destler · 10 months
i've been struggling to find people to write with for a little while, and out of nowhere so many people started following me and wanting to write different plots and i'm so flattered by each one of them!! you're all so creative and incredible and i'm so excited to write and plot
seriously this is so sweet KJSCHAIUYFEI
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ko-neko-san · 3 years
I'm not particularly religious in any sense, but I know some of y'all are. If it wouldn't be too much to ask, would y'all do me the favor of including my family in your prayers and stuff. My great grandparents are doing exceptionally poorly, like. hospice is telling us great granny is hanging on by a thread, and granddaddy will follow, we've always known that. I don't want them to stay, neither of them is great health wise, but if y'all would just pray for a painless exit, if it must happen now, that would be very appreciated. If you do, thank you, and if you don't, thank you for taking the time to read this.
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pastelninjaimagines · 4 years
Addressing why I’ve ghosted this blog harder than I ghost tinder boys...
Since about mid-May when I last posted, my mental health took an awful dive. I was in between homes then so I wasn’t comfortable or happy with my living situation. Thankfully now my family and I are settled into our new home, but it took a while to bounce back from that. And mixed with that, I, like so many others, were separated prematurely from all of my friends. I live halfway across the country from where I went to college and most of my friends were locals of the area. I won’t be seeing them anytime soon, some I know I’ll never be seeing again at all. And with moving to a new place, I know no one except my family. I was feeling isolated, especially when my school did literally nothing for its graduates. I still don’t even have my diploma...they didn’t do a virtual graduation and they sent out an email several days after our original graduation date, which was very generic and after the fact. I took it hard. I’m aware that so many people have been going through things the last couple months, but it was a lot for me to handle mostly bc everything happened all at once....On top of all that, I’ve lacked a lot of drive and inspiration for most of the requests sitting in my askbox. I’ll scope through the inbox and pick out a few and then I just stare at them and think...I’ve got nothing to say about this. It’s not every single ask, but it is hard to write for the same three characters every single time. I’m not trying to sound like I’m complaining, bc I genuinely appreciate every single ask sent my way, I’m just trying to explain (badly) what’s been going on. Also through my lovely depressive episode, I’ve been mainly focusing on my own original stuff. I’ve written some shorts and I’m currently working on a novel. That takes up most of my writing time and it does come first. Especially bc I start my creative writing program in the fall. It’s hard to balance writing fanfiction in any form on top of working on a long original project. But! This is not to say that I’m abandoning this blog bc I’m not. I love this blog and I love interacting with you guys. When I can, I will answer requests or just post random things that I feel like writing for my various fandoms. I do want to impress that I see every ask I’m sent and I apologize if the turnaround to answering it is abysmal. And I want to keep things realistic and say that it also just might never get answered simply bc I do not have inspiration for it and I do not put out half-assed work. I don’t do this for notes or for followers. I do this blog for fun and bc I love the characters I write for. I know this was long and wordy...so if you read it all, thanks. I wanted to close by saying thank you to everyone for your support and a special thank you to those who’ve reached out and asked if I’m ok. I genuinely appreciated it bc these are some dark times we’re all going through and any bit of kindness is very much appreciated. We all deserve to smile again, and hopefully we’ll all be able to soon.
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pyrotrolls · 4 years
personally i think of them in terms of "stages of life, drawn out", where the older a troll gets the longer a period in their life lasts so like. the younger they are the more their aging/maturity reflects human aging/maturity but as they get older (say 25-70 sweeps(depending on caste)) they're more like. in their human 30s/40s if that makes sense? obviously would differ by caste based on your HCS but
That makes sense yeah. I have no clue what I headcanon. I mostly just didn’t want it to be weird whatever arbitrary number I picked because I was like oh I want differences and variances but not many people have 80+ sweep old trolls and I don’t want labeled weird if i have him talk to a 20 something sweep old troll. So I’m gonna bump the age down to like 30. I picked a number at random anyway tbh with a d10. I’m very indecisive about stupid stuff. But as long as they’re all adults. I know human ages aren’t how trolls age though.
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thasorns · 4 years
Since you are a Sammy stan did you saw her new video? Are you going to gif it?
Hi dear anon!!! Ahdkahsialgj STOP!!... I think no giffing would do justice for the power this video holds... highly spoken...BUT I mean the video speaks for itself...
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ubassembly · 5 years
I’m waiting in the car while it’s parked so I’ve been staring at the image I reblogged of the model comparison. One of my biggest biggest hopes for swsh was for them to fix some of the pokemon whose colours went a bit weird when they moved to 3D. Like, especially with some of the shinies, but that’s mostly because I remember examples of them better. I do really like how the 3D ds games look but the colours on the sprites are so much nicer in my opinion. All that to say I can’t tell if the colours are different, they look more vibrant but that could just be the shading
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races-erster · 5 years
Okay, so this is the last time I’m going to say this in regards to the asshole in my inbox: I AM NOT, AND I MEAN NOT SENDING HATE TO MYSELF!
I turned anon back on because I felt bad about turning it off. It’s not fair to other people to not be able to use anon just because a few people decide to be complete dicks to me.
Also, the next time you come into my inbox and say something like that, you’re getting blocked. I don’t give a fuck who you are, I’m not going to hunt you down or anything, but you will be blocked. You may think I’m sending hate to myself, which is complete bs btw, but that’s not who I am. And, I think that you sending asks like that proves that I’m not sending hate to myself, because there you are in my inbox sending hate to me.
I have enough shit to go through already, I don’t need to worry about you being in my inbox. So please kindly fuck off and stop harassing me
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shrug-hellyeah · 6 years
today was... bad. By far, one of the worst days I’ve had in a long time. I don’t really want to talk about what happened because it’s really sour. I can even feel my mind supressing the memory already.
But it also made me feel something that I haven’t in a long time, too: humanity. I hugged and cried with a stranger. I offered them a bit of solace. I was given sincere thanks. My friend told me that thanks to people like me, they keep believing in humanity. 
Most of the time I wish I weren’t as sensitive as I am, but in moments like this, where it actually helped someone, I can’t help but be glad.
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miss--river · 6 years
just an fyi, i don’t bite! you guys can send me asks about anything at all. i’d love to interact with you all and get to know you!
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irlmorrissey · 7 years
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kaleidoscopekiller · 7 years
i have a halloween url this october just so i lose some followers :)))))
twistedshell >> scareardwayz
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veronicadvalle · 7 years
sometimes i feel like b/ghead shippers forfeited all right to criticize another ship for being “rushed” or “undeveloped”. I mean, b/ghead got together after 6 episodes, and that includes the 2 first episodes that they didn’t interact at all. Like, I get it. the counter argument is that “well, they have been friends since childhood.” but there is little proof of that in this alliteration. All romantic development occurred after episode 6. I’m not saying people aren’t allowed to ship it, or that its a bad ship. Not at all. Just ... it’s very rich to hear someone critique any general ship for being rushed when their otp is b/ghead. It seems hypocritical, specially those who criticize v*rchie for being ‘rushed’ and out of the blue in the same breath. v*rchie tip-toed around each other for 13 episodes, and got together in the season finale. Just like it happened to b/ghead, I’m expecting the relationship to be developed further now that they got together. 
If y’all are waiting for more development and/or to see how they work in a relationship before you jump on the v*rchie train, thats cool too. 
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sujubap9percent · 7 years
i need to stop making jokes.....sometimes people has a limit and i sometimes can be rude without knowing..and i'm sorry...i will shut from now......
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Hay, i was going backwards through the Jonathan Crane tag and saw your reviews for those kid books. You may or may not have noticed that I recently did reviews for the same books. I just wanted to apologize since I had not gone through the tags yet before I did those. I don't want you to think that I was ripping you off. If you wanted me to take them down, I can do that.
Firstly, I wanted to thank you for all the notes lately. It was nice to see someone going all the way though my tags. As for your reviews, I have seen them and I don’t want you to apologize. You’re not ripping me off at all, and I’m glad we have similar opinions! There’s no reason you should take your reviews down just because I wrote mine first and there’s no special rule saying only I can review them. I want more people to know about them, it’s why I talk about them a lot. For as much as the animated series is praised, those books are almost unknown to the fandom and it’s kind of sad. So please keep talking about them and let me know when you find more. (and please tell me about those new Lego Batman Movie books you’ve found lately, the ones with Crane–what are the titles? I need to know so I can scan them for my own collection!)
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“you tumblr kids dont know anything about communism OR socialism” *proceeds to talk only of communism, doesn’t mention socialism again at any point*
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lavenderbyun · 8 years
I feel like not following people just because they don't like one character won't help you much in finding blogs. People are bound to have different opinions at some point,you can't expect everyone to have the same tastes about everything.
dude, i literally follow blogs that hate some of my favourite dramas.
i’m a Kim Tan fan for gods sake. That itself should speak volumes since he’s pretty much the most hated kdrama lead i’ve ever seen. 
i dont choose not to follow blogs bc they have different tastes; i choose not to follow blogs that made hypocritical comments about Ji Sung Joon, when in reality, if they were to list their kdrama faves i’m pretty sure i’d be able to point out personality traits a lot worse. 
i kinda really loved Sung Joon, mainly because I kinda really love Park Seo Joon, but also because considering how he started off, and the fact that he didn’t have entire seasons to develop; he was one of the most developed kdrama leads i’ve seen. 
yes he had some problems, but so did the drama as a whole  
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