alma-berry · 2 years
Hey Alma! It’s been a long time since I’ve see you active so it’s nice to see you posting :)
Recently I’ve been seeing a lot of hate for Kit and it’s been upsetting me. Realistically I know that everyone is allowed to have their own opinions but Kit is really special to me as a character so it low-key hurts. My question is how do you deal with it whenever people hate on your favourite character?
(Also it would be helpful if people stopped posting their kit hate on the main tag because most of the people on that tag are fans 🙄)
Can’t believe I didn’t see this, I’m so sorry 🤦🏽‍♀️
I’m super tired so I apologize if this is not the most coherent answer, but I don’t want to forget and miss it for a few more months ✌🏾
If people are hateful, bored or ignorant enough to hate on a fictional character just for the sake of it and no good reason - I pity them.
I mean, sure.. you do you, be mad and hateful if it gets you off, but that means a whole lot more about you than about the character you’re hating on.
Or more succinctly - fuck then.
This character brings you joy, you love him fiercely, and so do I. I pay no mind to other shit because a) he’s a fictional character dude it’s not like he’ll get offended and b) they dumb.
Sincerely, Kit Herondale’s Supportive Army headquarters 💪🏾😎
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toka-sketch · 5 years
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Ok... I created this drawing while I was listening to "Les Miserables Can you hear the people sing?" sooo I drew a Livias watch themed picture with Kit, a Heron, Ty's witchlight and the flag of the rebellion.
This contains a lot of my feelings so have fun folks ❤😘😊
Tap for better quality.
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pansexual-lilychen · 5 years
Broke: Kitty is overrated & people only stan Kit because he’s a Herondale
Woke: Kitty is a really pure non sexual ship which developed slowly over three books with nothing but tenderness and Kit is not only a really funny, relatable and genuine character but he also went through a lot and never felt like he could be enough and someone could truly love him and he deserves every single fan he has.
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thomaslightwood · 5 years
Guys, we have a group chat named "The Kit Herondale supportive army"! If you want to join, come 😊
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samnherondale · 5 years
*Kit & Ty exist*
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rosies-reign · 5 years
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Proud member of the Kit Herondale Supportive Army💙💙💙
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julieandthefandoms · 5 years
This is a legitimate question. What is the Kit Herondale Support Army and how do I join?
Update: check @hallowedthorns reply to this post to find out how to join the Kit Herondale Supportive Army
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incorrectherondales · 5 years
ty: i believe you said your childhood was satisfactory?
kit: oh no
kit: i said it was a sadness factory
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alma-berry · 4 years
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He’s blushing while serving us that Herondale look AND HIS FRECKLES?!?!?!?!
I might start believing in god after this.
*takes deep breath*
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After she’s done with all cards, the theories shall commence. Not a second before because my heart can’t take it!
This is the best Saturday morning present 😭
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toka-sketch · 5 years
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Where are the Rosemary and Kit fanarts?! Have fun with mother Rosemary with a forget me not crown and little, cinnamon roll Kit.😚
Rosemary's destiny made me really sad... she loved Kit so much but died without seeing him a last time and now Kit grown up his whole life without her... That makes me really sad...😢
Rosemary deserved a better destiny 😕
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mylatestbookception · 4 years
Kit Herondale Fancast
I've seen a lot of people have their own ideas of what Kit looks like but I've not seen many fancastings for him. I was watching High Strung: Free Dance and I found the perfect casting of Kit. His name is Harry Jarvis. Blond hair, blue eyes, and can act very Herondale-esk. Did I mention he looks fabulous in black and leather.
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thomaslightwood · 5 years
Kit's Music Challenge
Thanks @hallowedthorns for the tag!
1. Good old-fashioned lover boy - Queen
"Ooh love, Ooh lover boy
What're you doing tonight? Hey boy"
Set my alarm, turn on my charm
That's because I'm a good old-fashioned lover boy
2. Stronger than you - annapantsu
This isn’t what I want,
yet it’s what I asked for
Curiosity over all my morals
I took away our perfect happy ending
Resetting the world despite the warnings
3. I'm still standing - Elton John
You know I'm still standing better than I ever did
Looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid
I'm still standing after all this time
Picking up the pieces of my life without you on my mind
4. Machine - Imagine dragons
'Cause I've been wondering
When you gonna see I'm not for sale
I've been questioning
When you gonna see I'm not a part of your machine
Not a part of your machine
I am the machine
5. Anti-Gravity - Runaground
All the blood that we're bleeding
Could fill up a broken heart
The secrets we're keeping could be used
To light the dark
I challenge: @ti-bae-rius @livvys-blackthorn @ash-kit @ashrosales @misssherondale @kit-herondale-blackthorn
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let-me-write · 5 years
The Truth Untold
Chapter 1: Ty looks into the Dimmet Tarn
The sky seemed to be clearing this morning after a week of incessant rain.
Ty looked out of his window, noticing a long overdue ray of sunshine entering his room. On his lap, Irene-his pet lynx-laid purring contently, as he pet her steadily. Livvy, his sister, had yet to return from her night-time ritual of roaming the Scholomance to bide her time when Ty slept. She had become careful with her movements since she had witnessed its impact on him, by limiting herself to roaming only within the Scholomance.
Ty sighed longingly at the rare and tiny glimpse of the Sun behind the thinning clouds. He missed his home-the Los Angeles Institute-which had dependably bestowed him with the sight of the perennial sunrise over the Pacific, besides sandy beaches and the familiar palm trees.
The memory of the place brought up his longing for his family. He missed his brothers and sisters, every moment of the day, but had learnt to distract himself by dutifully abiding by his schedules. He had trained his mind to focus on his lessons and training at the Scholomance, which had been sufficient in occupying his mind for the past three years. With the prospect of his upcoming trip to home, he could not contain his thoughts about his home or family for long.
Ty was rudely awoken from his thoughts as Irene leaped from his lap to chase around a familiar, translucent silhouette. Livvy had finally returned from her "night-time hauntings", as she's been referring to them. She wished him "Good Morning Ty-Ty" with a hearty smile. Livvy had not changed at all, obviously, in the past three years. She still claimed to love him, did not want to be separated from him and cared about their family.
As time had gone by, Ty was the one who had outgrown his gears and was religiously occupied with shaving his facial hair weekly. Moreover, he had also been the only one to develop a mix of guilt and resentment over outgrowing his twin sister. He felt a painful twinge in his heart now, looking at his sister who had not aged a day since that fateful day in Idris. She seemed to be waiting for him to say something and besides, Ty observed, she had a hint of excitement in her eyes.
He spoke " Good Morning Livvy, Was there something interesting in your explorations last night? " She indulged in her news readily, " You know the girls that live next to Anush's room: Aisha and Donna? "
Ty nodded recalling the friendly raven-haired and blonde couple. " I overheard them talking about their trip to Dimmet Tarn yesterday. Out of the two, Donna was brave enough to glimpse into the Tarn for a few seconds and you know what she saw?" She paused and continued, " She saw her estranged brother returning to their family in the future, a brother she had not seen for about 10 years. She is ecstatic and sending a message to her family. Magnus was right !! "
Ty didn't understand how Magnus figured into this. Livvy explained, " Magnus told me once that the Tarn was cursed by a warlock to show one's future upon witnessing their reflection over it. It didn't work for me as I am a ghost with no definitive future. But, It might work for you " He gave her a wary look.
She insisted, " Ty, consider the possibilities. We can try to understand the mysteries of the Dimmet Tarn. Additionally, a look into your future wouldn't hurt. If anything, knowing about the future might give us an advantage over the Cohort or any other enemies. What do you say? "
He thought, I could never disappoint her, so he conceded, " Let's go, if you insist ". Besides, it could prove to be a good distraction.
He stepped out into the fields surrounding the entrance to the Scholomance with Livvy closely gliding beside him. He noticed that all the trees in the distance looked to be weighed down by their rain-laden leaves. At least, there was a hint of sunlight illuminating their passage. He moved soundlessly, dodging the occasional branches in the way.
After a few minutes of relentless walking , they seemed to be approaching a well-lit clearing. Ty cleared the last pair of branches and let himself into the banks of Dimmet Tarn. This was the first time he had come back to the place after he had rescued Irene from here three years ago. Unlike the last time, he witnessed the tarn lit by steady sunlight, possible with the now clear sky.
He stood mesmerised by the lively appearance of the usually grim looking surface of water. The sunlight reflecting the surrounding trees on the water body's surface exuded serenity that betrayed its true nature. Livvy, beside him, was also taken with the new, appealing nature of the tarn. Ty noted how the name of the tarn-Dimmet- wouldn't suit its current appearance.
His sister edged towards the tarn and peered into it. "Still no future for a ghost, I guess", she sighed dramatically while returning to his side. She then looked up at him, expectantly.
Ty was apprehensive, thinking back to the classical tales of the grim plight that awaited the Greek heroes who encountered the mythical Fates. He recounted how various literatures warned about knowing one's fate and the subsequent, dire consequences that come with avoiding the undesirable.
His fingers were fluttering freely, reflective of his inner anxious self. But he wanted to be of help to his family and the new Clave, however possible, and made up his mind to ignore any indication of personal harm that the Tarn might show him.
He decided that a short glance at the surface of the tarn would do; surely, too much information about the future could only breed misery.
He took measured steps toward the tarn and looked hesitantly into the surface of the well-lit but murky water. He gasped, he was looking at a moving image coming slowly into focus, instead of his reflection. Livvy came towards him and asked with concern, "Are you okay, Ty? Do you see anything? " Ty noted that Livvy couldn't see and assured her with a nod.
He noticed that the vision was materialising into definitive shapes that he could recognize: trees and mountains in the background and in front of them he noticed with an alarm;
He himself was in the foreground of the vision clinging desperately to someone. He focused on his own face in the future looking weary and unrecognisable, and his eyes...his familiar gray eyes were distraught with fear and worry, looking down at the frail body lying on his own lap.
There was too much blood; scarlet, contrasting his black gear and spilling out into the ground surrounding them.
Ty was petrified to even think of who the injured person could be in the vision.
He forced himself to lower his gaze towards the body, when he realised that it was a young man and not just anyone but a specific one with golden curls and blue eyes.
Ty realised with a jerk, it was Kit, his Kit, older than he remembered..... who was injured and bleeding heavily in Ty's arms and Kit..he.. he was smiling weakly up at him in the vision, despite his state.
Kit looked so fragile and his eyelids looked heavy, weary with the effort of remaining open. He was visibly straining to keep himself conscious in the future-Ty's arms.
The image started to flicker and change but Ty had had enough.
He pulled himself back in a sudden flurry of motions and collapsed onto his knees in the ground and tried to hopelessly crawl away from the Tarn. He could not push the image back, which seemed to be etched into his eyes now.
His eyes were now flooding with tears when he became aware of Livvy trying to comfort him. Her voice dripped with worry, " Ty, what did you see? I'm here with you. It will be okay." She sounded distraught. Livvy started to apologize frantically, "I'm sorry I made you do this, I'm sorry Ty..."
Ty was breathless and nauseated. He managed to only whisper "Kit-" to her. He wanted to get away from here as soon as possible. He took off running, going as fast as his limbs could navigate through the forest.
He didn't stop until he reached his room and promptly let himself in and collapsed onto the rug on the floor. Irene, who was startled by his entrance, came towards him and wrapped herself around him. This grounded him to a certain extent and he noticed Livvy was now beside him too.
His sister looked helplessly for something to do. She blurted out, " I'm sorry Ty.. I'm sorry. What should I do? Tell me." Ty shook his head slowly and pulled Irene up into his arms. He tried to steady his breath by concentrating on Irene's breathing. He resolved his jumbled thoughts and told Livvy, " I'm fine. The vision cannot be true and may not come to pass."
Livvy looked at him incredulously and asked, " You mentioned Kit earlier. Was the vision related to him? Does something happen to him?"
Ty would never lie to his sister; so he nodded weakly and proclaimed helplessly, "The future is not definite. Isn't that right, Livvy? There must be a way...something that I can do.. " He pulled out the silver chain around his neck and stroked the heron thoughtfully.
He couldn't stop his thoughts from lingering on the boy the chain had belonged to... Kit...Christopher. Ty's best friend, an outsider who had once understood him as much as or even more than his family. He remembered the lost boy who had reluctantly joined him and Livvy, gradually warmed up to them and had truly became an indispensable person in his life.
He realized that his sister was still awaiting an explanation but he was too startled to form coherent words. He told her, " I need some time Livvy. I hope you understand." Livvy nodded and assured him that she would only be in the outside corridor before reluctantly leaving his side.
Ty stood up and fumbled to find Julian's lighter from his bedside table. He had always found comfort in clicking it. For the next few seconds, he concentrated only on the movement of his thumb and let his other fingers fly freely. His mind was being flooded with vivid memories: both comforting and painful; the very ones he had tried to suppress in the past couple of years.
Ty could not help but remember Kit, the Watson to his Sherlock, who had been his reliable and only comfort after his sister's death. Despite their last bitter encounter and the separation that ensued, he still cared a lot about Kit. Surely, he hadn't mentioned Kit's name to anyone besides Magnus, since he learnt that Kit didn't want to do anything with him. But, it didn't mean the boy had failed to occupy his mind from time to time.
Ty loved all kinds of mysteries and Christopher Herondale was the most intriguing of them all.
He had believed that the bond between him and Kit was incomparable and that the other boy had surely considered him as a friend too. But, despite everything they had gone through, Kit had chosen to leave him without a word of explanation or parting.
Ty had been heartbroken since his conversation with Magnus, when even the sliver of hope that he would see Kit again had vanished.
The months since then were a period of intense inner turmoil of confusion, despair and longing. Even thinking of Kit had left an inexplicable pang in his chest...talking about him was unthinkable. He had been actively avoiding any conversations about Kit with his family.
His brother Julian had asked once, if Ty had been missing Kit and he had answered "Not more than usual" and left the room in a hurry with his headphones on. Livvy had prodded him with questions about Kit in the beginning but had given up due to a lack of response.
Then, she had visited Jem's home in Devon and had met Kit. Kit had then given his Heron pendant, the only heirloom from his mother, for Ty and Livvy's protection. Ty had failed to understand Kit's motivations behind such a generous gesture. He had thought wearily then, " Kit Herondale is the most prominent yet elusive mystery of my life."
There were also other painful memories and thoughts that hovered over his consciousness but he quelled them. He didn't have the time to be miserable now. He must try to understand the plausibility of what he had seen, happening. His stomach muscles tightened while he considered the harrowing possibility of such a future.
Sensing his anxiety, Irene pulled herself up onto his arms and placed her warm paws on his shoulders. She was always good at comforting him and it worked now too, albeit weakly. He patted her head affectionately and tried to make sense of his thoughts.
His mind did not entertain the certainty of such a terrible thing happening to Kit. Kit deserved better. Ty wanted to make sure of that. He just didn't know how...
In the short respite from his thoughts brought by Irene's purring, he reminded himself of his previous apprehensions about the dangers of fighting the fate.
Maybe, the Ty from three years ago would have sprung into action at any indication of potential harm that may befall his loved ones. But, now, he was hesitant, as he had a daily reminder of his callousness in the form of his twin sister besides his ever-growing guilt and regret for his past actions. He cannot afford to act recklessly again.
But he needed to protect Kit from any potential harm...It felt like his sole purpose in the world.
He knew Kit was safe for now, under the care of Jem and Tessa. He didn't want to alarm him or his family with this unfounded terror that haunted him. He also reminded himself that Kit would not want to meet him. That would never change.
Maybe, he could do some more research about the Tarn and its abilities or...he could act now. His thoughts were whirling before he settled on a prominent one that was rational but also daunting.
He let Irene down and scrambled to his desk and took out a paper and pen.
After all these years, he thought, the time has finally come for me to write to Kit.
Please like and reblog if you like it !! I appreciate your comments too !!
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It’s true he’s baby...
Demon: *Coming towards Kit with its claws outstretched*
Kit: Don’t hurt me, I’m baby.
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magnusthefish · 5 years
kit herondale radiates colossal dumbass energy
i’m right and i should say it
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Hi, @alma-berry, @sherlockedkit. The dark side is calling for you.
So, @clockwork-barones, gave me this amazing idea of creating a blog only for dark and sad theories dedicated to Kitty.
Because the scary and horrible minds of the fandom are important! We need to hear their ideas!
So, what do you say? The wicked cookies are calling for you. LEAVE YOUR THEORY OR HEADCANON NOW!
I'm not even going to say who I am... You know the crazy mind right here. Also, This is completely Val's fault.
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