munoloquxumo · 2 years
e d'emploi samsung
#http://vk.cc/c7jKeU#nofollow#<p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><center>DREAMBOX DM 500 C MODE D'EMPLOI SAMSUNG >> <strong><u><a href= rel= target#<br>#<br> </p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Quand le volume est-il trop fort ? · Peut-on établir une connexion Bluetooth entre des appareils de m#qu'est-ce que c'est ? · Que#Mode d'emploi D reambox DM5600S F ra n c e Linux OS SetTopbox avec 2 x emplacement PCMCIA Télécommande A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R#DOWNLOAD: Dream multimedia dm 500-s mode d'emploi four Dream-Multimedia-TV DreamBox DM-500c Cable Box Review This details 1 x Dreambox 500C#Dream Multimedia Récepteur câble Dreambox DM900 ultraHD 1x : DVB-C FBC Tuner ( 8 démodulateurs ). Unité centrale DMIPS 12K à double cœur.DR#Bonsoir#je possède un démodulateur Dreambox DM 500 S. Je dispose d'un mode d'emploi en allemand#mais (là ?) ne connaissant pas cette langue#qui pourrait#Rappelez-vous à l'arrêt votre Dreambox dans le mode standby#le récepteur est en attente et prêt à travailler. Antenne in (DVB-C/T Tuner) Connectez le câble#Mode d'emploi Carte de garantie Certificat pour montage de Disque dur Récepteur Ne raccordez la DM 7000 qu'à des prises adaptées pour la re#DREAM MULTIMEDIA DREAM DREAMBOX DM-500S - DREAM MULTIMEDIA - Mode d'emploi et notice d'utilisation. Retrouvez la notice de l'appareil DREAM#</p><br>https://hunetubumad.tumblr.com/post/693053389960003584/ecouteur-sony-bluetooth-mode-d-emploi#https://hunetubumad.tumblr.com/post/693053389960003584/ecouteur-sony-bluetooth-mode-d-emploi#https://hunetubumad.tumblr.com/post/693053389960003584/ecouteur-sony-bluetooth-mode-d-emploi.
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chica-con-magia · 1 year
Mande la letra que quiera
A: ¿Porqué tu última relación terminó?
B: Banda Favorita
C: ¿Quien te gusta y porqué?
D: Lo más difícil que has tenido que pasar.
E: Su mejor amiga.
F: Su película favorita.
G: Orientación sexual.
H: Fumas o tomas?
I: ¿Tienes algún tatuaje o piercing?
J: ¿Qué quieres ser cuando grande?.
K: Relación con sus padres.
L: ¿Alguna inseguridad?
M: ¿Virgen o no?
N: ¿Cuál es tu lugar favorito para comprar?
O: Color de ojos
P: Porque odias el colegio. (o trabajo)
Q: Estado amoroso.
R: Canción favorita
S: Un hecho al azar sobre ti.
T: Edad que te confunde.
U: ?En dónde te gustaría estar ahora?
V: ¿La última vez que lloraste?
W: Conciertos en los que has estado.
X: ¿Qué haría usted si (...)?
Y: ¿Quieres ir a la universidad?
Z: ¿Cómo estás?
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satorugojowidow · 2 months
El Gobierno de Javier Milei anunció que modificará la ley de Educación con el objetivo de "penar el adoctrinamiento en las escuelas", lo cual es básicamente prohibir la enseñanza de la historia, ciudadanía y otras disciplinas humanísticas basadas en datos científicos porque puede contradecir su propio relato del pasado basado en mentiras.
Los artículos que se buscan eliminar son:
ARTÍCULO 11.- Los fines y objetivos de la política educativa nacional son:
a) Asegurar una educación de calidad con igualdad de oportunidades y posibilidades, sin desequilibrios regionales ni inequidades sociales.
b) Garantizar una educación integral que desarrolle todas las dimensiones de la persona y habilite tanto para el desempeño social y laboral, como para el acceso a estudios superiores.
c) Brindar una formación ciudadana comprometida con los valores éticos y democráticos de participación, libertad, solidaridad, resolución pacífica de conflictos, respeto a los derechos humanos, responsabilidad, honestidad, valoración y preservación del patrimonio natural y cultural.
d) Fortalecer la identidad nacional, basada en el respeto a la diversidad cultural y a las particularidades locales, abierta a los valores universales y a la integración regional y latinoamericana.
e) Garantizar la inclusión educativa a través de políticas universales y de estrategias pedagógicas y de asignación de recursos que otorguen prioridad a los sectores más desfavorecidos de la sociedad.
f) Asegurar condiciones de igualdad, respetando las diferencias entre las personas sin admitir discriminación de género ni de ningún otro tipo.
g) Garantizar, en el ámbito educativo, el respeto a los derechos de los/as niños/as y adolescentes establecidos en la Ley N° 26.061.
h) Garantizar a todos/as el acceso y las condiciones para la permanencia y el egreso de los diferentes niveles del sistema educativo, asegurando la gratuidad de los servicios de gestión estatal, en todos los niveles y modalidades.
i) Asegurar la participación democrática de docentes, familias y estudiantes en las instituciones educativas de todos los niveles.
j) Concebir la cultura del trabajo y del esfuerzo individual y cooperativo como principio fundamental de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje.
k) Desarrollar las capacidades y ofrecer oportunidades de estudio y aprendizaje necesarias para la educación a lo largo de toda la vida.
l) Fortalecer la centralidad de la lectura y la escritura, como condiciones básicas para la educación a lo largo de toda la vida, la construcción de una ciudadanía responsable y la libre circulación del conocimiento.
m) Desarrollar las competencias necesarias para el manejo de los nuevos lenguajes producidos por las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación.
n) Brindar a las personas con discapacidades, temporales o permanentes, una propuesta pedagógica que les permita el máximo desarrollo de sus posibilidades, la integración y el pleno ejercicio de sus derechos.
ñ) Asegurar a los pueblos indígenas el respeto a su lengua y a su identidad cultural, promoviendo la valoración de la multiculturalidad en la formación de todos/as los/as educandos/as.
o) Comprometer a los medios masivos de comunicación a asumir mayores grados de responsabilidad ética y social por los contenidos y valores que transmiten.
p) Brindar conocimientos y promover valores que fortalezcan la formación integral de una sexualidad responsable.
q) Promover valores y actitudes que fortalezcan las capacidades de las personas para prevenir las adicciones y el uso indebido de drogas.
r) Brindar una formación corporal, motriz y deportiva que favorezca el desarrollo armónico de todos/as los/as educandos/as y su inserción activa en la sociedad.
s) Promover el aprendizaje de saberes científicos fundamentales para comprender y participar reflexivamente en la sociedad contemporánea.
t) Brindar una formación que estimule la creatividad, el gusto y la comprensión de las distintas manifestaciones del arte y la cultura.
u) Coordinar las políticas de educación, ciencia y tecnología con las de cultura, salud, trabajo, desarrollo social, deportes y comunicaciones, para atender integralmente las necesidades de la población, aprovechando al máximo los recursos estatales, sociales y comunitarios.
v) Promover en todos los niveles educativos y modalidades la comprensión del concepto de eliminación de todas las formas de discriminación.
ARTÍCULO 126.- Los/as alumnos/as tienen derecho a:
a) Una educación integral e igualitaria en términos de calidad y cantidad, que contribuya al desarrollo de su personalidad, posibilite la adquisición de conocimientos, habilidades y sentido de responsabilidad y solidaridad sociales y que garantice igualdad de oportunidades.
b) Ser respetados/as en su libertad de conciencia, en el marco de la convivencia democrática.
c) Concurrir a la escuela hasta completar la educación obligatoria.
d) Ser protegidos/as contra toda agresión física, psicológica o moral.
e) Ser evaluados/as en su desempeño y logros, conforme a criterios rigurosa y científicamente fundados, en todos los niveles, modalidades y orientaciones del sistema, e informados/as al respecto.
f) Recibir el apoyo económico, social, cultural y pedagógico necesario para garantizar la igualdad de oportunidades y posibilidades que le permitan completar la educación obligatoria.
g) Recibir orientación vocacional, académica y profesional-ocupacional que posibilite su inserción en el mundo laboral y la prosecución de otros estudios.
h) Integrar centros, asociaciones y clubes de estudiantes u otras organizaciones comunitarias para participar en el funcionamiento de las instituciones educativas, con responsabilidades progresivamente mayores, a medida que avancen en los niveles del sistema.
i) Participar en la toma de decisiones sobre la formulación de proyectos y en la elección de espacios curriculares complementarios que propendan a desarrollar mayores grados de responsabilidad y autonomía en su proceso de aprendizaje.
j) Desarrollar sus aprendizajes en edificios que respondan a normas de seguridad y salubridad, con instalaciones y equipamiento que aseguren la calidad del servicio educativo.
Básicamente el gobierno quiere eliminar los pilares de una educación entendida desde el derecho de las/os/es estudiantes, basada en saberes científicos, con una orientación integral, desde una perspectiva democrática y de respeto a sus identidades y subjetividades. Para ello comienza amenazando con perseguir políticamente a las/os/es docente que sostenemos con compromiso el derecho a la educación en un contexto de desidia y desfinanciamiento.
La persecución que se asoma en el horizonte ya la vivimos en este país durante la dictadura, sin importar las amenazas, seguiremos defendiendo la escuela pública. A la dictadura no volvemos Nunca Más!
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swissmissficrecs · 28 days
A-Z Johnlock Tropes
This time it's all the tropes in my favorite fics! Limited to one fic per author, and I tried to include other authors than on my A-Z classics list.
A lternate Universe(s) - A Vintage Exceptionally to Your Liking by EmmyAngua (95K, E): A love story across alternate dimensions.
B DSM - Shames and Praises by s0mmerspr0ssen (51K, E): D/s AU with Dom!John / sub!Sherlock.
C rossover - More Things Than Are Dreamt Of by 1electricpirate (37K, M-E): HP crossover with Wizard!John / Muggle!Sherlock.
D omesticity - Where Else Would I Be? by cwb (34K, E): Retirement in Sussex with flashbacks.
E stablished Relationship - Breakable Not Broken by MissDavis (227K, E): Dealing with permanent injury together.
F uture - Software Malfunction by tiger_in_the_flightdeck (16K, E): Sherlock is a Companion android with a malfunction.
G en - The Green Blade by verityburns (72K, T): Serial killer casefic.
H istorical - The Beast of Baskerville by Mildredandbobbin (74K, E): 15th Century/fairy tale AU.
I llness - On Pins and Needles by 7PercentSolution, J_Baillier (588K, G-E): Sherlock contracts Guillain-Barré syndrome.
J ealousy - White Knight by DiscordantWords (69K, M): Sherlock fakes a relationship with Janine, to John's distress.
K idfic - Intentions by KeelieThompson1 (216K, G-M): Sherlock discovers he is the father of 10-year-old John.
L ongfic - Sketchy by serpentynka (876K, E): Johnlock and Mycroft/OMC slow-burn casefic(s).
M agical Realism - Shatter the Darkness (Let the Light In) by MojoFlower (109K, E): Sherlock is a djinn.
N SFW - The Great Sex Olympics of 221B by XistentialAngst (58K, E): Sherlock and John compete to see who's better at sex.
O megaverse - The Illusion of Control by starrysummernights (253K, E): Alpha!Sherlock / Omega!Johnwith mpreg.
P arentlock - The James Holmes Chronicles by prettyvk (338K, T-E): Sherlock and John raise Moriarty's son.
Q ueer Representation - The Adventure of the Consulting Woman by DancingGrimm (56K, E): Trans character assists in a case.
R etirement - Through the Clouds by Mazarin221b (20K, E): Sherlock and John retire to Sussex.
S oulmates - Colors by Quesarasara (140K, E): When you meet your soulmate, you finally see the world in color.
T eenlock - The Frost is All Over by Chryse (148K, E): 19th-century AU, Sherlock is an Earl's son and John is a commoner.
U ndercover - Corpus Hominis by mycapeisplaid (47K, E): Posing as a couple at a spa retreat.
V ampires - Bleed Me Out by antietamfalls (87K, E): Vampire!Sherlock with whump, hurt/comfort, and fluff.
W hump - All the Best and Brightest Creatures by wordstrings (188K, E): Moriarty is back and out for blood.
X enomorphism - Names for the Galaxy by evadne (191K, E): 22nd-century Alien!Sherlock.
Y enta* - May Your Heart Purr Like A Bumblebee by destinationtoast (14K, M): Harry helps Johnlock happen.
Z oomorphism** - The Horse and His Doctor by khorazir (128K, T): Vet!John and Horse!Sherlock.
*Used here to mean a female character playing matchmaker. Y-word tropes are hard, you guys!
**Not sure this is technically correct, but I'm using it here to mean fics in which a character has animal form. Z-word fanfic tropes are also hard and I already used zombies on my previous list!
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Geralt of Rivia NSFW Alphabet
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Summary: Geralt of Rivia NSFW Alphabet!!
Notes: this request has been in my inbox forever... sorry :)
Warnings: afab!reader, smut ig?
Taglist: @majesticwren @obsessiveformiyatwins @lucyinthelibrary @sunndust (hmu to be added for any taglist!)
based on this request | Masterlist | requests are OPEN!
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
The BEST backrubs. He’s very quiet, but he takes care of you so so well.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He likes his arms, just because he can pick you up/protect you with them and he knows that you like them so so much.
Loves everything about you, but especially your hips/bodyshape. Just loves to admire, yk?
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He’s got a little breeding kink. He knows he can’t have kids, but he still likes cumming inside.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Likes it when you get a little rough with him/try to push him around a bit. If he didn’t want to, you couldn’t, but the way you push him against a wall is still hot
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s old and looks good, so he’s got A LOT
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He loves something where you’re really close to him, maybe in his lap. Wants to be able to wrap his arms around you
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
It’s more serious to him, but he’ll joke around with you
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
The carpet matches the drapes, and he’ll honestly groom however you want him to. Otherwise doesn’t really care that much.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
If you’re fuckbuddies, then it’s just a hookup – no feelings, no strings attached. If you’re romantically involved oml. He turns into the biggest sap.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Idt he jacks off a lot. He’d rather just do it properly with you.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Breeding kink for sure. Loves hair pulling, whether that’s on you or him, also enjoys scratching/biting. Loves to mark up your thighs.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Might sound boring, but in a bed. He’s on the road enough, so if he’s ever off it, he wants you to be comfortable.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
You. Just catching a glimpse of you is enough, especially if he makes you laugh or happy, then he’s practically on his knees
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anything with too much liquid, especially blood. He doesn’t want to hurt you. Too much.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Will eat you out for days. He loves giving you head, between your legs gotta be one of his favorite places.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Depends on what you want tbh – he likes everything as long as it’s with you.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Sure, why not? He’ll sneak them in all the time.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He’ll try out new stuff, but he’s tried pretty much everything. He knows what he likes, and usually sticks to that.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He’s got that witcher stamina :)
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Idt Geralt likes toys tbh, so none.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He’ll tease you outside the bedroom to get you excited, but he’s too impatient once you’re kissing him.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He’s a quiet lover, he prefers listening to you.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He’d go crazy for lingerie of any kind, and then he’d ruin it with his teeth right after.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Just like he’s got witcher stamina, he’s got witcher endowment
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
His sex drive is pretty high, especially around you, but he’ll make sure to satisfy you each time
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Witchers don’t sleep much, and Geralt prefers holding you anyway. He enjoys watching you fall asleep in his arms
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tinta-y-cometas · 1 month
Creí que con el tiempo, solo vas por la vida experimentando algunas cosas, pero no siempre es así. Estaba cada día más enamorado de su existencia y, sin ella, soy un errante en inimaginables esferas. Soy el principito que se perdió en oscuros planetas.
El eco de su sonrisa creó página tras página de amor y, aunque no sea su capítulo favorito, tuve el placer de amarla como nunca antes nadie más la amó.
C A P I T U L O 7
Julsen Bastian
20 de Noviembre 🥀 On my way out
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pompadourpink · 1 year
L’alphabet phonétique
Les voyelles
[a] open front unrounded vowel - cinéma (cinema, m); hat
[ɑ] open back unrounded vowel - château (castle, m); hot
[e] close-mid front unrounded vowel - clé (key, f); may
[ɛ] open-mid front unrounded vowel - père (father, m), chêne (oak, m); bed
[ə] mid central vowel/schwa - jeu (game, m); bird
[i] close front unrounded vowel - souris (mouse, f); free
[o] close-mid back rounded vowel - rose (rose, f); UK yawn
[ɔ] open-mid back rounded vowel - océan (ocean, m); thought
[ø] close-mid front rounded vowel - jeudi (thursday)
[œ] open-mid front rounded vowel - peur (fear, f)
[u] close back rounded vowel - chou (cabbage, m); boot
[y] close front rounded vowel - tu (you); UK few
This vowel diagram shows the inside of the throat from the left side (pronounce /i/ "eee" and /ɑ/ "aaa" to feel the difference). Antérieur: front, postérieur: back, aperture: opening of the lips.
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Les voyelles nasales (when followed by a consonant except -h- or ending a word)
[ɑ̃] > am, an, (é)en, em, aon - temps (time, m)
[ɛ̃] > aim, ain, eim, ein, em, (i)en, im, in, um, un, ym, yn - pain (bread, m)
[ɔ̃] > om, on - ombre (shadow, f), bonjour (hello)
[œ̃] > um, un - humble, un (one, m); dying, turning into [ɛ̃] 
N.B. When a nasal sound is produced, despite being made of two letters, they are to be pronounced as their own sound: in Bonjour, the /o/ and the /n/ shouldn't be heard at all since they are followed by the consonant /j/, as opposed to the usual dragging of /o/ then /n/ like in Bonne journée.
Les semi-voyelles
[j] voiced palatal approximant - lieu (place, m); you
[ɥ] voiced labial–palatal approximant - huile (oil, f); wall
[w] voiced labial–velar approximant - oui (yes); witch
Les consonnes
[b] voiced bilabial plosive - bête (beast, f)
[d] voiced dental and alveolar plosive - déjeuner (lunch, m)
[f] voiceless labiodental fricative - faim (hunger, f)
[g] voiced velar plosive - gâteau (cake, m)
[ʒ] voiced postalveolar fricative - ange (angel, m); vision
[k] voiceless velar plosive - cadeau (gift, m)
[l] voiced apical alveolar approximant - lait (milk, m)
[p] voiceless bilabial plosive - pain (bread, m)
[ʁ] voiced uvular fricative - roi (king, m)
[s] voiceless alveolar fricative - sel (salt, m); nonsense
[t] voiceless denti-alveolar plosive - table (table, f)
[v] voiced labiodental fricative - violon (violin, m)
[z] voiced alveolar fricative - maison (house, f)
[ʃ] voiceless postalveolar fricative - chocolat (chocolate, m)
Les consonnes nasales
[m] voiced bilabial nasal - miel (honey, m)
[n] voiced denti-alveolar nasal - nez (nose, m)
[ɲ] voiced palatal nasal - montagne (mountain, f)
[ŋ] voiced velar nasal - connexion (connection, f); sing 
Voiced sounds are those that make our vocal chords vibrate when they are produced; voiceless sounds are produced from air passing through the mouth at different points. Fricatives are consonants with the characteristic that when they are produced, air escaped through a small passage and make a hissing sound; plosives are a type of consonant produced by forming a complete obstruction to the flow air out of the mouth.
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Movie: Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain - Jean-Pierre Jeunet, 2001
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vxmpyr-clxb · 4 months
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A is for — “And here I thought Jake would’ve been the first to lose a limb.” Playing COD and other shooting games with the boys.
B is for — "Bitches love me bitches love me-" Jake on live and going to ask Sage if she wanted to join. Only to open the door and hear her screaming the lyrics to a song. Jake immediately slamming the door shut after hearing her.
C is for — “¿Cómo te va? Ten cuidado. No te caigas.” Teagan randomly switching languages when speaking to the boys in a en-o’clock ep and not even realizing it for a good 20 minutes.
D is for — "DEEZ NUTS!...I'm sorry." Her on a live, and letting the intrusive thoughts win, pt. 1.
E is for — “EVERYTIME WE TOUCH I GET THIS FEELING!" Karaoke with Heesung, Jay, and Sage is chaotic to say the least.
F is for — "FUC-FLIPPING FONGTASTIC PENGUINS!" Teagan stubbing her toe on the counter in I-land.
G is for — "Get me out of here.." Sage looking towards the cam during a live, with Niki and Jake, like she's in the office.
H is for — "HEKVSFKJASK-" Her literally getting choked out by Niki when they were roughousing and him dragging her off the side.
I is for — "I’ve accidentally indulged in too much ‘me time’ and must now suffer the consequences." Sage leaving her room after 24 straight hours of gaming and just hanging out and almost falling due to lack of iron.
J is for — “Just take me out! I wanna go back to bed." The group playing paintball while on a variety show episode and Teagan standing in the middle of the arena with her arms open.
K is for — "Kill me and I'll haunt you for the rest of your days, Kim Sunoo." Enhypen playing Mafia together.
L is for — "Likeee- You can’t sit with us.” Enhypen playing a game on one of her vlogs where you have to guess the person they’re pretending to be.
M is for — “MONSTER ENERGY!” Playing that one guessing game with headphones and Teagan being absolutely wrong in her guess.
O is for — “One more week of being stuck here with this *bleeep* cabeza de mierda and you will find a dead body.” Sage whilst on i-land and the boys keep eating all her favorite snacks when she started her period.
P is for — “Please, for the love of Christ, stop throwing monopoly money like we’re in a strip club!” A clip from one of her vlogs on Enhypen's group game nights.
Q is for — "QUACK QUACK HOE!" There's compilation of Teagan accidently cursing in public on YouTube somewhere, I just know it.
R is for — "RAAHHHH!!” Sage randomly using British slang out of nowhere and the boys getting confused.
S is for — “Shit..Oh fuck!…Who said that??” Her in the background of one of the other’s lives and dropping something and cursing.
T is for — "This is our village idiot—" Sage showing off her family pet, Rex, in a vlog.
U is for — "Ur joking.. Ur joe-king." The girl mimicking that one tiktok trend and dying of laughter on live.
W is for — "WAKE UP IN DAY ONE!" Shouting the lyrics to their song during a karaoke challenge.
X is for— "XYNDNDK” The girl falling out of her chair while laughing in an en-o’clock episode.
Y is for — “Yang Jungwon, I know you are not killing people without me!!!” Sage messing/joking with Jungwon when they all played Among Us together.
Z is for — "Zesty? Girl what.." Sage reading comments on live and laughing at goofy ones.
should really be named sage can't stop cursing pt.1
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allandoflimbo · 2 years
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A modern AU High School!Bully Series • will also take place in adult hood.
pairings: Bucky Barnes/Reader
Bucky Barnes is the quiet boy who gets picked on.
Y/N and her friends run with the popular crowd at Stark High.
As the Winter Ball approaches, she is partnered with Bucky Barnes for a class project. They grow close in an inadvertently secret friendship, which later turns into love.
Only catch is…she’s Steve Roger’s ex girlfriend, and before she was partnered up with Bucky, her friends had planned to use and turn Bucky into Stark High’s new it boy to try and get back at Steve; a disgusting bet.
Another catch: She’s a figure skater at the town’s arena every Tuesday and Thursday nights. Bucky works part time at the rink resurfacing the ice.
The other doesn’t know.
This story will have a lot of angst, a lot of fluff, a lot of cursing, and a lot of sex. Oral, praise kink, body worship, overstimulation, edging, dom!sub play, etc. 18+ ONLY. There will also be loss of virginity in this.
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C H A P T E R E L E V E N *smut*
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actnod · 6 months
Lo marcado con un asterisco * no puede ser utilizado por los personajes que fueron privados de su libertad. 
a. ¿Has visto a NOMBRE DE VÁSTAGO?  b. Si sigues pasando por ahí, como si nada, te llevarán a ti también.* c. No me importa esa gente, sólo quiero conseguir vitae. * d. Ven conmigo. e. ¿Qué fue lo que te hicieron? f. Quítate del camino. g. Qué poco dura la tranquilidad en esta ciudad. h. Necesito encontrar a NOMBRE DE VÁSTAGO urgente. i. ¿Quién era ese loco? ¿De dónde salió?  j. ¿Entonces no nos darán vitae? k. ¿Y dónde está la Camarilla ahora? ¿No vendrán a ayudarnos?  l. El Sabbat se hace el poderoso, pero no los vi haciendo nada por los suyos.  m. Les saltaron todas las pulgas a los gangrel ahora.  n. ¿Por qué dejaste que le llevaran? * o. ¿Te vas a quedar ahí parado toda la noche sin hacer nada? p. Vamos, ayúdame a saltar de este lado.  q. ¿Y si vamos a buscar a los donantes de sangre? Oí que están en el hospital. *
Para dar vueltas los siguiente escenarios, añadan + REVERSE al final. 
r. Mi personaje ayuda al tuyo a esconderse. s. Mi personaje se ofrece a llevar el tuyo en la espalda.  t. Mi personaje choca contra el tuyo intentando regresar. u. Tu personaje ayuda al mio con una herida. v. Nuestros personajes intentan apagar un fuego juntos.  w. Nuestros personajes se defienden de un anarquista que intenta acercarse. x. Nuestros personajes se ocultan dentro del hospital. *  y. Nuestros personajes aprovechan la revuelta para buscar bolsas de vitae. * z. Nuestros personajes siguen a un anarquista para intentar averiguar el paradero de los secuestrados, sin notar que tienen a uno de ellos detrás. * 
⦾ Pueden taggear sus posts con las letras que no deseen recibir. Recuerden tener sus buzones abiertos.  
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hareofhrair · 1 year
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Art from the most recent ask in its own post. Shafan has a run in with a clown.
story under the cut
HH: =oh i've had run ins with m=ore'n a few cl=owns, n=one of em pleasant.
HH: best =one was a sweep =or s=o back. i was cruisin this lil shindig a friend =of a friend was thr=owin
HH: m=ost everyb=ody there was a rusty, but tha thing ab=out thr=owin a g=o=od party is
HH: cl=owns will just sh=ow up
HH: they just manifest there =or s=omethin s=o=on as things really kick off
HH: like the way bleatbeasts just show up at metal c=oncerts
HH: anyway everyb=ody kn=ows y=ou thr=ow a big en=ough party yer runnin tha risk a cl=owns deciding ta crash it
HH: but generally speakin cl=owns aint subtle and when they sh=ow up ya kn=ow what's happenin
HH: s=o i'm at this party and havin a real g=o=od time
HH: maybe a lil drunker than I =ought ta be
HH: when i sp=ot this Big B=oy lurkin in a c=orner b=o=oth
HH: and yall kn=ow i like em big
HH: s=o i slide in and intr=oduce myself
HH: i feel it's imp=ortant ta menti=on here that the lightin in this place was n=ot s=o g=o=od
HH: and als=o my eyesight leaves a lil s=omethin ta be desired
HH: by which i mean im blind as tha pr=overbial flyin squeakbeast
HH: s=o between that and bein pretty sl=oshed i d=ont n=otice anythin suspici=ous ab=out this gentleman
HH: i start talkin ta tha fella, and he's a bit quiet, aint sayin much
HH: but that's fine i can run my m=outh en=ough fer tha b=oth a us, and i d=o
HH: lil while later, i get ta askin him if he w=ouldn't like ta walk me h=ome, if ya gather my meanin
HH: he says that s=ounds like fun, and we slip =out tha back a tha j=oint
HH: i'm hangin =off his arm, havin tr=ouble walkin straight, when I l=o=ok up an get my first g=o=od gander at tha guy under a streetlight
HH: and i see greasepaint, and a big =ole grin
HH: that'll s=ober a fella up p=owerful fast let me tell ya
HH: n=ow i mighta just g=one al=ong with tha guy and b=olted at tha first good excuse
HH: but apparently i was t=o=o drunk ta manage my facial expressi=ons, cus he sees h=ow i'm l=o=okin at him and his smile if anythin just gets wider.
HH: finally n=oticed, did ya? he says. that mean i cain't walk ya h=ome n=o m=ore? =oh well, tha =other way w=oulda been m=ore fun, but we can still have a g=o=od time.
HH: and he drags me =off int=o an alley and pulls o=ut a club, ready ta splatter me acr=oss tha pavement like a p=opped water bal=o=on
HH: but i tend ta babble when i'm scared, and all =of a sudden i say
HH: hell nah, y'all can't kill me like this, it ain't even funny!
HH: where's tha w=ordplay? tha creativity?
HH: yer just g=onna smash me with a club in an alleyway?
HH: where's tha fuckin craftsmanship? where's tha art?
HH: and that actually makes him st=op fer a minute
HH: and he just l=o=oks at me fer a bit, an then he says
HH: kn=ow what, yer right. Culls =ought ta be gl=ori=ous in tha sight a tha messiahs =or s=ome shit
HH: and i say hey ya kn=ow what w=ould be funny
HH: im a real fast runner, faster than hell
HH: and there's a train what comes thr=ough here right at sunrise
HH: let's say y=ou challenge me t=o a race with tha train
HH: and if I beat it, y=ou let me g=o
HH: he starts sayin nah i aint just lettin y=ou run =off i aint that dumb
HH: and i say =of c=ourse, that's the funniest part
HH: bef=ore the train c=omes, ya tie my feet t=o tha tracks!
HH: he says h=ot damn yer right that is fuckin funny
HH: gets right giggly imaginin me tryin ta run and gettin flattened like an old penny
HH: so we head =on =over t=o tha train tracks
HH: and i say wait h=old =on, we need s=ome supplies first
HH: supplies, he says?
HH: i say yeah well, we need r=ope =obvi=ously, and an umbrella
HH: he says, an umbrella?
HH: i say =o c=ourse an umbrella, i t=old ya tha train c=omes right at sunrise. ya d=ont want ta be standin there burnin in tha sun iffin tha train is late, d=o ya?
HH: and he says yer right yer right i d=ont care fer sunburns
HH: s=o he gets s=ome r=ope and a big black umbrella and we get =on tha tracks and he start's tyin my feet t=o tha tracks, but he's kinda strugglin because he's h=oldin tha umbrella at tha same time
HH: and i say hang o=n, ya can't tie it like that, it's g=onna slip right o=ff. here, let me sh=ow ya, i learned s=ome sailin kn=ots fr=om a c=obalt that never c=ome l=o=ose
HH: So i start sh=owin him h=ow ta d=o it, but he ain't gettin it, s=o i say here, i'll tie my =own feet, and y=ou watch and practice =on your =own feet.
HH: s=o he starts tyin his =own feet ta tha tracks, but he's still fumblin =on acc=ount =of h=oldin tha umbrella, s=o i say, ya need b=oth hands, here let me h=old that f=or ya
HH: and he says thanks and hands me the umbrella and g=oes back ta tyin his feet ta tha tracks.
HH: n=ow =of c=ourse ab=out that time tha sun starts ta c=ome up, and right =on time the train whistle s=ounds in tha distance
HH: and tha cl=own l=o=oks up
HH: by which p=oint i'm already ab=out half a bl=ock away, runnin like hell itself is =on my heels
HH: but i was still cl=ose en=ough ta hear that m=otherfucker laughin, laughin like ta bust a gut, right up till tha n=oise a tha train dr=owned him =out
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jackhkeynes · 8 months
Markish is an English language of the German family of languages which evolved on the island of Albion. It is closely related to other English languages like Kentish and Wessern, and is the primary language of the polity of Markland.
Contemporary Markish descends form the Early Markish spoken in Markland, which itself descends from Anglian varieties of Old English.
This article principally describes the acrolect of Markish spoken in and around the capital city of Tommarth.
A jalicked knave bought a new quistre. /ə ˈdʒa.lɪ.kəd knɛːv bɔft ə nəu ˈkwɪ.stə/ A guy in a tuxedo bought a new phone. Aquifex is the temendest corporal. /ˈa.kwɪˌfɛks ɪz ðe ˈtiː.mən.dəs ˈkoː.pʊ.ɾəl/ Hydrogen is the most abundant element. Do thy breches of and put thysel abed! /duː ðəi ˈbɾiː.tʃəz ɔf ən pʊt ðəiˈsɛl əˈbɛd/ Take off your clothes and get on the bed! By way o'dreend al therin ough, he asked "As swich?" /bəi wəi əˈdɾiː.ən‿dal ðəˈɾɪn uːf | hiː ˈa.skəd | az swɪtʃ/ While doing everything wrong, he asked "Like that?" Psolick tersures may breken wines brewing of. /ˈsɔ.lɪk ˈtɛː.zjəz məi ˈbɾiːkə wəinz ˈbɾəwɪŋg ɔf/ Sulphites can stop wine fermentation.
The consonant phonemes found in Markish are:
/m n/ /p t tʃ k/ /b d dʒ g/ /f θ s ʃ h/ /v ð z/ /w l ɾ j/
and they are subject to the following orthographic conventions:
b d f h k l m n p t v w z represent their IPA symbols.
j r y represent /dʒ ɾ j/ respectively.
c usually represents /s/ before i e y and /k/ elsewhere.
awice /əˈwəis/ "indeed" < OE ġewiss "certain" coholl /kʊˈhɔl/ "sulfide" < Ar كُحْل "kohl"
g usually represents /g/ but may represent /dʒ/ before i e y.
eagre /ˈeː.gə/ "acid" < L ācer nargill /ˈnaː.dʒɪl/ "coconut" < Ar نَرْجِيل "coconut palm" girl /geːl/ "young person"
q appears almost always in the diagraph qu to represent /kw/.
quoit /kwəit/ "tyre, torus"
s represents /z/ between vowels and word-finally (unless doubled), and /s/ otherwise.
Brasil /bɾəˈzɪl/ "Newfoundland" < Ir Breasail betimes /bɪˈtəimz/ "earlier" surblavick /soːˈblɛː.vɪk/ "ultraviolet" < L blavus "blue"
x represents /gz/ between vowels, and /ks/ otherwise.
oxy /ˈɔg.ziː/ "stubborn" œculux /ˈɛ.kjəˌlʊks/ "EM radiation" < Gr οἶκος "house", L lux "light"
There are several digraphs of letters with -h: ch gh ph sh th wh.
ph sh wh represent /f ʃ f/.
ch usually represents /tʃ/, but sometimes also /k/.
chalk /tʃalk/ "chalk" yacht /jakt/ "cult" < Du jaght "hunting party"
gh usually represents either /ʃ/ (following i) or /f/ (following u).
wight /wɪʃt/ "person" < OE wiht "thing, creature" ough /uːf/ "bad" < OE wōh "wrong, crooked" NB I'ght /ˈəift/ "I must", contracted from I ought
th usually represents either of /θ ð/, and sometimes /t/.
thrift /θɾɪft/ "energy" < ON þrift "prosperity" yeathre /ˈjeːðə/ "together" < OE geador
There are several situations in which written consonants may be silent.
In certain endings: participle -end /ən/, infinitive -en /ə/, superlative -est /əs/.
discurrend /dɪˈskʊ.ɾən/ "different" < L discurrēns "roaming" chammen /ˈtʃa.mə/ "to chew" (poss. onomatopoetic) tharvest /ˈθaː.vəs/ "least sociable" < OE þeorf "unleavened"
Coda r lengthens the preceding vowel and word-final -re is pronounced /ə/.
interpel /ɪnˈtɛː.pəl/ "interact with" < L interpellō "I disturb" sundre /ˈsʊn.də/ "many" < OE sundor "separately"
Post-tonic -st- immediately before a closed syllable is pronounced /s/.
hirstend /ˈheː.sən/ "extra" < OE hyrstan "to ornament" pistol /ˈpɪ.səl/ "message" < L epistola
Likewise, post-tonic -v- is lost in some common words.
morovre /mʊˈɾoː(ə)/ "as well" evre /ɛː(ə)/ "always"
The vowels of (this variety of) Markish are:
/a ɛ ɪ ɔ ʊ ə/ /aː ɛː eː iː ɔː oː ʉː/ /əi əu/
and they are subject to the following orthographic conventions:
In stressed syllables, "short" a e i~y o u represent /a ɛ ɪ ɔ ʊ/.
sam /sam/ "set, collection" < OE samnian "gather" whelp /fɛlp/ "baby animal" quick /kwɪk/ "awake" thon /ðɔn/ "one, someone", contracted from the one bulk /bʊlk/ "cargo"
In unstressed syllables, a e i~y o u instead represent /ə ə~ɪ ɪ ʊ ʊ/—except word-finally, where /ɪ ʊ/ become /iː ə/.
defectend /dɪˈfɛk.tən/ "positively charged" behemoth /bɪˈhiː.mʊθ/ "hippopotamus" costumery /kʊˈstjəu.mə.ɾiː/ "fashion plate"
"Long" a e i~y o u represent /ɛː iː əi uː jəu/.
besake /bɪˈzɛːk/ "because" mete /miːt/ "standard, gauge" < OE metan "measure" ty /təi/ "to join" poke /puːk/ "container" < OFr poque "bag" huge /hjəudʒ/ "huge"
There are plenty of digraphs representing vowels.
Coda -r: ar er ir or ur represent /aː ɛː eː oː oː/.
davarn /dəˈvaːn/ "grand hotel, resort" < W tafarn "inn"
-a: ea oa represent /eː oː/.
roaden /ˈɾoː.də/ "to travel"
-e: ee ie ue represent /iː əi jəu/.
conspue /kʊnˈspjəu/ "to deride" < L cōnspuō "I spit upon"
-i/y: ai ei oi and ay ey oy represent /əi əi~iː əi/.
fain /fəin/ "willing(ly)"
-o: oo represents /uː/.
soon /suːn/ "as soon as"
-u/w: au eu ou and aw ew ow represent /əu əu əu~uː/.
blew /bləu/ "blue" coshow /ˈkɔ.ʃuː/ "rubber" < Quechua kawchu
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oogaboogaspookyman · 5 days
I'm waking up after the crash, i find the bodies of the children of my friend first thing
I had no other choice in front of me, what else could i think of anyway?
I'm sorry, Jack
Forgive me
I know he would hate me forever if he caught wind of my terrible sin
So i buried them in the forest to never be seen again
I can't look at them
Felix, what's with the hold up, friend?
I thought you'd have already dealt with my kids
Felix if you have anything to say, tell me it's fine
(I can't bear)
I really can't seem to stop falling deeper, down into the depths further from my grace
I can't look at my problems in the face, it's too painful to stare
I can't bear to look at the kids anymore, what will they all say?
Felix why don't you just PICK UP THE PHONE? It's been three hours and you're silent
Do you understand what i'm saying right now? Three hours you didn't call
If anything happened to my kids, just tell me, we'll see what we can do
I'm scared of what's to come, i can't tell them
They'd hate me forever, they shouldn't know of my sin
I can't bear to look at their faces now
(Please, pick up the phone Felix)
Their bodies mangled beyond repair
(Felix please, answer my call, three hours and nothing)
My friend
Forgive me, please
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So fucked... WHAT AM I GONNA DO?
I know exactly what's coming after i break the news
I would rather than torn like that by the tendons
They're gonna hate me so much after all of this mess i made
I just want them all to know I'M SORRY
i know it a ll just fine, my frien d
theres no need to worry it will be over soon
i believe the es tablish ment will do al right with out dead weigh t like y ou
I'm scared of the consequences, what is there for me to deny anymore?
I can't look at the kids anymore, they're mangled
just you w ait till the en d, my old fri end
i have so mu ch in s tore just for y ou
oh the o thers will love to he ar about thi s
so much f un
I'm waking up after the crash, i find the bodies of the children of my friend first thing
I had no other choice in front of me, what else could i think of anyway?
Forgive me, Jack
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myrkmadr · 11 months
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Hela & Personal Correspondences [ The Path to Morrow ]
K E N N I N GS S && E P I T H E T S Mother of the Forgotten Sister to the Lonely Lady of Dires Lady of Secrets Harbinger of Final Breaths She who Summons Silence She of Broken Bone Lady of he Mirror-Self She of Rot and Gore
A N I M A L S  Moths and Butterflies Maggots Caterpillars Corvids Shrikes Carrion Birds Wolves Juncos Roadrunners Hummingbirds Wolfhounds Bombay Cats Ragamuffin Cats
P L A N T S Roses Yarrow Queen Anne’s Lace Lilies Spider Lilies Fungus Molds Nightshade Fallen or rotten tree bark Yew Birch Clusters of dried/preserved flowers
S O U N D S Ambient noises in the background Water drops in the distance Light rain showers Slow violins Distant middle-tone drum beat n an ominous manner Static/Noise Creaking of very old wood Deep humming
M U S I C Helvegen by Warduna People are Strange cover by Johnny Hollow Koudou by Dir en Grey True by Akira Yamaoka Room of Angel by Akira Yamaoka Clint Eastwood by the Gorillaz
F O O D S Panes Dulces y Panes de Muerto Conchas Churros Plain doughnuts Meat stews Green chili Oatmeal Farina/Cream of Wheat Muffins Dark Chocolate Chocolate Pudding Dark Coffee with only a little sugar Espresso
S T U D I E S Taxidermy Pathology Psychology History of old buildings, even local places The stories of the elderly Stories of people who have passed on Nursing Machiavelli Oscar Wilde Fairy Tales & Nursery Rhymes Gothic Literature Dark Satire Treating and taking care of graves and bones Ancient History Her history The history of wherever you live, where you have gone, etc Woodworking Carving The varieties of funeral rites in other places
B O D Y Skull & Bone Jewelry Vintage Old lace Dried Flowers Large blotches of Vitiligo Silver, Black, White Antique White/Yellow Pale Pastel Pink Tinge of pale mint green Hematite Spinel Onyx Thin Black Spiders Black Widows Length
M I S C Stone Stone walls & pillars Stone & Wooden kitchenware Water damaged Books Books falling apart Old, creaky buildings People forgotten in the past Cemeteries Graves & Graveyards Old Dirt Mines of Moria Sorrow & Sadness Calm before and after storms Numbness Kindness Newborn children Elderly people Piles of carrion insects Dead Trees in the midst of forests Plague
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calyxthenerd · 6 months
So I’m gonna rate and rank songs from all three seasons of Violetta (in groups of three, one from each season) based on categories I made up in my head because I’m bored
Starting by Vilu’s main solo song in each season:
1st place is Soy Mi Mejor Momento for season two and it gets an 8/10 because it’s inspiring, has a good melody and I always loved the lyrics, but for me the performance could’ve been a little better
2nd goes to En Mi Mundo solely because I dislike it less than the other one, 5/10 and it only gets points because of the nostalgia I feel whenever I listen to it
And 3rd Underneath it All, now, objectively it is a good song, but I give it a 3/10 because of all the hatred I feel for the Roxy plot
Next up is Leon’s Solo song in each season:
1st is obviously the best song in s1, Voy Por Ti 9.7/10, showstopping, incredible, only lost a little because of his outrageous haircut that pisses me off to this day
2nd goes to Entre Dos Mundos, great song, love the vocals, very energetic, 7/10 because it didn’t really get a performance so I can’t rate everything
3rd is Amor en el Aire, now, is it cute? Yes, but it’s plain, shallow and frankly it hardly scratches the surface of his songwriting potential 2/10
Moving on to Leonletta joint compositions/dream songs:
1st is Nuestro Camino, because everything is perfect, from the dream performance, to the lyrics, the melody, amazing, 9.5/10, because of Leon’s atrocious suit
2nd we have Podemos because it’s probably amongst the three favorite songs for like, half the fandom (including me) and it has some of the best performances from the two of them and probably the best romantic lyrics in the whole show (the Karaoke scene and specially the one in Madrid) 10/10
And 3rd is Abrazame Y Veras, and I hate to put it in the last place, but it doesn’t stand a change against the other two, but it is a great song, (one of the few that saves s3 from being an absolute trainwreck) 8/10
Coming next is the friendship songs:
1st is Junto a Ti, cute, love the vibes, awesome rhythm, great lyrics, 10/10, best one
2nd is A mi Lado, and it kind of opposes the vibe of Junto a Ti which is kind of a more fresh vibe that comes with the experience of finding a new great friend, A mi Lado shows how much they’ve grown and their bond has grown with them and they’re preparing for the reality of not being able to see each other all the time am I projecting because of what’s going on in my life? Maybe, leave me alone and so I love how it shows how they’ve grown 8/10 because it could use a better melody
3rd is Codigo Amistad, my least favorite song in the show, now, it sounds kinda cute but also really gives off misogynistic vibes so I give it a 1/10 because at least is an upbeat song you can dance to, so a point for that
Now onto the band’s songs
1st - Ven Con Nosotros, the choreography is great, energetic and really bouncy, the lyrics are awesome and full of I m p l i c a t i o n s (iykyk) and the performance is definitely their best one, 9/10 because it took me weeks to understand Diego’s part in the rap
2nd - Are You Ready For The Ride? is a good song, but it’s too messy and kinda all over the place, also the lyrics are plain, 6/10
3rd - Every Season 3 Song, they’re generic and boring and kinda sound like Every 1D Song, frankly after Diego left to be with his Dad on Art Rebel it all went down the drain, 4/10 because at least they’re catchy
And Lastly the Beginning/End of season group song combos:
1st place goes to Hoy Somos Mas for Beginning and Crecimos Juntos for Ending
2nd place goes to the Ven y Canta*/Ser Mejor combo
And finally, 3rd place goes to En Gira and Esto No Puede Terminar since they’re both lame
*The song I chose since S1 doesn’t start with a group song
Honorable Mentions:
From Violeta’s solos we have Descubri, an amazing song, one of s3’s saving graces that I forgot until I went to check the playlist with all the songs
From the friendship songs we have Encender Nuestra Luz, and I love it, because we see Naty singing more
From the band’s songs we have Tu Foto De Verano and Cuando Me Voy, the first one is good but I’m sick of it since it was constantly stuck in my head before I even rewatched it so yeah, and the second one is probably my favorite one of theirs, but the recorded version doesn’t have Diego’s vocals which I really don’t like
From the group songs we have Tienes El Talento, On Beat, Euforia, Friends Till The End, Es mi Pasion and Llamame, are any of them in the beginning/end a season? No, but I love them so there’s that
And now a list of random songs that don’t fit into any particular category but I feel should be included because I love them:
Habla Si Puedes
Te Esperare
Como Quieres
Algo Se Enciende
Luz, Camara, Accion
Si Es Por Amor
Ser Quien Soy
Aprendi a Decir Adios
Mas Que Dos
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Beedrill friend why steal laptop :(
Caus e his. la ptop. go t tak. en d uring the wh o le fauna thing
fuck me. b ee get me a p a ralysis hea l rn or i m. goi ng to tell b ird ab out dark type s
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