grrl-beetle · 2 years
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nawapon17 · 3 months
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ricisidro · 11 months
The #US #Pentagon will send a Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (#THAAD) system and additional Patriot air defense missile system battalions to the #MiddleEast along with naval assets and troops, in response to recent attacks on U.S. troops in the region.
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الدفاع الصاروخي الأمريكي في منطقة الخليج العربي بين التّحديات الأمنية والرّهانات الإقليمية
الدفاع الصاروخي الأمريكي في منطقة الخليج العربي بين التّحديات الأمنية والرّهانات الإقليمية الدفاع الصاروخي الأمريكي في منطقة الخليج العربي بين التّحديات الأمنية والرّهانات الإقليمية الكاتب : خليفة كريفار الملخص: تتناول هذه الدراسة الجهود المشتركة لدول منطقة الخليج العربي مع الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية لإحتواء التّهديدات الصاروخية البالستية التي تشكّلها إيران في المنطقة، بالإضافة إلى هندسة الهياكل…
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amereid1960 · 1 year
الدفاع الصاروخي الأمريكي في منطقة الخليج العربي بين التّحديات الأمنية والرّهانات الإقليمية
الدفاع الصاروخي الأمريكي في منطقة الخليج العربي بين التّحديات الأمنية والرّهانات الإقليمية الدفاع الصاروخي الأمريكي في منطقة الخليج العربي بين التّحديات الأمنية والرّهانات الإقليمية الكاتب : خليفة كريفار الملخص: تتناول هذه الدراسة الجهود المشتركة لدول منطقة الخليج العربي مع الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية لإحتواء التّهديدات الصاروخية البالستية التي تشكّلها إيران في المنطقة، بالإضافة إلى هندسة الهياكل…
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kgyst · 1 year
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Haha, a ruszkik addig lövöldöznek, amíg az amerikaiak THAAD-ot telepítenek Ukrajnába.
FYI a ruszkik tíz éve tiltakoznak THAAD-ok Lengyelországba és Romániába telepítése miatt, most kapnak sokkal közelebb.
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feddy-34 · 1 month
"she said she wants the military to be lethal!!1!11!1"
ya mate what do you think a military does exactly, sit around and pick daisies all day?
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sasukelandia · 8 months
if i were the one to form exo in 2012 it would be like this:
dyo, chen, and baekhyun as main vocalists of course
absolutely no rapline. chanyeol will join suho and luhan in the sub vocalists division as a needed baritone. suho is still the leader and luhan will be the pretty boy stan attractor on top of that.
zitao, lay, and kai are the main dancers— with zitao specializing in wushu flashiness
exo-K will be made up of dyo, baekhyun, chanyeol, and suho & exo-M will be made up of chen, luhan, zitao, and lay. kai is a dual member cus he’s The Key (← that’s lore stuff btw)
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defensenow · 9 months
US Deploys 6 THAAD Air Defense Systems: Securing Guam Amidst China & N. ...
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olegzhdanovkiev · 2 years
Что такое комплекс THAAD
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gutsfroggie · 1 month
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I wanted to do more with my sentient Fox Stole idea lol. I think he’d be called Thaad, the name he says is stitched to his insides. Despite being brought to life by Rher, Thaad can’t do much. He has no bones after all and what use is a pile of fluff? I like to think he’d be worn differently by each contestant and depending on who you play, his level of sass differs. He’d never admit it, but he likes being around Olivia, Abella and Levi.
I think the only benefit to having him is perhaps it’s harder to have your head taken off. It’s the part of the deep woods that I CONSTANTLY die to. Stupid owl cultists, get Thaaded. Might go in and color this later ☺️
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eretzyisrael · 11 months
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The Pentagon is deploying two carrier strike groups, eleven Burke-class destroyers, a number of Ticonderoga-class cruisers, amphibious assault ships, THAAD and Patriot missile defense systems, multiple squadrons of fighter jets, strategic bombers, and undisclosed assets to the Middle East.
The Pentagon expects Iranian proxies to continue to target U.S. troops in the region and has already stated that they will respond "decisively."
What's the probability that this escalates into a war between the United States and Iran?
PENTAGON: "Between October 17th and the 24th, U.S. and coalition forces have been attacked at least ten separate times in Iraq and three separate times in Syria via a mix of one-way attack drones and rockets...
We know that the groups conducting these attacks are supported by the IRGC and the Iranian regime. We are seeing the prospect for more significant escalation against U.S. forces and personnel across the region in the near term coming from Iranian proxy forces and, ultimately, from Iran.
So, by virtue of our announcement over the weekend, we are preparing for this escalation, both in terms of defending our forces and responding decisively."
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kineticpenguin · 11 months
Trump trying to promise an Iron Dome system for America is pretty funny, given that he didn't understand what THAAD was for or why we would pay South Korea to let us put it on their land. He got really mad about it, too
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houseofpurplestars · 9 months
🇾🇪 Senior AnsarAllah official:
When attempting to intercept a Yemeni ballistic missile, israel needs about $5 million for the Arrow-3 interceptor missile.
Sometimes, their AD system launches more than one missile at a single target. Similarly, intercepting a Yemeni cruise missile or a drone, which costs no more than $2,000; requires an israeli, American, or Saudi to use a Patriot or THAAD interceptor missile, each ranging from 2-3 million dollars, and sometimes multiple missiles are launched at a single target.
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usafphantom2 · 10 months
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Ukraine is now calling for THAAD air defense system, F-18 fighters, MQ-9 drones and helicopters
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 12/07/2023 - 17:40in Military, War Zones
The latest list of U.S. weapons that Ukraine says it needs to fight the Russian military includes sophisticated air defense systems, F-18 "Hornet" fighters, drones, Apache and Blackhawk helicopters, according to documents seen by Reuters.
Officials from the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense presented a “arms list to meet the needs of Ukraine's defense forces” during a closed-door session of a conference in Washington on Wednesday, with the presence of government officials and defense industry executives.
The comprehensive list included weapons that Ukraine already has in stock, such as Abrams tanks and 155-millimeter artillery, as well as some weaponry, as well as F-16 fighters, drones and long-range ATACMS missiles that it has requested in the past.
But the list has some surprises, including expensive items such as C-17 Globemaster transport aircraft manufactured by Boeing and the C-130 Super Hercules manufactured by Lockheed Martin. Boeing's Apache attack helicopters entered the list, as did the Black Hawk helicopter manufactured by Lockheed Martin's Sikorsky unit.
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THAAD system being disembarked from a C-17.
But the Ukrainians didn't stop there. The documents show that Ukraine is also looking for F-18 Hornet fighters, three types of drones manufactured by General Atomics, including the MQ-9B Sky Guardian and the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) air defense system manufactured by Lockheed.
Ukrainians know that they must guarantee Western military aid to continue the fight.
Legislation that would provide billions of dollars in new security assistance for Ukraine and Israel was blocked in the U.S. Senate on Wednesday, as Republicans pressed their demands for tougher measures to control immigration on the U.S.-Mexico border.
U.S. President Joe Biden made the Ukrainian victory a foreign policy goal while campaigning for re-election in November 2024.
Ukraine's list reflects what would easily be equivalent to billions of dollars in arms purchases or donations.
Source: Reuters
Tags: Military AviationF/A-18 HornetWar Zones - Russia/Ukraine
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has work published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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girlactionfigure · 11 months
ISRAEL REALTIME — Oct 27 morning war updates
— MISSILE STRIKE… Taba, Egyptian city opposite Eilat, striking (depending on report) either a residential building or a medical clinic. Egypt's Al Qahera News TV said five people were wounded in the blast.  Source of missile? Unknown - possibly Yemen or Egyptian Sinai. According to reports, even at this time it is not known what the source of the missile was.
— IDF RAIDS… Brigadier General Hagari said there was a ground raid taking place in the Gaza Strip. IDF spox: “Similar to ​​last night, our fighters have been operating for hours in a similar and significant activity in the territory of the Gaza Strip.”
— HAMAS RAID? Thwarted. The Air Force tonight thwarted a security incident in which Hamas terrorists tried to advance towards the border of the Gaza Strip from the east.
— KALKILIYA & JENIN (Shomron, West Bank)… (Arab city) IDF forces destroyed shops in Kalkiliya and hung signs on them that read "This shop supports terrorism and is therefore closed”. Jenin, firefight, IED’s, 3 terrorists eliminated.
— US ATTACKS… Fox: US military carried out airstrikes on IRGC (Iranian) weapons depot and terrorist proxy forces in El Mayadeen, Syria in response to recent attacks on U.S. bases. A Biden official told Reuters: We did not coordinate with Israel the attacks in Syria. After the attack, the Iranian proxies attacked the Al Amr gas field with a barrage of rockets.
— CHANGE OF POLICE RULES OF ENGAGEMENT… for a vote on Sunday. New rules to allow police to use live fire in event of riots or blocking of traffic that interferes with movement of IDF forces, puts residents of a city in real danger, prevents movement of emergency equipment or evacuation for medical treatment. With the approval of the commissioner, the commander may permit live fire at rioters. It awaits legal review.
— PENTAGON SAYS… deployed 900 troops, Patriot anti-aircraft/anti-missile batteries, and THAAD laser anti-missile batteries to the Middle East, not Israel. Additionally 2 Iron Dome batteries bought by the US are being sent back to Israel to increase defenses.
— US PRESIDENT SAYS… “It is important to continue providing humanitarian aid - food, water and medical supplies - to innocent people in Gaza. This flow needs to increase, and we are working hard to make it happen.”
— US NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL SPOKESMAN SAYS… “What’s harsh — what’s harsh is the way Hamas is using people as human shields. What’s harsh is taking a couple of hundred hostages and leaving families and anxious, waiting and worrying to figure out where their loved ones are. What’s harsh, is dropping in on a music festival and slaughtering a bunch of young people just trying to enjoy an afternoon,” Kirby says.
— US FORCES… video of US forces arriving in Israel and, spoken on the video, being deployed to southern Israel and setting up equipment. No announcement, just the video (not shared here). Related by CNN, “a rapid response force consisting of 2,000 is deploying, joining the warships and US forces converging near Israel.”
— FLORIDA SENDS? (The US state of Florida) Florida Governor DeSantis announced his state will send a shipment to Israel, including weapons, ammunition and armored vehicles. Previously, Florida sent emergency assistance for hospitals, including bandages, patient gowns, PPE, infusion kits, needles, syringes, inhalers and toys for children.
— EU SAYS… EU leaders agreed to call for humanitarian corridors and pauses to get aid to Gaza.
— AT THE UN… Israeli Ambassador Erdan presented on the stage of the General Assembly a video showing a Hamas terrorist beheading the head of a victim in the massacre. He also showed the audience photos of many victims who were burned alive. Erdan: It's not Auschwitz, it's Hamas. We do not fight against humans. We are fighting monsters!
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