#50 romance prompts meme
singsweetmelodies · 6 months
Hello Katie 👋🏼👋🏼 :D
For the 50 romance prompts ask meme, I'll like to request for 44: soulmate AU: timers <3
but if possible... with a twist...? (you don't have to include a twist if it's too difficult to work it in!)
The twist being, for whatever reason, their countdown timers for each of them to the time they meet their soulmates doesn't match, so they think "we're not each other's soulmates. that's cool. (no it's not)" but it turns out that they're each other soulmates anyways. or they choose to be with each other in spite of not being each other's soulmates. idk. *nervous laughter*
hiiii charlotte 🥰 first off, i am SO sorry for the incredible delay with this answer!! i saw this prompt and i absolutely LOVED IT (and the twist!! 🙏 *chef's kiss*) but unfortunately i got struck with a horrible case of writer's block/work deadlines, and just couldn't get to it at all.
until yesterday: i decided to just open my inbox and see what came to me. no thinking, just following the vibe of a prompt and writing. and uh. this happened... not only did it get ridiculously long (oops?) but it also somehow became a mini "investigate montreal" fic?? so in that vein, i'm tagging @1016week and submitting a belated entry for Day 6 "Montreal"... ❤️
i love this one. hope you love it too!! 👀⌚
Charles' soulmate timer stops when he is seven years old, and he meets the boy with the bluest eyes he's ever seen.
He's been vibrating with excitement all weekend - not just because it's a karting cup, but because his soulmate timer has been ticking down to this day for months now. Well, not just months, not really. It's actually been his whole life, but Charles doesn't remember all of that. He only remembers the past few months, when the little numbers had been getting smaller and smaller, until there were only ten days left and Charles gasped when he realised that the day would fall on the same day as the Bridgestone Cup.
"Of course the girl I marry is going to like racing, too," he'd told Maman and Papa, confidingly. Not a lot about soulmates made much sense to him, but this did.
His Maman had tried to smile, and Charles had hugged her tight to let her know it was going to be okay. He would find his soulmate, and then everyone would be smiling, because that's what people do when you meet your soulmate.
(Later that night, when Charles had been too excited to sleep and he'd gone to the bathroom quickly, Charles had heard his parents having an argument in their room. The door was closed, so their voices were muffled, but Charles could still make out his Maman saying "I just don't think it's a good sign, to meet your soulmate so young!" But Papa had countered, "Many people do, and they have beautiful stories. You have to trust that our Charles will meet his perfect match tomorrow." And then there had been an icky noise, like kissing, and Charles had flushed the loo quickly and ran back to his room.)
Now, with the beautiful blue eyed boy standing in front of him, Charles thinks of Papa's words again. Our Charles will meet his perfect match tomorrow.
Charles thought it would be a girl who really liked karting, but this is even better. This is a boy who wins at karting, because he's holding a trophy in both hands and grinning like he couldn't be happier.
Of course Charles' perfect match would be someone who wins at karting. It's only right, because Charles also wins at karting.
Charles clears his throat. "Hi," he says shyly, and the blue-eyed boy jumps.
"Oh! Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see you there," he says apologetically, and then he laughs. He has a nice laugh, Charles thinks - like he knows how to have fun. "You are a bit short," the blue-eyed boy adds, and hey.
"Hey," Charles protests. "I'm tall for my age. I'm seven."
"Well, I'm nine," the blue-eyed boy says, like that's the most impressive age in the world.
It is a bit impressive, but not very, because Lorenzo is much older than that. Still, it is a little scary - Charles is only seven. What if this blue-eyed boy doesn't like him because he's only seven? Older kids can be mean like that.
No, he is your perfect match, Charles reminds himself. This blue-eyed boy won't be mean to him, because that's not how perfect matches work.
Charles takes a deep breath, then he sticks out his hand. "I'm Charles," he says.
The blue-eyed boy takes his hand, and it feels... weird. A little bit like when you get shocked by static electricity.
Charles giggles, unable to stop himself, and the blue-eyed boy smiles, as though he likes that.
"Hello, Charles. I'm Pierre," he says, squeezing Charles' hand. His eyes widen a moment later. "Oh! You've met your soulmate?!"
Charles doesn't understand what he means. "Well, yeah," he says. "It's y-"
And then he notices it.
Pierre's soulmate timer, right there on his wrist, right above where Charles is gripping his hand - it's still ticking.
Now, Charles doesn't know a lot about soulmates yet, but he knows that that's not good. Not good at all.
"I, um," Charles stammers, and then he does the one thing Maman and Papa said you should never do to your soulmate. Charles lies.
"I met so many new people today. I don't remember who it was."
Pierre's face falls. "Oh," he says, and he sounds unbearably sad for Charles. "But..." He chews his lip, shaking his head with a deep frown.
Then, mid-shake, Pierre's expression changes to one of determination. "I will help you find them," he says, with the kind of confidence Charles can only dream of when he's not on the racetrack.
He tugs on Charles' hand - which he still hasn't let go of - and Charles is helpless to do anything but follow.
They don't find Charles' soulmate anywhere, of course, and then Charles has to go win his race - but Pierre makes him promise that they will find each other at the next French karting event, and Charles will tell him all about his soulmate.
Charles promises, even though the idea makes his stomach feel all funny. I shouldn't be lying to my soulmate, he thinks, guiltily.
But Pierre's soulmate timer didn't stop ticking, and... that's not how soulmates are supposed to work.
The moment he's in the car with his father after the race, heading back home, Charles asks him about it.
Papa is quiet for a long moment, then: "Are you sure there wasn't someone behind Pierre, Charles?" he asks, in his careful, kind way. "Someone who's timer stopped at the same time as yours?"
Charles thinks about it for a moment, but even the idea of that feels - wrong, somehow. Like going into a corner and knowing you braked too hard, and you're going to flip the kart.
He shakes his head decisively. "No," he says. "It's Pierre."
He hears rather than sees his father blow out a soft sigh. Charles catches his eye in the rearview mirror, feeling confused and a little shaky inside.
When Papa sighs like that, it's never good news - it's usually something about sponsorship, which is a word Charles is already coming to dread.
It doesn't make sense how this could be about sponsorship, though. It probably isn't.
Charles waits for his father to gather his thoughts, like he needs to do sometimes to make sure he says exactly what he means. (It's something Maman keeps telling him he should try doing as well, but he's not so good at that yet.)
"You know how even the greatest racing drivers make mistakes sometimes?" Papa asks.
Charles frowns, but he nods. "Yes?"
"Sometimes the universe is like that, too. Sometimes the universe makes a mistake, and stops the timers too soon," Papa explains.
Charles frowns. He hasn't heard about that before, but he guesses it makes sense. It's true what Papa said - not even Senna was a perfect driver who never made mistakes. It makes sense that the universe is the same.
"But this doesn't mean you don't have a soulmate, okay, Charles?" Papa says before Charles can spend too much time thinking about the whole thing. His voice is firmer than Charles was expecting, and he reaches up to tilt the rearview mirror to see Charles better.
"It doesn't mean you don't have a soulmate," he repeats, like he doesn't want Charles to ever doubt that. "It just means it's going to be a little harder to find them."
Charles frowns, and he can't help but be a little annoyed. Isn't the whole point of soulmate timers to make it easier to find your perfect match?
It's just his luck that his soulmate timer doesn't work properly.
"I understand," Charles says, though, because he can tell it's important to his father.
Papa nods, but he keeps watching Charles in the rearview mirror for the rest of the drive, like he sometimes does after a race where Charles crashed the kart badly and he needs to keep making sure that Charles is fine.
Of course Charles is fine. He doesn't think this is comparable to a bad race at all! It's a little annoying, yes, but it's not that bad. It's just a bit of extra work, isn't it?
Charles shrugs his shoulders, glancing quickly down at the stopped soulmate timer at his wrist.
Whatever. Racing is more important than soulmates, anyway.
Almost twenty years later, Charles still says that to himself almost every day, even if he doesn't believe it with nearly the same careless seven-year-old confidence anymore: racing is more important than soulmates.
It is, because it has to be.
The thing is this: his father's explanation to Charles' seven-year-old self had been true - if a little oversimplified, and painted with an overt layer of kindness.
The truth Charles knows now is that there are two reasons, two categories, for people whose timers stop when the other person's keeps running.
One is, like Papa had said all those years ago, a simple case of mistaken timing - cases where the universe or fate or whatever controls it all stopped one person's timer a little too soon, or the other's a little too late.
It's harder to find each other in those cases, but it's still quite possible.
And then there's the second category. The unrequiteds. People whose timers stopped at the right time - when they met the person who would be their perfect match - except that they are not that person's perfect match in return. It only goes one way.
It's rare, but it happens sometimes. No system is perfect, after all - not even a system of soulmates.
For years and years, Charles tried to convince himself that he fell into the first category. His soulmate timer simply stopped too early, by some cosmic accident - but it's okay, Charles insists to everyone who asks and to himself as well, because what it's done is given Charles more time to focus on his racing instead. He's not constantly glancing down at his wrist and wondering when his timer is going to stop ticking - he can just get on with the racing.
He'll find his soulmate eventually, but on his own terms. There's nothing bad about that, surely.
Charles believes that. Really he does.
Except, if it's true and Charles falls into the first category - the mistaken timing category - then it would mean Pierre isn't his soulmate.
Pierre, who kept the promise he'd made to a seven-year-old who wasn't even his soulmate (because, yes, he had found Charles at the very next French karting cup, and he'd asked to meet Charles' soulmate - and when Charles had to admit that he still hadn't found them, Pierre had hugged him and told him not to give up and that he would find his soulmate someday. Pierre had held Charles' hand and explained that his parents almost didn't find each other, but they did. So it might take Charles some time, but that was okay, because it had taken Pierre's parents some time too, but now they were happier than ever. He'd been so convincing, firm but kind and absolutely sure of himself, and he'd made Charles believe it. He also made Charles smile, genuinely and truly, when he promised he'd stick by Charles' side no matter what anyone else said or whispered about his stopped soulmate timer.)
Pierre, who kept that promise about sticking with Charles, too. Pierre who never stopped being kind, and loyal, and the best friend Charles could ask for, whether he was seven or thirteen or nineteen or twenty-six.
Honestly, how was Charles supposed to not fall hopelessly in love with him?
He tried to deny it. For years and years, Charles tried to deny it - I will find my soulmate someday and it will all make sense, he'd tried to convince himself - but the thing was, what made more sense than Pierre being his soulmate?
It was roundabout the time of Pierre's first win (when Charles was standing under the podium in Monza with an aching back but a heart soaring with joy for his best friend despite the disaster of his own race) that Charles resigned himself to the truth: Pierre is his soulmate.
He has to be. Isn't a soulmate meant to be your perfect match; the person who understands you better than anyone and makes you happier than any other person in the world?
There's nobody else who could make Charles as happy as Pierre does. Nobody, nobody. There's no point in even trying to deny it anymore.
Pierre is his soulmate. But he is not Pierre's.
And that's okay. It's okay.
It has to be.
It isn't okay, not really, but that's true of a lot of things in Charles' life, and he's learned how to deal with them. He can deal with this, too.
On the whole, Charles thinks he does a pretty good job of dealing with it. He gets to be Pierre's best friend, after all - isn't that just a different kind of soulmate? True, Charles might want more, but it isn't like he has nothing. He has Pierre, and he will have Pierre for the rest of their lives.
Not in the way he wants, but - at least he will have Pierre.
The one thing he tries never to think about is Pierre's actual soulmate. Because Pierre has one, he knows, and he will meet them at some point.
Charles doesn't know how the hell he's supposed to look at some soulmate of Pierre's, and smile at her, and not be hopelessly, heartbreakingly jealous.
(He will do it, though. He will learn to smile at Pierre's soulmate - for Pierre's sake. He'll do it for Pierre.)
But that's a bridge he will cross when they get there. He doesn't have to worry about it yet (or at least, that's what Charles keeps telling himself even as the months tick by, and he knows there aren't year figures left on Pierre's soulmate timer anymore. Just months now, and then... weeks.)
Charles isn't thinking about it. He's put it out of his mind completely - which is easy enough to do, thankfully, given everything that's been happening on-track this season.
That's probably why he accepts Pierre's invitation to dinner in Montreal without thinking twice about it. (Even if he had realised, though, Charles doesn't think he would have been able to say no, either. He would give Pierre everything, if he only asked.)
So they go to dinner in Montreal, and it's perfect, and wonderful, and laughter-filled, and all in all exactly what Charles needed to distract himself from the fact that he has yet another engine penalty, and the sinking feeling that the championship is beginning to slip out of his reach.
Pierre seems to realise it, because he's in even finer form than usual - teasing Charles and tickling his ribs playfully and making him laugh at every possible opportunity.
Even on the drive back to the hotel: they stop at a red light, and Pierre steals Charles' cap, and Charles is giggling and filming it while Pierre is giggling back, and he's pretty sure neither of them are thinking about it at all, until-
Until Pierre's face changes from laughter to something almost ashen. "Charles," he says, and for all the years Charles has known him, he's never once heard Pierre's voice like that. "My soulmate timer just stopped."
For a few seconds, the words don't even register in Charles' mind.
Then they do, and Charles can feel his heart drop. "What?" he breathes.
His hands shake, and he doesn't even register the fact that the light has gone green as he glances all around them, craning his neck to see if there's anyone behind the white Ferrari, or around to the side.
Just a few minutes ago, their car had been surrounded by fans on all sides, all jostling to try and get pictures of them. But now, somehow, they're all alone in the Montreal night.
(The irony of it all is not lost on him - is this how Pierre felt all those years ago, when he was trying to look for Charles' soulmate at a karting cup, but not finding anybody it could be?)
"Are you sure it stopped just now? And not earlier?" Charles asks, willing his voice not to shake.
"Yeah," Pierre whispers. He sounds... devastated.
"But," Charles says, and then he has to take a deep breath. "But there's no-one else here, Pierrot."
"I know," Pierre says, somehow even softer.
Charles' fingers clench reflexively around the steering wheel, and he's moving in blank autopilot as he puts the car into gear and starts driving forward again.
He doesn't even realise he's shaking his head until Pierre says softly, "Charles." There's something wounded about it.
Charles stops shaking his head and slams on the brakes instead, jerking the car into something he hopes is a parking space at the side of the road.
"I don't understand," he says, far more calmly than he feels. "You can't - I can't be your soulmate."
Okay, maybe he's not so calm after all. But he doesn't think... he doesn't think anyone would be calm, in this situation.
Pierre makes a sound that could almost be a laugh, except that it sounds too strangled. "Do you know," he says, "that I have spent half my life wondering if the soulmate system got something wrong in my case? Because if you're not my soulmate, then who is? Who could possibly..."
Pierre does laugh this time, shaking his head. "You know, I asked to go out with you tonight for a reason. I knew - I knew it would happen tonight, so I needed to..." He swallows. "I needed to see you, one last time. Before I wouldn't be allowed to love you anymore."
It jolts through Charles then, what Pierre is trying to say. "Pierre," he breathes, and now it's his turn to say his best friend's name in a way he doesn't think he's ever said it before.
But Pierre's not finished yet. "I thought I could have one last night with you," he says. "One last night, before I had to say goodbye to my feelings, and try to love someone else."
My feelings. Try to love someone else.
Charles Leclerc is a lot of things, but an idiot is not one of them. He knows what Pierre is saying. He's...
Pierre loves him too. All along, Pierre has loved him too.
Only, he never had the option of thinking we're soulmates, Charles realised, and his heart twists in his chest.
Because Charles, for all that he accepted his soulbond toward Pierre was unrequited - at least he'd had the option of them being soulmates. Yes, it was in a twisted way, but at least he'd had that.
Pierre didn't. And he still fell in love with Charles.
The thought hits him like a shell-shock, and it's enough that Charles can only sit there for a moment, staring blankly, as Pierre continues talking beside him.
"I meant for tonight to just be a quick dinner together, something fun but normal for us," Pierre is saying, wringing his hands. "But I lost track of time. I always lose time when I'm talking to you, Charlito, I could talk to you forever - but the point is, I forgot to tell you I need to go back. I forgot that I was meant to meet my fucking soulmate tonight, because I was spending time with you, and - "
He takes a deep breath, and then he laughs again, leaning forward to drop his head into his hands. "I felt it happen, you know? I knew exactly when my soulmate timer stopped, because I could feel it, and it's - it was when I put that fucking cap on my head, Charles."
The cap that he's still wearing. Charles' 16 Ferrari cap.
Charles' hands shake as he reaches out to touch it, just the brim. "Your soulmate timer stopped when you put my cap on," he says, because a part of him still can't believe that this is real, that he's not living in some kind of heartbreakingly wonderful dream.
Pierre straightens up so fast that Charles is left with his fingers dangling awkwardly in mid-air. "Yes," he says, suddenly looking wild, "but this doesn't have to change anything, Charlito, I promise. I will still help you find your soulmate, and I will - I'll learn how to live with an unrequited bond, it's -"
"No!" Charles interrupts, half-throwing himself across the car to catch hold of Pierre's hands. "No, no, no, no. No more unrequited bonds, Pierrot."
Pierre starts to shake his head, but then he stops in the middle of the movement. "What do you mean," he asks, very carefully, "no more?"
And suddenly, Charles feels giddy, of all things. "I mean, your timer didn't stop when mine did. So for years, I have thought that we can't be soulmates, or at least that you couldn't be my soulmate. But now your timer stopped when you put on my cap, so -"
"Stop, stop, stop," Pierre says, squeezing Charles' hands tightly. "What do you mean, my timer didn't stop when yours did?"
"Oh," Charles says, and then he winces, the weight of the only real lie he's ever told his best friend (the only real lie he's ever told his soulmate) settling onto his shoulders with uncomfortable heaviness. "Um. Well. Do you remember when we met, and you thought I already met my soulmate?"
"No," Pierre breathes, but it's not the kind of no that says "no I don't remember." This no is more like "no way."
"Yeah," Charles says, and he can't help but look down at his own wrist, where the soulmate timer has been stopped for years and years. "My timer stopped the moment I met you, Pierrot."
Pierre doesn't look like he knows how to finish that sentence, but Charles understands him anyway. "How was I supposed to tell you? I was seven, Pierre, and your timer didn't stop. I thought it was a mistake for years."
"But?" Pierre asks, like he can tell there was a but.
Charles beams at him. "But, I realised that there was nobody else who could be my perfect match. So I thought you were my soulmate after all, but it was unrequited."
"Never," Pierre says with a fierceness Charles doesn't expect. "Charles, never. If I knew... if I thought I had even half a chance, I would have been with you anyway."
Charles tries to laugh, but it comes out all breathless. "No you wouldn't."
"Yes, I would," Pierre argues, and his voice is heartbreakingly sincere. "I don't care. I would have chosen you."
Charles hears a punched-out noise, and it takes him a moment to realise it came from him. The next moment, he's unbuckling his seatbelt and climbing awkwardly over to sit on Pierre's lap.
It's not quite comfortable, because for all its luxury, the white Ferrari does not have a lot of leg space - but Charles doesn't think either of them give a single fuck, in this moment.
"I love you," he tells Pierre, reaching up to cup his cheek. "I've always loved you, but I never would have stood between you and your soulmate."
"Funny," Pierre says, his hands coming up to grip Charles' hips, "because that's exactly what stopped me from kissing you senseless."
"Well," Charles says, and if he grinds down just a little on Pierre's lap, he'll swear to everyone who asks that it was accidental. "It doesn't have to stop us anymore."
"Never again," Pierre agrees, tightening his grip on Charles' hips. "Never."
"So kiss me senseless, please," Charles whispers, and then he adds "soulmate," and that's what does it. Pierre surges up and kisses him, wild and desperate and more than a little clumsy, but without question the best kiss Charles has ever had. His own cap digs into his forehead a little, but Charles can't even bring himself to care about that - they owe too much to this cap now, honestly.
Maybe the universe does know what it's doing after all, Charles thinks. Maybe the universe just wanted to write a good story for them. A story that goes like this:
Charles' soulmate timer stopped when he was seven years old, and he met the boy with the bluest eyes he'd ever seen.
Almost twenty years later, Pierre's soulmate timer stopped in a white Ferrari in Montreal, and Charles finally got to kiss the boy with the bluest eyes he's ever seen, the man who is his best friend and his soulmate.
The odds of it working out this way have to be... a million to one, probably, or maybe even less.
But then again, what are the odds that two boys who met at a French karting cup and became friends with a shared dream would both make it to Formula 1?
Maybe the answer is just that Pierre and Charles have always liked beating the odds.
(50 Romance Prompts Ask Meme) <- not currently taking more prompts, sorry!
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oh-nostalgiaa · 3 months
Writing Prompt Masterlist, Part Five
Masterlist of Writing Prompt Masterlists
The Prompts
28 Days of Smut Prompts
50 Dialogue Prompts, Part Two
50 Vague Angsty + Hurt / Comfort Dialogue Prompts
50 Ways to Say I Hate You Prompts
79 Dialogue Prompts
After the Kiss Response Prompts
And They Were Roommates Prompts
Angst Prompts for All Your Heartbreak Needs
Angsty Dialogue Prompts
Angsty Sentence Starter Prompts
Arranged Matrimony for Royalty Prompts
Baby, It's Cold Outside Prompts
Best Friends to Lovers Prompts
Bubbly + Reserved Romance Dialogue Prompts
Childhood Exes to Lovers Prompts
Childhood Friends to Lovers (Reuniting & Reigniting) Prompts
Chilly Winter Prompts
Christmas Pick-Up Lines Sentence Starter Prompts
Comforting Sentence Starter Prompts
Confrontation Prompts
Dancing in the Rain Prompts
Death Prompts That Tore My Heart Apart
December Prompts
Defending the Right to Not Say Prompts
Dire Situations Prompts
Emotional Hurt / Comfort Prompts
Emotional Starters to Kick You in the Feelings Prompts
Extremely Self-Indulgent Prompts
Fan x Celebrity Prompts
Fluffy Moments Prompts
Gestures to Get You on Your Knees Prompts
Hand Touching Prompts
Heartbreak Sentence Starter Prompts
Hurt / Comfort Dialogue Prompts
Hurt / Comfort Dialogue Prompts, Part II
Hurt / Comfort Dialogue Prompts, Part III
Hurt and Comfort Dialogue Prompts
I Love You Prompts
Injured & Healers Prompts
January Prompts
Kiss Sentence Starter Prompts
Love Languages - Quality Time Prompts
Magic Fatigue / Exhaustion / Overuse Prompts
Meaningful Gestures Prompts
Modern Royalty AU Prompts
More Break-Up Dialogue Prompts
More Sick Prompts
More Teasing Dialogue Prompts
Mostly Angsty Drabble Prompts
Non-verbal Starter Prompts
Noticing / Being Noticed Prompts
One True Pairing Moments Prompts
Other Ways to Say I Love You Starter Prompts
Pain is Weakness Leaving the Body Prompts
Physical Contact Starter Prompts
Pillow Thoughts Prompts
Post-Breakup AU Prompts
Prompt List #1
Prompt List #2
Prompt List #3
Prompt Set 2
Prompt Set 3
Prompt Set 7
Prompt Set 8
Prompt Set 10
Prompt Set 18
Prompt Set 25
Prompts for Angsty Conversations
Prompts for Characters Who Are Slowly Falling in Love
Question Sentence Starter Prompts
Random Angsty Sentence Starter Prompts
Reunion After Physical Trauma Prompts
Romantic Date Dialogue Prompts
Roommates to Lovers (Who Are Scared to Confess) Prompts
Royal Arranged Marriage Dialogue Prompts
Royalty Dialogue Prompts
Royalty Forced Marriage to Actual Lovers Prompts
Scenarios with Undertones of Tension Prompts
Seduction Starter Prompts
Send a Number to Do X With Prompts
Set the Scene Prompts
Sexy / Suggestive Dialogue Prompts
Sinful Sentence Prompts
Six Word Sentence Starter Prompts
Softer Shippy Prompts
Spending Time Together Prompts
Super Soft Intimacy Prompts
Symbol Meme Starter Prompts
Tearful Goodbye Prompts
Teasing Prompts
Tired / Exhausted / Feeling Very Weak Starter Prompts
Tol & Smol Prompts
Valentine Interactions Prompts
Valentine's Day Prompts
Where to Land Prompts
Whump Dialogue Prompts
Words of Love Prompts
Worried Sentence Starter Prompts
Year of the OTP 2023 Prompts
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
50 Romance Prompts Ask Meme
From my 141 prompts (plus links) post
A mix of normal/standard AUs and a few Funky Ones. Send one or more characters and a prompt, and maybe you'll get a drabble!
Reminder: You send prompts to people in the ask box, not through replies.
Met at the Gym
Niche Academic Field AU
Food-based Small Business Owner and their New Regular
Author and Editor
Mystery Author and Serial Killer
Cosplayer and Creator of the series they're cosplaying from (author, actor, whatever)
Made out while in costume at a Halloween Party
Renaissance Playwright/Artist/Artisan/Creator and their Wealthy Patron
One Night Stand but the next morning you learn it's your CEO's kid
Bodyguard AU
Whoops I accidentally became a Sugar Baby
Whoops I accidentally fell in love with the sex worker I've been involved with (OnlyFans, exotic dancer, full-service, whatever)
Rich person pretends to be poor, secures a date with actual working-class person
Celebrity Romance
Con Artist and the person who saw through their grift
We each don't speak the other's language, but we both speak Klingon or Ancient Greek or Latin or something so we're making do
Sexy Repairman
Hot Single Parent and babysitter/nanny
Pilot and Flight Attendant
Model and Designer
Accidental Pregnancy
Fake Dating
Fake Married
Marriage of Convenience
Green Card Marriage
Arranged Marriage
Age Difference Marriage
Mistaken for Cheating
Casanova in Love
Only One Bed
The Perfect Student/Citizen and the one with a motorcycle and tattoos and piercings (and a heart of gold)
"My parents are out of town, you up?"
Just saw an ex at an event, started making out with the hottest person in arm's reach and now we're dating?
There's a ghost here and I'm going to date it
Assassins after the same target
Regency Romance
Late Victorian Dueling Detectives
Silent film stars
Alien and astronaut
Reincarnation AU
Soulmate AU: Matching Marks
Soulmate AU: First Words
Soulmate AU: Timers
Vampire and Hunter
Demon and Angel
Eldritch Being and the person they are being SO normal about
Omegaverse, but it's not Alpha Male/Omega Male
Hallmark Film AU
Disney Princess Film AU
And the other sections of the 141 Prompts list:
26 Family Prompts
37 Platonic/Gen Prompts
28 Setting Prompts
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burntsecrets · 2 years
Writeblr/Fanfiction/Tumblr Introduction!
Tumblr media
Hello, Writeblr & FanFiction community! You may call me Evie or Coven (a nickname my friends gave me that’s from my Gamertag), my pronouns are she/her, and I’m from the United States–Chicago specifically.  I used to write a lot of fanfiction on Fanfiction.net before A03 was a thing. I’ve had an RP blog for Damon Salvatore for 12yrs that has over 19k followers. 
I decided to bring my old Fanfiction from fanfiction.net and my new material to Tumblr. I will have a Patreon/use Post+ for my fanfiction series. While I do love to write, I don’t do this full time, and by using Patreon/Post+, it will not only keep me accountable but will allow me to create more content for you all. 
Aside from writing, I’m in an axe-throwing league, and I enjoy going out and exploring not only my city but the outdoors, whether it be camping or hiking. I also have a few small businesses that I run as well as my full-time job. 
I  want to focus on reading and reblogging other people’s work as well as commenting. So if you see me reblog someone’s work, I’ve read it and will leave a nice comment/review on it. 
I may also give you all excerpts/ask for your opinion on my current WIP novel.
I'll also post mood boards for stories, poems, and novels I'm writing
You'll also see writer memes/humor posts as well
My original stories are mostly paranormal and/or horror, with a splash of romance in some.
Poetry, but I won’t post those on here I’m in the process of making books out of my poems
Fantasy, fanfiction (duh, lol), romance, paranormal, horror, etc. 
First things first, these are the current fandoms and characters I write.
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Lucifer (Netflix series) 
Witcher (Netflix series)
Stranger Things
The Vampire Diaries
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
True Blood
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Clark Kent
Chloe Sullivan
Lois Lane
Eddie Munson
Steve Harrington
Lucifer Morningstar
Damon Salvatore
Caroline Forbes
Spike (from Buffy)
Bucky/Winter Soldier
The Witcher/White Wolf
If you'd like to be tagged in posts for a specific fandom or character, please fill out this form here, and you'll be alerted when I upload a post that you want to be tagged in.
Every Monday, I will upload what is called flash fiction. Flash Fiction are short fiction stories only 50-75 words long. Someone will be original, and some will be fandom based. You may send me one-word prompts for #MayhemFlashMondays.
Third, I upload drabbles such as Imagines,  What It's Like ______, and POV posts every day of the week. But longer stories will be uploaded on what I'm calling #FanFictionFridays. 
Once a month, the third Wednesday in each month will be what I call #WickedWednesdays, and smutty stories will be uploaded then. Our first one will happen in October, so send me smutty prompts/ideas to my inbox here!  The official tag will be #CovensWickedWednesdays
I’ll be honest, not sure if there’s another writer that has already started #fanfictionfridays or #wickedwednesdays, and if there is, I’m sorry! I couldn’t find anyone doing it when I was researching these ideas. If you know of someone else using those exact tags/ideas, please let me know, and I’ll brainstorm a new tag for those days. 
On Sundays, I will upload six-word sentences. Each six-word sentence is built to tell a complete story. You may send me one-word prompts for #SixSundays
Please do NOT interact if:
You're a minor
You support MAPs or zoos
You sexualize minors. All of my characters will be 18+. For my ATLA fanfic, those characters have been aged up to the ages of 22-24 since they are older in Korra.
You're a TERF
You're homophobic/transphobic
You're racist or bigoted in any other way
*both Flash Fiction and Six Word Sentences are writing exercises designed to get writers thinking creatively before a writing session.
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crockettmarcel · 3 years
prompt list masterpost!!
cliche prompts
"i love you" dialogue prompt list
reassuring sentence starters
bedtime starters
101 ways to say I love you
love prompts
comforting prompts
100 ways to say I love you
soft fic prompt meme
stages of relationships
50 wordless ways to say I love you
more under the cut!
misc angst starters
angst drabble prompts
finding someone (also slightly whumpy)
concerned/angsty question prompts
breaking down starters
pregnancy prompts
gruff and confused parent prompts
101 family prompts
50 prompts with a child
single mother starters
sick prompts
shaken prompts
scary prompts
medical whump starters
sick whump scenarios
sick asks
sickness starters I
sickness starters II
whump dialogue prompts
memory loss starters
sickness prompts
whump tropes
alphabetical one word whump prompts
emoji whump prompts
blood & bruises starters
nsfw actions prompts
first time sentence starters
106 nsfw prompts
soft smut prompts
smut fic prompts
smutty prompts
nsfw prompts that don't sound like a bad porno
one word prompts
drabble prompt list
101 one word prompts
one word prompt list #2
short and sweet prompts
misc sentence starters
100 general prompts
drabble challenge
five word prompts
ridiculous sentence prompts
social media related prompts
morning after starters
more morning after starters
touch prompts
pride prompts
prompts for each emotion
au + trope + prompt game
drinking starters
question prompts
runaway starters
night in prompts
first times prompts (fluff, angst, smut)
friendship prompts
christmas AU prompts
christmas starters
royal ball sentence starters
autumn prompts
a day at the lake prompts
64 sensory prompts
espionage/spy based starters
100 meet-ugly prompts
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favoniuscodex · 3 years
modern!au headcanons [ diluc, kaeya ]
prompt: domestic modern!au headcanons for diluc and kaeya, as requested by anon pairing: diluc x gn!reader, kaeya x gn!reader warnings: none, sfw word count: ~1.3k words
a/n: hhhh love this concept,,, headcanons are super easy for me to grind out too <333 thank u for the request, nonnie! these are just a random assortment, i hope that’s okay! why was i struggling not to make these nsfw
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probably pretty busy and lives in the city. you’re more than welcome to stay at his place if you want, but he realizes that his luxurious apartment can get pretty lonely if he’s not there
is very apologetic on the nights he comes home late (which is most of them). but, you get to lay in bed and watch him take off his shirt and tie as he changes into his pajamas, so you’re never frustrated for too long.
just wants to cuddle and watch movies whenever he has downtime with you after work. he works a lot :( just take it easy with him
probably has a chef that will cook for the two of you, but also doesn’t really like people crawling around his apartment when he’s there (aside from you, of course)
he’s rich. that’s what i’m trying to say.
definitely dresses in suits every day for work, but has a pretty decent fashion sense outside of work. he works the expensive-looking, all black outfits. likes to match with you, but won’t outright say so unless if you ask.
likely adores the concept of those heartbeat bracelets? it just seems something he would be super into.
also has flowers delivered to your workplace if you’re comfortable with him doing such a thing.
he tries to make time once a week to have lunch with you, but you’ll likely have to come to his office if you want to do so. he always pays for the meal in return!
he likely worked seven days a week until the two of you got super serious. if you have a specific day of the week off, guess what? so does he now.
very much a cuddlebug. his favorite way to spend a lazy saturday morning, when he’s able to, is to stay in bed with you until 1pm.
he’s pretty introverted, but you’re one of the few people that doesn’t tire him out, so diluc’s absolutely enamored with you.
he’s not overprotective per se, but he knows how nasty people can be and he worries. if you’re working late, even if he’s not home, he appreciates a text whenever you get home for peace of mind. he’ll always text you when he’s working late, too!
speaking of texting, he’s probably very formal in texts. you could be like “ilysm, you’re so cute aaaaaaaa” and he would be like “Thank you. I love you too. I will be home later.”
uses emojis on rare occasions. it’s always just a smiley face or something simple. doesn’t really understand memes if you send them to him, but he’ll laugh anyways if it makes you happy. doesn’t really understand text slang or acronyms either.
diluc secretly likes if you send cute animal pictures or videos to him while he’s at work. if the two of you have a pet together, sending pictures of that pet would make him absolutely melt.
he also enjoys receiving selfies of you! he’ll often time text compliments that are often too brazen to say irl. things like Your eyes catch the sunlight and glow like gemstones. in that picture or You look adorable. I hope you are having fun! if you text him a picture of you out at lunch with friends.
he might suck at texting, but messages from you give him a brief reprieve from work ;;;
likes to cook with you. if you don’t know how, he’ll make time to take cooking classes with you. he finds it romantic.
also likes to drive when the two of you are in the car together. sure, it’s partially because he’s the owner of a nice car, but he primarily does it for one reason: to see your flustered face when he puts his arm behind your headrest when he turns to check that it’s okay to back the car up. who cares if his car has a backup camera? he’s going to do it anyways.
kaeya is less busy than diluc when it comes to work schedule. he more or less has the 40-50 hour work week and can relax on the weekends. much more of a stable schedule than his brother!
which means, of course, more kaeya time.
if you’re working late, he WILL make you dinner. he’s big on doing little things for his s/o and he LOVES the way your eyes light up when you see cooking, especially his cooking, waiting for you when you get home.
he prefers to go on dates outside of the house! the two of you take turns planning dates and he likes to get creative with his. there’s an old retro arcade in the city? he’s taking you there. a cute little speakeasy nestled into a newer part of town? kaeya will surprise you with it.
kaeya 100% gives me art museum vibes. surprisingly, he gets flustered when you say that he’s prettier than the paintings that line the walls.
SUPER big on fashion. have you seen how he makes his knight uniform look good? yeah. 100% is a fashionista and rocks it. will also help you with your wardrobe if you’re not confident in it!
seems like a guy who would actually like to go shopping. if you don’t go shopping with him, expect a bunch of selfies of him in the dressing room mirror asking if outfits look good.
wayyyy less of a formal texter than diluc but definitely is probably bad at responding to texts. he’ll see your texts, register them in his head, and be like “i will respond to that in a second!” then immediately gets distracted and forgets
so yeah, he leaves you on read a lot :( not intentionally !!! he’s apologetic when he does for too long.
prefers if you drive because he’s too busy trying to show off that he knows all of the lyrics to your joint playlist on spotify. yes, he’s even memorized the songs you added, if only to flex.
when the two of you go out drinking, a lot of times it’s not together. you go with your friends and he goes with his, but the two of you text each other throughout the night to ensure the other’s safety. it’s one of the few times he ensures that he doesn’t leave you on read.
when the two of you first move in with each other, he gets excited to buy new furniture with you and eagerly looks forward to all of the simple little tasks the two of you will have to complete in order to move in with each other.
plasters you all over his social media. probably loses a lot of followers because of it (after all, he’s a hot guy who is no longer single) but still posts you incessantly, as long as you’re comfortable with it. he doesn’t really care about anyone else.
will start talking about how awesome you are to girls/guys who try to slide into his dms. it scares them off.
he adores your cooking, even if you’re godawful at it. to him, anything you cook is a five star meal! he’s very supportive of everything you do, even if you’re objectively bad at it
surprisingly likes to play board games? i feel like he would be a chess guy, but monopoly and the likes are fun to him. he’s not the best at video games, but he’ll be effortlessly good at mariokart. it’s almost infuriating the way he stays completely calm throughout every game, win or lose.
very much an impromptu kind of guy when it comes to romance while diluc is more of a planner. kaeya figures the best moments to sweep you off your feet are when you aren’t expecting it!
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raptortext · 3 years
100 Trope Prompts!
I decided to make a prompt meme!
Toss a number + ship/pair into my askbox and I’ll write a fic of [redacted] length based on it! Here’s my fandoms list/rules!
And ofc anyone is more than free to reblog and use these! 
1. Enemies to Lovers 2. There Was Only One Bed 3. Fake Dating 4. Arranged Marriage 5. Meet Cute 6. Snow Means Love 7. Soulmates Across Lifetimes 8. Wrong Soulmate 9. Snowed In 10. Assigned Bodyguard 11. Oh No We Must Share Body Heat 12. Long Distance 13. Mutual Pining 14. Friends to Lovers 15. Childhood Friends 16. Sharing A Drink/Food 17. Making Food For You 18. Crossing Blades 19. Caught Under the Mistletoe 20. First Kiss 21. Spin the Bottle/Seven Minutes in Heaven 22. Caught in the Rain 23. It's Okay If It's You 24. You Make Me Calm 25. Missing Piece/You Complete Me 26. Accidentally Confessing 27. Purposefully Confessing 28. Single Parent/Child Caretaker 29. Immortal/Mortal 30. Vampire/Human 31. Demon/Human 32. Angel/Human 33. Angel/Demon 34. Werewolf/Human 35. Vampire/Werewolf 36. Gotta Take The Drunk One Home 37. Promises 38. Made It Just The Way You Like It 39. Knight/Prince(ss) 40. Red String of Fate 41. Drift Compatibility 42. Rescuing 43. Getting a Pet Together 44. Stay With Me Until I Fall Asleep 45. Wrong Number/Misfire 46. Not The Person I Fell In Love With 47. Darkness/Light 48. First Holiday Together 49. Moving In Together 50. Marriage Proposal 51. Old Neighbors 52. New Neighbors 53. Will They Won't They 54. Kissing Scars 55. Secluded Vacation 56. Secret Romance 57. True Love's Kiss 58. Barely Clothed For Some Reason 59. Fell On Top of You 60. Last Seat on the Train 61. Kabedon/Trap Aagainst the Wall 62. Ago-kui/Grab by the Chin 63. Grab by the Throat 64. Catch From Falling 65. The Bet 66. Delinquent/Good Kid 67. Repaying A Debt 68. Only I Can Kill You 69. Prodigy/Hard Worker 70. Magic/Non-magic 71. Taking Care of Someone Who's Sick 72. Accidentally Engaged 73. Left Something Behind 74. Battle Buddies 75. Guardian Angel 76. Deal With A Devil 77. Always Love You 78. You Found Out My Secret 79. Spoiling Somebody 80. Polyamory 81. Met On Vacation 82. What You Can Never Have 83. Second Chance At Love 84. Friends With Benefits Catching Feelings 85. Meet Again After Years Away 86. You Make Me Feel Safe 87. Star Crossed Lovers 88. Can Only Meet A Few Days Every Many Years 89. Don't Underestimate My Partner 90. I'd Do Anything For You 91. I'll Fill In To Be Your Partner 92. Will You Tutor Me 93. You Make Me Feel Free 94. You Are My Family Now 95. You Make Me Feel Young 96. Secret Pining 97. Trusting You With A Secret 98. I'll Always Come Back To You 99. Nursing Your Wounds 100. Our Secret Spot
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boom-crunch3r · 3 years
Warden as Companion
Alright. So. I got really into thinking about Companion AU for my inquisitor, and I had to go further and think about my wardens too. So they get their own prompt list yaaay! And I'm publishing these in case someone else might want to use them too yaaaaaay! This is based on oatcarwilde’s inquisitor as companion meme. If they happen to see this, thank you for creating that post. It’s a really wonderful prompt, and I’m just repeating what they did. [edit: fixed the amount for +/- approval
[insert warden pics here]
Warden’s Name:
Race / Class / Specialization:
Recruitment: Where can they be found in camp?
Companion Quest: Can your warden be hardened?
Gain approval by: Gain disapproval by:
What gifts would your Warden appreciate? Feast Day gift? (Gain +50 Approval) Feast Day prank? (Gain -50 Disapproval)
Can your Warden be romanced? Do they have any interest in sex? Is there a gift your warden will give to their partner? How do they react if another companion is being romanced?
What companions do they…
Like the most? Flirt with? Just get along? Start a rivalry with?
Does Shale have a name for them?
What’s your warden’s opinion on handling the Blight?
What allies does your warden wish to seek aid from? (Would they rather preserve the mages in the tower to gain their assistance? Would they rather assist Harrowmont to get the support of the Dwarves? Etc.)
Is there anything that would make your warden turn on the party?
What do they do following the Blight (if they had an Epilogue Card what would it say)?
❗️Special Events❗️
Mage Tower: What vision is created to trick your warden while in the fade?
Haven: What does The Guardian say about your warden before beginning the trial? What is their reaction to finding the Urn of Sacred Ashes?
Denerim: Does your warden have any parting words before the final battle with the Darkspawn? If they can be spoken to after the battle during the celebration do they mention what they’re going to do next?
Awakening: Does your warden return to help at Vigil’s Keep? Or does a letter arrive to the Keep to just check in?
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kiwilart · 3 years
E for the fandom meme!
Thank you for asking! ;u;
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what
Hmm... I guess this one depends of the person, as everyone sense of humor is different, but I just answered another ask with a slightly crack idea, also wrote a KaiShin fic that for my questionable sense of humor is hilarious (do not trust my sense of humor, I watch animes with weird plots because I find them hilarious as well).
I also have a list with 50+ incorrect quotes that I made for me to draw... That I’m not drawing. But as of the moment I answered this ask, I did two (2)! So that’s a thing. You can find them on my incorrect quotes tag!
I don’t know if it counts, as I never shared them outside of the KaiShin discord, but I have a few crack/slightly crack ideas (because I either go angst or humor, no in-between), Kaito The Game Character is one of my favorites. I even have a silly drabble about it. More about the idea under read more! :D
Ask me things? :D (I’m still bored and can’t draw. Hope my new PC arrive soon ;w;)
Being a self-aware player character in a video game has its perks. Kaito doesn't need to think too hard about the consequences of his actions because ultimately everything would work out and if he is almost dying, he knows he will respawn later.
Kaito only wishes his player was less of an idiot.
Shinichi is a romanceable Knight NPC, but originally only for female characters. The player used a mod to make him romanceable, but the voice lines can’t change, so he keeps calling Kaito a princess and overall acting like Kaito was a girl.
The game has a really generic romance route.
The player spends a lot of time modding the game to add romantic events for Kaito/Shinichi
Kaito is well aware of what the player does and facepalm all the time. He just wants to save the kingdom and finish the game for good, but the player keeps doing sidequests and adding events.
He is programmed to fall in love with whoever the player chooses to romance and he can’t help it, but couldn't he at least be treated like the warrior he is instead of a delicate princess? Who are the creators of the game to write female playable character romances like that? He wants to have a conversation.
Kaito hates how much he loves NPC Shinichi anyway
Lots of shenanigans with classics like pressing A too many times to talk and repeating NPC dialogue, saving over and over again, jumping for nor reason or running and circles and walking straight to the walls (and not a single NPC acknowledging it)
And for the silly drabble... I just wanna say that I wrote this in one go just before sleeping and I never polished it up (and probably never will, unless brain decides for me to flash this scene more, which for now seems unlikely).
It was based on a memorable Dragon Age 2 fight of mine.
Kaito is the chosen hero, destined to save the world from calamity. He's invincible, unstoppable and incredibly handsome, able to woo anyone he desires. A true force of nature. 
When the king's court was being attacked by the demon pirates and their leader, Kaito and his party showed up on time to save the day, as it's their duty as saviors of the realm. 
To avoid needless bloodshed, the leader of the demon pirates proposed an one-on-one duel with a chosen champion. If the king's champion wins, they would leave without causing anymore destruction, if the pirates win, their leader would be the new king. 
With Kaito on their side, they didn't hesitate to accept the proposal. How could they not, with the chosen hero at their side? 
That's why Kaito now is about to fight the leader. They get ready to fight and… Kaito starts running desperately through the arena, running away from the leader while casting fireballs from the distance? 
Kaito would facepalm if he was physically capable to. How could he forget his player's tendency to panic in fights and just run away from everything? Especially from such a heavy hitter like this demon going against Kaito's poor defenses as a mage. If the player tries to fight with the minimum shade of honor, Kaito would be destroyed and they would have to start the fight all over again, his player is that bad at dodging. 
Thinking more about it, isn't he basically a blood mage, a practice frowned upon and chased down by the church? How is he the glorified hero again…? 
Humiliating twenty in real life minutes of Kaito running away like a scared chicken passed when the leader's HP finally drops to zero. The crowd goes wild cheering, congratulating him for winning the fight and saving the kingdom. 
"You won a fair fight." the leader says. "It was an honour to duel with someone as admirable as you. As promised, me and my crew will retire and never bother this land again. You have my word."
That's nice and all that, but please don't tell Kaito that this was any sort of honorable duel, he's already dying inside as it is. 
"As expected of the champion!" 
"Long live the hero!" 
A familiar figure approaches Kaito and takes his hand to press a kiss on it. 
"I knew that my princess would be capable of taking care of the pirate leader alone." Shinichi says. 
Oh? Not treating Kaito like a breakable figure for once? Now that's an improvement. Maybe the romance route isn't that bad, after all? 
Without any kind of prompt, Shinichi holds Kaito and carries him bridal style."You must be tired after all this fighting, let me carry you to the room the king is giving is for tonight, you should rest."
Kaito tries to fight the blush appearing on his face. First that pathetic excuse of a fight, now he is being carried out of the arena, this is just getting more and more humiliating. 
Then again, from here he has an excellent vision of Shinichi's face, the way he looks at Kaito like he's the most precious person in the world… 
Oh well, Kaito supposes he can live with that.
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nutty1005 · 4 years
The Gamer Monster Xiao Zhan – It’s not that I am afraid of losing, I just want to win.
Original Article: https://www.weibo.com/ttarticle/p/show?id=2309404484936814952856#_0 Original Author: 小胖子 (Published by: 爱战DAYTOY_1005)
(TN: This is more related to physical games as opposed to video games.)
The highlights of Xiao Zhan in games…
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From hopscotch of our childhood, to table top games, to even ice breaker games in working life, games can be considered as a common activity in our lives. Where do all the fun in games come from? A part of it comes from the interaction among friends, and a big part of it comes from competition and the joy of victory. In order to obtain victory in games, you need to find the shortest path to the goal, and that is like problem solving – you need analysis and understanding to find the crux, and you need effective techniques to solve it. Different games have different requirements – some need you to have swift reactions, some need strategies, some would need logical thinking, some needs endurance and patience, some require teamwork, some require physical strength… 
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When we speak of “Gamer Monster”, I feel that this person would at least be outstanding in most of the above mentioned requirements, so when I saw some comments that Xiao Zhan is a “Gamer Monster”, my first thought was to ask – what qualities does Xiao Zhan have to be called a “Gamer Monster”? After doing some research into his history, I appeared to have found my answer.
Top 2 Moments of Gamer Xiao Zhan
When we speak of the top moments in Xiao Zhan’s game history, we would have to praise the two “45° Inclined Soda” and “Who’s on the Shiatsu Pad”. After watching these two, all I have to say is – intelligence is a good thing.
45° Inclined Soda
Game Mission: To drink the soda in the can down to a specific amount such that the can is able to stand inclined at 45° on the table, as shown in the image below, balanced on a corner:
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Xiao Zhan was the first of the eight to complete the mission – what seemed like random chance was actually calculated. 
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At the end of the game, Xiao Zhan spoke about the secret to this game – “It’s just the principle of equilateral triangle, so you have to drink until the bottom becomes an equilateral triangle, then the corner will be stable.” 
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In fact, this is a very simple theory, we just need to ensure that the center of gravity of the can is above the corner, and we will be able to ensure the can’s stability; when this happens, we would have an equilateral triangle. For Xiao Zhan, as an art student, to quickly react to with this physics and math theory, we should be quite glad to know that we do not really forget what we learn in school after all.
Who’s on the Shiatsu Pad?
Game Mission: One of the five members of Group A is standing on the shiatsu pad, only their upper bodies are visible. Group B will need to guess who is standing on the shiatsu pad by giving them specific instructions to complete.
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From the first look of this mission, most of us would probably have the same idea – let the 5 of them jump on the spot, the one who is jumping on the shiatsu pad is probably in pain. But after understanding Xiao Zhan’s strategy, you might feel that your idea might be a bit too flimsy, after all, people can be acting.
So, what did Xiao Zhan do?
First, he let each of them hop past each position. (It seemed logical, since someone’s expression is bound to slip.)
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But! At the end, Xiao Zhan said that he was not looking at the expression of the person jumping, but at the expressions of those at the side – when the person jumps on the location of the shiatsu pad, the surrounding 4 persons would unintentionally look at position, and he used that location to determine the person who was standing on it. 
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Shocking! We did not know that you’re Mr. Xiao-Calculated-Psychiatrist-Zhan!
Full Marks on Skills, Full Marks on Attitude Sporting:
What is idol image? I don’t know
There are those with idol-worthy looks, but tosses his image away like trash.
There is this game that both guys are tied together with a long rubber robe and they would need to bring items from the basket to their respective tables. Xiao Zhan, in order to increase friction with the ground, took off his shoes and socks, totally ignoring his idol image.
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In addition, there is this game where they were to put on pants without hands, and all kinds of weird positions were used. 
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The only thing we can see in all his expression and his casually tossed away image is – I! Want! To! Win!
Memory Power: I am a lines robot with emotion
When it comes to games that require memory power, Xiao Zhan’s teammates would unanimously nominate him to participate. In the lines memorization game, both teams were to reenact classic scenes from Chinese Drama, and the team with the most number of correct lines would win.
The first scene is a classic scene from “Romance in the Rain” (TN: This scene is already a meme in China.):
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(TN: This is the meme edit, where Wang Xueqin would be relentlessly pounding on a door and yelling at the people behind the door.)
Xiao Zhan was acting as … the door, but he is not an ordinary door – he is not only a talking door, he can also remind his teammates of his lines. It’s a door with lines prompting and lines correction.
The second scene is a classic scene from “My Fair Princess”, a conversation between Meng Dan and Han Xiang.
This part was slightly longer, Xiao Zhan not only had to memorize the lines for two persons, he also acted as both roles, and in the end he won the victory for the team, unlocking the title “The Lines King”.
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Self Control: A real man will not smile if he does not want to
From many of Xiao Zhan’s interviews we could see that he has a lot of self control – he spoke of dieting and his strict self discipline in his work and daily life. We can see this once again in his performance in the game.
This game required the other participants to try to make him smile/laugh, whereas he will need to control his emotions and not smile/laugh. Xiao Zhan was the only one in the entire session to not only maintain his emotions, he was actually attempting to cry, and in the end he made the other participants laugh instead.
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Reflexes: As fast as a rabbit
This is a game where the participants were assigned values, such as 1 dollar or 50 cents. When the game master calls for a specific amount (e.g. 2 dollars), the participants will need to quickly gather together to form the called amount. If you are not part of any group, you would be eliminated. This game required fast reflexes, and Xiao Zhan displayed his quick reflexes by ending the game before anyone else has realized.
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In the trash segregation segment for his “Happy Camp” episode, Xiao Zhan not only reacted fast, he also used his actions to prove that “if you change your answers fast enough, you can’t be wrong”. 
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Using his own advantage: With my looks, I can be whimsical
In the challenge “send a Weibo post without using hands”, Xiao Zhan chose to use his nose, and only spent 52 seconds to sent a 9 worded (TN: Chinese words) Weibo post, winning the challenge.
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In the background and in the comments were full of “Zhan Zhan’s nose is so good looking!” You can say that he does whatever he wants with his looks.
Serious challenger: Let’s play well together, shall we?
During team games, we can observe that Xiao Zhan would always be patiently explaining his ideas to his teammates, and suggesting on how to cooperate in order to meet the goal more effectively.
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Not only he does this to his teammates, he is also very serious and respectful to his opponents. In this game, where both of them were to cross a log bridge in a sack, and if you were to fall, you would have to start from the beginning. In the whole process, as long as the opponent fell off, he would push Xiao Zhan off the bridge, so that both of them would have to restart together. Despite all these, Xiao Zhan did not get angry, but instead after noticing his opponent’s frustrations, he calmly said “Let me teach how to play this game, let’s play this round well shall we?” 
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In this, we not only see his serious attitude for fair play, we also see his good nature and good upbringing.
After reviewing so many of his exciting moments, do you want to play a game with Xiao Zhan?
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Easter Eggs!
Try to guess what Xiao Zhan is gesturing! (Answers at the end.)
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1. Guess an item used during Chinese New Year
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2. Guess a plant/flower
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3. Guess something that flies 
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4. Guess an activity that the elderly like to gather and do 
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5. Guess a cartoon character
Rocket / Space Shuttle
Square Dance
Follow 爱战DAYTOY on WeChat for more articles.
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singsweetmelodies · 7 months
mehehehe.....piarles + 25 or 45 🫶
25 = Green Card Marriage
45 = Vampire and Hunter
hehehehehehehe... let's see about 25 and 45 🤭👀
"It's brilliant, Charlito!" Pierre insists, spreading his arms like he's saying, come on. "I'm a hunter, so I'm allowed to settle in any country I want. If you're married to me, you'll be allowed to settle there too, and you can get that position at Rutgers like you have always wanted."
Charles folds his arms. "I'm a vampire, Pierre," he reminds him, pointedly. "Or have you forgotten?"
Pierre folds his arms, too, mirroring Charles' own pose. "Of course I haven't forgotten, calamar."
Calamar. As always, the nickname takes Charles right back - to that day in the back of his parents' garden, when Pierre had decided to come over for a surprise visit and he'd found Charles. Drinking. It had only been from a blood bag, of course (Charles would never kill a person, and he'd been too young then to know about charming someone to let him drink just a few sips) but it had still been more than enough for Pierre to understand what was going on. Pierre had frozen where he stood, eyes blown wide.
And Charles had thought, no no no, and he'd thrown himself at Pierre before he could think better of it. "Please don't leave, Pierrot, please, I promise I'm not evil and we're not evil, I don't care what they say on the news because it's not true, we don't hurt people, we don't hurt anyone, just... please don't go. You're my best friend, please -"
Pierre had stopped him there, putting a gentle hand over Charles' mouth. "I don't care that you're a vampire, Charles," he'd said with surprising firmness for a ten-year-old. "You're my best friend too. And, anyway, you're less of scary vampire and more like... a clingy little squid."
"I'm not!" Charles had shrieked, but of course Pierre had taken to calling him that every day from that moment on. (Charles never protested too much, because the nickname always felt like Pierre's way of saying I know what you are and you're my best friend anyway; I'm not going anywhere.)
"... Charles? Earth to Charles?" Pierre is asking, waving his hand in front of Charles' face. "Ah. Hello again. Did you go to vampire-planet?"
"You know we're from the same planet as you," Charles says immediately, rolling his eyes. "Or didn't they teach you that at hunter school?"
"Mmm, no, I think I skipped that module," Pierre says, and then he grins cheekily, tongue between his teeth.
Charles swats at him, and Pierre catches his wrist easily, his Hunter-trained reflexes quick as ever. Charles' breath catches.
It shouldn't be hot. It should be the opposite of hot, for fuck's sake - those kinds of reflexes are trained to kill people like Charles.
Except, Pierre didn't become a hunter to kill vampires. No - he did it for Charles. Not to hunt him, but to learn how to protect him from other hunters.
So, yeah. It's seriously hot when Pierre shows off some of those skills of his.
"Are you going to let go of me?" Charles asks, swallowing thickly. He can't help the way his gaze flickers to Pierre's fingers wrapped around his wrist, still holding him tightly in place.
You could hold me like that any time you want, Charles thinks, and fights against his blush. It shouldn't even be possible for vampires to blush, for fuck's sake, but Pierre manages to get Charles to do it anyway.
Pierre, thankfully, seems oblivious to Charles' spiralling thoughts. He winks at Charles, playful and cheeky as he always is. "Nope," he says, popping the p. "Not until you agree that my idea is brilliant."
And, right. Right. Charles had almost forgotten the reason why they're even here - Pierre's stupid, hair-brained scheme to get Charles his dream job at Rutgers.
Rutgers, which still does not allow any supernaturals onto its teaching staff, let alone Monégasque vampires.
"It's a terrible idea," Charles says flatly. "They'll never let me teach there if they suspect I'm a vampire."
"But if you're married to a hunter, nobody will ever suspect you're a vampire," Pierre points out, triumphantly. "See? It's genius."
Charles has to admit that it's... clever. Absolutely insane, yes, but clever.
Pierre must be able to read it on his face, because his eyes light up like his favourite F1 team has just won a race. "See! You do think it'll work!" he crows.
"I don't think -" Charles tries, but Pierre cuts him off with a dramatic sigh.
"I've done all the research, Cha. Trust me, there's no way that this can go wrong."
There is, Charles thinks, only a little despairingly. It's not so much that he's worried about getting caught - no, Charles is pretty good at charming officers by now. Half of the time, he doesn't even have to use his hypnotism.
What he's far more worried about is the fact that he'll be married. To Pierre.
Pierre, who he's only been in love with since the first time he called Charles "calamar" and stayed when anyone else would have left.
Pierre, who Charles knows would taste sweeter than anyone else in the world. Because that's the thing about being a vampire and being in love with someone: even one tiny sip of their blood will sustain you sixteen times longer than a random person's would.
It's bad enough just like this, when they're just friends, and Pierre throws his head back to laugh or slides his arm around Charles' waist, and Charles has to fight with himself to keep his fangs tucked away - because even though Pierre is so close and smells so good, he is not Charles' to taste or Charles' to have.
It's hard enough to hold himself back when they're just friends. Charles has no idea how the hell he'll be able to do it if they're fucking married.
But as always when Pierre suggests a hare-brained scheme, Charles is helpless in the face of his sparkling blue eyes and half-cheeky, half-pleading smile.
"Okay, calamar," he agrees, and even though he might just have signed the warrant for his own death-by-slow-torture-of-wanting-his-best-friend-too-much, it's worth it a thousand times over for the way Pierre beams at him and uses the wrist he's still holding to tug Charles into a tight hug.
"Rutgers, here we come!"
(50 Romance Prompts Ask Meme)
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oh-nostalgiaa · 3 years
Writing Prompt Masterlist, Part Two
Masterlist of Writing Prompt Masterlists
The Prompts
5 + 1 Fic Prompts
15 Fluffy One Liners Prompts
30 Day Fluff Challenge Prompts
35 More Angst Prompts
35 One Word Prompts
50 Angsty Question Prompts
50 Cliche Trope Prompts
50 Types of Kisses Prompts
50 Ways to Say ‘I Love You’ Prompts
50 More Ways to Say ‘I Love You’ Prompts
75 Dates Prompts
100 Followers Celebration Prompts
100 Prompts
100 Ways to Crush Your Soul Prompts
100 Ways to Say I Love You Prompts
101 Fluffy Prompts
101 Kink Prompts
101 Ways to Say I Love You Prompts
101 Ways to Say I Love You with Actions Prompts
A Kissing Prompt List Prompts
A Sin Meme Prompts
Action / Quote / Text Prompts
Anger / Betrayal Dialogue Prompts
Angst / Fluff Prompts (Part 8)
Angst / Fluff Prompts (Part 9)
Angst Love Prompts
Angstember Prompts
Angstober / Softober Promps
Angsty Dialogue Prompts
Angsty Dialogue Prompts Again
Angsty Sentence Prompts
Arranged Marriage Dialogue Prompts
AU Prompts
AU Prompts Again
AU List Prompts
AU’s No One Asked For Prompts
Awkward / Clumsy Sex Prompts
Baby Prompts
Bad Situations for Two Prompts
Breaking the Ice Dialogue Prompts
Broken & Bloody Dialogue Prompts
Camping AU Prompts
Cheating Dialogue Prompts
Christmas / Holiday Prompts
Christmas Eve / Morning Dialogue Prompts
Christmas Starter Prompts
Cliche Prompts
Cliche Breakup Starter Prompts
Comfortember 2020 Prompts
Comfortember 2021 Prompts
Concerned Prompts
Cooking / Baking Dialogue Prompts
Corruption Arc Prompts
Couple Prompts
Daddy Kink / Gentle Dom Prompts
Deity-Prompts Prompt Masterlist
Dialogue Prompts
Dialogue Prompts (Part 2)
Dialogue Prompts (Part 3)
Dialogue Prompts (Part 4)
Dialogue Prompts (Part 5)
Dialogue Prompts (Part 6)
Dialogue Prompts (Part 7)
Dialogue Prompts (Part 8)
Do Not Die On Me Dialogue Prompts
Domestic(ish) Dialogue Prompts
Drabble Prompts
Drabble Prompts (Part 2)
Drabble Prompts (Part 3)
Drabble List Prompts
Drama / Angst Dialogue Prompts
Drink Prompts
Dynamite Hack Dialogue Prompts
Emotional One-Word Prompts
Encouragement Starter Prompts
Even More Angsty Dialogue Prompts
Extremely Exhausted Prompts
Fake Dating Royalty AU Prompts
Family Dialogue Prompts
Fanfic Starter Prompts
Fanfic Tropes Prompts
Fantasy Type Prompts
Fever Prompts
Fever Delirium Prompts
Ficlet Prompts
First Date Prompts
First Times Prompts
Fleetwood Mac Lyric Prompts
Flower Shop AU Prompts
Fluff Prompts
Fluff and Romance Dialogue Prompts
Fluff / Angst / Gen Prompts
Fluff / Angst / Gen Prompts (Part Two)
Fluff / Angst / NSFW Dialogue Prompts
Fluff / Angst / NSFW Prompts
Fluff / Angst / Smut Prompts
Fluff / Angst / Smut Prompts (Part Two)
Fluffy February 2021 Prompts
Fluffy February 2022 Prompts
Fluffy Prompts
Fluffy Dialogue Prompts
For the Bravehearts Prompts
Gender Neutral Parenting Dialogue Prompts
Generate a # Prompts
Generate a # (Kiss Edition)
Generate a # (NSFW Edition)
Grumpy / Sunshine Trope Prompts
Hand-holding Prompts
Height Difference Prompts
Holiday Prompts
Hot Mess Prompts
Hug Prompts
Hurt Dialogue Prompts
Hurt / Comfort Prompts
Hurt / Wounded Dialogue Prompts
I Love You Dialogue Prompts
I’m Not In Love Prompts
Icebreaker Dialogue Prompts
Injury Dialogue Prompts
Injury Inspired Dialogue Prompts
Injury Prompts
Innuendo Prompts
Kissed Prompts
Kiss Prompts
Kiss Me Quick Prompts
Kiss Prompts Again
Kisses Prompts
Kisses to Write About Prompts
Kissing Dialogue Prompts
Kissing Prompts
Legend606′s List of Prompts & Starters
Library AU Prompts
List #2 Prompts
Little Moments of Intimacy Prompts
Little OTP Moments Prompts
Love & Innuendo Prompts
Loyal Companion / Princess Prompts
Lyric Prompts
Lyric Prompts (Part Two)
Master Prompt List (it’s HUGE)
Meet Cute Prompts
Micro Story Prompts
Miscellaneous Angst Prompts
More Angsty Dialogue Prompts
More Angsty Dialogue Prompts Again
More AU Ideas That the Internet Doesn’t Need Prompts
More AU Ideas That the Internet Doesn’t Need Prompts (Part Two)
More AU Ideas That the Internet Doesn’t Need Prompts (Part Three)
More AU Ideas That the Internet Doesn’t Need Prompts (Part Four)
More AU Prompts
More AU Prompts Again
More Dialogue Prompts
More Dialogue Prompts Again
More Prompts for Your Feels
More Reassurance Prompts
More Text Prompts
Morning After Prompts
Museum Date Prompts
Night Prompts
Non-Sexual Acts of Affection Prompts
Not Doing So Good Dialogue Prompts
NSFW Dialogue Prompts
NSFW Dialogue Prompts Again
NSFW Prompts
NSFW That’s Better Than Porn Prompts
Obligatory AU’s I Really Want (Not Really *Prompts*) Prompts
One Sentence Poetry Prompts
One Shot / Drabble Prompts
One-Word Prompts
One-Word Shipping Prompts
One Word Prompts
One Word For When You’re Feeling Stuck Prompts
OTP AU Prompts
OTP Drabble Prompts
OTP with Children Prompts
Parenting Dialogue Prompts
Phobia Prompts
Physical One-Line Prompts
Physical One-Line Prompts Part II
Pinterest Quote Prompts
Pregnancy Prompts
Pregnancy Dialogue Prompts
Pregnancy / Baby Prompts
Prom Dialogue Prompts
Protective Prompts
Protective Dialogue Prompts
Prompt List #1 Prompts
Prompt List #2 Prompts
Prompts That Hit in All the Right Places
Pucker Up Prompts (Kissed)
Pucker Up Prompts (Kisser)
Question Prompts
Random Prompts
Random Dialogue Prompts
Random Dialogue Idea Prompts
Random Lyric Prompts
Really Angsty Dialogue Prompts
Reassurance Prompts
Romance, Smutty, Physical One-Liners Masterlist
Romance Prompts Masterlist
Romantic One-Line Prompts
Sad Dialogue Prompts
Sapphic Sentence Starter Prompts
Sexual Tension Dialogue Prompts
Shared Apartment / Roommate AU Prompts
Shining Armor Prompts
Sick Day Dialogue Prompts
Sick Whump Scenario Prompts
Sickfic Prompts
Sickness Dialogue Prompts
Sicktember Prompts
Single Parent AU Prompts
Skinny Love Prompts
Sleeping Together Prompts
Small Romantic Gestures Prompts
Smutty Dialogue Prompts
Smutty One-Line Prompts
Smutty One-Line Prompts Part II
Smutty One-Line Prompts Part III
Soft Prompts for Couples in Rainy Season Prompts
Soulmate AU Alphabet Prompts
Soulmate AU Dialogue Prompts
Soulmate Alternate Universe Prompts
Space & Sci-Fi Sentence Starters
Subtle Smut Prompts
Strange Prompts
Taylor Swift Lyrics Prompts
Tenderness Prompts
Text Prompts
Text Prompts 2
Thank You Prompts
That’s Dirty Dialogue Prompts
Things Said Prompts
Touch Prompts
Touches Prompts
Touching Prompts
Touching Prompts Again
Tricks, Treats, & Pick-Up Lines Prompts
Two-Part Drabble Game Prompts
University Prompts
Unresolved Feelings Prompts
Various Prompts Masterlist
Wedding / Engagement Prompts
Whumptober 2020 Prompts
Whumptober 2021 Prompts
Wild Embers Sentence Starter Prompts
Winter / Holiday Dialogue Prompts
Winter Activity Prompts
Winter Dialogue Prompts
270 notes · View notes
phoenixyfriend · 1 year
26 Family Prompts Ask Meme
From my 141 prompts (plus links) post
A mix of normal/standard AUs and a few Funky Ones. Send one or more characters and a prompt, and maybe you'll get a drabble!
Reminder: You send prompts to people in the ask box, not through replies.
Accidental Baby Acquisition
Take your kid to work day
Promoted to Parent
Child coming out to the parents
Parent coming out to the kids
Overprotective older sibling
Overprotective parent
Overprotective kid/younger sibling
My ex had a kid without telling me, now they're dead and the kid I didn't know about came to me (AKA The Game Plan AU)
Just received custody of my nibling(s), because their parent/my sibling is dead/in jail/just got drafted/is otherwise busy
Adopted the Antichrist
Changeling Custody Battle
Death of a distant/estranged relative resulted in a Big Inheritance
Secret/Lost/Delayed Heir (Princess Diaries AU)
Military Brat
Bonding with the stepparent
Evil stepparent
Family Small Business (restaurant, dry cleaners, bookstore, library, etc)
Mom died and now dad's lost his mind and turned into a supervillain
Mom died and now we need to bring her back to life hashtag necromancy
A parent died and now the kids are following an Inherited Map From Generations Past to find some old treasure hidden behind a stupid number of riddles
That one kid at the reunion that greets everyone with flying tackles
Backyard gardening
Building flat pack furniture with The Kids
Taking a grandparent out from the nursing home to hang out for the day
Heirlooms for the wedding
And the other sections of the 141 Prompts list:
50 Romance Prompts
37 Platonic/Gen Prompts
28 Setting Prompts
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hetawrite · 4 years
First Player Masterlist
Alphabetical Order for Personifications
Buy me a coffee!
Headcanon = Bullet point list
Drabble = Short Story
1p!America: Alfred. F. Jones
Drabble, love triangle with counterpart
Drabble, protect s/o from danger
Drabble, unrequited love
Drabble, prompt, Human AU, fire, England
Drabble, prompt, lime-y?, Germany
Drabble, Comics vs Fairy tales with s/o
Drabble, human s/o afraid of dying and leaving them behind
Drabble, human s/o, online friend’s suicide
Headcanon, thoughts on tall curvy s/o
Headcanon, s/o sending memes during meeting
1p!Belarus: ????
Drabble, reaction to Russia’s s/o
1p!Canada: Matthew Williams
Drabble, tomboy s/o
Drabble, s/o in sexy bear outfit
Drabble, 50′s female feminist s/o
Drabble, s/o’s love is unrequited 
Headcanon, s/o using meme slang
Headcanon, thoughts on tall curvy s/o
Headcanon, s/o sending memes during meeting
1p!China: Yao Wang
Drabble, realising they have a crush
Drabble, human s/o afraid of dying and leaving them behind
Headcanon, s/o using meme slang
Headcanon, s/o sending memes during meeting
1p!England: Arthur Kirkland
Drabble, Pirate! interacting with Pirate!Spain
Drabble, independent s/o
Drabble, unrequited love
Drabble, prompt, Human AU, fire, America 
Drabble, s/o, appreciating him
Drabble, self-conscious s/o
Drabble, human s/o afraid of dying and leaving them behind
Headcanon, s/o using meme slang
Headcanon, s/o sending memes during meeting
1p!France: Francis Bonnefoy
Drabble, Angst Dying Prompt
Drabble, unrequited love
Drabble, tomboy s/o
Drabble, self-conscious s/o
Drabble, s/o, jealous
Drabble, forbidden romance, maid s/o
Headcanon, Female s/o, long hair
Headcanon, s/o using meme slang
Headcanon, s/o sending memes during meeting
1p!Germany: Ludwig Beilschmidt
Drabble, protect s/o from danger
Drabble, s/o cheating
Drabble, prompt, lime-y?, America
Drabble, unrequited love
Drabble, s/o afraid of dying and leaving him behind
Headcanon, Female s/o, long hair
Headcanon, s/o using meme slang
1p!N.Italy: Feliciano Vargas
Drabble, Trans!Female s/o
Drabble, making up after fight, cooking
Drabble, tomboy s/o
Drabble, s/o afraid of dying and leaving him behind
Drabble, proving he’s macho to s/o
Headcanon, s/o using meme slang
1p!S.Italy/Romano: Loviano Vargas
Drabble, protect s/o from danger
Drabble, Trans!Female s/o
Drabble, tomboy s/o
Drabble, making up after fight, cooking
Headcanon, s/o using meme slang
1p!Japan: Kiku Honda
Drabble, realising they have a crush
Drabble, s/o afraid of dying and leaving him behind
Drabble, unrequited love
1p!Prussia: Gilbert Beilschmidt
Drabble, angst prompt, female s/o
Drabble, s/o cheating
Drabble, angst, s/o
Drabble, overworked s/o, fluff
Headcanon, s/o using meme slang
1p!Russia: Ivan Braginski
Drabble, realising they have a crush, Office AU
Drabble, Belarus reaction to his s/o
Drabble, unrequited love
Drabble, self-conscious s/o
Drabble, s/o having bad period pains
Drabble, crush on Sweden
Headcanon, s/o using meme slang
Headcanon, s/o sending memes during meeting
1p!Spain: Antonio Fernandez Carriedo
Drabble, Pirate! interacting with Pirate!England 
Headcanon, s/o using meme slang
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inavagrant-a · 3 years
prompt | @chuomei
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bold for things i could definitely see or want
italics for things i could see or am unsure of
striked out for things i don’t want or cannot see
FRIENDSHIP.     childhood friends  /  work buddies or coworkers  /  family friends  /  friends with benefits  /  smoking buddies  /  adventure buddies  /  fake friends  /  recently friends  /  party buddies  /  friendship of need  /  dying friendship  /  circumstantial friendship  /  partners in crime  /  old friendship  /  [ your muse ] is the good influence  /  [ your muse ] is the bad influence  /  [ my muse ] is the good influence  /  [ my muse ] is the bad influence  /  opposites attract  /  ride or die  /  frenemies  /  roommates or flatmates  /  penpals  /  exes to friends  /  enemies to friends  /  other .
ROMANCE.     childhood sweethearts  /  [ your muse is mines ] childhood crush  /  [ my muse is yours ] childhood crush  /  exes  /  exes to lovers  /  forbidden lovers  /  highschool sweethearts  /  secret relationship  /  opposites attract  /  long distance  /  unrequited [ from your muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from my muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from both sides ]  /  skinny love  /  friends to lovers  /  enemies to lovers  /  spurious relationship  /  power couple  /  newly entered  /  soulmates [ metaphorical ]  /  soulmates  [ literal ]  /  awkward  /  turning toxic  /  toxic love  /  cheating [ on your muse ]  /  cheating [ with your muse ]  /  other .
FAMILIAL.     siblings [ half ]  /  siblings [ step ]  /  [ my muse ] is an older sibling figure to your younger sibling figure  /  [ my muse ] is a younger sibling figure to your older sibling figure muse  /  [ my muse ] is a parental figure to yours  /  [ my muse ] is a child figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal guardian  /  adoptive child  /  foster child  /  [ your muse ] is taken under mines wing  /  [ my muse ] is taken under yours wing  /  other .
ANTAGONISTIC.     dangerous to each other  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into sexual or romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of off circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based off misunderstanding or lies  /  conflict of ideology  /  betrayal  /  hero - villain dynamic  /  enemies  /  fight club  /  friends turned enemies  /  lovers turned enemies  /  exes turned enemies  /  other .
IN CONCLUSION: Scaramouche is just horrible, I really don’t know what else to say here he just is awraxa. Not knowing her story (obviously), it is absolutely laughable to him that she works for humans, but does find it interesting that she’s 50/50. Might try to get a sample of her blood one day for literal scientific purposes idk, I can’t say......... ..
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nny11writes · 4 years
13, 16, 18, 43 and 50 for tha ask game please and thank you :P Just, many many numbers lol
13. What is your planning process?
My first reaction was to squint and go “Do I have a process?” which is probably an answer on its own lol!
It depends is the actual answer.
Like most writers I start a fic because of one scene or dialogue or description that I really, really, really wanted to write and then I have to figure out where it belongs.
I almost always start by just...writing. I used to be 100% stream of consciousness writer. I’d sit down at least once a day with a blank document and without ANY forethought or direction I’d start writing a fic. It was always as much fun for me as my readers to see where a story would go because I literally had no clue.
These days, as I’m putting THE THING down on the page my brain is shrieking ideas at me so I start slapping them down too, but I’ve got a better filter so not everything goes down. There’s a lot of [WHAT IS THIS THING PLS PLS FIGURE IT OUT] and [PAST OR PRESENT TENSE MF MAKE UP YO MIND] at this stage.
This is where I actually start planning. I’ve got a bunch of stuff down, a vague direction, and a lot of ideas so this is usually where I sit down to do some planning. Am I aiming to write a short fic or long fic, one shot or multi-chapter, where are we, how many characters, etc. I leave things pretty wide open, while sometimes it’s fun to challenge myself to meet very specific goals it’s usually frustrating to me so nothing is set in stone. Literally. Even when I’ve posted if someone leaves a comment that’s amazing or enough people liked it I’ll usually try to write more in that fic or another fic with those ideas.
How To Quit You is a great example of how my loosey goosey planning works. I don’t know if people realize but that fic was originally supposed to be ONLY that first chapter. I wrote it in an hour tops for 2019 glitra week and all I knew at that point was I wanted to do a western with some romance tropes to it (hence the exes who still love each other thing).
Once I realized how many people seemed to love it and wanted to see more I sat down and planned it out. I first decided how I wanted to write the story (hence going back in time ~15 years) and then I created chapter titles and had vague descriptions for them.  Once it was all down I went through it again and made adjustments, then created a timeline (Micah died in 1868, they meet in 1870, Catra works BMR rails 1870-1880 min, etc etc). And that’s it.  I made an outline and used it as my idea bouncing ground and map and huge parts of it have changed as we’ve gone along. Catra was going to become a drunkard out in [REDACTED] after the timeline met up with chapter one. I scrapped that because it didn’t fit with other details and changes I’d made. I re-wrote the chapter and now I gotta scrap that and re-write it again do to reasons that would spoilers.
Let’s Try This Again is another hilarious example, because chapters 1-6 were meticulously planned and I charted out a whole story around them that I was going to stick to damn it all! And then Palpatine hip checked me and changed the course of the story. I still included a lot from my original VERY detailed outline, but some chapters were nixed completely and others added in too sooooo...
I’m not a true pantser because I do some planning, but I’m not a planner because I leave huge chucks practically up to the whims of fate. I’m a plantser.
16. Do you use sentence starters, writing prompts and/or fandom headcanons for your fanfics?
I think some of my best works are from prompts (WHICH ARE ALWAYS OPEN, HINT HINT, NUDGE NUDGE, KNOW WHAT I MEAN KNOW WHAT I MEAN) specifically.
I rarely use sentence starters but I think I’ve done okay when I did.
But fandom headcanons? Oh hell yeah baby now we’re talking!
Can Anakin cook but Padme can’t? Hell yeah!
Togruta have some cat like features so Ahsoka is obligate carnivore and color blind? WOOOOOOOO BOYYYYYYYYYYYY!
"This is not because I like you.” is 100% something that everyone in the Horde says when trying to cover their asses, Catra’s just a useless lesbian and has to use it A Lot More Than Most. Awwwwww yeah, that’s the good stuff!
Glimmer and Catra talk to one another but only have serious conversations sitting back to back post canon. I DON’T MAKE THE RULES!
Like, god, fandom headcanon is practically what my fics live on lol! I’m not great at writing things in canon or sticking to canon, and people are amazing and smart so of course I’m going to steal their cool ideas and then mess with them until they’re my own.
18. What is your favorite writing prompt?
...I gotta be honest I have no clue lol. I’ve liked basically every prompt I’ve ever gotten (there’s literally only been 2 that I got and went “...oh.” and of those two I was able to bend the prompt into things I liked a lot! One of them is actually posted and people like it, and then other is currently sitting in the naughty prompt corner for crimes of FIGHTING ME TO A STANDSTILL every time I write a few sentences for it, but I do actually like it now lol).
I think my favorite style of prompt are ones that are open for some interpretation. You know that joke about you know a writer based on how they respond to a one word prompt like “fall” or “cold” or even “love”? I love that kind of stuff! Heck, even things with a more narrow focus are fun to play with. For one of my prompt fics I was able to flip the script and have the character everyone expects the unrequited pining from to instead be the unattainable beloved instead.
*Marge potato meme* I just think they’re neat!
43. Guilty pleasure tropes and scenarios?
None, because I am very loud about what I enjoy and refuse to have things I enjoy ripped away by strangers on the interwebs.
Okay, more seriously, as far as things that others might think are guilty pleasure tropes and scenarios?
I love a good “morons to repressed idiots to lovers” slow burn. Yes, yesssss, let them be absolute fools and make MASSIVE mistakes that they have no reason to make. There was a miscommunication? Delightful! Oh look, they’re both flirting with one another but think the other one is just joking around with them. I WILL TAKE ANOTHER 200K OF THEM SUFFERING THANK YOU!
I love AUs man, every time I see someone who really hates coffee shop AUs or highschool AUs or modern AUs I end up getting grumpy and I go find some of those AUs to read because I love them. The AUs I love the most change fandom to fandom. Not a huge fan of modern AU for star wars, but an absolute slut for them in She Ra. Palpatine chokes on a bagel and I live, but if that happened to Horde Prime I’d be pissed. *shrug* I just know that some people really don’t like or even outright hate AUs, and I do not understand them at all. Like, good for them and I hope they find the fics they do enjoy! But also, why???????
I think my “cringiest” one is that I actually really like A/B/O as long as they flip the script somehow or delve into how something like that would actually effect the world it exists in. Is sex in public a common and acceptable thing b/c they can’t control themselves? Do jobs and schools give people time off for heats and ruts? Is it considered antiquated and anyone who struggles with their biology is considered lazy or stupid? Do celebrities sometimes get in trouble with fans or even lose their jobs/prestige after showing off their new mating mark? GIVE ME THE WORLD BUILDING I WANT TO KNOW! But if it’s a really boring traditional A/B/O...like, what’s the point there? 
Please don’t misunderstand me here. These three examples are all things that are WILDLY stupid in their own rights, and I love them dearly both because of and regardless of that!
50. Can we get a teaser for an upcoming chapter?
It’s All Fun and Games Until...Stop! Stop! We’re Already Gay!
AKA the one where they all go to Mystacor to relax in the steam grotto and have to deal with seeing one another in tight fitting and wet underwear. The thirst is high.
“So…” Bow started conversationally as Sea Hawk put the finishing touches on Bow’s freshly painted nails. “How doomed are they? Are we making bets?”
Mermista and Sea Hawk made significant eye contact before looking at him pitifully. 
“What?” Bow asked, starting to sweat nervously. “What!?”
“Nothing, just-” Sea Hawk didn’t even get to finish.
“You need to get your girlfriend to get her girlfriends under control, and like, I knooooow that’s a tall order or whatever. But uuuuuuuuugggggghhh, we are going to die.”
“Girlfriend!?” Bow’s voice cracked painfully. “Ha! A-ha! Ha! W-who? I don’t, I don’t have a girlfriend, what are you even talking about?”
“There, there my dear. We have survived worse.”
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