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wintrcaptn · 4 years
Forbidden Ch. 2 | Andy Barber
Summary : Summary : You used to babysit Jacob when he was younger and had the biggest crush on his dad, Andy. But being in High school at the time, you knew it was just a stupid fantasy that could never happen. Now, six years later, you were visiting your hometown while on winter break. Once you found out the news about Jacob, you knew you had to go check up on them. But things take a turn when you find yourself alone with Andy Barber.
Part One
A/N : I wasn’t planning on making a second part for this fic, until now. Thank you all for the amazing feedback! I hope you like this one just as much (:
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You barely slept last night, all you could think about was the kiss. About the way Andy held you close to him, and how his tongue danced along yours.
It was driving you crazy, wishing you could taste him again. To feel him.
But you also couldn’t help feeling horrible. Like the worse person in the world. And it didn’t help that you were seeing him again in just a few hours.
It was beginning to make you nervous. To the point where you almost wanted to cancel and forget the whole thing.
But you knew you couldn’t do that to Jacob.
Staring at your reflection, you let out a long sigh.
“It’s just one more night.” You said to yourself.
Pulling up to the Barber’s house, you were washed over with guilt and filled with anxiety. Not knowing how this was going to play out, made it even worse.
What if Laurie found out?
What if Andy regretted kissing you?
A thousand questions flooded your mind and it was starting to freak you out.
Jacob saw your car through his blinds and immediately ran downstairs. Excitement plastered over his face. It caught Andy’s attention.
“You okay there, buddy?” He asked, flipping through the channels on the tv.
“Y-yeah.” Jacob said, walking over to the door. “Y/N’s here.”
The second your name fell from his sons lips, Andy stood up and shot his gaze to the window.
You saw the door swing open, and Jacob stood in the door way with a cheeky grin. And just then, you knew you had to suck it up and focus on being there for him.
“Hey!” You said, climbing out of your car.
“Hi!” He exclaimed.
Andy tensed up the closer you got. Part of him felt guilty for what happened, and especially for wanting to kiss you again.
This wasn’t who he was. He wasn’t a cheater, someone who would go behind his wife’s back and betray her trust. He hated himself for letting it get to this. But he couldn’t help it. He wanted you.
As you walked into the house, you tried hard to only focus on Jacob. But in the corner of your eye, you saw his figure. Suddenly, your gaze met his and instantly, your breath hitched.
“H-Hi.” He said, hesitantly walking over to you.
You swallowed hard, but found some courage in you to snap out of the daze and collect yourself. “Hi.” You replied.
“So I was thinking we can order pizza and put on a movie or something while I set up the game? Like old times?” Jacob muttered, looking at you then back to his dad. “You’re going to play too, right?”
“Um—if Y/N is okay with it.”
Both of the Barber boys turned their gaze on you, putting you on the spot.
“Of course I’m okay with it.” You said. “Is Mrs. Barber joining us or—?”
“No, she had some errands to do.” Jacob interrupted you. “She said she’ll be home later though.”
You could tell something was off. The second day in a row, and they weren’t together? This wasn’t like them.
For as long as you could remember, they made every effort to be together.
“I’ll get the game. Dad, can you order the pizza?” Jacob’s voice snapped you back to the moment.
But before either of you could respond, Jacob turned around and ran up the stairs, leaving you alone with Andy.
You hesitantly looked over to him, and his eyes were already on you.
It was crazy how much power a stare held over you. It made your heart pound erratically, and it was hard to think straight.
The silence was driving him crazy. He wanted to know—needed to know what you were thinking. And he couldn’t take it anymore.
“Can we talk about—you know.” He whispered, walking over to you.
Each step he made, growing closer to you, things were beginning to feel hotter and constricting.
“Th-there’s nothing to t-talk about, Mr. Barber—“
“Andy.” He cut you off, now standing just right in front of you. His eyes looking longingly into yours, almost as if he were searching for something. “Please, call me Andy.”
You swallowed hard. “Andy, please. Can we just pretend it didn’t happen?”
“I can’t. I tried, but I can’t stop thinking about it, about you. And—and I don’t think I want to stop.”
As you opened your mouth, you were instantly silenced after the sound of footsteps grew nearer.
Andy cleared his throat and quickly walked back toward the kitchen, pulling out his phone to order the pizza.
Finally, you were able to let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding.
“Okay, I got monopoly and Pictionary Incase mom comes home early.” Jacob smiled.
After a few hours, the three of you filled yourselves with pizza and soda, while playing the game.
Sitting there with you and Jacob, watching the way you both laughed and talked, it was invigorating. In this very moment, Andy watched his son be a kid again and that’s all he ever wanted.
Everything felt normal. Like how it used to be. Before it all went to shit.
You all talked like no time has passed. Cracking jokes, and teaming up with Jacob, buying all the properties so Andy had to pay.
It was perfect.
“So did you ever finish reading the Harry Potter series?” You asked, rolling the dice.
Jacob nodded, flashing a smile as he remembered how much you used to love those books.
“Yea. They were good. Still not my favorite but—“
“Not your favorite?! Dude, Harry Potter is amazing and it has everything!”
Andy listened to you both go back and forth, a smirk plastered on his face.
“Ok well how about the next time in town, we have a Harry Potter movie marathon? I’m sure those will change your mind.”
Laurie finally came home around seven. She looked even more exhausted than yesterday, and a little upset.
She said a soft hello, gave Jacob a kiss on the head and went straight upstairs, barely giving Andy a glance.
Then suddenly, it was back to reality.
Though you were able to distract Jacob for a bit, nothing could make him forget the truth. And for that, he needed some time to himself.
“I-I’m getting tired, so I think I’m going to lay down for awhile.” He said, propping up to his feet. “Thanks for coming over. I had fun. Maybe we can do it again soon?”
You flashed him a soft smile, and nodded before pulling him in for a hug. “Yeah, definitely.”
And just like that, he ran up to his room, leaving you alone with Andy. Again.
Andy sat on the couch, running his hands through his hair. Tired, upset, confused. There were too many different emotions running through him, it was starting to become overwhelming.
You decided to clean up the mess before leaving.
“Y-you dont have to do that.” He said, gazing at you.
“It’s okay. It’s the least I could do since you fed me the past two days.” You chuckled.
He chuckled along with you, and helped with the dishes. Not another word but glances were shared.
And every time you looked at him, the more you yearned to feel him. But you knew you shouldn’t.
He leaned against the counter once everything had been cleaned. His arms crossed over his chest.
There had only been one constant thing roaming through his mind; He can't be having feelings for another woman. He just can't.
But no matter how hard he tries to push his feelings aside, he couldnt. It wasn’t making any sense. Why couldn’t he shake this? Why couldn’t he let this go?
Before he had time to process anything, something overcame him and suddenly it all came out like word vomit.
“These past few weeks have been shit.” He said, staring at his feet. “And I have been losing my mind over everything that’s been going on until—“
Andy paused, meeting your gaze. “You showed up out of nowhere and—I don’t know.”
You weren’t sure what to do or say but stand there.
“It’s like I’ve been drowning, and kissing you—kissing you was like coming up for fresh air. I was able to breathe again.”
Every word that fell from his lips only made you want him more. Not only physically, not just feeling him or tasting him, you wanted him. All of him.
And he wanted you.
How did this even happen? You hadn’t seen each other in years and after a day, it was instant. Like it had come out of a movie.
He slowly started towards you, and the way he locked his gaze on you, it was almost as if he hungered for you.
Your breath hitched to the back of your throat, scared to move a single muscle.
“Just tell me to stop, and I’ll let this go.” His voice was low, almost like a growl and it only made you want him more.
Without realizing, he stood just inches in front of you, towering over you. Forcing you to crank your neck up so you could gaze into him.
You slightly opened your mouth, knowing you should say no, but no words came out.
The silence was all he needed, and suddenly, his rough hands cupped the back of your head and crashed his lips against yours.
Everything felt still like time had froze. And you were lost in the moment. Lost in his kiss, quickly motioning back and caving into him.
Soft grunts escaped him as he deepened this kiss, while his hands slid down to your waist. Without thinking, he lifted you off the ground, and your legs wrapped around him.
Andy could feel himself grow harder by the second. Yearning to feel more of you. All of you.
Your fingers were deep in His hair as your lips molded against his. You were both so caught up in each other, taking every second in.
He sat you on the counter, and swiftly took off his shirt, exposing his bare chest.
Your fingers traced over him, making its way down to the button of his jeans.
Feeling you getting closer to his already hard shaft, made him shiver under your touch. And damn, he wanted you.
His lips never left yours, sucking, biting and tugging at your bottom lip, forcing soft moans out of you.
The kiss had been everything you ever dreamt of. Possibly even better.
You were so drenched, you knew your panties had been soaked completely. But you could care less.
You could feel yourself pulsate between your legs where he stood. Your body yearned to feel him. To feel all of him, inside of you.
Andy could sense just how badly you wanted him. It turned him on even more, ready to give in and pound into you. He kissed you harder, showing you that he wanted you just as badly.
Everything moved so quickly, you almost didn’t realize you were both unbuttoning your shirt and with your next breath, Andy pulled the shirt off of you.
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You were both lost in each other. Lost in the moment, caving into one another.
His lips began traveling down to your neck. His grazed his tongue over your skin just before he his teeth pressed into you and forced another moan out of you.
He loved hearing you. It made his dick twitch under his boxers, begging to be inside of you.
“Dad, can you bring up a glass of water for me?” Jacob asked, leaning over the railing of the stairs.
“Y-Yeah buddy. I’ll be right there.” He called out.
Andy swallowed hard as he grabbed his shirt from the floor, while you both breathed heavily.
You mirrored his actions and slipped your shirt back on. Feeling your heart beat rapidly in your chest.
This was wrong on so many levels. You were slowly falling for a guy who was older than you and worst of all, married.
“I’m so sorry, this was a mistake.” You said, starting for the front door.
Andy was torn, knowing he should’ve never crossed the line, but it was too late. There was no turning back now. And though it wasn’t right, he didn’t want to go back.
And for that, he hated himself even more.
“Y/N wait, please.”
Tears began to well in your eyes, as a lump formed in your throat. This felt worse than a break up. Worse than anything you had been through which you weren’t sure as to why.
“We can’t do this Andy, you’re married.” You forced out. “Laurie is literally upstairs.”
He had forgotten that she was in the room. Being with you, was like having tunnel vision and all he could focus on was you.
“Fuck.” He exhaled, pinching the bridge of his nose. “What the hell am I doing?”
The tears had stained your cheeks and in that moment, you were broken.
“This was a mistake.” You repeated. “You’re just hurt and confused, this isn’t your fault. I shouldn’t have—“
“Don’t you dare blame yourself for this.” He cut you off. “This is bad timing, I know. But I’m not confused.”
You wanted nothing more than to believe him. But how could you with all things considered?
“Dammit.” You whispered to yourself. “I can’t do this.”
With that, you grabbed your bag and left without saying goodbye.
Andy knew letting himself feel this way to begin with was wrong. But why did it feel so good? Kissing you, holding you, feeling you pressed against him.
Being with you, he could finally breathe. It was like coming up for air.
Chapter Three sneak peek
Chapter Three
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sleepypeaky · 5 years
Polly “elizabeth” Shelby x  Fem reader
request: Can you write polly x female reader where she's been in love with the reader for months and the reader gets flirted with a lot by the boys and other men but she loves her back? A little bit drama but a fluffy ending? Polly deserves all the love
word count: 1600
warnings: haha i got a little heated at the end,,,,,,,,,, this is basically well mannered smut and im not sorry
a/n: polly is 17 in this. also i forgot a lot about the specific details of the boy’s early lives so im just goign to make shit up. also in my mind they live a little outside of small heath in this, maybe they move into the main town after the story. also this gave me life to write.
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A new town, Elizabeth thought, maybe here we’ll stay here longer. 
She let her feet dangle over the wheels, she watched as they passed by a cluster of small houses and a schoolhouse.
Although she didnt know this at the time, in a few years the fielded landscape she saw rolling by her would be transformed into a sooty, squalid, suburb of birmingham. The grass replaced with hard stone.
But for now the landscape was peaceful enough.
They were moving onto a plot of land owned by her sister-in-law’s family. Most of whom worked in the city. There were also a handful of other Romani families, but they all kept their distances.
Once the camp was set, Elizabeth was charged with going to the schoolhouse and finding herself a place. This was done easily enough, as the teacher was a kindly italian woman who was already expecting her arrival. 
On her was out of the small building, she quite literally ran into a girl of about her own age. 
“Oh! Sorry!” You gasped, making sure the collision caused no harm. “I’m (y/n), you must be new here.”
“I’m Elizabeth, and yes i am. Sorry about that.” She shook your outstretched hand.
“No problem at all!” You assured her.
You peered over her shoulder into the distance where a couple of ornate Romani wagons were set int the field.
“Do you live in those wagons?”
She nodded. “Yes, I’m Romani.”
“Does your whole family live there too?”
“Yes.” She smiled “My parents, brother, his wife, my 3 nephews, but they’re practically as old as me. ‘cept for john, hes only 5. And one niece Ada, she’s 3.”
“Well thats a whole lot more interesting than my family.” You chuckled.
Elizabeth laughed, “I’m not sure interesting is the proper word. But if you like i can introduce you?”
“Oh i would love that!”
You walked side by side down the dirt road that lay adjacent to the large fields. The fields were lined with fences for the livestock, and abutted by a decent forest that stretched  off to the northwest. In the field poppies were blooming.
You exchanged trivial information, and in no time were up close to the circle of wagons. The two elder children and elizabeth’s brother were not there, but she introduced you to her parents and the younger children. Both of whom were exceedingly adorable.
You walked closer to one wagon, the one polly pointed out as hers, and walked around it, your eyes following the carved painted curves of the wood. 
“It’s incredibly beautiful.” You marveled. “i wish my home were as nice to look at.”
You and Elizabeth had gotten on very well. And a few days later you were leading her into the woods, not to far from the houses, to show her your “hiding spot”. 
About 100 yards into the woods, there was a clearing by a small stream where you had built a very small wooden structure. To call it a house would be perhaps too direct for what it was, but it had 4 walls, a nearly waterproof roof, and a small hinged door. 
“This is wonderful!” Elizabeth exclaimed.
“Well its not my best work, but it has been here a long time.” You explained. The inside was again, not much. But there was a small platform with a blanket on it, an oil lamp, and a tin box large enough to hold some pencils, paper, and books.
You led her to the stream where you took off your shoes and let your feet into the clear water.
“This is very strange and there is no particular reason for it,” You started, “but for some reason i want to call you Polly.” 
She smiled, “ok. Then i get to call you odjus.”
You tilted your head, 
“what does that mean?”
“you’ll have to wait and find out.”
You bit your lip, “Ok then polly.”
A few months past, the May turned into a warm august, with a surprising amount of sun. Polly had acclimated well to the locals, most specifically you, whom she woke every morning in wait to see. 
There was something different about the way she thought of you. Something she felt she oughtn’t be feeling.
But life went on around this. She would walk with you on your way to places, grimacing as you walked past the schoolboys who flirted incessantly with you. She got her share of flirts as well, but those didnt bother her like they did yours.
On these midsummer nights the older children of the settlement would sneak out and have bonfires in the upper fields. Alcohol and dancing, folk songs and ballads. The boys who spent the days in the fields or shoveling coal, spent their nights dancing with their sweethearts or searching one out. 
As the nights progressed, one boy would start a slower, crooning song, and all the dancing would slow to a sway.
As with this night.
You and polly started out the night with a few swigs of whiskey and linked-arm dancing. Your skirts tied up to knee level for ease of movement. The other girls did the same, and the hot summer nights became less oppressive. 
At one point, polly found herself sat alone on a stump with the other spectators. She was watching like a statue at you swaying with a rather handsome farm-boy. She had seen you dance with him before, and tonight, whether  she was fed up or the whiskey had got to her, she couldnt take it.
On one swaying revolution, you saw polly hurry off into the field over your partners shoulder. Concerned, you cut the dance short and ran into the night after her. 
She was running fast so you had to hurry to catch up with her,
“Polly! Wait!” You called after her, the waist-high thin grass whipping your shins.
She slowed to a halt and you caught up. 
“Polly whats wrong?” You urged, breathing heavily.
“Whats wrong?!” She whipped around to face you. You saw she was crying.
“This is whats bloody wrong.”
She rushed forward to you and grabbed your face in her hands, and forcefully put her lips on yours. The world stood still, it felt like a wave crashed over your head and you were drowning in its wake, but oh what a way to die. And then she pulled away.
“Something’s wrong with me.” She sobbed. 
You still made no movement.
“And i love you (y/n), i fucking love you. And it hurts so much to know that this is all just a mistake in my head–”
You cut her off by surging towards her and reconnecting your lips. Instantly her hands went to your hair and you pulled her closer by her shoulders. Each gasp of air was relinquished once more as you dove back in. Every part of you felt tingly. Finally, you got enough air to gasp, 
“i love you too.” And you pressed your forehead against hers.
Polly’s heart felt as though it might burst, the only way to keep the pressure down was the smile on her face and the tears still streaming from here eyes, but this time for joy. You were also weeping.
She grabbed your hand and pulled you off the field and into the woods path, where it led to the small wooden house.
You pushed open the ramshackle door and pulled her inside. Sparing no time to light the small oil lamp in the corner.
You kissed her again, now in the complete seclusion of the woods and the hideout. The only light coming from the glow if the lamp and the warm, summer stars. There was a deeper passion now, less fervent but more needy. She pulled you down to the blanketed ground and kissed you, your lips were on fire. She moved her lips to your neck, slowly edging down to your collar bone. You gasped at the feeling.
Now your were upright again, struggling with the buttons on her bodice as she tried to undo yours. Minutes of frustrated undressing only broken by passionate kisses. Now you were laid bare to her eyes and her to you. You laid her on her back and gazed down at her, her hair undone and softly wreathed around her face. You brought your face back down and between kisses praised her on her beauty. 
She held up her hands and brought you beside her, taking one of your breasts in her mouth as her hand moved down between your legs. Your mouth nestled in the crook of her neck.
It was a symphony, an exploration of each other at new level, every hand caressed a new place in reverence, and your lips both whispering kisses on every patch of skin. You cried out into the night, her following in unison, each time like the call of the nightingale.
When at last you lay at silence in the summer night air. Warm enough even without sun for not a chill to come over both your naked forms. 
Your hands were intertwined, same with your legs, twisted together as if you had become one being. Her deep brown eyes flickered over your face, a lock of her hair rested on her cheek.
“odjus.” She whispered.
You smiled at the name that called your heart. You let your eyelids grow heavy, and looking up at her through hooded eyes, you asked,
“what does it mean?”
She let your eyes close and her own fell as well. And with a voice like the hush of rain, she said
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Worst vacation ever? Part III
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Words: Around 7600
Summary: Flying back home after a long day of stress and sadness. Your best friend picks you up from the airport and has the greatest news for you.
After you came back to the motel, you threw your bag angrily in the corner, letting yourself sink into the bed. You started to cry again, wondering what you‘ve done to deserve that.Grabbing your phone and the piece of paper Jensen gave you, checking the number again. Maybe you dialed it wrong, but no.. „I dont understand.. he was so kind and courteous.. we had such a good time but maybe he wanted to be nice because of my state.“ you asked yourself wondering why he would do that. It made you sad again, that you probably won‘t ever see him again. Not just because he was an actor, you didn‘t even care. Of course it was cool meeting one of your favorite actors, but that was not why you got so nervous around him. Jensen was the first guy in a long time who made you laugh again, plus he was super cute.. but unfortunaly way out of your league.
When u arrived at the airport you could jump up and down because you actually found an earlier flight back home. Happy to see your best friend again and actually.. you were pretty glad that you and your Ex broke up, you could finally start a new life.. it was time to forget him, but flying back meant you also had to forget this certain green-eyed actor.
The plane landed on time and Y/B/F/N was already waiting for you.
„Y/N!“, she was screaming, running towards you, alsmost tripping over her own feet, which made u laugh a bit. She was always so clumsy, but that‘s exactly what you needed right now to cheer you up.
„You had been away for only 2 days but I missed u so much“ she said, jumping into your arms, out of breath from screaming so much. „What happened? You have to tell me everything.“ she continued.
The two of you decided to settle down at starbucks, drinking your favorite kind of coffee.
„Tell me, sweetie.. what‘s wrong?“ you could tell she knew you were totally fucked up because of the expression on your face.
„Well, after I landed in Texas I made my way to Y/E/N (your exs‘ name, or any other name). He probably thought I‘d be there a bit later.. and yup.. I found him cheating.“ you tried not to burst out in tears, took a deep breath and continued, „I ran out of his house, went to a bar and got a bit drunk..“
„What the actual fuck, I mean, everyone told you he is an asshole and that you should dump him, but what a piece of shit...“, she threw swearword after swearword you never even heard of before. „Did u at least got yourself a beautiful hotel room with a pool and shit?“ she started joking around trying to make you laugh.
„I stayed at a motel the night.. but I actually had the chance to stay in a cool place, but I declined.“ you said.
„Huh? What? How? Whyyy?“ she asked curisouly.
„I met someone, but please promise me your not going to freak out“ you begged, knowing she‘s the greatest fan of him.
Y/B/F/N gave you a frowned look raising one eyebrow.
„When I was at the bar, there was this guy who lend me some company..“ you said.
„And why should I freak out about that? Did he get u pregnant?“ she laughed.
You looked shy at the coffee in your hands, whispering, „it was Jensen.“
„Jensen who? Ackles?“, she started to laugh again.. but that soon stopped when she saw that you dind‘t react. „WAIT? ARE YOU SERIOUS?“
„shhhhhh!“ you tried to calm her down. „we drank a few beer together, and I told him what happened, after that he offered me to stay the night at his place but I said no.“
„That is... by far... the absolute dumbest thing u ever did, Y/N!“ she said almost hissing at you.
„I‘m not finished yet..“ you continued. „he gave me his number in case I need something, and after I grabbed my things from that stupid asshole of an ex and got into a fight with him I wanted to call Jensen but the number didn‘t work.“ you responded with a sad face „he was really nice and it‘s just sad I can‘t see him anymore.“
Y/B/F/N gave you the biggest grin you‘ve ever seen.
„What‘s so funny?!“ you yelled at her.
„I told you that my uncle works at a security company, right?“ she asked, the grin still haven‘t left her face.
You nodded confused.
„Well, he works at the ComicCon in a few weeks, I wanted to tell you earlier but someone“ ,she was pointing at you, „didn‘t see a reason to respond to my calls“
„and?“ I asked, still confused what she wanted to tell me.
„Sweetie.. you will see him again, I promise.“, she was smiling, digging in her bag searching for something.
suddenly you understood what she meant.. „ComicCon is sould out.“ you gave her an annoying look.
She handed you a piece of plastic. „SUPRISE SURPRISE!“
You couldnt belive what you held in your hands, she just gave you an Access All Areas pass for the ComicCon in three weeks. Your eyes went wide open. You looked her unbelieveably in the eyes but she just nodded, „finally u understand, my uncle got me two of them. So... WE‘LL BE AT COMICCON THIS YEAR!!“
You started to scream, jumping across the table to pull her into a hug.
„you can ask Ackles why that moron gave you the wrong number.“ she said laughing.
„I dont know if that‘s a good idea... he had his reasons I guess.. but let‘s forget that.. It is going to be awesome anyways!!! THANK YOU!“ you replied.
Jensens P.O.V.
I woke up with the greatest headache ever, after she left the bar I went home and downed a whole wine bottle, god knows why. When I made my way to the kitchen I heard my phone ringing. Jareds name was on the display screen.
„whats up, Jar?“ holding the phone between my ear and my shoulder, so I could start making coffee.
„Good morning, sleepyhead. U wanna come over later? Gen, the kids and I are going to have a BBQ“  he asked, yawning.
„sounds good, when should I come over?“ I replied.
Arriving at Jareds house, he opened the door already handing me a beer.
„Good god, I guess I have to throw up. I had quiet a few last night..“ I tried declining.
„Don‘t be a bitch, take it, Ackles!“, he pushed the beer right into my chest, turning around walking straight to his garden.
After sitting down a while, finishing eating and having fun with his sons he gave me a weird look, „everything ok? you seem to be a bit distracted, buddy.“
„I had a long night..“ I rubbed my eyes trying to get a little more awake. „Went to the bar, had a few beer with this girl.“
„what? a girl? did she talked to you first?“ he was teasing me for being so shy in front of women, except for the ones I have to face because of our job.
„no, she was sitting at the counter, crying.. I wanted to cheer her up a bit, so I walked over to her, asking whats wrong and suprise.. we had a good talk.“ I replied.
„Did she recognise you?“ he asked curiously.
„she did actually.. but she seemed not to care at all. She told me that she ended up at the bar because she found her -now- ex boyfriend cheating. She wanted to stay at a motel the night, so I offered her to stay at my place, but she didn‘t want to. Maybe I creeped her out a bit“ I told hi, making him laugh a bit. „Anyways.. I gave her my number just in case she needs something. But she didn‘t call. I hope she is well.“ I told him with a mournful face.
„I‘m sure she is going to call you soon.“ he said punching my shoulder.
„I don‘t think so, she probably flew back to Florida already. I guess she just wanted to be nice and that‘s why she took my number“ I told him.
„Or maybe you just gave her your old number“, when Jared started laughing trying to joke around I realised what an idiot I was.
„Jar..“, he stopped laughing. „I think  I actually gave her my old number.“
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