletic associations. Institutions Government bureaucracies. Birth certificates are explicitly required by each U.S. state within the first month of birth (Davis 2016). A sex marker on the birth certificate is also required. The sex reported is chosen by the medical professional who delivers or cares for the newborn if done in a hospital or other institution. Births elsewhere allow guardians to mark the sex of the baby but still require the birth be filed with the state and reported within the sex binary. Drivers’ licenses, passports, and other forms of identity utilize birth certificates as evidence of authenticity. Some states allow changes to the sex marked on the birth certificate but only within the sex binary. Of those states, many have gender affirming surgeries as prerequisites. For intersex people, their surgeries are not consensual and occur early in life (Hill, B. Jessie 2015). These procedures are not counted within criteria to change sex markers on the birth certificate later in life. Birth certificate requirements are used as justification by health care providers to “normalize” the sex of newborns. End of Part 2. Hashtags: #stopIGM #intersexstoriesnotsurgeries #protectintersexkids End of Hashtags.
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revolutionrosen · 6 years
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Content Notice: References to sex testing, warfare, misogynoir, gender policing, drug use, and food. End of Content Notice. Image Text: Intersex Experiences in the United States [by] Tena Gordon (tagged as @reformistrevolutionaryrose) [of] Eastern Florida State College. Word count=1,747. End of Image Text. Part 4: Athletic associations. Sex testing for Olympic womxn athletes was initiated after World War I (Tebbutt 2015) and was heightened during the Cold War (Piper and Roger 2017). To this day, there is irrational suspicion that men will try to compete against womxn. Sex testing is not commonly administered for athletes competing in the male division, implying “maleness” is inherently superior. A prominent case of this discriminatory sex testing involved Semenya Caster, a South African womxn. Having trained for years, she was setting track records unprecedented for womxn Olympians. Additionally, Castor was muscular and had other secondary sex traits that were considered “male,” disregarding athleticism in womxn and masculine gender expressions among lesbians (Cooper 2010). Responding to internal and external pressure, the Olympics subjected her to sex testing, which found she had higher levels of androgens in her body (Magubane 2017). Already, non-Black people believe myths about inherent athleticism in Black people. The committee attempting to bar Castor from competing within her gender illustrated misogynoir, oppression specifically experienced by Black womxn. To this day, Castor does not identify as intersex. Considerably, hormone testing is disproportionately used against winning womxn athletes, especially if of color and from recovering countries, under the pretense of checking for nonmedical steroid use for the purpose of performance enhancement, commonly known as “doping” (Ha, Dworkin, Jose Martınez-Patin ́ ̃o, Rogol, Rosario. Sa ́nchez, Wrynn, and Vilain 2014). Such practice is especially questionable considering the markers checked can occur naturally in the body or in response to certain foods. End of Part 4. Hashtags: #stopIGM #intersexstoriesnotsurgeries #protectintersexkids End of Hashtags.
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revolutionrosen · 6 years
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Content Notice: Use of an anti-intersex, trans misogynistic term. References to intersex surgeries. End of Content Notice. Image Text: Intersex Experiences in the United States [by] Tena Gordon (tagged as @reformistrevolutionaryrose) [of] Eastern Florida State College. Word count=1,747. End of Image Text. Part 11: REFERENCES [cont'd] Tebbutt, Clare. 2015. “The Spectre of the ‘Man-Woman Athlete’: Mark Weston, Zdenek Koubek, the 1936 Olympics and the Uncertainty of Sex.” Women's History Review 24(5):721–38. doi: 10.1080/09612025.2015.1028211. Viloria, Hida. 2017. Born Both: An Intersex Life. New York: Hachette Books. Willey, Angela. 2016. “A World of Materialisms: Postcolonial Feminist Science Studies and the New Natural.” Science, Technology, & Human Values 41(6):991–1014. doi:10.1177/0162243916658707. End of Part 11, the Final Part. Hashtags: #intersex #stopIGM #intersexstoriesnotsurgeries #protectintersexkids End of Hashtags.
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revolutionrosen · 6 years
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Content Notice: References to intersex surgeries, performance-enhancing drugs, and genitalia. Use of h*rmaphroditism and reclaimed use of tr*nssexual. End of Content Notice. Image Text: Intersex Experiences in the United States [by] Tena Gordon (tagged as @reformistrevolutionaryrose) [of] Eastern Florida State College. Word count=1,747. End of Image Text. Part 10: REFERENCES [cont'd] Lang, Claudia and Ursula Kuhnle. 2008. “Intersexuality and Alternative Gender Categories in Non-Western Cultures.” Hormone Research in Paediatrics 69(4):240–50. doi:10.1159/000113025. Lugones., Maria. 2008. “The Coloniality of Gender.” Worlds and Knowledges Otherwise 1–17. Magubane, Zine. 2014. “Spectacles and Scholarship: Caster Semenya, Intersex Studies, and the Problem of Race in Feminist Theory.” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 39(3):761–85. doi: 10.1086/674301. Pagonis, Pidgeon. n.d. “Intersex Stories (Not Surgeries).” Retrieved (https://www.youtube.com/user/pidgejen). Pieper, Lindsay Parks and Rogol, Alan D. 2017. “Genes, Gender, Hormones, and Doping in Sport: A Convoluted Tale.” Frontiers in Endocrinology 8. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2017.00251. Repo, Jemima. 2013. “The Biopolitical Birth of Gender: Social Control, Hermaphroditism, and the New Sexual Apparatus.” Alternatives: Global, Local, Political 38(3):228–44.doi: 10.1177/0304375413497845. Rosario, Vernon. 2011. "Of Genes, Genitals, and Gender." The Gay & Lesbian Review Worldwide, 18(4):9-13. Academic OneFile (link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A261082736/AONE?u=lincclin_bcc&sid=AONE&xid=ac04ee6a). Rubin, David A. 2012. “‘An Unnamed Blank That Craved a Name’: A Genealogy of Intersex as Gender.” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 37(4):883–908. doi: 10.1086/664471. Serano, Julia. 2016. Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity. 2nd ed. Berkeley, CA: Seal Press. End of Part 10. Hashtags: #intersex #stopIGM #intersexstoriesnotsurgeries #protectintersexkids End of Hashtags.
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revolutionrosen · 6 years
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Content Notice: References to bioessentialism and TWERFs. End of Content Notice. Image Text: Intersex Experiences in the United States [by] Tena Gordon (tagged as @reformistrevolutionaryrose) [of] Eastern Florida State College. Word count=1,747. End of Image Text. Part 6: Intersex people can be transgender, identifying differently or in addition to their gender assignment at birth, or cisgender, identifying with their gender assignment at birth. Intergender is a gender identity exclusively for intersex people whose gender aligns with their sex, intersex. Proponents of bioessentialism claim that people’s traits are inherent, stemming from biological or physiological predisposition (Rubin 2012). Bioessentialists disregard or contest the social construction of sex, viewing intersex people solely as natural variations in sex development and transgender intersex people as evidence of innate inclinations. Likewise, liberal feminists purport that womxn should not be discriminated against because “‘biological’ sex categories of maleness and femaleness...are immutable personal characteristics that we are born with and cannot alter” (Davis 2017:30). This reasoning is problematic considering intersex and trans womxn, especially if both, experience misogyny and have physical sex traits that can change. Trans-womxn exclusionary radical feminists (TWERFs) opine “gender socialization,” in which society’s perceptions define people’s gender, not oneself (Willey 2016). Trans womxn are excluded from their activism under the guise that they were “raised a man/boy,” no matter their identity, when they came out, whether they pass as a cisgender womxn, or their current anatomy, physiology, or biology. Intersex people who are not trans womxn are indirectly hurt by TWERF rhetoric, as their public self is often different from their private self. End of Part 6. Hashtags: #intersex #stopIGM #intersexstoriesnotsurgeries #protectintersexkids End of Hashtags.
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revolutionrosen · 6 years
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Content Notice: References to forced intersex surgeries & HRT, medical paternalism, deception, c*ncer, and trauma. End of Content Notice. Image Text: Intersex Experiences in the United States [by] Tena Gordon (tagged as @reformistrevolutionaryrose) [of] Eastern Florida State College. Word count=1,747. End of Image Text. Part 3: Health care providers. The medicalization of deviance is common throughout hxtory. The medical field is largely given domain over people’s bodies. Those who are viewed as atypical are treated as “sick” or needed to be “fixed.” Popularized in the 1950s, surgical intervention is utilized to force intersex babies to conform to the sex binary (Rosario 2011). Guardians are not accurately informed of their child’s status and are often mislead into believing the surgical operation is life saving or preventative. There is a great deferral to doctors in the United States, so guardians usually do not question their recommendation. Thus, medical paternalism prioritizes the health care provider’s prejudice over the bodily autonomy of the child. The medical-industrial complex violates the bodily autonomy of intersex people throughout their lifecourse (Repo 2013). Babies, who cannot give consent, suffer from genital and internal cosmetic surgery. Pidgeon Pagonis, a nonbinary intersex activist who goes by they/them pronouns, recounts their parents being told that their testes were cancerous (“Intersex Stories (Not Surgeries)”). The removal of internal reproductive sex organs considered deviant for a child’s gender assigned at birth is common practice. Furthermore, intersex children are put on hormones so that they have a puberty closer to the expectations of their assigned gender. Pidgeon Pagonis was administered estrogen from their preteen years, leading them to develop breasts but not to menstruate. Pidgeon, like many intersex adults, are traumatized by the invasive procedures they have endured, developing PTSD specifically referred to as medical-industrial complex trauma. Intersex people are even further stigmatized in athletics. End of Part 3. Hashtags: #stopIGM #intersexstoriesnotsurgeries #protectintersexkids End of Hashtags.
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