tired-coffi · 10 months
If you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on anon and send this to 10 of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get one back, even better
Wha-huh-I wah
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chrispy--pata · 10 months
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an end of an era. thank you Madeon #madeon #goodfaithforever #goodfaithfinale #hwh #theprince
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cathygeha · 2 years
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Twice Knightley in my Bed by Serenity Woods
Hartfield House 1
 Another wonderful book by one of my favorite authors – I know that when I start one of Serenity Woods’ books I will always finish with a smile on my face!
 What I liked:
* Emily Woodruff: young woman who enjoys life, has had a few rough years nursing her mother, works hard to maintain the HWH, good daughter, sister, and friend – sweet and easy going with something preying on her mind
* Lee “Knightly” Knight: veterinarian, oldest of three brothers, son of a murderer, taken in as foster child with his brothers by Emily’s parents, kind, good friend, strong shoulder to lean on – has a past that is impacting his future
* Hugh Woodruff: Emily’s father, good man, widow, great father, cares for not only his three children but all of the foster children he and his wife took in – was intrigued by him and his story
* The siblings of both Knightley and Emily
* The wedding of John Knight and Bella Woodruff and their backstory – wonder how their lives will move forward after the wedding
* Rob and Gabe – two siblings that haven’t met their perfect people yet…or perhaps they have?
* The other people working at the hospital and wondering if some of them will be included in the series, too
* The sweet relationship between Knightley and Emily that soon becomes a whole lot more – their communication, chemistry, trust, respect, and support of one another was wonderful
* The disease aspect of the story that was so much a part of the story
* All of it really except…
 What I didn’t like:
* Knowing that horrible diseases exist and the impact they have on people
* Thinking about what the Knight brothers when through when they lost both parents
 Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I read more in this series? Definitely
 Thank you to the author for the ARC – This is my honest review.
 5 Stars
 It’s been zero days since I realized I’m in love with Leander Knight. Lee, or Knightley as everyone calls him, is my brother’s best mate, and he’s always treated me like his kid sister. Okay, so he might not put cockroaches in my lunchbox and lizards down my neck anymore, but even though we work together every day at Hartfield Wildlife Hospital, he’s never seemed interested in me in that way. And then something changed. Maybe it was when I walked past him in my bikini, and he lost the power of speech. Or perhaps it was when I found out that an old girlfriend nicknamed him Twice Knightley, and I realized she wasn’t referring to his appetite for food. A switch flicked in my brain, and now I can’t stop thinking about him in a very un-brotherly way. So far, I’ve kept it to myself. Nothing can come of it. Knightley’s past holds too many demons for him to consider settling down, and anyway, I’ve got to make sure I even have a future before I choose who I’m going to share it with. But then, after my sister’s wedding, I arrive at the hotel to discover they’ve no reference to my booking. Knightley invites me to crash in his room, insisting he’ll take the sofa. I say yes, because I’m convinced we’re both grownups who can resist the undeniable growing attraction between us. But he’s so gorgeous… and he smells so good… And then he kisses me, and everything else goes out the window…
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doctorjohcoy · 5 years
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kittyit · 5 years
no reblog
it's just like... hwh's post was absolutely cruel & misogynistic, but it is kind of suspect to watch the wild spinning out of control response to her grow and grow, have seen women outright saying she must not have an eating disorder (she is recovered from anorexia 6.5 years after 16 years, most of them spent as a ballerina), implying she must just be a fat woman who wants to bully anorexics (she is thin), acting as if her caution about structured, calorie-counting based exercise (as opposed to natural joyful movement) as someone who nearly died from a behavioral addiction to exercise in cojunction with anorexia means she wants everyone to be sedentary, completely ignoring that a jewish woman who isn't a pop fan might have a little bit of reason to be annoyed with taylor swift even though that was mentioned in her original post (cropped out in all screenshots! weird), acting as if her speaking about the harms that moralizing the consumption of junk food does to the mental health of impoverished people means she doesn't believe in eating vegetables, speaking like her talking about the benefits of processed food for refeeding for anorexic women who have digestive systems damaged from extreme starvation means she thinks you should only eat freezer pizzas & ice cream, acting as if her anger/annoyance with a megacelebrity means she could never be an effective therapist to the normal, working class people she is interacting with (as far as i know she is not ed therapist to the stars), acting as if bc she “has brown hair and eyes” (you  mean bc she’s jewish?!) she’s “just jealous” of blonde and blue eyed women, ignoring that she said "do not reblog" on her petty ass, misogynistic cranky post about the highest paid woman in music which obviously is completely futile on a blogging website with no privacy settings but clearly distinguishes it from posts of substance she writes for reblogging, saying she's some sort of incredibly class privileged person bc she's in grad school, saying she never has does anything for anyone with eating disorders as if she hasn't created a REALLY sound curriculum for a body image consciousness raising group, acting as if she doesn't understand that people with anorexia suffer when like 3 posts down on her blog she posts about a longtime friend who recently died from anorexia, when she repeatedly refers to the extremely high lethality of anorexia, calls it the deadly disease that it is, that she recognizes the social context of anorexia in a fat-hating society, a diet/beauty culture. there were some very thoughtful responses to her post, but i also saw women call her a libtard, stupid, a bitch, saying they want to pull her hair (?!). i am not stupid, i know the unleashing of bitterness when i see it, i know when women are waiting to rip into a woman who really pisses them off, whose analysis causes them genuine distress because it is challenging. hwh saying that eating disorders are intertwined with the oppressive force (on all women, all people!!) of weight stigma was so radical to me, as radical as reading detransitioned lesbians talking about how dysphoria & disidentification from womanhood is inextricably intertwined with misogyny. to name what is so obvious but either ignored or outright denied, it's so powerful to me! you do not have to deem all people with eating disorders as hateful bigots (or all trans men as gender traitors!) to name the patriarchal forces that we are all assaulted by since birth. i don't agree with hwh's post. the idea that taylor swift is responsible for anyone else's eating disorder is ludicrous,  it is anti-feminist, anti-feminist consciousness. but to watch this unleashing of steadily spinning out of control criticism rise is so familiar & transparent to me as a woman who is aware of the almost complete disdain for feminist analysis that addresses weight stigma in a radical feminist context. and no, i don't care that this a block of text, i don't want to address any of the particular women who made the posts i've seen, bc it is a pointless conversation online, and one i do not often go into offline bc of how incredibly painful & fraught it is for everybody involved, myself included. i have written at length & am continuing to work on pieces about what working through my misogynistic feelings about thin women was like for me and was one of the very first things i did after coming into radical feminist consciousness, something i will attempt to maintain no matter how often there are opportunities for those ugly, unfair, anti-feminist feelings to rear their ugly head! so that's that. thanks for coming to real fat crazy bitch hours
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phozei · 4 years
I love how stylized you draw! It's so cute!
Okay I know this ask is really old but like thank you??? Whenever I'm having a bad day I look at this ask and it just means so much to me I'm gonna cry now we hwh💖💗💖💗♥️❤️♥️💗💖💗💖💗😌💗♥️❤️♥️💗💖💗💖💗♥️
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Kckfkfmrkdksndntn 💞💗💘💗💘💗♥️💖♥️💖💖♥️❤️♥️❤️💗❤️💗💖♥️❤️♥️❤️💘💗💘💗💞💗❤️♥️❤️♥️💖 ahæ
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 5 years
If (or when I'm gonna assume lol) you guys 'hire' the new mods, will you teach 'em how to run stuff? I'm guessing you'll prolly tell us what to do based on if we've run a blog before or not but I'm just curious if you are literally gonna be like watching over our shoulders like parents or "yyyyep here u go k thanks" and yeet us into work immediently
were gonna be moderate (hhaha) with the new mods i guess? were not gonna helicopter over you guys but were also not gonna like. leave you out in the wild like “okay hwh.. what do i do here”
really just ask any questions you have about anything at all once you have the position and well answer em best we can ^^
-mod dave
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vorespsd · 5 years
txt’s yeonjun icons? thank you i really love your edit! 💕
Thank you for requesting with us (ur so cute hwhs.), hope you like the icons.
Here you go, the txt’s yeonjun icons you requested.
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neoneversleeps · 5 years
I’m not ashamed to say that I have post notifications turned on for your blog because I am in love with your writing 💕 (Although I’m a shy potato so I’m using anon.)
and I'm not ashamed to say that I just let out an actual squeal as I saw this in my inbox. you're so cute hwhs like my uwu levels are out of control 💞❤️💞❤️ ilysm and also thank you :(( it really means a lot
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mani-mari · 5 years
I’m not sure where to start!
Spoilers? past this point? yeah
I like Rudy! He’s a little weird but he’s great! I do see him as a replacement for Nathan which makes me a little sad but... Ah well.
So apart from watching Episode 1, I also watched Vegas Baby! and.......... so Nathan is in jaaaail..... and the baby’s name is Nathan Juniorrrrr... that’s so cuuUUUTEE.. <3 alright alright sO
poor Curtis btw he’s single again - almost forgot that. But it looks like Alisha and Rudy had a uh.. a little past ! ;^)
OKAY ALSO THE WHOLE GANG IS BACK IN COMMUNITY SERVICE and I still love the probation worker. We love a lazy jerk. now I will watch episode 2 , and breaks in watching to react will be separated by lines beginning with --.
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you know what though, when he turns into “MuhhhLISSA” he is leading a double life and honestly mood but also no thanks because that’s a lot of lies to keep and carry
THE PROBATION WORKER WAS EYEING HI- HER-- what pronouns-- ok, I will refer to *him* as Curtis and *her* as Melissa but that’s still confusing but ok that’s it
so the probation worker was definitely eyeing her and also she told poor Barry Simon to move like a JERK I hate her even though that’s definitely Curtis talking LOL
please don’t turn out like Bruno, I loved Bruno, shame what his .. condition was, but AUGHH A NEW COUPLE?? YES???? P L E A SE ?? KELLY DESERVES ALL THE LOVE
but so did Bruno I LOVE YOU BRUNO
-- looks like Curtis can never find love!
i was rooting for them but she literally just gave him sympathy sex. I couldn’t tbh. mostly because I don’t want to have sex with anyone, much less sex out of sympathy. I can’t imagine that...
I don’t really like her, she’s a bit rude, but then again she invites Melissa out to have fun somewhere so I guess that’s girl power-whatever-stuff? yay...
i mean ok we love representation but I think Curtis should stop all this stuff, I know he wants to run but he obviously is making things harder on himself. yikes
I have some issues I want to address.... they’re kissing. even though he knows that she had sympathy sex with him. he is still SMITTEN WITH HER. Curtis my boy you gotta think with your head not your dick- or your vag- well i dunno, your gametes. just realized how nasty that word is. anyway THINK Curtis. smh
“I don’t think there’s an official term for this shit” yeah that’s fair
-- the coach creeps me out... yikes. I mean he’s weirrrdd with Melissa. she also just gets stares by a lot of guys. now I guess Curtis knows how it feels. :|
heccck this season is driving me crazy
-- i- i-- wh ----- hwh waht the fuck
did he change back? i skipped the scene because there’s no way I’m watching a fucking rape scene.
I went back a few seconds and saw something?? under the dress and I saw Curtis’s face and he PUNCHED the coach and crawled out of the car and I’m kinda scared.
-- alright a bunch of stuff happened at once but I just wanna appreciate Curtis’s (Melissa’s) line “You have no idea what it’s like to be a woman” and then Simon’s face. alright moving on
ope, and there’s the period.
-- BOY!! the way he just ran omg yes go get Emma !!! Curtissss RUNN.
I hate the coach. I despise him
-- OK OK they’re cute again but that’s only cause he admitted the truth
ahhhhh that’s adorable
also what’s going on with Kelly and her new man?? serious lack of that as well as Simon & Alisha this episode I am SAD
-- oh no I watched the up next segment and I’m scared SIMON IS GONNA LEAVE!!! Y’ALL I CAN’T WITH THIS SHOW
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wetookanoath · 6 years
I was tagged by my dear @fuckcitybitch, thank you a lot, Spence!
The rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.
-high as fuck beatles voice- baby you are rich man, baby you are a rich man, baby you are a rich man, too
Big Dick fanfic
Día de los Muertos pt1
domsub knotts scary farm
dom cowboy shane for spence and naluh
En la Boca Llevarás Sabor a Mi
gym fucking
I Can Fuck You Better ry ver 1
I Can Fuck You Better ry ver 2
I Can Fuck You Better Shane ver (main ver)
if you had been the moon scenes
If You Had Been The Moon
IYHBTM without ry’s pov
loving hwh s5
Mine Sequel
Mine sequel 2
pool fucking
Secret Santa 1
Soul Eater
the boat
the luckiest archive
Wear My Arms
I have no life. 
Tagging @faequill @kimlinebiased @queerunsolved @beaniegara 
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blazingtheway · 2 years
The First Steps on a New Path - Storyline 10 – Together ( Part Two )
Continuing on From.....
•- Embry Call -•
I smiled watching them... #MrsFranco was a very affectionate woman, but Leah seemed to me handling it quite well... Her respect for her elders always won out.
It was insane... But even from where I stood, watching Leah’s finger move  across the keys in the space between her and #Tony’s mom... My tongue moved over my lips. “Oh hell...” I whispered soft enough that no one would hear... And hopefully, Leah didn't either.
I wasn't sure how much longer I could appeal like I wasn't staring, so I tucked the stack of music under my arm and began to browse the shop slowly. My focus pulling me back to the wall of guitars.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
“Aww… Bellissima ( Beautiful)”
#Tony’s mom was easy to place, or it was that she was so tolerating of those who didn’t know their arse from their tits when it came to playing an instrument.
She clapped her hands. “You must learn to play… something… anything… music speaks to you.” She turned her head to find Embry had stepped away.
‘He is a good boy.’ She looked lost in her thoughts as she said it.
But I was saved by the door, so didn’t need to answer. I thanked her for the short lesson, and then she stood to go help the man who came in.
When I turned to look in his direction, something warmed in my chest at how he stood amongst the guitars. He always found his way back to them. Even if I wished I could hear him play the piano once again.
•- Embry Call -•
I stood there with my fingers tapping against my thigh. Sometimes you just couldn't help it, the music would just want out. And you had to give it something. I glance over my shoulder before I made my way toward her again.
“I told you  this place was magic.” I smiled at her. “It doesn't matter if you play or sing. Or none of the above... It's a little slice of heaven.” I sat next to her on the bench, daring to let my bicep brush against her. “You’ll have to let me play for you soon. On purpose this time.” I chuckled at the memory of her mom's living room and her confession that she found me in Seattle too.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
I caught it all, the way his fingers dancing on this tights, the way he was lost in this slice of heaven for someone like him… and even me.
'Music speaks to you...'
‘𝕄𝕦𝕤𝕚𝕔 𝕤𝕡𝕖𝕒𝕜𝕤 𝕥𝕠 𝕪𝕠𝕦…’
#MrsFranco’s words still rang in my ears. If only she knew how much music had helped me in my life.
“You aren’t wrong. This place is something else.” How could anyone not become lost in here.
My hands were stroking the keys but not pressing down on them now. The bush of his arm stilled me and I glanced up at him out the side of my eye.
“Hmm…”  hitting my knee into his.  Okay so no one saw it so it wasn’t breaking any rules.
“I don’t think you ever will, the only time I hear you playing is when I come on you be chance. When neither of us is expecting it.”
The first time I heard him playing the piano, had been at his mom’s home. And Seattle in the ballroom. And both times he didn’t know I was listening or watching.
“You know there is a keyboard at #HwH. I know it’s not the same…” but it was the only other place with keys for him to hit.
•- Embry Call -•
"Sometimes even when mom is having a terrible day I'll take her here. To be around all of this and #MrsFranco. I always make sure that #Tony is here she can sit in the back and talk music with her friend."
I chuckled, my stomach flipping over when she knocked her kneed in mine. "I have a feeling that you'll keep finding me when I least expect you to." I smiled bumper her knee back... I mean she started it. "But I would like to play for you on purpose at least once... Even if it's a  keyboard." I let my fingers kiss the keys without pressing down.
"I have been thinking about getting a keyboard... I've been playing a lot more lately for Mom." I pushed aside the dark feeling that rose up when I remembered all the time I told her no when she asked me to play, for no real reason at all. "It makes me miss it... but even and upright takes up so much space... not to mention impossible to hide... A keyboard would really be the closest I could afford."
•- Leah Clearwater -•
For some reason hearing that made my chest tighten and then correct itself. Knowing that #MsC had a place she liked to come to, where someone like #MrsFranco took the time to spend with her. It was a good feeling. Then again, Embry’s mom was like him in some ways. People couldn’t help but be drawn in by them.
“It’s not like you’ve not been doing the same thing. When I least expect it too.” My brown eyes fell to he keys, seeing how his fingers just sat over then, knowing exactly when, where, and how to play. I wanted to reach out, I saw myself doing it. Picking up my hand, slowly placing it over his, and then gently pressing down until the note sounded. Closing my eyes, I shook that image away. I wouldn’t do that. I couldn’t.
Biting the inside of my cheeks as the plan was there, I just needed form the words. “Why don’t you take the one from the bar? If anyone asks you about it, you can say you are taking care of it for #HwH. As you are also the MC for the open mic, no one would think twice.”
‘The world came out to watch, and I kept my eyes down until I hear your song.’
The words came to life in my mind, I didn’t know where they came from, just that they were there. These words didn't below to a song I knew, or did they? I pushed them to the back down.
•- Embry Call -•
"Finding each other has become a hidden talent of ours hasn't it." I chuckled... Hidden from everyone other than her and me. I smiled when she pressed my fingers down on the keys. I played a few well-matched notes, her hand still resting on mine.
I looked at her, my fingers still moving. "Really? Not a bad idea." I smiled. "I might need to lock my door though. That's a valuable machine." It wasn't like the Pups didn't all know where we kept a key hidden for whenever #Claire was over. I wasn't sure where the notes I played were coming from, but they kept coming.
"Thank you,  I would like that."
•- Leah Clearwater -•
I wanted to tell him it was a part of being his Beta. That there was always an energy pulling me towards him and the others to protect. But that would be partly a lie. Sure, there was that need in me. But this… thing with Embry Call. It wasn’t that same thing. At first yes, but when it evolved… I wasn’t certain of that.
My hand remained over his as he pushed gently on a few more keys, my eyes following every one of them. I only broke my gaze away after he spoke.
“I know you and the pups will respect and take care of it.”
I saw how they treated one another, but when it came to the Instruments they could be as fragile as needed. “The door locking thing.” I made a face; he knew what I thought of it.
I took my hand back, straightening to stand. “You are welcome.” I looked towards the back-room door, sounds of footsteps becoming closer.
•- Embry Call -•
I smiled when she didn't try and explain it away as the duty of a Beta, or looking out for Mom. She may not have said anything about this newly discover habit of finding one another in our dark moments, but that fact alone says volumes... to me at least.
"I doubt the pups even know that I used to play at all..." I furrowed my brow as I thought back. It was something I had let just gradually fade into my friend's memories... the age gap with the younger pups... no... they wouldn't have ever even heard about it. I wasn't really sure how that made e feel.
Then the heat of her presence was gone, her hand lifting from mine... "Hmm..." I looked up at her, letting her words sink in. "Oh... I think the unlocked door is more symbolic than anything now." I laughed. "They all know that they are welcome... just to chill it a little when #Bear stays."
I saw her eyes flit to the door, and I spoke quietly. "It's just #Tony. They live upstairs." I  whispered, the familiar scent making itself known.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
Tilting my head, my eyes focused on him even if the rest of my senses were picking up on the surroundings.
I didn’t know how this revelation made me feel. That all this time I had missed so much about him. That he was one of those people who couldn’t keep anything to themselves. His mind on the runs before I locked down was a mess of memories and emotions. And this. Something that was in his blood, in his soul. I didn’t know or pay attention to.
‘If it’s not to do with pack business, I don’t give a crap.’ I’d once told #Jake.
Another thing to throw into my bucket of sin. Fuck. Before long, I would need a quarry to hold my sins.
‘Mom said you were here….’ He stopped dead in his way over as seeing me. ‘Leah!’ His voice went up an opted for two. ‘Hey… You are Here?!?’ My eyebrows pulled together. “Is that a statement or a question? Do you need your eyes tested?”
His ears and face went red. ‘Yeah I’m not dreaming.’ He rubbed his neck awkwardly. His eyes shifting from me to the ground.
I couldn’t help messing with him. “I’m flattered Tony. I didn’t know… you were dreaming of me.” I grin putting my mask fully in place again.
•- Embry Call -•
#Tony had that always happy look on his face. And then it changed to a little panicked when he saw Leah. I stopped myself from chuckling. He was always terrified around good-looking girls... and Leah... She was beyond beautiful.
 I rolled  my eyes at Leah. She was a tease... and I liked it far too much.
"Leah's mom needed so errands run in town. You know that I can't come to Port without stopping by." I got up from the piano and gave #Tony a hug. "How have you been?" I  asked... Wanting to ask him about #Jessica... He knew that we knew what we did. But it would embarrass him, even more, to be asked in front of Leah.
'You know me... I'm never one to complain. How is your mom doing?'
•- Leah Clearwater -•
#Tony hugged Embry back, but his eyes kept moving away from me and then back. As though he thought I would disappear if he didn’t lay his eyes on me. Giving him a wink, I slowly backed away from where the two of them were talking. Of course, with my hearing there was no way not to hear what they were saying. But at least it gave #Tony the illusion of some privacy.
‘Dude, you could have dropped me a text and warned me.’ I heard him whisper right after asking after #MsC. And that was my moment to turn my back on them and head towards the door.
‘Going so soon?’ I heard #MrsFranco’s voice, turning towards it I saw her coming back out from the back, handing a bag to the man she had been serving before saying her good byes.
“I thought I should give Call and Tony some time to catch up. There’s a tea room a few doors up.” I said pointing to the door, and she shook her head.
‘If it’s tea you want bel bambino ( beautiful child ) then you should stop by Herbal Harmony, our Jackie there makes some of the best blends.’ Seeing me smirk she raised her eyebrows. ‘You know her?’ I nodded.
“I’ve just come from there.” I told her and she clapped her hands. Telling me she has some tea in the back I should try. Tugging me by my elbow to follow her.
•- Embry Call -•
"Mom is doing good, everything is stable for now... She feels better and she's in good spirits." I said smiling at him.
'And you?' He looked behind me, seeing that Leah was distracted by his Mom. I nodded and gave him a smile that made  him tilt his head he knew this time I was trying to fake the positivity. "I've been a lot better lately... Feeling a little more... in control... of things." I chuckled. #Tony knew that the bills had been piling up... but no more than  anyone else, no one knew how bad it was. Just that it was stressful. But it was common sense to know that a prolonged illness like this wasn't cheap.
'I'm guessing you had a little help with that?' He nodded to Leah.
"A lot actually." I smiled. He didn't ask specifics he knew that I wasn't good at talking money. It was something I got from my Mom. She was always determined to raise me without any help... not financially anyway, she would happily take the help offered by  the father figures that had stepped up for me... for the guy's moms who watched me after school that helped out when she had to work.
#Tony shuffled from foot to foot. 'Hey... um... can I ask you something about that girl I met in La  Push?'
•- Leah Clearwater -•
I stepped into the back room. The door was situated behind the counter, hiding the homely atmosphere that you felt the moment you steeped foot out of the shop.
I recalled Embry saying that they lived upstairs, and now seeing the way the stock area and a small, homely corner  was dedicated to a little kitchenette. If I had to guess, it was to keep her in supply of tea and easy lunch preparation without constantly needing to go upstairs again.
‘Have a seat, it won’t take me long to have the tea ready.’ She told me and put a kettle on the electric campfire stove to boil some water.
“I’m happy to help with that.” I told her still stood behind her, now with my hands pushed into the pockets of my jacket.
‘No, no. I like making the tea. It’s a little meditation for me. And Jackie always says—’ I said it for her. “Tea will give you what you put into it. Don’t rush the process. Let it come to life in its own time.”
She laughed sweetly nodding her head. ‘Yes. And it’s true you know.’
“I know.” I moved my feet out a little, grounding myself.
‘Will you sit. I’m worried you will bang your head.’ She brought out a cake and then some plates
The ceiling was low back here, but that was why I’d why don’t my stance to bring my head down a little. But now I listened to her.
‘How long have you and Embry been friends?’ She asked. But I was surprised at the question. However, didn’t let it show on my face.
“I’ve known him all his life.” I replied. she tutted at me and shook her head.
‘Not the question I asked.’ I thought back to the question.
“Hmm. I guess it wasn’t the question.” I didn’t know the answer.
‘And you are skilled in alluding.’
•- Embry Call -•
I quietly explained to #Tony that Leah's cousin might be interested in someone else. And he told he was getting that feeling from her texts. She had casually mentioned that she was only looking for friends right now and her goal was work  and college.
"If it makes you feel any better when #Jess says she'd like to be friends she really means it." I squeezed his shoulder as he started tidying shelves that were already perfectly neat.
'They all say that 'Bry. But she's sweet... it's nice talking to her... but if she likes someone else, eventually she'll stop replying.' He wasn't mad or bitter, he was just resigned to it and with his horrible taste in girlfriends, there really wasn't any reason to think otherwise.
"How about you give her the benefit of the doubt, Ton... You've never met anyone like #JessicaClearwater. Just... try the friend's thing. You won't regret it." I raised my brows and smiled.
'Fine... but when she breaks my  heart you better show up.' He slapped my arm and winced a little. Flexing his fingers when he thought I wasn't looking.
"I always do." I grinned and leaned on the shelf that he had rearranged.
'What do you think they are talking about in there?' he pointed to the door behind the counter.
"That obvious." I laughed. "Me!" At the same time as he said 'You.' and laughed with me.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
A frown grew on my forehead as I tried not to listen to the conversation taking place out there. I had always been good at blocking out voices. But when it was just three voices in my vicinity. It was harder. So, I turned my attention to #MrsFranco poured the tea into cups.
‘Are you okay?’ She smiled as She set one on the table before me.
“Yes, sorry. Just a little distracted. I’m here now.” The cup was followed closely by a slice of cake. Then she set down some lemon slices and honey making me sit back and smile.
“Jackie would be proud of you.” I told her, making her smile again, wider before she took a seat next to me.
‘She takes such care when blending these for us. It would be a shame to spoil them in the last step.’ I couldn’t agree more. I had seen the difference these teas could make if they were drunk in the correct way.
‘So...’ she looked to the table and then jumped up rushing off. ‘I’ve made tea.’ She called out the door, but before coming back she grabbed a few forks from the side.
“You should eat some cake before those two get here.” Nodding my chin to the door.
‘They are good boys, however…’ She was laughing softly. ‘They Can eat.’
She cut another slice of cake into a small plate and put it in front of herself.
•- Embry Call -•
I smiled at #MrsFranco when she called to us that tea was ready... and I knew that that also meant CAKE. She never served tea without a slice of cake.
"Thank you. We'll be right in." I called back to her. I waited with #Tony while he rang  up the last customer in the store, and we headed into the back room where Tony adjusted the screen with the store cameras so he could watch it from the table.
We took seats and #Lucille poured us a cup of tea, in her proper, tiny tea cups and slid us each a lemon slice. "So ladies... did were miss all the gossip?" I look between them both and smiled that smile of mine... the normal one, not the one reserved just for Leah.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
The small cup sat in its saucer, I could have stepped into Ma’s kind and thought how pleasant she would find it to have afternoon tea and cake like this with a friend.
My eyes moved sideways to the door as the two men walked in. Embry towering over #Tony, and he still didn’t  look out of place.
I didn’t know it, but the both of us rolled our eyes at him. And spoke at the same time.
‘Ladies do not gossip.’
“We aren’t gossiping!”
Mine with a little growl in it and a snap too.
‘Ladies like us, we discuss matters.’
I was smirking as the two of us now sipped our tea. “I like the way you think.”
Telling her as I took another sip, noting the smile on his face. And I knew, it wasn’t the one I had become accustomed to.
‘I was just wondering why you hadn’t brought this Bella Donna ( beautiful woman ) to see me before?’
Setting the cut down, I picked up the fork. “Because he was scared you would like me better.” I said without missing a best. “It’s the only explanation that makes sense.”
•- Embry Call -•
My eyebrows lifted at the snap in Leah's words. My stomach flipped... it really shouldn't have that effect on me... but it did.
#Tony and I both grinned at the way they bounced off of one another.
It took all my self-control to slice off the corner of the cake with the sie on my fork and take a bite, instead of picking it up in my hand and taking a mouthful. I laughed at #Leah and nodded. I pointed my fork at her.
"You are exactly right! What can I say? I like to be the  centre of attention." I chuckled. "And I'm good at sharing the special ladies in my life." I winked at #Lucille and she gave a dismissive wave of her hand.
'Don't try that charm on me, young man! I changed your diapers.' and then she  winked back and #Tony covered his mouth and teased me with a 'Buuuuuuurn!'
•- Leah Clearwater -•
The rim of the cup to my lips, and they curled up on the sides. The way she saw Embry and that he was doing. I used to think women were lost to hun when he flashed that smile and those dimples at them.
“Oh. I really like you  #MrsFranco. And I don’t like many people.” I  was honest with her and from the way she winked at me now, I could tell she appreciated the frankness.
‘You can most definitely call me  Lucille. A mind like yours young lady is always welcome here.’ She took a bite of her cake.
“Oh, I will take you up on it. I mean  I need the dirt on these two.” Pointing my chin at the two men.
‘Hey, what did I do?’ But #Tony was smiling from ear to ear.
“I like to be prepared, just in case you slip up Ton.” When I winked at him. His face and ears shone a bright red.
•- Embry Call -•
I watched Leah grin at Lucille I knew it was going to happen so I strengthened and shook my head at them. "Now you ladies are just ganging up on me." I teased to stop my heart from skipping a beat at the sight of her smile.
"Guilty by association #Ton." I teased him. "That's what happens when we hang out with the bad boys... you know that."
#Tony just rolled his eyes and laughed. #Lucille leaned across the table and cupped my chin squeezing my face until my lips  pucker. 'Yes, yes bambino we all know how big and scary you are.' She teased like she speaking to a baby, me and released my face. But not before I licked her hand and she exclaimed more Italian than I could understand.
'Somethings never change!" she sighed and got up to wash her hands.
'When I pull that on her she slaps me across the back of my head!' #Tony protested.
I shrugged, "She likes me better!" And things deteriorated into a back and forth about whose mother loved who most like we were ten years old again.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
I sat back drinking my tea and eating the cake on my small plate. Watching and witnessing this dynamic relationship these three had.
It was clear from the way they fell into a natural rhythm, that this was their norm. And they were letting me view it from the side-lines. At some stage the laughter of the three of them, and the things they were teasing each other with, had me smirking, rolling my eyes and biting the inside of my cheeks all at once.
 #Lucille refilled my cup as she sat down a little breathless.  ‘I love you both the same amount.’ She declared and then kissed #Tony on his forehead. ‘But you are the light of my life.’
I shifted in my seat and turned my eyes away. The private moment between the mother and son should remind that way, I thought to myself.
•- Embry Call -•
I knew she was watching us all... managing to keep herself on the side-lines in that way of hers. But I saw her now there was no missing it now, as I had for so many years.
'Hey! I'm your one and only son... you should love me the most and I should be the light of your life.' #Tony protested with a big goofy smile on his face.
'But then who would I call when the cupboard doors break... or I need a shelf put up?' #Lucille teased and her son rolled his eyes.
'You need  to teach me to use a drill!' #Tony said to me. and Both his Mom and I chorus "No!" At the same time.
#Tony was smart as hell... and strong but, far too clumsy for power tools. "If it makes you feel any better my mom would trade me in for this one any day of the week." I grinned and nodded toward Leah. Smiling at her when my eyes.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
Finishing my tea I set the cup down, my hands crossed over my chest as I watch the little telenovela playing out in front of me. A little proud of Call, because I knew that my Da Had spent a lot of time with him, showing him and teaching him. My eyebrows pulled together and then one raised at both of them shouting out a ‘No’, to #Tony’s request.
My eyes were in the man sat to the side now, he looked fine to me. So, I wasn’t sure.. before the thought was over, I recalled #Tony tripping over at the bar. The man was clumsy with his body. Maybe that was the reason?
‘Is it true Leah? Does his mom want to swap you for him?’ #Tony asked as I eyed Call for saying that.
“Hmm… who can blame her, look at him and then me. Who would you rather here?” I asked kicking Call under the table, but not hiding it from  the others. The two of them laughing.
“But then again, I’m sure my Ma would take him in too. So, it all comes down to him flashing his dimples at the moms. If you ask me.”
And then I took my eyes back to #Tony, I was smiling. He had turned red again. “Not sure I want to know what you are thinking.” I told him.
•- Embry Call -•
"Hey!" I protested at her kick. "Use your words, Clearwater,' I grinned Leah's answer to #Tony. clearing the last bite of cake from my plate. 'Your dimples are way cuter.' #Tony blurted out and then turned beet red. 'I mean... um...' He started to ramble.
I stood up with my plate and messed #Tony's hair. "I always knew you thought I was cute bro!" I teased him. Stopping him from embarrassing himself even more. I kissed the top of his head with a dramatic sound. "And I  think you are just darling too!" I went to set my plate into the little sink on the countertop.
'I certain it was talking about the lovely Ms. Clearwater.' #Lucille pointed out.
"No, no, no... he said that she was cuter meaning I'm  cute... just not as cute as her. And I can completely accept that."
•- Leah Clearwater -•
Pressing my lips together, I stopped myself from replying. The smile on his mom’s face and then add to it the colour of his neck, ears and cheeks. It was clear #Tony was downing more damage for letting his words blurt out than I could. And honestly, I didn’t want to. He wasn’t one of those leaching sort of a guy. He just was awkward around women. Which, I could see being endearing to some women.
‘Embry!’ #Tony batted him away, his eyes falling all over but on me again.
“It’s okay, Call needs to feel like the centre of attention. And I’m fine with it.” I told #Lucille.
“Anyway. You think I’m catch. That’s all the attention I need. However, I feel it’s only right, to tell you. I’ve been working on stealing MsC for the last 10 Ish years.” Smirking at the sound of the woman who was #Tony’s mom laughed.
•- Embry Call -•
"Hey!!" I feigned hurt. "I do not 𝕟𝕖𝕖𝕕 to be the centre of attention." I laughed. "It just happens a lot and by a happy accident... I quite enjoy it."
'Until you're on stage.' #Tony grinned.
'Oh yes! I never thought that you would have stage fright." #Lucille smiled at me, and I knew what was coming before she even said it. 'Anytime I saw you perform you were always so...'
'Mama.' #Tony whispered and #Lucille stopped talking.
"It's okay guys. Leah knows I still play." I said, smiling at them all.
'Good!!' Lucille clapped her hands together. "It's about time! So, Leah mia care (My dear) what do you think of our boy's talent?'
•- Leah Clearwater -•
It kind of warmed my heart when #Tony tried to stop his mom from letting Embry’s secret out.
But then his reaction…. #Tony’s eyes widened before he could school his thoughts. ( That man really was an open book ). At the new revelation.
However, his mom #Lucille took it in her stride.
All of their eyes turned on me, and if I weren’t sat on this table. And if they weren’t them… It would have been a dirty look they would have gotten back.
‘Yes, but we are evolving remember.’ My wolf enjoyed pointing out.
‘Leah?’ #Lucille prompted me again. Sitting back in my chair, I shifted my legs, the space too small for me to cross them without knocking the table.
“He is talented.” I started. “It comes so naturally to him... he has a way… people forget themselves while he forgets himself in those moments.” I said honestly. Because that was what it was like for me. When he played, I was transported.
•- Embry Call -•
I smiled when she did that thing again, that silent conversation in her head. It was something I never had; I knew a lot of the pack did. But my wolf spoke through urges and feelings, he was everything I was, and I was everything he was... our thoughts and opinions didn't differ. Well mostly... the animal in me definitely fought for more on the night I spent with Leah.
"Until she makes me get on stage and sing." I teased, but my foot nudged her under the table subtly. Playing music when it was just the two of us... hell, listening to music when it was just the two of us... It had become an almost spiritual experience.
'So, he is capable of modesty?' #MrsFranco teased.
I just laughed and picked up my plate and cup. "It has been a treat seeing you both. But we need to get moving. we still have to run some errands for Leah's mom."
•- Leah Clearwater -•
“I didn’t Make him do anything. There was a bar full of witnesses, for the most part to testify on how badly you lost that bet. Not my fault.” I rolled my eyes smirking as I stood to take my cup and plate to the sink. How we #Tony was up and taking them for me.
‘You are welcome back anytime Leah. And you.’ #Tony and I laughs as his mom pulled Embry’s cheeks. ‘Next time you need to not leave it so long.’
“Thank you for the tea, cake and your wisdom.” I told her. I stepped out into the store, glancing at the guitars on the wall before giving them time for their good byes.
•- Embry Call -•
"Really? That's how you want to play this?" I scoffed and #Tony gave me the side eye.
'You mean with the truth?' He laughed. 'Oh yeah! That's below the belt!' He teased and it was such a good one I had to high-five him. I pulled him into a hug and then #MrsFranco was squeezing my cheeks.
I kissed the top of her head when she released me. "I'll do my very best." I answered when she told me the try and visit more and I meant it.
"Thank you for the food. You tell me what  you really think of this troublemaker next time. I winked at her dramatically and she swatted my arm lightly as she walked us out into the store.
I swept my gaze around one last time before stepping out into the street with Leah and saying one last goodbye before we left.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
I wasn’t the kind of person who glanced back. Moving forward had become my thing in later years, and I had my own reasons for that rule.
But when the wind picked up, the whispers sang in my ears and over my soft skin. I came to a stop before crossing the busy street and  glanced back over my shoulder.
#Tony and his mom stood, and they both waved at me in the exact some way, the same smile on their faces and those eyes of their shining brightly.
“Those are good people.” I told Embry when he stood beside me. I let the comment about me and my evaluation pass for now. I sure couldn’t kick his arse with his witnesses watching out every move.
“I can see where Tony gets some part of him. She is something else.” I have them a small sharp nod before looking forward and crossing the street.
•- Embry Call -•
I smiled and ‘Leah and waved back at them. “They are… #Tony is a great guy. When I first joined the pack; I kind of cut him out… Just not really knowing ow to act or where my life was going… you know. Then i just showed up one day and he  acted like everything was as it had always been. “
I chuckled. “#MrsFranco cracked me across the back of my head though…. And then did the same as #Tony.”
I nodded and crossed the street with her, heading back towards the park with her. There was still a little music in the air, but not as much. “I think #Tony has a lot of is father in him… at least, how his father was before his drinking became a problem. He had been a decent guy.”
•- Leah Clearwater -•
The smirk on my lips grew, imagining them both getting a smack over the back of their heads.
“I knew there was a reason I liked this woman.” And that was saying a lot, considering I didn’t like very many people on this Earth. My eyebrows pulled together at the mention of #Ton’s father. I hadn’t thought to ask about him. Knowing that if we’re something I needed to know, I would be told.
“Did you know Tony’s father?” Not mentioning the drinking problem, because let’s face it. We in the tribe  have a number of addiction problems we were all trying to fight.
The sounds of some music playing called to me, it wasn’t as full of performers as when we first arrived. However, there were still some. Without really thinking about it, I started the way we came.
•- Embry Call -•
I laughed and rubbed the back of my head; as if feeling the phantom slap again. "I deserved it... I mean I know it was a lot for any teenager to go through, and I stopped giving myself a hard time about it a long time ago. But a few text  messages wouldn't have killed me. " We entered the park again. My second favourite place away from home.
"Not as well as his mom, he worked a lot. But, I knew him well enough to see the changes happening. The nights when I was over dinner. The trips to Seattle for our grading performances were the most telling. he used to take us out to diners really late and make us promise not to tell our moms he let us stay out so late. But then he would start leaving us in the hotel room and nothing coming until after we were asleep... At the time we thought it was cool..."
I shrugged, I knew there was nothing we could have done at the time, and it was something we all witnessed growing up on the Rez. Depression that led to self-medicating... that, in turn, led to so much worse.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
“Yeah you deserved it. But then again, it was a learning curve for us all. If one of the pups did that now. I’d smack them upside the head. Tell them to hold on to the ones who care for them. Friends or family. It counts.”
I learnt that lesson the hard way. My eyebrows pulled together, I bit the inside of my cheeks as I listened and walked. I hadn’t known any of this, then again, I could see how teen boys would think it was cool.
I didn’t judge #Ton’s father, I didn’t know him. Didn’t understand what took him to his darkness. But as a grown man, he should have known better than that.
“What happened to him? Is he still in their lives?” I finally asked as I pushed both my hands into my pockets.
•- Embry Call -•
I couldn’t help but laugh, Leah always agreed with the mom’s especially the ones that slapped me.
I dragged my hand through my hair and took in a long breath when she asked what happened to #MrFranco. “He died in a car crash when #Tony was thirteen. He was drunk… Mom still never told me the whole story but as far as I know he was drunk and tried to leave in the car. #Lucille tried to take his keys… but she couldn’t. He lost control on the 101… No one else was hurt.” We headed through the park, was just following her lead, lost in the memory of that time.
“#Tony took it really hard. His mom decided to tell him the truth… I guess she thought it would stop him doing the same thing. He refused to believe it for a long time.” I shook my head again… “It was the first funeral i ever went to, I remember thinking how strange the Catholic mass was. I think every single member of the church showed up.”
•- Leah Clearwater -•
Pushing my hands deeper into my pocketed, I stopped hearing the music now. All I heard was the tragedy that feel on the door of this family.
There was nothing they could have done to stop it, however if they were anything like me…. I put a stop to those thoughts. “He’s a good guy, despite his loss.” I finally said. Working out that #Tony would have been still feeling the loss of his father when Embry went MIA because of the change.
I looked to my side, my vision on him walking in step with me. His eyes and mine lost to the past. “It’s not that different to ours. The tribe will pay their respects. In their way before the family is left to guide the soul to the spirits.”
This is why our traditions were so important to me. We had to send those we cared for in the correct way. Making sure they found their rest until it was time for them to move on.
•- Embry Call -•
I smiled. "He really is... He's everything his father could have been in a different life... if he could have gotten help... or... I don't know. These things are never black and white." I dropped my hand and tapped out the notes of the nearest performer's song against my leg as we walked.
"I know... it was kind of beautiful really. There was singing and music... and they presented his favourite things during the service." I shook off the topic. I wasn't sure if I missed the man sometimes too or if I just felt the loss my friend experienced... Maybe it was both and that was okay too. "I still text #Tony every year on his Dad's birthday and Christmas."
I pulled out my phone where I had the text from #Sue of the things she wanted me (now us) to do here. "Okay... We should hit the car wash next for the supplies and then the printers for the banner." I scratched the back of my head. "Or should we go to the printers first in case they messed it up... your mom asked me to make sure they were good before I left with it?" I was partly asking her and partly thinking out loud when another thread of musically notes tried to tug on my attention.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
The sad things was that I knew what he meant. I had witnessed the madness that came with addiction. Be it alcohol, drugs or gambling. It broke the person with it, and the life’s around them too.
Out of the side of my eye, I saw his hand drop. I took a beat in my step  just to fall back a step to see what his finders were doing. My ears with my Spirit Warriors hearing, tuning into the performance he was listening too.
‘Interesting’ she purred. And I rolled my eyes at her.
He took his phone out next, and I moved my eyes away. I didn’t wasn’t to pry on his privacy.
“Hmm? Oh.” I didn’t need long to think this out. “The printers first. If they messed anything up, we have time for them to fix it before they close.”
And they would fix it. Otherwise, I would have words. Well. A look to give them that said it all for me.
“Then the supplies. What they don’t have we can I’m sure find somewhere else too.” I saw him being pulled by the music. This was his home away from home. Just as Seattle had become mine for very different reasons.
“Or, you could go grab Ton, do something around here with him. And I can walk over to the printers. It won’t take me long.”
These jobs really were my responsibility. And I would have words with Ma about this later.
•- Embry Call -•
She always listened so intently. Absorbing all the information offered and I could see the understanding in her face. I was lucky enough that I hadn’t witnessed anyone I loved dearly to struggle with addiction… but classmates, their parents…  so many of the tribe. We had all seen it and felt it.
“The printers it is.” I grinned at her. My smile grew wider the more she said. “Whatever they don’t have ready I will sweet talk them into donating anyway.” I laughed. It was a skill,  and it wasn’t just effective on the ladies.
I glanced back over my shoulder when she mentioned #Tony. “No, we’ll go together. I told your Mom I wanted to help out with this event… and I plan on impressing the hell out of her. These are my errands... you are just along for the ride, Trouble.” I swerved as we walked and bumped her arm with mine. “Don’t try to steal my glory.”
•- Leah Clearwater -•
“Are you joking? Me? Steal your glory? When it comes to my Ma? Like that is even possible.” I rolled my eyes at him.
“Let’s face facts, you, and any of the moms. None in f us have a chance.” His gift of the gab ( or the art of his conversation as I put it.) won over all the women of the Rez and then some. I pulled my hands out of my pockets, combing one though my hair before turning to glance at him.
“You do know that Ma appreciates the time you give. Whenever you can.” She knew too well that Call had been working hard and then looking out for Ms T. So, she didn’t push him to help with her millions of events.
Then at the same time, she would never say no if he could help too. It was a fine line. And somehow, Ma knew how to walk it.
•- Embry Call -•
I laughed and stuffed my phone back into my pocket. My fingers brushed against the hospital beeper, and I quickly yanked my hand back out of my pocket. "All it takes is being a good listener... or a good distraction. Depending on the situation." I smirked and that I was good at, reading a room.
"I know she does." I glanced at her as we walked. "It's one of the things I love most about her. She wears her emotions on her sleeve, and always voices them." I turned my head to her know. "Not that there isn't a pull to the mystery of those that don't do that." I smiled that new just-for-her smile.
I did like the search, watching her eyes and her reactions... filling the non-verbal communication we seemed to be fluent in with no practice.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
The movement was so fast, that it would have been missed by another. But my eyebrows pulled together as we walked and I listened to him talk about my Ma, knowing what sat in that pocket of his.
“Call.” I finally said when he glanced over at me. I said his name, surprised that the sound came out the way it did when he showed up on my doorstep, the night he found out what I had done by going to the tribal council.
He was laughing, but I saw past it. So, I stepped in front of him, facing him. My hand reached out between us, palm up. “Let me help, just for now?” It was his choice.
I would never take it away from him. But I would offer to hold and be the guardian of that precious alarm call, telling us that we needed to move and get his mom to the hospital. All other conversations were forgotten, my hands remained outstretched, and my brown eyes locked with his.
Telling him that no matter his choice, he wasn’t alone in this. That even with the beautiful smile of his, the one I only saw shared with me. I saw the fear hidden too, and I was here for both. With or without this thing blossoming between us. I am here.
•- Embry Call -•
The second she used my name I knew she'd seen it. She never missed a trick. She stepped into my path, and I stopped, locking dark brown eyes on hers, brows raised and a different kind of smile on my lips now.
I reached into my pocket and  slipped the tiny, offending machine out. I weighed it in my palm for a second, my gaze only drifting from hers for a second before I reached out and tipped it into her outstretched hand. I rested my palm over hers for a second.
"Thank you." I didn't say it because I thought she wanted to be thanked, I said it because it was what my mother would want me to do when someone took such a huge burden to give me time out from being under the weight of it. "That bloody thing is heavier than it looks." To anyone else, it would sound like a joke but there weren't many people that understood how very true the statement was. Leah was one of that very small handful of people.
And now I really wanted to kiss her, just  one light touch of my mouth against hers. Damn... it was... new... and I liked it.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
It wasn’t in me to read into anything. But this I knew meant so much that there had to bed a element of faith, or at least a small amount of trust.
In this moment, I didn’t care if it was in his Beta, or if it was in Leah. The fact was he had taken out the device and had  dropped it into the palm of my hand, with his resting over it.
Our eyes were locked again, and I swallowed hard when he thanked me. I knew better Than to tell him not to. Because this man right here. He was his mom’s son.
“I know it’s heavy, I got it. I got you.” To anyone it was just a small plastic device that weighted nothing. But then this device brought a mix of life for someone you cared for, and death for a soul you never knew. The weight of that, it sat heavy of the person carrying it.
My eyes meat his when I looked back from the device now in my hand. And I read what his eyes were saying. Clearing my throat, I said;  “We should get going.”
•- Embry Call -•
I smiled, and slipped my hand away from hers, my gaze still on hers. "That's a lot of strange new sensation." I chuckled and we both I was not talking about the freeing feeling of not carrying that thing.
It had become such a normal part of my day that I only remembered how hard it was when I passed it on to someone else. But this time there was something more to it now.
I didn't thank her again, I just started to walk along the path again, back towards the Jeep. "Let's  go..." I grinned and changed. "Are you glad you came along? Running errands can still be a great day off if you do it right."
•- Leah Clearwater -•
We walk down a short while in silence, after I placed the device in my inside jacket pocket and then zipped the two sides up half way. There was no way I was losing or damaging it.
“Hmm…” I thought about his question as the music in the park started to grow distract and  we came to the far exit closest to #Jackies’s store and his jeep.
“Actually I am.” There would have been a time I was be in distress sharing this much time with another. But now. Not so much.
“And you’re still alive. That’s saying something about evolution, right?” Smirking as I stopped at the edge of the street, checking the traffic before stepping out and crossing.
•- Embry Call -•
I smiled at her following across the street, giving on a quick glance, relying on my hearing more than anything else. I had seen her zipping the beeper into her pocket.
"And you're still standing here with me..." I grinned. "That says a  lot about yours."
I chuckled when we reached the Jeep and fished out the keys. "If in doubt... go see Mrs. Franco. She can win anyone's heart." jiggled the keys in her direction. "Wanna drive?" I asked, knowing that drive here took a lot  of faith on her behalf.
I wasn't defensive over who drove my baby, If the keys were on the hook in the house then they were welcome to them. They all knew to be gentle with her.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
“Don’t read too much into it, I could easily still kill you and hide the body.”
Rolling my eyes at him I chewed the inside of my cheeks, the Wisearse kind of had a point. I was still here, I wasn’t threatening him as much as I would normally, and he didn’t annoy me as much.
“Spirits.” I groaned.
The Call thing his Mom did was rubbing off on him too? How else was this possible?
‘Maybe because you are seeing the truth behind his so-called open book, which we now know, isn’t at open?’
My wolf stirred, then turned her back on me before falling asleep once again. I held my hand up for the keys, catch them and making my way around the driver side.
“Don’t have to ask me twice.” I needed to be in control of his rust bucket if it was going to take me down. “Printers, right?”
Closing the door, the keys in the ignition. His Red Jeep started the first time around. “That I didn’t expect.” I told the Jeep, not Call.
•- Embry Call -•
I laughed. "Nah... it would go against your self-imposed moral code." I smirked. "And I haven't broken any rules... Yet." I quirked a brow at the word Yet.
I saw it in her eyes when she realised the Call Magic was working on her. "Thank you, Granddad." I whispered to myself.
I tossed her the keys when she held her hand out for the keys and we switched sides. and I climbed in. "Printers it is." I smiled and watched her doubt my poor baby.
"I will have you know that this  baby has never let down. She starts first time, every time." Then I quickly added. "I mean... other than the times she doesn't, but a quick tune up and boom... back in business!"
•- Leah Clearwater -•
“Yet.” I repeated knowing what that meant full well.
Rolling my eyes at him for show. I control what my heart and body did. How they reacted to the sound of the Engine coming to life with me sat in here. The saving Grace for me had to be that it was bigger than Ma’s car.
Looking in the mirror before I reversed the jeep out of its spot and drove onto the street and then off we went.
“Even your jeep knows how to speak to you. It’s all about the bloody words with you and she.”
I liked giving him crap about his jeep, but I respected his passion for these old things. His Jeep, his bike. His mom was right when she said, ‘My son was born with an old soul.’
I kept both hands on the wheel and didn’t relax the way I did on my baby. As I drove us out to the far end of town.
•- Embry Call -•
I chuckled when she repeated the word yet. "Hey, it's an old vehicle.. if you want the vintage charm you have to put in the effort and accept the flaws."
I didn't talk much, I even managed not to connect my phone to the sound system. She wasn't fond of enclosed vehicles. I looked up and wondered if taking the top down would make a difference. My brows knit together. It was a bit of an ordeal getting it down... but I would have to try it one day.
The jeep was steady the whole journey. I gave her a smug smile when we were almost there. "I told you that my girl was reliable, didn't I?"
•- Leah Clearwater -•
“I never said anything about flaws. There I beauty of those things which are imperfect. ”They didn’t come more imperfect that life. We didn’t speak for a long time, my eyes were on the road, on the jeep and on the oncoming traffic. I made myself sit still  the impatience I once had, the uncomfortable sensations, my heart trying to beat freely, all things I hide well.
He waited until we are a block of two out, before speaking again.  “You’re faith in her paid off.” I told him. “She’s got something that keeps her ticking.” I told him. The store in my sights, I searched to find somewhere to pull up and park his Jeep.
“Can I ask you something?” I wasn’t sure if I wanted to know or not, but Spirits. Why not?  “How do you do it? The open house, throwing the keys to your baby to anyone?” It wasn’t that I didn’t like to share. It was the knowing I could Go home and be alone. Or If I needed to leave. My baby was my way out. He had none of that.
“I know you’ve told me why you do it. But. It’s not something you need  to think about, is it?” His Jeep was parked in a bay, correctly and I had pulled the keys out and held them out for him to take.
•- Embry Call -•
"I'm glad that we agree." I smiled, glancing sideways ways at her. I shifted in my seat; was she always this sexy when she focused?
I smiled and patted the dashboard. "See baby, I told you that she liked you, really." I whispered.
"I mean... I didn't always..." I dragged my hand through my hair. "But when I was... when things were bad at home and I started..." I paused. She knew. "I closed doors between me and pack and the worse things got I even started shutting out  #Jake and #Quil. I stopped playing music... I..." I took a breath, remembering how it felt.
"After that, it got really easy to just... get deeper and deeper into all the shit I was doing. So when I finally woke up I guess I just wanted to make sure it didn't happen to the young ones. I didn't want them to feel like it would be easy to make bad choices because there was no one left to disappoint. One night one of the pups showed up at the door, he had nowhere to go and  #Kishil was still tiny, he didn't want to wake up #Sam and #Emily so he came to our place. He kissed a boy at a party and his father found out... he freaked and screamed at him to get out." I stopped abruptly. "Don't get angry yet... it  gets better." I chuckled softly.
"We talked for about an hour before his father called and apologised, begging him to come home. Saying he was an idiot. I told him he should go, and that the door would be unlocked for him. He could come  back anytime and history was made. The door is only locked now when #Bear is home. But, they know they can still come anytime, just that they have to behave. It just never felt... wrong. I did a lot of things that never sat right... but  this always felt like the right thing. I love those guys like family, I trust them. #Quil feels the same way, it just... happened. I don't think I was always the type of person that would do that... But I don't think I ever changed either... not really. It's hard to explain."
I paused and a smile crept slowly across my face. "Evolution, I suppose."
•- Leah Clearwater -•
I had started to see the unseen and underrated things he did and said. Things I wouldn’t have paid attention to before. Because let’s face it, my oh walls and the need to stay hidden hadn’t giving me the time to slow down enough to see him. ( or be seen by him or anyone else. )
The way he racked his fingers though his hair, the silky smooth hair locks fell back to fame his face. That side thought; ‘he needs a hair cut.’ Came before I could stop it. And then the fact that he was about to tell me something he may not have had time to consider or formulate followed after.
And the moment he started to speak I knew and understood why. That had been a bad time for him. For his and his mom.
A time when he felt the only way out was to fall into the arms of #JoeWalker. The dealing and the…. I stopped the thought because they brought a whirlwind of emotions with them. The first being I wanted to punch #Walker in the face. ( Even if I believed we cannot blame others for our own actions and decisions. )
My eyes were not trained in the direction far in front of us. I watched a family of five walking across the street as I listened and took in what Embry said.
Chewing on the inside of my cheeks, I clasped my hands on my lap frowning as I let his words sink in.
Hearing about the pup. The anger in my chest growing to the point that my wolf was sat upright and she wanted out. My heart was steady, my thoughts not so much.
My eyes darting to him the moment he read me and my reaction. And it put a kind of a dampener on it.
‘How… how did he do that?’ My wolf looked to him with the same confusion as I did. But we didn’t speak. We listened.
When he was finally done, I didn’t want to go and find the pups dad and kick his arse ( much ), but a side note was tucked away. Just in case I had the opportunity to remind the difference in the belief of our people v those of the pale faces  We didn’t hold one’s true souls ransom. Our ancestors and spirits told us to Care open and freely. They told us Our souls connect. Not the minds of Society, and intolerance.
“And here I thought it was because you wanted to always feel young and hip.” Said with my face dead pan, and no smile.
I knew there was more to it. But again. In the tribe the complaints had been that their house was a “party house”. If only the idiots of the council knew.
“Evolution…” There it was once again, the word that had become our companion in this journey we were undertaking.
•- Embry Call -•
I had known what she was thinking, and I had the same reaction myself, but the Pup and his dad managed to bury that hatchet. At the end of the day that was all that mattered. It hadn't been an easy road for them, and I know that many guys had  loud opinions on the situation. I wasn't going to add to it with my own.
I laughed softly at her reply. "Well... I mean that was the main motivation, everything else was a side bonus. But honestly... having them come to ours to party and all of that... I liked that too, it meant they weren't out on the beach or getting into trouble."
I unbuckled my seatbelt and opened the door but then I stopped myself. "Do you need to vent about that story before we go inside, and you give a poor printer's assistant the fright of his life?"
•- Leah Clearwater -•
Embry and #Quil had taken care of those pups more than I could have ever. And that thought didn’t sting, it came with pride. We were a pack; we all had our strengths. And people weren’t one of mine. I would kick their arses into action. Whereas #Jake, Embry, #Quil and the #TheKid. The pups knew they could go to them. Undoing the bucket, I stopped looking to Embry with, ‘Ha fucking haha eyes.’
“Why are you always the Wisearse. I know I’m a bitch, but even I wouldn’t go off on someone, because I’m pissed at someone else.” I was out the jeep. My hand moved over the pocket with the device in it before I pocketed my hands and started to cross the street.
“Step to it Embry Call. We’ve got placed to be, and people to see.”
•- Embry Call -•
I grinned at her when she gave me that epic eye roll. I reached out and took her wrist lightly. Just enough to stop her from climbing out of the Jeep. "You're not a bitch Leah. I'm sure you have your moments just like anyone else, but in  general, you aren't a bitch."
I let go and stepped out of the Jeep and followed her to the door of the printer. I told the young guy behind the counter that I wanted to pick up and order for #SueClearwater and he disappeared into the  back.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
I walked in silence to the door and stepped inside. Letting Embry take the lead as this was his show, and I was here for the ride. ( A conversation I would have with my Ma when the moment was right. )
I crossed my arms, feeling the device in my pocket as I watched him from  behind. His words, did he know what he had said? Because it was a a well feed image that I never created, but when it was set, I feed into it.
And now…
I shook my head as the kid came out from the back of the store and opened the rolled up posters, and set the box of flyers on the counter.
•- Embry Call -•
I  took one end of the long banner as the guy unrolled it and compared it to the picture that Sue had sent me. I double-checked the spelling in each word just Like #Sue asked.
 I passed my phone to Leah. "Looks like what your mom wanted right?" I showed her the picture she had sent me. And I set it down the have a look in the box of the flyers.
'We made everything to Mrs Clearwater's instructions.' The young guy said.
"I'm sure you did, we just want to make sure the  lady is happy, she works so hard for our community. We have to do our part too." I lashed him a smile and scanned the flyers again/
'I understand.' He smiled back. 'So, this events like a bikini car wash but with guys?' His eyes moved  from me to Leah like he wasn't sure who he would prefer to see in a bikini... I left Leah to answer that one.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
Taking the phone out of Embry’s hands I glanced the image over from bottom to top, and then right to left. The best way to proof read was to do it backwards.
“The banner is good.” I told them both. I didn’t need to see the face of the young guy to feel his eyes on me.
At first I paid him no attention, it wasn’t unlike any other day in the life of a woman.
But then when he made the comment about the bikinis, and then his eyes wondered over me. I placed my free hand in the table between us and gave him a deadly look.
“If you want to see me in a bikini, I’ll strip down right now. But the moment I do it, you will be naked on your arse running down the street for everyone in town to see. So, eyes down. And do your job.”
I set the flyer down on the table and pointed to the top. “It’s meant to say 𝕌𝕝𝕚𝕙𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕕𝕚 (Welcome) on the top of the flyers. Why does this only say Wellcome?”
He fumbled, close to pissing his pants. Just what I thought. The kid needed to learn some manners.
‘Oh, we thought it was a typo.’ He finally said. “It’s the oldest language in this state. It’s been around longer than your language. And yet you could not even spell welcome correctly? Your word… WELCOME only has one ‘L’, in it. And this has two.”
My voice was cool and collected, and that sometimes ( most of the time ), was worse than shouting. The menace in the tone said it all.
•- Embry Call -•
I skimmed over the flyer, but I was quickly distracted when Leah leaned in the examine them. She smelled really, really good.
I tried not to laugh at her comments about the bikini. I looked up at the guy when he said that the Quileute words were typos... I had never learned much of the language, but I had respected it as Quileute heritage, I just disassociated that part of myself for much my young life. A decision I regretted now. I looked at him and my eyes told him it was time to run.
Leah's voice did those low lethal low things and where it  had given me a chill before this time it heated my blood, I considered trying the sorting the intense yet calm bow she'd dealt the boy, but when I thought about what I should say I couldn't think of anything that said it any better than she had.
The boy started to ramble and I flipped over the incorrect poster and scribbled my number on the back with a pen taped to a string on the counter, as I spoke. "Next time... pick up the phone and ask. Mrs Clearwater would have been happy to educate you. This is my number." I slide him the piece of  paper and smiled at him. "I'm sure it won't be a problem to have this rushed through today, right?"
•- Leah Clearwater -•
‘ Absolutely, it will be done in two hours.’ The young guy said.
“Try in One hour, and you are taking off 20% from the final payment for our time wasted too.” I didn’t take my eyes off him. And I saw him squirm under the pressure of it.
‘I.. I cann—’ he started and I cut him off.
“Unless you are about to call the store owner and explain how you messed up. How you called my language a typo…”
‘One hour ma’am, and 30% off.’ His voice cracked.
I stepped back from the counter. “I said 20% and that what I mean.”  I knew the business would absorb the amount I asked for. Anything over that would hit his pay cheque. And sure, after the way he acted. It would be a lesson. But I wasn’t that much of a bitch.
“One hour.” I told him and glanced over to Embry, to see if he wanted to add anything more.
•- Embry Call -•
I was about to tell the guy that two hours were fine but then Leah corrected I'm and I stopped myself... I wasn't how someone could be this calm and still have that much fury in her eyes. After that, all I could think about was how fucking  she was when she was determined.
Then her eyes were on me, and I smiled. Fuck!
Those eyes.
"I think the lady pretty much covered it." I was still only looking at her. We left the shop and started back towards the car. "You are so sexy  when you get the determined look in your eyes, you know that?" I grinned at her.
"But we probably could have given the guy the extra hour." I added with a raised brow.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
My hands were pushed into my pockets and I pressing the tip of my thumb into the tip of every finger. Stilling the anger, calming it, and reminding myself that I wasn’t the girl who blew up when people took the piss out of my heritage and culture.
I had grown, learnt and….  My head jerked up to the side where Embry walked step to step with me and my eyebrows pulled into frown.
“Not the reaction I expected from you. Aren’t you going to give me the ‘use your words better, Leah.’ But no.”
I couldn’t roll my eyes, my concentration was on making sure each fingertip touched my thumb.
“And we aren’t going back for one and half hours. That kid needs to learn a lesson.” I told him, stopping beside his red jeep.
•- Embry Call -•
I laughed and automatically walked to the passenger side of the Jeep. 'You did use your words... You just didn't take any prisoners. And I get it... It's not like this is the first bit of business these guys have had from the Reservation.
So, if they had doubts, they should have called your mother." I shrugged and tried to ignore the tiny movements that made tell-tale twitches in the muscles of her forearm... Was she counting her fingers? Or maybe clenching and unclenching her  fist? I let it go without a word. She had no doubt seen my own nervous habit in the par and had let it slide too.
 "I still think we could have given him the extra though... sometimes you be surprised what letting people think is a small  win can do for their work ethic."
 I reached out for the passenger door... partially to stop myself from reaching out and touching her arm or should... I licked my bottom lip; maybe her cheek. Then I could run my thumb along that perfect  lower lip and...
Shit! Nope. Not here! I cleared my throat.
"Did you want to go to the car wash first or get some lunch first while we wait?" The second the L word was out of my mouth my stomach growled... Not that I was starving...
just that the mention of food always made me want it more.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
He did it again. I stood looking at him. Everything stopped for me for a moment as what he was saying sunk in.
I thought back on the situation and how I played things, and then I took into account what Embry was suggesting we/ I should have done. And I could see the reasoning  behind taking those steps. I just couldn’t in the moment understand why I should need to sugar coat anything for that young guy. And yet… I saw the other side with his suggestion too.
“You should have said something in there.” I told him. “If you thought I was  taking  the wrong stand.” The door open to the jeep I climbed in.
“I think your stomach just make the decision for us. Good food first.”
•- Embry Call -•
I smiled at her. "I would have... but you weren't unreasonable either. I would have if I felt you were being unfair." I climbed into the cheek. "I just think in these situations you can't undo or unsee the wrong that was done. But you  change things for the next person to come along... Point out the mistakes and the errors in judgement..." I tilted my head... "And the everyday racism... but also show a small amount of forgiveness, not because they deserve it... But the next person might not get treated like that if they feel their actions were corrected and forgiven. It carries forward. Plus... we can't be sure that it was him that changed the typography."
I buckled up and patted my stomach. "Settle down, boy! We're going for food?" I turned the face her. "What are you in the mood for?"
•- Leah Clearwater -•
“Paving a clear I g path for those who may follow.”
Okay, so I liked the way he saw another side of this situation. He was starting to make me think of a bigger picture that I would have picked up on, but much later down the line.
“Let’s hope they learn and put some thought into it before messing up again.”
Waiting for him to buckle up, I started the jeep. Once again my eyebrow raising at the soft sound of the way the engine turned. The old girl still had some tricks up her sleeve.
Checking the road and the traffic I pulled out  Rolling my eyes at the way he was speaking to his stomach.
“Two choices.” I tell him. “One. Is Leo’s, but it’s back at the start of town. And B… is the brewery at the waterfront. It’s good old fashioned pub food.” My eyes were on the road, and both my hands on the wheel. “You get to pick. And so you know. You will be judged on your choice.”
•- Embry Call -•
I just smiled and said nothing more about my ideas on conflict resolution... I wouldn't lie. I wasn't going to lie I wasn't always so enlightened and when though it was my general way of thinking; I didn't take that path every single time.
We all had those days when we just couldn't take it anymore and some poor sod paid the cost of a few months or more of townies' ignorance... I was still a Spirit and that still cam it hard to manage anger, even if I didn't wolf out unintentionally anymore.
She would think about and if I'd learned anything about her in the last week, she would adapt to her evolution in a way she saw fit her best. Or not at all if it just wasn't for her.
"That's one of those  secret-option-three questions and I am not falling into that trap, Trouble!" I smirked at her s she drove. "I've never been to the brewery so that and say choice! Gotta try it and obviously we're stopping at Leo's on the way home." I gave  her a cheeky grin. "Do you think it's my first day?" I teased.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
My eyes remain on the road, but I saw him in thought beside me. I didn’t need to fill the space with sounds. My voice wasn’t one I needed to hear either.
There were times where I could go all day without saying a thing. With the only conversation taking place with my wolf, and that was a good day for me. A bloody great day actually.
“Would I trick you like that?” I raised an eyebrow at him. “On second thoughts don’t answer that.”
Seeing that grin of his. “You do know I could punch that grin off your face?” I told him. But taking the right to the water front and not the left that would take us to Leo’s.
“There is no way we are leaving Port and not taking pizza home for the moms. I may like my freedom, but I’m not stupid enough to get my arse disowned.”
•- Embry Call -•
I smirked and kept my eyes on her side profile. "Yes!!" I said emphatically. "Yes, you would! Without hesitation." I laughed hard.
I set my eyes to the front when she made her threat, but I was still grinning. "I know you could. But you  wouldn't... not after I just dropped some semi-decent wisdom."
I grinned even wider when she took the turn. "Yeah, the moms would not be impressed. I should probably grab one for #Quil too. How many guys have you taken to this place on  the waterfront anyway?" I asked, knowing it was zero. At least in the way I was implying.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
I just rolled my eyes and pressed my lips together. He was not on a bloody roll. And I knew there was coming back from it.
As I took the time to drive within the speed limits of Port, my eyes always in the road. Keeping the people on the sidewalk in my check, as well as the mirrors.
“Do I look like the kind of woman who share her eating haunts with dudes?” Spirit! Wasn’t that what I was doing now? “You don’t count.” Why? Why didn’t he count in those I wouldn’t bring?
I shook my head when my wolf laughter. She knew why, but she wasn’t sharing.
“Do you want to go or not? Keep asking me stupid questions and I will let you eat at the gas station.” I say it just as we drive pass one, and I point. “Like there.”
Smiling as he spoke about the moms and then. “Oh, the wife. Can’t forget him.” Because #Quil and #TheKid kind of went without saying. They would be in the mix no matter what.
•- Embry Call -•
I clutched at my non-existent pearls, utterly (and dramatically) aghast! “You wound me, Trouble!!” Then I started to mutter an almost unintelligible string of mumblings about “Not counting” and being “more than just eye candy” and the phrases “make-out monkey” and “man meat” may or may not have been in the mix too.
I zipped my lips when she threatened to leave me at the gas station and burst out laughing almost instantly.
“Hey, if I didn’t feed him he would live on  Doritos.” I laughed… I may have been overstating my role in keeping that guy alive, but he was working his ass off so he could help #Bear to college. “You know… it's actually really strange we never spent more time together before…” I  chuckled. “We both spend a lot of our time looking after everyone else…” Not that I thought what I did came anywhere close to the things Leah did for all of us. “Imagine if we’d teamed up years ago?”
•- Leah Clearwater -•
I just rolled my eyes at his comments. “Sure. Without the wife would be a bag of chips himself.” Okay. I could see some part of it being true. But #Quil wasn’t so bad, right?
“You would be dead and walking in the land of the spirits.” I say dead pan as I turned off the Main Street and into sixth avenues parking lot.
“You could have made a move, towards trying to find a place in my way….” Because that would have been how I would have seems it. “..and it would have cost you, your life. We both know I would have been in a place where the only outcome was… you are crawling away without your kneecaps in tacked.”
The jeep parked the keys out. I turned my eyes to look at him. He was always a beam of light. Laughing, joking, smiling.
“Also, we both know… teaming up on four legs was the only way I could stand you.”
This I did say with a smile on my lips.
“Now come on, there are burgers and beer with me name on it.”
And the ocean calling my name too. But that was a conversation for another day.
•- Embry Call -•
I chuckled… people joked but the way we ran the house worked. I did what passed as the cooking… which was mainly heating up what Sue on Emily gave us, or whatever pies and lasagnes we bought frozen. I did the laundry and #Quil did the rest  of the housework… I also had the duty of waking him up in the morning. In general, he was the most level-headed and responsible guy I knew… but he was so not a morning person.
“C’mon now, Clearwater! I know it would have cost me something, but you’d never kill me. “ I smirked like that was some kind of win.
“We always made a pretty good team… the whole pack, I mean… not just us. Especially after Nessie was born. I think it put a lot of things into perspective.” My stomach  growled again as soon as I opened the door… it hadn’t even been that long since I ate. “Oh damn… I like this place already and I’ve only smelled the food!” I grinned at her and walked around the jeep, taking long strides. “Get the lead out, Trouble,” I smirked as I passed her for once.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
Eyebrow raised I watched him walk around and off towards the brewery entrance. It made me roll my eyes at how cocky he was even now, but then again. So was I. So, could I hold that against him? The answer… Spirits, Yeah, I could.
“They have a smoker out back. That’s what  brings people in by their nose.”
It took three of four steps, and I was walking beside him.
“You’re going to be a handful for them in there.” I knew the girls behind the bar. And he was their perfect piece of steak. “And I’m going to kick back and let it happen.” Pushing the door open with my shoulder, the scent of food, meat, barley all combined together. There was an earthy warmth in the place before it really was a working brewery in the back.
Noticing as my eyes wonder over the space, the exits, and the windows. There weren’t as busy as it got in the evenings and weekend, but there was still a fair amount of people in the place.
“Bar and then table?” I asked but I was already walking to place my order. I wasn’t going to waste time sitting down without my food being made.
•- Embry Call -•
I inhaled deeply. “Really? That’s awesome! It smelled amazing.” My brows knit together when she said I was a handful “What do you mean?” I asked and followed her inside. She did that thing again and this time it baffled me… She’d been here before… regularly by the sounds of things. But she still scanned the whole place every time she came here?
It was only when all the scents hit me, my stomach growled again. I nodded to Leah. “Sounds good to me… I wanna try what they brew  here.” I smiled at her. “I mean it's a brewery, it would just be rude not to.”
As we approached the bar I understood what she had said outside. the girls behind the bar were gorgeous… and one of them was eyeing me as she pulled a pint of  whatever they had on tap. But none of my usual curiosity bubbled up. “I see what you're up to, Trouble. Are you planning to offer me up as bait?”
•- Leah Clearwater -•
My eyes combed over the bar and all the waiting eyes on him. “I mean most people find it hard to pick what to eat here. You. I have a feeling will dance about the menu, even with it being one page.”
The place did a few things, and spirits they did them well. I pointed up at the board on which they had written what was on the smoker that day. And then beside it a list of three burgers, and sides.
“They keep it simple, and still people find it hard to pick.” I tell him with smirk.
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“Bait? Spirits yeah, if it gets me faster service. Like you wouldn’t do the same.”
It was all in jest. There was no way I would use anyone as bait. He kind of did that himself when he walked about in his so called ‘uniform’ from the club.
‘Leah Clearwater! As I live and breathe!’ I knew the voice that came booming from the side. Making me stop for a moment and then turn towards it.
“Jackson. Still alive I see.” He laughed brushing his fingers through his hair.
‘You would miss my concoctions if I weren’t alive woman and you know it.’ He came up and took my extended hand shaking it. ‘Is it time to up the orders to #HWH today?’ He clasped his hands together in a prayer.
Rolling my eyes at him i smirks. “Can’t a woman come in to eat and have a drink without thinking business?” ‘Sure she can, and then she could give me another order? Because I know my brew is magical in her hands. Can’t a man dream here?’ His eyes went over the side of me and he whispered. ‘And for the first time.. she brings a date? I’m intrigued.’
I crossed my arms over  my chest. “Are you going to talk crap and waste my time now?” His hands flew up.
‘I kid! I kid!’ He steps around me to take Embry’s hand. ‘A friend is Leah’s is a friend of mine. I’m Jackson Hayes, the owner of this small place we call Bells & Rivers. Welcome.’
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•- Embry Call -•
“I could just order one of everything.” I smirked. “That way I don’t need to decide.” I scanned the board she pointed to and instantly my stomach started to growl immediately.
Then I heard a deep male voice from behind us. I watched them  interact and noted the difference between how she was here or with #Tony’s mom and in the tea shop, compared to the print shop. Her protectiveness was unyielding.
I grinned and shook his hand, not denying the date thing, but not perpetuating the assumption either “Pleasure to meet you, Mr Hayes.” I smiled. “This is one hell of a place you have here.”
•- Leah Clearwater -•
‘He is polite and charming, it’s a dangerous combination there.’
#Jackson jokes with Embry.
‘I am glad you think so, it’s my life’s proudest moment starting here. Now, I won’t keep you from your food. I know Leah gets a little cranky if we don’t feed her.’
I roll my eyes. “And yet he is still talking.” This makes him laugh even harder.
‘I know deep down you love our back-and-forth Miss Clearwater. Now eat, then give me a call.’
Patting Embry’s shoulder, he says. “The pork is succulent and sweet, and the rib all off the bone. Choose wisely young one.’ Then he walked off, doing the universal sign for ‘call me.’
I knew his beer sold well, and it would mean supporting a small local business. So, I took my phone out, sent a quick message to the #HwH group chat.
TEXT < Let me know it we need more from Jackson Hayes’s. I could do as deal with him.-L >
And hit send before pocketing it. My hand grazed over the other small device making sure it was still safe.
“Ready to try something out?”
I walked the rest of the way to the bar, ordering a taster beer slide, it had six different small glasses on it. With the ribs, fries, mac ‘n’ cheese, and a cheese burger too.
“That’s me, what do you want?” I smirked.
•- Embry Call -•
I smiled at #MrHayes. “Gotta admirer a man with pride in what he does and a healthy respect for self-care.” There was no denying he was a good-looking man... And not just in a for his age kinda way.
“Trust me... I don't play around when it comes to food.” I chuckled and gave the man a nod when he departed. Then a wide grin at least told her I was indeed ready to eat. No one here seemed to bat an eye at Leah’s order... They must have been used to her orders  here. That didn't mean I couldn’t give them. A run for their money.
“Oh... I’ll try that beer taster too... When in Rome and all.” I smiled at the bartender... Slash waitress? “And I’ll have the ribs, a half chicken...” I examined the board and pursed my lips. “A cheeseburger with pulled pork and the fries, slaw and corn on the cob.”
‘Should I put half of that in a doggie bag right away or......’ She smirked. I admired the playful cheek.
“Don't worry... If I can't finish it alone I'm sure this one will help me out.” I smirked right and she gave me an appreciative we’ll see look. She told us to take a seat and she bring it right out.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
The moment I sat down at a booth, one of the girls was right there. ‘Two of the new blend. Jackson said there are on the house.’
I shrugged the jacket off, my hand working into the pocket to transfer the small device from it into my back jean’s pocket now. I relaxed back  thanking her. “The man knows how to get himself more business.” I muttered to myself looking at the two glasses. It was a rye blend. The colour gave it away right away.
Watching the interaction with Call makes me smirk. “Be careful, they well start to think you are a competitive eater.”
People made assumptions, and I never corrected them. It’s how Half of my reputation was made for me, and I had no issues with it. Picking up one of the glasses, I took in the scent, the look, the feel, and then looked to Embry.
“Tell me what you think of this one.” Pushing the second glass towards him.
•- Embry Call -•
I smiled at Leah when the waitress set the drinks down, though I felt a brief glance in my direction. “Must be awesome being so gorgeous people just hand you free stuff where ever you go.” I teased her, even though I knew that this was purely a business thing. And I wasn’t a stranger to the act myself… it was becoming more and more common for women to send me drinks. Female empowerment certainly had perks.
I watched her move the beeper from one pocket to another and  try noy to let me see her do it… I could have told her that the thing was obnoxiously loud and we would probably hear it even from the Jeep. But she had relieved me of its burden and I was going to enjoy the weightlessness of it, so I pushed it to the back of my mind.
“Yeah, yeah.” I winked at her, keeping up the charade. “Business. Sure.”
I laughed. “Hey, you said they had good food… I’m just testing out a fair sample size of when they offer. And I ordered  vegetables” I smirked. “So I’m being good!”
I watched her sniff the beer but not drink it. “You know I don’t have the most discerning taste buds right? Especially not when it comes to alcohol?” I took the glass and took a healthy  mouthful. It was good… really good. Way better than anything in a can in my refrigerator. But still… I could why or what made it that way. It was beer… but a whole lot better. “Wow… I mean… This is great.” Then I did what she had and smelled it. “It even smells different from anything I’ve drunk before.”
•- Leah Clearwater -•
“Like you’ve never been sent drinks for free.” Giving him an aimed look.
“Remember where you drink and remember who serves you.”
The pack were always sent drinks from the townies. Another reason why some night, they didn’t need to spend much for a night out. Not that any of us drunk at the bar for anything but to socialise. When we wanted to get drunk. It wasn’t done in public.
“The best thing is to try a little if everything. But then again, when you get something, you like. You’ll know.”
Raising my eyebrow. “Really? Vegetable?” Shaking my head “your idea and mine are very different on this subject.”
Picking up the glass of beer smirking I took a mouthful. Letting it sit before slowly swallowing it.
“You don’t need to know the ins and outs of beer tasting, Embry. I’m asking you as a consumer. If this was offered to you. Would you pay the extra two dollars for a pulled pint and not a bottle or a can.”
My eyebrows lifted at the smooth taste and how it grew after the fact. Holing the glass up to the light. “Jackson has been holding out on me.” I muttered. “The scent is like that because the way he blends it. There is rosemary in this batch.” I could taste it.
Out of the side of my eye, I saw #Jackson watching me with a grin on his face.
•- Embry Call -•
I laughed and winked at her. We both knew she was right… she hade witnessed it all for herself… and at the club, it was even more frequent… only I got to refuse under the guise of not being allowed to drink on the job… which was true but  also not enforced in the slightest.
“I mean corn is a…” I tilted my head, was it a vegetable when it was still on the cob? Or was it a grain no matter what? I needed to google that later. “Um… grey area… but the slaw has vegetables.” I  smirked and ignored the fact that it was completely smoothed in mayonnaise.
“For beer... I would for sure.” When I drank beer it was for the enjoyment of it not to get drunk, because that was next to impossible anyway. “In a bar, I always  prefer a pint over a bottle. And this stuff…” I took another mouthful and smiled. “Oh yeah… so worth it.”
•- Leah Clearwater -•
“Has No nutritional value, it leaves your body in the same way it goes in because you cannot digest it. And let’s not even mention what it is covered in to made you want it even more. So, again… vegetables?”
Cocking my head to the side I raised my eyebrow. Sitting back my eyes were locked onto him, had I after all these years learn something new about him? “You would prefer a pint over a bottle? But…” I looked at the glass sat before me, and I shook my head. “So, if I gave you this beautiful glass. It would be a go. That’s good to know.”
Lifting the glass to my lips I took a long slow pull, making sure to take my time to let it linger before swallowing. It was a really good brew. Out of the side of my eye I saw our food coming our way.
‘I’ll bring your beers when you are ready.’
The waiter said as he started to set plates down between the two of us like we were sharing.
“Thanks” I said. Waiting until he was gone before correcting his mistake.
“They always think guys can eat more than women. Clearly not met the right kind of woman.”
•- Embry Call -•
“Hey, at least it clears out the pipes as it goes!” I smirked. Not a sexy lunch conversation… but she already knows how hot I’m, so it was all good. I nodded when she was (sort of) all business again.
I laughed at the way they set out the plates, but Leah said nothing… so neither did I. “Oh you are so sharing that Mac ’n’ Cheese… the only reason I didn’t order some is because I plan on tasting yours.” I laughed unapologetically and rubbed my hands together as I surveyed the  feast in front of us.
“Where oh where to being?” I grinned, sliced off a corner of the butter cube served with the corn and let it melt over the grill marks. “With the veg…” I ponder, stressing the word, but then I pick up the fork and sink into the meaty part of a rib and just as #MrHayes promise it falls right off the bone and I taste it…
I hardly have the mouthful swallowed before I say… “Damn… This is insanely good!”
•- Leah Clearwater -•
I moved the Mac ‘n’ Cheese to the middle of the table. People knew to give me space. They knew one look from me could be devastating for them. But the part they always misjudged (and I let them), was that I was okay with sharing my food.
I had a kid brother, who always liked what was on my plate more that his own. So, it never phased me.
I snapped my teeth from time to time, to keep up the persona and reputation I had gained. (Because it meant those who were in the outside, remained there.) But if someone came for my food. I never stopped them.
As he sliced off the ribs. It would have been a good time to tell him. He didn’t order those. But again. I knew this was just the afternoon snack and pizza would be bought on the way home.
“It is good.”  I sliced off a rib from the other side of the rack letting the meat fall off the bone before forking it into my mouth.
“It’s never disappoints here. It’s why I come here.”
•- Embry Call -•
“I have to say…” I smirked at her. “I made a really good choice.” I chuckled as I started to taste a bite of everything. Making a note that she had willing shared the plate of Mac ‘N’ Cheese without a word. Or that snap a lot of the guys  got… but none of us got possessive over our food… at least not until it started to run out and even then, it was all in good fun. Maybe a little competition to see who was fast enough.
I tasted the chicken, then the chicken with the slaw… the fries the skin still on… then I bite of the burger that nearly floored me… “Oh wow… How did you find this place? Was it because you placed orders for the bar? Or did you start using them because you already knew it was here?” I asked  between bites and swallows; I did attempt not to speak with food in my mouth, but I wasn’t very successful. I continue the sampling making deeply approving sounds before settling on finishing the burger.
“This place really is a gem.” I  looked up at her… “Thanks for showing me one of your hideaways.” I smiled because I just knew.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
Leaning back in the chair I took him in. Chewing on my mouthful much slower, knowing to take it easy because it was all really good. My lips curled up seeing and hearing his reactions. I knew that feeling well even if I didn’t show it as openly as Embry did. Then again. This was a Embry Call. Wearing his emotions for all to see. Be it over the pack, the pups, the imprints, Our moms, music, the day of the week…. Or food.
Once he had enough time to dig into it all and enjoy the experience I shifted forward, swallowing before speaking unlike some.
“A little of both. This place was going to be ribbed down. No one would rent the old boat factory. No one knew what to do with it. I think they were talking about putting up a strip mall to bring in the money. Until”
I pointed to the man flamboyantly speaking with his customers. “He had an idea. I started to hear about the possibility of him making beers here in site. Called to come check out one of his selections. That’s when I learnt about the second part of his plan.”
Taking another bite my chin moved to all the girls working here. “They are all from the woman’s shelter. All had a hard start to life. And he made this a safe place for them to work. He had the same work ethics the guys and I can relate to. The rest is… well.. history.” the glass I drained my beer. As the taster slider arrived.
“Tell anyone of this place and I will kick you in the balls.”
I said with a dead pan face. This was the second place he had come to that I liked. But the rules hadn’t changed.
•- Embry Call -•
I grinned at her… knowing enough about the texture of pork that was this tender to know not to show teeth after eating as much as I had. No one was hot with meat scraps in their teeth. “Awesome… I love a good phoenix rising from the ashes story.” I smiled. “And barbecue and beer is the perfect combination. He’s made a hell of a go of it.” I turned then to look at the women, chatting happily as they worked, amongst themselves and the few patrons that were dotted around at  tables and the bar.
“I didn’t even know there was a shelter around here…” I lowered my voice… these women didn’t need to think they were being talked about. But luckily Leah and I didn’t need to hunch over tables to whisper. “Homeless… or…” I didn’t finish because… well it was pretty obvious.
I nodded and crossed my heart. Your secret is as safe as….” I paused… my secret-keeping wasn’t always the best. Not without the aid of my alpha. “As I can possibly keep it.”
•- Leah Clearwater -•
Not needing to follow his gaze because why? These women were working hard, making something of an opportunity. It wasn’t a handout. They had to work for their money.
Cutting into my ribs with a mouthful of macaroni, shrugging my shoulders. My voice was low.
“Does it matter. They are working, they know they can trust the people here. That’s all that matters, doesn’t it?”
Really not liking the fact that it felt like I was talking about these women as if they weren’t here.
Nodding my chin to the south west we sat. “There are two. A homeless shelter down off the main streets. And there is…” Now looking across the table.
“A woman’s shelter a little harder to find unless you know where to look. For obvious reasons.”
And those reasons if I ever came across them… would find a fist in their faces. No matter if I was a protector of humans. They weren’t worth protecting. Shoulders felt tight and stiff, and then when I looked down to the fork in my hand.
“Spirits!” Setting my knife down, cleaning the fork, keeping the evidence well hidden from sight, working to straighten out the bends of my fingers from the metal before continuing to eat.
•- Embry Call -•
I turned my gaze back to her and continued to eat. “Well… yeah. Because if it's a different kind of shelter then they need to have daytime security. People… well.. they’re the worst kinds of monsters.” I was still speaking softly. Things could get ugly fast if someone one of these women was hiding from found out about this place. Most bars only had Bouncers working in the late evening and night.
“I guess me not knowing about it means that they are doing their job right.” I nodded in agreement. Seeing what she did to that fork would have been hysterical, if it hadn’t been for the topic.
I knew I couldn’t get it… The culture of violence perpetrated by men against women since the dawn of time. So I didn’t  tell her I understood. I didn’t tell her I got how angry she was. It made perfect sense that she felt how she did… but no matter how angry I was… it didn’t come close. I “It’s okay, Trouble… These women… they made it. And today… that is what matters the most.” I kept my eyes on her… letting her know I saw her. and she could let all this out later… if she wanted to!
•- Leah Clearwater -•
The only reply he would get right now as I continue to control myself. Since being a hot-headed teen, time has taught me some hard lessons, some left a mark for a lifetime. Others lost with the time they had passed on by.
The temptation to act before thinking had gone and had been replaced with an evolution of who sat across from Embry now.
But, growth came with a price, and with a two way path. One moving forward, while the other took you back to the beginning. And I wasn’t ashamed to say. At times the anger still seeped out. I wasn’t perfect, but I was perfectly broken. Just how I liked it.
Keeping my chin up, but my eyes down on the food in front of me, a forkful in my mouth. Chewing slowly before I let my darkened brown eyes meet his. Seeing the unsaid word. Later.
“How’s the burger?” A clear sign to change the subject, picking mine up with one hand. Finding that perfect spot for the first bite I took it.
•- Embry Call -•
I smiled and accepted the change of subject. If it was something she wanted to talk about again; she knew she could bring it up in a place where she could mangle as forks as she needed to. I picked up the burger and took another bite. The burger was amazing… not overcooked like ninety per cent of the barbeque I’d eaten in the past. “It's good... I swallowed the last of the food. “Like really, really good.” I nodded. “What about the mac ’n’ cheese?” I scooped up another forkful and got another taste.
I heard a comment from staff, standing by the bar about how 𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕤𝕖 𝕥𝕨𝕠 𝕔𝕒𝕟 𝕖𝕒𝕥 as they took in the half-eaten dishes all over the table. I just chuckled and focused on the conversation I was having. “And you have to try this chicken… It's incredible."
•- Leah Clearwater -•
“The Mac ‘n’ cheese is always good here. Not as good as Ma’s, but good.”
My lips curled up into a smirk. “How times have changed.” Muttering the words. Because right now I wasn’t even blinking at how welcome he felt to my food.
Speaking as I chew my food and the thought. But putting something I was thinking into words like this. Another first for me.
“You know, before you wouldn’t have dared to touch me food.” Pointing my fork to his. “I’ve never stopped you lot...” the pack. “… from eating off my plate. But… no one other than the Kid of Mac has ever taken that step.”
It had never occurred to me. Even if I knew why.
Eyeing his chicken. “It looks good.”
I didn’t reach for it. Because I just couldn’t. I had never taken food off another person’s plate. Not even as a joke.
1. I didn’t joke like that.
B. I always knew/ felt they needed it more than me.
•- Embry Call -•
I smiled widely. “I mean… it would be cruel to expect anyone to compete with #Sue’s recipes. But other than hers.. this is amazing.” I chuckled. My mom was never an amazing chef… in fact, her lasagne was probably the only thing she ever truly mastered. But still, in my head, her food was the best. And of course, that was the only comment that she ever heard about her cooking from my mouth… and her unofficially adopted sons.
I looked at her… confused. Was that true?
“Really?” I froze… My fork hovering in mid-air ready to scoop up more mac ’n’ cheese. “Are you….” I thought about it… searching back through barbecues, pack gatherings… family dinners when we were invited to the Clearwater’s… “Wow…” That made no sense. “You’re right… but we all… we always just…” We had all just helped ourselves to whatever we wanted. Heads were only ever butted over the last of something and even then, it was just messing around.
“I never even thought about it before…” I couldn’t understand it. “That’s so strange.” Was it another way we had consciously excluded her? another wall all of us had erected to keep her at arm's length?
I nudged the plate of chicken into the centre of the table. “Help yourself,” I said, offering her a smile, instead of placing some of it on her plate when I noticed her hesitation. I would let her reach out herself.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
Pushing the bowl of Mac ‘n’ cheese forward, another bite of the burger and it was gone. The meat so tender, the salad so fresh, the mustard and ketchup just the right amount. Spirits it was delicious.
Wiping my hands on the napkin my eyebrow raised seeing the way he moved the chicken towards me. Why was he doing that?
“I’m not complaining… just a realisation that came to me just now. That’s all.”
I pushed his plate back to his side of the table.
“You need it more than me, and this is your first visit.”
My phone vibrated in my pocket, but I didn’t reach for it. Picking up the beer I took the last of it down.
“That hit the spot.”
The mumbling comments made me smirk into the glass. This wasn’t the first time some of the staff had seen me here, but two of us. At the same time, with a table full of food that was being eaten. It was something to witness.
•- Embry Call -•
I swallowed the bite in my mouth. and nodded. “Yeah… me too… I have no idea why.. but then again… there are a lot of things about back then I still can’t understand.” I heard the buzz and noted how she ignored it.
I did lean forward now. “Leah… trust me when I say…” I motioned to all the food on the table. “I’m no in danger of starving… and I’m trying to make a gesture here. So try the damn chicken and help a guy out…” My eyes met hers and I added. Please.”
•- Leah Clearwater -•
How eyes reminded me of bourbon, it was the first thought I had to push back, because those eyes… they were loaded, and firing in my direction.
Without breaking contact with his deep earth charged eyes, the fork was lifted. Filling it with a chuckle of the succulent meat, I brought it to my mouth and tried it.
“Spirits.” Chicken wasn’t always the first thing I ordered; most places dried it out. But Bells and Rivers! “Damn it’s good.”
•- Embry Call -•
I smiled… I could see her searching my eyes the way I always searched hers. I laughed and turned my attention back to my food, because if she kept looking at me like that, I was going to do something crazy like launch across the table to kiss her.
“See, that wasn’t so hard... was it?” I smirked. And damn… I met those eyes again… “You really need to stop doing that.” I muttered with a chuckle, and it was unclear if I was talking to myself or her… maybe it was both of us.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
Raising my eyebrow, while pushing the fork into a piece of chicken. ( it really was good, so juicy and delicious. )
Setting the fork down while I chewed and then picked up my empty glass and set it down.
“Stop doing what?” I wasn’t sure if he was talking to me, but that low  it had to be one of us.
a waitress was over with the taster half pints, and I thanked her for her timing. That was another thing about this place. They knew how to keep you well feed and watered.
•- Embry Call -•
I laughed and flicked my eyes back up to her for a moment “Being…” I paused while the waitress place our drinks down and thanked her with a smile that made her lower her lashes. That worked even when I wasn’t trying too?
I looked back at Leah and wondered what words would work in this case… what words could I use to describe her. Being so gorgeous? Impossible to resisted? Kissable? All true but all descriptors to keep in the bubble.
“Being so… Intriguing” I smirked. “It  makes it… difficult… to behave myself.” I smiled at her against taking another bite of the chicken. “And I’ve been doing really well so far.”
•- Leah Clearwater -•
Eyebrow raised over the rim of the glass I sat back drinking the beer slowing but watching him.
The way that women reached to him wasn’t new. It had always made me roll my eyes because he was like a magnet to bunnies.
 But now it made me look to see if it was the warrior  or was it him. It was the same with all the pack, we all walked into a room and heads turned.
Sure, my heights and stature had a lot to do with it. We all had a demeanour that called to the work. We were spirits warriors after all. Protectors of people. So, they would be a pull for them to come. But they didn’t know what that pull meant. And things lead to… well... you know…
But now I could past it all because I wanted too. Because I wasn’t keeping my walls up around them. And him… more so.
“Intriguing….” I agreed, but I meant him not me. “You have been behaving. What’s your secret?” My lips curled up into a half smile just for a second before the walls were back up again.
•- Embry Call -•
She was watching me now and I wasn't sure why... for signs that I was, in fact, misbehaving? Maybe? But I was being good.... other than the last comment... and that was vague as fuck. So as far as I was concerned, I was golden, thank you  very much.
"Oh, the very real threat of an arse whooping is the only thing keeping me in check." I smirked and moved my attention back to the burger. I mean it was mostly true, apart from the 𝕠𝕟𝕝𝕪 part. But Is she didn't think that part of it was also a deep-seated respect... alongside the fact that we both wanted the same thing she wouldn't be here in the first place... so a little exaggeration was fair game.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
Before I could reply to him, out of the side of my eye I saw #JacksonHayes making his way across the bar towards us.
‘So, what is the verdict, young man?’
The question had been directed to Embry, with a nod to the empty dishes, as well as his burger before him. The man always like to check in with new customers, gain feedback and took know of what was said.
Internal I smiled, because any feedback I got at #HwH would be met with a look that made the giver know they were only alive, because I didn’t want to put in the effort of hiding a body.
I took the opportunity to check the text messages that came in.
The guys were excited to try something new from the brewery. Telling me that the last order was well received by the townies.
•- Embry Call -•
I swallowed the bite in my mouth before speaking, this man was far too well put together to speak to with a mouth full of burger. “The verdict?” I smiled and pointed to the dishes all either finished or mostly finished. “Are these your  recipes? Because if they are… My mom is single… and very pretty.” I chuckled and looked up at him from where we sat.
He laughed. ‘Well, that’s high praise coming from a man your age. Though I’m sure what your Mother would think.’
“Oh, she’d be cool with it.” I chuckled. “She likes cooking. But she like eating a lot more and this food is amazing though… really.” I glanced around the bar-come-restaurant. “It’s a great place, good vibe, good food.” I picked up the beers and swigged. “Great beer too! And that’s a high compliment coming from me… I’m normally a whiskey kinda guy.”
•- Leah Clearwater -•
‘If we can gain the thumbs up from a whiskey man. Then I will take it.’
#Jackson turned his dark eyes in me. ‘Feel free to bring this one back again Leah. I like him.’
Rolling my eyes, I pushed my phone back into my pocket.
“Don’t be fooled jury because you  finally found someone who wants to call you Daddy, Jackson. He would called anyone who feeds and waters him that.”
The full belly laughter that came from the tall man made me smirk.
‘Is she always this charming..’ he side mouthed Embry. ‘Or do I bring it out of her?’ Rolling my eyes, with the beer in my hand to take a sip of.
“You wouldn’t know what to do with me if I was ever nice to you. I’m saving you a heartache. Trust me.”
He laughed again looking to Embry and then back to me. Nodding his chin to the beer. “Ten…” I told him. “But I need a better price. Right now… only the townies and fools with money are drinking it. I only want to serve items everyone can afford. Especially my locals.”
He shook his head. ‘You don’t even want to digest your food before talking business?’ - Shrugging my shoulders. “Places to be. Things to do. And I’ve finished my food.” Pointing over to Embry. “He is a slow eater.”
Mulling over what I told him. ‘Let me work it out. Enjoy the rest of the beer.’
Winking at Embry. ‘Next time bring your mom with you.’ And then he was gone.
“Ms C would have a field day with you for that.”
•- Embry Call -•
I pointed a thumb towards #Jackson and smiled at Leah… “He likes me.” I said smugly. So far all of the people we had seen today that Leah clearly respected; had liked me. That had to count for something right?
I laughed and looked up at  the man standing by the table. “Oh yeah… always was. But she’s got a soft centre in there somewhere just like us all. But she left out the part where I'm highly protective of my Mom….. only the best will do. But a good feeling about you.” Something twinged in me when she said she was saving him heartache.. like she thought that letting him see that side of her would lead to pain. It was a lonely path to walk.
I shook my head and let her talk business. “It's not slow!” I  said in my defence. “It’s savouring!”
I waved at him as he left the table. “Trust me… If I keep food like this a secret from my Mom she would have my head.”
“Wasn’t it your day off?” I teased her after #Myhayes took his leave.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
“He likes you because he doesn’t know you. Yet.”
Saying it with a dead pan look on my face, and daring him to disagree with me. Because we all knew he would.
Embry Call was born with something that just pulled people towards him, and the more time I spent like this with  him, the more I saw it in action first hand.
“You should bring your mom. She would have then all eating out of her hands.” Because she was the person he got his superpower from.
Lost in thought for a moment or two, it had been a day to think over so much today.
Shaking myself out of it, raising my eyebrow at him.
“What do you mean? If course it’s my day off today.”
Pointing to myself and then our surroundings as if it proved the point I was making
•- Embry Call -•
I narrowed my eyes at her and chuckled. But it was a fact that my first impression was my best… My long-term one was where things normally fell apart.
“Well, I figured when you threatened me not to tell anyone you weren’t including my Mom.” I laughed. “And she loves a little intrigue… so she’ll keep your secret too.” I didn’t really mind keeping things from Mom as long as I didn’t have to lie. There were already enough things I had to lie to her about in my life. So when it came to other things … I tended to come clean.
“You making a business deal is technically working right?” I chuckled. “I mean I totally approve of the efficient use of time and all… but call it what it is… working gi—“ I stopped myself “Women.” I grinned and winked at her. I finished the last of my chicken and washed it back with the beer. “Damn this is good stuff!”
•- Leah Clearwater -•
Narrowing my eyes at him, it was a good save. But it didn’t stop me from kicking him under the table still.
“I wouldn’t ask you to lie to your mom. I wouldn’t ask you to lie full stop. I don’t do it. So…” why would I ask him to do it.
My heart tightens for a moment when I  thought about the bubble. And how he was keeping them from those he cared for. Me.. it was something normal, no one questioned my comings and goings
As much as they all wanted to know it all. But him. They all had a different relationship. And was I keeping him from telling  the truth? And was that the same as making him lie?
Rubbing my temple I caught #Jackson out the side of me eyes. I showed me two sets of tens on his hands and I understood. He could do me a deal if I bought twenty from him. Sending him back fifteen as the best I could do. He gave me the thumbs up. And the deal was done.
“Right. Are you ready to get out of here?” I asked.
•- Embry Call -•
“I know.” I smiled at her. “You wouldn’t, but not mentioning something isn’t exactly lying though.”
I saw those bright eyes dim a little and I stopped… wondering… what was she thinking that had her calling to the Spirits. I tried the figured it out as she made her deal with #MrHayes. Maybe I would get a chance to ask her later when it was just to two of us.
I nodded and picked up my jacket from the back of my chair. “Ready and almost willing…” I chuckled. This place served great food… I would definitely be back. “Anything else you want to do before heading back to the print shop?”
•- Leah Clearwater -•
Picking up my jacket, pulling it on as I made my way around the table.
“Hmm?” Shaking my head. “No, I’ve nothing else to do. This was an added bonus as I had no plans to be here until next week.”
Embry had been the one to bring me along with him. “You? Anything you need to do before we head. Ack to the store?”
Moving the small device back to the inside pocket of my jacket. I made my way to the bar and cleared our tab before nodding my goodbyes to the staff and #Jackson.
‘Always a pleasure, Miss Clearwater.’ “So, I’m told by all the fools.” I smirked leaving through the main doors.
•- Embry Call -•
“No… I think we have covered everything… Other than the pizza on the ride home.” I grinned because that was not to be forgotten. I patted my pockets when Leah was saying her goodbyes to Jackson. But then I saw her shift the beeper back into her pocket from her jeans after she stood up… I felt the sense of relief again that made my heart rate stutter a little and draw a deeper breath than normal. It was a freeing… almost weightless feeling. Not to be free of the burden of it…
Mom wasn’t a burden… but to feel 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽 kind of support… it tugged on chords that were buried deep.
“Thank you very much, Mr Hayes.” I smiled as we headed out.
‘You are very welcome. I hope we’ll see you again soon.’ He smiled. ‘Don’t  let that one walk all over you.’ He winked at me.
“Why not?” I winked back. “That’s the fun part.” He chuckled, shaking his head.
‘Looks like she’s finally met her match.’ He said, but we were almost at the door so I assumed he was  talking to himself. I could hear the smile in his voice without looking back.
“You wanna drive again?” I asked her as we stepped out in the salty and smoky air. The combination was strange and highly appealing.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
Rolling my eyes at the conversation taking place behind my back. My ears homed in in the change of his heart and then I found myself listening to everything about him. His laughter, his breathing, his heart of course and the way his feet hit the ground. Trying to find a reason for what had occurred. But when I couldn’t find one I turned to look back at him over my should as we walked across the parking lot towards his jeep.
“Sure, I could drive.” I was never one to push for answers or question anyone. But I wanted to know. “Are you okay? You.. hmm.. your heart… it…” he must have heard and felt it himself?
•- Embry Call -•
I tossed her the keys again and smiled, stuffing my hands back into my jacket pockets; drawing her attention. She never missed a trick. The slightest change and she was tuned in. “I’m fine, Trouble.” I chuckled, breathing easy. And while  the line was normally a cop out everything on my posture and expression conveyed its truth.
“I was just…” How could I say this in a way that wouldn’t sound like I was thanking her? Because I knew it wasn’t something, she would want thanks for… if anything it was something she would see as her responsibility. It wasn’t of course, but this was Leah. I had learned enough about her to know how she saw these things
She was Beta, I was in her pack and I was struggling with  something… something that was beyond anyone else’s control… something she couldn’t fix, or help me fix. So, all that could be done was to ease the situation, so… she was now carrying my mother’s lifeline in her pocket… just so I could take  a few deep breaths.
“Taking a moment to appreciate your help today…” My smile grew. “I needed it more than I knew…” I stopped myself from adding Thank You… it was an instinct. Acknowledging or accepting help hadn’t ever been something I struggled with… unless it involved money. “Honestly… The best day off I have had in a while if I’m honest. I’m really glad you’re here.”
•- Leah Clearwater -•
Catching the keys in the air with on hand, twisting the ring into my fingers as I read the moment. That I hadn’t expected from him, here and now at all. So, I tilted my head to the side and looked at him. 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 looked. Passed that smile, the chuckles, the laughter, and the grins. Again, surprised at seeing… it was the truth. He was telling me the truth.
He knew what I thought of lying, but he also knew I was the queen of misinformation and misdirection. Some of the pack picking up pointers and trying to use my own superpowers  on me at times. But this, here. It wasn’t that. They didn’t thank me, who he’s saved me from punching him in the face, but at the same time, I knew what he was trying to say. The weight of what he was feeling hadn’t been missed by me. It was why I had asked to help carry it on my shoulders today, so he could… well.. not have a day off. There were no days off with your family. But just… I didn’t know… I didn’t have his skill with words.
“Keeping this up and people will think I’ve gone soft. Now what will that do  for my reputation Embry Call?”
With the hat said, we were in his Jeep, and pulling out of the parking lot, with me glancing at him from time to time.  Changing the subject on him. “Do you think I can made that guy cry this time?” As I turned off the Main Street back towards the print store.
•- Embry Call -•
I laughed. “No one would ever accuse you of going soft.” I climbed into the Jeep, pulled the seatbelt across my body and murmured. “To your face.” Just low enough for her to hear, then I watched her closely; anticipating a slap or punch in  the arm. I flashed her a cheeky smile.
“How about we make it a goal to 𝕟𝕠𝕥 make anyone cry today?” I chuckled. “I know that it’s a wild concept. But let’s try something new… That’s been working well for us lately.”
I knew that a lot of people looked at both of us as the type to spend our days doing exactly what she’d teased… at least people outside of those we cared about. It was an image I had carefully crafted and one that was thrust upon her. But, of course, it wasn’t true. I couldn’t speak to why she let the image stand… she had her own motivations just like I had mine. “And don’t worry about your reputation… I won’t tell a soul… whether there are tears or not.”
•- Leah Clearwater -•
Reaching out I smacked him upside his head. “I heard that, and you know I did.” The roads were a little busier now, however nothing to cause us any trouble on route back to the printing store.
“Why are you always trying to show me new ways?” Thinking about it. “Use your words, Leah.” I spoke.
“Don’t make anyone cry.” I said without taking my eyes off the road. “Next you will tell me not to keep the pups in line.”
Looking at him from the side of my vision as I drove. His trust in handing me the keys didn’t surprise me. But still I had to think about how he made anything work for him. The day was unplanned, and he made it work. Whereas me? I would need a plan to see it through to the end.
Parking up across the street from the printing store. “So, no tears. Just a big smile?” Giving him a dead pan look, to say ‘yeah right.’
•- Embry Call -•
“Ow!!” I exaggerated, rubbing the back of my head, and running my fingers through my hair. “Don’t mess with the hair. All I can do is show you the paths I know… after that, you can choose to walk one or… do what you normally do and forge  your very own.” I smiled, every piece of information that she took in informed her future actions but never changed her way of doing things.
I laughed and looked at her. “Oh well, I never said that! You could make him pee his pants? That  would be entertaining for everyone.” I chuckled… “Maybe not for him.”
I climbed out of the Jeep. “I’m sure they’ve gotten everything fixed, then we just head to the car wash and the rest of the day is wide open.”
•- Leah Clearwater -•
“Drama Queen.” Rolling my eyes for about the millionth time, before climbing out. This time I put the keys in my pocket. I wasn’t going to give them back to him. Not yet any way. Which was evolved for me. Normally I would never keep something that belonged to another like this.
“I can be nice. Sometimes. Maybe. Fine. Who am I kidding.”
My head I could imagine seeing #TheGreatWolf shaking his head, telling me I should know better, and then whipping the back of my head with wind hard. Good times! This time I had parked on the correct side of the street, so walking around to the pavement.
My hands pushed into the pockets of my jacket, my eyes on the store front I made my way in.
•- Embry Call -•
“Drama King!! If you don’t mind.” I smirked. I noticed that she’d held onto the keys this time, but I didn’t let on. It hadn’t come to my notice because it bothered me… it made more sense for her to hang onto them. It meant I didn’t need to  keep offering them to her, knowing she was more comfortable driving when she needed to be in a car. It just wasn’t her usual behaviour… it was a good thing, she had accepted the fact that she was as welcome to the Jeep as any of the pack was. It was a bigger step than I think even she knew.
I pulled open the door before I realised what I had done, distracted by my inner monologue. She might well kill me for a perceived act of chivalry… “Age before beauty?” I grinned, saving myself with sarcasm… That was likely worth a punch in the arm; as opposed to the kick in the balls opening a door for her might get me. Plus… she was older than me… barely. But still.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
“King? Aren’t we a little precious about our title today.” It was sarcasm, of course. Calling him a queen was more fun, because let’s face it. I knew I would get a reaction from it. I froze at the door with my hands dropped out of my pockets ready to push the door open. But this? He thought it was a good idea to act like I was some damsel in distress.
‘You know, some would say it’s out of respect, out of care, out of friendship even. He knows you don’t need a man to hold your door open. But is it so terrible to have a friend, do it?’ She was awake and watching again. And I disliked her having a point, one I wasn’t going to acknowledge now.
And then came the comment. Making her cringe. ‘I take it back.’ She muttered. ‘Maybe I’m wrong about this one.’ She huffed and I smirked internally. Walking past him, I smacked him upside the head. Hard enough that the sound rang in the store and the boy from before, jumped out of his skin.  ‘Welcome back Miss Clearwater. Your order is ready for you to sign off.’
•- Embry Call -•
“Don’t get your knickers in a twist…” I teased. “We all know the Queen is really the one in charge.” I watched the look in her eyes change at my joke and laughed… until. “Ow!!” It didn’t hurt, of course, I fixed my hair again. Sticking my  foot out to catch her ankle. Just a little.. to make her stumble but not fall.
The look on the printer's face said. 𝒜𝓌𝑒𝓈𝑜𝓂𝑒! 𝒫𝒾𝓈𝓈 𝒽𝑒𝓇 𝑜𝒻𝒻 𝒷𝑒𝒻𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝐼 𝓉𝒶𝓁𝓀 𝓉𝑜 𝒽𝑒𝓇. 𝒯𝒽𝒶𝓃𝓀𝓈 𝒹𝓊𝒹𝑒! After the stunned look from her slap had worn off at least.
I was about to ask to see it before we signed off on anything, but he had addressed Leah and not me. I didn’t want to speak for her. So, I waited to follow her lead.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
One foot caught as the other found the ground making my balance off just enough to be caught and I growled snapping my teeth at him.
“Akanesdi!” (Arsehole!) The word out before I could stop myself.
“Nihi wili aguyvdi nasginai!” ( You will pay for that!) I knew he didn’t understand, and I wanted him to know that I would come for him. “When you won’t see it coming.”
The guy behind the counter took a few steps back as I stepped up to him. ‘I have everything here laid out. I knew you would want to see it all again.’ His shaking hand held out a flyer, and the banner had been rolled out for me to look over.
Taking me time, going half way down into the box of flyers I took a few out to see what was on them. He has fixed, printed, and stacked them all the way they should have been done in the first place.
•- Embry Call -•
I knew that first one very well and I flashed her a grin that let her know that I did. But what she said after it was beyond my highly limited knowledge of the language. Then she made it clear in English… I was going to pay... but I still  thought I was better off than if she’d thought I’d opened the door to be chivalrous.
I dragged my hand through my hair tousling it a little and very subtly licked my bottom lip.. just to make her forget she was plotting revenge for a second. I open the picture #Sue sent me again and set my phone on the counter next to the flyers since that was where the problem was the last time. I instinctively started looking for the issues Leah had pointed out, but then checked the rest too in case they foolishly changed something that had previously been right.
I looked up at Leah. “What do you think? Will the Boss be happy?” I smiled at her, clearly meaning her Mom.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
Of course. Of course, he would understand the foul language, but the good stuff? Nope. What was it with guys and their ability to pick up of the crap before the good? “May I?”
Taking his phone, I gave it a good look and then over the work we had the young guy redo, then I stepped back content with the outcomes. Setting Calls phone back down, noticing how he was doing the same as me, however with a finer tooth comb. Which I wasn’t sure could be done.
“Hmm… I think she will be.”
Turning the invoice around to see that Ma had paid for the job in advance.
I sighed and shook my head. “I need to talk to her about the hat again.” It wasn’t the first time we had talk on paying a deposit v the full amount.
“Go ahead and pack it all up. We want to take it all with us now.” I told the guy, turning to lean on the side of the counter.
•- Embry Call -•
I nodded to her when she asked if she could take my phone… like my jeep, I wasn’t massively private about my phone. Which was why I had to delete so many of the messages Leah and I shared. I knew that the guys would go into my messages but  still, it was a risk, and becoming private about it now would be a giveaway that something was happening.
I chuckled to myself at Leah’s comment about her mom paying up front. I knew she was right… but she used this place a lot by the sounds of it, so I figured she trusted them. Maybe the mix-up today wasn’t a regular occurrence? At least… I hoped not.
The guy behind the counter started boxing everything up. When I thought he wasn’t listing I looked at Leah and waggled  my brows. “You are looking forward to the guys on the Rez getting all soapy for the car wash?”
•- Leah Clearwater -•
My attention reminded on the work that was taking place before my eyes. There wasn’t going to be any letting up until what Ma needed was safely in Embry’s Jeep. Until that is he had to speak. Giving him a sideways glance with a roll of my eyes and then they return to the guy working.
“If you think I’m going to be there, you got another thing coming. I told the Kid, he and Mac help outside. I remain indoors.
I think I see more than enough on a daily basis of them all shirtless.” Saying that, they also saw me running around the woods in my shots and sports bras. But that wasn’t the point. I got my arse dressed they just didn’t bother.
‘All done Miss Clearwater. Everything you need is in the boxes. I’ve added some stickers too. To support the event.’
My face remained dead pan.
‘Let me help carry it to the car for you.’ He was shifting on his feed, looking uncomfortable now.
“1. Thank you for redoing these and fixing the mistakes.
B. It is kind of you to create the stickers, I’m sure they will be used.
3. It is fine. I… We… can manage from here.” He looked shocked at me. Nodding he gave me a tentative smile. Asking us to come back if we needed anything more.
•- Embry Call -•
I rolled my eyes. “Please! You know you’ll be out that making sure every car that leaves is pristine, so the Rez keeps its good reputation!”
I tried not to laugh at the guy when he offered to carry the stuff to the car… I knew it was purely to look good to Leah. I stacked to boxes, tucked the rolled-up banner under my arm and lifted the boxes the Leah hadn’t.
“Don’t worry.” I winked at the guy. “I brought muscle along to help with the job.” I nodded to Leah carrying  more than what this clearly thought she was capable of.
I shouldered the door and made my way outside holding it open with my foot. “Don’t kill me… neither of us have spare hands right now so it just makes sense!”
•- Leah Clearwater -•
“I have cameras in the parking lot. I don’t need to be stood there to know the job is being done.”
Was I that transparent? How was this man seeing past all the walls I built up over the years?
‘Because they are coming down around him.’ My wolf whispered to unasked question. “Shut up.” Rolling my eyes at his killing comment. While walking towards his jeep, I shook my head.
“As if I would kill you in front of witnesses. It’s like you don’t even know the basics rules of getting away with murder.” The balancing act came when the door needed to  be opened. Placing everything on one arm, manoeuvring the things I managed to open it and set the boxes inside.
•- Embry Call -•
I rolled my eyes… “Sure, sure! I forgot that sitting on the side-lines was totally your style.” I chuckled, the sarcasm was laid on thick. “It's actually one of your sexiest qualities.”
I watched her with the doors and the boxes, the way  she shuffled them around to get them open. “I take it back… that right there is your sexiest quality. The side-line thing just got bumped to second place.” I slid my boxes in after hers and set the rolled-up banner on top of them.
“All we gotta do now is hot the car wash and I will have done Sue proud.” I grinned like I had done it all myself. I headed around the Jeep to hop into the passenger seat.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
Stunned into frozen silence while my brown eyes followed him around to the passenger side of the jeep.
“Did you just….” No it wasn’t possible, or was it? This was Embry Call, of course he did.
“I have no idea how to even reply to that.” Moving around to the driver side I climbed  in. “I’m not even sure if this should result in you being punched into next month or not.”
Sexy? These were the things he found sexy in a woman, and yes, of course his sarcasm was dripping so heavily that I was sure people would be coming with shovels to mop his  crap up.
“You’re going to end up in ocean. Just because I can push you in and stay standing to tell the story.”
•- Embry Call -•
I laughed. “Shock and confusion. I tend to have that effect on women. Along with a few other things.” I winked at her because she was aware of what some of those other things were.
I smiled at her and buckled my seatbelt. “If I remember right… the last time that happened we both ended up in the ocean and a good time was had by all.” I grinned, remembering the rush, the roaring laughter of the pups and the climb back up the side of the cliff.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
“It’s not something you should be proud of; the confusion is enough to make me smack you upside your head.”
The other things… I wasn’t thinking of them outside of the bubble. Turning the key in the ignition, with a mother of all rolls of my eyes. “The only reason you lived to tell the story is because of the pups.”
It flashed before my eyes. That moment I pulled my top off and saw the look in his eyes. And then we both went flying.
•- Embry Call -•
I smirked at her expression… she was so much better at controlling her thoughts outside the bubble. But as long as I wasn’t the one to pop it; I considered it a win.
“I’ve never had any complaints…” I grinned and laughed at her comment  about the pups.
“The pups are the only reason I had the balls to chance it in the first place, Clearwater.” I chuckled. “I might be a little reckless… but I definitely don’t have a death wish! And without the witnesses?” I smirked. “My outlook could have been in question…”
I double-checked my messages from #Sue even though I knew we only had one thing left to do today. “So just the car wash left and then we’re all set.”
•- Leah Clearwater -•
Giving him a death look (that somehow didn't have the same amount of 𝔻𝔼𝔸𝕋ℍ in it as it used to. Something of course I’d need to fix in due time. )
"The car wash for the supplies? Has Ma given you a list of that she is expecting from this place?" We hit the road, after I glanced back once to make sure everything, we'd just picked up was safely in place in the back.
The drive really didn't take long, I didn't know if it was because I was driving, or if it had something to do with the distraction Embry had become. Seeing him so at ease in his jeep made me think. I had to figure this thing out. Just not today.
Before I knew it, we were pulling up outside of the car wash who had offered up for free supplies for the event being run on the Rez.
"Is there a name of the person we need to speak with here?"
•- Embry Call -•
I tried to act like the glare didn’t affect me… but my Adam’s apple bobbed as I tried to hide a nervous swallow.
I dove into the subject change. “She said the promised buckets, sponges and cloths… shampoo and wax and things like that, but she didn’t have a list or anything. She said anything they were willing to donate would be a big help. So, she told me to use my charm and see what I could convince them to part with.” I smiled at her. This was the real reason she’d sent me; it wasn’t just women the was good at charming.
I unbuckled my seatbelt when she parked. “The guy we're looking for is called Danny.” I caught her gaze across the car. “Let’s take our time here… we aren’t in a rush, right?” I smirked at  her, because I had a plan.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
“And now it all falls into place. Of course, Ma would call Embry Call for the charm.”
My voice neutral as I said it. It didn’t matter to me why Ma called him and not me to help today. But it was the not know that bugged me. And now I had my answer.
“She wanted her ace in  the hole for this job.”
And she wasn’t going to get that with me. Well, she could. But it would make me want to shower for a week and scrub my skin raw to get the bad taste of being nice for something off me.
Rolling my tongue over my teeth, I sat back to look at him.
“You have the run of this one. I am here to watch and learn.” Okay. Maybe not the learning part. “You want us to take our time at a car wash? Are you planning on getting the jeep cleaned?”
There was that look in his eyes. The one that told me, something was coming together in his mind.
•- Embry Call -•
“Your Mom always picks the right guy for the job. You know that.” I chuckled. I nodded as she mentioned taking our time, the contemplation on her face was exactly what I was going for. Then tilted my head… intrigued at the idea of having the jeep washed. “That might actually be a great plan!” I grinned and looked around, getting the lay of the land.
I spotted three guys starting work on a large crew cab pickup truck. I nodded to Leah to follow me and approach the lads washing the truck, instead of walking into the reception as people would expect.
“Hey, guys.” I said over the sounds of power washers. “I was asked by the tribal council up in La Push to pick up a donation… I was told to ask for Danny?” I stuffed my hands into my pockets.
‘Oh! Yeah, yeah, yeah… #Dani’s up in the office, we set out a bunch of good stuff this morning.’ One guy stepped away from the truck and pointed back up the lot. ‘Right up there… you can’t miss it, brother.’
I knew instantly that this guy’s father’s, sister-in-law’s cousin’s uncle was Native American… so naturally he was too. I expertly held back my cringe. It wasn’t my place to question his family tree and frankly… I didn’t much care.
I headed up to the small building with ‘Reception’, on the door that the guys had called an office. When I stepped inside there was only one person in there and it was not a guy called Danny at all… It was a girl with Dani scrawled prettily on a name label stuck to the front of a fleece sweater. A sweater she started nervously tugging at when she spotted me and then Leah.
‘Welcome! May I help you?’ She said, coming up to the counter between us.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
“Hmm…” Is all the reply he would get on the comment about my Ma, because we both knew it to be true. She knows how to make people shine, showing them the best parts of themselves. When it came to the Pack, it felt like she knew these boys better than they understood themselves at their low points.
Keeping my distance to give Embry the space he needed to speak to the men, my dark eyes moved around. The gravel to the sides, where the water rolled down showed the uneven surface. The tarmacked lot, where cars and trucks were serviced, gave a good eyeline down the streets and out to the back of the space too. The small building that could do with a little TLC, that looked like the hub of the business had somewhat of a strong structure but wouldn’t take much to bring down. Three windows to the front, the door, from the way the shadows worked, I would have expected another window to the side out of my eyeline.
It was an open area, the building to the left was at a distance, and to the right. Well as it had a “To Let” sign on the window. It could become an issue.
‘There are no scents in the air.’ My wolf on watch with me. She had given up a long time ago from stopping me. These were steps I needed to take, to make me feel ready, to be the protector, and there was no turning it off.
“No Scents.” I agreed before following Embry up past the men working on the truck. Their eyes followed, especially the one who called Embry ‘Brother.’ However, they didn’t act on their thoughts.
‘Not every man.’ my wolf chuckled. What a tag line that had become for our times.
The scent of daisy blossoms, fresh shampoo and chewing gum hit me before I was at the building. As I bent my head a little bit while stepping in behind Embry, coming to a stop with the woman’s eyes on me. It didn’t take me long to look her over, without seeming as I was checking her out. Which made my lips curl up into a smirk.
Dani not Danny
Her hands worked the fabric of her fleece sweater, making me tilt my head to the side. Both my wolf and I thought together; however, she voiced it first.
‘She is two spirited.’ The glint in her eyes at seeing Embry at first sped her heart up, and then when her eyes met mine, she shied away, biting her lips, still working her jumper with a pink glow in on her pale skin.
‘Oh, this will be interesting to see. Where is my popcorn? The girl seems sweet, will his charm work, or… will she run?’ She asked me and I just mentally shrugged. This would be one to watch, so I did. Leaning on the wall, with my hands pushed deep into my jacket pockets. One hand working around the small device in there, the other fisted tightly waiting.
•- Embry Call -•
I knew that Leah was taking in all possible threats… It had to be exhausting to be that hyper-aware all the time. Even with the energy level of a Spirit Warrior. I leaned on the counter and smiled at the unexpected Dani... I was certain that the #Sue had implied was to meet a guy here… But I’m sure she had her reasons. “I have no doubt that you can help us.” I smiled and her eyes darted nervously to me and back to Leah. I straightened up, just in case I was the cause of her nervousness. “We here on behalf of the Quileute Council in La Push. One of our Elders told us, you guys would be able to help us out with our car wash fundraiser?”
She smiled but looked right past me to Leah again, brightening a little. The penny dropped… flirting hadn’t been my plan, but I was nothing if not adaptable. ‘Oh, sure, sure!’ Dani smiled. ‘You must be Ms Sue’s son. Such a sweet lady.’ She reached under the counter and pulled out a set of keys.
I smiled and placed my hand on my chest. “Oh no… But I’m lucky to have had her as my second Mom… But right here.” I turned and held my hand out to Leah. “Is Ms Sue’s only daughter.” Dani came out from behind the counter and squeezed past me to head to the door Leah was leaning next to. The girl's heart sped up a little… hmm… maybe it wasn’t Leah making her fidget.
‘Oh!’ She flushed and tugged on the hem of her sweater and stopped in front of Leah and looked like she might offer her hand but seemed to rethink the action. ‘It's so nice to meet you.’ She cleared her throat. ‘Why don’t you guys come with me and I can show what we’ve gotten laid out for you all?’ She pulled the door open and motioned for Leah to head out in front of her and I gave her a look that said to play nice…
Leah wouldn’t discriminate between men or women… she just didn’t like people doing for her what she could do for her herself.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
Chewing the insides of my cheeks to stop from smiling, my head tilted to the side as I took Embry in. What was it with this man, people always mistakenly said he looked like Ma’s son.
‘It’s his kindness. And they don’t know his mom. If they did. There is no way they would have any doubt about who his mom is.’ My wolf makes a good point.
I raised my eyebrow at Call when he gave me that bloody 𝕃𝕠𝕠𝕜 of his. What did he think I would do to this little human? Throw her across the room? This was the moment my wolf showed me what I did to the last persons who opened the door for me.
“Spirits.” I muttered underneath my breath. Telling my wolf, I was evolving. And the look I gave Embry saying…
I Know how to behave Arsehole!
Giving the girl a small nod of my head. “It’s a pleasure.” I didn’t say whose pleasure, so… more growth if you ask me. Taking two long steps I was outside and stepped to the side to let the Dani lead the way.
‘It’s such a good cause, your mom called to tell me all about it. We are so glad to be able to help.’ #Dani was a nervous talker by the looks of it.
“Ma has her way to make sure good is being done all the time. Her and Embry’s mom.” My chin pointed to him. “Ms. Call have been working on this plan for some time now. It’s with support from businesses like yourselves that it is possible.”
My hands remained in the pockets as she looked back to Embry and her cheeks were a deeper red in colour.
Dani walked us to a store room passing the men we had seen before meeting her. ‘Here we go.’ Unlocked the door she pushed it open and turned a light on. ‘Everything we have set out here on the table is yours to take. And if there is anything more, we can do?’
Without missing a best, I asked. “Is there any change we could borrow that portable polish unit? I can see it’s missing a few parts. I’m sure I could have that fixed.”
Her eyes moved around the room to the corner where the small machine sat. ‘Oh. Uhm. I’d have to ask… give me a second, I’ll be right back.’
As soon as she stepped out, I said. “We could charge a little more for a polish finish to the washes, right? And the pups will be able to fix those broken piles?”
•- Embry Call -•
She gave me that death stare of hers only now… it was kinda sexy… before it was a little bit scary. Okay… terrifying.
“Those ladies really work hard for the community. It’s the least we can do to come and help them out.” I greed with Leah when she explained hoe hard our moms worked. I knew that my mom was feeling guilty that she wasn’t helping as much as she used to. But she knew that Sue would never hold it against her… and if the roles were reversed, neither would Mom. They held their friends up, and never let them fall.
My brow raised at Leah… maybe she was better at this negotiating/charm thing than she got credit for. “Thank you, Dani.” I said as she left the room.
“You’re good at this.” I smiled and checked out the unit she’d pointed to. “I think this thing can be saved… if the pups can’t I’m sure Jake or Quil could. If we put Fuller and Littlesea on polishing it would definitely elevate the event… those kids are perfectionists. Do two cars for free and everyone will be lining up for theirs.”
I moved to stand next to Leah and smirked. “You know she was checking you out, right?” I whispered.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
“I know I am; how do you think we have top shelf products at #HwH at affordable prices for everyone to enjoy?”
People always seemed to forget that I wasn’t just the muscle at the bar, I had more than one job and I did them all well. “Hmm… Jake and Quil could do it no problems, but if we ask the pups, it will help them see we are going to them first and not just the OGs. Give them a reason to step up and shine. And if you tell them, it’s for MsC and Ma….”
Those kids would do anything for all the moms. They were good kiddos.
I looked around at all the things #Danni had pointed out for us to take. It was a good haul as it was. But if we offered to…. The thought stopped and I rolled my eyes at him. Did he think I was blind. “She was doing the same to you, until she saw me.” Smirking a little. “Who can blame her, have you seen me? I’m a once in a lifetime kind of a woman to taste.”
Smacking him upside his head I walked over to a rolled-up banner. Opening it to find the business name on it.
•- Embry Call -•
I smiled and shook my head. “As long as you keep the Irish stuff in stock I won’t complain.”
I gave her a nod. “I agree, let them work it out first, and if they can’t we teach them. Those boys would bend over backwards for those ladies and then thank them for the honour.” I smiled. “You know one the young pups… really young… lives next, can’t tell mom we know each other than being neighbours… he cuts Mom’s lawn every other week and tells her that his mother gives him  extra dessert for being neighbourly.” I laughed.
I grinned at her when she confirmed the girl was indeed checking me out too… I hadn’t been sure if I was picking up her nervousness from being around Leah. “Well, that explains why she wanted to know if we were related. She’s clearly got great taste.” I winked.
Danni bustled back into the room with a grin. ‘So… I just spoke to my dad, and he said if you think you guys can fix this thing you can absolutely use it for your event… but he does seem to think it's unsalvageable and he’s been running this place for years and years.’
I just smiled at her. “My friends and I have kept the wrangler running since I was seventeen and it's as old as I am, I’d bet my  favourite boots we can get this going with some good old-fashioned tribal engineering.”
Danni flashed me a smile, and then looked to Leah and turned crimson again. “So, this a family business?” I said when her staring became a little much. “Leah here… and her brother… they have a family business of their own too.”
Danni stutter. ‘Oh… wow… really? That’s amazing… My Dad started this place when I was still a baby… I just work here on weekends to pay for college.’
•- Leah Clearwater -•
“As long as you pay for the Irish stuff, it will be there.” That wasn’t totally the truth. I knew that all the pack members over the age of 21 liked to drink and made sure it was kept behind the bar for them. It had been one of the reasons we worked so hard to open #HwH. #TheKid wanted a place under a roof where all the pack could come together, as well as the community too.
I knew about the young pup. He had been the one following my around the clearings offering to help whenever he could, even if it meant being late for school. I’d had to tell him off. Remind him of the packet he had made to his Alpha about attending school and getting good grads. But we all knew he was a good kiddo.
Taking a double take my eyebrow raised like a shot. “Did you just agree with me? Are you unwell? Did you mean to say that out loud? You know the Spirits may just fall over in shock.”
If #Danni hadn’t bustled back into the room with a big grin, I would have kicked Embry on the arse for the fun of it. And then he began speaking to her about #TheKid, the bar and me. What was he doing? Trying to pimp me out to this chick or something?
“Yeah.” I nodded my head. Turning the conversation right back on to the girl. “College? Are you at Seattle?”
She tucked her hair behind her ear nodding shyly before speaking. “I am indeed.” Clapping her hands “Go Redhawks!” she laughed softly now. ‘Do you go there too?’
Pressing my lips together, I shook my head. “I didn’t go to college; it wasn’t the right path for me.” It wasn’t a lie. Did I want to go? Yes, of course I did. I was meant to be the first in the Clearwater’s to go. However, my path had been set on different direction.
“So, listen. I see this banner here with your business name on it. We would like to take this too. We can hang it and let everyone know that you are sponsoring the event.”
#Danni’s eyes moved from me to Embry and then back again. ‘Seriously? That would be awesome. Yes. Please. Yes.’
Pointing over to Embry. “Sure, Embry here likes getting his tool belt out. He will be sure to find a perfect spot for it. Right Embry?” I asked grinning as #Danni gave him her big eyes like they do in the cartoons.
•- Embry Call -•
“We might have different methods with the pups, Leah…” I chuckled. “But we have the same goals. All of the OGs do…” I tilted my head, “Maybe not Paul.” I laughed outright now.
My brows raised at Leah and saw I #Danni’s expression change.
So… even two-spirit girls were turned on by a guy that could fix things. What was that about? “You’re already making me take my shirt off for this event and now you want to add a tool belt? Are you trying to start a riot, Clearwater?” I smirked and #Danni turned beet red.
‘Eh-Excuse me?’ Her eyes darted between us. ‘Wha—um…’
I pressed my lips together to keep from laughing. “You fix a single door and all of a sudden you’re the village handyman.” I acted like this was the answer to the questions she couldn’t get out. “But yes, I would gladly hang the banner at the event, Danni. You’ve been so generous.”
•- Leah Clearwater -•
Rolling my eyes, he would have fitting a smack upside his head. But #Danni stood dumbfounded her gaze moving from Embry, then back to me. Her eyebrows quivered however the redness in her face just made the girl look cute.
I shook my  head, if that was all the information he planned to give, and let the girl fill in the blanks for herself. Well then, the outcomes were on him. Embry knew I won that bet fair and square. So, he had no choice but to pay up.
‘Thank you…  thank you both.’ #Danni tugged at her sleeve. ‘I know this is for a good cause, so if dad’s business can help of course, we want that. However, he could do with the world of mouth too. Business has been a little slowly for us this year.’
Taking my hands out of my pockets, my eyebrow raised. Taking notes on her comment.
“We will put up the banner, it will help people to see which businesses are happy to be a part of our community.” And I would talk to those I know who  travelled into port. Telling them about this place to drum up some support for them too.
Glancing at Embry in that moment. We should load the jeep up.” My arms wrapped around two boxes (which could have been four, however the need to  look human was a must with witnesses.)
“I’ll start with the cleaners. I have a feeling all the shirtless lot will want to lather up.”  My lips curled up into a grin when I saw #Danni take a step forward to take a box to hide her  reflection. As if her scent hadn’t given her away.
‘I can help you with this.’ She said her eyes forward trying to gather herself. However, I still caught her looking from Embry to me and back again.
Looking back over my shoulder. “You  take your time here, Call. We got this.”
•- Embry Call -•
I did my best not to laugh or smirk and make this shy girl even shier. I smiled at her… but not my flirty one… I wasn’t sure that #Danni could handle that. It was more like the smile I gave the imprint when I was trying to convince them I  was innocent of whatever was going on. “We’re a community that stands by the people who stand by us.”
I chuckled, I wasn’t sure where this idea of getting the guys to strip off for this event came from.. but I was certain it came from a gossiping session with Mom, #Sue and most like #RachelBlack. I laughed at Leah… “Oh, I’m so sorry…” I lifted the broken polisher. “I thought that I was looking at two strong independent women that didn’t need a man to do their heavy lifting.” I laughed; I was so going to pay for that the minute Leah's hands were empty.
‘So cheeky!’ #Danni seemed to come out of her shell, and she packed up all the parts of the polisher that weren't currently attached into a box. “We’ll just have to prove it to you!’ She purposely stepped in front of me and made her way out the door ahead of me, swishing her ponytail… Okay… so this girl had a little spunk in her.
Out at the Jeep, I slid the machine in as far as I could. ‘Wow…’ Danni circled my baby… You weren’t kidding about it being an old Jeep. How does it run?’
“Like a dream!” I smirked… “When she starts.” I teased but most of the time she did start.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
“I told you we got this. It’s not my bloody fault you think I’m always being sarcastic.” Kicking him on his arse for the comment.
Once my arms were empty, I turned back to go get some more. Leaving Embry to talk with #Danni. It wasn’t until I returned with three boxes this time that I heard her comment about the keep.
“It runs on fossil fuel.” Saying it under my breath for Embry to hear clearly. Because why would I miss out of teasing him about it? He’d never go easy on me if the table were turned. However, I was impressed a little. The girl seemed to know what she liked and how to appreciate the time and attention it took to keep something as old as the jeep running.
But most of all, I could help but notice the pride in Embry’s persona at being about to share some part of his baby with some who got it too.
TBC in Part Three...
0 notes
Between the Cusp of Faith and Uncertainty – Together - Part 1
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“Regardless of your uncertainty, never give up on faith….” – William Jenkins
❁ Harper ❁
‘You make me put my hand right up the cows arse!’ #Juan wasn’t happy about the little joke I played with him today.
As I pushed the door to the practice open, #Jessica’s head popped up from behind her desk. ‘Hand up what exactly?’ She asked and it’s all Juan needed to give her the full story.
‘Buttercup here acts all sweet and innocent Jess, but you know what. Don’t be fooled.’ He pushed down on the hand sanitizer pump one too many times and rubbed his clean hands until they were dry.
“I never once said I was innocent thank you.” Setting my bag down, I took the messages #Jessica held out towards me.
‘Sure, if that’s your game.’ He huffed at me when he noticed the smile on my lips.
‘What happened?’ #Jessica asked fighting the urge to laugh.
“Nothing happened, we were at the Taylor farm. And some of the cows needed their check-ups.” #Jessica raised her eyebrows at me. She knew me too well now and could tell there had to be more to the story.
‘Dr Jenkins here set me to work, and you know me Jess darling. I am always up for working hard. But…. This one….’ He pointed to me as he spoke. ‘Told me that the cows needed to be examined internally.’
‘Okay… that sounds fine to me so far.’ #Jessica leant on her desk, with the palm of her hand holding her chin up.
‘Sure, and I agree with you. And I know what I’m doing.’ He continued.
“On paper with big animals” I corrected him, this made him huff and turn his back to me.
‘As I was saying. Your boss pointedly sent me off to examine the animals, but then she dared to say in front of the farmer…’
‘Mr Taylor.’ #Jessica helped.
‘Yeah Mr Taylor… that I wasn’t going in deep enough. That I have to be in shoulder deep… When the gloves only go as far as the elbow.’ He pumped more of the liquid into his hands and rubbed.
“Welcome to a vets life here at the Rez, what did you expect it to be? We need to learn how to get neck deep when it’s needed… So, chalk it up to being a good lesson learnt. Knowing how far you should go and where you shouldn’t.”
Setting the messages in my hands down once I saw that #Jess had dealt with them all, she only gave them to me to review. “Next time you won’t make the mistake of questioning yourself, because now you have first hand experience.”
‘What am I missing here?’ #Jess glanced between the two of us.
‘The cow started to shit on me while I was inside of her!’ #Jessica looked from #Juan to me and I shrugged.
“He stimulated the wrong area.” I told her. “Something you need to learn about too. It’s chapter 31 you need to review and then we can talk about it.” I’d given them both the same book on larger farm animals anatomy.
‘I’m going to need to get so drunk to forget about today.’ #Juan said picking up his helmet.
‘Sounds like it. Why don’t you come down to #HwH tonight? We are all meeting up for drinks?’ I tried to get #Jessica’s line of sight however there was no stopping the girl when she started talking. ‘My cousins own the bar, it’s really cool. They have pool and darts, and they have a stage for live music too.’
I dropped my eyes, rubbing my forehead. It wasn’t that I didn’t want him to come, I just wanted a chance to give the others a heads up before #JuanDiaz stepped out in La Push.
‘If I didn’t know better Dr. J. I’d say you don’t want me out in town?’ He turned his full attention on #Jess again. ‘But as you invited me sweet cheeks, I will be there. What time will you be there. I need a bath, and to soak my arm in disinfectant first.’
I fought the urge to roll my eyes. He was acting up. I knew #Juan’s history, I knew mess wasn’t an issue for him. The issue here was how hard me and Mr. Taylor had laughed at seeing it all unfold.
‘Anytime after seven and we will all be there, maybe you will get to meet some of the others from around town.’ She smiled her purest of smiles at him.
#Juan left the two of us to close up, he said he couldn’t wait any longer to strip down and climb into the shower. Not an image I needed or wanted in my mind.
‘Did you not want me to invite Juan out tonight?’ #Jessica asked and I shook my head. I couldn’t expect her not to be her. She was a kind soul, and this was what she did. She had done the same thing for me when I first came to town.
“No, no. It’s fine. We maybe just need to give Leah, Char and Teddy a heads up on how he is?”
❁ Collin ❁
I hadn't been sleeping, I was lying awake all night having different versions of the conversation I knew I should have already had with Harper, over and over in my head.
'No offence... but you look like shit, dude.' The voice was part amused and part concerned when it came through the speaker on my phone. 'You need to talk to her... before you drive yourself crazy. The longer you wait the harder it will be.'
I knew that he was right. But we couldn't all be like #Seth... an endlessly optimistic romantic that could pack up his life and follow a girl halfway across the country. It wasn't that I wouldn't do that... I would. In a heartbeat. Harper was the axis that my world turned on. But after seeing the family and life she built here... I didn't want to give her a reason to run.
"I just... I don't want to frighten her. She has so much going for her here..." I started.
'Collin, stop. You know that won't happen... Maybe she'll need time to wrap her mind around it and that is going to suck. But you've said yourself that she's already feeling the bond.'
"Shit!" I grumbled and thumped my head to the table as I heard a familiar engine pull up outside. #Seth laughed when he heard the voices approaching the door. 'Told you ignoring the group chat was a stupid idea.' He laughed, I looked back up at the screen in time to catch him watching Kenzi walk by.
Large hands clapped onto my shoulders. 'C'mon Loverboy! We aren't taking no for an answer.' Then it was followed by a chorus of excited chattering and hooting into my phone at #Seth when #Quil and #Brady followed #Embry into my kitchen.
The third in command of the Black Pack took my phone and started talking to #Seth. #Brady dragged me towards my bedroom. 'You need to chill out... You've been stressing out over what to tell Harper. You need to relax, or you’ll end up blurting it all out at once.' He shoved me into my room and pointed to the bathroom door. 'Shower. Fast.' he smirked and pulled the door shut.
In less than 45 minutes... I was sat in the back of a jeep and pulling up in front of the #HWH.
❁ Harper ❁
‘You know I will leave the baby here with Dam and be on the next flight up there. I will happily kick that man in the balls and then stomp on them for fun after too.’ #Jenna was on a roll after I told her what had been going on since our last catch up. ‘No, not that top. Wear the yellow jumper if you are keeping your hair up tonight.’ She added, so I pulled off the black shirt and took out the yellow jumper she knew so well. Stepping back in front of the tablet screen. ‘Yes, much better.’
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“Jenna, stop threatening to leave the baby. I need cuddles and kisses, so if you visit. You bring Carl with you.” I told her. “And you know I can fight my own battles. It’s just teething problems right now. I’m sure things will settle down soon enough.” I told her.
Jenna had become a new woman after having her baby. She wasn’t as carefree, more of a protective mama bear. A Look I’d never seen in her before now.
‘Fine, but I’m telling you. I’m here and—’ I cut her off telling her I had it all in control.
Saying our good byes I promised to call again soon. With the new year being busy, and spring around the corner she knew I would go MIA for some time until things cooled down again. And then we would only have quick calls here and there.
As I made my way out of the door, I pulled my big coat on. The evenings were colder than the days, however it wasn’t so cold tonight. As I walked down the path, I changed my mind and started walking out towards the bar.
The coolness in the air aided in unwinding, shaking off the madness from the day and take a moment to think of nothing. I could unclutter my mind and… think. That was until I heard the loud sound of a bike coming down the street. There were a number of people in town who rode bikes, however this one I knew too well now. As I came to a stop at the crossing before the bar, He slowed down and rode by my side.
#Juan flicked the front of his visor up and smirked. ‘Hey Buttercup, you should have told me you were walking. I’d have given you a ride.’
“I wanted to walk.” I told him, keeping my hands pushed deep into my pockets. Smiled as I thought of what #Jenna had wanted to do to him.
‘I can understand that. We all need some me time.’ He brought his bike to a stop, pulling it up onto its kickstand before he took his helmet off and hang it on his handlebar. He rubbed his fingers through his short hair, climbing off his bike, before looking to me again. ‘Shall we?’ He pointed to the door and then he froze.
I followed his gaze. ‘That bike.’ He started. His mouth about dropping to the ground. ‘Why do I know this beaut?’ he asked. But I didn’t voluntarily give him any information. He would work it out.
‘It’s that girl… the fine one on the road that day. I couldn’t forget this bike or her—’ he cut off when he saw me looking at him with daggers in my eyes.
“This bikes owner deserves more respect than you are giving right now Dr Diaz.” My voice was a little curt with him. I didn’t like him or anyone talking about #Leah in that way.
‘Sorry, I didn’t mean… It’s just a beautiful bike, a beast. I still cannot believe it belongs to a girl.’ He said whistling at the bike now.
“Woman.” I corrected him. It just makes him wink at me, so I stepped around him heading towards the door. But #JuanDiaz had fallen into step with me.
‘Do you ever lighten up?’ He asked pulling the door open for me. ‘Ladies first.’ He smiled with another wink. But I stood there looking at him.
“Lighten up? I am not uptight—” Stopping as I could hear #Kenz in my mind telling me I needed to stop being so uptight all the time. Was I still that way?
❁ Collin ❁
There was more of the pack in the bar, not that this was shocking news to me. The bar was the place we could all hang out; while at the same time trying to appear less intimidating to the others in the tribe that didn’t know what we were. They were prone to thinking of us all like a gang.
I was greeted with cheers of 'Hello stranger!' and so in. They were exaggerating; they had seen me... on runs, at #Embry's and #Emily's place. But it had been a while since I'd joined them here. I took a seat at the bar and smiled at #Leah behind it. The former setting down a pint glass of milk in front of me and smirked and that only #LeahClearwater could. 'Let me know if you want to let your hair down and I'll bring you a diet coke. You can go wild!' She laughed.
'How come he gets free drinks, and I don't?' #Brady leaned on the bar next to me. He was teasing; sometimes I wondered how the #HWH stayed in business with the way the pack drank. #Leah flicked a bottle cap at him before she handed the beer to a customer. 'A; because if I need something fixed, he actually shows up on time and 2. He never tries to drink up all of my top-shelf liquor.' She turned back to the other customers and #Brady fixed his expression into mock disdain.
'Goodie-two-shoes.' He growled at me, teasingly and I just swigged from the glass. It was about ten minutes of catching up with the younger pack members (Who still annoyingly thought that #Brady and I were one of them... despite the fact that we were in the pack for the battle with the new-born army. Before they were starting to feel the effects of the change) before someone came in and whispered that;
‘Collin’s imprint is outside with a strange dude on a kickass bike.’
I had to stop myself from growling for two reasons. One: She had a name! It was like any of them didn't know it. Two: A stranger? As in someone on the Rez that the pack hadn't been aware of before. With a shared hive mind, it was hard for anyone on the reservation not to look familiar, either you'd met them or just recognized them from a shared memory. As years went on it was harder to tell.
"Did you know she was coming tonight?" I asked Brady. Was that why they had been so pushy?
'No... I swear... but, it's a small town and the #HWH is really the only place to be.' Brady wasn't lying. He was a pain in the arse most of the time, but he was a terrible liar. I'd always liked that about him. But after joining the pack it caused a few problems. Thank the Spirits for #Sam's gag order.
Too many eyes were on me now but a pointed clearing of the throat from the Black Pack's beta had them all rushing back to their previous conversation. I struggled to keep myself from staring at the door... well, from sprinting for the door if I was to be perfectly honest. I settled for a few sidelong glances and waited to see if she would come in.
❁ Harper ❁
As soon as we stepped into the bar, there was a buzz in the air. A hum of energy that screamed of too many men under one roof. However, it wasn’t a place you would feel unsafe. I wasn’t sure how #Leah did it, however there was always order when she would be here, and if there weren’t things were addressed fast.
‘The guys in this place are pumping the roids huh?’ #Juan inhaled a whistle the moment his eyes landed on the tall woman, with long dark hair and a ‘Don’t mess with me.’ sign over her forehead. And even with it visible. #DiazJunior was moving towards #Leah like a moth to a flame.
“You really shouldn’t.” Are the only three words of warning I shared as it was clear he wasn’t going to listen to me.
‘Harper!’ #Jessica jumped up from her seat from behind a table surrounded by a lot of people. And okay, maybe #Juan had a point about the men here? However, I recalled #Leah and #Seth telling me that it was in the tribes blood to be bigger, faster, and better than the rest of the world.
‘Oh No…’ She mouthed rushing over towards me. ‘Did you warn him?’ She came to stand beside me, we both were watching the train crash about to take place at the bar. ‘Maybe Leah will want to have a drink with him? you know… Maybe?’ She whispered.
“Shouldn’t we be warning Leah? You believe Leah would fall for his charm and smiles? After which the sky will start to rain candy.”
#Juan stepped up to the bar, rubbing the back of his neck before he shrugged out of his jacket. As #Char came up to ask how he could help #Juan, he made to let the girl stood beside him go before him. The girl was short, fair hair, wearing jeans and a pink tee. She smiled at #Juan, but his attention was elsewhere, and she could see it when she followed his sightline.
‘Have you seen the others?’ #Jessica whispered, and I shook my head in reply to say no.
“Juan caught up with me as I walked up to the bar.” I told her.
‘Why did you walk?’ she questioned, and I told her I just felt like I needed to enjoy the fresh air.
When #Leah was free, she asked who hadn’t been served, looking around but something told me that she had #Juan in her sightline. He stepped up, nodding his head. We could just make out his voice over all the sounds in the place as he ordered himself a beer and asked her to join him for a drink in her break. #Leah eyed him and then dismissed him with a bottle of beer set before him. She told him she wasn’t into drinking on the job at the start of the night.
‘Is that a lie? I mean she did say at the start of the night, so no. it’s not.’ #Jessica answered her own question.
#Juan didn’t move away from the bar.
“I can’t see anymore of that...” I told #Jessica nodding my chin towards the bar. “Should I go over and help Leah? stop this?” What was I going to do? Tell #LeahClearwater to take it easy on him?
‘No, come on he is a good guy, and my cousin is always looking out for everyone. Maybe she will agree to go on a date or something?’ There was an air of well wishes in #Jessica’s words.
Just as I started to worry and my heart started to beat that little harder, imagining all the outcomes that could follow, I made myself look away. And then it happened. That pull from the heart. I felt him close by before I saw him. I wasn’t sure how, but I knew Collin was here.
❁ Collin ❁
The second she stepped inside all my senses came alive, out of all scents in the room (and there was so many) I could pick hers out with ease. It set my heart speeding and my nerves tingling. The pull in my chest eased with the knowledge that she was close. The male scent with her was new... And the first words out of his mouth had all the guys bristling. I shook my head... some people's sense of self-preservation was just non-existent. Another cleared throat from Leah settled it.
Her sway over the packs without the voice of the alpha was proof of how they respected her... even though none of them would admit it. She had become a voice of reason.
I smiled… my eyes on the half-full glass in my hand. I stood from the stool, timing it just right to pass the new guy as he made a beeline for the bar... for Leah. Poor guy had no idea what he was getting into. I sized him up in the three seconds it took us to cross paths... Cocky... maybe a little arrogant, used to getting his way. Especially with women. But probably not a bad guy. That was about as generous as I could be considering that he had walked in here with the woman I imprinted on.
I reached the girls just in time for it to be believable that I could have overheard Jessica. "Really?" I chuckled. "Have you met Leah?" #Jessica squeaked with fright and whirled to see me, slapping my arm for startling her. I leaned away so even her light slap would glance off my arm, mostly so she wouldn’t hurt herself.
'You scared the hell out of me!' She huffed and I smiled at Harper.
"Hi." My heart thundered enough that a few of the pack glanced at me and, I could feel the grins on their faces. They weren't mocking... they never were. Not for an imprint. Never for an imprint. There was nothing more sacred. #Jessica's eyes flitted between Harper and me. She made a soppy sound and took a step back to pretend to give us privacy.
I took a step closer to Harper, my lips pressing into a tight line and somehow still smiling. "I've always been a little socially awkward." I leaned in close to her ear... but if any wolf in the room wanted to... they could hear me. But the guys would do their best not to overhear if possible. "Are we at the point where I can kiss you to say hello?" I pulled back to see her face, her beautiful eyes. "Are we there yet?"
'YES!!' The high-pitched sound left Jessica and I laughed as she clamped her hand to her mouth like it had slipped out against her will, and then she excused herself to run to the ladies room. I just chuckled and smiled a lop-sided smile.
❁ Harper ❁
My heart rioted within my chest, the sound of the bar had died down and my sight had tunnelled to the point that Collin was the only person in focus, making me forget my words again. I could see him smiling, his eyes lowered to something in his hands, the way his tall body moved around the people without coming into contact with any of them. ( Or was it that they were the ones who moved out of his path towards me? ) However, just as he made #Jessica leaps out of her skin I couldn’t help but to smile wide.
#Jessica jumped, she was speaking, I could make out the sounds. However, all I could see was him moving towards us and then when he was right before me, the world came back to life in a highspeed catch up.
Sounds came hurtling in a combination of voices, music, and the thudding of my heart.
#Juan and his bad choices were out of my mind; I didn’t give him another thought now. Because I knew #Leah would have some way to set him straight. Or she would take him up on the offer. Who knew?
“H…Hi!” I replied to his greeting, biting the corner of my lips. My nervousness of seeing him, of feeling all the things I did making me push the rim of my glasses up my nose.
Then #Jess made the most girly of sounds before giving Collin and me a little space. As he took a step towards me, I in turn did the same towards him. Questions in my mind falling like a waterfall. Was he feeling everything I was? Was he as nervous as me? Was his heart doing the same things mine was right now?
The closer he was the hotter my cheeks grew. Making even more questions fall into line. Was he about to kiss me? Or was it a friendly hug? Would he care that other people would see us? Were his friends here? Would it make a difference to him?
I’d been out of the dating scene for so long, and I was always so awkward in public, that I always overthought everything. And then he did it again. With one sentence all the worries and thoughts rushed away. I found myself laughing softly at his questions, as well as at #Jess’s reactions.
I could feel a number of eyes on the two of us, but I pushed that away. “I guess if we are to take advice from Jess…” I said as she ran off towards the restrooms. “We are at that place.” #Jessica’s face had changed to the colour of a red tomato; making me wonder what her outburst did to my burning hot face right now.
“Hi…” I said again, and this time I turned my face towards him lightly letting my lips touch his. He had lent into whisper in my ear. I took the step forward as he had been the one to ask for permission without making the assumption, I would be fine with him just coming on to me.
Did he even understand how much I respected him for what he had just done? Placing my hand on his chest I closed my eyes and this time kissed him again. Taking in his scent, feeling so warm this close to him.
I whispered again for the third time. Pulling back, pushing the rim of my glasses up my nose once again, so that I could look up at that smiling face of his.
❁ Collin ❁
I could hear her heart beating faster as I approached. Was she as lost as I was at the sight of her? Half of me was utterly certain she was, and the other was terrified to hope. That soft stammered Hi… my heart hammered.
Heat burned the back of my neck spreading all the way to my ears. I smiled when her cheeks tinted rosy, pink. When she said ‘Hi’ for the second time I was done for, she was moving closer and the scent of her filled my head. It was dizzying… in all the best ways. She didn’t need to reach up to kiss me; I barely needed to tilt my face towards her for our lips to touch. The brief gentle contact could have floored me.
“Thank the Spirits!” I muttered and chuckled softly. My free hand came up to rest on her upper arm. I wasn’t sure I could have survived the night if she’d said no… I mean, of course, I would have… Okay well, maybe I’d have found a way to get her to sneak off with me a little early.
“Hi.” I said back to her so softly, I wasn’t sure she’d hear it… my fingers moving over the soft fabric of her sweater. Of course, she could wear bright yellow and look stunning… I smiled. Everything about her revealed a piece of who she was at heart, her car… her clothes… even her furniture.
I felt her hand settle on my chest and the fact that my heart was thundering behind my ribs came rushing back to me. I didn’t care, I wanted her to know that just being close to her made my heart race. The second kiss doubled its pace. I leaned in, parting her lips just slightly with mine; just enough to feel the heat of her breath against my lips.
I smiled again and said. “Hi.”
Ears and face flushing bright red when I realised, I had said it twice… but hadn’t she done the same? Honestly, I was just so happy to be close to her that she could say or do anything, and she would have my undivided attention. My smile grew when she pushed her glasses higher on the bridge of her nose… I loved it when she did that.
“You look be—“
I was cut off by a cleared throat… ‘Sorry to interrupt—‘ It was the new guy… I really needed to get his name. He was standing just a step away from us. A beer in one hand and a distinctive blue cocktail in his other hand… the notoriously strong cocktail #Leah had invented. He extended it to Harper.
“Are you?” I asked with pinched brows, the expression on his face not sitting right with me.
The words had tumbled out before I could stop them. I cleared my throat and tried to reel my wolf back in.
“Ah… Are you new in town?”
It wasn’t the best save… but I wasn’t that guy, the jealous and possessive guy that needed to lay claim to a woman… even if she was my soulmate. Just knowing that was more than enough.
“I don’t think we’ve met yet… I’m Collin.” I squeezed Harper’s arm gently before extending my hand to him.
His eye dipped to the glass in my hand, and he tilted his head. I was used to that look though… A grown man in a bar drinking a glass of milk. It was weird. But normal was overrated.
He looked to Harper like he was trying to read something in her face before he introduced himself.
❁ Harper ❁
There it lay, in the depths of his deep brown eyes. Collin didn’t laugh at me for being foolish, he wanted to take part in it. And really, he’d been the one to ask me to join him on the path of foolishness first. Which I’d happily been traveling on since the first cup of hot chocolate we shared. Being this person, who was lost of words, lost from knowing what to say when I was with him. it was a mile off from the confident and eloquent woman the world knew me to be.
As he said ‘Hi’ back to me again, my smile grew just for him. The way his hand rested on my arm… The tingle his lips caused on mine… The thunder in his chest was palpable, the heat radiating from him told me he indeed felt all the things I did, right?
Even the roaring from the crowds of people around us couldn’t take away how there was something special between us. Maybe it was time for me to listen to my friends? To give myself over to the fact that maybe, just maybe someone this kind wouldn’t break me.
My thoughts cut short, I was listening to Collin speaking, and then his eyes were gone towards the side. Only then did I notice #Juan, he stood with a short round glass full of a two-toned blue liquid with a slice of lemon on the side of it. #JuanDiaz had brought me a drink? Was he feeling well?
The shock froze me in the moment while Collin spoke. Had I been witnessing an edge in Collins voice? No, I told myself. Because with a blink of an eye it was gone. I had to have imagined it. But #Juan, I saw the tension in his shoulders. The way his eyes travelled over Collin and the hand he had placed on my arm. And then #Juan like Collin eased back into himself, plus a cocky grin.
‘Doctor Juan Diaz, I’ve been in town a few weeks now. Finding my comfort zone with Buttercup here. And finding my feet at the practice as well. But you…’ He winked at me before returning his eyes to Collin. ‘I want to know how come you kept this handsome fella hidden from me Buttercup?’
I cringed at the nickname. It was going to stick, I could tell #Juan wasn’t going to let go of it.
‘I didn’t know you would be here Collin, otherwise I would have gotten you a--- glass of milk?’ There was a teasing in there, and I couldn’t help but want to stamp on #Juan’s foot. Like really, really, Really hard.
Something in the room changed, there was a palpable electricity humming around us.
“I wasn’t hiding him.” I just didn’t feel like talking to #Juan about my personal life.
“Collin isn’t a big drinker, and in my eyes it’s admirable that a man doesn’t give into pressure to do what the world expects of him.” I was frowning a little too hard because it caused my glasses to slip down my nose a little.
‘I didn’t mean anything by it buttercup, actually I can respect a man who knows what he likes. I was genuinely saying I would have gotten him a top up.’ He held the glass up towards me. ‘Miss Clearwater said you may like this, as I didn’t know what your poison is yet.’
The word yet. Hadn’t been missed by me. Before I could take the glass or refuse it, #Jessica was back. ‘Oh, Mermaidspunk. I love those.’ She took the glass from #Juan and sipped on it. ‘So, what did I miss?’ She asked looking between the three of us.
#Juan gave her a wink, turning his attention to her. ‘Nothing much Sweet Cheeks, Buttercup was introducing me to her friend.’
I shifted on my feet, making #Juan and #Jessica turned their eyes to me. I was starting to understand that these two never miss a beat. I sheepishly looked to Collin. Hearing #Juan call Collin just a friend. It didn’t’ feel right. But why was I second guessing myself? Was it because once again I had someone in my life whom I cared for dearly?
I wasn’t sure what it was about #Juan. He knew how to push my buttons by just saying ‘Good Morning.’ Making me doubt myself.
#Juan’s attention moved slowly away from me and back on Collin again. ‘So, Collin… What’s your attentions here?’ he pointed from me to Collin and back again. ‘Going to keep this one honest?’ he was laughing as he swigged from the beer in his hand.
“How do you know I plan on keeping Collin here honest?” I chimed in. “It’s the 21st century you know. Woman can take men astray too.”
#Jessica stifled a giggle by bringing the cocktail to her lips. And I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me whole!
❁ Collin ❁
There wasn't an ounce of falseness in this woman, every time I was close enough to look into her eyes I could see all the way into her soul. Something was happening behind those eyes, some big realizations. My eyes dropped to her hand against my thundering heart. Was she starting to realize that what I felt for her was a whole lot more than what would normally come from...? What was it now? Two dates and a night with her friends? I smiled at the reminder of how that night ended; dancing with her in her kitchen.
My brows shot up at the buttercup comment, but I managed to contain my grin. I bet Harper just loved that new nickname. I cringed a little internally that it had been the idea I’d given Harper that had brought him here. But I was going to focus on the fact that it meant Harper wasn't going to be on call all night, every night anymore. I wasn't going to wake up in the middle of the night worrying that she was so exhausted she might have wrapped her car around a tree.
"Oh, so you’re staying in the Tribal support housing then?" I tried to sound enthused. "If you ever need anything fixed just let me know. Maintaining those houses is kind of my responsibility." I chuckled and wrapped my arm around Harper's back when she said she hadn't been hiding me. Then I instantly worried that maybe that was too possessive? My wolf grumbled low.
No. He was right, I wasn't going to second guess every move I made with her. Plus, Harper was a force to be reckoned with... if I did something she didn't like she would let me know. But then #Jessica came back and any awkwardness was pushed aside. I chuckled at her as she took the glass from #Juan and tried not to roll my eyes at the name of the cocktail. The guys in the Black Pack were all a little crazy.
Before I could formulate an answer to his question that consisted of minimal stammering (Because let's face it... it happened more often than not when I was talking to or about Harper) she had answered him herself. A reply that made me beam proudly. "Would I be imposing if I asked to join you guys?" I asked, noting the tinge of pink in Harper's cheeks.
'That's a great idea!" #Jessica smiled and looped her arm through #Juan's. 'Let’s go find a seat.' After she led the new guy off, I smiled and leaned into Harper’s ear again and whispered. "You can lead me astray any day, Dr Jenkins." The scent of her filled my senses before I tightened the arm around her and pressed a kiss to her hair.
❁ Harper ❁
“Yeah, that’s where I’m staying for now. It’s a great idea and set up for the tribe to welcome in outside help from those like me.”
As I witnessed the exchange between the two men, I saw a genuineness in #Juan that had been missing all the time we spent together. And just as that thought was being processed, I tuned back into their conversation.
‘You help with the upkeep of those places?’ #Juan’s glance moved from Collin to me again. This was new to me; I didn’t know that Collin helped to maintain the community support housing here on the Rez. ‘I’m pretty handy with tools myself, but…’ he took a drink from the beer in his hand. ‘If you have time, the kitchen cabinets are a little loose. I was going to find the hardware store this week and fix them. But if I could maybe borrow some tools from you.’
As we all stood there I saw #Leah’s head pop up and she was looking towards me with a wink, and then she was on to serving the next customer. Sometimes it felt like she and #Seth were apart of conversations just by the way #Seth smiled from a far, or like now #Leah did something to say ‘I’m right here if you need me.’
When #Jessica led #Juan away I was in the mind to turn around and tell Collin he didn’t need to put himself through a night of this. However, when his warm breath was felt on my skin, I lost my train of thought. Goosebumps covering the skin under my jumper, and I could feel a ripple like lightening move over my cheeks. How was it possible for me to react in this way? In the past I had been the one to counsel #Kenz and #Jenna away from feeling this way so fast. Now look at me?
“Are you so easily led astray Mr. Littlesea?” I whispered unsure if I would be heard over the sounds within the bar. Turning myself into his hold around my back. “What would the world say?” The teasing tone was enough of a giveaway. My eyes found themselves looking at him, taking in each facet of his face. I felt myself leaning to kiss him, however I heard someone clearing their throat behind us.
Pulling back so fast, I felt myself about to trip over my feet, but I managed to save myself. ‘Hi, we saw you come in and wanted to say hello.’ The smiling face of #Rachel and her husband #Paul greeting us.
❁ Collin ❁
I nodded. "Yeah, well... The town is so small... we can't keep every profession covered" I chuckled. "Half the kids in town pick their careers based on what the tribe needs, and the other half go to college and never come back."
I listened to the usual male response... the one that most wives on the Rez heard right before they have to call in someone like me; to fix an even bigger problem than the one they started out with. But there was still a chance he did actually know what he was doing.
I heard #Brady scoff from the bar when #Juan made it sound like a casual thing, that I stopped by and helped out on occasion. But I didn't react to him; acting human was as easy as breathing to me now.
"Well..." The awkward urge to raise a hand to rub the back of my neck to the way I tended to when I was feeling... well, awkward. But one arm was around Harper and the other held a fast warming, half-full pint glass of milk in the other. "I actually helped build some of them..." I nodded in #Brady's direction. "Along with Brady over there... and my boss." I was babbling. "But, I can drop off a few essentials for you." My smile may have had a hint of cockiness in there... but I was curious to see if he was full of it or not. Plus, there was no damage he could do that I couldn't fix.
Then Harper and I were the only people in the world for a moment. "Normally... I'm pretty responsible... but under the terms of our foolishness agreement." I smiled at her. Spirits, she was so beautiful. "I think you—" I stressed that word. "Just might be able to."
The way she was looking at me made my face and ears and neck burn so much I was convinced my face had to be bright red now. The urge started to swell up inside of me, to ask her to come with me, somewhere we could be alone, and I could tell her everything I had left to say. She knew... She knew that this thing between us was so much more than ordinary. She had to... how else could one look from a person like her almost make a Spirit Warrior buckle at the knees?
I was completely blind-sided by #Paul and #Rachel's approach. Being around her always took up all of my attention. But here... with half of both packs in the same room, I only needed to think about her. I didn't need to be on alert for anything. Because Leah and the guys wouldn't let anything at all go wrong. I mean that was always the case, but we had always done more when the guys were there with the imprints... to just let them be... let them drop the drive to protect so they could just be in the moment with the ladies. And now... I was one of them.
I could see #Paul noticing the shift in me, and he smiled. I think he had probably felt this more than any of us. In the beginning, he had always been so afraid that he might hurt #Rachel because of his temper. But when everyone was together, he was able to let us take on the role of keeping her safe and just be a normal guy in love. Or as normal as a guy like #Paul could ever be.
"Hey cuz!" I grinned; of course, I was happy to see her. She rolled up on her toes even in heels to kiss my cheek.
'I didn't know that you were coming tonight.' She smiled and looked around at the sheer number of wolves in the #HWH tonight.
"#Embry and #Brady dragged me. But luckily the good doctor came to my rescue." I thought I could hear the two at the bar roll their eyes. #Rachel pulled a face like she'd just seen a cute baby or puppy and leaned into #Paul a little more. #Rachel turned her attention to Harper and smiled that bright beautiful smile that reminded me so much of Auntie Sarah... or at least the pictures I had seen and the flashes in #Jacob's memory.
'You look amazing Harper... seems like our little rainy slice of paradise is agreeing with you.' And every single word was pure and genuine. The dichotomy of #Rachel… the sweetest, kindest gossip queen with the occasional flair for drama that you would ever meet. It was a combination that shouldn't work but did.
❁ Harper ❁
Every time Collin and I met I discovered something new and interesting. About him, about his tribe or even about the world itself. It was refreshing to be in a place where you looked forwards to what you could learn about another person, and he did not disappoint. We were different people, with crossroads overlapping over certain parts of our lives, making me aspire to be more and to uncover more. However, as we weren’t alone right now, I set this information to the side to ask him more about it later.
I rained in my shock and excitement of hearing he hadn’t just participated in a small way to help his tribe, but he, his best friend and boss had really gone all in. Learning the reason why the next generation of the tribes people picked their vocation had my gaze wondering the floor of the bar until I found the laughing #Jessica, recalling the first day we met. The girl wouldn’t take no for an answer, and now I was so thankful that she pushed until I broke. She would someday become a powerhouse for this tribe, and I would be so proud of her for it.
Leaning into Collin a little further, still keeping my voice low. I was smiling so much when I was around him that my cheeks could feel the tension. “I’m not competitive, however if I were. I would step up to the challenge to see if I could.” The words he brought out of me. Then the blush followed not so far behind.
“I didn’t do the rescuing alone tonight.” Placing my hand over my heart. “I would say it’s teamwork.” Both #Paul and #Rachel shared a look, and she did that cute thing with her lips, mouthing something to him.
Smiling as #Rachel spoke, I glanced down to my jumper, a reel of heat hitting my cheeks and I was the same tint of red as Collin had turned.
“I will have to thank my friend Jenna for this choice, she likes to keep things bright when it’s dark outside.” I pointed to the windows. “And you look pretty too.” I was so bad at this, thinking how gorgeous someone looked was easier than telling them. #Rachel smiled and giggled the sweetest way.
‘She looks sexy in anything she wears. And—’ #Rachel spun around and covers her husband #Pauls mouth.
‘Do not dare finish that sentence, Leah will kick us out.’ She nudged him in the side, which just made #Paul grin wide and hold her closer.
Just behind #Rachel and #Paul’s shoulders I saw a number of young boys around the pool table, however no one was playing. They were all watching us? I saw a face amongst them I recognised, smiling I waved and mouthed a ‘hello’. It was the boy who had delivered the pizza to my house the day Collin and the others came to help build the flat pack. All the boys around him turned their eyes from me to him and then back again. And them they all were talking to the boy.
I shifted hoping I didn’t embarrass him with his friends being around, however before I could do anything more, I felt them all straighten up and this time they turned their attention back to the pool table. “I’ll have to check on him later.” I muttered to myself.
❁ Collin ❁
The look she gave me when I told them about the housing project had me standing taller. I mean it had been my job. We got paid... but of course, because it was for the tribe the Boss had obviously made given them the best possible price that wouldn't leave him short-changing his crew. but it was a job we had all put in extra hours on and were pretty proud of.
My ears burned. Was she teasing me... in an entirely new way from our playful banter? Spirits, I hoped so because I liked it, even if I had no idea how to respond to it. I smiled when she we'd rescued each other... I knew that this guy was a colleague, but he riled me. To hear her say I rescued her too; soothed this rather unpleasant alpha male thing that the pack had warned me might wake up after I imprinted. In a very loose sense of the word since there was a long, long line between me and the alpha role; even if I was #EphraimBlack's Great-Grandson too. My fingers tightened on the brightly coloured fabric by her side, just to remind her I was here and the was the brightest and most beautiful part of my world.
Even if I couldn't tell her that yet. I cleared my throat at #Paul and shook my head for him not to continue that.
A: Because that was my cousin he was talking about, and it was hard enough sharing a hive mind with him sometimes and B: It too soon to introduce Harper to all of the crazy that was the #PaulLahote we all knew and loved.
I followed Harper's gaze to the pool table. Oh hell! Those pups had no poker face at all. What on earth were they playing at? I heard Harper's whisper, but I could tell that was speaking to herself... my eyes drifted to #Jessica and the new vet... then back to the pups not playing pool. Her words made me stop and think that maybe I should do the same. But I saw #Embry shift at the bar... and move to the gathered pups. Because that was just what he did.
"If we both want to maintain our hero status we probably shouldn't leave #Jessica alone with #DonJaun over there." I chuckled.
Rachel reached out and squeezed my arm. 'You two enjoy your night.' She smiled and led #Paul away.
"Do you want a drink before we join them?" I asked Harper. My mind still trying to puzzle out if Harper had been trying (succeeding) to tease me.
❁ Harper ❁
#Rachel and #Paul smiled as they left the two of us, and I could still feel the caress of heat on my cheeks from the way I had attempted to flirt? Or tease? Whatever it was, I was slowly becoming aware of the fact that I had failed at it terribly. I wasn’t #Jenna, she almost always had a way with how she spoke to men. And it was clear I didn’t.
Clearing my thoughts and throat, I shifted on my feet. “I’m not sure the title is one that could be lost. A hero for life when you sign on the dotted line, isn’t it?” My gaze gliding back over to #Jessica who was speaking animatedly. With #Teddy joining the fray now too. He found me looking and blew a kiss, mouthing ‘Come on over.’ With a flourish of his hand.
“I agree we should go and join the others.” I pushed my glasses up the bridge of my nose. “Even if Jessica is good with Juan; I am certain she would like to have some back up.” However, I was convinced that both Collin and I would be no match for #MissJessicaClearwater.
Tilting my head, I considered the question about a drink. Then I pointedly turned towards the bar. “A drink would be good; would you like another one of these too?” This time I glanced down to the glass of milk in his hands. “I’m happy to go grab then for us.” I started to slowly walk backwards away from him.
Then I paused at the realisation, and once again he made me smile. “Did you just call him Don Juan?” Blinking my eyes, I lowered my voice just a little. “Are you becoming a rebel now too?” There had been nothing wrong with what he said. #Juan had been going around giving #Jess and I nicknames, so why could he not be given one too?
❁ Collin ❁
That flush in her cheeks made my heart stutter a few beats. She was so beautiful, but I could tell by her expression that she was completely unaware of it. “Something like that.” I chuckled, I had to admit that having her refer to me as a hero; did a strange new alpha male thing in my chest… this one was a little more welcome… but still not quite right, not quite me.
I laughed again. Something that happened so naturally with Harper. “Hey, he was the one that tried to flirt with Leah.” I grinned, one corner of my mouth curling up. “Around here, trying that and not leaving in an ambulance earns you a nickname.” I leaned in and brushed a kiss to her temple. “Nope! Not this time. You bought the pizza, it’s my  turn now. What would you like, Buttercup?” I teased, a little I did it without faltering. I knew she drank wine… but I wasn’t sure what her preference was when she was out… thought I was sure whatever it was, Leah was making it as we spoke.
My gaze never left Harper though. The rosy hints still showing her cheeks, the glasses that had slipped so slightly down the bridge of her nose. I smiled. She was… perfect. I reached up and pushed her glasses up gently the way she always did. “Beautiful.” I whispered, unable to stop myself from voicing how I felt right at this moment.
❁ Harper ❁
“As he is still alive and walking, I will hope for the best…” pausing before continuing. “And prepare for the end of the world. Maybe?”
I couldn’t argue with the facts. #JuanDiaz had taken his life in his own hands at the time he decided to step up to the bar and say whatever it was that he did to #LeahClearwater. I had heard many stories from her brother #Seth about how men sometimes didn’t walk away. However, seeing that #DrJuanDiaz has indeed walks away from the bar, and had been served drinks. Could it have been that #Leah liked him?
I glanced over to him stood beside #Jessica and #Teddy, talking animatedly and then I turned my eyes on #Leah. Telling myself ‘No way.’ It was more likely that she knew why ‘#DonJuan’, had come here to La Push. And she understood how I / we needed his arms, hands, and legs intact.
“Oh… Sauvignon Blanc… I believe Cha and Leah have some hiding behind the bar for me.” I was back with him now. the night in questions popping into my mind. “Let us not forget that you taught me how to make my own pizza. So, really… Isn’t it my turn again?” We were stopped half way to the bar when I smiled tilting my head to the side. He was watching me closely.
When he kissed the side of my head. New butterflies came to life in my tummy, roiling to life and taking my attention off the point I was attempting to make. I closed my dark eyes, feeling a warmth and fervour radiating from him. It made me lean in a little more.
‘Buttercup’? however as the word sat with me for a moment, when he said it… it somehow didn’t sound the same way it did when #Juan said it. “You really are on a rebels walk tonight Mr. Littlesea.” I whispered to him, that was until my world paused at his term. ‘Beautiful’, then he was the first person ever to push my glasses up the bridge of my nose. My mouth went dry at the intimacy that one action brought with it. And now, I really had no words to say.
❁ Collin ❁
"Only if Nova and I get to bunker down with you." I smiled, a little proud of my own wit. I had to chuckle at her remark. "I asked you over for lunch and then made you cook it yourself... if anything that means I owe you two." I grinned, but  she wasn't the keeping score type, and the only reason I hadn't cooked before she arrived was that I knew that she would love it. She really couldn't be more perfect.
"Me?" I teased. "A rebel? Not my style at all." I dropped my hand, letting  it skim over the arm of her brightly coloured jumper... Beautiful was such an understatement. She was struck silent and that made my heart pound.
"You go rescue #Jess. I'll just be a second." I wanted to kiss her again... but I was walking as  for as the bar, and it would be mere moments before I was next to her again. Was it too much? Desperate even? But despite those thoughts, I brushed a swift kiss against her cheek, my lips grazing the corner of her mouth in a way that made my  stomach come alive with butterflies.
Never too much... never desperate... not with Harper. With her, it was always just right.
When I got to the bar, I could tell #Leah already had the drinks poured behind it, a round for the whole table, not just Harper and me. 'She's a catch, pup.' she said in that way she did when she was about to get deep in that #Leah-specific way of hers... which was to say very deep without really saying much. 'You can't keep her in the dark forever.' And  there it was. She was right, of course. She was right far too much.
"I'm not going to." That was all I said... like a sulking teenager because really, I had nothing else, I could say that wasn't an excuse.
'Actions, Pup.' And there it was  again... all that heft behind two tiny words.
"As soon as I have her alone." There was no coming back from it now. Every warrior in here heard that, and I knew they were eager to welcome her into the folds of the pack too... it had been so  long since anyone had shifted or imprinted. The whole pack and all the imprints were buzzing with the excitement of it. I wanted Harper to experience that part of all of this too... to show her that she could have the most incredible family here. One that would cherish her and the memories of the family she'd lost.
With a smile #Leah set the drinks on the bar in a way that told me my brief yet highly effective lesson was over. Before I gathered up the drinks, I noticed #Embry and  #Quil shuffling the pup from earlier outside for some air,assuring the pup over and over that they weren't going to make him go home.
I looked at #Juan and #Jess talking closely over the music and typical bar noise. 'Not your problem tonight.'  
Leah's hand came down on the bar, she was solely trying to get my attention but covering it by wiping the perfectly clean surface with the cloth in her hand. 'His brothers have this.'
I knew it was true... and they would make damn sure of it  too... especially now that they knew my intentions. Besides... I wasn't known for my stellar advice. "Does Juan..." I trailed off not wanting to finish the question. "Is he..."
Leah cut me off. 'What the new guy wants, or thinks isn't a  factor. Harper is a grown woman; he can fancy who he wants... and he isn’t the one, she's been staring at doe-eyed for the last fifteen minutes.'
"It wasn't fi-- Wait? Was it?" I glanced back at Harper for a second, when I turned back #Leah was giving me a  look that had me gathering the drinks and weaving my way to the table.
❁ Harper ❁
The utterance from me which had to be the answer to all the above.
The end of the world, with the baby girl and him…
Him not being a rebel…
Going to be with #Jess…
Whose turn it was to go to the bar…
Because let’s face facts. I didn’t really know... All I knew was that I’d spent time with him and #Nova, and yes nothing was disregarded about anything in those days and moments. However, keeping track of other things had not been something I could do. ( Unless it was about where things went after they were used. )
My fingers grazed the spot where his lips stroked mine, leaving a warm glow on my cheeks. The butterflies in my tummy had started to dance, as I looked back over my shoulder at Collin stood beside the bar speaking with #Leah. Smiling I found myself bumping into the side of someone.
‘Slow down there, Dr. Jenkins, what’s the rush?’ My cheeks smarted from embarrassment.
“I’m so sorry Mr Murry, how is Princess Poppy feeling now?” I asked the man who had a small brown hamster that had come in for an infected ear.
‘She is doing so much better; Jia has been helping with the cleaning tasks. The advice you gave for her school project has her doing as much as she can now.’ He was smiling as he spoke to me.
“I’m so glad to hear it, anything we can do to keep the youngers involved the better.”
Excusing myself I stopped beside #Jessica. I stood listening to #Teddy sat at the table, telling the group how his boss had promised to give him the lead on an upcoming collection. And what an amazing opening he had planned for, then I felt someone step up on the other side of me.
‘A vet and a carpenter walked into a bar…’ #Juan gave me a crooked chortle. ‘Doesn’t it sound like the best joke could start that way?’ taking a pull from his beer. ‘You don’t have a drink. Let me go grab you one.’ He continued.
“Firstly, some of the best jokes keep us all smiling, at a time when our worlds may be dark. And secondly, Collin is already at the bar fetching me one. Thank you.” Contemplating what he could mean by the joke comment.
‘I didn’t see him being your type. The guy is handsy.’ Now I turned to face #Juan.
“And since when is your boyfriend wanting to touch you a bad thing?” I asked, feeling #Jessica’s eyes on me.
‘Did you just call Collin your boyfriend? Spirits Harper… that is so cute.’ My face flushed as she pulled me into her arms and hugged me. Telling #Teddy what I had just declared.
I couldn’t help but turn my attention towards the bar, happy to see that Collin had turn to walk our way. Because had I really just made such a declaration without speaking to him first? However, he had just told me he wanted to have #Nova and I with him at the end of the world, right?
❁ Collin ❁
I couldn't help overhearing the new guy’s so-called joke... I told myself that it wasn’t an elitist thing. But my mind went straight to the fact that this man was far more highly educated than me and clearly didn't have a problem pointing it  out. But this was the effect of the imprint; this was a normal reaction to someone talking about me, to my soul mate. But I needed that territorial crap to go to sleep... it wasn't the real me.
I focused on what #Leah said... What  the new guy thought or said was inconsequential. Only what Harper felt mattered.
‘Handsy.’ Damn! Was I? I was doing this all wrong...
But then...
My heart started to beat harder than ever in my chest. I paused as I made my way to the table. Had she really just said that?
'Play it cool pup.' I heard #Paul say, from somewhere across the bar and I started to move again.
I passed Harper her drink first, trying to control my smile but not too sure I was succeeding. Then I handed  #Jess another cocktail before passing the guys theirs. "So, what did I miss?" I asked.
'I was telling everyone about the show I have coming up. you and Harper should come. It would be so great to see someone with a great artistic eye  there.' #Teddy very pointedly looked from #Juan to me. 'And speaking of! You still owe me a viewing of your work, Mr Littlesea.
I chuckled and slid my phone across the table. "That's true! Put your number in there and we'll make a date." Then  I wrapped my arm around Harper's waist... because Handsy or not Harper wasn't complaining. Her referring to me as her boyfriend was a sign that she wanted to be closer to me, wasn't it?
'I feel like I'm missing something here?' #Juan  said looking around the group.
'Collin is an amazing photographer.' #Jess spoke first... because she was Jess and that's what she did. 'And #Teddy here has been dying to get a look at Collins work.'
❁ Harper ❁
“Thank you.” I smiled taking the glass of wine,  trying to hide the frolics of the conversation that died thankfully with a nudge from #Teddy when he saw Collin coming. I really didn’t want him to be brought into the mess that was alive in my mind.
All eyes turned to me upon Collin’s question, however it was #Teddy who jumped to answer before #Juan or #Jessica. I could kiss that man, the way he turned the conversation towards his upcoming art show gave me room to breathe, and my heart to settle from the race it had been running. However, at the same time I didn’t miss the look he gave #Juan who was clearly amused as he was drinking his beer.
Listening to them all speaking had my eyes wondering towards the Bar for a moment to watch how #Char and #Leah worked together. There was an easy about them, like they knew when they needed to move and dance around one another while they worked.
My attention drew back to the discussion, and I felt myself standing a little taller proud of this man I hadn’t known long, and yet hearing someone praise his talents felt right and wholesome. When Collins arm came around me, drawing me in closer. I didn’t fight it, because as much as calling him Boyfriend terrified me, the tow that had now become a sentiment when he was close made itself be known…. And eased my fears.
I watched him out of the side of my eye as he teased #Teddy with is words.
‘Don’t you dare tell my Char that I was this enthusiastic at the mention of a date with you Mr. Littlesea.’ #Teddy winked at me as he added his number to the phone contacts.
I was smiling again… I found myself doing it so much more these days. However, as my mind drifted from the dialogue to the glass in my hands, I once again thought that not many people had this in their life. How lucky I had to be.
‘A dollar for your thoughts.’ #Juan whispered to the side of me. And I jerked my head up.
“Me?” lost a little in the thoughts still.
‘Yeah. I’ve not seen you this quite before.’ #Juan arched a brow, and I lifted the glass in my hand up so that he could see it as the others spoke about Art and photography.
“I was thinking about this wine… You know that Sauvignon Blanc mostly comes from France, or from New Zealand. However, when #Leah and #Char found out I like a glass of wine now and then, they ordered me in a case. It’s called Eight Thousand Lakes, a Sauvignon Blanc that was made in Washington State not far from here. On a vineyard she told me her brother Seth had visited. So, of course, I had no choice but to try it.”
The wine glass had fogged from the crisp cool of the liquid within it, as I swelled it, the scents of Peach, Citrus Fruits like  Grapefruit and  Lemon, as well as Passionfruit made themselves known to me.
‘Are you just going to look at it, or do you plan to drink it?’ My eyes moved to #Juan, who was giving me a cheeky grin.
‘Let the girl saver the moment, don’t rush her.’ #Teddy said, winking at me.
So, I did in my own time take a sip. It was cold; however, it was the crisp and zesty flavour that was welcoming.
“Worth the wait.” I teased the taste in my mouth. I didn’t know much about wines; I just knew what I liked which #Leah told me was the only thing that mattered.
‘Give me a beer any day and I’m happy.’ #Juan said and I shrugged.
“We all have things that are right for us, it’s best we don’t judge others for their tastes in life.”
‘You are such a nerd.’ He laughed.
❁ Collin ❁
All it this made me smile... The was her friends covered up her declaration in front of me. Even #Juan didn't sell her out, so there was finally a mark in his plus column. I happily dove into the conversation with her friends... she seemed a little stunned by her own words. Then again... so was I, the best possible way.
I laughed at Teddy. "I won't bring it up... but if he asks. I won't lie for you, Mr Waterson." I winked at him and looked mock offended, making me laugh again It was hard to focus on the conversation, but my mind wanted to pull all of my attention to Harper's side conversation with #Jaun. But one corner of my mouth curled up when she got all nerdy about her wine. Spirit's this woman was perfect... a quick glance around the room at the faces I knew told me that even without imprinting; all my friends would agree. I made mental notes of everything I had just heard.
I liked these people the way Teddy told #Juan off without really telling him off about rushing her. The way she stood up for herself without a hint of bitterness... I liked it all. When the new guy called her a nerd my fingers curled into her jumper, and I tightened my arm around her subtly... no more than a tensing of the muscles in my arms really.
"She really is." I said to #Juan, but my eyes focused on Harper alone. "And it is by far one of her most attractive qualities... if you ask me."
❁ Harper ❁
My glasses slipped down my nose a little, making it so that my eyes connected to Collins without any hurdles in the way. The softness in the way his gaze found my, made my heart skip and my tummy flutter with those butterflies once again.
‘You both are way too sweet for me.’ I heard #Juan says; however I didn’t dare pull my glance away from Collin. There was that connection and pull, telling me I was home. A feeling that only a few weeks ago would have had me running out of this bar.
“I didn’t know…. Ugh…. That…there were more qualities you were attracted to?”
My words stumbled and I could swear that I could hear a roll of laughter coming from afar and then it was gone.
“Care to enlighten me? Not to build my ego, more on a Scientific level, of what I should do more of.”
Okay…. Lord… I really was a nerd, and I didn’t even try to hide it when I was around him. This was the level of comfort I had begun to feel around him.
‘I’m so going to need something stronger.’ I could hear #Juan asking the others for their drinks order before he was gone again.
❁ Collin ❁
My heart stumbled when her eyes met mine, enough to make me ignore #Juan's macho act... I grew up in a pack of wolves and warriors, with Alphas, territory wars and armies of vampires... If I hadn't been sucked into the atmosphere of toxic male egos #JuanDiaz had no hope of making it happen now.
I waited until #Juan excused himself from the table to answer.
"I'll give you the whole list if you let me walk you home later on tonight." It wasn't until I raised my glass to my mouth and took a drink that I realized there were too many interpretations of what I had just said, and I choked as I swallowed... managing not to spurt milk out of my mouth; thank the Spirits for that! "I mean um... Just... you, not that... Just to  walk you home... to the door... you know... so we can... talk..."
I felt an elbow against my bicep and #Teddy saying. 'Ow... Jeez...' He rubbed his elbow. 'Calm down Man of Steel.' He teased me and pointed to Harper. 'She got the message... and what the hell do they put them in water around here?' He pinched the muscle on my upper arm and looked around the bar at the other guys in the pack, appraising the muscles in the room.
I laughed... still a little awkward but my heart was  returning to normal. "Just... Genetically blessed." I smiled; at least that was the truth... just a much understated one.
❁ Harper ❁
Leaning into him a little, I was trying to calm myself. If I started to overthink everything, I knew that I would end up in a spiral.
I took a sip from the cold wine in my glass and coughed at the same time as Collin finished asking his question. My mind had gone to the most innocent of things. Thinking he just wanted to walk me home, not sure how he knew I had walked here. But I must have told him.
However, when I saw his face turn a shade of pink, mine mirrored it with new meanings coming to light.
Wait... was he really asking for a walk home, or did he want “coffee”?
I mean… we were taking it slow… but we hadn’t really had the time to talk about more. Or act on it…
I hadn’t even shaved my legs! What if he did want “coffee” tonight? What would he think of me?
Did I want more? Was I ready for the next step?
I told myself. This was just a request to walk me home. It was Collin. It was all going to be fine.
‘By the spirits.’ I swore I heard #Leah mutter as she walked past with a tray full of empty glasses, the lip of her towel darted out to hit Collin in the back of his head.
‘Do better.’ Did she mutter at him? or was it in my imagination? And then she was gone.
“Uhm…” I set the glass down on the table, it was safer to hide the slight shake of my hands.
#Teddy had come to my aid again, taking the attention from me and moving it to the men all lined up beside the bar and the far side of the bar. They were all trying to look busy, with some of them smiling when I caught their eyes.
This time I leant into Collin and whispered into his ear.
“I would love for you to walk me home.”
❁ Collin ❁
She choked... great I was going to kill my own imprint by being the definition of awkward AF.
The tribe was going to tell legends about the idiot wolf that caused his soul mate's death by being... well an idiot!
Her heart started to  hammer and that really didn't help mine slow. I wanted to glare at #Leah... but there was no chance that she would come to my rescue. #Embry would normally intervene when things got bad... Changed the subject... say something to draw the  attention away from our screw-ups. I looked around. He still hadn't come back inside.
Seriously? ‘Do better’, was all my beta had to offer? #Teddy was becoming my new hero.
I didn't even flinch at the towel flicking into the back of my  head, I was stunned by my own foolishness... and there it was... rescue. I leaned in to Harper and whispered... "Sorry... good thing we have our... foolish little bargain, right?" I smiled and gave her a nod to confirm that I would indeed like  to walk her home after all.
❁ Harper ❁
“Let’s be foolish together, remember?” My gaze met his once I could trust myself not to turn as red as a tomato again.
‘I think we need to move those boys off the pool table and show them what a real game looks like.’ #Jessica said standing up from the table, jabbing her thumb over her shoulder towards the back of the bar.
‘Why do we need to move them away? You could do with some eye candy darling Jess.’ #Teddy was up on his feet and downing his martini. ‘Harps? Handsome one… You both in?’ He lent over the table. ‘Twos?’ Nodding his head towards the pool tables.
“Uhm…” I looked over to Collin. “I’m up for a game if you would like to play?” I asked him.
‘What, no one going to ask me to play?’ #Juan was back with a fresh round of drinks for everyone, setting a cold glass of milk down before Collin. ‘I’m always up for a game.’ He was smirking at #Teddy with a wink.
Thanking #Juan for the second glass of wine. “Okay, well why don’t we play round robin? Or I don’t mind sitting to the side and watching.” I said, looking over towards Collin not even sure if he was up to playing at all. I didn’t want to assume or make the choice for him.
I knew we needed to make #Juan consider La Push as a second home for him. I wanted this partnership with his practice to be successful, and soon enough I was meant to be going to Port Angeles to fulfil my side of the deal too.
❁ Collin ❁
I smiled at her and raised my glass to my lips, the back of my neck and my ears heating, I wanted to press another kiss to her cheek or the side of her head again, but #Juan was still watching us closely. So, I brushed my fingers along her waist where the still sat over the soft fabric of her jumper.
I had been staring at Harper, so until #Juan spoke I had assumed #Teddy was talking about him and not me. I smiled when Harper spoke up about sitting out for a game, she was too sweet not  to. But I leaned in and whispered to her. "You should play the first round with #Juan... he's new in town. We should make him feel welcome." I kissed her cheek and turned into her, so it would look like a couple having a cute moment. I mean... she had used the word boyfriend after all. "This place is full of people I grew up with. I'll play the winners."
#Juan may have found some way to get on my nerves... but he was a stranger here, and he should know that La Push was a good place to be. Especially when him being here meant the Harper wasn't going to be on-call twenty-four hours a day, every day. That was a good thing. I worried about her... and selfishly, i knew it would mean she would have more free time I hoped to monopolise. (Only if she wanted to, of course.)
I turned to face all of them. "Why don't you four play... I'll take on the winners?"
❁ Harper ❁
There. There was the reason why I felt like myself with this man. He had spoken the words I had been thinking. However, more so he took the time to understand the need to open and welcome someone into the fold. I had been an outsider here not so long ago. With no one but #Sue and #Leah to call my own. And it had been my foolishness that I had not seek them out right away upon arriving in town.
I placed a hand on his chest, feeling his hand on my side stroking the fabric of my jumper. It was just the two of us and the bar filled with silence all around us. “You are amazing Mr Collin Littlesea.” I whispered just for the two of us. “Thank you.” I mouthed and then his lips touched my skin, and I closed my eyes.
‘Sounds like fun in the making.’ #Juan clapped his hands loud, and I jumped out of my skin and out of the moment. ‘Let’s go people.’ He now rubbed his hands together.
‘Teds you and me against the boss and the Squid?’ #Jessica was already making her way across the bar.
“Squid?” I asked confused.
#Juan laughed hard. ‘It’s what you call an ex-navy officer. Sweet cheeks wanted to learn some slang.’ He told me before following her.
“Oh joy.” I muttered. “He is going to have her talking like a sailor before the week is out.” Shaking my head, I turned to look at Collin again. “Are you sure you don’t mind?” I slipped my free hand into his, gently squeezing it with the fresh glass of wine in the other.
❁ Collin ❁
There it was again, that spark of kindness... the purity of her friendship. My heart thundered beneath her hand. Every molecule of oxygen left my body when she called me amazing. "Not even close." I chuckled. "But I try."
I nodded at her comment about #Jess... "Maybe... but she's too sweet to swear, so at least that's something, right?" I laughed.
'She is right here, thank you very much! And I'm not so easily influenced.' #Jessica nudged one of the guys that were playing before us with her hip... he was closer to her age so I was sure they knew each other from school. They cleared the table, having already heard us talking about playing. #Brady came up and stood next to me.
All the guys around me tensed when  Harper startled... as did I. It was that split second difference that people missed, it wasn't #Juan's action that caused it... it was the fact that it scared her, added to because she was an imprint. I tightened my arm around her, there was  something underlying here. I leaned in close, letting my cheek brush against hers, telling her I was right here and everything was okay, without saying a word.
I flashed Harper a bright smile. "I am completely sure. Plus... I'm kinda a pool  god... so really it's only fair that I go up against the winners." It sounded like a brag... but it was also true. #Brady and I had spent far too much time on this table trying to best each other. The fact that we were both math nerds meant the games could go on for hours.
'That's a lot of big talk.' #Juan smirked.
'Only if he can't back it up.' #Teddy added before #Brady had a chance to back me up. I was really starting to love this guy.
I reluctantly took my hand back from Harper's waist and smiled at her. "Go show 'em how it's done." I winked at her and instantly regretted it. Then I turned to #Brady and whispered. "You need to step up your best friend game or I'll have to replace you with Teddy." I laughed when he shoved my shoulder lightly.
❁ Harper ❁
I couldn’t stop myself from smiling from ear to ear, witnessing the exchange before him and #Jessica has me shaking my head, and then pushing the fame of my glasses up the bridge of my nose.
“No one is saying you are easily lead astray Jess, just that we wouldn’t want you to be influenced.” I tease and she knew it was what I was doing.
‘I’m not the bad influence in this situation Dr Jenkins.” #Juan stood with his cue in hand now.
I gave him a look saying ‘Yes, yes you are.’ However, turned my attention to Collin and his best friend. Saying Hi to Brady.
There seemed to be a charge in the atmosphere of the bar, all the guys who were stood carefully, laughing, and joking seemed to stop the moment before, and then they were shaking it off.
I must have been imagining it, right?
The light touches from Collin had me reeling, I knew that it would be rude, but some part of me really wanted to spend more time with him. To learn more about him. However, I knew we had time. “Don’t worry, I will hold my own out there.” The wink from Collin making me giggle from the surprise. He was really coming out of a shell tonight.
‘What’s going on here?’ #Paul had come to stand beside us. Making himself at home between #Juan and myself. ‘Why does no one invite me to play? I’m good you know.’
He waggled his eyebrows as he spoke, until his eyes met #Juan. Stepping up he held his hand out toward the new member of our practice. Introducing himself. The handshake felt like it lasted a few moments too long.
‘It’s because they know better than to take you away from your wife.’ #Rachel nudged #Jessica as she climbed up into a stool to watch the game.
#Teddy handed me a cue and some chalk.
“Would you like me to rack the balls up?” I asked setting the small blue square down to the side.
There was a hum in the bar, as I glanced around there was an energy engulfing all those around me. By the time my eyes fluttered to the door. They were already half way inside.
‘There she is!’ #Jenna called out pointing towards us ( me ), and I dropped the cue on the table   and rushed over to meet them.
‘Are you about to hustle the locals?’ #Kenze whispered for the three of us to hear.
“No…” I laughed. “You made it.” I called out as their arms flew around me and squeezed hard.
‘Wild dogs couldn’t stop your friends from coming out. Sue was kind enough to offer to babysit for us, so we could have a night out.’ #Dam was the next one to hug me. Lifting me off the ground and kissing my cheek.
In the time it took us to hug and talk, for #Dam to set me down on my feet. I saw that #Seth had been rushed by  half the bar. He turned and winked at me, then held his hand out for his Fiancé to join him. Introducing her to those he knew. ( Which seemed to be everyone. )
‘They make a good couple don’t they.’ #Jenna was still holding me.
“They really do.” I smiled feeling such  warmth at watching them. “I’m so happy for her and you. With Damian and Seth… I don’t have to worry about you.” The words were out before I knew I was saying them.
‘Now it’s us, who are always worried about you.’ #Jenna said her eyes moving over the floor.
‘So, where is he?’ She pointed to Collin. ‘That is him.’ She beamed. ‘Cute!’
‘Hey. You’re married wife.’ #Dam joked ‘I should go say hi to him.’ He continued.
“Be nice please.” I warned them both.
‘Never.’ and #Jenna was off.
❁ Collin ❁
The looked that Harper shot #Juan gave me far too much pleasure...I wasn't this kind of guy! What the hell was wrong with me? I wasn't the jealous type, and I knew logically that I had no real reason to be.
 "I have no doubts." I smiled at her; the laugh seemed more amused by my wink than it did mocking; so that was something.
Paul's arrival after Harper's reaction wasn't a shock. He was never fond of strangers in town and had no doubt been keeping an ear on the new guy. He made  himself known to #Juan... who to his credit (and detriment) didn't show any hint of hesitation with him.
"Maybe if you stopped taking your shirt off and jumping on the table when you win, you'd get more invitations." I laughed at #Paul. He just smacked my shoulder lightly.
I had known that this was going to happen. But I was suddenly very glad for the night I had spent with Harper, #Teddy, #Char and #Jess. At least it just meant two new faces. #Seth had stopped by with #Kenzi shortly after they'd arrived. Them being here was another reason I wanted to speak to Harper. So she would have her friend to speak to about everything... I still had no idea when they were all leaving. I was loving having #Seth back home so  much that I still hadn't had the heart to ask that question yet.
I let the guys that hadn't seen #Seth yet push forward and reunite with him. Some were meeting his imprint for the first time, and I wondered if #Kenzie could tell the Spirits Warriors from the humans? She knew what to look out for, after all. Harper looked so happy to see her friends from home... sisters really. I smiled as a watched her with the girl I knew to be #Jenna. The love these girls shared was so clear, that tug in the centre on my chest made itself known again.
I made my way around the crush of people wanting a piece of #Seth and headed towards them as the one #Seth had told was #Damien mentioning saying ‘Hi’ clearly intending to size me up. Which I was fine with... I knew I only had the best of intentions with Harper. I was always as honest as I could be while protecting the tribe's secrets.
I met #Jenna halfway between we had both started and I held out my hand to her. #You must be Jenna." I smiled. "I've been hoping we'd get a chance to meet. Harper talks about you all the time. I'm Collin... it's nice to meet you."
❁ Harper ❁
#Jenna stopped in her tracks, the sound in the bar was heaving making it difficult for me to understand or hear what the two were saying. However, when she finally gained her composure, her shoulders seemed to be a little less tight.
I kept making my way towards them when I heard her saying. ‘Oh, you are good.’ Holding her hand out toward Collin for him to shake. ‘Harper has told us a lot about you too.’
I cleared my throat, giving her a warning to mind her full stops.
‘Yes, yes.’ She rolled her eyes. ‘Harper also wants me to be nice. And play nice.’ The last part she said a little louder, I assumed for me. ‘She forgets, I never have been one to play nice. It’s her and Kenz who kept me in line all these years’
“Collin. Meet Damian… Jenna’s husband.” I interjected, hoping he would stop his wife from  whatever it is she was doing here.
‘Hi.’ #Damian said holding his hand out now after looking Collin up and down. ‘I’m not just Jennifer’s husband, Harper is like a baby sister to me. And I’m very protective of my family.’
I grimaced, my glance moving across the bar wishing #Kenz would come over to help. I stilled seeing how there was a group of girls all around her, with #Rachel ( Collin’s cousin ) in the middle. However, #Seth was looking towards me and then the others.
‘I’m an easy-going gal really Collin, I’m also not one for mincing my words. So, let’s not beat around the bush. If you break my best friends heart… I will hurt you; I will plan to sell your parts to hog farmers.’
“Jenna!” I jumped in between the three of them and dragged them both back. “Collin I’m so sorry. She doesn’t mean it.”
‘Yes, she does.’ #Damian said looking down proud of his wife.
‘Oh, I like this one.’ #Damian and I turned to see #Juan and #Teddy both saying those words at the same time.
“Aren’t you both meant to be playing pool?” I reminded them.
❁ Collin ❁
I smiled when #Jenna said I was good… she knew what I was doing. Just like #Seth had told me she would. “Thank you… I actually have a rather nervous constitution. So, I really had to psych myself up to walk those ten feet.” I shook her hand; it was strange… the first time I saw #Kenzi she ran right in for a hug. These girls were all so different, with the common thread being how much they love one another.
I smiled again and laughed. “Play nice? That will make it very hard for you to figure out if you approve or not, wouldn’t it? No need to play nice… you can hit me with all your best shots.” But my attention was pulled away from #Jenna the second Harper closed the space between us and introduced #Damian. I couldn’t help  it, she just… pulled focus. I was sure everyone had to be captivated by her. I did look away long enough to give him a firm handshake – not look like the one #Juan had given me earlier – “Nice to meet you…” He was straight to the point too… I could see why they were so suited. He was tall, not much shorter than me, and had that clearly military stance. “I have a baby sister too… so I know exactly how you feel.”
I saw the expression on Harper’s face… but I was always good at this  part; meeting friends and family… even when my shyness was out of control, people tended to like me. I gave her a smile that said, ‘I got this, don’t worry.’
I turned to Jenna and nodded, laughing softly. “If you think I have a  chance to be important enough to her to break her heart… I’m going to take that as an endorsement.” I smiled, feeling a little proud of that one. Somewhere in the bar #Embry voiced his approval, but I didn’t turn to find him.
“And if I ever do… I won’t even put up a fight, promise.”
The husband and wife raised their eyebrows at one another. “I’m going to need a partner to play against whoever wins this round… You game?” I smiled intently at #Jenna, jerking my head toward the  table.
Both #Paul and #Brady let out a resounding. "Hey!" of protest that made me laugh so hard I snorted…
Damn! I had been doing so so well!
❁ Harper ❁
#Jenna’s eyes darted to me at hearing the sweet way Collin laughed. The little piggling snort had been adorable. And I saw her eyes soften in that moment too. She liked him from all that she had learnt about him from me over our video calls, and then I was told by #Seth that the two girls had round robin him about Mr Collin Littlesea after he had asked me out for coffee. However, she had told us all that she still planned to make him work hard for his place in the circle. To which both #Sue and #Leah had told her ‘You should.’ It was all the Go Ahead, she needed for this.  
‘Don’t let your nerves get the better of you, not tonight.’ #Jenna told him. However, from the way #Dam steps back up, giving Collin in approving half smirk, I knew he liked what he saw and heard too.
‘Also, THAT IS WHAT I KEEP TELLING THEM BOTH! What’s the point in playing nice, we need to get to the goal so we all know where we stand.’ #Jenna continued to say to Collin.
I should have known; I should have had faith in him. The way in which he stepped into the conversation with #Jenna and #Dam. His regards of their relationship to me, and the understanding he exuded towards these people who were my all, gave me chills in the nicest possible way. Something as simple as telling Dam how he understood him, because he too is an older brother to his sister #Ananya.
‘We can’t play pool when my so-called partner is missing.’ #Juan said distracting me from #Jenna and giving me a cocky grin.
‘And there is no way I am not going to come over and say Hi to the Thompson fam.’ #Teddy interjected, turning to #Dam and continuing to speak. ‘You found the place okay I see.’ They hugged.
‘Yeah, we came with Seth. The guy has all the low down.’ #Dam joked giving #Juan a handshake.
‘Oh right, I keep forgetting this is Seth’s home town.’ #Teddy laughed before heading over to the bar spotting his boyfriend smiling towards him.
To my dismay #Juan and #Damian had hit it off from the moment #Dam and the others walked into the practice to check it out. The two men had so much in common, and without the need to air their past they were drawn to each other like magnets.
My ears were back in #Jenna and Collin, she took a hold of his arm and turned him towards the back of the bar and the pool tables. ‘As long as I don’t have to play Harps, the gal only ever talks about angles, degrees, speed of the hit and the momentum of the strike. I love her, but she takes the fun out of it.’ She half turned her head blowing me a kiss and mouthing. ‘I like him’, with a wink.
‘Now...’ She turned back to Collin. ‘Tell me… What are your intentions with my sister from another mister?’
I stopped in my tracks, dropping my head, and wishing the ground of the bar to open up and swallow me.
‘You know I’m not sure my sisters insurance will cover spontaneous ground openings.’ I knew that kind, warm voice anywhere. He makes my lips curl up into a broad smile before my eyes met his.
“How do you always read my mind?” I asked
‘Because… It’s always written on your face, like a neon light.’ He replied without missing a beat. He pushed the rim of my glasses up my nose. ‘You really need to have those tightened.’
I wasn’t sure why, but a bubble of emotions rotated my stomach, and my eyes prickled. ‘Hey, none of that. It’s a good night. And you know Jenna is just messing with the goofball.’ #Seth wrapped his arms around my shoulders and pulled me into him. ‘I think Will would have really liked him, Harps.’ He leant down to whisper it in my ear. ‘He would be happy seeing you like this, in a town that you are now making your own.’
Another arm came to rest on my lower back, I didn’t need to see #Kenz before her head was squeezed into my side. ‘Can another get into this love fest?’ Both #Seth and I opened out the circle and engulfed her into the centre of it.
“Without you Kenz, none of this would have been possible.” I told her and kissed her cheek. She had been the one to step up and give me the permission I needed to leave Thompson. She had been the one to talk #Jenna around to it too.
‘Ugh. Get a Room… Just not together!’ #Leah broke the magic of the moment by smacking the side of #Seth’s head with the back of her hand as she walked by. Leaving us all laughing, before we went to re-join the others by the tables.
❁ Collin ❁
I gave #Jenna a nod when she told me not to be nervous. But I could see the cheekiness in her that also said maybe a little. "Don't hold back. I can take it... I hope." I smiled at Harper again, they could rack me over hot coals if it meant they'd trust me with their friend's heart... then I would come back for more.
I could see some approval in #Damian's eyes when I told him I had a younger sister... I really wished #Ana had come home for the weekend all of a sudden.
When they mentioned #Seth my tension eased a little. "We're all delighted to have #Seth home. We... um... went to school together. He was two grades above us."
I grinned and allowed #Jenna to thread her arm through mine and I raised my brows at Harper as if the action was a stamp of approval. But then my heart almost stopped, and I did a double-take... The way #Jenna described her playing style. "Wait... She does?" My eyes locked back on her and my heart thundered back to life again. I swallowed hard. That was hot! But before I could open my mouth to say we needed to get this game going, she was asking me about my intentions.
"Um..." I rubbed the back of my red-hot neck, feeling that tingle in my ears. "First... I think... getting the rest of her stuff out of boxes so she isn't living out of them. I'm still working on a long game to get all that flat pack furniture replaced with quality pieces." I laughed trying really hard not to get distracted by her conversation with #Seth. "But that might take a while... and eventually... hopefully, fall completely and utterly head-over-heels in love."
The pack all took a collective breath... but I kept my gaze trained on her as she spoke closely with #Seth. I could see the pink in her cheek. My smile widened when #Kenzi wriggled her way between them. She was so like #Ana, I knew the two of them would hit it off instantly.
They were a beautiful little family, and I couldn't help but a swell of pride at what #Seth said about her father. It was high praise considering he had the honour of meeting the man.
"If I'm worthy." I said softly... hopefully.
'You can't take your eyes off of her, can you?' #Jenna's voice was still playful, but thoughtful too.
"I can't understand how anyone ever could. She's..." What? Beautiful? Perfect? All of that... but... "Everything." I whispered just before they headed back towards us.
❁ Harper ❁
‘Everything!’ #Jenna came around the table, whispering the word in my ear and kissing my cheek before she set to break. My eyebrows drew together as I felt confused at what she meant by  ‘Everything’?
‘It’s about time, I felt myself growing old in the time it took you all to walk halfway across the bar.’ #Juan stood with another round of drinks. But then he pointed to #Damian. ‘These are on him.’
I smiled leaning back on the wall watching them all mingling, I listened to the conversations all taking place. The excitement in the area all around us was palpable. It felt like the world was alive. “You would have loved them all mom and dad.” I whispered to no one as my eyes prickled again. My nose tingled as I felt goosebumps coming to life on my body.
‘Are you okay?’ #Jessica came to stand beside me and I just nodded my head slowly, not daring to use my voice in case it gave me away. ‘It’s good to have them here?’ She asked soft and sweetly. And I nodded once again. ‘Okay..’ She squeezed my arm stepping away when she was called away by some of her other friends.
‘I’m going to wipe this table with your arse Mr Garyson.’ #Jenna pointed her cue across the table to her husbands chest.
‘Sorry fokes, I don’t take any accountability for the competition and the competitive nature of my wife. She is a beautiful beast and I love her for it.’ #Damian winked at her and then took a shot potting two balls in opposite pockets.
‘Damn.’ #Juan and #Teddy whistled.
‘Now there is a shot we all need to write home about.’ #Juan said and he wasn’t wrong. #Damian had been the one to brief us girls on what we were doing wrong and how to correct it.
Out of the corner of my eyes I saw Collin, he looked in place, like he had been in the middle of this core ground of people who mean the world to me. I gave him a small smile and a half wave.
❁ Collin ❁
I swallowed hard when #Jenna whispered, that word in Harper's here. By her reaction, I could tell that she hadn't heard what I had told her friend.
My heart broke for her as she sent that quiet whisper to her mom and Dad, I couldn't imagine the  loss she felt. Then she smiled and waved at me, I gave her one right back.
#Seth materialised next to me, clapping a hand on my shoulder. 'She's okay, Collin.' I turned to face him, raising a brow. 'Or... on her way towards being okay. And you're a big part of that. She's building a home here.' He gave me that signature smile of his.
"I'm not worried about that... I would go anywhere with her... But I'm not so sure she would embrace the guy she just met travelling across the country to follow her." I gave #Seth that knowing look, and he instantly found #Kenzi in the crowd and winked at her.
'Maybe not yet... But she isn't looking to move on anytime soon... she has the practice here. She seems... settled. For the  most part.' #Seth explained. 'The rest of it... will come with time.'
"Sometimes I just worry... that maybe there are parts of her life I can't ever understand, you know? How can I help her when -" #Seth cut me off.
'She misses her parents?'  He gave me a small smile and glanced back at her. 'Just because your parents are still with you doesn't mean that you can't help her... You don't need to know what that pain feels like. You just need to learn what helps her through it. Not what  makes it stop, not what makes her put it away to deal with on her own. Whatever it is... go through it with her. It's never going to go away, but you can still make a difference. And you can... you were literally handpicked by a higher power to  be that person for her.'
I smiled at him and pulled him into a hug. "It's really good to have you home, bro'." I patted him on the back. "We really missed you." #Seth broke the hug and messed my hair the way he used to when we were kids.
"Hey!!" I laughed and he shoved me lightly.
'Now go get your girl.' He said with a grin.
"I'm not so sure I can say that yet." I laughed... but I tilted my head, thinking. "Although she did call me her boyfriend earlier tonight." I smiled far  too wide, and I knew my whole face had to be bright red. "Not to me... but to the others."
'Wow... progress!' #Seth grinned. 'You know what that means right?'
I looked around to make sure no one was too close to overhear who shouldn't. "I know. I'm going to tell her, I promise." Then I made my way over to Harper.
I made sure that she saw me coming before and moved behind her and leaned in to whisper. "A little birdie told me that you take a mathematical approach to playing pool. Is that true?"
❁ Harper ❁
‘Are you planning on becoming a wall flower tonight?’ I turned my concentration away from the shot #Jenna had lined up. Smiling at the friendly face gazing back at me with a tray in his hands. Then #Char stepped up to stand beside me, giving me an easy reach over to him. So, I gave him a hug and a kiss on his cheek.
“Why, do you believe I would bring the vibe of the décor down?” I teased and he nudged me in my ribs.
‘Nah, I’m sure Leah would be up for a life size image of you bringing more of the guys in, to play and have a few drinks.’ We both turned our eyes towards the bar. #Leah had just rolled her eyes and slapped someone over the head. ‘She does that a lot.’ #Char told me. ‘Not that I blame her, some of these guys need putting in their place.’
When I started to draw my glance back it stopped on Collin and #Seth, they were huddled together. Face to face speaking with some seriousness. I pushed the rim of my glasses up my nose. ‘Do you need to wear those things all the time? I’m sure I’ve seen you without them.’ I heard #Char’s question, however I kept watching those two on the far side.
‘Harps?’ He nudged me again. ‘Stop stalking your boyfriend.’ He whispered in my ear just as Seth and Collin hugged.
“Wh…What?” I was shifting in my spot.
‘Do you think my boyfriend would keep anything from me?’ He winked collecting the empties and then he was back off to work.
They all would know soon enough what I had let slip. Lost in my thoughts I saw Collin coming towards me, and I smiled. With him came a warmth, an invisible yarn drawing him towards me, and with each step he took. The weight from my chest and shoulders lifted.
I slipped back into his body, resting my temple to his cheek. “Hmm… A little birdie did, did she?” I was looking at #Jenna, and then #Kenz, then settled on #Jenna. It was her.
“Wouldn’t you agree the game of pool is more about mathematics than it is skill?” I asked lifting my chin to the way #Juan was about to shoot. “By using math, we can all predict where the ball will go if Juan hit from various angles and distances. Giving us the knowledge if he is making the best shot or not...” The not so inner nerd was out in her full glory. And that tingle of excitement and thrill made me shiver.
Now I whispered close to Collin’s ear. Closing my eyes. “If I have this correct, Yellow ball will go to the far-right pocket, hit the ledge and bounce back.” I wasn’t watching. That way he couldn’t say I was cheating. The sound of the cue hitting the ball came and I held my breath. Was I right? or had #Juan somehow compensated to make the shot?
❁ Collin ❁
I heard the boyfriend comment several times in a row, #Seth's expression changed and he took it as confirmation of what I had told him.
When I was close to Harper again, my whole being hummed. That incredible feeling of being exactly where I was meant to be washed over me and I soaked it in. I knew she felt it too, the way she leaned against me. The perfect, affectionate touch of her resting her face against my cheek.
"An anonymous birdie." My arms came around her, poking her gently, and playfully in the ribs when her gaze settled on Jenna. Then I whispered, turning into her so my nose brushed against her hair. "Easy, #Nerd... you trying to blow my cover and get me killed!" I laughed, teasing her like this gave me more joy than  I thought possible.
My hands stayed on her waist while I had an internal battle with my wolf about whether or not to stand here in a crowd with my arms completely around her, holding her to me like I wanted to be possessive or otherwise an Alphahole move.
Dammit!!! #Ana and her stupid book quotes were rubbing off on me!
My stomach tightened when she made her prediction and closed her eyes. The white ball connected, the yellow rolled... slowing as it approached the right-hand pocket  but not enough, it hit the corner and redirected. Stopping not even two inches from the pocket. A collective 'Oooooh!' of disappointment went up from the spectators and I released a breath I hadn't realised I was holding alongside hers.
"By the Spirits, that's so sexy!" the words rushed out in a breath and my stomach tightened. The words had only been for her to hear... or they would have been if we hadn't been in a bar full of Spirit Warriors with superhuman hearing. They were  very intently trying to not listen now... Apart from #Embry who chuckled and muttered to someone. 'That pup is weird. I fucking love it.'
My arms had slipped around her completely, still gentle, but apparently, the excitement of her prediction  had overridden any concern I had about coming off as possessive. I was of course blushing from head to toe now too because I had called her sexy. I used the words, beautiful... cute... kind... intelligent and many more like those; but this was a first.
That word wasn't like the others, it felt different. They all made my heart race... but this one made it race differently. It was true, of course, but the way her mind worked... the way she solved the world around her. It did  something to every nerve ending in my body.
❁ Harper ❁
“Sure, let’s go with that. It’s all about getting the cute guy killed.” I teased, he wasn’t going to drop my friend in it, and was still sticking with the ‘anonymous birdie’, thing. Which I hate to say, I could respect a guy for.
The warmth of his breath tickled my skin, and the consoling sounds of from around the table had that smile back on my lips and growing. “See. I told you. Mathematics.” Upon opening my eyes, I found #Jenna’s fixed on me… no… Collin behind me. She was watching him with such intent that she hadn’t noticed that I was now watching her.
She tilted her head from side to side, the same way she did when we were children and she had been lost in her thoughts. Or she was trying to divulge her mind with a mystery and coax out the answers to the meaning of it all.
The air in my lungs had been knocked out of me, and I knew my face would have been a deep shard of beetroot. Had I just miss heard him? ‘Sexy?’ My stomach roiled at the meaning this word had. I mean Cute, sweet, kind, pretty… Those were things people stuck to when they spoke about me. but ‘Sexy’?
“Uhmm...” There were no words on my lips willing to make a sound. When I decided to place one of my hands over his, that was when it came to light how he had engulfed my body into the circle of his strong arms, and I felt at home in them. I turned my face towards him. My eyes finding his with the most intense pull calling me closer and closer. That song I’d been hearing singing to me.
‘Are you two going to join in, or do we need to find another two to play?’ #Teddy clapped his hands and clicked his finger snapping me out of whatever place I had just been transported to.
❁ Collin ❁
My whole face flamed now. I got called boyfriend and cute in the one night! I smiled wide. Spirits, I wanted to take her out of here right now and have her all to myself. But I couldn't take her away from her friends while they were all together. Who knows if this would ever happen again after they all went home? There was no way I would cut this night short.
That unsure sound she made when I called her sexy made me laugh softly. "That might have been a little  forward. But what can I say..." I chuckled. "Nerds are hot."
For a moment I forgot where we were, until #Teddy reminded me. The dramatic flair in his snapping and waving was something I now recognised as innately Teddy-esque behaviour and I was here for it. "Hell yes." I grinned. " I need to see this one in action." If she could predict someone else's shot like she had... then I had to see what she could do with a cue in her hand.
I turned into her one last time, taking in the  scent of her hair while trying my best not to make it look like that's what I was doing. I kissed her cheek and stepped back, releasing the light hold I had on her. "Ladies first?" I said and realised it had sounded like a question when I hadn't meant it to be one. I recovered by taking her drink and smiling. "Go show these guys how it's really done."
❁ Harper ❁
I smiled and laughed softly, “Nerds are hot.” I agreed, letting my head fall forward to hide the embarrassment of saying those words out loud. I was starting to become a little bolder with him and because of him. Collin made me feel like being me was with it.
I pushed reluctantly out of his arms. I wanted to draw him in, to kiss those cheeks of his. The red tint on his tan skin was endearing and I did not wish to see it ever stop.
‘Harper Lee Jenkins.’ #Teddy impatiently came around the table and tugged me by the sleeve of my yellow jumper.
“This is your fault Mr Littlesea, I was happy hiding away in the corner.” I place my hand on his cheek once he took my glass from me. Smiling back to Collin as #Teddy heaved me along with him.
‘Oh, you people have no idea what you are getting yourself into.’ #Kenz came bounding over to the table as #Dam handed me a cue.
‘Why do I feel like I’m about to be played?’ #Juan asked racking the balls up on the other side of the table.
“Are you all talk Diaz?” I pushed the rim of my glasses up my nose. The entry in the bar seems to shift, it was like everyone around the bar and the other table all collectively shifted to get themselves a better view.
‘Less talk Jenkins, let’s see you break.’ He winked stepping back with a beer in his hands now.
I glanced back to where Collin stood, smiling at him. “This is going to go wrong now that you are all watching me.” I told them all as I bent down and lined the cue up to the white ball. The point I wanted to hit between the centre of the balls in my sight. I pulled back, adjusting the tip of the cue to hit the centre of the white ball and watched it roll down the table.
❁ Collin ❁
My grin widened when she agreed with me... was that a compliment aimed at me? I mean... she knew that I was one of her people. I loved how her confidence was growing around me and how mine was with her too. The more we got to know one another the more, sure of ourselves we became.
There was a change in her heart when she stepped away and slightly dim in her eyes and a flash of what I only call something naughty. I smiled, even though my body told me to hold tight and step back from her.
"You shine too bright to be hidden, Harper. You just think you go unseen, but I see you... Always." I smiled. I turned my attention to #Kenzi. "I cannot wait to see this." The smile was evident even in my voice.
I smirked at #Juan's comment and then Brady piped up. 'You have no idea New Guy.' and slapped me on the shoulder. #Brady and I only ever got to play each other now... and sometimes #Embry and #Paul. The former because losing never bothered him, even if he acted cocky about  beating us one day and the latter because he was so bull-headed he was convinced every time that he would beat us.
"Never gonna happen." I beamed at her. "You've got this."
'Yeah!! C'mon Doc! Show 'em how it's done!' #Brady slapped his  hands together and #Kenzi said something to #Seth about him being crazier than he had told her. But there was affection in her tone. My gaze was glued to Harper as she lined up her shot. I watched her make the shot, but my eyes didn't leave her  until the ring of people around the table made a collective sound of approval. Then I saw the strong even break fan out across the table, a bright yellow ball drop into a corner pocket ad that sound became a full-on cheer.
"Oh yeah..." I  said to myself knowing the wolves would hear me, but not caring. "Definitely sexy."
'I didn't realise I was your type, Littlesea.' #Damien had come to stand next to me at some stage. I had been too enraptured with his unofficial little sister to have noticed. I couldn't tell exactly what the look he was giving me meant. I chuckled... "You could have been... If I hadn't met her first." I smiled and caught #Teddy winking at me.
❁ Harper ❁
My cheeks burnt as I glanced over my shoulder at #Brady cheering me on. “Both of your confidence in me is  much appreciated.” I told the two friends now stood beside one another, and I finally noticed that people started to pay attention. I wanted to shrink back into the background, I wasn’t used to being noticed like this. It made my mouth dry a little. However, in that moment my eyes found Collin’s. with a calm washing over me. I gave him a half smile and a shrug of my shoulder. “I was trying to be modest” I told him.
‘Modest my arse! If you got the skills. Show them off darling. You were born to shine.’ #Jenna scoffed. 
My hand arched, I rested the cue between my fingers. Keeping my feet, a little wider than my shoulder-width apart. My eyes were switching from the contact point on the cue ball to the point I was aiming for on the next targeted ball. My first break had scattered the balls close enough to a place where I could slowly start to make my way around the table.
‘She’s a little wolf in sheep’s clothing.’ I heard #Juan clicking his tongue; however, it had been said with a laugh and no malice. I pulled the cue back and hit the white ball with the correct velocity to send two balls across the table. One hit the edge of the table knocking the red ball out of the way, and the other glided into the corner pocket.
“Bottom left.” #Kenz called out, her smile growing with each ball that hit it’s mark. I stood, stepping back assessing the table before taking the next shot. Each time I moved; my eyes found their way back to Collin. And now with #Dam there looking at him.
‘She’s going to clear the table?’ I heard a voice saying from the far side, beside the other table.
‘Ten bucks on the doc, she’s so going to nail this.’ Another voice said.
‘I’ll take some of that.’ This voice made me giggle. It was #Leah. And one by one I made my way around the length of the table.
Standing up I pointed my cue to the bottom left pocket. “8 ball?” I asked #Kenz witnessing her jumping up and down. Filled with excitement. “Okay.” Leaning over the table, I used my height to leverage one foot off the ground. Drawing my cue back and taking my shot. I held my breath watching and waiting.
❁ Collin ❁
Her eyes sought out mine in the crowd and I gave a small, soft smile, for no one but her. We connected in that moment... it wasn't the first time... but the first time with so many people around. I felt a tug in the middle of my chest again, urging me to go to her. Jenna's words made me smile, her friends were amazing... even if they were clearly trying to figure me out.
But, honestly... that made me like them even more. Mine would do (and had done) the same thing if she wasn't my imprint. My relationships tended to start out great... but not stay that way. But now... they were all just happy for me.
My heart pounded when that look of concentration came over her face. She pocketed another ball with ease. My mouth  went dry... it really was hot! Watching her, knowing her mind was processing the possibilities and the angles... I had never been drawn to someone like this when surrounded by people. If I had been able to focus on anything but her I would have been uncomfortable with the butterflies in my stomach when surrounded by my closest friends. But... there was only her.
We found each other's eyes between every shot... and I wondered if she could tell that she was fanning a fire in me. #Kenzi's excitement and giggling probably saved me from following through on the desire to grab Harper and kiss her right there.
Geez... what the hell was that? I mean, I pretty much always wanted to kiss her... but with a much different kind of desire than this.
I watched her line up her next shot and felt a hand on my shoulder. #Paul had squeezed himself between me and #Damien. 'You got this, pup.' He whispered so only I would hear while people talked and boasted about Harper around us, he casually drank from the bottle in his hand. 'The bond amplifies a lot of things... this especially. But if any of us has a hope of controlling it... it's you.'
Damn! Was I really that transparent? I glanced around but only #Leah  and #Embry seemed to be throwing an occasional glance my way. One of them sent him here... because we all knew when #Paul imprinted, he didn't even try to control it... but that was okay because #Rachel was more than capable of showing #Paul  her limits. Then and now. He was so taken with her he'd have done anything she asked.
'Looks like our resident geek may have just found his match!' #Paul said, louder now to make it seem like that's what he came over for.
"Why do you think  I'm sticking to being on her team." I nudged him. "No way would I want to go up against her." I smiled at Harper and gave her a wink. The desire softened when my gaze sank into warm eyes.
❁ Harper ❁
The crown erupted, drinks were sprayed, the ground shook. Out of my peripheral vision I saw #Juan pushing his hand into his back pocket and holding up a note. And then out of nowhere #Leah tugged it out of his fingers, flicking it on his nose. She was grinning while she looking him over. And he for the first time ever looked lost for words.
‘Oh my god! That was amazing!’ #Jessica rushed me before I could straighten up, and my girls weren’t far behind.
‘I thought you were going to crack under the scrutiny  just the way you still at school.’ #Jenna kisses my cheek.
‘Hush. She’s nothing like what she used to be like back then. Haven’t you noticed the transformation in hers since bending here?’ #Kens nudged #Jenna.
I followed #Jenna’s eyes to Collin, and her lips tightens  before smiling. ‘Yeah I am.’
‘HARPER LEE JENKINS! You have been holding out on us!’ Before I could question #Jenna on that look, #Teddy had joined the fray too.
#Rachel’s husband #Paul drew my attention away from the conversations breaking the sound barrier around me. His tone jovial and light, however his voice rang louder.
'Looks like our resident geek may have just found his match!'
My face flushed and I knew without a doubt I was a beetroot red.
‘You know what they say… Nerds rule and the Geeks follow, like honey to a flower. And our nerd is a beautiful flower. Inside and out!’ #Kenz tugged on my jumper to bring me down to her height and kissed my cheek after she said that. Whispering into my ear.
‘He is smitten, but so are you my lovely.’ I swallowed down the urge to go to him, it had been prominent within me, calling to him all night.
❁ Collin ❁
I watched her take shot after shot after shot, it felt like my skin got tighter with each and every shot she made. Watching her leaning over the table gave me thoughts I really didn’t want to think here… we weren’t there yet, but my wolf stretched and prowled beneath my skin. She was so perfect, I reminded myself again and again that she was more than what I saw, more than the incredible body and silky hair, more than that fucking sexy arse… long legs… my gaze travelled up and even with the modest neckline of her yellow jumper… Spirits!
I shuddered out a breath and #Paul kicked the side of my boot. It did nothing… not until her face tilted up. She wasn’t looking at me, she was concentrating, squinting, and adjusting her position in the tiniest increments. Some of the expressions she was making would be comical… possibly even a little unattractive to others… but no… she was beautiful to me, her nose scrunched up and them relaxing and making her glasses slip  too low on the bridge of her nose. I laughed softly, my smile returning to one that felt more… Like me.
‘You know…’ #Damien’s voice might have startled me had his scent not been there this whole time. ‘Most guys wouldn’t have an issue teaming up with a girl and then having her show them up like this?’ There was condescension in his tone… but it was forced. The fact the #Paul scoffed under his breath instead of bristling at the comment confirmed my suspicion.
“Wha-“ My brow  furrowed while my mind worked… “How is she… OH!!” Now my brow shot right up to my hairline. He couldn’t think that I was mad about this incredible show of skill, could he?
“That’s not what she’s –“
‘That thought never even dawned on you, did  it?’ His brows pinched together. There was a hint of confusion in his tone… like he couldn’t fathom how I hadn’t been thinking that. He was gauging my reaction… testing the waters to see if I was one of those guys… with a fragile ego.
“No… I was just….” My eyes went back to her and she hit the shot that would clinch the game. “Fascinated.” My eyes didn’t leave her, but my peripheral vision could follow the path of the ball to the pocket.
The crowd lost it and I watched her friend swarm her with a huge smile until I heard #Kenzi’s words to her. #Paul took the glasses in my hands without being asked and went to her. “That was unbelievable.” I beamed and leaned in to kiss her, my fingers brushing her cheek. Not asking this time, not caring that people were staring. “Trust me.” I smiled, but it was cheeky now. It hadn’t sounded like a question!!
I took her hand to help keep her steady while I stooped, to wrap my arm around the back of her legs and  lifted her high, settling her easily onto one shoulder. My arm rock solid beneath her and my hand on her waist, stabilising her. #Seth was there in an instant taking her other hand, to let her find her balance and his other hand rose in case she panicked and tipped backwards. The only time this move went wrong was when what we called Imprint error occurred, but there was always someone there to catch the lady in question.
#Brady instantly had a chant going of  ‘Doc, Doc, Doc…’ and someone switched the music.
( Music  - Survivor - Eye of the Tiger)  
I wasn’t shocked to see #Embry had slipped behind the bar and was hunched over what I was assuming to be the laptop controlling the sound system. I saw  #Kenzi almost jumped into #Jenna’s arms… and #Jenna looked like she was actually prepared to catch her.
‘I love this town so much!!’ #Kenz squealed and followed us as I carried Harper to the bar, joining in the chanting.
❁ Harper ❁
My face and all of me was burning red hot, he had kissed me and then without any warning I was in the air. His strong arms had scooped me up onto his shoulders and I was supported to sit up there with #Seth and the others close by.
Hearing the song playing as well as the chanting, I bristled with that inner voice wishing I had indeed remained that wall flower, not allowing the others to talk me into showing off my ‘nerdy talents’.
‘Hold on tight.’ I heard someone shout.
“Oh, I intend to!” I half squealed out keeping my hands in Collins and #Seths not letting go. And yet there was that soft hum in the air telling me ‘He will keep you safe.’ Which I genuinely believed to be true.
‘Goofball, set the woman down, my insurance doesn’t cover people in the air.’ #Leah made her way around the side of her bar, a small towel in one hand and a tray stacked high of empties in the other. She hit two young men over their heads who had been chanting the loudest with the towel, and then whispered something to them and they rushed into the back area, returning with two mops and a bucket. She then proceeded to make her way around the back of the bar. As she passed #Leah back/side kicked the man hidden there. Telling him to get out from her bar. The grin he gave her was cheeky and kind of….
‘Damn that man is fine!’ I heard someone say. He was okay. I guessed. The view from all the way up here was like flying over all these heads. Even with my heart pumping fast, I could enjoy the moment.
“Oh!” I was slipped down from the shoulder, hands keeping me upright and safe until my feet hit the ground. I turned to face Collin and found myself pushed right into him. Face to face, chest to chest. My beetroot red face giving a nerdy smile. “So, this is the first time someone has done that to me.”
My eyes dropped to his lips and then back to his eyes. “Still want to keep watching those Hallmark movies with a pool hustler?” I asked close to his ear over the loud crowd still formed around us. I felt an arm come around my shoulder and pushed back seeing it to be #Brady, Collin’s best friend.
‘Doc, I need you to do that again next weekend. I could make some money off the bets.’ He gave me an even more shockingly cheeky smirk telling me it could be a joke.
“Are you planning on cutting me into the final amount?” I asked with the same cheek in my voice.
‘Spirits, I like her!’ He playfully flicked my nose. ‘You are in Batman.’ I laughed recalling the first ever conversation the two of us shared.
“So are you, Robin.” I giggled shaking my head.  
A round of drinks were held up beside us and I shook my head. “No, thank you. I’ve had all I wanted to drink tonight.” I knew I had to walk home, and I wouldn’t be doing it inebriated, it wasn’t something I would ever do again, not after… I stopped that train of thought from materialising.
❁ Collin ❁
I laughed at #Leah. "Like I would drop such precious cargo." I couldn't help but laugh at #Embry getting his arse kicked and still  managing to get checked out by a random girl.
I smiled at Harper, keeping her close in the crush of  bodies, even though I knew that they were all almost as aware of her as I was.
"Keep playing pool like that and it won't be the last. " I smiled, my lips pressing together into a tight line. My eyes fell on her lips. "Actually... right now. I kinda want to take you home. Light some candles... pour you a glass of wine and solve some complex math problems with you." I leaned in close and dropped my voice. I heard snickers going up from some of the pack that there was no way Harper could hear.
And I heard #Brady somewhere behind me whisper to someone. 'Told you my boy's got game!' I knew there was no chance he had actually told someone that; before he appeared next to Harper.
I rolled my eyes at him. "Are you  seriously making weekend plans with my girlfriend before I even get a chance to?" I laughed.
The unfamiliar jealous streak didn't raise its head when it was the guys from the pack. I was glad of that at least... For some of the guys... back in  the beginning, it hadn't made a difference. Maybe because we were all struggling still... maybe our bond was deeper now, the trust was unshakable.
I smiled and turned to the bar asking for two glasses of water. It was only then; when I turned  back to her and wrapped my arm around her shoulder again. I realised it... My neck flushed with heat, my ears burned and the heat in my cheeks almost hurt. #Brady had a huge grin on his face when I looked back.
"I just called her my girlfriend, didn't I?"
'Yup!' Brady said loudly.
"And she heard me... right?"
'Most definitely.' He nodded and I drew my gaze back to hers.
❁ Harper ❁
“Maybe I should hang my cue up while I’m on a win. There is a chance I could underperform the next time.” If I didn’t set my mind to it, it was possible. However, I set my mind to everything I did from the start.
I couldn’t stop myself from giggling like a silly teenage girl once again. Just being so close to him, with his arms around me, and added to the mix this cheekiness? The fact that maybe we were both starting to become less guarded from the other? Or it was just the way we were both surrounded by those we loved and who loved us?
I bit down on my lower lip, my eyes darting down as I slowly returned them to meet his through my eyelashes and glasses. The frame had slipped down the bridge of my nose again, however it did nothing to hide the apples of my cheeks blustering with heat. His proposal of wine, candles and complex math problems had my heart racing so fast.
“You know how to promise me a good time.” And I was not being funny. It would be so good to sit and workout how his mind worked. How he came to his solutions and the steps he took. “I know the Trisecting an Angle problem has already been solved, however I would give it a run for it’s money with you.”
‘Yeah, there is nothing to worry about here. I don’t need to give Harps or, her new bow the talk. Not from the way they want to spend their time alone. ‘ #Jenna’s voice carried and then my heart stopped.
My heart stopped; my mouth fell open with a dryness making my tongue stick to the roof of my mouth. From behind me there were some squealing sounds however, all I saw was the back of Collin’s head as he spoke to his best friend.
‘He, said it. he called her his girlfriend! And on the same night as she said it to us too!’ The high-pitched voice belonged to #Jessica
‘Oh, they are so cute together.’ #Teddy said in his mother hen voice.  
When he turned to face me, his eyes were the only thing I saw. Shock, a warmth, a sense of something being right took a hold of me. His eyes, that smile, the crinkle at the corners of his lips. They all drew me in. My lips curled up and I tilted my head to the side, unconsciously placing my hand on his cheek letting my thumb brush down once softly.
“Would you like to get out of here?” I asked just for him to hear, unsure where the confidence came from. Maybe, it was because I didn’t want to have this moment shared with anyone but him. And I really, really  REALLY… Wanted to kiss him.
❁ Collin ❁
Both mine and #Brady's brows shot up and eyed her, both saying "No way!" At the same time and laughing. I knew then that #Bray wanted a game with her too; it had been a while since we had a challenge.
'You can't do that to me!' #Brady said  dramatically. 'I've been stuck playing with these peasants for years! I need a challenge.' I laughed because I'd called it. A hand shot up from somewhere and cracked him across the back of the head. #Leah, of course.
The way she was laughing and  smiling made my stomach come to life with fluttering again. I spied #Jenna and her husband watching us. I heard her heart begin to race and if it had been possible for mine to beat faster, I knew with would have, but it was already beating like the wings of a humming bird.
"Now you're just talking dirty!" I teased, stunned that the words came out without so much as a stutter. Then #Jenna and #Jessica had my cheeks burning red hot. I pressed my lips together and fixed my gaze on her as  #Jessica revealed that she had said boyfriend tonight too. She couldn't have known that I had overheard that.
I pulled her closer like I was protecting her from all the attention. The whole bar cheering for her was one thing. But this  kind of attention was intimate. It was from all the people that loved her the most. Just when I thought I was going to be lost forever in her eyes, her light touch on my cheek brought me back, but only to the awareness of her... the rest of the  world dulled in comparison. Because here... here I could let that happen. Here I could be hers and only hers, I didn't need to think of the world around us and the dangers it could hold for her. My brothers were here, nothing could get to us  here.
My smile softened but lost none of its joy and excitement when she asked if I wanted to leave with her. But then thoughts swarmed in her eyes, and she gave an unsure shake of her head. The rest of the world came back into focus. #Jenna was  leaning her head against #Damien's arm and watching us. #Kenzi was bouncing on her toes just like #Jessica while #Seth watched her like she was performing a masterful ballet.
I reached up and pushed her glasses gently up the bridge of her nose. "Look around." I said as softly as I could while making sure she could hear me in the raucous bar. "They're all happy for us... right? I think they'd be angry if we didn't give this everything, we've got...."
My eyes moved around again. #Rachel was pouting like she was watching two kittens playing and #Paul was whispering something to her. #Brady and the guys were already making space for us to slip out the side door. I leaned in close to her ear. "And I really want to kiss you with no one watching right now."
There was a flurry of movement and I look around to see #Paul hoisting my cousin onto the bar and jumping up after her. He swept one of her legs over his hip, dipped her backwards and kissed her in such a way that it probably should have been saved for the bedroom. The bar began cheering again. He was giving us an opening.
"Looks like this is our chance, Dr Jenkins..." I smiled. "What do you say?"
❁ Harper ❁
He knew how to make me feel like the only woman in the world. Something my mom had once explained when I was young. Dreaming of my Prince Charming after watching Cinderella for the first time.
‘When you feel your heart flutter with warmth, when you feel like the boy in front of you sees you and no one else. When you close your eyes and only see his face. You will know, this is the boy you should try to be happy with.’
These were things Harper thought only took place in fairy tales, never in reality. This was until she saw how #Seth looked towards #Kenzi, and #Damian looked towards #Jenna. Then she believed they deserved all their happiness. She was overjoyed for her friends, her sisters. However, never saw it in her own life.
She smiled as Collin pushed her glasses up her nose and asked her to look around. As she did so,  #Juan’s voice wasn’t drowned out as he came to the bar, talking with #Char about how things had changed for him since he left his service. However, I shook my mind free from listening to them. I knew my friends would be safe here, that they would be taken care of. Just one glance away from Collin and around the bar showed me how they were all mingling in with the people of this small town. But more so, how the town for some reason had opened its arms to us all too.
“Astonishing.” I muttered under my breath. How things had transformed from my first night out here. Where I had sat here at this same bar, I had started to talk to #Charlie and made my first friend in La Push. To now, where even if I do not know all these people by name, their faces felt known to me. “I would have to agree, they want the best for us.”
The commotion came without any warning. “Paul Fucking Lahote! Get your arse off my bar! Rach, you can stay.” #Leah crossed her arms looking up at the sight unfolding for us all to witness. She was smirking so I could only hope, Rachel’s husband would live to walk home tonight.
I turned to Collin, nodding my head. “Let’s go.” I feed my fingers into his hand and tugged him back away from the bar. There seem to be a clear path, however it wasn’t to the front door, but to the side entrance. I didn’t look back as I started to run. Laughing unconsciously as we burst out into the cold night, I couldn't help the joy over taking me, I was laughing as I slowly came to a stop half way down the parking lot. Turning back and bumping right into him. My eyes slowly looked up, laughing still at the way I exited the building without looking to see if anyone had noticed. All because I knew he wanted to leave and for the same reason as I had.
“Hi…” I smiled and laughed up at him. “Do you still want to be foolish together?”
❁ Collin ❁
Those moments when it was just her and I left in the universe were perfect. There was only her, looking right back at me in that way only she could.
I smiled when she looked around and whispered that word. I was so proud of my brothers at  that moment. We were a close-knit group for a good reason. But this was Harper's family... blood or not, and they were treating them as such. This was #Kenzi's family, #Seth's family.
They would be mine too... If Harper chose me. These people  would be my people, and I couldn't have picked them any better if I'd had the decision to make.
I laughed softly at the scene on the bar but abruptly turned away when #Paul groped my cousin's rear end.
Her slender hand slipped into mine and  our fingers laced together. I laughed and let her tug me towards the door. I tried to ignore the pats on the shoulder I got as I left. Luckily, the guys were all fast enough that I doubted Harper noticed them.
I was so bewitched by her  playful laugh that I barely noticed her stop and turn back to me. Only my wolf stopped me from continuing to plough forward when she bumped into our chest.
"Hi." I smiled as big as possible, lifting the hand she wasn't holding to her cheek.
"With you?" I pressed a sweet, quick kiss to her lips and whispered against them. "Always." I slipped my hand out of hers and wrapped both arms around her waist.
I lifted her off her feet, my heightened senses telling me that anyone standing outside the bar was around the front, and we were alone... all the wolf-ish ears were inside. I spun us both around like a scene from one of her romance movies and kissed her. It a was sweet, innocent kiss and I couldn't help but laugh softly  against her lips.
"So?" I set her back onto her feet, even though I had lifted her mere inches... she was really tall. I recalled #Jessica's words. "Boyfriend?" I tilted my tilt with a grin while my neck and ear flamed red.
❁ Harper ❁
The sounds of the bar muffled a little as the door swag shut behind us. There was a charge in the air, the kind that told you, something good would happen. There were no bad thoughts.
That song from my dreams, it played in the air around me, a warmth came in from within the cold night. The laughter not subsiding, just being with him felt so different. It felt. Warm. Welcoming. Right!
The soft kiss sent those butterflies in my tummy fluttering to life, they were tried to escape, and at the same time they were here to stay. “Always.” I whispered back into his lips.
Laughing softly again when he lifted me off the ground. I bent my head to look down at him, my hair flying and the world going around. I felt like one of the girls in the Hallmark movies. When she got her guy.
“Still laughing I came down my arms staying around his shoulders as my feet settled to Earth.
My face, neck, body all flashed a deep crimson. I found myself thanking whoever looked out for me that the night and lights sheltered me from sight. However, I could feel my flush. “Well… I… I… Uhm…” what could I say? The truth. “Boyfriend.” I nodded slowly my big brown eye looking up at him through my glasses. He didn’t look like he would run, and he had called me his…
“So…” I matched him and tilted my head. “Girlfriend?” My lips curled up into a big smile. My eyes searching his for a sign.
❁ Collin ❁
Hearing her say that one sweet, perfect... sacred word was unlike anything else had ever felt. "Always." I mumbled again. Did it make her skin tingle all over too?
Her cheeks were flushed and her whole face lit up... She was too beautiful for words. Those gorgeous eyes turned  up to me and touched the tip of my nose to her. Spirits! I loved how tall she was! My smile took over my features when she turned the tables on me. "Oh!! Sneaky, Dr Jenkins, flipping the script like that. But!" I paused for dramatic effect. "To the victor go the spoils.
So... I suppose that all depends on the answer to one deeply important question." I pulled her close again and kissed her, just once, softly. Then I pulled back to see her face completely and fixed a very serious expression onto my face or tried to at least. "Are you ready  to be a grandmother?" I laughed and quickly added. "Don't answer yet though. Let me walk you home. I have another story I would really like to tell you. If you'd like to hear it?"
My heart started to pound, and I gave her one more soft sweet kiss. Trying not to let the nerves show. Would this be the last time I kissed her? Had I achieved making the end of this night here with her friends and family the perfect ending... if that was where this was leading? Would she ever look at me like this again? I began filing away the memory of every  single glance, and smile she'd given me tonight for safe keeping.
❁ Harper ❁
I wanted to correct the quote. However, I had let out enough of my nerd tonight and he still wanted to know more of me.
And yet the quote wouldn’t die down…
“To the victor belong the spoils,
                            Of the enemy.”
I thought to myself.
He felt like a beacon of light in the darkness of the parking lot. And the funny thing was, there were lights everywhere around the #HwH lot. And still it was him and the warmth of his smile, the way it lifted the both of us. It was all I could see.
“Not just a pretty face I will have you know.” I flushed again. This time half covering my face in the shadows created by the moon, who would be the witness to this night, these moments with him. But more so, the fact that the urge to leave and run had not returned even now.
I looked up a little to catch him looking right at me. Our lips touched for the briefest of times, and it was still… perfect.
My heart started to thunder at the clause, making me tilt uncertainty and now a little uncomfortable with what this one important question could be.
When he asked it, and burst out laughing. I had no choice but to join him. Laughing I parted my lips to reply, however stopped when he told me to keep a hold of it until he walked me home.
Why did this man make everything so easy? To laugh, to smile, to be with him,  and to kiss him when we we’re both Like this?
“Stories?” I asked him. “Okay. Are these the stories you promised me?” I hadn’t forgotten about that, he told me there stories of his history which he would someday share.
Taking a step back off from him, my hands found one of his and tugged him further away from the building.
“Yes please, tonight feels like the perfect night for stories.”
I could not wait to hear what he would share. The high from having my Thompson family here, him, everything. It all felt so… Serendipitous.  
❁ Collin ❁
Even with the apprehension building in my gut, I couldn't help but smile around her. "You are so much more." I said... "But it's a really pretty face."
Her heart was beating as fast as mine when we kissed, she had to be feeling  everything that I was.
I smiled at her as we walked and nodded. "I have so many stories to tell you... but this one is part story... part history and how it's all... evolved ."
I walked with her letting her tug me along for a few steps  before I lengthened my stride to catch up. "You remember that I told you about The Great Wolf? And how his descendants shared their form with a wolf too?" There was no reason I couldn't start now, I just wanted her to be home when I told her  about me... and us. It was important to me that she was in her safe place when she heard everything.
❁ Harper ❁
I was flying on cloud nine.. until now I didn’t even know this thing, this feeling, this sensation could really and truly be felt.
And all mighty roar of laughter came rippling out from #HwH as someone opened and closed the door. However, it still wasn’t enough to pull my attention away from Collin and how it felt to be alone with him.
My heart beat picked up once again when he started to walk in step with me. I pushed the rim of my glasses up my nose before answering.
“The Great Wolf?” Thinking back to the time we sat on the beach with  #Nova running and playing. And the story he had began to share with me.
“I actually do. It’s why everyone here love the wolf? They are the tribes protectors?”
The chief had said it too when he gave me the hand carved wolf. Saying it would look over me and protect me.
❁ Collin ❁
I didn't need to turn and look but my senses were on high alert a real of laughter flowed from the door of the bar. My ears training in the sounds, but it was only someone going inside. Without my brothers around I was the protector again.
I nodded, I never doubted that she was listening when I told her. She had been so intrigued and asked questions, she clearly longed to learn about the tribe. But that was who she was... I believe that she would be the same about any new place and  people; hungry to learn.
"Yes." I beamed, a chill sea breeze picked up and I slipped my hand from hers and wrapped it around her shoulders. It was nowhere close to as cold as it got here, but I could keep her warm in any weather. "And the relationships with the women who protected them changed too. Because the Warriors never left their bodies. They no longer needed an anchor, their physical bodies didn't need protection. They became almost invulnerable... to all but one creature and one deep-seated human flaw... a trap that powerful people too often fall into."
I crossed the street, after checking for cars, still making our way back to her place like we had walked this exact path together a thousand times. Bringing  her home felt like coming home too... I knew it was presumptuous and I knew I shouldn't think like that right now. But the thoughts were there and denying that would be lying to myself... What I knew for sure though was that I never let those  thoughts influence her, her needs came first.
❁ Harper ❁
The cold wind had not infused itself into my bones yet, however it was well on its way. Until Collin drew me into his side and his arm wrapped around me.
Within moment, I could swear that I have imagined the cold. We were walking as close as we could be, on the sand path and I felt so comfortable in his vicinity.
I looked up a little confused. Recalling all I remembered from the story he had begun to share and then the dreams I had subsequently.  Smiling as I remember seeing Leah. And Collin, and myself too. The song I hear being sang while I took the place of a protector of a Warrior, who in my dream had been Collin.
“So, the warriors no longer left their bodies? And that meant that the women no longer had to sit in guard of their Warriors?” This hurt for some reason. I had fallen in love with the idea that the warriors were out protective over their tribes, while the women kept them safe.
“What flaw?” I asked, excited to be learning something new. My eyes were turned to him for a moment before I set them back on the ground making sure I didn’t trip or fall.
“There are so many traps powerful people find themselves in, but the warriors. They were pure, weren’t they?”
However, the answer came as I said the words. “Uhm… but they were still humans?” I bite down hard on my lip. Because I knew I was jumping ahead.
“Sorry, you can blame the wine. It makes me a little Impatient. Please... you go on.” I placed one arm around his back and rested it on his waist. Making it easier for the two of us to walk like this.
❁ Collin ❁
She seemed almost disappointed to learn the warrior's bodies no longer need guarding when they went into battle. I knew it was silly and I knew what I had to tell her next would fill in that gap in the story and still... I felt a twinge in my  chest when I heard that hint of sadness in her tone.
Then questions started to pour from her lips, and I smiled, I loved how curious and full of questions she was. "No need to apologise." I chuckled. "You can ask me any questions you have; I might not have all the answers. But I can find someone that will know."
We turned a corner onto her street, and I felt her arm come around me and it was I wanted to tell her, that these... these little gestures, were just as protective as the  women the stood guard. "The women became the guardians of their humanity, keeping them grounded and making sure the power of their wolves didn't take over. And the way they found each other changed too."
I turned to her and smiled. "I'm sure you know wolves mate for life, considering..." I chuckled. Of course, she did... she probably knew better than those of us that were living it.
❁ Harper ❁
Chewing on my bottom lip, I walked step in step with him listening to the story.
I couldn’t help but smile at the memory of Jenna commenting on Collins height. And how we seemed well fitted. She said that without knowing how much I loved talking with him. How a text conversation after a day of working hard, hadn’t been dreaded by me. On the contrary I have enjoyed it so much side falling asleep with my phone beside my pillow. This man made me feel like myself.
And when he told me these stories. He brought them to life. And I like this somewhat more… my imagination took a hold and the small village of my dreams turned and evolved into a new space. Where the Warriors when to battle, and the women of the tribe become the…
“Guardians of their humanity.”
This idea gave me a heat filled and joyful kick in my step. It was crazy I knew. However, there were women not to be questioned. They had a duty, and they knew how to do it.
“Oh… yes…” I started, following him down my street. “You know it’s true. We have found that, most wolves are known to be monogamous. Which of course means they only have a single mate.
They will stay with this mate for as long as possible. Even when they are in a pack. And no other female wolf will encroach on another females mate. The have a respect for the bond.”
I say with a nod of my head, pushing the rim of my glasses up the bridge of my nose.
❁ Collin ❁
The thought of how perfectly we fit side-by-side threatened to completely derail my train of thought. There was no need to focus on where I stepped to make sure I didn't trip her up (Which definitely happened in the past... I had caught the  girl. Thank you, Spirit Warrior reflexes) but now... we just seemed to fall into a pattern.
I smiled when she started to talk about wolves, they were clearly on the long list of animals she loved. I clung to that fact even if I logically knew that it wasn't the same thing. My stomach flipped again when she nudged her glasses back up again.
I nodded and chuckled softly. "Exactly... so the Warriors... the Wolf warriors, when through a lot of changes, the young boys of the tribe would grow up and once they reached a certain age they would begin to change. They would grow bigger and stronger than the other men. The Great Wolf's magic was only passed along in his bloodlines. The first time they shapeshifted they would be  inducted into the pack. This would push forward their development to that of a full-grown man. They were stronger, faster, and almost impossible to kill. They developed the ability to heal rapidly from all but the most fatal of wounds, they  never fell ill. They had heightened senses and reflexes even in their human bodies. And they stopped ageing. Taha Aki outlived two of his wives. But the Spirits needed to find a balance; because nothing in nature with so much power should be  unchecked." I smiled and stepped with her, up onto her porch.
"And what could possibly be more intoxicating than the power and freedom to run with the wolves? What is the one thing that would always bring you home and make you human again?" I  moved to stand in front of her, my eyes met hers and my heart suddenly started to pound. My wolf stirred and radiated his answer inside my chest.
❁ Harper ❁
“True Love….”
The two words make from my lips before I knew I had even said them. I had stepped up to my pouch, however I had been so engrossed in the tail that it hadn’t registered where I was standing.
I turned to face him, a step higher then him, so close that I could feel the warmth of his breath on my face. And it made the butterflies in my stomach dance to a song they were making up themselves.
“The women… they were the ones to become the anchor the Wolf warriors required to not forget who they were and why they were blessed.” I asked.
“And they had Taha Aki too? To guide them if they became lost?” I couldn’t see how young warriors would know what to do without help.
“Pack…” I whispered. “The warriors followed the mentality of the Wolves too?” There had been so much to unpack in this story.
However, one thing stuck with me. I couldn’t let it go. So, I held up a finger.
“You.. know… there is a flaw… in the story… Wolves cannot heal themselves in that way. I mean if you said they were geckos… I would believe it a little, they have the ability to heal, and regrow. I mean have you seen how fascinating it is when they lose their tails, and they dance around like they have a beating heart in there… and then… you will see the same one with his/ her tail regrowing…. it’s a miracle in a living creatures body.”
Okay, so I had gone off into a tangent. I placed the finger on my lips  and shhh myself.
“Sorry… I am listening. This is all so fascinating.” Realisation dawned upon me, that we were stood outside me door.
Fishing out my keys from my pocket, I played with it uncertainly. Finally, my eyes found his. Smiling. “Would you like to come in for a hot chocolate and to keep telling me the story?”
❁ Collin ❁
My heart stopped... or at least I swore it did... only for a moment when those words fell so naturally from her lips. Lips that I was now fixated on, she was so close. Close enough to kiss if I wanted to. But the next time I kissed her... she  would know the truth. I just hopped and hoped she would want that kiss too. It wouldn't matter how long that took, I would wait.
"Yeah... they had their chief, their Alpha. And if you remember the first story, I told you. You'll remember that  he knew what was like to be separated from his human form for a very long time. So, he was their guide too. And he knew the importance of the women when it came to their unique magic, underestimating how much he needed them was his greatest  mistake."
I smiled too widely when she spoke about healing and then geckos. One corner of my mouth curled up. "Don't be sorry." I beamed. "I love your tangents. I always learn something new." I glanced towards the door and back at her. "I was  kind of hoping you'd ask... But only if you promise to tell me more about the geckos when I'm done? But unless it's the magic of the Great Wolf's blood, I'm not so sure their regrowing limbs is the same as the Warrior's healing abilities... But  a six-foot-long gecko shape-shifter sounds really cool."
❁ Harper ❁
I played with the keys in my hands, the cold chill had started to work it’s way into them and I hugged myself hiding them into myself. My face flushed again, and my nerves made me giggle a little. ( or it could be the wine itself. )
“It’s a deal!” I told him. “I am happy to talk about animals as long as you are willing to listen.” Unlocking my door and pushing myself into my quiet and dark house. Only one lamp beside the couch had betel left on.
“Come on in, make yourself comfortable.” I bent down unzipping my boots and stepping out of them, setting them to the side beside the door, and then I headed to the kitchen.
“Now… where were we?” I called back as I rushed to the fridge taking out the cream and milk. “Oh yes. The Great Wolf not underestimating the women of his tribe? And wait a moment.” I stopped peering out from the opening of the kitchen to the living room.
“Did you just say six-foot-long geckos? What is this? Jurassic Park?”
❁ Collin ❁
I smiled at her seeing the goosebumps rising on what little skin she had exposed. It struck me again how beautiful she was, and how she didn't fall into the trap that women needed to wear tiny dresses and high heels to be attractive... I had no  doubt that she would be just as beautiful if she did.
My heart skipped a beat or six when she leaned over to take off her boots and I very quickly fixed my gaze on my own feet as I toed out f my own boots. I knew she liked a clean home, and  the soggy streets of La Push really didn't make it an easy task. I left mine next to hers. Looking around and thinking... Home. My eyes settled and the doorway to her kitchen with the emerald, green curtains... the kitchen I dreamed about so often and never knew would, one day, be a reality.
I nodded. "Yes... after leaving his body vulnerable and having it stolen, he learned the Spirits had a plan for those women too."
I laughed. "Did I not mention that the wolves were six-foot tall from paw to shoulder? Sometimes bigger... and eight to ten feet long."
❁ Harper ❁
The warmth felt like a glow when I watched him stood in my living room. The contrast of his height, his build, the sweetness of his smile and the softness in his eyes. I smiled back, feeling the uncertainties wash away the more time I spent in his company. And I still could not believe it to be true.
The guiding voices were talking to me. #Kenz giggling and saying. “He should make you want to Swoon, and your heart should swell with love.” And we all witnessed her falling in love with Seth, it was such an amazing transformation from the girl she once had been.
And then I smiled hearing another voice. “Don’t let yourself become lost in anyone. Men shouldn’t make you swoon, there should be a 50/50 meeting in the middle.” #Leah… Her thoughts on the topic so different. She believed in standing on your own two feet. Not allowing another the power to break your heart. But at the same time, they should have the balance in how the two people feel.
But I could find a happy medium, couldn’t I? With Collin, it all went possible. And this thought  scared me. How could I. Harper Lee Jenkins, feel so deeply about a boy I had only just met?
“No...?” I answer shaking my head. Had he mentioned it? Had I forgotten? No? Maybe?  
“I am sure if I heard about six-foot-tall wolves. I would have so many more questions. Like what is there in heir genies to make something like that possible. What would their metabolism be like to maintain such bulk of their bodies. How would it be possible to shift from –“ I stopped myself. My mind was spinning at the science behind it all. When this was a fairy tale of sorts.  “I’m sorry.., I’m… I will let you tell the story.”
Turning back into the kitchen I got to work on making William Jenkin’s special Hot Chocolate, hoping Collin would like it, a little something of my dad for him to share with me.
❁ Collin ❁
I caught her looking at me in a way that made me blush... not the way a lot of girls did... the leering all of the pack members got always made me uncomfortable. She was crazy beautiful, glowing really. Those eyes... and that sunshine bright  smile. I could hardly look away from her.
"Oh!" I laughed, shaking my head. "Then I left out a big detail." Then her science-geek side rushed out all at once, that was so hot. I followed her to the kitchen, "Yes, their metabolism was  incredibly high, so high that their body temperature even rose to higher than a bad fever. Those were the early signs that the change was upon a young boy, the tribe called it The Rage Fever. They became quick to anger and lash out because of  the changes in their bodies." I remembered her telling me about her dad's special hot chocolate. So, I watched her closely, not offering to help, hoping to learn from watching.
"Normally a moment of intense emotion would cause the first change. Anger, fear, or a deep protective urge. And we need to remember this isn't just science it’s the union of biology and magic and while turning into a giant wolf is pretty magical, I believe that the bond they call imprinting between the  Warrior and his protector is the most magical of them all."
My gaze never left her. "The shapeshifters would lay eyes on the one the Spirits had chosen for him for the first time, or at least the first time after they joined the pack... and  instantly they became bonded, it's love at first sight only a million times more that... The bond is unbreakable and the relationship between the two can take all possible shapes. True love, best friends unlike anything you would think  possible, he could become the greatest big brother of all time to her. More times than not they would fall in love, because the Spirits chose Souls that would complete the other. Nothing and no one could come between them."
My heart was  pounding as I spoke and I realised I had moved closer as I spoke, until I stood right next to her. "It was like every love story possible combined and became just theirs."
❁ Harper ❁
He came with me, and I was fine with it. My mom always said the kitchen was the heart of a good home, and acts like this. Made me feel like my house, was becoming a home with a heart. I once described to #Kenz how I felt a connection to this man, how it was like something drew me in towards him. that sensation was prominent once again now.
I set to work. There sat a saucepan on the hob, half filled with milk with a dash of cream. The rest of the cream had been placed into a bowl with a table spoon of powdered sugar, a dash of vanilla bean paste, with a drop of cognac in it. I set it to the side. Taking out two big hot chocolate mugs, I reached over to the chocolate jar on the counter. Taking out two large Hershey chocolate kisses, whispering to myself “It’s a kiss for your heart.”
I turned my attention to Collin, “Rage Fever?” Wondering how high the fever would become. 99, 100? 103? That was hazardous for any human. However, these warriors were magical.  
Nodding and smiling up as I worked from time to time, acknowledging I still was listening to his story ( because it was fascinating to me. How well he immersed himself and me into the words he spoke.) I unwrapped the two kisses and set them into the bottom of the mugs.
“Young boys?” Had I miss understood the story on the beach? “Only boys were these warriors?” I asked as I worked. My eyes searching out his when I spoke. However, my attention had moved on to the next thing. “A union of both Biology and Magic. I like the sound of this.” It was Hogwarts meets science all rolled into one. Something I would like to believe in. Imprinting between the  Warrior and his protector is the most magical.
“Imprinting?” My mind went to a baby bird. I shook my head still listening.
I took out a bar of melting chocolate next. Checking on the milk so that it didn’t burn, I started to then shave the bar finely. Once I had enough,  I added it to the now simmering milk, with a dash of maple syrup. Taking the time to whisk the cream up into soft cloud like peaks.
My heart started to beat harder when hearing about shapeshifting warriors, and their one true love. What a mythology to live your life by.  The images from my dreams came back to me now. I saw the women in their tribe, looking to the skies for their warriors to come home to them.
 “A bond is unbreakable and the relationship between the two can take all possible shapes.”
I could feel myself mentally floating with the words of his story. There was that invisible line between my chest and his, and as he told me this, I felt that thread become stronger. How, I had no idea. However, with such a beautiful history, how could I not sense something? The way to be with… with someone they were bound to by their souls. A friend, a brother, a lover…  
Seeing that the milk was now ready, and the chocolate melted, I took the pan off the hob, and pour the hot chocolate into the mugs and top it with three spoonful’s of that delicious, whipped cream. Adding some shavings of the melting chocolate. I smiled to myself; it didn’t look like Dad’s. However, I knew it was as close to it as I would ever have from now.
Smiling when the two mugs sat on the counter, I turned to the side, jumping out of my skin finding him right there beside me. My cheeks were burning  as our eyes met. He was the first man that I reacted to in such an intense way. And I  made my dad’s hot chocolate for him. The thing that astonished me, I felt no fear in the moment of sharing something so meaningful to me with him.  
“Love story…” My eyes never once leaving the earthy pools of his. “Became just theirs.” Uncertain why I felt the need to repeat the words. And why I felt than… bond… that pull… that… song… singing to me.
❁ Collin ❁
I paid as close attention to everything she did as I could, though my heart was racing as fast as my mind was. I heard her whisper, and I remembered our no-coffee-coffee-date. How her dad added a Hershey's kiss to the hot  chocolate.
"Well, the stories we were told always said it was only the boys... but..." I tilted my head. "These stories were typically told by men. So, who knows really? Quileute women are strong in all sorts of ways. So, I don't believe that they were only chosen to be Guardians of our Warriors. Maybe those stories just didn't survive." That fact saddened me, but all we could do was make the stories of strong Quileute women weren't ever silenced again.
I reached out to rub her arm when she jumped. "Sorry." I mumbled. "Sometimes I just can't resist, this tug I feel." I touched my fingers to my chest where I felt that invisible cord that tethered me to her.
Taking in a deep breath I managed to tear my eyes from her and drop them to the cups. I picked one up and took a sip. I needed to know what this tasted like... I didn't know where this conversation might lead. I made a deeply approving sound. The vanilla and cognac balanced the sweetness of the maple syrup. "Oh wow..." I smiled and met her eyes again. Spirits, they were beautiful. "This is... incredible. Love in a cup." My thumb stroked against her arm, her father's recipe.
One of the few pieces of him she had left... and she was sharing it with me. In that moment the story didn't matter anymore. The plan didn't matter. Only she did. I lifted my hand from her arm to cradle her jaw, stroking her cheek, I knew what this meant to her. My gaze never faltered from her, and I whispered.
"Thank you."
❁ Harper ❁
When he touched his chest, I knew that sensation. I knew it because I felt it too. It was right there. my fingers had unbeknown to me moved to that exact place on my own chest. I wondered if he heard the songs like I did? Could it be some magical connection that made me feel like…. I stopped myself from thinking of the word Home. Because that could be true. I couldn’t be a woman of science and believe in magic too? Or could I?
There it happened once again, his lightest touch to my arm had those butterflies alive and dancing in my tummy. But they all stopped teasing me ( or I stopped noticing them ) when he lifted the cup to his lips. My heart beat so fast, I hadn’t though what I would say if Collin did not like the drink. Would my world shatters? Would I be able to move past it? Would I ….
’This is... incredible.” He said. ‘Love in a cup’ He said.  
And all the uncertainty washed away in a flood of warmth that exuded from this man. I didn’t know how it was possible. But this man… I… I knew my dad would have liked him. And this thought made a lump grown in my throat. The thought that Collin would never see my dad, never speak to him. I didn’t know why. But it my eyes fill.
“You are welcome. I’m glad you like it.” I whispered looking down to the ground, even with his hands cupping my face. I give myself a moment or two to gather myself, because it felt like he understood. I wasn’t sure how. It just felt that way.
Letting a few moments pass in silence before I found his eyes again. “You stopped telling your story.” I whispered.
❁ Collin ❁
I pressed my lips into a tight line when she mirrored my action. She felt it too? The same way I did... I heard the other imprint describe their bonds... they all had different words and feeling for it, they all had a unique experience... and this was hers.
I wet my lips and set the cup down after another sip. Was there a right way to do this? Or more importantly, was there a wrong way? Was this the wrong way? "Not stopped." I smiled through the anxiety that tightened my chest.
"Just... paused."
I looked to her table and back to her. "Why don't we sit?" Picked up the cup again and trailed my hand off of her arm as I moved to take a seat, not wanting to nudge her to the table if she'd rather stand.
I fixed my gaze on the cup, the scent of it was soothing but it couldn't compete with the conflict happening in my mind right now. "What if it was a story?" I said to the curling steam, but then I forced myself to be brave enough to look her in the eye. She was going to think I was crazy or teasing her.
I reminded myself that she hadn't been raised with these stories, that it was going to take time with her. I took a breath and met her gaze. "What if was history? Real life, tangible history. What if I could prove to you that it's all happening in the world today?"
Please don’t be afraid of me. The silent plea ran through my head over and over again, I swallowed hard, letting go of the mug when I noticed my grip tightening. It was sitting on the table but, I had both hands wrapped around it because I didn't know what else to do with my them. I didn't want to explode in my hand and terrify her.
❁ Harper ❁
I took a few small sips from the mug, playing with my hands around the rim of it. It was too hot for me to drink it just yet. However, the scent of it just reminded me of home… of dad…. Of his soft soothing voice….
My eyes travelled with Collin as he took a seat on small kitchen table. This wasn’t the first time he sat there, however with the dark of night. Only a few lamps on in the house, the shadows outlines the frame of his face. His hair, and those eyes that I could see…. Looking….. worried….?
My heart sank… and my eyes burnt a little. I felt a cold chill clawing its way up where only moments ago I felt warmth, and want, and….
I looked down at my mug, the hot chocolate moved in circles as I told myself I would be okay. That I had to know this day would come. I worked too hard, never had time for anything or anyone. That I had cancelled on him more than I had met him. This had been the reason that I had hidden away my first six months here. And now….
I pushed the frame of my glasses up my nose. Pushing back this uneasy feeling of dread back. Telling myself it would be okay, that I would be fine. He would walk out of here and I would tell him it was fine…. That I….
I sat down across from him. Setting the mug on the table in front of me, however then my hands now had nothing to do. So I curled my fingers around the mug again, absorbing the heat. Because now I felt so cold.
His eyes didn’t meet mine. So I did the only thing I knew. I dropped my eyes to my mug so that he could do this without having to look into my eyes.
‘You will be fi—‘ the thought had just start to permeate when he spoke again. And my ears, mind, and heart  could not determine which had the correct message?
He wasn’t breaking up? Or dissolving this relationship that hadn’t even had its time to flower and bloom?
I blinked a few times, my mouth dropping open. “What if it wasn’t just a story?” This was what he was telling me? “So.. you aren’t breaking up with me?” The words spilling without my mind having time to stop them.
Why did I have to say that? “Sorry… Uhm… forget I just said that…” I had to be the biggest fool  in this town! Lord help me and my over active mind!
I waved my hand in front of my face, letting out a much-needed sigh of relief. And then I was frozen at this joke he had been playing with me.
❁ Collin ❁
I saw a change in her, one that scared me more than the thought of telling her everything. Something was causing her pain and I couldn’t stop myself from flicking my eyes around the room to see who or what it was before my wolf ruffled inside  my chest and told me that it was me.
I was causing her pain. My fear and anxiety was hurting her.
She pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose again and even with the sadness in her eyes, she was breath-taking. I did a double take… That  was what was hurting her? She thought…
Wait… was it even possible for me the break up with her? Had our playful exchange tonight meant as much to her as it had to me?
That really wasn’t important right now.
No… actually. It was. It was  this thought that had put that look on her face, and there was no way that I could ignore that. I reached out and gently took her hand before she dropped it. “Spirits… no! Harper…” I took a breath. “That is the last thing I want. Ever since I  met you…. I…” I smiled, the tension easing for a fleeting as my mind flipped through memory after memory with her. “I have more happy memories with you than in the last few weeks than I've made my whole life. And I know we could still make more than we could ever imagine together.”
I couldn’t let the momentum I had gained in telling her the truth fade out though; I needed to see this through. “There are just things you need to know, about me. Things that are going to be hard to  believe, but none of them are about not caring for you Harper.” I tried to keep the fear from my gaze again. Not wanting it to hurt her again. “But if it changes how you feel about me… I’ll –“ Something caught in my throat. “I’ll understand.”
If she was going to choose me she needed to know exactly what she was choosing. I set our clasped hands on the table and wrapped both of my hands around hers, enveloping it completely.
“Close your eyes for a second, and think like the woman  of science that you are… Think about my hands, how they feel… what is different?” I knew that explained away our differences, it was human nature; it was how people made the strange world around them feel safe.
“Please don’t be afraid of me.” I hadn’t meant to whisper the words, and I knew she didn’t need enhanced hearing to pick it up.
❁ Harper ❁
I couldn’t stop myself from thinking of all the times I laughed or smiled. The times when I wanted to be with him, and I knew I couldn’t. The times I had fallen asleep after saying ‘Good Night.’ To him. And still the first thought that came to me was that he would leave too.
I knew that it was something I had accumulated over the years, the feeling of being left behind. However, right now. With my hands in his, with his telling me exactly how I too feel. I had to know it was the truth. The underlying issue here was in me I told myself. Not in him.
I let him hold my hands, and I listened to what he asked of me. My mind raced thrusting his words forward.
‘There are just things you need to know about me.’
What did he mean?
‘Things that are going to be hard to Believe.’
So far, I had believed him whenever he told me something. Should I not have? “Close my eyes?” I asked as the more of his conversation starts to play on a loop.
‘But if it changes how you feel about me….’
Wasn’t this exactly what I had been telling myself?
‘I’ll understand.’
I wanted to say. ‘What is I don’t want you to understand? What if I want you to fight for me?’
However, those words need making it to my lips.
I closed my eyes, seeing the tension growing on his. I took in the deep breaths and tried to do as asked. I felt the warmth from the mug I had been holding. And then… his warmth? It was comfy and welcoming… and….
“Warmth. You are so warm.” I whisper, as my hands started to frown clammy.
My eyes shot open at hearing him speak. “No, why? I am… I am not Collin… mind scientific mind, starting to flood…
‘What if it wasn’t a story?’
‘What if was history? Real Life, tangible history?’
‘Their body temperature even rose to higher than a bad fever.’
 ‘The Rage Fever’, ‘Shapeshifter’s’ ,‘Warriors.’
‘Magical Blood of the Great Wolf.’
My eyes shout open, and I laughed out of the madness of what conclusions my mind had started to draw. The sound of uncertainty. However, his eyes, the intense way they were focused on me.
‘The women became the guardians of their humanity, keeping them grounded and making sure the power of their wolves didn’t take over.’
My brow eyes dropped to the hands holding on to me. “Collin? What…. Wh…..”
The words drying in my throat.
“Funny.” I was being gullible.
❁ Collin ❁
I stayed silent while she thought about everything I said and asked her to do. Though I did wonder if she could hear my raging heart beating in my chest even with her human ears. I let her think and assess. When her eyes flew open I saw exactly  what I expected. Disbelief and shock…
“There are things I didn’t tell you, Harper. But I have never lied, I never will… I never could. This isn’t a trick or a prank.” She still hadn’t pulled her hand away and could feel it warming in my  gentle hold. “My fever set in when I was thirteen. I’ve been part of the Spirit Warrior pack since then. And I can prove it.” I needed to leave no doubt that I was telling her I was one of the men from the stories.
My eyes moved around me the room… how could I prove it? I obviously wasn’t going to shift in front of her. Maybe I could pick up the refrigerator? Or… my eyes settle on her kitchen drawer and then her sink. This was an idea I had crossed off my list a long time ago  because it seemed too extreme. But I needed something she couldn’t explain away like a body temperature.
I lifted her hand and pressed a kiss to her knuckles hoping it would convey how much I did not want to let go of her. My eyes locked back on hers. “I can show you… I’m not a monster, Harper.” My eyes begging now for her not to see like that. Begging for her to still see the guy she walked on the beach with and watched movies with. Guy, she called her boyfriend in front of the most important in her life.
“I promise you don’t need to be afraid of me.” Something behind my eyes stung and stood up. I was overly cautious not to make any sudden moves like maybe I had started to sprout fur like a creature in a horror movie. Like I suddenly become something she would have nightmares about.
I opened a drawer and pulled out a small, sharp chef’s utility knife, there was no need to make this even more dramatic than it was about to be with a larger blade. I  pressed the tip of the blade to my left index finger until a bead of blood appeared and made a low hiss when I sliced a short shallow cut hardly half an inch, just enough for her to see.
I dropped the knife into the sink and held my finger over it. Letting a few red drops splash against the bottom of the basin. It all took no more than a few seconds, I moved swiftly. Not wanting to give her too much time to get scared of the crazy guy in her kitchen with a knife.
Spirits I was an idiot! What was I thinking?
❁ Harper ❁
The drink was now forgotten. The scent of it make have been one I couldn’t pass in. However, right now the only thing… person… my interest were in had to be the man sat before me.
He said he didn’t lie. They were things I needed to  learn. But with every passing silence moment, the heart in my chest hit a faster beat.
I try to laugh again, however the sound of it was lost in the air between my lips. “No… that’s… it’s… it’s a story.” I say again. And then I follow his  gaze around the room.
What was he looking for? “Prove it? Prove what Collin?” Uncertainty creeping into my assured, voice. And then the kiss on my hand.
“Where are you…” the question didn’t completely come out as more of what he said started to sink in.
‘My fever set in when I was thirteen. I’ve been part of the Spirit Warrior pack since then.’
This was impossible! What he was saying.. it was out  of a fictional Novak or a movie. And then I started to see those who were close to Collin. His best friend, his cousin son in law.
The jokes about there being something in the water in this town. How the men were so much taller and bigger and….
“Collin! No!!!!” The words out before his action registered completely. I unceremoniously jumped up from my chair. Running to grab the tea towel and then… he was by me… I was trying to gab his hand, cover it with the towel. “What  were you thinking, what… why Collin? Why—“
My eyes frantically trying to search his eyes until I went to look at the injury. The blood had dried up, and before my eyes. The skin started to knit together.
The gecko came to mind. He had said that the wolves were healing… his finger… the blood, and not the cut was gone? Just a fine pale mark where I knew he had been bleeding from.
I dropped the towel and stumbled back away. The side of my hip hitting the edge of the cooker sending pain shooting up the side of my body.
“I am dreaming…. You are playing a trick on me… this… it’s not real….” I was babbling my mind and my heart at war with my scientific thoughts and that little voice saying. “How? How is this possible?”
❁ Collin ❁
A second before she started to rush to me, I remembered why I had dismissed this idea. I had just cut her imprint... I remember Paul hurling a book across a room just because Rachel got a paper cut. He was a lot better with things now... but we were still brand new at this.
I let her wrap the towel around my hand but rested mine on hers and slowly pulled my hand back for her to see the bleeding stopped within seconds. "I'm sorry Harper... I wasn't thinking... I shouldn't have..."
Spirits I was a fool!
Her eyes were on my finger again and the skin closed leaving a pale pinkish line that would be gone in no time at all. I heard the bump as she collided with the stove. I knew I shouldn't but... the top was still hot from the pan she used to make the hot chocolate; so I put my arm around her and pulled her into me, making sure she couldn't add a burn to whatever injury she'd just gotten because of me.
Only then did I let myself wince at her pain, it tightened  my chest and made my heart beat like it was being squeezed.
"I'm sorry, I didn't think about what seeing that would do to you. I'm so sorry, Harper. It only hurt for a second... and hardly at all." She would think I was insane for trying to comfort her by telling her I was okay. I held her into my chest, wondering how long it would be before she let me near her again after this. "It's not a she trick Harper. I promise you." I said into her hair. "If you take my temperature, it will be  one hundred and eight... maybe higher because I just healed." I pulled back just enough to see her face so I could answer her question.
"I'm a direct descendant of the Great Wolf... on my mother’s side. I have the same magic in my blood as the people in the stories I told you." I stopped and tried to control the shake in my voice. "I can uh... show you... if... or when... If you want to..." The stammering was back in full force now. "I can show you, my wolf. Whenever you're ready  to see... if you ever want to. I could show you."
There was still so much to tell her. Would she know she was my imprint, and I was hers? Would she guess that? Then there was #Seth and #Kenzi too... was it my place to tell her about them? And  there was #Paul and #Rachel... she'd met #Brady and #Leah too... Should I tell her all of it or just let her process what I had told her already?
❁ Harper ❁
My own pain shot through me like a lightning bolt, and yet I couldn’t  take any time to register it before his arms drew me in and I felt that tug in my chest calling him to me again. HOW? How could I want to be here?  There was something that had all of a sudden become stronger? Or was I just projecting in the moment?
“You… You hurt yourself to show me something…. To prove something to me…. Me…. Collin…. I never wanted that…” I never wanted to be the reason of another person’s pain.
“I… You… We… This…” I couldn’t string my words together. So, I stopped to give myself the time I knew I needed. I couldn’t exhale without thinking I was about to faint. Yet at the same time I also knew that I wouldn’t black out. Not with my heart beating so fast.
The laughter from before came rushing back. The walk to the bar, seeing him there, the amazing fun I had… Us in the car park calling one another… I stopped thinking. He asked me to be his girlfriend…However, asked me not to give him my reply until after he had told his story.   
“All this time… Since I met you… 13… Thirteen...” I pulled back to look into his eyes. With my tears threatening to fall. “You are trying to make me believe…” But I had no choice, I had seen his hand, the blood and now it was like nothing had happened but the pink mark.
“This… this is… This is outrageous.” I laughed but there was no humour in it.
“On your mothers side?” I knew his mothers side. The Chief of the Rez came to my mind and the wolf. I broke away from him. Stumbling back out of his arms. My eyes not leaving him... I should have been running out of here, right? Screaming? Shouting? I shouldn’t  be feeling this clinical about what he was saying and telling me. And yet my emotions weren’t far too.
Without saying another word, I turned and walked out of the kitchen towards my bedroom. There was one thing I needed to see. To make sure I wasn’t dreaming. Turning the lamp on in the room once I pushed the door open, I sat down on my bed not daring to touch it now. The wood carved wolf sat looking at me, and now I knew something additional that had to be the reason the Chief had given it to me? Did this mean that he knew about Collin? About what his nephew is? About This? With tremendous will I reached out my hand and picked it up.
“You were meant to protect me, to look over me. I told you my secrets, I told… I… I…told you my wishes….” Now I was crying, and I didn’t know why…. Was I really sitting here and thinking that this was true? How could I even go there.
Standing back up, I  took off my glasses and wiped my eyes.  The small wolf in one hand, I returned to the kitchen. Straining to keep myself still, I stood at the door, I felt myself roar internally to get out from here. “Show me. If you are really what you say you are… Show me.”
❁ Collin ❁
My chest ached. I had made her voice sound like that... I did that to her. “I know, I'm sorry... I didn't think it through... A small injury like that... To one of the pack, it feels like a scratch. But I should have been thinking about what it  might make you feel and I wasn't.” Something squeezed my heart. There was so much guilt in my voice... She was supposed to be my highest priority and I let her down already. “I won't let anything like that happen again; I promise you. I was so stupid.”
I let her slip away, I always would... At least, in this way, I wouldn't ever force her into an embrace she doesn’t want. No matter the reason for it, although, I wasn’t sure how far away I could promise I would let her go. When  she was out of my sight I slumped over the sink; bracing myself and drawing in deep breaths as silently as I could. Having her walk away from me like this was unlike anything I had ever felt. It was like she had taken all the air from the room  when she walked out.
I heard her words and the soft hints of her sobs hit me in the chest like a sledgehammer. ‘You will not crumble.’ the voice in my head force me upright. I sucked in air, one breath at a time.
Gathering the little  composure I could muster, I picked up a sponge and rinsed the blood... my blood, from her sink, then I cleaned the knife and I set it on the side to dry. It was silly, but order helped me cope and kept me grounded.
When I heard her approach,  I tried to erase all signs of angst from my face. I couldn't cause her more pain. I couldn't bare it. Her reddened eyes turned the butterflies from earlier into razor-winged creatures that cut up my insides... appropriate karmic retribution. “If you're sure that's what you want... We can do that. But... I'm--” I looked around her kitchen. “We can't do it here. We should take your car that way if you--” I swallowed hard... I couldn't say ‘if you’re too scared to get back into a car with me, you can leave.’. “Y-you can leave anytime if you need to.”
I took a step towards her. “There's uh... Difficulties phasing indoors... And then...” I glance out her window. All her neighbour's houses were dark, but all it would take was one late-night bathroom trip for someone to glance out their window. “There’re the neighbours... We can't let just anyone see. I promise you'll be safe, will you come with me?”
The  question was one and a million at once. Are you afraid of me? Do you trust me? Will you stay with me? Will you ever see me like you have all this time ever again? Will you ever love me, Harper? Please don't be afraid of me!?
Okay, so that  last one wasn’t really a question and yet... It was the most important one right now.
❁ Harper ❁
My fingers were so tight around the small wooden wolf that I could feel the bite of it in my palm. One way for me to tell that this… this was all real. I was awake, and this was not a dream.
I knew what a rollercoaster  life could be, how nothing was a guarantee, how your world could be turned around, and you have no say in any of it. And here once again I stood on the precipice. With no power, being nothing more than an observer.
I swallowed back the  lump growing in my throat, with my burning eyes drifting to his hand. And each time it felt like my lungs were going to collapse in on themselves. Why? And how could I feel this much pain over… His injury?
And words from the stories told  to me came.
‘Soulmates like nothing seem before, our love is, like none felt by another. Our pain when losing one another is devastating.’
#Sue had once spoken these words. About her love for her late husband #Harry. Saying in another time, she knew that he would be her one and only. And this time, he was the love of her life.
Was she telling us about this same thing? About impossible love and connection with one soul to another? Did she know about this too?
As he took a step forward, I took one step back. My body started to shake from a cold that had taken a grip of me to the depths of my insides.
“Neighbours…” wasn’t that a good thing? People who could hear? Who could see? Come if needed? However, my lips when opened said.
I didn’t know if I could do this. Why was I even trying?
“Okay.” I said again, this time it felt like those four letters meant so much more. There has to be some level of me, who knew. Okay meant I could do this.
The resolution was simple. I needed to know. To know that this man I had thought to be kind, and  loving, wasn’t a liar. “My car.” I whispered.
I needed to know the truth, but the shake of my free hand when I stepped back towards the door, the way my legs felt like lead weights, every warning a body could give you to stay. To not go. I did not adhere to.
Before I knew it, my feet were in my boots, I had the sense to put a coat on, and then picking up the keys to my bug. I glanced towards him once before opening the door and stepping out into the dead of night with the cold air cutting into my face.
❁ Collin ❁
I watched her knuckles turn white around the wooden wolf in her hand. From here I could make out my Uncles unique style, I had quite a few of his traits having picked up my practical skills from my Father and my artistic ones from him. But  where The Chief used knives, files and picks I used power tools and precision instruments.
I didn't think this was the time to tell her, that the wolf she held was a pretty accurate rendering of my own wolf form, minus my patchwork coat of every shade of brown imaginable, the wood was its beautiful, natural shade. She would see soon enough.
When she took a step away from me a strained sound died in my throat as I tried to stifle it. Something in my soul shattered, and I took two steps back. Each one almost killed me, but if she wanted space then she was going to get it.
I wanted to wrap my arm around her and warm her shaking form like I had when we walked back from the bar.
How was it possible to miss her when she was right here... only a few feet from me? But I did.., I missed her desperately.
I followed her staying three steps behind her. "We'll do this at your pace, Harper. As fast or slow as you want." I didn't step back into my boots until She was stepped outside. "I've had ten years to get used to this... you've had ten minutes." I couldn't help but assess the coat she was wearing... was it warm enough? But a good chunk of her job was outdoors and she had what she needed to dress for La  Push weather. I moved to the passenger side of her car and looked at her across the roof... we both easily towered over the car.
It was then, standing there looking into the glistening fathomless eyes... that something occurred to me. I  patted my pocket to check that my phone was with me. "Would um..." I shook away the nerves... "Would you like someone to be there with you when..." I hated the idea... of there being someone else there when she say my other half for the first  time. But I didn't want her to be afraid. "There are people you trust - ah!' The sound slipped out when I felt the stab when the thought that I was no longer someone she trusted occurred to me. I crushed the feeling. I had to be stronger than  this.
"People that know... like... eh... #Leah." I chewed on my lips... "Or #Sue... and um... #Seth..." I didn't suggest #Kenzi because I knew Seth could never allow his imprint to be around me when this was happening, even if we both knew I wasn't a danger to anyone. That was the one thing I had no doubts about. I clung to that singular thread of certainty. She was safe with me, even is she had no way of knowing that yet. "They'll come... if you want them to?"
❁ Harper ❁
When I replay his words…. Something broke inside of me, but not for myself. It broke for him. Thirteen…. That number of a child’s ages. He was but a baby when he says this…. I couldn’t finish the thought.
Because didn’t these things only occur in movies and books? Vampires, Zombies, Werewolves, Mummies… Things that all went bump in the night? Or was this more like Spider-Man?
WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING? How could I an intelligent woman be allowing myself to think all these things? Was it even a cut? Did I really see it happen? Maybe he has just pretended to injure himself and then use ketchup? Maybe… maybe… may… be…
“Why are you being so… so… so… accommodating…” The words blurting out as I walked down.
He was stays back from me, he was agreeing to my requests. He was even trying to keep me calm. And calm wasn’t what I needed. And once again, I thought I would like to wake up from this dream. I didn’t like this one. Not the way I have liked all the others with the two of them in them.
When our eyes met over the hood on my bug, I felt that hum in my chest again. The one that always is followed by the toil and need to be beside him. It told me to go to him, to rest my head on his chest, to listen to the truth of his heart.
And then my heart stopped beating. “Sue… Leah… Seth?” I whispered their names as more tears began to freely rolls down my cheeks. I shook my head, lifting my glasses to wipe at my face. “No…. This… whatever this is…. It’s between you and me Collin Littlesea.”
But my mind was spinning, if this was a joke, a prank… But then I saw in my mind his cut forming together, the blood stopped, the faint pink line on his skin.
Anger took a hold, anger that stood here in the cold of this night. That…. “I’ve been drinking… and so have you…” I couldn’t drive. I couldn’t get in behind the wheel  of his car and take that  risk over another person’s life. “You have to drive. Wait. No… you were drinking too.” My hand fisted with the wolf went to my forehead, and I half bent over thinking about this.
Maybe I didn’t want Seth here? He would tell me the truth; he would tell me that this joke of my mind had gone too far?
No!!! No… I couldn’t take him away from Kenz at this late hour… I could do this… I could do this myself… no… I couldn’t…. However, I wasn’t going to burden them again… Whatever came… I had to face it…
When I dared to look bad over the car, my heart started to beat rapidly with the humming in my ears. Why… Why was I trusting him still?
❁ Collin ❁
"I don't want you to be afraid of me, Harper." My voice shook. "I'm not a mons-ter." My voice broke on the word. "I promise you, I'm not a monster."
I wanted to beg her not to be afraid of me. She could be angry, annoyed, or furious. She could think I was certifiably insane... all of that would be better than her thinking I was some kind of demon. But how could I ask that of her? She just found out that the guy she was dating wasn't even human.
I could feel her horror at the  names I mentioned. And I understood... I hoped that offering her that safety net meant more to her than finding out from them all personally. But I was relieved that she just wanted it to be us.
"If you change your mind... any of them will  come if we call." None of the people I mentioned ever switched their phones to silent.
I hadn't thought about the fact she had a few glasses of wine. I walked around to the driver's side, the shock had certainly sobered her up enough to drive  but she was still shaking. "I can drive... I wasn't drinking tonight." I didn't really drink at the bar... only occasional for celebrations. I decided not to explain to her that I would have had to drink a whole bottle of vodka before it would  affect my ability to drive.
And I was a lightweight compared to the other guys that drank regularly. "I was drinking milk and water... remember?" I knew that bringing it up would make her think clearly enough to remember that. I held out my hand for the keys. "I can drive if you want me to." I wasn't going to suggest walking, more than one imprint had run off during this... well, I guess it had become a ritual now.
I could have suggested we could wait, but she seemed so determined and I didn't want her to think I was trying to hide from her. Her heart was thumping so hard it was worrying.
Music: Man or a Monster (feat. Zayde Wølf) · Sam Tinnesz
Continued in Part 2
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heart-shot · 3 years
Funky lil podcast updates!
Thank you all so much for your continued support for 10VER.exe. Even since the final episode was released there has been a steady stream of listeners and I could not be more grateful for all of you. That being said, me and the rest of Patchwork Productions (the team behind 10VER.exe) have another podcast coming your way! It’s called Hillwood Heroes (HWH for short), and it follows a handful of characters as their lives intersect in the suburb of Hillwood!
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dekored · 4 years
Replacing Indirect Water Heater on oil boiler. Switch to Hybrid WH? (Massachusetts)
So I wish I'd found this sub's Maintenance page before today because I just discovered that Indirect Water Heaters have sacrificial anode rods that need checking and replacement. Now I know! Thanks for helping me save my NEXT water heater :-)
As you can guess, my Water Heater (WH) is leaking slowly. We bought the house about 7 years ago, have hard water and didn't know to check the anode rods, so I'm assuming the tank is shot and has to be replaced. I've read about Hybrid WHs and their efficiency but there seem to be drawbacks (how serious?) and other considerations. I'm interested in saving money, saving the environment, but also having hot water for the 4 occupants of the house when needed. Luckily, we have very different schedules, so the worst case scenario need is for back--to-back (5-8 min) showers.
Current setup: Installed in 2013 (months before we bought), Oil fired Peerless Boiler (wbv-03-wpcl) feeding two heating zones and the failing Heat Flo HF-40 Indirect Water Heater. The boiler and WH are in an unfinished/unheated, below-grade basement (approx 500sq) that never gets too cold.
The oil heat is our secondary heat source since we installed minisplits last year. However, the boiler still runs (and heats the space to a comfortable temp) whenever temps are below freezing.
The two options I think I have (before I talk to a plumber tomorrow) are to replace the Indirect WH in kind or convert to the Hybrid. I don't have gas available, but I do have a propane tank for cooking, but doubt that's an option to use. The Indirect WHs that I found at HD were $1000-1500 (shockingly high!) and the Hybrids were around $1300, but have a $600 state rebate on them. Both are 40 gal models.
So my questions are:
Does anyone have experience in a similar setup/environment and can give me a sense of how cold the Hybrid WH makes the space? We use it for storage/mudroom so its OK to cool the space, but it shares an uninsulated floor with our den.
Will a condensate pump be needed to push the waste water up to ground level?
Will converting to a HWH cost significantly more to install?
Since I'm not replacing an existing electric WH, does anyone have a cost-of-operation comparison to oil? Massachusetts has pretty high electric rates ($0.21/kwh) and typical oil prices (currently around $2.80/gal).
Is there any reason to think one choice would last longer than another? I see Rheem has glass-lined tanks to fight "Aggressive Water" like ours.
Is there any reason to go with a larger capacity than we have today? We've never run out of hot water before.
submitted by /u/SmellsofElderberry25 [link] [comments] from The Hivemind Improving Homes https://ift.tt/37XNQ4r
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jaehobbit · 7 years
yellow, teal, magenta, cerulean, silver, beige
tHAT’S a lot of colors my dude wOW OKAY lets see :3c
Yellow: You are such a sunshiney person and my dash is always brightened whenever you postYE THANK You I try to be positive and share all the good things im happy you appreciate it C:
Teal: You make me happy ♥AAAAAAAAAAA!??!!! ♥
Magenta: You are my favorite tumblr useromg what hwh aw hwhy are you sure
Cerulean: I would come to your house at 3 in the morning if you were sad bc you deserve to be loved and to be happySilver: I can’t believe we’re mutualsBeige: Idk what to say except W O W 
HONESTLy same to these three and yes im just WOW
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