tothesolarium · 27 days
Prof: so how are you going to stay driven while getting into the knitty gritty of the story
Me: I have made a little freak
Prof: oh he’s perfect
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klywrites · 1 month
sometimes I get an idea for a story but it's something that I just want to see/read and not write, not because writing is hard but because I have no interest in the concept itself from a writing standpoint
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kiwikiwii · 8 months
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The moment I knew, I'd no choice but to love you ...
Timelapse & Details below!
Two different ways of rendering!
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kstarlitchaotics · 10 months
If they can bring back Kimi ni Todoke with another season then my hope for Akatsuki no Yona s2 is still around 🤞
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loomhatri · 4 months
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dramamines · 1 year
I know I’m probably a complete asshole but so many people irl are so fucking annoying omg
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chaoticartistan · 3 months
olease wait for a jade harley dtawing from this most recent update im working on it righrt now... idk if anyone even reads these hah a
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safyresky · 5 months
Happy January 13th on the 15th Monday! Frostmas: Year One is now LIVE on ao3
Give Year One a read on ao3 HERE!
Year One
Jack becomes Santa; Jacqueline becomes Jack Frost. Then the trouble really begins.
And a Frostmas Summary for you as well, in case you missed it:
The Twelve Years of Frostmas
Nobody but he and I knew the truth. Jack wasn't supposed to be Santa; I wasn't supposed to be Jack Frost. He thought being Santa would fix everything. He was horribly, horribly mistaken. [My take on Jack's reign as Santa during the Escape Clause. MAJOR OC involvement AND First Person POV from said OC. Finally cross posting THIS behemoth! Enjoy!]
Take her from the top (Prologue) HERE (ao3) or HERE (ff dot net)
So my thing this year is crossposting Frostmas every 13th of the month bc I like symbolism, lol, and the vibe is very unlucky days haha.
I meant to have this up Saturday but had yet to read through the final scene, and also. The bigger thing. Went to a friend's bday party on the town and had a LOT of drinks and did Karaoke and it was LOTS of fun and I deffs needed it but this led to me spending the 13th on the couch half asleep most of the day, only moving for food and grabbing my joycons for some Stardew Valley 😅😅😅
(finally got the community centre DONE! FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER! My poor neglected desktop saves, lol)
ANYWAY. Year One is very short; it always has been. Jacqueline will tell us about Jack's official first Christmas out in Year Two, so hang tight for that! For now, check out Year One HERE on ao3...and I suppose HERE on blue site, though this ain't about her!!!
NOW THEN! Back I go to Finishing up CS, and off you go to click "read more" and get a fun little preview of Y2 of the Twelve Years of Frostmas below!
“Bernard, truly. I was devastated. It took so much courage to do what I did next, with the, the grief I felt! What I had to do next, mind you.”
“Hmm, let me guess! Take Santa’s jacket since nobody else was around to do so?”
“Exactly! It was for the greater good, Bernie! The greater good!”
Reaching the top of the steps, Bernard stopped by the cookies, looking down at Jack as he ran up the stairs to catch up.
“Oh, don’t give me that look, Bernard! The greater good? Have you not been listening? I’m more than happy to tell you my tale of, of woe once more—”
“Something about this is not right.”
Jack paled, watching Bernard turn abruptly on his heel and cross the top landing, heading towards the doors to Santa’s quarters. “No, this is all as it should be! Would you slow down there, Bernard? I can’t keep up with all you elves.” Bernard ignored him. Pushing open the doors, he burst into Santa’s living space, eyes sharp as he looked around at the massive amounts of toys and knick-knacks littering the space. Jack flew in shortly after. “What are you doing?!” "There are so many things wrong with this picture. Right here. This one," Bernard said, stopping his rummaging and framing his view of Jack with his index finger and thumb. A frosty sprite pouted, the red jacket five sizes too big, hanging off of his lanky frame. “No there’s not!” Jack answered a bit too fast. Clearing his throat, he composed himself. “This is all just as it should be. I mean, who better to be the next Santa than me? Why, I herald the season! It makes perfect sense." “No, it does not.” He rummaged through he drawers on Santa’s desk. “This isn't right. A Legendary can't take another Legendary Figure's place!” There was a jingle as Bernard pulled something out of the desk drawer, kicking it shut as he glared at Jack. A small bell sat in his hands, the silver glinting in the light. “I'm calling an emergency Council meeting right this second.” Jack scoffed. “Like that’ll do anything.” Making his way around Bernard, he took a seat at the desk, leaning back and throwing up his feet. “Real confident for someone in your position to say, Jack.” “You mean Santa. I have the jacket now, Bernie! I’m Santa.” “No! Absolutely not! This isn’t right. This can’t be right. The council will know what to do,” he thought out loud, hopping that this wasn’t happening, that this couldn’t be happening, and ringing the bell.
Think Bernard's right? Think the Council can do something about this? Is Jack gonna get away with it? Check out Year One HERE on ao3 to find out!
We'll see you February 13th for Year Two >:)
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astral-from-afar · 6 months
Might give in and buy a tote bag
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fuckyeahcadence · 7 months
I started watching the new Monster High series and I like it! It's entertaining and not as bad as I thought. My problem is with some characters, like Clawdeen; even though I don't mind her new personality and her being half human, I remember Clawdeen being this fashionable diva and ahhh. :( It just feels like a completely different character. Same with Cleo, she was the popular girl, she was kinda mean but on the inside she loved her friends. Now she's not popular and she's kinda silly - I'm all for having these kinds of characters... but we already had them! Like Howleen: a great example of someone who felt like the shadow of her sister, who wanted to be popular and, she was a little silly.
And Lagoona :`( Lagoona is unrecognisable. She looks completely different, if it weren't for her name I would've thought it was a new character. She also acts completely different. She was the mom friend, she was helpful and understanding; now she's uh, I don't know lol. They went for that "creepy but cute" thing I guess.
In conclusion, I like the new series, but it makes me feel sad to see what they did to some of the classic characters.
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thyknife · 2 years
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The Best of Tchaikovsky | The Greatest Romantic Composer | Classical Music
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domitantmal · 1 year
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 “I’m not a monster, if thats what you’r thinking right now.” shooting out lightning from his bare hands to try and fight against the giant sea...head, was perhaps overkill, but the water is there and electricity and water blend very well in terms of combat. His hands were raised slightly, still smelling of the ozone. 
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incomingalbatross · 2 years
Listen. I know I’ve said this before but
Broke: Sick/injured character being bullied into accepting care from their friends against their own inclinations
Woke: Sick/injured character accepting care and/or taking care of themselves because they know that otherwise they don’t have the right to expect the same accountability from their friends when they’re sick/injured (and this goes both ways)
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pallas-cat · 1 year
in a tank top in a 20C apartment and still feeling kinda warm...im turning into my friend 😒
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