midnightmah07 · 11 months
Rewatching once upon a time due to nostalgia but ending up getting a random daiggie idea for a proposal??????? Hello?????????????
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andrigyn · 1 year
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Chapter One
Nesta Archeron accepted her life in the house of wind, focusing on her training and work in the library. She had friends, and her budding relationship with Cassian to keep her going. However, everything changed when the inner circle devises a plan to eliminate Beron and solidify their alliance with Eris Vanserra. Nesta must enter into a faux marriage proposal and travel to the Autumn Court in order to carry out the assassination.
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Cassian hadn’t seen much of Rhys these days, not since Nesta’s intervention. There was simply too much on his plate now to justify regular visits down to the River House. In some ways, he did enjoy the isolation of the House of Wind. If he didn’t also have to share the space with Nesta Archeron, he may have been able to appreciate every moment of peace and solitude. The matter that weighed heaviest on his mind, the brewing Illyrian rebellion, was far away and easily forgotten. The only duty he was tasked with by his High Lord was managing the eldest Archeron sister. Well, perhaps manage wasn’t the right word. Help, guide, or train would have been better descriptions as far as Cassian was concerned. 
When Rhys first asked him to take her on as a trainee, he jumped at the opportunity to get closer to her again. The relationship between them that blossomed during the war had withered away and died just as quickly as it began. The death knell had been on Solstice, when she threw his gift in the Sidra before stomping back to her shabby apartment. The fact that she opted to stew in her own filth instead of building any kind of life with him bruised Cassian’s ego, and knowing that she preferred the company of other males in Velaris was another blow. Tormenting her in the House and during training was a welcome outlet for that jealousy, as much as he was ashamed to admit it. 
As Cassian sauntered through the long halls of the River House, he smiled at the thought of her waiting for him. A quick meeting with Rhys, and he’d be able to return. He found the High Lord seated on a couch in the main living room. A fire blazed and crackled in the hearth, and he quickly rose to embrace his brother. 
“It’s been too long,” Rhys said, clapping Cassian on the back. 
“It has, though I’m sure you’ve been busy as well.” 
“Take a seat,” Rhys said, gesturing towards a plush chair before sitting back down on the couch. Cassian obliged. 
“I’ve asked you to meet with me out of the respect and love I have for you. There are some things though, hard decisions that must be made for the sake of this Court, that are beyond my control,” Rhys said. Cassian eyed him carefully. 
“What are you talking about?” 
“Nesta will be leaving the House for some time, in order to complete a mission.” 
“What kind of mission? For how long?” Cassian asked. He wasn’t too keen on the idea of her being sent anywhere, not when she was finally starting to adjust to her new life. Rhys didn’t seem to care much about what she needed, not like he did. He understood what had to happen in order for the eldest sister to get better, and stability was imperative. 
“Eris will be borrowing her. He has asked for our assistance to kill Beron, and she is best suited to the job. The plan is to send her under the pretense of an engagement, so that nobody suspects anything.” 
Cassian’s brow lowered into a scowl. Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine his brother would suggest such a thing, especially when he knew what she meant to him. Rhys knew that he suspected they were mates. He knew that she was just starting to come around and give him a chance, but the High Lord only looked at his brother with a blank, icy expression. He didn’t care about any of that, no, his priority was the survival of this city. Beron was never trustworthy, but in the year following the war he had grown more unstable. They had reason to believe he was working with Koschei, planning to conquer lands outside of his borders.  
“She isn’t ready for something like that, she’s only just begun training,” Cassian said. He tried to suppress the anger burning in his chest, but his words were still dripping with it. The male always had a temper, and Rhys knew how best to trigger it. Spending centuries together will do that, so he tried to keep a level head and provide reasons outside of his own emotional entanglement. 
“She’s plenty ready, I think you just don’t want her to go.” Rhys chuckled. 
Cassian gritted his teeth. “You’re right, but still, I urge you to reconsider, she has been making such good progress. She has friends now, she’s thriving with a stable routine and environment-” 
“That’s enough, Cassian. I didn’t call you here to ask your opinion. I’ve already promised to send her, but don’t worry, it isn’t forever,” Rhys said.  
“And if she refuses?” 
“She won’t, just bring her by tomorrow morning and I’ll explain everything.” 
Cassian slammed his hands on the table and stood up. He finally broke, and raised his voice. “You expect me to sit by as you send my mate to the Autumn Court of all places? No, I’ve held my tongue many times for you over the years, but I won’t do it this time.” 
“First of all, you do not know that she is your mate. And if you were to flee, where would you go? If Eris does not become High Lord soon, we may very well have another war on our hands. Nowhere in Prythian will be safe, perhaps not even Velaris,” Rhys said. He couldn’t bring himself to look Cassian in the eye, choosing instead to direct his forlorn gaze to the fire. “This city is our legacy, you know.” 
“Send Elain instead then.” 
“No, she is far too soft, and her bond with Lucien would overcomplicate things. It must be Nesta.” 
“Let me go too then, I could pretend to be her guard-” 
It was Rhys’s turn to stand up and shout. “No, no, no, no, you aren’t listening to me,” he shouted, “I have considered the situation from every angle, and I do not take this matter lightly, if it were up to me, I would have ended the girl’s pathetic life by now, but for whatever reason she is important to Feyre, and to you, so I have restrained myself. Be grateful for that. Once this job is done, I’ll leave her to you and then you both can do whatever you wish. Whether she’s your mate or not, I don’t care.” 
“I’ve known you to be callous, but you’ve gone too far. It’s only fair that you let me go to check in on Nesta if she’s to stay there long term,” Cassian said. 
“Very well, if that’s what it takes for you to stop fighting me,” The High Lord’s words dripped with venom at the minor concession. 
In Nesta’s former life as a human girl, she took advantage of every opportunity that being the daughter of a wealthy merchant afforded her. Invitations to lavish parties arrived by mail and ended up in a stack atop her mother’s desk, awaiting judgment. She took a keen interest in the social life of her first daughter, and began the search for her perfect match early. Before she fell ill, she knew best when it came to the who, what, and where of courting. To entertain too many suitors would have been disastrous for the family’s reputation, and the eldest child had the greatest duty towards protecting that reputation. Nesta’s time on the scene as a single lady would have also paved the way for Elain and Feyre, had things gone differently. 
Nesta never fussed much over the specifics, choosing instead to surrender to her mother’s well laid plans. But following the inner circle’s direction required an unnatural kind of submission. By their own design, she wasn’t a full member of their court. She was sometimes included in a half-assed way, if only to appease Feyre. Rhysand gritted his teeth and barely tolerated the eldest sister’s presence, which is why she was shocked to hear that the High Lord wished to meet with her. 
Cassian let her know over breakfast that morning training would have to be canceled so that she could go meet with Rhysand in the River House. The male didn’t have an answer when she prodded him for more of an explanation, and Azriel looked just as clueless as she was. She did notice that Cassian had been acting strangely, and after she heard him enter the House the previous night, he didn’t come by to knock on her door. Instead, he trudged to his own room without so much as a simple ‘hello’. So after the trio finished eating, Cassian flew her down to the River House. 
“Well, here it is.” Cassian gestured to a dark wooden door. 
“If the bastard plans on sending me back to the human lands after all, promise you’ll remember me fondly,” Nesta said with a meager smile. She twisted the brass knob and slipped inside before Cassian had a chance to respond, closing the door behind her. 
The room was quite large for a study, as was the desk that sat in its center. Light poured in through the tall windows to illuminate the space. Its walls were painted a shade of blue that resembled the night sky, but not much of the wall was visible behind the numerous paintings and bookshelves. She scoffed, and thought it looked like a cluttered mess. Most unsettling of all was the High Lord of Night seated there, with his gaze fixed on her. Although most probably found them alluring, she thought those violet eyes were sinister and uncanny. She had never seen eyes that color, or features so handsome and polished. To Nesta, he wasn’t beautiful, he was so utterly inhuman. Beastly, even. 
“Sit,” he said. His tone was so dispassionate that it made her feel as if she was intruding, even though the High Lord was the one who had interrupted her routine by inviting her here. 
“Where is my sister? I thought she would be here.” 
“She is occupied. Some of us have responsibilities outside of playing soldier all day. Now, I said sit.” He waved his hand in front of the seat again, so she obeyed this time. That snide remark was more like the Rhysand that she was familiar with, and knew how to respond to. Nesta cracked a wry smile. 
“I pretend to be a soldier, Feyre pretends to be a ruler. Have you decided yet which role Elain shall play?” 
“Keep my mate’s name out of your mouth. She and Elain are free to live as they please. You, however, haven’t earned that privilege. But that isn’t why I’ve called you here today.” he snapped. 
“Get on with it then, what do you want from me?” Nesta asked. Her arms were crossed and she was making every effort to avoid eye contact with the male in front of her. She knew of his ability to shatter minds, although avoiding looking at him directly likely wouldn’t save her. That thought inspired a healthy level of fear, and suddenly the cluttered space started to feel more than just annoying. It was suffocating. 
“Eris Vanserra came to me, asking for help to kill his father, so that he can become High Lord. Our assassin cannot be just anybody, we must send someone who Beron wouldn’t perceive as a threat, someone he would allow to stay in his court,” Rhysand drawled, “Ideally a female who would travel to Autumn under the pretense of an engagement.”
“Why should I help you? I don’t care about your petty alliances.” 
Rhysand hunched over the desk and leaned in closer towards Nesta. She decided to meet his gaze, not wanting to appear as though she was backing down, even though she felt instantly uncomfortable with the male intruding on her personal space. This was a ridiculous plan that she wanted no part in, unless there was something to be gained by playing along.
“Because someone has to go, Nesta. If you refuse, then my only other option is to send Elain, and do what should have been done a long time ago with you.”  
Asshole. She wanted to punch that smug look right off of his face. She wanted to dangle him off the window sill until he begged for mercy. The way he thought it was appropriate to use Elain as a bargaining chip threatened to make her lose her cool. Everything that she gleaned about the Autumn Court indicated that it was a treacherous place, somewhere that was somehow more undeserving of her sister’s warmth and kindness than Velaris. 
“As tempting as it is to let you kill me so that I won’t ever have to see your face again, that will not be necessary. I’ll go, and once I return, I want my freedom.”
Rhysand scoffed. “You’re in no position to make demands. Be grateful I don’t shatter your mind right now and tell the others that you ran away.” 
“Does Cassian know?” Nesta asked. 
“Of course he does.” His curt reply cut like a knife. Nesta considered briefly what it meant that Cassian knew of this plan, and chose not to warn her. She wasn’t sure why she expected his loyalty. It was naive of her, but that didn’t make it hurt any less. How meaningful could the handful of nights they shared together be to a male who was over five hundred years old? 
“Tell me what your plan is exactly, then,” Nesta said. 
“We will hold a ball in the Hewn City in a few days time, where the engagement will be announced. After that you’ll go to Autumn, and follow Eris’s orders,” Rhysand explained. Nesta only nodded in reply. 
“I am beyond grateful you’ve given me so much useful information. I’d hate to go into such a dangerous mission blind,” she said flippantly.  
“You’re dismissed,” Rhysand said with a wave of his hand. Nesta rose from her seat. She didn’t look back at the High Lord as she opened the door to leave. Cassian was waiting for her, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. He perked up at the sight of her, but Nesta didn’t say a word. Her steely gaze seemed to say ‘Take me home now.’ 
Nesta did not say a word for the entire way back to the House. Cassian didn’t try to break the silence either, out of the guilt he felt for delivering her to that meeting, knowing full well what was in store for her. Once they were back inside the sitting room, she unleashed the anger that was seemingly brewing inside from the moment she stepped out of Rhys’s office. 
“You knew about this, you knew and didn’t tell me,” Nesta spat. She pointed her index finger as close to the male’s face as she could reach. She may have been tall for a female, but Cassian was abnormally tall even for a Fae male. 
“Nes, I- there was nothing I could do-” he said, struggling to get his words out. 
“Bullshit!” she shouted. 
“You don’t understand, just listen to me, I tried - “ 
“I don’t care, you’re pathetic. Just leave me alone,” she said before starting up the stairs. Cassian reached out and gripped her slender arm. 
“You’re not listening,” he shouted. 
“I don’t care to listen to your excuses, now let go of me,” she said. 
The commotion downstairs must have reached Azriel, who was upstairs in his room, because Nesta heard his door swing open. Before too long, the male was standing at the top of the staircase, looking down at the scene below. It was quite the scene indeed, with both Nesta and Cassian yelling until they were red in the face. He was still tugging at her arm, trying to convince her to sit down and hear him out. But at the sight of the spymaster, he released her. 
“What in the Cauldron’s name is going on here?” Azriel asked. 
Now that she had an opening, Nesta raced up the stairs and past Azriel. They knew she had made it to her bedroom from the sound of her door closing and locking. Cassian tried to follow, but the shadowsinger stood in his way. 
“Let her cool off for now,” he said. 
“Fine,” Cassian said, rolling his eyes, “I have to go to Windhaven, I’ll be back in a few days.” 
Those were the only words that he was able to summon. There was no reason to travel to Illyria, not a real reason anyway. It was simple enough to just tell Az that lie though, and get some space away from Nesta while she processed the news. She didn’t want to listen, or understand anyways. So if she wanted him to leave her alone, he would. The general wondered if Rhys was right about her, and she wasn’t worth the trouble. Perhaps she would feel right at home in Autumn, among those ruthless bastards. 
No, he had to stop thinking that way. This was his mate, and for better or worse, once the bond snapped they would be tied together for eternity. Nesta was the female that the Cauldron chose specifically for him. It was his duty to stand by her, and protect her for the rest of their lives. 
And he would, but only after a few days of alone time.
Tag List (if you want to be added lmk!): @tuzna-pesma-snova​
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libidomechanica · 5 months
“Was much as words I tooke his fortune suit or”
Delight to beware! And the sage     Miss Audacia Shoestring, floated in the firmest flinty     savage dares, when his own avenge their thought can see nought so;     but that which Thou only peepest? The entire with their     wings; like her way. No matter
form, thus defied all hem remayne.     That I would rather, wine from knee, nor dread of death. Her     whom thou daily knocked and calm that died slave to undergo;     both graces that portentous phrase like occasion, that he     may stay for a flying
off thou repent, I goe lyke a     rich laden barke, with good philosopher of mind, with each;     and sense, or conquering Beauty! And act and the day draws     near that far from my prosper! Was much as words I tooke his     fortune suit or may never
one: our son say so! It was     never dull or pert; and they make me to meet your first     conspiring stay, I giue you hear, that time he might be incense     shall ready gaping air will gulph me—help! Unless than I     am. That now we poison
brought me, and all the physics,     bodies taste. As half the land, cast down the grace oftimes     a bait of birds, known and smelling Apennine, retired; and     not told it been, and makes coy excuse to feel that fayre Planet     shore, waiting a darken’d
in your selfe with pearles both     promise for recompense more joys than I cannot fly, yet     folded in descend! Not be for which she stood ’mong lilies     and tears and storm mayst seemd to mourn, watch for me into thee,     the song of winning the
winds the Turmoil, creeps aside, if     thou art, methinks that act. Should faire hands that until the bulk     in which I use to mind. Ceased to rue the earliest birds;     I see betwixt us and roll it inside its cage sound     of saying lip? Who
advertise new prophet eye severity     is always envy, thou, or answer doe, but for     the buried time continue her as wine and of my friend     to joy have you love my privacy because no fence or     fortnight, uninvited
guest, or else t will be past all     the road smoking load is okay but the double should form     to fix the due proposed, looke euer since ye are most unusual     spirit a woman’s son will stagnate, thou lackest someone     left the roof! A tale
of light and morn! If Gold, her own     could rejoice keen as sings of the Catholic, and the noyous day,     and quiet way with many know. Ere children lisp the Rights     of these groups were caught as that will I think about the down     to me the dead man through
greedily assayed to touch’d a     moment at his requested, who with vast part of that all     comfort me, bury me, but by time. Their extremes he disowned,     and say, farewell o’ my Phillis, has met wi’ the queen     o’ the heate so great resource
and picture’s power, with delight.     Of Destiny convulsive groan; on her thoughtful land     he will, to sink to fly from my reflection of that? My     Arthur died had more serious; some hear that loves to weepe.     But there darts to fail. No,
not one time shall make, rather dream     of the old man’s heart, I’m after-heat. Ulysses wages     walking to a mortal sense; as now ’tis done, such as be     carved on the heart is glad; her now; for such sleet, and heateth     kindling fires. A bolt is
she, that thou of the morne, because     I drink this jewel he enjoyed and, thou. ’Other, a Russ or     Turk—the one Abydos; since I Ioues cup do keepe. What so     is fayrest face, sets to her as her selfe sustayne thy shame     to be drunk with claw&rock,
when she at will enter is, this     island of March; come: not in my youthful heart, making thee,     nae travers’d to flower again, so talks as it’s most people     say. Beat with never one: our son say so. A knell off     in they restoration.
0 notes
ruminativerabbi · 2 years
The New Netanyahu Government in Israel
When Winston Churchill famously commented that “democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others,” he was being both witty and trenchant. There is, after all, something just and fair about the people—the demo part of “democracy” from the Greek demos, meaning “the people”—self-governing by choosing as their leaders individuals whose opinions about the issues of the day most closely suit their own. But there is also something deeply problematic about the concept of awarding to the people the right to self-govern without giving some advance thought to what should happen if the people should turn away from decency and justice to embrace principles that are at their core inimical to the wellbeing of the society in which they live. I never seem to tire of noting that the Nazis are believed by historians to have won the election of 1933 fairly, i.e., by getting a majority of voters’ votes—but surely no normal person would argue that that victory by definition made reasonable and just the barbaric laws enacted almost immediately by the demonic cadre of sociopaths who came to power legally in the wake of that fair and free election.
The Founders of our nation saw the problem easily and so invented a kind of democracy in which each of the three branches of government—the legislative, the executive, and the judiciary—all labor under certain restrictions designed to create and maintain a balance of power capable of keeping tyranny from gaining a foothold in our land merely because a would-be tyrant somehow manages to garner a majority of votes in a national election. Our Founders were dreamers, but they were also realists. And they clearly understood the dangers that inhere even in a democracy when a workable system of checks and balances is not put in place to keep any one part of the government from turning away from the core values upon which the republic was meant to rest.
I have been thinking about these issues all week because of legislation the Netanyahu government is planning to bring to the Knesset over the next few months that will effectively and dramatically diminish the power of the judiciary. The proposed bill is a complex piece of legislation, but two core innovations have garnered the most attention and the strongest opposition.
One is the so-called “override” clause that will dramatically constrain the justices of the Supreme Court from attempting to nullify legislation they find to be antidemocratic, discriminatory, of in contravention of Israel’s Basic Laws, the set of laws that function more or less as Israel’s constitution. Under the new law, the Supreme Court will be barred from deliberating at all with respect to the Basic Laws that function as Israel’s constitution, the interpretation of which will henceforth be almost solely in the hands of the legislature.
And the other, related to the first, will basically make it possible for the Knesset to override Supreme Court decisions with a simple majority of sixty-one votes. (There are 120 seats in the Knesset.) In other words, if the Supreme Court finds a piece of legislation to be in contravention of the Basic Laws, they could strike it down…but only with the assent of all the court’s justices. But even that won’t put the matter to rest, since the Knesset could simply vote again on the same law and recertify it as government policy with a majority of one single vote. This is, to my mind, a hugely dangerous move that could conceivably impact on the democratic nature of the State in many different profound ways. Nor am I alone in thinking that: David Horovitz, the founding editor of the Times of Israel, published a piece in his own newspaper earlier this week under the title “Justice Minister Sounds Death Knell for Israel’s Inadequately Protected Democracy.” (To read the piece, click here.) And I read a dozen other essays in the press and across the web expressing similar dismay.
In our nation, Supreme Court decisions can be overridden. But the process is complex, lengthy, and specifically designed to make it impossible for the Congress “just” to override a decision of the Court.
The Court itself, of course, has the power to overturn its own decisions, but the President has no such power: the best an American president can do if he or she is unhappy with a decision of the Supreme Court is to push for a review of a specific law in the hopes that the Court will override its own prior decision. But what about Congress? Article V of the Constitution allows Congress to amend the Constitution if two-thirds of the House and the Senate vote to do so or if two-thirds of the states request such an amendment, and that could in effect override a decision by the Court that a practice or a law was unconstitutional. But such an amendment must then be ratified by three-quarters of the states, and that is a process that can take years. In its darkest hour, for example, the Supreme Court determined in the 1857 “Dred Scott Decision” that enslaved individuals were not American citizens and were therefore not entitled to protection by the government or the court system. And it also determined that Congress had no authority to ban slavery from federal territory. Both parts of the decision were then overturned by constitutional amendment, the part about slaves not being citizens by the Fourteenth Amendment, which granted American citizenship to all people born in this country, and the part about the authority to ban slavery by the Thirteenth Amendment which, in fact, granted Congress the right to ban slavery and, in fact, banned slavery in the United States. So Supreme Court decisions in our nation can indeed be overturned. It just takes a long time and is a very arduous process.
The concept of an “override” clause that allows the government legally to act in contravention of the rights guaranteed to its citizens under the Constitution is not unknown to Western democracies. Section 33 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, for example, is popularly called the “Notwithstanding Clause,” because it awards federal, provincial and municipal governments the right to legislate in ways that contravene the basic rights of citizens for some greater good. The federal government has never availed itself of this right, but some provincial governments, particularly the government of Quebec, have. In Ontario, I remember it being invoked to justify the inherently unfair policy of the provincial government of funding Catholic schools, but neither Protestant nor Jewish ones; the government admitted that this was inherently unfair, but insisted on maintaining the policy “notwithstanding” its inherent inequity because it derived from the original 1841 merger between Upper and Lower Canada that created the Province of Canada. (The Province of Canada was part of the British Empire until the British North America Act of 1867 created the nation of Canada as we know it.)  There is no specific parallel to the “Notwithstanding Clause” in American law.
But neither the American method of overriding the Court (i.e., by the long, arduous process of amending the Constitution) nor the Canadian one mentioned above is anything like the proposed legislation in Israel in terms of its ability basically to make it possible for the legislature simply to ignore the Court and vote its way around any decision issued by its justices.
The majority Netanyahu cobbled together to put himself back in power is in many ways an ultra-conservative one that includes among its ministers a criminal like Aryeh Deri, who was convicted of bribery, fraud, and breeching the public trust in 1999 and sent to prison for three years, and who was then convicted again of income tax evasion just last year and fined the equivalent of about $50,000 U.S. But far more troubling are the presence of extremists who have openly questioned the basic civil rights of Israel’s Arab citizens, its LGBTQ citizens, its female citizens, and its non-Jewish citizens. If there was ever a government that is going to need to be reined in by a vigorous, vocal Court devoted not to the political future of the PM or his party but to the moral future of the State itself, it is this one. That not being the case, I fear we are in for a rough ride indeed.
And yet, as I said from the bimah just last Shabbat, we cannot allow our concerns about the government to affect our willingness to support the State of Israel itself. America is more than its government and its political parties. So are all countries, including Israel. I am worried about some of the ministers Netanyahu has appointed—and certainly not just Aryeh Deri—and not sure if their extreme right-wing approaches can or will be vitiated by the presence in the government of calmer, more reasonable types. The future will unfold. Some developments, I suppose, will be regrettable. I have never allowed my distaste for any specific politician to affect the deep sense of patriotic loyalty I bring to my feelings about my own country. And I do not plan to allow any specific policies of the Netanyahu government to weaken my support for Israel itself—for the nation and for its people.
0 notes
sharkdream3421 · 2 years
Relationship, and Proposal headcanons (Fumikage Tokoyami, Gang Orca, Izuku Midoriya)
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Fumikage Tokoyami:
Tokoyami accidentally confessed his feelings to you. He was feeling frustrated as he felt these feelings towards you and he wanted to ignore it. But the harder he tried to ignore it the more frustrated he got. Then he couldn't hold it in any longer.
"AUGH! I can't take it anymore! I want to tell you that I love you, but I can't tell you."
The gif describes his confession lol.
You were speechless at his sudden outburst and confession.
Tokoyami held his beak shut using his hand. Oops was all he could say.
You blushed as you told him that you reciprocated his feelings.
"Tokoyami, I...I love you too."
You walked up to him and gave him a deep kiss on his beak.
So ROMANTIC, but hey we aren't done yet their is still more.
In your relationship, you both love going shopping together.
Tokoyami wears his black hoodie and black sweatpants in public. It's basically his casual wear. While, you wear whatever you want.
Just please don't go out in public wearing your school uniform?
Tokoyami is fine with displaying your affection in public, but just not during class. It can be when you both have free time or are in private.
He loves you so much, even though sometimes his emo personality doesn't show it.
Sometimes you kiss his cheek, beak, or hand using your lips.
Sometimes Tokoyami will kiss or "nibble" your hand, cheek, or mouth affectionately.
You go out on dates when you don't have homework to do.
Speaking of homework, it will either be studying, cuddling, or perhaps even a make out session.
Although, make outs don't happen often with our bird boy.
Does he get jealous, sort of?
It only happens when you talk with a boy long enough that he will get a little impatient and will politely tell the person an "excuse me, but me and Y/N need a moment."
You comfort him by telling him that you don't want to be with anyone else but him.
Dark Shadow loves you too and he will even try to cuddle with you as well.
Bird boy is too precious to die!
Your adults now and you've been in a relationship with him for a couple years.
You and Tokoyami walk to a hill where you can see the stars and most of the city.
It was beautiful!
He takes you here when he needs some alone time, wants to be alone with you, or wants to harness his inner darkness.
"I love when we sit here together. Alone, and just the two of us. Starring up at the stars, while they reflect back down upon us."
You put your hand onto of his and smile.
"I agree." You say as you give him a kiss on the cheek.
Tokoyami's hands suddenly start to shake and move around a little more than usual.
He looks super worried about something.
"Tokoyami, are you okay is something wrong?" You asked.
He looked at you with the most innocent face you have ever seen.
"Y/N." He gently nibbles or "kisses" your hand.
"Everyday your always on mind. Everyday I want to know your there beside me. You comfort me on days when I struggle. You comfort me during hard times. We comfort each other over these things that make both of us feel better and closer to each other."
Tokoyami reached for his back pocket feeling stressed about something he decided not to take it out yet.
You grabbed both of his hands in reassurance, "Tokoyami, we love each other and have for years now. I can tell your not feeling well, you can always tell me what's on your mind. I love you."
You put a hand on his face as he gently leans into your touch.
"I know which is why I have to ask you something very important." Tokoyami replied as he reached down into his back pocket and took out a purple box. He then knelled down to the ground and when he opened it a black ring with a purple gem on it appeared.
You gasp and held you hands to your face.
"Y/N, ever since we met each other you were so kind and friendly to me. I wasn't used to that kind of treatment. Whenever you comforted me, I just longed for your presence even more. When you calm Dark Shadow my heart flutters. When I see you smile, I smile as well. When we make love, I feel a deep sense of bonding to you. I guess...what I'm trying to say is. Y/N, will you marry me?"
You were speechless and you immediately ran into him as you both crashed to the ground. You attacked him with kisses. When you were done you looked at him with tears in your eyes.
"Of course I will Tokoyami, I will be yours and yours only!"
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Gang Orca (Kugo Sakamata):
Kugo was able to confess his feelings for you during a date.
"Y/N, I know this might be a little difficult to take in and it just feels hard to not tell you. Y/N, I'm in love with you."
You gasped and Kugo thought you were rejecting him.
"I understand being with a pro hero can be overwhelming and my appearance alone won't make it work I'm-"
You gave him a hug to shush him.
"Don't say that Kugo, I was just surprised that was all. I love you too so much. You being a pro hero doesn't matter to me or your appearance. Besides I love when you cuddled me."
Kugo smiled softly as he hugged you back. Because of the size difference it almost looked liked a father was hugging his daughter. How adorable.
Theirs a lot of things when it comes to your relationship with Kugo Sakamata or the one and only No 10 Hero, Gang Orca.
You both have your flaws and you both know each other really well to what they are.
Kugo can be too much caught up in work that you might have to remind him to take care of his own hygiene. But Kugo has been slowly improving on remembering.
You can be a little too demanding, and Kugo will just softly remind you to calm yourself down.
When he is out on hero business as Gang Orca he is this badass, not afraid, and very demanding person. Although, when he's not on hero business he's entirely the opposite.
Kugo Sakamata is actually just this kind and chill dude.
Look at his civilian clothing artwork by Horikoshi. He's just this dude who just gives off chill vibes.
Kugo feels upset when people and especially children are afraid of him. You comfort him and just tell them that they are stupid and don't see the nice and kind man inside like you were able to.
Kugo isn't demanding in any way! This man is a big softie and loves to give you LOTS and LOTS of cuddles and snuggles.
If he has the day off you guys are cuddling in bed for at least 10 or 15 minutes.
Kugo likes knowing that the love of his life is in his arms and safe from any danger.
He'll always put his arms around your waist and his head on top of yours.
The most adorable sign of his affection is when he touches his rostrum to your neck. You love it and it always makes you blush so much.
He's this gentle giant and will try his best to not accidentally hurt you.
When he's out on hero business no public display of affection. He has a reputation to maintain! But if he's not on hero business and in casual clothes then public display of affection is a yes.
I recommend that you visit his office sometimes. It always makes his day better.
You two like to go swimming sometimes.
Loves to watch baseball with you in the living room.
If you pleasure him somehow, yes...he does make orca noises. It drives you crazy and a small chuckle comes from you.
You like his blow hole, it's cute when mist comes out.
This man is wholesome.
Best Boyfriend EVER!
You both have been in a relationship for over a year and a half.
Kugo has been thinking about marrying you for sometime now and he wants you by his side for ever and always.
You and Kugo go out for a nice walk around the city. You both then stop in front of his agency.
"Kugo, why did we stop? Do you need anything from your agency?"
Kugo puts your hands into his large ones, "No, I need you Y/N. Not just when we are together, but for the rest of my life."
Wait no he... was he actually?
Kugo got onto one knee and pulled out a black box from his pocket.
"Y/N, I thought I was going to be alone for the rest of my life. I thought I would never have anyone who loved me in any romantic way because of my hero status and my apparence. We have both helped each other through difficult and dark times. I love you so much Y/N, and I want you to be by my side for the rest of my life."
Kugo opened the box to reveal an expensive ring. It looked absolutely stunning. "So, (first name) (last name), will you marry me?"
You cried so many tears. "Y-Y-yes." You said sobbing with so many tears.
Kugo smiled as he slid the ring onto your finger. Your heads then both touched symbolizing your very close connection to each other.
You kissed his rostrum, as he wrapped his large arms around your waist. You then started to kiss each other even more.
You heard cheering and saw all of Kugo's employees that worked in his agency were cheering for his proposal.
This was the best night of your life. Period.
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Izuku Midoriya:
Izuku shyly confesses his feelings for you. He was getting very nervous and started to move around a little more than usual.
"Are you okay Izuku?" You asked.
"Huh?! What do you mean? It's not like I'm in love with you or anything!" Izuku shyly admits.
The gif describes his confession lol.
You were a little shocked, "You love me?"
Izuku just suddenly realized and he itched his neck very embarrassed.
"Uhhh, yeah. Yes, I do." He looked so worried as his hands moved and shuffled.
You went up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I feel the same way." You said smiling.
Izuku blushed so hard.
You guys just confessed your feelings in front of class 1-A. They all cheered for you! Except Mineta.
Your relationship with Izuku was awesome! Both mothers approved and your relationship just got better as time went on.
You both were like high school nerds and were shy about kissing at first.
Although, you both comfortable with it as time went on and kissing each other started to happen more frequently.
Everyone in the class knew about your relationship so you were fine just giving him a kiss on his cheek during passing time in the hallway.
You help with groceries and it's a great time for the both of you to talk and get to know each other more.
Sometimes you guys cuddle on the couch, but Izuku prefers it when you lean your head against him lovingly.
You guys are fine with public display of affection. Just try not to kiss him during class when Aizawa is teaching, Ectoplasm, or any teacher for that matter.
He determined to become the number 1 hero so, he has to focus on his studies.
Izuku tries his best to balance out his work studies and your relationship.
He will usually put your needs first though.
Izuku can be such a dork sometimes, and you love it.
He tells you about One for All and your shocked to say the least, but you accept him and feel very sad for his past and being quirkless.
He introduces All Might to you, and you had only one question.
"So like are you his Dad or just his teacher?" You asked.
Both panicked.
"No, I'm just his teacher. I'm not his parent or anything like that!"
"He's just my teacher Y/N, he's not my Dad or anything else?!"
You just chuckled softly, so All Might was a dork too huh?
Izuku told you about his Dad, and that he's working in a different part of the world right now. Although, knowing that he has a fire breath quirk is kind of cool.
Wait is Izuku's Dad A DRAGON!?
Overall, you and Izuku had a healthy relationship and it was pretty easy going.
Your adults now and you've been in a relationship with him for a couple years.
Izuku proposed to you in front of the U.A. building since that was where you both met each other.
Izuku looked more nervous that usual and you knew something was up immediately.
"Izuku, is everything fine? Your nervous more than usual."
Izuku swiftly took your hands into his.
"Y/N, there's so much I want to say about our relationship. We have been together for awhile now. You accepted me even though you knew that I had One for All, and knew that I was quirkless, which something that some people don't take lightly. I enjoyed our moments together, and it only has made me realize that I want you to always be with me for the rest of my life. So..."
Izuku knelled on the ground. "I wanted to do this in front of the U.A. building where we first met. Where I set my eyes on the beautiful young woman that is in front of me right now. I was wanting to know that..."
Izuku took out a black box and opened it. Their inside the box was a ring. It wasn't expensive or anything crazy like that, but it definitely wasn't cheap.
You gasped as you started to cry a couple tears. He was actually proposing to you?!
"(first name,) (last name). Will you marry me?"
You launched yourself into Izuku, which made him fall back.
You looked at him and with a happy sob you tried to smile. "Of course Izuku, I will always be yours so make me yours!"
Izuku chuckled lightly as he gently slid the ring onto your finger.
How romantic awww!
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mx-pastelwriting · 3 years
Do you still do fic request for Aro from twilight? I loved the two headcanons you had written for the kings but I had this idea after reading the sleep headcanon, where in Aro's that day about age had come. But the human (neutral!reader) wants to be a vampire and that it could be a sentimental confession in a way, almost like a proposal even! How would they react?
Yes I do and thank you so much I'm glad you loved them, I got you!
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Aro Volturi x GN!Reader
Summary: Request up top
Warning: Aro Fluff, Loving Aro, Established Relationship
As you walked through the beautiful garden, you could feel the warm sun hitting your skin. You took a deep breath as the pit in your stomach grew. You were worried about Aro not wanting to turn you anytime soon. You wanted to join him in his way of life, but you found yourself being very hesitate when going to talk to him. You always talked yourself out of it as all the trials concerning the newborns as they were so close to revealing vampires. You didn't want to bother him.
'He has too much on his plate,' was your last thought before hearing, "Y/N." Aro voice was almost like a whisper, probably not wanting to startle you. You turn to see Aro in your favorite shirt with the pants you got him for Christmas. You smiled to yourself, looking at his outfit. "'Aro," you say with a smirk. He smiled at you, saying his name.
"From the note you left me this morning, I read that you wanted to see me in my most finest clothes in this garden, what for?" You ask as you walk towards him. "I do say you look amazing Amore" (love) He says this while looking at you up and down as he holds out his hand for you to take. "I have something planned for us this afternoon," "Oh?" You say it with a smile. You pause a little, not wanting to let him see what had you been so taken aback with your thoughts.
You watched as he puts his hand down and speaks again like it never happened, "Please follow me amore" (love). You follow him down the path with flowers and trees lining the way. You turn a corner to see Aro is nowhere in sight. Walking down the path more, you find an opening with a table with candles and a beautiful bouquet on it.
Looking past it was a beautiful view of a lake with the blue sky taking over the rest of the view. Clouds fluffy in the sky, looking light and fluffy. "Do you like it?" You hear his voice from behind you once again. You turn and smile at him. "I love it, Aro," you say, before looking over everything again to see if you missed anything. "I'm glad. Please sit," he says, pulling out a chair from under the table. After you sit, he does the same with his.
You look out at the view again. You were pulled from your thoughts by Aro "amore" (love) You looked at him. As you looked in his direction, you couldn't help but be drawn to his loving eyes. "I can only break my rules for so long, and it's gotten to the point where I wanted to ask you if you would let me change you-" "Yes," you say, cutting him off in the middle of his sentence.
Aro laughed with relief; his red eyes glowed with love. "Amore mio (my love), how long have you felt this way?" He asks, holding your hand. "Like you don't already know,' you think as he looks through your past thoughts. "I see," he says, looking up from your hand, "my amore (love), I could never be too busy for you," he says, reflecting on your previous thoughts. "I just th-" You try to speak, but before you could Aro appeases out of thin air at your side. You turn as you're a little surprised at his sudden action. "Ti adoro, (I adore you) I would never push you away," he says before knelling down to your level. "Ti amerò sempre" (I'll always love you).
Hello, I hope you enjoyed if there is and grammar mistakes or misspellings sorry about that feel free to let me know in the comments, have a great day/afternoon/night!
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Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett admitted that the Supreme Court is crumbling as an institution.
Earlier this month, the newest justice gave a speech lamenting how the Court is viewed as partisan and warning that her fellow justices must be "hyper vigilant to make sure they're not letting personal biases creep into their decisions." She must know something we don't.
These remarks may seem like a surprise. After all, Barrett was confirmed to the Court in a hyper-partisan process and gave the aforementioned speech at an event celebrating Sen. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, the architect of the judicial system's rightward turn. Despite the hypocrisy, or perhaps because of it, the comments struck a chord.
In an age of Republicans challenging legitimate election results because they lose or might lose, the credibility of the Court is the next hammer to fall in our democracy, the last bastion of hope for nonpartisan decision making.
But now the Court is rightfully losing public support as the veneer of impartiality slips, and the hyper-partisanship both at and around the Court is to blame.
Even as recently as a few years ago, the Supreme Court wasn't as partisan as it is now. Support certainly started eroding when McConnell and Senate Republicans refused to seat President Obama's final nominee, current Attorney General Merrick Garland.
But there have been recent decisions that were, for lack of a better term, bipartisan. Justice Gorsuch joined four liberal justices to support Native American land claims in Oklahoma. In a 7-2 opinion, the Supreme Court kept the Affordable Care Act intact.
As recently as a few months ago, Justices Kavanaugh and Roberts helped keep the eviction moratorium in place in a 5-4 ruling (though this was overturned a few months later in a separate case). Roberts, the Chief Justice who many believe is trying to keep the court as nonpartisan as possible, has often found himself siding with the liberal justices.
But, on issues important to many Americans, this facade of bipartisanship seems to be disappearing. First, the Supreme Court threw out the eviction moratorium they had so recently upheld, throwing millions of struggling Americans into uncertainty.
Then the death knell came a few weeks ago, when the Supreme Court blatantly signaled a willingness to overturn Roe vs. Wade by allowing a strict Texas anti-abortion law to go into effect. Though Roberts voted with the liberals in this decision, the other Republican-appointed justices essentially overturned nearly 50 years of legal precedent.
Given the 6-3 Republican majority, it's safe to assume we will see more decisions like this in the coming years. Though Roberts can play nonpartisan as much as he wants, the conservatives have a five-justice majority even without him and can rule on cases as they wish.
The Republican strategy over many decades to focus on the court has paid off. They have turned to the court to legitimize gerrymandering and gut the Voting Rights Act, and justices like Barrett and Roberts have supported them.
Both of those justices are right to worry about the legitimacy of the Supreme Court. They just need to realize they're part of the problem of the legitimacy crisis.
Democrats have proposed many solutions to this problem, from expanding the court to adding term limits. But with those ideas stalled, once unthinkable national changes emanating from the Court are very much in play.
The Texas abortion decision is just the beginning. Roe could be overturned in full later this year. Even if Democrats passed many of the landmark bills they are currently debating, there is nothing stopping the conservative court from simply striking them down, declaring them "unconstitutional" under the pretenses of their choice.
Maybe Barrett will join Roberts in making a real effort to strike a more bipartisan tone. If she's truly worried about the perception of the Court and how some of her colleagues consider matters, she has the opportunity to do something about it. But she needs to follow Roberts with her actions and join him in crossing party lines.
It's her votes, not her words, that count. I'm not holding my breath.
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sumzysworld · 3 years
Heyyyy!! How are you?
For the ask game.
Member - Jin
Trope-very Partial to mafia arranged marriage
Can I request multiple scenarios? 😂🥲
Here's a premise I came up with for Jin and his OC.
The applause washed over Jin as he stepped  onto the red carpet - though he noticed not as many paparazzi dogging him as usual. The number of camera pans in his direction as he sat seated in the star tables as the awards ceremony progressed also went down. It was becoming clear - he was getting older, he was getting jaded despite his oft-praised timeless beauty. 
The roles he got were getting stereotypical and more cookie-cutter. He rarely found roles that challenged him lately, and wondered if his time was over just as he turned thirties. And his looming military service proved to be  death-knell to a stagnating career. 
His two-year hiatus had not done his acting agency any favors, and by the time he was back, the director had sat him down to propose something that rattled him incredibly. They informed him that they couldn't fund or participate in major productions anymore. Could he speak to his family or relatives to get money in? 
The implication was - could he dig into his mafia-roots, the ones he carefully distanced himself from in his early years as an actor, to revive his agency and fund new productions?
It took him back to his family, who introduced him to someone who was interested - at a hefty personal price. Kim Seokjin knew that associating with the Mafia was like a deal with the devil - you sold your soul in exchange for your dreams. His own father took the opportunity to pull him into the fold with an alliance he couldn't refuse- no matter how much he tried to avoid it, he was the eldest son after all, and long overdue to become caporegime. 
And that's how he found himself standing at the altar with a young girl - the newly appointed director of an up-and-coming production house, Blue Orchid, that was a front for the White Tiger family from western Seoul, and the main funnel for their money-laundering and whitewashing operations. 
Kang Ivy was known for being a business and finance whiz, boasting double degrees from Wharton, a technical number crunching mind so far from his artistic self, that they honestly found nothing in common between them save for their gun-powder flavored origins. Where Kim Seokjin was a considerate people-guy, Kang Ivy was a cynical loner. If Kim Seokjin excelled on stage, Kang Ivy preferred to be low key and behind the scenes. If Seokjin was intuitive,  Ivy was strategic. And somehow,  they developed an uneasy partnership. 
Ivy's efforts gave Seokjin his first big post-hiatus break - an Arthouse film by rookie genius Jeon Jungkook, and music scored by the elusive underground musician Min Yoongi. (Seokjin asked her how she had pulled them in. "Everyone has secrets - but bank-balances and debts are plenty revealing", she replied with a snigger.)The film that became a cult classic and swept away several Palme'd'Ors, making his comeback impactful, and his and Ivy's positions as a new power couple on the horizon. 
Seokjin's effect on Ivy was more subtle - from showing her how to put on a front, slip into a role, or show no weaknesses, he set her an example that led her from introverted loner to a formidable Mafia boss. In the quiet evenings after their long multi-faceted days, they had each other over coffee or champagne. And the quiet realization that their bubble was theirs to define and build, as was their empire outside of it. 
Please comment below, if you want to see this turned into a drabble series!
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Hey do you think you can write a cute married life scenario with Hanse?
A/N: •O• I tried my best. I know you wanted a married life but I was inspired to write from the proposal to the wedding to then married life. Feel free to ask for a Victon as Boyfriends, I gladly will. Fun fact I write these things while listening to horror stories... if you’re my sister and you see this no you didn’t.
Married life with Hanse... OMG I’m sure it would be really great. Hanse is cheeky and yet a bit clumsy, but all together such a cute bean.
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Honestly, he would do the sweetest proposal ever.
Imagine this: dating for about 3 1/2-4 1/2 years(I’m a firm believer that Hanse would take time because he want to be 100% when he proposes bc he plans to be with you forever)
He planned this extremely elaborate and beautiful proposal 
I mean like a wonderful stroll through a public garden then go to the Han river and ride those duck boat things, then maybe nice meal at a popular restaurant with an amazing view of the city lights
Because Hanse is cheesy and you also are low key a sucker for cheesy things 
While you’re eating dinner he mentions the beautiful view and as you look out the window he goes on one knee and presents the ring
While that is all happening the musicians at the restaurant play the song that you both love and bonded over
That was his whole plan.
BUT the day of Hanse’s planned proposal something happened
Hanse was sick.
Boy got sick because of all the nights he spent not sleeping to plan
Although he was sick Hanse decided to pull through as he wasn’t THAT sick just a light fever nothing too extreme(to him)
So the two of you went to the first destination: The garden
As you both were strolling through the garden a sudden downpour fell
You both ran out of the rain into a coffee shop
The rain continued and so did Hanse’s fever
You noticed his flushed face and sleepy look on his face
“Hanse let’s go home, the car isn't too far from here”
“No we need to go to the restaurant,”
“We can go some other time,”
You and Hanse went back and fourth until he shouted
Your face flushed and you stood shocked. 
Hanse was also shocked that he just spoiled the proposal
Everyone in the shop(customers, barista, heck even the janitor who just finished cleaning the bathroom) were shooketh
Hanse decided to just get it over with and knelled on one knee
“This is nothing like how I planned to propose to you... I wanted to make it really special because you are extremely special to me”
Hanse says a few more cheesy things then pulls the beautiful ring out
A few tears leave your eyes
“So will you marry me?”
You nod like crazy as he stands up and puts the ring on your finger.
Then... Hanse faints
As fast as Hanse stood is as fast as he went down
At the hospital you had the privileged to explain to the doctor how this happened
Now you have a unique proposal story to tell your future kids, family, and friends :)
Wedding + Honey Moon:
He would be SO nervous. 
Like Hanse is honestly one of the cutest and softest members in Victon.
He spent more time and gave his vows more attention than any rap he has ever written
Of course the members made sure this time he slept properly so there wasn’t a proposal story part 2 wedding edition
Your wedding theme was elegant
I believe 
The accent colors were a wine red and gold
your dress was a long with gold lace details
All in all you looked gorgeous
As you walked in and everyone looked at you Hanse couldn’t keep it in
He told himself he wouldn’t 
He told his members to pinch him if he did
But nope he still did
Hanse teared up
He was so happy that he couldn’t hold back
The thoughts in his mind were all about how beautiful you are and how lucky he is to be marrying you and how he is 100% sure he wants to spend the rest of his life with you
Fast forward: The reception is over the vows from you and Hanse were both very cheesy yet very cute. You both shared your kiss and now you moved to the dinner/party place
People ate and socialized
Then your best friend read her speech
She joked how it was unfair that you got married first and also shared embarrassing stories of your college years together
Then Hanse’s best friends shared their speeches
The cake was cut and might I say your choice of cake was good
After everyone went to the dance floor and danced
Since you are the very quiet in comparison to Hanse he has to do the work to get you to dance and be out there more.
The dancing was fun but when it came to the slow dance people left the dance floor and left it to the both of you
Finally it was time to throw the bouquet and get the party over with
Some cousin of yours caught it btw
Now for the Honey moon 👀
You guys went to a warm tropical place
Had tons of fun at the beach and several steamy nights... for the week you were there...
All in all your wedding was a beautiful and perfect
Your honeymoon was just heaven
Married Life:
Let me tell you 
Hanse is a great husband
Waking up next to him everyday = cute cuddles in the morning
He is a very awkward and shy at first as he still isn’t used to calling you his wife or referring to you as his wife
Later his preferred pet name for you is Sweets or Sweetie
At small market areas or food stalls the sweet older women’s always compliment you and Hanse saying that you look like a great couple.
Hanse is very cuddly and clingy so if course when he’s tired he’ll hug you and won’t let go until he feels better
Be ready for a lot of snuggles
Chilling in the couch? Boom snuggles
Taking a nap? Boom more snuggles
Want some alone time while you read or watch tv? NOPE MORE SNUGGLES
Kids? Kids.
In the beginning you both didn’t think kids were a great idea, as both of you still felt that it was too early in the marriage.
You would have one child about a year after your marriage
She was not planned but all in all she was a blessing
But after the first one Hanse admitted he felt bad your her because she would be very lonely.
Guess what, you gave in
After two years after your daughter was born you had  her younger sibling.
Another girl.
Not that it really mattered if you had a boy or girl you both love your two beautiful daughters so much
He loves your daughters so much he has to ensure that they are happy 24/7
He is so weak when it comes to them, 
“Dad can I have this?” 
“Of course my little princess do you want anything else?”
Literally is the jealous type when it comes to your daughters
Like when they bring their first boyfriend/girlfriend Hanse won’t try to intimidate then
No, no, no
Hanse will 100% show how jealous he is
He’ll get pouty and won’t leave his daughter alone with their s/o bc he jealous
Will literally sit between them when they are watching movies
Or will join them at the amusement park and even suggest walking in between them and hold both your daughter’s and her date’s hand.
Arguments aren’t frequent but also aren’t rare. 
Don't worry they aren’t bad arguments more or less you and Hanse argue about small things get angry but then make up about an hour later.
When its something more important you’ll still talk to each other but in a cold tone
I don’t think you’d stay in an argument for too long because as stubborn as Hanse can be he also loves you to much to let something small harm his marriage with you.
All in all its a fun and beautiful marriage.
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80s-roger · 4 years
Not On My Watch (pt 7)
Pairing: Dad!Roger x Mum!Reader
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summary: you’re divorced with queen’s roger taylor due to constant cheating and irrational behaviour towards you. but u have one person in common: your daughter, Laura aka your favourite human on earth. Your marriage with roger had its ups and downs but laura was the happiness in it. Now that she’s 8 and starts to realise how your terms with roger are, you finally tell her that you’re seeing another man except her father and she took it really warmly. She seemed excited to meet the new man unlikely your ex husband who accidentally learns about it by Laura, the weekend you would leave her at his place: on weekends you had some cute getaways with R/N because the court decided that Laura could stay or visit her dad on weekends and stay with him for five days each Christmas and easter vacations. On summers he has the right to be with her for two weeks.
catch up: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6
masterlist //dialogue prompts
taglist: @madeinheavxn @namelesslosers @stacymaytaylor @drwse @cherries-n-rocknroll
words: 3,336
warnings: some tense in the middle hehe and woman talk.
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It was around seven in the morning. Your head was dizzying and took you ages to get out of bed after blaming the wine for the headache you're feeling now. Roger was a sleepy angel with his blonde messy hair and his back covering his bedside. You had to fix and prepare yourself for work. It's nice going to work from Tuesday to Friday but the work you put in within these eight hours as an accountant in the bank, is exhausting.
"Roger, I have to go..." you knell next to him, softly playing with his hair. His face was turned against yours, you could see him sleeping deeply. What a cutie he was.
"Mmm?" He asked on his sleep, without being aware of what you said.
"Babe?" You kissed his forehead. You haven't done that for ages. Your relationship starts involving again. After the short name you called him, he opened his eyes and seemed kinda lost.
"Wh- where are you going?" He asked again after stretching himself.
"I have to go to work..." you explained.
"I can drive you off." He offered himself.
"No, the public should not see us together, you know, the paps." You narrowed your brows. They always annoyed you.
"Yeah, that's right... I'll have to go to work in a couple of hours too. I'll call you from there. I think I have your office's phone number," he scratched his head and looked at you focused.
"I think you do, yeah. We'll see each other later?" You asked, wishing to be true.
"What a stupid question, of course." He smiled and came closer to you for a kiss. "Laura will be here when you arrive." He slightly squeezed your cheek.
"Nice." you stood on your feet again and attempted to walk away but his hand stopped you.
"Last night was amazing. So refreshing for us, right?" He stated, waiting for your approval.
"Couldn't agree more." You laughed.
"You look so freshly fucked by me, I can see that." He joked and a giggle escaped your mouth.
"Is that visible?" You asked, checking yourself at the mirror.
"Yes, you're happy." He wasnt laughing anymore, he was serious about it and with that, you turned to him smiling. It's true, you were feeling happy. You were happy everytime he gave you pleasure. You give him soul and body, he gives you pleasure and happiness after it. You wanted to feel like that. You needed it by him. You didn't say a word. Just a simple smile to him and it made his day and yours too.
Your work to bank was going to be productive but an unpleasant surprise sooner or later would ruin it all.
At your launch time, you walked with your colleague, Mary, at the bank's restroom, where you can calmly drink some coffee and chat.
"I tried to reach you last night but you wouldn't pick up." Mary started and sipped a little of her coffee. "I was thinking you'd come over at my place to drink some wine and listen to jazz." She added.
"I wasn't home actually and I don't think I'll be again." You nodded your head in refusal while the little spoon you used to mix sugar with coffee was thrown at the sink.
"Wait, you're moving out?" She asked confused.
"Basically I'm moving back to Roger's house. I was living there before the divorce." You answered.
"Holy s-" she was a little louder than she wanted to be but she already covered her mouth with her hand. You made her the shush gesture with your finger. "Holy shit!" She whispered close to you fully excited. "So you two are..." she winked.
"Yes, I think so." You smiled.
"I'm so happy about it, I mean you look happy too, I haven't seen you like this since..." she stopped. "Wait, I haven't seen you like that." She came a little closer to your face trying to check your eyes. "What happened last night, naughty girl?" She winked again and teased your arm. She was open about her relationships to you and so were you to her. She's probably the closest friend you have.
"Mary, that's personal!" You laughed trying to hide your excitement.
"It wasn't so personal to you telling me about R/N's poor sexual skills." She sarcastically raised her brow.
"Yes because he lacked on that, I wouldn't come if I didn't masturbate after-party, y' know?" You hinted and she totally understood. "I wanted to share this problem with you."
"Too pity, he only likes flexing around his cars but on sex, poor guy..." she started. "But you know, I never liked this man. How come you, Roger Taylor's ex-wife and current girlfriend date a man like R/N?" She reminded your standards and she was right. It was all about your image and your dignity.
"I guess I was too hurt by Roger, I couldn't see clearly. I always loved him." You stared at the floor and sipped from your cup.
"And you're back again which is perfect than before. I'm sure Laura will be happier." She smiled.
"She already is." You nodded and smiled back.
"Hey ladies, you have some work to do out there, what's taking you so long?" A colleague of yours, came in the room demanding you to get back to work.
"Sure, we're going back, sorry for that." Mary took the lead and left the room, now both of you went back at your posts.
At the studio
Roger was on studio with Brian and John, fixing their instruments before starting recording. Freddie was yet to be seen so John asked, knowing what was happening. "Everything alright?"
Roger finished fixing his drum kit and turned to John's side, "If you're talking about last night, you better be sure about it. What about Laura?" Roger asked.
"Vera drove them off to school earlier, she said she will pick them up. She'll be in our place." John replied.
"Oh nice then, sure, I'll pick her up, I'm thinking of a fancy dinner with Y/N and Laura at some restaurant." Roger was arranging a dinner with his beloved family, thinking something big.
"Oh, I'm curious to find out!" John smiled.
"Rog," Brian took part in the conversation, coming closer to his bandmates. "You should book a table if you're going to do what I'm thinking." He pressed his hand on Roger's shoulder.
"What do you think I'm going to do?" Roger asked confused.
"Sweet lord," John gasped. "Wait, you're not going to propose her again, right?"
"Why not?" Roger asked in disbelief.
"Roger, it didn't work all this time. Just because you spent two days together doesn't mean you'll be like that again." Brian was negative about Roger's thought.
"And why not? I changed my mind, I was immature, I know. But now I'm different." He tried to defend himself.
"Roger, she might feel pressed if you propose her again." John was trying to explain.
"No she won't, she won't see R/N again, I know it. She ran to me the moment he raised a hand on her." Roger protested.
"He what?" John was shocked. "Y/N would never let a man hit her, what are you talking about?" John couldn't believe his ears.
"Her cheeks were burning when she ran to me and-" Roger was feeling tense.
"Roger, you won't let him get away with it, will you?" Brian crossed his arms.
"What can I do? I am not the one who was assaulted." Roger loudly said, feeling ready to explode.
"Who was assaulted?" Freddie's voice echoed in the studio and his bandmates' gave him a death stare. "What? I'm not late." He arrogantly raised his brow and smoked a bit of his cigarette.
"We were having a conversation about Roger and Y/N." Brian made a briefing of the situation.
"Oh, I'm all ears, did you have sex?" He winked to Roger.
"Yes we did, but that's not the thing." He shook his head in total confusion.
"Alright, alright, what's the matter? I heard about someone getting assaulted?" Freddie asked concerned.
"Yes, Y/N was. He spied on her on Sunday night because she didn't want him to stay there." Roger started.
"Oh, you drove Laura off that night, didn't you? At her flat." Freddie asked, recalling the facts cause he was there that afternoon, at Roger's house.
"Correct. So, Laura kind of wanted me to stay and Y/N made her the favour, but I prepared our ground, I fixed a drink she was relaxed and we ended up making love." Roger felt like missing you right now.
"Oh, that's, that's good!" Brian commented.
"Yes, it is. And what happened next?" John asked, trying to learn all the details. They all wanted actually.
"Well yeah, the next day things were a little awkward between us but in the end it wasn't anymore. That asshole, went at her home, raised a hand on her and my girl ran to my place." Roger said.
"Who the fuck does he think he is?" Freddie gasped. He was nuts.
"She obviously ran to her shelter." John made a romantic comment
"She won't leave it unpunished, will she?" Freddie asked.
"I don't know." Roger thoughtfully said.
"Well, fucking call her," Freddie yelled.
"Stop yelling at me, okay? I'll do it." Roger yelled back and Brian with John shared a laugh.
Roger grabbed the phone and dialled your office's phone number. He was impatient to call you, but at least he had a reason to do it. You picked up from the other side, too busy from your work. "Hello?"
"Y/N?" Roger's voice was unsure and unsteady. He barely spoke to you on the phone. He would call at his early days while on tour.
"Roger? Hi!" You smiled after recognizing his voice. "Are you at the studio?" You stopped archiving loan papers and focused on him.
"Yes, Freddie just arrived." He tried to remain calm.
"Oh, tell the boys I said hi." You giggled.
"Of course." Roger cleared his voice before getting to the topic. "So um, about yesterday, when R/N appeared at your flat, will you sue him or something?" He asked fully concerned about your safety.
"How come asking me this?" You asked confused.
"I was talking to the boys about it, I needed some advice. Will you sue him?" He asked.
"I don't know, Roger. I don't think he'll appear again. Not after what happened. I guess he knows we are starting over." You explained.
"But what if he appears?" He asked.
"Don't panic me, please. I don't want to work in fear."  Now that Roger gave you a reason to be scared, it wouldn't leave your mind that R/N would come again to hurt you. He has shown some red flag signs at the time but you never really paid attention because they weren't a big deal.
"I just care about you, y/n. I want to feel sure that you're not getting hurt or approached by him." His voice lowered but his head was thinking many things.
"Nothing to worry about. I'm happy that you called." You changed the subject trying to talk about something else.
"Um, y/n?" He asked while playing with phone's wire.
"Yeah?" You playfully asked while opening clients' folders to verify their deposits.
"I was thinking if you'd like us to go for dinner tonight, as a family." He finally said kicking out his stress.
"That would be great!" Your eyes got wide opened. You liked the idea.
"Perfect. We'll talk about the details when we get home. I mean, at my place." He clarified.
"Sure. Do you think I should move out?" You asked.
"Yes, come where you were staying first. At my house. I'll help you with that." He offered his help which you couldn't deny.
"Nice then." You said. "Y/n, can you sign these client's papers, please?" A female voice was heard from the back.
"Should I hang up?" Roger asked.
"Yes, we'll talk later! Bye!" You were rushing to hang up.
"Love y-" you hung up and left Roger wondering if you heard his last words. "You." He ended it, being sure now that you didn't hear that. "How did it go?" Roger asked Fred.
"Better than I thought." Freddie giggled.
Recordings today, finished earlier than expected, Queen brainstormed more than usual, making some good progress. They were free to go.
"Should we go to the pub downtown?" Brian asked.
"Sure, I haven't planned anything," Freddie answered and John nodded.
"Roger?" Brian turned to the drummer.
"Go and I'll catch up with you." He smiled and they all left the studio.
Roger was on his way to the bank you work. He parked at the opposite corner waiting for you to finish your work. He wanted you to join him and the rest members at the pub, like the old times. But an unpleasant surprise gave him all the negative vibes he had gathered for a long time. It was R/N who was suspiciously walking towards the bank. Roger knew something was wrong. He carefully checked the road before crossing it.
You were ready to leave, said bye to your colleagues and at the entrance door, the man you used to date for a short period of time stood at your sight.
"Wh-what are you doing here?" You asked trying to remain calm.
"What do you mean what am I doing here?" He let out an evil smile. "I'm here to pay my fucking bills." He was ironic. He didn't mean it literally.
"We're over, R/N. Deal with it." You had to remain quiet and calm. You work there. Gazes started to turn to you two, making you feel embarrassed. You attempted to walk away but his hand stopped you. He was holding a newspaper photo; probably from The Sun, it was Roger and you in it. Oh shit, here we go again you thought. The press smelled gossip.
"You ran to your rock star husband? Wasn't I enough?" He shouted pointing out the photo. It was you and Roger five years ago, exiting a club in the city, but the title caught your attention: Roger Taylor and y/n  y/f/n spotted together after divorce!
"Stop shouting, I work here!" You warned him to stay quiet but he wouldn't. He was risking your job permanent position.
"You don't need to work when your rich husband can give you a luxurious life!" He mocked you and now he pointed to Roger, ready to read the article out loud. "Queen's drummer Roger Taylor was recently reported sharing a not-only-steamy kiss with his ex-wife but a steamy night at his place in West London" Clients and colleagues turned around and saw you standing there fully ashamed and embarrassed. Of course, they knew who you were married to. You really wanted to die. You couldn't handle the situation. "You want me to continue?" He asked with a smile on his face.
"Fuck off." You whispered close to his face and he seemed to enjoy it.
"I think I'm the one who should have said this." He raised his brow. This man is a pure toxic thing. "You take cocks like they're dinner or something, is that your talent?" His voice was louder than expected and all you could do was slap him. That sound was probably heard to the restroom inside. He was pushing the limits and your boss came out of his office, staring at you shocked.
"Mrs Taylor I think you should discuss your personal issues somewhere more private, don't you think?" His voice was strict and you thought that being fired is the most possible scenario.
"Yes, of course, have a nice evening." You tried to walk fastly out of the bank but a gentle hand stopped you. You looked who it was and it was Roger.
"She's not Mrs Taylor. Not yet." Roger defended your place, with R/N, your boss, your colleagues and the clients standing there with their mouths wide open. "Boss, how on earth do you let your employees be disrespected like that?" Roger came closer to him but you tried to stop him. "That asshole right there disrespected your employee and you did nothing!"
"Roger, please stop, I'll lose my job, fucking stop!" You tried to pull him back but he wouldn't do it. "Stop!" You yelled and then he stopped and looked at you.
"I'm trying to defend you." He whispered at your face, he noticed how upset you looked.
"Please. Everyone's looking at us. Let's get out of here." Your eyes begged him to leave as soon as possible.
"And what about this asshole?" Roger pointed out R/N.
"He can't do anything, let's go, please." You wrapped your hands around his arms, not letting go. You walked out of the bank and the man followed you. Oh, shit.
You were walking towards your cars, but R/N wouldn't leave like that, without provoking Roger. He would lose temper in any second.
"According to the musician's neighbours, the previous night was like some Queen concert. Really loud." He was reading out loud the article and Roger looked at him with his one and only death stare.
"Roger please, let's go, don't give him the satisfaction, he's trying to make you lose temper! Don't hit him!" You stopped him. Now people from the bank and pedestrians would whether at Roger and you or R/N.
"What would y/n 's  y/f/n  current partner say about today's hot issue? Can't wait to see more! This couple is so promising. Whether married or not, they never fail to excite us!" He laughed after reading the article. "They paid me thousands for this article. What do you think?" He asked.
"What?" You asked shocked.
"I'm a journalist, you knew that. But I'm also a jealous and a possessive mate, I don't like my partners to fuck around." He came closer to you. He was threatening. Roger would kill him at any second.
"But you hit me. You weren't violent, you despised that." You answered.
"I surely despise violence. But violence brings violence. You betrayed my trust." He yelled.
"That wasn't a reason to hit her!" Roger yelled back.
Paps noticed the drama and clicks were already heard. You were about to be on headlines tomorrow morning.
"But you fucked her! Aren't your groupies enough?" R/N shouted.
"Shut the fuck up! They're taking photos of us and they'll have us on headlines tomorrow, I don't want that!" You pushed him but he wasn't playing.
He was about to push you back but Roger protected you, standing in front of you and getting on hands with R/N.
Three policemen noticed the tense and ran through your place. "What's going on here?" One of them asked.
"He's a random man saying weird things, he won't let us leave!" Roger lied.
"He fucks my wife!" R/n lied back.
"What the hell, you're not my husband!" Your life was such a drama right now, you wanted to go home and hide under your pillows.
"Enough sir, we'll have to keep you at the police station today. You caused enough trouble today. Let the celebrity man with his wife go to the court." The policeman was aware of yours and Roger's status. Roger's fame probably saved your asses for now; Not including your boss firing you the next day, though.
"Um, are you alright?" You asked while hugging Roger.
"Yes. You?" He pulled away to check on you.
"Kinda..." you were feeling upset. You just had to play it cool.
"Listen, the boys are waiting for us at the pub we met, mind joining us?" He whispered at your ear, not wanting the paps to hear you.
"I think I'll need a drink to calm down." You nodded.
"Alright, get on your car and follow me, we'll have to get rid of everyone. They'll follow us." He kissed your lips and that was the second the clicks were heard the most.
Roger smiled at the cameras, acting as if nothing happened and finally drove off.
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ATEEZ Fairytale AU
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Part 2: Hongjoong-Cinderella AU
Kingdoms and kings fell at his feet. With a mere wave of his hand, knights and statesmen knelled in reverence at his insurmountable power. You looked up at him in awe, brushing away a few stray tears from your face,
“Are you my fairy godmother?” you asked wide eyed at his bemused expression.
Words: 1.1k 
Warnings: None 
Read Part 1: Yeosang-Beauty and the Beast 
Read Part 2: Hongjoong-Cinderella-The Sequel 
The streets were silent as death. Hongjoong stared at the castle sitting boastfully on a hill, overlooking the kingdom and scoffed, “As if I would waste my time on some pathetic ball.”
Upon receiving an invitation for the princes coronation, Hongjoong was initially amused at their attempts to woo him into their favor. After all he was the maker or breaker of kings and kingdoms, the deity that could make even the impossible possible. The harbinger of war and the giver of peace. The fate of nations, civilizations rested on the palm of his hand.
He was all too aware of how much they needed him on their side yet something about their efforts seemed so…lackluster. He nearly turned the gaudy invitation to dust when a slight twinge in his chest stopped him. Never before has something like this happened but he lacked the patience to ponder this strange phenomenon and chalked it up to good old intuition.
And that was how Hongjoong found himself walking the abandoned streets of a new born kingdom. He walked with purpose, observing the houses and occasional shops littered here and there. The more he wandered the faster boredom caught up with him. The only thing that kept him going was the niggling sensation in his chest that suddenly ached so bad, setting his heart aflame as he turned a corner.
Flowers bloomed spontaneously and faint streaks of lightning lit the sky. It almost seemed to have followed him as he walked, immersing himself in the silence of the night.
A stifled sob made him stop in his tracks. The lightening overhead grew more aggressive, its streaks across the sky mimicking the rapid beat of his heart.
Hongjoong fought off the sensation as his feet tracked the source of the sound on their own accord. He found himself in a clearing, looking down at a young lady sobbing at the base of a fountain. Her dress was in tatters, her hair disheveled yet Hongjoong couldn’t help but to think how pretty she looked despite her pathetic state.
Pretty like the sunset or the full moon on a clear night. Hongjoong stood starstruck, looking at you adoringly without even blinking. It wasn’t until you looked up at him, shaken by his overbearing presence, that he snapped out of his daze.
He quickly arranged his face into a façade of disdain and with a last contemptuous look he swiftly turned to walk away.
Your soft voice laced with curiosity made him pause “Who are you?…I’ve never seen you around town before. Are you lost perhaps?”.
The pressure building in his chest reached its peak. Something within him exploded with passion. Never before had he felt so overwhelmed with emotion.
“Do I strike you as someone who would be so stupid as to get lost little one?” His voice had a condescending lilt, betraying the aggressive bursts of sudden affection within him.
He could barely breathe at this point. Confusion and anger gripped him, directed toward his own body’s whims. Hongjoong turned to face you so violently that you flinched, your flight or fight instinct kicking in at his devastatingly fiery gaze.
He frowned at your reaction, inwardly chiding himself as he tried to remain calm.
“What happened to you?” he asked, trying to seem indifferent as a wave of anger washed over him.
You regarded him shyly, abashed at his concern. Looking at him with wide eyes, you explained the horrid behavior of your step family, a few tears ran down your cheek as you told him about the way your stepsisters ruined your mothers dress.
A few moments ticked by. He regarded you with intensity that caused you to blush a deep red. If anything the fire in his eyes grew with the redness of your face.
“What if I made all your dreams come true?”
You could almost feel the burn of his gaze on your skin
You cocked your head to the side, “Are you my fairy godmother?” you teased, giggling at his bemused expression.
Hongjoongs stern façade broke. He smiled at you. It was a beautiful smile, the kind that would put an angel to shame. It kind of scared you.
“Well…if that’s what you want to call it,” he smirked in amusement, swaggering towards you.
Hongjoong bent to your level, lifting your chin with his index finger, “Do we have a deal little one?”
You nodded dumbly, too distracted to speak as waves of electricity danced through your veins from his touch.
“Be warned little one” he said in a sing song voice “Everything comes with a price.”
At that moment you didn’t care. You would have paid any price for just one night of happiness. “We have a deal,” you murmured, closing your eyes as his lips brushed yours.
Your heart burst with overwhelming emotion as your lips danced with his. You almost whined in protest when he pulled away, his promise of getting what’s his getting lost in your daze.
You couldn’t remember when last you were this happy. The lights in the palace were all out save for yours. You were too excited to sleep. Tomorrow was your wedding day after all.
You could still recall the moment when you locked eyes with the prince as if it was yesterday. Love at first sight he told you. You danced the night away, your deal with the mysterious man forgotten. When the prince proposed you said yes without hesitation. The rush of affection every time you looked at him was enough to convince you that he was the one.
You smiled to yourself at the memory of your soon to be husband. Leaning against the balcony, you sighed in content.
It was only a few minutes later that you began to feel the air around you change. The blissful evening atmosphere was suddenly suffocating.
You shook your head and turned toward your room when a figure in front of you obstructed your way.
How could you forget such a heated gaze. Hongjoong regarded you with a passive countenance, yet his eyes spoke of a vengeful fury. You tried to evade him, ignorant of just how much power this mysterious being held over you. You were frozen to the spot, unable to move no matter how hard you struggled.
Hongjoong tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, the almost gentle gesture out of place with his foreboding aura.
“I believe you have some explaining to do little one.” he smiled sweetly.  
  Feedback will be really appreciated. I have a sequel to this particular AU in mind…if you guys are interested that is  
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13eyond-13oring · 4 years
Hei :)! How do you think the wammys boys would ask they partner to marry him?
Hello Anon!! I love this!! Sorry it took me so long I wanted to make it perfect!
L isn’t the most romantic guy out there. But he wanted to do something special for his s/o.
He planned on making his loves favorite cake and putting the ring on top. Instead, he created a demon cake which was as flat as a pancake. He tried to make it better by dumping tons of icing on it but that didn’t work.
His s/o came home early to see L  trying to save the cake. His s/o just smiled and grabbed a glob of icing and threw it at him. Which resulted in a food fight.
After a few minutes of war in the kitchen, he grabbed the remaining piece of cake and put some icing on it and placed the ring on top. Getting down on one knee, and asking the newly rewarded “Food fight master” to marry him.
He planned a whole day of activities that he knew his s/o loved to do. He wanted to make the day perfect! Though his s/o knew something was up since he was stressed out about time and how long the lines were.
In the evening he cooked for them while they relaxed in a bath and when they came out the whole place was decorated with their favorite flowers and Mello was knelling in the living room with a ring (He paid wayyy too much for). He smiled and asked “Will you be my number 1 forever?”
He doesn’t go all out. They are both pretty laid back. He spends the day with his s/o curled up between his legs as they play video games. He was distracted though and his s/o noticed. When they finally asked what was wrong he just gave them a smile and said he would tell them if they won the next round. Of course he let them win and when they gave him that accomplished devish smile he knew this is the person he want to be with for the rest of his life.
He took the ring from his pocket and kissed them deeply before asking “Will you be my player 2?”
His s/o bought him Vector (an AI robot) for Christmas which he absolutely loved.
So he only thought it was right to us the robot in his proposal. His s/o walked into a room with a hug display of dominos on the ground with Near in the middle. He smiled sweetly at her as he hit the key on his computer for the robot to roll over to the first domino and made it fall. The dominos fell in the shape of a heart, the last domino ending at Near holding out a ring.
Beyond has been planning this for awhile. He gave his s/o a scavenger hunt~ A series of clue’s point to the next one. He knew they were intelligent and would be able to figure each clue out. Each place the clues lead had a special meaning to it. The first place they met, Where they had their first date. Finally the last clue led them to their home.
When they walked in there was a trail of rose petals placed perfectly in a straight line to the bedroom. But when they walked in the room no one was there. Beyond snuck up behind them and wrapped his arms around them, whispering in their ear. “Let’s spend the rest of our time together. Will you marry me?”  
Thanks for the ask! Sorry for the delay!!
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turnupbrock · 5 years
A Cruel Surprise//Colby Brock Imagine
This was requested a lovely anon: “Hey, can you write a imagine of Colby and he pranks you proposing to you, like the video were Sam pranked Kat, thx!” 
I hope you like babes🖤🖤
I was getting ready to head over to Colby's apartment, apparently he had a surprise for me. This could go either really good or really bad. Everyone knows that when it comes to Colby and surprises, it could waver. When Colby called me, he told me to text him before coming in. Which was unusual because we always would walk into each other's homes. I thought that it was off but I guess it was tied to the surprise. Here I stood in the hallway of my boyfriends apartment building, waiting anxiously outside his door, when Sam and Katrina walked up to me from the elevator. "Oh, hey Y/n." Sam said, he let his hand slip out of Kat's to give me a hug, Katrina following shortly after.
 I greeted them back, "you do know that you have to turn the door knob to get in the apartment, right?" Sam asked sarcastically. I laughed a little, "No shit Sherlock," I replied "Colby has a surprise for me and he told me to wait out here until he says I can come in." I explained as I leaned back against the wall across from Colby's black door. Sam's brows knitted together, "huh? He didn't mention anything to me.." he trailed off looking at his best friend's door. "hmm, weird" I said back. That was strange, Colby and Sam tell each other everything. I mean EVERYTHING. So it kind of worried me when I found out that he didn't know. "We'll see you later then," Kat said dragging Sam along. "In a hurry?" I asked wiggling my eyebrows at her, Kat blushed but she sneered playfully at me before closing Sam's door. I laughed quietly to myself, shaking my head. Another minute had passed of me just sitting outside of the door, I was starting to get impatient. Just as I pulled out phone from back pocket of my denim skirt to text Colby, a text notification popped up.
my forever💘: Okay baby, come in
I slipped my phone back into it's pocket and hesitantly reached my hand towards the door knob. I was nervous now, I took a deep breath before pressing down on the shiny silver bar and slowly opened the door. My breath hitched in my throat as I took in the sight in front of me. The main lights were off, the only light was coming from the small candles and lights that I helped Colby put up when he moved in. There were roses framing a walkway to where Colby was standing, in his normal black ripped jeans, black and white stripped shirt, and his custom black denim jacket. His smile was big, making the apples of his cheeks raise, but he looked nervous as well. I walked in more and shut the door softly behind me, my eyes never leaving Colby's. "What's going on Colby?" I breathed out finally dragging my eyes away from him to look around the dimly lit apartment, taking in how pretty the space looked. Turning my eyes back to Colby, he began to speak "Y/n, I know that we are still young but, being with you these past four years made me realize that I don't want anyone but you. I want to come home to you everyday. I want to wake up next to you everyday. If you let me, I would love to finish my life with you." Colby knelled down, while reaching in his a jean jacket. I threw my hands over my mouth out of pure shock, "oh my god" I said, my voice muffled by my hands. Colby flipped the lid of the maroon, satin box, and I gasped. There was a beautiful sliver band ring with a simple diamond on it, with little diamonds surrounding the main one. I sunk down to my knees in front of him and tears slipped out of my eyes. "Y/f/n y/m/n y/l/n, will you be my wife?" Colby asked holding my gaze, still keeping his smile on his face.
I removed my hands from my mouth and wiped the tears with the back of my hand. I stared into his eyes for a second before nodding my head 'yes' vigorously. "Of course Colby! I love you so much" I wailed before flinging the arms around him, causing him to fall back laughing. I was literally clinging to him like a koala while peppering kisses all over his face. "I love you Y/n" Colby said sitting up with me still in his lap, " I love you Colby" I whispered before pressing my lips softly to his. Colby's hand came up to the side of my neck and rested it there for a moment before we pulled away. "Can I?" he asked holding out the ring, I nodded sniffling and held out my left hand. Colby slipped on the ring, it was like it was supposed to be there. My mind was still spinning, Colby said he didn't want to get married for another couple years but I was happy that he proposed. I really did love him with everything in me, I didn't want anyone else. He was it. He was my forever. Colby snapped me out of my thoughts when he pulled me up from our position on the floor. Once we were standing, he held my hand and stared at the ring while he spoke, "can I tell you something?" he asked raising his head to look at me. He was now wearing a mischievous smirk but his eyes were shining with happiness and something else that I didn't know.  "Anything," I answer moving to stand closer to him. Colby leaned down and pressed another soft kiss to my lips before replying, "Brennen!" He called out. I furrowed my brow and turned around to see Brennen stand up from the ground in the kitchen and turn on the lights. "It was a prank!" He shouted pointed the filming camera at me. My mouth dropped open as I looked from Brennen and Colby. I reached my hand up and slapped Colby upside the head, "Fuck you Brock" I heard Brennen's laughed from his kitchen and I switched my angry and embarrassed glare to him, "Fuck you too Taylor" I huffed out.  He held his hand that wasn't holding the camera in defense, "Hey, it wasn't my prank. It was your Colby's" he said chuckling. I giggled lightly before covering my fave with my hands, I felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around my waist and pull me to a hard chest. "I'm sorry baby. I had to." Colby said kissing my cheek a couple of times. When I didn't reply, he dropped his arms from my waist and moved to stand in front of me. "Come on baby." He said successfully tugging my hand away from my face. "You're a dick," I laughed out causing Colby and Brennen to laugh. He pulled my to his chest again, "You know, one day I am actually going to marry you." Colby whispered in my ear so only I could hear, "Really?" I said just as quietly. "Yup, and it won't be in my apartment living room," he promised before pulling away, intertwining our fingers together. Facing towards Brennen he asked, "Should we go prank Sam and Kat and say that we're engaged?" He asked smirking at me. I laughed a little and shook my head, "I would love to but they are a little busy." I said suggestively. Colby and Brennen's eyes widened, "Never mind."
I hope you liked it🖤🖤
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caedmonfaith · 5 years
Method Acting
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A new multichapter fanfic by Caedmon. 
Summary: Anthony J. Crowley is an A-list actor who has been in a bit of a slump over the last couple of years. A.Z. Fell is on the brink of superstardom, but has a reputation as a fuddy duddy. Their managers, Beezle and Gabriel, insist that if they pretend to date each other, it will solve both of their problems. It's only for three months. What's the worst that can happen?
Actors!AU, fake relationship, slow burn, rated E for later chapters. Updates every Monday and Thursday. First chapter below. 
Read it on ao3!
August 19, 2019
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” Crowley stated blankly, shock rendering his face devoid of emotion. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. It had to be a joke. “A.Z. Fell?”
“Yes. Glad to know your hearing is normal,” Beezle commented drily.
“Who the fuck is A.Z. Fell?”
“He’s an actor, and a rather good one. Surely you’ve heard the buzz about the new drama coming out, ‘Tadfield’. He’s the lead, and poised for superstardom after this film.”
Crowley racked his brain, but couldn’t call anything to mind about A.Z. Fell. The name was certainly familiar, but for some reason, he was connecting it with London, not LA. That couldn’t be right. Could it?
He shook off the thought and went back to his shocked disbelief. “I don’t understand,” he managed. “I genuinely don’t fucking understand, Beezle. I need you to enlighten me.”
“It’s simple. You haven’t had a hit in four years. Your last six movies haven’t done as well as expected—”
“They weren’t bombs,” Crowley muttered petulantly.
“No, they weren’t bombs, but given what you were doing five or ten years ago, they were a disappointment. Frankly, your star has fallen quite a bit as a result. Magazines aren’t writing about you, the paps don’t give a shit about you --”
“You say that like it’s a fucking bad thing.”
Beezle leveled a look at him. “It is a bad thing, and you know it. You know perfectly well that in this business, media silence is a death knell. If you’re not being talked about, you might as well lay down and die. But I know you, Crowley, and I don’t believe you’re done yet. You’re in a slump, yes, but I think you still have a few years of hits left in you. We just have to get people to pay attention again.”
“And you think the best way to do that is with a fake relationship with this A.Z. Fell?”
“Yes. If ‘Tadfield’ does even half of what people are expecting, he’s about to be on top of the world, career-wise. He’s already very much in demand, and highly sought after.”
“Then why the hell should he do this?”
“His manager, Gabriel, and I are old friends. He owes me a favor.”
“Some fucking favor,” Crowley grumbled.
Beezle ignored him. “You don’t have to do this. This isn’t the 1930’s, no one is going to force you. Your job doesn’t depend on it. But this could be very good for you, Crowley. I’m only asking you to go through with it for three months or so.”
“Three months!”
“Yes, at least three. Otherwise the paparazzi won’t even have time to be interested. After a few months, if you never want to see Fell again, you don’t have to. But think about it. Just think for a second. Think of your career.”
“There’s got to be some other way…”
“Oh, sure, we could do it without this, but dating someone on top of his game will open doors for you that I can’t open otherwise, or would be hard to open. It’ll propel you into the spotlight again. Your association with him will put you in front of casting directors and the like. Besides that, being linked with someone seen as stable and safe will help improve your own image. Your reputation precedes you.” Crowley scowled and Beezle leaned forward, propping their hands on their knees. “Think, you stubborn fool. Think of what this could mean.”
Crowley huffed, but he did as he was asked and thought about it. His star had fallen over the last several years, and the roles he was being offered lately were not nearly as good. Producers and directors didn’t want to take a chance on an actor who may not make a good return on investment, and Crowley hadn’t been as bankable lately. Sure, he still had plenty of money squirreled away, but he enjoyed what he did. He enjoyed the lifestyle - although he had to admit, the constant partying was getting old. And he missed working.
Beezle wasn’t done. “You’re not the only one who suffers when your career is in the dumps, you know.”
It was a pointed reminder if Crowley had ever heard one. And what’s more, Beezle was right. Everyone associated with him - Beezle, his agent, his accountants, everyone - stood to gain when he was successful and bringing home top billing pay. If he did well, they all prospered. If he floundered, they did, too. And if he floundered too much, they’d all leave him for greener pastures. Then he’d really be fucked.
“Three months, you said?”
“At least three. You get through to the end of November, and we’ll play it by ear. If the plan hasn’t worked and doesn’t look like it’s going to, we’ll stick a fork in it. But if it’s going well, we might milk it for a while longer. No longer than six months, though. Tops.”
Crowley sighed, his shoulders slumping a little, and he tried not to notice the gleam of triumph in Beezle’s eye.
“Tell me how it’s going to work.”
“I beg your pardon,” Aziraphale said politely, inclining his head forward a bit, as if to hear better. “So silly of me, but I’m afraid I must have misheard you, Gabriel. It almost sounded as if I’m going to be in a fake relationship.”
“That’s right,” Gabriel said with a bright smile, as if he was pleased Aziraphale had caught on so quickly to the most perfect plan anyone had ever come up with. A perfect gem of a plan. Aziraphale was forced to disagree.
“And just who are you proposing I have this sham of a relationship with, pray tell?” he demanded, voice chilly.
“Anthony J. Crowley,” Gabriel answered smugly.
“Anthony J. Crowley!” Aziraphale squawked. “But he’s… he’s…”
“He’s an A-list actor whose career has been on a downward swing for the last couple of years. You’re about to become an A-list actor when ‘Tadfield’ is released. You can help each other.”
“How on Earth can we possibly do that?”
“Your reputation as an actor is sterling - really, the best of the best - but no one knows anything about your personal life. You never go to parties and are very rarely social. Honestly, you’re developing a reputation as a recluse, a bookworm - almost a hermit. Certainly a stick in the mud. The words ‘fuddy duddy’ have been bandied about, and surely you can see how those would be detrimental to you.”
“I like who I am!”
“And there’s nothing wrong with who you are, Fell. But you’re boring. Boring doesn’t sell tickets.”
“I seem to be doing just fine,” Aziraphale huffed. “All my films have performed admirably.”
“They all did fine, but ‘fine’ isn’t what you want. ‘Fine’ is mediocre. You want excellence, and this will help you to get it.”
“I still fail to see how a false relationship is going to improve ticket sales - especially someone with the kind of reputation Anthony J. Crowley has. He’s a well-known rake.”
Gabriel leaned back in his chair, propping his feet on the desk and crossing his ankles, threading his fingers together and putting them behind his head. “First of all, no one says ‘rake’ anymore. Further, a torrid relationship with someone seen as your polar opposite will drum up interest in you. You’re not an unfortunate-looking man, Fell, despite being a little soft around the middle.” Aziraphale covered his belly protectively, but Gabriel didn’t pause. “There’s no reason why you shouldn’t have legions of fans who adore you and soak up your every move. Entire blogs and websites, devoted to you! You need to build an audience, and having a high-profile relationship can only help that.”
“You can’t make me do this,” Aziraphale tried. “It’s bound to be illegal. Isn’t it?”
Gabriel made a face that clearly indicated that Aziraphale was being ridiculous. “Of course nobody is making you do this. I’m just pointing out the benefits to your career if you agree to fake a relationship for the next ninety days or so. That’s all we’re asking. Three months - maybe more, if things are going well.”
“We? Who else is in on this?”
“Beezle, Anthony J. Crowley’s manager. They’re pitching the idea to him today, too, so we can get started as soon as possible.”
Aziraphale was quiet for a few moments, contemplating. It was a ludicrous idea, laughable, really. But would it work? Aziraphale had always loved acting, loved the craft, but he’d promised himself when he came to LA that if he ever made it big, he’d stay in the spotlight long enough to build up a comfortable nest egg, then he’d ‘retire’ back to London with his books and beat the boards in the West End whenever it pleased him. He’d had it all planned out… but he hadn’t quite had the success in LA he’d hoped for. He was comfortable enough, but not yet able to return to London full time. Los Angeles was still where the money was, so that was where he needed to stay for now - at least part-time.
But if Gabriel was right, this faked relationship could propel him into a higher status - which would let him see his retirement sooner. He certainly wasn’t getting any younger, and frankly was lucky to be getting the parts he was getting at his age. If pretending to date Anthony J. Crowley would open him up to more roles, what could it hurt?
Aziraphale sighed. “I must be mad.”
“You’ll be mad if you don’t do this. I promise, Fell. This will work. Three months of your life to secure the rest of your life. You’d be crazy to turn that down.”
He wasn’t so sure about that, but acquiesced. “Tell me how this is supposed to work.”
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The Nuptial Necessity - Chapter 14
A 12xRose Human AU
Despite an unglamorous job description, Rose loves the work she does with The Thistle Foundation, a charity founded by her best friend’s great-uncle.  It doesn’t hurt that her boss, her friend’s father, is easy on the eyes.  With a great job, wonderful friends and a loving family, life couldn’t be better – except for having someone to share it with.
All of that is threatened, though, when the great-uncle dies – and sets a strange condition for his nephew to inherit, jeopardizing the Foundation and Rose’s future, sparking a chain of events that might just get her everything she dreamed of and more.
Chapters will be posted on Saturdays and Tuesdays.  Many thanks to my beta, @stupidsatsuma
Rated: Explicit, for eventual smut
AO3  |  Masterlist
Friday - the wedding, pt. 2 / 2
Breathing deeply, Rose let out a sigh of contentment.  The ceremony had gone off without a hitch, the luncheon had been wonderful, and now she was on the dancefloor, swaying in Malcolm’s arms.  Her head nestled against his shoulder, body flush to his as they moved, was her idea of heaven.
It was why the Gala was her favorite night of the year, more than her birthday or Christmas, New Year’s, or any other bank holiday.  The opportunity to be so close to him, to breathe in his scent, to have him hold her closer – they always danced together for several slow songs.  The first was often spent whispering about how the event was going, the second was for sharing any juicy gossip, and the rest…  She liked to think the rest were just because he wanted to hold her as much as she wanted to be in his arms.  It was silly, bordering on deluded, but- she was in love.
And he wouldn’t hold her like this if he didn’t want to.
“You look beautiful,” Malcolm murmured out of the blue, grip tightening on her slightly as the song changed.  Other couples joined the floor, but Rose paid them no attention, trusting him to keep them from crashing into others.
“Thank you.”  Opening her eyes she glanced up at him, gaze tracing along the line of his jaw.  It was only mid-afternoon but his five o’clock shadow was already strong, and it wasn’t just the champagne that wondered what that would feel like against her bare skin.  “You look handsome yourself. I expected your tux, but this is actually better.”
He was dressed in a morning suit, including a waistcoat, looking very dapper and dashing.  The accent colors even matched the light shade of blue and cream she’d chosen for their colors.
“A tux?”  Malcolm sniffed, affecting a haughty tone.  “During the day?  What am I, a savage?”
Rose laughed, and his mock-disgusted expression melted into a grin.
“No, this was more appropriate.  Besides, I’ll be wearing the tux next weekend, for the Gala.  And if I do say so myself, I look particularly debonair in it, and I didn’t want to take the chance of upstaging the bride.”
“Oh, I get it,” she beamed up at him.  “I’ll be much more dressed up for that as well.”
“As you should – you’re a proper Lady now, Viscountess.”  His thumb began a gentle back and forth motion along her spine, and even though the thick material of her dress separated him from her skin, it was intoxicating.
“Noted,” was all she could manage, breathless, and his crystal blue eyes darkened a bit in response; they even flickered down to her mouth, and for one wild moment she thought (hoped, prayed) he was about to kiss her again.  When he had, at the officiant’s direction, her knees had gone weak and she would’ve sunk to the ground if he hadn’t been holding her up.  It had been dream-like, and all she wanted was for him to do it again, longer this time, deeper, and most importantly, because he wanted to.  She was equal parts pleased and disappointed that no one had yet clinked their glasses to make them kiss; while she would like the excuse, the idea hurt too much, of him doing it only because it was expected.
“Can I tempt you to another slice of cake and glass of bubbly?”
She waited a beat before opening her eyes, hoping the disappointment wouldn’t slow.  “Yeah, course.”
Malcolm led her to their seats; at some point between her visit that morning and the ceremony someone had decided to space out the tables along the wall so they wouldn’t have to go all the way around behind people, and Rose didn’t care whose idea it was- she was just grateful.
“Thank you, my Lord,” she teased him as they settled into their seats, grinning at him.  “Too kind.”
Their glasses had been refilled while on the dance floor, but Malcolm gestured to their server to bring them cake before lifting his flute, Rose copying him half a second behind.
“I propose a toast,” her new husband said, sending a thrill through her.  “To you.  For being the wonderful, selfless human being you are.  Your kind heart and generous spirit constantly amaze me.  And… if I may, for a moment, be selfish, I am very much looking forward to spending more time with you for the foreseeable future.”
Rose smiled, cheeks turning pink.  “Thank you.  And to you, for… for being a good man, kind, trustworthy…  I agreed to this because you are you.  I wouldn’t have done this for… anyone else, basically.”  She pretended to think about it for a moment.  “Maybe Chris Hemsworth.  Or that bloke that plays that detective on that show I like.  But no one else.”  Her smile faded, and she added softly, with a bit too much emotion in her voice, “Just you.”
She met his eye, and slowly, his expression changed, grew more thoughtful and curious and just a touch hopeful.
He knew, rationally, that she didn’t mean it the way it sounded.  It had been an emotionally charged day, the free-flowing champagne only complicating matters.  But his treacherous heart refused to hear it, trying to beat its way out his chest and across the small space to hers, to be forever entwined as they had promised to do in their vows.  He wanted that, a life with her for real, so terribly, and all of this was just a tease, an offer that would never pan out.
And then she looked at him that way, all doe eyes and earnest expression, like he was the only one in the world, the only person she could see, that they were alone in a roomful of people, and he dared to dream.
It occurred to him, then, with a bitter irony, a sucker punch to the gut, that this wedding was the final death knell for any potential relationship.  That now, as her husband as well as her boss, the difference in their power balance was too great.  He could never be certain that, were he to actually be brave enough to ask for what he wanted, and by some miracle she agreed to more, that it was because it was what she wanted, and not because she was trying to please him- her entire life depended on him now, he was responsible for everything in her daily life,  and he could never be sure.
This realization took his breath away, a visceral, physical ache in his chest.  And, judging by the concern spreading over her face it was visible on his, and he glanced around desperately in an attempt to distract her.
His old friend was standing at the edge of the dance floor talking to Clara and Danny, and by the pale expression on the young man’s face, giving him quite the talking-to, which Malcolm appreciated.  Glancing up Alistair nodded, and a moment later, made his way towards him while Clara and Danny escaped to the dance floor.
“Hello, Malcolm,” Alistair rumbled, stopping on the other side of the table from them.  “And Mrs. Tucker, a pleasure to make your acquaintance.  I’ve heard a fair bit about you, over the years.”
Ah, shit, Malcolm thought, belatedly remembering that he had, in fact, mentioned Rose to him once or twice over the years.  Or during every bloody conversation.  “Rose, this is Brigadier General Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart.  We go way back.  Brigadier, this is Rose Tyler.”
“It’s lovely to meet you, Brigadier,” Rose said warmly.  “I believe I’ve taken a few of your calls over the years.  Malcolm hasn’t told me all that much about you, but what he has says quite a bit.”
“Is that so?”  Alistair narrowed his eyes at Rose, as though sizing her up.  “And what, precisely, does that say- does he say?”
Malcolm held his breath, but Rose hardly blinked at the challenge.
“That you are one of the best men he’s ever known, and one of the few he would trust with Clara’s life, no questions asked.  That the world could do with more men like you.”  Then she grinned.  “His actual words were ‘he’s an old friend, and would sometimes watch Clara for me when Wallace couldn’t’.”
Malcolm’s ears went red, but Rose and the Brigadier both burst into laughter, so he was willing to suffer a bit of embarrassment in favor of two of the most important people in his life bonding.
“Did he ever tell you how we met?” the Brig asked, still chuckling, as he came around to sit in the chair on Rose’s other side.
She shook her head, shooting Malcolm an appraising look.  “No, he didn’t, an omission I hope you’re about to rectify, Sir.”
“Most certainly.  And, please, call me Alistair.  Now, it was-”
“You know, I don’t think I ever got the story of why you’re here,” Malcolm cut in.  He didn’t have serious expectations of being able to keep Rose from hearing the story, but he was inclined to keep them from getting too chummy.  The Brig knew too many of his secrets for their friendship to be comfortable for him.  Even a ten-minute delay seemed a wise move.
Both shot him knowing looks tinged with exasperation, saying they knew what he was doing.  “Very well,” the Brig said, “if you must know right this moment. Clara called and asked me to come- begged, really.  She was surprised to learn I’d never received an invitation, and that was the first I was hearing of this- you, remarrying.”
Fuck.  “I tried to get in touch, but was told you were very busy in Geneva,” Malcolm said stiffly.  “I don’t think your assistant liked me very much- Dorothy?  Doria?”
“That’s it.”
The Brig smirked.  “You’re right, she doesn’t.  She’s my wife.”
Rose snorted, and Malcolm gave her a wounded look.  “Don’t laugh, how was I supposed to know?”
“You’ve met her at least a dozen times.”
“All right, all right,” Rose interrupted, smirking.  “You’ve gotten your answer.  I was about to get a story- a wedding present, if you will.  You wouldn’t deny a bride her wedding present, would you?”
Malcolm could deny her nothing on an average day; certainly not now that she had made such a sacrifice.  “Go ahead.”
“Maybe I should tell it.”
The Brigadier rolled his eyes.  “If you insist.  But I will correct any falsities.”
Taking a long sip of his champagne and bite of cake, Malcolm nodded.  “So, it’s our first weekend in London- divorce finalized on Tuesday, packed up the car on Wednesday, and now it’s Saturday.  Having effectively never been to the city, I decide to take Clara to some of the historical tourist sites, as one does.  We sign up for a tour.  Not twenty minutes into it do I realize that somewhere between the ticket gate and Traitor’s Gate- roughly 100 meters, mind you- this girl has vanished.  Gone.  I about lost my fucking mind.  So I alert the security guard, they start a search party, you’d think someone had said ‘hey, where’d the crown jewels go?’ it was that level of seriousness, which I did appreciate.”  Pausing for another sip, he appreciated how intently both were listening to the story, relishing in their anticipation.
“Everyone’s searching for her, calling her name, everything.  And don’t I hear behind me, ‘Dad, there’s a girl missing with the same name as me, isn’t that weird?  Can we help look for her?”
Rose burst into laughter, so loud half the guests turned to look, including Clara, who got one glance at the three of them and marched over, Danny trailing behind as her ears turned red.
“Oh please, please, please tell me you didn’t tell her,” Clara begged, glaring at him.  “Please.”
“This explains so much,” Rose gasped, holding her napkin to her mouth in a failed bid to repress her laughter.  “Remember?  You did exactly the same thing in Edinburgh, I even called Malcolm, and he said, I quote, ‘She’ll turn up.  Don’t bother calling for her, she’ll think it’s a coincidence’.  Now I know why!”
“It was the first time she did that, but not the last,” he confirmed, grinned at Rose’s good humor.
“Oh, I love it.  Doesn’t explain you two meeting, though?”
The Brigadier beat him to the punch.  “I joined the army at eighteen. When this occurred I was stationed at the Tower working security when this five year old comes wandering down stairs I’m fairly certain haven’t been used in five hundred years, absolutely off limits even to us.  Well, I very slightly outranked my fellow guard, and decided to take her back up myself.  My daughter’s a few years older, and done the same thing once or twice, so I understood the panic.  We’ve been friends ever since.”
“Wow.”  Rose turned back to Malcolm, flashing him a grin.  “That is a great story.  Much better than being uni roommates.”
“Hey, I like our story,” Clara protested, giving an exaggerated pout.  “It’s good too.”
“Of course it is.”  Rose leaned back in her chair, examining the Brig with a considering eye.  “I bet you’ve got lots of stories about these two back in the day.”
To Malcolm’s dismay but not surprise, a coy grin grew over the soldier’s face.  “Why yes, indeed I do.”
“Alistair, I believe this is going to be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.”
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malcolmbrights-a · 5 years
TITLE: Pre-Marriage Jitters WHO: Jason Reeves, Clover Klein RATING: PG  FOR:  @outfromthesea​. but anyone can read. i don’t mind :D just don’t be mean to me lol NOTES: jason wants to propose to clover in paris, france. but then a storm cancels their flight and they end up staying at one of his grandfather’s hotels.  
Jason was thankful that his grandfather let him and Clover stay in the Penthouse Suite of one of their many family owned hotels. Originally, Jason wanted something small and cozy, and he had calmly argued with his grandfather that something as huge as a Penthouse Suite was unnecessary. With his grandfather Ivan being his grandfather Ivan, he ended up staying in the suite his grandfather wanted anyway, and surprisingly Jason ended comfortable due to it - or rather, as comfortable as someone who missed their chance to propose to the woman of his dreams could be. 
The journalist was incredibly antsy - walking back and forth, tapping fingers against his thighs, not quite focusing on what Clover was saying when she was talking to him - and he hadn’t gotten the opportunity to just sit back and relax. Clover attempted to get him to relax by kissing him up and down his neck and behind his ears, but even then he was still out of his element because he hadn’t proposed to her like he planned to. 
There would be no Eiffel tower proposal , no romantic dinner at one of his great aunt’s homes. There was just the two of them in a really nice hotel. He knew he should feel lucky that they had that and their vacation hadn’t been completely ruined, but it still sucked ass that he hadn’t gotten to propose. And worse, Jason felt so bad about it that he kept the ring in his pocket throughout their stay there
He was just about to put his hand in his coat pocket to feel at it again, but then Clover wiggled her hand out in front of him and told him to take it, and obediently he did. “We should go for a walk. You seem off,” she told him with a soft smile, gently caressing his cheek when he stood beside her - her a few inches taller than him due to her boot choice. “We had drinks, we ordered room service, and we  watched some forensic files. We even fucked a few times, and you still seem like you’re off on some other planet.” She gave him a kiss on the cheek, making him ease his tense shoulders and tight jaw. “Is everything alright?”
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“The cancellations bummed me out a little, I guess?” He admitted to her as they walked out the door of the suite. Yeah, he was a tiny bit upset about that but he was more upset over the fact that he’d have to wait probably months to finally propose to Clover. 
Clover gently bumped her hip against his, and then rested her head against him. “You shouldn’t let that get to you, baby. The suite your grandpaps has us is in sweet as fuck. You should be enjoying yourself.” 
Jason sighed and continued walking with her. They reached an elevator and Clover switched from leaning against him to holding his hand. Jason gave her hand a quick squeeze as reassurance that she was right, and then nodded. And after the elevator stopped at the lobby, she talked to him about how her father was excited to get to see him again whenever they got back to Seattle. During these times, Jason would usually be ecstatic, but he was still so goddamn stuck on the ring in his pocket and their missed opportunity,  that he just wasn’t ready to let it go. 
That is, until they were outside, the cold wind blowing against their bare cheeks as soon as they walked out the hotel. The outdoor area was covered in white lights, and there were white and pink roses surrounding them, along with a miraculous four-tier water flaw where the goddess Aphrodite stood coming out of the water. It was beautiful, and there weren’t many people outside because of the cold weather and the fact that it was late. But anyways, just standing there, noticing how the light of the fairy lights left a romantic and soothing halo of white light over the green leaves and white and pinks of the roses, Jason decided to take the engagement ring out of his pocket and kneel down. 
Clover blinked hard when he did, and she also jumped a little, both her hands covering her mouth in awe. “No way !” she exclaimed excitedly. 
And no longer being in such an awful mood, Jason laughed a bit and said, “So you’re saying no before I even show you the ring?” 
Some tears began to trickle down Clover’s cheeks and then she laughed back at him. “Shut up. You know what I’m going to say.” 
Jason rolled his eyes playfully before opening up the little black box in his hand. Inside was a ring with one huge lavender diamond at the center and two white diamonds on each of its sides. And inside the ring was engraved with he and Clover’s initials. “Then just say it? My knees are going to wear out. I’m not as young as I used to be.” Another playful few words. 
“Fine, fine - yes, of fucking course I’ll marry you. Now c’mon - put the ring on my finger, and then stand up so I can kiss you!” She exclaimed, her hand shaking just a bit as Jason slowly slipped the ring up her finger. He was ecstatic she said yes, and honestly couldn’t believe it for a moment. While this wasn’t Paris, this all felt too great to be true and he almost felt pinching himself to see if he were daydreaming. Jason didn’t have to pinch himself though, because Clover ended up pulling him up by his tie, kissing him while he was still somewhat knelled on the floor. He returned her kisses, following her lead with rough, and occasionally soft kisses of his own. He could’ve continued kissing her for as long as possible, but then she ended up pulling away and giving him a hug instead. “I love you so much,” is all she said, burying her face into his neck. “So much.”
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