#Synthetic Drugs
rileyfrankcap · 2 months
All about "Tusi", The new dangerous drug connected to Diddy's Lawsuit...
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antiprohibit · 3 months
Opioids and Opiates: Demystifying a Demonized Substance
Ever wondered what the difference between an Opiate and an opioid is? Perhaps you're curious about how fentanyl compares to heroin as a recreational drug. If so, this post is for you!
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defensenow · 5 months
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pwrn51 · 1 year
What parents should know about Synthectic drugs
  Today, Lisa Skinner and Lillian Cauldwell spoke about the enormous quantity of synthetic drugs hitting the US market. These drugs appeared in brightly colored packages with M&M size drugs that elementary and middle school students have no idea how potent these synthetic drugs really are. Lisa Skinner compared these bite-size drugs to playing Russian Roulette. When the barrel spins, the kids…
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gaelgc08 · 1 year
Las nuevas drogas sintéticas y sus efectos
Las drogas sintéticas, también conocidas como drogas de diseño o drogas de fiesta, son sustancias químicas fabricadas en laboratorio para producir efectos similares a las drogas ilegales tradicionales, como la cocaína, el éxtasis o la marihuana. Estas sustancias se crean alterando la estructura química de las drogas existentes o combinando varios compuestos para obtener nuevos efectos.
Es importante destacar que las drogas sintéticas son peligrosas y su consumo conlleva riesgos significativos para la salud. Además, debido a que se fabrican en laboratorios clandestinos, su composición y pureza pueden variar ampliamente, lo que aumenta aún más los riesgos asociados.
Aquí les dejo un listado de las drogas sintéticas más conocidas y sus efectos:
MDMA (Éxtasis): El MDMA es una droga estimulante y alucinógena que aumenta la energía, la empatía y la sensación de bienestar. Puede producir efectos eufóricos, aumento de la sociabilidad y percepción alterada de tiempo y espacio. Sin embargo, el MDMA también puede causar deshidratación, aumento de la temperatura corporal, taquicardia, tensión arterial alta, ansiedad y depresión.
NBOMe: Los NBOMe son una serie de compuestos químicos alucinógenos que se venden como sustitutos del LSD. Pueden provocar alucinaciones intensas, distorsión de la percepción y cambios en el estado de ánimo. Sin embargo, el consumo de NBOMe también ha estado asociado con efectos adversos graves, como convulsiones, vómitos, aumento de la presión arterial y riesgo de daño renal.
Cannabinoides sintéticos: Estos compuestos son diseñados para imitar los efectos del THC, el principal componente psicoactivo de la marihuana. Los cannabinoides sintéticos se pulverizan en hierbas secas o se venden en forma líquida para su vaporización. Pueden producir efectos similares a la marihuana, como relajación, euforia y alteración de la percepción. Sin embargo, su uso está asociado con riesgos graves para la salud, como taquicardia, hipertensión, ansiedad, psicosis y daño renal.
Catinonas sintéticas: Estas sustancias estimulantes son similares a la anfetamina y a la metanfetamina. Algunas catinonas sintéticas, como la mefedrona (también conocida como "meph" o "miau-miau"), se promocionan como "sales de baño" o "abonos vegetales". Pueden aumentar la energía, la euforia y la sociabilidad, pero también pueden provocar ansiedad, paranoia, aumento de la presión arterial, insomnio y problemas cardíacos.
Estos son sólo algunas de las drogas sintéticas que están presentes en la actualidad y que son muy normales de ver y a la vez muy peligrosas.
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"Delta-8 THC has soared in popularity in recent years due to its questionable accessibility and similarity to traditional marijuana. It’s at the center of some lawsuits and medical disputes, leaving many wondering if this substance is safe to consume. So let’s talk about this controversial product and provide some much-needed clarity."
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iwantthis-c247 · 2 years
The Cure vs The Band-Aid | C24/7 Blogs
FRIEND, I HAVE JUST A LITTLE STORY THAT YOU CAN LEARN A GOOD LESSON: A 55-year-old employee of a public hospital in Manila said; “I don’t need your Food Supplements because I have medicines from the Doctor! I’ve been suffering from DIABETES for 10 years, I also have high blood pressure and now my kidneys and prostate also have problems,” said the Doc. .”The one who offered him Food Supplement…
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ubergolfblog · 2 years
What is synthetic marijuana?
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Manufactured cannabinoids are human-made mind-modifying synthetic substances that are either showered on dried, destroyed plant material so they can be smoked or sold as fluids to be disintegrated and breathed in e-cigarettes and different gadgets. These items are otherwise called home grown or fluid incense.
These synthetic compounds are called cannabinoids on the grounds that they are like synthetic compounds found in the maryjane plant. In light of this closeness, manufactured cannabinoids are here and there misleadingly called engineered cannabis (or phony weed), and they are many times showcased as protected, lawful options in contrast to that medication. As a matter of fact, they are undependable and may influence the mind substantially more effectively than maryjane; their real impacts can be flighty and, at times, more risky or even hazardous.
Manufactured cannabinoids are important for a gathering of medications called new psychoactive substances (NPS). NPS are unregulated psyche modifying substances that have opened up available and are expected to create similar results as unlawful medications. A portion of these substances might have been around for a really long time yet have reemerged the market in modified compound structures, or because of recharged prominence.
Makers sell these items in vivid foil bundles and plastic containers to draw in shoppers. They market these items under a wide assortment of explicit brand names.
For quite a long time, engineered cannabinoid combinations have been not difficult to purchase in drug stuff shops, oddity stores, service stations, and over the web. Since the synthetic compounds utilized in them have no health advantage and a high potential for misuse, specialists have made it against the law to sell, purchase, or have a portion of these synthetic compounds. Be that as it may, makers attempt to avoid these regulations by changing the compound equations in their combinations.
Simple access and the conviction that manufactured cannabinoid items are regular and hence innocuous, have likely added to their utilization among youngsters. One more justification behind their proceeded with use is that standard medication tests can only with significant effort identify large numbers of the synthetic compounds utilized in these items.
Engineered weed, otherwise called manufactured cannabinoids, alludes to counterfeit synthetic substances that are intended to emulate the impacts of marijuana. The Communities for Infectious prevention and Anticipation (CDC) reports that there are many various synthetic substances sold as manufactured pot. Notwithstanding being promoted as protected and lawful, manufactured cannabinoids are related with serious wellbeing chances. Peruse on to figure out what makes these synthetics so hazardous.
Manufactured Weed: Current realities
Manufactured cannabinoids have a place with a gathering of medications called new psychoactive substances, as per the Public Establishment on Illicit drug use (NIDA). These lab-made substances are like the cannabinoids found normally in the weed plant, and they collaborate with similar synapse receptors as THC, the psychoactive compound in marijuana.
Engineered cannabinoids are generally showered on dried or destroyed plant material and sold in little parcels. You may likewise experience these substances as fluid intended to be disintegrated with an e-cigarette. These items are made with no oversight, making them exceptionally hazardous, Jordan Tishler, MD, Pioneer behind InhaleMD and Leader of the Relationship of Cannabinoid Trained professionals, advises WebMD Interface with Care. They are sold under various brand names, including K2 and Zest.
Also, "There are engineered cannabinoids that have recently come on the semi-legitimate market like delta-8 THC, delta-0 THC, and delta-10 THC, which are all combined from cannabinoids in hemp (non-THC creating pot)," Tishler says.
"These are not directed, so not precisely unlawful, yet not lawful either and undependable on the grounds that there's no guideline ensuring there are no harmful side-effects of the combination still in the blend," Tishler adds. "Further, while these are opening up, there is practically zero science on whether they are protected or helpful for human ailment."
Manufactured Cannabinoids and Substance Use Issue
As indicated by NIDA, many organizations selling manufactured cannabinoids are at legitimate fault for deliberate deception. While marks guarantee that the item is produced using normal plant material, the psychoactive fixings is truth being told lab-made.
The impacts of these synthetic compounds will generally be more limit and flighty than those created by THC. NIDA likewise reports that manufactured cannabinoids do accompany a gamble of misuse and dependence.
"Since the impacts are quite a lot more serious, the response to withdrawal is similarly emotional, which prompts proceeded with use and pessimistic ways of behaving," Tishler makes sense of.
As indicated by NIDA, normal impacts of engineered cannabinoids include:
Adjusted insight
Nervousness and neurosis
Mental trips
Side effects of psychosis
In serious cases, manufactured cannabinoids can cause raised circulatory strain, heart difficulties, kidney harm, and seizures.
What do engineered cannabinoids resemble?
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Engineered cannabinoids are powdered synthetic compounds that are typically blended in with solvents and showered onto spices and sold in vivid, marked parcels. The synthetic compounds typically fluctuate from one group to another as makers attempt to remain in front of the law3, so various parcels can deliver various results regardless of whether the name and marking on the pack appears to be identical.
Impacts of manufactured cannabinoids
There is no protected degree of medication use. Utilization of any medication generally conveys some gamble. It's essential to be cautious while taking any sort of medication.
Engineered cannabinoids influence everybody in an unexpected way, in light of:
size, weight and wellbeing
whether the individual is accustomed to taking it
whether different medications are taken around a similar time
the sum taken
the strength of the medication (fluctuates from one group to another)
Climate (where the medication is taken).
The impacts of engineered cannabinoids can include:
loss of coordination
quick and sporadic heartbeat
hustling contemplations
tumult, nervousness and suspicion
forceful and rough way of behaving
chest torment
raised pulse (hypertension)
breathing challenges
hyperthermia (overheating)
breakdown of muscle tissue (rhabdomyolysis)
intense kidney injury
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reportwire · 2 years
Mexican police find 660 pounds of fentanyl in coconuts
Mexican police find 660 pounds of fentanyl in coconuts
MEXICO CITY — Prosecutors in Mexico say police found 660 pounds (300 kilograms) of fentanyl pills packed into coconuts. The coconuts were found in a truck traveling on a highway in the northern border state of Sonora. Prosecutors said the truck was detected Thursday on a road that runs along the Gulf of California, also known as the Sea of Cortez. According to photos of the bust, the coconut…
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gnawingyou · 1 month
I’d love to experiment with someone’s body. I frequently deal with dangerous chemicals and equipment, so I’d want to inject them to see what happens. Prick your eye with an ionic needle, make your lungs burn with disorientating fumes, see how your different layers of skin react to different substances. I’d make my own synthetic compounds just to see how your body would digest it.
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skippersthecat · 7 months
I don't know if Kuusuke does cocaine, but I think he does cocaine.
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huariqueje · 2 years
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Mandrax    -   Andrew Cranston  , 2015.
Scottish, b. 1969  -
Oil on board ,  25 x 22  cm.
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pwrn51 · 1 year
New synthetic drugs and how dangerous they are
  Topic: Synthetic Drugs Today, Lisa Skinner and Lillian Cauldwell spoke about the enormous quantity of synthetic drugs hitting the US market. These drugs appeared in brightly colored packages with M&M size drugs that elementary and middle school students have no idea how potent these synthetic drugs really are. Lisa Skinner compared these bite-size drugs to playing Russian Roulette. When the…
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cbirt · 8 months
Protein design has seen significant progress, but a comprehensive deep-learning framework for protein design, including de novo binder design and higher-order symmetric architectures, remains unexplored. Diffusion models have shown success in image and language generative modeling but have limited success in protein modeling due to the complexity of protein backbone geometry and sequence-structure relationships. 
The University of Washington researchers demonstrate this by optimizing the RoseTTAFold structure prediction network for tasks including protein structure denoising. In order to design therapeutic and metal-binding proteins, researchers have developed a generative model of protein backbones that performs exceptionally well in unconditional and topology-constrained protein monomer design, protein binder design, symmetric oligomer design, enzyme active site scaffolding, and symmetric motif scaffolding. Scientists experimentally characterize the structures and functionalities of hundreds of planned symmetric assemblies, metal-binding proteins, and protein binders to show the versatility and power of the RoseTTAFold diffusion (RFdiffusion) approach.
The goal of protein design is to produce proteins with particular structural and functional characteristics, like catalytic sites, binding interactions, and topological folding. Robust machine learning models, known as denoising diffusion probabilistic models (DDPMs), have various characteristics that make them ideal for protein design. By denoising data tainted with Gaussian noise, DDPMs provide a variety of outputs that are quite similar to training data. With conditioning knowledge, they can direct the iterative generation process towards particular design goals. Rotationally equivariant DDPMs can model three-dimensional (3D) structures globally, regardless of frame, for protein design applications.
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imaginaryberries · 7 days
NICE guidelines advise treating PPT if symptomatic even if TSH is below 10 but if I'm refused medication I cannot for one minute imagine myself mustering the courage to say so. Pray 4 me that when I call tomorrow I get either a nice understanding doctor or one who doesn't really care and will just prescribe stuff
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official-saul-goodman · 4 months
Man it's fucked the way the drugs situation is.
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