#Stray kids 10th member
staytinyzen01 · 8 months
Outfit Meltdowns.
Stray Kids 9/10th member au
Jiah X Chan and Lee Know
A/N: I am autistic. I wrote this piece and any future pieces with my own personal experiences. This piece is in no way made to make fun of people who have autism.
warning: autistic meltdown
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Jiah was nervous. They were at an award show to perform My Pace, and the stylists were showing her the outfit she was going to wear. She wasn't going to lie, but the idea of wearing a skirt to perform scared her. Admittedly, she had said she wanted to try something new, but Jiah meant slightly more in tune with the others' outfits, not doing a 180 on the style and especially a skirt that would limit her dancing room. She put the outfit on anyway
She sighed and got out of the changing room to speak to a stylist. She could feel herself getting worked up at the skirt and the feeling of the scratchy fabric against her skin. to speak to a stylist. She could feel herself getting worked up at the skirt and the feeling of the scratchy fabric against her skin. "I'm sorry to disturb you. However, this skirt is too tight. The fabric is itchy and just looking at my skin, it is red. It isn't going to last a minute of full choreography. Is there a way to get it changed to something else?"
The stylists shook their heads. "At the meeting when we talked about your outfits and the possibility of trying something new, the company bought the skirts and that is the only clothing available for you.
"Jiah just sighed and nodded. Thanking them anyway before turning back to the dressing room with the other guys. She braced herself as she knew they would comment on it due to skirts being out of character for her. She just focused on keeping calm, attempting to stop herself from ripping it off her body.
Minho was the first to see her, he was on the same side as her and the others were in the room next door. He saw her frowning slightly before noticing that she had her legs showing which was out of the norm for her. He eyed her a bit more before heading to her.
“Are you okay? You don’t look happy.”
Jiah just shook her head, her hands wiping her skirt repeatedly as they felt clammy. She began to start pacing and biting her lip trying to focus on anything but the skirt she had been put in. Minho grew increasingly more concerned at the youngest member and moved so he gripped Jiah’s arm to try and bring her comfort but she flinched away and began to hyperventilate a little. She was trying to keep her cool and bit down on her lip harder. She didn’t realise that she had made it bleed. 
“Melody, can you hear me?” Minho questioned, he was quickly growing more panicked. All Jiah could hear was white noise as she continued to pace, she stopped wiping her hands and had started flapping them at her side instead. Occasionally she tapped each of her fingers individually before returning to flapping them. Minho shouted for one of the boys to help and it was Chan that came through. He was about to question what the matter was but he saw Jiah pacing and Minho stood to the side and immediately asked what was going on. He grabbed his phone ready to google ways to help with whatever was going on. 
“I don’t know what is really going on, she came out of the dressing room, spoke to a stylist and has been like this ever since. She has bit her lip so hard it started bleeding and has been flapping and pacing. She started hyperventilating a couple of minutes ago. I tried to get her attention but it’s like she couldn’t hear me. I touched her arm and she flinched like I had burnt her and continued what she was doing. I really don’t know what is going on or how to help her.” 
Chan nodded and typed up what was going on. “The internet says it is stimming? Or possibly a melt down but both go with autism. It says to reduce any sensory stimuli. Turn off the lights and shut the door. Grab your headphones and put them in her ears and then scoop her up in a blanket. We don’t have a weighted one so just hug her tight. I will speak to the manager about this as we need to know officially what is going on.”
Minho nods and whips into action, doing what Chan said. He found a plain blanket and rushed to turn off the lights and shut the door as quietly as possible. The sudden lack of bright lights caused Jiah to stop for a second. That allowed for Minho to put his headphones on Jiah’s head. He came up behind her and stretched the blanket out and wrapped it around her body, pulling her close and hugging her tight. He stood there for a few minutes and just cooed quietly to try and get her to calm down.
Her rigid body slowly relaxed and they lowered to the floor where he pulled her into his lap and held her like a baby. He saw her lip still trapped in between her teeth and gently pried it out, wiping the blood with his sleeve. Jiah blinked and slowly the room came back into focus. She looked up at Minho, who was cradling her to his chest and looking at Chan who was googling on his phone. She tugged on his shirt gently and Minho looked down to her, he smiled slightly at her. 
“Hey baby, you back with us?” She just nods and pulls the blanket tighter around her body. She sniffles slightly but is a lot calmer than before. Chan moves closer and crouches in front of Minho and Jiah, stroking her hair slightly.
“Hey sweetheart. How are you feeling? When you are ready we can talk, yeah? We have quite a bit of time before we need to be on stage so we can just relax.” She nods and gives him a grateful smile. She waited a few more minutes before adjusting herself in Minho’s lap so her back was against his chest.
“I’m sorry for worrying you. I don’t even know what fully happened. I spoke to the stylist about the skirt I am wearing. The fabric is itchy and hurting me and that’s all I could focus on. I don’t remember anything up until a couple of minutes ago where Minho oppa and I were on the floor.” 
Chan shook his head as Minho stroked her hair. “It’s okay. We just need to know, has that happened before? Has anyone spoken to you about autism? Just so we know what is going on and how we can go about helping in the future.”
Jiah shook her head. “No, I don’t think that has happened before. If it has, you would have to ask my parents. And autism? No but once again my parents would be the only people who could tell you but the likelihood they will tell you anything, doesn’t exist as they disowned me. Minho Oppa’s family took me in and are waiting for all my information to come through.”
Chan just nods. “Well we can get you out of the skirt and into trousers as I know I.N had trousers spare as his stylist couldn’t decide and we will get the JYP lawyers to chase up that information. If you don’t have a diagnosis, would you like to go through with getting one. That way the company and managers can help as well to make sure we prevent this from happening again.”
Jiah nods and Chan smiles. Minho placed a kiss on the side of her head before moving to get up.
“Take the skirt off and wrap the blanket around you. We can grab the trousers and then the makeup artists can help your lip. Everything is going to be okay.” Minho stated as he and Chan turned and left the room.
Jiah did as she was told and was soon more comfortable and headed to the boys room. She was tired and headed to where I.N was laying on a cooling mat on the floor. She laid next to him and slowly dozed off. Chan was speaking to the manager and Minho was eyeing Jiah to make sure she was okay, messaging his parents to let them know what was happening.Soon the time to perform came and it went perfectly and they soon headed back to the dorms to rest.
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skz-purinz · 9 months
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☆゚*・。*・:≡. Stray Kids is a South Korean co-ed band formed by JYP Entertainment through the 2017 reality show of the same name. The group is composed of 10 members: Bang Chan, Lee Know, Changbin, Hyunjin, Chaewon, Han, Felix, Seungmin, Yunjin, and I.N. and former member Woojin, who departed from the group.
♡...purinz masterlist
taglist (1/50) @mynameisnotlaura
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darkstar225 · 11 months
Twice's 10th member is Stray Kids's Bang Chan bestie
A/N: Heyyy, I'm trying to make up for the time I'm gone lol! Sry for taking so long to post :D I hope that my friend ChloDavids who gave me this idea on Wattpad likes it!
The request: Can I request for the 10th member of twice being the only one that can tell Bang Chan (skz) to go to sleep and he can only do it if she cuddles him
PS: Tysm for everyone who reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3
The soft hum of the city outside filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle glow in the room where Y/N sat, engrossed in her book. It was one of those rare nights when everyone else in the dorm was out, leaving her alone in the tranquillity of her thoughts. As the tenth and youngest member of TWICE, the girl had learned to appreciate moments of solitude amidst the chaos of their bustling lives.
Suddenly, the door creaked open, and Bang Chan of Stray Kids stepped inside, his tall figure silhouetted against the hallway lights. Y/N looked up from her book, her eyes widening in surprise.
Bang Chan - Hey, Y/N... Everyone's still out, huh? *tired smile on his lips* 
Y/N nodded, marking her page and closing the book. 
Y/N - Yeah, seems like it. What about you? Where's the rest of Stray Kids?
Bang Chan sighed, running a hand through his dishevelled hair. 
Bang Chan - They went out for a late-night snack, but I decided to stay back. I'm beat.
Y/N chuckled, patting the empty spot on the couch next to her. 
Y/N - Come, sit. You look like you could use a break.
He gratefully sank into the couch, his eyes reflecting a mixture of exhaustion and gratitude. TWICE's angel studied him for a moment, her heart warming at the sight of her best friend. They had become inseparable since their early trainee days, forming a bond that transcended the typical idol friendships. Bang Chan was like the older brother she never had, and she was the sister he always wanted.
Y/N - Rough day? *voice laced with concern while frowning*
He nodded, letting out a long exhale. 
Bang Chan - Yeah, we had a hectic schedule. And with all the comebacks and variety shows, it's been non-stop.
Y/N could relate. The life of an idol was demanding, and the constant pressure could be overwhelming. She reached for a blanket, draping it over Chan's shoulders.
Y/N - Maybe you just need a good night's sleep. And lucky for you, I'm the sleep expert around here. *mischievous glint in her eyes* 
Chan arched an eyebrow, a hint of amusement in his tired eyes. 
Bang Chan - Sleep expert, huh? What does that entail?
Y/N grinned, leaning closer. 
Y/N - It means you listen to me, and I tell you exactly what you need to do to get a perfect night's sleep.
He chuckled, playing along. 
Bang Chan - Alright, hit me with your expert advice.
She pointed to the blanket. 
Y/N - Step one, get comfortable. You look like you've been carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. Let it go for now.
Chan followed her advice, sinking deeper into the couch and allowing the fatigue to settle in. Y/N moved to step two.
Y/N - Step two, close your eyes. I mean, they're practically half-closed already. *teasing smile*
He obliged, shutting his eyes with a contented sigh. Y/N observed him for a moment, her heart softening at the sight of her friend finding solace in the quiet of the room.
Y/N - Step three, imagine the most peaceful place you can think of. Somewhere serene, away from the chaos of the world. *dropping her voice to a hushed tone*
Chan's lips curved into a faint smile as he envisioned a tranquil scene in his mind. TWICE's lovebug could almost see the tension leaving his body, the weariness replaced by a semblance of peace.
Y/N - Alright, last step... This is the secret ingredient, so pay attention. *whispering while leaning even closer*
Chan cracked one eye open, a playful glint in his gaze. 
Bang Chan - I'm all ears.
The younger girl's lips curled into a mischievous smile. 
Y/N - You need a cuddle buddy.
His eyebrow shot up in surprise. 
Bang Chan - A cuddle buddy?
Y/N - Yes, and lucky for you, I happen to be an expert cuddler. It's scientifically proven to enhance the quality of sleep. Trust me, I read it in a magazine once. *nodding solemnly*
Chan burst into laughter, the sound echoing in the quiet room. 
Bang Chan - You're unbelievable, sis. But I guess I could use some expert cuddling right now.
TWICE's youngest grinned, moving closer and enveloping him in a warm embrace. They settled into a comfortable position on the couch, the blanket providing an extra layer of cosiness. As she held him, Y/N could feel the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest, a sign that the sleep expert's methods were working.
Bang Chan - You're not so bad at this. *mumbling with his eyes still closed*
Y/N - Hey, I'm the best. Now, close your eyes and let the magic happen. *playfully winks*
They sat in comfortable silence, the room bathed in the soft glow of the city lights outside. Y/N couldn't help but marvel at the unique bond they shared, transcending the boundaries of fame and success. At that moment, she was simply Y/N, the girl with the uncanny ability to make even the most exhausted idol find peace in the simplicity of a quiet night.
As Chan's breathing deepened and his grip on reality loosened, TWICE's snowflake couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. She had the power to bring solace to those she cared about, a gift she cherished in the whirlwind of their idol lives.
The room remained serene for some hours, a sanctuary against the relentless pace of the idol life outside. However, just as the peace settled, the dorm door swung open, revealing the returning members of TWICE. Sana, Momo, and Dahyun entered first, their laughter echoing through the hallway. However, their joy dissolved into surprise as they spotted Y/N and Bang Chan on the couch.
Sana gasped dramatically, clasping her hands together. 
Sana - Oh my God! What is this, a scandal?
Momo grinned, nudging Dahyun. 
Momo - Looks like our kiddo has a secret admirer.
Dahyun - And a famous one, at that. *waggling her eyebrows*
The duo stirred at the commotion, their eyes fluttering open. Chan yawned, blinking away the remnants of sleep, while Y/N shot the incoming storm of teasing looks from her fellow TWICE unnies.
Bang Chan - What's all this noise about? *voice husky with sleep*
Jihyo playfully gasped, placing a hand on her chest. 
Jihyo - Our dear baby here has been caught red-handed, cuddling with none other than Bang Chan! I demand an explanation.
Nayeon joined in the theatrics. 
Nayeon - Is this a new couple alert? Should we prepare for a scandal?
TWICE's sweetheart rolled her eyes, nudging Chan as she freed herself from the embrace. 
Y/N - It's not what it looks like. He's just tired, and I was helping him relax. Right, Chan?
Chan nodded, rubbing his eyes. 
Bang Chan - Yeah, Y/N/N here is the sleep expert, apparently.
Jeongyeon feigned shock. 
Jeongyeon - A sleep expert? Do share your wisdom with us, honey. We could use some beauty sleep too.
Mina - Yeah, darling. I need some tips too! *giggles*
The maknae sighed, standing up and stretching. 
Y/N - You guys are impossible. I was just trying to help a friend.
Chaeyoung winked at Bang Chan. 
Tzuyu - A friend, huh? We'll leave you two alone then. Don't let us interrupt your beauty sleep.
As the members of TWICE retreated, leaving Y/N and Chan to their own devices, the youngest couldn't help but shake her head in amusement. The dorm was always filled with laughter and playful banter, creating a family-like atmosphere among the members.
Bang Chan yawned again, his exhaustion evident in the lines of his face. 
Bang Chan - Thanks for that, Y/N. I really needed it.
Y/N - Anytime, Chan. You're like a big brother to me, you know that? *smiles while ruffling his hair affectionately*
Bang Chan - And you're like the annoying little sister I never asked for. *grinning with his tired eyes lighting up*
The young girl chuckled, playfully pushing him. 
Y/N - Love you too, bro.
The two friends shared a comfortable moment, the teasing banter of TWICE fading into the background. As Y/N settled back into the couch, Bang Chan joined her, and they found themselves immersed in a quiet conversation. The room, once again, embraced the calm of the night, the city outside humming a lullaby to its tired inhabitants.
And so, in the quiet hours of the night, the brother and sister duo found comfort in each other's presence. As Y/N watched over her slumbering best friend and slowly fell asleep, the girl couldn't help but think that sometimes, the best remedy for an exhausted soul was a good friend and a little bit of expert cuddling.
And this made her have one thought:
I'll love my dear chosen family forever.
A/N: I'm sorry for any errors. English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there is something wrong, ty for reading <3
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jenskpopadditons · 1 year
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my name is jennie :)
im 18 yrs old
im a multi stan who ults txt, enhypen, ive, & bts
i make additions for fun and enjoy interacting with other people <3
i try to keep my place a safe space for anyone, if anything here ever makes anyone feel uncomfortable do not hesitate to msg me about it :)
feel free to ask anything about my ocs or whatever !
oc boy group 6us !
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giddyfatherchris · 2 months
a movie i've seen before
pairing. bang chan x reader
type. angst (-y ish?)
warnings. none
word count. 2.3k
a/n. i have been working on this for quiiiite some time now and i feel so nervous to finally post it!! this will be a series of max 4 parts, i really really hope you guys will like it and if anyone is interested to be in a tag list for this pls just lemme know, hope you’ll enjoy mwah xxx
big fat huge DISCLAIMER: i have nothing against idols dating and i sure hope for them that they do if they want to!!! but for the sake of this story none of the boys have had a huge dating experience. i also do know its probably very unlikely that someone working on the staff could date any of them but like... chill its just fiction :)
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You remember with great detail your first day working at JYP Entertainment and the first time you met him.
It was a beautiful spring day. The sun was shining bright in the blue sky. The wind was soft and warm as it whirled around you, carrying a sweet lilac scent. You were nervous but oh so excited. A warm feeling grew in your body as you walked confidently to the big windowed building. It was your first day as a communication and social relations intern at JYP Entertainment, one of the most successful idol companies. You remember walking through the big doors, mesmerized by the environment surrounding you. You walked to the front desk, presented yourself, and politely asked for directions. The receptionist bowed and lifted a finger in the air, signaling she would be free in a short moment. You honestly did not mind waiting. It gave you more time to appreciate the fancy interior of your future place of work. Your idle admiration halted when you noticed him standing next to you.
He wore a black cap, a face mask, and a cross-body bag hung on his shoulder. He was wearing black sweats with a black cardigan.
"I'm sorry. I couldn't help but hear you are a new worker for JYP Entertainment. I'm also heading that way. I'll show you," he suggested with a polite smile.
You followed him to the elevator, to the 10th level of the building, and only stopped when you were facing a massive dark wooden door. He wished you good luck before promptly leaving. You watched him as he disappeared around the corner and tried to make sense of the interaction you just had. He was very polite and asked a few questions about your new position. His voice seemed familiar although you couldn't pinpoint its owner. The easy going conversation he provided helped you calm down and think of something else, which was very welcome in your situation. With a deep breath, you focused on the purpose of your visit and knocked.
"Y/n, you should pay for the meal since we've done such a great job at the last event!" screamed an overexcited Han, heavily supported by Changbin.
You were in a small bar with Minho, Hyunjin, Changbin, Han, Felix, Seungmin, and Jeongin. You decided to go for a celebratory night out to highlight a few successes you had collected. It had been a year since that famous day you first stepped into the JYP entertainment building. Long gone was the stress, the discomfort, and the hesitation. Ever since that first day, you became a valued member of the Stray Kids staff. Your ability to speak three languages, various degrees, and experiences in human resources and public relations secured you a place in the team. Your three-month internship quickly evolved to a six-month one until they offered you a contractual job. Today, you finally got a permanent position as the assistant manager of Stray Kids, and you felt like your heart might explode with joy.
"I'm the one who just got the job. Shouldn't you be paying for me? Plus, it will be much less expensive," you argued teasingly. Honestly, you could care less if you had to pay for that crazy bunch or even the whole bar. YOU HAD GOTTEN THE JOB!!!
"I wouldn't say that. You eat as much as all eight of us," countered Changbin with an annoyed pout. Everybody around the small table laughed at his comment, knowing he wasn't lying.
"Hey! We will pay for Y/n. She deserves it. Congratulations on the job! Please eat and drink as much as you want." Finally settled Felix with a smile.
They all cheered for you before putting various plates and drinks in your hands. You laughed until your cheeks cramped, and you felt like you would never catch your breath. The night was merry and joyful. You felt so grateful for these amazing people you now had the chance to call friends. Still, your happiness could not be complete with the missing presence of one of the members. You swallowed back your disappointment and focused on the people surrounding you.
After your meal, you all went to the dorms to continue your celebration in a more private setting. Upon your arrival, you noticed Chan still wasn't home. You couldn't help a sharp pain from piercing through your stomach. But once again, you ignored it, put on some comfortable clothes, and joined the loud boys in the common room.
"Has anyone seen Chan hyung?" asked Jeongin as he settled on the couch between Hyunjin and Han.
"I think he's still in the studio," answered Felix with a side look in your direction. You acted as if you didn't notice, even if you weren't fooling him.
The group decided to play a game of truth or dare. Faithful to Stray Kids' brand, the game was incredibly chaotic. The questions were steamy, and the dares were very challenging. For example, when Changbin was dared to lick Lee Know's foot, to both their utmost horror. The group erupted in screams when Chang Bin dramatically pulled Lee Know's sock before barely darting out his tongue on the dancer's foot. It was your turn once everybody calmed down, and Binnie washed his tongue with soap.
"Truth or dare?" asked Chang Bin.
"Truth," you responded without hesitation. "After what I've just seen, I'm way too scared to do a dare." The boys giggled as your buff friend thought about a question to ask.
"Is it true you once talked back to JYP?" He cautiously asked. You rolled your eyes at the question you should have been expecting.
"I'm not sure if I should tell the truth..." You hesitated.
"Oh! Oh! If you're not sure, it means it's true!" screamed Han with a finger pointed at you. You hid your face with embarrassment before you resigned.
"I will neither deny nor confirm this rumor. But I will say, JYP makes a funny face when he realizes he's wrong," you added mischievously. Your answer was all it took for the group to burst into chaotic excitement once more.
"Now, my turn. Hyunjin, truth or dare?" he answered the first, probably also traumatized from Bin's dare. You fidgeted with your fingers before speaking. "Between the eight of you, who would you say has the most dating experience?"
The group of boys fell silent for a second before exploding with laughter. Out of all their possible reactions you had not been expecting that one.
"What? I didn't know that was such a humorous question," you asked, surprised. Han had fallen from the couch and was silently wheezing on the floor.
"Y/n, you're talking to twenty-something boys who have been trainees and idols for most of their young adult lives. Do you think any of us has experience dating?" he answered after catching his breath. His face was still slightly red, and you weren't convinced he wouldn't start laughing again. "We did have a few experiences here and there, but nothing very serious."
You looked around, surprised. It did make sense, but Stray Kids was such a high-energy group. Without mentionning the fact that they were all so handsome, nice and charming human beings. You sincerely thought some of them had had serious partners.
"Our only partners have been STAYS," added Changbin while lifting his glass for a cheer to their loyal fans. The rest of the group nodded accordingly.
"Really? Even Chan?"
This time, your friends all looked at each other with a chuckle.
Minho glanced at you with a suspicious expression. "Why do you ask that?"
You tried to restrain the heat spreading on your cheeks from alerting them of your true intentions. "Well, he is the oldest, and Chan is so... approachable. I thought if someone might have at least a little more experience it's him," you smoothly argued.
"Well, you are wrong. Even if we barely have any, Chan's the worst of us," added Hyunjin with a look around his brothers.
Suddenly bored with the subject, the group picked up on the game again. You observed them silently, so many questions still dancing around your head. The seat next to you bent as Felix joined you with a knowing look.
"So, Bang Chan," he started with his deep voice.
"I was just asking for the game. I swear." Pink colored your cheeks, and this time, you couldn't hide it.
The member who had become one of your best friends stared at you unimpressed. He sighed, "Chan is the worst of us because he never takes time off. You are right. He's approachable, nice, and everything you want, but it never goes past a certain level." He took a moment to think before he continued, "You know how hard Chan works, right?" you nodded. Everybody knew. "And you know how he has a hard time sleeping, how stressed he is, how much pressure he puts on himself?" You nodded again, this time much more somberly. "Still, he never bothers anyone with his problems? He keeps on showing up. Chan's a very private person. He will be nice to you, but he's very guarded about what he goes through. I'm not sure why. Anyway, that is a big obstacle to surpass if you want to have a special someone in your life. Plus, I don't think he even notices people giving him that kind of attention. He's so shy about it. Sometimes, I think he forgets that there's a whole wide world apart from our idol's existence."
You silently processed all that new information. "Do you think that's also why he forgot about tonight?" you finally asked. The words had been hanging at your lips, but it hurt to admit he forgot about your special night. He had been so supportive ever since you started at the company. His absence had hurt way more than you would care to admit.
Felix let out a defeated sigh before wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
"You know him. He's been in a creative slump. Inspiration probably struck tonight, and the rest of the world ceased to exist. It's nothing against you," he squeezed your shoulder in an attempt at confort.
"I know, it just means I'm nothing special to him either," you muttered.
Felix was the only one who knew of your year-long crush on Chan. He was observant and quickly noticed how flushed you turned whenever the oldest member was around. But how could you not like him? You had once argued with Felix. He was so thoughtful and caring. His laugh had the power to brighten up your days in a second. He was always the one to try and make you giggle when you were frustrated or sad. For a whole year now, you had been watching over each other as you worked your asses off for the company. You liked and admired Chan for the whole person he was.
"You know it's more than that. Still, I understand your pain. What do you say about a bunch of brownies to fix your aching heart?" he suggested with a sweet smile.
"Did I hear brownies?" suddenly roared Changbin.
Your baking session was incredibly messy, cluttered, and fun. Han, Changbin, and Jeongin were the DJs in a corner while Felix, Seugmin, and you were on baking duty. Minho and Hyunjin were responsible for decorating the baked batch of brownies and even prepared one for you with candles.
"To celebrate your amazing promotion!" they cheered with proud smiles.
The boys gathered around while you blew the candles and once your wish was made they engulfed you in a hug until you couldn't breathe.
It was 1:00 am when Chan finally appeared. The boys were already in bed while you were cleaning up a little, unable to sleep. You lifted your head in surprise when you heard someone enter the room. Your eyes fell on a very tired-looking Bang Chan. His hair was sticking up, probably from running his hand through it too much. He was still wearing his practice sweats, and his bare face was annoyingly good-looking. He looked around the room, confused, until his gaze fell on the pieces of brownies left with a bit of "Congratulations Y/n!" frosting. Suddenly, his eyes went up two sizes.
"Oh no. Did I forget your celebratory night?"
You scrunched your face and stopped what you were doing. "Might have, but don't worry. You didn't miss much. We just went out, played games, and then decided to bake some brownies."
"Y/n, I'm so sorry." His hand went up to squeeze his head. "I got an idea for a new song and lost track of time."
You lifted your shoulders as if it meant nothing to you. Set on not letting him see you disappointed. "It's okay Chan," you whispered while keeping on cleaning.
"No, it's not. Come here." He shuffled to you with his big hands stretched out, a look of guilt on his face. You let him hug you for a second before you tried pulling back. "Let me hug you properly. Don't be stubborn," he whined.
You finally gave up and allowed his arms to properly wrap around you. A few inches taller, his head rested on yours, and you let yourself be engulfed by his warmth and the comfort it brought you until you pulled away again. These things with Chan were dangerous, especially after your conversation with Felix. You realized you couldn't allow your feelings to grow too much. Even if it wasn't directly because of you, Bang Chan did not have the space in his life for love, and you were not the person who would make him change his mind. You had to keep the damages to a minimum. He whined again as you separated from him, not quite understanding. You were usually never one to refuse a hug.
"I'm gonna go to bed." You finally stated without adding another word. Leaving was the best choice as you knew how thin your resolve grew whenever Christopher Bahng Chan was in your orbit.
He watched you leaving, not understanding why he suddenly felt so uneasy. The expression he saw on your face was foreign to him.
"You messed up on this one hyung."
He turned to look at the owner of the deep baritone voice he just heard. Felix was standing in the doorway with his arms crossed on his chest.
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multifandomkpop3 · 6 months
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Lack Of Affection
Warnings: Fluff, sulking, one kiss, comfort, pda (in front of txt), jealousy, silent treatment
Pairing: Txt Yeonjun x Gn! Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Au: Idol x Idol Relationship
Summary: You and Yeonjun find yourselves at an awards ceremony alongside your respective groups when you engage in conversation with Stray Kids. However, Yeonjun is noticeably displeased, as he typically receives minimal attention or affection from you at such events.
Author’s Note: I saw a video of Yeonjun sulking and had to make a story about him being sulky!
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A few weeks ago, your group unveiled their 10th comeback after a prolonged period of rest and recovery. As a result, you find yourself in the promotional phase of your comeback, attending various award and music shows alongside other idol groups, notably Stray Kids and TXT, who also made their comebacks around the same time.
You were immensely pleased to spend time with these two groups, considering Stray Kids as your closest companions and your boyfriend Yeonjun being a member of TXT, with whom you share a strong bond.
Dating rumors between you and Yeonjun surfaced some time ago, despite your two-year relationship. Both your management companies swiftly refuted these rumors and enforced measures to keep you apart in public to prevent any further speculation. Consequently, you and your members were intentionally seated apart from TXT during public events, limiting interactions to backstage areas away from prying cameras.
This enforced distance initially strained your relationship with Yeonjun, necessitating careful observation in public settings. However, over time, you and Yeonjun found solace in the situation and devised ways to maintain intimacy while keeping your relationship discreet.
Another development during this time was the bond formed with Stray Kids. Fans began to see you together more often and expressed a desire for collaboration, which your companies swiftly arranged. Following the collaboration, your companies changed their approach, allowing closer interactions between your groups, in contrast to the treatment of TXT.
Today, you found yourself seated with Stray Kids at an award show where you were scheduled to perform. Bangchan sat beside you, with the other members on the opposite side. As usual, you relaxed and watched the show while engaging in sporadic conversations with those around you.
Unbeknownst to you, Yeonjun couldn't tear his eyes away from you. Seated above the arena with the rest of TXT, he watched you happily interact with Stray Kids while feeling powerless to join in. His longing for you weighed heavily on him, knowing he couldn't openly express his love amidst public scrutiny.
As Yeonjun continued to watch you, his members noticed his fixation and attempted to console him, acknowledging his feelings of helplessness.
"Yeonjun hyung, they're just conversing," Beomgyu said, pulling Yeonjun out of his reverie.
"No, they're laughing together, just as they do with me, and I can't do anything about it," Yeonjun mumbled, his gaze softening and his lip pouting.
"Hyung, as the oldest of the group, you seem to sulk a lot," Soobin remarked, turning to Yeonjun and noticing his saddened expression.
"Shut up, Soobin," Yeonjun replied, continuing to sulk as he focused his attention on you, only to find you gone.
After finishing your conversation with I.N, you and your group were called backstage to prepare for your performance. As you were in the back, you received a text from Yeonjun asking where you went. Confused, you replied, explaining that you were changing for the stage. Yeonjun's response, "I hope you had fun talking to I.N. for so long," left you perplexed, as you didn't realize he could see you. You reply with a what, but with no further reply. You continued with your preparations, leaving the unanswered questions swirling in your mind.
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It's been a while since your performance, and as you're getting undressed and settling in, thoughts about Yeonjun's message continue to occupy your mind. Why would he suddenly say that? Does he have an issue with me talking to I.N? Why didn't he respond? Is he feeling jealous? The unanswered questions weigh heavily on you, and the lack of answers only adds to your stress.
As the rest of your team starts to wrap up, an overwhelming urge to find Yeonjun and seek clarification consumes you. Despite not being impulsive by nature, the desire to ensure his well-being compels you to act. Without a word to your team, you hastily grab your phone and rush out of the dressing room, determined to locate Yeonjun.
In your search, you unexpectedly encounter one of TXT's managers, whom you often converse with.
"Y/n?" the manager calls out, noting your somewhat flustered demeanor.
"Hey, M/N," you respond with a smile, grateful for the chance encounter.
"Are you looking for Yeonjun? You seem a bit lost," the manager remarks, offering a helpful gesture.
"Yes, actually. I can't seem to find the dressing room," you admit, scanning the surroundings before turning back to the manager.
"Oh, it's just down the hall and to the right, the first one on your right. They might be a while, though. I'm just heading to get the boys," the manager informs you, gesturing towards the direction.
"Ah, thank you so much. I'll wait for them to return," you express your gratitude as you begin to head in the direction provided.
"Sure thing. I'll be back shortly," the manager bids farewell, disappearing to fetch the boys.
As you navigate the halls, you're relieved that the room is empty upon your arrival. It gives you a moment to collect your thoughts before facing Yeonjun. Taking a seat on the couch, you greet the familiar backstage staff and then take out your phone, momentarily distracted by social media.
Finally, after what feels like an eternity, the door opens, and the boys enter the room. You rise to greet them, your eyes immediately locking with Yeonjun's startled gaze.
"Y/N!" the boys exclaim in unison, enveloping you in hugs.
"Watch out, he's been moping all night," Beomgyu warns with a playful tone, prompting Taehyun to give him a light smack on the back of the head.
"Is that so?" you inquire, directing your attention towards Yeonjun, who appears to be sinking into a sulk once again.
"Not the whole night," he responds, settling onto the couch as you take a seat beside him.
As you settle beside Yeonjun, the tension in the air feels palpable, almost suffocating. You can sense his unease, his gaze flickering with a mixture of longing and frustration.
"What's been bothering you tonight, Yeonjun?" you inquire, your voice gentle but laced with concern. You nudge him gently, silently urging him to open up.
Yeonjun hesitates, his features contorting with conflicting emotions. "It's just... seeing you with Stray Kids, laughing and having a good time, while I'm stuck up there, unable to be with you," he confesses, his voice trembling with vulnerability.
Your heart aches at his words, understanding the depth of his anguish. You reach out and take his hand in yours, offering a reassuring squeeze. "I understand why it might feel that way, but please know that you're the one I love, Yeonjun. No one else even comes close," you assure him, your sincerity echoing in every word.
A flicker of relief crosses Yeonjun's expression, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he squeezes your hand in return. "Thank you, Y/N. I needed to hear that," he murmurs, his eyes reflecting a mixture of gratitude and adoration.
The rest of the boys sense the shift in atmosphere and chime in, offering words of encouragement and support for their friend. The room fills with laughter and camaraderie, gradually easing the tension that had weighed heavily upon you all.
As stories are exchanged and laughs shared, you find yourself drawn into the warmth of the moment. Despite the initial conflict, the bond between you and Yeonjun, and the rest of TXT, only grows stronger.
As the conversation mellows into a comfortable rhythm, you feel a surge of affection for Yeonjun. Unable to resist the urge, you lean in closer, capturing his lips in a tender kiss. It's a silent reassurance of your love and devotion, a moment shared between just the two of you amidst the camaraderie of friends.
Yeonjun responds with equal fervor, his arms wrapping around you as he deepens the kiss. The rest of the room fades away, leaving only the two of you immersed in the sweetness of the moment.
When you eventually pull away, a soft smile graces Yeonjun's lips, his eyes sparkling with affection. "I love you, Y/N," he whispers, his voice filled with sincerity.
"I love you too, Yeonjun," you reply, leaning in to steal another quick kiss before settling back against him, content in each other's embrace.
The rest of the boys exchange knowing glances, offering silent nods of approval as they continue chatting amongst themselves. In this moment of intimacy and connection, surrounded by friends who understand and support you, you couldn't feel more grateful or at peace.
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Divider: @isisjupiter
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slytherinshua · 8 months
genre. fluff. secret relationship. warnings. alcohol (ppl get a lil drunk 👎). kissing. pairing. jungsu x fem!reader. wc. 1.2k. request. no. a/n. so....xdh fics yay.... 😇
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“They’re gonna notice, Jungsu.” You muttered under your breath. It was almost impossible to keep a straight face with your boyfriend’s hand now resting on your thigh; his skilled fingers from playing an instrument rhythmically tapping against your jeans.
“They’re not.” He hushed, overly confident about the obliviousness of his other members. You could see Hyungjun giving you both a subtle look from the other end of the table, and you hurriedly brushed Jungsu’s hand off.
He hadn’t told them you two were dating yet. You had been a long time friend of all six of them, but especially Jungsu. It was a running joke to see how long it would take for him to ask you out, and you were sure that they would all make a big deal out of it if they knew you had been his girlfriend for 2 months already.
Really, you wanted to ask him out in 10th grade. You had always liked him since the moment you first became friends, and though you had first thought he was shy and easily flustered, the more you spent time with him, the more comfortable he became. Now, he was willing to take more risks than you were— even when it could possibly expose your relationship.
He just couldn’t seem to keep his hands off of you tonight. He kept “accidentally” brushing his fingers against you or “helping you” fix your outfit which already looked perfect. Any excuse to get a little closer to you, he took.
You weren’t sure how he had managed to sneak in a total of 4 kisses to your cheek throughout the night. You were starting to think he was capable of anything. Or maybe you had just absurdly underestimated the others ignorance. 
Dinner finished within half an hour, and Jiseok quickly suggested karaoke as the next stop. Everyone agreed without a fuss, and you were soon dragged along to a closeby noraebang building. Jooyeon and Jungsu immediately picked an upbeat track to set the mood; Twice’s ‘Alcohol-Free’.
You got cans of soda with Gunil, and all was at peace for a while. You were all goofing off and having a good time, and surprisingly, Jungsu seemed a little less touchy. As the night went along, soju and beer soon made its way into the booth (despite the irony of the opening choice of song). By around 11 pm, everyone was getting fairly tipsy, including you.
While you were normally sensible and conservative and careful, especially around your boyfriend and others, you couldn’t help but stare. He was singing a Stray Kids song that you had forgotten the name of, but it wasn’t of much importance when you couldn’t even focus on the lyrics. You were too absorbed with his face in your drunken state.
The gentle curve of his cheeks, and his red lips that looked extremely kissable in the moment. It was easy to stay away from him when your head was clear, but now you wanted nothing but to smother him with kisses— enough for a lifetime maybe, or even more than that.
It all became a hundred times harder when he moved to sit down next to you, still singing. He was as drunk as you; you figured from the flush of his cheeks. All thoughts of keeping your relationship under wraps and being careful around the boys flew out the window the second Jungsu reached out his hand to hold your cheek. You suddenly recognized the song he was singing his heart out to: ‘Sorry, I Love You’.
I can’t hide my feelings for you anymore.
I want to be more than friends.
I like you too much.
You didn’t notice the way he was leaning ever closer to you— you could only focus on his sweet voice in your ear. The boys certainly did notice, but their exclamations bounced in one ear and out the other. Your brain was too foggy from the alcohol to regret any actions that you might take, and as quickly as the song ended, you felt Jungsu’s lips on yours.
If you had looked into the future from the start of the day at every step you had taken, you might have predicted that his clinginess combined with alcohol would result in this. You didn’t really care, though. You could faintly hear shocked yelling from the younger boys and some muffled claps if you really focused; but the taste of Jungsu’s cherry lips were all your senses wanted to absorb. You pulled him closer, lost in the feeling. 
Funnily, the thing that finally brought you back out of your trance was the robotic voice calling out a perfect 100 score for the song. It seemed as if Jungsu had scored in every possible way.
There were more drunken shouts and some congratulations, a mention of Gunil owing Seungmin ₩20,000. Most of what you could pick up on was loud teasing from the youngest boys, commenting how they never thought Jungsu would ever find the courage to do that. He seemed to frown and roll his eyes at the remarks.
“She’s been mine for 2 months!” He shouted in retaliation, his words almost slurring together. He pulled you closer as if to prove his point. This only resulted in some fake gagging from Jooyeon at the unapologetic PDA.
You must have fallen asleep between 11 and 12, because when you woke up, you were lying in your own bed with a messy-haired Jungsu overtop you. You shook him off your body, waking him up in the process. He rolled over, only to roll back on top of you a few seconds later.
“My head hurts.” You groaned, catching your boyfriend’s wrist to pull him even closer.
“I think… We drank too much last night.” He winced, sharing the same dull ache that you felt in your forehead.
You furrowed your eyebrows, using all your brain power to remember everything that had happened the previous night. When you recalled it all, you let out a muffled shriek, startling your boyfriend slightly.
“You didn’t really- Jungsu? Did you kiss me last night? In front of the boys?”
He blinked, a sleepily confused expression on his face as he also tried to remember, “Maybe? I… You looked so pretty- couldn’t help myself.” He mumbled, dropping his head back to your shoulder. 
You sighed, “We’re going to get teased all week because of you.” Despite your complaining, you still ran a loving hand through his hair.
“You kissed me back…”
“You kissed me first!” 
“Sorry. Sorry… I just… I really love you.” He whined, burying his face into your neck. Despite how much you were dreading the non stop teasing you were sure was to come, you just couldn’t be mad at your boyfriend for it. Especially when he was acting like a clingy kitten right now, snuggled up in the crook of your neck, nuzzling his nose against your skin.
“Don’t start complaining to me when they start teasing, though. You started this mess.” You whispered, pressing a small kiss to his temple.
↳ xdh taglist: @eternalgyu,, @blue-jisungs,, @haecien,, @weird-bookworm
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dean-a-mean-tae · 11 months
Family | Stray Kids Extra Member AU
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WARNINGS: Abusive family (doesn't go too in to detail), misogynistic upbringings, mention car accident (speeds past it(pun not intended)), dead dog, let me know if there's more
(@cafekitsune made the dividers)
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✧*̥˚𝙉𝙤𝙡𝙖𝙣 𝙍𝙤𝙨𝙨*̥˚✧
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Date of Birth: August 24th, 1977 Zodiac Sign: Virgo Ethnicity: Korean Nationality: Korean Occupation: Doctor
Nolan grew up with a loving family as an only child. He's named after his father's American friend who passed in a car accident. His parents were loving and tried raising him to be accepting and understanding of all genders and all sexualities. They don't know what went wrong. He left his hometown in South Korea to attend college to become a doctor, where he met his wife, Tamaya. When they married, he took her last name. He rarely visited home because of job and relationship with his parents.
Nolan's misogynistic views and narcissistic ways dictated how Nicholas and Lillian grew up. He restricted their childhoods from what he deemed evil or unfitting for "their characters". His relationship with his kids is close to non-existent. He's the reason Nicholas is so out of tune with his emotions and Lillian is so accepting of strangers.
When they moved back to South Korea, Nolan made sure they stayed away from his parents. He couldn't stop Lillian from speaking to them when they eventually met up in a store. Nolan's bond with his parents is completely shattered, but his children enjoyed running away to visit grandma on the weekends.
✧*̥˚𝙏𝙖𝙢𝙖𝙮𝙖 𝙍𝙤𝙨𝙨*̥˚✧
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Date of Birth: February 20th, 1977 Zodiac Sign: Pisces Ethnicity: Black-Hispanic Nationality: African American Occupation: Stay At Home mom
Tamaya grew up the middle child of three children. Her older brother, Zion, and her younger sister, Latasha. Her mother was a stay at home mom and her father was a lawyer. He still found the time to be there for all of her kids and make his wife happy. Their marriage inspired Tamaya to have a happy relationship as a stay at home mom with at least two kids.
Sometimes she wonders what went wrong in her life. Her children would rather stay with either set of grandparents than live with her and Nolan. She loves her children, she's just scared of failure. Now she feels like she failed her children and her younger self. She knows nothing can undo life-long trauma, she still wants to apologize to her children and bond with them.
✧*̥˚𝙇𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙖𝙣 𝙍𝙤𝙨𝙨*̥˚✧
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Date of Birth: May 10th, 1998 Zodiac Sign: Taurus Ethnicity: Afro-Korean Nationality: American Occupation: Barista at a cafe (Parents let her live with her grandparents (Nolan's parents) as long as she didn't work a "real" job.)
Lillian is blunt, loud, and a bit of a bully to people she's fond of. At first, she envied Nicholas. He could do things Lillian wanted to do. Then she realized he was stuck in the same situation as her. She became soft with Nicholas, almost treating like he was fragile, until he visited her after being in Stray Kids for a while.
Trauma bonding at its finest. Lillian grew up allowed to do things Nicholas wanted to do and would teach him in secret. She made sure Nicholas didn't fall into their parents' harmful ways. Whenever their parents allowed Nichola to leave, he'd bring his sister, and she'd get him to meet her friends so they could help keep him from being "brainwashed" by their parents. Nicholas was the first person Lillian came out to as a lesbian.
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Golden Retriever Dog | Male Deceased: Died from old age when Nicholas was eight
Johnny was the family dog, gotten so he could protect and entertain any kids. Originally, Nolan didn't like the dog and would neglect it. But when he noticed how much Tamaya loved Johnny, he started to care for him.
Scottish Fold Cat | Female Alive: Lives with Lillian and their grandparents
Chewy is Nicholas' cat. Minho and he got her to celebrate Nicholas eating two meals without throwing up.
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Nicholas Ross Master list | Childhood moved to Facts About Nicholas
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ateez-himari · 11 months
Himari secures her very first solo nominations.
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November 11, 2023 (5:51PM)
The awaited MAMA awards ceremony had opened pre-votes on October 19th and many voiced their surprise after finding that ATEEZ's lead vocalist held three nominations in her name. The title track 'Snooze' of the single 'Pray' created in collaboration with rapper Agust D secured its place in the Best Collaboration category whilst 'Blue' from 'The Killing Vote' and 'Rewrite Me' from 'Where We Fall' earned nominations for Best OST.
News of the young artist's achievements were quickly spread on social media by her members who made sure to let fans know about the hard work behind these songs. The recent release of KOMCA rankings revealed further accomplishments as the idol's current possession of 152 credits places her in a tie for 10th place with Stray Kids' Changbin. In light of her heavy involvement in producing ATEEZ's tracks alongside bandmates Hongjoong and Mingi, it is possible for her to rise further up into the rankings once their new album 'THE WORLD EP.FIN : WILL' is released on December 1st.
As of now it is unknown where the nominations currently stand in the rankings but we hope that Himari will go home with her very first solo award. Results to be revealed November 28-29, 2023.
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I've been a bit busy with real life lately 😂 Altought I didn't get to see the latest Festa events until last night… I already had some thoughts piled up....
To whom it may concern :))
The fist and most important....now that the Festa has already finished, can someone explain to me why on the 10th anniversary the boys who are still with us couldn't gather together?
Why the schedule was to do separate things? the fuck...
We fans know they are in chapter 2. No one was going to be confused by seeing an ot5 or ot4 vlive. Or a dinner.
I know they didn't have to, but striving for doing things separately, when they clearly see each other almost every day (NJ dixit) .....
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I love Stray Kids and I'm enjoying their come back a lot. It's been a little over two weeks and every day there's a performance or music event, fansigns, videoconferences, behind the scnenes and they've already released 4 MVs. It's very refreshing… and by comparison, a bit sad. It makes me realise, even more, the lack of content from BTS and their members.
(And I am not only referring to this chapter 2)
Second thought is that I just saw that New Jeans have announced their CB on July 21st, and their pre-release on the 7th.
I find it very difficult that JK will release his album in July (in the middle or just after NJ), unless Hybe doesn't care if their artists overlap (I know, I know what happened last April… but we're talking about 1 week difference).
Third thought. Tae and Jennie pretending they don't know each other at the Bruno Mars concert, as if we didn't know they are lovers, seems pretty sad to me too.
Even understanding that it's some short of protection against the future release of Tae's album (dont make his fans angrier)… the truth is that it seems ridiculous …
Let's see… if what happened in Paris "didn't happen" for some fans… what could have happened yesterday if they had gone together, with their shared friends,ñ???? It probably wouldn't have happened in the eyes of the fans either 😝 Stupidity is rampant in fandom…. I'm sure there would have even been a few likes for those who said they were cosplayers 🤣🤣
One last thought on jikook… They are daily training in Hybe (Namjoon dixit) and seem so happy lately…. And here we are suffering this drought without seeing them…. LOL Manifesting to see them at Suga's concert together!
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mcllv · 7 months
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‧₊ ᵎᵎ 🌶️ ⋅ ˚✮ OH MY MY SPICED is the 5th mini album by the south korean girl group MELLY, released by HONEYCO Entertainment on febuary 10th 2024. It’s available as a digitally and physically copy, and has a total of FIVE tracks. "HONEY & SPICE", being its tittle track. MELLY promoted the album for five weeks, having performed the tittle track on various music shows, appearing on different variety shows, and promoting there song on social media with dance challenges.
HONEY & SPICE won the girls their FIRST MUSIC SHOW WIN! It was a very memorable experience for the girls. Yoona and Cupid both broke down into tears after hearing the news while Meilli and Sooah just stood in shock. The girls celebrated with a small off camera party with staff in which a few locals caught glimpses of the girls at a small bar in Seoul with there manager.
There two b-sides, UNTOUCHABLE and I WANNA DASH were heavily praised by netizens and fans for there new sound and uniqueness compared to their other b-sides in former mini albums. Due to both of the songs popularity they were later released as an official lyric video and dance practice for the two songs.
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‧₊ ᵎᵎ UP!
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LIMITED VER :: outbox  292 x 188.5 x 22mm +  photobook  (90 photos)  +  one out of two random group poster + large poster (61 cm x 92 cm) + dvd (48 minutes) + 2 sheets of stickers + 1 hot sauce bookmark + 2 out of 60 random member photocard.
HOT VER :: outbox  292 x 188.5 x 22mm +  photobook  (60 photos)  +  one out of two random group poster + dvd (48 minutes) + 1 sheets of stickers + 2 out of 60 random member photocard.
SWEET VER :: outbox  292 x 188.5 x 22mm +  photobook  (60 photos)  +  one out of two random group poster + dvd (48 minutes) + 1 sheets of stickers + 2 out of 60 random member photocard.
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––  First music show win for the girls!!!
–– HONEY & SPICED placed 24th on the chart. I WANNA DASH placed 43rd and UNTOUCHABLE PLACED 52nd.
–– Magical era honestly
-- All the girls had natural hair colours expect for Hinata who sported a muted red and Meilli who had bleached her hair blonde.
-- The girls appeared in 2 advertisements in this era. One for the brand LENS ME, a eye contact brand, in which the all 6 of the girls appeared in their newest launch of their eye wear. And the second ad being a skincare brand Mediheal, in which both Yoona and Cupid modelled for.
-- I'M THE STANDARD, Melly's debut song mv, reached 10 million views on YouTube.
-- While performing their tittle track at a festival, a fan launched a glass container on stage, hitting Meilli in the head. Though the glass did not break, Meilli was visibly hurt from the impact. Clutching her head and eventually having to be helped off stage by staff.
-- Dating rumour alert alert!!! Nancy was spotted leaving a restaurant with seventeens Dino.
-- Nancy later addressing the rumours on Instagram live, is defiantly the highlight of this mini album era for some Jellies. *Nancy are you dating Dino?????* Nancy blinks slowly, reading the comment over again. "What" she responds blankly. Blinking again. "Where, what and how did you guys come up with that conclusion" she laughs, leaning back in her chair.
-- People were freaking out about her one meeting with Dino when no one was talking about the multiple time she met up with Ryujin from itzy or Gyuri from dread end, sad honestly.
-- Yoona also got herself involved in a dating scandal however hers was a little over shadowed, fans took it as netizens being over dramatic. The situation was her making eye contact with Lee Know from stray kids. They both attended the same event and whilst there made eye contact for exactly 0.1 seconds. Netizens lost it.
-- Cupid teased a photo of a song clip on Instagram, captioned 'You'll never guess what ill release soon". Breaking down the caption, Jellies assume shes preparing for a solo debut!
-- She also received criticism from blinks, because recently Blackpinks Jennie teased a similar photo of a song clip.
-- the girls did a lot of dance challenges with other idols. Jellies joked that Hinata was trying to collect every Honeyco artist because she only did their Honey and Spice dance challenge with idols in Honeyco (and their ceo!).
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staytinyzen01 · 1 year
Family Truths
Stray Kids 9/10th member AU
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Jiah X Minho
All the boys were excited. Their families were paying a visit to their concert. Jiah, on the other hand, she felt jealous. Her family didn't support her or her dreams and neglected her from the moment she started training to be an idol. It was only recently that she got an official confirmation from the family lawyer that they were not to have contact and she was no longer their daughter.
She watched as Jeongin and Seungmin were happily talking about which family members were coming to see them, saying about how they were going to put in 110%. She held back a sigh and glanced to her left, where she saw Chan talking to Felix. She was so focused that she didn't see Minho sit beside, so when he tapped her leg to get her attention, she let out a small squeal of surprise and jumped slightly.
"Lost in thought, Melody?" He asked gently, to which she just nodded in response.
"Just a little. Are you excited to see your family?" Jiah asks.
Minho's face lit up with happiness and let out a giddy nod. "Of course, aren't you?"
Jiah gave a non-committal shrug. "They aren't going to come." She glanced to the side and quickly thought of a lie. "They have both been called to perform surgery, so they can't make it."
Minho eyed her suspiciously but allowed her answer. "Well, I can get my family to record it so they can see if you want." But Jiah just shook her head. "That won't be necessary, but thank you."
Once again, Minho eyed her weird before he gently took her hand and led her to a quiet area.
'Come on baby, don't lie to me. You looked away, and you bit your cheek. It's a tell tale give away that you aren't being truthful.'
Jiah sighed sadly before she glanced at him through wet lashes. Her eyes brimmed with unshed tears. Minho panicked slightly and brought her into a hug, stroking her back gently with one hand and playing with her hair in the other. She sniffled into his shirt but pulled back to look at him. She cleared her throat before she spoke.
'My family won't be coming. They will never be coming. Ever since I joined the company, they pretended I didn't exist. 2 weeks ago, the family lawyer sent a letter to confirm the fact I was disowned. So, technically, I don't have a family to come see me.'
Minho stood stunned for a few seconds before he brought her into a tighter hug.
'That's fine then,' Minho said as he held back his emotions. 'You can join my family instead. I know they won't mind, I definitely know I won't.'
Jiah shook her head. 'I don't want to impose.' Minho just scoffed at her, giving her side-eye.
'Too late, I have claimed you as my own. You are now my daughter. No take-backsies.'
Jiah let out a little laugh, which caused Minho to smile.
'Thank you for trusting me with this information. I know it took a lot to tell me. Are you planning to tell Chan hyung or do you want me to or...' Minho trailed off, unsure of what she wanted.
She let out a sigh. 'I will tell him after this performance. I know questions will arise when they don't see my ex-family after the show.'
Minho nods before taking her hand jn his and leading her back to the others. 'You ready to show them you don't need them?'
Jiah gives a half smile and nods. Later that evening, she gave a brilliant performance. What she didn't realise was that Minho was serious when he claimed her as his daughter but spoke to his parents and they said they would take her in on the paperwork, but Jiah would be unofficially Minho's daughter
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bf-skz · 2 years
24 to 25 days of SKZMAS | MASTERLIST
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pairing: Stray Kids x gn!reader
genre: fluff, Christmas time, light angst, hurt/comfort, cliches, enemies to lovers, soulmates, friends to lovers, second chance, fake dating, love at first sight
synopsis: December is a busy month for JY Publishing. Everyone at the company has their hands full before the big company party. However, work is not the only thing on our boys' minds.
warnings: slight angst, very cheesy
words: ~800 words/chapter
a/n: SKZMAS lasts 24+1 days during December. Each day is dedicated to one of the members starting with the oldest to the youngest. Follow along as our boys find true love amist the chaos of the holidays.
feedback is much appreciated, make sure to check back for updates on 24 to 25 days of SKZMAS!
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December 1st - Chan
December 2nd - Minho
December 3rd - Changbin
December 4th - Hyunjin
December 5th - Jisung
December 6th - Felix
December 7th - Seungmin
December 8th - Jeongin
December 9th - Chan
December 10th - Minho
December 11th - Changbin
December 12th - Hyunjin
December 13th - Jisung
December 14th - Felix
December 15th - Seungmin
December 16th - Jeongin
December 17th - Chan
December 18th - Minho
December 19th - Changbin
December 20th - Hyunjin
December 21st - Jisung
December 22nd - Felix
December 23rd - Seungmin
December 24th - Jeongin
December 25th - FINALE
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darkstar225 · 11 months
Twice's Masterlist 2
Okay, idk what I’m doing but yeah. Thank you for reading :D
Twice x Reader
*Twice’s 10th member throws a tantrum ft Red Velvet’s Irene as GF*
*Twice’s 10th member gets traumatized by a sasaeng*
*Twice’s 10th member didn’t attend the last concert of the tour (sike)*
*Twice’s 10th member almost gets taken advantage of by a staff ft SNSD’s Tiffany as GF*
*Twice's 10th member suffers from heat stroke ft SNSD's Tiffany as GF*
*Twice’s 10th member almost overdoses ft overprotective unnies*
*Twice’s 10th member has rizz ft Big Sis Tzuyu*
*Twice’s 10th member is dating New Jeans’ Minji*
*Twice’s 10th member being babysat by New Jeans*
*Twice’s 10th member loses her fluffy bunny ft New Jeans’ Minji as GF*
*Twice’s 10th member acts in an action drama with a twist (protective unnies incoming!)*
*Twice's 10th member acts in an action drama with a twist part 2*
*Twice’s 10th member being babysat by Aespa*
*Twice’s 10th member being babysat by Aespa part 2*
*Twice’s 10th member is Aespa’s Karina girlfriend ft protective J-line*
*Twice's 10th member is Stray Kids's Bang Chan bestie*
*Twice's 10th member comes out to her unnies ft Supportive Big Sis Tzuyu*
*Twice's 10th member learns from the unnies how to use makeup*
*Twice’s 10th member has menstrual cramps ft New Jeans’ Minji as GF*
*Twice's 10th member has Astraphobia ft a certain observant penguin (Mina)*
*Twice’s 10th member collabs with Sam and Colby ft Kris and Celina*
*Twice’s 10th member misses her GF ft New Jeans’ Minji as her girl*
*Twice's 10th member helps her dear Tzuyu unnie with a nightmare*
*Twice's 10th member and VCHA’s Kaylee get to act their age thanks to Omma Jihyo*
*Twice's 10th member is Tzuyu’s little sister and her unnie’s Jelly Jelly*
*Twice's 10th member ---*
*Twice's 10th member ---*
*Twice’s 10th member ---*
*Twice's 10th member ---*
*Twice's 10th member ---*
*Twice's 10th member ---*
*Twice's 10th member ---*
»»———⋇⋆✦⋆⋇———«« »»———⋇⋆✦⋆⋇———«« »»———⋇⋆✦⋆⋇———«« 
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drinkinstars · 1 year
Hi, Dari! 👋
I'm a new follower hehe. Your blog seems interesting and fun! I wonder if I can ask for a Big 6 MTL too? I was born on July 8th, 1998 👀 Here's my placement~
• Rising: Virgo
• Sun: Cancer 11th
• Moon: Sag 4th
• Mercury: Leo 12th
• Venus: Gemini 10th
• Mars: Cancer 10th
Is it ok to ask for ATEEZ and SKZ? Thank you in advance! Have a nice day ✨️🌈
More than 80%
More than 40%
More than 70%
More than 40%
I add it there since I have the chance
From now on precise me if you want an ex member in or not since a lot of group gain fame recently even tho they debuted long ago and not anybody got the occasion to stan them before
if you don’t tell me anything I will just put them with this “mark” || If you tell me you want them I will normally put them || if you tell me you don’t want them I will exclude them || if you tell me after the post you didn’t wanted them within one week I will redo the most to least without them for more accuracy || if you tell me one week or more after I will just delete the member from the most to least ||
How to do this? Ex: You want G-Idle but you stanned them only after Soojin departure? G-Idle ot5 in the other way you want Soojin in ? G-Idle ot6
Of course I got limits and this count only for members that:
Didn’t left for legal issues: Hwall The Boyz, Baron VAV, Rocky Astro, Jinni Nmixx..ect
If yes were found innocents: Wonho Monsta X, Woojin Stray Kids..ect
Or got kicked for dumb reasons. (Ex: Dating,Smoking,surgery revealed..ect) Hyuna 4Minute, E’Dawn Pentagon,
I accept member like Soojin G-Idle, Lucas NCT, Ravn Oneus or BI Ikon even if they did questionable things they were never proven to be totally true or totally false so it’s up to your own morality if you want me to include them or not and if you believe what they were accused off is forgivable or not
I DO NOT accept members that:
Were proven culprit of a crime and I hope I don’t need to make example but since some of you can be really delusional don’t even ask for Bigbang Seungri or BAP Himchan cause I’ll block you and judge you really bad. *side eye*
Deceased members by any type of death don’t ask, it’s sick, I’ll block you pt2.
Preferably I’ll not do groups that disbanded too fast after debuting like X1 or members that left too close to the debut like Garam Lesserafim and this has nothing to do with her innocence or not since everybody thinks differently I just think nobody had time to get to know them and I don’t really wanna put time in it neither as a group or member of that group but rather as a soloist if they debuted like that then (Jinni Nmixx even tho she was my bias can be put in that category too as well as Hyuna in any group she was in since she’s now more known as a soloist, I still accept her tho)
Finally don’t ask me for Red Velvet without Yeri, EXO without Chen or Ikon without Bobby cause even if it’s your right you’ll not be welcome on my blog and I risk to proceed really slowly to your request
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catindabag · 1 year
TBOSAS AU ✨CRACK! TAKE✨: The 10th HG Mentors According to Drunk Dean Highbottom. (Part 3)
Thank you for reaching part three of this TBOSAS Crack!AU, but I’ll still advise the new readers to read part one for context, but here are all the parts anyway: [1] [2] [4]
Hilarious Evans Bee (Hilarius Heavensbee)
Who names their own kid hilarious?!🤣
You’re gonna get bullied forever.
Your father is weird and creepy AF.
To be honest, I don’t want your parents anywhere near my school.
Your family is rich, but thankfully not Mama Cardew money rich.
By the way, what does your family even do for a living?🧐
And don’t tell me again that your ancestors only got filthy rich by selling a certain powdery substance that I can’t legally name.
Doesn’t understand how money works.
Thinks he’s part of the cool kids club.
Likes talking to garbage boy.
Has delinquent tendencies.
Your mother acts like a living & breathing CCTV.
Likes to buy banned films that were produced centuries ago.
Stop bringing your freaky chihuahua to school!
Currently on his “legally blonde” era.
Feels oppressed by his strict but super creepy family all the time.
You suck at playing Capitol Monopoly.
I might give you a demerit for that reason alone.😂
Doesn’t know what a deadline is.😩
By the way, your mother gave me a weird looking cake as a “compensation” gift.
Gave his own father a restraining order to never approach any of his classmates, especially the pretty boys (Crassus & Philip) and girls (Cannibal & Clam Asia) for some reason.😰
Tell your freaking father to never flirt with my former boyfriend (Crassus) again!😡
Is ready to commit arson, than attend a family gathering.
Will NEVER win the Hunger Games. Rather, he will destroy the Arena, taking down everyone with him, just to piss off his family.
Acne Crane (Arachne Crane)
Is loud, boisterous, and obnoxious AF.
Can gossip about anything and everything.
Used to be the “Sandwich Queen” of Panem.
Tried to steal my super secret blueberry tart recipe.
Hates doing her own homework.
Hates the Plinth boy for stealing her “sandwich” title.
Hates how Crassus and Philip were considered prettier than her.
Bullies “Chemistry Girl” for being a nerd.
Blackmailed half of the class to do her essay assignments.
Is manipulative, but stupid.
A certain infamous family ate her maid.
Hates “Cannibal Girl” for some specific reason.🧐
Accidentally gave me money for looking like a homeless bum. I was drunk!
Stop throwing me your worthless coins! I’m the freaking Dean of the school!😫
Her older brother is very likable, but unfortunately, he is not the favorite child of the family.
Your family only got rich by owning the largest “Airbnb” chain in all of Panem.
Most of her family members are a bunch of “all year round vacationers.”
Bribed her own mother not to attend The Academy’s annual PTA meeting.
Her family’s mansion looks more like a luxurious hotel.
Knows how to balance a spoon on her nose.
Will NEVER win the Hunger Games. I just have a feeling that someone might incapacitate her before going to the Arena.
Bias Green (Gaius Breen)
Does not know his left from his right.
Sucks at directions.
Is the true ✨Class Clown✨.
The Citadel Brat of Panem.
Very friendly & extremely likable.
Green is not his favorite color.☹️
Gave me a can of lima beans for my birthday.
Has a feral pet raccoon.
Likes to adopt stray dogs for some reason.
Is not allowed to drive a car.
Your mama owns the Capitol Zoo.
Tell your mama to fix and renovate that damn zoo already!
No offense, but your family’s mansion looks more like a jungle.
Does not know how to ride a bike.
Smuggled illegal sexy magazines into my office as a dare. Almost got me fired.😡🔪
Has no enemies except for me and that rabid squirrel that once ate his pop tarts.
Stole my driver’s car keys and tossed them in the school fountain to delay me from going home to check his assignments.
Seriously, stop stealing my car keys!!😫
Is a certified delinquent.
Knows the password to Dr. Gaul’s personal computer by accident.
Might be immune to rabies.
Accidental winner of The Academy’s ✨Mr. Congeniality✨ title.
Will only win the Hunger Games if his jokes can make everyone else cringe to death.
You Know Flips (Juno Phipps)
She’ll use her family lineage to get away with murder.
The ✨Queen✨ of Nepo babies.
Your family is powerful and secretive AF.
Haven’t you heard? She’s a member of a founding family of the Capitol.🙄💅
Acts like royalty, but is practically royalty.
Spoiled and entitled AF, and everyone knows it.
Seriously, stop using your family name to get out of detention!😠
And don’t ever steal and dye my favorite winter coat hot pink again!
Owns 10 dogs, 15 cats, 30 rabbits, 70 well-trained horses, and 100 hummingbirds for no reason.
Gave me a gigantic horse as an “apology” gift.
Also, tell your himbo of a father that he can’t bring 200 living turkeys (again) at our next PTA meeting as a sign of peace and prosperity.
Reasonably unreasonable.
Your family’s mansion looks more like a medieval castle.
Is part of my Mean Girls List.
Is obsessed with fashion.
Knows every seasonal fashion trend ever.
Yes, I know. The Hunger Games will cease to exist if you ever got reaped as a Tribute, ‘cuz your “noble” family will burn Panem to the ground if that ever happened.
Iffy Genial Most (Iphigenia Moss)
Your parents gave you a cursed name.
Looks skeletal AF.
Likes to give away her food for free.
But seriously, don’t force feed your classmates to death.
You’re a living choking hazard.
Might have stolen my precious pet goldfish out of spite.
Has severe “daddy issues” too.
Doesn’t know how to cook to save her life.
By the way, why didn’t you invite me to your “All You Can Eat” birthday party?!😭
Embezzled the class funds for makeup.
Might be another juvenile criminal.
Very very sneaky.
Likes to buy expensive lipsticks.
Your family literally controls the food industry.
So why are my freaking groceries still expensive AF?!
Your big ass house looks more like a grocery store.
Honestly, I might just do my groceries at your place.
Also, I’ve heard that you gave a certain student a truck load of cabbages last year.
Can stab someone with her eyeliner.
Manipulative AF.
Is on her “Good Girl” era.
Will NEVER win the Hunger Games. Just look at her! She’s thin as a stick!
Insomnia Sicko? Insignia Sicko? (Vipsania Sickle)
A true “Gym Gal.”
Your favorite aunt works for me!
Is competitive AF.
Is a certified gym bro and athlete.
Can easily throw people like a sack of potatoes.
Your family own the largest gym in the Capitol.
Your father can crush anyone with his left thumb. I’ve seen him do it before.
Your mama is also muscular AF.
By the way, stop leaving your stupid dumbbells on my desk! I can’t f*ckin’ lift them!😫🔪
Loves to party and drink posca after school.
Will challenge you to a dance battle.
High survival rate.
Can crush a grown man’s head with a book.
Is sometimes mean to me.☹️
Smiles like a scheming cat with a knife.
Will most likely and literally backstab people to death.
Can and will blackmail anyone to buy her those expensive energy drinks.
Loves to eat strawberry waffles.
Likes to win in everything and anything.
Cannot be easily trusted.
Will most likely win the Hunger Games through sheer will and brute force.
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