grayjoy15 · 9 months
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@funky-sea-cryptid asked me to draw their Malcolm (she/they, I think?) a while back, so here they are! We used to lean in quite heavily toward the potential Norse culture of Malcolm’s mother Suthen, so I decked them out in a fun Norse dress fit for a king/queen :)
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merciless-macdonwald · 11 months
more under the cut but it's got powers, how ppl are related, and their general vibes.
warning: EXTREMELY long post. if i messed up somewhere (rip) it's because this is so long lmao
noncanon characters: Lulach, Gillecomgain, Suthen, Malmuire, Galloway, Atholl, Lewis, Aberdeen, Sutherland, Aelflaed
Bethad mac Findláech (Macbeth) (he/him)
Power: Very strong telepathy and telekinesis.
Relationships: Married to Gruoch. Foster-father of Lulach. Cousin of Gillecomgain.
Vibes: Ambitious. Very good at taking orders. (Not so good at being allowed to do his own thing.) Literally a weapon. Loyal as a dog, but if he thinks he might be betrayed, he’ll strike first.
Gruoch (Lady Macbeth) (she/her)
Power: Can manipulate blood (her own as well as others’).
Relationships: Married to Bethad but was once married to Gillecomgain. Mother of Lulach.
Vibes: Extremely analytical. Manufactures a lot about her appearance/vibes to manipulate others. She knows how to navigate the world, and she’s well aware of what she can and can’t do.
Lulach mac Gillecomgain (he/him)
Power: Can control plants.
Relationships: Son of Gillecomgain and Gruoch. Foster son of Bethad.
Vibes: Baby. Honestly about 9 years old though. Looks up to his mom and dad, but is still generally timid. Afraid of any fire larger than a candle flame.
Gillecomgain mac Máel Brigte (he/him)
Power: Can control plants.
Relationships: Was married to Gruoch. Father of Lulach. Cousin of Bethad.
Vibes: Ambitious (it runs in the family) but a lot worse at keeping his own secrets.
Dàibhidh mac Duff (Macduff) (he/him)
Power: Has the power to summon a spectral weapon, which he can shape into a sword, a greataxe, or a shield (only one at a time). In its latent form, it appears as a ring with an obsidian set in it.
Relationships: Married to Mairead. Father of Tàmhas and Eilidh.
Vibes: Tries to play it cool but if someone he cares about gets hurt he will have a panic attack.
Mairead (Lady Macduff) (she/her)
Power: Can heal wounds.
Relationships: Married to Dàibhidh but like. could also be gay for Gruoch. Mother of Tàmhas and Eilidh.
Vibes: Will offer to heal your wounds. Will slap your hand lightly with a wooden spoon if you try to take a bread roll without washing your hands.
Banquo mac Cináeda (he/him)
Power: Can leave his own body to possess the bodies of others. Doing so leaves his body in a catatonic state. He can choose to make himself visible as a spirit, but it takes a great deal of effort.
Relationships: Father of Fleance. Was married to Caitriona.
Vibes: Protective of Fleance, sometimes to a fault. Far more perceptive than Macbeth, though he doesn’t like rushing in without knowing all the details.
Fleance mac Banquo (he/him)
Power: Can read the minds of others.
Relationships: Son of Banquo and Caitriona.
Vibes: Going through his rebellious phase but trying to be polite about it. Likes how Uncle Bethad will let him get away with things his dad won’t.
Duncan mac Crinain (he/him)
Power: Can command others with his voice.
Relationships: Husband of Suthen and father of Malcolm, Donalbain, and Malmuire.
Vibes: Plain as white bread. Finds comfort in convention and routine, to the extent that he forces his subjects to take part in the same.
Suthen (she/her)
Power: Half-dragon. Can shapeshift her body to manifest dragon-like features, such as a tail, wings, or claws. Can also breathe fire.
Relationships: Wife of Duncan and mother of Malcolm, Donalbain, and Malmuire. Sister of Siward.
Vibes: Tries to see how much she can get away with behind Duncan’s back. Not immune to a little Silly™ now and again.
Malcolm mac Donnchada (he/they)
Power: Can see into the past and future. Can be struck by visions involuntarily.
Relationships: Oldest child of Duncan and Suthen. Sibling of Donalbain and Malmuire.
Vibes: Many thoughts head full (negative). Definitely feeling a lot of that Prince of Cumberland pressure.
Donalbain mac Donnchada (he/him)
Power: Can command people through song, with lyrics determining the intended effect.
Relationships: Middle child of Duncan and Suthen. Brother of Malcolm and Malmuire.
Vibes: Not super talkative. Struggles with an inferiority complex but tries not to take it out on Malcolm. Definitely not the favourite child and he knows it.
Malmuire mac Donnchada (she/they)
Power: Can create illusions in great detail.
Relationships: Youngest child of Duncan and Suthen. Sister of Malcolm and Donalbain.
Vibes: Third in line for the throne let’s gooooo (airhorn). Definitely acts as her siblings’ “they asked for no pickles” voice.
Rothach (Ross) (he/they)
Power: Can shapeshift into other people.
Relationships: In a poly relationship with Angus, Lennox, Menteith, and Caithness.
Vibes: Sly, sneaky, silly little guy. If he and the other thanes were to play D&D, this man would be a rogue. Stealth archer.
Ronan Bearach (Angus) (he/him)
Power: Can manipulate gold, silver, and bronze.
Relationships: In a poly relationship with Ross, Lennox, Menteith, and Caithness. Older brother of Charles (Galloway).
Vibes: Slow to trust and extremely protective of those he loves. Very much a “fool me twice, shame on me” kind of person.
Fionnlagh (Lennox) (they/them)
Power: Can manipulate and channel electricity.
Relationships: In a poly relationship with Ross, Angus, Menteith, and Caithness.
Vibes: Pleasant and generally optimistic. Has the kind of personality that makes you want to edit them with a flower crown. Sensitive to others’ emotions.
Floireans (Menteith) (she/they)
Power: Can charm/pacify the feelings of others with any instrument. (She favours the lute and the flute.)
Relationships: In a poly relationship with Ross, Angus, Lennox, and Caithness.
Vibes: Just wants everyone to sit down and chill a little. Not afraid to yell at people for yelling at her family and friends.
Teàrlaidh (Caithness) (he/him)
Power: Can manipulate dirt, stone, and clay.
Relationships: In a poly relationship with Ross, Angus, Lennox, and Menteith.
Vibes: The one who tries to keep everyone in line. Also the quietest of the minor thanes.
Maolsneachda (Cawdor) (he/him)
Power: Super strength that can only be accessed via cannibalism.
Relationships: In a relationship with Macdonwald. Keeps flirting with + killing and eating other people though. Macdonwald’s fine with it because he also eats people.
Vibes: Capable of long-term manipulation. However, he’s also notoriously impatient and tends to act in his own interest.
Macdonwald mac Ruaidhrí (he/him)
Power: Can alter the memories (and therefore opinions) of others with his words.
Relationships: In a relationship with Maolsneachda (Cawdor).
Vibes: Enjoys saying what’s on his mind but knows when to stay quiet. Generally works in the interest of self-preservation (except for everything with Cawdor, I guess).
Charles (Galloway) (he/him)
Power: Can manipulate glass.
Relationships: Brother of Ronan Bearach (Angus). Got romanced, killed, and eaten by Cawdor.
Vibes: Has big cottagecore cow energy. Pleasant and agreeable, and a bit too trusting. Easily scared into silence, however.
Taran (Atholl) (he/they)
Power: Can transform into different animals.
Relationships: Got romanced, killed, and eaten by Cawdor. 
Vibes: Very rowdy and free-spirited. Never one to back down from a challenge (for better or for worse). 
Kenna (Lewis) (he/she/they)
Power: Can grow or shrink in size (up to 2x or 0.25x their height).
Relationships: Got romanced, killed, and eaten by Cawdor. 
Vibes: Generally shy and insecure. Doesn’t like loud noises or crowded places. Thinks snowy winter mornings are the best kind.
Luc (Aberdeen) (he/him)
Power: Can manipulate the emotions of others with his voice. 
Relationships: Brother of Seyton. Close friends with Sutherland. 
Vibes: Charismatic, though that might just be his power forcing everyone to think so. Majored in being condescendingly suave. 
Artair (Sutherland) (he/him)
Power: Can put other people to sleep. 
Relationships: Close friends with Aberdeen. 
Vibes: Extremely unbothered. Like “stack 12 pieces of bread on him” unbothered. He tries not to get involved with things that are too much for him to handle. 
Seyton (he/him)
Power: Can form bargains with others (much like fey or demons) and can even agree to trade intangible things/concepts.
Relationships: Brother of Luc (Aberdeen).
Vibes: Keeps his true motives extremely secret. Definitely not doing anything to get Macbeth to like him, but Macbeth knows he needs Seyton around.
Siward (he/him)
Power: Half-dragon. Can shapeshift his body to manifest dragon-like features, such as a tail, wings, or claws. Can also breathe fire.
Relationships: Suthen’s sibling. Married to Aelflaed. Father of Osbjorn.
Vibes: Chaos. Ambitious but in a funny way.
Aelflaed (she/her)
Power: Can alter people’s visual and emotional perceptions of her. Can also mimic voices with ease.
Relationships: Married to Siward. Mother of Osbjorn. 
Vibes: Very sweet but also capable of using her powers to cause mischief. Definitely gets along with Ross. 
Osbjorn (he/him)
Power: Can transform into animals. Can also breathe fire. 
Relationships: Son of Siward and Aelflaed. 
Vibes: Chaos incarnate. Takes after his dad. 
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essidsolutions · 1 year
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tombeane-blog · 1 year
Pizza Is American, Get Over It
Warning for Italians, Sicilians and New Jersians:  Don't read this. Your life will never be the same.
News that is viralating across the nation...
1. "Alberto Grandi, a food historian who teaches at the University of Parma, claims that pizza, carbonara and parmesan (which is commonly produced in Wisconsin) are truly American foods.
He continues,
2. "Italian-American soldiers in Sicily during WWII were reportedly shocked that there were no pizzerias around."
and continues,
3. "For my (Alberto Grandi's) father in the 1970s, pizza was just as exotic as sushi is for us today,"
For decades I was afraid to mention this in polite society for fear that I might end up by (caution: mixed metaphor) having a dirt nap with the fishes while wearing cement flip flops - courtesy of some guy named Giovanni.
But now that science is substantiating my own personal ad-hockian experience - I'm coming out of the pantry.
I was in Livorno, Italy in 1963.  Me and my navy buddies decided to eat at this quaint little sidewalk cafe.  
"We're in Italy - I want me some authentic Italian pizza!", I slurred. My buddies agreed and we ordered.
Well, it was nothing like the pizza I had been eating back in the States.  It was just thin baked dough.  After baking, they just threw some tomato sauce and vegetables on top.  
It was like they really had no idea what a pizza was! (What do you expect from a country that is missing J, K, W, X, and Y from it's alphabet?)
So, can we really determine the origin of globally common foods?  And why shouldn't they legitimately be claimed by whoever makes them popular?
I can easily imagine some Spartans at Thermopylae on the-night-before taking some thin baked bread and tossing some random food stuff on top.  
Was that a pizza?  Why not?  Today they put anchovies, pineapple, Canadian frigging bacon and even Mexican food on them and they still call it a pizza.
So why not just designate them Mexican style or Hawaiian style or yep - Italian style pizza.  
Maybe slap some cheese grits, pulled pork and collard greens on top and call it Suthen style pizza.
Everyone agrees there are few things more American than a hamburger.  But let's take a look at it's origins from a hysterictical perspective.
In Hamburg, Germany a popular dish was a flat, pan-fried meat patty which became know as Hamburg Steak.
Meanwhile in Great Britain, John Montagu(4th earl of Sandwich, Viscount Hinchingbrooke, Baron Montagu of Saint Neots), gets credited with putting some meat between two pieces of bread - inventing(?) The Sandwich.
One of the many versions of the origin of the hamburger goes like this:
German immigrants in New York and Chicago during the Industrial Revolution served factory workers Hamburg steak from food carts. They were difficult to eat while standing, so one creative cook put the Hamburg patty between two slices of bread... combining a thin flat meat patty from Germany with a 'meat between bread' idea from some posh British aristocratic sissy and,  Voila!   The Hamburger Sandwich.
This combo, just like the pizza, could have been put together by a couple of Spartan Warriors sitting around the campfire.  They could have been having pizza and burgers as a last meal.
So who did make the first actual pizza? We will never know.  
What we do know for absolute certainty is that pizza - as the world knows it today - is as American as Apple Pie - just like the hamburger. 
Believe the Scientist.
Being a generous person, I'll let my Italic paisans keep on bragging about Carbonara, Parmesan, those nude armless statues and Frank Sinatra.
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The Way We Are
[a short story featuring Suthen from @divine--tragedy ]
"Calm down, Cipher. It's just your boyfriend... no need to panic. It's just a normal date ..."
Who knew me sitting by the park bench would keep my heart racing yet here I am, under the bright city lights of Jubilife waiting for a certain someone to arrive. Night's still young from the looks of it but I'm just worried he might be busy or something and I picked the absolute worst time to invite him. 
For this special night, I just decided to put on a black shirt underneath a Jirachi hoodie, not too casual but it's good enough for me.  I just sighed to myself as browsed through my phone in the meantime just so I wouldn't get bored. Suthen doesn't have one so I can't really text him to see where he was right now. 
I've noticed that the city is pretty bustling even at this time, an occasional thing so I wasn't too surprised by it. For some reason, I'd much prefer this than a quiet park as being alone with my thoughts doesn't help at all with waiting. 
A moment had just passed when I suddenly felt as if I was being slightly lifted from the bench I was sitting on. That obviously startled me a bit and I almost dropped my phone as I looked as to what or who was it that lifted me up. 
"Knew I'd see an angel from afar~" The all too familiar voice spoke up as he had the same charming smile that I always loved from him. "Got your invite by the way so I'm here to hang out." 
"Hey Suthen, so glad you came! You're surprisingly early." 
"Oh hush hush ... I just did that on purpose. It's not like I planned to be early or whatever ..." He pouted, gently putting me on his back as I hugged him from behind. "So what'cha got planned, huh? Just smooching?" 
"Nope ... not yet, babe. I have other things planned first before we get to that." Of course, I wouldn't want to spoil the festivities for tonight, the night's still young so there's plenty more to be done. "Come on, I'll lead the way~"
"Nice funny glowing tree you got here, angel. This came from a different planet or something?" We both were staring over at the Lumos Tree, one of the well-known landmarks here in Jubilife. Tonight it seemed like the lights were a pure white glow and even though he was joking I can see him looking at it with awe. 
"Of course not, love. It does look like it but it was grown here on the same spot that it is on. It's supposed to be a gift that our mythical Shaymin, Favonius, made for Stella." 
"You mean the Jirachi you always talked about? must be a special tree then ... Never seen any glowy trees anywhere in my forest and I've lived there for a long time." 
"It is special. Stella made sure to always make the tree light up for them and for all of us who are standing near it at this moment." I turned back to face him after mentioning all of that. "A special moment I wanna show to a very special someone." 
Suthen blushed a bit when I said that, trying to hide it but looking away a bit with a pouty face and scoffing. "Oh hush! You can just pick any day and I'll still be there ... no need to label it as 'special' ... Come on, ya sappy angel, let's see what else you have in mind for this night ..." 
My mind started to wander for a bit, thinking about what I just said. He is probably doubting what I called him after our last date. Was he really mad at me and just hiding? Maybe ... maybe he's-
"Cipher? Are you okay over there? Found a ghost or something?" 
With that, I snapped back from reality, not realizing I was staring at a blank space instead of at him. "I'm okay! It's just nothing! I was just ... looking at a bush." What did I say that for!?! 
We just stared at each other awkwardly before he just shrugged it off.  "We probably should get going, something else you wanna show me?"
"Right, right ... I'll lead the way!" I held his hand instinctively as I pulled him towards where we should be going next. 
Maybe I should tell him later what I should've said when we were at that bar ... 
We were now standing in front of Stella's statue all in its silver glory looming over the port towards Canalave City. I can say this was both a landmark and a lighthouse even, as her statue while holding a beacon of light so that ships can't be lost on the way to and from Canalave. 
"So you folks only ever had one Jirachi, huh? Where are they even?" 
"That, I really don't know ... all of us here don't exactly where she is at any given time. Some might just say she's just a myth but very few seen have here before, even me." 
"I figured you'd be a lucky one." He laughed as he had me resting on his back for, comfort as he put it. "I wouldn't mind your story though and that shiny light thing can be the campfire even. Can't believe you didn't tell me this already." 
"Well, you never asked, I just thought you wouldn't like to hear a fairytale ..."
"Oh just get on with it, angel~! I wanna hear it right now." 
"Fine ...  if you insist, love."
I'm not the best when it comes to telling a story but I've at least made it interesting to hear. I rarely ever tell stories about myself even but he seemed to be eager to listen regardless. 
The gist was that I saw Stella once while I was walking towards V.E.G.A. the day that I first sent in my application. It wasn't a vision or lucid dream like any other deity would do but I did see her back in that alleyway and she was only whispering this whole time. Part of me still wonders to this day if she was doing it so that she wouldn't be seen by someone else. 
"Heh, cool. We should share stories more often, at least from there we get to know each other better." He was just listening to me this whole time and just spoke when he felt like I was done talking. "That would be cool too, you know ... campfire stories near my forest but I don't know if you'd want that ..." 
I can tell he was nervous asking me this and I think I know why. He hasn't forgotten that night as I have too but, I can never decline an invitation from him to just hang out. 
"Sure ... I'd love that!"
"You do? Heck, I was just joking you know ... but you did say yes so ... why not, right?" 
"Hey, Suthen ... wanna see the stars with me? I have a favorite spot we can go to." I did plan to end this date with some stargazing and I'm pretty sure this was his first time doing so. 
"Cipher, you silly angel ... you don't have to ask that, you know. Whatever it is that you wanna do with me I'm always up for it." He again lifted me up with his tail and gave me a smooch on the cheek before putting me down onto his back. "We better get going then~"
Off we went to the stargazing spot I was talking about which isn't far from where we were. It was a hill with a large patch of grass that overlooks the Lumos Tree and where me and a lot of other 'mons of the city go to stargaze or just to hang out. Wild Gracidea flowers were also scattered all around the grassy hill providing a bit of decoration for it. 
Suthen was the first to sit down by the grass, folding up his hoofed legs looking like a loaf of bread. He's so adorable when he does that. I thought as I sat beside him, making myself comfy. 
"So ... stars, huh? I've always wanted to ask why you like seeing 'em every single night. I won't judge ... just curious and all that." 
"Of course, I'd be happy to share. Well, it's just ... comforting you know? Like looking at them I see imaginary shapes here and there and I would think, 'Hey! They're moving around a cosmic ocean. That's cool.' and sometimes I think that the night sky here is the same as the night sky back home. So in a sense, I feel more at home watching the night sky." 
"Heh, I feel that too. I mean, my home is in the woods but at least it's comfy. But yeah ... why did you change homes?"
"It's a long story but … I was chasing my dreams and I wound up here. I didn't regret any of it though ... because I met 'mons that mean a lot to me. Elaina, you and a bunch of others too."
I can sense him looking away, flustered and not knowing what to say. 
"You mean a lot to me too you know ... I never did regret sparing you over at that very forest ..." He muttered his words but I really couldn't blame him. Instead, I held his hand with mine making sure they were intertwined on the grass while not taking my eyes off of him. 
"Glad you feel the same way, babe ... I just felt like saying it. These past few weeks, you've been constantly on my mind ... I just wanted to say something before I regret not saying it forever ..." We now locked eyes as he fell silent, I guess the time is now and my heart is racing still, even faster this time. 
"You remember that last time we were in the forest, right? Your confession and how I said I wasn't ready for it? Well ... the reason why I answered is because ... I was scared ... I'm scared of making a decision too fast ... too quick for my own sake ... I wanted to say yes then and there but I was too caught up in the moment ... I ... I loved you then ... you might be angry at me still but you just wouldn't show it ... for your sake and for mine ... and I still love you now ..."
The words just kept on going as if I was just releasing the bottled-up thoughts in my head. "Sorry, Suthen ... I wished I've said something else instead ... I was ... I-"
A claw would then reach out to wipe a tear from my face, his claws as he then pulled me closer to him. Somehow in the middle of my confession I never even noticed I was crying. It was a bit of a blur from there but I did remember sobbing a bit into his chest and never speaking a word once he felt like I was done. 
"I still forgive you, you know ... and I still love you. You're still an angel to me." He whispered, a single tear running down his face with a smile. "Even if we don't see each other that much ... I still love being with you." 
"Well that's something I would wanna change ... I promise I'll spend more time with you even more and I love you too." I had this feeling that I couldn't have picked a better time for this other than tonight but I'm glad this happened. The stars were still very clear up above as if they were watching us and feeling what we feel.
I can feel him looking away again, flustered as before as I thought of something just to ease the tension. Gently pulling him close to me, I'd smile with tears now flowing through my eyes as I made sure we locked eyes. "I love you, Suthen. Always have...~" 
He was also crying too but before his sobbing got the better of him, he smiled back at me. "I love you too, Cipher. You're always going to be my angel." He then pulled me even closer to him with a warm embrace with the night sky and its stars watching us from above.
And then, Suthen kissed me.
And I kissed him back.
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divine--tragedy · 4 years
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Crewel, Diable, Smisma and Suthen are at the event! AND-!
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Soven is blasting the music!
Oh and Valentino is there too.
Here are the refs!
Reminder Diable goes by SHE/HER until stated contrary.
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B3 of that blushing meme for Suthen (you know the drill)
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when bf holds hands,,,,
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shakespeare-is-lit · 5 years
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buzz cut won by quite a bit
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the-sleepysiren · 5 years
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To revive you
I got you a gift releated, i think, to our rp
Omg thank you so much ! Its just i havent gotten really any asks so far,,, 
But hey also
A pure boy with dark boy :
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gameover-gardevoir · 3 years
Trick or Treat for Cipher
Cipher Got:
His Boyfriend A Candy Scorpion
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and @divine--tragedy ;3c
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(S) ...
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Stranger Danger, Double Trouble
continue from here
Cipher: "Hey, you alright...?"
He says with a look of concern as he faced him.
Cipher: "It appears we've been abducted by some weirdos ..."
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english-boys · 5 years
-And So Edward Has Control Of 3/4ths Of The English Earl Squad. And Kori. And Most Of England. It’s Very Weird. 
And...One More Thing. 
...He’s A Murderer. 
- Siward. 
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askthe-editor · 5 years
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Galya: I’ve been able to see through the manipulation for a while now, it’s only now that the prospect of getting out is actually feasible.
[ @something-like-an-askblog ]
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bigsuthen1 · 5 years
(Big Suthen)
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avaliveradio · 3 years
Big Suthen Turns to a Special Relationship for his new single 'My Lady'
Big Suthen is all about love and positivity!
Our newest single, 'My Lady' is a dedication to all the women that compliment a man. This song means so much to me because I found my backbone and needed to tell the world. This song will impact anybody that understands what it's like to have someone special in their life. 
I started into the world of music about 12 years ago.
After collaborating with a friend on a song of his, I caught the music bug and started to learn about developing my own brand and music style. I used to write a lot of poetry and have multiple binders written today. I'm always inspired by life, people, and whatever gets my head and shoulders jumping.
What's one thing that you wish you knew from the start?
I wished I knew more about the business side of things. Knowing how to register music and publishing properly isn't as easy as once thought. A distributor helps, but there's still a lot to check on, from adding the proper metatags to making sure you're getting all the royalties you deserve. 
Name a few artists who influence you to become a musician?
I am influenced by hip hop, blues, and 90's music. I grew up in the country but listened to willie nelson, bb king, boyz two men, and now j cole's or Dax. His music is great and motivating. All these artists push me to be in tune with my soulful side while concentrating on positivity. 
What was the biggest hurdle you had to overcome, and how did you get past it?
My biggest hurdle was when I lost my job five years ago. I went a whole year unemployed. With a new family and no money, it forced me to go out and get it. I changed my life around and directed my drive into my music. This has spilled over into the music y'all hear today. Also, I have a lot to say on my first studio album I'm currently working on. 
The Rhythm and Blues feed the soul. 
As life influences have been an inspiration to the music I create, you can tell 'My Lady' is more of a personal reflection of my heart. I often write about people with who I have connected in life. 
Coming up...
I am currently recording my first album, which is called 'Hands in the Sand' (Working Title).
Artist: Big Suthen
New Release: My Lady
Genre: HipHop, R&B, World, Alternative Hip Hop
Sounds like: : I feel that I have my own style, but gain my influence from Life.
Located in: : Houston, Texas
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6jqxXWy4vnzvvplo657j8G?si=jXz1Q6gfQeCr3QFrcByqWQ Twitter: https://twitter.com/BigSuthen Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IAmBigSuthen Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bsuthenphotography/
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