arsenicfathips · 2 years
The Totally On-Time Hallow33n Special
Nepeta was conflicted. Salvation was in sight, yes- but what did she need rescue from? The resourceful kitty roll had practically dominated the surrounding region. There was no beast she had encountered that could not be hunted, slain, or eaten. All three of those things usually occurred sequentially, anyways. Isn't this what Nepeta has always wanted? A dense forest, a REAL forest with trees, and sounds, and smells, and little critters to chase around and play with all day long. She stared into the surrounding fog, lips pursed as she argued with herself. These past few weeks had been totally pawsome, indeed... but... but her palmhusk was close to dying. With no way to contact Serket or anyone else without it, Nepeta would be stuck where she was. The thought entered her mind. If there was so many new things to discover in this place, how much more was there out there? In the world? The universe? Would an apex predator really be satisfied with the same hunting grounds forever?
...Plus, Nepeta never really got to properly hang out with Serket. She was whisked away from her new friend so quickly. What about Sollicks? They had only met once, and Nepeta wanted to... continue to experiment with what they had done together. She thought of her moirail- surely Equius was getting worried sick at this point! It wouldn't be fair to him if she just disappeared like that.
No, no, Nepeta had to return home. She glanced at her phone. Eighteen percent charge. Another day or so at least.
A new scent breezed by her nose. Nepeta sniffed, looking up and then towards the source. Something was cooking! A few miles off, smoke trailed into the sky. She could make out the top of several hives. A town!
...Well, who said she had to leave right now? One last hurrah wouldn't hurt. The sun would set soon.
The shattering of glass pulled the sleeping Elizabeth into reality. Sitting up in her bed, wide eyes frantically darted across her bedroom, drowsy and confused but still searching for the source of the sudden noise. A cold draft chilled her loosely dressed frame, and the woman turned towards her window. It had been broken into pieces- pieces which now lay scattered all over the floor. Something had come in.
Only the dim, flickering light of a candle on her bedside table provided any chance of catching a sight of the intruder. Somewhere in that murky darkness which invaded the corners of the room, someone or something was lurking. Waiting. Silently watching. Then, Elizabeth saw it.
A tail flicked out from the darkness, quickly slithering back into the inky nothing. Large, feline eyes, the only thing now visible, stared straight at her. Silence enveloped the once empty room. Terrified, Elizabeth dare not move. Then, the wind blew once more, extinguishing her candle. She barely had time to scream as footsteps suddenly pounded towards her from the darkness, followed by an enveloping wetness.
A lone Woodsman marches into the outskirts of Mortigny, shouldering a well-worn axe. He had lost track of time, working far too late into the evening! His missus was surely worried sick, the man thought to himself with a chuckle. Oh well, he was used to getting an earful from her... still, the burly man thought it would be best to take a shortcut. He turned into a short path, sandwiched between two tall buildings. This was technically private property, but no one would notice the brief trespassing this late at ni-
A window shattered above him. The Woodsman jumped, startled from the sudden sound. What the hell happened? Whose house... the Baker, right? He and his daughter lived on the second floor. Maybe they got in a fight? But no one was screaming. And... something was wrong. The Woodsman looked down at the trodden path. No glass had fallen from above. Whatever broke that window came from the outside. Then, he heard it. A woman's shill scream quickly being muffled. The lumberjack tightened his grip on his axe, and ran towards the front of the house.
The once-locked entrance easily gave way to the Woodsman's powerful kick, splintered wood crumpling inwards. He stepped into the bakery- empty. The wonderful smell of well-worked dough filled the air. The Baker must have been finishing up for the night, when whoever else was in the building attacked. Almost on cue, a man's cry rang out. Then, nothing. Just like his daughter. The Woodsman stepped into the room, quickly making his way towards the stairs behind the counter. Dust shook from the steps as he stomped upwards, entering a sparsely-decorated hallway. The door at the end hung ajar... the Woodsman could hear something shifting inside. He could feel the fear of the unknown crawling on his back. He took a deep breath, and moved forward into the doorway. The room was pitch black, save for the few rays of moonlight trickling through the broken window. Those small slivers of light betrayed the figure, directly in front of the Woodsman.
He dropped his axe. A massive, writing ball of pale grey flesh lay in the center of the room, pulsing up and down from where it sat. The light reflective off it the surface revealed... the impression of a hand, pushing out from inside the bulbous lump of meat. Then, a face. Cries rang out from within, muffled by a thick layer of skin and meat. The Woodsman, unable to look away, slowly approached the eldritch monstrosity. His heart pounded, and his mind screamed for him to turn around and leave while he still could, but... that damn curiosity got the best of the poor Woodsman. How did this happen? What even happened? He lay a hand on taut surface of the... is that... a belly button...?
The town of Mortigny, now with a slightly smaller population, slowly disappeared behind the encroaching line of trees. Nepeta waddled along, humming a merry tune. What a night! A delicious dinner, and a meal for the trip home? Maybe the people here were more generous than the roving bands of bandits she had encountered in the past. The feline troll swiped a small roll from her basket of pastries, absentmindedly munching on it as she begun the trek towards the fog wall. Her stomach's occupants were making it a bit difficult, but they had started to calm down. That, or her grossly distended tummy finally got to work on them. She gave the swollen surface a tender pat, forcing up a little "byurp!" A return to normal, honestly. Nepeta hoped her tummy would be a bit flatter before meeting Serket again... but at the moment, there was nothing to do about it.
Time to get out of here!
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brandonjaaay · 2 years
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That’s a wrap on Swalloween ‘22! Until next year 🎃 👻
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maplesyruption · 11 months
trick or treat!!
Ooh! What a pleasant surprise!! Hallowed ween!
*ladles one unit of sopping lasaga into your candy bucket
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myroommateisdracula · 11 months
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someone come take this mans guns
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Merlin: Happy Swalloween!
Arthur: Don't you mean halloween?
Merlin: I guess you don't want your dick sucked then. *happily skips away*
Arthur: What? I do! Merlin, where are you going? Merlin! GET BACK HERE AND SWALLOW THIS DICK!
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clavdialxpez · 11 months
i just saw a sign that said "it's cocktober, happy swalloween" so if anyone's on the market for a good present, i found it.
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slutty-puppy-cow · 2 years
happy swalloween to those who celebrate 💦
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616e67656c · 11 months
Happy Swalloween Fellow Sluts n Pimpz...
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arsenicfathips · 2 years
Aw Rats! - Supersize?
This place was not like Alternia in the slightest. At least not as far as all of the countryside was concerned. Hardly any buildings aside from those large cobbled rock structure with the large propellers attached, and even the people seemed a lot less dense than the trolls back home. Was it because they were humans and… was the smaller one called a gnome? Or goblin? G-somethin!
Nothing really even put up a fight either, I’m fact if one didn’t know any better, they all almost seemed malnourished themselves! Or maybe just rotten. Even though most of them were armed with knives or at least clubs, none of the groups of bandits really seemed to know how to handle a fully frown Alternian. Or if they did, they sure didn’t act like it!
However, one such encounter was definitely different than the rest. It was actually a little hard to ignore, and kind of creepy.
One such camp that Nepeta came upon seemed to of already been pillaged! The tents were knocked down and the fire was doused and some of their larger Hooved rides even seemed to get taken out. There was also evidence of…
Snacking! Someone was eating these bandits! And in a fairly grotesque way too. Not at all a superior ‘swallow whole’ method that covered tracks. It was like this predator didn’t even care if it was found! Which was definitely an issue, especially when Nepeta found them!
It was… a human? No, something was off. He was taller, and more muscular. He had long claws and a bit of a snout, along with some more swishy ears not fitting on a more humanoid frame. In general he just seemed a lot scruffier, and along with the long, bare whip-like tail, he almost looked like some sort of half-squeakbeast!
The creature gnawed at a bone for a moment, before suddenly turning to face Nepeta! She couldn’t sneak up on it at all??Impossible!!
Fight or flee, the verminous figure eyed the troll, teeth gnashing as it seemed to consider the options. Eventually though, it didn’t seem to have the patience for much more thought, as it made an attempt to turn and run out into the fields!
Nepeta had spent most of her time thus far romping amuck through the dense forests of this strange land. There was almost too much stimulation from the various exotic wildlife, to the noises and smells they created, for her to focus on figuring out the important details- where she actually was, how she got here, how to get OUT of this alien place, etc. Her survival instant was not the one driving Nepeta at the moment- her hunter's blood boiled at the challenge this land provided.
That challenge had begun to wane for our poor huntress, however. Nepeta had figured out most of the fauna in the area's daily patterns- it was easy for her to snatch up a couple rabbits or squirrels. Too easy. And more importantly, not at all filling! Nepeta had been subsiding on small mammals, rodents, and fish- her poor tummy was none too pleased about it! Nep figured she should hold off on chowing down on any... self aware beings to not bring too much attention to herself but at this point FUCK IT! A girl's got to eat!
This chain of thoughts had led Nepeta to where she was now- a half destroyed camp, rampaged by the beast staring her down. Quite literally, in fact; the mutant rodent had at least a head and a half on her. The beast's body was large and muscled, covered in a drape of damp clumps of unwashed fur. Its claws, though clearly never taken care of were still clearly sharp at their crooked ends, perhaps sharp enough to cleave flesh from bone. Their eyes, though occasionally wildly darting to keep track of its surroundings betrayed a hint of intelligence- they always quickly looked back into Nepeta's eyes. The monster's instincts told it to watch the cat troll carefully.
It also eventually told itself that this is probably not a fight it can win.
Nepeta's boots thumped against the ground, taking off almost as soon as the rat-man-beast-thing turned. Behind it was wide, open fields- nowhere to run, really. Not like it had the chance, anyways. Nepeta had caught up with the rodent much quicker than it had anticipated. She pounced onto the beast! They rolled onto the ground, a scrambled ball of fur and claws pushing, scratching into each other... unfortunately for the squeak-beast, Nepeta's caste was one gifted with unnatural strength. She pinned the beast on it's back, and without a moment of consideration pulled its matted head into her maw. It squirmed wildly beneath her, arms flailing against Nepeta to try and wrench itself free. Nep, eyes closed, tried not to focus on the flavor of mud caked fur and clenched her teeth around it's neck.
Pulling back.
The rat monster's body lay still as Nepeta quickly forced the rest of it down her gullet. Each pained swallow felt like she was going to vomit, but her stomach demanded the meal. Eventually the blue blood slurped up the beast's tail, joining the rest of it in her gut.
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tedwards77 · 2 years
Happy Swalloween! 🍆
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xx-key-xx · 2 years
Happy swalloween everyone, go suck that di-
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