thebibliosphere · 11 months
Y'all were just waiting for that Payhip link to drop, huh?
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scalproie · 7 days
HEY DAM. mortal kombat juice :)
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Quinn I dont remember when you send this but Ive kept it in my askbox as in a locker and looked at it lovingly everyonce in a while when I needed to chuckle about cracking open a literal cold one
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bunnygirl-titties · 2 years
Love ur icon ur tits are amazing!!
Oh thank you 🥰🥰
Have a bigger version 💋
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aurorawritestoescape · 4 months
Hello Kate 🩷
It’s my personal mission to give writers who made my day a lot better with their writing some love and appreciation back, so here I am 🫶🏻
I literally just landed here on ur blog and I have to say I like it a lot, I’m definitely staying 😚🤭
This morning in bed I binged all chapters of “Bad Blood” which was admittedly a heated start of the day (if u know what I mean🥵)
Honestly, the way you wrote Joel and Tommy was just amazing and I have to tell you usually(with some exceptions) I really am only a Joel girly but you know what you made me enjoy Tommy so shoutout to you. 🫂🩷
I am excited what else could possibly come out of the story “Bad Blood” (I’d love to be tagged in future chapters please 🙏🏻 🩷) and what else you might come up in the future in terms of writing other stories. On top of that, I want you to know that you should absolutely never feel pressured or forced to get chapters out at a rapid speed because you’re a person, not a machine and I truly think that it’s easy to forget that. Especially now that I’ve started writing something myself I feel like I can relate a little bit more to writers and the pressure 😇😚
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Well I hope you have a great day and take care of yourself Kate 🩷
Omg my jaw is literally on the floor right now!!🤯 HOW ARE YOU SO AMAZING!!😭😭😭♥️I’m absolutely blown away by your praise and kindness, Mina!!🥹😭 I feel the love so deeply and I thank you for this wonderful feeling I have right now and will have for the rest of the day🙏🥰🥹Thank you for landing here and I’m grateful that you stayed🫂💖💖💖
I’m happy that you liked Bad Blood. I’ve said it before and it’s still true that it’s my favorite work. I came up with the idea of the story when I was sick and isolated from my family. I was miserable so I focused on writing and came up with one of the most depraved things on my masterlist😅 They’re all bad bad people but I’ve always loved villains and it was very freeing to write them when i needed that feeling the most.
Speaking about the future, I plan to write one more part and an epilogue for the main part of the series. I would also love to write some drabbles in case I miss them, which I’m sure I will🥲
I will gladly tag you and I’ll be happy to be tagged in your future stories as well when/if you write them🙏💖 No pressure ofc and thank you for saying that about the pressure to write. I’m quite selfish so it’s practically impossible to make me do what I don’t want to so I feel safe in this regard but still, thank you for your kind words and understanding!!😘🥹
I hope you have an awesome day, lovely Mina!🌸Sending you lots of love and warm hugs!♥️♥️🫂🫂🌺🌷🌹
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korrasamibottles · 7 months
1, 8, 37 :)
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
Have to go with Under Me, Over Me. It's soft and sweet and stupid and smutty, and I'm so happy with how it turned out. Also it has Ming. ALSO!!! Somebody made some really banger art for it.....
8. What song would make a great fic (to either write or read)?
I know I've mentioned this song before, so sorry if this is old news, but I Like It Heavy by Halestorm is THEE Korra song of all time to me. And one of these days I'll pull a line from it and use it as a title for a korrasami fic in which their first interaction goes a little differently. I have this idea in my head of them meeting at a pro-bending match (before Korra joins the Fire Ferrets--she's still sneaking in to watch at this point) and neither of them has any idea who the other woman is. For a few hours one night they don't have to be the Avatar and a famous heiress, they can just be Korra and Asami. It's all just a vague collection of vibes at this point though, I only have like....one sentence written.
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
Two Body Problem!! Although it currently has 69 kudos, so I'm actually perfectly happy if it stays that way forever. Some days I hate this fic, some days I love it, but overall I think I did a good job skirting around canon and tweaking things without altering the plot of book 4. Korra's journey in the last season is so personal to me and I dumped a lot of feelings into that fic (which is probably why I hate it some days) and I think all that emotion really comes through in the writing. Also, since it was my second fic, I think there's hints of my writing style and voice developing, which is kind of cool to see!
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crowlipso · 1 year
hi i wanted to say that i appreciate all the fandoms you are share. i love it all, thank you. 
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castercassette · 2 years
Hello normal person,
I just want to say from one normal person to another normal person, your art makes my brain elated, and your aus make my face smile.
Thank you very much, normal person. It pleases me greately to know that my silly willy drawings make your brain elated and my goofy aus make your face smile!
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From one normal person to another *muah*
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Hey everyone i know didn't post anything but a person why because i don't because my phone broke and still work but my mom told me she's will buy a knew phone and me i reason this phone was my grandmother phone but she's died so i really sad because my bully went i was grade 6 and he's told me i'am not good angel then i'am a devil all my classmates was laughing at me my bully name @Raphael so i decide never talk him it's was sam so i hate him 😔 and feel that's my classmates said me playing a game for gacha club that's for kids she's said that's to me and the one who step on my dress said Oops sorry i didn't mean that it's was my leader classmate so i can't focus my selif because.... I feel a alone but @maryvioletique7708 is my classmates she's one good friend i ever met and carpio kyla jelo Joseph arii and went i start here i feel no one who hates me because all of you love my drawing and you make me happy i feel i'am happy and thank you all of you
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fuzzydreamin · 11 months
for the writer meta asks, 3, 4, 14, 16, and 19
Thank you! Under the cut for being a bit longer~
3: What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
Uh, every scene where I have to figure out the inbetweens and getting from plot A to plot C? Not every scene gets to be fun, but I mentioned previously that I do enjoy having the slow to give those scenes a greater payoff, but it's still not all that fun to write.
Seriously though, I have many scenes that I am excited to eventually get to - mostly the "and heres where we figure out how everything's going down" scenes. The climaxes of individual events.
4: Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
The bodies of the raiders still littered the road, stinking as rot began to take them, with, thankfully unmutated, flies buzzing around them and laying eggs in every wound and orifice they could find. Nora nearly gagged as she stepped around one, trying not to think about the fact that they were here because she had personally shot them and left them to decay. It had been them or her, she tried to remind herself. “You know, it’s nasty work but these raiders were carrying useful supplies. Ammo, stimpaks. That kind of stuff.” Preston commented, stopping to kneel down and inspect the body Nora had just passed, “People need everything they can get out here, and you can’t really be too picky about where it comes from. It’s best to loot them before someone else does.” Nora figured the emphasis was on those someone else's being other raiders and similarly unsavoury characters. It certainly did make sense to take what they had for their own survival's sake, but he wasn’t kidding about it being nasty - as Nora knelt to search the pockets of one of the rotting bodies herself she had to retreat for a moment as her gag reflex kicked in, leaving her spluttering on the side of the road. Though thankfully nothing came up this time. It took her two more attempts before she managed to fish the items out of the dead man's pockets.
Nora's first time actually looting a dead body (I don't count her picking up the laser musket, since that was on the ground and not in the dudes pockets). It's not something she naturally thought to do on her own, and it's not something she can just easily brush off and not think too much about right away either. She's never handled dead people before, and these guys are dead from her own hands - and also two days old and smelly.
14: At what point in writing do you come up with a title?
Mostly just... whenever I do? I try to have the majority of the story - or at least the larger beats - thought out and work out something that will reflect the story either symbolically or maybe more literally.
In the case of 'Give Me Sanctuary', I had a lot of it figured out before I started working on it and knew that ultimately it's a story about finding yourself and where you belong in the world. It's pretty easy to link that to the literally named Sanctuary Hills for being where the story starts and ends and is often returned to in between. It's probably one of the locations that will be seen the most in the fic, also becoming a home or at least temporary refuge for most of the main characters. So, I knew I wanted 'Sanctuary' in the title. After that I was just looked up songs using that word to find playlist vibes and landed on Shelby Merry's 'Sanctuary' - I was already familiar with her work and the song was indeed major vibes, so I took the a line from that song and made it the title. Another line from the same song is currently the working title of 'Book 1' for the fic - since it'll be done in parts. Might keep it, might not.
As for working on Al's story at some point, it still might change but for now it's 'Icarus into Acheron'. This is because their story is more about a descent into (self)destruction, and 3 in general has a lot of themes and references to religion and mythology, so it vibes with that.
Overall I don't stress on names too much. I just look at the story and symbolism, and go to songs or poems for inspiration if nothing comes to me right away. I also prefer to keep them short, either 2-4 words at best. Any more than that and I feel it's more of a sentence than a title, but it's not a hard rule.
16: Tried anything new with your writing lately? (style, POV, genre, fandom?)
Nope. lol. Just kicking myself to write at all. Which I am, just slowly rn.
19: Is there something you always find yourself repeating in your writing? (favourite verb, something you describe ‘too often’, trope you can’t get enough of?)
Character remembering/recalling things. Guessing at things. A lot of being in their head in general. Might do that too much...
As for tropes, I'm not sure if/how it's classified as one, but I like giving characters that are flatter or more overlooked in the base content more to their characterisation. I like to expand on their motives and mentality.
I'm the kind of person who see's a minor character tied to just a single but important part of the story and I jump on them to dig my claws in and drag them back into the light like a cat playing with a mouse. I must dissect it!
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skz-kiana · 1 year
🥔 [POTATO] What do they have that others see as a flaw, but they don't care about?
hii! thank you for sending an ask <3
🥔 - What do they have that others see as a flaw, but they don't care about?
kiana tilts her head as she thinks about the question. "well, some people say that being childish/sort of immature is a flaw of mine but i don't really care, im just having fun. i’m serious more than 87% of the time so what’s the matter if i’m childish the other 13% hm? i like to live life every day like it's my last and act like no one is watching. sometimes the comments do get to me , but over 98% of the time it doesn't bother me!" kiana smiles as she finishes talking. "thank you for the question!"
-🐈‍⬛ , 20230515
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you are the funniest person alive I can't believe i missed your oscar award worthy act last night 😵‍💫
NICO I was so excited to see you in my notes this morning because I was worried everyone unfollowed me. You probably missed this but I changed my url to catherine-loves-taylor-13. My notes were full of people who missed the joke and were unfollowing me. It was so funny to watch. Also exhausting. Thanks for the appreciation! I think I WILL submit it for next years Oscars ✌
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cowardlycowboys · 1 year
favorite season(s)
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bunnygirl-titties · 1 year
Favorite thing about women?
This is very broad??
I guess I would have to say that women are soft.
They can have the most callused hands ever, and they still manage to feel so soft, and they are even softer everywhere else 🥰
Also they always manage to smell good!
Even when they don’t wear perfume, even when they are sweaty
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Send this to ten other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile!!!💜💜💜
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Thank you, this actually means a lot right now! I think you’re just as wonderful too 🥰
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korrasamibottles · 7 months
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it! 😌
A part of Ming's brain is still clinging to sleep, and she watches with a fuzzy sort of fascination as her boss bends and digs vigorously through the box, each jerky motion jostling his hairpiece forward and then back like it's catching a breeze.
Sakari sidles up beside her and bumps his shoulder into hers, jolting her out of her stupor. "You know, I had a dream last night I had him strapped to chair and I was plucking out his mustache hairs one by one.”
Ming covers her snort with a cough. “Stop it. Don't make me laugh.”
"I would never," Sakari says solemnly. "Besides, it wasn't funny. It was erotic."
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For the TES Month Asks for Ravonna:
Rain's Hand - Can your OC use magic? If so what Schools?
Second Seed - Is your OC an alchemist? What do they excel at making?
Mid Year - Does your OC have a favourite celebration? Do they celebrate holidays?
Sun's Height - What is your OC's favourite shop, in any of the games; what do they buy the most of?
ANON!! I am giving you a big hug for all these lovely questions! 💖💖💖
Link to the ask game.
Rain's Hand - Can your OC use magic? If so what Schools?
OOH YES!!! My girl is a mage through and through! Ever since she was a toddler, she was fascinated and obsessed with magic. She loves to get creative with it, too! Illusion, Alteration, Conjuration, pretty much all of the schools of magic, except Restoration (that one she has not practiced at all). But what she really excells in is Destruction! She is such a fancy and boastful Destruction Mage, too! Throwing the most beautiful runes, the biggest fireballs and the most powerful thunderbolts, all while levitating! She is a pretty good (albeit very chaotic and experimental) enchanter. She enchants anything and everything! It does help that she attended the Mages College in Vivec, which is one of the best in my headcanon, and then later on, she was trained by a crazy ex-Telvanni mage. She is an amazing mage, but it all balances out, because she is atrocious and awful in the other skills such as one handed, two handed, sneak, light/heavy armor.
Second Seed - Is your OC an alchemist? What do they excel at making?
Absolutely not hahah! She does not have the patience to look up the combinations and effects. And she doesn't think she needs to, because she can just buy potions! However,,, dunno if this counts but growing up in a tavern, she knows a thing or two about brewing mead. That's still a potion, right? Its effects are happiness!
Mid Year - Does your OC have a favourite celebration? Do they celebrate holidays?
Ravonna is all about living life to the fullest, so she will celebrate holidays! She loves Saturalia so much! And New Life! She also celebrates her birthday then. The chaotic trio that raised her (Endryn, Teldryn and Hjaldir) knew that she was born sometimes in the winter (hence her full name being Ravonna Winter-Born) but they had no idea on the date! So they just went with the beginning of the New Year.
Sun's Height - What is your OC's favourite shop, in any of the games; what do they buy the most of?
Listen, I'm going veeeery off-canon with this one, but it is canon in my fic!
So Hjaldir is one of the father figures of hers that helped in raising her at the tavern in Blacklight. Well, he's an ex-pirate, turned bard, but every now and then he felt the sea calling to him. So he used to go on this trips to High Rock to bring huge amounts of fish (I can't see the fish population in Morrowind doing very good because of the ash-infested waters) and other goods from the merchants there. There is this small merchant town + dock in High Rock, very close to the border with Skyrim (haven't decided on a lore-friendly name for the town yet) and he used to go there a few times a year. When Ravonna was big enough, she really wanted to tag along. So he took her with him! There is this shop with stuff imported from all provinces! Very cool trinkets! She bought so many fancy mage robes from there! As well as her favourite lavender hair oil, imported from the Summerset Isles! She even has her compass from that shop.
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