angelbvn · 2 years
@dknecrotic teaching me about dxm at 4-5 in the morning >>>>>
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Hey I just finally got caught up on let’s do the mortal coil shuffle and I just wanted to yell about how good it is (and also apologise for trying to leave kudos on every chapter I keep forgetting I’ve done it already lol). Like I can almost never get into longer multi-chapter fics cause they lose my attention but I’ve been racing through this one when I’m not at work because it’s so GOOD, I love how well you captured everybody’s personalities and it’s such an interesting story!! I can’t wait to see how it ends, thank you for all the amazing writing and I hope you have a good day! :D (also your soriel fics are some of my favourites, I have 2 always open in tabs on my phone to go back to when I’m bored)
hello. i love you
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natolesims · 2 years
Hi! Just wanted to let you know I love your Not So Berry (as you must’ve seen hehe) and you storytelling style! You in fact inspired me to play my own Not So Berry ✨ and even though I forget to take screenshots most of the time (-.-) I would love to post some of it on my simblr. I was looking for a fast way to edit but even more so add text like you do, with corresponding colors with each characters, do you have recommandations? After some trial and errors I thought I'd better ask directly what you are using ´:D
Thanks for your time 💖 keep up the good work✨✨✨
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Hi hi!!
First of all: THANK YOU SO MUCH ;A; dahsd I feel honoured you say that, I'm so glad you like the gameplay and I can't wait to see what you come up with in yours!! This seriously made me feel rainbows in my stomach :'D
Second: I'm so sorry for taking my sweet time answering this, but I honestly don't know what to tell you xD I do the bare minimum while adding text, so I apologize in advance because this is going to be pretty bland.
What I can say is that I tend to color-code my characters without thinking, so that helps me a lot to assign their text color. I keep tweaking the tones depending on how legible the captions are, but trying to choose vibrant tones makes it easier to read because of contrast! And once you have the tone, you can save the color into your palette library in photoshop so you can save time the next time you're editing.
Also, I don't use a special font or anything, but I found these two X X PSD templates that are ready to slap some captions in them (you'll probably have to download a couple of fonts depending on what you want to use), so they might be practical and useful to you!
Also, if you don't use photoshop, I strongly suggest Pixlr or Canva to add the text you want! I personally used Pixlr in my beginnings. It was fun :D
Lastly, I tend to use a "small" font size because I don't usually like BIG captions, but looking at my first story posts where the font is even smaller I'm like:
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So have in mind that most readers will be using the app to read and that will make the images even smaller than you're seeing them on desktop, so don't be afraid to size up the text! Don't make the same mistake as I did, hehe.
Aaaaaaand that's pretty much it. I hope this helps!! Have fun and welcome to the dark sideeee
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cedarsmokesrandoms · 1 year
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If y’all haven’t checked out the adorable stickers on their Etsy store you should!!!☺️
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retrocandyart · 1 year
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Angel Bunny! First proper comm done for my friend @moonlight-mistral 🐰
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honeydots · 10 months
For the angst sentences, I have an either/or since I'd feel bad asking for both:
"I hate what Ive become" for xanlow
"Dont act like you know me" for leokumi
"Don't act like you know me." 1.7k, leokumi from this ask game
Leo doesn’t exactly want to get into how he was captured. He is willing to say, however, that it wasn’t only him, so perhaps that makes it equally embarrassing for them both.
Right now, he’s currently in the middle of escaping some—ugh, he doesn’t know, self-proclaimed death cult—with none other than Prince Takumi of Hoshido. Whoever these lowlifes are who caught Leo off guard, they seemed intent on gathering different kinds of dragon blood—which means Leo needs to deal with both the consequence of their horrendous treatment of prisoners, and this moody enemy prince.
They’re quite close to getting out of their containment, actually. Which isn’t remarkable, this pathetic cult is ragtag and ill-managed. They happened to get lucky in Leo’s capture, and he’ll admit that Prince Takumi is just formidable enough that maybe they got lucky twice, and they’re paying for their lack of preparedness.
All that’s left is for Leo and Takumi to clear one hallway, then they can make a generally clean break for an exit. They’re just… Stuck, presently. The cultist’s tactics for keeping them from moving forward are working, and it’s only a matter of time before someone rounds the establishment and comes at them from behind.
It isn’t a particularly complicated hideout, a crumbling cobblestone fort that’s been out of proper use for decades, and Leo was able to retrieve Brynhildr without much trouble as they ran. Prince Takumi got his bow as well, and they’ve each been handling themselves fine. It’s just this awkward position they’re in now that’s giving them trouble.
The best they can do is pick off the poor excuses for cultists one by one. But it’s hard to do that when they’re firing back. They’re able to get a few of them, sure, but—
“This isn’t working,” Takumi grumbles through his teeth, firing an arrow and then slamming himself behind the wall as a burst of magic flies by. Leo, on the other side of the hallway entrance, scoffs.
“Clearly.” He exhales sharply, then casts a sharp and leafy spell down the hall, and assumes the cut off screams are targets hit. “Focus on the short ranged ones for now.”
Though Leo is feeling the effects of all his magic usage already. Sweat beads his forehead and goosebumps tickle his neck. He can feel his blood getting hotter, too. Forcing out more magic than he has to provide will make his very pores bleed, and fainting from blood loss would be the most intolerable way to lose. Especially around these cultists, who seem intent on using his flesh for the worst.
Takumi charges his arrow in his bow, magic swirling more intently the longer he holds it, then sets it loose. “And then what do we do about the far ranged ones, wise guy?”
Leo clicks his tongue. “I said for now, you fool.” Which earns him a glare. “We’ll retreat and make another way around.”
“Retreat where? Our cell? No way,” Takumi says back. He glances behind himself, then behind Leo, and then fires two rapid shots into the hall. Not even a moment later, he seizes an inhale through his teeth and narrowly avoids a dagger. “Gods. Long range against long range is so damn risky.”
Leo tries to prepare himself for another large spell. He isn’t sure how many more he can cast after this. One, maybe two, at least of the ones with the potency he’s been using. But he’s quickly reaching his limit. “Indeed,” he says, irritated. “But you are a bowsman and I am a mage, so unless you have any better ideas, retreating is our best bet.”
Takumi narrows his eyes, breathing hard. “Don’t act like you know me.”
“Am I acting like I know you by observing you’re using a bow? Primarily, even? And have been all this time?”
“How are you this annoying.”
Leo huffs. “I’m not sure your mumbling has been doing us any favors, either.”
Takumi glances towards the hallway. Then he rolls back his shoulders and exhales a steadying breath. “Hey. Do your big plant spell thing.” Leo nearly corrects his wording to anything but that, but Takumi goes on. “I’m going in right after.”
“Insanity. That spell won’t last long enough to be used as cover,” Leo says. “We’re better off retracing our steps—”
“Just do it! Do you complain about everything?” Takumi snaps, which is ironic, since he’s obviously been the stubborn one. Takumi narrows his eyes. “I can do close range, and I can do it well. You just need to watch my back, Nohrian.”
Leo gives him a look, quite unconvinced. But retreating will only work if they both do, and Leo has been getting ready to cast all this time. They won’t get anywhere if he tries to stall and leave it only to Takumi’s bow, and he won’t be branded as a coward who runs away alone. Especially not by this prince, of all people.
So, not approving of the plan but without another spell to perform, Leo lets magic drip out of him and into his tome, then lets it come back into his veins deeper, in vines and bark and poison.
He casts his forest of magic into the hallway, and Takumi bolts after, staying just far enough to keep from friendly fire. Leo watches, seeing some enemies turn to Takumi, and he uses smaller and more electric spells to keep them occupied.
Leo was quite uncomforted by Takumi’s confidence, but he’s surprised to say he does what he said he would. He keeps his bow in hand, but he doesn’t battle with it except for quick draws and finishing blows. He dodges, and fights by jabbing his elbow or throwing a punch against unprepared archers and magicians. Once he properly enters the fray, Leo doesn’t need to do much to keep him healthy.
It’s both relieving and concerning, in truth. Leo fully appreciates the certainty of getting out of this fortress, he admits retreating was a last resort, but—he didn’t anticipate Takumi might’ve had other skills, not to this degree. He’ll have to consider him wisely the next they meet on a battlefield.
Takumi finally clears the area. Leo doesn’t wait for a signal, he just runs up, fully aware they don’t have the time to waste. They proceed through the fortress wordlessly, steeping over bodies and extremely close to their freedom.
They’re right near the front gate when they hear talking. Instantly, they freeze and hold their breath, backs pressed a wall. There are people just on the other side of the gate, and Leo tries to listen.
“—on, man, just a tour? You guys—you guys do tours here, right? It’s totally tour worthy,” comes a voice clearly trying to sound more laid back than he is. Leo blinks, a little surprised at the subject matter.
“I do all sorts of tours, if you’re interested,” suggests another—was that Niles? Leo listens a little more intently.
“Wait—wait what’s that mean,” says the first voice, and then a female one sighs.
“Neither of you are helping,” she says sharply, as if smiling through annoyance, then speaks more sweetly. “We really just want to look around? We’re not looking to cause any trouble. It’s just, a really, really important thing we’re looking for—”
And who is unmistakably Odin chimes in excitedly, “Of extreme importance! Epic, and maximal, and most certainly heinous if not brought back into our fell, empty, and capable hands.”
Leo thinks if you could hear a cringe, he would’ve heard one from this woman. “Right. All that. Super important. So please?”
In a low voice, Takumi starts to speak, leaning just slightly closer to Leo. “I think it might be my retainers out there,” he says slowly, and Leo raises an eyebrow.
“Funny. I was thinking they sounded like mine, as well.”
Takumi glances at him, then glances at the gate. “Should we just make a run for it?”
Leo considers that for a moment. “I’m sure they’ll know what to do.”
And so, after one more brief and mutual look, Takumi and Leo both burst out of the gate and start running. And Leo was quite correct in identifying Odin and Niles, the former looking shocked and the latter looking highly amused.
“Never mind!” says Takumi’s male retainer, and among some shouts from the guards, the six of them charge away. Odin casts a spell behind them to keep any stray cultists off their backs, and Takumi fires a couple more arrows, seemingly for good riddance.
They find cover in a forest nearby, treading deeply until they’re sure they can take a moment to breathe. Takumi’s retainers start fawning over him immediately, and Niles and Odin give Leo some attention as well. He waves them off.
“I’m fine,” he says, wiping off sticky sweat from his brow. “Just more winded than I’d like to be.” He’ll need some time to recharge. Neither Odin nor Niles look convinced, but Leo isn’t going to be revealing any weakness in front of Hoshidans.
After collecting himself a bit more, Leo looks over at Prince Takumi, who’s smile from his talking with his retainers falls as he meets his eyes. Takumi pauses, then puffs out his chest and grips his bow tightly.
“Next time—we’re enemies,” he says. His retainers stare at him, then give their own unique glares to Leo. Takumi ignores them, gritting his teeth and wrinkling his nose. “For now… Thanks. I guess.”
Leo lifts up his chin, standing tall. “We’re still enemies,” he corrects. And then, with his head held high, he casts his gaze away. “But... Thank you, too.”
He doesn’t care for Niles’s eyebrow raise, nor for Odin’s head tilt. Leo just turns around and walks, and the pair of them follow readily, away from the cult idiots and the Hoshidan prince.
And Leo—he doesn’t look back. Of course he wouldn’t. He meant what he said, this war is nowhere near over. One little collaboration doesn’t change that, and obviously they’re agreed in that regard.
But, still. Even if Leo doesn’t check behind him… Some part of him wonders if Takumi does.
Just a small part.
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shadow0-1 · 2 years
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Commission by 🎨: @pupzbitez
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pocket-ozwynn · 2 years
Your stories are amazing, they help fuel my inspiration.
oh my gosh, thank youuuuu 😭💖 I'm happy my silly little stories and characters can be inspirational in some small way 🥺
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villa-kulla · 2 years
your fic ruined me pls do more
hahaha I promise it's ruining me too <3 Why are they the Most. And I'd love to have the next chapter up tomorrow for BCS Tuesday, but we'll see, hopefully not too much longer! Thank you!
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angis-filthy-corner · 24 days
Okokokok here are some questions from the ask game if you’re still playing!
28: do you collect anything?
39: YouTuber you’ve been obsessed with and why? (Or any online content creator if you’re not a YouTube person!) 💙
HIIIII FRIEENDDD!! Thank youuuu for the asks!! 🫂🩷
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#28: do you collect anything?
I'm one of them basic bitches who collects pretty bottles and energy drink cans SFASDAFADSA. But only the pretty ones!! If they're not pink or pink-related or colorful and interesting, I don't keep them. ☝😤
#39: YouTuber you’ve been obsessed with and why? (Or any online content creator if you’re not a YouTube person!)?
Oh shiiiiit. UMMM. God what YouTubers do I watch again? /l-h OH OH OH. I've been consuming a lot of slime videos recently? Cuz it's nice background noise to have when I'm fighting my insomnia? SAFASDAS So ofc I'm talking about Talisa Tossel!! Love her scam slime video series lmao.
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wolfsplosion · 4 months
A token of appreciation for your beautiful art!
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THANK YOU SO MUCH THIS IS DELICIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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saturniolos · 4 months
besties (matt sturniolo x reader) ౨ৎ⋆ ˚。⋆
notes: this took me days. i am going BLIND plz show sum love &&&&& hey——— come talk to me ! (btw this type of editing/social media aus have been around for ages- credit goes to the person who came up with it first!!)
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liked by matthew.sturniolo and others
yourusername happy 20th my boys. thank u for driving me around and feeding me and being the greatest airbnb hosts when i be acting up … 🦌🦌🦌🤍 love you always.
View all 2,304 comments
christophersturniolo love you freak
sturniolohens their friendship >>
nicksfries i love them
mattsturns cant wait for the ship tiktoks 😩
yourusername i be getting that bag anything for my dawgs
christophersturniolo @yourusername where’s the one of you were wearing my boxers
nicolassturniolo HELL NAH
matthew.sturniolo 🩷🏇🏻
sturnsfilm the pink heart are you jokingjfjfjfjjff 😔😔😔
mattsplaylist PINK HEART 😩
mattsturniyolo THE HORSE???
chrisraress i feel like they’re all best friends but matt and y/n have a different kinda friendship its so pure 🤍
hoeslovesturniolos the last slide lmfao TRUE they saved my life
mattscarkeys matt girls were winning look at that stubble
nicolassturniolo love you alwayssss 🧚‍♀️💛💚🧡❤️🩷
yourusername guys stop thirsting this is a thirst free account!
madisonbeer sweetest 🤍🎧🌷🪩🦩
nathandoe8 yndawg my birthday’s coming up 👌🏼
yourusername when
nathandoe8 😐
madifilipowicz marry me y/n 🍬🍬🍬
yourusername WHEN!
nicolassturniolo @matthew.sturniolo
yourusername @nicolassturniolo girl gtfo!!!! 😡
mattsbelly YO WHAT??? WHY THE MATT TAG
ynsnosepiercing WHAT DID WE MISS
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liked by nicolassturniolo and others
yourusername i lvoe crazy bitchsees 😍⏰🪩🐎🦋 !!!◡̈!! guys i went skiing for the first time as well- can u tell :-)))…
View all 6,384 comments
madifilipowicz ur soooo 🥹🥹🥹🦩🩷🦋🍬🍬🍩🌈
yourusername 🪐🩷 love ya forever !
mattscarkeys shy introverted and weird….. someone’s cookin’
sammydawson let them cook bae
chrissassturniolo yk who’s shy and introverted and weird?
gimmemystaaaaff DONT SAY IT she’ll block us atp 😂
nicolassturniolo my gawwwwd 🦋🦋🦋
larray okay i see you 😍
matthew.sturniolo Can I borrow the green shoes
yourusername yas darling x
matthew.sturniolo 🤭
ynslipgloss DARLING !!!
christophersturniolo mona lisa ohhh
yourusername yeahhh the mona lisa ayyyyyy
mattlovebot ur hand in marriage @yourusername
leclercftsturn is this matt’s burner account?? lol
megamatthew44 tears on my thighs frrrr
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liked by yourusername and others
matthew.sturniolo Huge toothpick fan
View all 6,383 comments
christophersturniolo 👊🏻😊
nathandoe8 clean
mattstoothpick MAAAAATTTTTT 😍😍😍😍
nicksdirtysocks GOD ITS ME AGAINNNNN
sturniyoolo babygirl matt is back 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
nicolassturniolo cutie
yourusername on gawd babygirl ☺️🤍🐎🩷
matthew.sturniolo 🩹🤍🐎
chrislovebot he was a horseboi, she was a horsegurl ☺️
nicolassssssturn ON GAWD BABYGIRL 😂😂
mattsturny you guys are sickeningly cute n lovely
larray walk that walk ❗️
yourusername would definitely
nicsturniolos Y/N WHAT
latinamatt FINISH THE SENTENCE BESTIE!!!!!!!!????
gayhorsegirl Y/N 🤭🤭🤭🤭🙃 wtf
beerpongchris y/n’s intrusive thoughts winning again
ynseeyore girl 🌝
nicolassturniolo @yourusername …let’s get you to bed grandma 🙂
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liked by matthew.sturniolo and others
yourusername new year new me xo
View all 7,539 comments
nicolassturniolo it’s February
yourusername go be a hater somewhere else
madisonbeer im in love with u 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🐑
mattlovebot MY WIFEEEEEEE
christophersturndaily HER
ynskitten drive thru with that dress hits hard
matthew.sturniolo Down bad for you girl grrr
yourusername disgusting behaviour leave :O
ynmattsupremacy IS IT HAPPENING
ynsparkour EVERYONE STAY CALM !!!!!!
christophersturniolo y/n, don't listen to the haters. I love you, and you love me. We do not owe anyone anything. Our family is who matters. If you get likes and good comments great, if you get hate then whatever because THEY DON'T MATTER. I love you💕
yourusername 😳 bye
matthew.sturniolo What family are you talking about bro
ynslovebot chris so unserious byeeee 🤣
nickstrniolo matt has no clue about the reference i love this
matthew.sturniolo ❤️❤️🐎🐎🦩🌠🌷🌍🌍🌍
gracewee bro keysmashing
mattscup calm down my dude 😳
sturnioloteam matt we get it and we agree
thesturnioloos someone said matt’s fighting for his dear life in the comments section and i can’t stop laughing xjxjjdjxhdhshsydhdysytssg
matthew.sturniolo I love you 🤟🏼
1K notes · View notes
starreo · 5 months
UR WORKS R SO GOOD😭😭 i always forget the follow button but ilysm and was wondering if u would do sum mean!bf suna hcs 😔🙏🏻 suna rots my brain
thanks lovely >.o
i don't really do reqs but u were v sweet + im sort of crushing on the mean!bf trope againnnnn
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multi-character drabble.
includes adult themes so, mdni.
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mean!bf who doesn't understand why you're so sensitive. all he did was say you didn't have any friends so you try to stop him from enjoying, what's the big deal...
mean!bf who's rolling his eyes at you, pretending to be indifferent to your tears but his body can't listen to his silly brain anymore.
mean!bf whose large hands immediately cup your face, his cold, long fingers wiping the unstoppable warm tears off. he's fighting the urge to smile as he hears you hiccup while looking up at him, quieting down from your little melodrama.
mean!bf whose sharp eyes are glaring up at you, his tongue busy swiping across your folds and sucking on your clit, telling you how you're such a spoiled little girl for him.
mean!bf who, despite wanting to keep his apathetic reputation up, is holding you tightly in his arms, whispering how much he loves you as his long, veiny dick continuously bumps against your sweet spot.
suna, eren, nagi, ur fav
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© starreo 2023. do not copy, translate or repost .
762 notes · View notes
janaispunk · 4 months
end game
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series masterlist • this is part VII
pairing: Dave York x f!reader
word count: ~3.8k
summary: Heartbreak, an explanation and an epilogue.
warnings/tags: explicit smut (-> 18+ only!), angst, feelings, heartbreak, depression, mention of weight loss, fluff, able-bodied reader, reader has hair, dom!Dave, sub!reader, sir kink, degradation kink, fingering, unprotected p in v (it's never stated in the fic but i headcanon that reader is on birth control), basically free use kink, rough sex, dirty talk, spanking, spit kink, praise kink, Dave is a menace, praise kink, idiots in love, please let me know if i missed anything!
a/n: the biggest thank you to @joelscurls for letting me scream about this again and againnnnn, and reading over my drafts countless times, you’re the best, jess! <3
thank you to @daddy-dins-girl for talking plot holes with me and motivating me to write <3
thank you to everyone who has read and loved this series, i have received sooooo many kind words, feedback and just so much love. i started writing this as a pwp oneshot and the fact that it has turned into my first series ever and one that i had soooo much fun with is wild. i’m incredibly emotional about saying goodbye to my babies, maybe i’ll revisit them when i need to write some kinky shit out of my system haha. i hope that you like the ending that i’ve built for them.
a few words about the plot: i actually have zero clue how the hitman business works (shocker, i know), so some parts of this are purposefully vague in a way that i hope is believable and somewhat realistic. just roll with it, thanks :D
dividers as always by @saradika-graphics 🫶🏻
find my full masterlist here & follow @janaispunknotifs for fic updates.
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The first week you don’t hear from Dave, you’re confused, but not necessarily worried yet. There have been weeks of silence in the past, though you’ll admit that you had thought that things might be… different now.
Your texts to him stay on delivered, never switching to read. Which has also happened before, especially when he was away on business, but still… The thought that he has gone back to his normal life without sparing as much as a glance back at your time together is nagging at you.
You can still feel his hands on your skin, can still hear him whisper in your ear how beautiful you look, how perfect you are for him. It’s hard to come to terms with the thought that it wasn’t real, that his words and actions didn’t hold the same weight for him that they did for you. Reality has finally caught up to you and it hurts.
When two weeks blend into three weeks and you’ve still heard nothing, you start getting worried. He had said his line of work was dangerous, after all.
Your conversation, still so close and yet a lifetime ago, echoes in your mind. 'Nothing's gonna happen,’ you had said. ‘Not to the girls, not to me. And not to you.’ And not to you. ‘You don’t know that, sweetheart,’ his voice rings through your head. Sweetheart. The word tastes bitter on your tongue and wraps itself around your chest until you feel like you’re choking with it, like you can’t draw breath into your lungs anymore.
You don’t know that.
You start looking him up online, to find anything that might at least tell you that he’s okay. You don’t want to believe that he would be cruel enough to ghost you, but you barely dare to consider the alternative. You find nothing, no mention of his name, like he doesn’t even exist.
Your calls stay unanswered, your messages stay unread. You find yourself subconsciously checking your texts and your emails countless times a day, catch yourself staring out of your window in the blind hope that he might appear outside. He wouldn’t just leave you like this, would he? Would he?
Days blur into weeks and eventually into months. You’re painfully aware that it’s not healthy, this kind of heartbreak, especially not over a relationship that never even meant anything. If only your heart would understand that.
It was never serious enough that you told any of your friends about it, never wanted to be labeled as the girl that sleeps with married men, never wanted to admit your feelings to someone else when you could barely admit them to yourself. Regardless, even without knowing what exactly was going on, your friends had tried to be there for you, to convince you to go out with them, to cheer you up, but you had turned them down often enough that on this Friday night, your phone stays silent.
It’s better this way. All you want to do is rot away on your couch, staring at the TV with unseeing eyes until it’s an acceptable time to go to bed. Maybe it won’t take you hours of lying in the dark to fall asleep tonight. Maybe it won’t remind you of a different kind of darkness in a different room, a room where the sound of waves against the shore and the deep breaths beside you lulled you to sleep.
You need to get yourself together, your inner voice whispers. Next week, you think. Or the one after that.
A knock on your door shakes you out of your thoughts and you pad over, expecting to be met with the Chinese takeout that you had ordered in hopes of fueling your appetite at least a bit with the prospect of comfort food. Absentmindedly, you note the surprisingly short delivery time. You barely look up as you swing the door open, busy fiddling with your purse to extract a few dollar bills.
After finally managing to pull them out, you face the doorway. A greeting dies in your throat.
Familiar deep brown eyes burn into yours, framed by the face that you wish you’d forget but can’t. The short brown hair, the clean shaven jawline that you can still feel underneath your fingertips, the memory all too fresh in your mind. He looks tired, you think, and instantly scold yourself for knowing him well enough to even notice.
The seconds tick by as you motionlessly stare at him, blinking slowly, your mind running a mile a minute. Why is he here? He can’t be here. Are you making this up? If so, things are far worse than you had thought.
He clears his throat, shifting his weight uncomfortably. It’s probably the least sure of himself that you’ve ever seen him.
“Hey,” he murmurs, his hand twitching like he almost reached out to you but changed his mind. “Can I- can I come in?”
You regard him for a moment longer. The sound of his voice makes him appear more real, and the fog in your head slowly clears. He’s alive. He’s here. In front of your door. Alive and well. Your emotions boil up inside of you.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?! You think you can just show up here after months and ask if you can come in? I thought you were… I thought…”
Your voice betrays you, breaking at the sharp sting of pain in your chest that you’ve fruitlessly tried to suppress and the feeling of your throat closing up. Tears spill over and you furiously wipe at your cheeks, determined to keep some semblance of dignity.
“I know,” Dave breathes, defeatedly. “I’m so sorry. Please let me explain.” His hand reaches towards you again. You shy away from his touch and an expression of hurt ripples across his face. “Please, sweetheart.”
“Don’t call me that.”
Your voice only trembles a little as you snap at him. After another look at his face, you eventually step aside and jerk your head towards your living area. You briefly think about how messy the place is, for how many weeks you didn’t have it in yourself to clean up. You can’t bring yourself to care. Seeing him walk through your flat again after being so painfully aware of his absence leaves you almost dizzy. You take the opposite ends of your couch, both of your bodies stiff, careful not to touch one another.
“Okay,” you sigh. “Explain.”
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So he explains. How he received a call, barely thirty minutes after he stepped into his house, with a mission that was too perfect of an opportunity to pass it up. There had been no time to let you know, the risk too high to use his personal phone once he started working.
He goes back to the persona that took up half of his life for so long, the identity that is no more, the man that fell down a watchtower and was washed away by the sea. Body never found. At least that’s what everyone who knew this man thinks. Everyone who knew him, but not Dave York.
He’s been thorough with it, with the most important mission he’s ever done. There are no loose ends, no one who could trace things back to the real him.
It took longer than he had anticipated and he kept laying low afterwards, until he could be absolutely sure that no one would be looking for him anymore.
He doesn’t think that he’ll ever get rid of the worry, ever stop looking over his shoulder, but rationally, he knows that he did it. He got out.
Then he had talked to Carol, let her know that he wants a divorce. It had been- easy, almost. She didn’t cry, didn’t scream at him, just nodded like she had known this day would come for a long time. He thinks that she almost seemed relieved, in a way.
Your eyes had been glued to his face since he started speaking. Tears are silently running down your cheeks.
“I know that I should have found a way to contact you. I didn’t-” He sighs, running a hand over his face. “I didn’t know what to do. I was so worried that someone would find out about you. I never wanted to hurt you, you have to believe that.” He knows that he looks a mess, that his desperation to make you understand is written all over his features.
Every day that he didn’t call you, he knew that he was hurting you. He tried justifying it with himself, that having you think he left you was better than risking somebody coming after you. It never gave him much comfort.
It’s even worse, now that he sees the damage he had done. You have lost weight, deep circles have formed under your eyes and you move like you’re barely holding yourself together. He saw the panic on your face when he tried reaching for you at the door. No matter what he had done to you in the past, you always sought out the safety of his touch afterwards. Until now.
“Please believe me,” he whispers.
You study his face for what feels like a lifetime. Tears are glistening on your lashes. You look so tired, so defeated that it makes his heart ache.
“You’ve done it?” you finally ask. Your voice is a quiet thing, barely bridging the distance between the two of you. A flicker of hope rings with it. “You’re safe now?”
He nods silently, fighting the urge to gather you in his arms, to promise you that he’ll always be there from now on. A small smile curves your lips upward as you mirror his nod, like you’re trying to let this new reality sink in.
“That’s good,” you murmur.
You lean forward, your fingers tentatively closing around his fist that’s clenched tightly against his thigh.
Hope flickers inside his chest. He can taste the three words that he’s been wanting to say to you for far too long on the tip of his tongue. He’s not going to, not right now, not today. But someday soon, he thinks that he might.
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Two years later
“Bye girls, say hi to your mom and Matt from me,” you smile, embracing each of them in a tight hug before they dash out of the door, a jumble of giggles and excited chatter. Dave trails behind them with a grin on his face, pecking your lips and calling out for them to slow down.
Your heart is full, overflowing with love for this family that, against all odds, has become yours. You watch Dave usher his daughters into the car and push the doors closed behind them, the smile still on your lips. As you walk back into the house, your eyes linger on the thin silver band adorning your ring finger.
It’s still new, still an unexpected sight when you catch it on the edge of your periphery. It’s the tangible proof of you being the happiest you’ve ever been.
Things had been rough at first, after Dave came back to you. You understood why he handled the situation the way he did, but it took you a long time to trust that he wouldn’t disappear again. To believe that he left his old life behind, that he chose you. But he did.
You busy yourself with cleaning up the inevitable chaos that having the girls over for Dave’s days with them always creates. It’s not the life that you would have expected yourself to have a few years ago, but right now, it feels like you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be.
A few minutes later, your phone pings with a message from Dave.
Be back in 15. I expect you naked and on your knees waiting by the door.
You bite your lip, heat building inside you with rapid speed. Your phone pings again.
Don’t disappoint me.
Fuck. Wetness is already gathering between your legs as you jump into action.
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The car door slamming shut has never sounded so good before. You’re listening intently, catching Dave’s heavy footsteps on the stairs and the jingle of his keys before the door opens beside where you’re kneeling.
You look up at him from your place on the floor, watching the mix of smugness and adoration on his face as he takes in your position. A shudder runs through you and your nipples harden under his demanding gaze. He steps closer, caressing your cheek.
“Such a good girl… my obedient little wife, aren’t you?”
“Yes, sir,” you whimper, the coherent thoughts slowly draining from your brain and craving more of his touch, more of him.
He smiles down at you, his eyes glinting predatorily. You’ve come to know this shift into the darkness since you first met, but it’s more playful these days, not laced with the urgency that possessed him back then. Still, he gets intense, especially after having the girls over forces you to keep things rather tame during those days.
“Show me your ass, face on the ground, come on,” he demands coldly.
You obey without question, turning around and bending forward, pressing your upper body down to the floor and presenting your backside to him. He lands a couple of slaps on your cheeks and you flinch, moaning out softly. Your pussy already feels slick with arousal.
“What do you say?” he asks, rubbing his hand over the heated skin.
“Thank you, sir,” you whisper.
Another slap hits you. “Do you know what you did to deserve this?”
You wrack your brain for a few moments, but come up blank.
“I- no, sir.” Your voice is small and breathy, your body bracing for the impact of his hand again.
He chuckles. “Nothing. I just felt like it.” Another slap. “And you’re mine to do as I please, isn’t that right?” Your thighs are trembling. You’re so wet that it feels like you’re dripping onto the floor.
“Yes, sir. Thank you.”
“You know what’s the most fucked up about this?” He crouches down beside your face and strokes your cheek softly, smiling down at you. “How much you whore like it.”
He straightens up and heads for the stairs. “Bedroom, come on.”
You don’t even try standing up, knowing that he won’t let you, and crawl behind him, which earns you another chuckle and a “good girl”.
The image of your naked form on your knees behind Dave who hasn’t removed a stitch of clothing sends another bolt of arousal through you. You’re desperate for him to touch you.
He roughly lifts you up and manhandles you onto the bed until you’re spread out underneath him.
“So…” He grabs your wrists and holds them over your head, pressing them into the mattress. “These stay right here, you hear me? Don’t move, or do I have to restrain you?”
You pout at the prospect of not being allowed to put your hands on him, but obediently hold them in place when he eases his grip on you. “I’ll be good, I promise.”
He grins down at you. “I know you will. Got my girl well trained, haven’t I?”
His words make your pussy clench around nothing and your “yes, sir” comes out in a whimper.
He leans in closer, spreading your thighs wider with his body and you force yourself not to buck your hips up against him. The craving for any part of him to touch you, for any kind of friction, is overwhelming.
“Please, sir,” you whisper. Your pleading eyes hold his cold gaze as he’s leaning over you.
“Patience,” he growls. “Open your mouth.” A disapproving click of his tongue. “Wider.”
You part your lips as widely as you can, sticking your tongue out and trying not to squirm against the sheets. He remains motionless for a few seconds, taking in your desperate state with a cruel smirk on his face.
“Fuck,” he murmurs, more to himself than to you. Then he tips his head forward and spits into your waiting mouth. The filthy feeling of his saliva coating your tongue and filling your mouth almost drives you insane with want and you groan, shifting against his thick thighs between yours, but to no avail. You wait for his next command, your mouth still wide open, not daring to swallow before he tells you to.
But no command comes. Instead, he reaches up to press two fingers down on your tongue, dipping into your mouth and smearing your combined spit over your face. The silver band on his ring finger is cool against your skin and you shudder, loving the reminder that he’s really, entirely yours.
Your body feels like it’s burning up, your hands are twitching and you’re desperate to move them, to touch him, to do something, but you hold yourself still until he finally tells you to, “swallow, baby.”
He smiles and finds your lips for a surprisingly soft kiss, cupping your face in his hands. “You’re being so good,” he tells you gently. “Are you having fun?”
“Yes,” you smile, chasing his lips when he pulls back, but he tuts at you and you fall back against the bed, huffing out a breath. “Just… please.”
“Patience,” he reminds you, the softness gone as quick as it came. “Don’t make me tell you again.”
You bite your lip, but stay put while he stands up to finally start removing his clothes. He’s agonizingly slow with it, holding your hungry gaze while he unbuttons his shirt in unhurried movements that make you want to tear the clothes off his body yourself.
You drink him in, first the sight of his broad chest and his strong shoulders, then his muscular legs, and finally, making your mouth water and your pussy burn with desire, his cock.
As much as he keeps taunting you, you know him well enough by now to be able to tell that he’s just as desperate for you as you are for him, even when he’s trying to conceal it. He returns to you, sitting back on his haunches and drinking you in, until after what feels like hours, he finally reaches out and swirls his fingers through the wetness between your legs. It’s a barely there touch, but you’re so painfully turned on and sensitive that you let out a gasp.
“So fucking wet,” he marvels and applies the slightest bit of pressure to your clit. It’s enough to make you see stars and you’re sure that he could make you come just from this. But, of course he won’t. He laughs at your reaction and retracts his hand to lean forward instead until he’s on top of you again, your legs spread wide to accommodate him and his cock slides through your folds.
He lowers his head to nip and suck at the skin under your jaw, one hand toying with your breasts and your hardened nipples. Your whole body is buzzing, he’s so close and it’s so much, but it’s not enough, not enough, not enough.
“What do you want, baby?” he asks, peppering your skin with kisses and rocking his hips in small movements that make his cock nudge at your clit over and over.
“F-fuck me, please, I’ll do anything,” you beg, your body still obediently stretched out underneath him with your arms above your head. He nods wordlessly and reaches down to position himself at your soaking entrance.
“Be as loud as you want,” he growls against your neck. “I missed making you scream.”
He bites at your skin at the same time as his thrust into you punches the air from your lungs. You scream, just like he asked, as he hammers into you, his lips still attached to your neck, sucking and biting at the delicate skin. The sensation of finally being filled by him, of feeling the stinging stretch of the way he forcefully pounds into you is like heaven. You think that you’re talking, crying out a mix of his name and sir and please over and over.
You’re flying towards your climax and judging from his groans, he can already feel you tighten around him.
“Go ahead,” he groans, before you’ve even strung the words to ask for permission together in your mind. “Come for me, sweetheart.”
He pinches your nipple just once and the additional sensation is enough to send you flying, your pussy clenching around his cock and drenching him in your arousal as you scream out his name. It’s pure bliss, and you never want to come down.
“That’s it,” he growls, not slowing his movements, fucking you through the aftershocks until you’re a whining mess beneath him, “that’s my perfect girl, fuck-”
You force your eyes open to smile up at him, taking in the wrecked expression on his face, relishing in the knowledge that you’re the one to make him look like this. You just really wish you could touch him.
“P-please, can I-” you’re breathless, barely able to speak, and jerk your head towards your hands above you.
“Yeah,” he rasps, his thrusts somehow growing even more forceful, “do whatever you want, baby.”
Your hands fly towards his body, touching every inch of his skin that you can reach, nails digging into his back and fingers grasping at his hair, pulling him closer, closer, until he’s everywhere, all you can see, all you can taste, all you can feel.
“Fuck!” he swears, grabbing your shoulders and holding you in place as he’s pounding into you, “give me another one, touch yourself, come on-”
His thrusts are becoming erratic and you know that he’s close to his own climax. It only takes a few swipes of your fingers over your clit until you’re coming again, soaring through the heights of your pleasure, your whole body trembling with your release. Dave’s hips stutter and he comes with a shout, pulsing inside of your fluttering pussy until finally, you both still.
He drops his sweat-slicked forehead against your chest, peppering your skin with kisses and engulfing you in the warmth of his arms. After cleaning you up, he moves your bodies until you’re tucked against his side, one arm thrown across his chest while he holds you close.
You’ll never get tired of the feeling of his naked body against yours, of the way he feels like he was made for you. By now, you can admit that he had always felt like this.
“I love you,” he says, lips moving against your hair.
You press your face deeper into his neck. “I love you.”
It’s easy, now. Words that you say every day.
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…and i love YOU, thank you for reading! 🤍 if you liked this, a reblog or a comment would absolutely make my day.
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emry-stars-art · 6 months
Have you seen that gifset about harbor seals who sleep underwater by wedging themselves between rocks? But then sometimes just freely roll "like a hotdog on the ocean floor"
It just made me think of Nicky in the mer-au for some reason this morning hahaha
Seeing that gifset make it's circles around my Internet presence was a GIFT and I STILL LOVE IT so much 😂 (thank you for your patience with the answer here) they're so cute look at these lil guys they are gorgeous indeed
Can you imagine mer Nicky as the subject of some documentary. I know I have the actual aus set sometime before technology but like. Nicky would be perfect to study and hang out with 😂💕 you're making me want to do a little page pretending to be a mer biologist againnnnn ugh it's so much fun. If you guys have ever thought about doing smth like that you should, it's the best lol
Also while we're talking about water rests; I wasn't gonna bother posting this but hey opportunity arises. Jellyfish are pretty light so they'd also get swept away in currents pretty easy so jellyfish mers absolutely like to wedge themselves between rocks to sleep - but most shark pods are always moving, so jellyNeil and sharkDrew eventually have to find a happy medium which ends up as so:
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Keep your jellyfish from floating away with this one simple trick (cuddling it to your chest while it sleeps) ✅
Find the mer au master post here 💕
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leewritestoomuch · 2 months
Hiii (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
Can I request a reader x ryusui where reader and Ryusui sleeping together. Reader wakes up first and contemplates about waking Ryusui with a kiss. Reader leans in only to hesitate centimeters away out of embarrassment. Ryusui opens their eyes and says, 'if you won't do it, I will.' then just goes for it LOLL
I requested the spicy ukyo fic and oh boi it made me feel things😵‍💫😳
Also can I be 🦐 anon?? 🥹
Thank you!!
This is so cute! And Hi 🦐 anon! Nice to see a request from you againnnnn
It’s just fluff, hope that’s what you wanted 😭
You know, I always think of Ryusui when I listen to “Brandy, You’re a Fine Girl.” Lol. I love GOTG Vol. 2, but now I just can’t get Ryu out of my head.
“Are You Gonna Kiss Me Or Not?” Ryusui x Reader
Admittedly, you didn’t agree to sleeping in the same bed as Ryusui for mere convenience. You could have put a pillow on the wooden floor of the hut beside you, slept there just fine for a night.
You couldn’t even be mad that Homura burning down your hut was still causing issues now. The foundation was worse than you thought, but you’d ignored it for months now, and it crumbled while you were away. It’d be dreadful if it weren’t for the fact that your crush had quickly offered up his place.
So here you were, a little too close to him than you probably should be as the morning light illuminates his face. His eyes are shut, his mouth just lightly ajar. The light makes his tanned skin almost glow. And you notice, despite hearing rich people are usually pale for their complexion with less freckles from inside jobs and such, that he’s got freckles littering his cheeks. Quite a few, and honestly, you find it quite cute. Your fingertips ghost over them, almost touching his skin, but not.
He must have had a good skincare routine before because there isn’t a blemish in sight somehow, even now. You wondered how he kept it that way in this world, but you brush it off and you dare to brush your fingers through his blonde hair. His hair is smooth and soft, and you find it hard to not almost be jealous, maybe even pissed at him for being so perfect. Was it rich people shit, or was it him? You didn’t know.
His hair is soft, so you dare to brush your hand over his cheek to see if his skin is just as soft. To your joy, it is just as soft. You can’t help but smile at how beautiful of a man he is. You’re almost jealous of him, but something besides that is occupying your mind. Your desire, as he would call it, to be with him.
You can’t help but want to wake up like this, but closer, every morning. Feel his soft skin on yours as his arms around wrapped around you. It’s the dream. And it’s not like he doesn’t like you, no, he loves you. He’s made it known, but he loves everybody (even Tsukasa). So you can’t help but feel he can’t be yours in a traditional sense.
He doesn’t seem the type to tie himself to one person, and that makes your heart ache. You hate that you let yourself expect anything, or that you can’t help the way your eyes are pulled down to his lips. You hate the way your mind begs the question, “are his lips as soft as his hair? As his skin?”
You stare at them for a moment. At least, visually, you couldn’t find any signs of chapped lips or anything. So far, so good, but you want to feel them. You lean closer, but you know you shouldn’t just take what you want. So you go to pull away when his eyes crack open, scaring you a little.
He smiles a shit-eating grin, “Are you gonna kiss me or not?” He leans up a little bit. “If you don’t, I will.” He says, pulling you closer. You gasp as you’re suddenly mere centimeters away from him, noticing his eyes locked on your lips before it seems like he prys them back up to your eyes, “Can I?”
You nod before you feel his lips, as soft as you imagined, brush over yours. He pulls your bottom lip between his lips as his hand comes up to hold the back of your head. You’re shocked, your eyes fall shut, and you let yourself let go so he can lead. He’s an ambitious kisser, despite it being your first kiss with him, so he leads you to let your mouth fall open, his tongue slipping past to just barely graze your lips.
You can taste him when your tongues finally meet in the middle. You realize you’ve never enjoyed a kiss this much before as you relish in the way he tastes. He pulls away slowly and softly, clearly admiring your features as you both break apart.
And now you don’t know what you two are, but you’ll leave that conversation for another time, you figure as you feel him pull you back in.
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