#Surah Al-Kahf Explains
dailytafsirofquran · 9 days
Tafsir Ibn Kathir: Surah Al-Kahf Ayah 13-16
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
18:13 We narrate unto you their story with truth:
Truly, they were young men who believed in their Lord (Allah), and We increased them in guidance.
18:14 And We made their hearts firm and strong when they stood up and said:
"Our Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth, never shall we call upon any god other than Him; if we did, we should indeed have uttered an enormity in disbelief.
18:15 These our people have taken for worship gods other than Him. Why do they not bring for them a clear authority!
And who does more wrong than he who invents a lie against Allah.
18:16 (The young men said to one another:) "And when you withdraw from them, and that which they worship, except Allah, then seek refuge in the cave;
your Lord will open a way for you from His mercy and will make easy for you your affair.''
Their Belief in Allah and their Retreat from their People
We narrate unto you their story with truth: Truly, they were young men who believed in their Lord (Allah),
From here Allah begins to explain the story in detail.
He states that they were boys or young men, and that they were more accepting of the truth and more guided than the elders who had become stubbornly set in their ways and clung to the religion of falsehood.
For the same reason, most of those who responded to Allah and His Messenger were young people. As for the elders of Quraysh, most of them kept to their religion and only a few of them became Muslims.
So Allah tells us that the people of the cave were young men.
Mujahid said,
"I was informed that some of them wore some kind of earrings, then Allah guided them and inspired them to fear Him, so they recognized His Oneness, and bore witness that there is no god besides Him.''
and We increased them in guidance.
From this and other similar Ayat, several scholars, such as Al-Bukhari and others, understood that faith may increase, that it may vary in degrees, and that it may fluctuate.
Allah says: (and We increased them in guidance), as He said elsewhere:
While as for those who accept guidance, He increases their guidance and bestows on them their Taqwa. (47:17)
As for those who believe, it has increased their faith, and they rejoice. (9:124)
...that they may grow more in faith along with their (present) faith. (48:4)
There are other Ayat indicating the same thing.
It has been mentioned that they were followers of the religion of Al-Masih `Isa, `Isa bin Maryam, but Allah knows best.
It seems that they lived before the time of Christianity altogether, because if they had been Christians, the Jewish rabbis would not have cared about preserving because of their differences. We have mentioned above the report from Ibn Abbas that the Quraysh sent a message to the Jewish rabbis in Al-Madinah to ask them for things with which they could test the Messenger of Allah, and they told them to ask him about these young men, and about Dhul-Qarnayn (the man who traveled much) and about the Ruh.
This indicates that this story was something recorded in the books of the People of the Book, and that it came before Christianity. And Allah knows best.
And We made their hearts firm and strong when they stood up and said: "Our Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth,
Here Allah is saying: `We gave them the patience to go against their people and their city, and to leave behind the life of luxury and ease that they had been living.'
Several of the earlier and later Tafsir scholars have mentioned that;
they were sons of the kings and leaders of Byzantium, and that they went out one day to one of the festivals of their people. They used to gather once a year outside the city, and they would worship idols and offer sacrifices to them. They had an arrogant, tyrannical king who was called Decianus, who commanded and encouraged the people to do that. When the people went out to attend this gathering, these young men went out with their fathers and their people, and when they saw their people's actions with clear insight, they realized that the prostrations and sacrifices the people were offering to their idols should only be dedicated to Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth.
Each of them started to withdraw from his people and keep aloof from them. The first one of them to move away on his own went and sat in the shade of a tree, then another came and sat with him, then another came and sat with them, then four more followed suit one by one. None of them knew the others, but they were brought together by the One Who instilled faith in their hearts.
As it says in the Hadith recorded by Al-Bukhari with an incomplete chain of narrators from A'ishah (may Allah be pleased with her), the Messenger of Allah said:
Souls are like recruited soldiers. Those that recognize one another will come together, and those that do not recognize one another will turn away from each another.
Muslim also recorded this in his Sahih from the Hadith of Suhayl from his father from Abu Hurayrah from the Messenger of Allah.
People say that similar qualities or characteristics are what bring people together. So each of the young men was trying to conceal what he really believed from the others, out of fear of them, not knowing that they were like him.
Then one of them said, "O people, you know by Allah that only one thing is making you leave your people and isolate yourselves from them, so let each one of you say what it is in his case.''
Another said, "As for me, by Allah I saw what my people are doing and I realized that it was false, and that the only One Who deserves to be worshipped Alone with out partner or associate is Allah Who created everything, the heavens, the earth and everything in between.''
Another said, "By Allah, the same thing happened to me.''
The others said the same, and they all agreed and became brothers in faith. They adopted a particular location as a place of worship and began worshipping Allah there, but their people found out about them and told their king about them. The king ordered them to appear before him, and asked them about their beliefs. They told him the truth and called him to Allah, as Allah says about them:
And We made their hearts firm and strong when they stood up and said: "Our Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth, never shall we call upon any god other than Him...''
"Never" (Lan) implies an absolute and eternal negation, meaning, `this will never happen, and if we were to do that it would be false.'
So Allah says about them:
...if we did, we should indeed have uttered an enormity in disbelief.
meaning, untruth and utter falsehood.
These, our people, have taken for worship gods other than Him (Allah). Why do they not bring for them a clear authority!
meaning, why do they not produce some clear evidence and genuine proof for their behavior!
And who does more wrong than he who invents a lie against Allah.
They said: `but by saying that they are lying transgressors.'
It was said that when they called their king to believe in Allah, he refused, and warned and threatened them. He commanded them to be stripped of their clothing bearing the adornments of their people, then he gave them some time to think about the situation, hoping that they would return to their former religion.
This was a way that Allah showed kindness for them, because during that time they managed to escape from him and flee from persecution for the sake of their religion.
This is what is prescribed in the Shariah during times of trial and persecution -- a person who fears for his religion should flee from his persecutors, as was reported in the Hadith:
Soon there will come a time when the best wealth any of you can have will be sheep, which he can follow to the tops of the mountains and places where rain falls, (fleeing) for the sake of his religion from persecution.
In such cases, it is allowed to seclude oneself from people, but this is not prescribed in any other case, because by such seclusion one loses the benefits of congregational and Friday prayers.
These young men were determined to flee from their people, and Allah decreed that for them, as He says about them,
And when you withdraw from them, and that which they worship, except Allah,
meaning, when you depart from them and follow a different religion, opposing their worship of others besides Allah, then separate from them in a physical sense too,
then seek refuge in the cave; your Lord will open a way for you from His mercy,
meaning, He will bestow His mercy upon you, by which He will conceal you from your people.
and will make easy for you your affair.
means, He will give you what you need. So they left and fled to the cave where they sought refuge.
Then their people noticed they were missing, and the king looked for them, and it was said when he could not find them that Allah concealed them from him so that he could not find any trace of them or any information about them.
As Allah concealed His Prophet Muhammad and his Companion (Abu Bakr) As-Siddiq, when they sought refuge in the cave of Thawr. The Quraysh idolators came in pursuit, but they did not find him even though they passed right by him. When the Messenger of Allah noticed that As-Siddiq was anxious and said, "O Messenger of Allah, if one of them looks down at the place of his feet, he will see us,''
he told him:
O Abu Bakr, what do you think of two who have Allah as their third?
And Allah said:
If you help him not, for Allah did indeed help him when the disbelievers drove him out, the second of the two; when they were in the cave, he said to his companion: "Do not grieve, surely, Allah is with us.''
Then Allah sent down His tranquility upon him, and strengthened him with forces which you saw not, and made the word of those who disbelieved the lower, while the Word of Allah became the higher; and Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise. (9:40)
The story of this cave (Thawr) is far greater and more wondrous than that of the people of the Cave.
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quranwithsehar · 1 year
The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever recites Surat al-Kahf on Friday, a light will shine for him between this Friday and the next.”
Light refers to brightness that guides us in darkness. Therefore, this light will guide you in every problem and difficulty that you may face in life, showing you the straight path. If you are unsure about which option to choose, reciting this surah will help you. This is the light that is bestowed upon you in your life until the next Friday by reciting Surah Al-Kahf. Moreover, there are many other hadiths that explain the benefits of reciting Surah Al-Kahf. So make it a habit to recite Surah Al-Kahf on Fridays.
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🍃🕊🍃 Question 43: al-Khidr’s actions in the Qur’an
Question: Regarding verse 80 of Surah al-Kahf, where Khidr (ع) explains his reason for killing the young boy - in view of the Divine principle of not recording evil deeds or punishing people for them before they have taken place, some questions arise…
1. Although Allah (awj) knew that this youth would commit evil deeds in the future, why wasn’t he granted respite (in accordance with the Divine method) until he could witness his own evil deeds in the future? Is this not predeterminism?
2. Was that youth favored with Divine grace because of his believing parents, and since he died before performing those evil deeds, will he no longer be punished?
3. Or since Allah (awj) knew that he would disobey Him in the future, will he be punished in the hereafter?
In view of the explanations that emerge from Qur`anic commentaries, traditions, and the context of the verses, the incident of killing that teenage boy (ghulam) was not a chance event or as a result of a conflict; rather, Khidr (ع) proceeded to kill him without any preliminary exchange of words. So there is no possibility of there being any mental inclination or anger involved in this event, and the questioner’s mind comes to accept the fact that though there were no provoking or inciting factors involved, without doubt the killing had wisdom and special reason behind it. It did not follow from base desires. The action was undertaken by someone about whom the Qur`an says,
“One of Our servants whom We
granted mercy from Ourselves
and whom we granted knowledge
from Ourselves”1
one of Our servants whose hearts’ vessel We filled with Our exclusive mercy and whom We taught from Our select knowledge.
So we can be certain that personal desire was not involved. But in terms of its emotional wisdom and how it can be believed that such a person would undertake to kill a young man, an answer is required, which is presented as follows.
It is understood from some traditions that when Prophet Musa (ع) saw this scene, he was profoundly shocked, and because he saw the killing as unjustified based on its outward appearance, he turned to Khidr (ع) and said, “Did you kill an innocent person who wasn’t worthy of death? What you have done is unacceptable and abhorrent.”
At this point, Khidr (ع) briefly explains his reason for what he did “The Divine will and wisdom are superior to all things, and the unsophisticated intellect of human beings cannot comprehend the finer points of Allah’s (awj) affairs and His will. Thus, human intellects have no authority over His will; rather, His will holds sway over human intellects. So don’t just rely on your reasoning and its superficial understanding, and for now patiently bear whatever I do...”2
🍃 Looking carefully into this tradition,
we conclude that:
1. Every thing has an outer aspect and an inner reality. If something has a good and innocent-looking outer form but underneath is evil and sinful, it is not possible to simply rely on laws pertaining to the outer aspect.
2. Sometimes Allah (awj) decides, on the basis of some overriding good, to act beyond the limits of apparent recompense and desires to apply the [laws of the] inner dimension, along with its reward or punishment.
3. The killing of the young man was entirely dependent on Allah’s (awj) command; Khidr (ع) did not perform this deed without a Divine command, but was merely executing His will.3
Here the question presents itself as to whether by killing that youth, Allah (awj) has punished him before any crime has been committed on his part. The points below can help us answer this question.
1. If a person is born to Muslim parents and then denies his or her faith after attaining maturity, the rules of an “apostate from nature” (murtadd fitri) will apply to him or her. If that person is a man, he will be worthy of death. It has come in several traditions: “[Though the Qur`an clearly states that] the parents of that young man were believers, their son was an disbeliever, to the extent that there was no hope of his heart opening up to the truth, and the seal of obstinacy and rejection of faith had been placed on it.”4
So while it is true that his apparent conduct in playing with his friends did not reveal his disbelief (just as Musa (ع), relying on this outward state, thought him innocent), the reality of his heart and beliefs proved his disbelief (as demonstrated in the Divine knowledge and its revelation to Khidr (ع)). As a result, his being killed was merely a result of his choosing to be an apostate, which carries the consequence in this world of termination of physical life.
2. Allah (awj) knew that the continuation of the young man’s life would lead to nothing but more spiritual and material loss for him because he would mislead his believing parents, break apart family ties, and deprive them of the worldly and otherworldly blessings of faith for the family and for society. Thus, since the good in his life up until that point had come to an end, Allah (awj) determined to terminate his life and put in place the means of taking his life—just as a person takes care of things as long as their good outweighs their harm, but then no longer takes an interest in them when that is not the case.
In this instance, though the soul was seized by the angel Jibra`il and his servants, Allah (awj) wished for the apparent executor of His will (ending the life of that young man) to be one of His chosen and merciful servants who had knowledge of His special sciences, namely Khidr (ع).
In other words, his action was based on Allah’s (awj) creational and legislative will with respect to the death of that young man, and in this respect his death was like all other deaths that are caused by accidents or other causes (with the difference that an accidental killing is not in accordance with Allah’s (awj) legislative will and He has not commanded it to take place; but the killing under discussion and all natural deaths take place in accordance with Allah’s (awj) permission and indication both legislatively and creationally [i.e. natural causality].
Imam Ja’far b. Muhammad as-Sadiq (ع) solving this problem, says, “…Khidr’s concern was for events not to take such a turn that he would be prevented from carrying out what he was commanded, such that he would remain deprived of the reward of carrying out Allah’s will, that is, ending the life of that young man (the beginning and end of which are both in accordance with Divine grace and the greater good, not in accordance with what the human being deserves)—especially since carrying out this command was a source of mercy for the parents of that youth (since as the Qur`an clearly says, Khidr (ع) knew that in place of that son Allah would give them a child who would be pure and a source of unity for the family. In addition, the coming to pass of this Divine will allowed Khidr (ع) to be able to reveal Divine secrets and explain hidden truths to Musa (ع).”
It is worthy of note that “When Khidr (ع) began explaining his reasons, he said, ‘In any case, we feared that the young man would later become rebellious and lead his parents towards disbelief.’” That is, in explaining the process of performing this action, he doesn’t make mention of his own will at all and instead uses the plural verb “we feared” to show that as executor of Divine will he did not act alone, but Divine assistance and the intermediaries of His court were with him—with the difference that fear cannot be attributed to Allah (awj), but Khidr (ع) and others are subject to fear.5 (The issuance and execution of the command is shared, while the fear of failure in fully executing the Divine command is exclusive to Khidr (ع)).
Why is it that though Allah (awj) knew that the young man would fall into disobedience in the future, He gave him no respite (in accordance with the Divine Way) and did not allow him to witness his own evil deeds in the future? Isn’t this predeterminism?
It is clear from the preceding explanation that:
1. Life itself is a Divine blessing; no one has an entitlement to it. From this perspective the issue of demanding a continuation of life doesn’t arise, let alone for one to ask for a reason for its non-continuation.
2. Allah (awj) had willed for that young man’s life to be ended in accordance with His wisdom and the greater good.
But in answer to this question it is possible to bring up other aspects of this issue as well:
1. The youth was culpable in two respects: he was an “apostate from nature”; and he had the ability to destroy the foundation of his parents’ faith. Allah (awj) observed that he didn’t use the respite He had given to reform himself and make amends or abandon unbelief and apostasy. Therefore, He carried out the command of killing him.6
2. If the young man were to remain alive, he would put into practice his intention (of leading others to disbelief), and in this case greater harm and damage would result. Thus, to prevent those future consequences, the command to end the life of such a being was issued. In addition, it can be gleaned from the apparent sense of the verse that this son was not as obedient and beneficial as he ought to be and in that short time after attaining maturity had already committed sins and misdeeds. In this way, he worked to lead his parents astray.
3. As verse 81 of Surah al-Kahf indicates, Allah (awj) had decreed to reward the parents of that young man for their faith by granting them a model child. From this it can be understood that not only would his remaining alive result in his parents’ going astray and him not receiving the punishment of his apostasy, it would also prevent another good from reaching them. This point is clearly explained in the traditions: “Allah had willed to give them in place of that son a daughter who would bear a son in whose line would be numerous prophets, one after the other, such that seventy prophets would descend from that one daughter.”7
Thus, another result of not granting respite to that young man was for that line of prophets to come into being.
It goes without saying that it is the Divine Way (sunnah) for the parents of prophets to be believers. So if the son remained alive and pulled his parents towards unbelief, it would contradict this Divine principle. This is why the question doesn’t arise as to why it wasn’t possible for both the son to live and the line of prophets to come into being.
Was the young man availed of Divine grace on account of his parents and, since he died before committing those evil deeds, was he no longer subject to punishment? Or, since Allah (awj) knew that he would disobey Him in the future, will he be punished?
In view of the preceding explanation and following points, it can be deduced that this putting to death was a source of mercy for all involved: the young man who was killed, Khidr (ع) who killed him, and the parents of the young man.
a. The good that came to young man as a result of being put to death:
1. He received punishment in this world for his apostasy, which may lessen his punishment in the hereafter.
2. If he remained alive, he would make his parents unbelievers and would be responsible for the sin of their apostasy and unbelief.
3. Creedal disbelief leads to decadence and sinful behavior. Thus, his death in youth forever sealed his scroll of evil deeds, and on the Day of Judgment he will not be punished for all the sins he would have committed had he lived longer.
4. He wasn’t capable of fulfilling his duties towards his parents, and the pain he would thus cause his parents itself would increase his burden of sins and his parents’ aversion to him.
b. The good that came to his parents:
1. Their faith remained unharmed.
2. To resist such a son wouldn’t lead anywhere, and their parental love and emotions would soften their hearts towards him and weaken their faith. Thus, they were also saved from the tension and unease that would result from his remaining alive.
3. Their patience and contentment with Allah’s (awj) will were tested, and they were able to be successful in this test.
4. In place of an immoral and rebellious son, they were granted a pure, devoted, and blessed daughter.
5. They were blessed with becoming the progenitors of seventy prophets, whose reward and forgiveness they benefited from.
6. Their memory was eternally recorded in the everlasting revelation of the Qur`an, and they became an example for others.
c. The benefit that came to his killer:
1. He was granted the ability to carry out a Divine decree (Divine will).
2. He was the cause of blessings for a Muslim family.
3. He was able to teach some of the secrets of revelation and unseen realities to Musa (ع).
Imam Ja’far b. Muhammad as-Sadiq (ع) describes these blessings in these words: “Allah knew that if he stayed alive, the young man would lead his parents to disbelief and he would become a source of corruption and hardship for all. Thus Khidr (ع) was commanded to finish his life so that as a result all of them (the killer, the killed, and his parents) would attain honor and Divine grace.”8
🍃🕊🍃 Sources 🍃🕊🍃
1. Surat al-Kahf (18), (Verse 65)
فَوَجَدَا عَبْدًا مِنْ عِبَادِنَا آتَيْنَاهُ رَحْمَةً مِنْ عِنْدِنَا وَعَلَّمْنَاهُ مِنْ لَدُنَّا عِلْمًا
2. ‘Ilal al-Sharayi’, (vol. 1, pg. 60-61)
فَانْطَلَقَا حَتَّى إذَا لَقِيَا غُلاَمًا فَقَتَلَهُ الْخِضْرُ عَلَيْهِ السَّلاَمُ فَغَضِبَ مُوْسى وَأَخَذَ بِتَلاَبِيْبِهِ وَقَالَ لَهُ : أَقَتَلْتَ نَفْسًا زَكِيَّةً بِغَيْرِ نَفْسٍ لَقَدْ جِئْتَ شَيْئًا نُكْرًا ، قَالَ لَهُ الْخِضْرُ إنَّ الْعُقُوْلَ لاَ تَحْكُمُ عَلى أَمْرِ اللهِ تَعَالى ذِكْرُهُ بَلْ أَمْرُ اللهِ يَحْكُمُ عَلَيْهَا ، فَسَلِّمْ لِمَا ترى مِنِّيْ وَاصْبِرْ عَلَيْهِ
3. Tafsir Nur al-Thaqalayn,
(vol. 3, pg. 283-284)
4. ‘Ilal al-Sharayi’, (vol. 1, pg. 61)
...وَ أَمَّا الْغُلاَمُ، فَکَانَ أَبَوَاهُ مُؤْمِنَينِ وَ طُبِعَ کَافِراً...
5. ‘Ilal al-Sharayi’, (vol. 1, pg. 61)
فَاشْتَرَكَ بِالأَنَانِيَّةِ بِقَوْلِهِ : فَخَشِيْنَا أَنْ يَرْهَقَهُمَا طُغْيَاناً وَكُفْراً فَأَرَدْنَا أَنْ يُبْدِلَهُمَا رَبُّهُمَا خَيْراً مِنْهُ زَكَاةً وَأَقْرَبُ رُحْماً وَإِنَّمَا اشْتَرَكَ فِي الأَنَانِيَّةِ لِأَنَّهُ خَشِيَ وَاللهُ لاَ يَخْشى لِأَنَّهُ لاَ يَفُوْتُهُ شَيْءٌ وَلاَ يَمْتَنِعُ عَلَيْهِ أَحَدٌ أَرَادَهُ ، وَإنَّمَا خَشِيَ الْخِضْرُ ، مِنْ أَنْ يُحَالَ بَيْنَهُ وَبَيْنَ مَا أُمِرَ فِيْهِ فَلاَ يَدْرِكُ ثَوَابَ الْإِمْضَاءَ فِيْهِ ، وَوَقَعَ فِي نَفْسِهِ أَنَّ اللهَ تَعَالَى ذِكْرُهُ جَعَلَهُ سَبَبًا لَرَحْمَةِ أَبَوَيِ الْغُلاَمِ فَعَمِلَ فِيْهِ وَسَطَ الْأَمْرِ مِنَ الْبَشَرِيَّة.
6. This has only been put forth as a
possibility by some analysts and
it is not necessarily the correct.
7. Tafsir Nur al-Thaqalayn,
(vol. 3, pg. 286, no. 170-173)
أَبْدَلَهُمَا اللٌّهُ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ مَکَانَ الإِبْنِ إِبْنَةً، فَوُلِدَ مِنْهَا سَبْعُونَ نَبِيًا.
8. Tafsir Safi, (vol. 3, pg. 256)
فِي الْعِلَلِ عَنِ الصَّادِقِ ( ع): عَلِمَ اللٌّهُ أَنَّهُ إِنْ بَقى كَفَرَ أَبَوَاهُ وَافْتُتِنَا بِهِ وَضَلاَّ بِإِضْلاَلِهِ فَأَمَرَنِيَ اللهُ بِقَتْلِهِ وَأَرَادَ بِذَلِكَ نَقْلِهِمْ إِلَى مَحَلِّ كَرَامَتِهِ فِي الْعَاقِبَةِ.
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tahyal · 2 years
Hello Tahyal <3
I was wondering, do you have any favourite story from the Qur'an?
and also do you have any favourite figure from the Sahabas and why?
Have a peaceful day
Hi 💞
My favorite passage is the one where the concept of Divine light is explained - in Surah An-Nūr (verse 35)!
I also love the cave story of Al-kahf, it’s fascinating how time was altered for those people.
And for the sahaba, after watching the series عمر Id say Umar Ibn Khattab 😂!
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lifeofresulullah · 2 years
The Life of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH):   First Migration, the Year of Sorrow, the Splitting of the Moon
Migration to Abyssinia: Part 3
The three questions of the polytheists
The polytheists who had been withering in a state of hopelessness in the face of our Holy Prophet ‘s (PBUH) cause came up with a new idea: To learn about our Holy Prophet (PBUH) from the Jewish scholars.
With this purpose in mind, their representatives set off to Madina to speak with the Jewish scholars… When they arrived, they described our Holy Prophet ‘s (PBUH) words and actions. Afterward, they said, “You are a people that hold the Torah in your hands. We have consulted you so that you can inform us of this man.”
The Jewish scholars answered:
“Ask him, “What amazing adventures did a group of young men experienced in the past? Who is the individual that went back and forth from the east to the west on the face of the Earth and what is his tale? What is the essence of the soul?” If he answers these questions, then be assured that he is a Prophet of God and submit to him. If he can not answer them, then, that man is a liar and you can do whatever you want to him.”
The representatives went back to Mecca and explained the situation to the other polytheists.
The happy and hopeful polytheists ran to our Holy Prophet (PBUH) and asked these three questions.
The Master of the Universe (PBUH) requested a respite by saying, “I will let you know tomorrow.”
However, our Holy Prophet (PBUH) forgot to say “Inshallah”(Allah-willing( when saying those words). According to one narration, a revelation was not sent for three days while it was 15 according to another. Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) could not stay put as he was so discomforted. The polytheists began to gossip, “Muhammad requested a respite for one day. Much time has passed and he still has not informed us of anything.” Thus, our Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) level of discomfort increased so much that he could not speak to anyone.
However, the distress of Allah’s Apostle (PBUH) did not last for much longer and a revelation finally arrived. An answer was given to the questions posed by the polytheists:
“Or dost thou reflect that the Companions of the Cave and of the Inscription were wonders among Our Signs? Behold, the youths betook themselves to the Cave: they said “Our Lord! Bestow on us Mercy from Thyself, and dispose of our affair for us in the right way!”
These verses answered the first question asked by the polytheists and stated that the group of young men was the Ashab al-Kahf and the following verses explained their adventures.
This next verse was the response to their second question:
They ask thee concerning Dhul Qarnayn. Say "I will rehearse to you something of his story."
The verses of this chapter that followed indicate that Allah gave Dhul Qarnayn power, provided him with many resources with which he advanced towards the west, that he encountered a tribe during his journey and invited them to commit good deeds. Afterward, he proceeded towards the west again and met with another tribe once more. They state that he encouraged them to commit auspicious deeds as well.
An answer to the third question posed by the polytheists was given with this following verse:
“They ask thee concerning the Spirit. Say: "The Spirit (cometh) by command of my Lord of knowledge it is only a little that is communicated to you (O men!)”
The polytheists received the perfect answers to their questions.
Instead of testifying to our Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) cause, they distanced themselves from following him and continued to live in a state of excessive unbelief.
However, by turning their faces away from the truth and reality, they were only dragging themselves towards disaster. As they resisted, the Islamic cause was continuing to capture even more hearts with its glory and exaltedness.
Allah warns our Holy Prophet (PBUH) in the same Surah as follows:
“Nor say of anything, "I shall be sure to do so and so tomorrow"― Without adding, "So please Allah!” And call thy Lord to mind when thou forgettest and say “I hope that my Lord will guide me ever closer (even) than this to the right road."
After this warning, our Holy Prophet (PBUH) made it a principle to say “Inshallah” throughout his entire life after everything that he planned to do.
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writerfarzanatutul · 17 hours
The Poison of Envy: Trusting in Allah's Wisdom
Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Raheem.
Envy (Hasad) is indeed a destructive emotion, one that can consume a person and lead them toward feelings of resentment and hatred. It often occurs when we see someone receiving blessings or provisions that we don't have, and we start questioning: "Why them and not me?" This burning feeling, the desire to see another's blessing disappear, is the root of envy.
We see this destructive emotion in the story of Qabil (Cain) and Habil (Abel). Qabil became envious of his brother Habil when Allah accepted Habil’s sacrifice but not his. This envy led Qabil to murder his own brother. Allah recounts this event in the Qur'an:
"فَطَوَّعَتْ لَهُ نَفْسُهُ قَتْلَ أَخِيهِ فَقَتَلَهُ فَأَصْبَحَ مِنَ الْخَاسِرِينَ" "So his soul prompted him to kill his brother, and he killed him and became among the losers." Quran 5:30
Envy drove Qabil to commit a heinous sin. This shows the extent to which envy can corrupt the soul. Now, let's reflect on another major incident of envy in the story of Adam (alaihi as-salam) and Iblis. When Allah commanded the angels and Iblis to prostrate to Adam, Iblis refused out of arrogance and envy. Iblis believed he was superior to Adam because he was made of fire while Adam was made of clay:
"قَالَ أَنَا خَيْرٌ مِّنْهُ خَلَقْتَنِي مِن نَّارٍ وَخَلَقْتَهُ مِن طِينٍ" "[Iblis] said, 'I am better than him. You created me from fire and created him from clay.'" Quran 7:12
Iblis couldn't tolerate the honor given to Adam (alaihi as-salam), and his envy led him to disobey Allah. In both stories—Qabil and Habil and Iblis and Adam—the underlying sin was envy, a feeling of being unworthy of someone else's blessings, and in turn, questioning Allah's wisdom and justice.
Now, reflect on the logic behind envy. When you see someone who has been blessed—whether with beauty, wealth, intelligence, or success—you may start questioning: "Why them? Why not me?" You begin to feel entitled to their blessing and, like Iblis, you use your own logic to justify your feelings. But who are we to decide who deserves what? It is Allah who allocates provisions and blessings:
"إِنَّ رَبَّكَ يَبْسُطُ الرِّزْقَ لِمَن يَشَاءُ وَيَقْدِرُ إِنَّهُ كَانَ بِعِبَادِهِ خَبِيرًا بَصِيرًا" "Indeed, your Lord extends provision for whom He wills and restricts [it]. Indeed, He is ever, concerning His servants, Acquainted and Seeing." Quran 17:30
Allah, in His infinite wisdom, gives what He knows is best for each of us. Sometimes, we may not understand why someone else receives a particular blessing while we don't, but this is where Tawakkul (trust in Allah) comes into play.
The Story of Khidr and Musa (Alaihi as-Salam):
A beautiful example of this is found in Surah Al-Kahf, where Prophet Musa (alaihi as-salam) was shown incidents by Khidr that initially seemed unjust. One such event was when Khidr repaired a wall in a village where the people had refused to offer them any hospitality. Musa (alaihi as-salam) questioned why Khidr would help such people. Khidr explained that beneath the wall was a treasure belonging to orphans, and by fixing the wall, he was protecting their inheritance until they were old enough to claim it:
"وَأَمَّا ٱلۡجِدَارُ فَكَانَ لِغُلَـٰمَيۡنِ يَتِيمَيۡنِ فِي ٱلۡمَدِينَةِ وَكَانَ تَحۡتَهُۥ كَنزٞ لَّهُمَا وَكَانَ أَبُوهُمَا صَـٰلِحٗا" "As for the wall, it belonged to two orphan boys in the city, and beneath it was a treasure for them; and their father had been righteous..." Quran 18:82
This story teaches us that Allah's wisdom is beyond our comprehension. While we may see someone receiving blessings and wonder why, the reality could be something we are not privy to. Just like the people in the village, we might think someone undeserving is getting something good, but in reality, Allah has a hidden reason that benefits others or serves a greater purpose.
Lessons from the Story of the Quraysh and the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam):
The Meccan Quraysh refused to accept the message of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) partly because of their envy. They could not accept that someone from among them—not from the wealthiest or most powerful tribes—was chosen as the final messenger of Allah. They asked, "Why him? Why not us?" But Allah chose Muhammad (peace be upon him) because of his purity of heart and truthfulness, qualities far more important than wealth or status.
"وَقَالُوا لَوْلَا نُزِّلَ هَـٰذَا ٱلۡقُرۡءَانُ عَلَىٰ رَجُلٖ مِّنَ ٱلۡقَرۡيَتَيۡنِ عَظِيمٍ" "And they said, 'Why was this Qur'an not sent down upon a great man from [one of] the two cities?'" Quran 43:31
Like Qabil, they questioned Allah’s wisdom, which only led to their downfall. If only they had accepted the Prophet’s message, they would have received immeasurable blessings.
How to Combat Envy:
When you feel the burning sensation of envy, remember that Allah knows what is best for each of His servants. Instead of letting envy take root, do what the Prophet (peace be upon him) advised:
Make du’a for others: If you see someone with a blessing, make du’a for Allah to increase them in that blessing. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:“If any one of you sees something in his brother that pleases him, let him pray for blessing for him, and not envy him.” (Ibn Majah)
The angels will pray for you: When you make du’a for others, the angels respond by making the same du’a for you. This is a win-win situation—your heart stays pure, and you receive blessings as well.
Tawakkul: Trust that Allah is the best planner, and that whatever you have is exactly what you need to succeed in this world and the next.
"وَمَن يَتَوَكَّلْ عَلَى اللَّهِ فَهُوَ حَسْبُهُ" "And whoever relies upon Allah – then He is sufficient for him." Quran 65:3
Remember that Satan is disappointed: Every time you resist envy and pray for others, you
are disappointing Shaytan, who thrives on creating jealousy and hatred among people. By staying content and making du’a for others, you not only protect your heart from the poison of envy but also bring peace to your soul.
Envy is an emotion that can lead to destructive behavior, just as it did with Qabil and Iblis. However, Islam teaches us to combat envy by recognizing that Allah is the best planner and that He alone decides who receives what. Instead of questioning Allah’s wisdom, we should place our trust in Him, remain content with what we have, and pray for others to receive more blessings. By doing so, we not only protect ourselves from the harmful effects of envy but also draw closer to Allah and invite His mercy into our lives.
The next time you feel the stirrings of envy, make du’a for the person, and remember that what Allah has given them does not diminish what He can give you. Trust that Allah’s plan is the best for you, and He knows exactly what you need in this life and the hereafter.
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drmaqazi · 5 days
Surah al-Kahf is the 18th Surah of Quran Kareem and has 110 verses and 12 RUKU's (Parts).
The Surah explains to us the story of ancient followers who face hardship in society due to acceptance of truth and ask ALLAH's protection and he protects them in a cave by a metaphoric sleep rest for centuries.
Surah al-Kahf gives us a clear message that those who believe in ALLAH (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) and ask protection from Him, He will surely protect them.
Virtues and Benefits of Reading of Surah al-Kahf on Fridays
It has several virtues, but some significant benefits are given below:
Secure Against Dajjal Fitnah
A person who recites the last ten verses of Surah every Friday will be protected from the fitnah of Dajjal when Dajjal came out.
Shine Light
He who reads Surah al-Kahf on Fridays, ALLAH (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) will shower a light (NOOR) on his face that will last till the next two Fridays.
Forgive Sins
Those who recite this Surah on every Friday, ALLAH (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) will forgive all of his/her sins.
Protect from Poverty
Whoever reads Surah al-Kahf on Fridays, ALLAH (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) will bless his house and protect him/her from poverty.
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quransunnahdawah · 1 month
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Read Surah Al-Kahf On Day of Jumah Prepare Yourself For Gaining Paradise (Jannah)
Surah Kahf Teachings
The surah summarizes for us the gist of Islam; its main theme is that Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) will protect us from all trials. Told through a series of stories that illustrate specific trials, it teaches that Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) will protect the believer at times of severity.
The four stories of Surat Al-Kahf
Trial of Faith – People of the Cave/ Ashabu Al-Kahf (Verses 9 – 26) ...
Trial of Wealth – The story of the man who owns two gardens (Verses 32 – 44) ...
Trial of Knowledge – Moses and Al-Khidr (Verses 60–82) ...
Trial of Power – Dhul-Qar-nayn with Yajuj Majuj (Verses 83–98)
      Four stories & lessons in Surah Al-Kahf (Protection from Dunya & Dajjal)
Allah has sent the Quran as guidance to all mankind. Each and every verse of the Quran has blessings and lessons for us in our daily lives.
chapter Al-Kahf. The Prophet (peace be upon him) encouraged us to read the Surah every single Friday. Moreover, he encouraged us to memorize the first ten verses of the Surah because they will safeguard us from the Dajjal (the Antichrist), the worst of afflictions that will hit mankind.
So what lessons can we take from chapter Al-Kahf? There are too many to put in one article. Or dare I say, too many lessons for even one person to extract all of them. Every time we read the chapter, we will find new lessons.
In this article, we will look at the four stories, and extract three daily life lessons for us from each of the stories. There are lots more, but we will keep it to four.
Read Surah Al-Kahf and prepare yourself for Paradise
AlKahaf (Arabic: الكهف, al-kahf; meaning: cave). Surah Al-Kahf explains fitnah in different areas of life. The stories in this surah outline how the believer should approach these trials and tribulations. Surah Al-Kahf teaches us to never rest and to do as many good deeds as possible to be victorious. Through the worship of Allah alone, the believer can attain greater blessings and prepare himself in this world to attain Paradise in the Hereafter. Allah is the only true God. We will surely return to Allah. So worship Allah alone.
Quran 18 Surah Al Kahf
Lessons From Surah Al Kahf
Four Lessons from Surah Kahf 
Lessons and secrets of Surah Al Kahf I Tafseer
Read Surah Al-Kahf and prepare yourself for Paradise
Read Surah Al-Kahf On Day of Jumah Prepare Yourself For Gaining Paradise (Jannah)
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Read Surah Al-Kahf On Day of Jumah Prepare Yourself For Gaining Paradise (Jannah)
Surah Kahf Teachings
The surah summarizes for us the gist of Islam; its main theme is that Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) will protect us from all trials. Told through a series of stories that illustrate specific trials, it teaches that Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) will protect the believer at times of severity.
The four stories of Surat Al-Kahf
Trial of Faith – People of the Cave/ Ashabu Al-Kahf (Verses 9 – 26) ...
Trial of Wealth – The story of the man who owns two gardens (Verses 32 – 44) ...
Trial of Knowledge – Moses and Al-Khidr (Verses 60–82) ...
Trial of Power – Dhul-Qar-nayn with Yajuj Majuj (Verses 83–98)
      Four stories & lessons in Surah Al-Kahf (Protection from Dunya & Dajjal)
Allah has sent the Quran as guidance to all mankind. Each and every verse of the Quran has blessings and lessons for us in our daily lives.
chapter Al-Kahf. The Prophet (peace be upon him) encouraged us to read the Surah every single Friday. Moreover, he encouraged us to memorize the first ten verses of the Surah because they will safeguard us from the Dajjal (the Antichrist), the worst of afflictions that will hit mankind.
So what lessons can we take from chapter Al-Kahf? There are too many to put in one article. Or dare I say, too many lessons for even one person to extract all of them. Every time we read the chapter, we will find new lessons.
In this article, we will look at the four stories, and extract three daily life lessons for us from each of the stories. There are lots more, but we will keep it to four.
Read Surah Al-Kahf and prepare yourself for Paradise
AlKahaf (Arabic: الكهف, al-kahf; meaning: cave). Surah Al-Kahf explains fitnah in different areas of life. The stories in this surah outline how the believer should approach these trials and tribulations. Surah Al-Kahf teaches us to never rest and to do as many good deeds as possible to be victorious. Through the worship of Allah alone, the believer can attain greater blessings and prepare himself in this world to attain Paradise in the Hereafter. Allah is the only true God. We will surely return to Allah. So worship Allah alone.
Quran 18 Surah Al Kahf
Lessons From Surah Al Kahf
Four Lessons from Surah Kahf 
Lessons and secrets of Surah Al Kahf I Tafseer
Read Surah Al-Kahf and prepare yourself for Paradise
Read Surah Al-Kahf On Day of Jumah Prepare Yourself For Gaining Paradise (Jannah)
0 notes
ilyforallahswt · 1 month
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Read Surah Al-Kahf On Day of Jumah Prepare Yourself For Gaining Paradise (Jannah)
Surah Kahf Teachings
The surah summarizes for us the gist of Islam; its main theme is that Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) will protect us from all trials. Told through a series of stories that illustrate specific trials, it teaches that Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) will protect the believer at times of severity.
The four stories of Surat Al-Kahf
Trial of Faith – People of the Cave/ Ashabu Al-Kahf (Verses 9 – 26) ...
Trial of Wealth – The story of the man who owns two gardens (Verses 32 – 44) ...
Trial of Knowledge – Moses and Al-Khidr (Verses 60–82) ...
Trial of Power – Dhul-Qar-nayn with Yajuj Majuj (Verses 83–98)
      Four stories & lessons in Surah Al-Kahf (Protection from Dunya & Dajjal)
Allah has sent the Quran as guidance to all mankind. Each and every verse of the Quran has blessings and lessons for us in our daily lives.
chapter Al-Kahf. The Prophet (peace be upon him) encouraged us to read the Surah every single Friday. Moreover, he encouraged us to memorize the first ten verses of the Surah because they will safeguard us from the Dajjal (the Antichrist), the worst of afflictions that will hit mankind.
So what lessons can we take from chapter Al-Kahf? There are too many to put in one article. Or dare I say, too many lessons for even one person to extract all of them. Every time we read the chapter, we will find new lessons.
In this article, we will look at the four stories, and extract three daily life lessons for us from each of the stories. There are lots more, but we will keep it to four.
Read Surah Al-Kahf and prepare yourself for Paradise
AlKahaf (Arabic: الكهف, al-kahf; meaning: cave). Surah Al-Kahf explains fitnah in different areas of life. The stories in this surah outline how the believer should approach these trials and tribulations. Surah Al-Kahf teaches us to never rest and to do as many good deeds as possible to be victorious. Through the worship of Allah alone, the believer can attain greater blessings and prepare himself in this world to attain Paradise in the Hereafter. Allah is the only true God. We will surely return to Allah. So worship Allah alone.
Quran 18 Surah Al Kahf
Lessons From Surah Al Kahf
Four Lessons from Surah Kahf 
Lessons and secrets of Surah Al Kahf I Tafseer
Read Surah Al-Kahf and prepare yourself for Paradise
Read Surah Al-Kahf On Day of Jumah Prepare Yourself For Gaining Paradise (Jannah)
0 notes
myreligionislam · 1 month
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Read Surah Al-Kahf On Day of Jumah Prepare Yourself For Gaining Paradise (Jannah)
Surah Kahf Teachings
The surah summarizes for us the gist of Islam; its main theme is that Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) will protect us from all trials. Told through a series of stories that illustrate specific trials, it teaches that Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) will protect the believer at times of severity.
The four stories of Surat Al-Kahf
Trial of Faith – People of the Cave/ Ashabu Al-Kahf (Verses 9 – 26) ...
Trial of Wealth – The story of the man who owns two gardens (Verses 32 – 44) ...
Trial of Knowledge – Moses and Al-Khidr (Verses 60–82) ...
Trial of Power – Dhul-Qar-nayn with Yajuj Majuj (Verses 83–98)
      Four stories & lessons in Surah Al-Kahf (Protection from Dunya & Dajjal)
Allah has sent the Quran as guidance to all mankind. Each and every verse of the Quran has blessings and lessons for us in our daily lives.
chapter Al-Kahf. The Prophet (peace be upon him) encouraged us to read the Surah every single Friday. Moreover, he encouraged us to memorize the first ten verses of the Surah because they will safeguard us from the Dajjal (the Antichrist), the worst of afflictions that will hit mankind.
So what lessons can we take from chapter Al-Kahf? There are too many to put in one article. Or dare I say, too many lessons for even one person to extract all of them. Every time we read the chapter, we will find new lessons.
In this article, we will look at the four stories, and extract three daily life lessons for us from each of the stories. There are lots more, but we will keep it to four.
Read Surah Al-Kahf and prepare yourself for Paradise
AlKahaf (Arabic: الكهف, al-kahf; meaning: cave). Surah Al-Kahf explains fitnah in different areas of life. The stories in this surah outline how the believer should approach these trials and tribulations. Surah Al-Kahf teaches us to never rest and to do as many good deeds as possible to be victorious. Through the worship of Allah alone, the believer can attain greater blessings and prepare himself in this world to attain Paradise in the Hereafter. Allah is the only true God. We will surely return to Allah. So worship Allah alone.
Quran 18 Surah Al Kahf
Lessons From Surah Al Kahf
Four Lessons from Surah Kahf 
Lessons and secrets of Surah Al Kahf I Tafseer
Read Surah Al-Kahf and prepare yourself for Paradise
Read Surah Al-Kahf On Day of Jumah Prepare Yourself For Gaining Paradise (Jannah)
0 notes
dailytafsirofquran · 9 days
Tafsir Ibn Kathir: Surah Al-Kahf Ayah 9-12
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
18:9 Do you think that the people of Al-Kahf and Ar- Raqim were a wonder among Our signs!
18:10 When the young men fled for refuge to Al- Kahf. They said:
"Our Lord! Bestow on us mercy from Yourself, and facilitate for us our affair in the right way!''
18:11 Therefore, We covered up their hearing in Al- Kahf for a number of years.
18:12 Then We raised them up, that We might test which of the two parties was best at calculating the time period they tarried.
The Story of the People of Al-Kahf
Here Allah tells us about the story of the people of Al-Kahf in brief and general terms, then He explains it in more detail.
He says:
that the people of Al-Kahf and Ar-Raqim were a wonder among Our signs!
meaning, their case was not something amazing compared to Our power and ability, for the creation of the heavens and earth, the alternation of night and day and the subjugation of the sun, moon and heavenly bodies, and other mighty signs indicate the great power of Allah and show that He is able to do whatever He wills. He is not incapable of doing more amazing things than the story of the people of the Cave.
Similarly, Ibn Jurayj reported Mujahid saying about Do you think that the people of Al-Kahf and Ar-Raqim were a wonder among Our signs),
"Among Our signs are things that are more amazing than this.''
Al-Awfi reported that Ibn Abbas said Do you think that the people of Al-Kahf and Ar-Raqim were a wonder among Our signs),
"What I have given to you of knowledge, the Sunnah and the Book is far better than the story of the people of Al-Kahf and Ar-Raqim.''
Muhammad bin Ishaq said:
Do you think, -- O Muhammad --
"(It means) I have not shown My creatures a proof more amazing than the story of the people of the Al-Kahf and Ar-Raqim.''
Al-Kahf refers to a cave in a mountain, which is where the young men sought refuge.
With regard to the word Ar-Raqim, Al-Awfi reported from Ibn Abbas:
"it is a valley near Aylah."
This was also said (in another narration) by Atiyah Al-`Awfi and Qatadah.
Ad-Dahhak said:
"As for Al-Kahf, it is a cave in the valley, and Ar-
Raqim is the name of the valley.''
Mujahid said,
"Ar-Raqim refers to their buildings.''
Others said it refers to the valley in which their cave was.
Abdur-Razzaq recorded that Ibn Abbas said about Ar- Raqim:
"Ka`b used to say that it was the town.'' Ibn Jurayj reported that Ibn Abbas said,
"Ar-Raqim is the mountain in which the cave was.''
Sa`id bin Jubayr said,
"Ar-Raqim is a tablet of stone on which they wrote the story of the people of the Cave, then they placed it at the entrance to the Cave.''
(Remember) when the young men fled for refuge to Al- Kahf. They said:
"Our Lord! Bestow on us mercy from Yourself, and facilitate for us our affair in the right way!''
Here Allah tells us about those young men who fled from their people for the sake of their religion, fearing persecution. So they fled taking refuge in the cave of a mountain, where they hid from their people. When they entered the cave, they asked Allah to show mercy and kindness towards them,
Our Lord!
Bestow on us mercy from Yourself, and facilitate for us our affair in the right way.
Our Lord! Bestow on us mercy from Yourself,
meaning, `give us Your mercy and conceal us from our people.'
and facilitate for us our affair in the right way.
means, direct our matter well, i.e., grant us a good end.
As was reported in the Hadith:
Whatever You have decreed for us, make its consequences good.
Therefore, We covered up their hearing in the cave for a number of years.
meaning, `We caused them to sleep when they entered the cave, and they slept for many years.'
Then We raised them up,
from that slumber,
and one of them went out with his Dirhams (silver coins) to buy them some food, as it will be discussed in more detail below.
Allah says:
Then We raised them up, that We might test which of the two parties,
meaning, the two parties who disputed about them,
was best at calculating the time period that they tarried.
It was said that this refers to how long they stayed in the cave.
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allahisourrabb · 1 month
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Read Surah Al-Kahf On Day of Jumah Prepare Yourself For Gaining Paradise (Jannah)
Surah Kahf Teachings
The surah summarizes for us the gist of Islam; its main theme is that Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) will protect us from all trials. Told through a series of stories that illustrate specific trials, it teaches that Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) will protect the believer at times of severity.
The four stories of Surat Al-Kahf
Trial of Faith – People of the Cave/ Ashabu Al-Kahf (Verses 9 – 26) ...
Trial of Wealth – The story of the man who owns two gardens (Verses 32 – 44) ...
Trial of Knowledge – Moses and Al-Khidr (Verses 60–82) ...
Trial of Power – Dhul-Qar-nayn with Yajuj Majuj (Verses 83–98)
      Four stories & lessons in Surah Al-Kahf (Protection from Dunya & Dajjal)
Allah has sent the Quran as guidance to all mankind. Each and every verse of the Quran has blessings and lessons for us in our daily lives.
chapter Al-Kahf. The Prophet (peace be upon him) encouraged us to read the Surah every single Friday. Moreover, he encouraged us to memorize the first ten verses of the Surah because they will safeguard us from the Dajjal (the Antichrist), the worst of afflictions that will hit mankind.
So what lessons can we take from chapter Al-Kahf? There are too many to put in one article. Or dare I say, too many lessons for even one person to extract all of them. Every time we read the chapter, we will find new lessons.
In this article, we will look at the four stories, and extract three daily life lessons for us from each of the stories. There are lots more, but we will keep it to four.
Read Surah Al-Kahf and prepare yourself for Paradise
AlKahaf (Arabic: الكهف, al-kahf; meaning: cave). Surah Al-Kahf explains fitnah in different areas of life. The stories in this surah outline how the believer should approach these trials and tribulations. Surah Al-Kahf teaches us to never rest and to do as many good deeds as possible to be victorious. Through the worship of Allah alone, the believer can attain greater blessings and prepare himself in this world to attain Paradise in the Hereafter. Allah is the only true God. We will surely return to Allah. So worship Allah alone.
Quran 18 Surah Al Kahf
Lessons From Surah Al Kahf
Four Lessons from Surah Kahf 
Lessons and secrets of Surah Al Kahf I Tafseer
Read Surah Al-Kahf and prepare yourself for Paradise
Read Surah Al-Kahf On Day of Jumah Prepare Yourself For Gaining Paradise (Jannah)
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mylordisallah · 1 month
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Read Surah Al-Kahf On Day of Jumah Prepare Yourself For Gaining Paradise (Jannah)
Surah Kahf Teachings
The surah summarizes for us the gist of Islam; its main theme is that Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) will protect us from all trials. Told through a series of stories that illustrate specific trials, it teaches that Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) will protect the believer at times of severity.
The four stories of Surat Al-Kahf
Trial of Faith – People of the Cave/ Ashabu Al-Kahf (Verses 9 – 26) ...
Trial of Wealth – The story of the man who owns two gardens (Verses 32 – 44) ...
Trial of Knowledge – Moses and Al-Khidr (Verses 60–82) ...
Trial of Power – Dhul-Qar-nayn with Yajuj Majuj (Verses 83–98)
      Four stories & lessons in Surah Al-Kahf (Protection from Dunya & Dajjal)
Allah has sent the Quran as guidance to all mankind. Each and every verse of the Quran has blessings and lessons for us in our daily lives.
chapter Al-Kahf. The Prophet (peace be upon him) encouraged us to read the Surah every single Friday. Moreover, he encouraged us to memorize the first ten verses of the Surah because they will safeguard us from the Dajjal (the Antichrist), the worst of afflictions that will hit mankind.
So what lessons can we take from chapter Al-Kahf? There are too many to put in one article. Or dare I say, too many lessons for even one person to extract all of them. Every time we read the chapter, we will find new lessons.
In this article, we will look at the four stories, and extract three daily life lessons for us from each of the stories. There are lots more, but we will keep it to four.
Read Surah Al-Kahf and prepare yourself for Paradise
AlKahaf (Arabic: الكهف, al-kahf; meaning: cave). Surah Al-Kahf explains fitnah in different areas of life. The stories in this surah outline how the believer should approach these trials and tribulations. Surah Al-Kahf teaches us to never rest and to do as many good deeds as possible to be victorious. Through the worship of Allah alone, the believer can attain greater blessings and prepare himself in this world to attain Paradise in the Hereafter. Allah is the only true God. We will surely return to Allah. So worship Allah alone.
Quran 18 Surah Al Kahf
Lessons From Surah Al Kahf
Four Lessons from Surah Kahf 
Lessons and secrets of Surah Al Kahf I Tafseer
Read Surah Al-Kahf and prepare yourself for Paradise
Read Surah Al-Kahf On Day of Jumah Prepare Yourself For Gaining Paradise (Jannah)
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almaqead · 1 month
"An Ocean of Ink." Conclusion to Surah 18, Al Kahf, "the Force."
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Love is not in the air, only vengeance. No matter were one reads, as the Quran says, the Messengers have attempted to end the causes of vengeance by explaining it can ultimately have no profit unless it is Judgement Day, the very last time.
God told Muhammad if we could do it, stop the abuse, life on earth would resume its primordial shape. We know this is true, but the process of turning peace into a profit center that is as lucrative for the powerful as war, that process has not yet been found.
The Surah draws to a close with a convincing argument: Only where people are equal can the profit motive be pure enough to sustain the needs of the human race without causing the vicious cycle of war and peace. If the Kafh has any definition equilibrium would do.
Surah 18: 107-110.
"Indeed, those who believe and do good will have the Gardens of Paradise1 as an accommodation,
where they will be forever, never desiring anywhere else.
Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “If the ocean were ink for ˹writing˺ the Words of my Lord, it would certainly run out before the Words of my Lord were finished, even if We refilled it with its equal.”        
Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “I am only a man like you, ˹but˺ it has been revealed to me that your God is only One God. So whoever hopes for the meeting with their Lord, let them do good deeds and associate none in the worship of their Lord.”
Thus ends the Surah.
كَـ حاف
Ka and Haf.
"Right in front of the nose."
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smqazi · 3 months
Surah al-Kahf is the 18th Surah of Qur’an Kareem and has 110 verses and 12 RUKU's (Parts)
The Surah explains to us the story of ancient followers who face hardship in society due to acceptance of truth and ask ALLAH's protection and he protects them in a cave by a metaphoric sleep rest for centuries. 
Surah al-Kahf gives us a clear message that those who believe in ALLAH (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) and ask protection from Him, He will surely protects them. 
Virtues and Benefits of Reading of Surah al-Kahf on Fridays after Salat-ul-‘Asr 
It has several virtues but some significant benefits are given below: 
Secure Against Dajjal Fitnah 
A person who recites the last ten verses of Surah every Friday will be protected from the fitnah of Dajjal when Dajjal came out. 
Shine Light 
He who reads Surah al-Kahf on Fridays, ALLAH will shower a light (NOOR) on his face that will last till the next two Fridays. 
Forgive Sins 
Those who recite this Surah on every Friday, ALLAH (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) will forgive all of his/ her sins. 
Protect from Poverty  
Whoever reads Surah al-Kahf on Fridays, ALLAH (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) will bless his house and protect him/her from poverty.  
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