#Sweetheart Collection
rhanylssitagpa · 2 years
#3LippieAMonthChallenge: Vintage Mauve
Last swatch for this month’s #3LippieAMonthChallenge is the shade Vintage Mauve from Give Me Glow Cosmetics’ Sweetheart Collection. This caps this month’s pink lippies. And just like the other two lippies, I’ve had this lipstick for a few years now and it is showing no signs of being used up. It’s a mini lipstick but it contains way more than your usual mini lipstick. And because it is long…
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choochooboss · 7 months
CHOO CHOO!! Preorders for these Pkmn Black & White themed stickers open on Saturday March 9th!!
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I had the honor of participating in one of @cecilioque's epic sticker projects, contributing these two designs!
This is but a taste of all the submas & Pkmn BW games sticker goodness you can find in this tweet, go check them out soon!!
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frosty-tian · 1 month
(Apparently I haven’t posted this??):
“That’s not the right ‘Boulder’!!”
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Spiritual follow-up of some sorts to this.:
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bookish-phile · 1 month
“Give me your eyes, sweetheart.”
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meowthplushie · 9 months
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miss elena you will always be famous
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h-didanart · 3 months
Bloodmoon in dresses collection, round 2!
You thought I was done? So did I, but! Inspiration came back! And so I will now kick off the second round of this blog’s Bloodmoon in dresses collection.
One thing to note is that there are new participants, Bloodmoons from other aus that I hadn’t thought of for a while until someone (*coughs* @achickennamedcheese) asked me how many Bloodmoons I have. They are all here though, and they look rather dashing.
Starting us off, Magical Bloodmoon; Harvest Moon and Sturgeon Moon.
They didn’t need to look too far to find their dress, they already had one! Sure it was a skirt and some cool clothes but it’d still work. On top of that they could flaunt their cool shape shifting powers and they cool shape shifting weapon, so why wouldn’t they go for it? Might as well upstage everyone else in this whole damn place
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They are having a lot of fun with this.
Next up, someone who you guys might not recognize on account of me not drawing or talking about them in so long. God of Doom Bloodmoon; Adaptation.
Adaptation himself has absolutely zero control over how Morpho decides to present them, so they didn’t particularly care when the butterfly put them in a dress. He did care when the winged death bringer pushed him to the front and basically let them run around and do whatever. He might be a bit self conscious now, but who is he to deny some time to hangout with their twin and the many other versions of themselves that are in that place?
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There’s not enough red in his opinion
Last newcomer! I present to you, the amnesiac twins; Ruby and Vermillion.
Unlike around 99.8% of Bloodmoons, Ruby and Vermillion aren’t very close. Waking up so suddenly with no knowledge of anything or anyone and then learning that there’s someone else in their head was a very bad first impression for one another about each other. They both differ on tastes and likes greatly and don’t have much to bond over besides their dislike for the old them. It comes as no surprise then that they’d have trouble choosing something to wear for this event. On one hand Ruby just grabbed whatever he could and called it a day, making Vermillion feel very bad at the asymmetry of it all; on the other Vermillion chose stuff that makes sense and forms a cohesive color palette on top of being comfy, but Ruby absolutely hates the textures.
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We can only hope those two come to an understanding at some point.
And finally, to wrap up this post we have the second design for one of the swap Bloodmoons; Fang.
Fang didn’t know what to do for the second round. Fang could steal from the Sun-man again, but didn’t want to, Fang wanted to stay with the other Others. So Fang had to think about what to do that wouldn’t require to go outside. Fang remembered that together with Scythe they usually had a combination of clothes that had a skirt, so Fang decided to wear the clothes the twins would wear together.
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Sadly Fang cannot put the hood on
And that’s all for today! Dunno when I’ll be back, but thanks for dropping by, bye!
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anonymocha · 4 months
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she got scammed by the lipstick seller whoops
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stick-by-me · 11 months
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These guys are far too cute to be bad luck!
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berensteinsmonster · 2 months
Does Lucy have a teeny little cowwoy hat? 🥺 That’s adorable! Did Terrence make it for her?
Yes 💛 Louie (previously known in the drafts as Lucy) does wear a teeny little cowwoy hat :)))
It helps to distinguish that as Terrence's right hand lady (er, bird), and thus the most important of the flock. It gives her a sort of "crown" that shows she commands the other birds to follow her lead via chirping. Especially since she's the most sentiemt amongst them. Like the flock leader or smthin. Though they didn't have one before until Louie came along
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Terrence Sweetheart honestly does look like the type of gal to know how to sew, so I'd say maybe.
Plus with her little cowwoy hat, it keeps her distinguishable from the other Golden Arctic Doves that flock around the sheriff.
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On a particular, uninteresting day, the airship was attacked by an evil sorcerer who wanted to curse their sheriff with NASTY magic!!! The rangers all did their best to protect Terry, trying to apprehend the evil sorcerer, but an EVIL bolt was charging towards her! Louie dived in at the last second and....
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....was zapped right in the heart, poofing into a Golden Arctic Dove. The rangers apprehend and arrest the evil sorcerer – who will never be brought up or become relevant again – and delivered news to the sheriff that the only way to turn Louie back into a human was with the sheriff's true love's kiss.
This confused Terrence alot, because she loved everybody? None the less, Louie seemed fine after that encounter and learned to fly like an average bird. She tried to kiss Louie but it didn't have any results (aside from Louie flushing with pink hehee)
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She's still treated with the same amount dignity when she was a human, and still attends ranger meetings because she's a very valuable asset to the posse. Though no one can understand her aside from Terrence, they still give her respect by letting her give her opinions (via chirps). She also has her own stand to perch on.
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milogreer · 7 months
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had some free time this afternoon so i recreated milo and sweetheart’s first meeting cassette from sweetheart’s pov :)
(check the others out here!)
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digital-roots · 2 months
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So I know that I already posted a goofy lil drawing for the anniversary of thsc, but I wanted to do something with more effort put in. So I wanted to draw something simple, but with a special meaning: the Henry Ventriloquest AU.
This game and its fandom, which at first was just a typical passing interest, has become really special for me. I feel like I've really improved as an artist because of this. I became more confident about posting my art for others to see, I've gotten better at drawing stuff that i actually want to draw instead of just fantasizing about doing so, and I actually know how to draw varied body types (ironically from a game where everyone is a stick person). But even if none of those things happened, THSC would still have a special place in my heart because it made me meet my friend Brine.
I found their og post about the hv au and got REALLY into it (im a sucker for opposite aus). I followed him as they kept posting lil tidbits about their au. Even when I initially stopped my fixation for thsc, I still followed them. Eventually, we talked and became great friends.
I could not imagine living in a world where paw isn't my friend because I really do care about our friendship so much. He's been one of the most supportive, sweetest, funniest, and passionate people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. And all of our time together was initially because of this game and their au.
@brine-in-my-eyes, I love you dude and I wanna support you throughout everything that happens. And for everyone that's reading this, PLEASE for the love of god check out the Henry Ventriloquest Au on their artblog, it's amazing and I need to not be alone in my suffering of that knowledge.
Bonus Henry Jr drawing :33333
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rockybloo · 4 months
I hadn't watched Princess Tutu until like...last month thanks to a friend so it was funny seeing it tackle the concept of a magical girl dealing with the personified embodiments of emotions...
WHICH IS REALLY FUNNY seeing that someone recently brought up that Sweetheart is just Princess Tutu with a gun (positive) because the imagery of Sweetheart in a lovecore ballerina get up performing a graceful ass dance before she pirouettes and whips out a gun and blasts some monster away is sending me.
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generic-sonic-fan · 11 months
If you tried to get Metal Sonic to come up with a plan to destroy Sonic more complex than "chase after him and slice him with my claws" or "imitate one of my dad's world-conquering plans", he'd have a difficult time of it. This robot has the tactics of any combat situation down pat but couldn't do big-picture strategy to save his life.
To be fair, it's a very rare occasion that he's been able to exercise any strategic thinking instead of simply following orders.
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raggedyassandi · 1 month
Bonnie Bunny, 8-11
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visceravalentines · 3 months
really having a ball with the nicknames benson has for randy in this chapter. so far we've got trouble, spaceman, and party animal ehehe
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flowerbarrel-art · 4 months
@brine-in-my-eyes I love that Terrence has birds. They’re so cute. 😊 And I love Lucy’s teeny little hat.
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(Original screenshots)
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*edit: fixed typo in “pleased as punch” (I typed ‘lunch’)
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