crossedwiress · 5 months
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might as well be drunk in love
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forjongseong · 8 months
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bridgeportbritt · 2 months
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Creeksbrey Ballroom | Umbrage, SimDonia
The guests have arrived! With lots of planning, strict NDAs, and a compressed thoroughly combed over guest list (at Grayson's request but Bria's sorrow) the guests were able to enter Creeksbrey Palace without causing media commotion. The guests include members of Grayson's family, Bria's close friends/special guests, senior Royals from Emmitt's family, the Selvadorada Royal family and the Lady of Umbrage's family.
@trentonsimblr @whitmoreroyals @storiesbyjes2g @ladybugsimblr @atreanroyals
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 1 year
So You Wanna Read MGS (Sequels) Fics
Directly inspired by the “So You Wanna Read MGS Fics” post by @bosstoaster and written with permission since most of my stuff is more in the sequels and such games (though I write in the MGS1-MGS4 timeline too, but go see Toaster’s post for that one, it’s brilliant).
Note that Boss summarizes things far more eloquently than I do, but anyway!
The Sequels or “BB and His War Criminal Cult/Harem” These are the games that center mainly around Big Boss. Big Boss is the ‘father’ (unwitting and non-consenting donor) of his genes to the Les Enfants Terribles (don’t ask Ocelot to pronounce it) project crafted by Major Zero and Para-Medic.
The spawns of this project are Solid Snake and Liquid Snake *twins* and Solidus Snake. Solid’s name is David, Liquid’s name is Eli and Solidus’ name is George. Liquid is the most relevant to my stuff-but you’ll recall from Boss’s post that Solid is our protagonist in the main series, and Solidus is the President. He gets a dok ock tentacle suit and has swords named Democrat and Republilcan.
Anyway, the games for BB are as follows:
MGS3, Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops *Canon Debatable*, Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker, and MGSV: Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain.
Big Boss has his own relevant characters and stories, so let’s go!
MGS3: Snake Eater
Big Boss is an American CIA agent, 29 years old and slightly nuked. (Bikini Atoli Nuclear Tests) He’s a vet who’s been in the war since he was 15, guided by his mentor/mother/honestly nobody is entirely sure tbh The Boss. She is the GOAT of the war. She fought in WWII leading her Cobra Unit, she’s the greatest soldier the world knows. She gave birth to Ocelot (remember him) on 6th of June, 1944, in Normandy France. Which the world knows as the D Day Invasion. (After cutting him out of herself via self-imposed C-Section, infant Ocelot is removed by an Organization called The Philosophers.
We’ll get back to this. Don’t worry.
So anyway. It’s late summer of 1964. The United States and the Soviet Union are knee deep and years strong into the Cold War. A Soviet Scientist, Nikolai Sokolov has reached out to the USA in hopes of defecting and being brought to the other side of the iron curtain.
Big Boss-currently on the codename Naked Snake (because he’s dumped from a plane via HALO jump into the Russian jungle with almost no gear) means he ‘went in naked’ and Snake because it’s MGS. Snake is one of the codenames of all time in this series.
Snake has a single mission: rescue Sokolov, and come back.
What’s simple enough on paper ends up not being so, however. As he’s getting into this mission, Snake’s radio and support team is established, Major Zero (who briefly goes by Major Tom here for a movie reference he ends up getting wrong) and Para-Medic. She gives..’useful’ medical information and loves movies. Movies Snake has never seen because Big Boss is kind of like Big Foot. You wonder why they’ve brought him into the human world. (Will expand on this shortly) Just stay with me folks. The Boss also ends up on radio, and they’ve been apart for sometime now. (Five years, and Snake and The Boss have this down to the minute and hour, but I am not them-I don’t). Midway into Snake’s mission, his mentor, The Boss, goes offline and dead signal (aka: She can’t be reached by her radio) After Snake contacts Sokolov and is ready to move him out, they’re ambushed by an Elite GRU Spetznas Unit lead by Ocelot. Who at this point is 20 years old, a Major and the most baby-faced and excitable you’ll ever see him. It’s also the only time he’s shown in a hat, and with blonde hair. Ocelot goes prematurely grey like his father, The Sorrow. (I’ll point out quickly that The Sorrow is Ocelot’s dad, and he was killed by The Boss in 1962 give or take. He’s was a Russian medium in the Cobra Unit and now controls a type of river purgatory).
The GRU are under the control of Colonel Volgin. Volgin is a giant bisexual Philosopher’s Spawn-Esque commander. Along with the GRU there is the KGB, they are not friends. See some kind of Wikipedia Article or History Book for details on the GRU and KGB. We gotta move on. Sokolov runs off and is taken, The Boss has defected to the Soviet Union, and Volgin fucks everything up for everyone by taking a Davvy Crocket missle gifted to him by The Boss and fires it on friendly Russian soil.
SO a week after this, Naked Snake is back in the field with another mission. Find Sokolov *again*, find The Boss. Sokolov is to be rescued, The Boss is to be assassinated.
Snake also has a new radio contact; SIGINT. Donald Anderson. Who later becomes the DARPA chief.
Then the USA is all ‘Anyway if you can deal with Volgin too in the deadly fashion we’d appreciate it”. If Naked Snake fails these missions, he and Major Zero will *possibly. but most probably* be executed.
Admist all this, Snake gets help from a spy named EVA. He was originally supposed to get help from another spy, named ADAM. “Adam couldn’t make it.” EVA looks suspiciously like a lover Volgin takes named Tatyana. Imagine. His first mission, rescue Sokolov ends in finding out that Volgin wants to unleash a metal gear (THAT’S RIGHT FOLKS, ONE OF THE FIRST) and start nuclear war. This is metal gear Shagohod. Originally designed by a scientist named Granin (who has an American scientist that is unnamed in this game but is actually Huey Emmerich) and adopted by Sokolov (unwillingly, Sokolov just wanted to make space rockets). Problems happen, we find out EVA and Tatyana are the same person. Snake ends up tortured at some point, he fights and picks off the magical not magical some parasitically enhanced (we’ll get back to this it’s relevant in MGSV) soldiers, Ocelot spends as much time as he humanely can trying to find Snake, be Snake, get into Snake’s pants-.
In addition to all this, Volgin is revealed to be an heir the Philosopher’s Legacy. This legacy has an insane amount of money; and lots of people want it. And are tasked with stealing it.
IN any case. Snake’s torture ends up being how Ocelot becomes a world-feared and renown interrogator (no seriously, it turned him on and inspired him so much he became one of the most elite interrogators in the world), we find out The Boss was a spy, Snake defeats Volgin and the Metal Gear, assassinates The Boss (it’s extremely sad and emotional and heartbreaking), and escapes with EVA. (He fights Ocelot here too, and a lifetime of devotion from Ocelot begins).
EVA and Big Boss take retreat in a cabin, bang and then Snake wakes up alone to a recording after EVA hit and ran. She’s ACTUALLY a Philosophers Agent for China, and she was supposed to steal the Philosopher’s Legacy, and kill Snake. She loves Snake though, so she ran instead of shooting him).
OH, and The Boss didn’t defect. She was a ‘problem’ for America, and they needed her out. Snake is given a medal for doing his job like the good little soldier pawn he was, tries not to murder the President in seething rage and officially starts distancing himself from the USA.
Ocelot calls the CIA Director and reveals he was ADAM. (His real name is Adamska, he’s not an ‘Ocelot’ ;) And he did his own job-the first of many spy jobs, perfectly.
He also loves Snake by now-and tells the director Snake’s name-John, before quickly covering it up.
Snake, EVA, Ocelot, Major Zero, SIGINT and ParaMedic are not impressed with how the world is panning out. Snake is feeling a bit directionless, and our group forms a successor organization to the Philosopher’s This organization is called The Patriots.
In this time period, people start getting a bit antsy about Snake being Sir Nukes Made Me Sterile. Because they believe he has superior soldier genes or..something. Para Medic and Zero want a perfect soldier, and they want Snake’s legacy to continue. So the workings of the Les Enfants Terribles project begins. EVA serves as the surrogate for the twins, and Para-Medic (who’s real name is Clark) gets the eggs from her ‘Unnamed Japanese Assistant’ a lady so NPC nobody gives her a name. RIP.
Oh, and after he killed The Boss, Snake was given the title ‘Big Boss’ he hates it. He also hates this being Betrayal Number Two. He leaves The Patriots, and goes off on his own. MGS Portable Ops happens after this. I haven’t played it, so the most I can tell you is that in some canon’s, this is where he meets Gray Fox.
Ocelot remains a spy for everybody ever. And is still devoted to Snake.
Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker
In 1972, Naked Snake is a mercenary doing odd work and has ended up in Columbia. Here he meets a Japanese-American guerilla fighter named Kazuhira Miller. Obliterates his squad, and is about to do the very same to Kaz, when Kaz pulls a grenade. Impressed, Snake keeps him, and they begin the process of creating a mercenary unit, MSF (Militaries Sans Frontiers). Snake is Big Boss for this, and Kaz serves as his XO. (Second in Command)
But Kaz has a secret. Stay tuned. I know this is getting long.
Cut to 1974.
As their mercenary unit grows, a man called Professor Galvez turns up with a high school girl named Paz Ortega Andrade. They need help in Costa Rica, a sob story or two later and Snake is willing to help. There are nukes being pulled into Costa Rica, Snake gets involved in nuclear war again, and along the way meets other fighters. One of those fighters is Amanda Valenciano Libre, and her younger brother Ricardo-called Chico in series.
BUT IT’S NOT JUST NUKES OH NO SIR IT AIN’T. You see, there’s a Metal Gear out there, created by Huey Emmerich, working for an American called Hot Coldman. Nuclear war is on the horizon with Metal Gears once again. Except instead of just one big Metal Gear, there’s four smaller Metal Gears and then the mother of Metal Gears. Created with the help of Doctor Strangelove. Metal Gear Peace Walker has an AI on board-programmed to sound like The Boss because Strangelove is deeply in love with The Boss and needed her. Even though she is deceased.
Snake stops Peace Walker, and goes back to the MSF. Here, with Huey and Strangelove now apart of the organization, Kaz suggests that it’s totally legit to take Peace Walker’s nuke and keep it. “Deterrence’ after all.
Paz meanwhile steals this nuke, and Metal Gear ZEKE. Nuclear war number two is on the horizon (two for this game I mean). It turns out Paz was a secret Cipher agent-the successor agency to The Patriots, lead by Major Zero. She was to get Snake back to Zero, essentially. And Kaz, in his most capitalist and power hungry moments, not only knew all along, but was in on the entire thing.
Paz is also a grown woman.  And Galvez was a Russian.
Paz is defeated. Kaz comes clean about his involvement as a Cipher spy and assumes things are okay. But things are not okay. Snake is smarting from betrayal 3, 4 and 5 ish. He also officially embraces the title of Big Boss, and starts becoming even more disillusioned with the world at large-and the people in it.
MGSV; Ground Zeroes
PAZ IS ALIVE. But is a POW at Camp Omega. Chico has gone to rescue her and got caught. Because he’s 13 and can’t just go rescue someone by himself. They’ve been brutally tortured by an unknown party called Skull Face. The leader of XOF-a ‘clean up crew’ that was the reverse of the FOX Unit. (This is the Unit Snake and Zero were trying to form earlier on. Skull Face shadowed Big Boss while he was in Soviet Territory, and cleaned up all his messes).
Big Boss rescues Paz and Chico, and heads back to Mother Base. His headquarters for the MSF. Along the way, Paz is revealed to have been implanted with a bomb. Big Boss and an onboard soldier-The Medic, work to remove the bomb. They are successful. However, as they return, they find Mother Base under attack from what they assume is Major Zero. The entire base is in flames. Big Boss is only able to get Kaz off ground, and into the chopper, before the entire thing explodes and crashes into the ocean.
Big Boss in shock, Mother Base is destroyed and Kaz tries to strangle Paz to death, assuming she sold them out and lead Zero right to them. As this is going on, she reveals there’s a SECOND bomb inside her. I won’t say where, it’s..grotesque. Think of child birth.
Anyway, she jumps, and explodes just as they’re all about to crash into another chopper.
MGSV: Phantom Pain
Big Boss has been in a coma for nine years. He has been betrayed and hurt over and over again. The world has changed a lot in the last nine years, and he has to set out on a mission to destroy the man who was responsible for his base going up in flames, Skull Face. Big Boss is looking a bit different these days. He has a giant piece of shrapnel sticking out of the right side of his head, he’s missing his left arm, and he’s much more feeble and weak than he’s ever been in his life.
Skull Face attacks the hospital keeping him, and Big Boss sounding guy in a bunch of face bandages calling himself Ishmael and bare-assed helps guide him out of the hospital. Big Boss is so far beyond giving a shit that he’s set out on a plan of warfare and revenge.
Ishmael disappears after they escape, and Big Boss is rescued by his old pal Ocelot. White horse and all.
Ocelot is approaching middle age now, and is as grey haired as his daddy once was. He remains this way for the rest of his life.
So Big Boss has another mission now, Kaz has also been captured, and he has to rescue him before he dies. Kaz has been through hell. He can barely see, he’s lost an arm and a leg and he’s single minded in hatred and revenge. He’s bitter, angry, and desperate. Ocelot is happy to help and sensible and calmly offering advice every chance he can and generally being calm and serene because he’s with his favourite person of all time ever and he is allowed to interrogate all the new ‘recruits’.
Big Boss has amnesia, dissociates a lot, and just seems ‘off’ in general. IN fact, everyone ever seems a bit ‘off’. Funny huh?
As they got to hunt down Skull Face (under the impression all this was Major Zero’s doing) they figure out that Huey probably betrayed them. They find Huey, and keep him around. When he’s not being interrogated or tortured by Kaz and Ocelot, he’s generally being insufferable and whiny. And is also responsible for having made another Metal Gear. Metal Gear Salhelanthropus.
At some point, Big Boss also meets one of his kids. A very angry, very dangerous Liquid Snake. Who is 12 at this point. Baby Liquid runs on spite and hatred of Big Boss and is exactly the same at 12 as he is in his mid 30′s.
Problems begin arising. Paz is on base! Nobody see’s her but Big Boss! Kaz is so angry all the time he can’t think straight-and see’s spies in every corner. Major Zero was not behind the attack, but their enemy definitely worked for him at some point. (In fact, he was Zero’s XO once upon a time, but they had a falling out. Zero is also ill now, and can’t do much of anything. SIGINT is secretly handling everything now, as is an AI he started making. This AI becomes more relevant in the main games that Toaster summarized).
Oh, and Volgin was alive! And is now a Man on Fire. He dies for real in this game. 12 year old Psycho Mantis is also here, and starts his friendship with Liquid Snake. Mantis was originally controlled (kinda) by the Man on Fire, but switches sides to Liquid Snake. Or something.
People are getting sick, and dying. Huey and Strangelove got together at the end of Peace Walker- yet she’s nowhere to be found? Big Boss has to keep his new Mother Base-now called Diamond Dogs, up and running, track down the source of the virus, figure out what the hell Huey is up to, and find Skull Face.
All of these end up  being connected.
Skull Face betrayed Major Zero and attacked Big Boss. Skull Face then went more power hungry and created a virus designed to wipe out ‘every language except English’. Paz isn’t real-shocking, and Huey murdered Strangelove.
Oh, by the by, she had a child. Hal. (Yes, that’s Otacon, and Strangelove was murdered because Huey wanted to use Hal as an Evangelion esque child pilot in Salhelanthropus. So she bundled Hal off to safety in the USA).
Huey is exiled for his crimes,(he lives, tragically) Big Boss’s hell spawn Eli (Child Liquid Snake) steals Sahelanthropus and things just..don’t seem very normal, do they?
At some point, Big Boss is told something.
He’s not Big Boss.
WELL HE IS, but you see.
Major Zero knew early on that Skull Face had gone rogue and attacked MSF. While Big Boss was comatose, The Medic was also brought in from the wreck. Zero decided to keep The Medic around, and with Ocelot, use hypnotherapy and plastic surgery to create a 1-1 copy of Big Boss. Not just physically, but mentally.
This man becomes Venom Snake. Big Boss 2.0. The only people in on this are Ocelot, Major Zero and some other Cipher agents. EVA knows as well, I believe. Ocelot spends 9 years making the perfect new Big Boss while watching over Big Boss and working with an oblivious Kazuhira Miller.
When Big Boss wakes up, Skull Face is hot on their tails. Ocelot forms a plan with his man and they get Venom Snake out of the hospital. Big Boss goes one way, and Ocelot and Venom go the other.
In this escape, Big Boss calls himself, Ishmael. SURPRISE.
Ocelot then hypnotizes himself to make sure he doesn’t slip up in his scheme here. Kaz is presented with Venom Snake, and has no idea Big Boss is off creating Outer Heaven elsewhere, until an unhypotized Ocelot clues him in at some undetermined point.
Kaz, bitter about being left behind and divorced without being told, vows to enact revenge on Big Boss sometime. Ocelot avows that this will eventually lead to them being enemies with one killing the other.
Diamond Dogs is now Outer Heaven. Venom Snake faces the mirror, after having been Big Boss for 11 years, smashes it, and walks to his death at the hands of Solid Snake. Where he is defeated. And Big Boss, so far gone and so out of fucks to give outside of warfare, has no idea that his second nation, Zanzibarland, will one day end up in a molotov’d brimstone of spite guided by his bitter ex, Kaz, via a well-trained Solid Snake. On Christmas Eve in 1999.
And Ocelot, of course, is still furiously devoted to Big Boss.
If anything needs clarification, LMK.
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Natasha, say you were the Ladybug Holder, partnered with a Black Cat Holder and you had to assemble a team- who would you potentially call in as an ally and what Miraculous would you give them
"Uhm, that's a difficult one. Logic says I should avoid involving people I know too well, maybe even use the Horse to recruit a team from outside of Achefall but... that doesn't seem very feasible. I need to pick people I can trust and I don't have such a big social circle.
"I can see Maris' point in that she wants more or less fix kwami-Holder pairs, so everyone can get comfortable with one power-set. But to be honest, I feel like if it was up to me, I might go for a smaller core-team, and give them Miraculous based on who is available and what is needed at the moment. Kwami swaps tend to happen anyway, and sometimes Maris even forced to recruit bystanders as one-time Holders, so doing it this way might help to make things more flexible, and hiding the actual size of the team could be nice too.
"Let's see... one person I'd surely recruit if they were willing would be Kris. There would be no sense not to- I know them enough to trust them. They are an adult, so they could use their powers more. And they're already involved with the Miraculous, they were since childhood. They're pretty good at improvisation, so I think they could get a lot of use from the Goat. If we needed more raw strength, they could also use the Dragon... they like swords, or at least I know they did as a kid. And if things were dire enough, they could back us up with the Snake... uh, on a second thought, maybe they wouldn't be that thrilled to have a time travel Miraculous. But it works pretty differently than the Rabbit, so they might be fine with it.
"Depending on the circumstances, I might try to get Sonya on my team. She already proved herself very capable, but of course I'd understand if she said no. Probably wouldn't be a very good idea to give her the Turtle again, even though the villains already know some of our team's identities, so it might be pointless to worry about that. But she could also use the Ox that works kinda similar, or maybe the Tiger would fit her too.
"It would be probably a bit too reckless to involve someone who is basically living with me, but maybe Saiyuki could be a good fit for the Fox or the Bee? Not sure why, it's just a hunch.
"Naota loves to do things for people just to make them happy, they would be probably a good fit for the Pig... wait, maybe they wouldn't be that comfortable to weaponize people's desires against them. Then maybe the Dog would work better, and Erica could have the Pig instead.
"Fletcher likes birds and sometimes it feels like he... I don't know, wants to prove himself I guess? So the Rooster might fit him well.
"I recall Hikaru mentioning once that in their childhood games she played pretend as a hero with lightning powers, so she'd probably enjoy the Dragon. If a sneakier approach was needed, I think she'd manage the Bee well too.
"Justin is a baseball player, so either the Dog or the Monkey could work well for him, since both of those requires throwing skills.
"Let's see, we're left with the Horse, Rabbit and Mouse. I feel like Eva could do well with any of those."
[[Eva belongs to Tsukiyomaru/Arcade Rabbit. I'm not sure if he can be found here, otherwise I'd tag him properly.]]
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pathologic-the-musical · 10 months
Home: the Shelter
This is a song for Lara, to provisionally take place somewhere in the latter half of Act I after House of the Living. Artemy's just gone to see Lara and warn her of the plague, and she gives him a different kind of welcome than he received from Oyun and the angry townsfolk. Lyrics under the cut.
Welcome home, Artemy,
you’re safe with me,
oh, I wish, Artemy,
that the townsfolk all
could see the good I see
in you
Welcome home, Artemy!
Oh, won’t you stay a while?
Do you recall, Artemy,
at this table we would sit
and take our lessons with your father
every Monday,
long ago
when we were children.
Settle down, Artemy,
sit here, don’t worry,
oh, I know, here’s a thought,
I could call over our friends
just like we used
to do
Oh, do you remember,
when both our fathers were alive,
they’d sit up at the table,
and the four of us would hide
so we’d have more time together
before you all went home.
It never lasted long,
but how we tried,
and how we laughed.
And we all had our nicknames,
I was Gravel, you were Cub,
and Grigory was Grief, and Stakh, well,
you know how he was,
he’s training as a doctor now,
and Grief’s just getting by,
and I stay here and wonder how
my friends left me behind.
But I still try to do my part to help.
I’m calling this the Shelter,
it’s where anyone can rest,
so long as they’ve
a will to stay
I turn away no guest.
But family, anyway, never need knock
the guest bed’s in the corner,
and the kitchen’s always stocked.
No one in my house need ever fear. Whenever you have need, you’ll find me here.
You recall, Artemy,
how the four of us would play,
how we called ourselves
the apple basket gang.
it makes me glad to see
that, at least, the two of us remain.
It’s been so very long
since I last got to bid you
welcome home.
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lgbtmi · 7 months
7, 20, 25 for eva!
ros i kiss u!!! thinblood supremacy!!! (ask things about my babes?)
7. there’s a magic item (or technological innovation, or special resource) made just for them—what is it?
Cure for her new flavour of sickness. Come on, she was Embraced so her high school sweetheart didn't have to lose her again, and now she's still sick all the time? Fuck that.
20. what attracts them to someone—platonically and/or romantically, anything counts.
Kindness, genuine interest, and their eyes, both platonically and romantically. She tends to keep her guard up around strangers because her family is known in town, and she's never quite sure if they're interested in her or in the contacts she can get for them. Since her Embrace, there's a new guideline, though. Whoever they are, if Adam doesn't like them, they don't stand a chance. Sure, she looks a bit obsessed with his opinion, but he's got her best interest in mind, right?
25. who is their best friend?
Eva's best friend was a woman named Noortje. They met some time ago at a cancer support group her doctor told her she should go to, and the two of them hit it off immediately. They bonded over how they both felt like they didn't need the support group, and in the end ended up finding exactly the support they both needed. Their text chains were endless, right up until the very end. Noortje passed away due to complications of her condition not long before Eva was told they couldn't do anything for her anymore either, so she's not specifically gone and looked for a new best friend. She's gotten close to Noortje's partner, though, but Lonneke is just not the same.
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aethergazing · 5 months
32. - blossom
( if you're still accepting prompts! )
Eva wondered if she had ever seen so many different species of flowers so close to one another. They had traveled far, crossed realms, crossed shards but no place had taken her breath away the way the fairy kingdom did. Gentle fingertips caressed the petals of a nearby flower, understanding its aether and the way it worked. Deep down, despite the vibrant color, it felt old, almost like it froze in time, like the moment it blossomed it stayed perfectly still. She looked at Feo Ul who seemed to observe her intricately.
“little sapling would like to stay with us?  but that is not possible…   little sapling is destined to a life full of many adventures.”
The mage drew a soft smile. How were they able to understand what she was thinking just from her demeanor,  her movement shift. Maybe if Eva was able to stay with the fae, maybe she would finally be able to catch her breath for once. It had been so long since she had a little time for herself. Something was always happening and she had to be everywhere. Sometimes she wished she could multiply herself to better help everyone. Unfortunately, that was not possible so she felt the weight of the world fall on her shoulders. She sighed, the same smile still resting on her lips.
“wouldn’t you like me to stay for eternity, my lovely branch?”
The fae was suddenly taken by surprise. Words uttered in a whisper so they were the only one able to hear it.  Eva kept looking ahead, to the palace, almost like she was seeing something they could not. They knew she was merely joking and yet there was a glimpse in her eyes that almost made Feo Ul question their own thoughts. But the warrior of darkness couldn’t stay and they had to make sure of that.
One Word Writing Prompts| @pettyeti thank you so much!!! ♡
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goldenlandfiascos · 2 years
Tumblr media
Hello! Oh wow, what's this? Just in time for the Fall season. Shipping week for Eva and Natsuhi from Umineko, running from September 18th-24th.
Not sure how much attention this will get here, but if you’re interested, please go and read the entire thread over on twitter for the rules. If you don’t really like using twitter but still would like to participate, you can post here on tumblr! Go ahead and still use the tag #evanatsuweek here too if you do, and feel free to dm or send me an ask if you have any questions. Please reblog and share this post so more people can see and be aware.
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odetolovers · 1 year
For the ask game : fern, steel, lilac, lemon and mint 💫
U LOVE ME SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!
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youssefguedira · 2 years
In the comics Eva does kill, not as often or brutality as D but still. Don’t remember 100% but it was something like having the panther (or some other toothy beast) which Lord Kant had indented to kill Eva turning on him, and Eva not helping or something such. Will check to double check in the remake.
Also, Lord Kant was actually Eva’s uncle. She married him as revenge and to legally have the name of Kant as she is the illegitimate daughter of the original Lord Kant (who her uncle/husband killed I think) after her mother was driven to suicide. So she totally had reasons to kill him, even if she may or may not have. So much drama!
AND she revealed to Lord Kant’s that she is his on the wedding night and told him never to touch her, like what happened with Giorgio in the movie.
firstly, this is all perfect for my purposes, thank you
secondly, another panther??? bc if that's true the implications... the parallels... i should not think about this for too long i think
thirdly that is SO much more drama than i was expecting but good for her tbh. get him eva
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mrfoox · 1 year
Yeah.... Oliver with extra energy is the best and im 😳
#miranda talking shit#When hes hyper his adhd is at work and the filter flies right out the window and i love it#I mean it also embarrass me bc yeah i uh...yeah but hes just bouncy and talking and asking and im like#Slower than usual to combat that and goddamn....#Id like to discuss these sorta topics with him but im so fucking weak its pathetic...#Who would win? One little half-finnish boy with adhd or one swede with asd#The answer is not me... I hate how affected i get 🙃 and he can just talk away and im there like... Im trying not to stutter#Im looking at the doorway... Im blushing... I dont even think its that i find him so attractive... Its more his energy#And definitely he confirmed history of potential bullying me which my masochistic ass loves (thanks Eva for that preference)#Part of me thinks i could easily ... Suggest something and thus start an situation like before but im trying to be good#I just dobt want him to be but I'll be good...er....than i want#Maybe i got an mild degrading kink like man idek anymore. I dont want anyone to be outright mean to me but like bullying shit?#That gets me going. Make me embarrassed and poke fun at me for it and just escalate the situation thanks (:#Im begging hes in the same type of mood next time we meet but knowing him its probably not the case#Doesnt help that i probably ... Combat his high energy naturally bc i am calm... So he sits down in my couch and just ... Zzzzz#Anyway... Havent had these vibes since end of last year and it was crispy#I wont do shit bc its me and i dont want to ruin anything but this dance on the edge ? Im game thanks lets do it again
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kamievakiss · 5 days
Trans Girl in Need of Mutual Aid !
hi all, I really really hate having to make a post like this again but unfortunately at the moment I can't make rent. I've been to several job interviews and have been putting in applications relentlessly but no one seems to be hiring right now. I've already sold my guitar and amp but am still 300$ short of where I need to be. if at all possible literally any amount would help. I'm willing to write you a little song or make a cover or send pictures or anything really just send me a message !
Venmo: eva-hammersla
cashapp: evaevaevaevaeva
paypal: ehammersla1
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300/300 raised ! thank y'all so much !! I more than met my goal, which is a huge huge huge relief <3
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beomsl · 1 year
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sending this so your inbox’ll be blessed
AA my pretty baby :( look at that beautiful baby face i love him so much my boy 😞🤍
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astonmartinii · 2 months
a spoonful of sugar part two | oscar piastri social media au
pairing: oscar piastri x fem chef!reader
cheffing it up all over the calendar, here we go again
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri and 201,844 others
tagged: oscarpiastri
yourusername: we're in JAPAN 🇯🇵 WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!! yeah suzuka is cool and all but more importantly - SUSHI TIME and my oh my that spread is glorious if i do say so myself
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user1: oscar babygirlism is so real
yourusername: boo fucking hoo, i've had enough of your whining buddy
oscarpiastri: i mean i would take the home-cooked meal from the professional chef but that's just me
landonorris: stop shaming me :( i can't help it :(
yourusername: okay stop being dramatic, you can comeback from your hiding place i made chicken sushi as well
landonorris: oh thank you 😊
oscarpiastri: when i came in as the YOUNGER teammate, i didn't think y/n and i would be babysitting you
landonorris: you guys love me really
user2: i think y/n might have the patience of a saint
user3: i think i would die happy if i got a sushi spread from y/n
yukitsunoda0511: personally offended i was not invited :(
yourusername: nooooooooooo yukiii :((((( - i'll bring left overs ?
yukitsunoda0511: yes please (i'm much nicer than lando)
landonorris: when will the slander end?
oscarpiastri: i'm personally offended that any time y/n is visiting ME she ends up cooking and looking after all of you :(
yourusername: i love you the most though
oscarpiastri: hehehehehehe
user4: this relationship is so precious to me actually
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liked by logansargeant, landonorris and 1,094,558 others
tagged: landonorris & yourusername
oscarpiastri: over the moon to get my first podium in f1 in my rookie season. p.s. get yourself a girlfriend that gives you a candy bouquet to celebrate your podium
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user5: oscodium i know that's right
mclarenf1: we don't think that's in your meal plan, but we'll let it slide for just this once
yourusername: damn right you will 🔫🔫🔫
oscarpiastri: okay no threatening my team on a post about my podium
yourusername: i guess they're fine (FOR NOW) (the next time i see team orders it's on sight)
mclarenf1: ... does this mean no more pasta parties? :(
yourusername: get my boy his first win and pasta for life for all of you
user6: the way y/n and oscar's mum both fell into each other when oscar crossed the finish line
user7: they're so real for that
user8: y/n is REAL wag representation, i too would go FUCKING mental if my boyf got a podium i would also be spraying champagne all over the garage and crying my eyes out
oscarpiastri: I LOVE YOU MORE, THANK YOU FOR ALWAYS SUPPORTING ME - and looking after my mum after you caused a stampede in the garage
yourusername: hold on nicole is just as crazy as me
oscarpiastri: my two favourite women EVA
user9: when you're besties with your boyf's mum >>
landonorris: congrats oscahhhhhhh - how does one procure one of these bouquets?
oscarpiastri: hands off pal 🤨
landonorris: i just want CANDY STOP ACCUSING ME OF STUFF
yourusername: oh so now you want my food ....
landonorris: why are you ganging up on me ??? I'M JUST A CHILD ???
user10: i love watching oscar and y/n ganging up on lando
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liked by oscarpiastri, yourusername and 309,788 others
tagged: yourusername & oscarpiastri
logansargeant: category is: thirdwheeling - the food is a definite plus
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user12: the real best trio in f1 ... sorry 2019 rookies
alexalbon: logie bear beating the unseasoned allegations... i am impressed
logansargeant: i am cultured?
yourusername: logan had no choice, he was eating what i made him
logansargeant: but i liked it!
yourusername: you did, i'm a proud mother
alexalbon: what are the chances of me and james getting some of the y/n food, we deserve it more than mclaren
yourusername: name the price...
user13: i love how oscar and y/n have collected so many drivers this season despite being the youngest
oscarpiastri: not even finished my first season and we've accumulated so many "children"
logansargeant: don't have a gf who is such a good chef if you didn't want to babysit me
yourusername: we can't help it we're mOTHER
oscarpiastri: 💅
charles_leclerc: @oscarpiastri did our post podium dinner in aus mean nothing? you're neglecting your 26 year old child
maxverstappen1: classic treatment of the eldest girl 😔
yourusername: you guys done being dramatic?
charles_leclerc: one second
charles_leclerc: okay done :)
oscarpiastri: ok... idk what the fuck is going on here
maxverstappen1: we want food [bangs cutlery on imaginary table]
user14: oscar going from being the shy one on the grid to wrangling charles and max is killing me
user15: him and y/n have the grid wrapped around their finger
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris and 730,844 others
tagged: oscarpiastri
yourusername: this is everything you have ever deserved
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user18: i am going to throw myself on the track and let oscar run me over and put me out of my misery
oscarpiastri: i love you so much, couldn't do it without your support
yourusername: NUH UH you're SUPER DUPER AMAZINGLY FAST and i am lucky to be here to witness you :)
oscarpiastri: okay.... but no more passing out in the garage
yourusername: i'm just a girl 🎀
oscarpiastri: my girl x
yourusername: YOUR GIRL (i've seen the tiktok edits BACK OFF)
user19: the way the other team members and teams let them have their moment was so cute
user20: zak brown pushing her to the front to be able to see him on the podium... maybe i don't hate him as much as i thought
user21: her taking ten billion photos while crying her eyes out was so cute
yourusername: they're all blurry 🧍🏻‍♂️
maxverstappen1: i guess you're the only one i'll tolerate outshining my championship win... congrats oscar!
oscarpiastri: thank you max :) also thank you to gp for giving y/n an ice pack
yourusername: gp got his name on a piece of cake
maxverstappen1: what about my cake?
yourusername: i guess i can spare another slice for you
oscarpiastri: we can give you a whole cake tomorrow if you let me win tomorrow?
maxverstappen1: nice try dude
yourusername: you haven't tried it yet
oscarpiastri: it's laced with crack (literally, DQ coming fast)
maxverstappen1: ????
yourusername: we jest
oscarpiastri: or do we?
user22: is gp another person they've collected?
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liked by landonorris, logansargeant and 1,094,873 others
tagged: yourusername
oscarpiastri: no one else i'd rather celebrate with
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user23: they don't know it yet but they're actually my parents
user24: yeah, yeah oscar won a race woo BUT MAMA DROP THE RECIPE FOR THE THIRD SLIDE LOOKS LIKE IT BANGS
yourusername: i'm so unbelievably proud of you oscar, crying in the club right now
oscarpiastri: i didn't know the shower was also called the club (i can hear you crying and though i'm grateful you are this happy for me, it's getting slightly concerning)
yourusername: i just can't contain my excitement for you and it's turned into tears HAPPY TEARS
oscarpiastri: my mum can hear it from her room as well
yourusername: can't believe i'm being shamed like this
landonorris: will you cry this much for my first win
yourusername: nope, actively praying against it
yourusername: i only want oscar to win every race from now until he retires soz buddy
oscarpiastri: idk that sounds like a good deal to me lando
landonorris: @yourusername i hope you drown in your tears
user25: well that escalated
danielricciardo: proud of you baby aussie !!! how can we get some aussie bbq in the paddock as celebration @yourusername 🤭
yourusername: someone get me a grill asap
danielricciardo: okay max it's time to stop being selfish, let oscar win another race so we can get more bbq i'm homesick
maxverstappen1: that's cute and all but FUCK THEM KIDS
yourusername: well no bbq for you then
maxverstappen1: you and oscar love me really
oscarpiastri: ???
user26: the way y/n tussles with these men kills me
user27: at this point get her a microphone and get her on that grid walk
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liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc and 1,024,550 others
tagged: oscarpiastri, landonorris & yourusername
mclarenf1: y/n delivered the pasta party she promised (admin is now in a food coma no more posts for the rest of the day)
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user28: the way we all thought this was a joke... i am now unwell
user29: dead ass the cutest thing i've ever seen
yourusername: thank you for having me besties, thank you for giving oscar a fast car and i hope you all actually make your flights in your pasta-induced naps
mclarenf1: that carbonara has me snoozing up a storm
oscarpiastri: (we nearly missed our flight)
landonorris: worth it, that pasta banged
yourusername: why thank you everyone i am blushing
yourusername: but real talk when does all this pasta translate into team orders in oscar's favour
mclarenf1: i don't think that's in my job description
landonorris: ...
oscarpiastri: well....
yourusername: you're making me look like a bad person 😭 i just want oscar to have the best possible time ever
oscarpiastri: i love you <3
landonorris: ugh... i guess that's cute
user30: i have never been more jealous ever in my life and it's over PASTA
georgerussell63: i am mobilising the GDPA against this. it's either pasta for ALL of us or NONE of us
yourusername: bring back seb you big wet wipe
georgerussell63: EXCUSE YOU!
charles_leclerc: i am an honourary italian and i am quite frankly offended i was not at least offered the left overs
oscarpiastri: but this was my special pasta party for my sprint win :(
georgerussell63: don't try and use that very cute and wholesome excuse with me mister, we have been robbed of pasta
yourusername: you queens are so dramatic i can't
user31: this sport is so unserious, they wouldn't protest over the conditions this weekend but pasta is where they draw the line 😭
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liked by maxverstappen1, landonorris and 621,945 others
tagged: oscarpiastri
yourusername: if you're at COTA come on down to my bbq station it's mr america (@logansargeant) approved
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user33: miss ma'am is really raising the bar for all wags at this point
user34: who else is doing up masterchef at the track
logansargeant: i can confirm it is very good
yourusername: i knew there was a reason we love you logie bear
logansargeant: the ribs were so good you should honestly get an american passport
user35: guys i went and omg IT WAS SO FUCKING GOOD + y/n was so fucking nice and said all proceeds are going to helping disadvantaged children get into karting
user36: my heart is so full i love them
maxverstappen1: slowing me down by making me have bbq i see how it is
yourusername: no one forced you to eat it buddy
maxverstappen1: well it's steak and mac and cheese ur dumb if you think i'm NOT fucking it up
yourusername: you got me there
danielricciardo: that was scrummy
charles_leclerc: petition for this to be here every week
georgerussell63: this just makes me more angry about missing out on pasta
user37: oscar is so much stronger than me cause if i had y/n i'd be asking for an absolute feast all of the time and would not stick to my meal plan
oscarpiastri: my favourite person doing her favourite thing <3
yourusername: you're my favourite thing
landonorris: keep that to yourself
yourusername: i can't love my bf now?
landonorris: that man is a child keep it PG
oscarpiastri: you made it not PG
yourusername: stop forcing your agenda on us lando
landonorris: i can't win with you people
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liked by logansargeant, yourusername and 803,884 others
tagged: yourusername
oscarpiastri: first season done. proud. ready to eat like a king
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user38: i don't think i've ever barked in response to a picture of food
landonorris: where's mineeeeee :((((((((
oscarpiastri: season is over mate. y/n is back to being mine and mine only, we're hibernating in aus
landonorris: selfish
yourusername: let us eat our sushi in peace this off season
user39: oscar ready to keep y/n to himself what a king
oscarpiastri: tired of sharing my gf :( i know she's the bestest ever but still i was getting separation anxiety when she was stolen to make food for george
georgerussell63: no regrets
yourusername: you were always a king, but i'm ready to treat you like royalty
oscarpiastri: right back at you, queen
yourusername: all the food WE want all off season
maxverstappen1: okay guys we can hear you
charles_leclerc: this is no way to talk about your 27 year old children honestly
landonorris: i'm calling childline actually
yourusername: feel free girl, kiss my ass cause you won't see it for months
landonorris: GASP!
oscarpiastri: that's been brewing, stop asking y/n to make you chicken dippers bro
landonorris: :(
yourusername: regardless of all the tomfoolery and the stray cats (drivers) we've picked up, i'm so proud of you oscar - here's to an even better year next year
oscarpiastri: thank you, my love. couldn't do it without you. i love you.
yourusername: i love you too osc
note: heyyy?? yeah i've kinda gone missing in action. i am working on the last two WIPs but i am so busy and my writers block is so bad i had to revisit an old fave lol. hope yall enjoy !
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maxiemumdamage · 1 year
I love that Luz resolves the problems of the show by being herself.
She convinces the Collector to try being kind, she realizes the hallucinations and wakes up Eva and King thanks to her fandom knowledge, she used her study of glyphs extensively in the final battle. She also tries to redo her dramatic entrance with better quips and makes dumb jokes with the Titan.
But more than that…technically, the Titan could have given their power to anyone. Anyone close to King or of better moral standing than Belos (which is a low bar) could have taken the Titan’s power and fought with it if they’d ended up in that trans dimensional space.
But it’s Luz, not because she’s the only one who can, but because she’s a good person who’s been there for King and the rest of the Isles.
Luz isn’t the Chosen One - she’s just the one who was chosen. There’s no magical destiny about her defeating a great evil — she just was a kindhearted person who had the tools to help and did.
And she did so much. For the Boiling Isles, and for a lot of weirdos on earth.
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