kavitakane · 1 year
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Karna's Wife - The Outcast Queen by @kavitakane . Karna 😍Uruvi💙 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Posted @withregram • @yurbookstore #karnastory #karna #kavitakane #Mahabharata #mahabharatham_quotes_tamil #mahabharatham_tamil #vijaytvmahabharatam #sungods #suryaputrakarn #suryaputrakarna #suryaputra #mythologybooks #indianmythology #instabooklovers #instabookclub #unitedbookstagramindia #bookstagramunite https://www.instagram.com/p/CnlcmLgL2hb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sevengraces7777 · 8 months
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shilpy-sanghi · 1 year
Watch "शनि देव के दर्शन सहेलियों के साथ" on YouTube
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eternalkauravstan · 1 year
Gautam rode Karna is a twink, no one beats Aham Sharma.
Nothing wrong with being a twink but Karna is a top.
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stxrrynxghts · 7 months
Subhadra (and Draupadi)
I am gonna be talking about what I dislike on the way this woman is treated by ppl, including shows and stuff. This is just my opinion, don't cancel me over this.
Subhadra is someone who is mostly seen as Krishna's sister, Arjun's wife and Abhimanyu's mother, mostly. She doesn't actually have her own identity when we talk about her. I have seen people downright act as if she is Draupadi's "slave", which is not fair. Subhadra is her own person, who should be seen beyond the tags of a sister, wife and mother.
But then, this specific set of people HATE it when you point out that Subhadra IS Abhimanyu's mother. She is the adult who was with him for the major part of his life, and who was responsible for his upbringing, not Arjun, not Draupadi, not Yudhishthira and definitely not Karna.
The show, Star Plus Mahabharat, did a great job in showing Subhadra as dumb. She doesn't know that it is a diagram of a war formation, she doesn't understand what her brother is saying, and she is stuck in this bubbly, naive, childish character, who is somewhat of a third wheel between Arjun and Draupadi. Now, I like Draupadi aka the CANON Draupadi, not any show's version.
See, I like Draupadi, and it is not wrong to show a relation between her and Abhimanyu, BUT, pls keep in mind that Abhimanyu has not been around these people since 14 years. How can he be this close to Draupadi (and Arjun) out of a sudden?
Abhimanyu, in the show, never mentions Subhadra, not even once. It is a pretty light thing, very minor, and it is a show with many inaccuracies, and their portrayal of Draupadi is not accurate in any sense. Didn't they show her say that she won't marry the son of a suta, an event which is clearly, not canon?
But, what has happened, is part of a "domino effect". I have read many stories, on certain other writing platforms, and there you can clearly see the effects of this type of writing.
Abhimanyu, in these stories, has no regard for his own mother. Draupadi, in these stories, is the center of the Pandava world. She only loves Arjun, Krishna and Abhimanyu, while her own sons, other husbands and brothers are disregarded by her.
Subhadra is accused of marrying Arjun, and of "stealing" Draupadi's son. These writers, who are 12-13 year old kids, with no knowledge of the actual story, try to "uplift" Draupadi as a character but end up villainizing her instead.
Honestly, one story even justified Draupadi snatching away newborn Abhimanyu from his mother. She also pays 0 attention to the Upapandavas in this story. Thankfully , it was taken down a year ago.
Subhadra is vilified for being Krishna's sister, Arjun's wife and Abhimanyu's mother, by many. That is not right. I am repeating again, that I absolutely have no problem with the canon Draupadi, but the one who is shown by some people? No, I don't like her. Because she isn't Draupadi, she is a different version of her.
Even the shows don't do Subhadra justice. BR Chopda barely gave Subhadra any screen time. Radha Krishn did the same. Suryaputra Karna did not even bother including her, as did Dharmakshetra.
And Star Plus Mahabharat? They ruined most all female characters. Most events related to Draupadi are well...fictional. Her birth, her meeting with Krishna, her meeting with Arjun, the circumstances that lead to her wedding, the villification that follows in Hastinapur, the division of Indraprasth, in the Rajasuya Yagya, many parts of the Game of dice, the incognito year, her knowing about how her sons are going to die, and because of which her subsequent reaction in the War, and in the end, Gandhari's reaction to her, are all events which can be considered fictional. This isn't how the main female Protagonist should be treated as, folks. And well, btw, when they aren't paying attention to characters like Kunti and Draupadi, why will they do anything right with Subhadra?
Subhadra's meeting with Arjun, the Kalyavan thing, Subhadra's marriage with Arjun, and her pregnancy are all botched up to the extent that now, after I have read some stuff here and there, I don't even want to watch this show.
Before writing a hate comment, pls re-read the parts where I have stated that I DON'T HATE THE OG DRAUPADI. And as far as I know, any shows portrayal of hers doesn't count as the real Draupadi. This became kind of a mix on both these women, and y'all who are my friends/have checked my other posts KNOW my opinions on Draupadi and Subhadra both. So , pls, I have a mental health too, and I am not trying to undermine any character.
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fahrezadb · 2 years
Kalau aku boleh meminta
Pada siapa sebenarnya, berpinta boleh bersarang
Yudhistira beku, nyalinya segamang padi
Menguning, mengabur dicucuk burung kenari
Menghadiahkan berdepa kilat yang diujungnya ada pukau
Kau bijaksana, menguar selaksa air mata
Kau tertambat istimewa, menjadi ada karena berada
Dengan setapak bulu halus di buku-buku tanganmu,
menggenggam panah
Mencumbu busur
Yang di alasnya aku berderak
Serangan yang dibendung, cinta yang dilamun
Aku bisa saja kembali tapi engkau abadi sebagai babad yang tercela
Dalam Bharatayuda, kalahnya ksatria utama pihak Kurawa seperti Bhisma, Karna, Drona, Salya, dan Duryudhana tidak terlepas dari peran Basudewa Krishna, sang avatar Wishnu yang dengan strateginya mampu mengcounter semua ksatria tersebut, meskipun harus menempuh jalan yang bisa disebut licik.
Sebut saja Bhisma yang berhasil dikalahkan saat Basudewa Krishna memasang Srikandhi didepan Arjuna. Atau Suryaputra yang dipanah tumbang oleh Arjuna saat memperbaiki roda keretanya atas saran Krishna. Juga dengan mengorbankan Gatotkaca agar senjata Vashavi Shakti tidak digunakan Suryaputra untuk melawan Arjuna. Kekalahan Duryudhana dalam perang gada melawan Bhima juga karena Krishna menyarankan agar Bhima menyerang paha Duryudhana yang merupakan serangan illegal dalam pertempuran gada.
Termasuk saat Krishna mengutus Nakula Sadewa untuk sowan ke Salya yang merupakan pakdhenya membicarakan perihal peperangan. Karena tidak sampai hati pada keponakannya itu, Salya kemudian membeberkan kelemahannya, bahwa ia akan dikalahkan oleh seorang “berdarah putih” yang tidak lain adalah Yudistira.
Yudistira terkenal dengan kejujuran dan sikapnya yang lemah lembut. Jangankan membunuh orang, membunuh semutpun tidak sampai hati. Kini ia dipaksa untuk menghadapi Salya. Dengan ajian Candrabhirawa miliknya, Salya membuat kubu Pandawa kewalahan akibat gelombang demi gelombang raksasa yang ketika dibunuh justru semakin berlipat ganda. Namun ajian itu tak mempan melawan Yudhistira. Pada awalnya ia ragu namun kemudian mulai melepas panah demi panah hingga merobohkan Salya.
Meskipun di Bharatayuda Basudewa Krishna berhasil membawa kubu Pandawa menang, manuvernya menjadi sesuatu yang selamanya tetap layak untuk dipertanyakan.
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blackknight-100 · 2 years
Hi! Just wanted to ask you does Lakshman Kumar appear in any serial/movie/book you know? Thank you so much!
Um... I am not sure I have seen any of him in any popular media, except Ajaya series by Anand Neelkantan, but it is a completely warped retelling of the Mahabharat that does not keep up with the original version (BORI CE or KMG) so I don't know if you would like to read it.
Star Mahabharat mentions him in passing once or twice (I think the day before Abhimanyu enters Chakravyuha), and I don't know about Suryaputra Karna but you have loads of Lakshmanaa drama there, none of which is true, by the way.
He is mentioned in passing in both BORI CE and KMG (one liners), and even in Mrityunjaya (but maybe not?)
He is not really one of the main characters, despite being Duryodhan's son, and no one is really interested in showing him I guess.
Try searching for #lakshman (new) in Wattpad, there should be some books about him, as far as I remember.
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jyotishwithakshayg · 6 months
Manan Karne Yogi Katha The mystery of the death of the great donor Suryaputra Karna The mystery of the death of great donor Suryaputra Karna Story of Suryaputra Karna The mystery of the death of great donor Suryaputra Karna
The mystery of the death of great donor Suryaputra Karna: Also read :Manan Karne Yogy Suryaputra Karna ki Katha महादानी सूर्यपुत्र कर्ण की मृत्यु का रहस्य When Bhima killed Dushashan and drank his blood and washed Draupadi's hair with his blood, Duryodhana's eyes filled with blood. He saw the coming and ordered Karna to kill Arjun and then Arjun, tearing apart Karna's armies, He jumped in front of him and a fierce battle broke out between the two.
Saving Arjuna in the Battle of Mahabharat: The war was so fierce that Shri Krishna had to warn Arjun many times because Arjun was stunned to see the bravery of Karna, Hanuman's flag was placed on Arjun's chariot due to which he was saved in the war. But in this war, even Hanuman ji was able to save Arjun's chariot from being destroyed with great difficulty, even Vasudev Shri Krishna himself could not live without praising Karna's fighting skills.
Arjun, who claimed to be the best archer in the world, felt as if Arjun was in front of him and he himself was a common archer.
Suryaputra Karna's Story Reason for Arjuna's life to be saved in Mahabharata: By evening, Arjun's condition became weak and then Karna tried to use Brahmastra on Arjun, which could have killed Arjun at that very moment, but then Shri Krishna made the sunset before time with the help of his Chakra, and Arjun's life was saved.
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baliportalnews · 7 months
Gelar ‘Sultan Dadakan BALI’, Bank Sampoerna Ajak Kaum Milenial Capai Kesejahteraan Keuangan
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, DENPASAR – Sultan Dadakan merupakan wujud dari komitmen Bank Sampoerna dalam memberikan apresiasi kepada nasabah berbentuk Undian Grand Prize Sampoerna Mobile Saving setiap tiga bulan sekali. Acara yang sama juga telah digelar di Kota Jakarta, Makassar, Medan, Pekanbaru, Bandung, dan Tangerang. Kali ini Bank Sampoerna melanjutkan inisiatifnya dalam memberikan apresiasi kepada segenap nasabah di Denpasar dan sekitarnya dengan mengusung tema ‘Sultan Dadakan BALI’ yang digelar pada Sabtu (28/10/2023) di Living World Denpasar. Bank Sahabat Sampoerna (Bank Sampoerna), melalui Sampoerna Mobile Banking, mengajak milenial dan Gen Z untuk memiliki gaya hidup yang bersumber pada pengelolaan keuangan yang matang dan sejahtera (financial well-being). Hal ini dapat dilakukan jika milenial dan Gen Z menyadari pentingnya menjaga keseimbangan antara pendapatan dan pengeluaran, termasuk mengenal sumber-sumber keuangan dengan bijak. Event tersebut dikemas dalam berbagai keseruan acara, seperti SMB Activation Booth, F&B tenants, Talkshow, 360’ Photobooth, penampilan guest star Not So Koplo dan Fourtwnty, serta membagikan total 136 hadiah undian senilai Rp300 juta dan doorprize khusus warga Denpasar dan sekitarnya dengan hadiah utama Rp10 juta. Sampoerna Mobile Banking (SMB), layanan perbankan digital milik Bank Sampoerna, dapat membantu milenial dan Gen Z untuk mencapai kedewasaan dalam mengelola keuangan, terutama melalui berbagai fitur, salah satunya adalah tabungan Sampoerna Mobile Saving. Director Finance & Business Planning Bank Sahabat Sampoerna, Henky Suryaputra mengatakan, Bank Sampoerna hadir dengan layanan perbankan SMB sebagai solusi bagi nasabah yang bergaya hidup dinamis dan beradaptasi dengan perubahan digital. Milenial dan Gen Z yang sudah familiar dengan teknologi dapat menggunakan berbagai layanan untuk melakukan transaksi sehari-hari, tetapi juga mencapai gaya hidup yang matang dan sejahtera dalam mengelola keuangan. “Kami ingin mengajak milenial dan Gen Z untuk memiliki kesejahteraan finansial. Tanpa mereka sadari, penghasilan yang mereka terima habis untuk berbagai transaksi yang kalau dipikir bukan kebutuhan utama mereka. Solusi itu kami tawarkan melalui Sampoerna Mobile Saving, karena selain untuk bertransaksi sehari-hari, milenial, Gen Z, dan nasabah umumnya dapat menabung, berinvestasi, serta mendapatkan nilai tambah lebih berupa undian setiap bulan sepanjang tahun,” ujar dia. Seperti diketahui, fitur-fitur yang tersedia di layanan SMB, di antaranya pembukaan rekening cukup dengan smartphone & bebas biaya admin bulanan, transfer antar bank, pembelian dan pembayaran tanpa ribet, transaksi belanja menggunakan QRIS, top up e-wallet, dan penarikan tunai secara gratis di ATM mana pun sejumlah 30x per bulan, hingga kesempatan untuk memenangkan undian berhadiah. Sampoerna Mobile Banking juga menghadirkan produk tabungan terbaru yang berbasis sepenuhnya secara online, yaitu Sampoerna Mobile Saving (SMS). Dengan SMS, nasabah ditawarkan beberapa keunggulan, di antaranya membuka  tabungan  menjadi lebih  praktis tanpa setoran awal, tidak adanya biaya admin bulanan, hingga program undian  berhadiah  setiap bulan sepanjang tahun dengan total hadiah Rp3 miliar.
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(Kiri-Kanan). MC, Gadis; Lifestyle Content Creator, Ealsya S Prosa; Lending & Fintech Product & Partnership Division Head Bank Sahabat Sampoerna, Oktavia Laksmi Wardani; Finance & Business Planning Director Bank Sahabat Sampoerna, Henky Suryaputra; dan Funding Business Division Head Bank Sahabat Sampoerna, Ringo Nugraha Winata. Sumber Foto : tis/bpn “Berbagai fitur tersebut memberikan keamanan dan kenyamanan dalam membantu nasabah untuk mengelola keuangan dengan lebih mudah dan efisien. Selain itu, Bank Sampoerna juga memberikan program loyalitas dan reward bagi nasabah dengan mengikuti program menarik setiap bulannya,” tegas Henky. Head of Lending & Fintech Product & Partnership Division Bank Sahabat Sampoerna, Oktavia Laksmi Wardani menambahkan, menjaga loyalitas dan kepercayaan nasabah dalam berbagai aktivitas dan transaksi keuangannya merupakan hal yang penting bagi kelangsungan usaha Bank Sampoerna. Hadirnya berbagai fitur menarik dari Sampoerna Mobile Saving ini mengajak kaum muda dan nasabah lebih yakin untuk mewujudkan tujuan keuangan mereka. “Kami merasa terhormat dengan kepercayaan yang diberikan oleh nasabah kami. Dengan memanfaatkan seluruh fitur yang tersedia di Sampoerna Mobile Banking secara maksimal, nasabah dapat merasakan kualitas layanan dan mendapatkan kepuasan dari layanan yang kami berikan untuk memenuhi berbagai kebutuhan keuangan di setiap level kehidupan,” kata dia.
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Salah satu pemenang dalam undian Sultan Dadakan Bali Bank Sampoerna. Sumber Foto : tis/bpn Branch Manager Bank Sahabat Sampoerna KC Denpasar, I Gede Wisuda Pura berharap, gelaran acara Sultan Dadakan BALI SMS ini dapat meningkatkan eksistensi dari Bank Sahabat Sampoerna cabang Denpasar, juga brand awareness terhadap produk-produk Bank Sampoerna. Nasabah diharapkan semakin termotivasi untuk memanfaatkan fitur-fitur yang ada di SMB dengan maksimal dan mendapat nilai tambah dari layanan tersebut. “Kami yakin bahwa melalui acara ini, Bank Sampoerna dapat semakin mempererat hubungannya dengan nasabah di Denpasar. Bahkan juga dapat menjalin kerja sama antar komunitas nasabah Bank Sahabat Sampoerna dan komunitas lokal. Selain itu, acara ini juga dapat menjadi kesempatan untuk menarik nasabah baru atau nasabah potensial lainnya,” tutur Wisuda.(tis/bpn) Read the full article
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sevengardens · 8 months
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takataktop · 9 months
Suryaputra Karna: A Glimpse of South Indian Epic Cinema
South Indian actors and directors are consistently raising the bar of content with each film. Vikram, known for his stellar performances, is now ready with his highly anticipated film, 'Suryaputra Karna'. The teaser has garnered an outstanding response, leaving audiences in awe and possibly overshadowing even Bollywood and Baahubali.
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The teaser of 'Suryaputra Karna', directed by acclaimed Malayalam filmmaker RS Vimal and featuring Tamil superstar Chiyaan in the lead role, has been released. This epic film, which had been on hold for the past five years due to undisclosed reasons, is now receiving a warm reception from fans. The first glimpse of Vikram in the film has left fans thoroughly impressed. The teaser showcases a sequence of battlefields with two formidable armies, including infantry, cavalry, and war elephants, prepared to fight against death. A colossal chariot arrives, carrying our hero, Suryaputra Karna. The promo displays Karna's exceptional combat skills, capable of turning the tide with just one arrow. Speaking of looks, Karna's appearance in the film stands out significantly from previous portrayals. The film will also be available in 3D. Directed by RS Vimal, 'Karna' marks a significant milestone in his career, being his biggest production to date. When the film was announced in 2018, it was estimated that the producers would invest 300 crore rupees in bringing this film to life. Read the full article
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starstruckbearlove · 9 months
Marathi News: Keeping You Informed
Mauli Gyanoba, Tukoba gave a touch of revival to the Marathi language, while Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj gave the source of power! This is the 350th year of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj's coronation. On this occasion, all the Shiva devotees are remembering this epoch-making event and the founder of Hindu Swarajya, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.
Chhatrapati Seva Pratishthan, established in the 300th year of Shiva Rajabhisheka, will implement the "Har Ghar Shiv Charitra" campaign on the 350th year of Shiva Raja Abhisheka, under which the resolution is to convey the bipartite Shiv Charitra of Shakkarte Shivarai to one lakh homes.Along with this, two books are also being made available, Raja Shambhu Chhatrapati, which describes the prowess and sacrifices of the rare Chhatrapati Sambhaji kings, brilliant, answering all objections, and Suryaputra, a scholarly Karna biography based on the original Mahabharatiya Samhita. This library which works to connect the society and inculcates national character should be kept by all Shiva devotees in the society. This is a very commendable initiative.
The author of the biography 'Shak Prakhamari Shivarai', which is in demand not only in Maharashtra but also in the country, is the talented Shiv worshiper respected Shri. Vijayrao Deshmukh, nicknamed Sadgurudas! He himself has suffered poverty and cultivated prosperity of mind. He was born on January 28, 1942 in a farmer's family at Gadegaon in Akola district. Childhood and school life was spent in joint family farming, Hututu games, horse riding.
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Hello friends,
"Suryaputra karn" is an amazing hindi series. It's based on indian mythology. It is also very whumpy, angsty....
Also it throws light on great personalities.
It is available on youtube.
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kennethakirkau · 1 year
Vidico x Thank you - Hand Wash Lime
Last month we shot a cool e-commerce campaign with our friends at Thankyou. � The concept was developed entirely upside-down with the intention to stop the scroll. This project came full circle within 3 weeks and couldn’t have existed without a powerhouse crew ⚡️ Special shoutout to Kezia Suryaputra, James Bateman, Kelly Webster & Amy Mai. from Vidico https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKaXGKxM0ZM
from Vidico Video Productions https://www.tumblr.com/vidicovideoproductions/703108681306406912
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Vidico x Thank you - Hand Wash Lime
Last month we shot a cool e-commerce campaign with our friends at Thankyou. � The concept was developed entirely upside-down with the intention to stop the scroll. This project came full circle within 3 weeks and couldn’t have existed without a powerhouse crew ⚡️ Special shoutout to Kezia Suryaputra, James Bateman, Kelly Webster & Amy Mai. from Vidico https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKaXGKxM0ZM
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reveal-the-news · 2 years
Indonesia’s goldilocks moment in the changing global economy - Tue, November 29 2022
Indonesia’s goldilocks moment in the changing global economy – Tue, November 29 2022
Gani Suryaputra (Jakarta Post) premium ● Singapore Tuesday, November 29, 2022 Good news is rare these days. But recently three “spots of light” seem to have broken through the bleak outlook for the global economy. First, the US Federal Reserve may moderate its war on inflation. Its unprecedentedly aggressive rate hikes have destroyed some demand, and most importantly caused a slowdown in wage…
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