#Syndicate Sadists
splatteronmywalls · 1 year
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FCC strikes a blow against prison profiteering
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TOMORROW NIGHT (July 20), I'm appearing in CHICAGO at Exile in Bookville.
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Here's a tip for policymakers hoping to improve the lives of the most Americans with the least effort: help prisoners.
After all, America is the most prolific imprisoner of its own people of any country in world history. We lock up more people than Stalin, than Mao, more than Botha, de Klerk or any other Apartheid-era South African president. And it's not just America's vast army of the incarcerated who are afflicted by our passion for imprisonment: their families and friends suffer, too.
That familial suffering isn't merely the constant pain of life without a loved one, either. America's prison profiteers treat prisoners' families as ATMs who can be made to pay and pay and pay.
This may seem like a losing strategy. After all, prison sentences are strongly correlated with poverty, and even if your family wasn't desperate before the state kidnapped one of its number and locked them behind bars, that loved one's legal defense and the loss of their income is a reliable predictor of downward social mobility.
Decent people don't view poor people as a source of riches. But for a certain kind of depraved sadist, the poor are an irresistible target. Sure, poor people don't have much money, but what they lack even more is protection under the law ("conservativism consists of the principle that there is an in-group whom the law protects but does not bind, and an out-group whom the law binds but does not protect" -Wilhoit). You can enjoy total impunity as you torment poor people, make them so miserable and afraid for their lives and safety that they will find some money, somewhere, and give it to you.
Mexican cartels understand this. They do a brisk trade in kidnapping asylum seekers whom the US has illegally forced to wait in Mexico to have their claims processed. The families of refugees – either in their home countries or in the USA – are typically badly off but they understand that Mexico will not lift a finger to protect a kidnapped refugee, and so when the kidnappers threaten the most grisly tortures as a means of extracting ransom, those desperate family members do whatever it takes to scrape up the blood-money.
What's more, the families of asylum seekers are not much better off than their kidnapped loved ones when it comes to seeking official protection. Family members who stayed behind in human rights hellholes like Bukele's El Salvador can't get their government to lodge official complaints with the Mexican ambassador, and family members who made it to the USA are in no position to get their Congressjerk to intercede with ICE or the Mexican consulate. This gives Mexico's crime syndicates total latitude to kidnap, torture, and grow rich by targeting the poorest, most desperate people in the world.
The private contractors that supply services to America's prisons are basically Mexican refugee-kidnappers with pretensions and shares listed on the NYSE. After decades of consolidation, the prison contracting sector has shrunk to two gigantic companies: Securus and Viapath (formerly Global Tellink). These private-equity backed behemoths dominate their sector, and have diversified, providing all kinds of services, from prison cafeteria meals to commissary, the prison stores where prisoners can buy food and other items.
If you're following closely, this is one of those places where the hair on the back of your neck starts to rise. These companies make money when prisoners buy food from the commissary, and they're also in charge of the quality of the food in the mess hall. If the food in the mess hall is adequate and nutritious, there's no reason to buy food from the commissary.
This is what economists call a "moral hazard." You can think of it as the reason that prison ramen costs 300% more than ramen in the free world:
(Not just ramen: in America's sweltering prisons, an 8" fan costs $40, and the price of water went up in Texas prisons by 50% during last summer's heatwave.)
It's actually worse than that: if you get sick from eating bad prison food, the same company that poisoned you gets paid to operate the infirmary where you're treated:
Now, the scam of abusing prisoners to extract desperate pennies from their families is hardly new. There's written records of this stretching back to the middle ages. Nor is this pattern a unique one: making an unavoidable situation as miserable as possible and then upcharging people who have the ability to pay to get free of the torture is basically how the airlines work. Making coach as miserable as possible isn't merely about shaving pennies by shaving inches off your legroom: it's a way to "incentivize" anyone who can afford it to pay for an upgrade to business-class. The worse coach is, the more people you can convince to dip into their savings or fight with their boss to move classes. The torments visited upon everyone else in coach are economically valuable to the airlines: their groans and miseries translate directly into windfall profits, by convincing better-off passengers to pay not to have the same thing done to them.
Of course, with rare exceptions (flying to get an organ transplant, say) plane tickets are typically discretionary. Housing, on the other hand, is a human right and a prerequisite for human thriving. The worse things are for tenants, the more debt and privation people will endure to become home-owners, so it follows that making renters worse off makes homeowners richer:
For Securus and Viapath, the path to profitability is to lobby for mandatory, long prison sentences and then make things inside the prison as miserable as possible. Any prisoner whose family can find the funds can escape the worst of it, and all the prisoners who can't afford it serve the economically important function of showing the prisoners whose families can afford it how bad things will be if they don't pay.
If you're thinking that prisoners might pay Securus, Viapath and their competitors out of their own prison earnings, forget it. These companies have decided that the can make more by pocketing the difference between the vast sums paid by third parties for prisoners' labor and the pennies the prisoners get from their work. Remember, the 13th Amendment specifically allows for the enslavement of incarcerated people! Six states ban paying prisoners at all. North Carolina caps prisoners' wages at one dollar per day. The national average prison wage is $0.52/hour. Prisoners' labor produces $11b/year in goods and services:
Forced labor and extortion are a long and dishonorable tradition in incarceration, but this century saw the introduction of a novel, exciting way of extracting wealth from prisoners and their families. It started when private telcos took over prison telephones and raised the price of a prison phone call. These phone companies found willing collaborators in local jail and prison systems: all they had to do was offer to split the take with the jailers.
With the advent of the internet, things got far worse. Digitalization meant that prisons could replace the library, adult educations, commissary accounts, letter-mail, parcels, in-person visits and phone calls with a single tablet. These cheaply made tablets were offered for free to prisoners, who lost access to everything from their kids' handmade birthday cards to in-person visits with those kids.
In their place, prisoners' families had to pay huge premiums to have their letters scanned so that prisoners could pay (again) to view those scans on their tablets. Instead of in-person visits, prisoners families had to pay $3-10/minute for a janky, postage-stamp sized video. Perversely, jails and prisons replaced their in-person visitation rooms with rooms filled with shitty tablets where family members could sit and videoconference with their incarcerated loved ones who were just a few feet away:
Capitalists hate capitalism. The capital classes are on a relentless search for markets with captive customers and no competitors. The prison-tech industry was catnip for private equity funds, who bought and "rolled" up prison contractors, concentrating the sector into a duopoly of debt-laden companies whose ability to pay off their leveraged buyouts was contingent on their ability to terrorize prisoners' families into paying for their overpriced, low-quality products and services.
One particularly awful consequence of these rollups was the way that prisoners could lose access to their data when their prison's service-provider was merged with a rival. When that happened, the IT systems would be consolidated, with the frequent outcome that all prisoners' data was lost. Imagine working for two weeks to pay for a song or a book, or a scan of your child's handmade Father's Day card, only to have the file deleted in an IT merger. Now imagine that you're stuck inside for another 20 years.
This is a subject I've followed off and on for years. It's such a perfect bit of end-stage capitalist cruelty, combining mass incarceration with monopolies. Even if you're not imprisoned, this story is haunting, because on the one hand, America keeps thinking of new reasons to put more people behind bars, and on the other hand, every technological nightmare we dream up for prisoners eventually works its way out to the rest of us in a process I call the "shitty technology adoption curve." As William Gibson says, "The future is here, it's just not evenly distributed" – but the future sure pools up thick and dystopian around America's prisoners:
My background interest in the subject got sharper a few years ago when I started working on The Bezzle, my 2023 high-tech crime thriller about prison-tech grifters:
One of the things that was on my mind when I got to work on that book was the 2017 court-case that killed the FCC's rules limit interstate prison-call gouging. The FCC could have won that case, but Trump's FCC chairman, Ajit Pai, dropped it:
With that bad precedent on the books, the only hope prisoners had for relief from the FCC was for Congress to enact legislation specifically granting the agency the power to regulate prison telephony. Incredibly, Congress did just that, with Biden signing the "Martha Wright-Reed Just and Reasonable Communications Act" in early 2023:
With the new law in place, it fell to the FCC use those newfound powers. Compared to agencies like the FTC and the NLRB, Biden's FCC has been relatively weak, thanks in large part to the Biden administration's refusal to defend its FCC nomination for Gigi Sohn, a brilliant and accomplished telecoms expert. You can tell that Sohn would have been a brilliant FCC commissioner because of the way that America's telco monopolists and their allies in the senate (mostly Republicans, but some Democrats, too) went on an all-out offensive against her, using the fact that she is gay to smear her and ultimately defeat her nomination:
But even without Sohn, the FCC has managed to do something genuinely great for America's army of the imprisoned. This week, the FCC voted in price-caps on prison calls, so that call rates will drop from $11.35 for 15 minutes to just $0.90. Both interstate and intrastate calls will be capped at $0.06-0.12/minute, with a phased rollout starting in January:
It's hard to imagine a policy that will get more bang for a regulator's buck than this one. Not only does this represent a huge savings for prisoners and their families, those savings are even larger in proportion to their desperate, meager finances.
It shows you how important a competent, qualified regulator is. When it comes to political differences between Republicans and Democrats, regulatory competence is a grossly underrated trait. Trump's FCC Chair Ajit Pai handed out tens of billions of dollars in public money to monopoly carriers to improve telephone networks in underserved areas, but did so without first making accurate maps to tell him where the carriers should invest. As a result, that money was devoured by executive bonuses and publicly financed dividends and millions of Americans entered the pandemic lockdowns with broadband that couldn't support work-from-home or Zoom school. When Biden's FCC chair Jessica Rosenworcel took over, one of her first official acts was to commission a national study and survey of broadband quality. Republicans howled in outrage:
The telecoms sector has been a rent-seeking, monopolizing monster since the days of Samuel Morse:
Combine telecoms and prisons, and you get a kind of supermonster, the meth-gator of American neofeudalism:
The sector is dirty beyond words, and it corrupts everything it touches – bribing prison officials to throw out all the books in the prison library and replace them with DRM-locked, high-priced ebooks that prisoners must toil for weeks to afford, and that vanish from their devices whenever a prison-tech company merges with a rival:
The Biden presidency has been fatally marred by the president's avid support of genocide, and nothing will change that. But for millions of Americans, the Biden administration's policies on telecoms, monopoly, and corporate crime have been a source of profound, lasting improvements.
It's not just presidents who can make this difference. Millions of America's prisoners are rotting in state and county jails, and as California has shown, state governments have broad latitude to kick out prison profiteers:
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Support me this summer on the Clarion Write-A-Thon and help raise money for the Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers' Workshop!
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
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valentine-cafe · 6 days
What if reader was avoiding your scary ocs and when they were in the same space like, tried to smile but ended up looking/walking away. their voice was meak and hushed and they tried to not inconvenience your ocs, so they naturally think that Oh, reader is scared of them, what else is new?only for someone to point out the real reason being "actually they've got a big fat crush on you" ???
. ˚◞♡ 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂 𝒄𝒓𝒖𝒔𝒉 𝒐𝒏 𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒚 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔◞ ₊˚
𖹭. in which you start avoiding the scary characters because you have a crush on them /gn reader
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⊹ ۪ ࣪ ꒰ HERRERA HUSBANDS 209 ꒱ at first they would be quite amused by your seeming fear towards them. following you around and meeting you at all different corners of the city or jìngyí’s clinic. ushering you to a lounge to speak with them to see the way you would try to deflect each and every question asked with meak and mumbled words.
then, when one of their assistants approached them one day. after you had just gone home from your appointment. he can’t help but snicker a bit at their bosses while shaking their head.
“you both are intelligent but oblivious. they are not scared of you they are in love. you can see it in the way they get flustered when you speak to them, fiddling and looking everywhere.”
and for a moment the room went quiet, the scientist and doctor slowly look at each other. before back at the assistant. only for the husbands to excuse themselves to rush after you like two feral and excited animals.
snake monster x reader, mad doctor x reader, spider-moth-mantis x reader, mad scientist x reader, yandere x reader, villains x reader
⊹ ۪ ࣪ ꒰ XĪYÁNG 9819 ꒱ often doesn’t have time for such. when someone is scared of him, he takes no time to bother. often too focused on his work. though curious he is to admit why you in particular is so quick to shy away from him.
you’re an intern at the syndicate, he’s seen your skills, he’s seen the way you interact with the crew. yet with him you show so much fear. your respect outweighs it, but your fear of him certainly is strong.
it wasn’t until his girlfriend noticed your behavior around him that he found out was going on. as she snickered and gave him a little elbow to his side.
“you don’t recognise the lovesick looks?” she hums, giving you a little wave from afar and watching as you turned away with a face flaring up redder than a tomato.
“oh—” is all that’d reach your ears as the realisation kicked in for the mercenary leader.
grim reaper x reader, mercenary leader x reader
⊹ ۪ ࣪ ꒰ ALESSIO 1311 ꒱ you were one of the bartenders at the club he’d perform at with his band most often. and oh those sweet little mumbled out voice you got when he was close to you made him chase for you each time.
he had a sadistic side to him that adored when people feared him. though that was usually only with humans. and he was curious as to why you, a pretty little thing in the sector would be so flustered and scared around him.
your small and hurried responses would make him itch with a want for you to talk more, watch you ease up around him.
he had no clue that it was not fear you felt, but that insufferable lovesick, crushing feeling in your heart each time he caught your eyes from across the room.
“this person. head over heels for you,” one of your coworkers at the bar would mutter to him one time when you were on break. and only then did it really hit him that you had a crush.
he was quick to rush to the back of the club to fluster you a bit more and give his own little piece of mind on how he felt.
rockstar x reader, enigma x reader, mercenary x reader
⊹ ۪ ࣪ ꒰ JÌNGYÍ 1311 ꒱ would probably actually catch on before he was told by someone what exactly was going on. though uncertainty had kicked in at some of your most recent responses to your conversations with him.
he just needed a sort of confirmation to be sure he wasn’t taking anything the wrong way.
so he observed how you acted with other people around you, cornering you at times to see how you talked to him and then leaving you, following you around to none of your knowledge to observe even more.
and when it hit him you were very different with other people around you he tried to put the puzzle together. to his luck, one of your friends had seen you and had laughed a bit, excusing themself from the group to walk over to him and tell him a bit of what was going on.
and with the blink of an eye, from you and all of your friends, you were gone. swept away by a large, serpent tail, while jìngyí made his way home to sit you down and talk.
naga x reader, mechanic x reader, artificer x reader
⊹ ۪ ࣪ ꒰ JÌNGYÍ VERSELESS ꒱ he likes to toss and play around with the people he scares. it’s the demonic part of him that urges him to torment the poor souls that shy away from him, and you certainly were no exception.
trapped in his citadel way down below in the abhorration. his presence making you flustered every time he is around. he had no clue he made your heart beat out of fluster and now fear.
it was his alessio that brought it up to him and told him what was really going on. which lead to jìngyí instead becoming less teasing and tormenting and more possessive and quiet around you but in a comfortable way.
he looks after you and makes sure you are okay, sometimes pulling you to rooms of his citadel and keeping you inside of them for a while to make sure you don’t run away. don’t worry, alessio knows exactly what that feels like, so at the very least the two of you can be comforted by one another. . .
demon x reader, necronancer x reader, alchemist x reader
⊹ ۪ ࣪ ꒰ PRIMORDIAL HUSBANDS ꒱ often do not bother too much with those who are scared of them unless there is a reason to. you are a baker in the town next to the emerald woods that they often frequent, to get pastries for their husband.
they only noticed your fidgety mannerisms around them when they entered the bakery after rishen. he had been talking and chatting with you merrily and you had been just as bright.
yet, when they caught your eyes, your posture immediately faltered and your lips thinned, eyes looking away.
the man you had previously spoken to would only tilt his head in confusion and look over his shoulder, only to see his husbands who stood in the doorway to the bakery and stared at you in confusion. eyebrows raised.
he then looked back at you and then back at his husbands, before grinning and giving you a look. one you knew way too well.
“oooooooooh, you’re crushing on my husbands?”
“what?” the husbands both let out in unison and give you another look.
the embarrassment was too hard to handle for you, and you ended up sinking behind the counter and hiding away from the world there.
corrupt gods x reader, siren x reader, sorcerer x reader, rhytaari x reader
⊹ ۪ ࣪ ꒰ VALERIUS ꒱ to put this one really short, he would be very nonchalant about you. yeah, you’re scared? it’s not something he really thinks about. he’s got plenty of people who fear him enough already. though upon discovery that you were not scared but in love, he would have given you the biggest look of disappointment.
“you have awful taste in men if you are crushing on me.” he sighs, shaking his head and turning around.
“find someone better for you.” and with that he was off. leaving you to splutter and spill tears of embarrassment.
demon x reader, rhytaari x reader 
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beefrobeefcal · 10 months
Dark!Frankie Saga: VII
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Chapter Seven: Bring It Home
Pairing: Dark!Frankie Morales x Fem!Reader
Boston. The Frontiersmen is a crime syndicate that deals in drugs, arms, and anything else they can to keep themselves on top. Since the original ring leader, Tom, was allegedly taken out by a rival gang, it's now run by Big Fish, with Pope second in command. Ironhead runs the numbers and Benny is the muscle. Your family member put you down as collateral when they needed credit to score more smack. Problem is, they can't pay it back, and Big Fish & the Frontiersmen always get their payment...
Rating: Explicit 18+ (MDNI)
Chapter Word Count: 3,740
Content Warning: angst, threats of violence, crime, snark, Major Character Death, stabbing, violence, betrayal, kissing
Author's Notes:
Y'all, I know you had big dreams for this chapter... and I thank you for your patience. Please don't hate me 🥺
The biggest, juiciest, wettest thank you to @neverwheremoonchild for being the Beta Fish for Big Fish (get it? Beta'ing the story about Big Fi-... okay, you got it). Thank you, Nevy! 💜🥩💜
thank you to the following for being supportive good eggs & sounding boards: @theywhowriteandknowthings @toxicanonymity @xdaddysprincessxx @thehalflifeofloveisforever @rebel-held @gracieispunk
And this is not the Chubby!Frankie we know and love in the Catfish & the Mouse universe; he's dark, mean, and hungry. I'll be updating this each week (Monday/Tuesday) until you lose interest or I finish it - let's see what happens first! when i feel like it👌
On the Waterfront Masterlist | Previous Chapter
From the time Frankie pulled you onto his lap at the bowling alley to when he stood with you at your bedroom door, you felt like you were in a dream. A beautiful, hazy dream that you were pretty sure was going to end with him fucking you in your bed.
“You did good tonight, Honey.”, Frankie said sweetly, cupping your jaw and cheek in his big hand.
You couldn’t help but stare back, falling further for him through his deep, brown eyes. He but the softness in his gaze hardened as he sucked in a breath and released your face, stepping back. He broke the connection with you and looked away. He cleared his throat and nodded towards your door, leaving you feeling cold and confused. What did you do wrong?
“Night, baby girl...”, he mumbled as he turned, heading towards the lounge.
You opened your mouth to say something to him, but all you could do was feel your body react to the lack of his touch and your cheeks burn from the rogue tears that fell. You were alone in the hallway, and you didn’t know why.
Pope had been outside in the shadows, trying to remain inconspicuous while on his phone, when the blacked-out SUV pulled up at the front doors.
“Yes, I know!... fuck you... I’ll call you back...”, he hissed quietly into his phone before ending the call and focused on the two of you returning.
He watched as Frankie got out of the SUV, holding his hand out to you, and saw the stupid look on Frankie’s face as he helped you down from the vehicle. Pope shook his head and rolled his eyes, watching Frankie pull you in for a disgustingly sweet kiss before he tugged you into the building.
He scoffed as he brought his phone back up to call his contact back, a message popped up on the screen.
Steven is done. Now what?
Pope grinned as his deviously sadistic mind’s wheels turned; he pocketed his phone and walked into the building.
Frankie’s heart was beating fast as he walked away from you, and his palms were sweating as he clenched his fists. He didn’t stop until he was standing in his office, shakily sucking in his breaths, and he allowed himself to think about what had just happened. It was one thing for him to go down on you in the bowling alley and hold you as your body came back down – he was still in control. But looking in your eyes as you looked back at him, seeing the same thing he felt staring right back told him he was no longer holding the reigns in this, and it terrified him to his core. He felt like you could see who he really was under his harsh and mean exterior; under it all he was just the former drug addict who battled his demons daily to keep himself upright; just the man who made himself bigger so he could be respected, because no one was going to respect a scrawny junkie. And if you did see it, why did you still want him at all? Did you see weakness? Did you know that just asking him for a kiss would make him weak in the knees? Why did he allow you to get under his skin?
He was finally broken from his trance when the door to the office opened behind him. Frankie whirled around and found himself facing Pope.
“Fish... you got a sec?”, Pope asked, cautiously approaching him, with a judgmental eyebrow raised. When Frankie nodded, trying to shake the weakness of you from his mind, Pope nodded back in kind.
“What d’you need?”, Frankie said coolly as he made his way around his desk and sat down heavily on his chair.
Pope walked up to the desk and leaned heavily on, deciding not to tell Frankie that he saw him come back with you, and how he saw the look on his face and knew what it meant. He instead decided to set in motion what he hoped would be the last thing he needed to.
“I got a message... from one of the grunts under Will... he was making the rounds and checking in on people that owe us...”, he said quietly, trying to sound nervous about what he was going to say. “and, he - uh…”,
“Fuckin’ spit it out, Pope.”, Frankie groaned after a deep sigh, rubbing his eyes.
“He went to Steven’s...”
“Who the fuck is that and why do I care?”, he growled, not looking up at him. “Get to the fuckin’ point!”
“It’s your girl��s brother...”
“What about him?”
“He’s dead.”
Frankie looked up at Pope, feeling his blood run cold.
After being left on your own, you sat in your room, feeling the buzz from the beer slipping away and letting your thoughts drift towards more nefarious avenues. It hurt to know that no matter what happened, you would end up alone; your brother sold you out for more drugs, Benny hated and abandoned you, Will threw you into the lion’s den, and Frankie didn’t want you beyond getting what he could from you. And Pope... you knew what Pope wanted and it made your skin crawl.
The tears that you’d cried had mixed with your make up had dried on your face, leaving your skin feeling itchy and tacky. You needed to clean yourself up and give yourself some comfort, even if it was small. You stepped into the shower and tried to wash away your sadness.
After drying off and getting into your pajamas, you once again sat in your room alone. The weight of solitude was heavy on you, so much so, you could barely stand it. All you could do was pick up your Kindle and try to distract yourself until you fell asleep.
Benny sat back and watched the other guys play a round of foosball. They’d invited him to join but he’d waved them off. He’d wanted to sulk and be angry with no interference; he couldn’t get your face out of his head from the last time he’d seen you the night before, and Frankie’s words to him sounded off like a fire alarm in his skull: She’s not here for you. Stick your dick in literally anything else, but that is mine.
He’d replayed your last interaction with him over and over in his mind over the past 24 hours, building up more rage and fury over how stupid you were being. He didn’t want you for himself; he wanted something better for you. There’s no way Frankie could offer you what you deserve. Fuck, no one in this fucking building could. He sneered as he shook his head, anger rising further each time Frankie’s words bleated in his brain and deafened the rest of his thoughts. Frankie told him to fuck anything like you weren’t even a person. You were just part of the wide scope of anything, like an object he could own and devour like he did everything else he wanted.
Will watched Benny silently from across the room. He saw his brother furiously twisting his hands and clenching his jaw; saw the vein in his forehead pop out as his face turned red with rage. Will knew he was at fault for this; he knew Benny had a soft spot for vulnerable people, especially women. He knew Frankie was wrong about how Benny felt, but he wasn’t willing to correct him and confirm that Benny wanted to fuck her as much as Frankie wanted to diet. But the powder keg that was hitting a critical point across the room in his brother was far more worrisome than he’d accounted for, given even a day going by hadn’t managed to dampen his rage. Benny could be a dangerous man, given the right mindset, and he wasn't afraid of violence or being violent. It was the reason he was so valuable to the Frontiersmen - he wasn’t afraid of getting his hands dirty for the right cause, and Will worried that you were becoming the right reason for Benny to unleash that terrible dog in him at Frankie.
As Will decided it was in everyone’s best interest to try and quell the fire, Pope walked in with a smug grin aimed directly at his brother, and Will felt like he was about to watch a train derail.
“What’s with the long face, fucker?”, Pope crooned sadistically as he sauntered towards Benny.
“Fuck off, Pope.”, he growled in response, his eyes glaring up at the smiling man.
 Will saw the determined, toothy smile breakout over Pope’s face as he squatted down in front of Benny.
“What’s the matter, baby Benny?”, Pope mockingly cooed, amusement bleeding from his tone. “You mad that Fish is cockblocking you from that sweet little puss – “
Benny’s hand jutting out and gripping Pope’s throat stopped him from finishing his sentence. He stood up, pulling Pope into a standing position as he stared wide eyed and clawed at Benny’s arm and wrist, gasping and choking.
“Shut. The. Fuck. Up.”, Benny snarled, pulling Pope’s face close to his.
Will ran up beside Benny and gripped his shoulder, shaking him. “Benny! Drop’im!”
He yanked Benny’s arm back and Pope collapsed on the floor, gasping and coughing.
“GET YOUR FUCKIN’ HANDS OFF ME!”, Benny roared as Will’s arms wrapped around him form behind and pulled him back.
“Fuck you, Pope! Fuck you 'n fuck your fuckin’ smug mouth!”, Benny screamed at him as Will continued to restrain him. ‘FUCK, WILL! LET ME THE FUCK GO! I’ll FUCKIN’ KILL YOU!”
Will knew Benny didn’t mean it. Sure, he’d probably take a swing and hit him – he’d done it before. But beyond that, he knew it was Benny’s rage talking.
Pope shakily looked up at Benny and offered him a cruel smile. Benny saw red; that fucker fueled his blinding rage, and he threw Will off him, storming out of the rec room.
“Don’t move, Pope!”, Will yelled, pointing his finger at him as he turned and ran out after Benny.
Pope smiled, watching him leave after his brother, seeing a brand-new opportunity. Fortune favours the brave…
Benny was on a rampage. Like a rabid bear, he stalked the hallways, making a beeline to the barracks. He’d walked right past Frankie’s office, not even considering stopping there first to tear into him over what he was doing. Will quickly caught up to him, yelling for him to stop.
Frankie sat in his office chair. He heard heavy footsteps coming towards the door and he looked up, but they moved past.  He thought nothing of it until he heard Will.
“Ben! Stop!... Stop 'n take a fuckin’ breather, man!”
“You’re not thinkin’ this through! You don’t wanna hurt her, Ben! BENNY!”
Will’s panicked voice caught Frankie’s attention and he stood up, listening to the sounds move further down the hallway. He knew not to get in Benny’s way when he was mad, but he was heading towards you and the idea of Benny being in this foul of a mood and even Will wasn’t able to placate him didn’t sit well with him.
Benny threw the doors to the Barracks open and screamed your name. Even being in a separate area, the volume at which he called you made you jump. You dropped your Kindle on the bed and moved cautiously to your door. You clicked the flimsy lock on the doorknob, and you jumped heard the door to the hallway slam against the wall from how hard it was flung open.
Your heart was beating deafeningly loud in your ears, and you backed away from the door as the thumping footsteps got closer and your doorknob jiggled.
Just as soon as you were mentally thanking what every deity was listening for that lock, the door was kicked open and there was Benny. Breathing hard, his face twisted in a snarl and his fists clenched.
You looked up at him, not sure what he was going to do. “Benny... wha - “
“You're so fuckin’ dumb!”, he yelled, stomping towards you and cutting you off. “You’re fuckin’ smarter than this!”
He stood over you, his hot furious breaths fanning over your face. You tried to back away, but he grabbed at your arm.
“Don’t fuckin’ move!”, he yelled in your face, his hold on you tightening.
You yelped and tried to pull away from his grip. He shoved you back, sending you to the floor. Shock gave way to fear and anger as he stalked towards you, and you scrambled back into a standing position.
“Just fuckin’ stay down, you- “
“What do you want from me?!”, you cut him off, yelling in a cracked voice as tears welled up in your eyes.
His eyes narrowed at you and his scowl set further in his face. “I want you to smarten the fuck up! I want you to stop bein’ a dumb bitch!”
You angrily wiped at the tear that fell down your cheek, and, for a brief moment, Benny’s eyes looked at you almost horrified at what was happening. Your face contorted with a frown, and you pushed him with all your strength, making him take a small step back to keep his balance.
Neither of you knew that Will was in the hallway watching this unfold, not sure how to intervene, and his focus was torn away from you both as Frankie walked into the hallway and stood next to Will, ready to jump in.
“What is your problem?!”, you screamed at him.
His menacing glare returned, and he stepped up to you, challenging you.
“My fuckin’ problem is you’re not thinkin’ with your goddamned brain!”, he bellowed. “My problem is you’re thinkin’ with your pussy like a fuckin’ whore- “
Before you could register your actions, your hand harshly made contact with his face; you slapped him hard.
The room fell silent, and Benny’s head snapped back to you, all fury gone. What was left was the look of hurt and disappointment, and you weren’t sure who it was directed at – you or himself. Will rushed in and grabbed Benny, hauling him back. Benny’s eyes didn’t leave yours until Will had dragged him out of the room, cursing at him for his temper.
And once again, you were alone. Your chin quivered and your body trembled as the rage dissipated from your system, replaced with shame and remorse. What did you do?
Before you could collapse under the weight of your actions, Frankie stepped into the doorway.
You raised your eyes to him and held back a sob as you shook your head, silently saying please – I can’t handle any more.
“Baby girl...”, he spoke softly as he walked slowly towards you and pulled you into his arms. You tried pushing him back, but he gently used his strength against you, holding you in his embrace. His gentleness after the harsh intensity of what you’d just experienced with Benny broke you, and you let out a heavy sob that wracked your body. His large hand held your head against his chest and he murmured softly, trying to soothe you.
“I’m so sorry, baby girl... come on, Honey... calm down... he’s gone... I know, baby... I know... he’s gone now... I’m sorry... he doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground, baby... he doesn’t know what he's talkin’ about...”
“Stop... just stop!”, you squirmed out of his hold and stood back from him. You furiously wiped your face again and shook your head. “He’s right! He’s right about everyth - “
“No, baby girl... no, he’s not!”, Frankie pleaded, holding his hand out to you, beckoning you to come to him.
It made you angrier, his actions seemingly still trying to train you to be his good little bitch, coming when he calls. You shook your head, rage taking over. “I’m not a fucking dog! You don’t order me around like one!”
His voice was so soft. “Baby... Honey, please...”
“No! Mr. fucking Morales! He’s right - I’m just another one of your dumb whores that you can throw away! I’m no better than that bitch you had on your lap at the bowling alley! You just keep me like a pet and bring me out when you need a fuckin’ fix! You don’t want me - no one does!”
You didn’t realize you were screaming at him and walking towards him.  Frankie’s hands were held up, trying to calm you. His eyes were wide and pleading, his mouth was open and frowning, as he shook his head.
“Baby girl… shhhhh… no… no, Honey…”, he shook his head, and cooed, moving towards you again. “No, Honey… you got it all wrong…”
“Don’t…”, you warned as you stepped back, glaring up at him. To Frankie, you must have looked like a cornered, feral cat, fueled by rage and fear.
You didn’t intimidate him. He reached out and cupped your cheek, as he’d done countless times before, but this time you pulled out of his grasp.
You didn’t scare him. But he needed your softness back; this harsh and jaded version of you hurt him in ways he didn’t know he could be wounded. His heart ached as his other arm wrapped around your shoulders and pulled you into him again. He smoothed his hand over your jaw, his thumb gently caressing your lips. You tried, albeit half-heartedly, to get away, but he saw the softness slipping back into your eyes.
You didn’t deter him. “Don’t push me away, baby girl…”, he said softly, bringing his face close. He ghosted his lips over yours. “I want you here… with me.”
He pressed his lips gently against yours. Your resolve to fight dissolved and you wrapped your arms around his neck, grasping for more contact with him. Opening your mouth to deepen the kiss, he followed suit, slipping his tongue against yours. You were both desperate. Yes, you’d fooled around in a bowling alley, but this was something that wasn’t scratching an itch or a power play; this was the two of you finally, without words, admitting that you needed one another on a baser, more human level.
Frankie pulled back first, breathing heavily and his eyes scanned yours, asking silently for more. You nodded, and with that, he grabbed your hand and pulled you out of your room and into his.
After his run in with Benny and making sure his windpipe wasn’t crushed, Pope was back outside around the building in an alleyway. Hidden in the shadows, the only sign of his presence was his phone screen lighting up his face.
As he searched through images confirming Steven’s demise, a call came through. He answered it quietly, keeping his voice low but harsh.
“I need more time - … no, you don’t understand, he - ... I know that was the deal, but you gotta hear me out- … I can’t just… I know it has to look like an accide-… I tried! The fuckin’ little brother… Yeah… fuck, no… No… I know, but I ca-… fuck. Okay… I understand… Yes! Fuck! I got it!”
Will watched from the far end of the building. Pope’s voice, although quiet, carried, and Will’s mind raced, putting piece by piece together, not quite being able to wrap his mind around what he was hearing. He didn’t know what he was up to, but he knew he didn’t like it.
He watched as Pope hung up and stopped himself from throwing his phone against the wall, and he clenched his fists and teeth. Will moved on his feet, causing the gravel to shift and crunch under him.
“What do you want, Will?”
He stopped, feeling his body tense at Pope’s recognizing his presence, even in the dark.
“Who you talkin’ to, man?”, he asked. Will tried to keep no discernable emotion or feeling in his tone, trying to keep Pope off his anxious scent.
“No one… one of the grunts fucked up… just tryin’ to set them straight.”
Will hmm’d in acknowledgement; he knew it was a lie and he knew Pope wouldn’t be convinced that he believed him, but he knew saying anything more would probably drive more suspicion.
“I’ll ask again, Will… what do you want?”
Will moved closer to Pope, trying to keep his voice down when he spoke.
“You gotta stop rilin’ Benny up. I know you think it’s funny, but he’s gonna really fuck someone up and we don’t need that.”
“Fuck you, Will… what are you, his keeper? His fuckin’ nanny?”
“I’m the last thing keepin’ him from killin’ someone… If wasn’t there tonight, you think you would’a made it?”
“So, what you’re saying its you’re the one keeping a leash on him?”
Even in the dark, Will knew Pope was facing him. He could feel the breath on his face. He was close – too close.
“If you weren’t around, no one could stop him?”
“Jesus, man… You know he’s got a fuckin’ temper... he needs someone to hold him back.”
“Yeah, he does have a temper.”
“Then stop pushin’ him! Stop antagonizin’ him!”, Will pleaded. He heard Pope huff a laugh.
“You’re in his fucking way, Will.”
Will heard the smile in Pope’s voice, and his blood ran cold.
“The fuck is that supposed’ta mean?”
Pope got close to Will and grabbed the back of his neck and held his face to his.
“You’re in my fucking way.”
Will felt a sharp sting in his stomach, and then warmth. Wet, hot warmth on the skin of his abdomen. The sharp sting erupted into searing pain, and he sucked in a ragged breath as his head spun.
“Santi… wha- don’t….”
“Fuck you, Will.”, Pope huskily whispered, ripping the knife out of Will’s gut. “This is on you. You wouldn’t let him just...”
“San-Santi? Pope? … why?” Will gasped, stepping back and clutching his middle. He stared up at Pope, wide eyed and trembling as he fell against the wall behind him and slid down to the ground. A tear slipped down his face as he watched his friend – his murderer – turn and walk away, leaving him alone in the alley to slip away into the inky darkness.
@theywhowriteandknowthings @harryleatherfit @harriedandharassed @neverwheremoonchild @rebel-held @beee-haw @nevergoingbacknowshine @idolatrybarbie @v4vayha @lalocitos @xdaddysprincessxx @deathsholywaterr @heareball @lyssramscal @wintrwinchestr @blackfemalenerd @toxicanonymity @southernbe @starkeydaviss @noxturnalpascal @gwendibleywrites @romanarose
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itslouisan · 3 months
Time to have C!Techno headcannons!!!
Heyo, seems like finally I reached my 2nd favorite cc ever! I think techno's character is REALLY interesting, with great writing and details and I can definitely add some hc of my own in there, so without further ado, let's go!
(btw @syndicatedsystem you might like some of my headcannons involving Jschlatt and Techno I talk about here so yeah! Also feel free to discuss em' with me or make asks abt it, hell your blog inspires me a lot)
(I lost the name of the artist if anyone knows please tell me)
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• Techno has some braids in his hair, the longer, the more he values the person
Longest: Philza, it's braided with gold details
2nd longest: Ranboo, has a amethyst crystal for purple
Mid-term: Wilbur, he braided it in consideration of a battle friend and some good times with Will, he doesn't hate or likes Wilbur, but still can't deny they do have a connection
Shortest: Tommy.
• Techno prepared a space in the cabin for Tommy in case some day, his demons and the hell he was looking for, finally was found, he'd welcome Tommy with open arms, since he'd view that the kid suffered enough and had the time to change and face any consequences he'd need to face, the space is safe, always available, but, he'd never tell Tommy that, he keeps it hidden, he's not ready to be vulnerable to the demon child again and openly say Tommy could count on him, not until Tommy makes the first step.
• Keeps the pickaxe that blinded Quackity as a trophy, this and keeps all weapons from powerful enemies with him as a reminder of a great battle he won once again
• Likes to write poetry about people and events, he'd never give them to the person, but keep it in a dusty small box in his room in the attic of the cabin
• Techno was friends with Jschlatt before everything went to hell, they liked to talk about random bs while watching the fire crack at night and drink some cheap booze for Jschlatt and coffee for Techno
• I view Techno also having some boar traits, so yeah territorial as FUCK don't mess with his stuff or house, also he chases pray like crazy and can eat almost anything without a problem due to that
• Doesn't CARE for alcohol, just doesn't like the idea of having a hangover afterwards since he'd be unable to fight the next day
• Would gossip with Jschlatt, Tommy and the syndicate like, ABOUT EVERYTHING, I imagine him and Jschlatt favorite hobby is shit talking people they hate
• Techno being aro/ace also means if you flirt with him, he'll just stare at your soul and bully the shit out of you, sometimes calls Phil and/or Jschlatt to roast the shit out of the person, also WILL defend himself from any creeps and defend his friends from ANY strange people since for him touch is STRICTLY a death sentence and something that takes time
• Techno smokes when stressed or in the syndicate room, making Phil always carry an extra lighter for him just in case, the 2 used to be smoking buddies before Phil quit when he adopted Chayanne and Tallulah
• Techno in the QSMP is an entity, a god watching above everyone but never leaving Phil side and the eggs side, sometimes he'd talk to Tallulah directly, or influence Phil like a voice in his head to do the right thing in his vision or appear to Chayanne in his dreams to have a chat
• Can and will drink blood from the enemies
• Loves to talk about skulls and anatomy of the body in general, a dark fact, due to respect to Jschlatt, after he died (not considering revival, I view revival as either the decomposed body coming back to life in a LESS but STILL fucked up state or a kind of new body that is the users body in the afterlife coming to the alive realm, if you guys want, I can make a post about this) picked and kept Jschlatt sheep skull, with horns and everything
(art by sadist)
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• Would talk about historical wars and battles with his own analysis and commentaries on it, making a great history teacher
• totally collects greek mythology stuff, books, items, anything.
• Has a couple of tattoos but one that is pretty badass is a wither skull with red smoke on his ribs in the right, a tattoo of a emerald in the inside of his left wrist, a tattoo of a squid with a fork on it's head in reference to the potato war on his right wrist really tiny and "everything starts with blood" and "the voices demand blood" written in his tights
• My boy 100% has piercings due to piglin culture, around 75% of them being made of gold
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wangxianficfinder · 1 year
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In the mood for a fic...
1. I'm kind of in the mood for jiang free wangxian fics, where the the extent of jiangs involvement in the plot are just brief mentions / For ITMF, a longer canonverse wangxian fic that doesn't heavily feature Jiang Cheng on page. Canon divergence is very welcome but not mandatory.
2. hi! do you have any fics where lwj struggles with his sadism? canonverse please and bonus points if they are E rated ;) @chellsky
still waters by piggybo (E, 3k, WangXian, Consensual Kink, Light Sadism, Light Masochism, Outdoor Sex, Painful Sex, Spit As Lube, Kink Discovery, Light Bondage, Internal Conflict, CQL!verse, Post-Canon, not as explicit as the tags make it sound, but still pretty explicit)
bb!Sadist by Betty (T, 3k, WangXian, Non-Sexual Kink, Sadism, Modern AU) not canon but a good read cause it's abt the Struggle
💖 Magical Marriage Ribbons series by starandrea (M, 1M, WIP, wangxian, ongoing, animal transformations, weddings) in the Magical Marriage Ribbons series, Teen!Wangxian continuously need to discuss around LWJ's reluctance to admit what he wants sexually in earlier parts that's very lovely!
3. Hii!!! Im back for another ITMF! I've been seeing a lot of art of spider-man aus for wangxian and I was wondering if you knew of any fics with either one or both of them having spider-man powers? Thanks so much! @loveshinesbrightly
4. hiiiii it's me again for the next ITMF I was reading a fiction and lqr said that : "He could definitely picture an alternate reality wherein he didn’t overhear their conversation, and Wangji ended up impulsively withdrawing his entire trust fund to elope cross-country with Wei Wuxian and start a new life together - all to avoid having to face the disapproval of their families." do you know any story where it actually happens ????? thanks✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ @ihaveasoftspotfora-yuan
keep your electric eye on me, babe by ilip13 (M, 6k, WangXian, Modern AU, Fluff, Falling In Love) is mostly a meet-cute fic but does involve lwj running off with wwx at the end
5. Hey, I'm looking for some Daemon AU fics. @the-dolphin-queen
🧡 like speaking to my heart by SnowshadowAO3 (T, 613k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Daemons, Slow Burn, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Canonical Character Death, Some people live!, additional warnings in specific chapters, if you don't know what daemons are that's ok because I explain it in the author's note, also by slow burn I VERY much mean slow burn)
Daemons and Sentient Swords Comp
6. hi! i was wondering if you knew of any mafia au fics? 💖
🧡 Rule Number One: Never get attached. by KizuKatana (E, 130k, WangXian, Modern AU, A/B/O, Criminal underworld AU, Fluff and angst, Crime boss LWJ, Rouge criminal genius WWX, Explicit Sex)
Miscalculated Misreckoning by LadyVamp (E, 5k, WangXian, Modern AU, Organized Crime, Attempted Kidnapping, Murder Husbands, Blood and Violence, Violent Sex, Married WangXian, BAMF LWJ, BAMF WWX, YLLZ WWX, Hair-pulling, Office Sex, Desk Sex, Dark LWJ, Protective LWJ, Dark WWX, Partners in Crime, Gun Violence, Gun Kink, Crime Syndicate Qíshān Wēn Sect, Arranged Marriage, Crime Lord LWJ, Crime Lord WWX)
of demons and the good they bring by mimi123meg (M, 1k, WangXian, Modern AU, Mob, Crime Boss LWJ, BAMF WWX, BAMF LWJ, BAMF JC, Slight Violence, not too graphic, but definitely there, Established Relationship)
Take Some Advice Paesano by FeelsForBreakfast (M, 8k, wangxian, modern, mob au, mafia the 🤡 version, humor, mistaken identity, getting together)
You & Me Baby, We'll Eclipse The Sun Series by 2501987 (M/E, 130k, WangXian, XiCheng, MIND THE TAGS, Modern AU, Mafia, Murder husbands, Torture, Possessive Behavior, Blood and Violence, Older JC, Younger WWX, Hurt/Comfort, Dark)
The Damage You Do by stiricide (E, 87k, WIP, WangXian, Modern AU, Dom/Sub, Dark LWJ, Mobster LWJ, Possessive LWJ, Sex Worker WWX, Sugar Baby WWX, WWX adopts LSZ, Dubious Consent, each chapter has sex tag notes on it, BDSM, Sounding, Panic Attacks, Angst with a Happy Ending)
Due Process by Kytrin, Mslead (E, 279k, WangXian, XiSangCheng, ZhuiLingZhen, Modern AU, Canon-Typical Violence, Foxxian, dragonji, Genderfluid WWX, Wwx identifies as male, Organized Crime, Grief/Mourning, Hurt/Comfort, mentions of child abuse, Angst with a Happy Ending, Found Family, Reincarnation)
Naughty Kitty Go Meow Meow: An Urban Romance From The City of Dragons by Hinu (E, 160k, WangXian, NieLan, RuoXian, Modern AU, Mafia, A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha LWJ, Omega WWX, Dragon LWJ, Cat Hybrid WWX, Porn with Plot, Organized Crime, Pole dancing, Possessive LWJ, WWX has a Vulva, Omegas have a vagina, GNC WWX, Good Person WZL, Dark LWJ, Sexual harassment, Non-Consensual Bondage, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, Eventual Fluff)
Beautiful Nightmare (Sweet Dreams) by Cy_an_Blue (E, 79k, WangXian, Modern AU, explicit depictions of torture, explicit depictions of violence, Dark LWJ, Possessive LWJ, Crime Boss LWJ, Mafia AU, Kidnapping, Stockholm Syndrome, (Kinda but not really), Implied Sexual Content, Sexual Harassment, Threats of Rape/Non-Con, Not by WangXian, Dubious Consent, Age Difference, Kid Fic, Heavy/Dark Themes, Cheating, not wangxian, 365 days (2020) inspired, Angst with a Happy Ending, Falling In Love, Past QingXian, Minor LWJ/Other(s), Homophobic Language, Derogatory Language)
To Protect My Family I'll Give You Anything by stiricide (E, 4k, WangXian, Modern AU, Alpha WWX, Omega LWJ, Bottom LWJ, Gangsters, Gangbang, Fisting, Public Sex, Public Humiliation, Knotting, Mating Bites, Happy Ending, Dark LWJ, Dark WWX, Spanking, Dubious Consent, Top WWX, Threats of Violence, but not between wangxian)
there is a mafia au comp !!
7. A) In the mood for wen Ning and Wei Ying being close
B) Is there any wangxian book which is like omniscient reader's viewpoint? Fusion or similar. I just plain and simple love it to the end of the world. @whateverweilanlovechild​
Truth Will Out (when caught on video) - End_OTW_Racism! by KizuKatana (E, 63k, wangxian, WN & WWX & WQ, graphic depictions of violence, modern cultivation, canon divergence, YZY abuses WWX , caught on camera, partial core removal, WWX kicked out of Jiang sect, livestreamer WWX, meet ugly, dual cultivation, smut, no war, WIP) 
All Things Belong by kuroi_atropos (M, 65k, WRH & WWX, wangxian, WN & WWX, Wen WWX, abuse, whipping, manipulations, smart WWX, possessive behavior, implied/Referenced rape/non-con, past rape/non-con, WIP)
8. ITMF superhero wangxian!! i’m not too particular on the context, be it only one of them, or both of them, or hero/villain. the more explicit the better, though 🌝
mission report by bosbie (T, 13k, WangXian, Modern AU, Superheroes/Superpowers, Fluff, Humor, First Meetings, Falling In Love, Getting Together)
a wild heart to tame mine by theroyalsavage (G, 10k, WangXian, Superheroes/Superpowers, Strangers to Lovers, bookshop owner lwj/superhero wwx, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Wangxian-typical tenderness)
Tired of the Sunset by julomaiboulomai (M, 55k, WangXian, NieLan, Modern AU, Superheroes/Superpowers, Identity Porn, Secret Identity, Parent-Child Relationship, Grief/Mourning, Canonical Character Death, Also Canonical 'He Gets Better', Unreliable Narrator, superhero fights, Major Character Injury, Major Character Undeath, Slow Burn, But also somehow, Established Relationship, Hurt/Comfort, Injury Recovery, JC-LWJ Mutual Hate Society, Domestic Fluff, Co-Parenting, Making Out, well slowish burn, Fade to Black, Brief mentions of suicide, Angst with a Happy Ending, Art Embedded)
🧡 Of Ghosts and Heroes by The Silverfish (ZephyrAndTheSilverfish) (T, 51k, AS & WWX, AS/YH, WangXian, BNHA/MHA Crossover, Dimension Travel, POV Outsider, Found Family, Hurt/Comfort, Angst) Sort of? It's a crossover with bnha and I think a few mdzs characters become heroes in it
Free Wifi for Heroes by JJSparrow (E, 50k, WangXian, XuanLi, Modern AU, Pro Heroes (MHA), Switching, Engineer!WWX, Hero!LWJ, CEO!WWX, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Inventor!WWX, Top/Bottom Switch WangXian, Explicit Sexual Content, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Fluff and Smut, First Kiss, First Time)
9. Hi, thanks for doing these recs!
For the next itmf, I'd like wangxian in the Cloud Recesses Study Arc, kinda like Stunted, Starving Juvenility. Preferably long, like 50k+, but any length is fine!
Thank you! @moonlightflora-101​
Silenced With A Kiss by NinjaKK (E, 88k, wangxian, cloud recesses study arc, flirting, fluff, teen romance, happy ending, secret relationship, falling in love, first kiss, first dates, inventor WWX, genius WWX, protective WWX; protective LWJ, happy ending, ripple effect, first time, fluff & smut, supportive LWJ, BAMF WWX, WIP)
The initial parts of 💖 Magical Marriage Ribbons series by starandrea (M, 1M, WIP, wangxian, ongoing, animal transformations, weddings, link in #2) also fits for 9, I think
O, What Learning Is! by Comfect (T, 60k, WangXian, XiCheng, Canon Divergence, No Fall of Lotus Pier, No Golden Core Transfer, Fix-It, Butterfly Effect, Fluff, Cultivation Theory, Cultivation Sect Politics, JZX Lives, JYL Lives, WWX-Typical Obliviousness, Unreliable Narrator WWX, The Undeniable Romance of Quests, Good Student WWX (for a given value of good student), Canon-typical treatment of children, Bad Parent YZY, Bad Parent JFM, Good Uncle LQR)
Three changes. by orange_crushed (M, 18k, WangXian, Fluff, Hijinks & Shenanigans, Cloud Recesses Shenanigans, Friends to Lovers, Romantic Comedy, Fade to Black, Mild Sexual Content, Canon Divergence, No Sunshot No War AU, Falling In Love, Non-Graphic Violence, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Sparring, Harm to Animals, Don't Worry The Animal is Fine Wangji Makes Sure of That, Developing Friendships, teenagers in love, Hurt/Comfort, Mild Blood, First Time)
Unstoppable by Netrixie (T, 149k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Eventual Happy Ending, Unreliable Narrator, Slow Burn, Minor OC's, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Unresolved Romantic Tension, Wolf-shifter WWX, Resolved Sexual Tension, Resolved Romantic Tension, Fix-It, Shapeshifters, Sunshot Campaign)
In Walls of Glass by Comfect (T, 43k, WangXian, XiCheng, Good Uncle LQR, Teacher LQR, Canon Divergence, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Yet Another Butterfly Effect Fix-It, JC friendly, Family Feels, Demonic Cultivation, Cultivation Theory, Tagged CQL not MDZS, POV LQR)
10. Hello! ITMF where WWX is super duper Mary Sue. I just read “The Darkness Before Dawn” by PsycheStellata707, and I loved how WWX was just the most beautiful, the most powerful, the most smart, the most loved, the richest, the super bamf. It was indulgent and fun. Any other fics like this?
leave all your love and your longing behind by ScarlettStorm (E, 143k, WangXian, Modern AU, no magic, Meet-Ugly, Panic Attacks, autistic lwj, neurodivergent wwx, the neighborhood asshole dog, if you’ve met one then you know, Hurt/Comfort, Pining, Minor Angst, major shenanigans, Happy Ending, for everyone including the   asshole dog, Eventual Smut, switch rights, Sex Toys, horny yearning, Masturbation) (link in #14)
🧡 Rule Number One: Never get attached. by KizuKatana (E, 130k, WangXian, Modern AU, A/B/O, Criminal underworld AU, Fluff and angst, Crime boss LWJ, Rouge criminal genius WWX, Explicit Sex) (link in #6)
Whatever you do by apathyinreverie (T, 8k, WangXian, somewhat darker cultivation world, BAMF WWX, BAMF LWJ, BAMF LXC, not Jiang friendly, YZY Bashing, wwx is appreciated, genius wwx, everyone is a little darker in this, except for wwx, Fluff, Possessive LWJ, Fix-It)
11. Hi hi, hope everything is going well :) Sorry if this has been asked before, but for either ITMF or Fic Finder are there any good fics with Yunmeng trio shenanigans/slice of life?
12. hello! sorry to bother you, but theres any new wangxian fic with mpreg? especially (only) pregnant wei wuxian, please and thanks! 💖🙏🏽
Hello, can you suggest any fluffy wangxian fic where wei Wuxian is pregnant. Would love it if it is long. Thank you 😊😊 @mayavsworld​
In which Lan Qiren eavesdrops and gets a new nephew (and grandnephew) out of it by h0peless_oblivion (M, 64k, WIP, WangXian, Modern AU, High School, A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha LWJ, Omega WWX, Mpreg, Teen Pregnancy, Shotgun Wedding, Good Uncle LQR, Madam Yu's A+ Parenting, Fluff and Angst, Family Feels, Unspecified Setting, Probably ooc, WWX Has ADHD, A-Yuan is Wangxian's son, Pregnant WWX, Humor, non-graphic birth, Family Drama, The Lans love wwx, Male Lactation, Mild Smut in later chapters, wangxian's canonical breeding kink, Tooth-Rotting Fluff) it's marked as a WIP but the main story is over the rest are sides stories
My Heart is a Cavern of Longing, Please come home? by LadyVamp (E, 28k, WangXian, Non-Traditional A/B/O Dynamics, Omega WWX, Alpha LWJ, Bitch WWX, Forced Marriage, Accidental Baby Acquisition, YLLZ WWX, Oblivious WWX, Módào Zǔshī & The Untamed Combination, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, Forced Bonding, Forced Pregnancy, Depressed WWX, Sex In A Cave, Uncontrolled heats, JZX Lives, Arranged Marriage, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Pining LWJ, Pining WWX, Child LJY, LJY is WangXian's son, Unplanned Pregnancy, Pregnant WWX, Mpreg)
Bonded Fate by Missty0foxx (E, 19k, WangXian, A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha LWJ, Omega WWX, Canon Divergence, Dubious Consent, Mating, Mating Bites, Knotting, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Angst with a Happy Ending, Self-Lubrication, LWJ Has a Big Dick, Teenage WangXian, Time Skips, Mpreg, Caring LWJ, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, Pregnant Sex, Pregnant WWX, Mating Cycles/In Heat, WangXian Have a Breeding Kink, LWJ Has a Biting Kink)
The Beautiful and the Damned by Anonymous (M, 15k, WangXian, Wingfic, Immortal LWJ, Demon WWX, Mpreg, Pregnant WWX, Wing Kink, Human JC, mmortal LXC, Immortal LSZ, Immortal LJY, Crow WWX, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, WangXian Are LSZ's Parents, Gambling, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Spanking, CNC and Dubcon elements, Mythical Beings & Creatures, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Unplanned Pregnancy)
Pregxian & Pregji Comp
13. Hey guys hope all is well , I’m in the mood for a fix with bodyguard Lan Zhan just out here protecting wei ying idk if anything like this exists but I’m intrigued.
Thank you for all your hard work x @red-spacekitten
Bodyguard king by 74243 (E, 8k, Female WangXian, Modern AU, Idol WWX, Bodyguard LWJ, Female NHS, Platonic D/s, Loss of Virginity)
lightning in a bottle by nighimpossible (E, 12k, WangXian, Modern AU, Bodyguard LWJ, Scientist WWX, Mutual Pining, Blow Jobs, (light) Rope Bondage, Kitchen Sex, Anal Fingering)
14. Itmf for fics where LWJ has friends!! Who teases him!! And are there for him!! I've often seen Mianmian with him and I've enjoyed those fics alot!! Preferably canonverse but modern au's are fun too!!
❤️ save a sword, ride a socialist by sysrae (E, 33k, wangxian, modern w magic, college/university au, fake/pretend relationship, single parent WWX, homophobia, light angst w/ happy ending, idiots to lovers, fluff) is really good
leave all your love and your longing behind by ScarlettStorm (E, 143k, WangXian, Modern AU, no magic, Meet-Ugly, Panic Attacks, autistic lwj, neurodivergent wwx, the neighborhood asshole dog, if you’ve met one then you know, Hurt/Comfort, Pining, Minor Angst, major shenanigans, Happy Ending, for everyone including the   asshole dog, Eventual Smut, switch rights, Sex Toys, horny yearning, Masturbation) Scarlett storm does a great job of showing lan zhan with actual friends and a support system , however this one in particular is great !
mating rituals by detectorist (E, 16k, WangXian, XuanLi, JZX & LWJ, Modern AU, College/University, Humour, Pining, Getting Together, Idiots in Love)
correspondence of two fools madly in love by serenedebeautea (G, 2k, WangXian, XuanLi, LWJ & JZX)
forget-me-not by mellowflicker (E, 31k, WIP, WangXian, Modern AU, Sugar Daddy WWX, Sugar Baby LWJ, Professor WWX, Student LWJ, Bottom LWJ/Top WWX, Secret Relationship, Age Difference, Hurt/Comfort, Chronic Pain, JZX & LWJ Friendship, Family Issues, WWX Isn't Adopted by the Jiāngs)
Orchids in Lotus Pier by Vamillepudding (G, 21k, WangXian, JC & LWJ, Canon Divergence, Romantic Comedy, Mutual Pining, Protective JC, Friends to Lovers, Misunderstandings)
15. Hi there! Hope you day is going good!!! I need your help to find me a(lot) fan fiction with dragon lan wangji/human wei wuxian please 🙇‍♀️🥺 @mahamhere
Coil Tightly by Thunderstruck (Blueyed_Impala) (T, 50k, WangXian, Dragon LWJ, Shifters, Modern with Magic, WWX is oblivious to magic, Slow Burn, Fluff, Attempt at Humor, References to Animal Abuse but the animal is LWJ, Hurt/Comfort, WWX Has Self-Esteem Issues, WWX has abandonment issues, Possessive LWJ, Clueless Flirting, OC Lan disciples for plot reasons)
These Mortal Treasures by ChilianXianzi (T, 9k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Fantasy, Dragon LWJ, Rogue Cultivator WWX, Possessive LWJ, Domestic Fluff, implied eggpreg, The Cultivation World's canonical fuckery, eggyuan!, Gift Giving)
Love at first bite by luckymoonly (M, 14k, WangXian, NieLan, Modern setting with dragons, Falling In Love, NMJ and JYL own a bakery together, Interspecies Romance, Crossdressing, Everyone lives in the same building, First Time, Fluff and Humor, Mpreg, LWJ's canonical big dick, Horny lwj, Smut, LXC and LWJ are dragon princes, Lingerie, Dating, Medium Burn, Possessive LWJ)
wind and rain by hauntedotamatone (E, 15k, WangXian, Dragon LWJ, Porn With Plot, Size Difference, Mildly Dubious Consent, Spit As Lube, Fairy Tale Elements, Double Penetration in One Hole, Rough Sex, Biting, Curse Breaking, Teratophilia, Fuck Or Die, but not for who you'd think, Meet-Ugly, Rimming, Past physical abuse, consensual and sane but not 100 percent safe, Non-Human Genitalia, Come as Lube, Multiple Orgasms, Overstimulation, Copious Amounts of Come)
Jaws of the Dragon by celerydragon (Not Rated, 7k, WangXian, dubcon, Exhibitionism, Nonconsensual Exhibitionism, Bestiality, Belly Bulge, Non-Consensual Body Modification, Breeding Kink, dragonji, LWJHas a Big Dick, lwj can transform into a human)
other earths and skies by binghecarer (T, 53k, WangXian, Modern with Magic, (but not in the typical way?), Slow Burn, Canon-Typical Scars and Injuries, Curses, Hurt/Comfort)
fell by you by Vrishchika (E, 44k, Dragon LWJ, Fantasy, Explicit Smut in Last Chapter, Pining, POV LWJ, Canon Divergence, Immortals, Deities, Canon-Typical Violence, Dragon WWX, Angst with a Happy Ending)
this river runs to you Series by aubreyli, sundiscus (T/E, 66k, WangXian, Modern with Magic, Mutual Pining, Dragons, Literal Sleeping Together, Tender wound tending, First Time, Oral Sex, Coming Untouched, Porn with Feelings, Established Relationship) 
Making Mouths at Dragons by athena_crikey (E, 10k, WangXian, Modern with Magic, Mpreg, baby fever, near PWP, Dragon sex, also human sex, Rimming, Size Kink, Egg Laying, Family, Feel-good, hints of self-worth issues, Dragon LWJ)
16. hello!! for the next itmf, any fanfics where they elaborate on wei changze and/or cangse sanren? secret families, they survive, even pre canon, just some wei family feels. thank youu <33
I Will Call You By Name by DisasterMages (T, 73k, WangXian, WWX raised by XXC, Canon Divergence, Family Feels) does ´I will call you by name’ by DisasterMages count they’re a few flashbacks about them
tall as the mountains that sheltered us by thelastdboy (M, 4k, CSSR/WCZ, CSSR & WWX & WCZ, wangxian, canon divergence, CSSR & WCZ live, crack treated seriously, childhood friends to lovers, genius WWX, inventor WWX, bg character death, happy ending, WCZ pov) wcz & cssr are saved by the lan.
The Long Winding Road Home by Admiranda (T, 12k, CSSR/WCZ, wangxian, time travel, post-canon, not JC friendly, fluff, family reunion, mocking LQR to his face, mocking JC to his face, wild rumours) wcz & cssr return after 30 years trapped.
Silver (Bloodshot) Eyes by GeminiWillow (T, 15k, WangXian, WCZ & WWX, WCZ & JL, Not Jiāng Chéng Friendly, JC Bashing, YZY Bashing, Yúnmèng Jiāng Sect Bashing, BAMF WCZ, Ghost WCZ, JC Canon Characteristics, Mentions of WWX's Canonical Child Abuse, Child JL, JL Needs a Hug, Revenge) vengeful ghost wcz torments jc during the timeskip. jiang bashing.
The Wei of family by HikariNoHimeWriter (E, 46k, WangXian, WCZ/CSSR, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, CSSR and WCZ Live, Rogue Cultivator WWX, A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha LWJ, Omega WWX, Male omega with vagina, Vaginal Fingering, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Vaginal Sex, First Time, Falling In Love, some violence, Genius WWX, WWX Has ADHD, CSSR Has ADHD, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Eventual Smut, Love Confessions, Mating Bond, WangXian Elope, Kinda, Not JC Friendly, not yzy friendly, Mpreg) omega wwx grows up with his family and finds love
a burden of figs by spookykingdomstarlight (T, 16k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, No Sunshot Campaign, CSSR and WCZ Live, Rogue Cultivator WWX, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Breaking Up & Making Up, Getting Back Together, Hurt/Comfort, Injured WWX, caretaker LWJ, Mutual Pining) rogue cultivator wwx dating to breakup to makeup.
somehow, someway, we all get to someday by Stratisphyre (T, 75k, WangXian, CSSR/LQR/WCZ, MDM Lan/OFC, Canon Divergence, Role Reversal, Canon-Typical Violence, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Parenthood, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Threesome - F/M/M, Family Feels, Not JFM Friendly, Not Lan Sect Friendly, past emotional abuse, Demisexual Character, Inclusive discussions of reproductive rights) jfm & yzy die on a nighthunt and wcz & cssr run the jiang as regents for jc.
17. Hi!! ITMF for submissive LWJ with a praise kink. Whether he's top or bottom doesn't matter.
Shatter All Barriers by YunmengLotus (E, 11k, WangXian, Modern AU, Painplay, Light Dom/sub, very brief subdrop, Praise Kink, Wax Play, Temperature Play, Sex Toys, Communication, light blood play (really light but there is blood), BDSM, Intercrural Sex, thigh fucking, Non-Penetrative Sex, Coming Untouched, Piercings, Needles, Sub LWJ, dom WWX, kind of, Getting Together, piercer wwx)
Maybe You're the Reason by Clearpearls (E, 67k, WangXian, College/University, Phone Sex, slight D/s, Secret Identity, Praise Kink, Phone Sex Operator WWX, slight internalized sexual repression, Fluff, Light Angst, Dirty Talk, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Slow Burn, Sub LWJ, Bottom LWJ, Vibrators, Aftercare, Introspection)
old wounds by BloodRedCarnation (E, 23k, WangXianYu, Established WangXian, PWP, Kink Negotiation, Switch WangXian, Age Difference, Power Dynamics, Threesome, healing through sex, Breathplay, Light exhibitionism kink, Praise Kink, Dom/sub, Virgin MXY, Post-Canon, Fix-It of Sorts, Double Penetration)
Caffeine, Small Talk by mistergoblin (E, 144k, WangXian, Modern AU, Friends With Benefits, Enemies to Lovers, or more accurately: frenemies to fuck, buddies to lovers, Angst and Fluff and Smut, touch-starved lwj, Slow Burn, high levels of sexual tension, Misunderstandings, Getting to Know Each Other, Switching, Bottom LWJ, bottom WWX, slight D/s, Happy Ending, side yanqing, lwj's patented horny grip, Sub LWJ)
Here Comes The Heat (Before We Meet) by mistergoblin (E, 15k, WangXian, Fluff and Smut, Getting Together, D/s elements, Sub LWJ, Bottom LWJ, but they switch wbk, Collars, Praise Kink, Rough Sex, Spanking, Explicit Consent)
a new kind of silence by deliciousblizzardshark (E, 11k, WangXian, Modern AU, Autistic LWJ, Communication Disorder, Trans LWJ, Protective WWX, Pregnant LWJ, Panic Attacks, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Happy Ending, Getting Together, Oral Sex, Vaginal Sex, Soft WangXian, POV WWX)
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
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rainystressed247 · 1 year
A hc dump for syndicate!Dream au:
-there are off days where Dream couldn’t do anything except staring into the distance. The syndicate made him a makeshift wheelchair so that they can move him when necessary.
-syndicate!Dream doesn’t talk. He conveys his annoyance through aura alone.
-animals love him, so you can often find him huddle up with Steve, and one of Techno’s many hounds. Phil’s crows will perch on his hair and pick at the strand when they want attention.
-the syndicate has a sliding scale to rate how well he is doing. From good/functional to bad/need a break room.
-sometimes Dream will go into trance where he will attack any movement. This happens when he is particularly triggered and the syndicate will call in contingency “techno-punching bag” for him to spar until he is calm again.
-he bakes, sometimes, but often cause a panic because his pain tolerance has gotten unusually high and doesn’t know when he is hurting himself.
-he is not allowed in the kitchen without supervision.
-he can be extremely sadistic if prompted.
-the syndicate finds the best way to detain Dream is by wrapping him in a burrito and tucked him under the blanket.
-burrito Dream will wiggle when he wants out.
-he is often being depicted as emotionless because he feels the need to craft another form of mask after his physical one got broken.
-techno helps him repair his old mask but Dream doesn’t seem to want to be near it. Techno keeps it in his chest.
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damadisangue · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers Thank you, @thetentaclecommander ❤️ 1. How many works do you have on AO3? 153! 95 only in Resident Evil fandom. 2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 573,764 3. What fandoms do you write for? Mainly Resident Evil, but I write also for the Arcane, Game of Thrones, Batman and Assassin's Creed Syndicate (incest) fandom. 4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 1) The years we shared 2) Dirty little fairytale 3) Unravel me 4) Natural born sinner 5) All beauty destroyed 5. Do you respond to comments? Yes! Always! I always enjoy receiving them and being able to talk to people about the characters and their impressions of the plot. 6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? If I had to choose between those published I would say Forever is not for everyone, in which Alex suddenly dies before Albert and Wesker finds himself dealing with this sudden loneliness, as well as the hallucinations in which he sees his sister. 7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?  I wanna feel you from the inside, because Albert wins and both Weskers are alive and together. 8. Do you get hate on fics? Uhm, no, not really. There were those on Twitter who commented negatively saying that I wrote incest, so I sucked, but no big deal. 9. Do you write smut? Well, obviously yes. I believe it is a fundamental aspect of a relationship and a language through which the characters can express what words do not do. 10. Do you write crossovers? Nope! 11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?  Uhm, as far as I know, no. 12. Have you ever had a fic translated?  Yep! In Chinese and Russian! 13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?  No: I don't think I would do it well. 14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? Albert and Alex Wesker. Definitely Albert and Alex. The obsession, the brutality, the blood, the incest, the mutual possession, the total and absolute control that Wesker wants to exercise, Alex's sadistic and violent streak, the fact that they are a wonderful tangle of feelings and teeth and that they bite into each other - and the ramifications that sex can take: violent, raw, brutal, or tremendously and painfully gentle, nostalgic, needy. And then Wesker infected with the Uroboros? It's clearly a wedding invitation for me. 15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? At the moment I would like to conclude a fantasy AU on Resident Evil, but it requires a very large narrative and contextualization effort - the nations, the houses, the monsters, the creatures: I'm a very precise and methodical person so it could take me a long time 16. What are your writing strengths? Uhm, I don't know... maybe the sex and the feelings? 17. What are your writing weaknesses? The description of the environments. I think it should improve. 18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Yes. I'm Italian, so I did that for Excella. 19. First fandom you wrote for?  Batman. A long time ago. 20. Favorite fic you’ve written?  One, not yet published - violent and with torture, but which deeply explores the Weskers and which I will publish hopefully by the summer - and Lamb of God, for the sex scenes and the relationship between Alex and Albert. I'm not sure who to tag, so anyone can use it freely! @judasiskariot @vesperene @tacky-tramp @junotranscends @omgbarbiegurl @doctor-hannibal-wesker @irithyll-writes @joanna-lannister
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morbidology · 1 year
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Between 1980 and 1982, Minneapolis residents were being terrorized by a sadistic serial killer. He became known as the “Weepy-Voiced Killer” due to the emotional phone calls he would make to police following his grim murders.
It was New Year’s Eve of 1980 when the “Weepy-Voiced Killer” made his very first attack. 20-year-old Karen Potack, a University of Stevens Point student, was attending a nightclub with several friends. As the nightclub was closing at 1AM, her friends noticed that Potack was nowhere to be found; she had already left and was walking the short distance back home. As she strolled down the street near Pierce Butler Road and Syndicate Avenue in St. Paul, she was ambushed. She was bludgeoned across the head with a tire-iron before being left for dead under the winter sky.
After the attack, local police received a phone call at approximately 3AM. As his voice cracked with emotion, he directed police to the crime scene. “There’s a girl hurt here,” he wailed before abruptly hanging up the phone. When police and paramedics arrived on the scene, they were horrified by the brutality of the attacker. The beating was so violent that it exposed Potack’s brain.
Miraculously, she survived the attack but was left without her memory. The next victim wouldn’t be so lucky.
𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞:
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dread0narrival · 5 months
Murder OC Week
Day 1- Intro
What is your murder oc's name? Where are they from, how do they kill, and what's their favorite weapon or do they like using their body to kill?
Joining in on @murder-oc-week prompt of the day which can be found here.
Alethea AKA "the Black Lotus" is one of the most notorious crime lords of the underground. She is sadistic and cruel and prefers keeping her victims alive so she can inflict as much pain and suffering as possible. She would make her victim beg for death and even still she'd only grant it after they "earned" it.
🛠️ PHISC 🛠️
Phisc is Alethea's right hand of sorts and her personal bodyguard. She is ruthless and kills in cold blood whether it be a paid job or for fun. Her prefered weapons of choice are her firearms but the thrill of the hunt is what she loves most of all.
Clove is an unfortunate creature who's wrapped up in Alethea's syndicate and forever bound to her service. He doesn't want to kill but he is easily capable of it and he kills in the heat of passion with little to no planning. He has an impressive collection of knives from the practical to the ornate.
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starfallensyndicate · 4 months
Aye, finally redoing the intro/pinned post.
Hi 'vryone, we're Starfallen Syndicate (collectively they/them), a plural system. We will often sign off with either our names or our emoji sign-offs (which, along with our pronouns, you can see in our carrd -> here), but if we don't and our full sys name is too long, you can call us Blake, Zane, Joseph, Nikita or, if you prefer to abbreviate our sys name: Star or Synd.
We are nonhuman (mostly feline, monstrous and alien, but not only), also on a physical level (so we're holothere and transspecies), but we also belong in general non-human, therian and otherkin communities, about which we will post a lot.
We have shit ton of disorders and neurodivergencies (autism, ADHD, GAD, OCD, DID, BPD, NPD, OCPD, AvPD, PPD, HPD), but out of these, we will be probably mostly yapping about being narcissists. Oh, and DID (we are completely and undeniably pro-endo, though, and avoid anti-endo systems)
We collectively are transmasc, publicly live as a guy, but most of us are nonbinary in more complex ways. We will post about these identities. We will also post about mspec (bi/pan) and aspec identities, because, welp, most of us fall onto at least one of these spectrums.
We will also post about David Bowie, our five-years-long fixation at this point. You might also see us post about Ghost, Warrior Cats, Good Omens, Discworld, Sandman, Hannibal (our most recent addition here) and, if surroundings awake it: Marvel comics/MCU/Spiderverse.
We happen to be paraphiles (necro/biasto/erotophono/anthropophago/sadists — you google at your own risk, but you probably can get the general vibe) but we will NOT post about that here (this blog is SFW) + we're anti-contact (that is, don't intend on acting on these attractions and are against those who do), so like, we just inform in case you get a DM from a rando that reads like "ummm you rbd from a guy who fetishizes the dead???" or something like that.
And ohhh we are in Poland, so yay, different timezone than most of you, but our circadian rhythm is doing backflips, so nobody knows when we'll be awake and when not.
Caffeine and cigarettes enjoyers, swear like sailors, could bore you to death by talking about modern and contemporary art, clueless about life, love gothic aesthetic while we look like dad on holidays.
We will try to add alt text whenever we can and avoid these fancy but unreadable fonts.
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valentine-cafe · 1 month
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⊹ ۪ ࣪ ᥫ᭡ ROUND 2, voting to determine the posting order of our newest character batch. currently, we have first place, 
1. shimada takara , the killer kitsune ꒱
  RISHEN HERRERA, genderfluid ; a world renowned investigator and mastermind. a grim reaper who tries to ignore his ancestry. he would much rather spend his time solving crimes than reaping souls. alas reaper code tells him otherwise. an extremely intelligent and sometimes cocky person who gets a rush from solving cases ( verse 9819 )
ZHÁO JÌNGYÍ, male ; one of elritea's most influential artificers and clock tower workers. a grim reaper of the renowned zhào family and an investigator. a man of many crafts and skills, with a mission to solve the most recent murders around the city. a sharp minded and wise man with a poetic tongue to riddle his suspects mad. ( verse 9819 )
ALESSIO AGRESTA ARIAS, male ; an enigma and the leader of a crime specialist syndicate. a sort of robin hood figure. outlaw and "highly dangerous to the public", a serial killer of several public figures. with his cunning smile and quick wit, he's constantly evading capture and playing games with the government council ( verse 9819 )
NADIA ARMETTA STENSKJOLD, female ; either dwelling in her famous sculpting store or wreaking havoc within elritea, the harpy villain. harbouring a blood lust not many understand, specifically for the renowned zhào family and it's lady. her fury deeper than the holes she drills into the rock of her newest work. ( verse 9948e )
SHALIKA VAISHYA, female ; a cultivator turned "gods' lapdog" as they call her. constantly running around and solving their bidding while uncovering the mess of magic within the city of elritea. following a lead of disaster, a reporter trying to juggle her life as a cultivator scorned by the divine — and a dark voice whispering vengeance in her mind. ( verse 9948e )
LISSE, female ; a charming nature elemental and the leader of the thorn mercenary syndicate. a woman of sweet smiles and sultry, batting lashes who prefers luring her victims in, playing around, before going for the kill. beauty is a weapon and her act of sweetness paired with seductive allure certainly does the trick. a sadistic woman who loves her flowers and tea. ( verse 9948e )
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unwelcome-ozian · 1 year
Ritualized abuse- Ritualized abuse is abuse that's done in a ritualistic manner. This most often refers to organized abuse with ritualistic aspects although it's sometimes used to refer to any sadistic or severe abuse that involves a mixture of physical, sexual, and psychological abuse. Ritualized abuse may involve a group ideology, but such an ideology may be staged in order to deceive and threaten victims. Though this is most often said to be associated with Satanism and Satanic ritual abuse (SRA), it has also been associated with allegedly Gnostic, Christian, and fascist groups (Becker & Coleman, 1999)16. Contrary to popular belief, ritualized abuse does not necessarily involve cults, ritual worship, or bizarre sexual activities. Instead, ritualized abuse might make use of sadistic abuse, real or staged acts of extreme violence, and/or religious symbols in order to silence or discredit child victims of more "mundane" types of abuse or, in cases of human trafficking, in order to produce certain types of child pornography. According to Dutch researchers Onno van der Hart, Suzette Boon, and Olga Heijtmajer Jansen, "Dutch clinicians increasingly have gotten the impression that many of these so-called SRA groups are linked with syndicated child-sex rings … and other forms of organized crime. SRA activities seem to be a screen-- evoking disbelief among law enforcement agencies and other parties when reported-- as well as a means to ensure loyalty in victims, which is accomplished by instilling terror and guilt" (1997)17.
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dragon650 · 6 months
Female prison
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Ben is a young guard at a female prison. The worden said “welcome to the female prison”. Ben said “thank you for hire me”. He said “you’re welcome”. Ben said “ what kind of job is this”. Worden said “ this is not a normal prison”. Ben said “ so what you mean not a normal prison”. Worden said “ they go to the auction after we get them ready”. Ben said “nice sir”. Worden said “ the cheif guard will explain more”. Ben said “ok sir and if we want to have one and can”. The worden said “ yes and put it in your locker”. Ben said “ok sir. The worden called his chief guard. The chief guard said “you call for me sir”. The worden said “show our young guard around”. The chief guard said “walk with me”.
Ben said “ok. They were walking down a long hallway in the back of the empty auction hall. Their destination simply called the ‘Holding Room’. The passageway they strode along was flanked with steel bar lined doors. The small cells they sealed up were all dark and drear, and all full of shivering naked shadows. From some of the cells, constant faint whimpering could be heard. From some others, just muffled grunts, groans and heavy breathing, the result of the syndicate using the most sound stifling of mouth blocking gags and restrictive of immobilising restraints on some of its newer and therefore less compliant product that awaited to be sold.
Ben noticed with delight, that as their heavy boots hit the cement floor outside each cell, there was a rattling of chains and scurrying of naked bodies back into the dark corners of the cells. Well, at least in the cells occupied by whimpering product that could move. For some, as stated before, could only dream of shifting or twitching their limbs a fraction of an inch. Their overpowering restraints turning them into immobile hunks of tits, pussy and ass.
Ben grinned wide as he realized his dark sadistic fantasy to lord over and command a woman, in any perverse manner he desired, was now coming true, and with good pay and health benefits too. They made it to the end of the long passageway and entered a barren concrete walled room. Opposite them, on the far side was a huge steel roll up door. Beside it in big bold letters the word ‘Receiving’ labeled its function. Ben glanced around, noticing on each side of the room there was a long hard cement bench with numbers spaced out along it. The chief guard now pointing out the obvious. That the numbers 1 thru 12, six on each side, marked the locations where new arrivals were to be kept. chief guard said “ So Son, when the cunts arrive, we haul em off the truck and plunk them down in here. Till they are processed and marked according to when and where its fat ass is getting sold or shipped off to.”
The solid poured concrete bench made Ben grin. Its unforgiving cement surface, where a new arrival would be forcibly made to sit and wait, kept in chains and inescapable ankle restraints, had jutting up from each spot on the bench, some of the most vile and painful looking dildo’s Ben had ever seen. Eleven of the stations were empty, but a corner one, labelled ‘1’ was occupied. Her downcast and pinched shut eyes, her tear lined cheeks and her perpetually wincing forehead showed that she was suffering in constant degrading discomfort, Ben reckoned. And he wasn’t wrong.
The pair took a few more steps forward into the grey walled room. Ben then noticing the filth and stains that decorated the cement benches. He had to adjust his growing erection as they stopped to stand only a couple of feet in front of the now trembling lone occupant of the room. Chief guard said “Pretty cruel and unnecessary, don’t you think, boy? But oh, so enjoyable to watch a screaming new shipment get forced down on one of those big mean dildos. Her cunt stretching, sometimes even rippin if she’s a virgin or youngin…as we force her flailing fat…or skinny…ass down onto those suckers!” “And speaking of suckers, see this fat ugly thing here in the corner? Well, it’s sittin on the fattest and meanest of all the dildos. Good ol, cunt ripper number One!...The widest and tallest of all the dildos and reserved for those whiny and disrespectful cunts that deserve gettin put in their rightful place!”
He finished his rant with a copious large spit. His horked up phlegm laden spit, landed on the poor suffering woman’s wincing forehead and began to dribble disgustingly down her nose and cheek as he sneered at her. Her chains rattled as her body seriously began to shiver. Their dominating presence and demeaning attitude, making her anxious and of course utterly fearful. A fear that was fully understandable as the chief guard took his shock baton off his belt and then stuck it in between her squeezed together thighs. “And why is this fat ugly thing squirmin away? Awaitin its time to be sold, on ten inches of hard, and a near three inches wide chunk of cock like rubber? Cause the stupid thing didn’t drop to its knees and start sucking my dirty old dick when I gave it the chance. Bet you’re desperate to suck it now…huh cunt?”
Ben watched amazed as the obviously suffering woman opened her teary eyes and then nodded and moaned. Her heavily cuffed arms and wrists shifted behind her as her leg twitched and then a deep pained groaned tried to escape her harshly ball gagged mouth. Ben suddenly had to adjust his ramrod stiff dick, jutting straight up in his new tan slacks. Pushing his balls and cock around, he asked “Man, how do go about the day not having to adjust your crotch every damn second?” The chief guard next to him put a hand on the much Ben shoulder. Then while still grinning at his trainee, he twisted his electrified baton with his other. Digging it in deeper between the woman’s bruised and soiled with cum, quaking thighs without even glancing at her. His brutal probing of her bare crotch happening sight unseen.
Ignoring her terrified whimpers and odd pained yelp, chief guard kept twisting and jerking the baton around, until the electrified baton hit something solid. Then he eased his muscular forearm back a tiny bit, lifting the baton ever so slightly upward. The woman’s face shot up and her eyes went huge. Her panicked face written with desperation and despair. The tips of the shock baton’s electrodes he had expertly positioned into her clit, without even looking.
Chuckling deep, chief guard smirked at his new partner, “You think these useless bitches sit around all day on their fat asses doin nothin, while they wait to be sold? Fuck no! We make these pathetic slave whores, or soon to be enslaved freshly caught sluts…be of some fuckin use. There’s some great pussy and ass locked up in here. All of it just waiting to let us fuck it or eagerly suck our dicks. All so they hope we treat them a bit better!” With a wink at the Ben , the chief guard triggered his baton. His laugh loud as the woman seated below him squealed and then madly shrieked at an ear-splitting level. Her body shuddering and then thrashing futilely at her unbreakable metal restraints as the guard kept on delivering charge after pulsating electric charge, directly to her mound and hidden away ringed clit. Chief guard pulled the baton out from between her quivering legs and then poked her left tit with it. “Of course this utterly stupid cow, didn’t seem to get that memo, which is why its enjoying its time on the bench in the most insufferable spot.”
The chief guard then swung his baton all around the room. Gesturing at each location and telling Ben, “See how each spot gets a progressively bigger dildo. That’s so when new product arrives or when it’s auction night and we are bringing out the product to be sold, we can perch each piece of cunt and ass on the size of dildo we think fits it best, which is usually based on how well it pleased us during its stay, of course.” Chief guard again winked at his new partner and then added, “So ya, kid, anytime you feel like your dick’s too hard and ready to burst, just take a walk down the hall and pick a cell. Then pick a cunt and fuck it, or make it suck ya. That’s why I always carry one of these around too. Safety first, ya know.”From his back pocket the chief guard pulled out a large steel ring complete with black leather straps attached. The paint of the ring was chipped, scratched and worn away in parts. The leather looked well used, its brass buckle shining from lots of use.“Been carrying this ring gag around since I started here some twenty years ago. The number of whiny cunt’s mouths it’s held open for my dick to enter, Gezus, I could not begin to count. But in twenty years I have never had my cock harmed by any of these panicked and wailing bitches.”
“Oooh I gotta get me one of those.” Ben blurted. The Chief guard then handed him the gag, his other hand quickly reaching out and up to grab the snivelling trapped woman by the hair on the top of head. He violently shook her head around as he told Ben. “It’s yours to use for now, son. In fact, I think you should try it out first on this fat old cow right here. Don’t you agree you stupid ugly thing?”Chief guard yanked back and forth and the woman’s head, making her nod as if in agreement. She could do nothing but cry as the senior guard loosened her current mouth filling gag. The ball falling out of her sore jaws to rest in the cum crusted space between her heaving tits.Ben then tried to wedge the ring gag into the woman’s groaning mouth. Her wriggling and sobbing not helping him at all get the large ring in past her teeth.
“Fuck, this is harder than it looks.” Grunted Ben as he pushed on her cheeks and then in frustration slapped her face hard.” “Oh, it doesn’t have to be. Even the most belligerent cunt will open up its cock hole, good and wide for ya, if you do this!” The chief guard with experience and perfect aim, jabbed the shock baton into the tit of the groaning woman. The two electrodes of the baton precisely framing the woman’s nipple. He pressed the switch and then laughed loudly over her pained screeching. “See, make use of your equipment, before you make use of your real equipment!” Chief guard joked. Her long shriek of pain morphed into a series of distraught sobs as the Ben was finally able to wedge the ring fully in her mouth and then strap it tight around her trembling head. She terrifyingly knew what was coming next. That just like her sex, impaled and painfully filled up with a massive cock like piece of rubber, her mouth would shortly be filled up and violated with the real thing attached to the hyper and overexcited Ben lording over her now.
She groaned in unrelenting discomfort as the Ben placed both his hands on the back of her head and he forced her to bend. The discomfort in her chained down body escalating to unbearable as he bent her torso over and pushed his cock into her blubbering mouth. As the Ben groaned and drove his hips up into her face, the chief guard leaned over a little and told her, “Just be thankful we didn’t steer that big dildo up into your ass…Now swallow this lad’s dick and cum, like the well trained slave slut you are, or we will switch your ugly holes around!”Then he patted the shoulder of the excited and hip thrusting Ben, telling him, “Take your time enjoying the cunt’s mouth. It ain’t goin anywhere soon. I am just off to grab a coffee…See, ya in a bit.”Then chief left the two alone. The enslaved woman’s guttural sounding choked sobs, because of her mouth full of the Ben cock, making him grin as he thought back to his first time some twenty years ago..
….Coffee break over, the senior guard returned…chief guard came threw the door just in time to see the crying woman trying her best, to lick the semi erect dick of the Ben clean of any cum. Her tongue was rolling over the head of his glistening cock, tears streaming down her cheeks.One of his hands was on his hip the other holding the shock baton which he twisted and ground into the side of the woman’s left tit. Sticking the baton down between her thighs, he left it there and commanded, “Drop it, bitch, and I will see if it can turn your nipples from pink to crusty brown! Now open that cum hole of a mouth wide as you can, time to stuff it back up with this ball gag as the rules demand!”
“So when do I move her off the bench and into a holding cell? Next auction is still two weeks away, isn’t it?” the Ben asked as he stuffed his spent dick back in his trousers. The chief guard smiled and then cupped the drooling cum dripping chin of the anguished woman. Her face shrivelling up in utter distress and her head slowly beginning to vainly shake as he muttered,“Move it? Nooo, this cow stays here. Didn’t you see when we came down the hall, every cell is fuckin full. Some even have product stacked on top of each other. Think those are the mother daughter ones.” Chief guard chuckled, before adding, “Nope, this ugly piece of fat shit stays right here till auction night. And I am sure after a few days of painfully sitting here, its juicy cunt impaled and painfully stretched, I am sure it will be begging to be sold on auction night, so it can get the fuck out of here.”Ben slapped the head shaking and whimpering woman solidly across her tear-stained face. Grasping her quivering chin again, he lifted her trembling head and sneering into her anguish face and said, “And in the meantime, it will be eager to suck us dry…Hoping that every time you wedge that ring in its mouth and fill up its cock swallowing hole with spunk, you’ll show it some mercy and move it over to number 2 or 3.. as it waits to be finally hauled away and sold.”
Ben said “ I want the hot cunt in cell 5 and she be good and I might use it later”. Chief guard said “go put her in your locker and so it will not get sold”. Ben went to cell 5 and grab the cunt. She is trying to move. Chief guard helping. Ben putting the cunt in the locker. She is trying to speak. Chief said “when you go on break and you can use her”. Ben said “ she is off the auction list”. Chief guard said “yes”.
Ben let go of her trembling chin and ignoring her snotty sobs, he wiped his sticky hand thru her matted hair. Nonchalantly cleaning off, her drool mixed with cum, that smeared his hand as if this was the only way to do it. Then, gesturing at the doorway chief guard smiled and told the Ben, “Come on, let me show you the auction stage, heck we’ll even grab a whiny cunt from one of the cells and pretend we’re marching it up to be sold. You ain’t lived till you fucked the tight ass of some screaming cunt dangling by its wrists in the middle of that brightly lit stage.” The two men headed for the door. Ben stopping for one moment, “Oh fuck, I forgot the baton between her legs. I told her she had to keep it there or I would shock the shit out of her nipples.”
“Leave it then. Let’s see if the dumb old cunt can do as it’s told. And remember, any chained up, gagged up, or roped up tits and ass, that comes thru those door… is an ‘it’… not a she or her. But you’ll learn.”“Now let’s go get us some young ass to fuck up on that stage…and Oh… On the way, we gotta check out cell number 8! The mother daughter pair in there were being forced to 69 by my buddy, Bill. It’s quite the amazing fuckin fun sight to see.” Ben said “nice and later I will take mine to the private room for whipping”. Chief guard said “yes”.
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jounosparticles · 5 minutes
humbly walking into ur ask box to inquire on ur thoughts abt inverted suegiku
ooo as in colour schemes or roles?
the colour schemes are so pretty. tecchou with white hair is so cute and jouno w darker hair and the white tips gives more akutagawa but is still pretty. i like how jouno is more associated with lighter colours (orange in official arts, white hair etc) when typically people use darker colours on more "sinister" or rougher characters. either way inverted colours are so cute i love them so dearly.
as for roles? that’s a really interesting thought…
jouno, being a more sadistic and brutal acting person coming from a lesser known background would make me curious as to his origin.
the idea of tecchou—who’s incredibly morally set in stone, coming from a background where he was a criminal would be really interesting actually. assuming his morals would be similar in his old syndicate, maybe he was simply the type to take his form of justice into his own hands prior to being recruited into the hunting dogs? and he joined for stronger abilities and more power so he could do what he thinks is right? very very fun to think about. tecchou is willing to turn to violence if absolutely necessary to pursue his justice, him being in a crime group would make him incredibly scary. also the idea of a morally good person such as him being put in that position is making me think real hard on this ooo.
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More info on my modern au called Sweet Tooth.
Francis Osman is the leader of the Turkish Mafia in Western Europe. Fleeing Turkey years back, he established a brutal reputation as some of Europe's most sadistic gangsters. For now, Francis and his gang are keeping a low profile due to someone close to him flipping with Interpol, which resulted in something devastating he swore to never experience again. Whilst this, they are in conflict with the Clerkenwell crime syndicate, otherwise known as 'the torture gang'. An equally malicious mob of smugglers who, since the Turkish Arifs took over London's underworld scene, their battle for territory has come close to an all-out war. What with this recent development crippling all of their profits, they are trying to strangle Francis' hold on the area and take over.
Francis is tearing through the backroads of London in his cherished Porsche to meet with his underboss Verrill Özdemir "Demi" who orchestrated a Comission with the surrounding heads to try and prevent a gang war at a time no one can afford it. He's looking for an out, maybe. Or a way to funnel money in a more advantageous way to get profits 📈 again under federal scrutiny.
He might have found both options in a happenstance encounter with a man and his spunky 13 year old at the park over his need for speed and a damn candy bar, but which one will he choose? An out for himself with this man or will he burn the man's life down to reestablish his crew through manipulation, taking piece by piece, because 'it's just business'...
This is a previously established Jacob Marley/Ebenezer Scrooge au (they were more closer in age here cause, eh)
Jacob and Ebenezer had adopted a young girl from a tragic situation shortly after marriage and raised her when Jacob died in a fatal car accident with Eb's sister Jan seven years ago due to coming to the aid of someone Eb still despises for taking so much from them, even if the loss sent him a revelation in life. Eb has a fear of car accidents taking more from him, which is why he drives so slowly, especially with Beryl.
The story is a SMAU which means it will be written, but with these post, Instagram and text conversations in between with artwork for photos.
Handles below, and the differences in personality are amusing. Francis' just kills me. These Hands. Eb is just lonely and secretly pines, even if he's given up trying to find love again and pours that into his besotted devotion to Beryl but he does gripe politics and talk bitchy about his competitors. Bob is just here for support and to follow news facts and nature groups. He takes pictures from his timeshare cabin alot(even if Eb bitches it's a scam) and is insufferable about outdoorsy events with the family. Eventually the man will move them to the woods to be one with nature, I swear. XD More characters have handles but these are the main ones seen.
Being Francis would absolutely NOT use his full name or have a public account for liability reasons, he would be creative. His account is mainly to lurk other accounts(mafia modernized) and keep updated on current events. People that follow him are in his inner circle or he's baiting them to think they are.
The Oz is a reference to yes the Wizzard of Oz because of course he would see himself that way. XD
He's the man behind the scenes running everything. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!
@rom-e-o @sasha-geonn
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Below are some examples of what they post before they meet.
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