#Sustainable Home
homemakinghippie · 2 months
Infused Vinegar
Vinegar is one of the best all purpose cleaners in my opinion. I use it all over my house. I'm used to the smell after years of using it for cleaning as well as canning, but I know a lot of people really hate it. You could add essential oils to your cleaning products...or you could make infused vinegar! Infused vinegar is so insanely simple to make as well as cheaper and more sustainable than essential oils. Now don't get me wrong, I love using essential oils, but one bottle takes pounds of plant matter to make. With infused vinegar you can simply add your orange peels to a mason jar after a snack, costing you no extra money and reducing waste.
Orange peels are most commonly used since oranges are popular snacks, but you can use any citrus peels, herbs, or even pine needles! All you have to do is fill a mason jar with your dry matter (Peels, herbs, etc) and then fill the jar with 5% acidity white distilled vinegar and let it infuse in a cool, dark place for 2 weeks. I usually use a quart jar, but if you're not sure you'll like it you could use a pint. Alternatively, if you know you'll go through a ton of infused vinegar, you could make it in a half gallon jar.
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mj-aiu · 8 months
A sustainable home
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if you liked it, my ID in the game is Mj_AIU, you can get it from my gallery
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bumblebeeappletree · 1 year
Are you a homeowner or a renter? Do you want to learn how to cool and heat your home while reducing your energy bill?
Join Jenny from Light House Architecture & Science for a film on all things cool as she helps you create the pathways towards a more sustainable home.
Learn how to equip your home for the sweltering summers and chilly winters.
Adapting our homes to the changing climate can be a daunting and tedious thought, well no more!
Jenny will walk you through the key knowledge and skills to sustainably ventilate, protect and grow your way into a resilient home whilst simultaneously reducing living costs and increasing comfort.
With assistance from the ACT Government under the ACT Community Zero Emissions Grants Program.
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hongchicken · 1 year
How to make a homemade laundry detergent for a sustainable home
DIY: How to Make a Homemade Laundry Detergent for a Sustainable Home
Laundry detergent is an essential item in any home, but there are many questions about the best type of detergent to use and whether it’s possible to make a sustainable choice.
In this article, we’ll explain the basics of laundry detergent and why it’s important for a sustainable home. We’ll also provide step-by-step instructions for making a homemade laundry detergent that is both effective and eco-friendly.
What is Laundry Detergent?
Laundry detergent is a cleaning agent that is used to wash fabrics and other items. It usually contains surfactants, enzymes, and other chemicals that help to break down dirt and stains. Different types of detergent are used for different types of fabrics, so it’s important to choose the right one for your needs.
Why is it Important for a Sustainable Home?
When it comes to sustainability, laundry detergent is an important factor. Many store-bought detergents contain harsh chemicals that can be harmful to the environment. These chemicals can end up in our water supply, which can have a negative impact on wildlife and human health.
Using a natural, eco-friendly detergent is one of the best ways to reduce your carbon footprint and make your home more sustainable. Plus, it’s much better for your skin and clothing!
Step-by-Step Guide to Making a Homemade Laundry Detergent
Making your own detergent is easy and cost-effective. Here’s how to do it:
2 cups of baking soda
2 cups of washing soda
1/2 cup of citric acid
1/2 cup of salt
Essential oils (optional)
In a large bowl, mix together the baking soda, washing soda, citric acid, and salt.
If desired, add a few drops of essential oils for a pleasant scent.
Transfer the mixture to an airtight container and store it in a cool, dry place.
To use, add one tablespoon of detergent to a full load of laundry.
Tips for Using Your Homemade Detergent
For best results, use warm or hot water.
To boost cleaning power, add a half-cup of white vinegar to the rinse cycle.
For extra-tough stains, let the garment soak in a solution of equal parts water and laundry detergent for 30 minutes before washing.
For a fabric softener, add one cup of white vinegar to the rinse cycle.
Final Thoughts
Making your own laundry detergent is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and make your home more sustainable. Plus, it’s cost-effective and easy to do.
By following the steps above, you can make a homemade laundry detergent that is both effective and eco-friendly. So, why not give it a try today?
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healthmonastery · 10 months
Creating a Healthy Home Environment: Tips for a Clean and Toxin-Free Space
A healthy home environment is crucial for your overall well-being. It’s the place where you spend a significant portion of your life, so ensuring it promotes health and wellness is essential. In this guide, we’ll explore effective tips for creating a clean and toxin-free living space that you and your family will love. Healthy home solutions 1. Declutter and Organize One of the first steps…
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pointtopoint1 · 13 days
Sustainable home
A sustainable home is designed with the environment in mind, incorporating eco-friendly materials and energy-efficient systems. These homes minimize their ecological footprint by using renewable resources, reducing waste, and conserving water and energy. Sustainable homes often feature solar panels, rainwater harvesting systems, and high-efficiency insulation. They not only benefit the environment but also provide cost savings on utility bills and a healthier living environment. Building or converting to a sustainable home reflects a commitment to responsible living and long-term environmental stewardship.
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starttofinishdrafting · 2 months
The 3 Must Haves for Energy Efficient Home in 2024
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sustainablecore · 2 months
What is Good Natural Ventilation?
Good natural ventilation in a home is refers to the process of supplying and removing air within a building using natural forces, without the use of mechanical systems. characterized by several key factors:
Airflow Efficiency: The natural ventilation system should be designed to maximize airflow through the home, allowing fresh outdoor air to circulate and stale indoor air to be efficiently expelled.
Temperature Regulation: By harnessing natural air movement, good natural ventilation should help regulate indoor temperatures, reducing the need for mechanical heating or cooling.
Humidity Management: Proper natural ventilation can also help control indoor humidity levels, preventing the buildup of moisture that can lead to mold and mildew.
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xlfurnitureuk · 2 months
Upcycling and Repurposing: Giving New Life to Old Furniture and Decor
In a world where sustainability and creativity are increasingly valued, upcycling and repurposing old furniture and decor have become popular ways to breathe new life into tired items while reducing waste. Instead of discarding old pieces, consider transforming them into something beautiful and functional. Here are some ideas for upcycling and repurposing old furniture and decor:
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1. Furniture Restoration: Give old furniture a fresh look by sanding, painting, or staining it. You can also replace worn-out upholstery or hardware to rejuvenate the piece and match it to your current decor style.
2. Creative Storage Solutions: Repurpose old crates, suitcases, or baskets into unique storage solutions. Stack crates to create shelving units, turn suitcases into bedside tables, or hang baskets on the wall for stylish organization.
3. Salvaged Wood Projects: Use salvaged wood from old furniture or pallets to create new pieces. Build a rustic coffee table, a reclaimed wood headboard, or a set of shelves for a charmingly weathered look.
4. Upcycled Lighting: Turn old jars, bottles, or metal cans into pendant lights or table lamps. Add a coat of paint or embellishments to match your decor, and install a lighting kit to complete the transformation.
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5. Vintage Textile Crafts: Repurpose vintage linens, such as tablecloths, napkins, or curtains, into new home decor items. Sew them into pillow covers, tote bags, or wall hangings for a touch of nostalgia and charm.
6. Garden Art: Transform old garden tools, pots, or even furniture into whimsical garden art. Paint colorful designs on old shovels or rakes, repurpose ceramic pots into planters, or turn an old bench into a focal point for your outdoor space.
7. Picture Frame Gallery: Repurpose old picture frames into a gallery wall or decorative display. Paint frames in coordinating colors, fill them with family photos or artwork, and arrange them creatively on a wall for a personalized touch.
8. Furniture Fusion: Combine different pieces of old furniture to create something entirely new. For example, attach a vintage door to a set of drawers to make a unique entryway table, or repurpose a ladder into a bookshelf by adding shelves between the rungs.
9. Eco-Friendly Crafts: Get creative with eco-friendly materials like cork, cardboard, or newspaper to make handmade decor items. Create coasters from cork scraps, weave baskets from newspaper strips, or build sculptures from recycled cardboard.
10. Personalized Upcycling: Let your imagination run wild and personalize your upcycling projects to suit your taste and style. Whether you're adding a coat of paint, repurposing materials, or embellishing with unique details, make each piece your own.
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By upcycling and repurposing old furniture and decor, you can create one-of-a-kind pieces that reflect your personality, reduce waste, and add character to your home.
Discover inspiration for upcycling projects and sustainable decor at xlfurniture.co.uk . Explore a range of eco-friendly furniture and accessories to elevate your home with style and sustainability.
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home24aefurniture · 2 months
Upcycling and Repurposing: Giving New Life to Old Furniture and Decor
In a world where sustainability and creativity are increasingly valued, upcycling and repurposing old furniture and decor have become popular ways to breathe new life into tired items while reducing waste. Instead of discarding old pieces, consider transforming them into something beautiful and functional. Here are some ideas for upcycling and repurposing old furniture and decor:
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1. Furniture Restoration: Give old furniture a fresh look by sanding, painting, or staining it. You can also replace worn-out upholstery or hardware to rejuvenate the piece and match it to your current decor style.
2. Creative Storage Solutions: Repurpose old crates, suitcases, or baskets into unique storage solutions. Stack crates to create shelving units, turn suitcases into bedside tables, or hang baskets on the wall for stylish organization.
3. Salvaged Wood Projects: Use salvaged wood from old furniture or pallets to create new pieces. Build a rustic coffee table, a reclaimed wood headboard, or a set of shelves for a charmingly weathered look.
4. Upcycled Lighting: Turn old jars, bottles, or metal cans into pendant lights or table lamps. Add a coat of paint or embellishments to match your decor, and install a lighting kit to complete the transformation.
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5. Vintage Textile Crafts: Repurpose vintage linens, such as tablecloths, napkins, or curtains, into new home decor items. Sew them into pillow covers, tote bags, or wall hangings for a touch of nostalgia and charm.
6. Garden Art: Transform old garden tools, pots, or even furniture into whimsical garden art. Paint colorful designs on old shovels or rakes, repurpose ceramic pots into planters, or turn an old bench into a focal point for your outdoor space.
7. Picture Frame Gallery: Repurpose old picture frames into a gallery wall or decorative display. Paint frames in coordinating colors, fill them with family photos or artwork, and arrange them creatively on a wall for a personalized touch.
8. Furniture Fusion: Combine different pieces of old furniture to create something entirely new. For example, attach a vintage door to a set of drawers to make a unique entryway table, or repurpose a ladder into a bookshelf by adding shelves between the rungs.
9. Eco-Friendly Crafts: Get creative with eco-friendly materials like cork, cardboard, or newspaper to make handmade decor items. Create coasters from cork scraps, weave baskets from newspaper strips, or build sculptures from recycled cardboard.
10. Personalized Upcycling: Let your imagination run wild and personalize your upcycling projects to suit your taste and style. Whether you're adding a coat of paint, repurposing materials, or embellishing with unique details, make each piece your own.
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By upcycling and repurposing old furniture and decor, you can create one-of-a-kind pieces that reflect your personality, reduce waste, and add character to your home.
Discover inspiration for upcycling projects and sustainable decor at home24.ae. Explore a range of eco-friendly furniture and accessories to elevate your home with style and sustainability.
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realestatebyrainier · 5 months
More than a trend, embracing sustainability in your home is a lifestyle choice. It’s one that benefits not only you but your environment. As a real estate agency in Nevada, we recognize the growing demand for eco-friendly home solutions.
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homemakinghippie · 4 months
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everythingatoneplace · 7 months
Living Green
In today's world, environmental awareness is more crucial than ever. With the effects of climate change becoming increasingly evident, it's essential for individuals to take action and reduce their carbon footprint. One of the best places to start is right at home. In this blog post, we'll explore various ways to reduce your carbon footprint, emphasizing recycling and waste reduction.
Reducing your carbon footprint at home:
Energy Efficiency:
Transform your home into an energy-efficient haven. Begin by opting for LED bulbs, which not only illuminate your space but also significantly lower energy consumption. Consider a more substantial investment in energy-efficient appliances, revolutionizing your household's power dynamics. By choosing these appliances, you not only contribute to a greener planet but also witness a tangible reduction in your electricity bills.
Harnessing Solar Power:
Take a bold step towards sustainability by exploring the realm of solar power. Installing solar panels on your roof becomes a beacon of clean, renewable energy, marking a departure from conventional, fossil fuel-dependent sources. Witness a dual benefit as your electricity bills dwindle, and your reliance on environmentally detrimental energy sources diminishes.
Mindful Water Conservation:
Dive into the realm of water conservation with a conscious effort to reduce usage. Fix leaks promptly, install low-flow fixtures, and adopt a mindful approach to water consumption. Harvest rainwater for outdoor use, and consider embracing drought-resistant landscaping to further minimize your ecological impact.
Sustainable Transportation:
Extend your commitment to sustainability beyond the home by reevaluating your transportation choices. Opt for public transportation, carpool with neighbors or colleagues, embrace biking, or choose the eco-friendly route of walking. When the time comes to replace your vehicle, consider a fuel-efficient model or take the leap into the realm of electric vehicles, contributing to a cleaner, greener future.
Recycling and Waste Reduction:
Recycling Revolution:
Initiate a recycling revolution within the confines of your home. Establish a systematic approach to recycling by setting up designated bins for materials like paper, glass, plastic, and aluminum. Ensure a thorough sorting process, aligning with the recycling programs prevalent in many communities, thus simplifying the journey towards a more sustainable lifestyle.
Composting Chronicles:
Embark on a journey of waste reduction by introducing composting into your daily routine. Establish a compost bin for organic waste, redirecting a significant portion of your trash away from landfills. This not only minimizes environmental impact but also nurtures nutrient-rich soil, providing a sustainable boost to your garden's vitality.
Single-Use Plastics:
Address the pervasive issue of single-use plastics by adopting simple yet impactful changes. Transition to reusable bags, bottles, and containers, witnessing a cumulative effect on reducing plastic waste. These small adjustments ripple into a significant contribution to the global effort to combat plastic pollution.
Conscious Consumerism:
Navigate the consumer landscape with a discerning eye, opting for products with minimal packaging. Champion brands that prioritize sustainability and eco-friendly packaging, embodying the ethos of conscious consumerism. Every choice made while shopping becomes a vote for a greener, more sustainable future.
In conclusion, the path to reducing your carbon footprint at home is paved with intentional choices and mindful living. Embracing energy efficiency, waste reduction, and supporting eco-friendly brands and products is not just a contribution to the environment but a prudent investment in a sustainable future. The collective impact of small changes at home has the potential to resonate globally, safeguarding our planet for generations to come.
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bumblebeeappletree · 1 year
This man built an eco-friendly and self-sufficient home out of local upcycled materials to bring awareness to environmental pollution
#Earth #Environment #ClimateCrisis #NowThis
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jennhoganillustration · 8 months
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Eclectic Exterior An illustration of a substantial eclectic two-story beige metal roof design
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idkstudyblr · 9 months
Sun Room Large Calgary
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An illustration of a sizable minimalist sunroom design
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