rubendiasthoughts · 1 year
Hi ❤ Thank you to the person who suggested I write this ❤ Also, decided to divide this in 2 parts. Hope you enjoy, sending you lots of love ❤
Friends with benefits with Ruben Dias - part 1:
The relationship you had with Ruben was a quite complicated one. The both of you started as friends, but since the beginning there was an undeniable attraction between the two of you. You met him through your best friend, whose boyfriend is also a player for Manchester City. Your best friend was also a reason why you kept spending more and more time with Ruben, as you almost always accompanied her to their games.
Since the day you met Ruben the interactions between the two of you seemed to be quite flirtatious, however for a long time it was nothing more than a playful banter - neither of you brave enough to cross that line. It turned out all you needed was a bit of alcohol in your system to make the both of you feel a bit more brave, a bit more careless. There is no wonder the line was finally crossed on the night the whole Manchester City squad celebrated winning the Premier League trophy.
Your best friend took you along for the night of celebrations, which you didn't mind because it meant you got to have fun and enjoy a nice party with loads of free food and drinks. You were obviously taking advantage of it, but surprisingly so was Ruben, who you knew very well usually wasn't the one to reach for the drinks. At one point of the night Ruben found you sitting at the bar, sipping on a drink and he decided to join you. Your conversation was filled with shameless fliriting until you two decided to go outside and get some fresh air. Ruben stared at you in the dim light of the street lamps, admiring your beauty, pretending to be listening to the story you were just telling him, until he couldn't take it anymore. He pushed you against the brick wall, his lips were on yours in a matter of seconds as your tounges moved against each other. It was all rushed and desperate, the two of you getting a cab and going straight to his place.
The next morning you woke up before he did taking a look around his bedroom as you recalled the events of the previous night. You didn't know what it meant and frankly you were not sure if you were ready for the answer, so before Ruben even woke up you put your clothes on, grabbed all of your belongings and made it out of his apartment. After that eventful night the two of you haven't spoken to each other for few days, neither of you sure what the other one would want to hear. When you finally saw each other again it was at one of his games that you attended with your friend. Seeing you that night made it impossible for him to try and stay away from you any longer, so he decided to text you. You ended up meeting that night and that's how the whole friends with benefits thing started - the both of you agreeing you were not ready for commitment, but still feel overwhelming attraction to each other. You acted according to that deal for a few months, Ruben usually texting you to come over when he was in need of your attention, you would stay the night, but then in the morning it was over and you were going back to your own place.
For a short period of time it seemed to be working out great, but after a while you started to develop feelings for him. What you didn't know was that he felt exactly the same way, neither of you brave enough to confess. So you decided it would be better if you put yourself back out there, maybe find someone new who would make you forget about Ruben, who would make you want to end this stupid arrangement you had with him and that's exactly why, when a guy at your work asked you out, you didn't hesitate for even a second and agreed to have a date with him.
The day of the date has finally come and you were at your apartment getting ready, you just stepped out of the shower when you hear the noise of your phone going off. You checked it and saw a message from Ruben, asking you to come over to his place tonight, so you texted him back saying you have a date and can't make it. You put your phone back on the counter and started brushing your hair and drying it off. After a while you picked your phone up again, expecting to see a message from Ruben saying that it was okay and you will see each other on a different occasion. Surprisingly, you were met with no new messages. However, you didn't have time to think about it, cause your date was getting close and you still had to do your makeup and pick out something to wear. When you were almost ready, only had shoes left to pick out you heard the noise of your door bell. You went to open the door, wondering who could it be, since you and your date agreed to meet at the restaurant. The moment you opened your doors your eyes were met with a tall, well built figure - it was Ruben and he seemed quite irritated, clenching his jaw, an angry look in his eye, he didn't say anything to greet you, quickly walked in and closed the door behind him.
"Hi, what you're doing here?" you were the first to speak up. "I have to leave in few... " Ruben didn't let you finish.
"You dresses up this pretty for him, huh?" he asked you, ignoring your question. He was looking down at you, his eyes drilling into the short dress that left little to the imagination, his arms were crossed over his chest.
"What do you mean? I told you I have a date" you tried to explain yourself, confused by Ruben's attitude.
"No you don't, you are not going anywhere" he said in a stern voice, making you furrow your eyebrows in anger. Who was he to tell you what you could and could not do, you thought to yourself.
"Or what? You flirt with other girls all the time and maybe do other things with them as well and that's ok, huh?" you argued, raising your voice at him. However, he didn't seem impressed with what you had to say at all. He only stood in silence, tilting his head back a little, a stern look in his eye. "Besides you are not the boss of me, Ruben. And you are not my boyfriend either" you spit out. Just when you were ready to open your mouth again, he took few steps closer to you, he wrapped his hand around your neck before you could even react. He squeezed your throat, adding pressure to it as he pushed you on to the wall that was behind you. He pressed his body against yours, his hand still on your neck as he leaned in.
"I think you need to be reminded who you belong to, huh sweet girl?" his hoarse voice sounded in your ear.
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shuuenka · 3 years
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many wild alcale doodles folder: Trapeze artist! Alberu x young noble Cale (The Greatest Showman AU)
might as well pour out all of this au brainrot. warning for incohesive ramblings. 
So actually the one who acquired circus was Choi Jung Soo while his friends Cale Henituse and Lee Soo Hyuk were away. He quickly realizes he can't deal with this alone so he goes to Cale, his best friend naturally. 
Cale is in state of shock as of "CJS r u dumb or r u dumb???", because what disasterous fanacial decision is that? Cale is young noble from Henituse family (they are rich, but not lcf canon rich). 
CJS is begging Cale to join and help as a partner. Cale is like "no.", but he at least promises to visit the circus and help out financialy if its really bad. (ngl he's tsundere he would join anyways). When visiting the circus he meets various folks, and lo and behold, stumbles into Alberu during his practice *cue slow-mo shot*
Cale has a full on crush mode, because have you seen this guy??? 
CJS is surprised as to why Cale suddenly accepts his offer as being a partner, but won't complain. 
When LHS comes back from his trip, he is terrified by his juniors business endeavor.
LHS: i would expect this from CJS, but you too Cale???? 
meanwhile Cale is busy checking out very nice muscles. 
LHS: ...i see.
Alberu is new a hire, has been there for like a week, along with his friend, magican Rosalyn, and his aunt make up artist, Tasha. 
He actually negotiated highest paygrade from CJS, thanks to his scammer smile, but this guy knows whats he's worth ok?  
Cale flipped over when he saw how much CJS promised to pay him and decided to confront this guy about it, but during their convo he quickly realizes that they both try to outscam each other, so that fails and they have a moment of ''mkay that wont work on this guy.'' 
but it's ok, after negotiations Alberu’s pay gets somewhat more reasonable but at the same time Cale has already decided to make Alver a star of the circus, so the pay will go up anyways so. win-win.
Cale absolutely hates being a showrunner, but will do that if CJS can't, he's taking care of the business and money, plus helpes out to manage the programme of performances. CJS is the showman. LSH is helping out where he can, and in the end recognizes that they actually onto something with that circus business
Cale also quickly realizes that Alberu is beauty + brains package, and if at the beginning he had a *a crush*, now he's total (not so hidden) simp mode. Also if you though only Cale is pining, you're wrong. They're both pining idiots. Everyone and thier mother can see it.
They just have good pokerfaces (or so they think...) and there's definitely a betting pool between other circus folks of "when" not if; started by Rosalyn.
(LHS seeeng them fliriting-not-flirting in main area: right in front of my paperwork???)
Cale likes to make Alberu flustered - but joke's on him, Alberu can do that too and with twice as much intensity
Alberu absolutely wears make up for performances, like golden or red eyeliners, and he makes it work!! cue some make outs before performances (make up artist tasha atp is caling cale a demon and telling him to stay away and not mess up Alberu’s make up or so help her gods)
when they get together you bet Cale would randomly walk up in the middle of Alberu practice to get some upside down aerial kisses. he also claims he doesnt want to be lifted. its a lie and Alberu capitalizes on that a lot. 
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cinaja · 4 years
Helion? And the lady of autumn
Thank you for the ask!😊 I'll focus mainly on Helion here, because the Lady of Autumn has so little canon appearances that I don't have a really developed opinion on her. I'll adress her and Helion in the shipping bit, though.
How I feel about this character:
I definitely like him! I don't feel as strongly about him as about some of the other characters, but he's still amongst the characters I like best.
I really like the idea of the Day Court in general. Being into knowledge and spelly is both fascinating and a sure way to make me like a character. He also seemed generally charming and I really enjoyed reading him. I'd love to get more about him and I really have high hopes in that regard.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
I'm so sorry, shipping really isn't my strong suit! I usually just... don't?
The one canon ship is him and the (unnamed) Lady of the Autumn Court. But honestly, I can't for the life of me say anything on that ship, because I know close to nothing about the Lady of Autumn. If she has characteristics that fit Helion, I'd be fine with it, although I do have to wonder why every minor chracter has to have a love interest.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Nesta!!! I've already talked about this in the Nesta ask, but I think they are a really cool friendship.
I also like the idea of him being friends with Miryam and Drakon. (According to my headcanons) Miryam is a witch, which means she's good at spells, and Drakon is really into books, so they'd basically be the perfect friends for him.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
Not sure if this is unpopular, but maybe uncommon (and it's more about the writing than his character, but whatever): There's this one line in acowar about how he had been "hounding after" Mor, Azriel and Cassian for centuries and I think it was really wrong for sjm to include that. It seems... predatory. Especially since he continues flirting with them after they made it clear that they aren't interested (like that "you kicking Eris's ass will be my new fantasy at night" line). Sjm doesn't seem to consider such behaviour to be problematic, but it certainly is. It gets even worse because he is the only bi character in the series and one of the few moc, so there are some really unpleasant implications here. Sjm shouldn't have written it that way, she should have just left out the line or made it clear that the fliriting was just fun and both parties saw it that way.
One thing I wish would happen with this character in canon:
I want him to get a larger role in the story in general. I have high hopes in that regard, because Lucien being his son seemed to set him up for a larger role in later books. I'd like to learn more about the Day Court and the spells he's specialized in. Also his role in the War, because that time just fascinates me.
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THE MEGA RP PLOTTING SHEET / MEME. First and foremost, recall that no one is perfect, we all have witnessed some plotting once which did not went too well, be it because of us or our partner. So here have this, which may help for future plotting. It’s a lot! Yes, but perhaps give your partners some insight? Anyway BOLD what fully applies, italicize if only somewhat Mun Name: Phoenix (Pho) (can also be called blaze-bc of my discord username. though i use that name for a oc)  Age: 17 (18 in august)     Contact: Discord, ims
Character(s) I rp: Aizen,grimmjow, Uryuu, renji, Byakuya, Kusaka, Hanataro Which muse(s) inspires you the most atm?(for MM):  Aizen, Grimmjow, Byakuya and Uryuu Current Fandom(s): Bleach, fullmetal alchemist,  Yugioh Fandom(s) you have an AU for:  Fullmetal alchemist : Brother hood, Yugioh My language(s): English, spanish //Kinda- im learning it// Themes I’m interested in for rp:   Fantasy / Science fiction / Horror / Western / Romance / Thriller / Mystery / Dystopia / Adventure / Modern / Erotic / Crime / Mythology / Classic / History / Renaissance / Medieval / Ancient / War / Family / Politics / Religion / School / Adulthood / Childhood / Apocalyptic / Gods / Sport / Music / Science / Fights / Angst / Smut / Drama / etc. Themes/Genres you have an AU for: Modern.
Preferred Thread length: one-liner / 1 para / 2 para / 3+ / novella. Asks can be send by: Mutuals / Non-Mutuals / Personals / Anons. Can Asks be continued?:   YES / NO    only by Mutuals?:  YES / NO. Preferred thread type: crack / casual nothing too deep / serious / deep as heck. Is realism / research important for you in certain themes?:   YES / NO. Are you atm open for new plots?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS. Do you handle your draft / ask - count well?:  YES / NO / SOMEWHAT. How long do you usually take to reply?:  24h / 1 week / 2 weeks / 3+ / months / years. I’m okay with interacting: original characters / a relative of my character (an oc) / duplicates / my fandom / crossovers / multi-muses / self-inserts / people with no AU verse for my fandom / canon-divergent portrayals / au-versions (as main or only verse). Do you post more ic or ooc?:  IC / OOC. Are you selective with following others?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS.  
Best ways to approach you for rp/plotting:  message me either on ims or discord. ^^ I am open up to any idea that you may have What expectations do you hold towards your plotting partner:   Uh knowing what muse they want to interact ahead of time.  Normally I can create a plot if they already know what Muse they want to rp with. How do you usually plot with others, do you give input or leave most work towards your partner?:   I say it kinda 50/50 I tried to build the plot equally with the rp partner.
When a partner drops the thread, do you wish to know?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS. - And why?:  I know some things happen- so its okay if you don’t want to tell me if you are- I normally figure it out after weeks of not responding. (Unless you are a low activity blog- then i figure you are just busy ^^) - Will you tell your partner?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS.
Is communication in the rpc important to you?   YES / NO. - And why?:  Because communication is important, especially for plots we are winging mostly. and if they have any questions about how i portray a certain character. - Are you okay with absolute honesty, even if it may means hearing something negative about you and/or portrayal?:  I wanna say Yes. It really depends-  If its about me. I want to know why you say that especially if you don’t know me well and we could possibly clear up a misunderstanding or something. But if it for a character Yea sure. As long as it done explaining what they don’t like on it or if  there is something I could improve.  - Do you think you can handle such situation in a mature way?  YES / NO.
Why do you rp again, is there a goal?:  to explore my muses and expand on the more complex ones. (Like Aizen for example) Wishlist, be it plots or scenarios:   TYBW stuff. more Pendulum arc stuff for Aizen.   Muken Aizen related things.  What Type of Starters do you prefer / dislike, can’t work with?:  I can work with basically any type of starters? As long as it has a clear way to make interaction happen.
What type of characters catch your interest the most?:   Characters i’m familiar with. Characters that is well done (Especially Oc’s).  What type of characters catch your interest the least?:  Characters that seem way to Mary or gary sue. (More Oc related things).  Characters who are just- evil because they can be.
What are your strong aspects as rp partner?:  willing to learn about different fandoms. Open to literally anything. gets invested in ships easily.  What are your weak aspects as rp partner?:  Being to anxious to communicate. Forgetfulness. Loosing track of threads (Because threadtracker hates me-) Do you rp smut?:  YES / NO. Do you prefer to go into detail?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS. Are you okay with black curtain?:  YES / NO. - When do you rp smut? More out of fun or character development?:  I don’t rp smut.  - Anything you would not want to rp there?:  N/A Are ships important to you?:  YES / NO.
Would you say your blog is ship-focused?:   YES / NO
.Do you use read more?:  YES / NO / SOMETIMES.
Are you:  Multi-Ship / Single-Ship / Dual-Ship  —  Multiverse / Singleverse.
- What do you love to explore the most in your ships?:  Relationship building. Having moments that can be expanded on between the characters. Having relationship conflict. Even know i don’t rp smut- There is so much that can explored with ships that is more then just sex related things.
- What is your smut tag?: N/A
Are you okay with pre-established relationships?: YES / NO. - And what kind of ones?:  Familial, Friendship. 
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//you said to pick my favorite muse- so here we go xD// - What could possibly make your Muse interesting towards others, why should they rp with this particular character of yours now, what possible plots do they offer?:  Oh jeez- he is the main villian of the series. One of the most unpredictable muses that I have. Possible plots- depends on the time line. If its in the pendulum era. Literally anything can happen. There is a large gap of time (9 years) of things that could of happen but the anime or manga didn’t show. The same goes with his Captain era. We don’t really see much then or anything relating to his time in Muken. There is a lot of different situations that could happen with the right other muse.  
- With what type of Muses do you usually struggle to rp with?: muses who are hopelessely romantics. muses who don’t have much to work with in a plot.    - With what type of Muses do they usually work well with?:  muses who has similar mind set as him or could be as unpredictable. . Characters that could possibly catch him off guard or catch his interest because of the way they act.
- What interests your Muse(s) in general:  evolution, Science related things. hollowification experimenting. becoming a god.  - What do they desire, is their goal?:   Their goal . It depends most verses  its to gain access to the royal realm and become the one true god, and change the soul society. - What catches their interest first when meeting someone new?:  The way that they handle them selves, there intentional personally.   - What do they value in a person?:    Loyalty. Hard working.  - What themes do they like talking about?:  he likes when people talk about themselves. He can learn more about them. But he also likes talking philsophical debates about existence and morals.  Or anything that would relate to his mindset about life. - Which themes bore them?: anything to romantic. He does not like that.  like full on fliriting. He doesn’t do at all.   
- Did they ever went through something traumatic?:  Yes //though it can be debated what is consider traumatic to a adult who causes there own trauma mostly// //But like- he had to have seen some stuff in his childhood that would make him more desensitize to murder and killing fellow Shinigami// - What could possibly trigger them?:   Experiencing the feeling of dying. Sensory deprivation. //after his 20,000 years in Muken. Which is underground. away from most sounds and sights and feeling// - What could set them off, enrage them?:   Making him question his motives. Making him actually feel something. making him loose his goals.
- Is there someone /-thing they hate?:  Urahara, Shinji.  - Is there someone /-thing they love?:   //Romantically- in most verses no// Platonically : Hiyori (only in pendulum arc). Hougyoku.  his self.
Is your Muse easy to approach?: YES / NO. - Best ways to approach them?:   catch their attention. Literally just talk to him. don’t go trying to challenge or question his ego.  Literally just talk to him with any amount of respect .  depending on the verse- his responses may very. but other then that- He is rather easy to approach depending on your intentions to be approaching him. - Where are they usually to find?: His office in division five, hueco mondo, (Specifically in Los Noches), Muken. The forest near rukongai (only really applies to pendulum verse).    
Something you may still want to point out about your muse?:  he is nerd with a god complex.  he deserves a more flesh out back story then what the Manga gave him.  I try to keep him as close to the manga, keeping all of the things that happen in the manga and anime as canon. Only changing his child hood and early divisions days- as that isn’t really shown and expanding his relationships with some of the visoreds.  I also portray him as Aro/ace in most verses so its very Awkward if you try to ship with him in most verses unless discussed in ims or discord.  tagged by @skyvar​ //thank you for the tag snow uwu// tagging @rukia-kuchiki-divided​ @redeyeschaosdragon​ @kaibacorpbros​ (any bro) @viciousvizard​ @hirako5hinji​ @bookofaion​ @gentleshinigami​ @goofyshinigami​ @windstormwielding​ @cxb3r​ @nightbeat-cat​ @world-duelists​ / @loyal-to-chaos​ (if you want ^^) and you! if you want to do this uwu. 
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Fjorester in Episode 43
I watched this ep live which means it was 4-7am to me and I might have missed stuff, but here’s what I remember
When Jester wants to start a bar fight and Fjord knows she’s going for it, so his first comment about it, before she even says she wants to fight is “No killing, Jester.”
And then the others keep trying to talk her out of it but the only opinion she asks is Fjord’s saying “Tusktooth?”
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But, like, Fjord (as I’ve yelled about so many times before) enjoys Jester’s shenanigans even when he pretends to be frustrated by them, so instead of talking her out of it, he pretends to be chugging on his ale, which Jester correctly takes as a “go ahead”.
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heart eyeeeees
“One gold on the blue one!” Awesome callback to their fight in the Gentleman’s speakeasy, further proof that Fjord is just a chaotic prankster at heart and a reminder that he’s constantly in awe by how badass Jester is.
Fjord’s soft-ass smile after the fight when Jester excitedly declares “Hey, I made a friend!” “Yeah, you kept all your teeth!”
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When they are talking about the Divers Grave and they are discussing what kind of monster might be in there and then Jester says “It’s an underwater banshee, for sure.” 
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“Is that a thing?” 
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*knowing full well he’s being fucked with* “Hmmmm.”
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I don’t know why that exchange feels so flirty to me, and like the fact that they keep zeroing in on each other during group conversations like they live in their own little bubble, kills me.
The Caleb and Jester talk!!!!!!!!
(I will make a whole separate post dissecting this conversation later)
“Really, none of us like it here but Fjord” “I don’t even know if he likes it a lot” 
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Yes! Give me Jester picking up on Fjord’s general discomfort with the situation and how stressed and uneasy he is with how everything’s gone down!
For real though, if I have to see one more post talking about how Jester doesn’t actually care about the real Fjord or how he feels about this whole situation, this talk is one of the very many scenes imma shove on their faces passive-aggressively. 
“Well, there’s parts of it that he likes.” “Like Avantika” “I don’t know”
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Rip my heart out, Laura Bailey, why don’t you!
“You’re sweet on him, ja?” “I don’t know...” “Yeah.” “It feels funny.” “How do you mean?”
“Well, you know when you really like somebody but then you start to know them and you go ‘do I like them, or do I like what I thought they were’? And you don’t know.”
Mfking laura bailey giving us that character growth arc with sheltered naive Jester who believes in love at first sight and the romance all her books talked about and is now beginning to realize that real deep feelings are much stronger and complicated than all of that.
Like the way she says it “feels funny” really says so much.
And I know some people might take this as “oh so she never liked him for real” but I think that would mean taking this conversation entirely out of context. 
This whole arc, Fjord and Jester have had some very big moments together, and I think Jester’s confusion does not stem from being disillusioned with Fjord...
I think the fact is that she’s feeling more than she expected, she’s discovering she likes Fjord in a way she has no words for, in a way that makes her hurt when he talks to Avantika, that makes her confused about their interactions, second guessing his intentions and whether he’s fliriting back with her or not, overanalyzing what his gestures mean, like the kiss...
Jester is in Love with capital L and none of her mother’s teachings and experience have prepared her to handle it.
What I want to talk about here, though, is not about Jester’s confusion per se but how Travis and Matt react to this. Since if anyone is aware of what Fjord feels about this it would be the two of them.
“Do I like them or do I like what I thought they were?”
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This is the face of a man who just realized his wife is taking her funny character’s crush and turning it into real feelings and he’s going to be fucked.
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That is the face of a DM who is ready to take the most advantage of this situation in the future.
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Bonus: Taliesin “I’ve been in the receiving end of this” Jaffe is enjoying this too much. He is just shaming Travis/Fjord for his bad choices.
“And then you think they are flirting with you but then you find out they probably weren’t, you know?”
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Travis’s blush just tells me that there was flirting (which was pretty obvious, and Laura knows it)
“And you feel kinda sad about it and maybe a little stupid?”
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Travis after that talk contemplating his life choices.
But for real, what kills me about that talk is how familiar it feels, and how confused Jester seems by Fjord’s hot and cold attitude, but she’s not ever blaming him for not liking her, or not living up to her fantasy standards, not even for leading her on,  instead, she’s blaming herself and feeling stupid for not comprehending right away all of these complicated emotions.
Caleb: “Tomorrow we get sorted out, we help Fjord figure out his shit.”
Jester: “Yeah, that’s important to him.”
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Also, thank god that Jester talked to Caleb about this because he’s the one person who gave her some sensible advice: let’s focus on surviving and once back on main land you can take your time to figure your feelings out.
He also brings up that this is important for Fjord, which she agrees on. So no matter what, feelings or not, they will support him through this as best as they can.
Which brings us to Caduceus’s an and Fjord’s talk.
I love this conversation in light of what Tal’s said about Caduceus’ point of view during last weeks Talks: he’s aware of how Fjord’s decision to sleep will Avantika will create friction within the group, especially with Jester.
C: “I think this place is dangerous. She is dangerous.” F: “That she is.” 
And Fjord tries to avoid the subject, but now that they are there, you can see Caduceus scrunch his face and take a stab at the subject:
C: “Fjord, you know why everybody is doing this, why we’re all here, right?”
And Fjord sighs heavily because, to a degree, I don’t think he understand the answer is “because we care about you and want to help you”. To Fjord, the answer is: “this is your fault, your responsibility”
F: “Yeah. I mean, I think.” C: “I think you know. I just wanna point it out ‘cause that woman, she doesn’t care what any of us want. I’m sure she’d be interested, but it’s way low in her priorities and I don’t trust anybody who keeps other people’s needs that low in the list. You should keep in mind all that, while you’re getting in bed with her, so to speak.”
Fjord: *panics*
Fjord: *desperately tries to convince Caduceus to keep this knowledge to himself*
And I think, Caduceus with his high AF perception, can tell why Fjord cares so much that this is kept from the others. It’s not like it’s something bad, it’s actually beneficial for their group as a whole (as iffy as that makes me because of the unequal power dynamic), and it has been suggested multiple times.... so what reason does Fjord have to keep it so fiercely in the down-low? 
“I think I get it. I’m not gonna talk out of term. I trust your intentions, so...”
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And here’s a good part:
C: “You’re asking if I can tell that you’re conflicted?”
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F: “No, I think that’s pretty clear.”
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C: “You would be amazed, but alright.”
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Because Caduceus knows that not everyone in the M9 —cough, Jester, cough— is convinced that this is all just a play on his part. 
Fjord goes on to reaffirm that he’s trying to keep Avantika close for the party’s good. 
“He would not be the first she’s left in ruin. He would not be the last. I would take care of him, if he cannot.”
i am so frustrated that Laura/Jester seemed to misinterpret Vera’s warning help me god someone please bring it up on Talks or something because it will bother me forever
When they are planning: 
Caleb: What if Fjord keeps Avantika busy... 
Beau: Do we need to have him distract Avantika? Can’t we just go now?
Beau: And we can have [Caleb] make sure that [Fjord and Avantika] are busy. If you [Fjord] are comfortable with that. You don’t have a lot of a choice. 
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*Nott keeps planning*
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J: Well, Caduceus is very perceptive. 
F *having flashbacks of Jester going down in the jungle*: THE TWO CLERICS ARE NOT GOING ON THE MISSION TOGETHER.
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J: So we all wait until Fjord starts boning....
Fjord’s face journey tho
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he is so confused help him
when your crush who was jealous is suddenly ok with u sleeping with someone else
wait i thought she liked me
Fjord’s worried overprotective mode ON as soon as Caduceus casually mentions that two guards stabbed each other and probably everything is pandemonium 
Jester saying they should frame Vera was clearly rooted on her misunderstanding Vera’s warning, but I really like that as soon as she thought someone was a direct threat to Fjord she was like “nope gotta get rid of them”.
Avantika’s notes talk about her having dreams about people who were close to her “chaining her back” and how she had to get rid of them...
...and we’ve seen hints of that with Vandrin and Sabien in Fjord’s dream the other time....
...but I’m calling it that we’ll eventually see Uk’otoa try to pit him against the M9 and the one he’s closest to is Jester by far and I’m sure we’re gonna get some dramatic moment out of it I can’t waiiiit
*After reading the journal*
J: Fjord, as you as crazy as she is? Because holy shit.
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and likek
thanks i love them
in two weeks
if they don’t die
tune in to see me keep screaming about this two, and cross your fingers for a one on one talk if they manage to get a breather away from Avantika
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bforeverloverly · 5 years
GOT Last Season Thoughts - 8x1
Okay now that I’ve watched it twice and have slept and been at work for several hours like a grown ass adult I can safely say I am ready to comment on the first episode (of the end of the rest of my life omg who am I kidding grown ass adult I am a fangirl MESS). Here we go.
- Northerners hate everyone.
- Jon reuniting with Bran and Arya KILLS me.
- Listen- Sansa Stark is sick of not being in control of her destiny so yes she has a right to be bitter about Dany.
- I get where Jon is coming from but at the same time Dany is making me cringe so much already in a way she never has before. Because she really has so little interaction with the people of Westeros so far and...IDK I just want everyone to get along sue me.
- Davos is always right listen to him.
- Sansa and Tyrion. Dear lord my all time number 1 ship that brought me to tumblr. They are back in the same castle excuse me while I FLY INTO THE SUN. Yes it got a little tense at the end there but i still have HOPE.
- Gendrya is ON. Gendry is surprised by it but that little look Arya threw him over here shoulder was FLIRITING jfc Arya baby GET IT I’m so proud of you.
- Sam broke my heart.
- Bran is my favorite creeper EVER. No Sam you tell Jon the truth okay I have to sit out here all night so Jaime Lannister will legit shit his pants when he gets here this is my destiny and MY RIGHT.
- IDK if Jon will actually tell Dany the truth yet. Honestly, I don’t think Jon expects to survive the Whitewalkers and thinks Dany is the best hope for a good future. And I’m not sure that Dany will even believe him. I don’t have a good feeling about any of it.
- OMG how will I survive the next 5 weeks.
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aotoshironojersey · 7 years
If you want to d’aww...
Go to Eiji’s tbc story. If you want to laugh, skip to Oishi’s. If you want Golden Pair, read both.
...fell asleep during the homework doing stuff xD He obviously orders Oishi in his sleep, making his awake partner a very amused partner... that doesn’t get him out of being woken up by said partner, of course(the exchange is adorable, tho: ‘Eiji” ‘Munyaaa’ ‘Eiji it’s about time to wake up.’ ‘Nyaa..Did I just fall alseep?!’). Taka notes that Eiji had to be really tired to fall asleep like that, Inui adds that it’s probably since U-17 regime isn’t just some light stuff, and says that  body just probably went on to regenerate, since it didn’t have to work (physically, I assume?) 
Eiji notices with surprise that Tezuka and Fuji are no longer here and worries that school stuff took him so long that they got bored and left, but Oishi assures him that the two just been called by the coaches, but since the matter seems complicated, it might take some time for them to return. Eiji is relieved they won’t be angry at him for making them sit with him when he fell asleep (they were the ones to propose that to you, Eiji...). Oishi makes sure Eiji is not sleepy anymore, Eiji assures him he woke up completely now, and so, after getting a bot of sleep he can go back to work and deal with it.
Inui notes that that with Kikumaru in serious mode they should finish soon, Taka adds that they will help as much as they can (we don’t deserve Taka), Eiji thanks them both and promise to do his best.
Eiji seems to be exhausted, but also finished (yay!), and Taka and Inui not how his efforts seem to have quite an effect (with Inui noting that 94% of answers are correct). Oishi then asks Eiji if they should go, Eiji is confused-does Oishi mean they have to show it to Tezuka to get a stamp of approval? Wvwn though Tezuka would be pleased to hear he gave his all...(this kid <3)
Oishi is Amused again, reminds Eiji that he wanted to do tennis didn’t he? So they should go to the courts.
Eiji is all ‘Eeh? Is that okay?!’ Oishi is all smiley, saying that he also started to want to move his body a bit, Eiji is over the moon with being able to play with Oishi.
Scene change to the court the two are fliriting playing against each other, with Eiji going through the whole arsenal of his sayings and nyan sounds (that make him even more cute???How???), Oishi answers with praise (of course...) and promise that he won’t stay behind, Eii is elated to say the least, they go back and forth trading shots and complimenting each other, because that’s what players do to their opponents (can you feel the rainbow tonight...).
Eiji is exhausted but the ‘you goof’ type of exhausted, if you know what I mean, with a ‘that was fuuun’ as his first line. Oishi answers with usual ‘Otsukaresama, your movements were good today as well’ Eiji goes back with ‘Oishi’s as well!’ then continue with self reflection that ‘Even though I had confidence I couldn’t return the lob, it was too good’. Oishi replies with a thank you and offer short break since it’s around the time they(or Eiji??) are getting tired. Eiji answers with the usual ‘Sasuga Oishi! You know me so well~!’ (so it was Eiji after all...).
Oishi then progress to ask if Eiji slept well recently, since he was too sound asleep for a usual doozing off back during the study time...Which makes Eiji a bit embarrassed as he asks Oishi not to say things like that. Oishi apologises but still wonders if Eiji is 100% ok.
Eiji admits that he might have been tired, but most probable reason of him falling asleep was the fact he was trying to focus but couldn’t.
Oishi (IS A TEASE) says that if that’s the reason then it’s fine, sonce if Eiji doozed off during the match, that would be a problem...
Eiji isn’t amused by the joke(’That’s not gonna happen! >.<’), Oishi is Amused by Eiji, but still gets him rehydrated by throwing him his water bottle. Eiji thanking him whila catching said bottle are the evolved SR pic (shiny, happy son!).
Oishis sums the day up: ‘You did your homework and still got to play tennis, isn’t that a good free day?’
‘Yep, thanks to everyone’s help!...but you know, Racket is after all more fitting for me than Shapen! (I’m not sure if this is some kind of pen brand?), isn’t it?’ (With a cute Eiji laugh used as a background sound- I’m ded)
...Is still mothering his room xD
Basically, everybody say what they want to eat (with Eiji going my way by wanting to get a ‘fluffy fluffy omelet, followed by [not so much my way] puri puri [no idea how to translate that xD] fried shrimps, finished with a [again my way]Puffy for a dessert’ Shishido gets his meat, Ootori insist that he will eat anything since he is hungry [good boy!]).
Oishi interrupts them with saying that he knows how they feel but they should pln breakfast carefully since it’s the most important dish of the day blah blah (not really, but the meaning is similiar) and that they should start with the soup or salad, to get stomach working so taht they can taste the main dish properly. Eiji of course (IS UED TO BEING MOTHERED) goes with his little ‘Ha-ai~!’, but Ootori spots Fuji sitting somewhere nearby, doing something strange with his food. *Drama music starts* Eiji goes on to note how his friend’s food turned completely red from the stuff (Fuji’s SR has him holding a chilli sauce in it, so...), Shishido notes how that amount of flavorings (you mean liquid fire -,-’’) is quite dangerous. Insert Fuji’s ‘if you don’t start a day with such a steak it doesn’t have sense’ (or something along the lines.)
Ootori wonders if they should tell him not to eat that since it’s quite dangerous...
Eiji kinds of troubled-ly chuckles that it’s Fuji so it’s probably going to be fine, but the problem lies elsewhere...
Cut to Oishi (in his already Yakiniku magistrate form) approaching Fuji, with Silver Pair jumping up in surprise at his tone, while Oishi continues with ‘Fuji...the meat...what do you think is...?!’ with Eiji trying to (a bit unsuccessfully) redirect Oishi’s attention (’now, now, hold it in!’) but it’s too late, Ootori noticces how Oishi’s face has changes and wonders what happened, Eiji explains Oishi’s berserk button is the way of treating the meat you’re eating, and that he changes into a different person when you do it wrong.
Back to magistrate starting to rant to Fuji about meat quality etc. Fuji apologises (HE FAKES IT), only to get Oishi more agitated.
SP notices that this Oishi really is like a different person and they seriously didn’t know this face of his. They agree to try and not to anger him, but Eiji interjects that it’s fine as long as they treat their meat properly (lolz), and as long as they won’t eat it Fuji-style, they will be safe.
Ootori is like ‘Yeah, as expected of the [Oishi’s] partner’. Shishido suggest that he and Choutaro should go eat elsewhere, with Ootori noting that he will be careful about his meat-eating style (okay boys, THAT didn’t sound good >.<)
Eiji notes that they left, but ignores that in favor of Oishi’s part of food (Eiji -,-’’ true Middle schooler alright).
Oishi exits the Magistrate form but still scolds Fuji, noting how the meat doesn’t even look like itself anymore, Fuji returns that from now on he will go and por the sauce next to the meat, if the looks bother Oishi that much (Fuuuuji...).
Cue Oishi Yakiniku Magistrate form returning full force (with a friggin’ RECORDED ‘DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE MEAT JUICES!!!”) with a subtitles going ‘What do you think the meat is?!’
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hinatassmile · 8 years
Daisuga for the ship thingy if that's still going on? :33
;Thank you anon!!
who hogs the duvetSuga; Daichi learns to buy some warm pajamas and deal with it because Suga’s iron grip on the duvet even while sleeping is insane 
who texts/rings to check how their day is goingDaichi! Suga’s always floating around somewhere in his mind so when he has a moment he’ll send a quick “hey! what’s up?” and sometimes Suga will call him in the evening to talk about something funny that’d happened and just to hear his voice~ 
who’s the most creative when it comes to giftsSugaa, he’s a highly skilled gift giver, although honestly Daichi would appreciate anything Suga gave him (one time Suga gifted him an avocado as a joke, and Daichi stared at it for a moment, then gave him a blinding smile and said “Suga! I love avocadoes, thank you!!” Suga felt like somehow, he was the one tricked) 
who gets up first in the morningIt varies, and if one of them wakes up the other one naturally wakes up too~ If Suga’s awake first, he likes to trace patterns on Daichi’s skin and appreciate his muscles, and if Daichi wakes up first, he watches Suga’s quiet breathing and wonders how it’s possible to be so beautiful 
who suggests new things in bedSugaa, he has a lot of fun with these kinds of things, and he likes how flustered Daichi gets when he suggests “should we try ***** and maybe some of ******?” (”S-Suga you can’t just say those things out loud!! It’s bad for my heart” – Daichi) 
who cries at moviesThey both do~ such softies at heart! 
who gives unprompted massagesDaichi, although Suga’s a bit ticklish so they don’t always go smoothly! Usually Suga gives Daichi a massage afterwards as well
who fusses over the other when they’re sickThey both fuss over each other a lot! They do their best to stay at each other’s side and provide as much comfort as possible; sometimes Daichi will be sitting on the floor with his back against the wall by Suga’s head, and they’ll be holding hands as Suga drifts off into a feverish sleep and Daichi ends up falling asleep in that position; sometimes Suga will be resting his head on the side of the bed as he listens to Daichi’s congested breathing, and he’ll end up falling asleep in that position~ 
who gets jealous easiestSuga a little, because Daichi’s pretty popular with girls and sometimes will end up getting confessed to; but Daichi reassures Suga that he wouldn’t want to be with anyone else for the rest of his life, and Suga’s litte green monster is squashed 
who has the most embarrassing taste in musicDaichi likes old-timey, traditional Japanese music, and Suga listens to movie soundtracks, indie rock, and electro swing 
who collects something unusualIt’s not super unusual, but Suga likes mint Tic Tacs and has a lot of packs stacked on his desk since he goes through one pretty quickly~ 
who takes the longest to get readyThey’re both pretty quick! When it comes to formal clothes, Daichi sometimes needs a little help with his tie 
who is the most tidy and organisedThey’re both pretty tidy, although Suga’s more likely to make a small mess and say he’ll clean it up later, while Daichi just cleans up after himself right away 
who gets most excited about the holidaysSuga! He loves the holidays a lot, and he likes being able to spend time with Daichi and going to new places and exploring~ Daichi loves being able to spend more time with Suga and likes seeing him so excited, but he gets tired out quicker 
who is the big spoon/little spoonSuga is the little spoon, Daichi is the big spoon!
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sportsThey’re both really competitive!! When it comes to smack-talking the opponent though Suga has the upper hand, and if that opponent is Daichi, occassionally he loses his spirit to fight since Suga’s words can dig a little deep (Suga then spends the next five minutes attempting to revive Daichi, who remains unresponsive until Suga says “Daichiii, you know I love you a lot right? It’s just a silly competition!” and then Daichi sniffs and gives a gruff “I-I love you too”)
who starts the most argumentsSuga, but it’s not serious arguing, sometimes he just likes giving Daichi a hard time! Daichi eventually learns to play along or banter back or, if he’s really feeling daring, will pin Suga against a wall, stare right into his eyes, and say “If you’re trying to make me force you to stop talking, then I will” (he usually gets embarrassed afterwards, but Suga loves it) 
who suggests that they buy a petNeither of them, they don’t feel like they’d be around the house often enough to properly take care of one, and they also like being able to travel and go wherever they want freely!
what couple traditions they haveGoing to a hot springs during winter break; trying out new recipes on Fridays; hiking to a nearby hill to watch the fireworks during New Years and sharing a kiss under the stars; setting up their own little bamboo plant for Tanabata and eating watermelon after hanging their wishes; wearing matching yukata during festivals; taking polaroids of themselves on their birthdays and pinning them to a cork board (as more time passes, it’s interesting seeing how much they change physically) 
what tv shows they watch togetherModern Family, Parks and Rec, Bob’s Burgers, Breaking Bad
what other couple they hang out withAsaNoya, KiyoYachi, KageHina, EnnoTana 
how they spend time together as a coupleWatching videos of opponents’ games and observing their patterns; cooking together (Suga has an apron that says “WARNING: Hot Stuff Coming Through” and Daichi’s says “The Grillfather”); going for early morning jogs when the grass is still wet with dew; taking shifts driving during long car rides and smiling fondly at the other one sleeping in the passenger seat; spending a lot of time in gift shops finding souvenirs for their family members and friends; holding hands and touching foreheads as they fall asleep listening to each other’s breathing 
who made the first moveDaichi! They were the last ones cleaning up the gym after practice and Daichi’s mind suddenly told him “do it, do it now” and he found himself blurting “Suga, would you go out with me?!” The look of surprise on Suga’s face almost made Daichi’s heart stop because he thought it meant Suga was going to say no, but instead Suga said, “Did you finally figure out I was fliriting with you for the past month?” 
who brings flowers homeDaichii, Suga calls him a sap for doing so but it makes him happy~ 
who is the best cookThey’re both good cooks~ sometimes they’ll end up hosting dinners for the team at their place and everyone always raves about their food!
Send me a ship!  no more please!
IwaOi  TsukkiYama  KageHina  KenHina  Kiyoyachi  AkaKage  TanaNoya EnnoTana  BokuAka
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