#THC fanfic family
teyvathandymenclub · 2 years
Genshin Men - Pregnancy Reaction (P.1)
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Story: You just announced your pregnancy to your partner.
Characters: Zhongli, Thoma, Childe, Diluc
TW: None
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Zhongli - How is this possible? Is this a sign? A possible miracle of creation of a new archon? He was so occupied trying to be the best partner to you and this whole life as a mortal is still new to him. People and especially mortal relationships are too damn complicated. When he met you, he knew. He knew that you were destined to be together. His heart suddenly ached whenever you couldnt be together because of busy schedules. You became his sanctuary. Home and safety manifested in a person. And now he is supposed to be a father? How can his already full heart feel even fuller. He tries to keep his composure but his chest would soon burst from all the love and happiness. You bare his child. You are his lover, partner and now mother of a future archon. He will protect you like a god protecting his most precious treasure. Family is everything for him. Zhongli hugs you tightly. All the tears of happiness are only yours, he has no time to waste. His head is full of plans, arrangements to be made and preparations for the rest of your lifes. There is no doubt that you couldn't choose a better father for your child.
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Childe - It took him a few seconds to process what you just said to him but when the information hit, he started to jump around like a… Well… Child(e). Teucer will be so excited to be a big uncle. When he finally calms down, he places a protective hand over your belly because he knows first hand how dangerous Teyvat can be. He swears to himself that you and the child will be the best protected people around. He even arranges meetings for next week to make sure that he can have bodyguards looking after you whenever he has to be away. Childe will make sure that most of his work trips are dealt with before your belly even starts to grow, because he wants to be with you the whole time. Nothing is more important than taking care of you and protecting you. You will get the best care and not only from him. Childe will pay the most expensive healthcare and doctors that he can find. Not to mention his buying gifts fever. There is no day when he will not come back without another plushie. At one point you have to stop him from buying more stuff because soon your home will turn into a warehouse. 
Do you think it is a girl or a boy? 
I don't know yet. It's too soon to tell. 
Ok, I will just buy everything in neutral colors… Do you think we need a bigger house? Or the Garden? Is it safe here? What about preschool? Should we apply now?
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Thoma - He gasped. His eyes widened while he was covering his mouth. “Baby…” he whispers to himself, tears fogs his eyes. “We will have a baby.” He hugs you like never before and holds you in a tight embrace for a while. When he lets you he immediately gets down on the knees and gently hugs you around your waist. Thoma gently bares the skin of your belly and kisses it with a dozen kisses. He always loved cooking for you or with you, but now he takes it on a whole new level. There is always some music playing in the background when he is doing his magic in the kitchen, but since he found out that he will be a dad he even started dancing. Be careful to come for a glass of water, one dance together is required. Thoma is so happy to have a family of his own, he just can't contain himself. His bedside table has a full stack of books with recipes good for the health of pregnant women and even toddlers. When he is at work, he always finds some time to come by to check on you. 
Are you resting? Have you eaten? No, let it be. I will do it when I come home. Baby is in a really fragile phase of development. Wait with that into the second trimester.
How do you know about this stuff?
I was studying some books and also visited our local doula. She gave me so many tips and tricks. We can talk about them later, if it's okay with you.
He is so excited that he can't sleep for a few weeks so he just lays the whole night with his head carefully placed near your belly while thinking how he will spend his time with you both, where you will travel together for small trips whenever you are ready and able to. He will give you the world and even more. There is not a happier man on the planet.
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Diluc - He will keep his composure and one kiss is all you got. You know that he is not really into big displays of any type of affection, but still… First week after the announcement you feel sad and disappointed, because he doesn't show any excitement. You thought that he was just in shock and after some time he will be excited. But no, still nothing. You will even start to doubt if it was right to have a baby with him. He didn't tell anyone yet, but everyone knows that something is off. Diluc is suddenly anxious, walking around trying to find what he needs to do, fix and prepare so you will have the smoothest pregnancy and everything is kid friendly. After a while you realize that all he does is for you and your baby. Also your aversion to sleeping too close to each other suddenly disappeared. He used to be too hot to sleep with, but now it feels so good. Especially when he is spooning you from behind. Your sore back feels like heaven. And Diluc… That night his heart ached. Does he deserve this? To be this happy? Feeling that he needs to be close to you and to protect you is stronger than ever. Tomorrow is a special day. He can finally show you what he has been working on. He cleared out the spare room in the winery and prepared it as a nursery. You think he doesn't listen when you talk about paint colors or furniture and tomorrow he will prove you wrong. He is also so ready to babysit whenever you need or want to have some time for work or just for yourself. But now he wants to cherish this simple, but perfect moment. Laying down with you in his arms. Smelling your hair and skin. Feeling your heartbeat. And his hand on your belly carefully caressing it while thinking about a beautiful future that you will spend together.
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skellymom · 1 month
"Vagabonds" Chapter 16 "Trip Like I Do"
Ongoing fanfic Hunter x Reader/Fem Reader/OC
Hunter meets a smuggler Nomaadi Star Woman with a powerful force sensitive teen who changes the trajectory of CF-99's lives...as they ALL try to escape from The Empire together.
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To read Chapter 15 "Get in Losers":
Word Count: 3.5K (sorry, tried to keep it under 1.5, but the smut goblin compelled me to keep writing!)
Background: SMUT! Hunter and Mad GET DOWN!!! And they try something new with the help of Tech's little box of goodies. Tech has some angst due to unrequited love.
Warning: Swearing, nudity, oral sex, grinding, sexual intercourse, condom use (safe sex), drug use (no coercion/VERY consensual adult decisions to use a THC infused product).
*Note: MY headcannon is in the Star Wars Universe Star Sedge is just NOT a drug, but a stress/pain reliever and used for spiritual/religious purposes. My "Tale of the Dathomir Witch" series has the elderly witch protaganist using it as a way to use astral projection to traverse the universe. So, this drug is ALSO considered "Sacred Medicine."
(Credit: Cool dividers by @4ngelic-wh1spers and @cafekitsune )
“Eh, what is it, Tech?” 
“I... uh...need to speak to you...privately.”  Tech shifted pushing his goggles up the bridge of his nose. 
Hunter turned back to Mad “Go ahead and get comfortable.  I’ll be in shortly.” 
Mad nodded. “Goodnight, Tech.” Then wandered into her cabin, closing the door. 
“Goodnight Maadienne.” Tech flustered, realizing he had called Mad by her “proper name” NOT the one she preferred. 
When he had Hunter’s full attention, Tech reached down under an instrument panel, pulling out a small metal box and handed it to him. 
Hunter, awaiting an explanation and getting none, opened it... 
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"Trip Like I Do"
“Oh...heh” Hunter chuckled deeply.  He was honestly caught off guard by the contents of the box. 
“As you already know” Tech slurred but maintained his composure “Mad carries viable ovum...uh, eggs in her uterus.  PLEASE refrain from certain activities that will facilitate...fertilization.  These may help.” And, just in case Hunter didn’t understand Tech’s advice, he pointed to the box. 
Hunter closed the box, tucking it under his arm.  Then patted Tech on the shoulder.  “Looking out for me brother.” 
Tech nodded, then felt he needed to elaborate.  “In all honesty...I have a confusion...  Maker, I’m inebriated.”  Tech took a deep breath and tried again.  “I have a CONFESSION to make.” 
Hunter was patient “Yeah?” 
“I had ORIGINALLY prepared and kept this...kit for such purposes...but since leaving Ord Mantell so quickly...”  Tech looked slightly downcast. 
Hunter sensed fleeting regret from Tech’s expression.   
“Well, my probability of using it is close to zero.  SOMEONE should have the PLEASURE of using it before the contents...expire.” 
Hunter felt a rush of warmth and empathy for his brother.  “This was for you and Phee Genoa?” 
Tech hung his head “Yes.  I had a STRONG affinity for her.  We became close...but I failed to get her comm before leaving...” 
“Tech, are you SURE?” 
Tech met Hunter’s eyes “Yes, quite.  PLEASE have stress-free and safe sex with your partner.”   
Tech abruptly turned, walked away, and re-joined the game at the table. 
Hunter could see Wrecker lean in and whisper something to Tech, who nodded.  Then Wrecker gently put his big arm around his brother and lovingly squeezed.  Hunter could see Tech exhale and relax.  Echo bumped Tech’s shoulder genially and passed the bottle of Spotchka to him. They resumed the loudly rambunctious game with Omega, Love, and Sil.  
He LOVED his brothers and sister.  And he was becoming VERY attached to the rest of the Beldame’s crew...his NEW family members. 
If ONLY Crosshair could be here... 
Hunter shook his head, putting the heavy thought out of his mind.   
Kark!  This is NOT the time.  I have a HORNY woman waiting for ME!!! 
Hunter turned to enter Mad’s stateroom. 
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This was the first time Hunter had seen Mad’s bedroom...her inner personal sanctum. 
The room was dimly lit by ONLY a multitude of electronic candles, casting a serene glow around the room.  Hunter could smell a light incense burning.  More patterned tapestries adorned the walls, covering the cold steel and giving the room a mood of exotic opulence.  The furniture was overstuffed and comfortable with a king-sized bed smack dab in the middle.  Done in shades of deep aburgine, scarlet, ochre, and black.  A heavy black velvet tapestry draped over the head of the bed.  Comfy black silk pillows and matching sheets adorned it... 
...that Mad reclined upon... 
Draped in ONLY a transparent black patterned lace shawl, she regarded him like a goddess from the carvings on the Jedi Temple walls. 
“What ya got there, Hunky?”  She stretched her arms up and sinuously over the pillows behind her.  The shawl slipped slightly down, totally exposing one breast. 
“Uh...from Tech... just...here...” he set the box down on the bed in front of her.  She rolled over to her side and the other breast was bared as the shawl fell away. 
Hunter’s brain short circuited and his cock became PAINFULLY HARD. 
He stood there glued in place as he watched her open the box. 
“Well now...!”  Mad ran her fingers over the contents.  “Condoms...” 
“Eh...sensation dampener.  Not a fan.” 
“Not much of a fan either” Then Mad stopped like she had found valuable treasure: A small green apothecary bottle with a dropper stopper top.  She read the contents then glanced up at Hunter with a hooded erotic smile. 
“Mmmm...Star Sedge lubricating Oil...  Been wanting to try this for AWHILE.  Hard to come by...I THINK your brother included this with the condoms for a reason...just a guess...” 
Hunter caught his breath “Isn’t that for getting...high?” 
“Yeah...heightens sexual and emotional sensations.  I’m no stranger to this stuff...just not in this form.  You UP for it?” 
“I... don’t know...” Hunter’s brain wasn’t working very well...but he also had reservations about certain substances.  “We need to be careful...to not...uh...sabotage the...asset.  
“Agreed, Hunky.”  Mad put the bottle back in the box, pushing it aside so it was no longer in the way.  But left it open for easy access.  “Then...can I make a request?” 
“Oh yeah?” He was STUCK to that karkdammed floor...unable to move... 
Mad slowly crawled across the bed towards him, the shawl slowly sliding off her round buxom ass...as she reached him, stood up on her knees and slid her hands up his thighs and slowly over his straining bulge... 
He groaned at the sensation. 
She MUST have liked it too, because the scent of her arousal became STRONGER. 
His cock twitched and his heartbeat sped up. 
“Like that, do ya?” She gave him that HORNY look.  That I am DOWN TO FUCK look in her eyes. 
He tried to say Fuck yes but it came out “Fug yeth.”  The saliva had dried up in his mouth. 
“Hmmm...” She gave his cock one more wonderful squeeze before sliding both hands up his clothed stomach, chest, grazing his erect nipples, ferally grabbing his shirt tightly...pulling his face to hers... 
She gazed deeply into his eyes, sensually tracing her nose against his hawkish one... 
“I WANT you to tongue fuck my clit.  And I WANT you to finger my pussy...until I can’t stand it anymore.” 
Then she kissed him...DEEPLY.  
Hunter snapped out of his temporary paralysis.  Kissing Mad back ravenously.  Her mouth was moist enough to lubricate his tongue as they slid against each other.  He put his arms around her, picking her up off the bed just enough so he could climb on, then set her down upon the pillows...hovering over Mad. 
Their lips parted as her back hit the pillows.  Her breath ragged... 
MAKER, she smells AMAZING...her skin, hair, pussy. 
He leaned back on his knees, pulling off his vest, shirt, exposing his furred, muscular chest.  Kept his pants on for obvious reasons but could FEEL how his slick cock was straining against his trousers. 
He glanced down at Mad’s naked body while she glanced up at his semi-naked one. 
“Damn...gonna have so much fun devouring you.” He growled. 
Hunter leaned down and kissed Mad’s mouth again as she ran her fingers through his wild curls.  Then he traced his nose across her face and continued kissing the hollow of her neck.  His fingers trailing down her body, cupping Mad’s breasts as he kissed, rubbing his thumbs gently but firmly across her nipples. 
Mad gasped as Hunter dragged his tongue down her chest, between her breasts...then growled and began to suckle one as he fondled the other. 
His cock was becoming VERY painful contained in his pants.  Hunter liked to wear them tight, and there was NO extra room for his swollen member.  It was becoming TOO much with his senses.   
He broke contact with Mad’s body and stood up on his knees again.  “Sorry, gorgeous...GOTTA get these off.”  Hunter pointed at his pants. 
Mad glanced down and giggled.  Hunter followed her eyes.  The front of his pants were sopping wet with a large circular stain. 
“See what ya do to me.”  He breathlessly growled.   “MAKER I wanna FUCK you.” 
Mad smirked and calmly reached behind a pillow and pulled out a clean towel.  Then tossed it to Hunter.  She glanced over to the kit again, then back at Hunter.   
Hunter unbuttoned his pants and peeled them off him.  The minute his engorged cock sprung out he sighed with relief. 
Off went the pants, socks, and shoes. 
Hunter eyed the box.  Why should HE be worried?  Tech put the items together in this box for a good reason.  He could certainly trust his brother...to trust Mad...and have some FUN! 
He pulled out the green bottle.  Mad sighed in anticipation. 
Hunter opened the top and drew up the stopper, hovering it over Mad’s sex... 
...he dripped the whole stopper of oil bit by bit on the flesh JUST above her clit and let it run down onto her sex.  The Star Sedge immediately heated up Mad’s skin, tingling...teasing...bringing a beautiful itch... 
Giving Hunter something to scratch... 
“Now.” Hunter caressed Mad’s face, then placed the towel under his member as he laid stomach down on the bed.  “Let me finish what I started.” 
Then dived into her muff lapping it up like a starved man. 
Mad grabbed the bedding and moaned loudly.  Good thing the music was turned up in the Beldame and the rest of the crew were still rambunctiously lost in their card game. 
Mad pushed her pelvis up into Hunter’s face and he grabbed her hips, holding on tightly.  He sucked her clit then fluttered his tongue against it, sucked, fluttered, back and forth.   Her breathing became ragged.  The Star Sedge oil warmed his lips and tongue as Hunter serviced her.  It was a transparent purple liquid with a pleasing exotic green taste. Upon contact the oil crossed the transdermal skin barrier of Mad’s sex and Hunter’s mouth. 
Hunter smoothed the extra oil from her sex onto his finger.  Then gently caressed with his finger around the entrance of Mad’s cunt while tonguing her clit. 
Mad moaned again with more urgency.  Eyes closed; head thrown back against the pillows. 
Hunter pressed his cock into the towel, grinding into it.  Growling like a wild animal. 
He slowly inserted one finger, lazily caressing her from the inside out.  The oil on his finger tingling...Mad shivered. 
After a minute of this, Mad opened her eyes, glancing down... 
...and Hunter sensed her need, anticipating her request... 
He gently inserted a second finger with the first. 
Mad shuddered again and an exhaled moan escaped her lips.  She kept her gaze on him, and could see by his eyes he was grinning... 
That naughty grin he gets when...  Mad mused...never finishing that thought... 
Hunter carefully curled his fingers and caressed her G-spot.  Making it tingle too. 
Mad’s legs tensed up, pushing into Hunter’s face and hand. 
By this time, the towel under Hunter was sopping wet.  He continued to grind into it.  His cock leaking at the sight of HIS woman thoroughly enjoying what HER man was doing. 
KARKDAMMIT SHE’S HOT.  COULD DO THIS ALL DAY.  Hunter could feel her clit harden even more under his tongue. 
She was close. 
Mad kept his gaze.  They stared into each other’s eyes as Hunter flicked, sucked her clit while tickling her inner flower. 
She could see the NEED in Hunter’s eyes.  The intense stare of a man centered on her body and orgasm.  A man driven to a fevered horniness, on the edge of a crazed passion.  His only objective in that moment was to get his partner OFF.   
And he was giving it his all...All...ALLLLLLLLLLLLL!!! 
Mads hips stopped grinding into Hunter’s face.  They snapped to and held position.  Her sensations building to a fever pitch... 
Hunter never stopped the momentum.  He could hear Mad’s heart hammering in her chest.  And surprisingly his senses picked up all the electromagnetic energy in Mad’s body, pull back from his position against Mad’s sex, rearing up like rogue falling stars... 
...as her orgasm slowly spread its wings, leaned out into open space... 
...and took flight. 
The electromagnetic energy reversed course, rushing towards him... 
Mad inhaled deeply, exhaled, inhaled deeper, exhaled...inhaled as far as her lungs would allow... 
The energy slammed into the sensitive nerves woven into her female anatomy, bursting into technicolor and tickling everything in her core. 
Mad arched her back as she moaned loudly...almost screaming. 
A wave of energy shot out and towards the top of her body...dissipating softly into a beautiful haze... 
Mad exhaled, moaning out a trail of stardust and energy. 
Her eyes opened, irises the color of silver stardust...no longer green... 
Hunter exhaled; eyes widened...but not with fear...slight shock maybe... 
“What you see Hhhhhunky?”  Mad’s voice shimmered as soft tendrels of energy...like smoke rolled off him and disappearing into the ether.   
Hunter giggled in that deep smoky voice.  It bubbled in her ears, making the hair on the back of her neck stand up deliciously.  Leaning up from Mad’s minge.  His eyes the color of golden sunset over deep waters. 
Mad giggled back breathlessly “You’re baked...” then sputtered out a barely held back belly laugh... 
“Yeeeah...” Hunter whispered...then immediately had the realization he forgot something... 
His dick. 
Hunter’s head snapped down to look at his beautiful, straining, sopping cock.  The sensation of his need returning.  His eyes roved back up to Mad’s with a feral expression... 
Mad watched the candlelight flicker and form shadows over Hunter.  Blotting out everything but his eyes and silhouette...a wraith, wild creature, shadow lover.  His eyes cutting through the haze of sexual intensity of their desires...the shadows around them hues of deep burning scarlet. 
They were on fire... 
...with sexual desire. 
Mad sprung up and grabbed Hunter’s shoulders, yanking him on top of her... 
And BOTH of them fell back through a black hole in free fall... 
Time slowed and spread out in slow motion... 
...as they fell, watching each other change form, shape, color, texture...a study in surrealism... 
Finally at the beginning of eternity and the end of a standard second they landed in each other’s arms, their warmth flowing into one another. 
“Mesh’la???” Hunter never forgetting his manners...and her consent... 
“Oh yessssss....” Mad’s eyes hooded desire.  “Fuck my pussy.” 
He yanked a condom out of the box, ripped it open and rolled it over his swollen member. 
It adhered to him like a second skin... 
...which was odd.  He had NEVER had a condom do THAT before... 
Did Tech DESIGN this condom???  It was...efficient...practical...comfortable... 
And it IMMEDIATELY felt...tingly... 
...he HAD Star Sedge oil all over his hands.  Now it was inside and on the outside of the condom. 
Gonna be INTERESTING... Hunter mused...the thought got lost and drifted away... 
Hunter grabbed hold of his cock...making sure the condom was still intact and on, then guided himself into Mad’s heat... 
He entered her... 
...and it was like... 
Hunter exhaled shivering. 
...diving into the waters of Kamino if they were warmed by a subterranean hot stream... 
Mad’s sex hugging his member while her arms hugged her body to his body while the air around them hugged and the ship nestled them within while being nestled in the fabric of space...time...infinity... 
Their minds fizzling out for several seconds, leaning against each other...feeling each other... 
Just being. 
In this moment. 
Hands touching, fingertips tracing lightly over skin...like a gentle breeze in the heat of a summer nighttime. 
Lips finding each other, pressing, opening like roses...slick velvety tongues sliding deliciously against each other. 
Hunter’s hands combed through Mad’s long silver mohawk, it’s silkiness, sliding through his fingers, with a barely perceptible sound only he could hear... 
Like silken strings singing to him...or the whispers of the prairie grass on Lothal... 
His enhanced senses so carried away in the moment...set free... 
Mad kissed him deeper.  She felt his girth, weightiness upon her body, the warmth of his swarthy skin against hers... 
Making her shiver again. 
She moved under him.  Undulating her strong hips.... coaxing him to dance with her... 
He accepted. 
They started softly, then built up their rhythm... 
...unbeknownst to them SOMEONE in the next room had turned up the volume on the music.   
To cover their sounds. 
And, now the bass shook the walls as Hunter and Mad shook the bed...or so it seemed to Mad... 
Hunter sat up, reached down and pulled Mad onto his lap.  Then held her hips firmly against him, making his penetration deeper.  Pushing her against the headboard. 
Her head lolled back, crying out in ecstasy... 
Hunter buried his face in Mad’s breasts, licking, sucking Mad’s nipples while slowly sliding out of her...not quite exiting her...lingering around her entrance... 
Sliding back in, then out, in, out... 
Mad, partially supporting herself on her knees grabs Hunter’s hips and held them in place. 
He’s mildly startled by the sudden motion, but pleasantly waits to see what she’ll do. 
Mad carefully strokes the head of Hunter’s penis with her pussy lips, then sliding across her clit, then back down... 
Promising to let him enter... 
But NOT YET.   
He groans louder with each pass, his muscles shaking, from the hot tendrils of euphoria running through his sex as Mad tickled it with... 
...the entrance of her womanhood. 
Then Mad leaned into Hunter.  Grinding his penis against her clit.  Their bodies grinding together, her breasts pressed against his chest. 
The hunting predator in him trails his tongue up between her breasts, across her neck...over a pulsing artery, behind her ear, playfully nipping it. 
Grinding, grinding, grinding. 
Mad moaned as she felt the glimmer...a tickle... 
Hunter sensed that energy again...rising up like a Pheonix from the ashes... 
As his cock slides back into her...as she slides her tongue across his...joined together...no beginning...no end...on and on andonandonandon... 
His cock immersed inside her pussy...at an angle she can grind her clit too.   Sweetly...wetly...her rhythm snapping to the Nomaadi Hip dancer song Tech must have put on...the one with heavy bass... 
Something sultry and slow that builds in tempo to a powerful climax 
A woman’s dance, indeed, poetry of the ferocity of air, centering power or earth, the mutable essence of water, the burning heat of fire... 
The Pheonix rising, wings flaring out, lighting up the night... 
A woman’s dance to fuck men silly...as the men attempt to fuck them sillier... 
“Yessssss...” Mad groans deeply with an intensely far away expression.  He can feel the tissue inside her swell and blossom around his intensely hard member. 
OH, FUCK Hunter’s at the edge...trying to hold on... 
Her nails dig into him.  The welts burn with intensity. 
Her pussy clenches HOTLY 
Mad’s eyes roll back as her orgasm overtakes her body like a brush fire. 
Hunter is running TOWARDS it...across the Prairies of Lothal...to be totally consumed... 
Hunter bellows loudly as mad stutters her moans... 
SOMEONE is beating the wall from the other side.  Hunter BARELY registers its metal on metal...Echos signal they are getting TOO loud! 
Their heat is white hot.  Blinding and beautiful.  Fireworks exploding then leaving ghostly afterimages behind their eyes. 
Why did he worry?  To be afraid and avoidant about such an amazing thing... 
Hunter and Mad shudder against one another with the aftershocks of orgasm. 
...Hunter SWORE he could feel the rotations of planets hundreds of parsecs away... 
And yet could still FEEL EVERYTHING inside of Mad... 
To be EVERYWHERE and RIGHT HERE all at once.  His mind was blown. 
Mad opened her eyes...smiling...her face and chest flushed...her body INTENSELY warm, her sex dripping wet... 
Hunter pulled out gently, concerned the condom had broken. 
Mad sighed as his cock dragged out of her, she shivered, then breathlessly asked “We ok?” 
He looked down.  Still intact and holding onto his member and ejaculate securely. 
Hunter couldn’t find the words in his muddled brain...he just nodded. 
“Fuck yeah...” Mad grinned.  “THANK YOU, Tech!  Best Wingman EVER!!!” 
Hunter collapsed next to Mad.  His head spinning and body tingly ALL OVER.  His senses were overwhelmed...but it was AMAZING! For the one of the first times in his life, Hunter was enjoying a sensory euphoria he had never experienced before. 
Mad rolled over, trailing her hand over Hunter’s chest hair.  They felt like tiny sparks of pleasure leaving her hand and traveling along his skin.  He almost SWORE he could see them too. 
“Can I just say...” Mad trailed off...words were ALSO becoming difficult for her. 
Hunter watched her hair as it seemed to flow...like water.  Mad’s eyes faded from silver to a post coital shade of deep fuchsia... 
He giggled. 
She giggled. 
“Fucking you while high is AMAZING...”  She giggled again. “Fucking you NOT high is AMAZING.  Being with you is AMAZING...I...I...”  Mad struggled to finish her sentence... 
Instead, she laughed, then tears ran down her cheeks. 
Hunter found his voice, even though it was slow and sloggy. “Wassamatter my Mad.”  He pulled Mad down, embracing her. 
“I...NEVER want this to end.” She sputtered. 
“Heh...not going anywhere...what ya talkin’ about.” He smirked.  “Hunt this pussy down...to...the...corners...”  His head felt full and empty at the same time.  “Kark...words...hard.” 
Mad laughed at him, wiping her eyes.  “The drug.  Feel so much...then...too much...sometimes.” 
“That’s...my normal setting.” Hunter giggled. 
Mad nodded quietly. 
Hunter put his hand on top of Mad’s hand where it lay on his chest.  She could feel his heartbeat against her palm.  He looked into her eyes...now morphing back into a light shade of green... 
“The ONLY way WE will end...is when this stops...ok?” 
“You believe in...the LONG road?  For us???” Mad timidly asked. 
“I’ll ride that LONG road with you...  On you...” He snorted, trying to stay serious.  Failing miserably.  “You’ll ride my long road...something...something...  MAKER!” 
Mad started to giggle.  “What the FUCK..?”  New tears rolled down her cheeks...from laughter. 
“Listen...tellin’ you somethin’...PROFOUND.”  Hunter was serious...then broke out in laughter himself. 
“Very romantic, Hunky.” Mad teased. 
“Heh...know...what I mean???”  Hunter quieted, lovingly caressing Mad’s cheek. 
“I do.” Mad kissed Hunter on the lips.  “I really do.” 
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To read Chapter 17 "WTF?"
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 9 months
Brutal honesty hour brought upon you by me having a THC drink and BG3 crashing every time I try to play. (Please don’t have me lose everything again I will cry)
- Eri in a lot of fanfics is boring as fuck and I am taking great glee that in POP I have her be a foul mouth nine-year-old cause then at least she’s interesting.
No really there’s only so many ways you can write Eri without her being dry. Traumatized child who is adopted by Izuku/Aizawa. Cute and sweet. Gentle. I have seen it all before and it’s boring. So let me have little gremlin Eri.
-Misunderstanding fics are the worst fucking things cause there is no grasp of reality in them.
-I am very fucking angry some asshole wrote a fic saying I spired by photos and videos that was BakuDeku and went: author didn’t use the best pairing in their fic uwu and then just made Bakugou a victim of his mother and fuck that’s horseshit wtf. I don’t know if they’ll ever see this and I won’t comment on their fic this cause that’s being a dick but fuck how disrespectful is it to do that? How fucking DARE you go: oh they missed the best pairing, I’ll fix it and proceed to write THAT.
-I hate non-powered AU fics. I’ll give some a pass but fuck most are the stupidest shit ever cause they just have everyone WILDLY OOC. Not even a reasonable OOC either or slight changes to personality. Just OOC.
-some non-romance fics give me the ick cause they’re aggressively non-romantic in a weird sense of ‘oh I will not have children be in relationships’ or a weird sense of ‘I am better then you all for not writing romance’ or some flavour of baby gay is being weird and I can’t describe it. By non-romance I mean there is no romantic pairings at all and it’s not a fic about family or anything it’s a regular fic.
-Toga is a fucking awful villain. I fucking hate her so much.
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teyvathandymenclub · 2 years
Hello can I make a tighnari request tighnari x pregnant reader where the reader goes into Labour and tighnari has to deliver his own child and collie has to stop him from fainting the whole time
(Ps can the baby be a fox I adore baby foxes) 
Thank you for your request. I am really sorry that it took so long, I was not active here for a while. And - Also sorry that I have made it longer than it needs to be. It´s written a little bit as a joke, especially in the last part, so keep that in mind. Hope you enjoy it.
Oh no, it´s comming!
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“What a beautiful night.” Tighnari says leaning out of the window. “Look! The sky was not this clear since… Forever.”
“We should make the most out of these last summer nights.” You say as you come to him. “Soon it will get much colder.”
“And...” He makes a long pause to wait for you to complete his sentence.
“And?” You frown.
“The baby will come!” Tighnari suddenly jumps to you and quickly gets on his knees to hug your belly.
“Don´t do this! You scared me.” You laugh. “Don't you know that it's dangerous to stress this pregnant lady?” You say as a joke while putting both hands on your hips for additional dramatic effect.
“No, pregnant lady. I didn't know that.” Tighnari laughs and kisses you. “What would you say about a little walk?”
“Now?” You frown.
“Yes, dear. Why not? We can enjoy this nice evening and count the stars as we used to.”
“Like on our first date.” Your face brightens up, you love that he remembers every small detail about your relationship. Sometimes even better than you.
“Exactly.” He smiles at you and his ears make a happy wiggle.
“I would love to, but I don't think that we should go far, especially in this state.”
Tighnari laughs when you point your index fingers at your belly.
“Don't laugh. I'm due in three weeks so it can happen anytime now.”
“I know.” Tighnari takes both hands in his and places gentle kisses on them. “But we are ready. We did everything that we were supposed to. Took the courses and read all the books. I am here for you and I will be by your side the whole time. You have nothing to worry about.”
“Yeah… Except for the whole childbirth thing.” 
“I am so sorry. If there would be a way to help you to ease the whole process…”
“I know, I know.” You smile.
“I have always told you that you are the stronger one, Mrs. Forest Watcher.”
“No, no. I am Mrs. Forest Ranger. Like power ranger, but forest edition.”
“What is a power ranger?”
“Oh, nothing.” You laugh as you grab a water bottle and head out on your night walk.
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“It's getting cold, we should come back. I don't want you to get sick.” 
“You're right. I will just… Do you hear that?”
“Tighnari! Tighnari!” A familiar voice echoes in the forest under the small hill where you currently are. 
Tighnari´s ears stretch and try to locate the source of the noise, and after a short moment, he sights “Collei.”
And then you finally see her running towards you.
“Master! Master Tighnari!!!” Collei screams, almost choking on her words, trying to talk.
“What is it now?” Tighnari frowns with his arms crossed at his chest.
“Let her catch a breath.”
“Yes, thank you. That hill almost killed me.” Collei nervously smiled. 
“So… Collei. Tell me what is that important, that you had to wake up the whole forest with your…”
“Tighnari.” You frown at him.
“I am sorry Collei. Now, tell me what happened.”
“Master Tighnari, someone has set up a bonfire in the middle of the forest… And it burns.”
“Well… That usually happens with fire.” He scratches his head. “Even though it is a forbidden act in our forest to leave an open fire, anyone can deal with it pretty quickly. So why…”
“It already burned a few acres!”
“Oh. Wait, what? So the forest is burning?!”
“It shouldn't be a big fire. I haven't seen or smelled any smoke.”
“It's on the other side of the forest, but it's spreading really quickly! It doesn't look good, and many people and their homes are in danger.”
“The forecast for tonight is not good, we will get a strong wind that will help the fire spread even more.” Tighnari´s ears fall flat. “Not good, not good. We need to act quickly.”
“Part of our team is already on the spot and others are currently meeting in…” Collei looks at you with a strange expression, but after a short moment she continues. “I can lead you to…” She looks at you again.
“Collei! Come on, we don't have time.”
“Yes Master Tighnari, you are right. We don't have time.” She says and points at you. 
He looks at you and when he sees that the lower half of your dress is completely drenched, he freezes. “Oh. Oh no! It's coming!”
“Who is coming?!” Collei asks nervously while looking around hoping to see the intruder.
Tighnari just stands there without any movement, shocked, staring at you. “Not now.”
“I am sorry, it's not up to me.” You throw your hands in the air.
Tighnari´s tale nervously jumps from one side to another as he tries to think.
“If I may suggest, there is a small Watchers cabin on the way.”
“Yes, yes. Of course, you are right. Please, tell everyone that I cannot come. Contact every watcher's unit that you possibly can so we can stop this catastrophe. I will… I don´t know. We will figure something out, but if you meet someone from our medical team, send them to the cabin. We will be there…”
“Yes, master!” She says and runs away.
“Now…” He sights. “Let me take you there. At least you will not be cold. And then… I don´t know. Everything is happening at once.”
“Tighnari, calm down. It just started. Contractions are irregular and far apart, so we have enough time until someone will come to help us.”
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“Collei! Finally! It's been hours! How does it look? What is happening?”
“Master! Everything is fine!” She jumps happily.
“What do you mean?” He stares at her. 
“False alarm, master! There was a fire, but all the information we had came from some hysteric granny that lives to spread rumors, so you can imagine…”
“So there was no fire?”
“No. Well, yes. But when the second part of our team came, they had already finished extinguishing…”
“Oh god!” You scream as another contraction comes.
“Master, I think I will go now…”
“I am just joking!” She smiles nervously.
“Contractions are only two or three minutes apart.” Tighnari says.
“I think it's time to start pushing.” You look at him.
“Oh god. I don't feel good.” He hides his face in his hands.
“Tighnari… Ouch!” You shrug. 
“I can't do this… Did you get help? Any help?” 
“I am afraid that I forgot.”
“Collei…” He looks at Collei hopelessly.
“Master! Are you ok?”
“He already fainted. Twice.” You smile, trying to hide that you are scared, but unsuccessfully.
“We can do it, don't worry.” She looks at you. “I think… Yes, I can help. No, I WILL HELP!” Collei grabs Tighnari that already lays on the floor, half dead.
“Master! Do you hear me?”
“Mmmm… Yes. I need water.”
“No water for you! Your wife is ready to have your baby. Do you understand?”
“Oh no.” Tighnari whines.
“Oh yes. Time to wake up!”
Collei helps him to stand up. After a moment, he looks ready until he doesn't.
“Not again! You are one of the best forest watchers! You know everything about nature and you are scared of this?!”
“I… I don't think that I can do this.” Tighnari looks at her with a blank stare on his deadly pale face.
Collei comes to him and shakes him like a paper doll. “Get it together! The baby will come right now and right here! Whether you like it or not!” 
“Oh my… Collei! Damn.” You smile at your friend's enthusiasm. “I would love to watch this drama, but I don't think we have any more time.”
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“Okay, okay! One more push!” says Collei with a supportive smile.
“I love you, I love you, I love you. You are amazing.” Tighnari looks at you while holding your hand tightly, and out of nowhere, a huge relief comes through your body like a tsunami.
“He is here!” Collei screams louder than your crying newborn baby.
Tighnari squishes your hand even harder while his gaze jumps from you to your son and back.
“He is so beautiful.” You cry. “And has huge lungs like his auntie.” You smile through the tears at Collei.
“Me???” She looks at you and starts sobbing uncontrollably while wrapping the baby in blankets from the cabin
“Let me, I will do it.” Tighnari comes to her with a wide smile. After a moment he comes to you, puts a long kiss on your forehead, and shows you your baby with proudness radiating from his face.
You take your baby in your arms and the blanket slips a little, exposing the baby´s beautiful ears.
“This is our baby. Our son.” Tighnari cries.
“Our son.” You repeat after him. “With the cutest ears, I have ever seen. And yes, even cuter than yours.” You grin with your heart so full of love that it could burst.
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