#T.K. takaishi
seventeenlovesthree · 23 days
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Happy last day of August 2024! Since these two won the last shipping poll, I dedicated them a little drawing. 🩷💛
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orangelemonart · 10 months
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Thinking about Angemon trying to ride on top of T.K. like he does when he's Patamon
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quokka-cola · 2 months
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the rants i can go on about the missed potential of a closer (platonic) relationship between ken and takeru in 02
⚠️ DISCLAIMER; all art credit for patamon goes to the original artist of the drawing below. i do not claim credit for the drawing of patamon as it is not my own design and art. the fanart and designs for ken, takeru, and wormmon are my own. i do not own any of the characters depicted in this piece of fanart. ⚠️
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wishfuldr3aming · 1 year
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cruger2984 · 8 months
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WE WON, FOLKS. T.K. is driving an SUV.
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digi-lov · 1 year
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Cupimon BT1-006 by Kirita, Upamon BT3-003 by Sanosuke Sakuma, Patamon BT1-048 by As'Maria, Salamon BT2-034 by Teppei Tadokoro, Lucemon BT4-115 by Nakano Haito, Patamon ST3-04 by Nakano Haito, Pulsemon P-028 by Ryuda, RizeGreymon BT2-038 by sasasi, MagnaAngemon BT1-060 by As'Maria, Angewomon BT3-039 by yuuki., ShineGreymon BT2-041 by sasasi, T.K. Takaishi BT1-087, Blinding Ray BT4-104 by p!k@ru, Holy Flame ST3-15 by Takase, and Yellow Memory Boost! P-037 by Shin Sasaki Reprints from RB-01 Resurgence Booster
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dazzlingskydreams · 1 year
Digimon 02: The Beginning is getting Halloween merch!
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They look so cool! I'll try and pick up a few.
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phantomstatistician · 10 months
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Fandom: Digimon
Character: Davis Motomiya
Sample Size: 1,034 stories
Source: AO3
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digitaldavis · 11 months
Rough thoughts on the movie in no particular order now that I have a moment:
Going in with the heavy hitters 'cause I can't stop thinking about it but Lui's claims that he is the first person to ever partner with a Digimon are unsubstantiated and lack hard evidence - also, unless it was explained in Kizuna and Tri, I'm pretty sure Digimon Adventure contradicts this?? (I'll check into this when I have more time, don't @ me).
The implication that Ukkomon made all of the Digimon hostile towards one another so that the Digi-Destined would fight to defend themselves and therefore Lui is nonsense and even if there is nothing to directly contradict it in Adventure and 02, I'm gonna hard pass on that canon because it lends itself too much to the idea that all Digimon would just be wholesome and good if not for Ukkomon making them fight and that feels like it excuses the things that Devimon, Piedmon, MaloMyotismon, and the other villain Digimon did or removes their free will?
Also, have I mentioned what Lui said didn't make sense???? Lui might be closer to Tai's age so it's feasible he could have become digi-destined around the same time as Tai but DUDE, Owikawa and Cody's dad discovered the Digital World and Digimon when they were kids????? AND THAT WAS AGES BEFORE LUI WAS BORN. It just doesn't make sense unless this is some alternate universe where that didn't happen or Lui is a time traveler or something (which is possible they did time travel...)
Speaking of, I'm so interested in the implication that Lui went back in time and talked to his mom about his younger self and she seemed to snap out of it for a second, like, if that was a permanent change do you think he created another alternate reality in that instance?
Moving on though, Davis. DAVIS. Seeing him in the film cured my depression. His reaction to Lui's mom was so so so Davis and I felt so strongly about it and then Ken's immediate "we can't we could ruin our own future" response is exactly how I've always imagined a time-travel AU would go between them.
ALSO: DAVIS AND KEN. The flirting. Ken just straight up grabbing both of Davis hands. (He's so COMFORTABLE WITH HIMSELF NOW) Ken throwing himself off Paildramon after Davis. I'm LIVING. The little high five they did to congratulate themselves. Ken's remark that summoning Paildramon was a little much seconds after I was like "wow that's so gay and unnecessary". Both of them were just so on point in this film. Davis was upbeat and optimistic and just believes the best in people/digimon so hard and when his tendency to charge in got in the way Ken was there to mellow him out so he didn't do anything rash.
Yolei did feel kind of off for some reason in the film but that might have been because I was so excited for the film that I couldn't pay attention to everything that was happening. I was only able to see it once and I missed so many things I know it. I can't wait for it to be released physically so I can own it and just rewatch it a dozen times.
Speaking of Yolei, though, I cannot believe the film framed her like Uhura trying to come between Kirk and Spock (which is comically absurd btw). In nearly ever scene possible it's Davis, Yolei but slightly offset and then Ken beside Davis. Like the animators are desperate to push the Kenyako narrative, like, clearly they know about the Daiken feelings being very strong with fans but they were trying to visually remind us painfully hard that, hey, actually the pairing is Kenyako. But buddy did that feel forced and it's probably why Yolei felt off to me.
J U S T I C E F O R C O D Y. That's all.
Kari actually didn't have very many major lines in the film I felt like but I loved the little scenes of her at the beginning, actually, though, she was kind of just there next to T.K. the entire time because the film also framed them together so hard it's SO WEIRD THEY AREN'T CANON.
T.K. though. God he was just so T.K. in this film. The trauma of losing Patamon in Adventure and then whatever happened in Tri like. It was just the most T.K. thing to do and say when they were talking about what they had to do. But also, I loved whenever the cops showed up and Davis goes "WHAT, HOW DID THEY FIND US?" and T.K. was like "ARE YOU KIDDING!???? YOU AND YOUR BOYFRIEND SUMMONED A GIANT FLYING MONSTER!!!!"
Honestly, this movie was everything I ever wanted really. About three minutes before we went into the movie I was talking about ghost game with my friend and how I wished it hadn't been for kids because it had such great and frankly horrifying concepts and everything was just sunshine and rainbows for children and nothing bad ever really happened which was disappointing.
And then I watched The Beginning. This movie felt so much like coming home from the start because I felt like I knew these character's so well (I lost count of how many times I sat in the theater and said a thing, only to have one of the character's also say the thing a second later), and everything was so bright and nice and then it became an eldritch horror show.
Let me tell you, when I watched the trailer for the first time I said to my friend "dude what was with that trailer??? The music????? Why is it so sinister???" and, despite that, I still did not see the horror coming and neither did anyone else in the theater. Everyone and I do mean everyone went very still and quiet and tense the second the first hint of bad began. We were all so unprepared and it was very upsetting.
As I was leaving the theater, I heard a woman fighting with her husband over having brought their very little daughter to see the movie. The mom clearly thought it was a fun kids movie because it was animated and whoever is in charge of American films absolutely thinks all animated movies are for kids so it wasn't rated which is how the film industry always handles anime films.
They seem completely incapable of understanding that animation doesn't equal child friendly. Watching it, though, it's never been more clear that a Digimon movie was for older audiences than watching The Beginning. Like, this film was not for kids. This film was for us. The setting. The themes. The fact that 79% of the entire movie is exposition/dialogue...
When the little girl's dad asked her if she liked the film as it ended, he sounded strained and his wife was complaining that the film was going to give her nightmares and while his daughter said yes, she liked the film it was in a way that you could tell that no, she didn't really because she had no idea what was going on - it was bright and colorful and there were cute characters sometimes so that was probably fine but she couldn't have been older than six so it was probably very boring for her.
That is one of my few complaints about the film, actually. It was nearly all talking and exposition. I wish there had been more action. I wish it had been a little more light hearted and goofy at times. The eldritch horror/really messed up part of the movie felt like it went on forever but that might have just been my lack of prepardness for it. I was just so shocked even while my brain was like "yes, this is what we always wanted I AM LIVING" - also because I imagined that kind of awful, dark underbelly of the world of Digimon existing for the character's I already know and love.
Nothing is going to stop me from headcanoning that Davis reaction to Lui's mom being The Worst was so immediate and visceral because he's dealing with his own trauma from his mom's refusal to accept that he's trans, okay?
I didn't care a great deal for Lui and Ukkomon obviously disturbed me to no end - I know it wasn't Ukkomon's fault, they didn't know better but also it's fair to say that I was scarred for life about Lui's parents and the baseball bat scene and I would probably like Lui a lot more if his story weren't all conjecture and exposition. Also he was so negative (understandably) and was such a downer the entire film, honestly, thank god Davis and his endless queer energy was there to breakthrough to Lui and help him see the light of queerness friendship.
Anyway, did I mention Lui's claim that he's the first ever human to partner with a digimon doesn't make sense to me? I've thought about it a little more and, fine, maybe it's possible that Lui could be the first person to partner with a Digimon but the idea that everyone else became Digi-Destined because of him and Ukkomon still doesn't sit right. Oikawa didn't get a digimon until he was an adult and died and so even though he knew about Digi-World he technically didn't become Digi-Destined and the Digital World could have existed for ages before anyone partnered with a Digimon. Those things aren't mutually exclusive, I have to remind myself, but it just doesn't feel right to me and their claims being baseless seems more legit.
Okay, I'm done, that's it for my rough thoughts on the movie, I think. They probably won't get any clearer. I'm gonna use the film to further my Trans!Davis/Daiken headcanons for sure though.
One last thing though and it's that my friend said he hated Lui because Lui took away from the 02 kids and I had to remind him that Willis exists in Hurricane Touchdown and the majority of that film is Willis and Davis talking/fighting and the other kids just existing. It's not some wild new Digimon format to have a new Digi-Destined to center the plot around.
And speaking of the plot, a final thought is on the bit where their Digivices weren't relevant anymore. That isn't off-brand either actually. I don't like that they disappeared because I have an emotional attachment to them but I understand that the narrative was not needing to prove their bonds with their Digimon and therefore anyone can have strong bonds of real friendship with or without a Digivice aka being Digi-Destined - it also makes sense with the whole "we didn't need the tags and crests to Digivolve our Digimon because our real strength comes from within" narrative that the OG Digimon Adventure established. The Digivices and tags/crests were just tools to remind them of their bonds with one another.
Anyway, that's it. I'm shutting up. This post got so long I'm sorry but also if anyone wants to share their thoughts on the movie or my bad takes but in a fun way that's cool feel free. I'm always here to talk about Digimon and how this is gonna influence all my future headcanons things but seriously don't @ me out of malice. K THX
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pastacurls · 10 months
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Gay dads.
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contest-frontier · 11 months
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Day 5 of @digimon02countdown
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seventeenlovesthree · 2 months
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Once again, Happy Odaiba Memorial Day, I love these disaster adults children and their monster soulmates so much and wish them nothing but happiness. 🩷💛🩶💚💜❤️💙🧡
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camleecomics · 1 year
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Patamon (Rookie)
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thoughtaddictand · 10 months
Plot summary of "Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning!"
digimon fandom deleted my plot summary of "Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning. So I'm posting it here
Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning
In February 2012, a giant, shiny egg appears above the Tokyo Skytree. At the same time, people all around the world receive a message stating that "everyone is going to have friends, everyone is going to have a Digimon".
On February 28th, 2012, Davis Motomiya and Veemon invite the other Digimon Adventure 02 protagonists and their Digimon to a meal at the ramen bar where they work. There they see a report on television about a young man having climbed up the Skytree to talk with the giant egg. They head there, just in time for the Digimon to catch said guy, who had fallen off. He introduces himself as Lui Ohwada and claims to have been the first child with a Digimon partner. While he shows them his broken Digivice, the kids wonder why he is not accompanied by a Digimon partner. He refuses to give them an answer, but asks them to destroy the giant egg on his behalf, to which they agree. Davis and Ken use Paildramon to fly towards the egg, together with Rui, and attack it, but are unsuccessful. Instead, they fall off Paildramon and right into the egg.
When regaining consciousness, they discover that they have travelled back in time to February 29th, 1996. They see a young Rui, who had birthday that day. Rather than celebrating, he is seen growing up unhappily, with a comatose father and an abusive mother, who locks him out on the balcony. There, a Digi-Egg appeared and hatched into Ukkomon. The Digimon promised Lui to make all his wishes come true, with adult Lui explaining that it had the actual power to do so. Young him had thereafter wished for a happy family life, and for himself and everyone in the world to have friends. Ukkomon had promised to make it come true by his next birthday.
The DigiDestined are thereafter returned to the present. They head towards their old school, where Lui explains what had happened subsequently. His father had awoken from his coma, and his mother had become friendlier towards him, with both of them accepting Ukkomon into the family. Furthermore, his wish had created a bond between Digimon and human children, whom had subsequently began meeting their Digimon partners, essentially setting the events of the Digimon Adventure universe in motion. As Lui had been happy on his next birthday in 2000, and more and more children became friends with Digimon, Ukkomon felt like it was fullfilling its promise.
However, in 2004, Lui became disillusioned, once he noticed that Ukkomon had robbed his parents and other children off their free will. He also realized that the bond between Digimon and humans was leading to fighting and destruction. In rage, he had destroyed his Digivice, damaging his eye in the process. Ukkomon replaced the eye with one of its own, but Lui had still felt dissatisfied, and expressed that he did not want Ukkomon in his life anymore. Feeling that it had lost its purpose, Ukkomon then regressed back into a Digiegg, along with leaving Lui's parents for dead. The Digiegg was identical to the one that now hovered above Tokyo Skytree.
Shortly after Lui finishes his story, the clock strikes twelve: It’s Lui’s birthday again. The giant Digiegg then transforms into a giant, shiny creature resembling Ukkomon, but equipped with far more tentacles. Each tentacle comes with a Digiegg attached, through which the children conclude that Ukkomon is attempting to give every human on the planet a Digimon partner over the course of the day. Worried that this would cause an insufferable amount of chaos, maybe even the world’s destruction, they agree to stop it. Lui urges the other Digidestined to kill Ukkomon, but they refuse, concluding that this might destroy the partnership between humans and Digimon for good. Instead, they convince him that Ukkomon merely wishes to reconcile, and that this is what Rui also should do.
To have Lui and Ukkomon meet, the Digidestined's Digimon evolve: First to Champion level, and then to their DNA Digivolved forms. Fighting the giant Ukkomon creature along the way, they manage to bring Lui to it, who then enters its body. Lui finds himself back on his birthday in 1996. He manages to create an oppertunity to speak with Ukkomon on his own, where they manage to speak out reconcile. However, Lui is told that Ukkomon's giant version in the present still needs to be destroyed.
Back in 2012, Lui informs the Digidestined of his success. Imperialdramon subsequently fights and manages to defeat the giant Ukkomon. Following the battle, Ukkomon’s normal sized Digiegg materializes back into Lui’s hand, who also loses his artificial eye. While he promises a fresh start for them, Digivices all around the world suddenly begin disappearing. The DigiDestined conclude that they have become a relic of the path, due to the fact that a strong partnership and will for conflict resolution alone are enough to maintain the bond between a Digimon and its human partner.
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wishfuldr3aming · 1 year
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The literal plot device of the story.
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