egregiousderp · 4 months
Absolutely agree that our girl Falin 2 Autism 2 Touden has eaten a grasshopper. Honestly, you can sub any of the Kanna Kamui Eats Something moments for either of the siblings.
Girl just be out here like:
Bless this reply.
“But it’s Kosher. :C” —Falin Touden, consulting the clerics guide to what to eat for Gnome Magic Base.
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katyspersonal · 1 month
Cuck(2) detected
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Ok so me and @val-of-the-north consumed mushrooms from Willem's back and decided to brainstorm the Old Gods family tree! This was fun! Maybe some things will get reviewed later, but for now we good!
1) It was initially Val's idea that Caitha was Nito's daughter as someone closely tied to death, as well as he pointed out Pinwheel's masks actually must refer to Nito's family! Nito has an empty coffin nearby, and there is even a smaller coffin hidden.. So yeah. Father, mother and child! I pointed out that since Nito was not a God but Caitha is, it was the mother who had to be a Goddess- and it is further backed up by how Mask of the Mother sticks out in comparison:
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Father and Child look like just people, but Mother looks odd. I offered the idea that her quirk had to be connected to the water, since Caitha's quirk is tears of grief (death + water)! Her mask's design also features water waves motifs! o: (also I guess Nito had curly hair when he was alive XD)
2) We really liked the idea that whenever God has a child, they combine quirks of the parents, so there are other children! Gwynevere = Light + Love, Nameless King = Light + Justice as that kind of noble warrior associated with crows and what not, so this is general principle we follow mostly to detect parents
3) We are still not sure of the level on which Dancer, Rosaria and Queen of Lothric descend from Gwynevere, so the lines aren't clear! Dancer would be at least not a bastard kind of descendant since she is of royal family, so, from marriage!
4) Not sure of the exact specifics on Seath, it can be strange dragon genders or some soul fuckery, but we honestly tried to find another explanation for dragon blood of Gwyndolin, Priscilla and Yorshka and could not.. He is just the only dragon character relevant, and don't mind Gwyndolin being a sorcerer, and also the Moonlight butterflies stuff
5) Seath is the only white dragon and Priscilla is explicitly stated to be pale too, so we think it is safest to assume she is his daughter! She is also stated to be a bastard in Japanese original, so, illegitimate child of a royalty. Lifehunt ability then comes from Caitha's genes! We decided Priscilla was abandoned at infancy, clutching that doll, but we aren't sure yet whether her and Yorshka are non-identical twins only one of which shown fearsome ability potential right out or Gwyn just discovered a huge cuck fetish JHSDFFHDSHFS The thing here that puzzled me is that we receive Lifehunt ability from Soul of Aldrich in DS3, referring to him seeing 'pale girl in hiding' (Yorshka) after consuming Gwyndolin! That'd mean either that Gwyndolin had the gene too (connecting it to Seath then since Priscilla and Yorshka are no gods, ie the shared parent is not Gwyn), or that it was envisioned through sort of 'clairvoyance' from memory about Yorshka. Bro already envisioned Age of the Deep coming, so why not stop at the latter here?
6) Shira stated to be daughter of the Duke, which Val double-checked that shared symbols with Seath's title! The characters known with that status are Seath himself and that guy who is relevant to Seath, so sure, why not say the accent on that status had to be deliberate..
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^ would've been really sexy if the KEPT her white hair from concept art, then. I have an impression that either relation to Seath was an implication that got obscured later due to time constrains (like Fromsoft ALWAYS does and never learns from their mistakes) or it was consequences of how DS3 face model creators are infamous for doing the characters dirty. Look at what they did with Kirk. Look at what they did with Creighton and HIS wonderful white mane. Basically it is a straw we would like to grasp
That's I think the gist of headcanons, @val-of-the-north might add extra details and justifications if he's willing to!
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dumgorl · 2 years
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parniathedevil · 10 months
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Don't you think @susartwork XDDD
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mimimarilynart · 2 years
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Day 22 - Ecthelion (as a young scholar)
@toastedbuckwheat credit to some of our recent imagines... finally attempted teen Ec at last ;3
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dejectedlozer524 · 2 years
Had a Haircut today so I thought I might take some Photos X33
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beatheprincess · 3 months
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I'm obsessed w my pc camera I look so cute xD I pretend to record for fun <3
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midnightfire830 · 9 months
I just saw your post for the band Au, and I so love your designs for them! Especially for Boris. Questions for today, what are some of the questers favorite music genres? Do they have any competition with other bands? Will some familiar faces be joining this Au? Are any of the band members interest in a relationship? And who is Bendy and Boris caretaker? Last one can be unanswered
Hi! I’m so glad you enjoy their designs! I’ve been working on that drawing for so freaking long lol.
Their favorite music genres would be mostly punk rock or just in general rock.
Bendy and Boris preferring some of the older rock music dating back to Elvis Presley to current. They appreciates some of the grunge from the 90s too. Bendy also listens to a lot of more modern techno and pop music. Especially ones that are strong with the more computer created sound effects, heavy beat drops, and bass. I’m not sure how to describe it but songs that aren’t only instruments but also includes computer created sound effects, that sort of thing.
Cuphead listens to a wide variety of music depending on his mood. He listens to general rock genres but he also appreciates songs about things he relates to on a personal level. It doesn’t always matter the vibe, but if the lyrics strike a chord with him he’ll add it to his listen playlist (this is also in my Cyberpunk AU lol, Cup just has the same music taste throughout my AUs) He also loves indie and alternative rock.
Mugman seems like the kind of guy to listen to musicals. He’s a romantic, so of course he’d listen to a lot of Hamilton, Justin Paul and Benj Pasek; Andrew Lloyd Webber, and Disney songs. And I guess in general any songs about love, romance, and that have a good vibe.
No competition so far that I can think of. Idk… maybe the butcher gang??!?!? I dunno!?!? There’s not a whole lot of groups that aren’t taken in IM that I can turn into a band.
You will see a lot of faces! The Circus gang, Black Hat, Felix, the girls, Fanny, Sarah, etc etc…
Bendy, Mugman, and Cuphead are all in relationships tho they usually keep it on the down-low. Boris is Aro/ace. I think you guys can kinda guess who is shipped with who… tho bendy keeps his relationship secret from the public.
And Bendy and Boris’ Caretaker?
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I’m sorry I had to…
Revealing Granny as a Pokémon?? 100% worth it…
Thanks for the ask!!!!!!!
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thenocturnenarrator · 6 months
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get blorbed
I feel honored, thank you
I love how you put Noodle over sex xDDDDDD
Why is love so low? I love love! I have a lot of LV- I mean love
I am in your face yeah
How do you know I’d love to live in tree???
Also I think I’m more fruit than meat xDDDD
Minecraft skills??? XDDDD None cause I’ve played it once xD
69??? I wanna know 👁️👁️
Haha! I wish I’d sleep that much! XDDD please help me
I do not need therapy xDDDDDD
Marketable??? XDDDDDDDDDD
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puffkins2000 · 10 months
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Another set of my lovely pirate pair. XD So, I was able to check out the "hangout" mod, which was awesome! Sooooo TS2! <3 Then the male pirate baked some bread, in which she sincerely thanked him for cooking. Aw! XD Then he decided to make a flirtatious joke with her--and I don't know.... I swear I ALWAYS see the same jokes for both normal jokes and flirty jokes--not sure if there are actually others (( I would expect flirtatious jokes to be, well, flirty in nature )), but it's hilarious also because they are pirates and maybe this particular joke IS flirty? XDD If you ask me, she kind of liked it, lol. ....WHY is he making that face during the camera pose? He looks petrified! Then--YAY, Snowflake, aka Simsmas, Day came!!!! They both exchanged gifts (( he gave her a lovely flower and she gave him an opal... I wasn't able to get any codes working for buying from the shop. :/ )), and then they exchanged a kiss under the mistletoe. Oooooooh! XDDDDDD
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peoplerepellent2000 · 7 months
Floating face vore xdddddd Wait but where's the stomach¿ nobody knoooowwwwssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
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desfraisespartout · 1 year
Wip Wednesday (but it's Thursday!)
Wanted to share another excerpt from my sapphic timeloop fic. The scene takes place in chapter 2. Fiona tries to confront Irene about Tsubame's frequent nightmares lately. (I'm slowy progressing towards the scene I want to write xDddddd)
Also, the fic finally has a title: "Agonies of a butterfly"
Happy pride month!
"Irene?" asks Fiona while wraping an elastic band on her small pink cards for the presentation she has been preparing today.
"Mmm?" Irene raises her eyes briefly from her book. "I got no clue what your class is about." She turns another page.
"I'm done with that." Fiona sounds falsely offended as she waves her cards. "It's about Tsubame..." She pauses as she was about to put those in her bag. "Is she doing ok?"
"Health-wise? Yes, why?" Irene flips another page of the novel, all the while looking at Fiona from the corner of her eye.
"I wasn't asking about her health, though this somewhat reassures me. No, I was referring to her smiles, her absences... her nightmares."
Irene plays dumb, but Fiona pushes forward.
"I can see clear as day that something is bothering her." 
Irene is glued to her book, despite having stopped reading a while ago.
Fiona frowns deeply. "Irene, I'm begging you," she says coming closer to her partner, "I've heard her speak my name this morning, repeatedly."
Irene had heard it as well. "Could've been a regular nightmare," she tries.
"One time, sure. But this wasn't the first time, and certainly not the only time this week." Fiona looks away. "Do I... do I remind her of something bad that's happened to her?" Her hands tremble lightly. "Am I the problem?"
Irene is pained at the thought of Fiona still believing she's nothing but dead weight. Denying the facts further would only hurt Fiona and isolate her even more. Irene finally puts her book away and faces Fiona so she could hold her hands. "Not once have we thought that. You are not and never have been a dead weight." Irene gently caresses her partner's hands. "We both love you dearly."
Fiona was still guarded while her eyes were brimming with tears. Irene gets up and pulls Fiona into a hug. "We've spent a whole year together, enjoying life, being there for each other. Ain't that proof enough?"
The two of them stand still in their embrace, until Fiona finally breaks the silence. She needed a tissue badly to blow her nose. Irene frees Fiona as she jokingly says: "Yeah... My shirt ain't thick enough to withhold the snot."
Her comment does earn her a quiet chuckle from Fiona as she rummages through her bag. "Thank you."
Irene smiles.
"So, how about we go for a walk, breathe some fresh air? We can talk more then."
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i-am-vero-draw · 10 months
I was studying and suddenly they brought us oranges, I got creative and painted a face xd
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I showed the orange to a friend and he did the same with his orange
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knowlessman · 1 year
shake n bake alabamia (bnha) s2e4-5 let's find out what a fucking cavalry battle is
yeah yeah 80% of the world is superheroes ever since the shiny nation attacked wtf is a cavalry battle I don't wanna google it I want you to tell me -- reel 'em in with the melody (skipskipskip)
"I want you to tell them 'I am here!' mow it in the lawn if you have to!"
deku I think it might take a little more than luck to drag a hunk of metal with you a whole race and then figure out a way to use it to go really fast right at the end. people keep underselling themselves in this.
…these are some weird rules. also holy shit this looks unsafe with the headbands around the neck. are they actually supposed to carry each other? how the hell are they sposed to get the headbands? -- "you'll get a red card for trying to make people fall over" ?????????????????????? I started this episode with one question and I keep getting more. also it's hard enough to get kids with quirks not to try to kill each other, how in fuck do you decide whether an "attack" is meant to get someone to fall?
dude. I know healing powers exist but still, why are they letting you smoke indoors, and right in people's faces no less
"how do you not know your own class's powers???" 'XD vegeta gonna vegeet
flying horse? not sure what other plan there is with uraraka tbh -- well, it's not like this is that different from deku's plan with picking iida -- (I keep trying to remember the gadgeteer girl's name from danganronpa 3 so I can call hatsume that but tbph maybe that's for the best anyway)
"I just need one more person" WHAT ARE THE RULES OF THIS GAME, THE DIAGRAM SHOWED THREE PEOPLE -- dontbeminetadontbeminetadontbemineta -- birdman, yesssssss, this oughta be cool (also it's not mineta thank fuck)
oh fuck, part of me wants to see todoroki win. it helps that iida is on his team (even tho I'm a little disappointed about this "I'm your rival now too" thing)
really, tsu? mineta? : /
that's literally one of the butler bot npc's from the paris map I stg (like granted it's not a complicated design but still)
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"before we get deku, let's kill all these guys (who are literally just playing the hand they were dealt with half a brain)" easy there vegeets, you get red flags that way -- I guess props to class A for figuring out, between them, how to set up a team that lets bakugo do whatever he wants; for sure, no team with him in it is going to last longer than it takes for him to fall off otherwise
"I shift Shoji into attack mode and attack your headbands directly!"
"team midoriya has nowhere left to go!" WHAT. ARE. THE. RULES. TO. THIS. GAME. is this fucking calvinball, or does every high school in japan play this and somehow it's never shown up in any other anime I've heard of, or what?
…we just did this. didn't we just do this last episode? -- oh, cool. hell, I feel like they're trying to set up neito as a dick but I don't see much reason not to like him yet
neito gotta stop pushing them buttons or we're gonna need a backup planet
o_o dang, wasn't expecting iida to even have chips to put in
sigh "the difference between having goals you can plan for and just bloodymindedly grasping for the moon while answering everything but perfection with violence" so disappointingly american
I wasn't really reading too close when they explained how the points work, but it is pretty damn weird that there's a ten million point headband and (judging by the margins on the scoreboard) no others that even go up to ten thousand. damn near rowlingesque; hell, even the snitch could be overtaken (granted, only by somebody willingly throwing the game)
"Tokoyami!" "Kaminari!" "DEKUUUU!" "Bakugo!" Donkey!
"TIME UP!" bakugo faceplants 'XDDDDDD shouldn'ta got sidetracked, vegeet
…wait when did gamzee get here. did neito throw his points to him? was this a relay race pony express shell game thingy??? we still don't know what shinso's mOtHeRfUcKiNg quirk is yet
CONSOLATION POINTS TO GRIFFINPUFF. good show, birdman, good show
hm. interesting convos in next episode, I expect. officially learning some things about todoroki and endeavor. gonna have to be next time, unfortunately; 's late.
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melodythebunny · 2 years
So after seeing your hobo Two Brains drawing, this scene came to my head for the beta au.
Becky is head to her home (the warehouse) with her friends Violet and Scoops.
The walk in and see Dr. Two Brains pacing around, mumbling gibberish to himself, scratching his face, eyes darting around, basically looking very crazy.
Scoops: Um Becky, Is your dad alright?
Becky: Oh don't worry. This is how he acts on his normal days.
O think any person whos not used to two brians or is aroubd him long enough would be concerned about him mentally.
Mr charming disowned his brother bc of this-/hjjjj
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minzart · 2 years
So I may or may not have came up with a new ship: Finnian x Erik
Both are shady af.
Both can play some kind of instrument (Finnian with the sax, Erik can sing, dance, play the violin and is basically a jack of all trades)
They both have something to do with Arthuro and Astrid being a couple.
If Erik was sorted into any dorms, it would be Scarabia, and in my headcannons a lot of enemies to lovers pairs in NRC mostly came from Octavinelle and Scarabia.
Erik has killed people before, Finnian may or may not have killed someone.
Before escaping “The Manor”, Erik wanted to have a little house by the beach.
Both are fcking fabulous. Erik (and Astrid) had been mistaken to be Vil’s long lost siblings multiple times.
They both dislike Azul. Rosalie legit ripped off two of Azul tentacles with her bare hands during his Overblot and Erik actually grilled those and ate them in front of his face.
You know that trope where one person is smoking and they light the other’s cigarette up with the burning end of their cig? Yeah that’s Erik doing that to Finnian.
Cunning bastard x terrifying stoic.
Finnian: Everyone’s always like ‘Finnian how did you bag a baddie?’ ‘Finnian how did you bagged that baddie bro?’
Finnian: I didn’t bag shit.
F: Erik picked me up by the neck, threw me over his shoulder and I’ve been on it ever since.
F: And I have no plans on getting off anytime soon.
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