bisexuel · 2 years
imogen using another spell on laudna :(
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glaadblognews · 2 years
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stefbaker · 3 days
B&BH Headcanons
-Beavis loves stealing Butt-head's T-shirts and wearing them throughout the day, Butt-head was initially bored by this but then let him do it.
Butt-head hates physical touch, but despite this he lets Beavis hug him when he needs it.
Beavis has semi-long curly hair, while Butt-head has a Mullet, when he grew up Butt-head let his hair grown longer.
Beavis has freckles spread all over his face, even on his body, Butt-head loves this feature even if he never shows it.
Butt-head probably became Chubby over time, Butt-head hates this but Beavis loves it, sometimes he fell asleep on his belly.
They always argue about which movie to watch, because Butt-head likes horror movies and Beavis likes romantic comedies. 
Insane clown posse are definitely appreciated by the duo, Beavis is secretly a fan of Mitski, Tv Girl and BTS.
They probably love survival horror video games, shooters games like DOOM and couple games like Mario Kart.
They kept the little mouse that was in their house as a pet, they will also have adopted a monitor lizard. 
Beavis likes to match necklaces, rings and bracelets, Butt-head doesn't like it, but he does it anyway to make him happy.
Beavis' style is Grunge, while Butt-head doesn't even try that hard, he takes the first thing he can get from the closet.
Beavis suffers from ADHD and autism, Butt-head suffers from Borderline disorder.
Butt-head sucks at showing his feelings, but he cares about Beavis, he is his weak point even if he doesn't show it and he fears losing him.
Beavis is a picky eater.
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bloodhound x fuse?
-Despite outward appearance and general demeanor, Fuse is actually generally much more tidy than Bloodhound, particularly at home. He got tired of losing toes to unorganized explosives. He's not crazy, but he's tidy. Bloodhound, on the other hand, is a gremlin who has lived completely alone for over 20 years and it, in some ways, shows.
-That said, Fuse leaves his towels on the bathroom floor a lot. Bloodhound threatened him with a knife to the goodies after the fifth time. But, you know, in a nice way. Sort of.
-Fuse helps Bloodhound take off all their gear (which they usually do once everything requiring going further than their yard is done for the day). It's a quiet and intimate thing for them, but oddly enough not sexual.
-Except when BH makes it sexual
-BH is the horndog. Pun intended. Fuse just sounds like one.
-They own a matching couples t-shirt and/or knitted sweater.
-Both of these morons first instinct is not the hospital. If Fuse dislocates his flesh shoulder, he's lining it up with the doorway and popping it back into place himself. Bloodhound is the same.
-The age difference isn't really noticable most of the time except for when they watch movies. Fuse falls asleep within the first half hour. BH falls asleep about thirty minutes after him. They wake up around the same time and pretend they both enjoyed the film.
-Fuse is slowly building up Bloodhound's spice tolerance. He made it too spicy once and they tried to say it was good but they couldn't look him in the eye, on account of the tears in their own.
-Fuse learned early on that if Bloodhound is working on something and cussing up a storm, he should stay about 10 feet away. If they quit in the middle of the project and throw something, he should definately not ask them three hours later if they're gonna finish it that day because then it won't get done for six months.
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jandersub · 9 months
Tagebuch 05.01.2023 bis 07.01.2023
Freitag und Samstag war sehr viel los weshalb an beiden Tagen leider keine Zeit zum Spielen war. Am Sonntag hatten wir dann endlich Zeit für uns.
Ich zog mir einen pinken String, eine Netzstrumpfhose, einen Minirock, BH und ein t-Shirt an. Sie wollte zuerst etwas lesen und hat mit ihrem Fuß an meinem Käfig gespielt und mich so geil gemacht. Dabei hat der Reißverschluss ihrer Sportleggins mir Löcher in die Strumpfhose gerissen. Dazu sagte sie dass ich jetzt wie eine kleine benutzte Nutte aussehen würde und lachte.
Als sie fertig war mit dem lesen musste ich ins Schlafzimmer und die Strumpfhose gegen Halterlose tauschen und das T-Shirt gegen ein Franzentop und sie hat sich ein sexy Negligé angezogen. Mir wurden dann meine Hände an den jeweiligen Knöchel gebunden und sie spielte mit ihren nackten Füßen an meinem Käfig und erniedrigte mich verbal. Nach einer Weile drückte sie mir die Füße ins Gesicht und befahl sie zu lecken und zu küssen. Ich war so unglaublich geil und ihre Demütigungen machten es noch schlimmer.
Irgendwann wurde ich dann losgebunden und durfte sie lecken. So extrem geil wie ich war hab ich alles und es funktionierte. Sie stöhnte sehr viel und es gefiel ihr sehr. Als sie genug hatte erlaubte sie meinen Schlüssel zu nehmen und mich aufzuschließen. Als Nächstes hatte ich einen Plug einzuführen(ich wählte meinen größten) und den saugnapfdildo an den Spiegel zu machen. Hiernach musste ich ins Bad und mir zwei klebetattoos aufkleben. Im schambereich steht jetzt sissy und als arschgeweih steht Bitch. Dann durfte ich mich vor den dildo knien und anfangen zu blasen. Währenddessen sollte ich masturbieren. Sie schaute mir zu und demütigte mich weiter verbal und ich sah mich im Spiegel und war so extrem geil und erniedrigt zugleich. Als ich kam musste ich auf den Dildo spritzen und ihn anschließend sauber lecken.
Anschließend sollte ich alles aufräumen und säubern. Der Rest vom Tag war dann ruhiger.
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pink-lightsabre · 1 month
c3 105 thoughts dump
when... are we getting new opening titles... please i wanna see more of dorian in the beginning credits...
oooooooooooooh she's gonna broadcast downfall. "it'll harm everyone." while that is true. i dont think yall can hoard that information. personally.
we really didn't do any check about that. wow. that feels ill advised!!!!!!!!
a mass poisoning???????? perhaps a little like molaesmyr?????
it could be a trap! that's true! which is why IMOGEN NEEDED TO DO A CHECK ABOUT IT!!!!!!
do not. try to bargain with fearne's bio dad. please.
oooooooooh what IS ira doing. that's a great question.
"i thought we would have A plan and now it seems like we have A LOT of plans." dorian that's so relatable
man i wish the silken squall was at this meeting. i understand that theyre not bc they're very isolationist but. i want to see dorian interacting with his parents SO bad
the judicators are still so fucking creepy. and the fact that aeor had their own arcane version FUCKS me up.
"it's pretty low... 24." LMAO
i hope someone gave vex advanced warning that dragons were gonna be there. otherwise her favored enemy ranger sense gotta be going BANANAS.
braius flirting with dorian. absolutely hilarious. 12/10 sam i love it.
"i've got my faith in you. and my finger." // "it's a pretty big finger." // "dont underestimate me." ROBBIE
pie dice!!!!!!!! i love that.
oooooooooooooooooooh who is there. WHO IS THERE!!!!!!
fearne being poly is so special to me. i love it.
robbie cosplaying as dorian with the deep necklines of his shirts. is chefs kiss.
braius sticking his nose EVERYWHERE. way to go sam.
DORIAN'S DAD IS THERE?????????????????????????
i need to run laps around my house. i cant handle this.
oh no cyrus looked like their mom. D;
"i'll shake it off."
FIRE ASHARI!!!!!!!!!! robbie gets to know the feeling of a character he voiced being there! i love this for him.
related to that. i cannot w a i t for the robbie daymond c4 permanent cast member announcement.
zone of truth cast by a fucking dragon!!!!!!!! my god that's so cool. but jesus christ what is the DC on that. 20 apparently!
robbie calling himself the rizzler. hate that. LMAO.
it's not bolo. and that is a TRAGEDY. LONG LIVE BOLO.
people being upset that vm gets to take down the malleus key and m9 gets to take down the weave mind while bh takes down ludinus. understandable i suppose but COULD NOT be me. i love how interconnected c3 is to everything and i love the other heroes getting to take other shit down.
"time is short." // "and so am i."
"ash. just for a few minutes. lock it up." THAT'S RIGHT DORIAN.
ashton i swear to god... do not blow this...
PHEW thank god braius can lie. my god. SPECTACULAR work braius. way to fucking go.
saint graham... sam what the hell
travis peer pressuring his wife into using her abilities. i fucken love it.
LOVE the contingent from the matron's temple supporting laudna. absolutely wonderful.
i want. the first thing. that dorian's father says to him. to be about dorian wearing gold.
ashton going to talk and EVERYONE going "no no nonononono!!!!!" hugely relatable
okay okay that wasn't bad actually!!!! way to go ash!
magical girl fearne in her titan transformation. amazing.
a bard with performance anxiety! truly i love that so much. robbie ur mind. absolutely genius.
orym can you step up and talk about all dorian has to offer
"orym totally blue screens" oh so relatable. a HUGE mood. i've also been that horny.
chetney reminding everyone that he's old... old as balls...
all the speeches were so good. i am. of course. absolutely biased towards dorian's.
does chetney have A KID
liam GLARING at matt while he's playing dorian's dad. EXTREMELY relatable.
"word of cyrus's passing has reached us." O U G H E "we wanted to make sure you were properly aware." excuse me whilst i sob on the floor.
oh no. oh no this is not how i thought this was gonna go. oh no i'm gonna cry. dorian "locks up with physical affection" storm. my favorite for a reason.
OH NO SAM WEARING THE FRIDA HOODIE. I DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE. frida still doesn't know what happened to fcg....
aaaaaaaaaaand there's the other shoe dropping! "those willing and capable" because you think dorian ISN'T?
y e a h this is more how i thought this was gonna go. oughe my heart.
there's dorian's anger! oh it is so precious to me.
i'm gonna throw up dude. oh my god. matt and robbie i love you. IS THE ZONE OF TRUTH UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what a deeply revealing question!
"a smile and a look in his eyes you've been chasing your entire life. pride." O U G H E
"you made my favorite toys growing up." HAHA I KNEW IT.
THE C-POPPERS!!!!!!! chetney has a fan club this is so great.
"can i get a painty." m a t t h e w
chet calling imogen his assistant. what a throw back to dorian and imogen at the masque in jrusar.
braius you silver tongued motherfucker.... god that's so good
that's so funny. oh my god.
HOW MUCH HE LOVES DORIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! liam obrien i am kissing you on the mouth
dorian and orym having so many conversations AROUND how much they love each other. never actually saying it. or talking to each other about it directly. makes me want to chew concrete.
oh ashton....................... i love u. i really do.
"i think what she said was trustworthy" AGAIN YOU WOULD HAVE A BETTER IDEA IF YOU DID A CHECK ABOUT IT
imogen and keyleth... kiki saying imogen reminds her of a younger her... saying she's gonna need to convince the rest of vm to do this malleus key mission... oh i am sick
matthew.......... why the random d20 roll
oh if we're going back to nana morri does that mean SOMEONE will FINALLY ask orym about his not new anymore magic and how/why/where it came from. or if there's a conversation between orym and nana morri about the state of his deal since fcg died.
chetney you dumbass. that was NEVER gonna happen. HER CALLING HIM A YOUNGIN. amazing.
the BQILF lmao
y'all simply HAVE to be more careful with ashton and the worshippers of the luxon. this is how people get kidnapped and experimented on in underground layers.
oh the tragedy of ashton only getting to be okay and not in pain when he's in the titan form. ugh that makes me so sad.
god i love callowmoore so much!!!
chetney is so excited about having a fan. i love this for travis so much LMAO.
"he made me a beautiful toy boat! i gave it to a street urchin." LMAO
this is truly so funny. i relate to this man so much.
"this is the room you're gonna die in." // "i'm okay with that."
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laineystein · 2 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Frum uniform lately is a maxi skirt and one of my husband’s t-shirts. My elbows are out and I don’t even care. Everyone can deal with it. My body is swollen and it is hot out and I had to sit in the chairs with all the bubbes when I davened today because the world is broken and there’s too many people to be mispallel for for me to stand.
Other than that, things are perfect BH, thanks for asking 😇
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dearweirdme · 5 months
I think I recently saw you say something about Taekookers not being one group, but that there's more separate parts . What would those parts be according to you?
Hi anon! Oh, there's such a wide variety and I'm probably not even aware of all the different sides of Tkk fandom.
There's those that think Tae and Jk have been together since 2015/16 ish and are fighting to break their closet (intentionally signalling to fandom about it, and they are not allowed to come out because of BH/Hybe).
There's those who believe but don't ship.
There's those who ship but don't believe.
There's those who constantly doubt Jkk.
There's those who mostly like the Jkk/Tkk drama.
There's those who think Tae and Jk are just friends with benefits.
There's those who think Jk has been dismissive and less loving towards Tae for some time (the timespan being varied, some also thinking Tae is a victim kinda guy in this).
There's those who think both Taennie and Tkk are real and Tae and Jk broke up at one point (apparently there's also this one anon who thinks Tae, Jk and Jennie is a thing 😂) (Jk being a victim in this for some, but also a womanizer to others).
There's many differences in how people see specific moments. I'd say that's the mistake most outsiders make, is to think all Tkkrs think and believe the same. That is absolutely not true.
For myself, and quite some others too I believe, I think Tae have been together for quite some time (probably 2016 in a more official way). I think it's been crazy tough and there's a possibility that at times they were ready to throw the towel in. I don't think they ever separated for a long period of time, but I think there were lapses of time whee they went through shit and that had an effect on their relationship. I strongly disagree with Jk being dismissive and cold towards Tae. I strongly disagree with Tae being a victim. I generally don't think they signal fandom about theri relationship, with maybe some exceptions (like the t-shirt thing). I think they want to stay private, not only because of their closet, but also because of them being famous.
We don't all have to think alike, none of us actually know. Personally I enjoy reading some alternate opinions, it keeps me on my toes (though I dislike the negativeness that comes with it so often).
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dreamy625 · 9 months
Total rock star - ficlet
Sometimes good things happen to Steve in January
Content: There’s one period-appropriate slur (not used aggressively)
Words: 985
January 1978
Steve frowned at himself in the mirror over the sink, wishing he didn’t look as nervous as he felt. He’d cut himself twice while shaving, his hands were shaking that much. He patted at the one that was still bleeding with a piece of toilet paper. Great first impression that’ll be, blood all over the place! His hair was also a disaster; he’d washed it the night before, as it took so long to dry, but it had gone fluffy, and smooshed up on one side where he’d slept on it. The perm was great, just what he’d wanted, but it did tend to end up looking like a dandelion if he didn’t put the right stuff on it. He wet his hands and tried to smooth down the bump; how did girls manage this so much better, he wondered? He wiped his hands on his jeans then, regretting it, turned and craned his head to check he hadn’t got shaving foam or toothpaste or anything on them. Phew, all clean still. The jeans were newly washed, so he’d had to lie on the floor to get the zip done up. He hoped they’d loosen up a bit on the way into town so that he’d be able to sit down without wincing. 
The reminder of where he was going made his stomach lurch again, and he took a deep breath to quell the incipient nausea. NOT an audition, he reminded himself. Just a rehearsal, just hanging out. But still he’d practised those Zepp songs he planned to oh-so-casually trot out for hours every night this past week. He knew he was good. Quite good. Not bad. Fuck, what if I’m terrible and everybody laughs? Another deep breath. It’s fine, if it’s awful I’ll just leave. I don’t have to see any of them ever again. I’ll just never go in the common room, or the canteen, or the Limit, or the Wapentake… Stop it! Forcefully he pushed himself away from the sink and headed back to his room to finish getting dressed. 
He picked up the t-shirt laid out on the bed and pulled it carefully over his head, trying not to make the fluff situation any worse. From the three shirts he’d tried on - black, white, and the blue one with the Gibson logo on it - he’d eventually settled on the white one. It was the perfect fit, sitting just above the waist of the jeans. He’d rolled the sleeves, and carefully removed the size 10 label* (girls’ clothes being the only way he’d found to get that cropped length without taking the scissors to it, which just ended up in a frayed mess). Oh he’d nearly died of embarrassment sidling into the ladieswear department of BhS that first time. Rock stars like Bowie and Marc Bolan might wear women’s clothes, and that was probably fine down in London, but if anyone from the factory saw him within 50 feet of a dress shop he’d be branded a poofter for life. With long hair and minimal interest in football, he was on dangerous ground as it was. ‘It’s for my sister’ he’d mumbled unprompted to the disinterested cashier, who most likely didn’t give a toss what he did with it as long as he paid his £2.50.
Originally he’d planned on wearing his leather jacket, but when he’d put it on, it didn’t look right. It was a good jacket, and had been a generous present, all the grandparents clubbing together, for his sixteenth birthday. But it was brown and that was already starting to look a bit old-fashioned, a bit ‘too seventies’ even while they were still in that decade. If he ever made any money out of this music lark, the first thing he’d buy, no, the second, after a better guitar, would be a black leather jacket. The denim jacket was too small on purpose, but really too small even for that. That’s what happened when you bought things from the market without trying them on. With the oil stains from helping Dad fix the car, it had reached the perfect degree of scruffiness though.
He opened the wardrobe and examined the complete look, front and side, in the mirror on the back of the door. It had ended up sort of Thin Lizzy-meets-Status Quo-meets-The Ramones; he wasn’t sure that was a good thing, but it was the best he could manage on an apprentice’s wage. 
“Hullo, Steve Clark, pleased to meet you,” he greeted his reflection. Well that would work if I was meeting someone’s grandma. 
“Hi. Name’s Steve. I play guitar.” God, what a wanker!
“Hey, I’m Steve. Do I play? No, I just carried this all the way here for the exercise.” 
Fucksake, why can’t I just be normal? Better just keep my mouth shut unless someone asks me a question. He attempted a laid-back, friendly smile at the mirror. It came out more of a grimace.
“Stephen! You’re going to miss the bus if you don’t get a move on.”
“Just coming, Mam!” he called back.
Quickly, he added white socks to the ensemble; the finishing touch, white clogs, waited in the hall where he’d cleaned them last night. With a final desperate pull at his fringe, he turned his back on the mirror, picked up his guitar case, and dashed downstairs. 
“Oh Stephen, are you not putting a coat over that? You’ll catch your death.”
“Doesn’t go with the outfit. Don’t worry, I’ll be inside most of the time, I’ll be fine.”
“And don’t be too late back - remember you’re on earlies again tomorrow.” 
“I won’t. I’m sure the rest of the guys have to go to work too.”
“Have fun, love.”
“Thanks, Mam.”
The door banged shut behind him as he bounced down the steps and set off at a trot for the bus stop at the bottom of the hill.
* A UK size 10 in 1978 would be approximately equivalent to a modern US size 4. He’s a skinny minnie! 
Author’s note: Everytime I hear Joe describe meeting Steve for the first time, I think of how nervous he must have been, and how much effort he would have put into that ‘total rock star’ look
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starkstruck27 · 1 year
I graduated tonight, so here's a tidbit for you in celebration!! 🎓💚
It's Billy's graduation day, and he can feel daggers being stared into him from all sides. He was named Valedictorian (he has no clue how he achieved that), so Nancy Wheeler is glaring from across the stage in the chair reserved for the Saluditorian. His dad was off somewhere in the stands glaring at him, and he was actually surprised he came to see him walk the stage at all. All the kids he beat up or messed with, even if he apologized, were glaring, pissed off that they had to follow his every move to know when to stand and sit on his command. All in all, it seemed like everyone there hated him.
But there was two people that were there rooting for him, even if no one else was. He could still see them, smiling and shouting his name and waving around these embarrassing homemade signs they made to make sure he'd see them. Max was wearing a homemade shirt with a picture of his face printed on it, and it was the least flattering picture ever, from his freshman year where he was mid-sneeze when the flash went off, but he couldn't help but smile when he saw it. Steve was standing next to her and screaming loudly, unashamed of anyone watching him. He had a shirt that said "I ❤ BH", like those stupid tourist t-shirts from New York, only with his initials instead. He was waving around a giant shark plushie that had a little graduation cap sewn on it, the stitching job no doubt having been done by either Joyce Byers or Claudia Henderson.
He didn't know it yet, but both ladies were also in the audience, along with Will, El, Hopper, Dustin, and Lucas, all there to cheer on Billy and Jonathan as they both walked the stage. Mike was sitting somewhere else with his parents and little sister to cheer on Nancy, but his mother eventually let him go off with his friends once Nancy finished giving her speech.
She was the first one to do it, getting the honor of speaking first, followed by the class president and the class historian. Billy was the last one to give his speech, and as the historian sat down, his heart began to race a little as he walked up to the podium. He had his speech written on a few note cards, but he'd been sleep deprived from finals and entirely too nervous when he wrote them, so they were near incomprehensible. So he didn't even bother to get them out, deciding instead to just wing it. He'd bullshitted his way through it anyway. And nothing could be worse than the class president's speech, which the poor kid had stuttered through and barely spoke into the mic at all, so he was impossible to hear. At least Billy would be able to be heard if his speech was awful.
"Friends, family, teachers, staff and guests," he started, trying to keep his tassel out of his face, "You're probably all thinking that I'm feeling so honored to be standing here as the vedictorian of the class of 1986. I know that you probably think that this is the highlight of my high school career. Hell, our saluditorian would probably kill to be standing where I am right now."
At this, a little laughter bubbled up from the crowd, and Billy allowed himself a second to enjoy the way Nancy's face went bright red before he continued.
"But you'd all be wrong. True, I did get here halfway through my junior year and still managed to build myself up to this point with little to no support, but that’s precisely the reason I don't feel honored to be making this speech right now. It's not that I think I don't deserve it, because I do. I've worked myself half to death to get here right now, to prove to myself that I was not a complete failure and that I was good for something. So I took the hard classes, I turned in all the work, and I did the best I could to put myself where I'm standing right now. But I'm still not honored to be here, because I didn't do it for recognition. I didn't do it for praise or to prove that I'm the best or anything shallow like that. I also didn't do it out of love for school or my classes. I did it out of survival. I did it because if I didn't, I might not be accepting a diploma at all today. I did it because I had no other choice."
As Billy continued speaking, a confused murmur went through the crowd. The audience was wondering where he was going with all this, and the rest of his classmates and the staff were all wondering what happened to the other speech they'd had to listen to him reciting for the past two days at practice. All in all, everyone seemed lost, but Billy didn't care. He took a second as they recollected themselves to look up and see if his dad was still in his spot on the stands. He wasn't, so Billy kept going.
"Most of you here know that I'm not a perfect person. I'm a dick, really. If someone gets in my way, I have no qualms about punching them in the nose or making them cry as they run home to their mommies to have them make the boo-boos feel better. I'm not proud of this. It's just a part of who I am and I'm trying to work on changing it. As I'm getting older and getting closer and closer to leaving this town, it's getting easier to do that. But so far it's been a slow process, because I didn't have any reason to change. That's another reason I never quit and threw myself into my studies, because as I get closer to getting out of here, I'm finding more and more reasons to change. For one, my little sister Maxine deserves a brother that she can be proud of, not one that she dreads admitting relation to. For another, as soon as I get my diploma and decide where I'm going to college, I'm gone. Out of this town, out of this state, and especially out of my father's house. Believe it or not, there are actually people worse to others than me, and if you want an example, well, my father is the best one you'd ever find. As soon as I get my diploma, I get to be rid of him forever if I want to be, and that's exactly what I want. And finally, I met somebody. None of you probably want or need to hear about my love life, and I'll spare you the dirty details, but just know that this person is my reason for everything. For living, for working so hard, and for wanting to change. It's for these reasons, and there are probably more if I put my mind to it, I want to change out of the jerk I was and into a person that would be honored to be the best student in their class. It's for these reasons that I'm even here in the first place, why I pushed so hard to make myself survive and earn it. I'm not the best Valedictorian that this school will ever have, I'm far from it. But hopefully, now that you understand why I'm here, you won't think I'm the worst one, either. You'll understand why I'm here, what I had to do to make it happen, and why, even though I'm not feeling honored by being here, I'm more proud of myself than I ever have been in my life."
Billy had been nervous about giving a speech he didn't practice, but so far he seemed to be fine. He could see Steve on the verge of tears off to the side of him, and it made him remember that even if he was a total flop and didn't make any sense, at least a few people would be proud of him. So he decided to finish strong.
"And to my classmates, the graduating seniors of 1986, I want to say this: I didn't get here on my own. I had help, from a lot of you. I'd like to address some people who really helped on my journey here at Hawkins High, short as it may have been, and helped either directly or indirectly in my success. Heather Holloway, you've taught me to be confident and given me your friendship, which is an invaluable gift that I truly treasure every day. I love you, forever and always you'll be my best friend. Robin Buckley, you've shown me that it doesn't matter who I am or what I'm like, that there will always be people like me in the world and that if I find those people, I don't have to be afraid of what they'll bring out in me. Eddie Munson, you've taught me to be confident in all things, that it doesn't matter if the world is watching, as long as I believe in what I'm saying and doing that someday, I'll make it through and make it out, even if it takes a few tries. Chrissy Cunningham, you taught me to be sweet and kind. Jonathan Byers, you taught me that sometimes I need to see life through the lens of someone else's camera. Nancy Wheeler, you've taught me that you don't have to like a person to be proud of their accomplishments. And finally, Steve Harrington, even though you're already graduated, you know why I'm thanking you, and you know what you taught me. As we move forward throughout our lives, myself and the rest of the class of '86, I implore all of you to take these lessons with you and actually practice them. You'll be successful in whatever you choose to do with your time if you do so. Learn from these people, you don't have to like them, but learn from them. And if you do, I promise you, you'll beat the odds that are seemingly stacked against you."
After Billy finished his speech, he went back to his seat and sat down, waiting for whoever was speaking next to say whatever they needed to. He wasn't paying attention, rather looking over to Steve and Max again, who were both crying and clapping for him.
When the principal finally stood up and read out the names of all the seniors and handed them their diplomas, Billy stood up to receive his first. A shy smile on his face as he listened.
"William Felix Hargrove, class of 1986 Valedictorian," the principal read out like a robot, already tired of having to read out the names of the 236 graduating seniors after the first one. Billy stood and walked over to him, taking his diploma and shaking the man's hand as he smiled for a picture. He was sure he'd have to fake smile when he was told ther would be a photographer there, but because of the screams and shrieks he could hear coming from Steve and Max's direction, he found he didn't have to fake it. As he turned to walk back to his seat he saw them still crying and cheering, making such a scene that Billy was almost afraid the audience wouldn't hear it when Nancy's name was called, but then they quieted down.
They stayed quiet through the rest of the ceremony, except when they needed to make noise, and as soon as Billy was allowed to go and find them, they were on the field with him, both wrapping him in the tightest hugs they could manage. Max was practically squeezing the air out of him, sobbing into his graduation gown that she was already proud of him and she always would be, drawing a few tears from his eyes in the process as he muttered a "thanks, shitbird" into her hair. Steve had let them have their moment, having gone off to talk to Robin and to give her her present and a hug, but now he was walking back over, holding out the shark plushie and smiling from ear to ear.
"I got you this," he said as Billy took the animal, his own grin creeping onto his face. "I figured flowers would just die and you could eat chocolates. I wanted to get you something that would last."
"Thanks, pretty boy. I love her." He said, his face heating up as Max went to talk to her friends and Steve began to back them up until they were hidden from sight behind the bleachers.
"I'm really fucking proud of you, you know that?" He asked as they walked, keeping an eye out to make sure no one was looking as they slipped away. "And I was so surprised when you mentioned me in your speech. You didn't plan that thing at all, did you?"
"Was it that obvious?" Billy asked, but he laughed.
"No, but I just know you. You only get that look on your face when you're determined to do something completely on the fly. It was still fantastic though." Steve replied, finally finding them a quiet, dim little nook to hide away in.
"Thank you. For everything, and I really mean that, Stevie. I wouldn't have made it without you. You're everything to me, you're the main reason I did all that stuff like I said in the speech." Billy said, his voice weighed down with emotion. Steve could hear it, too, and his smile only grew wider as he leaned in real close.
"You saying you love me, Hargrove?" He asked, and the question honestly surprised Billy. Neither of them had ever said it before, even if they had felt it, so it just seemed too casual. But Billy had meant the things he'd said in his speech, about confidence and being himself and all that, and he wasn't giving up on those lessons now. He lunged forward and kissed Steve with all his might, wanting to tell him not only with words, but actions too.
"Yeah, I am. I love you, Steve." He said as they parted, his heart racing as he went in for another searing kiss. He really did mean it when he said it, too. He loved Steve, and he always would.
When this kiss was broken, it was like everything and nothing had changed. Billy was still afraid to hold Steve's hand once they left the cover of the bleachers, but until they stepped back out into the setting sun, he did it. He let Steve adjust his cap and gown before they went out to take pictures, and he let him insist on as many as he wanted to commemorate the occasion. They still couldn't do much in terms of physical contact, but every brush of fingers or press of a side that managed to take place as they snapped picture after picture was like a tiny little press of sunshine to their skin. It was different, but that was okay by them.
"Oh, and by the way," Steve asked as Joyce geared up to snap the next shot, "Since when is your middle name Felix?" And when the flash went off, all you could see what Steve looking puzzled as Billy cracked up laughing.
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vonvorgestern · 3 months
Die Folgen einer Nacht Ohne wirklich zu wissen was ich tat, setzte ich mich in mein Auto, fuhr zum Bahnhof und kaufte im Zeitungskiosk die Kataloge der großen Versandhäuser. Zuhause angekommen begann ich deren Angebote mit denen der letzten Nacht zu vergleichen. Welch eine Auswahl! Und nie zuvor gesehene Stücke. Fast wie im Paradies. FAST! Könnte ich bestellen ohne Aufsehen zu erregen? Kämen eventuell Nachfragen? Ich war mir ganz und gar nicht sicher. Ich beschloss das Thema Bestellung zu verschieben.Eine ganz Woche lang! Länger ging nicht. Ich musste wenigstens einen BH haben! Egal was danach an unangenehmen Dingen kommen sollten. Der BH war schnell aus gewählt, die Größentabelle war auch kein Hindernis, nur der Versender machte mir Kopfzerbrechen. Manche boten den Kauf über Sammelbesteller an. Bekamen die Informationen über Neukunden in ihrer Nähe? Das erschien mir zu riskant. Nach Abwägung aller Argumente für und gegen landete ich bei Neckermann. Ein Stück BH Marke Triumph, Modell Doreen, Farbe weiß, Größe 90B. Weil die Bestellung eines einzelnen BHs mir verdächtig vorkam, bestellte ich außerdem noch ein Bademattenset und einen Dreierpack Küchentücher, Zahlung per Nachnahme. Es war Samstag nachmittags, die nächste Postfiliale hatte schon geschlossen und keinen Briefmarkenautomat. Und unfrankiert einwerfen traute ich mich nicht, hätte bei der Post doch dann jemand meine Bestellung lesen können. Also zur Hauptpost. Der Automat da funktionierte auch und so kam meine Bestellung in die Gänge. Ich hatte die ganze Woche kein so gutes Gefühl und als ich am Freitag die Benachrichtigung im Briefkasten hatte: Ein Paket ist, da Empfänger nicht angetroffen, zur Abholung auf der Hauptpost bereit. Also nix wie hin und mein Paket abgeholt und hurtig heim. Mir zitterten die Hände als ich das Paket öffnete. Küchentücher und Badematten flogen zur Seite und beinahe hätte ich die Schachtel mit dem BH geküsst. Die Schachtel öffnen und den BH herausziehen, ihn entfalten, vorsichtig auf dem Tisch ausbreiten, mein Glücksgefühl steigerte sich immer mehr. Und als meinen Oberkörper entblößte um das gute Stück anzulegen war der Rausch des Glücks nicht mehr auf zu halten. Ich trug meinen ersten eigenen BH!!! Im Badezimmerspiegel betrachte ich mich um gleich einen Mangel an meiner Neuerwerbung festzustellen. Ich konnte, was nicht verwunderlich ist, die Körbchen nicht ausfüllen. Es brauchte vier Paar Socken für jede Seite. Dann waren die Körbchen voll. Und jetzt war dieses Gefühl wieder da. Unvermittelt. Wie eine Dampfwalze. Ein Rausch. Oh, würde er doch nie enden. Mein Oberhemd passte natürlich nicht mehr, aber ein T-shirt ging gerade so drüber. Und ich betrachtete mich im Spiegel mit einer schönen neuen Oberweite. Aber es erregte mich nicht sexuell!. Und ich wäre nicht ich selber, hätte ich nicht gleich das Verlangen nach Vervollkommnung. Ein langer BH, ein Hüfthalter, Nylonstrümpfe, Stöckelschuhe. Es gäbe da noch so viele Möglichkeiten. Ich beschloss jeden Monat mir ein neues Teil zu kaufen. Beginnen werde ich mit einem Hüfthalter. Also bestand meine Lektüre aus Versandhauskatalogen und die Abwägungen für und gegen ein bestimmtes Modell beschäftigten mich ausdauernd. Nach reiflicher Überlegung wählte ich einen von Triumph aus. Elasti Supra KR sein Name, weiß und nach Beschreibung „streng formend“. Die Bestellung folgte dem gleichen Prozedere wie bei dem BH, nur war das Herzklopfen inzwischen etwas geringer. Und so stand der Gang zur Hauptpost an und die Heimfahrt umwölkt von einem Gefühl der Glückseligkeit.
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glaadblognews · 2 years
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More Fusehound Headcanons because They Have Taken Over My Psyche
-After the kiss in the woods Fuse thought Bloodhound would still wanna take things slow (mostly by keeping quiet among the other Legends) but first day of s15 BH rolled up calling him mitt Walter and touching him pretty much whenever possible.
-Zero complaints from Fuse
-Fuse visits Bloodhound’s village at their new settlement more than Bloodhound visits his place in Solace City. He likes the peace.
-Fuse takes Bloodhound to a grungy rock concert and they are both surprised how much they enjoy it.
-Bloodhound specifically steals Fuse’s t-shirts because he’s bulkier than they are so they are very comfy and, bonus, smell like him. Fuse is grumpy that he can’t do the same because Bloodhound is a lithe person. He is considering buying them oversized sweaters to steal.
-Bloodhound is the reason Fuse starts actually doing laundry.
-Butt bongos are a regular occurrence in this relationship.
-Fuse really likes being verbally affectionate in and outside of the Games to the point he can get pretty cheesy, but the cheesy is exactly what Bloodhound loves. Bloodhound’s own affections might seem lackluster, but they make up for it in private when they can wax poetic about his mustache and arm muscles all they want.
- You know those memes about girls biting their boyfriends arms for no fuckin’ reason? Fuse does that to BH, who is consistently baffled by it. So is Fuse.
-Fuse cooks more because he uses spices besides salt and pepper.
-One of the things they still do together the most is hunting. They both love the thrill, the time alone, the utilization of their skills in battle. Camping under the stars where they can exist unabetted is a precious thing.
-That said, there is a specific time that might be even more precious, and that’s when they’ve spent the night at Bloodhounds so they could start a hunt the next day, only for it to rain so disasterously stepping out the door to get wood for the fire is a risk that takes thought. On these occasions, sure there will be no interruptions from anyone else in the village or the Games and snug warmly in Bloodhound’s house, they can lounge for hours in the security of it all. When this happens, Bloodhound’s favorite thing is having Fuse lay on top of them with his head on their chest while they rest a book on his shoulders and read aloud.
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jandersub · 1 year
Tagebuch 11.10.2023
Gestern haben wir beide Homeoffice gehabt. Ich war gleich morgens verschlossen. Sie hat mich explizit daran erinnert. Während der Arbeit machen wir nichts aber ich bin ab und zu zu ihr gefangen um ihr einen Kuss zu geben. Als ich fertig war bin ich unter die Dusche und habe anschließend einen meiner neuen Strings, Halterlose, einen schwarzen Faltenrock und meinen neuen pinken BH angezogen und kam dann zu ihr ins Wohnzimmer. Ich habe ihre Füße geküsst und sie hat mir befohlen, ihr eine Socke auszuziehen und über meinen Käfig zu ziehen. Das habe ich sofort gemacht. Es war demütigend aber ich liebe es wenn sie mich demütigt. Wir haben zunächst entspannt, was zu essen geholt und noch eine Serienfolge angeschaut. Danach hat sie mir befohlen die Fenster zu putzen. Dabei hat sie mir mit dem Paddel immer wieder Schläge verpasst und mich gestreichelt und an meinem Schritt gespielt. Es war noch zusätzlich aufregend weil ich schauen musste, dass mich niemand gedressed von draußen sehen kann. Als ich die Fenster von außen putzen sollte durfte ich eine Jogginghose und ein t-Shirt anziehen und musste nur die Unterwäsche anbehalten. Ich dachte, dass ich es jetzt leichter hätte es jetzt leichter. Dann kam sie und hat mir meinen zweiten neuen schwarzen String übers Gesicht gezogen und hat angefangen zu lachen. So musste ich fertig putzen. Immer wenn jmd draußen vorbeilief und ich in Deckung ging hat sie mich ausgelacht und Feigling genannt. Sie sagte dann das ich so lächerlich aussehe dass sie am liebsten ein Foto machen würde um es jmd zu schicken. Nach dem putzen sind wir ins Schlafzimmer und ich durfte sie verwöhnen. Ich habe sie gestreichelt, geküsst und geleckt. Ich war am durchdrehen. Sie sah so heiß aus und ihr Geschmack und Geruch haben mich verrückt gemacht. Ich dachte mein Käfig platzt. Anschließend durfte ich sie mit dem vibrator verwöhnen und es hat ihr sehr gut gefallen. Als sie fertig war hat sie mich an meinen nippeln über sich gezogen und an meinem Käfig gespielt. Sie meinte dann, dass sie mir erlauben würde zu kommen wenn ich mir etwas kaltes aus dem Gefrierfach auf die Eier packe, da sie meinte sie will sehen, ob ich so kommen kann. Ich habe sofort einen Kühlakku geholt, mich aufgesperrt und angefangen. Die Kälte war hart und tat weh. Ihr Penis (ich darf nicht mein Penis sagen) war nur halb steif aber nach einer Weile bin ich heftig gekommen. Sie schüttelte den Kopf und meinte dass ich wirklich eine notgeile schlampe bin die sogar so kommt. Nachdem ich einen Teil meines spermas aufgelegt habe und den Rest weggewischt, hat sie mir noch gesagt, dass ich diese Woche noch meine Strafe für den unerlaubten Orgasmus erhalte.
Den Rest vom Abend haben wir kuschelnd verbracht.
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peachjagiya · 4 months
I think the major factor here is simply brand competition and the bottom line. JM's dad's cafe promotes JM's brand and BH/Hybe directly and indirectly. Furthermore, there is no direct competition -- there is no BH/BTS cafe. JK's brother's clothing isn't JK or BTS brand or bottom line. For the rich to get richer, JK, as one of the biggest assets for the company, should be promoting what helps the company's bottom line, either through company merch or endorsed brands -- not sending consumers somewhere else.
Ok I had to reply to this one.
JK is inadvertently a part of a capitalist machine but he is wilfully a human being. He wants to support his brother. It's as simple as that.
Frankly, I don't for a single solitary second believe that people criticising him for it do it because they just care deeply about BH/BTS bottom line. It's just a really good excuse to find reasons to kick him.
Most of the time, it feels like they retrofit their criticism to disguise their knee jerk reaction. JK is the bad guy by default... and THEN they go find an argument to support it. Sometimes the argument sounds intelligent and everyone with an anti-JK agenda latches on to it to defend their baseless vitriol.
Criticising him for a t-shirt choice implies he woke up and twirled his villain mustache as he put on a competitor brand, laughing evilly. 😑
JK wearing his brother's brand is because he loves his brother and wants to help him succeed. That's the only thing to take away from it. You have to have a really low opinion of him to think otherwise.
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brunoholmes · 1 year
Day 11 of week 1 of the training program.
A sample of my notes:
- my teacher had a huge brown belt
- I noticed that one girl didn’t have one tooth
- another girl’s backpack’s colour matched her T-shirt’s colour
- my friend had pinkish-baige trousers
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