#Swap! Lumity AU
minlein · 1 year
"Just Epilogue Canon meeting Epilogue Swap"
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catboymoments · 7 months
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Some various scribbles! Mostly nextgen stuff but Azrael from the swap au is there too hehe
I saw a cute pair of rollerskates on Pinterest and they made me think of Azura so now I’m making it a thing that she’s got a pair and likes to zoom around the isles… she’s got places to Be
Also, Bronwyn!! She really struggles with anxiety and panic attacks, which isn’t too great already but especially if you inherit a curse that gets stronger based on stress…
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hallospooky · 1 year
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I’ve been seeing some owl house au things :]
Wanted to give it a try.
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apyrrambles · 1 year
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more swap au stuff!
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sorrelpaws · 2 years
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LUMITY SWAP AU!!!! luz is a rebellious witch, and amity is a magic-interested human
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robroshaker9000 · 1 year
So I like
Started the owl house (currently at s2 lmao, even tho I've consumed the whole ahh thing on tumblr already)
And I uh
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I did a thing
Welcome to my swap au, The Cardinal House, where Hunter takes Luz's place and, as a sucker for huntlow, I couldn't not make this (*´∀`)♪
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libbytwq · 2 years
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Meet our The Raven House protags
Bios below the cut
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Hunter Wittebane
Swapped with Luz
The human
"The Good Wizard Zuro" fanboy
Cardinals are his favorite critter
Desperately trying to be a witch
Apprentice of Lilith the Raven Lady (will design eventually)
Friends with Amity and Vee
Ends up being Willow's bf
Philip Wittebane is his cool librarian dad and he's cool
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Amity Blight
Swapped with Willow
Half-a-witch Mittens
Flyer Derby Queen
Badass sweetheart
Parents are ok
Doesn't want to be in the plant track, wants to make abominations
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Vivian Basilio
Swapped with Gus
Witch bby (no longer basilisk)
"Vee? Nickname? HUMAN NICKNAME? VEE? Call me it!"
Smart cookie
Illusionist track
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Willow Park
Swapped with Amity
mean top student in first debut
but then becomes total sweetheart to Hunter once she knows him
also "The Good Wizard Zuro" fangirl
p l a n t s
asshole parents (big sadge)
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Luz Noceda
Swapped with Hunter
Amethyst Guardian
Has been through some shit
gets hair cut by Amity lolz
hope you like it guys!
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caspersarts · 1 year
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Just some switch-a-roo screencaps!!
no shading bc i dont want to
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solazu1 · 10 months
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I finished it woooo!! Lumity swap Au stuff yahoooo🙌
screenshotted from the grom episodes :3
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pluto-destroy-me · 2 years
Lumity swap 🔁
honestly dk what little voice inside me told me to do this, just felt like it i guess 🤷
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emeraldart · 1 year
We need more swap AUs with Willow as the human so I made one myself. Everyone stays the same but Willow and Luz switch places. The first episode is under the cut — it’s pretty long. I’ll probably be doing comics and and other random eps later!
Willow Park sat in the principal’s office, crossing her arms. Principal Hal briefly addresses her parents. She blew some dyed blue-green hair from her eyes, eyeing her science project wearily. So what if her robot malfunctioned? This wouldn’t have happened if she just got to study botany as she’d wanted. 
“Mr. Parks, your daughter’s project went disastrously wrong. Again,” Principal Hal said, bluntly, “Her grades have been slipping lately. I fear that if her grades don’t improve, we’ll have to send her to summer school.”
“That seems awfully drastic,” Papa defended.
“I don’t know, Gil, we do want her to succeed in life,” Dad countered.
“Don’t I get a say in this?” Willow declared. 
“This is the first of many incidents, Willow,” Papa said, “I think you should really consider this.”
Before she knew it, Willow was staring outside her house, waiting for the bus to summer school. She fiddled with her small cactus. She took her plants everywhere with her, despite her fathers protests that botany wouldn’t open nearly as many opportunities. 
“Don’t worry, Will,” Dad comforted, “You’ll be so busy learning mechanics… and doing math, the time will fly by!”
“But I don’t like any of that stuff!” Willow protested. “I like working on my garden and being outside!”
“This is all so you get better opportunities,” Papa said, “You’ll make so many friends, but you have to try and let this gardening stuff go.”
Willow threw away her cactus, frowning. Her dads left and she immediately started to dig through the trash for her beloved plant. It was gone. Willow looked up, spotting a small owl holding the little pot in its mouth. Owls weren’t supposed to be out during the day… and they definitely didn’t fish plants out of the trash. She chased it, following it through the old shack near her house through an odd door with an eye on it.
“Get back here you adorable little owl!” 
Willow paused when she realized she was in a tent. She fingered a strange blue plant. She’d seen weird plants before, but never like this. She was snapped out of her thoughts by a voice.
“Finally, you’re back.” 
Willow peered through the flaps of the tent, seeing a strange, old lady. She had gray hair and gold eyes. Her skin was so pale it was practically white. 
“Now, let’s see what we got here.”
The owl flies to the top of her large stick, and the lady spun it around. The owl turned to wood. Willow held back a gasp, readying herself. For what, she was not sure. 
The lady took out a phone. “Garbage.” She took out a ring. “Garbage.” She took out some brilliantly shiny chalice. “Garbage.” 
She took out some joke glasses with springs. “Now this…” The lady put them on. “This will make me rich!”
Willow gasps quietly as the woman grabbed her plant.
“This… eh, I don’t really have a use for this,” the lady gestured to throw out the plant.
Willow ran in and grabbed it, nervously mumbling an apology before making a break for it. She pulled the flap of the tent aside, running up to the weird door. It proceeds to fold up, disappearing into a small briefcase. Willow turned around, facing her strange pursuer.
“You’re not going anywhere,” she threatened.
Willow held in a shriek and dove under the tent. She skidded to a stop as she found herself at the edge of a cliff. Dragons flew through the air. Giant bugs functioned as buses. Disgustingly fascinating beasts roamed. Willow screamed.
“This… this is a dream, right?” she laughed, nervously. A fairy flew up next to her. “Oh… uh, nice fairy…”
“Give me your skin!” the fairy cried.
Willow yelped and swatted the fairy to the floor, flinching.
“Am I dead? I’m dead, aren’t I? This is the bad place then, I guess,” Willow rambled.
“You wish,” the same woman from before grabs Willow’s shoulder and drags her back to the tent, sitting her down on a stool. Willow clenched her fists, ready to fight back if she had to.
“I’m just here for my plant. Please, don’t eat my skin. And if you try… you’ll uh, regret it!” Willow threatened or at least tried to. 
“Eat you? Why would I eat… a potential customer?” Willow tilted her head, confused. 
“Can I offer you a human foot filled with holes?” she took out a green croc. “A bar of green human candy? Oh, oh! How about this black shadow box that reflects only sadness?” She grabbed a bar of deodorant, followed by an old-fashioned television. 
Willow laughed. “It can do waaaay more than that.”
She looked around the table before finding some batteries. She took the television from the lady and placed the batteries in, turning it on. An old exercise video starts playing. A crowd immediately gathered. People started to bid higher and higher amounts of money for it, asking unusual questions. 
“What did you say your name was?” the woman asked.
“...Willow, Willow Park,” Willow told her, hesitantly.
“Well, Willow, that was pretty clever… for a human,” the woman said.
“For a human?”
“Oh, dear child,” she began, removing her bandanna to reveal two pointy ears. “I’m not like you.” She jumped onto the table. “I’m Eda the Owl Lady, the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles!” 
“A witch?” Willow asked.
“I am respected, feared-” she continued before she was cut off by a masked stranger smashing the T.V.
“Busted!” the guard said, as customers started to scatter. “Eda the Owl Lady, you are wanted for misuse of magic and demonic misdemeanors.” Willow gasped. “You are hereby ordered to come with me to the Conformatoruium! 
Eda freed her arm. “Will you guys quit following me around? I haven’t done squat.”
The guard ignored her. “And you’re coming too,” he grabbed Willow, who yelped, “for fraternizing with a criminal.” 
“Hey!” Willow flailed around, uselessly. 
“Oh, all right, all right, you win,” Eda conceded. “Just let me get my stuff.”
She rummaged under the table, grabbing the staff from earlier. She swung the staff, hitting the guard. He hit the floor with a thud. Eda spun the staff, making all the contents of her stand float before drifting into a bundle on her staff. Willow shakily got up.
“Whoops, can’t forget this.” Eda pulled a key out of her hair, pressing a button. The door-turned-briefcase vanishes. 
“Follow me, human.” 
Willow ran after her. “This is crazy! I’m gonna die here!” 
“Ha! I won’t let them hurt you,” Eda said, cocky. “A human like you is more valuable to me alive than dead.” 
“Are you trying to be suspicious? I can’t believe-” Willow yelled as Eda cheered, pulling them both onto the staff and taking off. 
The guard ran in, seconds too late. “You won't get away with this, Owl Lady! Yeah, all right. You did. You got away with it. She got away with it, everybody! Typical.”
Eda flew through the skies, Willow keeping her eyes screwed shut.
“You can open your eyes now, human.” 
Willow gasped when she saw they were flying. “Okay, it’s just a flying staff, some monsters, and a witch. That’s a normal Earth thing.” 
Eda laughed. “This is the Boiling Isles. Every myth you humans have is caused by a little of our world leaking into yours.” 
Creatures flew by, including a strange lion with the head of a pigeon. Willow vaguely recognized it as a griffin from folklore, although more grotesque. It proceeded to breathe out a stream of living spiders, falling from the sky.
“Eww…” Willow murmured. 
“Yep. Griffins, vampires, giraffes-” Eda listed before Willow cut her off.
“Oh yeah, we banished those guys. Bunch of freaks.” 
Eda landed the staff and jumped off. Her hand remained. It moved, causing Willow to jump off the staff in shock. 
“Oops,” she said, screwing it back on, “That happens sometimes.” 
“Well… this has been, uh, interesting,” Willow said. “But I really have to get going. Mind helping me get back home?” 
“Only if you help me first,” Eda chuckled. “Ah, now come along, human.” 
Willow gasped as a peculiar house came into view. Owls flew around, laughing. She didn’t know owls could do that. The house itself was reasonably tall, with a tower and a large window resembling an eye. 
“I won’t have to fight off any guards, will I?” Willow worried. 
“Nope. My house has a state-of-the-art defense system.” 
A strange… owl… sits on the door, tilting its head. It was round with large eyes. 
“Hoot-hoot! Password, please!” it (he?) bellowed. 
Eda poked his eyes, making him shout.
“We got no time for this, Hooty. Let us in,” Eda grumbled. 
“All right, all right! Geez! You have let me have any fun! Ow! Hoot!” Hooty complained. 
Hooty opened his mouth to encompass the door. Willow winced as they walked in, although fascinated.
“Welcome to…” Eda snapped her fingers, “the Owl House!”
The candles lit up and Willow looked around in wonder. 
“Where I hide away from the pressures of modern life. Also the cops. Also ex-boyfriends.” 
“I really respect that,” Willow said, “So do you live here all alone?” 
“Actually,” Eda replied, “I have a roommate.” 
A shadow loomed from the hall. “Who dares intrude upon I, the King of Demons?” The creature stepped out to reveal a small, dog-like creature with a skull on his head. He squeaked a rubber duck. Willow scooped him up.
“You’re so cute! Eda, who’s this little cutie?” Willow cooed. 
“I’m not cute!” King whined. “Eda, who is this monster?” 
Eda pulled Willow away from King. “Oh, this is Willow, the human. She’s here to help us with our little… situation.”
“Oh, hooray!” King cheered. 
“Wait. I definitely don’t like the sound of whatever your situation is. I just want to get home,” Willow said. 
“Just… let me explain,” Eda sighed. “King was once a mighty king of demons, until his Crown of Power was stolen, and became… this.” Willow cooed at King again. “The crown is being held by the evil Warden Wrath and locked away behind a magical force field only a human can break through. A human like you. If you help us retrieve his crown, we’ll send you back to your realm. So whaddya say?” 
“It doesn’t seem like I’m being given a choice here,” Willow grumbled. 
“Nope. We got no time to lose,” Eda grabbed Willow’s arm and they walked off.
“Where are we going?”
“Somewhere super fun!” 
The group found themselves at an ominous building, lightning crackling around them. A selection of wanted posters covered the wall as the group stared up at the castle-like structure. 
“The Conformatorium. A place for those considered unsuitable for society,” Eda deadpanned. 
Willow peeled Eda’s wanted poster off the wall. “Woah. These guys really are after you, huh?”
“Yep. But we’re never caught because we’re too slippery,” Eda said with a wink.
“Try to catch me when I’m covered in grease. I’m a squirmy little fella. You and I will sneak up to the top of the tower, where they’re keeping my crown,” King squealed.
“And I’m gonna make sure the Warden’s distracted,” Eda added. 
“I didn’t bring a disguise,” Willow said.
“Eh, I don’t think you’ll need one,” Eda reassured her. “Just punch anyone that gives you trouble.”
“You get me, Eda, you get me.” 
Eda slammed her staff onto the ground, creating a disk that lifted them up. “Hang on tight. See you guys at the top of the tower!”
The disk floated up to the window, letting Willow and King reach the inside of the tower. The duo moved through the hall, eyes catching the cells.
“Hey, lady, how’d you get out of your cell?” a prisoner asked. 
“Oh, um, I’m not a criminal,” Willow replied. 
“Neither are we,” the prisoner grumbled. “The stupid warden likes to lock up people who don’t fit in. Like, I write fanfics of food falling in love. I like food, I like love… Just let me write about it!” 
“I’m here because I like eating my own eyes,” another prisoner added. 
“We are agents of fwee expwession! They will never siwence us!” a small prisoner cried.
“Yeah, she’s really into conspiracy theories,” the first prisoner groaned. 
“The world is a simulation! We are but playthings for a higher being!” 
“That’s… that’s not right. You guys just… want to be yourselves. Like me,” Willow murmured. 
Willow was briefly distracted by some footsteps, running into a cell and pulling the bars in front of her. She covered her mouth as a man, the Warden, she assumed, thundered in. His emotionless mask met the prisoners. 
“I can hear you,” he said. “Just what are you fools whispering about?” He picked up Eda’s fallen poster. “Ah, the Owl Lady.” The Warden’s arm warped into a hammer, slamming into Willow’s cell. “I’ll get my hands on her soon enough.” 
He briefly glanced into Willow’s cell, where she held King protectively. The small prisoner shouted defiantly, causing the Warden to open to cell and grab her. 
“Let this be a lesson to all of you. There’s no place for you in society if you can’t fit in.”
Willow waited as he stomped away, before clambering out of the cell. She approached the other prisoners. 
“I can still get you guys out… at least,” she smiled, weakly, opening their cells. “Good luck!” 
Willow ran off, reaching Eda. She flew through the halls on her staff. She told Willow the Warden was distracted. Willow grew uneasy at the thought of him torturing the prisoner she failed to rescue. They eventually reached a large door labeled “Contraband.” King eagerly ran up to the door, cheering about power. Eda laughed at his antics.
“Why are they locked up here? They’re just being themselves…” Willow said, more to herself than Eda. 
She snapped out of her thoughts to find King attempting and failing to break through a glimmering barrier. Willow took a breath before walking into the pillar, finding piles of confiscated junk. At the top, she saw a glowing crown. She winced. That couldn’t be it… Willow groaned as King eagerly grabbed for the Burger Queen crown.
“That crown doesn’t give him any powers, does it?” 
“Uh, no. Oh, look at us Willow. King and I don’t have much in this world, we only have each other. So if that dumb crown is important to him, it’s important to me. Besides, us weirdos have to stick together.”
Willow got caught off guard by the comment. She was used to avoiding her weirdness in an attempt to keep her grades up and keep bullies away. She always kept her head down. 
“Well, we owe you one. Let’s get out of here before the Warden finds out and loses his head.”
The Warden stormed in. “Too late.” 
With a sharp swing, he cut off Eda’s head. It fell into Willow’s arms, who shrieked in shock. 
“Ow. I hate it when that happens.” Willow fought the urge to retch. 
“Normally I’d question this but…” Willow groaned, “This really isn’t the weirdest thing to happen today.”
The Warden proceeded to give a speech to Eda, ending with… asking her out? Willow commented on the misogyny of holding someone hostage to ask them out. Wrath grabbed her, yelling to stay out of it. Guess he didn’t appreciate social justice. Willow wriggled to get free as Eda spit in his face. Taking the opportunity, Willow grabbed Eda’s staff and slammed it over the Warden. She grabbed Eda’s head and bolted. Eda’s body freed King and they all climbed onto the staff.
“How does this work exactly?”
“Gun it, magic stick!” Eda commanded. 
Wrath gave chase as they flew through the halls. Willow reached out and pulled as many levers as she could freeing the prisoners. Wrath’s tentacle-like arms got closer, and they all fell to the ground outside the Conformatorium. Willow tried to help but they waved her off, telling her to return to the human realm. She found the prisoners from before, but they had no desire to escape. 
“Don’t you get it?” Willow asked, “It doesn’t matter if you’re weird, or unconventional, or just do things differently. Sometimes success is being happy, not just doing what you’re supposed to be doing.” 
“Why are you helping us?”
“Because us weirdos have to stick together,” Willow cheered, “And no one should be punished for who they are!” 
The Warden had Eda and King cornered. Willow and the other prisoners tackled him, Willow using Eda’s staff in an attempt to knock him unconscious. The prisoners tied his tentacle arms together, rendering his attacks useless. Humiliated, he ran, and Willow cheered. 
They flew back to the Owl House, where, as promised, Eda got the door ready. King and Eda waved goodbye, and Willow looked at them wistfully. A magical world was right here. Summer school was back home. 
“I don’t know,” Willow began. “My dads want me to be happy, but I don’t want to keep learning stupid engineers. I want to study plants and learn how to help them grow. This place is full of magic to do stuff like that here.”
“What exactly are you proposing, kid?” Eda asked.
“I want to stay and become a witch, like you.”
“That’s ridiculous, humans can’t become witches,” Eda smirked.
“There’s a first time for everything.”
King climbed onto Eda’s shoulders. “Let her stay! She can make us snacks.” 
“All right. I could use some help keeping this goofball out of the cupboards,” Eda conceded. “I can teach you anything about spells or whatever plant nerd stuff if you work for me.”
So Willow found herself getting ready for bed in the Owl House. Her sleeping bad uncurled fully as she hit the ground and yawned. Her phone buzzed. 
Dad: How’s summer camp?
Papa: Are you having fun?
Willow looked up, to where King had entered the room.
“Your sleep cocoon looks fluffy,” he said, awkwardly. Willow patted it, gesturing him to come to sit. He curled into a little ball next to her. She smiled warmly.
Willow: I think I’m gonna like it here.
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minlein · 1 year
"How to carry your partner"
Hi- i lowkey wanna make it funny and special so i decided to draw all of my ships that I've posted-
And yes, I posted a Springfall ship before, like, VEEEERRYYY back then- (it was like, one of my first posts on Tumblr lmao-)
Their name is Aya (blonde) and Dia (brown hair), not putting any more details on that-- maybe soon xd
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So many tags lmao
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catboymoments · 6 months
Can you talk more about Inverted Fate AU Luz and her relationships with Gus and with Amity? Even though she doesn't have canon Amity's early maliciousness, is she still functionally an antagonist? Love the AU, it's so thoughtful and creative!
Inverted Fate!Toh has a central theme of choosing kindness even when it’s hard to do it, rather than the original show having a theme of knowing when someone is beyond being offered kindness. This is also shown with swap Amity and her journey in the isles in the beginning.
Being raised in the same environment as she did in canon rendered her bitter and still chasing “success” above all else as a witches apprentice, so her early relationship with Luz is very similar to what we know. Luz just wants to help and Amity’s world gets turned upside down by her eccentricities, which she’s… upset about.
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(Don’t worry she melts her icy defenses really soon afterward :3 lil miss sour lemon drop absolutely has a sweet center)
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hugsandchaos · 1 year
Owl House Swapped AU Storyline
Okay, so Luz is born in the Boiling Isles as Luz Clawthorne, but she isn’t living with Eda. Eda and Luz have swapped last names, and Eda lives in the human realm (let’s say King is a dog or something). Camila joined the Emperor’s Coven to try to feed her daughter, but someone who saw her as a competitor cursed her daughter to try to force her out. Years later, Luz has her palisman Stringbean and is known as Luz the Wild Witch, and her mother is trying to bring her in to find a cure, but like Lilith in the original story, she’s being lied to by Belos. Luz somehow escapes into the human realm, but it was a one way ticket. She feels obligated to get back, but at the same time, she’s not sure if she really wants to.
As a sort of “Season 2”, I’m thinking that in Season 1, there was a threat in the human realm, but the group managed to take care of it. However, Belos finds a way into the human realm at the end of Season 1, and he’s still after Luz.
A little foreshadow I’ve thought of is Hunter trying out the “long hair” style and for the first few seconds, Luz sees Belos instead of Hunter and jumps back with a scream. The group laughs and Luz realizes what’s actually going on and nervously laughs along, saying that she thought he was someone else. Everyone thought she meant that she thought he was a stranger at first, but later on Hunter realizes she actually meant “I thought you were someone who pretty much traumatized me in his pursuit to capture and possibly kill me” when they’re trying to figure out who “Belos” is and why she’s so scared that he’s in the human realm that she ran away from the group in terror.
That’s the short version. I’m going to bed.
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apyrrambles · 1 year
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I'm Amity Blight, future captain of Hexide's first flyer grudgby team!
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geminialchemist · 2 years
This is final part of my bulk upload of art from my The Owl House Swap AU fanfic, “A Blight On Bonesborough.” If you haven’t read it yet, and wish to do so, you can read it in the links just below. These pictures will contain spoilers for the story.
And here it is, the final pictures from the epilogue. Seriously, last warning, go read the fic if you don’t want spoilers.
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A fond farewell between friends. It’s time for the Collector to go. Maybe he’ll be a bit more grown up next time he stops by for a visit. Until then, he’s some other world’s problem!
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And finally, Amity’s new family photo. It really expanded! She’s got Clawthornes, Noceda’s, Whispers, a cool aunt, and a little brother figure. And Hooty. But she doesn’t like to talk about Hooty.
To anyone who did read the story, thanks a lot, and I hope you all enjoyed the art I made along the way! It was a learning experience, seeing as digital art wasn’t a medium I’d really played around with before this.
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