thesmpisonfire · 1 year
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6flyingosprey6 · 8 months
Since their polls are up, I am here to spread more of my tazercraft are 'betas' headcanon.
They both growl and purr all the time, vocal ass bitches. (<- partially inspired by the creature Pac hc). Richas and now Ramón have started copying the way they purr specifically.
They both smell vaguely like nature (even if their scents aren't particularly strong separate). Pac smells like roses, and Mike smells like petrichor (the smell after it rains). Though in reality it's hard to tell which of them smells like what since their scents are also so intertwined.
Maybe I'll write about them soon, I accidentally fell in love with my own headcanon.
YES CREATURE PAC MY BELOVED these two are so fucking vocal you have no idea they do not shut up it annoys the fuck out of anyone who isn't used to them
and I love your ideas for their scents! (i also didn't know that petrichor was a thing, very epic). My personal headcanon is that people were only able to figure out Pac's scent when Mike went missing/comatose for months.
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hi \o/!! i'm curious about the chapter pragma if you'd like to share something for it?
Of course! "Pragma" is going to be Chapter 3 of "Like a Parody of Tantalus." Mike gets two chapters in that fic because his relationship with Pac, and their history, means the world to me :') Tazercraft my beloved.
When Pac was younger, he wasn't afraid of anything.
Well, strictly speaking, this wasn't entirely true. He was afraid of cockroaches and the suspiciously lumpy stew the Matron fed them every other day, and sometimes he had nightmares about falling into quicksand, but he wasn't afraid of things that really mattered. He’d already lost his family, and Pac couldn’t imagine anything scarier than that.
Pac wasn’t afraid when he met Mike on a cloudy afternoon in the barren orphanage playground and helped enact justice on a bully. He’d taped up Mike's broken glasses with a smile afterward, confidently reassuring Mike that everything would be ok now because they were friends, and no matter what happened, friends always had each other's backs, right?
But as they got older, new fears started accumulating, and Pac became afraid of things that mattered.
He was afraid of small spaces and being trapped behind cold iron bars. He was afraid of open water and being dragged under by the weight of his equipment, unable to reach the surface. He was afraid of hands reaching out of the darkness, a familiar voice whispering a nickname teasingly in his ear before plunging a knife through his heart.
But above all else, he was afraid of losing Mike.
They started sharing a bed after escaping prison. Pac rarely slept throughout the entire night; nightmares startled him awake half the time, and the other half, phantom pain from his missing leg woke him up. Usually when this happened, Mike immediately roused too. Pac wished he had it in him to feel guilty about that, but lying there with his best friend's arms wrapped securely around him as he trembled until Mike's steady heartbeat calmed his own, all he could feel was grateful.
These days when he woke up, no one was there to comfort him. Richarlyson asked to sleep with him in their big bed the first night after Mike went missing, and Pac didn’t have the heart to say no. He was too worried about scaring Richarlyson with one of his nightmares to let it become a habit though, and Richarlyson’s other fathers gladly took him every night after that. Richarlyson tried so hard to make him feel better, but it wasn't a kid's responsibility to take care of an adult.
Pac felt like a lousy parent.
I hope you enjoyed this teaser! :D
"Pragma" is being heavily edited right now (especially since a few things were recently moved between "Agape" and "Pragma") so I'm hoping that this section will actually remain in "Pragma," but you know. Obligatory "Content is subject to change when chapter is posted'' warning and all that.
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disfrutalakia · 10 months
Sharing my au content here because I'm too lazy to make my own post, and I'm trying to make people (and myself) less sad.
"What about your family? You know enough about mine." That was debatable, but Roier is a mystery that can only be unraveled bit by bit. Cellbit stood up, from where he sat in front of the candle circle that allowed him to see Roier, and grabbed a picture frame from his desk. The photo is set at a beach at sunset with seven people in the frame, one of the people being a child in the arms of another. Cellbit remembers the day it was taken.
There was a flash and Cellbit immediately he went to grab the camera from its stand. "Did you three even show up?" It was Mike asking the question as he moved closer to see the photo. "The real question is, did you two ruin my fucking camera again? They're really expensive you know." Cellbit sighed as he shook the photo waiting for the image to appear. "It's only fair after you-" Mike is cut off by Forever. "Not in front of Richas." Richas is trying to wiggle out of Forever's grasp wanting to see the photo too. Luckily, everyone appeared in the photo, with only minor distortions around the duo in question. "I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if we don't start leaving right now we'll miss the boat." Bagi is looking in a notebook as she speaks. All their bags are sat around the camera stand.
Anyway, vaguely eldritch entities tazercraft my beloveds. That's it.
Richas with then, so curious about the photo <3 he loves photography I bet his dads taught him about it.
Also brazilians and boats my beloved
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