#Strategic thinking
tmarshconnors · 8 days
"It's better to endure the discomfort of the truth now than to suffer the discomfort of the lie later."
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Simon Oliver Sinek is an English-born American author and inspirational speaker on business leadership. His books include Start with Why and The Infinite Game.
Author of Bestsellers: Simon Sinek is the author of several influential books on leadership and business, including the bestsellers "Start with Why," "Leaders Eat Last," and "The Infinite Game." His books focus on inspiring leaders and organizations to think differently.
Golden Circle Concept: Sinek is well-known for his "Golden Circle" concept, introduced in his book "Start with Why." The idea emphasizes the importance of understanding "Why" an organization exists, followed by "How" it operates, and "What" it does. This concept has become a foundational principle in leadership and marketing.
Inspirational Speaker: As an inspirational speaker, Sinek has delivered numerous talks and presentations on leadership, motivation, and organizational behavior. His TED Talk, "How Great Leaders Inspire Action," is one of the most-watched TED Talks of all time, with millions of views.
Background in Anthropology: Sinek's educational background includes a degree in cultural anthropology from Brandeis University. His understanding of human behavior and culture informs much of his work on leadership and organizational dynamics.
Business Consultant: In addition to his writing and speaking engagements, Sinek works as a business consultant, helping organizations develop leadership strategies and cultivate inspiring workplace cultures. He has worked with a variety of companies, including large corporations and non-profits, to implement his leadership principles.
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easytweaks24 · 3 months
Demonstrating Initiative: Offering Solutions to Showcase Your Industry Expertise
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One of the most compelling ways to demonstrate your industry knowledge and value as a candidate is to offer practical solutions during your interview. This could be in response to a specific problem posed by the interviewer or as part of a broader discussion about industry challenges. By presenting well-informed and feasible ideas, you not only highlight your understanding of the industry but also showcase your initiative and creativity. This proactive approach can significantly enhance your reputation as a knowledgeable and forward-thinking professional.
When discussing industry challenges, it's important to frame your solutions in a way that demonstrates both your deep understanding of the issues at hand and your ability to think strategically. For instance, if the company is facing a challenge with adapting to emerging technologies, you might suggest a phased implementation plan that includes staff training, pilot programs, and feedback loops to ensure a smooth transition. This shows that you are not only aware of the technological trends but also understand the practical steps needed to integrate them effectively.
Additionally, offering solutions based on data can be particularly impactful. If the company is struggling with predicting market trends, you could propose leveraging advanced analytics tools to gather and analyze consumer data. By demonstrating how data-driven insights can help anticipate shifts in consumer behavior or identify emerging market opportunities, you position yourself as someone who can help the company stay ahead of the curve in the digital marketing world.
It's also beneficial to consider regulatory challenges the industry might be facing. If there are upcoming changes in regulations that could impact the company, offering a compliance strategy that includes regular audits, employee training, and a robust reporting system can be highly valuable. This not only shows your awareness of the regulatory environment but also your ability to develop comprehensive strategies to navigate it.
When presenting your solutions, ensure they are specific and actionable. For example, rather than suggesting "improving customer engagement," you could propose implementing a customer relationship management (CRM) system that tracks interactions and automates follow-ups. This level of detail demonstrates that you have thought through the practicalities and feasibility of your ideas.
In conclusion, offering solutions during your interview is a powerful way to demonstrate your industry expertise and strategic thinking. By presenting informed and feasible ideas, you showcase your initiative and creativity, positioning yourself as a valuable asset who can help the company navigate its challenges and seize opportunities digital world. This proactive approach not only highlights your understanding of the industry but also cements your reputation as a forward-thinking and knowledgeable candidate.
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raffaellopalandri · 8 months
A good leader
Bloganuary writing promptWhat makes a good leader?View all responses Today’s prompt could be used as a main topic for a book, and it also represents one of the most frequent questions I am asked when I support a customer. So, as I take the idea for one of my future books, I will leave you here with a very condensed answer. Photo by Anna Tarazevich on Pexels.com The Enduring Qualities of a…
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furthandassociates · 10 months
Within leadership training, a crucial but sometimes underestimated aspect involves matching personal values with the goals of the organization. This connection establishes a structure that not only directs decision-making but also cultivates a culture of purpose-driven leadership.
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joncronshawauthor · 1 year
The Art of Thievery in Fantasy Fiction: 10 Essential Skills for Success
Thieves add danger, intrigue, and excitement to any fantasy story. Here are ten essential skills that are required by fantasy thieves: 1. Pickpocketing. Thieves should be experts at lifting items from pockets, purses, and bags without being detected. 2. Lock picking. Thieves should be skilled in opening locks and disabling security systems, allowing them to infiltrate places undetected. 3.…
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dreamy-conceit · 1 year
I have difficulty sometimes talking to people who don't race sailboats.
When I was a teenager, I crewed Larchmont to Nassau on a 58-foot sloop called Cantice. There was a little piece of kelp that was stuck to the hull, and even though it was little, you don't want anything stuck to the hull.
So, I take a boat hook on a pole and I stick it in the water and I try to get the kelp off, when seven guys start screaming at me, right? 'Cause now the pole is causing more drag than the kelp was.
See, what you gotta do is you gotta drop it in and let the water lift it out in a windmill motion. Drop it in, and let the water take it by the kelp and lift it out. In, and out. In, and out, till you got it.
The voters aren't choosing a plumber, Mr. President. They are choosing a president. And if you don't think that your family should matter, my suggestion to you is to get out of professional politics.
And if you think that I'm going to miss even one opportunity to pick up half-a-knot boat speed, you're absolutely out of your mind. When it costs us nothing, when we give up nothing?! You're out of your mind.
— Bruno Gianelli (character) to President Jed Bartlett (character), 'The West Wing' s03e07
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daveinediting · 2 years
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The year so far has been about up-scaling and posting YouTube videos with custom thumbnails. Hundreds of clips with a lot more to go plus managing a database of the work done so far including the data attached to each clip, resolution, captioning, playlists, series, show of origin, geographic location, and so on.
This year so far has also been about projects carrying a lot of question marks. A lot of elements we need... but the client isn't making those elements available yet for whatever reason. A lot of questions about intent... but those questions are going unanswered so far for whatever reason.
In both circumstances, wrangling YouTube videos and dealing in question marks, prioritizing thinking is key. It's giving myself time to think through both processes because they're tricky. Because they’re complicated.
In the case of the YouTube videos, there are adjustments and improvements I’m making along the way because I gave myself time. Because I allowed myself to occasionally come up for air instead of relentlessly cranking out videos.
Don't get me wrong, cranking out videos is the point. But feedback's built into my process. My own feedback. As in Am I doing something wrong here? Is there another way I to do this this? Is there a better to do this? What have I done so far? What's still in front of me? And so on.
Here's a little story that captures the reason for these questions:
A long time ago I was creating a stop motion video using my DSLR with a shutter cable. At the beginning, I framed up the scene and then started moving figures around, snapping a picture with the shutter cable each time I advanced the scene, working this way as fast as I could. It still took a lot of time... and I was totally jazzed to see the finished work. Which turned out exactly as planned....
...until about halfway through when all my figures move quite intentionally out of frame. Just BAM. Out of frame.
I wasn't double-checking my work, you see. So I wasted about half my effort by plowing relentlessly ahead.
Actually no. I had to start over. From scratch. However, in setting everything up again, I hit on a better idea of what to do this next time around. And that lesson was not lost on me. My process is one of iteration and course correction even when it's on the fly. 
Sure, if I have to do something in one go, I can do it. My work kicks ass, though, when I take the opportunity to put more thought into what I'm doing before I do it, while I'm doing it, and afterward.
If there's the time, I take it.
If there isn't the time, I put as much thought as possible into what I'm going to do. The 48 Hour Horror Film Project was like that. I had from early afternoon Saturday 'til around three or four the next afternoon to do the edit, sound design, music integration, color correction, and coordinating with the composer and then the writer and director.
The amount of time I had was never gonna change. 
I did spend the entire week before that edit getting ready for it. 
The Real Road Adventures series was a bit the same way. We were using all new production and post production tech for these shows and spent weeks figuring out the details and setting up a process so editing would just flow once we were into the schedule.
Even my composing efforts were front loaded. The time I had to actually composed, record, arrange, and mix all the music for the series was also never gonna change... so I spent weeks beforehand logging all the virtual instruments, sounds, and sound effects I had at my disposal. I marked which were my favorites. I tagged each one according to what I imagined its use to be in the kind of series I was cutting.
That effort paid off, by the way. Whenever my brain started reaching for a different idea, those ideas were easy to manifest with sounds I already identified (ish) for such purpose.
At this point, I’ve got the YouTube process pretty well in hand (but for the ever expanding database that requires constant tending to). As for the question mark projects, well, there are clients and there are clients. Sometimes, if you’re lucky, even if they haven’t sent you the elements you need, you can conjure them. In my case, the missing elements in the script are things I can make a pretty decent educated guess at. Which is what I did. Based on my own research, I created animations that illustrate the sections of script in question.
Am I good to go?
Of course not. I’m fishing for feedback from the client. A bit of direction.
I’m also strategizing a little with other undefined parts of the script that I’ll have a go at for similar reasons. To give the client something to see. Because that’s how it is with some clients. They have to have something they can see before they can start guiding you in the right direction.
The year’s starting with brain-teaser projects.
Not impossible. Not chaos. Not frustrating.
I’ve just...
Gotta think my way through.
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promopirate · 2 days
"Mad Men" emphasizes the value of creativity in advertising. The characters create campaigns that emotionally connect with their target audience, demonstrating how effective advertisements tap into emotions, fears, and goals. This educates advertising professionals and copywriters the value of storytelling, human behavior, and the importance of innovation in a competitive market.
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The series emphasizes the need of strategic thought in creating great campaigns through messaging and persuasion. Advertising is not only about the product, but also how it is positioned. The show emphasizes the necessity of conducting research, understanding your target audience, and using compelling language. Copywriters can learn how to mix emotional appeal with a clear, strategic message that prompts action, resulting in memorable and impactful campaigns.
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creativables · 14 days
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🧠💡 We explore a powerful way to harness your creativity in our latest issue—Magazine Issue 6.
To download Creativables Issue 6
To read Creativables Issue 6 online, visit: https://bit.ly/cm-6-online
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meeraqindia · 15 days
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kids-worldfun · 20 days
Tips for Getting Your Kids Into Board Games
Board games are enjoyable, exciting, and perfect for keeping kids occupied. They also contribute immensely to kids’ development, for instance, in their thinking, language development, and turn-taking. Thus, board games are a form of innovative learning that does more than just occupy and entertain kids. However, kids can only benefit from playing board games if they get some sort of enjoyment out…
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gpstudios · 1 month
Mastering Focus: Lessons from Chess Applied to Life
Focus is crucial in both chess and life, guiding strategic decisions and achieving goals. Explore how the mental discipline required in chess translates to success in everyday challenges and personal growth.
The Power of Focus: Lessons from Chess and Life Focus is a fundamental skill that underpins success in many areas of life. In chess, it’s the key to anticipating opponents’ moves and executing a winning strategy. In life, focus helps us set and achieve our goals, navigate challenges, and maintain productivity. By examining how focus operates in chess and applying those principles to daily…
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World in Upheaval
Many Americans are frighteningly uneducated and ignorant when it comes to international issues and history - because they often know and consider nothing else except their own country, culture and history. This „Ego orientation“ - often combined with excessive nationalism ("God's Own Country") also blocks the way to self-reflection…and maybe proper behavior abroad. Donald Trump is a telling example of this characteristic.
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Trump pushes Prime Minister of Montenegro aside
„Most Americans are close to total ignorance about the world. They are ignorant. That is an unhealthy condition in a country in which foreign policy has to be endorsed by the people if it is to be pursued. And it makes it much more difficult for any president to pursue an intelligent policy that does justice to the complexity of the world.“
-Zbigniew Brzezinzki - the former US National Security Advisor of President Jimmy Carter
On my 2nd trip through Australia with an international tour group made up of Brits, Americans, Dutch, Danes, French, Germans, Japanese and of course Australians, I also took part in a sailing trip through the beautiful Whitsunday Islands. Our Australian skipper said the following telling words (this was at the end of the 90s): “I don't need to travel because I already live in one of the most beautiful places in the world - and the whole world is coming aboard my boat. Among those who come, the Americans are often the least likeable - because back at their home everything is always nicer, bigger, higher, better!“
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This statement surprised me at the time - since America was always seen as the positive and shining role model for the world. But I guess, that our Australian skipper also had the opportunity to make an educated, direct comparison.
This statement also prompted me to draw parallels with our own German history, because we Germans once began to behave in the same way when Germany was unified at the end of the 19th century. Due to success in economy, science and technology, a rapid cultural development and growing military strength many Germans thought that they were superior to others and could dominate them. Hypernationalism is a bad attitude - and pride often comes before decline. Germany had to discover the hard way that if you want to enforce your interests against the will of many others (e.g. your neighbors), you will encounter great resistance - especially if you use armed force. If you are looking for confrontation, it helps to have strong alliances, persistence, and the necessary strength to be victorious. Germany has reflected and processed those dark times and is embedded in the EU today. There you learn to see the world through the eyes of your multicultural partners and to make compromises.
After World War II, America was the biggest beneficiary of the conflict. The country was not destroyed, suffered only moderate loss of life and was well equipped militarily. It was the only nation to have nuclear weapons. From this position, the USA was able to shape the world to its liking - also because its intentions were viewed as “noble and honest”. The USA went about it quite cleverly: it avoided direct confrontation with the new opponents (Soviet Union and China), only waged a series of (often less successful) proxy wars - but was at least able to contain its opponents. Ultimately, the USA emerged victorious from the East-West conflict (“cold war”). The reason was the economic superiority of „the West“ - this important pact that the USA forged after World War II. The friendly countries (especially the “Western industrialized countries”) largely left the international arena to the USA and accepted the dollar as the international reserve currency - in return they were supported by the USA in rebuilding their destroyed countries or benefited from the USA as the “engine of the world economy”. This was not just an act of philanthropy, but rather the USA was securing its investments made during World War II. In particular, the dollar as the reserve currency is a major advantage: it allows the USA to finance itself purely by printing money - as long as the dollar remains recognized in this function. For decades it was a win-win situation for everyone of the „Western Alliance“.
However, times have changed considerably in the meantime:
Since the fall of the Soviet Union the USA is acting more and more openly as a hegemon for whom international law and values only count when it is advantageous (invasion of Iraq, „America First“) - and is questioning old partnerships (especially Trump). As a result, some countries (also important emerging economies) have already turned away from the USA towards China.
Europe is also learning that it will have to take more care of its own security in future since the USA does not seem to be a reliable partner anymore. But from a position of economic and! military strength, the EU will also be able to formulate its own positions more confidently in future. The process of military rearmament and consolidation will certainly take some time.
Russia and China in particular have strengthened economically and militarily and are now openly challenging the USA in its leading position. The invasion of Ukraine and China's expansion in the South China Sea are nothing other than testing the determination of the USA.
But that's not all: through the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), Russia, China and, more recently, Iran have formed a counterbalance to the world order initiated by the USA after World War II. The aim of this partnership is to break the dominance of the USA and the US Dollar. The old East-West conflict is back - however today's opponents are more cunning and stronger than yesterday's. Perhaps the Americans need their "old partners" today more than ever, because these "old adversaries" have one thing in particular in common: grievance!
"Potentially, the most dangerous scenario would be a grand coalition of China, Russia, and perhaps Iran, an "anti-hegemonic" coalition united not by ideology but by complementary grievances. It would be reminiscent in scale and scope of the challenge once posed by the Sino-Soviet bloc, though this time China would likely be the leader and Russia the follower."
-Zbigniew Brzezinzki
Hard times ahead - and Trump due to his character is probably the wrong person to build and strengthen the necessary alliances to face this threat. On the contrary - he wants to leave NATO.
-Simplicius Simplicissimus
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manasastuff-blog · 2 months
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"International Chess Day"#trending#viral#chessday
The Secret to Strategic Thinking! Chess is more than just a game; it's a powerful tool that sharpens your mind and enhances strategic thinking. Celebrating International Chess Day brings to light the myriad benefits of this ancient game. From boosting cognitive abilities to improving problem-solving skills, chess offers something for everyone. we delve into the significance of International Chess Day and explore how chess can transform your mental acuity, whether you're a student looking to improve academically, a professional seeking better decision-making skills, or someone aiming to keep their mind sharp. Join us as we uncover the hidden benefits of chess and share tips on how you can incorporate this fascinating game into your daily routine.
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Compatible: Science, Religion & Your Life
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