transingthoseformers · 2 months
Earthspark Lugnut
Kids are enchanted with him and likewise. Megatron took one look at newcomer and left not wanting to deal with Lugnut
Lugnut mistaking Terrans for Megs kids: Is that your progeny my lord?
Megatron:*leaves faster*
Extremely funny bonus:
Lugnut: My lord!
Megatron: Frag's sake-
Lugnut: Can you do me the honor of blessing my little joy?
Clobber:*blinks at Megs*
Megatron: Did-Did you clone yourself?
Strika: He was overenthusiastic with transfluid
Bee: Children are present!
Sdddfff yES
Megatron: fuck that, I Am Leaving
Lugnut is loud, big, and honestly relatively friendly by decepticon standards (the bar is on the floor but some mecha still manage to scrape by under it), a recipe for fun
I'm just imagining Lugnut chasing him down and dragging him back while Strika waited patiently with the kids. Probably not likely but I imagined that Lugnut seemingly pulled Clobber out of nowhere (subspace???)
Clobber is identical to Luggy
sTRIKA DARLING, she's a direct one
Megs is bluescreening right about now
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dragongirldg · 1 year
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Strika and Lugnut forever!!
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eve-of-halloween · 4 years
Post war sparklings
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Well, one post-war sparkling I have for you is Shutter’s future wife Beatdown! Beatdown is the youngest daughter of Lugnut and Strika! Shutter and her met at a secret fight club and it was love at first ass-kicking.
It was the first time Beatdown got roughed up that bad, especially coming from a scrawny mech like Shutter. But Shutter got her sire, Bumblebee’s feral spite. There was no stopping her! Shutter works as a photographer/journalist and Beatdown runs a gym/boxing ring.
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pastelpaperplanes · 4 years
omfg wait do ya have a strika/lugnut sparkling for your CF au? if they have a sparkling, maybe Tremor would have someone her age to interact with? i can just imagine a chonky sparkling being absolutely doted on by lugnut, with strika's training, either matching Tremor's quietness or being the loud brash kind of friend (...if they get along, that is 👀...)
I haven’t drawn Jarhead yet but YES!! Strika and Lufnut fo have a sparkling in the CFau!! He’s dumb as hell and twice as big as Tremor 😂
Jarhead is trained in just about every form of cam at known by Strika, he’s more than capable of taking a whole team down single handily IF he gets the drop on them first!
Trem and Jarhead are friends bc they rly didn’t have about one else their own ages to hang around w, they’re polar opposites but they make it work. Their sparing matches are a sight to behold bc WOW Tremor is a skinny little thing but she’s quick on her feet and can throw Jarhead around the room like it’s nothing.
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transingthoseformers · 5 months
Occasionally, Strika and Lugnut invite Blitzwing to join them in the berth. It usually ends up in Strika using Blitzwing as an extension for her own spike to fuck Lugnut with. Blitzwing is so full of her spike that he can barely move, transfluid leaking out of his spike not because he overloaded, but because her spike pushes on his tanks.
Lugnut has gotten sparked from it a couple of times, but it's all good.
Blitzwing is a very big fan of these little rendezvous :3
Mmhm exactly
Blitzwing is an interesting partner for them to play with, and it's such an image
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transingthoseformers · 4 months
Tfa MegaSent
It's the waning days of sentinel's days as Magnus (he refuses to admit this is the case)
"Marry for peace" + "fake marriage until it isn't fake anymore" + "and they were both bottoms but they figure their way around things" + "optimus becomes magnus eventually" + "tfa used the term consort for Strika and Lugnut so i will use the term consort"
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transingthoseformers · 2 months
Earthspark Strika
Strika: My conjunx is moping because of you
Megatron:*tired* Strika
He's trying, but how dare he make lugnut sad
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transingthoseformers · 5 months
Random idea, just for the fun of it: Blitzwing goes into rut, and Lugnut, the MOST LOYAL, decides that even if Blitzwing is quite useless at times, he's even more useless if he's in rut and to not do anything about it would mean failing the Decepticons and Lord Megatron. So he lets Blitzwing fuck him just to shorten it.
(Obviously he clears it with Strika first. She approves. It's what good, loyal Decepticon should do.)
Blitznut, an uncommon but delightful ship! Yes
Strika asks him to send her the tape too
The (enjoyable) things Lugnut does for the cause😌😌😌
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transingthoseformers · 8 months
Starscream snaring at Sentinel because those are new sparks they're not ready for adult frames until a certian age. "And you dare call yourself their mentor!"
"But that's ridiculous! I'm that age now and I've been a perfectly fine grown up for ages!" Sentinel shrieked as BA hollered from the ceiling "What do you mean we're just now adults as of a few months ago! I'd have conjuxed this afthelm if he hadn't shown his real colors when this," waves at her spidery self, "happened right before graduation!"
Cue Starscream and Megatron realing the sire of their sparklings is bairly legal.
The Deceptacon atacks are now attempts to aggressively parent most of the autobots on earth. Deadlock is called to distract Ratchet. Lugnut is asking Strika how she feels about adopting a pair of Autobot younglings who have proven themselves capable warriors. "THEY ARE WORTHY, MY TERROR. WE SHOULD PROVIDE THEM SOME YOUNGLING AND MECHLINGHOOD. CURSE THE AUTOBOTS FOR FORCING NEWSPARKS IN ADULT FRAMES!"
Yeahhhh, Starscream rightfully has so many strong opinions on this and Sentinel n BA are so confused and thus are resorting to anger
Megatron feels bad about their fights with team prime now doesn't he
He does
Also, sdgssd that's fucking hilarious because considering how Sentinel Minor was Bumblebee's boot camp leader, would this mean that Bumblebee and Bulkhead are exactly teenagers in this verse
Lugnut I swear to fuck, yes. Guerilla adoption tactics time
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For the ship bingo I gotta ask how you feel about Strika and Lugnut
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These twoo
I love them
They're the ultimate couple in tfa, and I love seeing how they interact
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transingthoseformers · 4 months
Shattered glass Strika and Lugnut would both look so cool and behave in such a cool way
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Strika loves her husband, honest
Though sometimes even she can admit Lugnut is a bit... Much
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transingthoseformers · 9 months
TFP Lugnut and Strika would be some kind of insane Gomez and Morticia-esque battle couple. KoBd would think the two of them were disgustingly sappy. The amount of destruction they would wreak would be a full squad of Wreckers worthy.
Megatron sent them to the hinterlands because he's moderately concerned that they'll make him their third and he really doesn't want that mental image of what that would entail. Also they are devoted to ensuring his wellbeing will he nil he.
They come to Earth when Megatron calls for reinforcements. Strika absolutely terrorizes Blackarachnia because she don't trust that bitch. They Parent the Vehicons to everyone else's chagrine. The Dark Energon "mysteriously" gets incinerated. "OH NO! THE ABOMINATION THAT WAS SAPING MY LORD'S VITIALITY AND MENTAL PROWESS SEEMS TO HAVE SPONTANEOUSLY DETONATED WHEN THE INCINERATOR TURNED ON!"
Exactly yes yes exactly
They'd be such a force on the battlefield, especially with Strika being a fucking general (we don't give her enough credit for that)
Ffghjkk. Tfp Megs does not want to be the filling in that sandwich.
Blackarachnia v Strika sounds like such a dynamic (ESPECIALLY regarding tfa BA's science inclinations)
How often do you think she's gonna be compared to Arachnid (I can exactly see someone calling her the diet version of 'Nid lol)
Sddf yes yes yes. Those there are their children now, and the vehicons find it more than a little smothering
It would be such a fucking thing regarding TFP Megatron's absolute obsession with dark energon and Striknut's hatred of it. (ESPECIALLY depending on what point in the series we're at. S1? S2? S3? Just how involved with it had he become, has the Unicron shit went down, ect ect) it would be absolutely hilarious.
I'm torn between Soundwave often siding with Strika and Luggy, or him having a sort of rivalry with them (after all we saw in tfa how Lugnut regarded Shockwave, I mean Starscream was no help in that lol. Do you think tfp Starscream would also encourage it? Or is she avoiding them, or well is he rogue rn??). I can totally see a petty Lugnut v Soundwave thing.
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transingthoseformers · 7 months
At least Megatron dosent need hearing protection to deal with Tarn. Though Strika as best general is my favorite HC. She's the Morticia to Lugnut's Gomez. She's brains of the operation and the really scary one.
She is she is, girly is smart and strong and capable and focused and competent, and not all of the decepticon generals can say the same (mostly on the focused detail. A lot of the decepticon generals tend to get... Distracted in their quest)
That's why Lugnut can stick around as much as he can, because Strika cares about him and wants him in on a lot of the decisions that command and the generals make
Comparing their dynamic to Morticia and Gomez is delightful and accurate, in my opinion
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transingthoseformers · 9 months
IWD Strikenut thoughts. If the DJD and Strika's army show up during the Sunder debacle they'll never be convinced Megatron's brains werent scrambled.
I mean yes
Considering Sunder, they have every reason to think Megs was shadowplayed by that motherfucker (honestly the idea of the DJD boarding the LL during Sunder's rampage is terrifying because then you have multiple threats to avoid.)
How many of them do you think will be balled before they catch on?? Because if Sunder sees you, he can dig right in. And I don't know if they've ever dealt with a threat like that
Tarn v Sunder would be fucking interesting ngl, those two verbally dueling would be. So interesting and crunchy
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transingthoseformers · 9 months
I had an IWD thought with Strikenut. Imagine the chaos if Tarn discovered Megatron's defection because the Peaceful Tyranny and Strika's flag ship were at the same station. He hears Lugnut comeing unglued, wailing and weaping " NO! LORD MEGATRON! IT CAN'T BE!" Tarn rushes towards the news fearing Megatron's dead and he sees the mesage. Cue Megatron's fanboi club having histrionics togeather in solidarity for the first time in ever.
Tarn doesn't get a chance to "take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing, end them," because Strika ends up including him in her kick starting her conjux's brain module. "Stop it both of you! Before the pair of you bring the roof down! The stament was likely coerced. We need to find the Supreme Comander, rescue him and check for signs of meneosurgery!"
I have no idea how it would end, or effect the Lost Light's voyage but I'm certian Nickel and Strika would get on famously.
Okay temporarily, Tarn and Luggy would have the most unbearable sobfest yes yes. It would be so fucking funny.
Strika being the braincell yet again🥰
I'm trying to remember if Strika is already in IDWG1 or not. Because her design has gotta be good in the full IDWG1 style
While we the audience know he wasn't shadowplayed, it makes perfect fucking sense to suspect mnemosurgery. How fucked up would it have been if mnemosurgery was involved in his trial or his sentence? (Him on the LL post shadowplay??)
I think they find Nickel somewhere between their first appearance in MTMTE and their second, but yes. They'd have the best goddamn dynamic, but I'm imagining if they get into arguments those arguments have to be so fucking nuclear. But also they (usually) back each other's decisions up because typically "sOMEBODY HAS TO BE THE SMART ONES ON BOARD, and Primus knows it isn't you."
The idea of Lugnut and Strika chilling with the DJD for a while has to be so interesting
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