icy-watch · 9 months
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Let's not play with things that can control time, yeah?
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coffeeheartaddict2 · 7 months
When life has other plans (12/16)
Code Black
Book: Open Heart (AU)
Characters: Ethan Ramsey, F!MC Casey Valentine
Word count: 4045
Category: Angst
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Language, minor character death, bio-attack
Summary: The Diagnoatics team court the Senator for Massachusetts, Senator Farrugia. Not everything goes to plan. Assistance from an unexpected source puts into motion, not only a possible reconciliation but the full realization of feelings.
Disclaimer: characters belong to Pixelberry.
Authors note: The Attack, again such a pivotal moment. We are coming to the end of the high angst.
Work had been going well on the team. Casey was learning heaps and gaining more confidence in her abilities as a physician. She was still annoyed at having lost Stephanie but that had lead to her and Ethan being in a better place and despite the close call after the game, things were going good. The more relaxed interactions had not gone unnoticed by June but she was impressed by how well they worked regardless of their situation. A part of her was jealous in a way but she could not deny Casey’s results on the team.
The team and the team hospital were also buoyed by a patient. Senator Ed Farrugia. He was suffering from a mysterious illness. His aide, Travis Perry was keen for the Senator to go to Mass Kenmore, he was impressed with the privacy there but the Senator chose Edenbrook. Stating that it would look good if he was ‘walking the walk’ of his constituents, not to mention the rave reviews that he had received from Governor Rivera about Edenbrook. Ethan was not a fan of the Star patient but as he was reminded by Naveen, he has picked us. Despite this Ethan did have to admit it was good to be picked over Tobias.
After enduring the media scrum, Casey made her way to the office. They got to work, looking at his file. There was a knock at the door and in came the senator and his aide. Everyone was shocked to see him.
“Well I want to see the team at work and if there are any questions you can ask me or Travis.”
Travis smiled tentatively and got the senator’s water from the bottle.
They discussed his work, recent purchases of which he stated he was currently have a house renovated and there were mosquitos there. That piqued the interest of everyone. They ran tests for all the normal things to get an indication of his health as well as mosquito born diseases. They decided to then reconvene later. Both Casey and June were not sure what to think about Travis, as he seemed to answer a great majority of the questions but both put it down to him being his aide and it was his job to know the answers.
Ethan was alone in the office, he hoped for a quick solve. The publicity he knew would be good for the hospital and not to mention the team but his reasons were solely personal. Things had not been strained since the near kiss after the game, he was buoyed that she wanted to be kissing him too but how to go about restarting a relationship? There was still the abortion drama that had him concerned. Sure, a couple of months had passed since the incident but how do you get past the person you have feelings for thinking that they were an obligation? He could not dwell for too long though because he needed to be on his A game professionally.
The results came back. The team and the senator and his aide convened for a meeting.
The tests came back negative for all the mosquito borne diseases and as Baz noted, the senator was quite a healthy man for his age.
“Yes, I have been trying to eat healthier, no meat, what do you call that?” Said the senator.
Casey’s interest was piqued right away. “How does anyone forget the word Vegan, especially when they are vegan?” She thought.
“Senator, do you forget words very often?” Casey asks.
“I have noticed that I have forgotten the odd word here and there but I put it down to being over a certain age.” Stated the senator.
“Yes but someone who prides themselves on being very articulate and relying on that for a living would be concerned?” Said Baz.
Casey asks more about the house and says.
“What about lead poisoning? You said senator that the house you are renovating is old, including the paint.”
No one noticed the shocked and annoyed expression go across the face of Travis.
Casey organized tests for the senator. They went about their day and the results came back. It showed high levels of lead in the senator’s blood. Ed did not know what to think. He was given the treatment plan and was annoyed that he had to stay in hospital,cockily stating I power through any nausea and headaches. He soon changed his tune when he was told of the more serious side effects. Ed was taken back to his room and treatments started. Casey went about arranging samples from the Senator’s property and to advise the trades that they may have been exposed.
Whilst this was happening Travis was getting scared. He had been poisoning the Senator for awhile now. The lead was laced in his drink bottle and and the cup he used. Getting the lead had been easy enough but since the poisoning had now been found, well his plan B was now in order. He did not care what was to be used, as long as it was fatal to the senator, he did not care. He placed the call and arranged for the collection. “Vengeance will be mine” he thought as he ended the call.
Next day came and Travis found himself at the team's office, trying to get some team members to go with Ed so that a TV interview can be done. Baz was rather enthusiastic in stating that Ethan should go as he is the team leader. Casey then volunteered, for which Baz thought fitting. Ethan was relieved that Casey was coming, it was her that came up with the diagnosis after all but he also hoped some alone time could open a dialogue about them and where to from here. June noted the look of relief when Casey volunteered. She had heard about the softball game interactions from Tobias and his thoughts and theories and as much as she hated to admit it, deep down she thought he was right.
Interview time came and Ethan and Casey were alone in a dressing room. Casey was on edge, she had an earlier interaction with Ed that had ruined the perceptions she had about him. She asked Ethan why do people betray our trusts. Ethan hoped that she was not speaking about him. Ethan stated that he was not sure why but it was how we acted with the news that was more important. Casey then asked “what if you are about to go on air on national TV with one.” Ethan internally breathed a sigh of relief.
“You will figure it out.” He said before the exited for the studio.
The interviewer at the start stayed on the topic of the diagnosis and the illness and how they got to the diagnosis. The interviewer then asked Casey about working in such illustrious company. Ethan was then asked about what Casey brings to the team. “He stated that she brings a young set of eyes and a compassion for the patients to get the best outcomes possible. The interviewer then asked Casey about her thoughts on Ed, after Ethan declined to answer. Casey decided to stick Ed in the deep end. Stating how Ed was about to sponsor some revolutionary health care reforms. Ed was left speechless but had to go along with it, despite internally fuming. The interview was coming to a close and Ethan was surprised with the question asked. He was asked if he was single. For a brief moment he did not know what to say but decided to say that it was complicated. He was not entirely lying but he did not want to be starting such a private conversation with Casey on national television. The interview ended and they went back to the dressing room. Ed was not fuming.
“You fucking little bi…” he yelled.
Ethan stood in front of her. “Be careful Senator, you do not want to say or do anything you will regret.” Says Ethan through gritted teeth.
Just then Travis appears with Ed’s phone. Ed leaves, angry and Travis follows.
Casey turns to Ethan.
“It’s complicated?”
“What can I say, there are things I want to say and national television was not the place to start discussing it, but we will soon.”
He then placed his hand at the back of her head. Casey looked up and they both moved closer. They lightly brush their lips against each other. Ethan was about to deepen the kiss when Travis came to advise that they were heading back to the hospital now.
The trip back to the hospital was quiet but full of hope. Hope that their deep unrequited feelings would have an outlet, the hope that Casey opting not to tell Ethan about the abortion had not irreparably ruined any hope of anything and for Travis, the hope that vengeance will be his.
Casey woke with a start the next morning. She did not know why but she did. It felt like a shoe was about to drop. She went to work and saw Raf. She was surprised to see him as he was still on a break from work. He told her that he was moving to Brazil. Casey was happy for Raf. She knew he had been feeling lost after being put on suspension. He had become apart of the gang but she was also happy for him. She sees Danny rushing up. She thanks him for the test results. She reads them on the way to the office. She is confused. There is no traces of lead in the paint. She goes to the office and opens her laptop and google searches Ed Farrugia to try and piece together how he could be lead poisoned. There is nothing that shows up recently but the news articles take her back to when he was Mayor Ed then she sees it. A scandal involving old lead pipes poisoning some of the town and one of the victims was a child named Jonathon Perry. There was a picture of the grieving family.
“Fuck” Casey mutters under her breath. She runs out of the office to the room. Raf is there speaking to Bobby, she calls out to get Bobby to call the authorities and enters the room.
“Put the cannister down Travis!” She yells.
“No, he needs to pay for what he did to me, my family”
“Killing the senator does not bring your brother back”
“No, but he gets to pay for what he did and right now I do not care who I take with me.”
During the exchange Bobby and Raf enter. Travis sprays the canister at Bobby then at Danny. The senator escapes and Casey is pushed out of the way and Travis is tackled by Raf, where the canister is emptied.
Ethan comes back to the office, after going to Derry’s. He stops by the office to see if Casey is there as he has gotten her a coffee. He sees her laptop open and he thinks it odd. He looks at the screen and his stomach drops and heart skips a beat. He leaves the coffee and rushes to the room. He arrives to a scene of chaos. He sees a distressed Casey holding the door closed.
“She tells him what had happened. He got his phone out,
“I will fix this Casey.” As he left to organize evacuation of the floor and calling the CDC.
Casey tries to get information on what was in the cannister but he does not. Her and Raf also cover up the vent.
Before long a team from the CDC arrived. Bobby had died in the room. Danny was taken to a support suite on the same level and Travis was taken off site, much to the ire of Ethan. Casey and Raf were in the room together. June and Baz entered the room to get the low down on what happened, symptoms and progression. The team took some samples and left.
The team, the whole hospital was shaken. June was shook the most. Behavioural Psychology was her game and with this case she failed. There were things she noticed initially but much like Casey she had put it down to concern for his bosses welfare but with what she now knew and the benefit of hindsight she was appalled at herself for missing the red flags, especially when Travis was annoyed that the senator picked Edenbrook. She made her frustrations at herself known and Ethan then stated that we all missed them until it was too late. The remainder of the team got to work. It is what they did best, working under pressure but they knew how tough it was. They started off broad, it was all they could do and with each result turning negative, Ethan’s frustration began to boil. Another set of results came up negative and Ethan scrunched up the results in threw the ball in frustration just as Baz walked in. He knew that the tests came negative. Jus then there was a knock at the door. It was Sienna Trinh. She told them that she knows where the senator is hiding. They manage to persuade the senator to give them access to Travis, which he does. Ethan went with Sienna to the field office. She could tell the situation with Casey was bothering him.
“She did not want to hurt you know. When she found out, she deliberated for nearly a week about telling you and what to do.”
Ethan raised his eyebrow and Sienna continued.
“The clincher for not telling you was that she did not know exactly where you were and whether or not you had reception and when you have reception. She thought leaving a voicemail or a text was too cruel.”
“And how I found out wasn’t cruel? When I first figured what was happening I presumed she was miscarrying and I had only been back a day but when Dr Stone came and Casey told her she took the medication as prescribed….”
“I get it Ethan, we were all surprised that it did not work. I am glad though that you appear to be in better places. I think she found it exhausting hating you.”
“The ironic thing Dr Trinh, when I was down in Brazil, I came to a realization that I love her and I was wanting to discuss work arounds to make us work as a couple…”
“You could do that now?”
“Believe me Dr Trinh if…. No not if, but when Casey pulls through, it will be a discussion I will be having, in full. Not the dances around it we have been having.”
Dr Trinh smiled as they pulled up to the field office. They were sent to the containment room. Ethan looked at the notes and noted the progression of symptoms.
Travis was weak but he was still running on vengeance and anger.
“How dare you! Why couldn’t you leave well enough alone?”
Ethan ignored him as he knew that if he engaged he would lose it. Just then the monitors went off and Travis flatlined. Ethan got the team in charge of Travis in. He was also given a list of things that the toxin was not. He was appreciative for the information. He phoned in the gist of the progression and some medication was arranged that Ethan hoped would buy more time.
Meanwhile, at Kenmore, Aurora received a message from Elijah. She did not believe it but then realized, why would Elijah lie about something so scary. Tobias happened to come by and saw Aurora looking troubled.
“What’s up Emery?”
She showed him her phone.
“Fuck” Tobias muttered under his breath. He had met with the senator’s aide and he remembered that he was impressed with the facilities that were offered by Kenmore. The senator ultimately chose Edenbrook. Tobias had to admit he was a little jealous but with this news, well if it had happened here, it may have not been discovered as quickly.
He called Naveen, telling him that he was wanting to bring a team across to help out. Naveen was reluctant, since it was a code black situation he had no choice but to shut down the hospital. Lifting it temporarily could be dangerous not to mention difficult but Naveen also knew that more brains could also lead to a cure which if what he heard was correct was still far off. Naveen said get a team ready and as soon as I can get you in I will let you know. Tobias thanked Naveen. He put the feelers out for the brightest at Kenmore, including Dr Emery to be ready at a moment's notice.
Meanwhile, in the room, Casey was now starting to get the more severe earlier symptoms that everyone else seemed to have had. They had the injection to hopefully slow the progression. Raf was now confined to the bed and even though Casey was starting to feel dizzy, she did not want to lie down, as she feared that would be the beginning of the end. She knew the team was working hard but as time went on, she was starting to get nervous. Raf was starting to show signs of deteriorating. He started to say good bye but Casey would not let him. We will pull through, she said, even though she did not fully believe it herself. She poured him a glass of water and he drank it. He then asked if it was hot water.
“No, it is iced.”
“Well it feels like it is boiling.” Raf slurred. He slipped into unconsciousness and Casey pressed the call button. The team came. Casey told June about the new symptom, the hot and cold reversal that Raf felt when drank the water. A light bulb went off in June’s brain.
“Hot and cold reversal. I remember reading an article awhile ago…”
“Well we better find that article and find out a contender.
Ethan stays back to say that we will figure it out. The team meet in the lab and June quickly finds the article. The team are met at the room by her friends.
“Rafael’s hot and cold reversal was key. We have found out what is causing this.” Said June, “it is a maitotoxin…”
“Maitotoxin, that is fish is it not” asked Casey then it dawned on her.
“There is no cure is there?”
“Not yet but now we know what we are dealing with…”
“And you have the best from Kenmore to come and help too” called out Tobias.
Ethan was a swirl of emotion that he had no idea how he felt in that moment.
“No funny business I hope Dr Carrick?” Asked Casey.
“No, not this time, Naveen managed to get us in beside the code.”
They all head off to the lab, Ethan asks Casey if she wants company but she decides no. So Ethan joins them.
Knowing what they were dealing with was a big help. They got to formulating possible ideas straight off the bat and theorizing. After a bit Ethan feels uneasy. He excuses himself and makes his way to the room. He puts on the hazmat suit and makes his way in. Casey is surprised to see him.
“Shouldn’t you be in the labs?”
“I was but I was feeling uneasy and felt I would be of better use here, please lie down, you must be exhausted.” Said Ethan.
Casey was apprehensive but she did. Ethan lied down beside her.
“Do you know what I will regret the most Casey?”
“No, no, we are not talking regrets Ethan…”
“No Casey, I need to say this.” He takes a deep breath.
“When I was down in Brazil, I came to the realization that I fell for you and that I wanted to try and find ways of having a relationship. I know what happened did occur and my reactions the next day put a halt on that discussion. But Casey, those feelings have not gone away. I want to be with you.”
Casey is shook. She could not deny that she had those feelings too but Ethan confessing…a part of her did wonder if it was because of the possibility she may not make it.
“And if I had decided to tell you about the pregnancy Ethan?”
“If you had told me, we would have discussed our options, if termination is what we wanted then we would have terminated. I was never angry at you being pregnant, I know that period of time between the hearing and me leaving we were not as careful…”
“Ethan it was fair to say from before the hearing onwards…”
“True, but it was the not being told that hurt me, I get and did at time understand the reasoning..”
“But it did hurt, it took me a while to decide what to do, and I just could not take the chance of it being via voicemail or text.”
“I had a chat with Sienna today and she did tell me.”
“I love you Rookie, now let’s rest so you can pull through.
“I love you too and I wish I could kiss you right now.”
“I know how you feel” said Ethan as he hugs her close.
Unbeknownst to Ethan and Casey, their exchange had a witness. It was witnessed by Dr Carrick. He had decided to go for a walk to give his brain a break and what he saw was definitely shades of an Ethan Ramsey he had never seen and in that moment he became more determined to find a cure. He headed back to the lab and got stuck in.
“He is with her isn’t he?” Whispered June.
“Yes, yes he is and Valentine is not dying on my watch, so get to work June.”
June did as she was told. With Tobias this determined she knew that he was right and she did wonder if her actions and obsession had blinded her and caused her to miss the red flags. So she got stuck in too. Eventually they found a serum that would latch onto the toxin and remove it. There was no time for wide scale testing. It needed to be administered. If this worked though the research potential was huge. It was decided Raf would get the first dose. He was still in a coma but was holding steady. It was administered. Next stop was the room with Casey in Ethan.
When Baz came in with the serum he had to make sure he was not dreaming it. He woke up Casey and told her there was a cure, Ethan administered it and then let her rest.
Ethan made his way back to the labs, he thanked the teams for the work that they had done.
“I am sure you would have done the same if the situation was reversed” said Tobias, “but it was gratifying coming across and I am glad that we found something.”
“Me too, Tobias, me too.”
“Well I am exhausted, keep us posted with how everyone does?”
“Yes, of course. Thanks again Tobias.”
“Anytime Ethan.”
As he left, Ethan thought on the actions of Tobias, he knew there was good beneath the bravado and he did wonder if it was time to put out the olive branch of reconciliation. Meanwhile Tobias was relieved that a cure was found. He knew that Ethan would inform of how the serum worked but he too hoped that they could reconcile their differences and be friends again.
A few hours later the toxin was gone from Casey’s system and the containment tent was dismantled. Ethan walked into her room with no suit and hugged her and kissed the top of her head. He had tears in his eyes and he whispered
“You made it rookie, and I love you.”
Casey was clearly emotional and she hugged tight into him. “I love you too, she whispered.”
From there she was transferred to another room. She was glad to have made it but despite the events she was full of hope, a hope that her and Ethan would be able to work through everything and be together in the open.
Authors note: hands up if this is what we wanted from Canon??? Well that was the attack with some clear conversational changes because you know, AU but it was still painful to write. Last of the high angst but still some emotion charged moments to come in this series but can we smell the happy ending????
Tagging: @jerzwriter @jamespotterthefirst @genevievemd @cariantha @tessa-liam @potionsprefect @liaromancewriter @youlookappropriate @bex-la-get @crazy-loca-blog @a-crepusculo @alj4890 @zealouscanonindeer @schnitzelbutterfingers @binny1985 @lucy-268 @socalwriterbee @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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thyofthee · 1 year
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mizua · 1 year
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@anoseforrottenapples moving from ask!
Her mother had always warned Mary sternly about the dangers of the large city, but she had never mentioned anything about quiet little villages. How could she? Oyster Bay was just as sleepy and harmless as Setauket… who could ever dream evil could occur in a place like this? Unfortunately, evil appeared in many places… even her own home. How else could Mary describe a group of people who waylaid her on her way back from the market, pulled her into the basement of an abandoned shop, and thoroughly beat her? The crime appeared to be her association with Richard, and Major Hewlett. They left her down in the darkness, but did not bother to lock the door. Mary had no way of tracking the time, but eventually she pulled herself up the ladder, and back into the fresh air. No one would be searching for her in a root cellar. Collapsing against the wall of the building, she looked up at the crack of thunder and the wall of water that greeted her. A storm had been threatening all day. It looked like it finally broke while she had been underground.
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Too weak to go further, Mary sagged down into the mud as she tried to stifle a pained whimper. Someone had to be along soon. Even with the rain, the guards would still be on duty, and they might notice something. And her family had to realize she was missing by now… even Abraham could not be so oblivious as to overlook the fact she should have returned to White Hall hours ago. Right?
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Emma had been playing with Thomas to give Abe time to do-whatever it was that he was doing. Seriously, getting in the middle of that felt unnecessary, since she could tell that he wasn't the only one lying about all sorts of things but also that they were kind people and not the type she should be worrying about doing something evil. Every family had their secrets, after all. But then Mary was late, and after the first half of hour it started feeling a bit worrisomee. Then both her husband and her father in law questioned it, and after letting baby Thomas with his grandfather Emma took off to look for her, and so did Abe and a couple of men dispatched by Hewlett, so that they could all split up and cover more ground. Just in case. Surely Mary had lost track of time. But it was a time of war and hardship and a Major was living in their house as well as a magistrate, so one couldn't be too careful. And one hadn't been. "Mary!" she yelled, spotting a figure on the ground under the incessant rain and bringing the horse to gallop and then stop. It had to be her. She just knew it had to be Mary, and was that blood? "Mary, sweetheart!" she called again, running to her friend and dropping on the mud to confirm that it was in fact her - it had to be her fault, right? Women didn't get attacked like that, not by soldiers, not in that country, but her own people didn't care about anything but hurting her. "What happened?" Oh, whoever had hurt her was going to find out just how people got justice down in her kingdom, they were going to suffer. They were going to understand exactly how wrong they had been.
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canis-majoris · 1 year
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Lab Rats: Elite Force - "The Attack"
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Only just realised that the “You’re on your own, you have no friends” line isn’t just a sick burn, it’s a reference to the name Les Amis de l’ABC because they don’t have the support of the abaissés, so they have no friends 😢
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userwoosan · 2 years
hey jenna listen…
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- 🐈‍⬛
Jenna is dead, thank you
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worldsofzzt · 1 year
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Source “The Attack” by Andy Melius/John Fred Pope/Jordan Pomeranz/Kevin Clancy (1994) Published by: PPMC [ATTACK.ZZT] - “Boss1” Play This World Online
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icy-watch · 9 months
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I do the same thing as Lloyd when I'm speaking. It makes sense.
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coffeeheartaddict2 · 1 year
Everybody Hurts sometimes (8/18)
Book: Open Heart
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC Casey Valentine
Word count: 2283
Warnings: language, bio weapon attack, minor character deaths
***trigger warning- this series deals with issues of abandonment and addiction. This chapter also has a bio-weapon attack and minor character death*****
Summary: Casey with Ethan’s help gets Senator Farrugia. An attack happens that endangers Casey. Help appears to come from an unexpected source.
Disclaimer: characters belong Pixelberry.
Authors note: again another event that happened in canon. But again especially the next chapter, the event precipitates some of the changes I have made.
June was anxious. She had been sitting on the news that Kenmore, more specifically that Tobias was trying to court Senator Farrugia for a couple of days now. She wanted Casey and Ethan involved. She needed information. She had leadership ambitions and sure she had been headhunted by other hospitals but she wanted to lead the best and the best was Edenbrook. There was one obstacle in her way and that was Dr Ethan Ramsey. She was excited when he quit, surely the team would be hers but he was offered his old job back. Then there were the rumours that he slept with Casey to advance her career. She needed proof. Naveen would be a hurdle sure but she was determined to be on top and she did not care how she got there.
She needed to be covert to get the information she desired but she needed Casey on board and it needed to be sold in such a way that Ethan would be on board too. Then she thought about how much Ethan cares about the team and more importantly Naveen’s legacy. She knew Senator Farrugia was all for improving health care access for all which she knew that Ethan dreamed off and she knew Casey was that way inclined too. She started her thought and began to formulate her plan.
A week later, after a very arduous session with Tobias, June had her plan in place. Tobias had successfully gotten the senator to Kenmore but was getting nowhere. He had told her that he was mainly dealing with the assistant and he kept contradicting himself. She saw Casey and proceeded to chat to her.
“Have you heard about Senator Farrugia?”
“Superstar state senator, yes I have heard of him.” Said Casey warily.
“Well I have heard that the good senator has a mystery illness and he is at Kenmore…”
“What does this have to do with me June.?”
“Surely a man who wants access for all to decent health care should be here where his ideals are epitomized? Just think of the attention that having him here will garner to that program.”
Casey knew June had to be up to something, but June had found her kryptonite.
“But if he is at Kenmore, how do we get him here?”
“Chat to Ethan, he has privileges there.”
Casey knew she should not have but she knew them figuring out what was wrong with the senator would garner plenty of positive publicity. She had found Ethan in the office and he was alone. She told him about what June had said about the senator and the advantages for the program they ran. Ethan had to agree with Casey so they made a plan. They went to Kenmore and found an office with an unlocked computer. The senator was not listed under his name but Ethan remembered something about Tobias from med school and they found the senator. They kiss briefly as cover when the person comes back for their drink bottle then they head off. Tobias spots Ethan and then Casey proceeds to room 714. Casey spots Baz who is masquerading as Zaid and they get to the Senator’s room.
He is annoyed as the doctor’s here are no closer to a diagnosis. Casey makes her pitch, telling him that Edenbrook is a hospital that aligns more with his values and sold him on how Dr Ramsey wrote the book on modern diagnostic care. The senator is impressed and decides to transfer to Edenbrook. They leave the room and make their way down to the atrium. It is then that Tobias spots them but they just make it out when Ethan comes around the corner in his car. Tobias makes it outside just as Ethan is leaving. He feels he should be mad but if he was being honest with himself he was impressed that there was still a mischievous streak in Ethan. Sure he lost the patient but he was impressed.
Back at Edenbrook news got to June that the senator was coming to Edenbrook. She was impressed. She told Casey this but she said, I did it for the team. Casey goes and finishes her rounds. She is finishing off a chart when Ethan comes across her. He looks round and grabs Casey’s hand.
“I had fun today, thank you.”
“No thank you for helping, I am just glad we got away with it.”
“Me too, a private celebration at mine tonight.” Casey does a quick look around, she kisses Ethan briefly and very chaste on the lips.
“I am looking forward to it already.”
“I’ll pick you up at the end of your shift.” He smiled and walks away. Unbeknownst to both of them, June saw everything. She got the kiss on camera. She still felt she needed more proof.
The next day came and June noticed that both Ethan and Casey were relaxed. They met to discuss the senator and his symptoms. There was a knock at the door and Travis and the Senator walked in. The senator wanted to be involved which everyone agreed was unorthodox but ran with it. Casey asked about travel, people he had met with, then he mentioned an old property that he had just purchased and the mosquitos. They ran tests for mosquito borne diseases. Casey was concerned that he seemed to forget words that he seemed he should know. Baz agreed but they agreed to reconvene when they had the results.
They all met later that day. There were no mosquito borne diseases and in fact Baz complimented the Senator on being rather healthy for his age.
“Yes well, I have been trying to eat healthier, I have gone…. I do not eat meat anymore.”
Casey’s interest is piqued. How could you forget that you are going Vegan? She asks more about the house and the senator states that he is renovating and that the works are rather extensive.
“I think we may need to check for lead poisoning.” Said Casey. The senator was shocked and so was Travis, Casey thought he was just concerned about the senator’s welfare. They run the test and they go through the treatment if it is indeed that. The senator was not happy that he had to stay in the hospital. Ethan noticed that Travis appeared nervous about that but again he thought nothing of it.
The tests come back positive and Casey orders sample of the paint at the Senator’s house and to warn the trades people of possible exposure.
The team was finishing up for the day when Travis said that the senator was to do an interview on TV and he wanted two doctors to come with him. The team was in agreement about Ethan going as he was the leader. Baz suggested Casey given that she came up with the diagnosis. Ethan agreed. They went with Travis and the senator. Casey avoided him. Whilst Ed was in another room, Casey asked Ethan why people are so disappointing? Ethan thought for a minute and said that if you are careful with whom you put your trust in then you are least likely to be so. Casey then asked what do you do when you are about to go on to national television with someone you have misplaced trust in.”
Ethan did not know what to say except I am sure you will figure it out.
They go out for the interview. For the most part the interviewer stayed on topic, the diagnosis, the team, Casey even got the senator to commit to some very progressive legislation. The interviewer then asked Ethan if he was single. Ethan briefly looked at Casey while he schooled his features and stated that he was not.
After the interview, Ethan and Casey were in the dressing room.
“So not single huh?”
He brushes his lips lightly against hers.
“What is the saying? It’s complicated?” He goes do his deepen the kiss but Travis knocks on the door telling them they are heading back.
Meanwhile, in a townhouse in South End, Tobias was watching the interview. He was happy for his former friend, he was also not surprised that Casey played a major part in the diagnosis. He did not miss the look he gave Casey.
“So the feelings are genuine then” he says to himself. He knew June felt she was not there on merit but given that Edenbrook solved what was wrong within two days he had to wonder if it was indeed bullshit. The he remembered the look on June’s face when he suggested that the feelings were genuine. He then wondered if he was being played and if he was that would be the end.
The next day, Casey was talking to Raf when Danny came up with the test results for the paint. She reads the results and is bemused. There was no lead in the paint samples. She goes to the office and searches for Senator Farrugia. Casey goes back until when he was mayor. Then she sees a familiar face, Travis Perry. She runs to the senator’s room, asking Bobby to call the authorities, Raf enters the room with Casey. There they find Travis, looking angry, with a cannister of unknown origin. He sprays it at Bobby then Danny. Raf knocks Casey out of the way and tackles Travis, Raf got hit but was able to ensure that Travis got a bit.
Ethan comes to the office after stopping off at Derry Roasters. He sees Casey’s laptop open and then he sees the story.
“Fuck” he mutters to himself under his breath and rushes to the room. What greets Ethan is a scene of complete and utter chaos. Casey is holding the door from the inside to prevent him coming in and whatever was deployed coming out. She tells him what happened.
“I will fix this," he says. He gets nurses to evacuate the floor while Raf helps Casey seal up the vent as best as possible. He gets the CDC on the phone.
A team arrives and properly quarantines the room. Travis is taken away much to the ire of Ethan. Danny is moved to a support suite but Bobby passed away in the room. Casey had the least exposure. Ethan assures her they will find out and cure it. He heads to the lab. June and Baz are already working to find out what it was. Sienna then comes. Ethan can tell she is upset but she says she knows where the senator is hiding. They head to Paediatrics and find him cowering in a store room. He is reluctant to give them access but he agrees when Sienna agreed to do a glowing interview. They head to the field office.
Ethan said we would do everything that is possible to save Casey, Raf and Danny. Sienna nodded. “How are you doing Ethan, knowing Casey is compromised?”
Ethan takes a deep breath. “It is only an arrangement at the moment but when she survives. I am going open. I love her too fucking much to keep her hidden like some dirty secret.”
“Will she be ok with that?”
“I will discuss but when we broke up I said she deserved more than what I could give her…”
“Yeah she said, what if there are still naysayers?”
“I could not give a shit about that, we both know it was on merit that she is on the team and as Casey said the only opinions she cares about are the people who do know the truth.”
They arrive at the field office. They enter and they are given a list of what they have tested, which Ethan knew would save some time. He spoke to Travis to find out if he knew what it was. He did not know what was in it, stating the people whom he got it from were not the type to answer questions. He then crashed, he let the team there assist while he took a look at his chart. He was able to garner some information on symptom progression and he hoped that could buy more time.
Tobias had been trying to find Aurora for an hour or so. Paging was garnering no results. He finally calls her. She picks up.
“Where are you Dr Emery?”
“Sorry Dr Carrick, I am at Edenbrook.”
“Why are you there?”
“There was an attack. The senator was the target, but a security guard and a nurse have died. Casey and our friend Raf are still ok.”
“Thanks Dr Emery.” Said Tobias as he ended the call.
“Fuck” said Tobias. He then thought about the assistant, how he was insistent on the privacy, the contradictions, the annoyance at the transfer to Edenbrook.
“Fuck, how did I fucking miss this.” Then he got annoyed at himself for telling June. In that moment he knew that he was responsible and if he could avoid it, there was going to be no more death today from this. He assembles a team and they head across to Wdenbrook.
While Tobias is assembling a team, Raf has a hot and cold reversal that lead to them finding out the toxin, it was a maitotoxin and there was no cure. Casey feels dejected. Just then Tobias and the Kenmore team walk up, and you have the best Kenmore has to offer to solve this.
Everyone was surprised and June was skeptical. She wondered if Tobias was wanting to one up Ethan but she kept her thoughts to herself. Everyone but Ethan heads to the lab. Ethan suits up and stays with Casey, and he hopes that they can find a cure in time.
Authors note: yeah I know another cliffhanger but seriously if I did all of the attack in one chapter it would be long and some of what happens next in this little AU will get lost. You will note some slight changes already- all set up for the next chapter. For those who have read this far thank you.
Tagging: @jamespotterthefirst @jerzwriter @genevievemd @youlookappropriate @alj4890 @liaromancewriter @potionsprefect @cariantha @a-crepusculo @bex-la-get @crazy-loca-blog @tessa-liam @ofmischiefandmedicine @peonierose @trappedinfanfiction @lucy-268 @ofmischiefandmedicine @schnitzelbutterfingers @binny1985
@openheartfanfics @choicesficwriterscreations
If I have missed anyone or you wish to be added please let me know
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bumblebeebats · 5 months
Found my 53yo very-much-not-online father in the kitchen today meticulously arranging cutlery on the countertop and i was like 'what are you doing' and he looked up at me with the world's most shit-eating grin and said "Your mother told me this is how you rick-roll the Youth" and i looked over and it was fucking. Loss.jpg.
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bulbabutt · 25 days
i don't know the etiquette for posting other peoples tiktoks but the delivery of this punchline hit me like a FUCKING TRUCK please
NikhilClayton <- you should follow this guy on tiktok he's fucking hilarious
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nando161mando · 4 months
"If the Israeli assault stopped today, and we decided to hold a funeral every single day for each Palestinian killed in the last eight months, it would take us 100 years to honor them all."
The Palestinian speaker at the UN Security Council highlights the devastating toll of casualties among Palestinians resulting from the Israeli genocide in Gaza.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
Tumblr media
Knowledge Revenge.
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