#THC fanfic collective
teyvathandymenclub · 2 years
Genshin Men - Pregnancy Reaction (P.1)
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Story: You just announced your pregnancy to your partner.
Characters: Zhongli, Thoma, Childe, Diluc
TW: None
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Zhongli - How is this possible? Is this a sign? A possible miracle of creation of a new archon? He was so occupied trying to be the best partner to you and this whole life as a mortal is still new to him. People and especially mortal relationships are too damn complicated. When he met you, he knew. He knew that you were destined to be together. His heart suddenly ached whenever you couldnt be together because of busy schedules. You became his sanctuary. Home and safety manifested in a person. And now he is supposed to be a father? How can his already full heart feel even fuller. He tries to keep his composure but his chest would soon burst from all the love and happiness. You bare his child. You are his lover, partner and now mother of a future archon. He will protect you like a god protecting his most precious treasure. Family is everything for him. Zhongli hugs you tightly. All the tears of happiness are only yours, he has no time to waste. His head is full of plans, arrangements to be made and preparations for the rest of your lifes. There is no doubt that you couldn't choose a better father for your child.
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Childe - It took him a few seconds to process what you just said to him but when the information hit, he started to jump around like a… Well… Child(e). Teucer will be so excited to be a big uncle. When he finally calms down, he places a protective hand over your belly because he knows first hand how dangerous Teyvat can be. He swears to himself that you and the child will be the best protected people around. He even arranges meetings for next week to make sure that he can have bodyguards looking after you whenever he has to be away. Childe will make sure that most of his work trips are dealt with before your belly even starts to grow, because he wants to be with you the whole time. Nothing is more important than taking care of you and protecting you. You will get the best care and not only from him. Childe will pay the most expensive healthcare and doctors that he can find. Not to mention his buying gifts fever. There is no day when he will not come back without another plushie. At one point you have to stop him from buying more stuff because soon your home will turn into a warehouse. 
Do you think it is a girl or a boy? 
I don't know yet. It's too soon to tell. 
Ok, I will just buy everything in neutral colors… Do you think we need a bigger house? Or the Garden? Is it safe here? What about preschool? Should we apply now?
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Thoma - He gasped. His eyes widened while he was covering his mouth. “Baby…” he whispers to himself, tears fogs his eyes. “We will have a baby.” He hugs you like never before and holds you in a tight embrace for a while. When he lets you he immediately gets down on the knees and gently hugs you around your waist. Thoma gently bares the skin of your belly and kisses it with a dozen kisses. He always loved cooking for you or with you, but now he takes it on a whole new level. There is always some music playing in the background when he is doing his magic in the kitchen, but since he found out that he will be a dad he even started dancing. Be careful to come for a glass of water, one dance together is required. Thoma is so happy to have a family of his own, he just can't contain himself. His bedside table has a full stack of books with recipes good for the health of pregnant women and even toddlers. When he is at work, he always finds some time to come by to check on you. 
Are you resting? Have you eaten? No, let it be. I will do it when I come home. Baby is in a really fragile phase of development. Wait with that into the second trimester.
How do you know about this stuff?
I was studying some books and also visited our local doula. She gave me so many tips and tricks. We can talk about them later, if it's okay with you.
He is so excited that he can't sleep for a few weeks so he just lays the whole night with his head carefully placed near your belly while thinking how he will spend his time with you both, where you will travel together for small trips whenever you are ready and able to. He will give you the world and even more. There is not a happier man on the planet.
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Diluc - He will keep his composure and one kiss is all you got. You know that he is not really into big displays of any type of affection, but still… First week after the announcement you feel sad and disappointed, because he doesn't show any excitement. You thought that he was just in shock and after some time he will be excited. But no, still nothing. You will even start to doubt if it was right to have a baby with him. He didn't tell anyone yet, but everyone knows that something is off. Diluc is suddenly anxious, walking around trying to find what he needs to do, fix and prepare so you will have the smoothest pregnancy and everything is kid friendly. After a while you realize that all he does is for you and your baby. Also your aversion to sleeping too close to each other suddenly disappeared. He used to be too hot to sleep with, but now it feels so good. Especially when he is spooning you from behind. Your sore back feels like heaven. And Diluc… That night his heart ached. Does he deserve this? To be this happy? Feeling that he needs to be close to you and to protect you is stronger than ever. Tomorrow is a special day. He can finally show you what he has been working on. He cleared out the spare room in the winery and prepared it as a nursery. You think he doesn't listen when you talk about paint colors or furniture and tomorrow he will prove you wrong. He is also so ready to babysit whenever you need or want to have some time for work or just for yourself. But now he wants to cherish this simple, but perfect moment. Laying down with you in his arms. Smelling your hair and skin. Feeling your heartbeat. And his hand on your belly carefully caressing it while thinking about a beautiful future that you will spend together.
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having-conniptions · 1 year
My thoughts on THC ep 8
The new pairs?? Amazing. I'm so glad they switched it up
Fuaiz and Ta's VegasPete scene could have been so gut-wrenching but the cowboy costumes and background killed the whole vibe. They really made it hard for them. I couldn't take them seriously at all and started to laugh during a scene that I expected to make me cry.
When Mio and Copper held hands before their scene and Tong said that's what Mile and Apo always do <3<3<3
Mio and Copper were so smart to use the coat instead of a knife - and then even quickly explained why there was only one coat!! They definitely could have been a little more "aware" of their (imagined) surroundings, I agree with the judges there
Mio and Copper's reactions during JJ & Jet's scene (they were fangirling so hard and I GET IT)
JJ AND JET BLEW MY TITS CLEAN OFF HOLY SHIT they added dialogue in order to adapt to the scene change and even the new stuff was sooo in character!! And JJ actually went for the kiss... their performance really pulled me in and the tension was so palpable... I might need a second to recover from JJ as Kinn...
The fact that Mile had to clear his throat and collect his thoughts before yelling "cut" says it all
HOWWWWWWWW did we get from "there was supposed to be a kiss there" "yeah, but he seems hesitant to do it" to THIS- holy SHIT New and Bump what the FUCK
Also, the "actors are over 18 years old and got permission from their parents" LMAOOOO imagine *calls mom* "Hey mom is it okay if I kiss a boy and then he pushes me on a bed and goes to town on my neck?"
Mile yelling "cut" before it gets too spicy lmao too late the fanfic is already being written
"We rehearsed 100%. I thought we only performed 60% of it today." WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN NEW IF THAT WAS 60% THEN WHAT IN THE WORLD WERE THE OTHER 40?????
Also New trying to collect himself after the cut - not just as Bump gets off of him but even after he gets up. Same, babe, same.
TONG ASKING THE IMPORTANT QUESTIONS because let's not forget these are inexperienced actors who didn't have an intimacy coordinator helping them so DID YOU TALK ABOUT HOW FAR YOU WOULD GO is the first question anyone should have asked (ideally before even starting with rehearsals but okay)
LMAO Tong and Apo being like "you deadass didn't have to make out for real tho - when we film we use camera angles and imagination" yeah um you literally could have told them sooner
I feel kinda bad for New. He always gives 110% and ends up trying too hard and it seems like his only response to problems/failure is to try harder and harder. He gets so lost in the characters he has trouble coming back out of them and ends up overacting and losing sight of essential points. He's doing it all and he's doing too much.
Everyone made so much progress. Even the ones that didn't do that well learned something from it. They should all be proud <3
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