#Silver Pair
tastaturean · 3 months
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El Silver Pair del Hyoutei, del anime Prince of Tennis. Ilustración de Initial A como colaboración especial en el doujinshi Colors, recopilación de ilustraciones originales de Eastern Robo, publicado en diciembre de 2003.
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kitamars · 1 year
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oh no! more ginhiji
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kashmimo · 6 months
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baby pokemon trainers 🐣
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ryllen · 7 months
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have u never been scared by malleus draconia? be scared now because i enable him to use 12 pokemons specifically to destroy you
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merilles · 3 months
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Ladies of the Ring 💍✨
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collageofnudes · 7 months
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Ekaterina Shiryaeva (Екатерина Ширяева - Katti Colour) & Kristina Scherbinina (Кристина Щербинина - Liya Silver) , w/o Julia Yaroshenko (Юлия Ярошенко) by Alexey Trifonov (Алексей Трифонов) with Fedor Shmidt
part 5 / 6 (part 1 , part 2 , part 3 , part 4 , part 6)
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poirott · 10 months
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Agatha Christie’s Poirot costumes [7/?] ↳ Poirot's suit with silver waistcoat (+ grey version) in 2x08 "The Kidnapped Prime Minister"
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valkofish · 5 months
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who let bro into the kitchen 🙏😭❌
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xyxofspades · 26 days
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Wang YiBo and His Tiny Handbags
Wang YiBo’s recent photo drop for SDC6 brought back to mind (well it’s always on MY mind, but it seemed to remind everyone else) his love for tiny handbags.
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So please enjoy this selection of Wang YiBo’s tiny handbags:
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junotter · 1 year
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Taako literally gets to kiss death this is so unfair
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un0vian · 1 year
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Silver fans finally got a win
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sauriansolutions · 2 months
🦇🗡️🐉🐊 Diasomnia mini-headcanons: reacting to Lilia's pranks
Having Lilia for a dad has made Silver impossible to scare.
The poor kid was probably genetically destined to be deadpan already, and that's before he was raised by the guy who's like a jumpscare in human (well, technically fae) form.
You could probably sneak up on Silver and set off a firecracker right next to his ear, and he wouldn't even blink. Just turn around and be like, "Oh, hi y/n. I didn't see you there, how are you?"
Not only won't he be startled, he won't even register anything was off about this interaction. Attempting to prank Silver will often end in the pranker getting pranked by the prankee's complete lack of a reaction.
At this point, Lilia only still attempts pranking Silver as something like an expert-level skill challenge, or because he finds his lack of reaction funny/gratifying. ie, "Aww, I've trained you so well!"
Sebek, on the other hand, falls for it every time. Every single time, without fail. He'll jump and scream so loud, he'll not only scare himself but everyone and everything with ears in a hundred-meter radius.
And it's not like Lilia hasn't been pranking Sebek for almost as long as he's been pranking Silver! Sebek is just a very sensitive boy. 🥺 He's also very gullible, 100% believes everything Lilia says, no matter how many times it turns out Lilia was just playing a joke on him.
Lilia tries not to scare Silver and Sebek when they're together, because Sebek will completely freak out, while Silver won't bat an eyelid. Which will then lead to Sebek getting mad at Silver (which Silver still won't react to, making Sebek even angrier, etc etc). But it's often too hard for Lilia to resist a good scare setup. And guard duty means Sebek and Silver are together a lot, so...
Malleus is right in the middle. He's been pranked by Lilia his whole life too, which is longer than Silver and Sebek have been alive combined. But as heir to the Briar throne, Malleus had a sheltered childhood, and he's still quite naive despite his age, so he will still get startled sometimes.
However, unlike Sebek who gets comically mad when he realizes he's been tricked, Malleus always laughs when he realizes it's just Lilia, and he got him again.
Everybody else is too scared or in awe of Malleus to even think about trying to prank him, so he genuinely appreciates all the ways Lilia makes him feel included ;w;
... Mainly by teasing and scaring him, but that's Lilia's love language. <3
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tellmelater · 8 months
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sjm romance week day 1 - first date
nesta and eris would go dancing… duh
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major-mads · 8 months
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Chapter 1: Welcome to Thorpe Abbotts
John "Bucky" Egan x Ruth Morgan (OFC)
Series Masterlist
A/N: Ruth has been living in my head for months now, and I'm so so so excited to share her with y'all! This series is Jess (footprintsinthesxnd) and I's brainchild. Our ideas just seamlessly fit tegether, and here we are! We actually wrote this first chapter a week before the 26th, so if anything happens to almost exactly match the show, we came up with it before we saw it on there! (we're just good like that 😎)
Collab: On a Wing and a Prayer by @footprintsinthesxnd
Word Count: 5.3k
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The hum of the engine was the only sound in the C-47 as it soared over the English countryside. The patients had finally settled, and the morphine finally took effect and brought them some sense of relief. Hope slumped back into her seat with a sigh, smiling over at Ruth who looked as exhausted as she was. 
“You looked tired,” Hope smiled at her friend who just sighed.
“It’s been a long day. I can’t wait to get back to base,” Ruth pushed her short blonde hair out of her eyes, sighing again. 
“Hey Frank, how much longer have we got,” Hope called to one of the pilots.
“We’ve had to make a detour, doll. We’re heading to Thorpe Abbotts airfield and will evacuate the wounded to Thorpe St. Andrews Hospital. It’s not far now.” 
Hope felt her heart flutter, her throat drying as she slouched back against her seat. 
“Hey Hope, what’s wrong?” Ruth leaned forward, gripping Hope’s hand and squeezing it, her large blue eyes filled with worry. 
“It’s Hugh,” Hope muttered, her eyes a little teary but a smile on her lips nonetheless. “My brother is stationed at Thorpe Abbotts with the 100th Bomb Group. I haven’t seen him in so long.” 
Ruth’s concerned frown turned to a smile, “So I’m finally going to meet this Hugh I’ve heard so much about.” 
Hope laughed, patting her friend on the back gently, “You will, but don’t get any ideas.” 
The aircraft soared towards its destination, and the occasional jolting and shaking on the metal bird brought no fear to the flight nurses anymore. Once, the ratting metal coffin struck the fear of God into them but now this was a peaceful ride.
Hope watched out the window as the lush, green countryside grew closer and closer. 
“Hey, Frank! Stop hugging the hedgerows for crying out loud. Don’t let the girl down before we’ve reached the field,” Hope called, grimacing as the trees seemed to grow ever closer.
“Who’s flying this bird, Armstrong? You or me?” Frank retorted, not looking away from the cockpit.
“Well, maybe you could use some lessons in keeping the old girl airborne then. We’ll beat up the airfield at this rate.” 
Ruth laughed, watching Hope argue with the pilot once more, “You know Hope, maybe you should have gotten your wings. Then you could be flying us instead of Frank.” 
“You’ve got a good point there, Ruth. Ya hear that Frank, Ruth wants me flying instead of you.” 
Frank’s reply was a muffled curse, and both girls found themselves giggling in response. The plane tooled along for a while longer until it finally began to descend, rattling as it lost altitude and shaking its victims vigorously. The wheels touching down on the tarmac filled everyone with great relief. 
“Well that was one ropey landing, Frank. Maybe I could give ya a few lessons?” Hope asked politely, batting her eyelashes at the pilot who just huffed.
“Shove off, Hope. Now get to it, your blood wagons are waiting.” 
Hope cringed at the nickname the ambulances had been given, they were lifesaving vehicles transporting sick men, why make it sound so ominous? 
Hope hopped down from the plane, instructing the stretcher-bearers on which soldiers were in the worst condition. Between them, Hope and Ruth helped carry three wounded men to the ambulances when an obnoxiously loud voice called, “Well, I’ll be damned!” 
Hope spun round, her boots scuffing at the earth. 
“HUGH!” Her brother laughed jovially, jogging over to them. 
“Gosh, I’ve missed you, Little Bird,” Hugh threw his arms around Hope’s shoulders, nestling his head into her neck as he always did. Hope couldn’t comprehend what was happening. She was finally in her brother's arms, finally reunited with him after so long. She gripped tightly onto the back of his uniform, burying her face in his chest. He smelt of smoke and engine oil just like he did back home. 
“I’ve missed you so much,” she murmured, just loud enough for Hugh to hear as he tightened his grip on her further. She could feel Ruth hovering awkwardly behind her and she turned to greet her friend, pulling out of her brother's arms.
“Ruth, this is my brother, Hugh. Hugh, this is my friend, Ruth.” 
Ruth smiled sweetly, sticking out her hand to shake Hugh’s but instead, he pulled her into a bear hug.
“Any friend of Hope’s is a friend of mine,” he assured Ruth and she smiled, her cheeks turning a deep red at the embarrassment of the situation.
“Hugh, put her down. Look, you're making the poor girl blush,” Hope laughed, which only caused Ruth to blush harder. 
“My apologies Ruthie, where are my manners,” he bowed, taking her hand and placing a gentle kiss on her knuckles. 
“Oh, uh- nice to meet you.” Ruth stumbled over her words, quickly using the excuse that she needed her flight jacket as an excuse to return to the plane.
“You’re a real pain in the ass, you know that?” Hope groaned, shoving her brother playfully in the ribs. 
“I don’t know, I’ve always considered myself rather charming,” Hugh protested, puffing out his chest in pride. 
Hope nodded, spinning around to call Ruth to join them. The blonde soon was walking back toward the group, now wearing her fleece aviation jacket, and to her relief, without a rosy dusting on her cheeks. 
“I still can’t believe out of all the airfields in England, you managed to land at this one,” Hugh laughed, throwing an arm around both girls' shoulders. “You two are in for a real treat.” 
As they walked through the base, Hugh pointed out the various hard stands. 
“See, right there,” he pointed at a few heavies. “That’s “Just-a-Snappin’, Our Baby, and the M’lle Zig Zig.”
“Where do you guys get these names, Hugh?” Hope laughed, her eyes trailing over each one’s elaborate nose art, along with some very proud-looking engineers and artists who had clearly put so much love into the bombers.
Shrugging his shoulders, Hugh sighed, shaking his head. “I couldn’t tell ya. What’s your plane named?”
“Just the Angel of Death,” Hope chirped.
Hugh stared at her for a moment before shaking his head. “Always with the dark humor, aren’t you, Hope.”
After hearing so much about the man from Hope, Ruth felt as if she’d known Hugh for years when in reality she’d only known him for a few minutes. She knew the stories of how the siblings played in the woods of Columbia, Missouri, exploring the famous rock bridge that brought hikers and tourists into the town. She knew of his love for the St. Louis Cardinals, and how he wore his battered and dirty Dizzy Dean jersey for a week straight after they won the World Series in ‘31 and ‘34. Maybe he’d heard so much about Ruth from Hope that he felt the same way. 
‘It would make sense based on his initial reaction.’ she thought, absentmindedly reaching up and grabbing the small pendant hanging from her neck, running her fingers over its smooth edges.
Before they knew it, the trio reached their destination: his officer nissen hut. They were long semi-circular metal huts, not known for their warmth or comfortability, but they were a soft place to land at the end of the day…which is a lot more than most young men of the time could say. 
“Welcome to my humble abode, ladies,” he announced as they neared the building, holding out his arms in a ‘ta-da’ motion. “She’s not much, but she’s home.”
He began to open the door for them, but a voice in the distance stopped him.
“Charlie! No girls in the huts,” the voice called. “I told you that a few weeks ago.”
Turning toward the voice, Hope did a double take when she saw who its owner. Approaching them was a tall, tan, brunette, who wore a bomber jacket with his hair messily combed to the side. He walked with a swagger that instantly put a bad taste in Hope’s mouth.
She sighed to herself, thinking, ‘Why do all the cute ones have to be cocky?’ 
Hugh groaned, pointing at Hope. “Buck, come on, this is my-” 
The man finally reached them, and Hope stopped herself from being captivated by his blue-green eyes.
“I don’t care who she is. You know the rules,” he interrupted, turning to the girls. “Sorry girls, but I think it’s time for you to go.”
Ruth cringed and side-eyed Hope, already expecting a snarky response to his comment. 
“Well,” she paused, checking her watch for effect. “Seeing as we have patients in the infirmary, it actually isn’t time for us to go.”
It was then that he looked down at her upper arm, taking in the bright red and white medic band that adorned her uniform. Ruth could see the slightest show of remorse in his expression as his eyes rose back up to Hope’s. 
“My apologies, ma’am. I didn’t know-”
Hope didn’t let him finish, cutting him off. “Maybe you should know all the facts before you make an assumption, Buck.”
“Hope!” Ruth hissed, trying to placate her friend, but the woman ignored her.
“See, other than my brother, this is why I can’t stand airmen. They’re cocky-”
Realizing the flaw in Hope’s argument, Ruth ran a hand down her face, secondhand embarrassment filling her. Just when she was about to interject, Buck beat her to it.
“Now hold on. Maybe you should know all the facts before you make an assumption, sweetheart.”
Hope’s mind ran rampant with frustration, and she stared up at him with contempt as he smiled cheekily at her. His eyes were locked on hers as they had a stare-down, neither wanting to be the first to give in. 
“So,” Hugh cleared his throat in an attempt to break their silent battle. “Let me introduce you guys. Ladies, this is my squadron commander, Major Buck Cleven.”
Buck tilted his head slightly, not breaking eye contact with Hope. “Nice to meet you.”
“Likewise,” she replied dryly.
Ruth shook her head and sighed, amazed at her fellow nurse’s childlike stubbornness.
“And Buck, this is my sister, Hope, and her friend Ruth. They’re flight nurses with the 806th MAETS.”
Ruth raised a hand and waved with a quiet, “Hello,” and Hope felt a little satisfaction when the man’s eyes widened at the word sister. 
Buck’s eys left Hope for a moment to acknowledge Ruth, who stood beside her, with a nod and a smile. “Nice to meet you, ma’am.”
“You, too, Major,” she responded with a small grin. He then turned back to Hope.
“So, you’re the infamous little sister we’ve all heard about?” Buck chuckled, placing his hands on his hips.
The woman glanced over at Hugh, who wore a guilty expression. “All good things, I hope.”
“For the most part,” Buck chimed, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means I know about your little escapade to Kansas City, and how–” 
Hope’s eyes widened in disbelief that her brother had divulged her most embarrassing moment. “Hugh!!” she cried, smacking his chest. “You lying piece of crap! You promised!”
“It’s not like I thought you’d ever meet anyone here, Hope!”
Composing herself, she took a deep breath and sent Buck a tight-lipped smile. “It looks like you know a lot more about me than I do about you, Major.”
“It would seem so, Nurse Armstrong.”
As Ruth amusedly listened to Gale and Hope’s banter, she felt like she was being watched. Glancing around the group, her heart skipped a beat as her eyes met another set of icy blues, ones that were new to the group. 
‘How did I miss him walking up?’ she wondered.
Their gazes locked for a few seconds that seemed to last minutes, and a shudder ran through her. Breaking from his stupor, he quickly looked away with a light pink dusting on his cheeks. Ruth felt her own blush creeping up her neck and wrapped her flight jacket closer to her body, the English chill suddenly getting to her. 
Her eyes seemed to have a mind of their own as they fought to return to the handsome stranger. It took all her willpower to keep them on Hugh, who was talking to the group.
“I can’t imagine going up without weapons on board. We’ve got 12 50-cal brownings and sometimes I feel that’s not enough.”
The battle within herself became too much, and Ruth finally gave in to her temptation. Her eyes flitted over to the man, and she silently sighed in relief when she found his gaze elsewhere. It was then that she discovered her first assumption of the man being ‘handsome’ was an understatement. He had a strong and well-defined jawline, expressive and striking blue-grey eyes, a straight nose, and a slightly curved lip, which held a pencil-thin mustache.
She liked the mustache.
He wore a crooked crusher cap and a white fleece-lined flying jacket that looked somewhat dirty, accompanied by his brown service top poking out at the jacket collar.
Ruth was mesmerized by the man, and she didn’t even know his name. A wide grin broke out on his face as he engaged in the group’s conversation, his upper lip curling up, allowing a few teeth to peek out the top, and Ruth felt her stomach lurch for the second time in a short few minutes. 
Focus, Ruth. Focus.
An elbow to her side broke her stare, and the group’s eyes were suddenly on her as Hope looked at her expectantly. 
“What?” Ruth asked, looking like a deer in headlights.
“I said that we would go insane without each other up there.”
“Oh,” she sighed with a small smile. “You would probably kill Frank if I weren’t there.”
The group broke out in laughter, and Ruth found her eyes absentmindedly moving to the mystery man. As he chuckled, his eyes wrinkled at the edges, and his full smile revealed a dazzlingly straight set of pearly whites. His loud laughter was infectious, and a few giggles escaped her mouth. 
As the group’s chuckles started to die down, Hope looked over at Ruth. She took in her friend’s shy smile and blush, then followed her gaze to the airman across the circle. Realizing what was happening, she nudged Ruth lightly, a teasing eyebrow raised.
“What?” Ruth grumbled under her breath, leaning closer to her friend’s ear as the guys carried on the group’s conversation. 
“You like him.”
The blonde’s smile fell and heat rushed up her neck. “Who?”
Hope tilted her head incredulously, rolling her eyes. “You know who.”
“No, I don’t,” she defended, 
“He’s staring,” Hope grinned, nodding his direction subtly. 
Ruth’s eyes rose to his, and sure enough, his striking eyes were gazing into hers yet again. This time, however, he didn’t look away. The corner of his lips quirked up into a barely noticeable grin, and she felt as if she was shrinking under the intensity of his gaze.
“Uh, I need to go check on the patients,” she sputtered, pointing her fingers in the direction of the infirmary. With a curt nod to Hope, she quickly turned and started toward the infirmary, her blonde curls bouncing with each step. A few seconds later, she spun to face the group and called, “But it was…uh…nice to meet y’all.”
Hugh didn’t miss a beat and hollered back his reply. “You, too, Ruthie!” He then paused until she was out of earshot. “She alright?” 
“She’s fine,” Hope sighed, used to her friend’s more timid personality. She had hoped that over time, her extroversion would rub off on the nurse, but so far, she had no such luck. Ruth was more of a one-on-one person, not one for groups of people unless she knew them pretty well. It seemed the smaller the group got, the more Ruth seemed to come alive. It was like pulling teeth to get Ruth to agree to go out with the other girls of the unit, but when she finally stepped out of her comfort zone, she usually had a good time filled with friends, fellas, and amazing big band music.
Ruth’s admirer joined the conversation, and Hope smirked, watching his eyes follow her friend. “How far away is your base?” 
“We’re in Berkshire, so by car, it’s about three hours, but by plane, probably 45 minutes.”
“So not far,” he chimed, raising his eyebrows and nodding to himself. Before anyone else could comment, he spoke again. 
“See you boys later,” he said absentmindedly as he watched Ruth’s figure go around a corner. Clapping Buck’s shoulder, he set off and followed the nurse’s path around the corner, missing the raised eyebrows and confused expressions sent his way. All eyes followed him as he, too, disappeared around the corner.
Hope pursed her lips at the new development, unsure of the man following Ruth. “Should I be worried?”
“Yep,” Hugh confirmed with a curt nod.
Buck hit him on the chest, chuckling under his breath. “Johnny’s a good man, darlin’.”
Hugh suppressed a snort thinking of the commander’s wild habits and how Buck didn't exactly answer her question.
“Anyways, back wh-”
And just like that, the conversation continued, and Hope had a strange feeling of contentment being on base. Finally being with family again.
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As Ruth briskly made her way around the nissen huts to the infirmary, her heart continued to beat rapidly in her chest, and her mind replayed his smile non-stop. 
Get it together, Ruth!
When she finally reached the infirmary, she stopped at the door, taking a deep breath to gain some composure. Within seconds of opening the heavy door, the base’s head surgeon approached her, wiping his hands with a rag.
“Hello,” he greeted. “I’m Captain Emory Kinder, and I’m assuming you’re one of the flight nurses who landed earlier?”
Ruth wore her signature toothy grin and nodded. “Yes, sir. Ruth Morgan. My other half is visiting with her brother as we speak.”
“Yep, Hugh Armstrong,” she replied, her smile widening as his face lit up.
“Charlie! Oh yeah, I know him. He’s been in here for a few hangovers after a rowdy night in Dickleburgh.”
“Really?” Ruth chuckled, picturing the confident young man drunk as a skunk.
“Oh yeah. We love him though. He’s a good one for sure.”
A patient called out to him, and with a nod, he was off, helping the man. Ruth busied herself however she could, bringing airmen water, re-wrapping their bandages, and pretty much anything that would get her mind off the man from earlier. She was inspecting a man’s arm wound when the creaking of the door opening filled the building. Paying it no mind, she kept working, noting how the tissue was already healing. 
“It looks good, Sergeant. You should be back in the air soon,” she said quietly.
His wide-eyed morphine-induced expression looked pitiful, but he managed to mumble out a, “Thank you, ma’am.”
Ruth gathered her supplies and stood to her feet, throwing away the bloody bandages when Emory's voice rang through the air.
“Speaking of rowdy nights in Dickleburgh...Major, what can I do for ya? Is that shoulder giving you problems again?”
“No, Doc,” the newcomer began, his deep voice breaking the relative quiet. “The shoulder’s fine. I just wanted to, you know, come see the boy-men.”
When she turned toward them and saw the white jacket, the roll of bandages fell from her grasp and hit the floor with a thud, rolling a few feet away to the man’s feet. The heat returned to her cheeks in a rush, and her eyes froze on the bandages for a moment, silently cursing the little white bundle. She watched in horror as the man slowly bent down and picked it up, walking toward her as he threw it up in the air and caught it.
“I think this yours,” he said, one side of his lips quirking up into a smirk as he held it out to her.
Raising her eyes from the bandage to his eyes, she prayed her voice would stay steady. “Thank you, sir.”
She took the bandage and tried to remain calm, her free hand raising to run her fingers over the cool metal of her locket.
“John. Major John Egan,” he introduced himself, extending his hand to her. “But you can call me Bucky.”
Ruth’s brows furrowed in confusion as she took his much larger hand and shook it gently. It was surprisingly soft compared to the men she’d treated from the lines.  “Bucky? It’s there another-”
“Yeah,” John chuckled and slowly released her hand, shoving his in his pockets, rocking back on his heels. “We call Cleven Buck, too. He hates it, but he deals with it.”
Grimacing playfully, she decided to go out on a limb despite her pounding heart. “Well, I, um, don’t know if I’ll be able to remember who’s who.”
“Oh no,” John tutted, his eyebrows raised and a wide-mouthed smile painting his lips. “We can’t have that. You can call me John, Johnny, whatever you want, doll, but I don’t think you’re going to have a hard time remembering my name.”
“And why would that be, Johnny?”
“Because you’ll see it at the bottom of each letter you’ll get from me.”
The blonde froze, dropping her necklace in disbelief as she swallowed thickly.
‘There is no way he just said that,’ her mind repeated. ‘There is no way he just said that.”
Pushing through her reserved personality and the tingling sensation swirling in her stomach, she decided to take a page from Hope’s book.
“What makes you think I’d let you write me, hotshot?”
Her mind went haywire. ‘‘Why did I just say that? I’m never taking Hope’s advice again. This is too stressful.’
For the first time in their interaction, his confident bravado seemed to fade and he didn’t quite know what to say. Perhaps he was always used to women giving in to his advances easily, but Ruth was not just another woman begging to be wooed. Johnny stood before her with furrowed brows, his upper lip sticking out slightly. He pushed back his jacket and placed his hands on his hips, his head ducking to the floor.
“Because I’d like to get to know you,” he replied earnestly, taking off his cap. “You’re gorgeous, and I would like to write you, Ruth.“
That was the last thing she expected.
In that moment, Ruth Morgan had a decision to make. Was she going to reject the airman or give him a chance? She knew she was attracted to him and there was chemistry there, but was she willing to put herself out there? The timid parts of her personality screamed at her to tell him no, but the parts that Hope had influenced were urging her to accept his offer. In the end, Ruth already liked Johnny, and she saw the sincerity in his statement as a deciding factor in the matter.
“Alright, you can write to me,” she answered quietly, pushing her hair behind her ear.
John watched as she walked to the infirmary desk and got a sheet of paper, scribbling down what he expected to be her address. He took in her features, just like he had earlier. Starting at her light blonde hair, his gaze traveled down her face to her familiar blue eyes, down her adorable nose, to her lips, which were pursed slightly as she concentrated on writing down her information. She was stunning, and Johnny knew that he wanted to see her again just from their short conversation.
Approaching him again, she held up a slip of paper, a toothy grin on her lips. “This is sensitive information, Major. It better not end up in enemy hands, and that includes your fellow airmen.”
“Yes ma’am,” he nodded once before fake saluting her, unable to keep his excitement inside. “Mission understood.”
“But just to be safe, I’m going to hold onto it for a little bit.” she leaned a little closer to him, her voice dropping to a whisper. “Just in case I, you know, change my mind.”
John grinned down at her and yet again raised his eyebrows as he nodded. Ruth noticed he did that a lot. “I’ll be on my best behavior, scout’s honor.”
Sliding the slip into her pocket, she started her nursing tasks once again, looking at him over her shoulder. “So, you were in the Boy Scouts?”
“No,” he chuckled, putting back on his cap as he moved next to Ruth to help. “I wasn’t, but Buck was. He ended up being an Eagle Scout before he aged out. One of the best in Wyoming, he says, but I don't buy it.”
He stood a good 5 or so inches above her, so his chin was at her eye level. In the small area at the nursing station, his shoulder was just barely pressed against hers as they both worked to roll bandages, and Ruth could feel the warmth radiating from his touch.
“It seems like you know each other pretty well,” she stated, looking up at him briefly.
His concentration remained on the bandage in his hands as he spoke. “Yeah. He’s my best friend.”
“How long have you known each other?” She asked, reaching up to mess with her necklace.
“We both joined up in ‘40 and were roommates in basic. Been together ever since.”
“That reminds me of Hope and I, although we haven’t known each other for nearly that long.”
John placed the finished bandage in the basket and turned to face her, leaning a hip against the counter as his earnest expression returned. “War makes people closer. Makes ‘em realize who’s important. What’s important.”
The blonde mirrored his stance, taking in his words. He was right. War did have a way of bringing people together. She gazed up at him with a shared understanding of how something as terrible as the war had brought out the best and worst in people, as well as brought people into their lives for the better. The pair’s eyes remained locked for a few moments, both realizing that perhaps there was something deeper than the flirting between them. His warm eyes seemed to search hers, and to her surprise, she didn’t feel nervous in that moment. Johnny’s gaze was like a warm blanket enveloping all of her senses to the point that all she could see was him.
“I feel the same way,” Ruth finally answered, fixing a stray curl that had fallen into her eyes.
Half of his lips curled up in a grin and he took a step toward her. “Ruth, I-”
The loud opening of the door jolted them from the moment, sending both their heads in the direction of the entrance. There stood an out-of-breath Frank, whose face was bright red and shimmering with sweat.
“Ruth! Do you know how long I’ve been looking for ya?” He cried, approaching them quickly.
Unsure of the man’s intentions, Johnny straightened and moved just barely in front of her, holding out a hand towards Frank. “Woah, buddy.”
Although it was an endearing effort, she couldn’t hold in a loud giggle at Frank’s offended expression that followed. “No, Johnny,” she laughed, gently lowering his hand.  “This is our pilot, Frank. Frank, this is Major John Egan. What is it?”
The pilot’s eyes flicked between Ruth and Johnny for a few seconds before he sighed. “I’ve filled the Angel up and it’s time to go. Find Hope and meet me back at the plane.”
Just like that, he was out the door again, probably to get ready for takeoff. Ruth’s heart sank at the realization that she was having to leave. It seemed he also came to the same conclusion as he turned toward her and sighed. 
“Looks like you’ve gotta go,” he said softly, slightly tilting his head to the side as he peered down at her. 
The nurse looked at the door, then lowered her gaze to her feet. “It sure does.”
She almost gasped in surprise when something warm grasped her hand gently. Her eyes shot up to John’s hand that held delicately held hers. The contact sent a tingle up her arm and seemingly straight to her mind, muddying her thoughts. 
“I'd like to see you again,” he murmured where only she could hear.
This quieter, softer version of him was unknown to Ruth, but she knew instantly that she liked the duality of Johnny. 
The blush she’d resisted finally won and dusted her cheeks as she looked up at him. “I’d like that, too.”
John softly tugged her hand closer and bridged the distance between them slowly, his entrancing eyes flicking between her eyes and lips. Ruth could hear her heartbeat in her ears as she stood on her toes to meet him. She felt his warm breath on her face, and her eyes fluttered closed, anticipating the kiss. But before their lips could meet, the door opened again, and Frank called out to her.
“Ruth, come on! You can neck the Major later!”
The door quickly creaked closed.
Heat rushed to Ruth’s face, and she reluctantly pulled back from Johnny, setting her heels back on the ground. Johnny awkwardly stood to his full height, glaring at the door where Frank stood moments before.
“I’ll see you next time, Johnny,” Ruth smiled bashfully, gently squeezing his hand once before dropping it. She walked backward to the door, praying she wouldn’t trip. 
Johnny let out a huff of air as the biggest smile grew on his face. “So there will be a next time?” 
She simply grinned at him, shrugging her shoulders when she turned to open the door. With one last look over her shoulder, she closed the door behind her. 
The infirmary was silent for a few seconds, and then the patients erupted in hollers, cheers, and whistles. 
“Way to go, Bucky!”
“Leave some for the rest of us, Major!”
Amid their uproar, John remembered a crucial detail: She hadn’t given him her address! He took off toward the door, reaching for the handle when it creaked open, revealing a laughing Ruth on the other side. She held out the slip to him.
“I think you behaved well enough, Major.”
“Told you,” he chimed, his eyebrows raising. “Scout’s honor.”
John took the paper from her outstretched hand and watched as she left once again. When the door had slammed shut behind her, he read the note to himself with a wide smile.
You can write me at the Grove, Berkshire, Hut 4. I like you, so try not to get shot down before I can return your letter, and I’ll do the same.
Safe Flying,
Ruth Morgan
Johnny shot his hand with the paper into the air, and the men cheered once again. Ruth, on the other hand, was in disbelief of what had just transpired. She had almost kissed him! She wanted to kiss him! Running her hands through her hair, she tried to focus on the task at hand: finding Hope.
Ruth ran around the base like a chicken with her head cut off looking for the woman, and was about to give up when she saw her sitting in a jeep with Buck in the distance.
“HOPE! There you are, I've been looking everywhere. Frank fueled up the plane. We have to go,” Ruth huffed, clearly out of breath from running, but her flushed cheeks, Hope thought, told a different story. 
“Okay, I'll be over in five minutes,” Hope promised, but Ruth didn't look convinced.
“Your five minutes or an actual five minutes?” She asked, and the glare Hope sent her way had Ruth turning around and heading back in the direction she’d come. 
“Okay, but I'll be timing you,” she yelled over her shoulder.
When Ruth looked back to see Hope kissing Buck on the cheek, it occurred to her that maybe there were more trips to Thorpe Abbotts in the cards for both of them.
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beedeewun · 1 year
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*launches a care package into space for cal kestis specifically*
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