flightdescending · 2 years
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Title Page, Pages 1 and 2 of Travels with Talonok - [read more]
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honestly ive wanted to update my lore for the longest time and never got round to it (an old forum message of mine declaring it my new years resolution)
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So I might do it during the christmas break busabouds Tired of linking dragons and saying their descriptions are hella outdated or that they’ll have one eventually *Looks at dragon, they’re 3 years old*
Not to mention a majority of the images used in the bb code desc are broken for some reason
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hey i noticed on your post about Gale + friends, you mention Gale is ‘mapping out’ the North-Plague Talonok dialect, and ik it’s just lore and i’m overthinking it but out of curiosity is it like a sociolinguistic discourse analysis or like a etymological analysis or something else? - 🦇
Oh if you could see how I grinned reading this!!
It's etymology, with a notable reliance on comparative linguistics (both with other Talonok dialects, and with various local languages for loan words) bc Talonok in general tend to be nomadic communities and Plague flocks especially so, so they don't have extensive written records and rely heavily on oral tradition
Hence also Gale's passion for the Proto-Talonok project, since it's overall a very related topic that he can contribute to from the Plague side of things!
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quillcrown-parda · 2 years
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Research Logs 001, penned by Mezzotine - Warden of the 17th, Frogenstill Fortress.
Is this thing on? Is it working? My first note of the night... if Camellia is wrong about the effectiveness of this thing, she’ll be cleaning my daughter’s fur sheds until we figure out something better.
Onto important matters.
With our duty getting more difficult by the day, it is imperative that we strengthen our connection with Beastclan trade lines, especially those of Longneck that roam our mountains. With their diligent help, we hope to continue finding and sealing strong sources of Shade in Sornieth.
Our mages, (though I loathe to call them that, they who don’t even have proper names), have given us access to a magical boon I can only describe as form-changing. It allows us to take the shape of a Beastclan, to the approximate size and physique. We still tend to be more furry and bear larger horns than usual, but it greatly assists in more effective communication when we are so large and they so small. However, we are not able to choose which Beastclan- the spell assigns one to us, though i do not know exactly how it decides.
I and my daughter, Toibomme, take the form of Longneck, much like the nearby tribes. So does Gingerdoodle, though her mate Perrebaca takes that of a centaur. (They also roam the mountains, though less frequently.)
Eurridice take the form of a fawn, lithe and quick. His mate, Glaccion, is (surprisingly) a Maren, which may be useful if we ever need to commune with the saltwater Maren tribes (though as for now, we wish to keep our efforts on land until we are forced in the deep).
Cameilla herself is that of a Talonok. Tabkkleta, who I am surprised chose to participate, is a Mith of the varient found in Light territory. However, our mages- Eirys and Binxe- themselves take form of two Kitsune.
Somehow, that concerns me, but I cannot figure out why. I’m sure I will figure it out.
Images will accompany this as soon as we figure out how to attach them. They will likely not be added by me.
End Research Log 001.
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avalonianrising · 2 years
Surprise! -hands you one(1) kernel of corn- One of your dragons got into a screaming match with a bird! Who are they and why?
...I...am so delighted, for one thing. Thank you so much for this ask!!
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It's Iilene.
Fun story: she's my Talonok ambassador! She's also small, and feisty as heck. So, I thought of her yelling at a literal bird, okay?
And, imagine all her Talonok associates just...watching. So confused. "Why...is she yelling...is that CORN? Why are they yelling about corn??"
Oh, my gosh. I laughed too hard, my sides hurt.
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the fuck? y'all know aquarius is an air sign and not a water sign right
(tl;dr they chose the wrong beastclan and in this essay i will)
hi. not super salty with this one because i knew it was coming, i'm just disappointed in staff (surprise), because aquarius always gets mistaken for a water element and it sucks. i know aqua is in the name and we have a water jug, but it still sucks. we aren't water, we carry the water (representing knowledge/wisdom) to other people! what the hell is the point of a waterbound familiar carrying a jug of water, anyway? i am struggling to see it lmao
why didn't they make the familiar a talonok or something else reminiscent of air? no snowy owl raptorik? no wintery raven corven? hell i probably would have liked even a harpy, despite how much i despise the familiars with human parts. and no, a seal is not more fitting because of ice flight. the previous animals were determined by the sign, not the flight. the flight influences the aesthetic. (don't ask me why staff gave libra a wolf because ???? i don't know, it's not arcane or part of libra's symbol)
now, i know it's not the easiest to decide what sign gets what fr-friendly creature if it's not already obvious. the water-bearer is a man, after all. but the staff like to translate humans into beastclans, so let's look at where the beastclans would fall under the elements of earth, water, fire, and air based on how they live. landbound (earth) - serthis/longnecks. waterbound (water) - maren. for some reason centaurs are the only beastclans that live in the ashfall waste (according to the encyclopedia, not the coli), so i'll give them fire. and lastly, those that can take to the skies (air) - harpies and talonok, making them the best candidates for the air signs: aquarius, gemini, and libra. all three of those signs happen to have humans (or a lack of any creature) as part of their symbol, and to such signs i assign beastclans, so they would each get a harpy, raptorik, or corven. gemini gets two of their beastclan, of course. and there you go! i've put more thought into it than staff. wasn't hard. pretty fun.
yeah, i know, this isn't the hugest of deals, it's just frustrating when you like to make sure things are right/make sense and other people just... don't. oh well, what's done is done, i'll just shove the familiar in the vault. but hey, my moon sign happened to line up with my flight, and imo it got an awesome familiar, so i'm really happy about that at least!
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radiant-flutterbun · 3 years
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Muerto's familiars throughout the years.
All of the familiars that Muerto has had all exist in lore. The first familiar he had was a permafrost impaler he named Harold. He came across Harold by chance and the creature seemed to like him. Muerto figured "Hey it's a dead thing. I'm used to weird dead things. Sure it can be my pet. Why not." He named it after his zombie butler back in his world. Harold the Permafrost impaler stills exists in my lore. He mostly just hangs around Muerto's room in Ton Theon.
Kuaka is a Talonok whose role in her flock is to help the deceased reach the afterlife. Muerto stumbled across her one day while she was having the worse day of her life. She had lost the spirits she was supposed to be guiding. One moment they were right behind her, but when she looked back poof they were gone. Muerto sympathized with her panic. He was the God of Death in his world. Making sure spirits went where they were supposed to go was part of his job too. He offered to help her find the missing spirits. And with Muerto's help Kuaka did eventually find her lost spirits and helped them move on. Kuaka occasionally pays Muerto a visit at Ton Theon when she can find the time.
The two ferberuses don't have as much lore. The calico is MeowMeowMeow (or 3Meow) and the black one is Thirteen. They're part of his undead cat collection. The boy can't help himself. He sees a cat dead or alive and must take it home (he's a necromancer for those unaware).
His current familiar is Thirteen because they fit his aesthetic better than 3Meow, but in lore they're just two of his cats overrunning Ton Theon.
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pumpkin-bread · 3 years
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And here’s Warble! Another of my weird talonok things.
He’s just 400g on AH~
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brahkest-fr · 5 years
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The Talonok or avian beastclans are a prominent people within the Hewn City, known locally as flying vermin to the native dragon populations. Living in the lower districts of the ruins, they’ve adapted the crumbling architecture into that of spiraling rafters and makeshift platforms that wobble precariously for those ignorant of the particular beams you shouldn’t stand on. Few dragons will venture their way into the avian districts where they’re more than likely to get ambushed by even small Talonok who make up for their size with numbers and tenacity. Within the walls of this urban hell are birds who are more than accustomed to survival of the fittest.
Underground dragon syndicates are usually at odds with the Talonok, often due to territorial disputes and trading interruptions. Imperials are their greatest enemy but despite the dragons’ overwhelming strength, the avians will often take with them souvenirs of antlers or whiskers which become prized pieces for their nests. During the Culling of Solstice Moon, Hewn City authorities actually had to step in and prevent all out war between the Talonok and imperial mobs lest the body count result in an emperor. Presently the two factions fight little among each other but it is a reluctant peace, only postponed by their rivalries against Longneck and Serthis populations who too seek dominance in the dark recesses of the Hewn City.
Thought I’d do some random lore goobly gook since beastclans are actually pretty important in my lore, particular the Hewn City where a good chunk of my dragons are from. I’ve also been sorta figuring out what the city looks like - basically old timey brick n’ mortar New York juxtaposed with some ruins. Newer parts of the city have modern things like high-rises built on top of ancient foundations. I have some more beastclan stuff I plan to do so stay tuned c:
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mewrising · 4 years
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Ayshe had never seen anything like it.
Of course, she was used to finding new things.  Every turned season saw fresh species spring into the public eye, sometimes out from under her very own claws.  Still, she couldn’t keep her heart from quickening when the burrow she unearthed had something unfamiliar hidden inside.  The sensation was always a thrill, and she couldn’t get enough.
With careful claws, Ayshe lifted the peculiar beast from its winter home.  The Windswept Plateau was a rich but underutilized herping ground, its mercurial temperatures often driving local reptiles to an early torpor.  Researchers like herself could study them in ease and safety with enough cautious digging, replacing the creatures in their burrows once the data was collected.  She’d been scouring it for almost as long as she’d been a zoologist, but it had never formally yielded up something so novel.
She scarcely dared to breathe as she set the little reptile gently down on the grass.  Her many eyes studied it critically, cataloguing every feature as her heart thundered eagerly.  It was every part as foreign as she anticipated at first glance, all slender limbs and graceful curves.  It was clearly a more magical species than the average creature she catalogued, possessing a set of budding branches--almost like horns--atop its graceful head.  ‘A waylaid nature species?’  she wondered, carefully turning it over.
She felt close to yelling in shock when she glimpsed wings on its back.
She had studied many six-limbed, non-dragon creatures in her lifetime.  There were manticores and sphinxes, not to mention centaurs and gryphons and talonok.  The problem was that not a single one had been reptilian--not without also being a dragon.  To discover a true lizard with four legs and wings...it was the discovery of a lifetime.  A discovery that would bring her acclaim from Sornieth’s many corners.
She didn’t consider herself a very prideful dragon, but the thought of seeing her name in every zoological publication across the globe was one she couldn’t help but savor.
With trembling talons, she unclipped a specimen box from her belt.  She usually buried the creatures she uncovered again once she was done with them, but, if there was any time to make an exception, this was it.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Her assistants took on the rest of the creatures under her care without asking questions, a fact for which Ayshe was extraordinarily grateful.  The new find required her full attention, in part because she knew nothing about it and in part because she was too fascinated to devote the proper amount of attention to anything else.  Within the day, she had rigged terrariums of all shapes and sizes, each ready to suit the needs of the creature once it awoke from its torpor, whatever they might prove to be.  She checked the heated tank where she had placed it every few minutes, hoping to catch its first moments awake.  Something in her soul resonated with the newness of it.  Every moment would be discovery.
A thin, melodic trill was what ultimately signaled its return to wakefulness.  Ayshe nearly tripped over her own talons in her rush to see it--to truly see it--for the very first time.  It waited patiently right where she had left it, in the small, empty warming tank where other reptiles were routinely roused from their torpors for study.  Its movements were sluggish in the most graceful way, and it stretched out its doubtlessly tired muscles with the ease of a Floracat.  Even as Ayshe watched, it yawned, revealing needlelike teeth and a small forked tongue.
Its eyes were a bright, intelligent green, like those of a familiar.  Ayshe’s heart stirred just to look at it, both out of excitement and something more unnatural--like magic.  Her mind was a flurry of questions and guessed answers, and her claws grabbed for paper and quill reflexively.  She had so much to mark down and simultaneously not enough.  She loved it.
She unrolled her first scroll as the little lizard began to explore its temporary housing, and she marked down a running title for what was bound to be an extensive document,
“Ayshe’s Pseudragon: A Study”
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The pseudragon, as Ayshe experimentally titled it, was moved into a much larger terrarium without too much delay.  It seemed to be an arboreal species moreso than an aquatic or desert one, so Ayshe’s engineered environment contained some false greenery and driftwood.  Its initial reaction to the space quickly and thankfully confirmed her initial assumptions, and the following days consisted largely of the introduction of many plants local to the Plateau in hopes of simulating its traditional environment, as well as hours of careful monitoring.
Ayshe tactfully refused to reveal the creature to anyone else, hoping to preserve its novelty until her initial publication.  Any assistants who became too curious were given sharp warnings or outright letters of dismissal, and the door to Ayshe’s office was kept locked at all times, whether she was out or in.  Her observational document grew larger by the day, consisting mostly of scattered hypotheses and assumed truths.  Only when she was sleeping did the Ridgeback abandon the effort of learning more; otherwise, her time was full of watching, writing, and reading through obscure bestiaries in search of any archaic mentions of similar creatures.
She learned that it could eat almost anything put in front of it without issue.  Small pieces of seafood were consumed just as readily as insects, and it took plants and meat with the same degree of eagerness.  It never showed any particular sensitivity to what she fed it--another staggering relief--and the routine medical spells she leveraged on it always turned up fine.  She couldn’t understand how such a hardy creature could also be so scarce, but there was no denying that it was the only of its kind in living memory.  She could find no mentions of it anywhere, and her routine trips back to the mainland of the Plateau proved that, if any others of its kind existed, they were very carefully hidden.
She could feel its eyes on her any time she was nearby, and that was the only thing about it that ever concerned her.  Its eyes were, frankly, unnerving, sharp and analytical in a way that few non-dragon creatures’ were.  They almost seemed to study her, watching her every move with interest.  At first, Ayshe assumed that it was merely understimulated, but its eyes never left her, not even as she introduced it to novel items and fresh terrariums.  She grew increasingly certain that it wanted something out of her, and she couldn’t even begin to guess what that something might be.
She never anticipated that such a small creature, and such a tremendous discovery, could strike genuine concern into her heart.
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Dynamis bided her time with a cautious ease, unwilling to move until she was certain of the outcome.  There was no telling how long she had been asleep--months, years, decades?  She could scarcely remember the world before her torpor, a fact which convinced her that she’d been dozing for far too long.  She’d never thought that the Plateau would be so cold and so empty.  Without her swarm, she’d never even stood a chance against the world outside the Wood.
Not until now.
The creature on the outside of the glass was one that she supposed was probably a dragon, a fact which boded well for her purposes.  They were impossibly large and bulky, with spines in all the wrong places and too-long claws.  She thought they might be of Lightning descent for how much they resembled the thunderous Stormcatcher, though the pale color of their eyes was much more reminiscent of the Southern Icefield’s stern denizens.
Eyes.  The sheer quantity of eyes on the dragon outside Dynamis’ prison was something she found confounding and intriguing in equal measures.  She’d never seen such a strange phenomenon; it confused and delighted her to see something so genuinely new.  She could believe new dragons without too much effort, but new magic was something so thrilling she couldn’t even put it into words.
And the fact that it took the form of eyes was just too perfect.  The poor dragon wouldn’t even stand a chance; no, they wouldn’t.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Ayshe was fully prepared to believe that the lizard’s wings were vestigial and useless, so seeing them put to work one day as she entered her office was shocking enough to elicit a yelp of surprise.  The graceful creature flitted about with a fitting ease, its wings beating with the speed and maneuverability of a hummingbird’s.  Her claws were around a quill and at work on her scroll almost before she could fully comprehend what she was seeing, and the eyes along her neck observed the phenomenon farther as she endeavored to write out the tumult of thoughts in her brain.
She didn’t realize that she had stopped writing until the quill physically dropped from her paw, leaving a trail of jagged ink across the paper.  Her body felt lethargic and clumsy, almost paralyzed.  She found herself turning, training her foremost eyes on the creature as it flew.  The act was hypnotizing!  The glitter of its wings and the grace of its movements...she felt like she could watch it all day.
In an instant, she decided that she would.
It wasn’t a decision she made wholly on her own.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
With a sigh of contentment, Dynamis landed on the nearest branch and willed her hapless jailer to undo the locks and let her free.  Not a single one of the dragon’s eyes blinked, a sure sign of their utter enthrallment.  A Veilspun’s chief weakness was the proximity they had to keep with their vessels, and that weakness was resolved in the face of the new dragon’s peculiarities.  She could be in their peripherals almost anywhere; nestled in their wings or clinging to their tail, she’d never be wholly out of sight.  So long as her magic held, and so long as her vessel remained in good health, she had easy access to the rest of the world.
Settling on one of the dragon’s jagged shoulders, Dynamis explored the room freely and with wild abandon.  She cared well enough for the trinkets lining the shelves, but the scrolls were her real target, the true object of her attention.  She could see them lying all over the tables, each one drenched in the ink of a thousand spilled thoughts.  She saw red just thinking of how much damage even misinformation could do to her kind.
Her first free act was to destroy them all.  She delighted to see them engulfed in neon foxfire, to watch them dissolve into scraps and ashes.
The secrets of the Veilspun were not hers to give.
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magichats-fr · 3 years
I know everyone’s sharing interesting Dustcarve Dig headcanons at all, but can I interest you in something that just hit me like a bus the day before the Anniversary??
It seems that five of six currently listed Beastclan groupings is in fact inspired by some creature from pop culture or another.
Centaurs are very heavily inspired by the mythological creature of the same name, and the stuff western society tends to stick to them whenever they appear in stories.
Harpies are in a similar boat with the exception of some worldbuilding to help smooth things along. Stuff like having harpy flocks being mostly matrilineal and being a little like meerkats but with less internal violence.
Maren are pretty much mermaids but making them so that they’re not gender-locked to being only women. Like centaurs a lot of their lore is derived from stuff that generally tends to get stuck to mermaids in western stories.
Where it gets interesting is the Talonok and the Serthis.
Serthis, visually, are very reminiscient of general snake-people mythological creatures, like nagas for example. They’re exclusively of the body orientation of “humanoid upper torso, snake lower torso / legs”. But from a lore standpoint they seem to lean more towards the Yuan ti of D&D, which paints that particular race as one that’s rife with infighting and strict social hierarchies. This is pending to change depending on DM’s discretion, but it seems that within most written things about them, Yuan ti culture at it’s worst is very similar to the lore that the serthis get, with the trade off being that Yuan ti can come in more variants than “humanoid upper torso / snake lower body”, but I’d imagine you’d be hard pressed to see staff have snake people who are like “near complete humanoid body, but also give it a snake tail and a snake head specifically; this fellow has legs and a tail” (since copyright is a very real thing and perhaps why you don’t see a lot of illithid-adjacent creatures being called illithid / mind flayers). While there was definitely lots of controversy back in the day by naming them after the mythological creatures at first (they were originally called naga’s), in hindsight it seems like the staff figured it’d be easier to lean into the myth since myths don’t commonly have copyright issues attached to them rather than naming them “serpentfolk” or something closer to Yuan ti in name and running the risk of litigation there.
Talonok are also pretty heavily inspired by D&D, with Raptorik taking after the Aaracokra and the Corven taking after the Kenku. The lore that’s attached is quite different, but the physical anatomy inspiration is definitely there, with kenku being flightless corvid-like birdfolk, and Aarakocra having much more variety and being winged.
Longneck seem to be the exception to the rule of inspiration entirely. That is to say, I’ve yet to find anything (at least so far) that indicates that there’s mythological llama people or a llama people race within D&D. Much like the Mith (whom are really surprising; industrious moth people is not something found very often across media), it definitely seems to be a flight rising original and to that end it’s really fascinating. Nothing in their lore either in terms of society and culture seems to be similar to anything from myth / story / pop culture either. Again, I haven’t found anything so far so it’s not to say that it’s not out there, just that it seems that it’s completely new.
 It’s all very fascinating.
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flightdescending · 2 years
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A speculative fiction zine about Talonok from Flight Rising by me (BatCrooks) and @deer-rising! You can see the whole thing for free here: FR Forum Thread: https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/3165773/1 and/or you can throw me a tip by buying a high-quality .pdf for $1+ PWYW here: https://batcrooks.gumroad.com/l/talonok Thanks for reblogging this/commenting on the thread! This has been a huge project and I’m very proud of how it turned out. 
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ashwindspires · 4 years
Ashwind Spires Lore: Landscapes
Ask me how much schoolwork got done today :’D
Just wrote up and posted some photo collection posts of some key landscapes within the territory (of control or just... influence / background matrix) of my clan, Orozha (or Orodres, if you want to #standardize it). I always find I have to get an idea of Where before I can start really digging into the What. 
Fun fact: my location in a “volcanic wasteland way off in the middle of nowhere on the northern peninsula, but there’s very few volcanoes” has changed basically... not at all since the first iteration of my clan back in 2014. But it’s shifted in the little details over time, and the landscapes collection doesn’t cover all the areas of Orozha.
A few places not included but that definitely exist: a caldera, an old abandoned giant mushroom, some sort of Talonok canton somewhere in the vicinity, and the Blackglass Spire aka the secret, hidden heart of Orozha (and within the bowels of Blackglass: the reason Orozha is located where it is u.u).
I think there’s something with posts with links not showing in tags?? I haven’t Tumblr’d in forever idk these things. So, uh, masterpost link list in the reblog + a world map pin link. Or just go check the last 4 posts on my blog.
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im refreshing my knowledge of some of the canon lore i oh so love to ignore and i have a tab about the Talonok clans open and it keeps confusing my brain every time my eyes skim over the word bc it disguises itself So Well as something from my mother tongue instead
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clanhaven · 5 years
ooc: Mod Speaking! Did some updates to Nissie’s bio and Lore! Hello there! I am Niscita, Leader of Clan Haven. You might notice we are quite a mixed bag here, all flights, races and ideals. However we share the common belief that all life is worthy of respect and protection, that being our driving ambition. We have many specialties, the first and foremost being to provide healing, medical care and safety to as many people as possible regardless of where they come from. Though I could go on for a long time about our mission...I do believe the Clan page is where that's supposed to go. Heh~ Anyway, about me. (The hard part.) Hmm... Well I'm a Fae obviously, though I am aware I don't speak or act like one. You see, my Twin and I were adopted by a Serthis, Samda, who is with me now. The three of us were part of a mixed clan of Dragons and other species located in the heart of the Carrion Canyon, called Clan Ganera. When my Sister and I were in our teens a rival clan attacked us, overpowering my people to the point there was nothing left to fight for and enslaving nearly everyone who survived. Me, Santosh and Samda escaped after about 3 years, heading on a long journey which landed us in the Lightning Farm. We were found by a very kind Ridgeback couple who took us in and taught us many things like how to speak common Draconic, about the Stormcatcher of whom we previously had little knowledge, and skills to support ourselves with. Though to all our lasting pain, Santosh (My Sister) is no longer with us. Ruta and Darmok however, (Our Ridgeback friends) are retired and doing quite well, living with us at our Clan's home base. In time Clan Haven has grown strong enough so that we were able to take back the people of Clan Ganera, who have also joined our Family. I currently speak five languages fluently at this time, aside from my native tongue which is a combination of Old Draconic, Serthis and what we think might be bits of the Harpy language. Of course I can communicate in common Draconic, Coatl, Mith, Longneck and Serthis, I am working on grasping Talonok as well as the modern Harpy language. My Profession is....technically Engineering, but I do a lot of things branching into and bridging the realms of science, magic and experimentation. I am also a capable healer with a basic working medical knowledge of all types of Dragons, as well as the Serthis and Mith species for now. I am seeking to expand my abilities still. Lastly, I like to draw.~ I really should do some of that in between my many responsibilities.
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clya-lyren · 5 years
Id love to learn about Inexperta and Exeratia! How did they meet? What do they love about each other :o and whatever else you'd like to say about them!
*cue chanting about my lovely lesbian ladies*
Okay, so Inexperta’s profession is, well, she kills undead monsters. 
Exeratia however, she’s kinda of... she’s a necromancer.
Inexperta lost her family when an Emperor attacked their home. Undead monster-hunting had been in her family for generations oh her father’s side, but her father taught her mother and they, in turn, taught her at a very young age.
Exeratia never really had a family. She hatched out of her egg all alone one night. Later in life she ended up getting mixed up into some pretty dark things and started utilizing necromancy. She ended up not trusting anyone and lived a life of solitude. 
So you can sort of imagine how they met. Inexperta got reports of a necromancer who was summoning ancient Talonok and went to investigate. She traveled through the Shrieking Wilds for a long time before she stumbled upon Exeratia. Despite being raised as an undead killer and having this job for about her whole life, there was something that entranced her as soon as she set eyes on this Nocturne. To this day, she still isn’t quite sure what it was. Maybe it was the way she was dressed. Maybe it was how she held herself strongly. Or maybe it was something she ate that made her crazy and forget the years of pain she had suffered. 
So, Inexperta approached the necromancer surrounded by skeletal Talonok, rather than attack on sight like she asked to. Like she was trained to. They were both extremely warry of each other. For good reason! They were each other’s enemy. Both thought that the either couldn’t ever understand. Inexperta thought that the Nocturne in front of her could never understand her reason for wanting to avenge and respect her family. Exeratia thought that the Mirror who snuck up on her couldn’t ever feel the same lonely pain that she had and wouldn’t understand her use for the undead was not an evil one... just selfish one. She was so alone 
And oh my gosh this is getting long as hell. They eventually came to a sort of understanding. Exeratia promised to stop sending out undead to complete her tasks, as it scared the dragons living in the towns, but she made Inexperta agree to come again and visit her so she wouldn’t be lonely. 
Eventually, it morphed into a joint business. Inexperta removed violent undead beasts and evil necromancers that Exeratia learned of. This joint business expenditure eventually morphed into more and well, the lovely ladies got married (*audience awwwws*) once they moved into Meridon.
Okay okay so what they love about each other:
Inexperta really really loves Exeratia’s poise. She’s the one to go gushing about “oh my gosh look how regal my girlfriend is, she’s so graceful, she’s so elegant and pretty and has the grace of a cat and-”.  Exeratia also can be a little clingy when in public or around a lot of other dragons, but Inexperta doesn’t mind. She not-so-secretly loves it. 
Exeratia really admires Inexperta’s strength. But honestly she really loves Inexperta’s cooking. Like, she’s not a great cook but to Exeratia she’s a 5 Star chef that could make Gordon Ramsay look bad and be nicer while doing it. 
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