#Storybrooke Library
morosoro · 2 years
Ouat fans behold:
Somebody (not me & I do not know this person. I just saw someone on Reddit post about having seen this and decided to post it myself here on tumblr) on Lego Ideas is trying to gain support for some OUAT Lego sets!
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It looks absolutely wonderful! It features the library clock tower, Granny’s diner and Mr.Gold’s pawnshop with a large array of familiar characters and props! Check it out!
Supporting the idea is easy! No money necessary, it’s simply a show of interest! You just have to make a quick Lego Ideas account that you never have to touch again, and it will add you to the list of supporters. They’re only aiming for 1000 at the moment and have over a year to reach that goal and gain more time. They need 10k for Lego to acknowledge it. Let’s try to get it there, maybe even knock it outta the park and hopefully make Lego see that is is something the people want!
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notonlymice · 1 year
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rumbelle + twilight au moodboard
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evl-qn · 4 months
no because regina had eighteen years in a time frozen town without henry to keep her occupied. what do you think she did during that time? my girl learned so many things out of pure boredom. she’s probably got a doctorate or two ( that she doesn’t use ) just ‘cause. bet she learned how to fix up cars, just ‘cause. two brand new languages added to her repertoire? bet, hello french and italian. just ‘cause. she already knew how to play the piano but she definitely learned to play the violin at some point. just ‘cause. and cooking! baking, cooking, etc etc. she’s a michelin level chef by the late 90s. just ‘cause. so many random things for her to do and entertain herself with because lord knows mayoral duties wouldn’t have sufficed for very long.
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eirian-houpe · 1 year
30 Days of Fan Fiction - Day 4
Do you have a "muse" character, that speaks to you more than others, or that tries to push their way in, even when the fic isn't about them? Who are they, and why did that character became your muse?
I don’t know that I would call him a ‘muse’ character, because my muse... as anyone who has known my blog for a while will tell you  it look like this:
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But pushing his way into my fics... that would be this man:
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Jefferson is just such a fun character to write, and so very versatile, and really, really complicated. I mean, he seems simple on face value, but the layers... like an onion, Jeff has so many layers, and peeling them back, he can be crazy, or dangerous, or driven, or funny, or the best friends and protector anyone could possibly have, or... a hell of a sexy mixologist. LOL  Yes, I say Jefferson wriggles he way into a lot of my fic, and I love it.
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shellseaisms · 3 months
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marble street apartment building.
today on stream I decided to build an apartment using one of the high rise shells and actually put a bit of effort into the exterior. this was just going to be a base for an apartment decorating video, but since I've finished the shell and I put a fair bit of time into it, I figured I might as well upload the version with the empty apartment in case anyone wants to decorate it themselves!
this apartment was built in storybrook county on the lot where the production studio is. I think it looks cute here and the driveway is kind of catered to work with this lot specifically, but you can place it on any 40 x 50 lot. you just may need to make a few adjustments.
things to note.
you will need to use the 'restrictbuildbyinbuildings false' cheat if you want to make any changes to the exterior or hallways.
the parking garage isn't functional and has a hidden room marker in it, but you can remove that and mess around with it if you wish.
I'm not the most experienced with high rise apartments, but this includes the late night mailbox and garbage chute that I believe are required for these apartment buildings. it should function as normal.
this build uses custom content that's included with the .package file. if you don't want the custom content, just download the library file and put that in your library folder - ignore everything else.
the list of custom content used in this build can be found here.
place the file ending in ’_library’ in your library folder (documents/electronic arts/the sims 3/library) regardless of what version you choose to install.
package // sims3pack // library file only
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jollyreginaldrancher · 8 months
I know she's an evil Queen but like...Storybrooke had zero poverty...zero homelessness....zero crime....no substance abuse. Like, the dragon under the library was just chilling there. The biggest menace to society was the town drunk who'd occasionally just sleep it off in the drunk tank. For a cursed populace they had it kind of good.
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juliet25blog · 4 months
So I discovered that Rumpelstiltskin (gosh that was hard to write) and Belle's ship is called Rumbelle, hello fellas, nice to find my people.
Episode 4 was so cute, I absolutely adored to see more of them in Storybrooke and when he gifts her the key to the library and tries to open up to her is just so adorable, it warmed my heart
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horsetailcurlers2 · 1 year
random regina mills headcanons that i believe to be 100% true:
-she secretly LOVES classic rom coms from the 80s/90s/2000s. she has seen every nancy meyers movie.
-in the early days of the curse, she tried to teach herself to knit bc she was so restless and bored. it did not go well at all and if she had her magic back then she probably would have set the yarn on fire.
-she’s bilingual. even though her mother disapproved, her father secretly taught her the language of his kingdom.
-her shoe collection is absolutely bonkers insane. henry teases her for it sometimes but she loves it. she probably has a bit of a shopping problem but she likes being able to treat herself and choose things for herself just because she enjoys them- not because somebody else chose them for her or because she’s trying to project a certain image.
-she is a stress baker
-when the curse first brought them to storybrooke in the 80s, she went through a phase with jane fonda workout tapes- leg warmers and all. this is a secret she will take to her grave.
-she goes ALL OUT for henry’s birthday. like, it’s a lot. she spoils him with gifts, she makes all his favorite foods, and she used to throw big parties for him when he was little. as he gets older, it’s a little embarrassing for him but it seems to make her so happy so he doesn’t complain. (she never really had good birthdays growing up so she is determined to do everything in her power to make sure he never has a bad one)
-her library is very extensive. she had a LOT of time to read during the curse and she explored every last genre of the literature of our world. she has very varied and eclectic taste- she’s very fond of both stephen king and jane austen.
-this one is a little out there but about twice a month or so she likes indulging in pipe tobacco in her study. they didn’t exactly have tobacco in the enchanted forest but they had a similar plant and her father used to smoke it so it reminds her of him.
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ouatsqincorrect · 1 year
ok no one asked for this but i’m going to talk about some of my favorite little details from 1x01
1. the door to emma’s apartment have the words “cast a spell” on them (which apparently was completely unintentional but still pretty cool)
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2. i don't think this rubix cube means anything, i just like that we get this tiny little insight into emma here
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3. you can clearly see emma’s baby blanket in the background of her apartment, as well as some boxes, which i believe are the same ones that get sent to her in storybrooke later on in the season
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4. we see snow with a bluebird in the EF, and then later on, at the school, she’s with a bluebird again
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5. i know this has probably been talked about a thousand times but i love that we get this shot of emma driving by the clock store (there are so many good nods to clocks and time in this episode and throughout s1)
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6. and then of course, the nod to tinker bell
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7. there’s a painting of a pear behind regina, which is what a student hands snow (instead of an apple)
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8. speaking of apples, regina touches a clock here and then the shot immediately pans to emma setting her drink next to a bunch of apples
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9. when emma crashes the bug, we see a the monkeys from the wizard of oz and then a picture of wonderland (i doubt the wizard of oz one was hinting at s3—they didn’t think that far ahead—but wonderland might’ve been there on purpose)
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10. here charming brooding over a bowl of apples
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11. there are a lot of fairytale pictures in henry’s room in s1 (kind of looks like one of those crime scene boards lol)
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12. also henry’s emails don’t mean anything—i just think they’re funny
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13. our first hidden mickey
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14. henry's swan night light
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15. i love this shot of henry looking at the clocktower but also the fact that the library itself is so decrepit looking in s1
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16. of course, the key to the room at granny's that is given to emma has a swan on it
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17. this is kind of vague but the ring regina's wearing was actually handpicked by lana parrilla and i just love this little detail (it was meant to show that regina is still hanging onto her darker side and past in the EF)
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no-phrogs-in-hats · 5 months
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
Regina Mills x Fem!Reader
A/N: Hey bitchessss here's chapter 3!@#$%^ Don't expect a full come-back. I'm just high asf rn and wanted to write this small chapter for you pookies<33
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Chapter 3: I’m a Troubled Teen (Going Up North to be a Lady-In-Waiting)
Many years ago
The Enchanted Forest
“Your highness, the King and Queen request your presence.”
Oh, God.
It was never good when your parents “requested your presence”. Most of the time it meant you had done something wrong. The last time this had happened, you had jumped off the side of a royal navy ship in your underclothes and satin slippers. 
You shut your book and set it down on the side table in the library, standing up and dragging your feet as you followed one of the advisors. When you approached the door to the “good parlor”, as your mother called it, he knocked three times. You thanked him and after he shut the door a tense air thickened around you.
Your brother, Eric, sat at a chess table with your father while your mother sat by herself in the loveseat practicing her embroidery. 
“What?” you said.
Your mother smiled. “We just wanted to know where you were.”
You looked around awkwardly. “I was in the library…Why did you ask for me?”
“We wanted to spend time with you,” your father said. “It feels like we haven’t seen you in ages!”
“What’s the real reason you asked me here?” you asked.
Still partaking in her embroidery, your mother smiled and looked up at you from the sofa. “We have some news…You remember King Leopold, right?” 
“Sort of.”
“Well,” your mother said, continuing, “his wife, Queen Regina, is looking for a new lady-in-waiting…and they’ve asked for you.”
Your stomach sank. “What?”
“It’ll give you a chance to observe how a kingdom runs,” your father said. “And, it forms an alliance between King Leopold and our kingdom.”
“But–But, Eric is next in line!” you protested. “Shouldn’t he be doing the observing? He’s going to be ruling this kingdom within the next few decades, but instead he’s out on a ship sailing a–”
“Enough!” your father shouted. “This decision is final! The ship sets sail in a fortnight. Queen Regina, King Leopold, and Princess Snow are already expecting your arrival. I won’t hear any more protests from you. It’s time you learn some responsibility and this is the best way to do it.”
Present Day
You knocked softly on the door to Regina’s home. Waiting a moment, you glanced over to see a sliver of her finger parting the fabric curtain in the front window, just in time to see it quickly close again.
The deadbolt in the door clicked and the door cracked open slowly.
“Hi,” you said quietly.
Regina seemed stand-offish. When the door opened further, you could see it in her eyes that she had been crying.
“Can I come in?” you asked.
She nodded and let you in. You had only been in her home a handful of times–mostly dropping off Henry after school–but it was still as beautiful as you remembered. Instead of admiring the dark hardwoods and the tall ceilings, you focused on her–and now you were admiring much more.
There were still tears in her eyes and wrinkles sat scattered over her navy pantsuit. Everything was becoming so clear in this short amount of time–every dream, every vision, the vague images of your parents in your head. A part of you wanted to yell at her. She took so much from you, but, god, it was hard to be mad at her.
“Um, Regina,” you murmured when she closed the door. “I just wanted to say–”
And there was that feeling–her lips. They encased yours so perfectly. You could feel her strong hands grasp your biceps as you leaned into the kiss. You took a few steps back, bracing yourself against the wall when Regina pulled away. “What?” she huffed. “You wanted to say what?”
You searched her eyes. “Nothing, it can wait for later,” you said, grasping at her shoulders as your lips met again for the first time in 28 years.
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grtmnick · 3 months
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Regina found herself somewhat flummoxed at Emma's casually wrapping an arm around the brunette's waist while the pair entered into the Storybrooke library.
The hunt for a magical solution to their most recent town-wide calamity would have to wait for the blush to subside from Regina's cheeks.
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ocenitram · 2 months
"He isn't ?" Belle asked, a bit surprised. This was new even for Storybrooke. "I'll keep looking in the Library if there's any information---" She trailed off at Bae's announcement. "You don't have any I could change him into now, do you?" she asked the nurse.
"Yes, he isn't, I think queen Snow brought her daughter in as well and so did Maleficent , I am not supposed to discuss other patients, but this seems to be spread." The nurse explained. She looked thoughtful for a brief moment. " I have some diapers for people that have medical issues I suppose I can give you some, and you're welcome to use the facilities in order to change him." She replied.
Bae just cried over his accident. He was very upset.
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thestraggletag · 2 months
Dark!Rumbelle Fic Recs
Golden Cuffs by @kelyon. This is like... dark smut. Like BDSM and lots of psychological introspection on it. The sequel is set in Season 1 and pre-Season 1 Storybrooke and explores Gold and Lacey in such a setting. It's definitely got a dark romance sort of vibe.
Nothing is Innocent by @0ceanofdarkness. "The Dark One seeks his son in a land without magic, but he must obtain an elusive beast before the Dark Curse that will take him there can be cast."
Pride and Other Poisons by Hikari_no_Chibi. A Dark Victorian Rumbelle AU. "Gold is haunted by the First Carlist War, and Belle embodies everything he hates from his past. Expectations will crumble like the foundations of an old house, and it will be up to them to build something new on the rubble. Rated M for violence and substance abuse."
Shadow Manor by @suchadearie. "Mr. Gold sets out to find himself a wife that will bear him an heir for his estate. But his marriage to Belle French turns out to be a little more complicated than the mere business arrangement he had in mind."
Trading for Touch by @suchadearie. Set in cursed!SB, Belle enters into a "sordid" relationship of sorts with Mr Gold.
@suchadearie in general wrote a lot of fics where Belle and Gold have a sort of dark-ish dynamic.
In the Blood by Megara Bee. A vampire AU. "Belle French will never be able to settle her father's debts; of that she is certain. But she is hopeful that Mr. Gold, the most feared creature in Storybrooke, will accept her blood in trade. Unfortunately for her, he has something much more devious in mind…" Warning for sexual content that might not be everyone's cup of tea.
Endless by @mareyshelley. Vampire AU. "Unable to pass up the opportunity to attend one of Storybrooke’s annual balls, Belle finds herself drawn to the old manor’s library and her unusual host."
Honestly most of her fics have a dark vibe I really like, so I would recommend anything she's written.
The Haunted Man by @nerdrumple. "When her father tries to arrange a marriage for her, Belle decides to take fate into her own hands - but seeking the help of Mr. Gold is its own winding, mysterious path. Gothic Romance Rumbelle AU."
Will update this Rec List as I remember new fics. Hope it helps anon!
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rumbelleshowdown · 5 months
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Author: apple jacks Group: A Prompts: Watch me woo you. Apples, spring, evil. Grapes.
Brownie Points
He wasn’t classically handsome; he was too short and skinny, his nose too prominent on his thin face. Take away his fancy suits and notoriety as the heartless landlord and pawnbroker, and he likely wouldn’t have stood out at all in their sleepy town of Storybrooke. But that would be changing the very foundations of his person, and Belle quite liked Mr. Gold as he was.
It was why Belle found herself in his shop, taking her late lunch break from the library across the street.
”Hello, Mr. Gold,” she said, as she swept in through the door, bell overhead chiming merrily.
”Miss French,” came the usual reply. He didn’t look up from his ledger on the counter. He had stopped treating her spontaneous visits with anything except lukewarm indifference for a while now.
”Today’s pie is apple, courtesy of Granny. The tea should be brewed by now, if you want to take out the bag.”
His eyes flickered to the travel bag as she set it on the counter, close to his elbow. She always bought enough for two; two slices of whatever baked good Granny’s had on offer, and two travel mugs of tea with half a dozen packets of sugar and cream shoved into the bag. Belle liked to be prepared, in case he asked her to stay and sit with him.
“No, thank you, dear.”
Which he had yet to do.
It had only been a couple months, really. A handful of visits in which she’s tried to extend a hand of friendship to the prickly pawnshop owner.
“The pie was baked fresh this morning,” she hedged, as she had several times before.
Mr. Gold’s lip curled—actually curled—and he said clearly, as if speaking to a child, “No, thank you.”
“Oh, I just—“
”Have a good day, Miss French.” Mr. Gold turned to the back, sliding the curtain closed behind him with the finality of a slammed door. He hadn’t spared another look for her or the tea.
For all the properties and business Mr. Gold owned around town, he didn’t own the caretaker’s apartment above the library where she lived. Belle had no need for his loans or favors, either; there wasn’t a thing she owed him, no debt to her name that he could collect. There wasn't even any gossip or rumors about her he could exploit (thank you very much).
She’d have thought that would give her an advantage in getting close to him, but it only made him all the more suspicious.
Nothing if not persistent (Belle didn’t accept sour grapes from anyone), she found herself back at the pawn shop having forgoed a stop at the diner. Instead she had brought along her own tupperware.
”Good afternoon, Mr. Gold,” she called.
He gave a suspicious look to the container in her hands, but otherwise offered his usual polite hello.
“I was thinking about last week.”
Mr. Gold closed his ledger and set his pen down, which was as good of an invitation as any.
“Are you allergic to apples?”
He blinked. Belle forged through, comforted that she could still surprise him.
“Or cinnamon, maybe?”
“I have no allergies,” he said, with another look at her mystery container. He tapped his fingers on the counter, looking as if he were debating with himself. “I…apologize for my brusque manner during our last encounter. I was having a bad day and gave in to my more evil tendencies.”
“Oh, I—of course,” Belle said, fumbling. Apparently he could surprise her, too. “I worried maybe I came close to accidentally poisoning you.”
His lip twitched, like he was suppressing a smile. “Indeed not.”
“Hm. Well. I accept your apology.” She extended her hand, and she only had to wait a breath for Mr. Gold to grasp it. It wasn’t a firm handshake, but his hand was dry and warm, and something bubbled in her chest at the gentle squeeze of his fingers. Hopefully Mr. Gold would assume her flush was due to the unreasonably warm spring weather they were having.
“I brought something else today,” she said, withdrawing her hand before she did something truly embarrassing, like proposing marriage. “I got to thinking, what’s the thing that’s most opposite to apple pie? Probably a beef stew, or—I don’t know, chalk—but I figured I’d try to make something myself. So—”
Belle popped off the lid, angling the tupperware to proudly show Mr. Gold its contents.
“Brownies,” he said, and he didn’t sound horrified.
“Brownies,” Belle confirmed. ”I’m not much of a baker, but I tried my best. It’s my mother’s recipe, actually. She was so good at—well. I tried my best,” she said again. “I can’t make them as good as hers were, no one can. And I think she must have left off some secret ingredient when she wrote the steps down, but I still think they’re scrumptious.”
With an appreciative hum, Mr. Gold reached into the plastic container and selected one of her brownies, bringing it to his lips to take a careful bite. Belle held her breath in anticipation as she watched him chew.
”My aunties had a spice cake they would make sometimes; Christmas, birthdays, the successful birth of a lamb.” He paused to take another bite, looking thoughtful. “I’ve been trying to recreate that recipe for years. In all my attempts, it’s never tasted right.” He paused, giving his head a shake in what Belle imagined was comradery. “There’s little I wouldn’t give to have it again, as I remember it.”
“Yes,” Belle agreed quietly. “It’s never bad, just…never right.”
So, Gold had aunties who had lived with sheep. She hoped he’d had many special occasions that were celebrated with their special spice cake, made exactly how he liked it.
After another long moment of silence, Mr. Gold spoke.
“What happens now?” He asked, voice a touch too casual.
“Sorry?” Belle was pulled away from thoughts of a farmhouse that smelled of nutmeg and cinnamon, the windows open to hear the baa-ing of the sheep (ridiculous assumptions to make, but she burned with curiosity and her need to know more).
“This game you insist on playing. You’ve won. So, now what?”
“I didn’t realize I was playing anything,” she said.
To that, Gold raised an eyebrow, unimpressed.
Belle bit her lip. Okay, fine. She had been playing something and she couldn’t deny the thrill at having been finally declared the winner. And saying she won implied a prize.
“Go on,” he said as if reading her thoughts. He reached for another brownie and that action alone set a warm heat to her stomach that was better than any compliment he could have provided her.
“How about dinner?” she said, not letting herself overthink it.
Gold paused, confectionary raised partway to his mouth.
“At Grannies. Or Marco’s,” she offered, trying to remember all the good spots in their small town. “There’s also that new Thai place that opened at the end of Main Street—”
“In public?” he clarified.
“My treat.” If she was able to ask for anything, then that was what she wanted. But then, maybe Gold didn’t want to go out, or be seen in public with her. He’d been so resistant to her friendly advances this far, after all. She was willing to be patient and capitulate to his misanthropic tendencies, at least for a little while. “Or, if you’d prefer, I can cook for you. I cook better than I bake.”
He was still holding the brownie, and if he wasn’t careful he’d make a mess of his fingers (Belle very purposefully did not think about what’d it’d be like to lick him clean of any melted chocolate).
“Grannies will do,” he said finally.
“Fantastic! How about Friday night at seven?”
He inclined his head, and the date was set.
Smiling wider than she had all week—month?—year?—she took her leave and breezed out of the shop, leaving the tupperware behind for him.
There was something more to Mr. Gold than anyone knew, Belle was sure of it, and she’d be the one to bring it to light.
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princess-and-the-swan · 5 months
Captain Swan Fic Recs
I'm a slut for captain swan fics and for years I've lived off of the cs fic recs and masterlists other people have made so I thought I'd pay it forward and make one of my own. I'll be sure to come back and add more that I think of or happen to stumble upon. I hope y'all enjoy these as much as I have :))
Created: 05/03/2024
*** denotes fics I have/would 100% reread
MC Modern AUs (Misc.)
***Pan Says by HollyELeigh
Rating: E
Summary: After waking up in a strange room with a naked stranger, Emma and Killian must endure the twisted game their kidnapper insists they play in order to gain provisions and avoid punishments.
Relationship: Captain Swan
Status: In-progress
Tags: kidnapping, smut, mild dubcon
***Amaranthine by caprelloidea
Rating: M
Summary: In which soulmates are rare, and those that have them stop aging at adulthood. Rarer still – and dangerously conspicuous – are those that have special abilities. Immortality and powers alike fade when soulmates come in close proximity with their other half. In which Emma’s touch heals, and Killian’s kills.
Relationship: Captain Swan
Status: Complete
Tags: soulmates
Learning to Love (Again) by captain_k_jones
Rating: M
Summary: In the wake of his crumbling marriage, Killian Jones turns to his best friend Emma Swan for help. Even though Emma had just ended a two year long relationship she is more than happy to welcome Killian and Nate, his eleven month old son, into her home. What neither of them expect is to learn how to love again through each other.
Relationship: Captain Swan
Status: Abandoned (as of 09-08-2017)
Tags: incomplete, divorced!killian, daddy!killian, friends to lovers, roommates
The Trouble with Faking It by nowforruin
Rating: E
Summary: Killian Jones is one drunken mistake from never setting foot on a movie set again. Enter Emma Swan, the woman his manager has paid to pretend to date him and clean up his image. It seems straightforward enough...but there's always trouble with faking it.
Relationship: Captain Swan
Status: Complete
Tags: fake dating, actor!killian, pining
Bitter Hearts (middle of the ride) by bookstoreromantic
Rating: T
Summary: Fresh out of prison, Emma’s not a student at Boston University. She’s just using the library while she studies for her GED exams. Killian doesn’t know that though, and Emma doesn’t ever want him to find out. Not when he’s the first friend she’s had in years.
Relationship: Captain Swan
Status: Complete
Tags: college au, friends to lovers
Let’s Just Be Us by colormyheartred
Rating: T
Summary: Three-shot. Based upon a prompt about rockstar!Killian and movie star!Emma secretly dating, but those pesky fans figure it out.
Relationship: Captain Swan
Status: Complete
Tags: rockstar!killian, actress!emma, secret dating
***Tutor Me by Lovingcsfanfiction
Rating: T
Summary: Killian just got accepted to Harvard and needs to find a way to pay for college. Emma is struggling in her senior math course and needs to raise her grade if she wants to graduate on time. What happens when an academically driven boy winds up tutoring one of the most popular girls at Storybrooke High?
Relationship: Lieutenant Duckling
Status: Complete
Tags: high school au, friends to lovers, pining, fluff
***More Than A Memory by always-been-a-pirate
Rating: M
Summary: He didn't remember much. He didn't remember her. The accident changed their lives and sent Emma into a tailspin, desperate for Killian to come back to her. But when he finally wakes up from his coma, the past six years are gone. He has no recollection of their love, but Emma refuses to give up on them. She's got her work cut out for her, but some memories are worth fighting for.
Relationship: Captain Swan
Status: Complete
Tags: married, amnesia, light smut
***Counting Down the Days by Montana-Rosalie
Rating: M
Summary: Emma is a time-traveler. Killian is always waiting for her to return.
Relationship: Captain Swan
Tags: Time travel, angst, smut
MC Canon-Divergence AUs 
***Until We Meet Again by searchingwardrobes
Rating: T
Summary: As a joke, Liam Jones pays a gypsy to show 15-year-old Killian his true love in her magic mirror. When Killian looks in the mirror, he falls through realms and time until coming face to face with a 15-year-old Emma Swan.
Relationship: Lieutenant Duckling
Status: Complete
Tags: canon-divergence, fluff
***the princess and the pirate by gingergenower
Rating: M
Summary: The curse never happened, and her royal highness Princess Emma is kidnapped by the pirates aboard the Jolly Roger. Neither side realise what they're getting themselves into.
Relationship: Captain Duckling
Status: Complete with separate epilogue
Tags: princess!emma, pirate!hook, light smut, slowish burn, kidnapping
A Toast to What If by HollyELeigh
Rating: M
Summary: Immediately following the end of WWII, Killian Jones and Emma Swan have a serendipitous meeting upon a train platform while each travels to their respective homes. When Emma’s traveling companion fails to arrive, she offers Killian her extra ticket so he isn’t forced to spend the night on a hard bench outside the station’s office. Once aboard, Emma receives devastating news - her lover has abandoned her to face her family alone with the news she is pregnant, and now, without a fiance. Moved with compassion, and a willingness to put off what is (or rather, what is not) awaiting him at home, Killian offers to go with her to face her family. They concoct a scheme to get married then have Killian “abandon” her a few weeks afterward, leaving her with no other option than to seek a divorce. A plan that will cast him as the villain and leave her somewhat blameless in her family’s eyes.
Falling in love with one another along the way wasn’t a part of the plan.
Relationship: Lieutenant Swan
Status: Complete
Tags: fake marriage AU; post WWII setting, historical, unplanned pregnancy 
Somebody that I used to know by I_should_be_doing_other_things
Rating: M
Summary: Emma and Hook’s adventure into the past took a different turn than either of them could’ve predicted, and a small overnight trip turned into two and a half years of bliss. But now they’re back. And things have changed. And he doesn’t know if he’ll be able to survive it.
Relationship: Captain Swan
Status: Complete
Tags: time-travel, hurt/comfort, pregnancy, smut
MC Enchanted Forest/No Curse AU
A Sailor’s Tale by Dreamtalker1
Rating: M
Summary: After the Dark Ones assaulted the Enchanted Forest and occupied the Royal Castle, princess Emma and her bodyguard Ruby are on the run. To stay undercover, Emma travels disguised as a boy. By accident, they find themselves on the Jolly Roger in the hands of the infamous Captain Hook as stowaways. To save Ruby's life, Emma trades herself to the pirate as a cabin boy. Keeping her secret among dangerous buccaneers, will push her beyond her limits. In order to survive, she has to overcome her insecurities and stand up for herself.
Relationship: Captain Duckling
Status: Complete
Tags: no curse, princess emma, pirate killian, stowaway, ransom, undercover, smut
Only the Beginning by 4getfulimaginator
Rating: E
Summary: When Princess Emma and Lieutenant Killian Jones are shipwrecked on an island that forces you to confront your greatest temptations and deepest desires, the sparks that have always existed between the two are sure to come to an unbridled head.
Relationship: Lieutenant Duckling
Status: Complete
Tags: no curse, shipwreck, castaways au, pwp, smut
her crowning glory by emmaofmisthaven
Rating: T
Summary: The laws are clear: to be crowned Queen of Eala, a princess has to be married. Emma has a month to find a husband, or else the crown will be snatched from her and given to the only other heir to the throne, one Killian Jones.
Relationship: Captain Swan
Status: Complete
Tags: the princess diaries au, princess!emma, prince!killian
One Shots
Theoretically by wtvoc
Rating: E
Summary: Emma's friend Killian has a reputation for sleeping around (and so does she). When he gives her a surprising gift on her thirtieth birthday, something about it unleashes the question she's been wondering for years: is he really as good as they say?
Relationship: Captain Swan
Tags: friends with benefits, smut, friends to lovers, modern au
all i want is the taste your lips allow by bisexual-killian-jones (aelover867)
Rating: M
Summary: Emma and Killian are in a pickle. They have crushes on the Cassidy cousins, but they are none-the-wiser. Enter Killian's idea of pretending to date to make Milah and Neal jealous. This couldn't possibly go wrong.
Relationship: Captain Swan
Tags: friends to lovers, modern au, fake dating
34 notes · View notes
shellseaisms · 3 months
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earthy apartment.
was really in the mood to decorate something "earthy", so here's an apartment where I tried to capture that. it has 2 bedrooms (one with a cute yet non functional balcony) an open kitchen + living area, a lil bit of exposed brick and a lot of plants. I think it's really cute and I hope you do too!
custom content used: find all cc links for this build here.
§70,867 furnished, §14,880 unfurnished
2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom
40 x 50 lot size
custom content included with package file
built in storybrook county
‣ ‎ ‎ download, more screenshots + speed build below.
‣ ‎ ‎ speed build.
‣ ‎ ‎ downloads.
furnished: package // sims3pack
place the file ending in '_library' in your library folder (documents/electronic arts/the sims 3/library) regardless of what version you choose to install. for package downloaders, the file ending in '_mods' goes in your mods folder.
note: custom content is not included with the sims3pack.
library file only (furnished, cc not included)
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178 notes · View notes