meownotgood · 25 days
haha hey so apparently someone stole my whole fic... copy and pasted except for tiny things changed... here is the link to their """fic""" (sorry random person I had to steal the reblog from). they've since deleted the fic off their blog + deleted their ao3 + gone on a hiatus so..... that's cool and whatever....... but they have written a lot of other shit so... don't be a dick but maybe check that for funny business too...
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svtskneecaps · 1 month
ok among my favorite parts of qsmp is the fact that charlie slimecicle can only hold the act of being mad at mariana when mariana isn't in the room. like he successfully rp'd being mad at his deadbeat puta esposa for months while mariana wasn't logging on, like he complained about mariana at the wedding, during the election, in subsequent appearances, and then he's messaging mariana in the chat during purgatory and he's still holding it
and then they're both at spawn like as close to face to face as they get. and bro CANNOT hold the act it drops so fast lmfao he was like "yea cellbit i'm gonna kill mariana" and instead they have a genuinely heartfelt conversation and then rp sexo in the fountain
and i know i'm brainrotting purgatory rn but i'm actually thinking about this bc i saw a clip of mariana and slime talking during the awards show and literally. slime's face goes from 😡🤬 MARIANA'S HERE, SAY SOMETHING PUTA ESPOSA to 😄😁 the second mariana shows up on the screen
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like he's still pretending to be mad but dude is grinning like absolute crazy and i love that
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emblazons · 1 year
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tfw: you're in love with a Wheeler in a happy relationship
Jonathan Byers in S02E02 - Trick or Treat, Freak Will Byers in S04E09 - The Piggyback
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overtake · 8 months
red bull: daniel’s bad habits from mclaren are fixed, he did well in the sim, and his tire test was so good that we immediately knew he was ready to be in a car.
alpha tauri & yuki: daniel’s feedback on the car has been instrumental, and he performed so well in difficult race conditions even though he didn’t have any upgrades and had some bad luck.
rando twitter user who doesn’t have the data, didn’t know liam lawson’s name three weeks ago, and constantly insults the way red bull quickly drops drivers who don’t perform: they’re only letting him drive for pr even though he’s a washed up failure.
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elloras · 8 months
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singsweetmelodies · 6 months
Hello Katie 👋🏼👋🏼 :D
For the 50 romance prompts ask meme, I'll like to request for 44: soulmate AU: timers <3
but if possible... with a twist...? (you don't have to include a twist if it's too difficult to work it in!)
The twist being, for whatever reason, their countdown timers for each of them to the time they meet their soulmates doesn't match, so they think "we're not each other's soulmates. that's cool. (no it's not)" but it turns out that they're each other soulmates anyways. or they choose to be with each other in spite of not being each other's soulmates. idk. *nervous laughter*
hiiii charlotte 🥰 first off, i am SO sorry for the incredible delay with this answer!! i saw this prompt and i absolutely LOVED IT (and the twist!! 🙏 *chef's kiss*) but unfortunately i got struck with a horrible case of writer's block/work deadlines, and just couldn't get to it at all.
until yesterday: i decided to just open my inbox and see what came to me. no thinking, just following the vibe of a prompt and writing. and uh. this happened... not only did it get ridiculously long (oops?) but it also somehow became a mini "investigate montreal" fic?? so in that vein, i'm tagging @1016week and submitting a belated entry for Day 6 "Montreal"... ❤️
i love this one. hope you love it too!! 👀⌚
Charles' soulmate timer stops when he is seven years old, and he meets the boy with the bluest eyes he's ever seen.
He's been vibrating with excitement all weekend - not just because it's a karting cup, but because his soulmate timer has been ticking down to this day for months now. Well, not just months, not really. It's actually been his whole life, but Charles doesn't remember all of that. He only remembers the past few months, when the little numbers had been getting smaller and smaller, until there were only ten days left and Charles gasped when he realised that the day would fall on the same day as the Bridgestone Cup.
"Of course the girl I marry is going to like racing, too," he'd told Maman and Papa, confidingly. Not a lot about soulmates made much sense to him, but this did.
His Maman had tried to smile, and Charles had hugged her tight to let her know it was going to be okay. He would find his soulmate, and then everyone would be smiling, because that's what people do when you meet your soulmate.
(Later that night, when Charles had been too excited to sleep and he'd gone to the bathroom quickly, Charles had heard his parents having an argument in their room. The door was closed, so their voices were muffled, but Charles could still make out his Maman saying "I just don't think it's a good sign, to meet your soulmate so young!" But Papa had countered, "Many people do, and they have beautiful stories. You have to trust that our Charles will meet his perfect match tomorrow." And then there had been an icky noise, like kissing, and Charles had flushed the loo quickly and ran back to his room.)
Now, with the beautiful blue eyed boy standing in front of him, Charles thinks of Papa's words again. Our Charles will meet his perfect match tomorrow.
Charles thought it would be a girl who really liked karting, but this is even better. This is a boy who wins at karting, because he's holding a trophy in both hands and grinning like he couldn't be happier.
Of course Charles' perfect match would be someone who wins at karting. It's only right, because Charles also wins at karting.
Charles clears his throat. "Hi," he says shyly, and the blue-eyed boy jumps.
"Oh! Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see you there," he says apologetically, and then he laughs. He has a nice laugh, Charles thinks - like he knows how to have fun. "You are a bit short," the blue-eyed boy adds, and hey.
"Hey," Charles protests. "I'm tall for my age. I'm seven."
"Well, I'm nine," the blue-eyed boy says, like that's the most impressive age in the world.
It is a bit impressive, but not very, because Lorenzo is much older than that. Still, it is a little scary - Charles is only seven. What if this blue-eyed boy doesn't like him because he's only seven? Older kids can be mean like that.
No, he is your perfect match, Charles reminds himself. This blue-eyed boy won't be mean to him, because that's not how perfect matches work.
Charles takes a deep breath, then he sticks out his hand. "I'm Charles," he says.
The blue-eyed boy takes his hand, and it feels... weird. A little bit like when you get shocked by static electricity.
Charles giggles, unable to stop himself, and the blue-eyed boy smiles, as though he likes that.
"Hello, Charles. I'm Pierre," he says, squeezing Charles' hand. His eyes widen a moment later. "Oh! You've met your soulmate?!"
Charles doesn't understand what he means. "Well, yeah," he says. "It's y-"
And then he notices it.
Pierre's soulmate timer, right there on his wrist, right above where Charles is gripping his hand - it's still ticking.
Now, Charles doesn't know a lot about soulmates yet, but he knows that that's not good. Not good at all.
"I, um," Charles stammers, and then he does the one thing Maman and Papa said you should never do to your soulmate. Charles lies.
"I met so many new people today. I don't remember who it was."
Pierre's face falls. "Oh," he says, and he sounds unbearably sad for Charles. "But..." He chews his lip, shaking his head with a deep frown.
Then, mid-shake, Pierre's expression changes to one of determination. "I will help you find them," he says, with the kind of confidence Charles can only dream of when he's not on the racetrack.
He tugs on Charles' hand - which he still hasn't let go of - and Charles is helpless to do anything but follow.
They don't find Charles' soulmate anywhere, of course, and then Charles has to go win his race - but Pierre makes him promise that they will find each other at the next French karting event, and Charles will tell him all about his soulmate.
Charles promises, even though the idea makes his stomach feel all funny. I shouldn't be lying to my soulmate, he thinks, guiltily.
But Pierre's soulmate timer didn't stop ticking, and... that's not how soulmates are supposed to work.
The moment he's in the car with his father after the race, heading back home, Charles asks him about it.
Papa is quiet for a long moment, then: "Are you sure there wasn't someone behind Pierre, Charles?" he asks, in his careful, kind way. "Someone who's timer stopped at the same time as yours?"
Charles thinks about it for a moment, but even the idea of that feels - wrong, somehow. Like going into a corner and knowing you braked too hard, and you're going to flip the kart.
He shakes his head decisively. "No," he says. "It's Pierre."
He hears rather than sees his father blow out a soft sigh. Charles catches his eye in the rearview mirror, feeling confused and a little shaky inside.
When Papa sighs like that, it's never good news - it's usually something about sponsorship, which is a word Charles is already coming to dread.
It doesn't make sense how this could be about sponsorship, though. It probably isn't.
Charles waits for his father to gather his thoughts, like he needs to do sometimes to make sure he says exactly what he means. (It's something Maman keeps telling him he should try doing as well, but he's not so good at that yet.)
"You know how even the greatest racing drivers make mistakes sometimes?" Papa asks.
Charles frowns, but he nods. "Yes?"
"Sometimes the universe is like that, too. Sometimes the universe makes a mistake, and stops the timers too soon," Papa explains.
Charles frowns. He hasn't heard about that before, but he guesses it makes sense. It's true what Papa said - not even Senna was a perfect driver who never made mistakes. It makes sense that the universe is the same.
"But this doesn't mean you don't have a soulmate, okay, Charles?" Papa says before Charles can spend too much time thinking about the whole thing. His voice is firmer than Charles was expecting, and he reaches up to tilt the rearview mirror to see Charles better.
"It doesn't mean you don't have a soulmate," he repeats, like he doesn't want Charles to ever doubt that. "It just means it's going to be a little harder to find them."
Charles frowns, and he can't help but be a little annoyed. Isn't the whole point of soulmate timers to make it easier to find your perfect match?
It's just his luck that his soulmate timer doesn't work properly.
"I understand," Charles says, though, because he can tell it's important to his father.
Papa nods, but he keeps watching Charles in the rearview mirror for the rest of the drive, like he sometimes does after a race where Charles crashed the kart badly and he needs to keep making sure that Charles is fine.
Of course Charles is fine. He doesn't think this is comparable to a bad race at all! It's a little annoying, yes, but it's not that bad. It's just a bit of extra work, isn't it?
Charles shrugs his shoulders, glancing quickly down at the stopped soulmate timer at his wrist.
Whatever. Racing is more important than soulmates, anyway.
Almost twenty years later, Charles still says that to himself almost every day, even if he doesn't believe it with nearly the same careless seven-year-old confidence anymore: racing is more important than soulmates.
It is, because it has to be.
The thing is this: his father's explanation to Charles' seven-year-old self had been true - if a little oversimplified, and painted with an overt layer of kindness.
The truth Charles knows now is that there are two reasons, two categories, for people whose timers stop when the other person's keeps running.
One is, like Papa had said all those years ago, a simple case of mistaken timing - cases where the universe or fate or whatever controls it all stopped one person's timer a little too soon, or the other's a little too late.
It's harder to find each other in those cases, but it's still quite possible.
And then there's the second category. The unrequiteds. People whose timers stopped at the right time - when they met the person who would be their perfect match - except that they are not that person's perfect match in return. It only goes one way.
It's rare, but it happens sometimes. No system is perfect, after all - not even a system of soulmates.
For years and years, Charles tried to convince himself that he fell into the first category. His soulmate timer simply stopped too early, by some cosmic accident - but it's okay, Charles insists to everyone who asks and to himself as well, because what it's done is given Charles more time to focus on his racing instead. He's not constantly glancing down at his wrist and wondering when his timer is going to stop ticking - he can just get on with the racing.
He'll find his soulmate eventually, but on his own terms. There's nothing bad about that, surely.
Charles believes that. Really he does.
Except, if it's true and Charles falls into the first category - the mistaken timing category - then it would mean Pierre isn't his soulmate.
Pierre, who kept the promise he'd made to a seven-year-old who wasn't even his soulmate (because, yes, he had found Charles at the very next French karting cup, and he'd asked to meet Charles' soulmate - and when Charles had to admit that he still hadn't found them, Pierre had hugged him and told him not to give up and that he would find his soulmate someday. Pierre had held Charles' hand and explained that his parents almost didn't find each other, but they did. So it might take Charles some time, but that was okay, because it had taken Pierre's parents some time too, but now they were happier than ever. He'd been so convincing, firm but kind and absolutely sure of himself, and he'd made Charles believe it. He also made Charles smile, genuinely and truly, when he promised he'd stick by Charles' side no matter what anyone else said or whispered about his stopped soulmate timer.)
Pierre, who kept that promise about sticking with Charles, too. Pierre who never stopped being kind, and loyal, and the best friend Charles could ask for, whether he was seven or thirteen or nineteen or twenty-six.
Honestly, how was Charles supposed to not fall hopelessly in love with him?
He tried to deny it. For years and years, Charles tried to deny it - I will find my soulmate someday and it will all make sense, he'd tried to convince himself - but the thing was, what made more sense than Pierre being his soulmate?
It was roundabout the time of Pierre's first win (when Charles was standing under the podium in Monza with an aching back but a heart soaring with joy for his best friend despite the disaster of his own race) that Charles resigned himself to the truth: Pierre is his soulmate.
He has to be. Isn't a soulmate meant to be your perfect match; the person who understands you better than anyone and makes you happier than any other person in the world?
There's nobody else who could make Charles as happy as Pierre does. Nobody, nobody. There's no point in even trying to deny it anymore.
Pierre is his soulmate. But he is not Pierre's.
And that's okay. It's okay.
It has to be.
It isn't okay, not really, but that's true of a lot of things in Charles' life, and he's learned how to deal with them. He can deal with this, too.
On the whole, Charles thinks he does a pretty good job of dealing with it. He gets to be Pierre's best friend, after all - isn't that just a different kind of soulmate? True, Charles might want more, but it isn't like he has nothing. He has Pierre, and he will have Pierre for the rest of their lives.
Not in the way he wants, but - at least he will have Pierre.
The one thing he tries never to think about is Pierre's actual soulmate. Because Pierre has one, he knows, and he will meet them at some point.
Charles doesn't know how the hell he's supposed to look at some soulmate of Pierre's, and smile at her, and not be hopelessly, heartbreakingly jealous.
(He will do it, though. He will learn to smile at Pierre's soulmate - for Pierre's sake. He'll do it for Pierre.)
But that's a bridge he will cross when they get there. He doesn't have to worry about it yet (or at least, that's what Charles keeps telling himself even as the months tick by, and he knows there aren't year figures left on Pierre's soulmate timer anymore. Just months now, and then... weeks.)
Charles isn't thinking about it. He's put it out of his mind completely - which is easy enough to do, thankfully, given everything that's been happening on-track this season.
That's probably why he accepts Pierre's invitation to dinner in Montreal without thinking twice about it. (Even if he had realised, though, Charles doesn't think he would have been able to say no, either. He would give Pierre everything, if he only asked.)
So they go to dinner in Montreal, and it's perfect, and wonderful, and laughter-filled, and all in all exactly what Charles needed to distract himself from the fact that he has yet another engine penalty, and the sinking feeling that the championship is beginning to slip out of his reach.
Pierre seems to realise it, because he's in even finer form than usual - teasing Charles and tickling his ribs playfully and making him laugh at every possible opportunity.
Even on the drive back to the hotel: they stop at a red light, and Pierre steals Charles' cap, and Charles is giggling and filming it while Pierre is giggling back, and he's pretty sure neither of them are thinking about it at all, until-
Until Pierre's face changes from laughter to something almost ashen. "Charles," he says, and for all the years Charles has known him, he's never once heard Pierre's voice like that. "My soulmate timer just stopped."
For a few seconds, the words don't even register in Charles' mind.
Then they do, and Charles can feel his heart drop. "What?" he breathes.
His hands shake, and he doesn't even register the fact that the light has gone green as he glances all around them, craning his neck to see if there's anyone behind the white Ferrari, or around to the side.
Just a few minutes ago, their car had been surrounded by fans on all sides, all jostling to try and get pictures of them. But now, somehow, they're all alone in the Montreal night.
(The irony of it all is not lost on him - is this how Pierre felt all those years ago, when he was trying to look for Charles' soulmate at a karting cup, but not finding anybody it could be?)
"Are you sure it stopped just now? And not earlier?" Charles asks, willing his voice not to shake.
"Yeah," Pierre whispers. He sounds... devastated.
"But," Charles says, and then he has to take a deep breath. "But there's no-one else here, Pierrot."
"I know," Pierre says, somehow even softer.
Charles' fingers clench reflexively around the steering wheel, and he's moving in blank autopilot as he puts the car into gear and starts driving forward again.
He doesn't even realise he's shaking his head until Pierre says softly, "Charles." There's something wounded about it.
Charles stops shaking his head and slams on the brakes instead, jerking the car into something he hopes is a parking space at the side of the road.
"I don't understand," he says, far more calmly than he feels. "You can't - I can't be your soulmate."
Okay, maybe he's not so calm after all. But he doesn't think... he doesn't think anyone would be calm, in this situation.
Pierre makes a sound that could almost be a laugh, except that it sounds too strangled. "Do you know," he says, "that I have spent half my life wondering if the soulmate system got something wrong in my case? Because if you're not my soulmate, then who is? Who could possibly..."
Pierre does laugh this time, shaking his head. "You know, I asked to go out with you tonight for a reason. I knew - I knew it would happen tonight, so I needed to..." He swallows. "I needed to see you, one last time. Before I wouldn't be allowed to love you anymore."
It jolts through Charles then, what Pierre is trying to say. "Pierre," he breathes, and now it's his turn to say his best friend's name in a way he doesn't think he's ever said it before.
But Pierre's not finished yet. "I thought I could have one last night with you," he says. "One last night, before I had to say goodbye to my feelings, and try to love someone else."
My feelings. Try to love someone else.
Charles Leclerc is a lot of things, but an idiot is not one of them. He knows what Pierre is saying. He's...
Pierre loves him too. All along, Pierre has loved him too.
Only, he never had the option of thinking we're soulmates, Charles realised, and his heart twists in his chest.
Because Charles, for all that he accepted his soulbond toward Pierre was unrequited - at least he'd had the option of them being soulmates. Yes, it was in a twisted way, but at least he'd had that.
Pierre didn't. And he still fell in love with Charles.
The thought hits him like a shell-shock, and it's enough that Charles can only sit there for a moment, staring blankly, as Pierre continues talking beside him.
"I meant for tonight to just be a quick dinner together, something fun but normal for us," Pierre is saying, wringing his hands. "But I lost track of time. I always lose time when I'm talking to you, Charlito, I could talk to you forever - but the point is, I forgot to tell you I need to go back. I forgot that I was meant to meet my fucking soulmate tonight, because I was spending time with you, and - "
He takes a deep breath, and then he laughs again, leaning forward to drop his head into his hands. "I felt it happen, you know? I knew exactly when my soulmate timer stopped, because I could feel it, and it's - it was when I put that fucking cap on my head, Charles."
The cap that he's still wearing. Charles' 16 Ferrari cap.
Charles' hands shake as he reaches out to touch it, just the brim. "Your soulmate timer stopped when you put my cap on," he says, because a part of him still can't believe that this is real, that he's not living in some kind of heartbreakingly wonderful dream.
Pierre straightens up so fast that Charles is left with his fingers dangling awkwardly in mid-air. "Yes," he says, suddenly looking wild, "but this doesn't have to change anything, Charlito, I promise. I will still help you find your soulmate, and I will - I'll learn how to live with an unrequited bond, it's -"
"No!" Charles interrupts, half-throwing himself across the car to catch hold of Pierre's hands. "No, no, no, no. No more unrequited bonds, Pierrot."
Pierre starts to shake his head, but then he stops in the middle of the movement. "What do you mean," he asks, very carefully, "no more?"
And suddenly, Charles feels giddy, of all things. "I mean, your timer didn't stop when mine did. So for years, I have thought that we can't be soulmates, or at least that you couldn't be my soulmate. But now your timer stopped when you put on my cap, so -"
"Stop, stop, stop," Pierre says, squeezing Charles' hands tightly. "What do you mean, my timer didn't stop when yours did?"
"Oh," Charles says, and then he winces, the weight of the only real lie he's ever told his best friend (the only real lie he's ever told his soulmate) settling onto his shoulders with uncomfortable heaviness. "Um. Well. Do you remember when we met, and you thought I already met my soulmate?"
"No," Pierre breathes, but it's not the kind of no that says "no I don't remember." This no is more like "no way."
"Yeah," Charles says, and he can't help but look down at his own wrist, where the soulmate timer has been stopped for years and years. "My timer stopped the moment I met you, Pierrot."
Pierre doesn't look like he knows how to finish that sentence, but Charles understands him anyway. "How was I supposed to tell you? I was seven, Pierre, and your timer didn't stop. I thought it was a mistake for years."
"But?" Pierre asks, like he can tell there was a but.
Charles beams at him. "But, I realised that there was nobody else who could be my perfect match. So I thought you were my soulmate after all, but it was unrequited."
"Never," Pierre says with a fierceness Charles doesn't expect. "Charles, never. If I knew... if I thought I had even half a chance, I would have been with you anyway."
Charles tries to laugh, but it comes out all breathless. "No you wouldn't."
"Yes, I would," Pierre argues, and his voice is heartbreakingly sincere. "I don't care. I would have chosen you."
Charles hears a punched-out noise, and it takes him a moment to realise it came from him. The next moment, he's unbuckling his seatbelt and climbing awkwardly over to sit on Pierre's lap.
It's not quite comfortable, because for all its luxury, the white Ferrari does not have a lot of leg space - but Charles doesn't think either of them give a single fuck, in this moment.
"I love you," he tells Pierre, reaching up to cup his cheek. "I've always loved you, but I never would have stood between you and your soulmate."
"Funny," Pierre says, his hands coming up to grip Charles' hips, "because that's exactly what stopped me from kissing you senseless."
"Well," Charles says, and if he grinds down just a little on Pierre's lap, he'll swear to everyone who asks that it was accidental. "It doesn't have to stop us anymore."
"Never again," Pierre agrees, tightening his grip on Charles' hips. "Never."
"So kiss me senseless, please," Charles whispers, and then he adds "soulmate," and that's what does it. Pierre surges up and kisses him, wild and desperate and more than a little clumsy, but without question the best kiss Charles has ever had. His own cap digs into his forehead a little, but Charles can't even bring himself to care about that - they owe too much to this cap now, honestly.
Maybe the universe does know what it's doing after all, Charles thinks. Maybe the universe just wanted to write a good story for them. A story that goes like this:
Charles' soulmate timer stopped when he was seven years old, and he met the boy with the bluest eyes he'd ever seen.
Almost twenty years later, Pierre's soulmate timer stopped in a white Ferrari in Montreal, and Charles finally got to kiss the boy with the bluest eyes he's ever seen, the man who is his best friend and his soulmate.
The odds of it working out this way have to be... a million to one, probably, or maybe even less.
But then again, what are the odds that two boys who met at a French karting cup and became friends with a shared dream would both make it to Formula 1?
Maybe the answer is just that Pierre and Charles have always liked beating the odds.
(50 Romance Prompts Ask Meme) <- not currently taking more prompts, sorry!
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moe-broey · 19 days
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Got inspired to revisit this FEH comic redraw I did when it first dropped! Specifically these panels:
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Ended up freestyling that second Xane though LMFAOO he is just so impish to me...
If you wanna get Old Art Jumpscared I'll also include the original sketch under cut!
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In a way though, I'm glad that I dropped it and picked it up again later... like I feel like this isn't even from that long ago (guy who has no sense of the passage of time voice), but the characterization and even design of Moe is so different. The Scrunch and :< face were game changers for it LMFAOOO (also just making it autisticer 👍)
Beyond that I think everyone looks a lot better and closer to how I envision them, esp Loki!
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twistedappletree · 3 months
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edns · 16 days
for the writing game 21!!!! (chosen very randomly and has nothing to do with any of my ocs btw......)
Also i hope you're doing ok, have a nice day <33
Hiii! So sorry this took a second, I've been very tired and busy and to be fair I wasn't sure how to incorporate the prompt or make a writing idea out of it that wasn't just. Net zero information. I guess it kind of still is... again, not my best work, but I am doing these requests to get more comfy with posting my less polished and perfected writing so here goes! P.S. Thank you for asking how I've been! Not at my best right now but I believe I'll be okay :') P.P.S. Cyrus's view on the Church of Seir0s do not reflect my opinions about any of this it's just what he thinks. As a character
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21. amber
The cathedral of the Garreg Mach monastery was bathed in sunlight as the dawn was breaking. A lonely figure sat up on the bench, his white hair making him look like he was glowing. Cyrus found his own snow-white hair more annoying than he did beautiful or endearing.
As his mind woke itself up, a sense of urgency crept up on him. Right… Before he gave in to the sleep deprivation, Cyrus remembered watching Dimitri stand by the destroyed statue of the Goddess. Cyrus had seen him do this so many times, and, even after talking to Dimitri as much as he did, he never understood what the prince hoped to accomplish with praying to the Goddess. Both of them were nothing but toys in her wicked game, after all. Or that was how Cyrus saw it.
Looking up at the spot where Dimitri should’ve been, he saw nobody. Cyrus raised an eyebrow — where could he have gone off to? Dimitri barely left this spot before. Cyrus had to wonder if the man was safe now, as he remembered his tendencies to get himself in danger.
“Cyrus.” A familiar deep voice made Cyrus turn his head and finally look away from the statue ruins, before his thoughts could consume him. The familiar sound of armor clanking with each footstep gave Dimitri away.
“Your Highness?” Cyrus’s voice was still hoarse with sleepiness.
“You mustn’t sleep here. It is cold,” Dimitri said in a harsh, strict voice, his eye yet again set on the ruins of the statue. However, Cyrus could spot something in his hand — it was shining with a yellow glimmer, and was familiar to Cyrus for some reason. That made him look down on his cravat that always had been pinned by a shiny amber jewel… Only to find it gone.
“It seems you’ve lost this.” Looking away, Dimitri extended his hand to give the jewel to Cyrus; indeed, it was his amber jewel that used to be attached to the pin.
“Thank you.” Cyrus took it with hesitation.
In response, Dimitri groaned and looked away. “Think nothing of it.”
“Where were you during the night?” Cyrus insisted on talking to Dimitri, who appeared to be vexed, but actually wasn’t.
“While you were asleep, I noticed that you lost this,” Dimitri said, his voice somber. “So I went looking for it.”
Cyrus’s bright eyes widened, the curls of his hair bouncing slightly as he tilted his head, confused. He wanted to ask why, but didn’t want to sound ungrateful. Still, Dimitri picked up on it:
“Maybe you would leave me alone if I did something like this,” he said, his brow furrowed. “There, I did something kind to you. Will you leave me be?”
Heaving a sigh, Cyrus smiled as he looked down on the jewel. It had a dried blood stain on it. He shook his head slowly, and Dimitri’s eye widened with surprise.
“I’m afraid I cannot do that, Your Highness.”
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yanderespamton78 · 17 days
OK time to get back on the grind (finding that ice cream blog)
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i guess Eddie is just a gay as fuck name. who would'a thunk
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emblazons · 1 year
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"Did she...talk to you at all?"
Mike Wheeler & Will Byers in S04E09 - The Piggyback
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poppyseedmuffiin · 3 months
a completely normal thing that happens in Sky: Children of the Light ™
(sorry no sound bc I accidentally recorded external audio too and the sound of my nails tapping on the screen was super fucking loud 🤦‍♀️💀)
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neolxzr · 22 days
Literally a genuine question no ill intent
What do you like about Aira? As much as people are absolutely adamant Akira is projecting (I really don't think he is (I'm not saying Akira is innocent) I just think he's trying to address the prejudiced thoughts the average Japanese person will have on the Ainu) Aira's weird comments and behaviour to Hiiro have been there since day one. And I also think Aira being the one who says all this is because he's supposed to reflect the fans and the average Japanese fan probably isn't that educated on the Ainu + there can be a good few racist enstars fans...
I'm not trying to sound heated about this I'm just coming from a genuine place, what appeal is there in Aira?
Also, as much as the Aira fans are talking about blaming Akira, I feel like there should absolutely be a focus on Hiiro right now considering that comment was... yknow said to him. I just think we should actually be talking about the Amagis considering that comment was intended to discuss the Amagis and their culture and the discrimination they go through.
i had someone ask me a similar question once but not in the context of all thats happening currently so you can read that here if youre inclined
buuuut what made me like aira so much in the first place was honestly that his concept as a character is really funny. i made a post a long while back that went into the funny meta jokes that you could make using aira as a character before i really knew much about enstars at all. having a character in your idol series that loves idols and canonically reads fanfic about them is just a funny concept in general. and as i continued to read more he continued to be funny and annoying and endearing (his little mini interaction with midori comes to mind immediately. there is something wrong with him)
also i tend to gravitate towards characters that give me like. little sibling energy. i love having a favorite little guy to dote on
but afterwards what really drew me to him was the main story!! thermometry specifically comes to mind (ouuugh,,,,). his feature scout stories are also great and so is feather touch! i wont like. go into detail really cause my blog is covered in me talking about aira already
his dynamic with hiiro is one of my favorites too, especially in mainstory. their dynamic isnt JUST aira says shitty things to hiiro and thats it. their relationship develops really far to the point where aira admits that he needs hiiro as much as hiiro needs him. they're young and inexperienced and kind of codependent as they're trying to keep themselves from going under in a sort of cutthroat industry. i think thats really neat. their relationship is really sweet to me and aira is a great tsundere type of character. he regularly is shown to actually like hiiro a lot as mean as he can be to him sometimes i.e. here. and you know the whole holding hands thing (which they also fucked up in the climax story but Whatever)
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theres also this. which i think about regularly. the hiiai shipping fuel is vast
and additionally i think aira has some really great relationships with other characters too, alkaloid especially. feather touch develops his relationship with tatsumi a lot and its one of my favorite aira moments. i couldnt find my screenshots for this one but basically aira gives tatsumi his unlocked phone (something VERY important to aira since hes a little screenager) and it shows tatsumi just how much aira trusts him and he realizes how important aira is as a friend to him. being someone with a history like him aira's friendship is sort of new to him and it helps them both grow
he loves his friends so so much and he’s had a positive impact on all of alkaloid. he is its heart after all
but in any case i'm not going to like, defend myself for liking aira. i am aware that the shitty stuff has been there from the start but i've said something similar in the past that was like. aira isn't real and he cannot take accountability for what he says. he's a character written by real people who doesn't have any control over how he acts. so i guess that's why when i think the writers write something i dont think he would do or say in my own personal aira opinion i can sort of brush it off as just bad writing.
and not in the sense that i dont recognize that enstars sucks, because it does. enstars can be terribly racist sometimes and not just when concerning aira, and thats important to talk about (i.e. the orient cards, the king of thieves cards, etc). but at the end of the day the most important thing to recognize is the people and company behind the game as well as the real people who play the game and are affected by it. and not like, the specific characters in the game. cause they didn't actually do anything or feel anything you know
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moe-broey · 2 months
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Three of them
#fire emblem#feh#DIRECTLY INSPIRED by how sometimes i like to cheat in heroes journey and bring duo al/sharena LMFAOO#two of them and some other guy. idk when it happened it just integrated here.#world is a fuck born to tag along. this applies to BOTH moe and sharena i think.#it is so funny and so important to me actually that 'sometimes there's a third one' applies to both of them#anyways please please PLEASE read into the characterization in the poses bc i'm going to throw up. and cry#like fuck i'll do it for you actually LMFAO like moe is just silly. nosferatu ass. why do you sleep like that.#it doesn't like being touched a whole lot though. it's extremely picky about it. it's easier to hold a stuffed animal instead.#alfonse has a higher tolerance for touch but it's still situational. but when he touches he clings.#also. one hand gripping the plush goat ear. an acknowledgement of moe's boundaries.#and the other hand. lightly subconsciously holding on to a tuft of sharena's hair.#sharena has grown out of being super cuddly w alfonse but she will take any and every opportunity to 'steal body warmth'#she also directly mirrors him.#also i think whenever she shares a bed/sleeping area w someone she's a bed hog. she is pushing you off that thang#if you're not Willing to be smooshed by her. also. which is why alfonse is acting as a barrier here too LMFAO#like it's just a tiny doodle esp cause i didn't have the energy to do more but it made me ache so bad#that i threw up and exploded and died. badly.#fe alfonse#sharena#moe tag#summoner oc#my art
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weltraum-vaquero · 5 days
What are your most realistic predictions for Jayce in season two?
1. He cries snotty style, and 2. the fortiche animators finally cave after my 158 complaint emails and give him fuzzy hairy boobs.
Preferably they kill two birds with one stone and have him crying snotty style while he’s shirtless.
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